Ibogaine List Archives – 2002-02

From: “JONATHAN R. ARMSTRONG” <jonarmst@du.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: [crystaldomains@hotmail.com: A Friend…..]
Date: February 27, 2002 at 2:42:55 PM EST
To: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com

It’s a long shot, but is the molecular structure of hydergine in any way
similar to ergotamine, ergonovine, etc?  It would be interesting if there
was a legal ergot-derivative that could be used to some sort of deviant
end if someone were so inclined – now they just need to sell diethylamine
OTC and we’ll have LSD labs galore in the suburbs!

I’m just a bit reluctant to try anything that fucks with the blood flow to
my head too much.  Ginkgo always gives me a headache – not sure why, but
there’s some “issue” with the left side of my neck that gives me all sorts
of pains.  In fact, just recently I had a three-week migraine attack off
and on that seemed to resist any sort of intervention.  For starters, my
M.D. prescribed me an SSRI for anxiety (gee, THANKS) and gave me Fiornal,
which is essentially caffeine and barbituate.  This all started after I
got some random shooting pain in the left side of my head out of nowhere.
I simply could not get rid of the constant ensuing migraines over the
subsequent weeks until I just stopped drinking coffee after I read this:


It makes a whole lot of sense, as my stimulant (esp. caffeine) consumption
has been really bad over the past several years – even though I don’t use
illegal stuff (very very rarely) anymore constant use of caffeine did, I
think, put me in a constant hypertense state, with what I would imagine to
be a bit of neurotoxicity as well.  I believe this constant overexcitation
due to the daily 16 oz. cup caused my body to be unable to accept any
sorta coca/amphetamine derivative, which is fine, as I’m not a big fan
anyway, but I could tell there was something going on besides just plain
‘ol psychosomatic burnout.  At any rate, a fine example of iatrogenic
diagnosis – and the whole SSRI thing is bullshit too, don’t get me
started – I’m sure the caffeine in the pills just exacerbated my
condition, which is why I had a throbbing pain for almost a month.  I’ve
now been pain-free for almost two weeks, and although it’s harder to get
by without that morning cup, well worth it.

In the meantime, no LSD (need to meet some 16 year old friends, can’t find
it anywhere) although a friend of mine is comin’ out in here
in a week with a dozen vials and I’ve got a brand new box of “BD
Ultra-Fine II Short Needles” in my desk drawer at home.  He’s also
bringing some exotic phenethylamine, 2-CI, which should be interesting.
Not a huge PT fan but always up for the novelty, ya know?  The whole K
situation is a bit touchy right here, because my “significant other”, who
turned her back on me to hang out with some guy who wears PHAT PANTS (and
is 33 years old, and is into antique motor scooters, wears those
black-rimmed “art/indie rock” glasses, a real winner, but he LISTENED TO
HER, that’s what was important!)… well anyway, stupid story made short,
she brought back a huge stash from MX and he pretty much stole ALL of it,
and there goes the one thing that is guaranteed to keep me in a good mood.
I swear, it’s like a miracle drug for me, if I use it regularly I can
“externalize/disassociate” from my own mental processes.  It’s like
instead of getting depressed, depression-causing things just take on this
abstract quality, like kids starving in Africa – you know it
exists, it sucks, but it’s not really THERE.

Well, anyway, so one last thing to confirm the whole caffeine hypothesis
(which I could write a lot more on)… this weekend I went out randomly,
and a friend of mine basically forced these blue pills down my throat, and
they had methamphetamine (i.e., a LOT) in them, and while my heart was
beating ~200 BPM or so, I didn’t feel like I was going to die.  Nor was
the heartbeat particularly tachyardic.  So, I would imagine that after two
weeks of not stimulating my heart at all it had no chronic hypertension,
and that perhaps in fact it just needed a “break”.  There are, of course,
tons more relevant implications re: neurochemistry to go itno here, but
i’ll cut this long ‘un off while it’s still readably short…


Jonathan R. Armstrong jonarmst@du.edu

“Addiction is a lousy concept.”
-John C. Lilly

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Patrick K. Kroupa wrote:

What REALLY works is drinking 2 gallons of coffee (which I’ve just started
doing).  But to continue this series of thoughts; hydergine also has
noticible effects in intensifying experiences while using lower doses of
LSD (lower doses defined as the 2-3mg range (not 200-300mcg).  When you do
the bellows-breathe, hyperventilating type thing, to amp up the energy,
it’s like tossing in a supercharger; same for slowing down your breathing,
or stopping altogether for a while; which makes the lines of
light/eyes/your perception of what you are, expand to football stadium
sized and beyond…

None of this has proved beneficial in terms of “recall” since most of what
you recall when coming down will be fragments of moments wherein you
created some sort of “anchor” to a tangible object/person/moment in
consensual reality, whilst in that other, larger space; and the
information you cross-connect while in the process of coming down,
reintegrating your ego boundaries.

Dunno what it does for special K.  Perhaps we should conduct a study =)

My neurological advisor Mr. Ross, has expressed that the key is throwing
in methamphetamine, nitrous, and X, into the mix.  My other neurological
advisor, Dr. Mash, has expressed that we are all completely fucking
insane, and it’s a miracle 2% of our cognitive ability still remains.

Not me, I dunno who wrote this crazy nonsense.

From: Gamma <gammalyte9000@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: [crystaldomains@hotmail.com: A Friend…..]
Date: February 27, 2002 at 2:21:57 PM EST
To: digital@phantom.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com

My neurological advisor Mr. Ross, has expressed that the key is throwing
in methamphetamine, nitrous, and X, into the mix.

I preffered 1 mg lsd, endless nitrous/o2 intake, Gin & Ginger Ale, handful of
percodan and a television set, volume off and Led Zeppelin volume high. but
that was anuther time and space. oh yeah… a trampoline just to add to the excitement.

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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: [crystaldomains@hotmail.com: A Friend…..]
Date: February 27, 2002 at 1:35:08 PM EST
To: “JONATHAN R. ARMSTRONG” <jonarmst@du.edu>
Cc: crystaldomains@hotmail.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, dross@phantom.com

What REALLY works is drinking 2 gallons of coffee (which I’ve just started
doing).  But to continue this series of thoughts; hydergine also has
noticible effects in intensifying experiences while using lower doses of
LSD (lower doses defined as the 2-3mg range (not 200-300mcg).  When you do
the bellows-breathe, hyperventilating type thing, to amp up the energy,
it’s like tossing in a supercharger; same for slowing down your breathing,
or stopping altogether for a while; which makes the lines of
light/eyes/your perception of what you are, expand to football stadium
sized and beyond…

None of this has proved beneficial in terms of “recall” since most of what
you recall when coming down will be fragments of moments wherein you
created some sort of “anchor” to a tangible object/person/moment in
consensual reality, whilst in that other, larger space; and the
information you cross-connect while in the process of coming down,
reintegrating your ego boundaries.

Dunno what it does for special K.  Perhaps we should conduct a study =)

My neurological advisor Mr. Ross, has expressed that the key is throwing
in methamphetamine, nitrous, and X, into the mix.  My other neurological
advisor, Dr. Mash, has expressed that we are all completely fucking
insane, and it’s a miracle 2% of our cognitive ability still remains.

Not me, I dunno who wrote this crazy nonsense.

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: [crystaldomains@hotmail.com: A Friend…..]
Date: February 27, 2002 at 1:11:21 PM EST
To: “JONATHAN R. ARMSTRONG” <jonarmst@du.edu>
Cc: crystaldomains@hotmail.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, dross@phantom.com

On [Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 09:32:18AM -0700], [JONATHAN R. ARMSTRONG] wrote:

| Interesting, perhaps a little off-topic but I’d be curious to know if
| anyone has had any super-duper experiences with nootropics, because
| personally, I’ve tried both Piracetam (4800 mg x daily initial megadosing
| + 2 consecutive months of ~2400 mg daily) + Vasopressin, and cannot say
| I’ve noticed any cognitive increase.
| In fact, the only thing that seems to facilitate a cognitive increase is
| sleeping right + not using psychedelics for a couple of weeks.  However,
| even after several weeks at true “baseline” (I have even more or less
| given up caffeine… long story) I could not notice any positive effects
| of these drugs.  Which seemed logical; anything that’s still on the market
| this many years after you read about it in MONDO 2000 or whatever can’t be
| all that great 😉

Vaso has been a big, ehhhhh, whatever, for me.  Although people who have
just stopped smoking crack and have severe lack of various
neurotransmitters, appear to benefit greatly from it.  Not so much so with
heroin/opiates/opioids.  Piracetam was equally, ummm…  well, not a big
deal.  And the highly popular Bromocriptine, has been the same story.
Perhaps that’s all just me, no subjective difference in cognitive

Personally though, I’ve had positive experiences with Hydergine — 20mg
per day.  “Positive experiences” is defined as, a noticible increase in
short-term recall “whut the fuck wuz on this list with 50 things on it…
oh, okay, I can remember most of it, instead of only half of it.”  And
what I find extremely fucking useful; on a good day I only have maybe 3
hours, when I am fully…  online.  Which is to say, the universe is
flowing through me.  For me this happens at 3am — hello brain, I am
READY!  Let’s go, it’s 11pm.  Nope, sorry…  Okay, fuck this, I’m gonna
crash.  Nope, sorry, you’re not, time to transcribe g0d’s th0tz.

Anyway, no, it does not alter my manic depression (though, LSD sure the
fuck does, and blows me into the manic part of manic-depression, for
periods that last weeks); but…  It — we’re still on Hydergine here, I
am wandering, wandering, reading a freezer inventory list, making coffee,
and tuning xmms while I write — produces a state wherein I have a much
greater level of focus…

I’d give it a try, it may work for you, it may not, everyone is different.
As mentioned, most nootropics do a great big NOTHING for me, Hydergine
works.  Most “GH releasers” do a lot of nothing, arginine does nada,
however…  hitting 10gm a day of ornithine works for me…. <shrug> and
works BETTER than IM’ing HGH…  go figure.

Sorry guys, don’t mean to send this to the ibogaine list, but, hey, all
this conferences will exist Any Moment Now on mindvox, and we’ll stop.

If any of this is making anyone really unhappy, please speak up, send me
mail, and we’ll just cc it without sending to the ibo listing.


| ——————————————-
| Jonathan R. Armstrong
| jonarmst@du.edu
| “Addiction is a lousy concept.”
|                             -John C. Lilly

From: “JONATHAN R. ARMSTRONG” <jonarmst@du.edu>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [crystaldomains@hotmail.com: A Friend…..]
Date: February 27, 2002 at 11:32:18 AM EST
To: crystaldomains@hotmail.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Interesting, perhaps a little off-topic but I’d be curious to know if
anyone has had any super-duper experiences with nootropics, because
personally, I’ve tried both Piracetam (4800 mg x daily initial megadosing
+ 2 consecutive months of ~2400 mg daily) + Vasopressin, and cannot say
I’ve noticed any cognitive increase.

In fact, the only thing that seems to facilitate a cognitive increase is
sleeping right + not using psychedelics for a couple of weeks.  However,
even after several weeks at true “baseline” (I have even more or less
given up caffeine… long story) I could not notice any positive effects
of these drugs.  Which seemed logical; anything that’s still on the market
this many years after you read about it in MONDO 2000 or whatever can’t be
all that great 😉

Jonathan R. Armstrong

“Addiction is a lousy concept.”
-John C. Lilly

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, Patrick K. Kroupa wrote:

Uhm, I can’t deal with this right now, this is one of roughly 50 weird
things that landed in my mail today…  I’m highly unclear at what point I
became the online representative of the Church of the Inner Light — who I
know ’bout, a dude named psycede ran their temple offa MindVox like 5
years ago — but anywaze, whatever…

My response would be:  Yup, nootropics rock, mixin’ ’em with psychedelics
is even neater; stop fucking around with the shrooms, get real, drop 5mg
of LSD.

Be that as it may, it’s within the spectrum of possiblity that someone on
here has mixed n matched nootropics with shrooms; if so: reply to him if
you feel so inclined.


From: Gamma <gammalyte9000@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] 4 YEARS
Date: February 26, 2002 at 1:32:25 PM EST
To: ibogaine@ibogaine.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Its been 4 years since I laid on the mat in Italy and digested the Ibogaine.

I even learned a few things: (not necessarily in order)

01. Ibogaine tastes horrible. (DON’T EVER mix into water and drink)
02. Ibogaine ISN’T a Cure. (but pay attention and you might learn something)
03. Ibogaine DOES eliminate withdrawal symptoms. (up tp 95%)
04. Ibogaine is EXHAUSTING. (18 long hours of peaking…!)
05. Ibogaine is LONG LASTING. (I’m still figuring the experience out)
06. Ibogaine is all powerful. (Don’t ever fuck with it)
07. Ibogaine changed my life. (um, for the better)
08. Ibogaine is NOT A TOY. (see number 06 above)
09. Ibogaine has a spirit presence. (be it “Mocha”, “Gawd”, or “Azuladula”)
10. Ibogaine… (Ok, I’m still figuring it all out and will keep you posted)

so in salute to 4 years of rebound from chronic opiate use/abuse (give or take
a couple deviations in the first 6 months) I thank you all. Thanks to Howard.
Thanks to a few folks whom I won’t mention but you know who you are.



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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Hum…
Date: February 22, 2002 at 6:00:35 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Cc: dross@phantom.com, jonarmst@du.edu

On [Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 05:03:22PM -0500], [Patrick K. Kroupa] wrote:

| Now I’m curious…  I can’t find psychede, the last trace of him online
| vanishes in 1997…  His phone numbers go to some answering machine
| with a voice I don’t remember…  Anybody from NYC know if the Inner Light


Nevermind, I FOUND HIM!

Sorry, I needed to know this, OCD loop, not me, that wuz my disease(s).



From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Hum…
Date: February 22, 2002 at 5:03:22 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Cc: dross@phantom.com, jonarmst@du.edu

Now I’m curious…  I can’t find psychede, the last trace of him online
vanishes in 1997…  His phone numbers go to some answering machine
with a voice I don’t remember…  Anybody from NYC know if the Inner Light
temple is still open or gone buh-bye …?  A few years ago they were still
dosing people with legal analogs in NYC — which, since the analogs act,
is sorta sketchy at best, “All products purchased from JLF *must not* be
consumed!  Use 5-me0-DMT to wash your clothes, style your hair, or
provide an exciting conversation piece, but DO NOT SMOKE!!!!” — and had
this fun mythology/creation/rebirth thing, which basically views
psychedelics as the creator, and cocaine/heroin/alcohol as darkness — the
perpetual battle of the white light molecules vs. the dark side…

So, like, did he have a nervous breakdown, spontaneously decombust, or
just ascend bodily to heaven …  Suddenly I need to know…

<bzzzzt: back in 20 mins Dana, they just beeped me thatcha called>


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] [crystaldomains@hotmail.com: A Friend…..]
Date: February 22, 2002 at 4:16:17 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Cc: jonarmst@du.edu

Uhm, I can’t deal with this right now, this is one of roughly 50 weird
things that landed in my mail today…  I’m highly unclear at what point I
became the online representative of the Church of the Inner Light — who I
know ’bout, a dude named psycede ran their temple offa MindVox like 5
years ago — but anywaze, whatever…

My response would be:  Yup, nootropics rock, mixin’ ’em with psychedelics
is even neater; stop fucking around with the shrooms, get real, drop 5mg
of LSD.

Be that as it may, it’s within the spectrum of possiblity that someone on
here has mixed n matched nootropics with shrooms; if so: reply to him if
you feel so inclined.


From: “Sir BloodThrone” <crystaldomains@hotmail.com>
Subject: A Friend…..
Date: February 22, 2002 at 3:04:48 PM EST
To: digital@phantom.com

Hello Church Of The Inner Light,

I am a 2nd year student of biology in an English university.
Originally i am Greek and my love of entheogens was developed when i first read about Eleusinian Mysteries in Ancient Greece when the participants consumed a special brew called “Kykeon”.This brew is believed to have contained morning glory extract (LSA),extract from ergot fungus and sometimes mushrooms although noone really knows because the people taking part were very secretive….Telling someone about those mysteries could lead to life long conviction or execution….

Personally i have experimented allot….One of my profound experiments was when i got the notion for something special: there is a class of drugs called nootropics (often reffered as smart drugs).They are reputed to enhance attention,improve memory and make you “sharper” without any feeling of intoxication (you feel as if you havent taken anything).In America those are a hassle to find because FDA does not approve it (and what does it approve? ciggarretes and alcohol!!!!).The two substances i used is piracetam ,a substituted aminoacid given to altzheimer patients and down syndrome children although many life-expansionists take it and hydergine ,a mixture of ergot alkaloids that Dr Albert Hoffman has invented.The first is rumored to increase memory span,reaction time and articulation of speech (in some times reffered as “superconducting the two hemispheres of your brain”) and the second is a vasodilator having excitatory effects on serotonin and dopamine receptors.Some people even say that it makes your neurons come closer to each other and these effects are permanent and cummulative.

Now…what IF these two substances were combined with an entheogen such as LSD,DMT,psilocubin,MDMA or even DPT? I have tried it with psilocubin and 5 other people joined me in a series of experiments…UTTER SUCCESS! You can take my claims with a pinch of salt but it worked…Better memory of experience,more concentration and generally more intense in a “headspeace ” way.

Now,to my question…..I have been researching DPT and many people seem to like it and have very introspective experiences…Thats what im looking for,not a kind of mind-toy,not a party drug.I visited many drug-related sites and i found loads of info….
what i havent found out is how similar is the experience,and the visuals compared to psilocubin.So what are the differences and similarities with psilocubin?
I think i am asking the correct people because you use it in your practices and it has the advantage over psilocubin of being somewhat legal….I am really interested to see the combination of it with the above nootropics….

Thanks in advance for the answer and your time.
A friend from Greece

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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] lp org site
Date: February 17, 2002 at 9:00:27 PM EST
To: Mark David Green <markdavidgreen@hotmail.com>
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Mon, Feb 18, 2002 at 12:48:42AM +0000], [Mark David Green] wrote:

| Shaddap and open vox already.
| I can only keep going for a year or two on racial slurs, homophobia and
| installing linux in my dishwasher, so there goes fucked company and
| slashdot.
| I haven’t argued with Dennis in 4 years, I miss that, I need to know what
| it felt like to go from millions on paper to less then 0 in 3 months. I bet
| that hurt 🙂
| What’re you people doing, come on open it already.
| You need to get rid of the purple libertarian banner 😉

Look, you just need to CALM DOWN, here, here’s something soothing; why
dontcha Clone your Cats!  Just in case SOMETHING BAD happens to the
original, have a Spare Backup Cat handy:


Dennis is on the other vox list, I’m sure he misses you too.

Stop spamming this list!  This is a nurturing, healing, SPECIAL place, for
people to make contact with ibogaine dealers — I meant to say, Treatment
Experts, who will Guide You in your Healing Journey, wherein you may
experience Waking Visions, in an oneiric state, replete with hypnagogic
imagery, which is TOTALLY UNLIKE Tripping the Fuck Out.

You should do some ibogaine, you’d feel better ’bout things.  A VARIETY of
people should do some ibogaine.  In the interim, if you are concerned
about the PROGRESS of the SOFTWARE, you should LEAVE MAIL to


Lots of mail.  Bruce loves email asking WHEN WILL IT BE FUCKING OPEN!?!?!?


From: “Mark David Green” <markdavidgreen@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] lp org site
Date: February 17, 2002 at 7:48:42 PM EST
To: digital@phantom.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Shaddap and open vox already.

I can only keep going for a year or two on racial slurs, homophobia and installing linux in my dishwasher, so there goes fucked company and slashdot.

I haven’t argued with Dennis in 4 years, I miss that, I need to know what it felt like to go from millions on paper to less then 0 in 3 months. I bet that hurt 🙂

What’re you people doing, come on open it already.

You need to get rid of the purple libertarian banner 😉

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
To: Mark David Green <markdavidgreen@hotmail.com>
CC: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] lp org site
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 17:01:04 -0500

On [Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 06:44:36PM +0000], [Mark David Green] wrote:

<a lotta words, now, sadly, removed…>

| The last thing I have to say is I’m saying my opinion I’m allowed to do
| that. I have noticed that idiot 3l33t 3nt1tY whoever he is or more likely
| its a lot of you, is back. If I even suspect that my phones are tapped or
| someone is going through my credit records or bank records I am not having
| a hacker war, I am calling the FBI, Secret Service and Attorney General
| immediately and they can dig up the 20 boxes of information they already
| have on all of you and this time you can all go to prison for terrorism
| instead of another slap on the wrist.

That’s all simply fascinating.  What’s always fascinated me even more are
people who use anonymizing proxies, and never ask themselves who owns the
“anonymous” proxies.

Anywaze, Eric, thanks for sharing.  If you feel so strongly about all
that, I suggest you put up your own site, and see if you can find 10
people who give a shit.

<snap> <cRacKle> <p0p> Oh shit, my phone is being TAPPED, nevermind the
fact I’m on an ess1a which emits no CruNcHIng soundZ, the FBI (inside my
mind) is STEALING my thoughts.  And when I sue the US Federal Government,
I will be giving half my proceeds to Bill Gates, who is pulling the
strings on the meat puppet known as Ashcroft.

That’s it then, I’m CALLING the Attorney General, and the SekrET serv1(e,
AND your mom.  I’m telling all.

Patrick / LOD Alumni, Inc.

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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] lp org site
Date: February 17, 2002 at 5:01:04 PM EST
To: Mark David Green <markdavidgreen@hotmail.com>
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Sun, Feb 17, 2002 at 06:44:36PM +0000], [Mark David Green] wrote:

<a lotta words, now, sadly, removed…>

| The last thing I have to say is I’m saying my opinion I’m allowed to do
| that. I have noticed that idiot 3l33t 3nt1tY whoever he is or more likely
| its a lot of you, is back. If I even suspect that my phones are tapped or
| someone is going through my credit records or bank records I am not having
| a hacker war, I am calling the FBI, Secret Service and Attorney General
| immediately and they can dig up the 20 boxes of information they already
| have on all of you and this time you can all go to prison for terrorism
| instead of another slap on the wrist.

That’s all simply fascinating.  What’s always fascinated me even more are
people who use anonymizing proxies, and never ask themselves who owns the
“anonymous” proxies.

Anywaze, Eric, thanks for sharing.  If you feel so strongly about all
that, I suggest you put up your own site, and see if you can find 10
people who give a shit.

<snap> <cRacKle> <p0p> Oh shit, my phone is being TAPPED, nevermind the
fact I’m on an ess1a which emits no CruNcHIng soundZ, the FBI (inside my
mind) is STEALING my thoughts.  And when I sue the US Federal Government,
I will be giving half my proceeds to Bill Gates, who is pulling the
strings on the meat puppet known as Ashcroft.

That’s it then, I’m CALLING the Attorney General, and the SekrET serv1(e,
AND your mom.  I’m telling all.

Patrick / LOD Alumni, Inc.

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] bleeding banner
Date: February 17, 2002 at 4:53:49 PM EST
To: gothicgirl@space.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks for the input, please carefully examine the rest of the site and
let me know if there’s anything else which disturbs you so that I may have
it excised right away — if not sooner.


From: gothicgirl@space.com
Subject: [ibogaine] bleeding banner
Date: February 17, 2002 at 3:27:13 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Please answer your email once in a while!! Thanks for replying to me when I was so upset a week ago and thanks to Dave Hunter. Could you please remove this http://www.mindvox.com/banners/ibonet10.jpg You have 10 other banners which are cool looking to use, I find this one extremely disturbing and after doing ibogaine I don’t know if I want to look at something like this it looks like gold plating being burnt and ripped, bleeding and exposing ibogaine set into bone. It makes my stomach turn. -gg
Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: “Mark David Green” <markdavidgreen@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] lp org site
Date: February 17, 2002 at 1:44:36 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Here’s some mail since you never answer your personal email.

Welcome back to life, Mindvox is beautiful, this ibogaine junk which you’ve plastered all over everything is interesting and different but nothing has changed.

First of all, why don’t you take a look at the sites you link out to. Libertarian party? Grow up and get a clue, Mindvox hits higher then the entire libertarian party headquarters site. The drug sites you link are being read for exactly one reason, you run banners for them on mindvox. Ibogaine Research from what I can see has had 80% of its content removed for some reason and you are still the highest hitting ibogaine site in the world, despite promoting it nowhere, not bothering to list in dmoz and not doing anything except pointing people to it from mindvox.

It’s all very interesting, beautifully made and on pcdata and nielson netratings you have insane hit counts.

Except nothing has changed. I look at the former LOD alumni and it’s all the same story, you run around commit crimes, get a lot of press, reform, that lasts for 4 maybe 5 years at most and suddenly you’re all back on America’s most wanted. And its always exactly, exactly the same story, week 1 “we’re different and grown up and changed” news story one week later “the same guys who said that are wanted in relation to 10 felonies they made bail and vanished, the FBI and SS have started another manhunt.”

By 2004 you’ll either all be minted out for mindvox or back on america’s most wanted for the 3rd or 4th time?

All of your sites are exactly the same, Justin Peterson/Steal, Goggans/Bloodaxe, Kim/Kimble, Poulson/Dante, Mitnick/Condor, you people. Your entire web sites for all of you is some huge monument to your ego, which contains a media kit that scrolls off into infinity with your 5000 appearances in books, mags, movies, whatever. Only difference with mindvox is you write well and have hot artwork. Neither one is going to help much in prison.

All the same tune. You’re all a bunch of high IQ sociopaths who “go down in flames” at least twice a decade, pick yourselves up, go to prison, detox, swimming pools of LSD or ibogaine, whatever…  Then you behave for a little while and then it all starts again. Same story never a change.

Good luck you’ll need it and lose the stupid libertarian party links already. I mean really give it up people who is reading their shit? Look at mindvox, it’s drug induced ranting and psychedelic art and there are more people reading your stuff then there are reading the entire lp.org site. If you hate the Republicans then go vote for a Democrat or steal something for humanity and fix the next election.


I may be ranting but it’s all fact based, look up the lp.org stats and then bury it in a hole somewhere.

“exhibits a to z” as you like to write.

http://www.kimble.org (send Kim email in prison)
http://www.agentsteal.com (send Justin email on the run)
http://www.securityfocus.com (now that ZDnet has removed all of Poulsen’s articles and sued him)

I can’t forget my favorite, Tom Dell’s hobby which hits higher then hotmail. Tom’s photos vs. 60 million people checking their email and Tom wins with 15 to 20 million hits a day on one of his 20 personal sites. Welcome to the apocalypse for real.


The last thing I have to say is I’m saying my opinion I’m allowed to do that. I have noticed that idiot 3l33t 3nt1tY whoever he is or more likely its a lot of you, is back. If I even suspect that my phones are tapped or someone is going through my credit records or bank records I am not having a hacker war, I am calling the FBI, Secret Service and Attorney General immediately and they can dig up the 20 boxes of information they already have on all of you and this time you can all go to prison for terrorism instead of another slap on the wrist.

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

From: Arlene Johnson <ajohnsonpresnsi@truedemocracy.net>
Subject: [ibogaine] Please check out my site on which rests my unique magazine.
Date: February 14, 2002 at 11:48:51 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>

To obtain what you want, please log on to my Web site. All the instructions are in my signature because I get so tired of typing it all out all the time.

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
Proud Member of the Independent Press Association
Password: freedom (first four quarterly editions)
News Source, Inc.
The Company That Cares About People
P. O. Box 882
Lakebay, WA 98349-0882 USA
My Web site: http://truedemocracy.net
To access True Democracy, click on the icon which says
“Magazine”  on the left side of the Main page;
then enter the password. See pink above. Ignore the screen that
says “Try Again” as it disappears in less than 3 seconds.
Scroll down to reach the Winter, 2001 edition;
To open the first edition of True Democracy,
click on any word on the cover. My advice is to read the first edition
because all the more recent editions will make a lot more sense if you do.
The US government has lowered the visitor counter on my site very likely by thousands of hits in an attempt to fool people into thinking that there is not that much interest in my site. I’m told by one of my supporters that she has made thousands of people aware of my magazine; they all appreciate it she says. Where are all those hits? I surmise there would be at least 15,000 by now if they were all counted.
Send the Demand pages (4) together to the Speaker of the House in the snail mail for privacy and safety. To put teeth in the Demands, boycott the states in which you don’t live for vacation. If you are outside the US, boycott the whole country for vacation and any products you don’t need. Tell the multinationals that you are so they will get angry and abandon Bush. Tell your whole Address Book. Boycotts require a lot of people to be successful. This one is for life itself and the beginning of peace too.

Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin With Me!

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] surrealism
Date: February 13, 2002 at 3:20:37 PM EST
To: Lydia Hall <lydiajhall@yahoo.com>
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 04:08:57PM -0800], [Lydia Hall] wrote:

| Hi
| I found all this through of all things the surrealism
| links from the Narcotics Anonymous page!
| I wanted to say that you guys are totally sick and
| beautiful. If you can do Mindvox without drugs, it
| gives me a lot of hope!!! For real, that is the
| coolest thing I have ever seen online.
| I don’t know much about ibogaine, but this was the
| address that was listed when I clicked their banner
| and read the Heroin Times issue.
| Keep it up!

Thanks for the kind words (I think).

Whut’s interestin’ is that guy who has those links, runs intervention.org,
where roughly 25 mirrors all land, splatter, and branch out across the
whole entire planet — he does not link a single ibogaine site, is an NA
poster child who believes that if you light a cigarette, drink coffee, or
eat some aspirin, you’ve just relapsed; and talks shit about me to
whomever will listen to him.

This is interesting considering I do not know Chris Keeley, have never met
him, talked with him, or exchanged email.  He bases his belief that I am
strung-out, upon Exhibit A: MindVox.  Because obviously, nobody who isn’t
high, could be doing that…  Which is highly ass-backwards…  It’s
relatively simple to chart my 7 years strung-out, by looking at the dates
of various junk which is in the media kit.  When I’m shootin’ dope, there
is absolute, and total silence.  I have nuthin’ whatsoever to say, and
create nothing.

<shrug>  Whatever else I can say about someone whom I do not know; he
appears to be a pretty gifted photographer.  Go figure.


From: Lydia Hall <lydiajhall@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] surrealism
Date: February 12, 2002 at 7:08:57 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I found all this through of all things the surrealism
links from the Narcotics Anonymous page!

I wanted to say that you guys are totally sick and
beautiful. If you can do Mindvox without drugs, it
gives me a lot of hope!!! For real, that is the
coolest thing I have ever seen online.

I don’t know much about ibogaine, but this was the
address that was listed when I clicked their banner
and read the Heroin Times issue.

Keep it up!


Do You Yahoo!?
Send FREE Valentine eCards with Yahoo! Greetings!

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] [digital@phantom.com: [vox] …]
Date: February 8, 2002 at 3:09:44 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com



From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [vox] …
Date: February 8, 2002 at 3:08:59 PM EST
To: vox@mindvox.com

February 5, 2002
Vol. 7, No. 3
Circulation: 51,615 in 103 countries

Published by the Advocates for Self-Government.
Created and edited by Paul Schmidt, mailto:paul@self-gov.org
Co-edited by James W. Harris, mailto:james@self-gov.org

Florida Gov. Bush Goes Soft on Drugs — for One Drug Criminal

Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has long been a Drug War hawk.

Now, however, he’s asking for compassion and privacy for one
Drug War criminal: his daughter.

Noelle Bush, 24, was arrested last week on charges of
“impersonating a doctor” as she tried to fill a fake
prescription for Xanax, an anti-anxiety drug. Noelle Bush has
had drug problems for years, and since 1995 she has received
seven speeding tickets, has been cited for five other traffic
violations and has been involved in three automobile

Under state law Noelle Bush faces as much as five years in
prison if convicted, although law enforcement officials say
that, because this was a first offense, probation is more
likely. (Cynics might wonder if probation is even more likely
because her father is governor, her uncle is President of the
United States, and she will have the best legal defense
available, instead of the run-of-the-mill public defender
that a less-connected, less-wealthy drug offender might be

Governor Bush, in a statement to the media, declared that
Noelle has a “serious” drug problem, one the family has been
struggling with for several years. He described this as “a
private matter” (despite her traffic record) and asked “the
public and the media to respect our family’s privacy during
this difficult time so that we can help our daughter.”

That sounds only reasonable and humane. However, critics
point out that for years, Gov. Bush has failed to respect the
same privacy and other concerns of Florida’s nonviolent drug
users and their families — and unless he wants to be open to
charges of the worst kind of hypocrisy, he needs to renounce
the draconian “get tough on drugs” policies he has championed
for years.

Gov. Bush appointed Florida’s first-ever Drug Czar. Under
Gov. Bush’s regime, the numbers of drug offenders in the
state prison system rose nearly 19% between 1998 and 1999,
and 13% the following year, according to David Rasmussen, an
economics professor who studies drug policies. Some of those
in prison are probably quite similar to Noelle — except, of
course, their dad isn’t governor.

Gov. Bush recently stated that “to suggest there should be no
penalties for continued drug use is to stick our heads in the

Except, of course, when your daughter is involved. One can’t
help but wonder: if Gov. Bush is so big on throwing those who
engage in “continued drug use” into jail, why didn’t he turn
his own daughter in years ago?

(Sources: Washington Post:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6261-2002Jan31.html ;
Orlando Sentinel (FL):
Thanks to Media Awareness Project )

* * *

– – – – – – – – –

“Super Bowloney”: Those Ridiculous Super Bowl Drug War Ads

Last Sunday, the White House Office of National Drug Control
Policy (ONDCP) spent almost $3.5 million of tax money to run
two 30-second advertisements during the Super Bowl.

It was the largest single government ad purchase in U.S.
history. And one of the stupidest.

The ads attempted to make the ludicrous claim that Americans
who use illegal drugs help finance terrorism.

This claim is so illogical, so outrageous, and so easily
refuted that it may backfire and actually aid the cause of
drug re-legalization.

Of course, it is true that terrorists — like Osama bin Laden
and others around the globe — fund their activities in part
through the sale of illegal drugs. That’s something we have
pointed out in the Liberator Online many times.

But it’s not the drugs themselves, or drug users, that make
this possible. The only reason that terrorists can earn
billions through drug sales is because of the U.S.
government’s own misguided War on Drugs.

By making drugs illegal, the government has created a
criminal black market in which profits are incredibly high
for those willing to break the law and sell drugs — like
terrorists, for instance. Indeed, according to the Hoover
Institution think tank, drug prohibition drives up the prices
of drugs by approximately 17,000%.

The result, as Libertarian Party Political Director Ron
Crickenberger noted in a media release, is that the Drug War
is a sort of government subsidy to terrorists and other

“The War on Drugs is a price support system for terrorists
and drug pushers,” Crickenberger said. “It turns ordinary,
cheap plants like marijuana and poppies into fantastically
lucrative black market products. Without the War on Drugs,
the financial engine that fuels terrorist organizations would
sputter to a halt.”

Crickenberger called the ads “Super Bowloney.”

Just as alcohol Prohibition made huge profits possible for
organized crime in the 1920s, so today’s drug prohibition
makes huge profits possible for terrorists and other

In contrast, when drugs are legal — whether alcohol,
tobacco, or prescription drugs — the black market largely
disappears, the profits decrease dramatically, and no money
ends up in the hands of terrorists. Drugs were legal in
America until well into the 20th century (marijuana was legal
until the 1930s) and there were no such problems associated
with them while legal.

So, how do we stop terrorists from earning billions by
selling drugs? Simple. Return to our traditional American
policy of liberty regarding the use and sale of drugs.
Overnight, terrorists and other thugs will be out of the drug

In fact, in a wonderful bit of irony, this point was made
crystal-clear to Super Bowl watchers who had their thinking
caps on. Anheuser-Busch ran 10 Budweiser ads during the Super
Bowl. Alcohol, of course, is a drug, and when abused, a
deadly and addictive one. And when the government made it
illegal, huge profits flowed to the worst criminal scum. Yet
today, because it is again legal, profits go to private
companies, not terrorists. The point couldn’t have been made
any clearer, and it was right there on national TV.

Those who favor ending the Drug War owe the Super Bowl Drug
Warriors a big thanks. Their multi-million dollar “Super
Bowloney” ads have shown millions of Americans just how
pathetic and preposterous their arguments are — and this
will almost certainly lead to an increase in public support
for alternatives to the Drug War.

(Sources: Newsday (NY) http://www.mapinc.org/media/308 ;
Libertarian Party media release: http://www.LP.org  ;
Thanks to Media Awareness Project)

* * *

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