Ibogaine List Archives – 2005-06

From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (For Randy and all) boosting gooses
Date: June 30, 2005 at 10:24:45 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Jasen, very well put. You and I got treated at roughly the same time and it is funny the parallels that have come up. I feel the same as you do right now. Very close anyway. I know of a technique using frequincy (bell sounds)  that is supposed to make both sides of the brain more in tune with each other. I tried after Ibogaine and didn’t really get anything from it. Maybe now is the time to try it again. I’ll get back with you on the name of it and where to get it. It is hard to find yourself after years and tears of drug use. I can’t believe it has been 9 months. Ibogaine changed my life. I think I read where Howard said that most people need more than one treatment. I don’t know if that means a full treatment or maybe some boooster doses. I going to try the booster dose first. I don’t want to fuck this up. I love you my brother. We can do this.                  Randy

From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] UK ibogaine article
Date: June 30, 2005 at 9:32:03 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Howard that is one of the coolest articles I have ever read about Ibogaine. How could any intellegent person read that and not have the intrest piqued a little. I envy people in England. I wish we could get Ibogaine that easily.            Randy

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 9:07:41 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hehh yehhhhh mate, so am I!!!!! What’s your excuse ;o)
Luff and massive amazing journies
From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com] 
Sent: Friday, 1 July 2005 1:04 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !

you nutter !! …….. lol sjonny !!
>From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 07:23:34 +1200
>And then there’s IRONING!!!!!  Which is not part of my vocab.  Crease-free
>Anywayyyyyyy all the best – again I sooooooo envious!!!!
>I’m ok now, installed a new graphics card and I can play DOOM
>3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG it’s amazing!! I’ll never be seen again…
>Til later
>Luff and may the Iboga God’s treat you real nice ;o)
>   _____
>Thanks mate , yeah – there’s irony and then there’s Irony!……… catch ya
>later irv!
> >From: “irv cutler” <irvcutler@charter.net>
> >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
> >Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:00:17 -0700
> >
> >Good luck my brother.I live in the FREE USA. What bullshit that statement
>is. If I could get some Ibo, Id do it yesterday.
> >Keep me posted.
> >
> >       Irv
> >   —– Original Message —–
> >   From: Sjonnygee .
> >   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >   Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:52 AM
> >   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
> >
> >
> >   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to
>take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down
>to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m
>through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack
>out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish
>me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list ……..
> >
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 9:04:15 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

you nutter !! …….. lol sjonny !!

>From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 07:23:34 +1200
>And then there’s IRONING!!!!!  Which is not part of my vocab.  Crease-free
>Anywayyyyyyy all the best – again I sooooooo envious!!!!
>I’m ok now, installed a new graphics card and I can play DOOM
>3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG it’s amazing!! I’ll never be seen again…
>Til later
>Luff and may the Iboga God’s treat you real nice ;o)
>   _____
>Thanks mate , yeah – there’s irony and then there’s Irony!……… catch ya
>later irv!
> >From: “irv cutler” <irvcutler@charter.net>
> >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
> >Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:00:17 -0700
> >
> >Good luck my brother.I live in the FREE USA. What bullshit that statement
>is. If I could get some Ibo, Id do it yesterday.
> >Keep me posted.
> >
> >       Irv
> >   —– Original Message —–
> >   From: Sjonnygee .
> >   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >   Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:52 AM
> >   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
> >
> >
> >   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to
>take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down
>to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m
>through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack
>out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish
>me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list ……..
> >
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 9:01:43 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Lots of love back Jasen , thanks for your support……… cheers mate… sjonny !!

>From: “Jasen Chamoun” <jasenhappy@optusnet.com.au>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 08:53:59 +1000
>   Wishing you a wonderful journey full of understanding and love,…we are awakening.Candle will be lit here downunder.
>                                                                                                         love, Jasen.
>   —– Original Message —–
>   From: Sjonnygee .
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 12:52 AM
>   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Jasen Chamoun” <jasenhappy@optusnet.com.au>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (For Randy and all) boosting gooses
Date: June 30, 2005 at 6:55:08 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey Randy,

Maaaate,…whats going on. I am sorry to hear you were having a rough trot. I also have been very confused as to what direction to take in life,
there are so many paths. I went to see a keniesiologist, if thats how you spell it, and he told me that the right side of my brain was not properly communicating
with the left side. Maybe the Ibo’ stops the firing from the left to the right side of the brain for a while so we can experience the spirit, I don’t know,..if this is the case
maybe we also have everything material fall apart for a while,..Mmmm confused,..how to put this across??? It is so hard to put feelings into words sometimes.

Maybe our power of manisfitation is depleted for a while as our minds are stilled,..and materialy we do not get what we need to kick along,..I don’t know ,..just

Ok,…I noticed when you got back from your Ibo’ trip,…financially everything stagnated for a while,..things of a material nature seemed to fall apart, this is what also
happened to me,…I was confused,..my mind was not firing properly,..I found it hard to work. Cash flow got a bit serious. I am only starting to get mental motivation now.

I am still unsure what to do with the rest of my life,….is this also what you are feeling. This being opiate free for me is almost alien,..although it is wondorously
wonder full. We have awakended.

I love you my beautiful brother.  Keep on keeping on.

love, Jasen.
—– Original Message —–
From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (For Randy and all) boosting gooses

Hey everybody. Thanx so much for your concern. Some of you know that I have had a rough time lately. All self induced because of the perception I had about life. I’ve changed some things, a lot of things matter of fact, here as of late, but I KNOW I need a booster or something. I’ve been talking about it for a couple of months now. I just didn’t do anything about it. I just want to say that most of you are right. If you think you need a booster or another treatment, you do need it. I shouldn’t have waited this long, but I had a lot to do. Now I still have a  lot to do, but I will get to where I need to go and get a booster as fast as I can. looks like I can pull it off by next weekend. I have a new job that fits perfectly with what I want to accomplish in the next few years. I can’t believe how lucky I am sometimes. The guy I work for is cool about Ibogaine and is willing to let me take a few days off when I need to. My plan is to kick ass for the rest of this week and all of next week, get paid and head for Bwitiland. Aint it a shame we have to go to such lenghts to get a booster? I could go get a script for 60 mgs a day of methadone tomorrow, but I have to put a lot of things in a row to get a mmmmmmmmm lets see……… a 4mg per kg booster. That shit aint right. We ought to be able to get Ibogaine from our doctors anytime wee need it. We can’t sooooooo, what the fuck, I like it underground, it’s cooler there, in more ways than one.    Randy

From: “Jasen Chamoun” <jasenhappy@optusnet.com.au>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 6:53:59 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Wishing you a wonderful journey full of understanding and love,…we are awakening.Candle will be lit here downunder.

love, Jasen.
—– Original Message —–
From: Sjonnygee .
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 12:52 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !

Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 3:50:14 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Such nice caring words ….. thanks Tink ……….. I’m excited about this ………… sjonny

>From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 15:42:58 -0400
>Tranquillo,Papi…You’ll be fine!!
>There are more people than you know sending you love and support.
>It’ll be amazing, no matter what.  If you get the chance to, try and
>relax a little bit. The more relaxed, the less stress you bring into
>it, or that’s what I’ve found.  It’s different for everyone, but it
>can’t hurt!
>Love and more love!
>On 6/30/05, Sjonnygee . <sjonnygee@msn.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Thank You  , it means a lot to me as I’m quite concerned about the whole
> > process , the unknown beckons ………………btw; Tommorow = Tomorrow
> > …………. sorry , I’m neurotic about spelling  –  my bad !  –  Luck and
> > love returned to you ….  sjonny !!
> >
> >
> >
> > >From: Germán DC <gcaldelas@fibertel.com.ar>
> > >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> > >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> > >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
> > >Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 16:02:02 -0300
> > >
> > >Luck, Love,
> > >good journey.
> > >
> > >gdc
> > >
> > >
> > >///maybe some synch with this:
> > >http://www.e-sheep.com/delta/heartofthesun/index.html ///
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >   —– Original Message —–
> > >   From: Sjonnygee .
> > >   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> > >   Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:52 AM
> > >   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
> > >
> > >
> > >   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to
> > take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down
> > to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m
> > through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack
> > out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish
> > me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list ……..
> > sjonny.
> > >
> > /]=———————————————————————=[\
> > [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> > \]=———————————————————————=[/
> > /]=———————————————————————=[\
> > [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> > \]=———————————————————————=[/
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\
>  [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>   \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 3:44:23 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’d love that Tink  – anytime after midday Saturday ………….thanks babe ! –  Appreciated .. !!

>From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 15:24:49 -0400
>Bwiti love and happy trailers to you!!!
>I’ll light a candle and send you love and serenity
>On 6/30/05, Sjonnygee . <sjonnygee@msn.com> wrote:
> >
> > Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take
> > Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my
> > providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through
> > it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of
> > my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck
> > is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
> > /]=———————————————————————=[\
> > [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> > \]=———————————————————————=[/
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\
>  [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>   \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 3:42:58 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Tranquillo,Papi…You’ll be fine!!
There are more people than you know sending you love and support.
It’ll be amazing, no matter what.  If you get the chance to, try and
relax a little bit. The more relaxed, the less stress you bring into
it, or that’s what I’ve found.  It’s different for everyone, but it
can’t hurt!
Love and more love!

On 6/30/05, Sjonnygee . <sjonnygee@msn.com> wrote:

Thank You  , it means a lot to me as I’m quite concerned about the whole
process , the unknown beckons ………………btw; Tommorow = Tomorrow
…………. sorry , I’m neurotic about spelling  –  my bad !  –  Luck and
love returned to you ….  sjonny !!

From: Germán DC <gcaldelas@fibertel.com.ar>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 16:02:02 -0300

Luck, Love,
good journey.


///maybe some synch with this:
http://www.e-sheep.com/delta/heartofthesun/index.html ///

—– Original Message —–
From: Sjonnygee .
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:52 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !

Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to
take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down
to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m
through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack
out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish
me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list ……..

[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 3:29:48 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thank You  , it means a lot to me as I’m quite concerned about the whole process , the unknown beckons ………………btw; Tommorow = Tomorrow …………. sorry , I’m neurotic about spelling  –  my bad !  –  Luck and love returned to you ….  sjonny !!
>From: Germán DC <gcaldelas@fibertel.com.ar>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 16:02:02 -0300
>Luck, Love,
>good journey.
>///maybe some synch with this:
>http://www.e-sheep.com/delta/heartofthesun/index.html ///
>   —– Original Message —–
>   From: Sjonnygee .
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:52 AM
>   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 3:24:49 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Bwiti love and happy trailers to you!!!
I’ll light a candle and send you love and serenity

On 6/30/05, Sjonnygee . <sjonnygee@msn.com> wrote:

Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take
Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my
providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through
it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of
my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck
is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: [Ibogaine] FW: OT[sacred-union-network] Looks Like EU Out Maneuvered the U.S
Date: June 30, 2005 at 3:23:34 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—–Original Message—–
From: sacred-union-network@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:sacred-union-network@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of k l
Sent: Friday, 1 July 2005 4:52 a.m.
To: 1-Precious Prill Circle
Subject: [sacred-union-network] Looks Like EU Out Maneuvered the U.S

Looks Like EU Out Maneuvered the U.S.

Published on 6/26/2005
by Healthy News Service

International trade regulations for vitamin and
mineral supplements are scheduled for finalization in
July 2005. These could have been modeled after the
lenient United States’ approach. However, retracing
events of the last fifteen years reveals how the EU
tenaciously fought the U.S. every step of the way to
emerge victorious in getting their restrictive rules
as the international standard.

For three years I have been compiling information in
an attempt to understand the controversy over the
Codex Draft Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food
Supplements (the Guidelines). Gaining insight into the
different perspectives wasn’t enough to explain why
this international document related to dietary
supplements was so important and the motivation behind
the tenacity of some parties to get their way.

Then I learned a key fact that made so many other
facts fall into place. The European Union (EU) is
close to implementing an EU Pharmaceuticals Directive,
which takes the position that anything that changes or
enhances human physiology needs to be controlled as a
medicinal product. This includes items that might
prevent disease. Stop and consider the vast range of
what this covers. The EU has a powerful agenda at
stake with this Directive.

I had been comparing the Codex Guidelines and the EU
Food Supplements Directive and trying to understand
why it was so important to the EU that these be
similar. Only when I stepped back and placed these
documents within a larger context that included the EU
Pharmaceuticals Directive did I grasp the

Only then did the very short “positive list” of
vitamins and minerals allowed by the EU Food
Supplements Directive make sense. In EU countries,
with so many dietary supplements regulated as
medicinal products under the strict definition in the
EU Pharmaceuticals Directive, there would be very few
nutrients left over to be regulated by the EU Food
Supplements Directive, and these would need to be at
very low, ineffective dosage levels. Any supplement
dosage high enough to benefit a human being would
shift that product into the drug category.

Place this information in the context of the Codex
Alimentarius, which provides food-related
international trade standards that all countries can
be forced to adopt through the enforcement powers of
the World Trade Organization (WTO). You can see why it
was vital to the EU that the Codex Guidelines be in
alignment with the EU Food Supplements Directive. You
can understand why the EU representative was motivated
to fight so vigorously to add “Food” to the
Guidelines’ title and keep out any mention that
vitamins and minerals might have any health benefits.
And why he was particularly fervent to block any
mention that vitamins and minerals could prevent

If the Codex Guidelines had ended up lenient, there
would be the potential that international
harmonization could force the EU to give up its strict
regional control of maintaining low levels of vitamin
and mineral supplements as food and higher levels as
drugs. To protect its interests the EU must keep the
Guidelines and other Codex standards restrictive and
in alignment with its Directives.

With this new understanding in mind, I retraced the
history of the development of the Codex Guidelines
looking for signs of a EU’s strategy. I found that the
idea to control dietary supplements had been first
openly discussed at the 1988 session of an EU
country-based Codex committee, the Codex Committee on
Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses
(CCNFSDU). Through the years, the EU representative to
this committee kept successfully positioning the
developing EU Food Supplements Directive ideas as core
elements of the Codex Guidelines. The EU
representative made a big issue of the fact that he
was speaking for fifteen countries. This large EU
block of “votes” in the CCNFSDU and other Codex
sessions worked.

Where was the U.S. as this unfolded? CCNFSDU reports
show that initially the U.S. protested the regulation
of dietary supplements as inconsistent with U.S.
national regulations. The U.S. said that regulation
would unnecessarily restrict consumer access to
dietary supplements. When this did not work, the U.S.
did not, however, propose an alternative agenda.

Rather, the FDA-led U.S. delegation constantly
compromised its views and ended up accepting what the
EU wanted. In fairness, it should be pointed out that
the EU had the benefit of a block of “votes” and the
sympathetic CCNFSDU Chair from Germany (an EU country)
declaring group consensus (approval) for whatever the
EU supported.

What could the U.S. have proposed? Like the EU, the
U.S. has a definition for health-enhancing products
that can designate them as drugs. However, in the
early 1990s the U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and
Education Act (DSHEA) was passed. It designated
vitamins, minerals, herbs, and many other dietary
supplements as food, rather than drugs. There is no
indication that any individual, group, or U.S.
government entity felt motivated to encourage the rest
of the world to follow suit. Therefore, without
significant opposition, a commitment to prevail and
effective use of the Codex system were powerful keys
to success for the EU agenda.

With all of this in mind, take a fresh look at the
various sections of the Codex Guidelines to see just
how successful the EU has been.

The document is titled Codex Draft Guidelines for
Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements.
The Preamble states that a normal diet provides all
the nutrients you need. There is no mention that
supplemental nutrition can enhance health and prevent
disease–even in the face of a World Health
Organization (WHO) publication documenting these
facts. And the WHO is a parent organization of the
Codex Alimentarius.

We do not know which vitamins and minerals will be
allowed, but numerous restrictive criteria are

We do not know what dosage levels will be allowed, but
several layers of options for lowering them are

We do not know exactly how these unknowns will be
determined or who will have the power to make these
decisions, but sympathetic FAO/WHO bodies have been
set up to produce results preferred by the EU.
In short, while we know the Codex Guidelines will be
restrictive, we do not actually know what this
document will specifically allow. And yet the
Guidelines document is on the agenda for finalization
by the Codex Alimentarius Commission at the July 4-9,
2005, session in Rome.

Once the Guidelines are finalized–whether in July
2005 or at some future date–will the EU be satisfied
to let the U.S. be an isolated haven that allows
unrestricted consumer access to high potency dietary
supplements? Probably not. Understandably, the EU will
want to secure its powerful regional position and will
most likely look to removing any influence from the
lenient U.S. DSHEA law. This could be done very
readily by having an EU country file a trade dispute
with the WTO against the U.S., naming something
related to the differences between Codex and U.S.
supplement regulations. The WTO Dispute Settlement
Panel would compare the restrictive Codex Guidelines
and the lenient U.S. DSHEA regulations looking for an
unfair trade advantage and/or non-harmonization with
international trade standards. Since the WTO
historically makes decisions that will level the trade
playing field, there would be a high probability that
the WTO would rule against the U.S. and direct the
U.S. to revise DSHEA to match the Codex Guidelines.
And the U.S. would have to pay an expensive trade
sanction every year until it knuckled under and
changed DSHEA. Could the U.S. just refuse to pay? It
may take years, but the WTO keeps after a losing
country until it does what the WTO demands.
Historically, the U.S. has changed its laws.

Should this happen, and DSHEA regulations were
modified to be as restrictive as the Codex Guidelines
are ultimately expected to be, would you be able to
continue to freely purchase the wide range of dietary
supplements at your local health food store? Based on
what is already happening in several European
countries, probably not. Could the WTO really use
economics to pressure the U.S. to its will? A review
of trade agreements signed by the U.S. shows that it
definitely could.

What can be done to protect your interests? Is it too
late? There aren’t any easy answers. Advocacy groups
in the U.S have tried for years, but they have
consistently found it difficult to generate concern.
Americans have confidence in their government’s
ability to protect their rights and freedoms. They
cannot believe that there are outside organizations
(like the WTO) with more power than the U.S.
government. Yet, my research has verified that the WTO
has forced our country to change U.S. laws in the

I am sharing the facts I have uncovered in hopes that
you will be better informed and more vigilant for
positive actions to protect health freedoms in the
U.S., particularly from the power of outside trade
regulations. Remember the strong motivation of many
other countries to restrict access to health-enhancing
options, such as dietary supplements. These countries
have become skilled in using international
organizations to support their preferences. You can
increase awareness of this serious matter by talking
about this with your friends and colleagues. If you
hear about advocacy campaigns for protecting health
freedoms, listen. If you agree with their ideas,
support what they are suggesting. Complacency supports
and encourages those working to undermine the current
heath freedoms in the U.S.


Related Documents for your reference:

. Codex Draft Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food

. EU Pharmaceuticals Directive
. EU Pharmaceuticals Directive 2004 Revisions

. EU Food Supplements Directive

. WTO explanation about Standards and Safety
Agreements — SPS and TBT — and identification of
Codex Alimentarius as source for food standards
. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and
Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)
. Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT)
. WTO Dispute Settlement Procedure

. FAO/WHO Nutrient Risk Assessment Project
. WHO “Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic

. Codex Committee on General Principles 13th Session
(Item 50 on page 7) as “SPS does not differentiate
between the three terms — ‘standards’, ‘guidelines’,
and ‘recommendations’.”

. Link to screen with CCNFSDU and CAC session reports
related to the Codex Guidelines .

. U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of


Suzan Walter, president of the American Holistic
Health Association, researched how the Codex
Alimentarius and the World Trade Organization function
and applied this information to track the potential
impact of the document Codex Guidelines for Vitamin
and Mineral Food Supplements. She attended the Codex
Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary
Uses sessions as an observer in 2002, 2003, and 2004
and continues working to try to validate true facts in
the face of conflicting information being presented by
opposing groups. Suzan created an educational website
codexinfo.org to explain these matters to the U.S.
public and offer a variety of points of view. If you
would like to be alerted when new information is
posted at codexinfo.org, e-mail your name and e-mail
address to codex@ahha.org.

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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 3:23:34 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

And then there’s IRONING!!!!!  Which is not part of my vocab.  Crease-free is.
Anywayyyyyyy all the best – again I sooooooo envious!!!!
I’m ok now, installed a new graphics card and I can play DOOM 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG it’s amazing!! I’ll never be seen again…..
Til later
Luff and may the Iboga God’s treat you real nice ;o)

Thanks mate , yeah – there’s irony and then there’s Irony!……… catch ya later irv!
>From: “irv cutler” <irvcutler@charter.net>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:00:17 -0700
>Good luck my brother.I live in the FREE USA. What bullshit that statement is. If I could get some Ibo, Id do it yesterday.
>Keep me posted.
>       Irv
>   —– Original Message —–
>   From: Sjonnygee .
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:52 AM
>   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: sara119@xs4all.nl
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 3:16:40 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

same from here,if you see an ancestor , say “hi” for me.;)



Luck, Love,
good journey.


///maybe some synch with this:
http://www.e-sheep.com/delta/heartofthesun/index.html ///

—– Original Message —–
From: Sjonnygee .
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:52 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !

Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to
take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going
down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until
I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone
and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who
wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this
list …….. sjonny.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Germán DC <gcaldelas@fibertel.com.ar>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 3:02:02 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Luck, Love,
good journey.


///maybe some synch with this:
http://www.e-sheep.com/delta/heartofthesun/index.html ///

—– Original Message —–
From: Sjonnygee .
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 11:52 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !

Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:24:38 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Many thanks Jerry , I really appreciate  whatever positive thoughts you wish me ! ….. sjonny

>From: jerry harville <jharville@sbcglobal.net>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:08:15 -0700 (PDT)
>Sjonnygee, Good luck! My prayers are with you. God
>Bless, Jerry
>— irv cutler <irvcutler@charter.net> wrote:
> > Good luck my brother.I live in the FREE USA. What
> > bullshit that statement is. If I could get some Ibo,
> > Id do it yesterday.
> > Keep me posted.
> >
> >       Irv
> >   —– Original Message —–
> >   From: Sjonnygee .
> >   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >   Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:52 AM
> >   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
> >
> >
> >   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it
> > , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first
> > time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my
> > providers place in London tommorow night and stay
> > there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a
> > little closer to having methadone and smack out of
> > my life and start actually living again – Anybody
> > who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I
> > owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
> >
> >
> > [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\
>  [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>   \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “irv cutler” <irvcutler@charter.net>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !#2
Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:13:11 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

So, was I gotta do? Catch a flight to Bwiti land? Seems so rediculous. Guess the government(s) KNOW, if we little folk awaken, then all their financial bulshit and control will be in jeapordy. To hell with God. So they seem to feel.
Im 52. Dont thins I will see a great chane in my lifetime.
—– Original Message —–
From: Sjonnygee .
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 8:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !

Thanks mate , yeah – there’s irony and then there’s Irony!……… catch ya later irv!

>From: “irv cutler” <irvcutler@charter.net>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:00:17 -0700
>Good luck my brother.I live in the FREE USA. What bullshit that statement is. If I could get some Ibo, Id do it yesterday.
>Keep me posted.
>       Irv
>   —– Original Message —–
>   From: Sjonnygee .
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:52 AM
>   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] UK ibogaine article
Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:12:14 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


First published on Thursday 14 April 2005:

‘It was like watching a movie of my past’

Extracted from the rootbark of an African plant used in tribal rituals,
ibogaine takes users on a mind-altering journey in which they face their own fears.
Paul Willis reports on a radical new treatment for drug addiction.

ALTHOUGH the details of Louise Young’s life make for shocking reading, for
those used to working with drug addicts, they have a depressingly familiar ring.

Louise, from Brotton, near Saltburn, was just 12 years old when she started
using heroin. Beset by family problems and caught up in a relationship with a
drug dealer boyfriend five years her senior, Louise was a lost soul. Between
bouts of pickpocketing and shoplifting to feed her £50 a day habit, Louise
hardly found time for school or her family.

Before long she was living in crack houses in Middlesbrough, stealing, doing
whatever she had to in order to survive and, by her own admission, out of

“Through the drugs I was more violent than anything else,” she says. “I think
I was very angry at the world and that came out when I was on heroin.”

A short stint in prison for an assault on a girl in a children’s home and a
move to London didn’t change things and, as Louise drifted from hostels to
crashing on friend’s floors, she seemed destined to become just another statistic.

But then, two years ago, something extraordinary happened. At a friend’s
health shop in London she bumped into Edward Conn. The pair soon started seeing
one another and Edward, who had had his own issues with drugs in the past, heard
about Louise’s heroin habit.

He told her about a treatment clinic for drug addiction he had set up using
an unlicensed drug called ibogaine. Ibogaine is a psychoactive alkaloid derived
from the rootbark of an African plant called iboga.

Iboga has been used for hundreds, if not thousands, of years by tribes in The
Gabon, in central Africa, as part of their social and religious rituals.

In recent years, it has been adopted in the West as a radical, if largely
unknown, treatment for drug and alcohol dependency.

But for Louise, her own immediate concerns and the destructive cycle of
addiction she was caught in meant that, at first, she was not much interested in a
cure, let alone one as crackpot-sounding as an African tribal drug.

She says: “My over-riding concern at the time was getting a roof over my head
and my next fix. I think I was afraid of getting better. For nearly ten years
heroin had been my life and it was really scary to imagine what I’d do
without the drug.”

Not long after meeting Edward, Louise’s needle use led to an abscess which
needed 12 operations and nearly resulted in her losing her hand.

“I was in hospital a long time and not well at all through the drugs,” she
says. “I was very wary of trusting anyone, but Edward came to visit me a lot and
little by little he began to win me over.”

Despite continued reservations, Louise, who is now 22, decided to try
ibogaine. Edward, however, was reluctant about giving the treatment to his girlfriend.

The few scientific studies conducted with the drug appear to suggest that a
single dose has the ability to remove the symptoms of drug withdrawal and
reduce drug-craving for a period of time after it has been taken. Taken in large
doses it produces a dream-like state lasting for hours and, during these
trances, users often describe witnessing scenes from their own past.

It is widely believed the drug’s psychoactive properties help people
understand and resolve the issues behind their addictive behaviour.

Last year, Edward was featured in a BBC documentary helping film maker David
Scott get off methadone. He has been treating people with ibogaine for four

But this was the first time he considered administering the treatment to
someone so close to him.

Edward, 34, says: “I had a lot of resistance to it because of my emotional
involvement with Louise. Here was someone I was in a very rich relationship with
and who I was starting to get to know, and the idea of unlocking her psyche
actually scared me quite a lot.”

Louise’s first treatment with ibogaine was unsuccessful. Her father had
recently died and, after taking the drug, she was confronted with images of him. “I
saw his eyes vividly in front of me,” she says. “I couldn’t really deal with
that emotionally so I went back to heroin, probably to block out the pain.”

Despite this setback, a few months later Louise plucked up the courage to
give the treatment a second chance and, under the watchful eye of Edward, she
spent 24 hours under the effects of the drug.

Many of the accounts of those who have taken ibogaine include seeing vivid
hallucinations involving real scenes from the person’s past. Tribal members
taking part in rituals involving the iboga plant often describe being visited by
spirits from the forest.

“It was like watching an old movie reel of your past,” Louise says. “I saw
lots of scenes from my childhood, scenes where I was abused. And, for the first
time, I could make sense of them. That is, I understood what had happened to
me and I understood why those people had done it. I wasn’t afraid because I
could talk about it with Edward as I was seeing it.”

Later, during the treatment, Louise vomited, a common side-effect. “I was
sick, but I didn’t feel nauseous. It was more like I was getting rid of all the
negative emotions.”

That was 18 months ago and Louise hasn’t touched heroin since. After spending
half her life under the control of the drug she has finally been able to
reclaim her life. And though she says the ibogaine hasn’t taken away the
temptation to use heroin, it has helped put her drug use into context.

Edward, too, is careful to explain that ibogaine is not a one-hit cure for
addiction, but is only effective as part of a long-term course of treatment
which also includes counselling and therapy.

He says: “Ibogaine takes away your need for the drug for a few months but
when it comes to examining the cause of your addictive behaviour, you’re talking
about a lot of therapy. I think what ibogaine does as much as anything is
provide addicts with the will to get better.”

Despite the apparently miraculous results that ibogaine seems to offer,
health authorities around the world are stalling over its development as a licensed
drug. Although it was licensed for trials in the US in the early 1990s, these
were discontinued. In the UK it is classed as an unlicensed experimental
medication. It is not an offence to possess ibogaine, but distributing it may be
breaking the law, although this is a grey area.

Edward’s own treatment centre is one of only three in the UK and is the only
one to provide a full holistic service. The main stumbling block seems to be
the hallucinogenic properties of the drug.

“It is a totally revolutionary way of treating addiction and I think
governments have a lot of difficulty getting their minds round that,” he says.

Many in the West wrongly assume that the use of mind-altering drugs is a
modern trend. In fact, right back to the ancients, civilisations from as far apart
as Siberia and South America have been experimenting with drugs.

It is not inconceivable that, at the same time as cultures in Asia were first
learning to get high on the opium flower (from which heroin is produced), the
shamans of Africa were themselves beginning to understand the unique effects
of the iboga plant.

It is ironic that our desire to seek out mind-altering states provides both
the cause and a potential solution to the blight of drug addiction.

For Louise at least this seems to ring true. She is now taking the first
tentative steps towards putting her life back together, including enroling on a
college course.

She says: “It’s great to just wake up in the morning and feel happy. That’s
enough for me at the moment.”

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “irv cutler” <irvcutler@charter.net>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (For Randy and all) boosting gooses
Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:09:46 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Good luck, Too bad we can’t get Bush and all his SS agents to try Ibo.If they could only wake up!
—– Original Message —–
From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 8:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (For Randy and all) boosting gooses

Hey everybody. Thanx so much for your concern. Some of you know that I have had a rough time lately. All self induced because of the perception I had about life. I’ve changed some things, a lot of things matter of fact, here as of late, but I KNOW I need a booster or something. I’ve been talking about it for a couple of months now. I just didn’t do anything about it. I just want to say that most of you are right. If you think you need a booster or another treatment, you do need it. I shouldn’t have waited this long, but I had a lot to do. Now I still have a  lot to do, but I will get to where I need to go and get a booster as fast as I can. looks like I can pull it off by next weekend. I have a new job that fits perfectly with what I want to accomplish in the next few years. I can’t believe how lucky I am sometimes. The guy I work for is cool about Ibogaine and is willing to let me take a few days off when I need to. My plan is to kick ass for the rest of this week and all of next week, get paid and head for Bwitiland. Aint it a shame we have to go to such lenghts to get a booster? I could go get a script for 60 mgs a day of methadone tomorrow, but I have to put a lot of things in a row to get a mmmmmmmmm lets see……… a 4mg per kg booster. That shit aint right. We ought to be able to get Ibogaine from our doctors anytime wee need it. We can’t sooooooo, what the fuck, I like it underground, it’s cooler there, in more ways than one.    Randy

From: jerry harville <jharville@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:08:15 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sjonnygee, Good luck! My prayers are with you. God
Bless, Jerry

— irv cutler <irvcutler@charter.net> wrote:

Good luck my brother.I live in the FREE USA. What
bullshit that statement is. If I could get some Ibo,
Id do it yesterday.
Keep me posted.

—– Original Message —–
From: Sjonnygee .
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:52 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !

Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it
, but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first
time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my
providers place in London tommorow night and stay
there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a
little closer to having methadone and smack out of
my life and start actually living again – Anybody
who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I
owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.

[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “irv cutler” <irvcutler@charter.net>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:06:54 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

So sad and SO TRUE! The US govt. would rather incarcerate souls in the name of Jesus than help them. God help this govt.
Best of luck with your niece. I’ve been an H addict over 35 yrs.If I can get ahold of some Ibo, Ill try it. I have NOTHING to lose.
—– Original Message —–
From: IWNJ@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !

Best of luck and please, please keep us posted.

My niece is doing H and I am at wits end to try and find a solution to no avail.

The U.S. gov. finds H users financially viable, therefore, tightened the availability of Ibo to the masses.

Oy vey!


From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 1:51:24 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks Nick , very much !! …… Ed is someone who has helped me well beyond the bounds of expectation  –  extraordinarily so – enough said !! ……………… sjonny.

>From: “Nick Sandberg” <nick227@tiscali.co.uk>
>Reply-To: <nick227@tiscali.co.uk>
>To: <sjonnygee@msn.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 18:13:46 +0100
>Good luck to you, Sjonny! If you’re going with Ed Conn he is a good guy. I
>wish you a great experience.
>with love
>Nick Sandberg
>   —–Original Message—–
>   From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com]
>   Sent: 30 June 2005 15:53
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take
>Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my
>providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through
>it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of
>my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck
>is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
>   /]=———————————————————————=[
>\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: IWNJ@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 12:40:56 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Best of luck and please, please keep us posted.

My niece is doing H and I am at wits end to try and find a solution to no avail.

The U.S. gov. finds H users financially viable, therefore, tightened the availability of Ibo to the masses.

Oy vey!


From: IWNJ@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 12:19:27 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Best of luck and please, please keep us posted.

My niece is doing H and I am at wits end to try and find a solution to no avail.

The U.S. gov. finds H users financially viable, therefore, tightened the availability of Ibo to the masses.

Oy vey!


From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 11:53:53 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>btw, how can I experience Ibo for cheap?
>and self administer

  That depends whereabouts in the world you live Mauro , there’s people on this list who know a lot more than I do  – ask some more……………. cheers by the way !!!!

>From: Mauro Solorzano <msolorza@mac.com>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:32:42 -0400
>  wish you luck.
>btw, how can I experience Ibo for cheap?
>and self administer
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\
>  [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>   \]=———————————————————————=[/

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 11:49:47 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks mate , yeah – there’s irony and then there’s Irony!……… catch ya later irv!

>From: “irv cutler” <irvcutler@charter.net>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:00:17 -0700
>Good luck my brother.I live in the FREE USA. What bullshit that statement is. If I could get some Ibo, Id do it yesterday.
>Keep me posted.
>       Irv
>   —– Original Message —–
>   From: Sjonnygee .
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:52 AM
>   Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
>   Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: Mauro Solorzano <msolorza@mac.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 11:32:42 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

wish you luck.

btw, how can I experience Ibo for cheap?
and self administer
Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “irv cutler” <irvcutler@charter.net>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 11:00:17 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Good luck my brother.I live in the FREE USA. What bullshit that statement is. If I could get some Ibo, Id do it yesterday.
Keep me posted.

—– Original Message —–
From: Sjonnygee .
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 7:52 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !

Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] First time for everything !
Date: June 30, 2005 at 10:52:35 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Well it took me a year to find the balls to do it , but I’m going to take Ibogaine (hcl) for the first time on Saturday morning . I’m going down to my providers place in London tommorow night and stay there until I’m through it. Hopefully I’ll be a little closer to having methadone and smack out of my life and start actually living again – Anybody who wants to wish me luck is welcome to……… I owe quite a lot to this list …….. sjonny.
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Jasen Chamoun” <jasenhappy@optusnet.com.au>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 30, 2005 at 2:05:18 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Bill gates,…Where are you?
—– Original Message —–
From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…

Rachel, you forgot about the state of the art recording studio in the sound proof wharehouse that was donated by Sony, yea right, well somebody. And the Alex Gray meditation room for artist, with private space for everone to paint in. Just a thought. God I love this.         Randy

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] (For Randy and all) boosting gooses
Date: June 29, 2005 at 11:58:30 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Good luck with that, sounds like you’re going in the right direction, and when you are, the Universe (or whatever you want to call it) helps you all the way.
And from it all, I’m learning heaps too.  Thanks for that J
Looking forward to hearing about it.
Looking even more forward to sharing MYYYYY experience lol one day Roger Fink.
One day.
Love to alllllllllllll
Ps sorry bout earlier email, um, was supposed to just go to one person lol och well c’est la Guerre.
From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com [mailto:BiscuitBoy714@aol.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 30 June 2005 3:41 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (For Randy and all) boosting gooses

Hey everybody. Thanx so much for your concern. Some of you know that I have had a rough time lately. All self induced because of the perception I had about life. I’ve changed some things, a lot of things matter of fact, here as of late, but I KNOW I need a booster or something. I’ve been talking about it for a couple of months now. I just didn’t do anything about it. I just want to say that most of you are right. If you think you need a booster or another treatment, you do need it. I shouldn’t have waited this long, but I had a lot to do. Now I still have a  lot to do, but I will get to where I need to go and get a booster as fast as I can. looks like I can pull it off by next weekend. I have a new job that fits perfectly with what I want to accomplish in the next few years. I can’t believe how lucky I am sometimes. The guy I work for is cool about Ibogaine and is willing to let me take a few days off when I need to. My plan is to kick ass for the rest of this week and all of next week, get paid and head for Bwitiland. Aint it a shame we have to go to such lenghts to get a booster? I could go get a script for 60 mgs a day of methadone tomorrow, but I have to put a lot of things in a row to get a mmmmmmmmm lets see……… a 4mg per kg booster. That shit aint right. We ought to be able to get Ibogaine from our doctors anytime wee need it. We can’t sooooooo, what the fuck, I like it underground, it’s cooler there, in more ways than one.    Randy

From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (For Randy and all) boosting gooses
Date: June 29, 2005 at 11:40:35 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey everybody. Thanx so much for your concern. Some of you know that I have had a rough time lately. All self induced because of the perception I had about life. I’ve changed some things, a lot of things matter of fact, here as of late, but I KNOW I need a booster or something. I’ve been talking about it for a couple of months now. I just didn’t do anything about it. I just want to say that most of you are right. If you think you need a booster or another treatment, you do need it. I shouldn’t have waited this long, but I had a lot to do. Now I still have a  lot to do, but I will get to where I need to go and get a booster as fast as I can. looks like I can pull it off by next weekend. I have a new job that fits perfectly with what I want to accomplish in the next few years. I can’t believe how lucky I am sometimes. The guy I work for is cool about Ibogaine and is willing to let me take a few days off when I need to. My plan is to kick ass for the rest of this week and all of next week, get paid and head for Bwitiland. Aint it a shame we have to go to such lenghts to get a booster? I could go get a script for 60 mgs a day of methadone tomorrow, but I have to put a lot of things in a row to get a mmmmmmmmm lets see……… a 4mg per kg booster. That shit aint right. We ought to be able to get Ibogaine from our doctors anytime wee need it. We can’t sooooooo, what the fuck, I like it underground, it’s cooler there, in more ways than one.    Randy

From: Boris Leshinsky <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Subject: [Ibogaine] “UK doctors attack demonisation of drugs” and Ecstacy research site
Date: June 29, 2005 at 9:33:08 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

(from inthemix.com.au)

UK doctors attack demonisation of drugs
News courtesy of Skrufff.com

Britain’s leading medical journal the Lancet described illegal drugs as being an ‘undeniable, even routine’ part of many people’s lives this week, and warned that moralistic ‘war on drugs’ style rhetoric is preventing doctors from tackling health related issues properly.

“The Lancet does not endorse illegal drug use but we believe that the cloak of secrecy shrouding those who use illicit substances is the most destructive feature by far of the cultural condemnation of recreational drug use,” the prestigious journal declared in a leader article.

“Discussions framed by moralizing or by adherence to social ideals have little utility in a society of which drug use is an inescapable part.”

The magazine’s comments coincided with a Guardian feature about ‘creator of MDMA’ Dr Alexander Shulgin which highlighted the ‘resurgence in interest in the therapeutic effects of MDMA (ecstasy)’, despite its illegality.

“Successful results have been reported from trials in the use of MDMA on people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and in the relief of anxiety in patients with terminal cancer,” the paper reported, “It is a return to the spirit of the original use of MDMA: after its synthesis by Shulgin in the late 1960s, its first use was psychotherapy.”


New ecstacy research website launched (Victoria, Australia)
Reported on Thursday, Jun 30, 2005. 08:28 by barkus

The Centre for Youth Drug Studies is pioneering innovative research into understanding the way party drugs, predominantly ecstasy, affect the lives of users. The new website allows punters to have their say and help influence the way drugs are managed in society.

Dr Cameron Duff, who has also led projects on GHB, says “This study is really the first of its kind in this country – we’re moving beyond more conventional approaches to the study of ecstasy to include questions about culture, place and context. We’re really interested in what it means to use ecstasy – how do people who use ecstasy and related drugs make sense of this drug use, and how is this drug use integrated into the other important parts of people’s lives like work, relationships, family, leisure time .”

Its contributions from users, particularly those in the dance music community, who will have the greatest ability to positively affect the research.  Cameron says “the research project will stand or fall on the quality of the contributions we get from ecstasy users themselves. This really is a chance for people who feel that they have something interesting to say about ecstasy use, to contribute in a meaningful way. We’re genuinely interested in hearing people’s diverse perspectives. We want to hear from people in their own words telling their own stories’

The aim of gathering information is to reduce the harms associated with using drugs. “’we’re really interested in studying the most significant cultural issues surrounding ecstasy use in Victoria in order to generate more effective prevention and harm reduction programs. It’s all about improving the information we make available to young people so that they can make more informed decisions about their own drug use’

For more information on the research, or to have your say,  the new website can be found at http://www.erd-culture.org.

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] reality verus imagination and illusion
Date: June 29, 2005 at 9:07:05 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hehheh, had to laugh at this, reminded me of a time when I was racing around like a lunatic, and for some reason I seemed to think I could walk thru walls etc instead of using doorways.  Bruised and confused, why can’t I? That wall doesn’t exist! It’s an illusion! How do I convince my body of this? Ohhh it’s an illusion too!!  Damn.
Love you
Will try and be here at your 11 ish…………if I;m not here I will leave a message … probly just gone to pick zoe up from school.
Blocked my first ever msn contact today.  Red…. Where Laws was yesterday.. she was here talking to him this morning…… he was being rude and very abusive so people like that don’t belong on my list.  He just lost three friends with that one.  I never really liked this guy… but put up with cos of laws n Justin… thought there must have been something there…….nope I was right about my feelings.  He’s just an immature prat who needs to grow up and stop whining.
Anywayyyy you didn’t really wanna hear that did ya? Lol tough!! Had to “whine” to  someone… and that’s my interpretation of immature…
Luff luff
Bwiti hugs
Kirk xxxxxxxx
From: matthew zielinski [mailto:mattzielinski@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 30 June 2005 7:41 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] reality verus imagination and illusion

Reality Versus Imagination and Illusion
By Remez Sasson

The five senses make us feel that the world is real. Seeing the
solidity of the objects around us, feeling the impact of the senses,
it is hard to deny the validity of what we see. Everything looks
real and we never stop to question this reality.

The mind is attached to the five senses and accepts everything as
real without questioning. When we bump into a table or a wall and we
feel pain, it is difficult to say that we are imagining it. When we
see with our eyes, hear sounds, smell, or when we feel heat or
coldness, we accept these sense impressions as real.

Some say that the world is an illusion, Maya in Eastern terminology.
Can we accept this when everything looks so real? Can we regard the
world as imagination?

We need the five senses and the mind to be conscious of the world,
which means that the world is dependent on them. Without the senses
and the mind the world does not exist for us.

If we say that a real thing is something that always exist with no
gaps, then the outside world is not real. There are times besides
sleep, when we are so busy that we are not conscious of what is
going on around us. When there are no sensory sensations, as while
being in a floating tank, or when in deep meditation, we are still
conscious, but not of the world. This means that sometimes we are
conscious of the world and sometimes we are not.

After we wake up from sleep, or get out of deep meditation and
return to ordinary consciousness, we feel that there was a gap in
our consciousness of the outside world. There was no world at that
time. If we endeavor to pay attention to our consciousness we will
come to the conclusion that the outside world comes and go, while
the awareness of our inner consciousness never wavers.

The world exists for us only when the senses and mind are directed
towards it, and cease to exist for us the moment we silence the
senses and mind. During deep sleep we do not experience the world
because the senses are not active. Can you prove the reality of the
world while you are deeply asleep? When you wake up from sleep other
people may tell you that the world existed, but can you prove that
these people existed while you were asleep?

After waking up we may invent all kinds of theories to prove the
realty of the world. Yet, these are only mental theories. During
sleep it was non-existent for us. The world disappeared together
with time.

During sleep dreams seem very real, but upon awakening we realize
that they were just dreams. So it is with this world we call
reality. It is possible to wake from it too. Sri Ramana Maharshi,
the great Indian sage, has said that the difference between a dream
while sleeping and the dream we call wakefulness is only of
duration, one short and the other one long.

Further to the above, each person interprets and relates to other
people’s behavior, words and attitudes in a different way, according
to the contents of his subconscious mind. No one’s world is like
another. Again, we see illusion at work. A world is created, based
on our interpretation of what we see hear and sense.

Mind and thoughts create the world
Thoughts arise and we look at them. The same thoughts tend to arise
again and again. If we let this process continue, it goes on
incessantly. These thoughts make us to behave, expect, talk and act
in a certain personalized way, and thus cause the people we come in
contact with, to treat us and relate to us in a certain manner.

We usually continue with the same way of thinking, and live the same
kind of life each day, whether we like it or not. These thoughts
shape our circumstances and relationships. It is like watching the
same movie over and over again. If we want to watch a different
movie we have to change the reel or cassette. This happens by
changing our thoughts. This is how creative visualization works, and
there is nothing supernatural about this.

The world we experience, and the life we live are actually made from
the thoughts we project. The mind creates a world of illusion. By
changing our thoughts, we change the illusion and experience a
different reality. We do not create a world, only an illusion that
looks real. No unusual power is involved here. We are living in Maya
and are changing the Maya.

When we are able to still the mind and the senses, our consciousness
seems to shift into a new dimension. Actually it is there all the
time, only that the mind makes us think otherwise. When there are no
thoughts in the mind, the world we know and believe is real, loses
its reality. We become conscious of the world beyond the mind and

Waking up from illusion
We can wake up completely, understand and become conscious of the
illusion of Maya, and live, as we really are, as a pure, formless,
beginning-less and endless consciousness. Due to illusion it seems
as if we are all separated, having individual selves and each living
a different life. Even when we wake up from Maya, its play may go
on. We continue to see and experience it, yet it is of no concern to
us anymore. Outwardly we may continue to live our life in the same
manner, but we are really awake.

It is like a movie show. A person watching a movie gets so involved
with the characters and with what happens on the screen. He may
become happy or sad with the heroes, gets depressed, shouts or

If at a particular moment he decides to stop watching the screen and
manages to withdraw his attention from the movie, he gets snapped
out of the illusion the movie creates. The projecting machine will
go on projecting images on the screen, but he knows that it is only
light projected through the film onto the screen. What is seen on
the screen is not real, but yet it is there. He may watch the movie,
or he may decide to close his eyes and ears and stop looking at the

Have you ever watched a movie, when at some point the reel got stuck
or there was a power failure? What happens to you when you watch an
interesting, absorbing film on the television and then suddenly
there are commercials? You are snapped out of the illusion to the
world around you. When you are sleeping and dreaming, and someone
wakes you up, you feel thrown out of one world to a different one.
It is the same in the life we call reality. It is possible to wake
up from it.

One who has managed to still his mind and senses through proper
training, may go on living and acting in the world like the person
in the cinema hall, who is no longer interested in the movie. He
learns how to get out of the illusion and wake up. If he is no more
a slave to illusion and dreams, he is free. He sees everything as it
really is. Contrary to what you might think, such a person functions
in his daily life in a better way, is stronger, happier, very
practical and free from worry.

In the East, metaphors are used in order to demonstrate what
illusion is in relation to Reality. A jewel made of gold may be
called an earring or a necklace, but actually it is only gold.
Before it became a jewel and after it is melted it is only gold.
Clay is shaped into vessels such as plates, cups, or vases, but they
are only clay.

Due to convenience of speech we call these objects made of gold or
clay by many names, but they are really only clay or gold.
Everything in existence is “made” from the Original Substance, and
is not a “real” thing standing by itself, exactly as in the above
examples. Nothing has a reality of its own.

A mirage is not real, but yet we see it. A dream taking place while
sleeping is not real, yet we experience it during the time of the
dream as a reality. A hologram looks 3D, while it is actually flat.

In the East, one of the metaphors of explaining reality and illusion
is that of the rope and the snake. In the dark we may see a rope and
mistake it for a snake. When there is enough light we realize that
it was only a rope, and the snake disappears. It is only due to some
kind of illusion that we see a world. Everything is in the mind.
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/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 29, 2005 at 5:08:46 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Wow, great impression you’ve made Tink, Good work and good on you! I gotta admit to a bit of jelousy, as I keep thinking I’d like to take some classes at some point- I just haven’t found many of those certain “yeah, I REALLY wanna do some schooling” feelings in me yet at this point, more just idle dreaming and fantasizing about it. Each time I start thinking “hey, this might be a good idea,” I remember that I’m already writing and publishing and might not get what I want out of the sorts of classes I’m interested in, in terms of furthering my money-making skills. Then again, I’d love to undertake some studies of philosophy and other similar thing- as well as astronomy-type stuff, particularly since my ibogaine voyages, as I’m extremely intrigued by all the space imagery I keep getting each time.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “tink” <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
To: “Anne Parfitt” <anne@gmavt.net>; <ibogaine@mindvox.com>; “Dimitri Mugianis” <dimitrimugianis@yahoo.com>; <BiscuitBoy714@aol.com>; “cparfitt” <cparfitt@maine.rr.com>; “Deborah Terreson” <foodandart@comcast.net>; “Ed Shepard” <edwardshepard@gmail.com>; “hannah parfitt” <hp333@hotmail.com>; <redv@adelphia.com>; “Ian Parfitt” <duffley@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 2:58 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…

I got my report card, and, after having myself worked into a righteous
tizzy, here’s what the powers that be had to say…I just thought I’d
share something positive!!
love to you all…

Adult Degree Program Vermont College/Union Institute and University
Student: Tink R. Bell
Seminar/Seminar Advisor: “Knowing Where You Are” -Michael Sherman
Semester Study- title: “Multiple Me: Myself In Words And Art”
Advisor:  Geof Hewitt
Academic Areas:  Writing, Literature, Anthropology, Geography, History

In this, her first semester in the Adult Degree Program, Sarah’s
goals were to develope a stronger voice in her writing, to gain a
clearer picture of herself as a creative artist, and to formulate a
sense of where her future studies in the Adult Degree Program might
take her.  She accomplished this by reading twenty books and
submitting more than eighty pages of poetry and prose.  In her
semester study plan, Sarah acknowledged that she was unsure of the
exact form her study might take and she may have surprised herself by
focusing almost exclusively on writing.
Sarah is a gifted writer.  In addition to a strong command of the
convetions of written English, she brings with her a wealth of
experience from a life that has seen more than it’s fair share of
turmoil.  Remarkably, she does not attempt, in her writing, to justify
her past but instead to explore, in fictional mode, the attitudes and
events that seems to have kept her in a constant state of jeopardy.  A
reader of Sarah’s work quickly recognizes that she know’s of what she
speaks: one cannot seperate fiction from autobiography in the writing
Sarah submitted this semester, yet the work is unquestionably
fictional in it’s presentation and tone. [It’s non fction, but
whatever makes Mr.  Hewitt feel better-tink]
Characterization, especially that of the protagonist, is
three-dimensional, plot and settings are engaging throughout, and
dialogue varies appropriately, giving each character a unique voice.
Until the final packet, sarah’s work was submitted in a timelt
fashion and always exceeded minimum requirements.  She was an active
and welcome contributor to advisee groupdiscussions, and her insights
often brought the entire group up to a higher level of understanding
of the subject under discussion.
Sarah’s seminar advisor, Michael Sherman, writes: “participants
read worls on cartography, anthropology, history, and memoir to
examine relationships between self and surroundings.  They created and
explained maps of a familiar place; did a field study of a little
community; wrote on some aspect of local history; and wrote an essay
about or inspired by Annie Dillard’s ‘An American Childhood’.  Sarah
participated enthusiastically.  Her work was always creative,
intelligent, engaged, and engaging.  She consistantly far exceeded the
minimum requirements for participation, length, and effort.”
This was an unusually successful first semester.  Sarah quickly
adapted to the ADP commmunity, participating fully in all aspects of
curricular and extracurricular activities.  Working with her was
This was creditable learning experience.

Geof Hewitt, Faculty Advisor, 19 June, 2005

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (For Randy and all) boosting gooses
Date: June 29, 2005 at 4:57:51 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

meaning encouraging Big Randy not to
wait “too long” if follow-up on his jungle journeying is what is
called for at this moment in the breathing cycle of addiction

From what I guess I can consider ever more personal experience, I highly “second that” this suggestion Randy. Do so as soon as you can, if you’re really feeling like you could use one. THAT IS THE TIME TO DO IT! Right then, not waiting any longer, no putting it off. If you are a really feeling urges or feelings that you feel ibogaine would help you deal with, GET AHOLD OF SOME AND DO IT NOW. Do NOT put it off any longer than you absolutely necessary. Just in my layman’s opinion of course.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “Eye of the Bhogi” <freedomroot@gmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote

oh kirk ya giggling kiwi… glad I gave ya a good hoot.

but there’s no americano-lingo colloquial mystery here…  just word
play… rooster rhymes with booster, and “bust a goose” just sounded
(in my twisted mind) like an appropriate compression of  “bust a move”
and “don’t be a silly goose” … meaning encouraging Big Randy not to
wait “too long” if follow-up on his jungle journeying is what is
called for at this moment in the breathing cycle of addiction

We picked up the new Tokion magazine with “The Fix” story on TIP (“The
Ibogaine Project”) yesterday.   Dim lighting, film noirish, great
photos, Howard looking all Einsteinish, way to go Loesser & Wildman
(writer and photographer for the story).  love from the gof, lehcaR

“Ibogaine is not, and never will be, a recreational drug.”  Eric Taub

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “VanAllen, Keith G.” <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] reality versus imagination and illusion
Date: June 29, 2005 at 4:12:21 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This was an interesting read. I like to relate these types of thoughts to the physiological slavery most of us experience…especially here in the usa. We are taught from when we are very young about the rules and laws and pledges of allegiances..ect. We are taught in high school that we must be economically viable and then in college we are prepared for life in a cubical. All original thoughts are “rebellious” and categorized as drug induced ignorance of the “real” world.

A man in Sacramento Ca was arrested for putting coins in other peoples parking meters a year or so ago……it cost the county $30,000 that they usually would have gotten for parking fines.

I say Challenge everything…..rail against the walls of reason……fuck authority….lets listen to ourselves for once.

Thanks for this post,

—–Original Message—–
From: matthew zielinski [mailto:mattzielinski@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 12:41 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] reality verus imagination and illusion

Reality Versus Imagination and Illusion
By Remez Sasson

The five senses make us feel that the world is real. Seeing the
solidity of the objects around us, feeling the impact of the senses,
it is hard to deny the validity of what we see. Everything looks
real and we never stop to question this reality.

The mind is attached to the five senses and accepts everything as
real without questioning. When we bump into a table or a wall and we
feel pain, it is difficult to say that we are imagining it. When we
see with our eyes, hear sounds, smell, or when we feel heat or
coldness, we accept these sense impressions as real.

Some say that the world is an illusion, Maya in Eastern terminology.
Can we accept this when everything looks so real? Can we regard the
world as imagination?

We need the five senses and the mind to be conscious of the world,
which means that the world is dependent on them. Without the senses
and the mind the world does not exist for us.

If we say that a real thing is something that always exist with no
gaps, then the outside world is not real. There are times besides
sleep, when we are so busy that we are not conscious of what is
going on around us. When there are no sensory sensations, as while
being in a floating tank, or when in deep meditation, we are still
conscious, but not of the world. This means that sometimes we are
conscious of the world and sometimes we are not.

After we wake up from sleep, or get out of deep meditation and
return to ordinary consciousness, we feel that there was a gap in
our consciousness of the outside world. There was no world at that
time. If we endeavor to pay attention to our consciousness we will
come to the conclusion that the outside world comes and go, while
the awareness of our inner consciousness never wavers.

The world exists for us only when the senses and mind are directed
towards it, and cease to exist for us the moment we silence the
senses and mind. During deep sleep we do not experience the world
because the senses are not active. Can you prove the reality of the
world while you are deeply asleep? When you wake up from sleep other
people may tell you that the world existed, but can you prove that
these people existed while you were asleep?

After waking up we may invent all kinds of theories to prove the
realty of the world. Yet, these are only mental theories. During
sleep it was non-existent for us. The world disappeared together
with time.

During sleep dreams seem very real, but upon awakening we realize
that they were just dreams. So it is with this world we call
reality. It is possible to wake from it too. Sri Ramana Maharshi,
the great Indian sage, has said that the difference between a dream
while sleeping and the dream we call wakefulness is only of
duration, one short and the other one long.

Further to the above, each person interprets and relates to other
people’s behavior, words and attitudes in a different way, according
to the contents of his subconscious mind. No one’s world is like
another. Again, we see illusion at work. A world is created, based
on our interpretation of what we see hear and sense.

Mind and thoughts create the world
Thoughts arise and we look at them. The same thoughts tend to arise
again and again. If we let this process continue, it goes on
incessantly. These thoughts make us to behave, expect, talk and act
in a certain personalized way, and thus cause the people we come in
contact with, to treat us and relate to us in a certain manner.

We usually continue with the same way of thinking, and live the same
kind of life each day, whether we like it or not. These thoughts
shape our circumstances and relationships. It is like watching the
same movie over and over again. If we want to watch a different
movie we have to change the reel or cassette. This happens by
changing our thoughts. This is how creative visualization works, and
there is nothing supernatural about this.

The world we experience, and the life we live are actually made from
the thoughts we project. The mind creates a world of illusion. By
changing our thoughts, we change the illusion and experience a
different reality. We do not create a world, only an illusion that
looks real. No unusual power is involved here. We are living in Maya
and are changing the Maya.

When we are able to still the mind and the senses, our consciousness
seems to shift into a new dimension. Actually it is there all the
time, only that the mind makes us think otherwise. When there are no
thoughts in the mind, the world we know and believe is real, loses
its reality. We become conscious of the world beyond the mind and

Waking up from illusion
We can wake up completely, understand and become conscious of the
illusion of Maya, and live, as we really are, as a pure, formless,
beginning-less and endless consciousness. Due to illusion it seems
as if we are all separated, having individual selves and each living
a different life. Even when we wake up from Maya, its play may go
on. We continue to see and experience it, yet it is of no concern to
us anymore. Outwardly we may continue to live our life in the same
manner, but we are really awake.

It is like a movie show. A person watching a movie gets so involved
with the characters and with what happens on the screen. He may
become happy or sad with the heroes, gets depressed, shouts or

If at a particular moment he decides to stop watching the screen and
manages to withdraw his attention from the movie, he gets snapped
out of the illusion the movie creates. The projecting machine will
go on projecting images on the screen, but he knows that it is only
light projected through the film onto the screen. What is seen on
the screen is not real, but yet it is there. He may watch the movie,
or he may decide to close his eyes and ears and stop looking at the

Have you ever watched a movie, when at some point the reel got stuck
or there was a power failure? What happens to you when you watch an
interesting, absorbing film on the television and then suddenly
there are commercials? You are snapped out of the illusion to the
world around you. When you are sleeping and dreaming, and someone
wakes you up, you feel thrown out of one world to a different one.
It is the same in the life we call reality. It is possible to wake
up from it.

One who has managed to still his mind and senses through proper
training, may go on living and acting in the world like the person
in the cinema hall, who is no longer interested in the movie. He
learns how to get out of the illusion and wake up. If he is no more
a slave to illusion and dreams, he is free. He sees everything as it
really is. Contrary to what you might think, such a person functions
in his daily life in a better way, is stronger, happier, very
practical and free from worry.

In the East, metaphors are used in order to demonstrate what
illusion is in relation to Reality. A jewel made of gold may be
called an earring or a necklace, but actually it is only gold.
Before it became a jewel and after it is melted it is only gold.
Clay is shaped into vessels such as plates, cups, or vases, but they
are only clay.

Due to convenience of speech we call these objects made of gold or
clay by many names, but they are really only clay or gold.
Everything in existence is “made” from the Original Substance, and
is not a “real” thing standing by itself, exactly as in the above
examples. Nothing has a reality of its own.

A mirage is not real, but yet we see it. A dream taking place while
sleeping is not real, yet we experience it during the time of the
dream as a reality. A hologram looks 3D, while it is actually flat.

In the East, one of the metaphors of explaining reality and illusion
is that of the rope and the snake. In the dark we may see a rope and
mistake it for a snake. When there is enough light we realize that
it was only a rope, and the snake disappears. It is only due to some
kind of illusion that we see a world. Everything is in the mind.



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From: “matthew zielinski” <mattzielinski@hotmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] reality verus imagination and illusion
Date: June 29, 2005 at 3:41:26 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Reality Versus Imagination and Illusion
By Remez Sasson

The five senses make us feel that the world is real. Seeing the
solidity of the objects around us, feeling the impact of the senses,
it is hard to deny the validity of what we see. Everything looks
real and we never stop to question this reality.

The mind is attached to the five senses and accepts everything as
real without questioning. When we bump into a table or a wall and we
feel pain, it is difficult to say that we are imagining it. When we
see with our eyes, hear sounds, smell, or when we feel heat or
coldness, we accept these sense impressions as real.

Some say that the world is an illusion, Maya in Eastern terminology.
Can we accept this when everything looks so real? Can we regard the
world as imagination?

We need the five senses and the mind to be conscious of the world,
which means that the world is dependent on them. Without the senses
and the mind the world does not exist for us.

If we say that a real thing is something that always exist with no
gaps, then the outside world is not real. There are times besides
sleep, when we are so busy that we are not conscious of what is
going on around us. When there are no sensory sensations, as while
being in a floating tank, or when in deep meditation, we are still
conscious, but not of the world. This means that sometimes we are
conscious of the world and sometimes we are not.

After we wake up from sleep, or get out of deep meditation and
return to ordinary consciousness, we feel that there was a gap in
our consciousness of the outside world. There was no world at that
time. If we endeavor to pay attention to our consciousness we will
come to the conclusion that the outside world comes and go, while
the awareness of our inner consciousness never wavers.

The world exists for us only when the senses and mind are directed
towards it, and cease to exist for us the moment we silence the
senses and mind. During deep sleep we do not experience the world
because the senses are not active. Can you prove the reality of the
world while you are deeply asleep? When you wake up from sleep other
people may tell you that the world existed, but can you prove that
these people existed while you were asleep?

After waking up we may invent all kinds of theories to prove the
realty of the world. Yet, these are only mental theories. During
sleep it was non-existent for us. The world disappeared together
with time.

During sleep dreams seem very real, but upon awakening we realize
that they were just dreams. So it is with this world we call
reality. It is possible to wake from it too. Sri Ramana Maharshi,
the great Indian sage, has said that the difference between a dream
while sleeping and the dream we call wakefulness is only of
duration, one short and the other one long.

Further to the above, each person interprets and relates to other
people’s behavior, words and attitudes in a different way, according
to the contents of his subconscious mind. No one’s world is like
another. Again, we see illusion at work. A world is created, based
on our interpretation of what we see hear and sense.

Mind and thoughts create the world
Thoughts arise and we look at them. The same thoughts tend to arise
again and again. If we let this process continue, it goes on
incessantly. These thoughts make us to behave, expect, talk and act
in a certain personalized way, and thus cause the people we come in
contact with, to treat us and relate to us in a certain manner.

We usually continue with the same way of thinking, and live the same
kind of life each day, whether we like it or not. These thoughts
shape our circumstances and relationships. It is like watching the
same movie over and over again. If we want to watch a different
movie we have to change the reel or cassette. This happens by
changing our thoughts. This is how creative visualization works, and
there is nothing supernatural about this.

The world we experience, and the life we live are actually made from
the thoughts we project. The mind creates a world of illusion. By
changing our thoughts, we change the illusion and experience a
different reality. We do not create a world, only an illusion that
looks real. No unusual power is involved here. We are living in Maya
and are changing the Maya.

When we are able to still the mind and the senses, our consciousness
seems to shift into a new dimension. Actually it is there all the
time, only that the mind makes us think otherwise. When there are no
thoughts in the mind, the world we know and believe is real, loses
its reality. We become conscious of the world beyond the mind and

Waking up from illusion
We can wake up completely, understand and become conscious of the
illusion of Maya, and live, as we really are, as a pure, formless,
beginning-less and endless consciousness. Due to illusion it seems
as if we are all separated, having individual selves and each living
a different life. Even when we wake up from Maya, its play may go
on. We continue to see and experience it, yet it is of no concern to
us anymore. Outwardly we may continue to live our life in the same
manner, but we are really awake.

It is like a movie show. A person watching a movie gets so involved
with the characters and with what happens on the screen. He may
become happy or sad with the heroes, gets depressed, shouts or

If at a particular moment he decides to stop watching the screen and
manages to withdraw his attention from the movie, he gets snapped
out of the illusion the movie creates. The projecting machine will
go on projecting images on the screen, but he knows that it is only
light projected through the film onto the screen. What is seen on
the screen is not real, but yet it is there. He may watch the movie,
or he may decide to close his eyes and ears and stop looking at the

Have you ever watched a movie, when at some point the reel got stuck
or there was a power failure? What happens to you when you watch an
interesting, absorbing film on the television and then suddenly
there are commercials? You are snapped out of the illusion to the
world around you. When you are sleeping and dreaming, and someone
wakes you up, you feel thrown out of one world to a different one.
It is the same in the life we call reality. It is possible to wake
up from it.

One who has managed to still his mind and senses through proper
training, may go on living and acting in the world like the person
in the cinema hall, who is no longer interested in the movie. He
learns how to get out of the illusion and wake up. If he is no more
a slave to illusion and dreams, he is free. He sees everything as it
really is. Contrary to what you might think, such a person functions
in his daily life in a better way, is stronger, happier, very
practical and free from worry.

In the East, metaphors are used in order to demonstrate what
illusion is in relation to Reality. A jewel made of gold may be
called an earring or a necklace, but actually it is only gold.
Before it became a jewel and after it is melted it is only gold.
Clay is shaped into vessels such as plates, cups, or vases, but they
are only clay.

Due to convenience of speech we call these objects made of gold or
clay by many names, but they are really only clay or gold.
Everything in existence is “made” from the Original Substance, and
is not a “real” thing standing by itself, exactly as in the above
examples. Nothing has a reality of its own.

A mirage is not real, but yet we see it. A dream taking place while
sleeping is not real, yet we experience it during the time of the
dream as a reality. A hologram looks 3D, while it is actually flat.

In the East, one of the metaphors of explaining reality and illusion
is that of the rope and the snake. In the dark we may see a rope and
mistake it for a snake. When there is enough light we realize that
it was only a rope, and the snake disappears. It is only due to some
kind of illusion that we see a world. Everything is in the mind.



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From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Prepare for Deep Impact
Date: June 29, 2005 at 10:56:05 AM EDT
To: vox@mindvox.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: NASA Science News <snglist@snglist.msfc.nasa.gov>
Date: Jun 28, 2005 7:27 PM
Subject: Prepare for Deep Impact
To: NASA Science News <snglist@snglist.msfc.nasa.gov>

NASA Science News for June 28, 2005

On the 4th of July, a NASA spacecraft will blast a hole in Comet Tempel 1.



Check out our RSS feed at http://science.nasa.gov/rss.xml!

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From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]Help I have to go to work
Date: June 29, 2005 at 6:28:46 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Well, someone dear to me told me to get a gig for a while, so I did. One of my alters is a painter so I figured that I would take advantage of it and make some money. His name is Seth and he hails from lower Grabassia. So Seth and I are going to work today. We found a job with a guy who is cool about Ibogaine. We’ll be doing the painting on an old house built in 1885 here in Erie PA. Cool old house. So we’re off to work, I swear we won’t drink the paint thinner.              Randy

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 29, 2005 at 4:03:01 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Awwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Th’ Randy is thereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Heh Music for Ibogaining………..
Ibogaine Trips greatest hits
Music for the Very Very Fucking Out There……………….
Ibogaine Users…. Unplugged!!!
And so on……
Keep it coming on many many talented souls out there.
‘This will be the city of the future’
From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com [mailto:BiscuitBoy714@aol.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 6:50 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…

Rachel, you forgot about the state of the art recording studio in the sound proof wharehouse that was donated by Sony, yea right, well somebody. And the Alex Gray meditation room for artist, with private space for everone to paint in. Just a thought. God I love this.         Randy

From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 29, 2005 at 2:50:26 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Rachel, you forgot about the state of the art recording studio in the sound proof wharehouse that was donated by Sony, yea right, well somebody. And the Alex Gray meditation room for artist, with private space for everone to paint in. Just a thought. God I love this.         Randy

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: [Ibogaine] RE: AIR is going to happen!!!
Date: June 29, 2005 at 2:37:12 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

And I’ll help in the building and design of the healing centre
so we can harness the energy of heaven and earth to help
in the healing of the masses.

Bring it on babies.

love, Jasen.
Ohh I am most definitely there now!!!
Any place that has Jasen involved in it, I;m there.
Now, if Matt puts his talents forth…..(he can create the Ibogaine
dictionary ;o))
And tink puts hers forth
And all u other talented sweethearts…..
There’s no stopping me at all :o)
I’d be in heaven!!!!!

Love and blessings galore to AIR!!!!
Lookit what ya started now!!!! I lovelove love love when shit like this
starts being born!!!!!! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo with the most
beautiful people in the world!!!

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Jasen Chamoun” <jasenhappy@optusnet.com.au>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 29, 2005 at 2:26:56 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

And I’ll help in the building and design of the healing centre
so we can harness the energy of heaven and earth to help
in the healing of the masses.

Bring it on babies.

love, Jasen.
—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2:14 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…

Haaaaa omg what a Mouthful that was!!!!!!
Yeh for sure I am there!!!  Sounds so much like my element, it’s nutz!!
Well, if I ever complete my naturopathy diploma and get back into my Reiki
energy healing……………….I’ll join the healing team as well!!!
Just need to heal Neil first (ah that would be me, but Kirk don’t rhyme with
heal Hehheh, also was thinking of Neil off the awesomely funny Young Ones,
English comedy of the eighties……………awww noooo age is showing!!)
So, keep me informed!!!
And in the words of……………Phil Collins (tink! Is that right?? Heh)
“I can feel it comin’ in the AIR tonight!! Allright!!!!!!!”
Laughter love and freaky freaks
Kirk xxxx

—–Original Message—–
From: Eye of the Bhogi [mailto:freedomroot@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 1:15 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…

AIR.  Addiction Interruption Resources.  What do you think of THAT acronym?

When we win the lottery, or the grant-writing frenzy, that’s gonna be
the name of our support system for Iboganauts.  Join us if you like.
There will be saunas and hot-tubs and flower essences and bodyworkers
and counselors and Rolfers and chiro and Qi medical practioners and
herbalists and fresh air and oxygen tanks and seaweed spas and crazy
freaky doctors who love life and maybe even some neurologists who have
seen the Silverblue globule light.

And perhaps some lawyers and activists and legislators and PACs or
something like that for the scheduled attack on scheduled illogicality
misnomered priority one.   All funded by a radical prodigal ex-scion
of big Pharma riding a motorcade.   Who likes angry feminists and
reformed freaks and shaman-kids with psychic tattooes and popeyed
poets with a lust for lemony spinach and quantum chemist filmmakers
and the bruja-schooled and all things special under the sun.

How did you know we were headed for those dragon gates at Harbin Hot

Maybe I need to go to Ibogainesville first!!!

Or stop eating dinner with the professoriate.

There is considerably less fog now.


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 29, 2005 at 12:14:01 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Haaaaa omg what a Mouthful that was!!!!!!
Yeh for sure I am there!!!  Sounds so much like my element, it’s nutz!!
Well, if I ever complete my naturopathy diploma and get back into my Reiki
energy healing……………….I’ll join the healing team as well!!!
Just need to heal Neil first (ah that would be me, but Kirk don’t rhyme with
heal Hehheh, also was thinking of Neil off the awesomely funny Young Ones,
English comedy of the eighties……………awww noooo age is showing!!)
So, keep me informed!!!
And in the words of……………Phil Collins (tink! Is that right?? Heh)
“I can feel it comin’ in the AIR tonight!! Allright!!!!!!!”
Laughter love and freaky freaks
Kirk xxxx

—–Original Message—–
From: Eye of the Bhogi [mailto:freedomroot@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 1:15 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…

AIR.  Addiction Interruption Resources.  What do you think of THAT acronym?

When we win the lottery, or the grant-writing frenzy, that’s gonna be
the name of our support system for Iboganauts.  Join us if you like.
There will be saunas and hot-tubs and flower essences and bodyworkers
and counselors and Rolfers and chiro and Qi medical practioners and
herbalists and fresh air and oxygen tanks and seaweed spas and crazy
freaky doctors who love life and maybe even some neurologists who have
seen the Silverblue globule light.

And perhaps some lawyers and activists and legislators and PACs or
something like that for the scheduled attack on scheduled illogicality
misnomered priority one.   All funded by a radical prodigal ex-scion
of big Pharma riding a motorcade.   Who likes angry feminists and
reformed freaks and shaman-kids with psychic tattooes and popeyed
poets with a lust for lemony spinach and quantum chemist filmmakers
and the bruja-schooled and all things special under the sun.

How did you know we were headed for those dragon gates at Harbin Hot

Maybe I need to go to Ibogainesville first!!!

Or stop eating dinner with the professoriate.

There is considerably less fog now.


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 28, 2005 at 9:14:57 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

AIR.  Addiction Interruption Resources.  What do you think of THAT acronym?

When we win the lottery, or the grant-writing frenzy, that’s gonna be
the name of our support system for Iboganauts.  Join us if you like.
There will be saunas and hot-tubs and flower essences and bodyworkers
and counselors and Rolfers and chiro and Qi medical practioners and
herbalists and fresh air and oxygen tanks and seaweed spas and crazy
freaky doctors who love life and maybe even some neurologists who have
seen the Silverblue globule light.

And perhaps some lawyers and activists and legislators and PACs or
something like that for the scheduled attack on scheduled illogicality
misnomered priority one.   All funded by a radical prodigal ex-scion
of big Pharma riding a motorcade.   Who likes angry feminists and
reformed freaks and shaman-kids with psychic tattooes and popeyed
poets with a lust for lemony spinach and quantum chemist filmmakers
and the bruja-schooled and all things special under the sun.

How did you know we were headed for those dragon gates at Harbin Hot Springs?

Maybe I need to go to Ibogainesville first!!!

Or stop eating dinner with the professoriate.

There is considerably less fog now.


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 28, 2005 at 7:53:43 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Heh, heyyyyyy Tinker-give-em-hell!!!!!!  You rock woman!!!!
I didn’t get from your teacher that he thought it was fiction… he knew it wasn’t just that it had a fictional tone to it?  I dunno, but that’s what I got out of it.
Man, that must have rocked your self esteem thru the roof.
I’ll be first in line at the book store.
Love you, keep going my freaky friend
Kirk xxxx
From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com [mailto:BiscuitBoy714@aol.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 8:40 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com; anne@gmavt.net; dimitrimugianis@yahoo.com; cparfitt@maine.rr.com; foodandart@comcast.net; edwardshepard@gmail.com; hp333@hotmail.com; redv@adelphia.com; duffley@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…

Sara, I could have swore I told you pretty much the same thing. Whatsa matta U don’t you trust me? Congradulations, you deserve it. Finish the book. Do it now!!!!   Your the bomb             Randy

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote
Date: June 28, 2005 at 7:21:10 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Haaaaaaaaa I gotcha now!!! That’s very clever actually!!  Booster goose
Hehheh very good!!!! I love plays on words.
I’m still waiting for the Ibogaine movie (rites..) will be good to see and
show my drug counsellor. And the doc. I know they’ll be interested to see
it, they”l probly show it to the whole clinic.  Could be a very good thing.
Thanks for the translation!!
Love heaps
Love light n laughter always
Kirk xx

—–Original Message—–
From: Eye of the Bhogi [mailto:freedomroot@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 6:18 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote

oh kirk ya giggling kiwi… glad I gave ya a good hoot.

but there’s no americano-lingo colloquial mystery here…  just word
play… rooster rhymes with booster, and “bust a goose” just sounded
(in my twisted mind) like an appropriate compression of  “bust a move”
and “don’t be a silly goose” … meaning encouraging Big Randy not to
wait “too long” if follow-up on his jungle journeying is what is
called for at this moment in the breathing cycle of addiction

We picked up the new Tokion magazine with “The Fix” story on TIP (“The
Ibogaine Project”) yesterday.   Dim lighting, film noirish, great
photos, Howard looking all Einsteinish, way to go Loesser & Wildman
(writer and photographer for the story).  love from the gof, lehcaR

“Ibogaine is not, and never will be, a recreational drug.”  Eric Taub

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 28, 2005 at 4:40:26 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com, anne@gmavt.net, dimitrimugianis@yahoo.com, cparfitt@maine.rr.com, foodandart@comcast.net, edwardshepard@gmail.com, hp333@hotmail.com, redv@adelphia.com, duffley@gmail.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sara, I could have swore I told you pretty much the same thing. Whatsa matta U don’t you trust me? Congradulations, you deserve it. Finish the book. Do it now!!!!   Your the bomb             Randy

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote
Date: June 28, 2005 at 4:36:22 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Ohhh yehhh   duhhh silly meeeee I saw both movies about the same time and
listen to the sound tracks together…. so they gets all muddled in my brain
cell…………..both excellent movies!!
And thanks for the um…… translation?? Heh

—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 6:25 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote

Pulp Fiction, when they’re holding up the restaurant.  Honey Bunny and
boyfriend, and samuel L jackson’s wallet that says “Bad Motherfucker”
Love ya kirkie!!
the goose thing has got to be a Kentucky Fried Randy thing ;]
On 6/28/05, Capt Kirk <captkirk@free.net.nz> wrote:
“Randy, whatchoo weighting 4?  Bust a goose Mr. Rooster!  love from the

Ok, please inform this back water Kiwi what the hell does it mean to Bust
Goose????? Or is this a private joke?? None the less, It made me laugh me
flippin’ ‘ead orf!!!!
Love this list TO PEACES!!!!! Every single last mutha f%*&^* one of you
(think that was natural born killers Hehheh)
Kirsty Dawn xxxxxxxxxxx

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “matthew zielinski” <mattzielinski@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 28, 2005 at 3:31:36 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Finally the dreaded report card!!!!!……Excelnet work!!!! SO FUKEN PROUD OF U!!!!!!……U  MADE IT SOOOO FAR—SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF AND ALOT MORE IS IN THE WORKS!!!!! FUKEN a!!!!!!!!………
u know u can succed in anyting u do !!!!!!1


Find e-mail and documents on your PC instantly with the new MSN Search Toolbar–FREE! /]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] And I thought I wasn’t going to make it…
Date: June 28, 2005 at 2:58:45 PM EDT
To: Anne Parfitt <anne@gmavt.net>, ibogaine@mindvox.com, Dimitri Mugianis <dimitrimugianis@yahoo.com>, “BiscuitBoy714@aol.com” <BiscuitBoy714@aol.com>, cparfitt <cparfitt@maine.rr.com>, Deborah Terreson <foodandart@comcast.net>, Ed Shepard <edwardshepard@gmail.com>, hannah parfitt <hp333@hotmail.com>, redv@adelphia.com, Ian Parfitt <duffley@gmail.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I got my report card, and, after having myself worked into a righteous
tizzy, here’s what the powers that be had to say…I just thought I’d
share something positive!!
love to you all…

Adult Degree Program Vermont College/Union Institute and University
Student: Tink R. Bell
Seminar/Seminar Advisor: “Knowing Where You Are” -Michael Sherman
Semester Study- title: “Multiple Me: Myself In Words And Art”
Advisor:  Geof Hewitt
Academic Areas:  Writing, Literature, Anthropology, Geography, History

In this, her first semester in the Adult Degree Program, Sarah’s
goals were to develope a stronger voice in her writing, to gain a
clearer picture of herself as a creative artist, and to formulate a
sense of where her future studies in the Adult Degree Program might
take her.  She accomplished this by reading twenty books and
submitting more than eighty pages of poetry and prose.  In her
semester study plan, Sarah acknowledged that she was unsure of the
exact form her study might take and she may have surprised herself by
focusing almost exclusively on writing.
Sarah is a gifted writer.  In addition to a strong command of the
convetions of written English, she brings with her a wealth of
experience from a life that has seen more than it’s fair share of
turmoil.  Remarkably, she does not attempt, in her writing, to justify
her past but instead to explore, in fictional mode, the attitudes and
events that seems to have kept her in a constant state of jeopardy.  A
reader of Sarah’s work quickly recognizes that she know’s of what she
speaks: one cannot seperate fiction from autobiography in the writing
Sarah submitted this semester, yet the work is unquestionably
fictional in it’s presentation and tone. [It’s non fction, but
whatever makes Mr.  Hewitt feel better-tink]
Characterization, especially that of the protagonist, is
three-dimensional, plot and settings are engaging throughout, and
dialogue varies appropriately, giving each character a unique voice.
Until the final packet, sarah’s work was submitted in a timelt
fashion and always exceeded minimum requirements.  She was an active
and welcome contributor to advisee groupdiscussions, and her insights
often brought the entire group up to a higher level of understanding
of the subject under discussion.
Sarah’s seminar advisor, Michael Sherman, writes: “participants
read worls on cartography, anthropology, history, and memoir to
examine relationships between self and surroundings.  They created and
explained maps of a familiar place; did a field study of a little
community; wrote on some aspect of local history; and wrote an essay
about or inspired by Annie Dillard’s ‘An American Childhood’.  Sarah
participated enthusiastically.  Her work was always creative,
intelligent, engaged, and engaging.  She consistantly far exceeded the
minimum requirements for participation, length, and effort.”
This was an unusually successful first semester.  Sarah quickly
adapted to the ADP commmunity, participating fully in all aspects of
curricular and extracurricular activities.  Working with her was
This was creditable learning experience.

Geof Hewitt, Faculty Advisor, 19 June, 2005

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote
Date: June 28, 2005 at 2:24:33 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Pulp Fiction, when they’re holding up the restaurant.  Honey Bunny and
boyfriend, and samuel L jackson’s wallet that says “Bad Motherfucker”
Love ya kirkie!!
the goose thing has got to be a Kentucky Fried Randy thing ;]
On 6/28/05, Capt Kirk <captkirk@free.net.nz> wrote:
“Randy, whatchoo weighting 4?  Bust a goose Mr. Rooster!  love from the fog,

Ok, please inform this back water Kiwi what the hell does it mean to Bust a
Goose????? Or is this a private joke?? None the less, It made me laugh me
flippin’ ‘ead orf!!!!
Love this list TO PEACES!!!!! Every single last mutha f%*&^* one of you
(think that was natural born killers Hehheh)
Kirsty Dawn xxxxxxxxxxx

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote
Date: June 28, 2005 at 2:18:00 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

oh kirk ya giggling kiwi… glad I gave ya a good hoot.

but there’s no americano-lingo colloquial mystery here…  just word
play… rooster rhymes with booster, and “bust a goose” just sounded
(in my twisted mind) like an appropriate compression of  “bust a move”
and “don’t be a silly goose” … meaning encouraging Big Randy not to
wait “too long” if follow-up on his jungle journeying is what is
called for at this moment in the breathing cycle of addiction

We picked up the new Tokion magazine with “The Fix” story on TIP (“The
Ibogaine Project”) yesterday.   Dim lighting, film noirish, great
photos, Howard looking all Einsteinish, way to go Loesser & Wildman
(writer and photographer for the story).  love from the gof, lehcaR

“Ibogaine is not, and never will be, a recreational drug.”  Eric Taub

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote
Date: June 28, 2005 at 12:08:10 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This qoute applies to what I’m waiting for Rach. I respect what Ibogaine does and I’m kinda nervous about taking any amount. ‘Course that ‘aint gonna stop me none. “I got an angle Charley” (Heavy Metal)  It’s comin’.         Randy

From: “Ibogi Boogie Boogie” <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net>
Subject: [Ibogaine] OT eerie zombi dogs
Date: June 28, 2005 at 10:16:21 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


and I cannot find it anywhere
else. Can anyone recommend a site which sells real melatonin (ie not
homeopathic melatonin)?

Every shop and every other site I’ve seen only sells the homeopathic


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote
Date: June 28, 2005 at 12:58:31 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“Randy, whatchoo weighting 4?  Bust a goose Mr. Rooster!  love from the fog,

Ok, please inform this back water Kiwi what the hell does it mean to Bust a
Goose????? Or is this a private joke?? None the less, It made me laugh me
flippin’ ‘ead orf!!!!
Love this list TO PEACES!!!!! Every single last mutha f%*&^* one of you
(think that was natural born killers Hehheh)
Kirsty Dawn xxxxxxxxxxx

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] I just really liked this quote
Date: June 28, 2005 at 12:40:53 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“Ibogaine is not, and never will be, a recreational drug.”  Eric Taub

Cause I’m not a lawyer or anything, but the whole Schedule 1 thing
seems really not logical.  Provocative in that sense, from a testing
theory of civil challenges to legality.

Randy, whatchoo weighting 4?  Bust a goose Mr. Rooster!  love from the
fog, rachytwostep

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
Subject: Re: FW: [Ibogaine] time to focus….
Date: June 27, 2005 at 11:11:04 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Jeff and Rach, seeing as you posted last night that the session was starting then I figure your friend or friends has been through the flood by now. I hope all was what they wanted it to be. I don’t know what kind of treatment it is I just hope they get as much from theirs as I did mine. I wanna do it again. I know I wanna do a booster. Peace and contemplation to you and yousen’s         Randy

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: FW: [Ibogaine] time to focus….
Date: June 27, 2005 at 7:07:41 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Wowww I am so envious, that’s it I’m saving up, I wanna go bush!!!! Who’s
coming with???
Love heaps to the adventurers…. I send Saint Christopher wit chas!! (fink
he’s saint of travel?? Correct me iffin I be wrong!!)
Kirk xxxxxxxx
Buzz wuzz

—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 28 June 2005 10:18 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] time to focus….

My candles all melted, but the fire is lit and the love is being sent!!!
Serenity, patience and peace of mind to you all!!!!!!
Bwiti Love and happy trailers!
say hi to the bees

On 6/27/05, Ibogi Boogie Boogie <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net> wrote:

Go with the light !!

—– Original Message —–
From: Preston Peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] time to focus….

best wishes.
lotsa love and luck and happiness to your friends Jeff.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff Gallop
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 9:43 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] time to focus….

hi all
Passing along a message asking us all to light a candle real or in your
heart for some beautiful folks goin’ to the jungle tonight.
I for one wish them the ride of thier lives and a future filled with

Also i must on a personal note say that it was on of the grand pleasures
my life to be two-stepping with my Racheliscious just steps away from one
my most favorite iboangels and friend the other night at the Great
Music Hall.

What an amazing trip this life is…..

Heading up to Quincy.Ca for High Sierra Music Festival soon and we are

Dance Free
Freak free
Be Free

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] time to focus….
Date: June 27, 2005 at 6:17:34 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

My candles all melted, but the fire is lit and the love is being sent!!!
Serenity, patience and peace of mind to you all!!!!!!
Bwiti Love and happy trailers!
say hi to the bees

On 6/27/05, Ibogi Boogie Boogie <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net> wrote:

Go with the light !!

—– Original Message —–
From: Preston Peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] time to focus….

best wishes.
lotsa love and luck and happiness to your friends Jeff.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff Gallop
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 9:43 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] time to focus….

hi all
Passing along a message asking us all to light a candle real or in your
heart for some beautiful folks goin’ to the jungle tonight.
I for one wish them the ride of thier lives and a future filled with

Also i must on a personal note say that it was on of the grand pleasures of
my life to be two-stepping with my Racheliscious just steps away from one of
my most favorite iboangels and friend the other night at the Great American
Music Hall.

What an amazing trip this life is…..

Heading up to Quincy.Ca for High Sierra Music Festival soon and we are

Dance Free
Freak free
Be Free

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Ibogi Boogie Boogie” <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] time to focus….
Date: June 27, 2005 at 2:39:16 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Go with the light !!
—– Original Message —–
From: Preston Peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] time to focus….

best wishes.
lotsa love and luck and happiness to your friends Jeff.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff Gallop
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 9:43 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] time to focus….

hi all
Passing along a message asking us all to light a candle real or in your heart for some beautiful folks goin’ to the jungle tonight.
I for one wish them the ride of thier lives and a future filled with ibo-happines…

Also i must on a personal note say that it was on of the grand pleasures of my life to be two-stepping with my Racheliscious just steps away from one of my most favorite iboangels and friend the other night at the Great American Music Hall.

What an amazing trip this life is…..

Heading up to Quincy.Ca for High Sierra Music Festival soon and we are stoked!

Dance Free
Freak free
Be Free

From: “matthew zielinski” <mattzielinski@hotmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] fwd..cookie break
Date: June 27, 2005 at 12:01:10 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Cookie Break…

Cosmic Cookie

I AM… the Universal Creator… and Poet.
However I appear as an ordinary Creature.
Sometimes I am Masculine
and sometimes I am Feminine.
Once in a while I appear as a Mixture of Both.
I never appear as Myself
I am God the Invisible.
I AM… the Light of Creation.
I am Consciousness… I am the All in All.
Nobody will ever know Me… but Me.



Free yourself from those irritating pop-up ads with MSN Premium: Join now and get the first two months FREE* /]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
Date: June 27, 2005 at 8:29:59 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Strange , just before I read your post I was thinking about Manson playing Wonka because he said it was one of his favourite films, plus that intro to cake and sodomy is really cool –  (Stop The Boat !)

>From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 20:36:05 +1200
>OMGGG yehhh I forgot about that!~!!!!!  Would have much preferred marilyn
>Manson as a far far darker willy wonka, but only if he could act!!
>But ooooo yehhh least I can get off on Johnny Depp AND chocolate at the same
>time!!! Wicked!!
>   _____
>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
>Sent: Monday, 27 June 2005 2:42 p.m.
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>Johnny Depp Rocks. One of my all time favorite actors- we’re definitely
>doing a chocolate shrooming for the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
>Peace and love,
>Preston Peet
>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
>mistaken for madness”
>Richard Davenport-Hines
>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
>Cont. High Times mag/.com
>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
>Columnist New York Waste
>—– Original Message —–
>From: Capt Kirk <mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz>
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 5:50 PM
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>Urh, heh, ahh yehhh of course…um think I was a bit off the planet when I
>wrote that email.
>Luff Kirk
>(Scotty is in rehab and none of us have any idea how to make the beamy
>machine work..)
>   _____
>From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com]
>Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 11:54 p.m.
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>I think Johnny Depp is incredibly talented too , I was just being silly – He
>guested on a UK comedy called ‘the fast show’ a few times and said it was
>the funniest show he’d ever seen , I love him for saying that…………..
>ok ! beam me up……..see ya c.k.
> >From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
> >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Subject: RE: [Ibogaine]  off topic but i get do  2 ks (hcl) !
> >Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 19:02:09 +1200
> >
> >Well, excuseeeee me but I recently saw an Actors Studio of Johnny Depp and
> >love ‘im more than life issss sself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah self……….
> >such a down to earth bloke, he roks in my opin-onion and that’s big coming
> >from me
> >
> >Like Im so special hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like my opinion means jack
> >
> >Love to all
> >
> >Very happy kirk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> >
> >   _____
> >
> >From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com]
> >Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 8:28 a.m.
> >To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) !
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >You’ve got a lovely nose Preston , I was just envious of how svelte you
> >looked in that little black number. btw, I can only think of one other
> >gonzo/political journo who occasionally wore a dress, wrote abou his insane
> >drug taking to vivid effect and he died by his own hand  –  Russian
> >or not.  I’m not saying be worried, but avoid guns, strong liqour and
> >Depp.  We all know guns and tequila can make things dead , but I’d keep one
> >eye on Depp as well.    I’m actually returning the favour to you because of
> >that subtle blend of pisstaking and genuinely inspiring advice you wrote to
> >me a couple of days ago concerning my career as a writer . I will however
> >probably ignore the advice because I’m a bit of a twat like that and that
> >being my case I recommend  you do the same,  unless it’s something
> >like tracking down that ‘junkie Thomas’ who wrote all those great shorts
> >that they list on that radical hippys website. – Whenever I’m in the mood,
> >devour them,  even the ones I’ve read 6 times already  –  Try and see if
> >can get them edited and published , you never know!…….Ok… ,  Later
> >Preston !!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> > >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> > >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> > >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> > >Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:20:53 -0400
> > >
> > >Sjonnygee asked >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+
> > >posts to this list in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating
> > >the joys and woes of a drug laden/free life.<
> > >
> > >Speaking for myself only, this is my job, sitting at the computer
> > >writing and reading all day long. So, when a spare thought or three
> > >passes through my mind and I feel like sharing it, I do.
> > >
> > >>It’s all I can do when I get home from work to phone up and cancel
> > >>band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , I’m not having a pop at
> > >>anyone here nor am I being argumentative , I’d just love to know
> > >>who your sponsor is and does he increase the rate the more attitude
> > >>you apply to a thread ?<
> > >
> > >Here’s the number 212-555-5555. Give hir a call. Attitude is always
> > >good but might not get your rates increased as much as mine.
> > >
> > >>The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – Musician
> > >>, Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once told me I
> > >>was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last year and
> > >>actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian soldier
> > >>shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive civil
> > >>unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century Babri
> > >>Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a round
> > >>of religious violence in which 3,000 people died.<
> > >
> > >That “activist” rating I’m not sure counts sjonny, but it did make
> > >me laugh out loud. I like the bio, and “dance percussion therapist”
> > >sounds very cool.
> > >
> > >>So who does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves
> > >>in to type …………Can I get a contract ?<
> > >
> > >Weeeelllllll, if you’re serious, which I doubt you are, I personally
> > >decided I wanted to be a “writer” and get paid to do so. So I
> > >started writing when I got home from my then-job putting together
> > >the innards of such places as the Marvel Comics themed restaurant
> > >out in Universal Studios in California (we built all the panels and
> > >artistic stuff here in Manhattan, building these panels to make the
> > >place look like a spaceship or something, among other
> > >artsy-carpenterish jobs like that), because I could feel my body
> > >rapidly approaching the point where I wasn’t going to be able to
> > >continue with that sort of work, and wanted to do something where I
> > >could say the things I thought needed saying (by me anyway) and if I
> > >could get paid simultaneously, more power to me. So I wrote,
> > >pitched, walked, mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, wrote, pitched,
> > >mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, got shitloads of rejection slips and
> > >then gradually started selling my writing.
> > >    Put in the time, you too might be able to strap yourself to a
> > >desk chair at home and type all the merry day long, adding attitude
> > >here, taking it away there.
> > >    At least you’ve got a band practice to cancel, which I envy.
> > >;-))
> > >    V loves my nose btw. And my dress(es). And she’s the one with an
> > >opinion I really, really care about, so in that regard, I’ve few to
> > >no complaints.
> > >    Any other questions?
> > >
> > >Peace and love,
> > >Preston
> > >
> > >”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> > >often mistaken for madness”
> > >Richard Davenport-Hines
> > >
> > >ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> > >Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> > >Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> > >Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> > >Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> > >Sept. 2005)
> > >Cont. High Times mag/.com
> > >Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> > >Columnist New York Waste
> > >Etc.
> > >
> > >—– Original Message —– From: Sjonnygee .
> > >To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> > >Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:26 AM
> > >Subject: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> > >
> > >
> > >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ posts to this list
> > >in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating the joys and woes of
> > >a drug laden/free life.  It’s all I can do when I get home from work
> > >to phone up and cancel band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week ,
> > >I’m not having a pop at anyone here nor am I being argumentative ,
> > >I’d just love to know who your sponsor is and does he increase the
> > >rate the more attitude you apply to a thread ? -……….. and can
> > >I get a cut.
> > >       The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. –
> > >Musician , Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once
> > >told me I was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last
> > >year and actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian
> > >soldier shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive
> > >civil unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century
> > >Babri Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a
> > >round of religious violence in which 3,000 people ied.}  – So who
> > >does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves in to
> > >type …………Can I get a contract ? By the way I love a man in a
> > >Good dress ,but you need a good nose to really carry it off !
> > >……….sjonny.
> > >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> > >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> > >>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> > >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> > >>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> > >>in August?
> > >>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:39:45 -0400
> > >>
> > >>to make this really bizarreo, as V and I were returning home, not
> > >>more than a couple hours, three at most after writing about Mars
> > >>being closer to the Earth, what do we find but someone who has a
> > >>telescope, set at that same 75 magnification mentioned in that
> > >>article, but pointed at Jupiter. We could plainly see Jupiter
> > >>through the telescope, very small, a quarter of the size of the
> > >>moon with our naked eye, maybe even a wee bit smaller, and four of
> > >>its brightest moons, from Ave. A in LES, Manhattan. I can only
> > >>imagine how gorgeous the view must be out West somewhere, or
> > >>upstate in the mountain, around V’s uncle’s cabin or something of
> > >>that nature. Anyway, there was Jupiter, and we both got to look
> > >>through the telescope. I got to tell everyone standing there,
> > >>including the guy with the telescope, about the whole Mars thing.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>Peace and love,
> > >>Preston Peet
> > >>
> > >>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> > >>often mistaken for madness”
> > >>Richard Davenport-Hines
> > >>
> > >>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> > >>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> > >>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> > >>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> > >>Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> > >>Sept. 2005)
> > >>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> > >>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> > >>Columnist New York Waste
> > >>Etc.
> > >>
> > >>—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk”
> > >><captkirk@free.net.nz>
> > >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> > >>Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:22 PM
> > >>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> > >>in August?
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>>Just did a search, yes it happened already in 2003.  Must be a old
> > >>>email
> > >>>somebody didn’t see the year or something, so got alllll excited!!
> > >>>Lol
> > >>>Damn…
> > >>>Oh well.
> > >>>Kirk
> > >>>
> > >>>—–Original Message—–
> > >>>From: Capt Kirk [mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz]
> > >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:16 a.m.
> > >>>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> > >>>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> > >>>in August?
> > >>>
> > >>>Yes I also got sent the same email, but I thought this happened
> > >>>already? I
> > >>>remember going up to observatory, either last winter, or one
> > >>>before to see
> > >>>Mars but was packed out with people and too bloody cold to wait.
> > >>>And they
> > >>>said then this wouldn’t be seen again by people alive now so
> > >>>buggered if I
> > >>>know Preston!!!
> > >>>Would be cool though, I l ike when planets do cool stuff!!  I’m a
> > >>>star gazer
> > >>>by nature.
> > >>>
> > >>>—–Original Message—–
> > >>>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
> > >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:07 a.m.
> > >>>To: Newsroom-L; ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
> > >>>Subject: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> > >>>August?
> > >>>
> > >>>Hi all,
> > >>>    Anyone else heard the following tidbit of science news, about
> > >>>how Mars
> > >>>is coming in on its closest approach to Earth in recorded history?
> > >>>Anyone
> > >>>know if this is true? It was sent me in an email by an in-law, so
> > >>>I’ve no
> > >>>source link or URL, and have no idea who wrote this. I would give
> > >>>full
> > >>>credit if I did know, but I don’t.
> > >>>Anyway, here’s the note (and could this explain all the war fever
> > >>>going
> > >>>around? Of course, there’s always war fever going around on this
> > >>>rock of a
> > >>>planet, so I guess I’m grasping at straws blaming Mars dropping in
> > >>>for a
> > >>>fly-by):
> > >>>
> > >>>>
> > >>>The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next,
> > >>>Earth
> > >>>is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in
> > >>>the
> > >>>closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The
> > >>>next
> > >>>time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter’s
> > >>>gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only
> > >>>be
> > >>>certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last
> > >>>5,000
> > >>>years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens
> > >>>again.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to
> > >>>within
> > >>>34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the
> > >>>brightest
> > >>>object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and
> > >>>will
> > >>>appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars
> > >>>will be
> > >>>easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east
> > >>>at
> > >>>10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August
> > >>>when
> > >>>the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach
> > >>>its
> > >>>highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to
> > >>>see
> > >>>something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So,
> > >>>mark
> > >>>your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow
> > >>>progressively
> > >>>brighter and brighter throughout the month.
> > >>><
> > >>>
> > >>>Peace and love,
> > >>>Preston Peet
> > >>>
> > >>>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> > >>>often
> > >>>mistaken for madness”
> > >>>Richard Davenport-Hines
> > >>>
> > >>>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> > >>>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> > >>>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> > >>>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> > >>>Civilizations,
> > >>>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
> > >>>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> > >>>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> > >>>Columnist New York Waste
> > >>>Etc.
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> >
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >[\
> > >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> > >>>[%]
> > >>>
> >
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >[/
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> >
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >[\
> > >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> > >>>[%]
> > >>>
> >
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >[/
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>>
> >
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >[\
> > >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> > >>>
> >
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >[/
> > >>>
> > >>>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> >
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >\
> > >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> > >>
> >
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >/
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >
> > >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> > >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> > >
> >
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> > >
> > >
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >[%]
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Boris” <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] melatonin
Date: June 27, 2005 at 7:26:03 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks Howard, that must it, it never occurred to me they’d ban melatonin, but allow the sale of a homeopathic version. But as l-tryptophan and 5-htp are restricted here, its conceivable and likely melatonin would be too. As silly as that is.

And thanks Keith, I’ll make sure I get the synthetic version!


Hi Boris,

Possibly, melotonin is restricted in Australia as it is in the UK.  In the
you can just load up on mega doses.  Hope I have the facts right.


In a message dated 6/26/05 9:57:15 AM, bleshins@bigpond.net.au writes:

A couple of people have mentioned melatonin as a sleep aid. I’ve bought
some before from here
a site recommended to me by a friend, as it is the only melatonin he’s
found that is not the homeopathic crap, which does nothing. That site is
currently not selling it for some reason and I cannot find it anywhere
else. Can anyone recommend a site which sells real melatonin (ie not
homeopathic melatonin)?

Every shop and every other site I’ve seen only sells the homeopathic


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
Date: June 27, 2005 at 4:36:05 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

OMGGG yehhh I forgot about that!~!!!!!  Would have much preferred marilyn Manson as a far far darker willy wonka, but only if he could act!!
But ooooo yehhh least I can get off on Johnny Depp AND chocolate at the same time!!! Wicked!!
From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com] 
Sent: Monday, 27 June 2005 2:42 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet

Johnny Depp Rocks. One of my all time favorite actors- we’re definitely doing a chocolate shrooming for the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Capt Kirk
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 5:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet

Urh, heh, ahh yehhh of course…..um think I was a bit off the planet when I wrote that email.
Luff Kirk
(Scotty is in rehab and none of us have any idea how to make the beamy machine work……)
From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com] 
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 11:54 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet

I think Johnny Depp is incredibly talented too , I was just being silly – He guested on a UK comedy called ‘the fast show’ a few times and said it was the funniest show he’d ever seen , I love him for saying that………….. ok ! beam me up……..see ya c.k.
>From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine]  off topic but i get do  2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 19:02:09 +1200
>Well, excuseeeee me but I recently saw an Actors Studio of Johnny Depp and I
>love ‘im more than life issss sself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah self……….
>such a down to earth bloke, he roks in my opin-onion and that’s big coming
>from me
>Like Im so special hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like my opinion means jack
>Love to all
>Very happy kirk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   _____
>From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com]
>Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 8:28 a.m.
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>You’ve got a lovely nose Preston , I was just envious of how svelte you
>looked in that little black number. btw, I can only think of one other
>gonzo/political journo who occasionally wore a dress, wrote abou his insane
>drug taking to vivid effect and he died by his own hand  –  Russian Roulette
>or not.  I’m not saying be worried, but avoid guns, strong liqour and Johnny
>Depp.  We all know guns and tequila can make things dead , but I’d keep one
>eye on Depp as well.    I’m actually returning the favour to you because of
>that subtle blend of pisstaking and genuinely inspiring advice you wrote to
>me a couple of days ago concerning my career as a writer . I will however
>probably ignore the advice because I’m a bit of a twat like that and that
>being my case I recommend  you do the same,  unless it’s something important
>like tracking down that ‘junkie Thomas’ who wrote all those great shorts
>that they list on that radical hippys website. – Whenever I’m in the mood, I
>devour them,  even the ones I’ve read 6 times already  –  Try and see if you
>can get them edited and published , you never know!…….Ok… ,  Later
>Preston !!
> >From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> >Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:20:53 -0400
> >
> >Sjonnygee asked >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+
> >posts to this list in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating
> >the joys and woes of a drug laden/free life.<
> >
> >Speaking for myself only, this is my job, sitting at the computer
> >writing and reading all day long. So, when a spare thought or three
> >passes through my mind and I feel like sharing it, I do.
> >
> >>It’s all I can do when I get home from work to phone up and cancel
> >>band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , I’m not having a pop at
> >>anyone here nor am I being argumentative , I’d just love to know
> >>who your sponsor is and does he increase the rate the more attitude
> >>you apply to a thread ?<
> >
> >Here’s the number 212-555-5555. Give hir a call. Attitude is always
> >good but might not get your rates increased as much as mine.
> >
> >>The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – Musician
> >>, Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once told me I
> >>was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last year and
> >>actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian soldier
> >>shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive civil
> >>unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century Babri
> >>Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a round
> >>of religious violence in which 3,000 people died.<
> >
> >That “activist” rating I’m not sure counts sjonny, but it did make
> >me laugh out loud. I like the bio, and “dance percussion therapist”
> >sounds very cool.
> >
> >>So who does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves
> >>in to type …………Can I get a contract ?<
> >
> >Weeeelllllll, if you’re serious, which I doubt you are, I personally
> >decided I wanted to be a “writer” and get paid to do so. So I
> >started writing when I got home from my then-job putting together
> >the innards of such places as the Marvel Comics themed restaurant
> >out in Universal Studios in California (we built all the panels and
> >artistic stuff here in Manhattan, building these panels to make the
> >place look like a spaceship or something, among other
> >artsy-carpenterish jobs like that), because I could feel my body
> >rapidly approaching the point where I wasn’t going to be able to
> >continue with that sort of work, and wanted to do something where I
> >could say the things I thought needed saying (by me anyway) and if I
> >could get paid simultaneously, more power to me. So I wrote,
> >pitched, walked, mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, wrote, pitched,
> >mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, got shitloads of rejection slips and
> >then gradually started selling my writing.
> >    Put in the time, you too might be able to strap yourself to a
> >desk chair at home and type all the merry day long, adding attitude
> >here, taking it away there.
> >    At least you’ve got a band practice to cancel, which I envy.
> >;-))
> >    V loves my nose btw. And my dress(es). And she’s the one with an
> >opinion I really, really care about, so in that regard, I’ve few to
> >no complaints.
> >    Any other questions?
> >
> >Peace and love,
> >Preston
> >
> >”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >often mistaken for madness”
> >Richard Davenport-Hines
> >
> >ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >Sept. 2005)
> >Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >Columnist New York Waste
> >Etc.
> >
> >—– Original Message —– From: Sjonnygee .
> >To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:26 AM
> >Subject: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> >
> >
> >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ posts to this list
> >in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating the joys and woes of
> >a drug laden/free life.  It’s all I can do when I get home from work
> >to phone up and cancel band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week ,
> >I’m not having a pop at anyone here nor am I being argumentative ,
> >I’d just love to know who your sponsor is and does he increase the
> >rate the more attitude you apply to a thread ? -……….. and can
> >I get a cut.
> >       The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. -
> >Musician , Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once
> >told me I was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last
> >year and actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian
> >soldier shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive
> >civil unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century
> >Babri Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a
> >round of religious violence in which 3,000 people ied.}  – So who
> >does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves in to
> >type …………Can I get a contract ? By the way I love a man in a
> >Good dress ,but you need a good nose to really carry it off !
> >……….sjonny.
> >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:39:45 -0400
> >>
> >>to make this really bizarreo, as V and I were returning home, not
> >>more than a couple hours, three at most after writing about Mars
> >>being closer to the Earth, what do we find but someone who has a
> >>telescope, set at that same 75 magnification mentioned in that
> >>article, but pointed at Jupiter. We could plainly see Jupiter
> >>through the telescope, very small, a quarter of the size of the
> >>moon with our naked eye, maybe even a wee bit smaller, and four of
> >>its brightest moons, from Ave. A in LES, Manhattan. I can only
> >>imagine how gorgeous the view must be out West somewhere, or
> >>upstate in the mountain, around V’s uncle’s cabin or something of
> >>that nature. Anyway, there was Jupiter, and we both got to look
> >>through the telescope. I got to tell everyone standing there,
> >>including the guy with the telescope, about the whole Mars thing.
> >>
> >>
> >>Peace and love,
> >>Preston Peet
> >>
> >>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>often mistaken for madness”
> >>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>
> >>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >>Sept. 2005)
> >>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>Columnist New York Waste
> >>Etc.
> >>
> >>—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk”
> >><captkirk@free.net.nz>
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:22 PM
> >>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>
> >>
> >>>Just did a search, yes it happened already in 2003.  Must be a old
> >>>email
> >>>somebody didn’t see the year or something, so got alllll excited!!
> >>>Lol
> >>>Damn…
> >>>Oh well.
> >>>Kirk
> >>>
> >>>—–Original Message—–
> >>>From: Capt Kirk [mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz]
> >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:16 a.m.
> >>>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>>in August?
> >>>
> >>>Yes I also got sent the same email, but I thought this happened
> >>>already? I
> >>>remember going up to observatory, either last winter, or one
> >>>before to see
> >>>Mars but was packed out with people and too bloody cold to wait.
> >>>And they
> >>>said then this wouldn’t be seen again by people alive now so
> >>>buggered if I
> >>>know Preston!!!
> >>>Would be cool though, I l ike when planets do cool stuff!!  I’m a
> >>>star gazer
> >>>by nature.
> >>>
> >>>—–Original Message—–
> >>>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
> >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:07 a.m.
> >>>To: Newsroom-L; ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
> >>>Subject: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >>>August?
> >>>
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>    Anyone else heard the following tidbit of science news, about
> >>>how Mars
> >>>is coming in on its closest approach to Earth in recorded history?
> >>>Anyone
> >>>know if this is true? It was sent me in an email by an in-law, so
> >>>I’ve no
> >>>source link or URL, and have no idea who wrote this. I would give
> >>>full
> >>>credit if I did know, but I don’t.
> >>>Anyway, here’s the note (and could this explain all the war fever
> >>>going
> >>>around? Of course, there’s always war fever going around on this
> >>>rock of a
> >>>planet, so I guess I’m grasping at straws blaming Mars dropping in
> >>>for a
> >>>fly-by):
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next,
> >>>Earth
> >>>is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in
> >>>the
> >>>closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The
> >>>next
> >>>time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter’s
> >>>gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only
> >>>be
> >>>certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last
> >>>5,000
> >>>years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens
> >>>again.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to
> >>>within
> >>>34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the
> >>>brightest
> >>>object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and
> >>>will
> >>>appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars
> >>>will be
> >>>easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east
> >>>at
> >>>10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August
> >>>when
> >>>the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach
> >>>its
> >>>highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to
> >>>see
> >>>something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So,
> >>>mark
> >>>your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow
> >>>progressively
> >>>brighter and brighter throughout the month.
> >>><
> >>>
> >>>Peace and love,
> >>>Preston Peet
> >>>
> >>>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>>often
> >>>mistaken for madness”
> >>>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>>
> >>>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>>Civilizations,
> >>>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
> >>>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>>Columnist New York Waste
> >>>Etc.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>>[%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>>[%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] time to focus….
Date: June 26, 2005 at 10:44:00 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

best wishes.
lotsa love and luck and happiness to your friends Jeff.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff Gallop
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 9:43 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] time to focus….

hi all
Passing along a message asking us all to light a candle real or in your heart for some beautiful folks goin’ to the jungle tonight.
I for one wish them the ride of thier lives and a future filled with ibo-happines…

Also i must on a personal note say that it was on of the grand pleasures of my life to be two-stepping with my Racheliscious just steps away from one of my most favorite iboangels and friend the other night at the Great American Music Hall.

What an amazing trip this life is…..

Heading up to Quincy.Ca for High Sierra Music Festival soon and we are stoked!

Dance Free
Freak free
Be Free

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
Date: June 26, 2005 at 10:41:43 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Johnny Depp Rocks. One of my all time favorite actors- we’re definitely doing a chocolate shrooming for the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Capt Kirk
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 5:50 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet

Urh, heh, ahh yehhh of course…..um think I was a bit off the planet when I wrote that email.
Luff Kirk
(Scotty is in rehab and none of us have any idea how to make the beamy machine work……)
From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com] 
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 11:54 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet

I think Johnny Depp is incredibly talented too , I was just being silly – He guested on a UK comedy called ‘the fast show’ a few times and said it was the funniest show he’d ever seen , I love him for saying that………….. ok ! beam me up……..see ya c.k.
>From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine]  off topic but i get do  2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 19:02:09 +1200
>Well, excuseeeee me but I recently saw an Actors Studio of Johnny Depp and I
>love ‘im more than life issss sself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah self……….
>such a down to earth bloke, he roks in my opin-onion and that’s big coming
>from me
>Like Im so special hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like my opinion means jack
>Love to all
>Very happy kirk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   _____
>From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com]
>Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 8:28 a.m.
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>You’ve got a lovely nose Preston , I was just envious of how svelte you
>looked in that little black number. btw, I can only think of one other
>gonzo/political journo who occasionally wore a dress, wrote abou his insane
>drug taking to vivid effect and he died by his own hand  –  Russian Roulette
>or not.  I’m not saying be worried, but avoid guns, strong liqour and Johnny
>Depp.  We all know guns and tequila can make things dead , but I’d keep one
>eye on Depp as well.    I’m actually returning the favour to you because of
>that subtle blend of pisstaking and genuinely inspiring advice you wrote to
>me a couple of days ago concerning my career as a writer . I will however
>probably ignore the advice because I’m a bit of a twat like that and that
>being my case I recommend  you do the same,  unless it’s something important
>like tracking down that ‘junkie Thomas’ who wrote all those great shorts
>that they list on that radical hippys website. – Whenever I’m in the mood, I
>devour them,  even the ones I’ve read 6 times already  –  Try and see if you
>can get them edited and published , you never know!…….Ok… ,  Later
>Preston !!
> >From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> >Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:20:53 -0400
> >
> >Sjonnygee asked >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+
> >posts to this list in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating
> >the joys and woes of a drug laden/free life.<
> >
> >Speaking for myself only, this is my job, sitting at the computer
> >writing and reading all day long. So, when a spare thought or three
> >passes through my mind and I feel like sharing it, I do.
> >
> >>It’s all I can do when I get home from work to phone up and cancel
> >>band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , I’m not having a pop at
> >>anyone here nor am I being argumentative , I’d just love to know
> >>who your sponsor is and does he increase the rate the more attitude
> >>you apply to a thread ?<
> >
> >Here’s the number 212-555-5555. Give hir a call. Attitude is always
> >good but might not get your rates increased as much as mine.
> >
> >>The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – Musician
> >>, Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once told me I
> >>was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last year and
> >>actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian soldier
> >>shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive civil
> >>unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century Babri
> >>Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a round
> >>of religious violence in which 3,000 people died.<
> >
> >That “activist” rating I’m not sure counts sjonny, but it did make
> >me laugh out loud. I like the bio, and “dance percussion therapist”
> >sounds very cool.
> >
> >>So who does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves
> >>in to type …………Can I get a contract ?<
> >
> >Weeeelllllll, if you’re serious, which I doubt you are, I personally
> >decided I wanted to be a “writer” and get paid to do so. So I
> >started writing when I got home from my then-job putting together
> >the innards of such places as the Marvel Comics themed restaurant
> >out in Universal Studios in California (we built all the panels and
> >artistic stuff here in Manhattan, building these panels to make the
> >place look like a spaceship or something, among other
> >artsy-carpenterish jobs like that), because I could feel my body
> >rapidly approaching the point where I wasn’t going to be able to
> >continue with that sort of work, and wanted to do something where I
> >could say the things I thought needed saying (by me anyway) and if I
> >could get paid simultaneously, more power to me. So I wrote,
> >pitched, walked, mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, wrote, pitched,
> >mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, got shitloads of rejection slips and
> >then gradually started selling my writing.
> >    Put in the time, you too might be able to strap yourself to a
> >desk chair at home and type all the merry day long, adding attitude
> >here, taking it away there.
> >    At least you’ve got a band practice to cancel, which I envy.
> >;-))
> >    V loves my nose btw. And my dress(es). And she’s the one with an
> >opinion I really, really care about, so in that regard, I’ve few to
> >no complaints.
> >    Any other questions?
> >
> >Peace and love,
> >Preston
> >
> >”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >often mistaken for madness”
> >Richard Davenport-Hines
> >
> >ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >Sept. 2005)
> >Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >Columnist New York Waste
> >Etc.
> >
> >—– Original Message —– From: Sjonnygee .
> >To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:26 AM
> >Subject: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> >
> >
> >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ posts to this list
> >in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating the joys and woes of
> >a drug laden/free life.  It’s all I can do when I get home from work
> >to phone up and cancel band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week ,
> >I’m not having a pop at anyone here nor am I being argumentative ,
> >I’d just love to know who your sponsor is and does he increase the
> >rate the more attitude you apply to a thread ? -……….. and can
> >I get a cut.
> >       The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. -
> >Musician , Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once
> >told me I was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last
> >year and actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian
> >soldier shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive
> >civil unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century
> >Babri Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a
> >round of religious violence in which 3,000 people ied.}  – So who
> >does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves in to
> >type …………Can I get a contract ? By the way I love a man in a
> >Good dress ,but you need a good nose to really carry it off !
> >……….sjonny.
> >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:39:45 -0400
> >>
> >>to make this really bizarreo, as V and I were returning home, not
> >>more than a couple hours, three at most after writing about Mars
> >>being closer to the Earth, what do we find but someone who has a
> >>telescope, set at that same 75 magnification mentioned in that
> >>article, but pointed at Jupiter. We could plainly see Jupiter
> >>through the telescope, very small, a quarter of the size of the
> >>moon with our naked eye, maybe even a wee bit smaller, and four of
> >>its brightest moons, from Ave. A in LES, Manhattan. I can only
> >>imagine how gorgeous the view must be out West somewhere, or
> >>upstate in the mountain, around V’s uncle’s cabin or something of
> >>that nature. Anyway, there was Jupiter, and we both got to look
> >>through the telescope. I got to tell everyone standing there,
> >>including the guy with the telescope, about the whole Mars thing.
> >>
> >>
> >>Peace and love,
> >>Preston Peet
> >>
> >>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>often mistaken for madness”
> >>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>
> >>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >>Sept. 2005)
> >>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>Columnist New York Waste
> >>Etc.
> >>
> >>—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk”
> >><captkirk@free.net.nz>
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:22 PM
> >>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>
> >>
> >>>Just did a search, yes it happened already in 2003.  Must be a old
> >>>email
> >>>somebody didn’t see the year or something, so got alllll excited!!
> >>>Lol
> >>>Damn…
> >>>Oh well.
> >>>Kirk
> >>>
> >>>—–Original Message—–
> >>>From: Capt Kirk [mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz]
> >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:16 a.m.
> >>>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>>in August?
> >>>
> >>>Yes I also got sent the same email, but I thought this happened
> >>>already? I
> >>>remember going up to observatory, either last winter, or one
> >>>before to see
> >>>Mars but was packed out with people and too bloody cold to wait.
> >>>And they
> >>>said then this wouldn’t be seen again by people alive now so
> >>>buggered if I
> >>>know Preston!!!
> >>>Would be cool though, I l ike when planets do cool stuff!!  I’m a
> >>>star gazer
> >>>by nature.
> >>>
> >>>—–Original Message—–
> >>>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
> >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:07 a.m.
> >>>To: Newsroom-L; ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
> >>>Subject: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >>>August?
> >>>
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>    Anyone else heard the following tidbit of science news, about
> >>>how Mars
> >>>is coming in on its closest approach to Earth in recorded history?
> >>>Anyone
> >>>know if this is true? It was sent me in an email by an in-law, so
> >>>I’ve no
> >>>source link or URL, and have no idea who wrote this. I would give
> >>>full
> >>>credit if I did know, but I don’t.
> >>>Anyway, here’s the note (and could this explain all the war fever
> >>>going
> >>>around? Of course, there’s always war fever going around on this
> >>>rock of a
> >>>planet, so I guess I’m grasping at straws blaming Mars dropping in
> >>>for a
> >>>fly-by):
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next,
> >>>Earth
> >>>is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in
> >>>the
> >>>closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The
> >>>next
> >>>time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter’s
> >>>gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only
> >>>be
> >>>certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last
> >>>5,000
> >>>years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens
> >>>again.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to
> >>>within
> >>>34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the
> >>>brightest
> >>>object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and
> >>>will
> >>>appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars
> >>>will be
> >>>easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east
> >>>at
> >>>10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August
> >>>when
> >>>the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach
> >>>its
> >>>highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to
> >>>see
> >>>something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So,
> >>>mark
> >>>your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow
> >>>progressively
> >>>brighter and brighter throughout the month.
> >>><
> >>>
> >>>Peace and love,
> >>>Preston Peet
> >>>
> >>>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>>often
> >>>mistaken for madness”
> >>>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>>
> >>>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>>Civilizations,
> >>>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
> >>>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>>Columnist New York Waste
> >>>Etc.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>>[%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>>[%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: Jeff Gallop <jeffgallop@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] test
Date: June 26, 2005 at 10:31:14 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


From: Jeff Gallop <jeffgallop@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] time to focus….
Date: June 26, 2005 at 9:43:20 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

hi all
Passing along a message asking us all to light a candle real or in your heart for some beautiful folks goin’ to the jungle tonight.
I for one wish them the ride of thier lives and a future filled with ibo-happines…

Also i must on a personal note say that it was on of the grand pleasures of my life to be two-stepping with my Racheliscious just steps away from one of my most favorite iboangels and friend the other night at the Great American Music Hall.

What an amazing trip this life is…..

Heading up to Quincy.Ca for High Sierra Music Festival soon and we are stoked!

Dance Free
Freak free
Be Free

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
Date: June 26, 2005 at 5:50:13 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Urh, heh, ahh yehhh of course…..um think I was a bit off the planet when I wrote that email.
Luff Kirk
(Scotty is in rehab and none of us have any idea how to make the beamy machine work……)
From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com] 
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 11:54 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet

I think Johnny Depp is incredibly talented too , I was just being silly – He guested on a UK comedy called ‘the fast show’ a few times and said it was the funniest show he’d ever seen , I love him for saying that………….. ok ! beam me up……..see ya c.k.
>From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine]  off topic but i get do  2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 19:02:09 +1200
>Well, excuseeeee me but I recently saw an Actors Studio of Johnny Depp and I
>love ‘im more than life issss sself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah self……….
>such a down to earth bloke, he roks in my opin-onion and that’s big coming
>from me
>Like Im so special hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like my opinion means jack
>Love to all
>Very happy kirk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   _____
>From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com]
>Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 8:28 a.m.
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>You’ve got a lovely nose Preston , I was just envious of how svelte you
>looked in that little black number. btw, I can only think of one other
>gonzo/political journo who occasionally wore a dress, wrote abou his insane
>drug taking to vivid effect and he died by his own hand  –  Russian Roulette
>or not.  I’m not saying be worried, but avoid guns, strong liqour and Johnny
>Depp.  We all know guns and tequila can make things dead , but I’d keep one
>eye on Depp as well.    I’m actually returning the favour to you because of
>that subtle blend of pisstaking and genuinely inspiring advice you wrote to
>me a couple of days ago concerning my career as a writer . I will however
>probably ignore the advice because I’m a bit of a twat like that and that
>being my case I recommend  you do the same,  unless it’s something important
>like tracking down that ‘junkie Thomas’ who wrote all those great shorts
>that they list on that radical hippys website. – Whenever I’m in the mood, I
>devour them,  even the ones I’ve read 6 times already  –  Try and see if you
>can get them edited and published , you never know!…….Ok… ,  Later
>Preston !!
> >From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> >Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:20:53 -0400
> >
> >Sjonnygee asked >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+
> >posts to this list in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating
> >the joys and woes of a drug laden/free life.<
> >
> >Speaking for myself only, this is my job, sitting at the computer
> >writing and reading all day long. So, when a spare thought or three
> >passes through my mind and I feel like sharing it, I do.
> >
> >>It’s all I can do when I get home from work to phone up and cancel
> >>band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , I’m not having a pop at
> >>anyone here nor am I being argumentative , I’d just love to know
> >>who your sponsor is and does he increase the rate the more attitude
> >>you apply to a thread ?<
> >
> >Here’s the number 212-555-5555. Give hir a call. Attitude is always
> >good but might not get your rates increased as much as mine.
> >
> >>The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – Musician
> >>, Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once told me I
> >>was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last year and
> >>actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian soldier
> >>shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive civil
> >>unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century Babri
> >>Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a round
> >>of religious violence in which 3,000 people died.<
> >
> >That “activist” rating I’m not sure counts sjonny, but it did make
> >me laugh out loud. I like the bio, and “dance percussion therapist”
> >sounds very cool.
> >
> >>So who does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves
> >>in to type …………Can I get a contract ?<
> >
> >Weeeelllllll, if you’re serious, which I doubt you are, I personally
> >decided I wanted to be a “writer” and get paid to do so. So I
> >started writing when I got home from my then-job putting together
> >the innards of such places as the Marvel Comics themed restaurant
> >out in Universal Studios in California (we built all the panels and
> >artistic stuff here in Manhattan, building these panels to make the
> >place look like a spaceship or something, among other
> >artsy-carpenterish jobs like that), because I could feel my body
> >rapidly approaching the point where I wasn’t going to be able to
> >continue with that sort of work, and wanted to do something where I
> >could say the things I thought needed saying (by me anyway) and if I
> >could get paid simultaneously, more power to me. So I wrote,
> >pitched, walked, mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, wrote, pitched,
> >mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, got shitloads of rejection slips and
> >then gradually started selling my writing.
> >    Put in the time, you too might be able to strap yourself to a
> >desk chair at home and type all the merry day long, adding attitude
> >here, taking it away there.
> >    At least you’ve got a band practice to cancel, which I envy.
> >;-))
> >    V loves my nose btw. And my dress(es). And she’s the one with an
> >opinion I really, really care about, so in that regard, I’ve few to
> >no complaints.
> >    Any other questions?
> >
> >Peace and love,
> >Preston
> >
> >”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >often mistaken for madness”
> >Richard Davenport-Hines
> >
> >ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >Sept. 2005)
> >Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >Columnist New York Waste
> >Etc.
> >
> >—– Original Message —– From: Sjonnygee .
> >To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:26 AM
> >Subject: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> >
> >
> >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ posts to this list
> >in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating the joys and woes of
> >a drug laden/free life.  It’s all I can do when I get home from work
> >to phone up and cancel band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week ,
> >I’m not having a pop at anyone here nor am I being argumentative ,
> >I’d just love to know who your sponsor is and does he increase the
> >rate the more attitude you apply to a thread ? -……….. and can
> >I get a cut.
> >       The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. -
> >Musician , Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once
> >told me I was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last
> >year and actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian
> >soldier shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive
> >civil unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century
> >Babri Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a
> >round of religious violence in which 3,000 people ied.}  – So who
> >does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves in to
> >type …………Can I get a contract ? By the way I love a man in a
> >Good dress ,but you need a good nose to really carry it off !
> >……….sjonny.
> >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:39:45 -0400
> >>
> >>to make this really bizarreo, as V and I were returning home, not
> >>more than a couple hours, three at most after writing about Mars
> >>being closer to the Earth, what do we find but someone who has a
> >>telescope, set at that same 75 magnification mentioned in that
> >>article, but pointed at Jupiter. We could plainly see Jupiter
> >>through the telescope, very small, a quarter of the size of the
> >>moon with our naked eye, maybe even a wee bit smaller, and four of
> >>its brightest moons, from Ave. A in LES, Manhattan. I can only
> >>imagine how gorgeous the view must be out West somewhere, or
> >>upstate in the mountain, around V’s uncle’s cabin or something of
> >>that nature. Anyway, there was Jupiter, and we both got to look
> >>through the telescope. I got to tell everyone standing there,
> >>including the guy with the telescope, about the whole Mars thing.
> >>
> >>
> >>Peace and love,
> >>Preston Peet
> >>
> >>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>often mistaken for madness”
> >>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>
> >>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >>Sept. 2005)
> >>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>Columnist New York Waste
> >>Etc.
> >>
> >>—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk”
> >><captkirk@free.net.nz>
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:22 PM
> >>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>
> >>
> >>>Just did a search, yes it happened already in 2003.  Must be a old
> >>>email
> >>>somebody didn’t see the year or something, so got alllll excited!!
> >>>Lol
> >>>Damn…
> >>>Oh well.
> >>>Kirk
> >>>
> >>>—–Original Message—–
> >>>From: Capt Kirk [mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz]
> >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:16 a.m.
> >>>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>>in August?
> >>>
> >>>Yes I also got sent the same email, but I thought this happened
> >>>already? I
> >>>remember going up to observatory, either last winter, or one
> >>>before to see
> >>>Mars but was packed out with people and too bloody cold to wait.
> >>>And they
> >>>said then this wouldn’t be seen again by people alive now so
> >>>buggered if I
> >>>know Preston!!!
> >>>Would be cool though, I l ike when planets do cool stuff!!  I’m a
> >>>star gazer
> >>>by nature.
> >>>
> >>>—–Original Message—–
> >>>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
> >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:07 a.m.
> >>>To: Newsroom-L; ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
> >>>Subject: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >>>August?
> >>>
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>    Anyone else heard the following tidbit of science news, about
> >>>how Mars
> >>>is coming in on its closest approach to Earth in recorded history?
> >>>Anyone
> >>>know if this is true? It was sent me in an email by an in-law, so
> >>>I’ve no
> >>>source link or URL, and have no idea who wrote this. I would give
> >>>full
> >>>credit if I did know, but I don’t.
> >>>Anyway, here’s the note (and could this explain all the war fever
> >>>going
> >>>around? Of course, there’s always war fever going around on this
> >>>rock of a
> >>>planet, so I guess I’m grasping at straws blaming Mars dropping in
> >>>for a
> >>>fly-by):
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next,
> >>>Earth
> >>>is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in
> >>>the
> >>>closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The
> >>>next
> >>>time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter’s
> >>>gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only
> >>>be
> >>>certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last
> >>>5,000
> >>>years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens
> >>>again.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to
> >>>within
> >>>34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the
> >>>brightest
> >>>object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and
> >>>will
> >>>appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars
> >>>will be
> >>>easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east
> >>>at
> >>>10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August
> >>>when
> >>>the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach
> >>>its
> >>>highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to
> >>>see
> >>>something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So,
> >>>mark
> >>>your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow
> >>>progressively
> >>>brighter and brighter throughout the month.
> >>><
> >>>
> >>>Peace and love,
> >>>Preston Peet
> >>>
> >>>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>>often
> >>>mistaken for madness”
> >>>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>>
> >>>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>>Civilizations,
> >>>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
> >>>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>>Columnist New York Waste
> >>>Etc.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>>[%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>>[%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Ibogi Boogie Boogie” <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] strange stuff
Date: June 26, 2005 at 12:52:12 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Strange stuff, good stuff. Thanks
—– Original Message —–
From: “Nick Sandberg” <nick227@tiscali.co.uk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 11:16 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] strange stuff

Yes, it’s completely clear the Pentagon was hit by a missile on 9/11.
There’s so much evidence now it’s just ridiculous I think to even question
it. Which does rather call into question the origin of the other attacks.
mean, basically, the Americans created the attacks purely to start wars in
the Middle East and impose an assortment of tedious restrictions on their
own citizens. But most people have such an investment in the authorized
version of history they just won’t believe it. At some point I guess a
threshold number of people are going to believe and hopefully much will


—–Original Message—–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com [mailto:HSLotsof@aol.com]
Sent: 25 June 2005 21:14
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] strange stuff



[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] melatonin
Date: June 26, 2005 at 12:06:11 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Boris,

Possibly, melotonin is restricted in Australia as it is in the UK.  In the US
you can just load up on mega doses.  Hope I have the facts right.


In a message dated 6/26/05 9:57:15 AM, bleshins@bigpond.net.au writes:

A couple of people have mentioned melatonin as a sleep aid. I’ve bought
some before from here
a site recommended to me by a friend, as it is the only melatonin he’s
found that is not the homeopathic crap, which does nothing. That site is
currently not selling it for some reason and I cannot find it anywhere
else. Can anyone recommend a site which sells real melatonin (ie not
homeopathic melatonin)?

Every shop and every other site I’ve seen only sells the homeopathic


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Nick Sandberg” <nick227@tiscali.co.uk>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] strange stuff
Date: June 26, 2005 at 11:16:20 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Yes, it’s completely clear the Pentagon was hit by a missile on 9/11.
There’s so much evidence now it’s just ridiculous I think to even question
it. Which does rather call into question the origin of the other attacks. I
mean, basically, the Americans created the attacks purely to start wars in
the Middle East and impose an assortment of tedious restrictions on their
own citizens. But most people have such an investment in the authorized
version of history they just won’t believe it. At some point I guess a
threshold number of people are going to believe and hopefully much will


—–Original Message—–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com [mailto:HSLotsof@aol.com]
Sent: 25 June 2005 21:14
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] strange stuff



[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “VanAllen, Keith G.” <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] melatonin
Date: June 26, 2005 at 10:59:53 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Natural melatonin is made from the pineal gland of animals. This form could be contaminated with a virus and is not recommended. The synthetic form of melatonin does not have this risk. Other than this difference in production I can’t find any substantial differences in the medication/supplement. The synthetic version may be more tolerable at higher dosages, but there definitely is a point of diminishing returns with Melatonin dosage and frequency. I also only use the synthetic form as a sleep aid and buy it from a vitamin shop close to me.I recommend using <“Synthetic Melatonin”> as your search string, or you can purchase it here, http://www.myvitanet.com/mel3mg60cap.html

Disclaimer: I am a drug addict and am insane on many different levels. Do not listen to me or take anything I say seriously….after all, you are the internet.


—–Original Message—–
From: Boris [mailto:bleshins@bigpond.net.au]
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 6:51 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] melatonin

A couple of people have mentioned melatonin as a sleep aid. I’ve bought some before from here
a site recommended to me by a friend, as it is the only melatonin he’s found that is not the homeopathic crap, which does nothing. That site is currently not selling it for some reason and I cannot find it anywhere else. Can anyone recommend a site which sells real melatonin (ie not homeopathic melatonin)?
Every shop and every other site I’ve seen only sells the homeopathic version.


From: “Boris” <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Subject: [Ibogaine] melatonin
Date: June 26, 2005 at 9:50:57 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

A couple of people have mentioned melatonin as a sleep aid. I’ve bought some before from here
a site recommended to me by a friend, as it is the only melatonin he’s found that is not the homeopathic crap, which does nothing. That site is currently not selling it for some reason and I cannot find it anywhere else. Can anyone recommend a site which sells real melatonin (ie not homeopathic melatonin)?
Every shop and every other site I’ve seen only sells the homeopathic version.


From: “VanAllen, Keith G.” <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend
Date: June 26, 2005 at 9:09:49 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Here’s a cool sky pic!

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: mcorcoran <mcorcoran27@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 26, 2005 at 5:32:48 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

ur a pretty resourceful cat. you can make it happen if you put your mind to it. There has got to be someone who will help you with that on the list or off. i know you’ll make it happen if that’s your destiny. just ask ur people!!! -m.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
I guess it boils down to the fact that I personally don’t consider “dealer”
a dirty word in the slightest- it is someone who enables me to buy my
substances no matter what they are. In this regard, my dealers are more
friends, and that’s very cool.
SO PLEASE understand that I LIKE dealers no matter what, and in this
case the dealers are dealing positive light, love and energy. Nothing wrong
with that whatsoever- I just wish I could at THIS POINT figure out how to
cut out the middlemen and women and just do it myself with the opportunity
of calling for advice when needed the various sorts I know who might be able
to advise me.
It’s that simple.
With lots of love.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “tink”
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

Preston and all
Having been through the “correct treatment” in Kitts and then an
underground treatment, I have to say that I much prefered the latter.
I didn’t feel so -guinee pigged. I know that they have alot more
information now than when I first went through it , and that the
protocol is completely different, and I realize that the amassing of
information is incredibly important. I hope that it goes further and
wider, but I also have to say that my providers were fantastic and
nurturing and i know that i had a much better experience with them
there than had I been with someone who had a lesser understanding of
ibogaine or my addiction.
I understand the feeling of invasiveness, certainly, but calling them
dealers is dirty pool. I think that it’s a calling more than anything
else, and though it might not seem to be exactly what you might want,
they aren’t exactly pushing the shit on Ave D.
Having been given the opportunity to do it for a second time is like
being given a new lease on my life. I realize that you might have
particularly extenuating circumstances, given your chronic pain and
all that goes with having been through so much trauma to your body,
but aren’t these same providers the ones that are trying to figure out
some sort of ibogaine maintenance therapy to help you out, and help
keep the dilaudids at a more manageable level?
Having some seriously fucked up back issues and nerve damage and
feeling the full throttle of the pain that i actually am in has been
quite the adjustment, so i’m not speaking completely out of my ass
here, and I have to say that i don’t know how you do it. I’m amazed
at your fortitude and strength, and V deserves a gold medal for being
such an incredible support system for you, and much more.
I suppose my hackles went up when you called them dealers, and being
one to talk first and think later, i had to say something. Not
meaning to step on any toes, just venting a frustration at what i see
as a ridiculous issue.
I’m also not saying that you don’t appreciate your provider, just to
clarify. It just seems a little trite to be so bothered by people’s
concern for you and your health.

On 6/24/05, Eye of the Bhogi wrote:
> As my super-straight sister says to me too many times for comfort:
> “It must be hard being you!” Funny when people say that to each
> other, since all those esoteric teachings of us being all part of one
> Whole make the individual ego experiences of “I” and “You” somewhate
> dreamy veils of illusion. However temporarily the embodied brain
> allows a given soul-entity to wonder at such ephemeral notions of not
> being fragmented, still we carry these egos to function in this world.
> I remember, back in February, seeing the personage of Preston Peet
> rise painfully from his seat in front of us at COSM, regaled in
> downtown finery and cosmetic glow, but moving slow, leaning hard on
> the device that helped him walk. We hadn’t met yet, but I recognized
> who he was. And compassion — feeling someone else’s pain as not
> separate — welled up, while certain judgments culled reactively from
> his prolific writing ability drained away. I could hear/feel/sense it
> in my bones that E.T. voice going “oooucccch” empathetically and knew
> that whatever Ibogaine can do towards regenerating the soft tissues of
> corporeality, bones and metal plates are a different story.
> I agree, Preston, that meeting each other diffuses the abstract
> tension to conflicting ideas, and opens up more space for recognizing
> the heart behind the heat. I do wish you didn’t have to bang your
> pain meds to get relief, because it always sounds like once you move
> back into that it sets off another cycle. I do wish your body wasn’t
> suffering so…. I do wish… I do wish….
> Academics tend to set up these typologies — maybe categories aren’t
> always useful, but politically speaking, differentiating the TYPES of
> opiate dependants and intoxicant vacationers who would likely benefit
> from legal access to the Medicine might reduce the static between
> interest groups. We are all along a spectrum, of course, of varying
> needs…
> However, the ax you keep grinding on about what are the
> responsibilities of a provider is getting old. Providers do not seem
> to me AT ALL as if they are “dealers” — and I object to your
> slandering them in such a fashion out of personal pique at not getting
> to play the game according to your rules. If anything from the world
> of Babylon, they seem to me like a cross between pharmacists,
> nurse-practitioners, and psychedelic-therapeutic guides. Because they
> have to be practical about the limited distribution scope of their
> resources, don’t you think? It’s still a Schedule 1 offense you are
> asking someone else to risk, altruistic or not, with all the potential
> for a wonderful Civil Rights case or not, and there’s an awful lot of
> street junkies and the clinic-cuffed and Pharma-tricked out there
> needing a chance to get clean too.
> “Where did he get it???!?” someone I thought was pretty well superfly
> connected in the “psychedelic” world said to me back in November,
> three weeks into Jeff’s treatment, and all I could say was some
> mumbled grateful pranams to the underground where the African
> freedomroot travels on its new anti-addiction railroad. I hope to
> never lose that gratitude, even as all the players shine their
> headlights through these clouds of political pharmaceutical healing
> games.
> Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu…. May all beings in all the worlds be
> happy.
> xo rachy
> /]=———————————————————————=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> [%]
> \]=———————————————————————=[/

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From: “Kirsty” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend
Date: June 26, 2005 at 2:31:20 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Yehhh I saw the planets wot are gonna align last night and oh boy oh
boyyy was my Focea tickled pink!!!!
I a geek too tink!!!! I subscribed!! I’m a complete star freak!!!  I
saw a meteor the other night, was AWESOME and very very thrilling,
I’m always honoured to see rare events like that.  Must get me a
smellyscope!!! I mean tele….
Kirk :o)
—- Original Message —-
From: tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 14:19:52 -0400

Indeed it will be!!  There’s a map for the whole shebang if you go to
the space weather site, and a way to identify it all.  I’m not sure
about the aurora borealis watch for your area, though. It’s usually
the more Northern areas, but if you’re in Northern CA, well, maybe?
I also get the NASA list, which is seriously interesting if you’re as
big a freaky geek as I am….
I’ll send you more if you’d like

On 6/25/05, VanAllen, Keith G. <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org> wrote:
I love these types of phenomena, will they be visible in
middle/northern California?


—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 11:06 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com; vox@mindvox.com; Anne Parfitt;
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: SpaceWeather. com <swlist@spaceweather.com>
Date: Jun 25, 2005 10:52 AM
Subject: Planets Align this Weekend
To: “SpaceWeather. com” <swlist@spaceweather.com>

Space Weather News for June 25, 2005

PLANETS ALIGN:  Step outside tonight at sunset and look west toward
the glow of the setting sun.  As soon as the sky gets dark, you’ll
three planets–Venus, Mercury and Saturn–gathered close together
far above the western horizon  It’s a beautiful alignment. You have
three chances to see them: June 25th, June 26th and June 27th.  A
clear view of the western horizon is key.

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS:  While you’re out looking at the planets, be
also for noctilucent clouds.  They’ve been sighted over Europe
Canada almost every day for the past two weeks. Noctilucent clouds
typically appear after sunset, glowing electric blue and
by many fine ripples and waves.    Visit spaceweather.com to view
sample photos and to read about the mystery of this beautiful

You are currently subscribed to spaceweather as:

To unsubscribe click here:
or send a blank email to

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[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: nruhtra@dsskcorp.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics
Date: June 26, 2005 at 1:38:27 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

well we talked in the past a few times, preston. i talk to patrick k.
quite often. we be bros. im colton btw.. i kicked heroin (cold turkey)
last sept. been on the list for years and years now. im more of a
spectator. but i post here and there. posted alot more when i was kicking.
mostly dope sick rants.

i run dsskcorp.com/ibidem. its linked in mindvox under the culture section.

i think shes lovely as well. thank you for such a kind compliment =) a
great girl and a wonderful inspiration. she keeps things good. i am very

but i hope all is well for everyone on the list and i think you are all
wonderful people and i am very happy to be apart of this.

keep everything solid. love to all.

she’s lovely, me.
Who’s me, nuthra? Why can’t I come up with a name for this handle?

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics

is this matthew?
no, its me….

who am i with?
muh lady.


Is this Matthew, and who are you with?
She’s a sweetheart looker.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 4:18 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics

vainity fukn rocks!@#

c$jesschicago.jpg -> me and muh girl in chicago like a week ago
c$wtf.jpg -> i saw this sign and had to get my pic next to it

lubs yews!

[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics
Date: June 25, 2005 at 10:51:23 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

she’s lovely, me.
Who’s me, nuthra? Why can’t I come up with a name for this handle?

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics

is this matthew?
no, its me….

who am i with?
muh lady.


Is this Matthew, and who are you with?
She’s a sweetheart looker.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 4:18 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics

vainity fukn rocks!@#

c$jesschicago.jpg -> me and muh girl in chicago like a week ago
c$wtf.jpg -> i saw this sign and had to get my pic next to it

lubs yews!

[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Kirsty” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] (still OT) a couple photos
Date: June 25, 2005 at 10:20:10 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Ahhh well, that’s tough ya only got one chance!!!
and as for you n V, sweet :o)  There’s hope for me yet lol
—- Original Message —-
From: ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine]  (still OT) a couple photos
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 06:00:07 -0400

Kirk wrote >Oh so you saw my and Mathews photos and thought you poor

You sent us a photo of you Capt. Kirk? I don’t remember seeing that.
remember Mathews, and thinking how good he looked for a junkie, but
recall seeing a Cpt. Kirk photo here.
And I think he liked the highboots/fishnets/clingywhitedress thing
Kirk. I
enjoy a lot the fact that after almost nine years I still find her
attractive and get very excited by her with litte to no trouble
Many people have asked us if we still “do it” and I’m always amazed,
all I have to do is look over at her and then get confused as to how
can ask me at least such a question, considering who I’m with.
The fact that I’m with V is such a grounding part of my life. I
it’s risky putting so much of me into her, but I can’t help it, and
whatever powers that be, probably the very same ones which brought
into my life, for bringing her and I together, and for keeping us in
constant contact and touch until we could get to a point in our lives
it became possible for us to become more than just friends but
I’ve been lucky in that I’ve had a few very special relationships
with a
few different women in my life, most of whom I do not know the
of these days much to my chagrin, but every other relationship I
ended up
screwing up over my drug abuse getting in the way of a healthy or
relationship after a while. This time however, I seem to have really
steered to the one person who makes me whole as I can possibly be I
Even at our moments of stress, I never forget that I am one of the
men on the planet.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 3:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Re: [DrugWar] (OT) a couple photos

Oh so you saw my and Mathews photos and thought you poor ugly
bastards I
hope you get plastic surgery soon???????????? Huh??
lOl well mathew maybe not but  me yehhhhh…………..and
BTW  wheres your mug shot???? And you others…………….
Not being pushy or disrespecting your wish to remain physically
heyyyy Ya bunchah woosiesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
All in good fun
Kirk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love u all

—–Original Message—–
From: SKALD VANASATRU [mailto:CoyDogsRock@webtv.net]
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 7:21 a.m.
To: drugwar@mindvox.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: [DrugWar] (OT) a couple photos

Oh Preston, I just saw the photos you lucky, lucky man!

[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: nruhtra@dsskcorp.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics
Date: June 25, 2005 at 7:49:43 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

is this matthew?
no, its me….

who am i with?
muh lady.


Is this Matthew, and who are you with?
She’s a sweetheart looker.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 4:18 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics

vainity fukn rocks!@#

c$jesschicago.jpg -> me and muh girl in chicago like a week ago
c$wtf.jpg -> i saw this sign and had to get my pic next to it

lubs yews!

[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 25, 2005 at 6:10:23 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 6/25/05 5:13:44 PM, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

SO PLEASE understand that I LIKE dealers no matter what, and in this
case the dealers are dealing positive light, love and energy. Nothing wrong
with that whatsoever- I just wish I could at THIS POINT figure out how
to cut out the middlemen and women and just do it myself with the opportunity
of calling for advice when needed the various sorts I know who might be
able to advise me.

Hi Preston,

Canada is to your north and mexico is to your south.

Ibogaine Treatment Centres and supply options

I anticipate you can figure out the rest.  Visit a friendly country.  Stay a


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 25, 2005 at 5:40:22 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Didn’t mean to preach to the choir…and I often only open my mouth to
switch feet.  I know you have more contact and experience, and I
humbly defer.

On 6/25/05, Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
I’m not begruding anyone’s concern for my wellbeing, but I also, along with
other significant people I myself have spoken to who will remain nameless
feel there’s nothing wrong with obtaining ibogaine and letting it go at
that, without anyone else’s energy interceding. Again, I’m not cutting down
anyone for their care and conern, I love them for it. But jimmy cricket,
I’ve got other ideas too.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “tink” <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

Preston and all
Having been through the “correct treatment” in Kitts and then an
underground treatment, I have to say that I much prefered the latter.
I didn’t feel so -guinee pigged.  I know that they have alot more
information now than when I first went through it , and that the
protocol is completely different, and I realize that the amassing of
information is incredibly important.  I hope that it goes further and
wider, but I also have to say that my providers were fantastic and
nurturing and i know that i had a much better experience with them
there than had I been with someone who had a lesser understanding of
ibogaine or my addiction.
I understand the feeling of invasiveness, certainly, but calling them
dealers is dirty pool.  I think that it’s a calling more than anything
else, and though it might not seem to be exactly what you might want,
they aren’t exactly pushing the shit on Ave D.
Having been given the opportunity to do it for a second time is like
being given a new lease on my life.  I realize that you might have
particularly extenuating circumstances, given your chronic pain and
all that goes with having been through so much trauma to your body,
but aren’t these same providers the ones that are trying to figure out
some sort of ibogaine maintenance therapy to help you out, and help
keep the dilaudids at a more manageable level?
Having some seriously fucked up back issues and nerve damage and
feeling the full throttle of the pain that i actually am in has been
quite the adjustment, so i’m not speaking completely out of my ass
here, and I have to say that i don’t know how you do it.  I’m amazed
at your fortitude and strength, and V deserves a gold medal for being
such an incredible support system for you, and much more.
I suppose my hackles went up when you called them dealers, and being
one to talk first and think later, i had to say something.  Not
meaning to step on any toes, just venting a frustration at what i see
as a ridiculous issue.
I’m also not saying that you don’t appreciate your provider, just to
clarify.  It just seems a little trite to be so bothered by people’s
concern for you and your health.

On 6/24/05, Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com> wrote:
As my super-straight sister says to me too many times for comfort:
“It must be hard being you!”  Funny when people say that to each
other, since all those esoteric teachings of us being all part of one
Whole make the individual ego experiences of “I” and “You” somewhate
dreamy veils of illusion.  However temporarily the embodied brain
allows a given soul-entity to wonder at such ephemeral notions of not
being fragmented, still we carry these egos to function in this world.

I remember, back in February, seeing the personage of Preston Peet
rise painfully from his seat in front of us at COSM, regaled in
downtown finery and cosmetic glow, but moving slow, leaning hard on
the device that helped him walk.  We hadn’t met yet, but I recognized
who he was.  And compassion — feeling someone else’s pain as not
separate — welled up, while certain judgments culled reactively from
his prolific writing ability drained away.  I could hear/feel/sense it
in my bones that E.T. voice going “oooucccch” empathetically and knew
that whatever Ibogaine can do towards regenerating the soft tissues of
corporeality, bones and metal plates are a different story.

I agree, Preston, that meeting each other diffuses the abstract
tension to conflicting ideas, and opens up more space for recognizing
the heart behind the heat.  I do wish you didn’t have to bang your
pain meds to get relief, because it always sounds like once you move
back into that it sets off another cycle.  I do wish your body wasn’t
suffering so…. I do wish… I do wish….

Academics tend to set up these typologies — maybe categories aren’t
always useful, but politically speaking, differentiating the TYPES of
opiate dependants and intoxicant vacationers who would likely benefit
from legal access to the Medicine might reduce the static between
interest groups.  We are all along a spectrum, of course, of varying

However, the ax you keep grinding on about what are the
responsibilities of a provider is getting old.  Providers do not seem
to me AT ALL as if they are “dealers” — and I object to your
slandering them in such a fashion out of personal pique at not getting
to play the game according to your rules.  If anything from the world
of Babylon, they seem to me like a cross between pharmacists,
nurse-practitioners, and psychedelic-therapeutic guides.  Because they
have to be practical about the limited distribution scope of their
resources, don’t you think?  It’s still a Schedule 1 offense you are
asking someone else to risk, altruistic or not, with all the potential
for a wonderful Civil Rights case or not, and there’s an awful lot of
street junkies and the clinic-cuffed and Pharma-tricked out there
needing a chance to get clean too.

“Where did he get it???!?” someone I thought was pretty well superfly
connected in the “psychedelic” world said to me back in November,
three weeks into Jeff’s  treatment, and all I could say was some
mumbled grateful pranams to the underground where the African
freedomroot travels on its new anti-addiction railroad.  I hope to
never lose that gratitude, even as all the players shine their
headlights through these clouds of political pharmaceutical healing

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu…. May all beings in all the worlds be

xo rachy

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “VanAllen, Keith G.” <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine]
Date: June 25, 2005 at 5:21:28 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Here’s a funny occurrence….Just now I was out back smoking a cig with my friend and we notice a beautiful bush growing along a fence in the alley behind our work, It has large orange bell like blossoms,” That is probably the same as Honeysuckle says my friend, lets see if there’s honey in the bottom of those flowers.”
“Okay.” I say…..after finding out the sap in the bottom of the flowers tasted like crud, we were informed about five minutes ago that we had ingested Trumpet Vine, it is listed on the internet as toxic.

hmm…I’m not too thrilled at this prospect, but I feel fine at 5+ minutes.


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics
Date: June 25, 2005 at 5:17:39 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Is this Matthew, and who are you with?
She’s a sweetheart looker.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 4:18 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics

vainity fukn rocks!@#

c$jesschicago.jpg -> me and muh girl in chicago like a week ago
c$wtf.jpg -> i saw this sign and had to get my pic next to it

lubs yews!

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 25, 2005 at 5:15:45 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’m not begruding anyone’s concern for my wellbeing, but I also, along with other significant people I myself have spoken to who will remain nameless feel there’s nothing wrong with obtaining ibogaine and letting it go at that, without anyone else’s energy interceding. Again, I’m not cutting down anyone for their care and conern, I love them for it. But jimmy cricket, I’ve got other ideas too.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “tink” <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

Preston and all
Having been through the “correct treatment” in Kitts and then an
underground treatment, I have to say that I much prefered the latter.
I didn’t feel so -guinee pigged.  I know that they have alot more
information now than when I first went through it , and that the
protocol is completely different, and I realize that the amassing of
information is incredibly important.  I hope that it goes further and
wider, but I also have to say that my providers were fantastic and
nurturing and i know that i had a much better experience with them
there than had I been with someone who had a lesser understanding of
ibogaine or my addiction.
I understand the feeling of invasiveness, certainly, but calling them
dealers is dirty pool.  I think that it’s a calling more than anything
else, and though it might not seem to be exactly what you might want,
they aren’t exactly pushing the shit on Ave D.
Having been given the opportunity to do it for a second time is like
being given a new lease on my life.  I realize that you might have
particularly extenuating circumstances, given your chronic pain and
all that goes with having been through so much trauma to your body,
but aren’t these same providers the ones that are trying to figure out
some sort of ibogaine maintenance therapy to help you out, and help
keep the dilaudids at a more manageable level?
Having some seriously fucked up back issues and nerve damage and
feeling the full throttle of the pain that i actually am in has been
quite the adjustment, so i’m not speaking completely out of my ass
here, and I have to say that i don’t know how you do it.  I’m amazed
at your fortitude and strength, and V deserves a gold medal for being
such an incredible support system for you, and much more.
I suppose my hackles went up when you called them dealers, and being
one to talk first and think later, i had to say something.  Not
meaning to step on any toes, just venting a frustration at what i see
as a ridiculous issue.
I’m also not saying that you don’t appreciate your provider, just to
clarify.  It just seems a little trite to be so bothered by people’s
concern for you and your health.

On 6/24/05, Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com> wrote:
As my super-straight sister says to me too many times for comfort:
“It must be hard being you!”  Funny when people say that to each
other, since all those esoteric teachings of us being all part of one
Whole make the individual ego experiences of “I” and “You” somewhate
dreamy veils of illusion.  However temporarily the embodied brain
allows a given soul-entity to wonder at such ephemeral notions of not
being fragmented, still we carry these egos to function in this world.

I remember, back in February, seeing the personage of Preston Peet
rise painfully from his seat in front of us at COSM, regaled in
downtown finery and cosmetic glow, but moving slow, leaning hard on
the device that helped him walk.  We hadn’t met yet, but I recognized
who he was.  And compassion — feeling someone else’s pain as not
separate — welled up, while certain judgments culled reactively from
his prolific writing ability drained away.  I could hear/feel/sense it
in my bones that E.T. voice going “oooucccch” empathetically and knew
that whatever Ibogaine can do towards regenerating the soft tissues of
corporeality, bones and metal plates are a different story.

I agree, Preston, that meeting each other diffuses the abstract
tension to conflicting ideas, and opens up more space for recognizing
the heart behind the heat.  I do wish you didn’t have to bang your
pain meds to get relief, because it always sounds like once you move
back into that it sets off another cycle.  I do wish your body wasn’t
suffering so…. I do wish… I do wish….

Academics tend to set up these typologies — maybe categories aren’t
always useful, but politically speaking, differentiating the TYPES of
opiate dependants and intoxicant vacationers who would likely benefit
from legal access to the Medicine might reduce the static between
interest groups.  We are all along a spectrum, of course, of varying

However, the ax you keep grinding on about what are the
responsibilities of a provider is getting old.  Providers do not seem
to me AT ALL as if they are “dealers” — and I object to your
slandering them in such a fashion out of personal pique at not getting
to play the game according to your rules.  If anything from the world
of Babylon, they seem to me like a cross between pharmacists,
nurse-practitioners, and psychedelic-therapeutic guides.  Because they
have to be practical about the limited distribution scope of their
resources, don’t you think?  It’s still a Schedule 1 offense you are
asking someone else to risk, altruistic or not, with all the potential
for a wonderful Civil Rights case or not, and there’s an awful lot of
street junkies and the clinic-cuffed and Pharma-tricked out there
needing a chance to get clean too.

“Where did he get it???!?” someone I thought was pretty well superfly
connected in the “psychedelic” world said to me back in November,
three weeks into Jeff’s  treatment, and all I could say was some
mumbled grateful pranams to the underground where the African
freedomroot travels on its new anti-addiction railroad.  I hope to
never lose that gratitude, even as all the players shine their
headlights through these clouds of political pharmaceutical healing

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu…. May all beings in all the worlds be happy.

xo rachy

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 25, 2005 at 5:13:34 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I guess it boils down to the fact that I personally don’t consider “dealer” a dirty word in the slightest- it is someone who enables me to buy my substances no matter what they are. In this regard, my dealers are more friends, and that’s very cool.
SO PLEASE understand that I LIKE dealers no matter what, and in this case the dealers are dealing positive light, love and energy. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever- I just wish I could at THIS POINT figure out how to cut out the middlemen and women and just do it myself with the opportunity of calling for advice when needed the various sorts I know who might be able to advise me.
It’s that simple.
With lots of love.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “tink” <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

Preston and all
Having been through the “correct treatment” in Kitts and then an
underground treatment, I have to say that I much prefered the latter.
I didn’t feel so -guinee pigged.  I know that they have alot more
information now than when I first went through it , and that the
protocol is completely different, and I realize that the amassing of
information is incredibly important.  I hope that it goes further and
wider, but I also have to say that my providers were fantastic and
nurturing and i know that i had a much better experience with them
there than had I been with someone who had a lesser understanding of
ibogaine or my addiction.
I understand the feeling of invasiveness, certainly, but calling them
dealers is dirty pool.  I think that it’s a calling more than anything
else, and though it might not seem to be exactly what you might want,
they aren’t exactly pushing the shit on Ave D.
Having been given the opportunity to do it for a second time is like
being given a new lease on my life.  I realize that you might have
particularly extenuating circumstances, given your chronic pain and
all that goes with having been through so much trauma to your body,
but aren’t these same providers the ones that are trying to figure out
some sort of ibogaine maintenance therapy to help you out, and help
keep the dilaudids at a more manageable level?
Having some seriously fucked up back issues and nerve damage and
feeling the full throttle of the pain that i actually am in has been
quite the adjustment, so i’m not speaking completely out of my ass
here, and I have to say that i don’t know how you do it.  I’m amazed
at your fortitude and strength, and V deserves a gold medal for being
such an incredible support system for you, and much more.
I suppose my hackles went up when you called them dealers, and being
one to talk first and think later, i had to say something.  Not
meaning to step on any toes, just venting a frustration at what i see
as a ridiculous issue.
I’m also not saying that you don’t appreciate your provider, just to
clarify.  It just seems a little trite to be so bothered by people’s
concern for you and your health.

On 6/24/05, Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com> wrote:
As my super-straight sister says to me too many times for comfort:
“It must be hard being you!”  Funny when people say that to each
other, since all those esoteric teachings of us being all part of one
Whole make the individual ego experiences of “I” and “You” somewhate
dreamy veils of illusion.  However temporarily the embodied brain
allows a given soul-entity to wonder at such ephemeral notions of not
being fragmented, still we carry these egos to function in this world.

I remember, back in February, seeing the personage of Preston Peet
rise painfully from his seat in front of us at COSM, regaled in
downtown finery and cosmetic glow, but moving slow, leaning hard on
the device that helped him walk.  We hadn’t met yet, but I recognized
who he was.  And compassion — feeling someone else’s pain as not
separate — welled up, while certain judgments culled reactively from
his prolific writing ability drained away.  I could hear/feel/sense it
in my bones that E.T. voice going “oooucccch” empathetically and knew
that whatever Ibogaine can do towards regenerating the soft tissues of
corporeality, bones and metal plates are a different story.

I agree, Preston, that meeting each other diffuses the abstract
tension to conflicting ideas, and opens up more space for recognizing
the heart behind the heat.  I do wish you didn’t have to bang your
pain meds to get relief, because it always sounds like once you move
back into that it sets off another cycle.  I do wish your body wasn’t
suffering so…. I do wish… I do wish….

Academics tend to set up these typologies — maybe categories aren’t
always useful, but politically speaking, differentiating the TYPES of
opiate dependants and intoxicant vacationers who would likely benefit
from legal access to the Medicine might reduce the static between
interest groups.  We are all along a spectrum, of course, of varying

However, the ax you keep grinding on about what are the
responsibilities of a provider is getting old.  Providers do not seem
to me AT ALL as if they are “dealers” — and I object to your
slandering them in such a fashion out of personal pique at not getting
to play the game according to your rules.  If anything from the world
of Babylon, they seem to me like a cross between pharmacists,
nurse-practitioners, and psychedelic-therapeutic guides.  Because they
have to be practical about the limited distribution scope of their
resources, don’t you think?  It’s still a Schedule 1 offense you are
asking someone else to risk, altruistic or not, with all the potential
for a wonderful Civil Rights case or not, and there’s an awful lot of
street junkies and the clinic-cuffed and Pharma-tricked out there
needing a chance to get clean too.

“Where did he get it???!?” someone I thought was pretty well superfly
connected in the “psychedelic” world said to me back in November,
three weeks into Jeff’s  treatment, and all I could say was some
mumbled grateful pranams to the underground where the African
freedomroot travels on its new anti-addiction railroad.  I hope to
never lose that gratitude, even as all the players shine their
headlights through these clouds of political pharmaceutical healing

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu…. May all beings in all the worlds be happy.

xo rachy

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: nruhtra@dsskcorp.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT) in the spirit of posting pics
Date: June 25, 2005 at 4:18:34 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

vainity fukn rocks!@#

c$jesschicago.jpg -> me and muh girl in chicago like a week ago
c$wtf.jpg -> i saw this sign and had to get my pic next to it

lubs yews!
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] strange stuff
Date: June 25, 2005 at 4:14:05 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com



[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 25, 2005 at 2:48:24 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Preston and all
Having been through the “correct treatment” in Kitts and then an
underground treatment, I have to say that I much prefered the latter.
I didn’t feel so -guinee pigged.  I know that they have alot more
information now than when I first went through it , and that the
protocol is completely different, and I realize that the amassing of
information is incredibly important.  I hope that it goes further and
wider, but I also have to say that my providers were fantastic and
nurturing and i know that i had a much better experience with them
there than had I been with someone who had a lesser understanding of
ibogaine or my addiction.
I understand the feeling of invasiveness, certainly, but calling them
dealers is dirty pool.  I think that it’s a calling more than anything
else, and though it might not seem to be exactly what you might want,
they aren’t exactly pushing the shit on Ave D.
Having been given the opportunity to do it for a second time is like
being given a new lease on my life.  I realize that you might have
particularly extenuating circumstances, given your chronic pain and
all that goes with having been through so much trauma to your body,
but aren’t these same providers the ones that are trying to figure out
some sort of ibogaine maintenance therapy to help you out, and help
keep the dilaudids at a more manageable level?
Having some seriously fucked up back issues and nerve damage and
feeling the full throttle of the pain that i actually am in has been
quite the adjustment, so i’m not speaking completely out of my ass
here, and I have to say that i don’t know how you do it.  I’m amazed
at your fortitude and strength, and V deserves a gold medal for being
such an incredible support system for you, and much more.
I suppose my hackles went up when you called them dealers, and being
one to talk first and think later, i had to say something.  Not
meaning to step on any toes, just venting a frustration at what i see
as a ridiculous issue.
I’m also not saying that you don’t appreciate your provider, just to
clarify.  It just seems a little trite to be so bothered by people’s
concern for you and your health.

On 6/24/05, Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com> wrote:
As my super-straight sister says to me too many times for comfort:
“It must be hard being you!”  Funny when people say that to each
other, since all those esoteric teachings of us being all part of one
Whole make the individual ego experiences of “I” and “You” somewhate
dreamy veils of illusion.  However temporarily the embodied brain
allows a given soul-entity to wonder at such ephemeral notions of not
being fragmented, still we carry these egos to function in this world.

I remember, back in February, seeing the personage of Preston Peet
rise painfully from his seat in front of us at COSM, regaled in
downtown finery and cosmetic glow, but moving slow, leaning hard on
the device that helped him walk.  We hadn’t met yet, but I recognized
who he was.  And compassion — feeling someone else’s pain as not
separate — welled up, while certain judgments culled reactively from
his prolific writing ability drained away.  I could hear/feel/sense it
in my bones that E.T. voice going “oooucccch” empathetically and knew
that whatever Ibogaine can do towards regenerating the soft tissues of
corporeality, bones and metal plates are a different story.

I agree, Preston, that meeting each other diffuses the abstract
tension to conflicting ideas, and opens up more space for recognizing
the heart behind the heat.  I do wish you didn’t have to bang your
pain meds to get relief, because it always sounds like once you move
back into that it sets off another cycle.  I do wish your body wasn’t
suffering so…. I do wish… I do wish….

Academics tend to set up these typologies — maybe categories aren’t
always useful, but politically speaking, differentiating the TYPES of
opiate dependants and intoxicant vacationers who would likely benefit
from legal access to the Medicine might reduce the static between
interest groups.  We are all along a spectrum, of course, of varying

However, the ax you keep grinding on about what are the
responsibilities of a provider is getting old.  Providers do not seem
to me AT ALL as if they are “dealers” — and I object to your
slandering them in such a fashion out of personal pique at not getting
to play the game according to your rules.  If anything from the world
of Babylon, they seem to me like a cross between pharmacists,
nurse-practitioners, and psychedelic-therapeutic guides.  Because they
have to be practical about the limited distribution scope of their
resources, don’t you think?  It’s still a Schedule 1 offense you are
asking someone else to risk, altruistic or not, with all the potential
for a wonderful Civil Rights case or not, and there’s an awful lot of
street junkies and the clinic-cuffed and Pharma-tricked out there
needing a chance to get clean too.

“Where did he get it???!?” someone I thought was pretty well superfly
connected in the “psychedelic” world said to me back in November,
three weeks into Jeff’s  treatment, and all I could say was some
mumbled grateful pranams to the underground where the African
freedomroot travels on its new anti-addiction railroad.  I hope to
never lose that gratitude, even as all the players shine their
headlights through these clouds of political pharmaceutical healing

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu…. May all beings in all the worlds be happy.

xo rachy

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “VanAllen, Keith G.” <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend
Date: June 25, 2005 at 2:28:05 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Yes please! I went to the site and the noctilucent clouds were tripalicious! I probably can’t see the clouds from here but the planets will be cool too.


—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 11:20 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend

Indeed it will be!!  There’s a map for the whole shebang if you go to
the space weather site, and a way to identify it all.  I’m not sure
about the aurora borealis watch for your area, though. It’s usually in
the more Northern areas, but if you’re in Northern CA, well, maybe?
I also get the NASA list, which is seriously interesting if you’re as
big a freaky geek as I am….
I’ll send you more if you’d like

On 6/25/05, VanAllen, Keith G. <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org> wrote:
I love these types of phenomena, will they be visible in middle/northern California?


—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 11:06 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com; vox@mindvox.com; Anne Parfitt;
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: SpaceWeather. com <swlist@spaceweather.com>
Date: Jun 25, 2005 10:52 AM
Subject: Planets Align this Weekend
To: “SpaceWeather. com” <swlist@spaceweather.com>

Space Weather News for June 25, 2005

PLANETS ALIGN:  Step outside tonight at sunset and look west toward
the glow of the setting sun.  As soon as the sky gets dark, you’ll see
three planets–Venus, Mercury and Saturn–gathered close together not
far above the western horizon  It’s a beautiful alignment. You have
three chances to see them: June 25th, June 26th and June 27th.  A
clear view of the western horizon is key.

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS:  While you’re out looking at the planets, be alert
also for noctilucent clouds.  They’ve been sighted over Europe and/or
Canada almost every day for the past two weeks. Noctilucent clouds
typically appear after sunset, glowing electric blue and crisscrossed
by many fine ripples and waves.    Visit spaceweather.com to view
sample photos and to read about the mystery of this beautiful

You are currently subscribed to spaceweather as: tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com.

To unsubscribe click here:
or send a blank email to leave-spaceweather-665828G@www.spaceweather2.com

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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend
Date: June 25, 2005 at 2:19:52 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Indeed it will be!!  There’s a map for the whole shebang if you go to
the space weather site, and a way to identify it all.  I’m not sure
about the aurora borealis watch for your area, though. It’s usually in
the more Northern areas, but if you’re in Northern CA, well, maybe?
I also get the NASA list, which is seriously interesting if you’re as
big a freaky geek as I am….
I’ll send you more if you’d like

On 6/25/05, VanAllen, Keith G. <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org> wrote:
I love these types of phenomena, will they be visible in middle/northern California?


—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 11:06 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com; vox@mindvox.com; Anne Parfitt;
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: SpaceWeather. com <swlist@spaceweather.com>
Date: Jun 25, 2005 10:52 AM
Subject: Planets Align this Weekend
To: “SpaceWeather. com” <swlist@spaceweather.com>

Space Weather News for June 25, 2005

PLANETS ALIGN:  Step outside tonight at sunset and look west toward
the glow of the setting sun.  As soon as the sky gets dark, you’ll see
three planets–Venus, Mercury and Saturn–gathered close together not
far above the western horizon  It’s a beautiful alignment. You have
three chances to see them: June 25th, June 26th and June 27th.  A
clear view of the western horizon is key.

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS:  While you’re out looking at the planets, be alert
also for noctilucent clouds.  They’ve been sighted over Europe and/or
Canada almost every day for the past two weeks. Noctilucent clouds
typically appear after sunset, glowing electric blue and crisscrossed
by many fine ripples and waves.    Visit spaceweather.com to view
sample photos and to read about the mystery of this beautiful

You are currently subscribed to spaceweather as: tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com.

To unsubscribe click here:
or send a blank email to leave-spaceweather-665828G@www.spaceweather2.com

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “VanAllen, Keith G.” <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend
Date: June 25, 2005 at 2:11:27 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I love these types of phenomena, will they be visible in middle/northern California?


—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 11:06 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com; vox@mindvox.com; Anne Parfitt;
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: SpaceWeather. com <swlist@spaceweather.com>
Date: Jun 25, 2005 10:52 AM
Subject: Planets Align this Weekend
To: “SpaceWeather. com” <swlist@spaceweather.com>

Space Weather News for June 25, 2005

PLANETS ALIGN:  Step outside tonight at sunset and look west toward
the glow of the setting sun.  As soon as the sky gets dark, you’ll see
three planets–Venus, Mercury and Saturn–gathered close together not
far above the western horizon  It’s a beautiful alignment. You have
three chances to see them: June 25th, June 26th and June 27th.  A
clear view of the western horizon is key.

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS:  While you’re out looking at the planets, be alert
also for noctilucent clouds.  They’ve been sighted over Europe and/or
Canada almost every day for the past two weeks. Noctilucent clouds
typically appear after sunset, glowing electric blue and crisscrossed
by many fine ripples and waves.    Visit spaceweather.com to view
sample photos and to read about the mystery of this beautiful

You are currently subscribed to spaceweather as: tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com.

To unsubscribe click here:
or send a blank email to leave-spaceweather-665828G@www.spaceweather2.com

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fwd: Planets Align this Weekend
Date: June 25, 2005 at 2:06:08 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com, vox@mindvox.com, Anne Parfitt <anne@gmavt.net>, “BiscuitBoy714@aol.com” <BiscuitBoy714@aol.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: SpaceWeather. com <swlist@spaceweather.com>
Date: Jun 25, 2005 10:52 AM
Subject: Planets Align this Weekend
To: “SpaceWeather. com” <swlist@spaceweather.com>

Space Weather News for June 25, 2005

PLANETS ALIGN:  Step outside tonight at sunset and look west toward
the glow of the setting sun.  As soon as the sky gets dark, you’ll see
three planets–Venus, Mercury and Saturn–gathered close together not
far above the western horizon  It’s a beautiful alignment. You have
three chances to see them: June 25th, June 26th and June 27th.  A
clear view of the western horizon is key.

NOCTILUCENT CLOUDS:  While you’re out looking at the planets, be alert
also for noctilucent clouds.  They’ve been sighted over Europe and/or
Canada almost every day for the past two weeks. Noctilucent clouds
typically appear after sunset, glowing electric blue and crisscrossed
by many fine ripples and waves.    Visit spaceweather.com to view
sample photos and to read about the mystery of this beautiful

You are currently subscribed to spaceweather as: tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com.

To unsubscribe click here:
or send a blank email to leave-spaceweather-665828G@www.spaceweather2.com

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: <slowone@hush.ai>
Date: June 25, 2005 at 12:32:01 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Nettle contains estrogen analogue(s), so use by men should receive
extra consideration. The estrogen analogue in soybeans/tofu has
been linked to doubled rates of dementia in older men. Nettle seems
to be in use for treatment of prostate enlargement, although higher
estrogen levels can also be a cause of prostate enlargement. Not a
simple subject!

On Sat, 25 Jun 2005 08:47:13 -0700 Boris <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
It appears to be an Australian thing – I just put “horseradish
into google and the first three sites that came up were all

have not tried the nettle..

—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, 26 June 2005 1:00 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thank you, Boris!
I iddn’t know they made hosre radish tablets… Have you tried
stinging nettle?
On 6/25/05, Boris <bleshins@bigpond.net.au> wrote:

Hey tink, one more suggestion for the allergy – I used to get
pretty bad and found horseradish tablets helped at the time.
But if
get that sort of thing often, I found I much improved when I
doing tai chi.


—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 2:46 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I have never had allergies like I’ve had this year so far,
and I
know whether it was seasonal timing or what, but it seems as
it’s gotten a million times worse since my treatment.  I
breathe, I sneeze constantly, and it’s not that goosebumpy
thingy any more.  This is AGONY!! My head feels like it’s
going to
implode, and Nasonex simply does NOT cut it.  I have a
ache, my throat hurts, and i also have Restless Legs
fun- and can’t take anything that has pseudoephedrine HCL in

it or
it’s like 6 hours of dope sick. Anything at all with
as a
side effect is horrible for me, including periactin,
etc,(which I’m not taking for ANY reason, but found that out

way at the Brattleboro Retreat last time I went in to detox
off of


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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: <slowone@hush.ai>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Withdrawal pain
Date: June 25, 2005 at 12:14:44 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Neurontin (gabapentin) is prescribed for pain management in
general, and I have heard it’s easy to get at at least one
addiction treatment center. Some find it uncomfortable at higher
doses that are normally used. I know Brett on this list has no
affinity for it whatsoever 🙂 Low doses (300-400 mg) feel rather
different/subtle, and before bed can enable a very restful sleep.
It is also used as a mood stabiliser.

On Sat, 25 Jun 2005 09:02:43 -0700 “VanAllen, Keith G.”
<VanAllK@sutterhealth.org> wrote:
Hello All,

Does anyone have any suggestions for withdrawal pain? Is the pain
actual physical damage that has to heal over time?
I won’t bore anyone with a list of complaint’s but any thoughts
would be nice.



[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]


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Promote security and make money with the Hushmail Affiliate Program:

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “VanAllen, Keith G.” <VanAllK@sutterhealth.org>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Withdrawal pain
Date: June 25, 2005 at 12:02:43 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hello All,

Does anyone have any suggestions for withdrawal pain? Is the pain actual physical damage that has to heal over time?
I won’t bore anyone with a list of complaint’s but any thoughts would be nice.


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Boris” <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Date: June 25, 2005 at 11:47:13 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

It appears to be an Australian thing – I just put “horseradish hayfever”
into google and the first three sites that came up were all Australian.

have not tried the nettle..

—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, 26 June 2005 1:00 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thank you, Boris!
I iddn’t know they made hosre radish tablets… Have you tried the
stinging nettle?
On 6/25/05, Boris <bleshins@bigpond.net.au> wrote:

Hey tink, one more suggestion for the allergy – I used to get
pretty bad and found horseradish tablets helped at the time. But if
get that sort of thing often, I found I much improved when I started
doing tai chi.


—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 2:46 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I have never had allergies like I’ve had this year so far, and I
know whether it was seasonal timing or what, but it seems as
it’s gotten a million times worse since my treatment.  I can’t
breathe, I sneeze constantly, and it’s not that goosebumpy
thingy any more.  This is AGONY!! My head feels like it’s going to
implode, and Nasonex simply does NOT cut it.  I have a constant
ache, my throat hurts, and i also have Restless Legs Syndrome-what
fun- and can’t take anything that has pseudoephedrine HCL in it or
it’s like 6 hours of dope sick. Anything at all with restlessness
as a
side effect is horrible for me, including periactin, seroquyl,
etc,(which I’m not taking for ANY reason, but found that out the
way at the Brattleboro Retreat last time I went in to detox off of

[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Date: June 25, 2005 at 10:59:38 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thank you, Boris!
I iddn’t know they made hosre radish tablets… Have you tried the
stinging nettle?
On 6/25/05, Boris <bleshins@bigpond.net.au> wrote:

Hey tink, one more suggestion for the allergy – I used to get hayfever
pretty bad and found horseradish tablets helped at the time. But if you
get that sort of thing often, I found I much improved when I started
doing tai chi.


—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 2:46 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I have never had allergies like I’ve had this year so far, and I don’t
know whether it was seasonal timing or what, but it seems as though
it’s gotten a million times worse since my treatment.  I can’t
breathe, I sneeze constantly, and it’s not that goosebumpy ibogachoo
thingy any more.  This is AGONY!! My head feels like it’s going to
implode, and Nasonex simply does NOT cut it.  I have a constant head
ache, my throat hurts, and i also have Restless Legs Syndrome-what
fun- and can’t take anything that has pseudoephedrine HCL in it or
it’s like 6 hours of dope sick. Anything at all with restlessness as a
side effect is horrible for me, including periactin, seroquyl,
etc,(which I’m not taking for ANY reason, but found that out the hard
way at the Brattleboro Retreat last time I went in to detox off of

[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: BiscuitBoy714@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] painkillers : help i’m on the abyss
Date: June 25, 2005 at 10:46:43 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Rach, you and Jeff have been so much support for me. Thanx a lot, I really appreciate what you said. I think I’ll try and find a karate class that will let me in. I won’t have to start over but I know I can’t remember all those kata’s. Sparring techniques and epon kumata I remember. I think I want to learn white crane better this time. I’m afraid if I get laid I’ll lose my mind. Maybe later, aaaaaaaaaaa much later.  Love and one hits        Randy

From: mcorcoran <mcorcoran27@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 25, 2005 at 10:03:05 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

i think you might be onto something with ur sawdust theory.

ekki <ekkijdfg@gmx.de> wrote:
thank you for all the replies! can´t reach him at the moment but will
forward everything.

again i want to say it was only an extremly small amount (i was

before i had my own major ibo trip i once ate a few spoons of
unconcentrated rootbark and didn´t feel anything except that i had to
puke. now when i taste only a tiny tiny bit of HCl or even rootbark i
immediately feel a little rush going through my body and brain, like a
sense of recognition.

i don´t know if my friends reaction was due to the alkaloids or iboga
spirit or if the same would have happend if he had chewed on some


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From: ekki <ekkijdfg@gmx.de>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 25, 2005 at 9:43:43 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

thank you for all the replies! can´t reach him at the moment but will forward everything.

again i want to say it was only an extremly small amount (i was present).

before i had my own major ibo trip i once ate a few spoons of unconcentrated rootbark and didn´t feel anything except that i had to puke. now when i taste only a tiny tiny bit of HCl or even rootbark i immediately feel a little rush going through my body and brain, like a sense of recognition.

i don´t know if my friends reaction was due to the alkaloids or iboga spirit or if the same would have happend if he had chewed on some sawdust.


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: sara119@xs4all.nl
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] psycho
Date: June 25, 2005 at 8:47:22 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

when you are with a good provider they will help you to change that panic
attack state of mind ,just by talking and breathing exercise,
if that doesn’t help a valium just knocks you out of that state of mind
for sure,
but if you have a  good provider he will get into that fear while you
visualize the source of your fears and change that panic attack to a learning
experience and even realizing what is the best way  to gain more balance
which can be another type of treatment then psychedelics substances.

Starting a trip when you know that the person  with you has an experience
Guiding people is just more relaxing for most people.

And many people come into a bitching state of mind few days after the trip
(Iboga) but feel nice again with mushrooms.
Bitching about…..is the source of their problems and they got to deal
with what
Is not so easy for them, be what ever it is they bitch about(the
reflection). At the same time they feel the glow, like mood swings within
few hours. This is when music can help alot.


As someone already said, sounds like a panic attack.. I had one while on
psilocybin mushrooms about 10 years ago and earned myself a nice dose of
PTSD. Took about 5 years to get through that and still don’t feel
completely right.

After that trip I was ok for about 2 months, took acid 3 days later even
(hey, it was new years eve, I wasn’t gonna miss out). Then it hit me and
I couldn’t leave my room for 2 weeks, convinced I had lost my mind.
When it first hit me (“fuck! Flash back! Schizophrenia! I am going to
bad trip forever! Why is God punishing me??!?!”), I asked my parents to
call an ambulance to take me somewhere padded with strong sedatives (
*stunned look* “What? Ambulance? But are you hurting somewhere? Why did
you eat poisonous mushrooms?”). During the trip I went to a doctor and
was given Valium and that sorted me out at the time. It was at a folk
music festival, so luckily there was a doctor in the emergency tent

Anyway, this kind of experience can have a serious long term fallout.
You friend should get professional help.


—–Original Message—–
From: ekki [mailto:ekkijdfg@gmx.de]
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 1:00 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga

a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew
it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today
he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he
doesn´t take any drugs.

since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i don´t
it´s the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis
or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact
with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he
thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression,
shingles, pain in his nerves etc.

he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didn´t knew, and he
probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we
hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. it´s just
he feels so bad he says it´s life threatening. he got some valium for
emergency cases.

he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him,
with it´s anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do
ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first
taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles anything
regarding his health with great caution and wouldn´t just buy some
iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the

so any comments or suggestions?


[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Boris” <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] At the end of the rainbow
Date: June 25, 2005 at 8:21:24 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Great piece, which I forwarded to my dj girlfriend’s email box, as I
thought she’d appreciate your article.
I think the whole dancing thing and community is something that might
be helpful to some (at least those able to dance for hours on end until
reaching trance state, something very difficult for me with back and leg
and stomach problems- yet there are times when I’ll hobble around the dance floor still, braced upon my cane, basically just swaying to the music if it’s something I really love of that I feel moves me, excusing the pun of
course), and I am very supportive of this idea and activity.

Thanks and yep, it can be extremely therapeutic. I know for Mandy its one of her favourite ways to get her mind off all the bullshit, and for me going to trance parties was a big part of my own recovery (from the bad trip crap that I just mentioned in another post). Exactly as you said – dancing for hours and just totally getting absorbed in the experience of pulsating whooshing sound and definitely the community feel too. The people I met in that scene changed my life for the better, and I hear the same sentiment from so many people who first come into the scene. And you don’t necessarily have to jump around for hours. I’ve seen people on the dancefloor in wheelchairs, just dancing with their hands, huge grins on their faces. Others just sit at the back with a beer or a joint or take the opportunity to go for a bushwalk and just spend some time with friends.
In the psy trance party scene the focus has always been on psychedelics and positive “spiritual” drug experience, being outdoors, connecting with nature, not day to day self abuse (although that element is there also, the drug aspect attracts that). For me I now realize I was inadvertently self medicating with ecstacy, which I found out some time later has been shown to be helpful in treating PTSD.
I should say the psy trance scene is totally apart from “raves” here in Australia. Don’t know what its like in the US. Different people, different music, different locations (outdoors! In the summer anyway).

What I am learning at the moment is that for different people recovering from addiction there are different paths to be taken, there is no set way to go to reach higher ground (no pun intended). In my efforts to help Mandy I have often found myself saying “why don’t you do this” and “that person does that”… But I found I need to take a bit of a step back and let her do it her own way a bit more. For example some people are obviously finding this list therapeutic, but for her its counterproductive – I show her some emails from here sometimes, so maybe she could relate, but it just ends up reminding her about drugs and results in cravings. Same thing with group therapy methods. She does however like the video games method – when the going gets tough she turns on the Gamecube and plays Zelda for a few hours…
Tink, if you’re reading this, I am finding myself relating to your family a bit, with the whole pressure and “get your shit together already, its been a fucking year” thing..  The fear and the pain people go through on our end of it drives us to lose patience, apply pressure, nag and condescend…. But its all because we care. You know that of course though.


I’ve always
been pretty disgusted at the whole anti-rave movement (and anti-traveller)
amongst politicians in Britain and in the US. Don’t they have better more
constructive activities to undertake using our taxes? Like, say, giving me
and mine health insurance? Gesuz, sounds so logical to me.
Anyway, keep dancing.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Boris Leshinsky” <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 9:39 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] At the end of the rainbow

Seeing as I’ve been posting a bit and feeling strangely at home round here
and think I might stick around awhile, I want to share something I’ve
written too, by way of introducing myself a bit better.

It may not seem relevant at first, but I think it will become apparent
it is. Its about a music festival we have in Australia, called Rainbow

“At the end of the Rainbow”


“At the end of the Rainbow
Reported on Monday, Jan 20, 2003. 16:51 by Infinafta

It is a dusty and dry Monday afternoon at the Rainbow Serpent Festival
2002, located two hours drive west of Melbourne. The festival has been
on Australia Day weekend for the last five years, this weekend drawing
four thousand revelers. It is the last of a string of such festivals held
along the east coast of Australia every summer.

A grove of trees in the middle of the campsite is serving as the final
refuge for the last remnants of festival goers – the three-day festival
be over, but the party continues. A dozen or so hammocks crisscross the
enveloped in a mesh of colorful banners and tarpaulins. A herd of combi
and 4WDs surrounds the trees.

This is the only sound system, to still be pumping out the rhythms and
around three score trancers have descended on it, like brightly colored
moths around a flickering candle. The system is not officially part of the
festival, but a private “renegade” setup – one of several such systems at
the festival. About a dozen people are sporadically dancing to the
unobtrusive beats emanating from the speakers. In the distance the
site is being dismantled and most of the campsite around us is empty.

Of the people around me, perhaps a third are from Melbourne and a third
other parts of Australia, mainly from Sydney and the NSW north coast, the
rest hailing from all corners of the globe – places such as Sweden, the
Greece, Israel and Japan.

Many of the faces surrounding me have become familiar over the last month
the festival trail. Of those unknown to me before many have become
others I have not officially met, but knowing smiles are exchanged
nonetheless on the chance passing. A primordial bond seems to have been
awoken within by the long nights and days spent stomping together, a
instinct dormant beneath the veneer of modern superficiality remembered.

Commenting on this experience of trance festivals, Lui, from Sydney, who
made the pilgrimage to every one of the last five RSFs, says, “The ritual
dancing outdoors in large groups of people is as old as time, and this is
the modern day version of it. I think Psy-Trance is a extremely tribal

DJing under the name Raptor and promoting parties as part of the Yak and
Yeti crew, Lui has been a part of the Sydney trance underground since the
mid-nineties, recently launching his latest project, australiens.net, a
dedicated to the Australian Psy-Trance community.

He adds, “The festivals bring us all back to being part of something which
feel society has kind of lost – a real sense of community.”

Benjamin Richards, who organizes the Summer Dreaming festival outside
as part of the Artcore collective, reaffirms these sentiments. In its 4th
year, this year’s SD festival, running on the weekend before Rainbow
Serpent, drew over 2000 people. Set in the spectacular Glenworth Valley,
north of Sydney, the festival was nestled in the lush greenness of the
valley, a river running through the campsite, with two nights of music
local and international DJs and live artists.
“I look at it like creating a biosphere, a miniature town or community
is constantly morphing and evolving into parts of space and time.”, says
Richards about the organization of SD. “… We create a platform that is
to the people we bring together to fill with energy and life. I just want
create the platform, have it reach far enough across the globe to bring
people from different cultures and persuasions together to create a unique
vibe and collective unconscious – the basis of the collective trance dance
experience. I have traveled the globe, partied on many different
I am monolingual, but have shared very special things with people that I
verbally communicate with, but for a certain space in time, we have walked
together and spiritually ascended. I hope to recreate that feeling on
that I have felt myself, something internally profound.”

When asked about the significance of his own experiences Richards relates,
“Trance for me is more personal, an explorative internal meditation that
makes me feel more connected to myself and to other people when I am in a
party environment. The thing that is so special about it for me is it
provides a soundscape that is open to your own interpretation… I want my
creative mind to be inspired.”

The themes of tribe, community and internal exploration weave a common
thread through the global trance culture, although simply having a bloody
good time dancing the night and day away to the music you love, all
inhibition abandoned, should not go unmentioned. The fact that the parties
are outdoor is also a huge drawing factor. When compared to the beauty of
the Australian bush or the beach, where the blue sky is your ceiling,
is virtually unlimited, and walking away from the party for some peace and
quiet you find yourself in the serenity of nature, rather than some seedy
back streets of the inner city, smoky, crowded clubs quickly lose their
appeal. Frequently parties and festivals are located near a swimming hole
the beach, providing an opportunity to cool off in the morning. The day
after the party is often whisked away in these beautiful surroundings, and
one finds themselves internally recuperated, rather than drained as is
usually the case after a night out on the town.

A brief look at the history of this elusive musical genre reveals much
the nature of the surrounding culture. An entity entirely apart from the
flamboyantly melodic and anthemic styles of Trance generally associated
clubs and raves – an association generally shunned within Psy-Trance
culture – Psychedelic Trance or Psy-Trance emerged from and subsequently
grew to encompass the Goa Trance sound that went through a brief but
period of popularity in the mid-nineties. Goa, on the west coast of India,
has been a destination and a home to westerners in pursuit of altered
of consciousness through all night dancing under the influence of
psychedelics for over thirty years. The music at the parties on the
and in the jungle around Goa progressed from Reggae, Dub and Psychedelic
Rock in the 70s, to early House, Techno and Industrial sounds in the 80s.
DJs and musicians, inspired by their experiences in Goa, coming home,
to recreate the incredible vibe they had discovered at the parties there.
The club environment did not lend itself to this experience, so the
were taken to the outdoors, the connection with nature seen as an
part of the psychedelic journey. At the same time, the music was sought to
push the experience further and thus out of the fusion of Acid House and
Wave Industrial, with a pinch of Psychedelic Rock thrown in, Goa Trance

The genre was all but absent from the world of electronic music by the end
of 1997, going back into the underground, although in Israel its
never abated, with 30000 people turning out for a protest party in Rabin
Square, Tel Aviv in 1999, to protest the county’s draconian police policy
Trance events. Through a reinvention of itself as Psy-Trance however, the
culture survived and in the last three years has mushroomed in popularity,
with new artists and scenes popping up all over the world, from Mexico to
China. With a strong influence from Techno, the genre has diversified,
spawning a myriad of sub styles that have pushed musical boundaries in
completely new directions. For example, Minimal Trance has emerged as a
hypnotic and atmospheric style, possessing an entrancing ambience within a
structure of crunchy technoid beats. Other sub genres have drawn on
House and even Jazz and Heavy Metal.

Sharing some of the ideals with and indeed having its distant roots in the
60s counterculture, does not stop the new trance hippie culture from
simultaneously wholeheartly embracing technology, rejected by their
fore bearers. Trancers are acutely aware that the culture they love so
would not be possible without technology. Not only would the music not be
created or the parties produced, although surely the tribal trance dance
gathering predates the electronic gadgetry of today by some millennia, but
without the World Wide Web and email, not to mention relatively cheap
costs, there would not be the possibility for the existence of the global
trance network that has emerged. In the last year or so, open-air Trance
festivals drawing thousands of partygoers, have been held in Morocco,
Brazil, Zambia, Portugal, Thailand, Greece and Germany. The biggest
festivals in Europe, such as Boom Festival held in Portugal in 2000 and
Solipse Solar Eclipse Festival in Hungary in 1999, have numbered 15 000 –
000 people.

On the subject of the role of technology in his life, Richards says “In my
home I am surrounded by computers and technology, my turntables for when I
want to create a flowing journey that lasts more than 10 mins, my studio
when I want to baffle over how to let out what is inside of me. I guess
is the other thing I love about trance and the outdoor festival scene – we
are utilizing state of the art technology in every way to create these
experiences and enriching them with the most powerful force in the
universe – Gaia.”

Another aspect often seen as inherent in this cyber hippie trance culture
the use of drugs and particularly psychedelics. LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms
and Ecstasy are common at parties, while DMT and Salvia Divinorum are seen
by the more experienced as tools to explore further some of the realms
the psychedelic trance experience may have opened up. However many
particularly those that have been involved with trance culture for many
years, preach caution in drug use and for many abstinence is seen as the
only way forward.

Shahar, who runs isratrance.com, one of the most popular Psy-Trance
websites on the Web, had the following to say on the subject: “I feel sad
that a lot of people are dependent on the use of the drugs to attain what
trance can offer them. Drugs may open a window for those that can’t open
themself, but to get there for real, you need to do it yourselves. Usually
the more you use drugs, the smaller and further the window becomes until
fades and disappears.”

“Trance can bring you consciousness naturally”, says Shahar, “ – just melt
yourself in the music and forget your body – it comes naturally and than
stays forever. A party can bring us back a unity we no longer have in our
lives – we have ourselves, family, and then its city, state. The tribe is
missing. When you dance all night and swap energies with the people around
you, discover their faces at sunrise and realize you already know them,
leave the party with the energy of 50-2000 people sharing, you get the
back in your life.”

And thus we return to the theme of the tribe.

This last year has taken me to the week long Exodus Festival near Byron
The Awakening Festival near Brisbane, then down to Summer Dreaming near
Sydney and finally to the Rainbow Serpent near Melbourne. After each
festival more and more smiling faces on the dance floor have become
familiar. Experiences and journeys have been shared, the tribe has
and grown closer together. And although it is now time for some of us to
return to our home tribes, we return enriched with new friendships and
connections. Already there is talk of a visit to Europe for a run of the
festivals there on the home turf of some of my new friends.

As I sit back in a gently rocking hammock, I find myself becoming a little
nostalgic about the events of the last year. Scanning the saturnalian
aftermath around me, I smile to myself, remembering a joke someone had
in an Internet forum recently. “When you dance with the rainbow serpent,
rainbow serpent doesn’t change, the rainbow serpent changes you.”

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
Date: June 25, 2005 at 7:53:32 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I think Johnny Depp is incredibly talented too , I was just being silly – He guested on a UK comedy called ‘the fast show’ a few times and said it was the funniest show he’d ever seen , I love him for saying that………….. ok ! beam me up……..see ya c.k.

>From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine]  off topic but i get do  2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2005 19:02:09 +1200
>Well, excuseeeee me but I recently saw an Actors Studio of Johnny Depp and I
>love ‘im more than life issss sself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah self……….
>such a down to earth bloke, he roks in my opin-onion and that’s big coming
>from me
>Like Im so special hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like my opinion means jack
>Love to all
>Very happy kirk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   _____
>From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com]
>Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 8:28 a.m.
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
>You’ve got a lovely nose Preston , I was just envious of how svelte you
>looked in that little black number. btw, I can only think of one other
>gonzo/political journo who occasionally wore a dress, wrote abou his insane
>drug taking to vivid effect and he died by his own hand  –  Russian Roulette
>or not.  I’m not saying be worried, but avoid guns, strong liqour and Johnny
>Depp.  We all know guns and tequila can make things dead , but I’d keep one
>eye on Depp as well.    I’m actually returning the favour to you because of
>that subtle blend of pisstaking and genuinely inspiring advice you wrote to
>me a couple of days ago concerning my career as a writer . I will however
>probably ignore the advice because I’m a bit of a twat like that and that
>being my case I recommend  you do the same,  unless it’s something important
>like tracking down that ‘junkie Thomas’ who wrote all those great shorts
>that they list on that radical hippys website. – Whenever I’m in the mood, I
>devour them,  even the ones I’ve read 6 times already  –  Try and see if you
>can get them edited and published , you never know!…….Ok… ,  Later
>Preston !!
> >From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> >Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:20:53 -0400
> >
> >Sjonnygee asked >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+
> >posts to this list in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating
> >the joys and woes of a drug laden/free life.<
> >
> >Speaking for myself only, this is my job, sitting at the computer
> >writing and reading all day long. So, when a spare thought or three
> >passes through my mind and I feel like sharing it, I do.
> >
> >>It’s all I can do when I get home from work to phone up and cancel
> >>band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , I’m not having a pop at
> >>anyone here nor am I being argumentative , I’d just love to know
> >>who your sponsor is and does he increase the rate the more attitude
> >>you apply to a thread ?<
> >
> >Here’s the number 212-555-5555. Give hir a call. Attitude is always
> >good but might not get your rates increased as much as mine.
> >
> >>The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – Musician
> >>, Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once told me I
> >>was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last year and
> >>actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian soldier
> >>shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive civil
> >>unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century Babri
> >>Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a round
> >>of religious violence in which 3,000 people died.<
> >
> >That “activist” rating I’m not sure counts sjonny, but it did make
> >me laugh out loud. I like the bio, and “dance percussion therapist”
> >sounds very cool.
> >
> >>So who does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves
> >>in to type …………Can I get a contract ?<
> >
> >Weeeelllllll, if you’re serious, which I doubt you are, I personally
> >decided I wanted to be a “writer” and get paid to do so. So I
> >started writing when I got home from my then-job putting together
> >the innards of such places as the Marvel Comics themed restaurant
> >out in Universal Studios in California (we built all the panels and
> >artistic stuff here in Manhattan, building these panels to make the
> >place look like a spaceship or something, among other
> >artsy-carpenterish jobs like that), because I could feel my body
> >rapidly approaching the point where I wasn’t going to be able to
> >continue with that sort of work, and wanted to do something where I
> >could say the things I thought needed saying (by me anyway) and if I
> >could get paid simultaneously, more power to me. So I wrote,
> >pitched, walked, mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, wrote, pitched,
> >mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, got shitloads of rejection slips and
> >then gradually started selling my writing.
> >    Put in the time, you too might be able to strap yourself to a
> >desk chair at home and type all the merry day long, adding attitude
> >here, taking it away there.
> >    At least you’ve got a band practice to cancel, which I envy.
> >;-))
> >    V loves my nose btw. And my dress(es). And she’s the one with an
> >opinion I really, really care about, so in that regard, I’ve few to
> >no complaints.
> >    Any other questions?
> >
> >Peace and love,
> >Preston
> >
> >”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >often mistaken for madness”
> >Richard Davenport-Hines
> >
> >ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >Sept. 2005)
> >Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >Columnist New York Waste
> >Etc.
> >
> >—– Original Message —– From: Sjonnygee .
> >To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:26 AM
> >Subject: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
> >
> >
> >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ posts to this list
> >in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating the joys and woes of
> >a drug laden/free life.  It’s all I can do when I get home from work
> >to phone up and cancel band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week ,
> >I’m not having a pop at anyone here nor am I being argumentative ,
> >I’d just love to know who your sponsor is and does he increase the
> >rate the more attitude you apply to a thread ? -……….. and can
> >I get a cut.
> >       The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. –
> >Musician , Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once
> >told me I was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last
> >year and actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian
> >soldier shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive
> >civil unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century
> >Babri Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a
> >round of religious violence in which 3,000 people ied.}  – So who
> >does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves in to
> >type …………Can I get a contract ? By the way I love a man in a
> >Good dress ,but you need a good nose to really carry it off !
> >……….sjonny.
> >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:39:45 -0400
> >>
> >>to make this really bizarreo, as V and I were returning home, not
> >>more than a couple hours, three at most after writing about Mars
> >>being closer to the Earth, what do we find but someone who has a
> >>telescope, set at that same 75 magnification mentioned in that
> >>article, but pointed at Jupiter. We could plainly see Jupiter
> >>through the telescope, very small, a quarter of the size of the
> >>moon with our naked eye, maybe even a wee bit smaller, and four of
> >>its brightest moons, from Ave. A in LES, Manhattan. I can only
> >>imagine how gorgeous the view must be out West somewhere, or
> >>upstate in the mountain, around V’s uncle’s cabin or something of
> >>that nature. Anyway, there was Jupiter, and we both got to look
> >>through the telescope. I got to tell everyone standing there,
> >>including the guy with the telescope, about the whole Mars thing.
> >>
> >>
> >>Peace and love,
> >>Preston Peet
> >>
> >>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>often mistaken for madness”
> >>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>
> >>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >>Sept. 2005)
> >>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>Columnist New York Waste
> >>Etc.
> >>
> >>—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk”
> >><captkirk@free.net.nz>
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:22 PM
> >>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>
> >>
> >>>Just did a search, yes it happened already in 2003.  Must be a old
> >>>email
> >>>somebody didn’t see the year or something, so got alllll excited!!
> >>>Lol
> >>>Damn…
> >>>Oh well.
> >>>Kirk
> >>>
> >>>—–Original Message—–
> >>>From: Capt Kirk [mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz]
> >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:16 a.m.
> >>>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>>in August?
> >>>
> >>>Yes I also got sent the same email, but I thought this happened
> >>>already? I
> >>>remember going up to observatory, either last winter, or one
> >>>before to see
> >>>Mars but was packed out with people and too bloody cold to wait.
> >>>And they
> >>>said then this wouldn’t be seen again by people alive now so
> >>>buggered if I
> >>>know Preston!!!
> >>>Would be cool though, I l ike when planets do cool stuff!!  I’m a
> >>>star gazer
> >>>by nature.
> >>>
> >>>—–Original Message—–
> >>>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
> >>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:07 a.m.
> >>>To: Newsroom-L; ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
> >>>Subject: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >>>August?
> >>>
> >>>Hi all,
> >>>    Anyone else heard the following tidbit of science news, about
> >>>how Mars
> >>>is coming in on its closest approach to Earth in recorded history?
> >>>Anyone
> >>>know if this is true? It was sent me in an email by an in-law, so
> >>>I’ve no
> >>>source link or URL, and have no idea who wrote this. I would give
> >>>full
> >>>credit if I did know, but I don’t.
> >>>Anyway, here’s the note (and could this explain all the war fever
> >>>going
> >>>around? Of course, there’s always war fever going around on this
> >>>rock of a
> >>>planet, so I guess I’m grasping at straws blaming Mars dropping in
> >>>for a
> >>>fly-by):
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next,
> >>>Earth
> >>>is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in
> >>>the
> >>>closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The
> >>>next
> >>>time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter’s
> >>>gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only
> >>>be
> >>>certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last
> >>>5,000
> >>>years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens
> >>>again.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to
> >>>within
> >>>34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the
> >>>brightest
> >>>object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and
> >>>will
> >>>appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars
> >>>will be
> >>>easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east
> >>>at
> >>>10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August
> >>>when
> >>>the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach
> >>>its
> >>>highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to
> >>>see
> >>>something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So,
> >>>mark
> >>>your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow
> >>>progressively
> >>>brighter and brighter throughout the month.
> >>><
> >>>
> >>>Peace and love,
> >>>Preston Peet
> >>>
> >>>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>>often
> >>>mistaken for madness”
> >>>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>>
> >>>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>>Civilizations,
> >>>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
> >>>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>>Columnist New York Waste
> >>>Etc.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>>[%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>>[%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>/]=———————————————————————=
> >>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>>
> >>>\]=———————————————————————=
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Boris” <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 25, 2005 at 7:52:40 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

As someone already said, sounds like a panic attack.. I had one while on
psilocybin mushrooms about 10 years ago and earned myself a nice dose of
PTSD. Took about 5 years to get through that and still don’t feel
completely right.

After that trip I was ok for about 2 months, took acid 3 days later even
(hey, it was new years eve, I wasn’t gonna miss out). Then it hit me and
I couldn’t leave my room for 2 weeks, convinced I had lost my mind.
When it first hit me (“fuck! Flash back! Schizophrenia! I am going to
bad trip forever! Why is God punishing me??!?!”), I asked my parents to
call an ambulance to take me somewhere padded with strong sedatives (
*stunned look* “What? Ambulance? But are you hurting somewhere? Why did
you eat poisonous mushrooms?”). During the trip I went to a doctor and
was given Valium and that sorted me out at the time. It was at a folk
music festival, so luckily there was a doctor in the emergency tent

Anyway, this kind of experience can have a serious long term fallout.
You friend should get professional help.


—–Original Message—–
From: ekki [mailto:ekkijdfg@gmx.de]
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 1:00 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga

a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew
it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today
he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he
doesn´t take any drugs.

since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i don´t
it´s the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis
or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact
with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he
thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression,
shingles, pain in his nerves etc.

he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didn´t knew, and he
probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we
hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. it´s just
he feels so bad he says it´s life threatening. he got some valium for
emergency cases.

he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him,
with it´s anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do
ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first
taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles anything
regarding his health with great caution and wouldn´t just buy some
iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the

so any comments or suggestions?


[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Boris” <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Date: June 25, 2005 at 7:40:20 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey tink, one more suggestion for the allergy – I used to get hayfever
pretty bad and found horseradish tablets helped at the time. But if you
get that sort of thing often, I found I much improved when I started
doing tai chi.


—–Original Message—–
From: tink [mailto:tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 2:46 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I have never had allergies like I’ve had this year so far, and I don’t
know whether it was seasonal timing or what, but it seems as though
it’s gotten a million times worse since my treatment.  I can’t
breathe, I sneeze constantly, and it’s not that goosebumpy ibogachoo
thingy any more.  This is AGONY!! My head feels like it’s going to
implode, and Nasonex simply does NOT cut it.  I have a constant head
ache, my throat hurts, and i also have Restless Legs Syndrome-what
fun- and can’t take anything that has pseudoephedrine HCL in it or
it’s like 6 hours of dope sick. Anything at all with restlessness as a
side effect is horrible for me, including periactin, seroquyl,
etc,(which I’m not taking for ANY reason, but found that out the hard
way at the Brattleboro Retreat last time I went in to detox off of

[%] Ibogaine List Commands:


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (still OT) a couple photos
Date: June 25, 2005 at 6:00:07 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Kirk wrote >Oh so you saw my and Mathews photos and thought you poor ugly bastards<

You sent us a photo of you Capt. Kirk? I don’t remember seeing that. I remember Mathews, and thinking how good he looked for a junkie, but don’t recall seeing a Cpt. Kirk photo here.
And I think he liked the highboots/fishnets/clingywhitedress thing Kirk. I enjoy a lot the fact that after almost nine years I still find her extremely attractive and get very excited by her with litte to no trouble whatsoever. Many people have asked us if we still “do it” and I’m always amazed, because all I have to do is look over at her and then get confused as to how they can ask me at least such a question, considering who I’m with.
The fact that I’m with V is such a grounding part of my life. I know it’s risky putting so much of me into her, but I can’t help it, and thanks whatever powers that be, probably the very same ones which brought ibogaine into my life, for bringing her and I together, and for keeping us in constant contact and touch until we could get to a point in our lives where it became possible for us to become more than just friends but partners.
I’ve been lucky in that I’ve had a few very special relationships with a few different women in my life, most of whom I do not know the whereabouts of these days much to my chagrin, but every other relationship I ended up screwing up over my drug abuse getting in the way of a healthy or sane relationship after a while. This time however, I seem to have really been steered to the one person who makes me whole as I can possibly be I think. Even at our moments of stress, I never forget that I am one of the luckiest men on the planet.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2005 3:02 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Re: [DrugWar] (OT) a couple photos

Oh so you saw my and Mathews photos and thought you poor ugly bastards I
hope you get plastic surgery soon???????????? Huh??
lOl well mathew maybe not but  me yehhhhh…………..and
BTW  wheres your mug shot???? And you others…………….
Not being pushy or disrespecting your wish to remain physically anonymous bt
heyyyy Ya bunchah woosiesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
All in good fun
Kirk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love u all

—–Original Message—–
From: SKALD VANASATRU [mailto:CoyDogsRock@webtv.net]
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 7:21 a.m.
To: drugwar@mindvox.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: [DrugWar] (OT) a couple photos

Oh Preston, I just saw the photos you lucky, lucky man!

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
Date: June 25, 2005 at 3:02:09 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Well, excuseeeee me but I recently saw an Actors Studio of Johnny Depp and I love ‘im more than life issss sself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah self………………………… such a down to earth bloke, he roks in my opin-onion and that’s big coming from me
Like Im so special hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh like my opinion means jack
Love to all
Very happy kirk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com] 
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 8:28 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet

You’ve got a lovely nose Preston , I was just envious of how svelte you looked in that little black number. btw, I can only think of one other gonzo/political journo who occasionally wore a dress, wrote abou his insane drug taking to vivid effect and he died by his own hand  –  Russian Roulette or not.  I’m not saying be worried, but avoid guns, strong liqour and Johnny Depp.  We all know guns and tequila can make things dead , but I’d keep one eye on Depp as well.    I’m actually returning the favour to you because of that subtle blend of pisstaking and genuinely inspiring advice you wrote to me a couple of days ago concerning my career as a writer . I will however probably ignore the advice because I’m a bit of a twat like that and that being my case I recommend  you do the same,  unless it’s something important like tracking down that ‘junkie Thomas’ who wrote all those great shorts that they list on that radical hippys website. – Whenever I’m in the mood, I devour them,  even the ones I’ve read 6 times already  –  Try and see if you can get them edited and published , you never know!…….Ok… ,  Later Preston !! 

>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:20:53 -0400
>Sjonnygee asked >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ 
>posts to this list in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating 
>the joys and woes of a drug laden/free life.<
>Speaking for myself only, this is my job, sitting at the computer 
>writing and reading all day long. So, when a spare thought or three 
>passes through my mind and I feel like sharing it, I do.
>>It’s all I can do when I get home from work to phone up and cancel 
>>band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , I’m not having a pop at 
>>anyone here nor am I being argumentative , I’d just love to know 
>>who your sponsor is and does he increase the rate the more attitude 
>>you apply to a thread ?<
>Here’s the number 212-555-5555. Give hir a call. Attitude is always 
>good but might not get your rates increased as much as mine.
>>The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – Musician 
>>, Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once told me I 
>>was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last year and 
>>actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian soldier 
>>shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive civil 
>>unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century Babri 
>>Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a round 
>>of religious violence in which 3,000 people died.<
>That “activist” rating I’m not sure counts sjonny, but it did make 
>me laugh out loud. I like the bio, and “dance percussion therapist” 
>sounds very cool.
>>So who does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves 
>>in to type …………Can I get a contract ?<
>Weeeelllllll, if you’re serious, which I doubt you are, I personally 
>decided I wanted to be a “writer” and get paid to do so. So I 
>started writing when I got home from my then-job putting together 
>the innards of such places as the Marvel Comics themed restaurant 
>out in Universal Studios in California (we built all the panels and 
>artistic stuff here in Manhattan, building these panels to make the 
>place look like a spaceship or something, among other 
>artsy-carpenterish jobs like that), because I could feel my body 
>rapidly approaching the point where I wasn’t going to be able to 
>continue with that sort of work, and wanted to do something where I 
>could say the things I thought needed saying (by me anyway) and if I 
>could get paid simultaneously, more power to me. So I wrote, 
>pitched, walked, mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, wrote, pitched, 
>mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, got shitloads of rejection slips and 
>then gradually started selling my writing.
>    Put in the time, you too might be able to strap yourself to a 
>desk chair at home and type all the merry day long, adding attitude 
>here, taking it away there.
>    At least you’ve got a band practice to cancel, which I envy.
>    V loves my nose btw. And my dress(es). And she’s the one with an 
>opinion I really, really care about, so in that regard, I’ve few to 
>no complaints.
>    Any other questions?
>Peace and love,
>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is 
>often mistaken for madness”
>Richard Davenport-Hines
>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient 
>Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out 
>Sept. 2005)
>Cont. High Times mag/.com
>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
>Columnist New York Waste
>—– Original Message —– From: Sjonnygee .
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:26 AM
>Subject: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
>I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ posts to this list 
>in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating the joys and woes of 
>a drug laden/free life.  It’s all I can do when I get home from work 
>to phone up and cancel band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , 
>I’m not having a pop at anyone here nor am I being argumentative , 
>I’d just love to know who your sponsor is and does he increase the 
>rate the more attitude you apply to a thread ? -……….. and can 
>I get a cut.
>       The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – 
>Musician , Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once 
>told me I was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last 
>year and actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian 
>soldier shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive 
>civil unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century 
>Babri Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a 
>round of religious violence in which 3,000 people ied.}  – So who 
>does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves in to 
>type …………Can I get a contract ? By the way I love a man in a 
>Good dress ,but you need a good nose to really carry it off ! 
>>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
>>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
>>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close 
>>in August?
>>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:39:45 -0400
>>to make this really bizarreo, as V and I were returning home, not 
>>more than a couple hours, three at most after writing about Mars 
>>being closer to the Earth, what do we find but someone who has a 
>>telescope, set at that same 75 magnification mentioned in that 
>>article, but pointed at Jupiter. We could plainly see Jupiter 
>>through the telescope, very small, a quarter of the size of the 
>>moon with our naked eye, maybe even a wee bit smaller, and four of 
>>its brightest moons, from Ave. A in LES, Manhattan. I can only 
>>imagine how gorgeous the view must be out West somewhere, or 
>>upstate in the mountain, around V’s uncle’s cabin or something of 
>>that nature. Anyway, there was Jupiter, and we both got to look 
>>through the telescope. I got to tell everyone standing there, 
>>including the guy with the telescope, about the whole Mars thing.
>>Peace and love,
>>Preston Peet
>>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is 
>>often mistaken for madness”
>>Richard Davenport-Hines
>>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
>>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
>>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient 
>>Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out 
>>Sept. 2005)
>>Cont. High Times mag/.com
>>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
>>Columnist New York Waste
>>—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk” 
>>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:22 PM
>>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close 
>>in August?
>>>Just did a search, yes it happened already in 2003.  Must be a old 
>>>somebody didn’t see the year or something, so got alllll excited!! 
>>>Oh well.
>>>—–Original Message—–
>>>From: Capt Kirk [mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz]
>>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:16 a.m.
>>>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>>>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close 
>>>in August?
>>>Yes I also got sent the same email, but I thought this happened 
>>>already? I
>>>remember going up to observatory, either last winter, or one 
>>>before to see
>>>Mars but was packed out with people and too bloody cold to wait. 
>>>And they
>>>said then this wouldn’t be seen again by people alive now so 
>>>buggered if I
>>>know Preston!!!
>>>Would be cool though, I l ike when planets do cool stuff!!  I’m a 
>>>star gazer
>>>by nature.
>>>—–Original Message—–
>>>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
>>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:07 a.m.
>>>To: Newsroom-L; ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
>>>Subject: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in 
>>>Hi all,
>>>    Anyone else heard the following tidbit of science news, about 
>>>how Mars
>>>is coming in on its closest approach to Earth in recorded history? 
>>>know if this is true? It was sent me in an email by an in-law, so 
>>>I’ve no
>>>source link or URL, and have no idea who wrote this. I would give 
>>>credit if I did know, but I don’t.
>>>Anyway, here’s the note (and could this explain all the war fever 
>>>around? Of course, there’s always war fever going around on this 
>>>rock of a
>>>planet, so I guess I’m grasping at straws blaming Mars dropping in 
>>>for a
>>>The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next, 
>>>is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in 
>>>closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The 
>>>time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter’s
>>>gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only 
>>>certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last 
>>>years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens 
>>>The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to 
>>>34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the 
>>>object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and 
>>>appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification
>>>Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars 
>>>will be
>>>easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east 
>>>10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August 
>>>the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach 
>>>highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to 
>>>something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So, 
>>>your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow 
>>>brighter and brighter throughout the month.
>>>Peace and love,
>>>Preston Peet
>>>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is 
>>>mistaken for madness”
>>>Richard Davenport-Hines
>>>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
>>>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
>>>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient 
>>>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
>>>Cont. High Times mag/.com
>>>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
>>>Columnist New York Waste
>>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] 
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Re: [DrugWar] (OT) a couple photos
Date: June 25, 2005 at 3:02:09 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Oh so you saw my and Mathews photos and thought you poor ugly bastards I
hope you get plastic surgery soon???????????? Huh??
lOl well mathew maybe not but  me yehhhhh…………..and
BTW  wheres your mug shot???? And you others…………….
Not being pushy or disrespecting your wish to remain physically anonymous bt
heyyyy Ya bunchah woosiesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
All in good fun
Kirk xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love u all

—–Original Message—–
From: SKALD VANASATRU [mailto:CoyDogsRock@webtv.net]
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 7:21 a.m.
To: drugwar@mindvox.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: [DrugWar] (OT) a couple photos

Oh Preston, I just saw the photos you lucky, lucky man!

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Thank you Rachel and for Preston
Date: June 25, 2005 at 3:02:09 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn we can get so rapt  up in
what we are “sposed ” to be and what were sposeed to be working on that we
simply and most easily forget to…………………JUST BE.
So in the infamous words  of … um…………someone Hehheh

—–Original Message—–
From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 9:09 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Thank you Rachel and for Preston

Writing angry childish messages against
those who have risked so much to help you and complaining that they did not
help you exactly how you wanted, is nobody’s fault but your own Preston.<

Ok. Not sure I agree, but that’s cool, I’m not actually complaining, as much

as I’d have prefered to have gotten the dose I thought I was getting- I
consider the person who helped me out, the people who helped me out, as
friends, and have no complaints as to their putting themselves at risk more
than once to help me out. I’m sorry if that’s the impression you got. My
complaint, if that’s what you would like to call it, is that I thought I was

getting more than I was so didn’t get what I expect out of it- but then what

do I expect to get out of any of my experiences? I usuallly decide what I
got afterwards anyway, regardless of what I thought before going in, and
ibogaine was no different.
Otherwise, I really appreciated the rest of your note- I don’t blame
anyone ever for anything I do. I take full responsibility for who I am and
what I do, and I would think that obvious from any writing about myself I
ever do.
But that’s irrelevent to the list as a whole I suppose, and not
important to anyone but me. I certainly don’t think I’m “failing” at much of

anything, but do have some issues I work out on a daily basis, sometimes
getting more unsure than at others as to whether I’m really making the right

choices or not.
Ahh, whatever. Judgement calls, all the time, I make ’em, and so do a
lot of others too. “This drug good, this emotion bad, this statement
contradictory, this demand rational, this anger misplaced, this person an
asshole or an angel or blah blah blah.”

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Vivienne Elanta” <vivienneelanta@yahoo.com.au>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 3:22 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Thank you Rachel and for Preston

Beautifully put Rachel and thank you.

The medicine belongs to all who need it, each to use in their own way. If
someone decide this is what is right for all, they are naive and coming
from a
place of ego.

I found this place through Patrick, who did almost nothing except take
from the day he got clean with Dr. Mash. He failed or was thrown out of
“aftercare” treatments, went to ashram in Thailand and found himself again

massive dose of LSD. The reason all can communicate here and find
railroad” that America makes needed, is because he opened Mindvox to
which again is against all that Dr. Mash has ever said because I am more
certain she’d happily agree with Preston as underground ibogaine being
dealers, her quote is back room abortionists.

Ultimate irony is of course that she take full credit for Patrick,
him as her son and the biggest mess who is biggest success. Same idea
last time Patrick said I think he said he had done ibogaine 15 or 16 times

full doses and dozens or hundreds of lower dose “bioassays” which appear
him in some talk with psychedelic chemist Jonathan Ott. Patrick of course
not done any of that with Dr. Mash, because he took responsibility for
and is high priest in world’s largest ibogaine hcl dealership 😉 I mean
to say
instead First church of ibogaine, Sacrament of Transition.

Any who think they have all right answers for everyone, are to say it
being naive at worst or drug dealers with messiah complex at best. Truth
also very simple, if you want to take control for yourself and own
then do it and take responsibility. Writing angry childish messages
those who have risked so much to help you and complaining that they did
help you exactly how you wanted, is nobody’s fault but your own Preston.

Ibogaine should be available to all is truth of course, War on drugs is
joke of
course made worse most of all by America where all of you live and have
sacred medicine in same category as heroin and crack. Almost nowhere else
the world is the situation like this.

Who is right I think is everyone for themselves. Being angry at someone
and blaming them for your failure (if that is what it is) or wanting them
act to you in some other way, is being a selfish child or addict 😉

If you want control for your own dose, then take control for your own
whining about this on the ibogaine list won’t change it. I don’t know
quote originates, Patrick said it in Jonathan Ott talk “love is given and
shared. Power is never given, it is taken. You do not ask permission”.

However you want to view it or sugar coat things, ibogaine is both healing

love, it is also power and very expensive drug in America where there is
little and so many need it

Blessed be
Vivienne Elanta

Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 25, 2005 at 3:02:08 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Fear fear fear and more fear, not the drug, our fears of.. well, everything, even succeeding.
From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com] 
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 9:59 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga

From everything you said, including your friend saying he felt it was life threatening points to a panic attack, I’ve had them…….. years ago , and you DO THINK that you are dying , apart from pulse rate , adrenalin and irregular breathing you could better ask a docter…… but I would lay money on it, it’s severe panic – Take him to a consulant to alleviate his fears and teach him some very simple breathing patterns , absolute panic stoppers ….. sjonny
>From: HSLotsof@aol.com
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
>Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 13:20:45 EDT
>Without being present or providing medical advice, I would suggest that
>whatever worked previously in the non-ibogaine situations would work equally well,
>or not, in this case.  Sounds like an anxiety reaction to me.  Why doesn’t
>your friend ask his doctor for a suggestion?  There appears to be no adverse drug
>interaction between ibogaine and benzodiazepines (valium) based on concurrent
>use of benzodiazepines in ibogaine therapy for decades.  However, his own
>doctor should sign off on anything he does.
>In a message dated 6/24/05 12:02:31 PM, ekkijdfg@gmx.de writes:
> >a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew on
> >it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today
> >he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he
> >doesn´t take any drugs.
> >since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i don´t think
> >it´s the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis
> >or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact
> >with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he
> >thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression,
> >shingles, pain in his nerves etc.
> >he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didn´t knew, and he
> >probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we
> >hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. it´s just that
> >he feels so bad he says it´s life threatening. he got some valium for
> >emergency cases.
> >he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him,
> >with it´s anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do
> >ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first
> >taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles anything
> >regarding his health with great caution and wouldn´t just buy some
> >iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the
> >taste.
> >so any comments or suggestions?
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\
>  [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>   \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
Date: June 25, 2005 at 3:00:51 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Heyyyyy sonny!!
I just accidentally overbid on a graphics card, so have to buy it on Monday!! Then I can play doom 3!!! Do you know how frustrating it is to have a copy and not be able to play it?????? Ahhhhhhhhhh
Heyyy try out www.trademe.co.nz   still cheaper and loads of graphics cards.. that’s where I just got mine!!!!!!!!!
Good to see ya hear
Love heaos
Kirk xxz
From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com] 
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 10:36 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.

Hello ‘capt kirk’ – I just saw your post……. Welcome to you too …….damn I d/l ed  New-Doom off dc and now graphics card isn’t quite up to it – looking for a 256MB ATi Radeon card to live upto the new wave of processors about to hit us. By the way , you can be sure I don’t pay your taxes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ok bye bye Capt.  sjonny….  !!
>From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.coms
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 22:53:27 +1200
>Heyy Welcome Sjonny GEee!!
>Oops spelling is off tonight, been murdering monsters in hell whilst playing
>Doom (plutonia) still a bit shakey from killing one of the big buggers.
>Well, how I manage to annoy the hell out of this list (*or at least that’s
>what I’d like to think I do.*) is to be govt funded.  I’m a General (I
>generally do anything it takes to survive.) and until they stop bleeding
>small businesses and others alive I at this unqualified stage cannot make
>enough working!! Sad? Yes indeedy I love working. But I also like partial
>sanity and my daughter..
>Anywayyyy that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!  (and many thanks for
>the taxes…I do work sometimes so I pretty much pay my own way, give or
>take a few bucks lol)
>As for Preston n V… I;m not sure whose boots I wanna nick off with!!!!
>Great pic I love the wedding card idea!!!  It’s the kind of thing that would
>definitely set my mother off on a long series of Conniption Fits.
>Ok, back to killing things…muhahahahaha
>   _____
>From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:27 p.m.
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
>I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ posts to this list in 1
>day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating the joys and woes of a drug
>laden/free life.  It’s all I can do when I get home from work to phone up
>and cancel band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , I’m not having a pop
>at anyone here nor am I being argumentative , I’d just love to know who your
>sponsor is and does he increase the rate the more attitude you apply to a
>thread ? -……….. and can I get a cut.
>        The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – Musician ,
>Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once told me I was good),
>Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last year and actively don’t wish
>to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian soldier shot me in the arse in
>Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive civil unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners
>destroyed the 16th century Babri Masjid mosque that had been built on that
>site, setting off a round of religious violence in which 3,000 people died.}
>- So who does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves in to
>type …………Can I get a contract ? By the way I love a man in a Good
>dress ,but you need a good nose to really carry it off ! ……….sjonny.
> >From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:39:45 -0400
> >
> >to make this really bizarreo, as V and I were returning home, not
> >more than a couple hours, three at most after writing about Mars
> >being closer to the Earth, what do we find but someone who has a
> >telescope, set at that same 75 magnification mentioned in that
> >article, but pointed at Jupiter. We could plainly see Jupiter
> >through the telescope, very small, a quarter of the size of the moon
> >with our naked eye, maybe even a wee bit smaller, and four of its
> >brightest moons, from Ave. A in LES, Manhattan. I can only imagine
> >how gorgeous the view must be out West somewhere, or upstate in the
> >mountain, around V’s uncle’s cabin or something of that nature.
> >Anyway, there was Jupiter, and we both got to look through the
> >telescope. I got to tell everyone standing there, including the guy
> >with the telescope, about the whole Mars thing.
> >
> >
> >Peace and love,
> >Preston Peet
> >
> >”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >often mistaken for madness”
> >Richard Davenport-Hines
> >
> >ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >Sept. 2005)
> >Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >Columnist New York Waste
> >Etc.
> >
> >—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk”
> ><captkirk@free.net.nz>
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:22 PM
> >Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >August?
> >
> >
> >>Just did a search, yes it happened already in 2003.  Must be a old
> >>email
> >>somebody didn’t see the year or something, so got alllll excited!!
> >>Lol
> >>Damn…
> >>Oh well.
> >>Kirk
> >>
> >>—–Original Message—–
> >>From: Capt Kirk [mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz]
> >>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:16 a.m.
> >>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>
> >>Yes I also got sent the same email, but I thought this happened
> >>already? I
> >>remember going up to observatory, either last winter, or one before
> >>to see
> >>Mars but was packed out with people and too bloody cold to wait.
> >>And they
> >>said then this wouldn’t be seen again by people alive now so
> >>buggered if I
> >>know Preston!!!
> >>Would be cool though, I l ike when planets do cool stuff!!  I’m a
> >>star gazer
> >>by nature.
> >>
> >>—–Original Message—–
> >>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
> >>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:07 a.m.
> >>To: Newsroom-L; ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
> >>Subject: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >>August?
> >>
> >>Hi all,
> >>    Anyone else heard the following tidbit of science news, about
> >>how Mars
> >>is coming in on its closest approach to Earth in recorded history?
> >>Anyone
> >>know if this is true? It was sent me in an email by an in-law, so
> >>I’ve no
> >>source link or URL, and have no idea who wrote this. I would give
> >>full
> >>credit if I did know, but I don’t.
> >>Anyway, here’s the note (and could this explain all the war fever
> >>going
> >>around? Of course, there’s always war fever going around on this
> >>rock of a
> >>planet, so I guess I’m grasping at straws blaming Mars dropping in
> >>for a
> >>fly-by):
> >>
> >>>
> >>The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next,
> >>Earth
> >>is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the
> >>closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The
> >>next
> >>time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter’s
> >>gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only
> >>be
> >>certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last
> >>5,000
> >>years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens
> >>again.
> >>
> >>
> >>The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to
> >>within
> >>34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the
> >>brightest
> >>object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and
> >>will
> >>appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification
> >>
> >>
> >>Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars
> >>will be
> >>easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east
> >>at
> >>10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August
> >>when
> >>the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach
> >>its
> >>highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to
> >>see
> >>something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So,
> >>mark
> >>your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow
> >>progressively
> >>brighter and brighter throughout the month.
> >><
> >>
> >>Peace and love,
> >>Preston Peet
> >>
> >>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>often
> >>mistaken for madness”
> >>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>
> >>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>Civilizations,
> >>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
> >>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>Columnist New York Waste
> >>Etc.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>[%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>[%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] LSD addiction ?!!?
Date: June 25, 2005 at 3:00:51 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I am very interested in this , yeh so who does find out whatever……..
I have an ex neighbour from where I liveed, always keep in touch.. he goes thru cycles so I gave him the info on neurontin to talk out with his doc, his cycles are such you can keep your calendar by them.
From: Klatuu02@aol.com [mailto:Klatuu02@aol.com] 
Sent: Saturday, 25 June 2005 10:48 a.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] LSD addiction ?!!?

In a message dated 6/23/2005 11:19:10 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, bleshins@bigpond.net.au writes:
Actually, the reason I was looking at that is that I read an article somewhere that said LSD promotes growth (repair?) of dopamine receptors.  Cant find that article now.

Has anyone read or knows anything about this?

If anyone does find this article I would love to read it..whether posted
or email

From: <slowone@hush.ai>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 25, 2005 at 1:25:36 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I agree with Nick. For an antidote, I suggest salty food and a bath
in epsom salts. He might also look into improving nutrition and
vitamins generally if this is a weak area for him.

On Fri, 24 Jun 2005 09:29:38 -0700 Nick Sandberg
<nick227@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Ekki,

From what you’ve put down, I don’t think this guy should take a
full dose of
iboga. If he manifests a strong reaction from such a tiny dose,
however it’s
actually being caused, I don’t think it’s good to take more.
Better he
starts working one-to-one or in groups, talking about feelings,
this kind of stuff. About spiritual/psychosomatic, maybe that’s
what it is
but it’s still needed to talk about where you are emotionally and
to help get more integrated.

Something I’ve noticed over the years is that a fairly big sub-
group of the
people that are attracted to ibogaine therapy seem to be so
because they
want to “go it alone.” They want to get off drugs or move on in
life but
they want to do it THEIR OWN WAY! No therapists, no groups, no
rehab, this
kind of thing, you just take a drug and then hang out. They don’t
want to
let others in so much, except where they can keep control. It’s
ok, and for
some the ibo will maybe do something, but for a lot no. It’s not
gonna be
their path and at some stage they’ll have to trust a bit more and
take the
plunge into more revealing work.

This is just my personal opinion. I’m  qualified as therapist but
not a
psychiatrist so I’m not an expert about psychosis.


—–Original Message—–
From: ekki [mailto:ekkijdfg@gmx.de]
Sent: 24 June 2005 16:00
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga

a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and
chew on
it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday.
he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide
since. he
doesnīt take any drugs.

since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i
donīt think
itīs the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his
or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any
with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems –
which he
thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including
shingles, pain in his nerves etc.

he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didnīt knew, and
probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in
that we
hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. itīs
just that
he feels so bad he says itīs life threatening. he got some
valium for
emergency cases.

he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help
with itīs anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed
to do
ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer,
taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles
regarding his health with great caution and wouldnīt just buy
iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience


so any comments or suggestions?



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From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Not flunking yet, but give me 24 hours…
Date: June 24, 2005 at 11:34:22 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

So I didn’t flunk out and only have to doctor an annoted bibliography
to fix everything and make everyone happy.  Amazing how I can stress
myself to the gills in no time.  I am a bit in the dog house, but
because I have been so honest about where I was coming from and what
I’ve been doing, the staff are being phenomenally lenient with me.  I
know this sounds absolutely ridiculous, but it almost pisses me off.
I really am my own worsed enemy and critic. WTF!!
Anyhoo, I have lemon tea and some sort of cold medicine and am praying
for my throat to reopen and my ear to start working again.  I can no
longer swallow, and i’m beginning to wonder if this is and allergy or
some sort of alien infestion growing in my sinuses and just waiting to
claw it’s way out when it reaches the end of it’s gestation period.
Green snot is not a good sign.  I feel like a 5 year old, and would
gladly curl up on a couch with a box of tissue and Sesame Street and
soup if I could.
Anyhoo, thanks all for dealing with tinker-rant.  Now here’s to this
cold medicine not kicking in the twitchies…
love to all

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Thank you Rachel and for Preston
Date: June 24, 2005 at 11:23:53 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey Preston,
You sound like you’re having a hell of a time of it, and I just wanted
to say hi and send you a hug.

On 6/24/05, Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
Writing angry childish messages against
those who have risked so much to help you and complaining that they did not
help you exactly how you wanted, is nobody’s fault but your own Preston.<

Ok. Not sure I agree, but that’s cool, I’m not actually complaining, as much
as I’d have prefered to have gotten the dose I thought I was getting- I
consider the person who helped me out, the people who helped me out, as
friends, and have no complaints as to their putting themselves at risk more
than once to help me out. I’m sorry if that’s the impression you got. My
complaint, if that’s what you would like to call it, is that I thought I was
getting more than I was so didn’t get what I expect out of it- but then what
do I expect to get out of any of my experiences? I usuallly decide what I
got afterwards anyway, regardless of what I thought before going in, and
ibogaine was no different.
Otherwise, I really appreciated the rest of your note- I don’t blame
anyone ever for anything I do. I take full responsibility for who I am and
what I do, and I would think that obvious from any writing about myself I
ever do.
But that’s irrelevent to the list as a whole I suppose, and not
important to anyone but me. I certainly don’t think I’m “failing” at much of
anything, but do have some issues I work out on a daily basis, sometimes
getting more unsure than at others as to whether I’m really making the right
choices or not.
Ahh, whatever. Judgement calls, all the time, I make ’em, and so do a
lot of others too. “This drug good, this emotion bad, this statement
contradictory, this demand rational, this anger misplaced, this person an
asshole or an angel or blah blah blah.”

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Vivienne Elanta” <vivienneelanta@yahoo.com.au>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 3:22 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Thank you Rachel and for Preston

Beautifully put Rachel and thank you.

The medicine belongs to all who need it, each to use in their own way. If
someone decide this is what is right for all, they are naive and coming
from a
place of ego.

I found this place through Patrick, who did almost nothing except take
from the day he got clean with Dr. Mash. He failed or was thrown out of
“aftercare” treatments, went to ashram in Thailand and found himself again
massive dose of LSD. The reason all can communicate here and find
railroad” that America makes needed, is because he opened Mindvox to
which again is against all that Dr. Mash has ever said because I am more
certain she’d happily agree with Preston as underground ibogaine being
dealers, her quote is back room abortionists.

Ultimate irony is of course that she take full credit for Patrick,
him as her son and the biggest mess who is biggest success. Same idea
last time Patrick said I think he said he had done ibogaine 15 or 16 times
full doses and dozens or hundreds of lower dose “bioassays” which appear
him in some talk with psychedelic chemist Jonathan Ott. Patrick of course
not done any of that with Dr. Mash, because he took responsibility for
and is high priest in world’s largest ibogaine hcl dealership 😉 I mean
to say
instead First church of ibogaine, Sacrament of Transition.

Any who think they have all right answers for everyone, are to say it
being naive at worst or drug dealers with messiah complex at best. Truth
also very simple, if you want to take control for yourself and own
then do it and take responsibility. Writing angry childish messages
those who have risked so much to help you and complaining that they did
help you exactly how you wanted, is nobody’s fault but your own Preston.

Ibogaine should be available to all is truth of course, War on drugs is
joke of
course made worse most of all by America where all of you live and have
sacred medicine in same category as heroin and crack. Almost nowhere else
the world is the situation like this.

Who is right I think is everyone for themselves. Being angry at someone
and blaming them for your failure (if that is what it is) or wanting them
act to you in some other way, is being a selfish child or addict 😉

If you want control for your own dose, then take control for your own
whining about this on the ibogaine list won’t change it. I don’t know
quote originates, Patrick said it in Jonathan Ott talk “love is given and
shared. Power is never given, it is taken. You do not ask permission”.

However you want to view it or sugar coat things, ibogaine is both healing
love, it is also power and very expensive drug in America where there is
little and so many need it

Blessed be
Vivienne Elanta

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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Klatuu02@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] LSD addiction ?!!?
Date: June 24, 2005 at 6:47:39 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 6/23/2005 11:19:10 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, bleshins@bigpond.net.au writes:

Actually, the reason I was looking at that is that I read an article somewhere that said LSD promotes growth (repair?) of dopamine receptors.  Cant find that article now.

Has anyone read or knows anything about this?


If anyone does find this article I would love to read it..whether posted
or email

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
Date: June 24, 2005 at 6:36:22 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hello ‘capt kirk’ – I just saw your post……. Welcome to you too …….damn I d/l ed  New-Doom off dc and now graphics card isn’t quite up to it – looking for a 256MB ATi Radeon card to live upto the new wave of processors about to hit us. By the way , you can be sure I don’t pay your taxes ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ok bye bye Capt.  sjonny….  !!

>From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.coms
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 22:53:27 +1200
>Heyy Welcome Sjonny GEee!!
>Oops spelling is off tonight, been murdering monsters in hell whilst playing
>Doom (plutonia) still a bit shakey from killing one of the big buggers.
>Well, how I manage to annoy the hell out of this list (*or at least that’s
>what I’d like to think I do.*) is to be govt funded.  I’m a General (I
>generally do anything it takes to survive.) and until they stop bleeding
>small businesses and others alive I at this unqualified stage cannot make
>enough working!! Sad? Yes indeedy I love working. But I also like partial
>sanity and my daughter..
>Anywayyyy that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!  (and many thanks for
>the taxes…I do work sometimes so I pretty much pay my own way, give or
>take a few bucks lol)
>As for Preston n V… I;m not sure whose boots I wanna nick off with!!!!
>Great pic I love the wedding card idea!!!  It’s the kind of thing that would
>definitely set my mother off on a long series of Conniption Fits.
>Ok, back to killing things…muhahahahaha
>   _____
>From: Sjonnygee . [mailto:sjonnygee@msn.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:27 p.m.
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
>I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ posts to this list in 1
>day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating the joys and woes of a drug
>laden/free life.  It’s all I can do when I get home from work to phone up
>and cancel band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , I’m not having a pop
>at anyone here nor am I being argumentative , I’d just love to know who your
>sponsor is and does he increase the rate the more attitude you apply to a
>thread ? -……….. and can I get a cut.
>        The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – Musician ,
>Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once told me I was good),
>Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last year and actively don’t wish
>to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian soldier shot me in the arse in
>Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive civil unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners
>destroyed the 16th century Babri Masjid mosque that had been built on that
>site, setting off a round of religious violence in which 3,000 people died.}
>- So who does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves in to
>type …………Can I get a contract ? By the way I love a man in a Good
>dress ,but you need a good nose to really carry it off ! ……….sjonny.
> >From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
> >Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:39:45 -0400
> >
> >to make this really bizarreo, as V and I were returning home, not
> >more than a couple hours, three at most after writing about Mars
> >being closer to the Earth, what do we find but someone who has a
> >telescope, set at that same 75 magnification mentioned in that
> >article, but pointed at Jupiter. We could plainly see Jupiter
> >through the telescope, very small, a quarter of the size of the moon
> >with our naked eye, maybe even a wee bit smaller, and four of its
> >brightest moons, from Ave. A in LES, Manhattan. I can only imagine
> >how gorgeous the view must be out West somewhere, or upstate in the
> >mountain, around V’s uncle’s cabin or something of that nature.
> >Anyway, there was Jupiter, and we both got to look through the
> >telescope. I got to tell everyone standing there, including the guy
> >with the telescope, about the whole Mars thing.
> >
> >
> >Peace and love,
> >Preston Peet
> >
> >”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >often mistaken for madness”
> >Richard Davenport-Hines
> >
> >ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out
> >Sept. 2005)
> >Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >Columnist New York Waste
> >Etc.
> >
> >—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk”
> ><captkirk@free.net.nz>
> >To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:22 PM
> >Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >August?
> >
> >
> >>Just did a search, yes it happened already in 2003.  Must be a old
> >>email
> >>somebody didn’t see the year or something, so got alllll excited!!
> >>Lol
> >>Damn…
> >>Oh well.
> >>Kirk
> >>
> >>—–Original Message—–
> >>From: Capt Kirk [mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz]
> >>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:16 a.m.
> >>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close
> >>in August?
> >>
> >>Yes I also got sent the same email, but I thought this happened
> >>already? I
> >>remember going up to observatory, either last winter, or one before
> >>to see
> >>Mars but was packed out with people and too bloody cold to wait.
> >>And they
> >>said then this wouldn’t be seen again by people alive now so
> >>buggered if I
> >>know Preston!!!
> >>Would be cool though, I l ike when planets do cool stuff!!  I’m a
> >>star gazer
> >>by nature.
> >>
> >>—–Original Message—–
> >>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
> >>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:07 a.m.
> >>To: Newsroom-L; ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
> >>Subject: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in
> >>August?
> >>
> >>Hi all,
> >>    Anyone else heard the following tidbit of science news, about
> >>how Mars
> >>is coming in on its closest approach to Earth in recorded history?
> >>Anyone
> >>know if this is true? It was sent me in an email by an in-law, so
> >>I’ve no
> >>source link or URL, and have no idea who wrote this. I would give
> >>full
> >>credit if I did know, but I don’t.
> >>Anyway, here’s the note (and could this explain all the war fever
> >>going
> >>around? Of course, there’s always war fever going around on this
> >>rock of a
> >>planet, so I guess I’m grasping at straws blaming Mars dropping in
> >>for a
> >>fly-by):
> >>
> >>>
> >>The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next,
> >>Earth
> >>is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the
> >>closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The
> >>next
> >>time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter’s
> >>gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only
> >>be
> >>certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last
> >>5,000
> >>years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens
> >>again.
> >>
> >>
> >>The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to
> >>within
> >>34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the
> >>brightest
> >>object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and
> >>will
> >>appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification
> >>
> >>
> >>Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars
> >>will be
> >>easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east
> >>at
> >>10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August
> >>when
> >>the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach
> >>its
> >>highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to
> >>see
> >>something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So,
> >>mark
> >>your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow
> >>progressively
> >>brighter and brighter throughout the month.
> >><
> >>
> >>Peace and love,
> >>Preston Peet
> >>
> >>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
> >>often
> >>mistaken for madness”
> >>Richard Davenport-Hines
> >>
> >>ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
> >>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
> >>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
> >>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> >>Civilizations,
> >>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
> >>Cont. High Times mag/.com
> >>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
> >>Columnist New York Waste
> >>Etc.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>[%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> >>[%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>/]=———————————————————————=[
> >>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >>
> >>\]=———————————————————————=[
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >/]=———————————————————————=[\
> >[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >
> >\]=———————————————————————=[/
> >
> >
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
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From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 24, 2005 at 6:21:49 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Like i’ve already posted I think it’s a panic attack , me studying medicine for 18 months in my bedroom as a 16 year old reading from ‘abused drugs books’ qualifies me to diagnose this.

I’m actually writing to tell you my Ibogaine provider/treatment therapist says exactly the same about ‘going it alone ‘ as you mention in the 2nd paragraph – some providers with zilch knowledge or delusions about their own knowledge/experience can and do exacerbate the whole problem .. cheers Nick…… sjonny !!
>From: “Nick Sandberg” <nick227@tiscali.co.uk>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
>Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 17:29:38 +0100
>Hi Ekki,
>From what you’ve put down, I don’t think this guy should take a full dose of
>iboga. If he manifests a strong reaction from such a tiny dose, however it’s
>actually being caused, I don’t think it’s good to take more. Better he
>starts working one-to-one or in groups, talking about feelings, childhood,
>this kind of stuff. About spiritual/psychosomatic, maybe that’s what it is
>but it’s still needed to talk about where you are emotionally and socially
>to help get more integrated.
>Something I’ve noticed over the years is that a fairly big sub-group of the
>people that are attracted to ibogaine therapy seem to be so because they
>want to “go it alone.” They want to get off drugs or move on in life but
>they want to do it THEIR OWN WAY! No therapists, no groups, no rehab, this
>kind of thing, you just take a drug and then hang out. They don’t want to
>let others in so much, except where they can keep control. It’s ok, and for
>some the ibo will maybe do something, but for a lot no. It’s not gonna be
>their path and at some stage they’ll have to trust a bit more and take the
>plunge into more revealing work.
>This is just my personal opinion. I’m  qualified as therapist but not a
>psychiatrist so I’m not an expert about psychosis.
> > —–Original Message—–
> > From: ekki [mailto:ekkijdfg@gmx.de]
> > Sent: 24 June 2005 16:00
> > To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> > Subject: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
> >
> >
> > a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew on
> > it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today
> > he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he
> > doesnīt take any drugs.
> >
> > since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i donīt think
> > itīs the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis
> > or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact
> > with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he
> > thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression,
> > shingles, pain in his nerves etc.
> >
> > he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didnīt knew, and he
> > probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we
> > hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. itīs just that
> > he feels so bad he says itīs life threatening. he got some valium for
> > emergency cases.
> >
> > he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him,
> > with itīs anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do
> > ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first
> > taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles anything
> > regarding his health with great caution and wouldnīt just buy some
> > iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the
> > taste.
> >
> > so any comments or suggestions?
> >
> >
> > ekki
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > /]=—————————————————————
> > ——=[\
> >  [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> >
> > \]=—————————————————————
> > ——=[/
> >
> >
> >
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\
>  [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>   \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: Jeff Gallop <jeffgallop@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] a dosed no hitter…
Date: June 24, 2005 at 6:06:33 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Just saw this….apparently true….
Pitch Freely!

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 24, 2005 at 5:59:26 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

From everything you said, including your friend saying he felt it was life threatening points to a panic attack, I’ve had them…….. years ago , and you DO THINK that you are dying , apart from pulse rate , adrenalin and irregular breathing you could better ask a docter…… but I would lay money on it, it’s severe panic – Take him to a consulant to alleviate his fears and teach him some very simple breathing patterns , absolute panic stoppers ….. sjonny

>From: HSLotsof@aol.com
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
>Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 13:20:45 EDT
>Without being present or providing medical advice, I would suggest that
>whatever worked previously in the non-ibogaine situations would work equally well,
>or not, in this case.  Sounds like an anxiety reaction to me.  Why doesn’t
>your friend ask his doctor for a suggestion?  There appears to be no adverse drug
>interaction between ibogaine and benzodiazepines (valium) based on concurrent
>use of benzodiazepines in ibogaine therapy for decades.  However, his own
>doctor should sign off on anything he does.
>In a message dated 6/24/05 12:02:31 PM, ekkijdfg@gmx.de writes:
> >a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew on
> >it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today
> >he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he
> >doesnīt take any drugs.
> >since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i donīt think
> >itīs the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis
> >or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact
> >with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he
> >thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression,
> >shingles, pain in his nerves etc.
> >he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didnīt knew, and he
> >probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we
> >hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. itīs just that
> >he feels so bad he says itīs life threatening. he got some valium for
> >emergency cases.
> >he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him,
> >with itīs anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do
> >ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first
> >taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles anything
> >regarding his health with great caution and wouldnīt just buy some
> >iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the
> >taste.
> >so any comments or suggestions?
>   /]=———————————————————————=[\
>  [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>   \]=———————————————————————=[/
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Thank you Rachel and for Preston
Date: June 24, 2005 at 5:08:44 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Writing angry childish messages against
those who have risked so much to help you and complaining that they did not
help you exactly how you wanted, is nobody’s fault but your own Preston.<

Ok. Not sure I agree, but that’s cool, I’m not actually complaining, as much as I’d have prefered to have gotten the dose I thought I was getting- I consider the person who helped me out, the people who helped me out, as friends, and have no complaints as to their putting themselves at risk more than once to help me out. I’m sorry if that’s the impression you got. My complaint, if that’s what you would like to call it, is that I thought I was getting more than I was so didn’t get what I expect out of it- but then what do I expect to get out of any of my experiences? I usuallly decide what I got afterwards anyway, regardless of what I thought before going in, and ibogaine was no different.
Otherwise, I really appreciated the rest of your note- I don’t blame anyone ever for anything I do. I take full responsibility for who I am and what I do, and I would think that obvious from any writing about myself I ever do.
But that’s irrelevent to the list as a whole I suppose, and not important to anyone but me. I certainly don’t think I’m “failing” at much of anything, but do have some issues I work out on a daily basis, sometimes getting more unsure than at others as to whether I’m really making the right choices or not.
Ahh, whatever. Judgement calls, all the time, I make ’em, and so do a lot of others too. “This drug good, this emotion bad, this statement contradictory, this demand rational, this anger misplaced, this person an asshole or an angel or blah blah blah.”

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “Vivienne Elanta” <vivienneelanta@yahoo.com.au>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2005 3:22 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Thank you Rachel and for Preston

Beautifully put Rachel and thank you.

The medicine belongs to all who need it, each to use in their own way. If
someone decide this is what is right for all, they are naive and coming from a
place of ego.

I found this place through Patrick, who did almost nothing except take control
from the day he got clean with Dr. Mash. He failed or was thrown out of her
“aftercare” treatments, went to ashram in Thailand and found himself again with
massive dose of LSD. The reason all can communicate here and find “underground
railroad” that America makes needed, is because he opened Mindvox to ibogaine,
which again is against all that Dr. Mash has ever said because I am more then
certain she’d happily agree with Preston as underground ibogaine being drug
dealers, her quote is back room abortionists.

Ultimate irony is of course that she take full credit for Patrick, introduce
him as her son and the biggest mess who is biggest success. Same idea apply
last time Patrick said I think he said he had done ibogaine 15 or 16 times with
full doses and dozens or hundreds of lower dose “bioassays” which appear with
him in some talk with psychedelic chemist Jonathan Ott. Patrick of course has
not done any of that with Dr. Mash, because he took responsibility for himself
and is high priest in world’s largest ibogaine hcl dealership 😉 I mean to say
instead First church of ibogaine, Sacrament of Transition.

Any who think they have all right answers for everyone, are to say it again
being naive at worst or drug dealers with messiah complex at best. Truth is
also very simple, if you want to take control for yourself and own actions,
then do it and take responsibility. Writing angry childish messages against
those who have risked so much to help you and complaining that they did not
help you exactly how you wanted, is nobody’s fault but your own Preston.

Ibogaine should be available to all is truth of course, War on drugs is joke of
course made worse most of all by America where all of you live and have this
sacred medicine in same category as heroin and crack. Almost nowhere else in
the world is the situation like this.

Who is right I think is everyone for themselves. Being angry at someone else
and blaming them for your failure (if that is what it is) or wanting them to
act to you in some other way, is being a selfish child or addict 😉

If you want control for your own dose, then take control for your own dose,
whining about this on the ibogaine list won’t change it. I don’t know where
quote originates, Patrick said it in Jonathan Ott talk “love is given and
shared. Power is never given, it is taken. You do not ask permission”.

However you want to view it or sugar coat things, ibogaine is both healing and
love, it is also power and very expensive drug in America where there is so
little and so many need it

Blessed be
Vivienne Elanta

Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Sjonnygee .” <sjonnygee@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] off topic but i get do 2 ks (hcl) ! ………Mr.Peet
Date: June 24, 2005 at 4:28:27 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You’ve got a lovely nose Preston , I was just envious of how svelte you looked in that little black number. btw, I can only think of one other gonzo/political journo who occasionally wore a dress, wrote abou his insane drug taking to vivid effect and he died by his own hand  –  Russian Roulette or not.  I’m not saying be worried, but avoid guns, strong liqour and Johnny Depp.  We all know guns and tequila can make things dead , but I’d keep one eye on Depp as well.    I’m actually returning the favour to you because of that subtle blend of pisstaking and genuinely inspiring advice you wrote to me a couple of days ago concerning my career as a writer . I will however probably ignore the advice because I’m a bit of a twat like that and that being my case I recommend  you do the same,  unless it’s something important like tracking down that ‘junkie Thomas’ who wrote all those great shorts that they list on that radical hippys website. – Whenever I’m in the mood, I devour them,  even the ones I’ve read 6 times already  –  Try and see if you can get them edited and published , you never know!…….Ok… ,  Later Preston !! 

>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 12:20:53 -0400
>Sjonnygee asked >I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ 
>posts to this list in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating 
>the joys and woes of a drug laden/free life.<
>Speaking for myself only, this is my job, sitting at the computer 
>writing and reading all day long. So, when a spare thought or three 
>passes through my mind and I feel like sharing it, I do.
>>It’s all I can do when I get home from work to phone up and cancel 
>>band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , I’m not having a pop at 
>>anyone here nor am I being argumentative , I’d just love to know 
>>who your sponsor is and does he increase the rate the more attitude 
>>you apply to a thread ?<
>Here’s the number 212-555-5555. Give hir a call. Attitude is always 
>good but might not get your rates increased as much as mine.
>>The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – Musician 
>>, Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once told me I 
>>was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last year and 
>>actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian soldier 
>>shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive civil 
>>unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century Babri 
>>Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a round 
>>of religious violence in which 3,000 people died.<
>That “activist” rating I’m not sure counts sjonny, but it did make 
>me laugh out loud. I like the bio, and “dance percussion therapist” 
>sounds very cool.
>>So who does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves 
>>in to type …………Can I get a contract ?<
>Weeeelllllll, if you’re serious, which I doubt you are, I personally 
>decided I wanted to be a “writer” and get paid to do so. So I 
>started writing when I got home from my then-job putting together 
>the innards of such places as the Marvel Comics themed restaurant 
>out in Universal Studios in California (we built all the panels and 
>artistic stuff here in Manhattan, building these panels to make the 
>place look like a spaceship or something, among other 
>artsy-carpenterish jobs like that), because I could feel my body 
>rapidly approaching the point where I wasn’t going to be able to 
>continue with that sort of work, and wanted to do something where I 
>could say the things I thought needed saying (by me anyway) and if I 
>could get paid simultaneously, more power to me. So I wrote, 
>pitched, walked, mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, wrote, pitched, 
>mailed, worked, wrote, wrote, got shitloads of rejection slips and 
>then gradually started selling my writing.
>    Put in the time, you too might be able to strap yourself to a 
>desk chair at home and type all the merry day long, adding attitude 
>here, taking it away there.
>    At least you’ve got a band practice to cancel, which I envy.
>    V loves my nose btw. And my dress(es). And she’s the one with an 
>opinion I really, really care about, so in that regard, I’ve few to 
>no complaints.
>    Any other questions?
>Peace and love,
>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is 
>often mistaken for madness”
>Richard Davenport-Hines
>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient 
>Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out 
>Sept. 2005)
>Cont. High Times mag/.com
>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
>Columnist New York Waste
>—– Original Message —– From: Sjonnygee .
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 6:26 AM
>Subject: [Ibogaine] So off topic it’s a colourless gas.
>I’m curious how people find the time to write 12+ posts to this list 
>in 1 day alone, happily/unhappily contemplating the joys and woes of 
>a drug laden/free life.  It’s all I can do when I get home from work 
>to phone up and cancel band rehearsal for the 2nd time this week , 
>I’m not having a pop at anyone here nor am I being argumentative , 
>I’d just love to know who your sponsor is and does he increase the 
>rate the more attitude you apply to a thread ? -……….. and can 
>I get a cut.
>       The list seems as a good a place as any to update my cv. – 
>Musician , Dance Percussion Therapist :Qualified -( somebody once 
>told me I was good), Activist(I ripped my stomach open at work last 
>year and actively don’t wish to do it again)  – Adventurer(An indian 
>soldier shot me in the arse in Calcutta Dec.’92 during ‘massive 
>civil unrest'{In 1992, Hindu hardliners destroyed the 16th century 
>Babri Masjid mosque that had been built on that site, setting off a 
>round of religious violence in which 3,000 people ied.}  – So who 
>does pay you guys to stay home all day and strap yourselves in to 
>type …………Can I get a contract ? By the way I love a man in a 
>Good dress ,but you need a good nose to really carry it off ! 
>>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
>>From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
>>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>>Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close 
>>in August?
>>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 01:39:45 -0400
>>to make this really bizarreo, as V and I were returning home, not 
>>more than a couple hours, three at most after writing about Mars 
>>being closer to the Earth, what do we find but someone who has a 
>>telescope, set at that same 75 magnification mentioned in that 
>>article, but pointed at Jupiter. We could plainly see Jupiter 
>>through the telescope, very small, a quarter of the size of the 
>>moon with our naked eye, maybe even a wee bit smaller, and four of 
>>its brightest moons, from Ave. A in LES, Manhattan. I can only 
>>imagine how gorgeous the view must be out West somewhere, or 
>>upstate in the mountain, around V’s uncle’s cabin or something of 
>>that nature. Anyway, there was Jupiter, and we both got to look 
>>through the telescope. I got to tell everyone standing there, 
>>including the guy with the telescope, about the whole Mars thing.
>>Peace and love,
>>Preston Peet
>>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is 
>>often mistaken for madness”
>>Richard Davenport-Hines
>>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
>>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
>>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient 
>>Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out 
>>Sept. 2005)
>>Cont. High Times mag/.com
>>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
>>Columnist New York Waste
>>—– Original Message —– From: “Capt Kirk” 
>>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>>Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:22 PM
>>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close 
>>in August?
>>>Just did a search, yes it happened already in 2003.  Must be a old 
>>>somebody didn’t see the year or something, so got alllll excited!! 
>>>Oh well.
>>>—–Original Message—–
>>>From: Capt Kirk [mailto:captkirk@free.net.nz]
>>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:16 a.m.
>>>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>>>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close 
>>>in August?
>>>Yes I also got sent the same email, but I thought this happened 
>>>already? I
>>>remember going up to observatory, either last winter, or one 
>>>before to see
>>>Mars but was packed out with people and too bloody cold to wait. 
>>>And they
>>>said then this wouldn’t be seen again by people alive now so 
>>>buggered if I
>>>know Preston!!!
>>>Would be cool though, I l ike when planets do cool stuff!!  I’m a 
>>>star gazer
>>>by nature.
>>>—–Original Message—–
>>>From: Preston Peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
>>>Sent: Wednesday, 22 June 2005 10:07 a.m.
>>>To: Newsroom-L; ibogaine@mindvox.com; drugwar@mindvox.com
>>>Subject: [Ibogaine] ot- anyone know about Mars being so close in 
>>>Hi all,
>>>    Anyone else heard the following tidbit of science news, about 
>>>how Mars
>>>is coming in on its closest approach to Earth in recorded history? 
>>>know if this is true? It was sent me in an email by an in-law, so 
>>>I’ve no
>>>source link or URL, and have no idea who wrote this. I would give 
>>>credit if I did know, but I don’t.
>>>Anyway, here’s the note (and could this explain all the war fever 
>>>around? Of course, there’s always war fever going around on this 
>>>rock of a
>>>planet, so I guess I’m grasping at straws blaming Mars dropping in 
>>>for a
>>>The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next, 
>>>is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in 
>>>closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The 
>>>time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to the way Jupiter’s
>>>gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only 
>>>certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last 
>>>years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens 
>>>The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to 
>>>34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the 
>>>object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and 
>>>appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification
>>>Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars 
>>>will be
>>>easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east 
>>>10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.  By the end of August 
>>>the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach 
>>>highest point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That’s pretty convenient to 
>>>something that no human being has seen in recorded history. So, 
>>>your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow 
>>>brighter and brighter throughout the month.
>>>Peace and love,
>>>Preston Peet
>>>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is 
>>>mistaken for madness”
>>>Richard Davenport-Hines
>>>Editor http://www.drugwar.com
>>>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
>>>Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient 
>>>Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
>>>Cont. High Times mag/.com
>>>Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
>>>Columnist New York Waste
>>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] 
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands: 
>http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/

From: Vivienne Elanta <vivienneelanta@yahoo.com.au>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Thank you Rachel and for Preston
Date: June 24, 2005 at 3:22:07 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Beautifully put Rachel and thank you.

The medicine belongs to all who need it, each to use in their own way. If
someone decide this is what is right for all, they are naive and coming from a
place of ego.

I found this place through Patrick, who did almost nothing except take control
from the day he got clean with Dr. Mash. He failed or was thrown out of her
“aftercare” treatments, went to ashram in Thailand and found himself again with
massive dose of LSD. The reason all can communicate here and find “underground
railroad” that America makes needed, is because he opened Mindvox to ibogaine,
which again is against all that Dr. Mash has ever said because I am more then
certain she’d happily agree with Preston as underground ibogaine being drug
dealers, her quote is back room abortionists.

Ultimate irony is of course that she take full credit for Patrick, introduce
him as her son and the biggest mess who is biggest success. Same idea apply
last time Patrick said I think he said he had done ibogaine 15 or 16 times with
full doses and dozens or hundreds of lower dose “bioassays” which appear with
him in some talk with psychedelic chemist Jonathan Ott. Patrick of course has
not done any of that with Dr. Mash, because he took responsibility for himself
and is high priest in world’s largest ibogaine hcl dealership 😉 I mean to say
instead First church of ibogaine, Sacrament of Transition.

Any who think they have all right answers for everyone, are to say it again
being naive at worst or drug dealers with messiah complex at best. Truth is
also very simple, if you want to take control for yourself and own actions,
then do it and take responsibility. Writing angry childish messages against
those who have risked so much to help you and complaining that they did not
help you exactly how you wanted, is nobody’s fault but your own Preston.

Ibogaine should be available to all is truth of course, War on drugs is joke of
course made worse most of all by America where all of you live and have this
sacred medicine in same category as heroin and crack. Almost nowhere else in
the world is the situation like this.

Who is right I think is everyone for themselves. Being angry at someone else
and blaming them for your failure (if that is what it is) or wanting them to
act to you in some other way, is being a selfish child or addict 😉

If you want control for your own dose, then take control for your own dose,
whining about this on the ibogaine list won’t change it. I don’t know where
quote originates, Patrick said it in Jonathan Ott talk “love is given and
shared. Power is never given, it is taken. You do not ask permission”.

However you want to view it or sugar coat things, ibogaine is both healing and
love, it is also power and very expensive drug in America where there is so
little and so many need it

Blessed be
Vivienne Elanta

Send instant messages to your online friends http://au.messenger.yahoo.com

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: CoyDogsRock@webtv.net (SKALD VANASATRU)
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: [DrugWar] (OT) a couple photos
Date: June 24, 2005 at 3:21:19 PM EDT
To: drugwar@mindvox.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com, drugwar@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Oh Preston, I just saw the photos you lucky, lucky man!

~Design by Liandre~

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 24, 2005 at 2:35:44 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

As my super-straight sister says to me too many times for comfort:
“It must be hard being you!”  Funny when people say that to each
other, since all those esoteric teachings of us being all part of one
Whole make the individual ego experiences of “I” and “You” somewhate
dreamy veils of illusion.  However temporarily the embodied brain
allows a given soul-entity to wonder at such ephemeral notions of not
being fragmented, still we carry these egos to function in this world.

I remember, back in February, seeing the personage of Preston Peet
rise painfully from his seat in front of us at COSM, regaled in
downtown finery and cosmetic glow, but moving slow, leaning hard on
the device that helped him walk.  We hadn’t met yet, but I recognized
who he was.  And compassion — feeling someone else’s pain as not
separate — welled up, while certain judgments culled reactively from
his prolific writing ability drained away.  I could hear/feel/sense it
in my bones that E.T. voice going “oooucccch” empathetically and knew
that whatever Ibogaine can do towards regenerating the soft tissues of
corporeality, bones and metal plates are a different story.

I agree, Preston, that meeting each other diffuses the abstract
tension to conflicting ideas, and opens up more space for recognizing
the heart behind the heat.  I do wish you didn’t have to bang your
pain meds to get relief, because it always sounds like once you move
back into that it sets off another cycle.  I do wish your body wasn’t
suffering so…. I do wish… I do wish….

Academics tend to set up these typologies — maybe categories aren’t
always useful, but politically speaking, differentiating the TYPES of
opiate dependants and intoxicant vacationers who would likely benefit
from legal access to the Medicine might reduce the static between
interest groups.  We are all along a spectrum, of course, of varying

However, the ax you keep grinding on about what are the
responsibilities of a provider is getting old.  Providers do not seem
to me AT ALL as if they are “dealers” — and I object to your
slandering them in such a fashion out of personal pique at not getting
to play the game according to your rules.  If anything from the world
of Babylon, they seem to me like a cross between pharmacists,
nurse-practitioners, and psychedelic-therapeutic guides.  Because they
have to be practical about the limited distribution scope of their
resources, don’t you think?  It’s still a Schedule 1 offense you are
asking someone else to risk, altruistic or not, with all the potential
for a wonderful Civil Rights case or not, and there’s an awful lot of
street junkies and the clinic-cuffed and Pharma-tricked out there
needing a chance to get clean too.

“Where did he get it???!?” someone I thought was pretty well superfly
connected in the “psychedelic” world said to me back in November,
three weeks into Jeff’s  treatment, and all I could say was some
mumbled grateful pranams to the underground where the African
freedomroot travels on its new anti-addiction railroad.  I hope to
never lose that gratitude, even as all the players shine their
headlights through these clouds of political pharmaceutical healing

Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu…. May all beings in all the worlds be happy.

xo rachy

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Date: June 24, 2005 at 2:19:30 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You always send me such wonderful suggestions, and I never thank you
for them, so thank you very much!!!  I had totally forgotten about the
whole acupuncture thing
and had some decent results with my own RLS years ago.  how quickly
the mind forgets the good things sometimes.
Love to you
On 6/24/05, shelley krupa <skrupa20022002@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Tink ,how about trying some acupuncture ,i have had good results for RLS
and I have treated for allergies with excellant results, love shell

tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com> wrote:
I have never had allergies like I’ve had this year so far, and I don’t
know whether it was seasonal timing or what, but it seems as though
it’s gotten a million times worse since my treatment. I can’t
breathe, I sneeze constantly, and it’s not that goosebumpy ibogachoo
thingy any more. This is AGONY!! My head feels like it’s going to
implode, and Nasonex simply does NOT cut it. I have a constant head
ache, my throat hurts, and i also have Restless Legs Syndrome-what
fun- and can’t take anything that has pseudoephedrine HCL in it or
it’s like 6 hours of dope sick. Anything at all with restlessness as a
side effect is horrible for me, including periactin, seroquyl,
etc,(which I’m not taking for ANY reason, but found that out the hard
way at the Brattleboro Retreat last time I went in to detox off of

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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] from the real deal
Date: June 24, 2005 at 2:17:23 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


He sees her walking slowly down 17th Street toward NE Miami Ave,
cigarette in hand, and a grim look on her face.  The sun is beating
down relentlessly, and she stops and puts her small black backpack on
the sidewalk, squatting in front of it with a bounce.  Her knees are
about as far away from each other as they can get, and the back of her
black pants is slipping down her ass very slowly, exposing the silvery
lines of the top of her thong.  The sunlight reflects off the
material, and for a second, it looks like God himself is giving him a
sign. She’s the one he has spent the better half of the morning
looking for.  She looks sweaty, and tired, and nauseous.
He feels a familiar tingle begin below his ears, and heat rushes
through his jaw, and into the pit of his stomach.  He reaches over the
steering wheel and turns the volume off of the radio, taking his foot
off of the gas, tapping the break.  As his car rolls up on her, she
jumps slightly, and squints over the top of her sunglasses.  Matching
pink shadows stretch down both of her pale cheeks, the tiny heart of
rhinestones flashes into his eyes as her head moves.  He comes to a
stop and rolls down his window, coughing to clear his throat.  His
eyes dart nervously around the street behind her, and he takes a quick
peek in his rear view window.               “You workin’?”  he asks,
coughing again, this time with his hand in front of his mouth.
She straightens herself up slowly, blood painfully rushing from
her knees and into her feet. She swings her backpack over her right
shoulder and  moves closer to the curb, not wanting to shout across
the empty lane between them.  She ruffles her long red bangs with her
fingers and tucks them behind her ear, scrutinizing him over the edge
of her shades.      “You a cop?”
The pit of his stomach drops out, and he nervously licks his lips
before replying.
“Do I look like a cop?”
His eyes flicker up to his rearview mirror again, and she sighs
and flicks her cigarette in the street between them.  A strand of hair
slips from behind her ear, and she pushes at it angrily, staring at
him for a second.  Abruptly, she turns on her heel and starts to
stride away from his car, mumbling angrily under her breath and
swinging her backpack around to the front of her chest.  She starts to
unzip the small pocket on the front.
He throws his car in reverse, steering erratically in his haste
to keep up with her.
“Hey!  HEY!  I’m not a cop!  Look, will you just stop for a sec…”
She spins angrily toward his car, whispering at the top of her
lungs, “Don’t you know it’s hot out here?!! Meet me at the Burger King
on Biscayne.”, and stomps down the street, crossing kitty-corner to an
unkempt median, its worn curbs crumbled in little piles all along the
edge.  A sawhorse with day-glo orange stripes lies on its side, the
light still flashing futilely at the grass it lays upon.  She examines
a line of red ants marching across the plastic as it blips a dull
orange, and aims herself at the Burger King on the far side of the
street.                 She can see his beat up Honda Civic hesitating
in front of the exit lane of the parking lot, then wobbling up the
steep incline as he pulls in.  She wipes sweat from her face, and
pulls her tank top down a bit, squirming into her back pack.  He has
parked in the only shaded area, in the back corner.  A tall chain link
fence surrounds the parking lot, trapping the fichus tree he’s parked
under.  There are three people sitting on milk crates under the tree,
not far from the car, and they eye it warily, not hearing her walk
toward them.  Light filters down through the tree, rippling like water
across their faces.  One of them hunts intensely near his feet,
lifting miniscule bits of concrete and flipping them back on the
ground, only to pick them back up again.  The other two are arguing
over a lighter, but keeping their eyes on the Honda.
“You just gonna sit there all day, waiting for the money fairy to
come bless your black ass, or you gonna figure out your feet work, and
go get you some.”
All three whip their heads up like mir cats, and the one hunting
on the ground breaks into a smile.
“Hey, South Beach!  You workin’?”
He stands, and swipes at the seat of his shorts with large hands
stuck on the end of spindly arms.  Suddenly, he doubles over.  “Oh
shit!  I had me a four cent piece sittin’ right here on my leg, and
YOU made me get up and drop it!  You own me, South Beach.  Got a hit?”
The smile never leaves his mouth, but never reaches his eyes.  He
is constantly shifting his weight from one side to the other,
alternate feet tapping as he moves.
The woman with the lighter is now looking expectantly up at her
face, and the boyish man sitting next to her is still looking at the
car, then back at her.
“Hey, man, she could be 5-0…” he blurts out, now looking from the
car to her, over at the woman on the crate, then back to the car.  The
whites of his eyes are getting larger, a yellowy hue at the edges.  He
has started to sweat more.
“Someone tell this Jit I’m not 5-0, and like Hell I owe you a
hit, you crack head!  I saw you playing rubble inspector over there.
If you had a hit, you smoked a hit.  You guys know if this dude’s
“If he Nine, he don’t arres’ no one.”
The woman on the crate shifts her considerable weight onto her
other knee, skirt dipping like a falling tent between her legs.
“Leas’ he never took me in.  I seen him with that Puerto Rican
girl?  With the long hair?  She got that NAS-tee Dominican man who
take all her money?  Anyways, he been drivin’ aroun’ for like a hour
or so.”
She taps at the bandana wound tightly across her forehead with
the inside of the top of her middle finger.  Her fingers are spread
daintily as she tries to beat her itchy scalp into submission, not
wanting to wreck her long, mango colored nails.
Pushing her unruly hair behind her ear once again, the white girl
looks over at the car, and back down at the woman on the crate.
“‘Ah-ite…” she says, smiling.  The woman on the crate glances over at
the car as well.
Digging through her pack for her cigarettes, she finds one and
stabs it into her mouth.  “Y’all still here when I get back, I’ll turn
The woman on the crate smiles sadly at her, and says, “You be
safe, now, Ma.  Just ‘cuz he white like you, don’ mean he don’ mean
you no harm…’
“She ain’t white,” quips the stick-figure man, who has returned
to his investigation on the ground.  “She albino!”
“Albino…” mutters the woman on the crate, still tapping at her
head as she shakes it.       The window starts to roll down on the
driver’s side of the car.  The silhouette of the man inside asks if
she’s coming or not.
“You get that man’s money, and don’ take no crap!” hollers the
woman from her crate.
Readjusting herself, the white girl stops to light her cigarette
and walks over to the passenger’s side, pulling open the door.  With
one foot in, she yells over the roof of the car, “If you don’t see me
in an hour, make sure you got his plates written down!”,and throws a
wink and a smile in their direction.
The woman on the crate looks over at the guy still searching on
the ground.  “She all right for a white girl,” she says, watching her
vanish into the car.  “You got the plates wrote down?”
“Naw.  You gonna do it?”
“None a mine business.” she says, and pulls out her stem and a
small twisted piece of metal hanger.
The car pulls out of the parking lot.   The white girl watches
the three of them grow smaller from inside the car.
The woman on the crate is pushing her screen from one end of the
stem to the other as the boyish man stares intently at her progress,
and the stick-figured investigator is reexamining the same little
piece of cement he had had in his hand when the white girl walked up.
No one noticed which way the car turned.


The car is unnaturally cold, and my sweaty skin is instantly
fused to the fake leather seat.  A chill passes through me, and I
shudder, watching little goose bumps appear up and down my arms.  I
reach to the controls on the door, opening the window a crack to let a
little heat in.
“Don’t do that!  Roll it back up!  Wait ’til we’re out of the
I look over at my new companion for the first time since getting
into his car.  He is very nervous, and beads of sweat are gathering on
his thin upper lip, despite the artic blast from the a/c.  His hair is
starting to thin, and there are a few wisps of gray around his
temples, and on his thick eyebrows.  He licks his lips, and coughs
quietly into his hand.  His eyes never leave my face.  They are
serious eyes, a dark brown that almost looks black.  I think of a
shark and shudder again.  We are veering dangerously close to the
oncoming traffic, but I don’t really care.
“Didn’t your mother ever teach you any manners?” I ask, staring
back at him, refusing to remind him that he is still driving.
“Sorry.  PLEASE roll up the window.”  The word is stretched out
mockingly, and I keep my eyes on his, fumbling for the window button
on my door, and push it so the window goes up.
“Are you trying to kill us, or is it an subconscious
suicide-murder type-thing?”  I motion with my chin and eyes toward the
street we’re driving down.  He blinks, and a look of slight panic
floats into his eyes.  He turns his head back toward the front, and
has to swerve quickly to avoid hitting an oncoming car that’s trying
to turn right.  “Fuckin’ Miami drivers…” he growls.  I smirk, and let
the ashes from my cigarette land on the seat.  I brush them onto the
floor, rubbing in the little gray streak left near my thigh.
“Would you not do that?”
He’s looking at me, then the road, and back at me again.  I open
the window a crack, and he shakes his head slightly, the corners of
his mouth threatening to smile.
“So what can I do you for?” I ask, looking straight ahead.  The
Omni Station is passing on the left, the city busses pulling in and
out with no regard to other drivers.  There’s a lot of honking in this
neighborhood.  I can see American Airlines Arena up the road, and I
want him to make a decision quickly, before we drive under the 95
“Well, what do you want to do?” he asks.  I look at him, and bite
my tongue, almost starting one of those, “I dunno know, what do YOU
want to do” exchanges. Instead, I ask him how much money he wants to
“I got a twenty with your name on it,” he says.  I tell him to pull
over and let me out.
“No, Ma! Wait.  I got a little more in here somewhere.  Don’t get out.”
“Show me how much you got,” I say, knowing it really doesn’t
matter.  I would’ve worked for the twenty, but it’s always worth a try
to see if you can get a little more.
“Look, I got thirty-nine dollars, and a pack of Newports,” His
eyes are hopeful and ashamed at the same time.
“I’m not gonna fuck you for thirty-nine dollars and a pack of
butts, even if they are Cadillac’s,” I say, still looking straight
ahead.   Cigarettes are a lot cheaper in the south, but brand names
are currently out of my price range, and I don’t really like menthols.
I know that I can trade them for something with somebody, though.
Freedom Tower is only four or five blocks away, up on the right,
and we’re stopped at a light in front of a Howard Johnson’s.  I can
see Miami Heat fans lining up in front of Triple A, on the left.  I
briefly wonder why they’re out this early.
“You got a spot?” he asks, hopefully.
“Yeah.  Turn around.  We’ll go down Biscayne to twenty-something.
There’s a good spot down near the Bay.”  He does a quick U-turn, tires
squealing a little bit, and heads back down under the 95 over pass.
“The Shaq!”  I burst out with, and he throws me a look that is a
little worried, and a little curious.  “Those people, at Triple A.
Shaq is coming today.  You know, Shaquille O’Neil?”  His face is
relieved, and he tosses me a vaguely amused smile.   “Oh, okay.
That’s why we’re going back this way.”
I make some kind of affirmative noise, and look out of my window.
“Turn down the next street.  Go to the end, and you have to turn off
your car.”
“But it’s hot…” It’s almost a whine, and it grates like
fingernails on a blackboard.  I throw him a dirty look.
“It’s hot in more ways than one.  You want to go to jail?”  He
shakes his head.  “Then turn off the car.”
We park, and he turns in his seat, arms trying to drape casually
over the steering wheel and headrest, legs spread as wide as the car
will allow.
“Well?” he asks, cocking an eyebrow.
“Give me the money first.”  I look over at him, and then dig
around for a condom in my backpack.  The only one I can find is
banana-flavored.  I hate bananas.  I look back up at him, my eyes
asking him what he’s waiting for.  He digs around for his wallet, and
pulls out a twenty, nineteen dollars in one’s, each of which he makes
a show of counting into an uneven pile on the seat in front of my
thigh.  He tries to touch my leg each time he flattens one out, but I
wiggle back in the seat a bit more with each attempt.  I scoop up the
cash, and jam it into the big part of my bag, which I tuck as far from
him as I can get it.
I open the wrapper of the condom, and the sickly smell of
manufactured banana flavor and something vaguely medicinal hits my
nose.  I close my eyes, trying not to breathe in, then look over at
him, saying, “Well?”  He fumbles with a thin belt and unzips his
slacks, digging around in his tighty-whitey’s.  He reaches for my
I’m kneeling on the floor of the car now, and silently wishing
for this to be over quickly and safely.  I have a little prayer I
usually throw up to the wind before I work, saying, “Please let me be
swift, safe and solvent.”  I can never think of another word for money
that starts with an ‘s’.  Today is no exception.
As I allow his hands to pull my head closer to his crotch, I
think about biting him and running, but instead I put the condom in my
mouth, so I can suck it on, into place.  It usually speeds up the
I try not to gag as a faint whiff of cheap cologne and urine
mingle with the awful scent of banana, and I stop breathing again, as
much as possible.  His hands grab me by the ears, and he tries to move
my head faster.  All I can do is silently urge him on, and try not to
bite, waiting for it to be over, so I can go and forget it ever
happened.  He’s groping down my back, trying to stick his hand down my
pants, and I slap his groping arm.
“You got a beautiful ass.  You should let me touch it.”
I look up at him from somewhere in his lap, and he says, “No, no,
don’t stop!  I’ll behave myself!”
I close my eyes again, and feel his fingers stroking my hair away
from my face.  I flip it back down across my forehead, not wanting him
to see me while I do this.  Not wanting him to see me at all.
“Hey, Ma!  Don’t hide; you got beautiful eyes.  I never seen eyes
that color green before.”
I nearly gag myself in my haste to be finished with him, and
finally, I feel his thighs tightening, and he moans quietly, clutching
at my ears and hair.  With a series of shudders and moans, I can feel
his grip relax, and I sit up, letting him deal with his own mess.  I
wipe my mouth across my wrist, and immediately light a cigarette I had
left out for just this reason.
“You got those Newports?” I ask.
“Sure, sure…” he digs around in the panel pocket of his door, and
flips them to me. “You work out here a lot?”
“I work when I need to.”
“Can I find you here again?  Are you out at night, too?  Or just in
the morning?”
“Just when I know I’m getting sick.  I’m out when ever.”
“You need a ride back up there?  You know, Overtown’s no place for a
white girl.  You need to be safe.  All kindsa freaks out here.”
Is this guy for real?
He opens his car door a crack, and tosses the limp condom through
the crack, and pulls it shut with a slam.  I look at him, and flick my
ashes on the floor of his car again.
“You can drop me near where you found me.”  I tell him.
“And I’m not white, I’m albino.”
I start giggling, and he shakes his head, turns the car on, and
drives back toward Biscayne Blvd.


From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] a brief moment of haziness
Date: June 24, 2005 at 2:05:27 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I am currently in the computer lab at my last weekend for the
semester, and I feel like ripping someone’s head off and shoving it up
their retentive ass.  I’m not currently in the best of moods, and have
got a major downswing in progress, and feel much worse for having gone
to counselling this morning.  Not cool, tink.  I have that RUN
AWAY!!!!!! thing happening, and all I want to do is grab my shit and
flee.  But from what am I fleeing?  My family is having a collective
heart attack every time I breathe, and I feel like they keep waiting
for the other foot to drop, and  this impending disaster shit is SO
not what I need right now.  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I
actually think that another stint in a half way house somewhere
wouldn’t be a bad idea.  Or something like that.  I haven’t got the
best living situation going, as it is not a “conducive for recovery”
type atmosphere and now that I’m officially “better”, everyone around
me is like, “Okay, where’s the success we know you have in you?
You’ve got about twenty years of bullshit to make up for and it’s
already been about a year… your SISTER doesn’t have shit that
stinks.”  I know, i know. Get off the pity pot and grow a pair.  Got
that.  I just get really sick of having to defend my every choice,
thought, and action.
I can deal with the familial bullshit on a certain level, but living
in a po-dunk town where I am BORED is not a good thing.  Especially
right now.  I keep thinking that i should go and turn myself in in
Miami and get that over with, but not having any idea how much time
I’m actually looking at makes me nervous.  Apparently I can turn
myself in here in VT and if Florida doesn’t come for me in 30 days,
all charges are dropped.  but this is florida.  What’s that saying?
Come to florida on vacation, leave on probation, come back on
violation?  I have a friend who was extradited from San diego on a
traffic violation.  My luck is not that good.
Anyway, I let myself get behind in my school work and am now finding
that I have no idea where have of the shit i wrote ended up, and know
that when my other computer crashed and burned(quite literally-thanks
to my friend’s 15 year old son and his rowdy rottweiler) I lost a
bunch of stuff.  I have gone 12 days past the turn in date for my
final packet, and have no idea how to explain the whole, “Well, you
see…there’s this root that the Bwiti tribe in Gabon use as a
ritualistic, vision quest type healing, welcome to your life
experience, and one of the side effects of it is it interrupts
addiction, so i did it, and was so completely wiped out that i could
barely stand for almost three weeks and now I AM getting my shit back
together, but i need a little more time.” thing to the Mommy Memoir
Club and my illustrious teachers.  They haven’t been able to wraop
their heads around “the real deal” yet, and can’t seem to get past the
fact that I openly admit that I was, and will always carry a little
bit of, a raging junky.  I can see the questions in their eyes, and
would love to answer them, but you know how that goes.  It’s like
saying, “Hi I have the bubonic plague AND a really bad head cold.  Can
I sneeze on you.  Please?”
Okay, enough of my shit for the day.  Time to go find out whether or
not I pass or fail.
“Come out upon my seas
cursed missed opportunities
Am i part of the cure
Or i am i part of the disease”

Thankyou all once again for the excellent allergy advice. You da man Dr Tom!!

I love you all

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] painkillers : help i’m on the abyss
Date: June 24, 2005 at 1:39:14 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Oh Randy… I identify.  There’s a line to a bad String Cheese
Incident song that goes “I’m searching for answers to questions that I
can’t define….”

Go dance?  Take a yoga class?  Move your body and find some access to
the inner nonlinear light being that pervades your physicality?

(Jeff is making back-seat internet suggestions here about getting laid
that I can’t quite type with the right tone of masculine-laden
innuendo code that doesn’t transmit well through my fingertips)

We’re goin’ dancin’ tonight with a buttery string band, and then
rollin’ down to L.A. for another hug from Ammachi.  “There’s a Saint
six hours away!” says Jeffy, and so there we go.  You are welcome to
come with us to see her when she’s in NYC in mid-July.  Or D.C. before
that, around July 12-13-14, depending on where you are doin’ your
thing at the time.  There’s a whole lotta love vibin’ in that joint!!!

We loooooovveeeee you!!! xo rachy

On 6/21/05, biscuitboy714@aol.com <biscuitboy714@aol.com> wrote:
So here I go again, I’m searching and don’t know what I’m
looking for.        Randy

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: mcorcoran <mcorcoran27@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine and retreatments.
Date: June 24, 2005 at 1:34:33 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Out of the 5, two of us have been retreated the rest have a considerable amount of clean time after 1 session. It took the other 2 of us three times to get this far. With our last dose being the biggest for both of us.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
>First of all I wanted to say hey Rocky and well said. Secondly and for the
>last time, its not true that people are not saying clean in NYC. I saw 4 of
>them and if you count me that’s 4 1/2 just kidding, but that was yesterday
>and today alone.. <

First of all Mark, what do you mean exactly by staying “clean,” and this 4
(and a half-just kidding) is out of how many “treated?” I’m not being
argumentative, only trying to figure out exactly what sort of “success”
rates have been found in NYC, and what is being considered as “success” by
various people.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: mcorcoran
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine and retreatments.

First of all I wanted to say hey Rocky and well said. Secondly and for the
last time, its not true that people are not saying clean in NYC. I saw 4 of
them and if you count me that’s 4 1/2 just kidding, but that was yesterday
and today alone..
As most of you know I have had a couple of attempts at this over the past
year. First taking a moderate amount of Ibogaine in Mexico and putting
together 4 months after detoxing from a shit load of Methadone and a bunch
of dope… then slipping with heroin for a week and taking a rather small
dose of Ibogaine…. then putting together another month or so before
falling again mostly because a week wasn’t enough time to really get my ass
kicked and remember how hard and unfulfilling a life it is for me…. and
now I’m coming up on 3 months AGAIN after taking a rather Large dose of
I think my story is a lot more common than people think and its not the
worst thing in the world either. For starters, I have had more clean time
this year than I can remember having in a long time. Yeah this year has been
a hell ride in a lot of respects but every time I’ve fallen and gotten up
with the help of that spirit Rocky mentioned and I feel a little more whole
when I’m back on my feet each time out. This time, and I realize I’ve had
this amount of time before, but I have no desire to use dope at all. Theres
nothing attractive about it at all right now. Dana compares it to peeling
and onion, who knows. But the therapeutic value of this session was more
than I ever even imagined possible after the last two. Howard said something
about how “we all know what the issues are and that Ibogaine enables that
discussion” or something close to that. Well, I never experienced anything
like that until this time around. I got what “going real! ly deep” was all
about and it wasn’t what I tohught it would be at all. It was so much more!
But I don’t know.
But are we all doomed? No fuckin way.
I think that there is something about this crazy medicine that feeds on our
true intentions and if we intend to shoot dope again we certainly will but
if we want to be free from this and change our lives then it will eventually
show us the way out. This year as I’ve said has been more unmanageable than
I would have liked but I guess walking around for the first time in 10 years
or so without any “painkillers” in my system wasn’t supposed to be easy.
Also, about the debate on should we be able to do it ourselves. I’m really
torn on that one because although I agree with everything Rocky and the
“provider that will remain nameless” said. I also know that after my relapse
this winter if I could have copped Ibogaine on the corner or ordered it on
the internet I would have. I see people on the street everyday that don’t
have the money to do this and I know that if it was more easily accessible
more people would have a chance. But a shit load more people would die as
I think one of the first things I said after this last session was “I never
would have been able to do that by myself- Thank you” because I thought
about doing the po box thing, or even asking one of you kind folks that
don’t live under such oppressive regimes to order and send me some more
times than I could remember when I couldn’t come up with the cash for a
treatment. But its a rough ride no doubt about it and I think theres a lot
to letting someone who has been called to this, especially someone who ain’t
making shit, sit and help you though because that’s where they want to be.
That’s just my opinion.
Also Preston, from what I remember you have a pretty hard time with this
stuff. I go though unusually fast and have never puked and theres no way I
could have gone though this time with a family member or my girlfriend. It
can be a pretty terririfing ordeal, no?
You wouldn’t do a large therapeutic dose on your own would you?

Rocky wrote…

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a
decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in
the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not
a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has
many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable
but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing
as best it can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically
respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the
spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most loving and powerful
life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you
personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be
appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit
otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most
part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most
times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and
get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the
time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into
their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the
adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6
sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey
if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded
chances are they are not really interested in changing their lives and
being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it
all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday,
lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it
all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break
.. ! ; thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially
like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love
through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone
they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never
know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself
but try it.

Ibogi Boogie Boogie wrote:
“Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you
must see the world.”
~ George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
British playwright & novelist

“Keep close to Nature’s heart . . . and break clear away, once in awhile,
and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”
~ John Muir (1838-1914)

American naturalist

“When he tries to extend his power over objects, those objects gain control
of him. He who is controlled by objects loses possession of his inner
self… Prisoners in the world of object, they have no choice but to submit
to the demands of matter! They are pressed down and crushed by external
forces: fashion, the market, events, public opinion. Never in a whole
lifetime do they recover their right mind!… What a pity!”
~ Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC-c. 275 BC)

“Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical
narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the
victim from reality.”
~ John William Gardner (1912-)
—– Original Message —–
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a
decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in
the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not
a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has
many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable
but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing
as best it can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically
respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the
spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most loving and powerful
life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you
personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be
appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit
otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most
part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most
times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and
get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the
time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into
their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the
adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6
sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey
if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded
chances are they are not really interested in changing their lives and
being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it
all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday,
lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it
all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break
.. ! ; thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially
like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love
through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone
they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never
know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself
but try it.

Preston Peet wrote:
>What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Edi! tor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

> This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
> have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
> not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
> wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
> of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.
> Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here! a lot, I
> know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
> new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.
> My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
> you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
> discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
> is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
> then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.
> Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
> a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
> will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
> heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.
> Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?
> My second question is about guides and treatment in! stead of ibogaine
> itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
> where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
> After reading this list nearly since it started I would not want to be
> doing ibogaine alone or with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re
> doing.
> What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
> and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
> happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
> having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
> this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
> there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
> dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
> and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same
> instructions?
>> .:vector:.
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From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 24, 2005 at 1:20:45 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Without being present or providing medical advice, I would suggest that
whatever worked previously in the non-ibogaine situations would work equally well,
or not, in this case.  Sounds like an anxiety reaction to me.  Why doesn’t
your friend ask his doctor for a suggestion?  There appears to be no adverse drug
interaction between ibogaine and benzodiazepines (valium) based on concurrent
use of benzodiazepines in ibogaine therapy for decades.  However, his own
doctor should sign off on anything he does.


In a message dated 6/24/05 12:02:31 PM, ekkijdfg@gmx.de writes:

a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew on
it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today
he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he
doesnīt take any drugs.

since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i donīt think
itīs the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis
or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact
with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he
thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression,
shingles, pain in his nerves etc.

he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didnīt knew, and he
probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we
hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. itīs just that
he feels so bad he says itīs life threatening. he got some valium for
emergency cases.

he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him,
with itīs anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do
ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first
taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles anything
regarding his health with great caution and wouldnīt just buy some
iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the

so any comments or suggestions?

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Beatrice Blue <beatriceblue@cox.net>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 24, 2005 at 12:49:48 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thank you, Shelley!  I thought it was just me!  I’d never had anxiety before, but after each ibogaine session suffered so badly I had to take Zanax.  The farther away I got, the less and less they occurred, but still it wasn’t fun.  Makes me feel better now that I know it’s not just me!

All my love to you all!

On 6/24/05 9:38 AM, “shelley krupa” <skrupa20022002@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Ekki ,how about your friend taking some valium now , if that doesnt work ,perhaps an antipsychotic to help thru this crisis point? ibogaine makes me very anxiuos too ,but I learned how to surrender to it ,but most times valium helped alot ,maybe he can figure it all out later, once hes thru this part love shell

Nick Sandberg <nick227@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Ekki,

From what you’ve put down, I don’t think this guy should take a full dose of
iboga. If he manifests a strong reaction from such a tiny dose, however it’s
actually being caused, I don’t think it’s good to take more. Better he
starts working one-to-one or in groups, talking about feelings, childhood,
this kind of stuff. About spiritual/psychosomatic, maybe that’s what it is
but it’s still needed to talk about where you are emotionally and socially
to help get more integrated.

Something I’ve noticed over the years is that a fairly big sub-group of the
people that are attracted to ibogaine therapy seem to be so because they
want to “go it alone.” They want to get off drugs or move on in life but
they want to do it THEIR OWN WAY! No therapists, no groups, no rehab, this
kind of thing, you just take a drug and then hang out. They don’t  want to
let others in so much, except where they can keep control. It’s ok, and for
some the ibo will maybe do something, but for a lot no. It’s not gonna be
their path and at some stage they’ll have to trust a bit more and take the
plunge into more revealing work.

This is just my personal opinion. I’m qualified as therapist but not a
psychiatrist so I’m not an expert about psychosis.


> —–Original Message—–
> From: ekki [mailto:ekkijdfg@gmx.de]
> Sent: 24 June 2005 16:00
> To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> Subject: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
> a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew on
> it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today
> he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he
> doesn´t take any drugs.
> since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i  don´t think
> it´s the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis
> or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact
> with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he
> thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression,
> shingles, pain in his nerves etc.
> he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didn´t knew, and he
> probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we
> hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. it´s just that
> he feels so bad he says it´s life threatening. he got some valium for
> emergency cases.
> he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him,
> with it´s anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do
> ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first
> taking a small dose, then later maybe a full  trip. he handles anything
> regarding his health with great caution and wouldn´t just buy some
> iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the
> taste.
> so any comments or suggestions?
> ekki
> /]=—————————————————————
> ——=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> \]=—————————————————————
> ——=[/

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: shelley krupa <skrupa20022002@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 24, 2005 at 12:38:32 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Ekki ,how about your friend taking some valium now , if that doesnt work ,perhaps an antipsychotic to help thru this crisis point? ibogaine makes me very anxiuos too ,but I learned how to surrender to it ,but most times valium helped alot ,maybe he can figure it all out later, once hes thru this part love shell

Nick Sandberg <nick227@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Ekki,

From what you’ve put down, I don’t think this guy should take a full dose of
iboga. If he manifests a strong reaction from such a tiny dose, however it’s
actually being caused, I don’t think it’s good to take more. Better he
starts working one-to-one or in groups, talking about feelings, childhood,
this kind of stuff. About spiritual/psychosomatic, maybe that’s what it is
but it’s still needed to talk about where you are emotionally and socially
to help get more integrated.

Something I’ve noticed over the years is that a fairly big sub-group of the
people that are attracted to ibogaine therapy seem to be so because they
want to “go it alone.” They want to get off drugs or move on in life but
they want to do it THEIR OWN WAY! No therapists, no groups, no rehab, this
kind of thing, you just take a drug and then hang out. They don’t want to
let others in so much, except where they can keep control. It’s ok, and for
some the ibo will maybe do something, but for a lot no. It’s not gonna be
their path and at some stage they’ll have to trust a bit more and take the
plunge into more revealing work.

This is just my personal opinion. I’m qualified as therapist but not a
psychiatrist so I’m not an expert about psychosis.


> —–Original Message—–
> From: ekki [mailto:ekkijdfg@gmx.de]
> Sent: 24 June 2005 16:00
> To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> Subject: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
> a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew on
> it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today
> he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he
> doesn´t take any drugs.
> since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i don´t think
> it´s the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis
> or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact
> with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he
> thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression,
> shingles, pain in his nerves etc.
> he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didn´t knew, and he
> probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we
> hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. it´s just that
> he feels so bad he says it´s life threatening. he got some valium for
> emergency cases.
> he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him,
> with it´s anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do
> ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first
> taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles anything
> regarding his health with great caution and wouldn´t just buy some
> iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the
> taste.
> so any comments or suggestions?
> ekki
> /]=—————————————————————
> ——=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]
> \]=—————————————————————
> ——=[/

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Nick Sandberg” <nick227@tiscali.co.uk>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 24, 2005 at 12:29:38 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Ekki,

From what you’ve put down, I don’t think this guy should take a full dose of
iboga. If he manifests a strong reaction from such a tiny dose, however it’s
actually being caused, I don’t think it’s good to take more. Better he
starts working one-to-one or in groups, talking about feelings, childhood,
this kind of stuff. About spiritual/psychosomatic, maybe that’s what it is
but it’s still needed to talk about where you are emotionally and socially
to help get more integrated.

Something I’ve noticed over the years is that a fairly big sub-group of the
people that are attracted to ibogaine therapy seem to be so because they
want to “go it alone.” They want to get off drugs or move on in life but
they want to do it THEIR OWN WAY! No therapists, no groups, no rehab, this
kind of thing, you just take a drug and then hang out. They don’t want to
let others in so much, except where they can keep control. It’s ok, and for
some the ibo will maybe do something, but for a lot no. It’s not gonna be
their path and at some stage they’ll have to trust a bit more and take the
plunge into more revealing work.

This is just my personal opinion. I’m  qualified as therapist but not a
psychiatrist so I’m not an expert about psychosis.


—–Original Message—–
From: ekki [mailto:ekkijdfg@gmx.de]
Sent: 24 June 2005 16:00
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga

a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew on
it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today
he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he
doesn´t take any drugs.

since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i don´t think
it´s the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis
or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact
with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he
thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression,
shingles, pain in his nerves etc.

he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didn´t knew, and he
probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we
hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. it´s just that
he feels so bad he says it´s life threatening. he got some valium for
emergency cases.

he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him,
with it´s anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do
ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first
taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles anything
regarding his health with great caution and wouldn´t just buy some
iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the

so any comments or suggestions?


[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: ekki <ekkijdfg@gmx.de>
Subject: [Ibogaine] psycho after tasting iboga
Date: June 24, 2005 at 10:59:50 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

a friend recently took a very tiny crumb of iboga root bark and chew on it for a while. he felt anxious immediatly. that was on monday. today he calls me and said that he is close to madness and suicide since. he doesnīt take any drugs.

since the amount of iboga he ingested was extremely small i donīt think itīs the chemical action of the ibogaine that triggered his psychosis or whatever it is. he had similar states before without any contact with iboga. actually he has a number of reoccuring problems – which he thinks are somehow spiritual or psychosomatic – including depression, shingles, pain in his nerves etc.

he asked about an antidote to ibogaine which i didnīt knew, and he probably needs something different anyhow. we both agreed in that we hope his discomfort is part of a larger healing process. itīs just that he feels so bad he says itīs life threatening. he got some valium for emergency cases.

he got interested in ibogaine because he thought it might help him, with itīs anti-depressant and anti-viral properties. he planed to do ekg, blood/liver test etc. and then try iboga in late summer, first taking a small dose, then later maybe a full trip. he handles anything regarding his health with great caution and wouldnīt just buy some iboga and gulp it down. last monday he only wanted to experience the taste.

so any comments or suggestions?


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: shelley krupa <skrupa20022002@yahoo.com>
Date: June 24, 2005 at 10:09:46 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Tink ,how about trying some acupuncture ,i have had good results for RLS and I have treated for allergies with excellant results, love shell

tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com> wrote:
I have never had allergies like I’ve had this year so far, and I don’t
know whether it was seasonal timing or what, but it seems as though
it’s gotten a million times worse since my treatment. I can’t
breathe, I sneeze constantly, and it’s not that goosebumpy ibogachoo
thingy any more. This is AGONY!! My head feels like it’s going to
implode, and Nasonex simply does NOT cut it. I have a constant head
ache, my throat hurts, and i also have Restless Legs Syndrome-what
fun- and can’t take anything that has pseudoephedrine HCL in it or
it’s like 6 hours of dope sick. Anything at all with restlessness as a
side effect is horrible for me, including periactin, seroquyl,
etc,(which I’m not taking for ANY reason, but found that out the hard
way at the Brattleboro Retreat last time I went in to detox off of

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Sorta OT-ish
Date: June 24, 2005 at 7:34:54 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Having a laugh at this guy, Dr H.  Interesting-ish rest of site too.


From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine and retreatments.
Date: June 24, 2005 at 6:24:45 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

First of all I wanted to say hey Rocky and well said. Secondly and for the last time, its not true that people are not saying clean in NYC. I saw 4 of them and if you count me that’s 4 1/2 just kidding, but that was yesterday and today alone.. <

First of all Mark, what do you mean exactly by staying “clean,” and this 4 (and a half-just kidding) is out of how many “treated?” I’m not being argumentative, only trying to figure out exactly what sort of “success” rates have been found in NYC, and what is being considered as “success” by various people.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: mcorcoran
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine and retreatments.

First of all I wanted to say hey Rocky and well said. Secondly and for the last time, its not true that people are not saying clean in NYC. I saw 4 of them and if you count me that’s 4 1/2 just kidding, but that was yesterday and today alone..
As most of you know I have had a couple of attempts at this over the past year. First taking a moderate amount of Ibogaine in Mexico and putting together 4 months after detoxing from a shit load of Methadone and a bunch of dope… then slipping with heroin for a week and taking a rather small dose of Ibogaine…. then putting together another month or so before falling again mostly because a week wasn’t enough time to really get my ass kicked and remember how hard and unfulfilling a life it is for me…. and now I’m coming up on 3 months AGAIN after taking a rather Large dose of Ibogaine.
I think my story is a lot more common than people think and its not the worst thing in the world either. For starters, I have had more clean time this year than I can remember having in a long time. Yeah this year has been a hell ride in a lot of respects but every time I’ve fallen and gotten up with the help of that spirit Rocky mentioned and I feel a little more whole when I’m back on my feet each time out. This time, and I realize I’ve had this amount of time before, but I have no desire to use dope at all. Theres nothing attractive about it  at all right now.  Dana compares it to peeling and onion, who knows. But the therapeutic value of this session was more than I ever even imagined possible after the last two. Howard said something about how “we all know what the issues are and that Ibogaine enables that discussion” or something close to that. Well, I never experienced anything like that until this time around. I got what “going real! ly deep” was all about and it wasn’t what I tohught it would be at all. It was so much more! But I don’t know.
But are we all doomed? No fuckin way.
I think that there is something about this crazy medicine that feeds on our true intentions and if we intend to shoot dope again we certainly will but if we want to be free from this and change our lives then it will eventually show us the way out. This year as I’ve said has been more unmanageable than I would have liked but I guess walking around for the first time in 10 years or so without any “painkillers” in my system wasn’t supposed to be easy.
Also, about the debate on should we be able to do it ourselves. I’m really torn on that one because although I agree with everything Rocky and the “provider that will remain nameless” said. I also know that after my relapse this winter if I could have copped Ibogaine on the corner or ordered it on the internet I would have. I see people on the street everyday that don’t have the money to do this and I know that if it was more easily accessible more people would have a chance. But a shit load more people would die as well!
I think one of the first things I said after this last session was “I never would have been able to do that by myself- Thank you” because I thought about doing the po box thing, or even asking one of you kind folks that don’t live under such oppressive regimes to order and send me some more times than I could remember when I couldn’t come up with the cash for a treatment. But its a rough ride no doubt about it and I think theres a lot to letting someone who has been called to this, especially someone who ain’t making shit, sit and help you though because that’s where they want to be. That’s just my opinion.
Also Preston, from what I remember you have a pretty hard time with this stuff. I go though unusually fast and have never puked and theres no way I could have gone though this time with a family member or my girlfriend. It can be a pretty terririfing ordeal, no?
You wouldn’t do a large therapeutic dose on your own would you?

Rocky wrote…

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break .. ! ; thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Ibogi Boogie Boogie <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net> wrote:
“Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.”
~ George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
British playwright & novelist

“Keep close to Nature’s heart . . . and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”
~ John Muir (1838-1914)

American naturalist

“When he tries to extend his power over objects, those objects gain control of him. He who is controlled by objects loses possession of his inner self… Prisoners in the world of object, they have no choice but to submit to the demands of matter! They are pressed down and crushed by external forces: fashion, the market, events, public opinion. Never in a whole lifetime do they recover their right mind!… What a pity!”
~ Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC-c. 275 BC)

“Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.”
~ John William Gardner (1912-)
—– Original Message —– From: ROCKYM CARAVELLI
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break .. ! ; thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Edi! tor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.

Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here! a lot, I
know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.

My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.

Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.

Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?

My second question is about guides and treatment in! stead of ibogaine
itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
After reading this list nearly since it started I would not want to be
doing ibogaine alone or with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re

What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 24, 2005 at 6:12:19 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit <

And to be honest Rocky, this comment pisses me off so much I can only say I want to spit. My old music teacher during my senior year of high school said something to me one day while I was fooling around and not paying attention in class, giggling with a girl while flirting. He said to me, “Preston, one day I’d love to see you cry. You’re always laughing and playing and I’d like to see you cry for once.” I stood up and said fuck you, and walked out.
I had spent the three semesters of the preceding junior year out of school due to a serious car accident that tore me apart, left me full of metal in various places, broken bones that didn’t mend quite straight in places, arthritis, fucked up spine and leg, missing large and small intestines and a variety of other things, an affinity for opiates being just one of the results of this accident. So for you to tell me I need to sacrifice makes me want to laugh in your face of spit on you, one of the other, I’m not quite sure how I feel about it right now at 6AM, up and working my ass off as I do every day, getting up at the crack of dawn to try and do whatever I can to end the stinkin’ horrorshow that is the war on drugs for almost no money or recompense. So sacrifice isn’t what I usually call what I do with my life, but you can take your judgement calls and leave me out of them.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

I glad to say I disagree with you Rocky, and hope you the best in whatever you do.

this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it.<

I would like to point out though that first of all, I’m going to let your judgement call bounce right off of me.
Second of all, ibogaine has taught me something each time I’ve done it, whether I’ve publicly declared what that learning is or not- for the most part it’s not for sharing, it’s very personal stuff. I could swear that I did just point out in a very recent post, yep, just this morning at 8:35AM, that when talking about my after “treatment” plans, I first wrote:

…I still feel I’m “doing the work” I need to do, for the most part, but still
struggle with moods, emotions, feelings of confusion and a whole bunch of
other things I think are normal for people to experience and deal with, each
of us in our own ways, especially those of us who are saddled with this
“addiction” routine only made more complicated by prohibition.<

And that I felt that:

If one of those ways [of dealing with my life in the way I see giving me the least stress and the most happiness while causing myself and those around me the very least harm- I add now at 7:26PM the same day I posted this original statement] happens to be obtaining ibogaine on occassion to help keep an opiate use pattern in control,<

And most importantly as regards your comment about “the spirit that dwells in the root”:

or even were it simply to broaden my mind and
explore regions of the cosmos the ibogaine plant enables us to explore (or
me at least) than what’s wrong with that reason too?<

In other words, I’m not sure where you get off putting your ideas about how ibogaine should be taken into my life and somehow deciding that the best way for you to deal is obviously going to be the best for me? Of so that’s the message I get from your seemingly haughty and judgemental post here.

everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost<

Where in the world you got the idea that 5 or 6 session on ibogaine and I’ll have lost any usefullness from taking this spiritual, magical, blessing of a plant is completely beyond me, and I can’t begin to guess where that attitude or statement came from, on what you’re basing it. Knowing people on this very list who not only have taken ibogaine a LOT more times than 5 or 6 times, and some even taking it a LOT more than 5 or 6 times and never once having taken it for ADDICTION reasons leaves me laughing at your attitude of “oh, this plant is too sacred to be misused by amatures who think they know all after a few sessions,” which isn’t what I’ve ever said- I’ve only ever said that after a few sessions I’ve thought of ideas and seen things from new perspectives that could and probably always will evolve and change and grow and strenghten and do all sorts of other positive things. But I can’t imagine the usefulness being “lost” at all. Sorry you feel that way, and I’m glad I don’t.

oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love  through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.<

After watching me struggle through the hell of various addictive abuse patterns over the years, watching me take ibogaine was magical for my loved one, and she was extremely happy to not only have had the honor of being with me through such an experience, she was extremely happy to have seen me and continue to see me grow and evolve since my taking ibogaine, three times now and quite possibly again at some point.
On one note- I’ve been told repeatedly now by my provider that the second “treatment” doesn’t “count” because it wasn’t really for an “addiction” issue, it was more for “psycho-spiritual” reasons, which I gotta admit pisses the hell out of me, and is a GLARING example of the issue I’m trying to address:

I knew what I wanted when taking ibogaine a second time. I knew that I had not gotten what I needed the first time around, and wanted to go again to further explore some of the issues I had touched on briefly during my first experience, or to at least make the attempt to further explore the issues that make me who I am and to further cement some of the feelings I had found- but someone along the provider line, between me and the stuff, decided they knew better than I what I needed, so while charging me more than the first time ’round, they gave me a LOT less than I expected, and needed. And I knew it even though they didn’t tell me this until months and months later- I knew it as soon as I came to my senses in half the time it took me to the first time ’round, and when I felt so angry and frustrated for no apparent reason immediately upon coming to my senses as well. This is a perfect example of why I myself am frustrated at so far having to go through someone else to obtain ibogaine, and that it is illegal so I can’t simply order it from the company and know for a fact exactly what I’m getting, weight and quality wise (not that there were any quality issues with what I got- only weight issues). I felt the genuine need for another full “treatment” dose and didn’t get it due to someone else deciding they knew better than I what I was hearing the plant and my own brain telling me.
I feel badly that someone might not want their loved one nearby them when going through something like an ibogaine session, or feel that that’s an imposition upon their loved one. I guess I’m lucky that way.

Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.<

Ok, now that you’ve told me to, I’m going to leap up and run out and get outta myself. Give it a try. It’ll be a new thing, never tried that before.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: ROCKYM CARAVELLI
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break .. ! ; thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Edi! tor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.

Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here! a lot, I
know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.

My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.

Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.

Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?

My second question is about guides and treatment in! stead of ibogaine
itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
After reading this list nearly since it started I would not want to be
doing ibogaine alone or with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re

What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

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From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine and retreatments.
Date: June 24, 2005 at 6:06:25 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You wouldn’t do a large therapeutic dose on your own would you?<

At this point, yes Mark, I would.
And from what I can, I would not be the first by any means or strech of the imagination to have done so- but “on my own” would NOT mean “alone,” only not with some kind of dealer/provider hanging about my place with their own agendas and ideas about what results and aims should be. I would certainly want someone to be with me in the house/apartment/hospital/whereever I would up taking it.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: mcorcoran
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine and retreatments.

First of all I wanted to say hey Rocky and well said. Secondly and for the last time, its not true that people are not saying clean in NYC. I saw 4 of them and if you count me that’s 4 1/2 just kidding, but that was yesterday and today alone..
As most of you know I have had a couple of attempts at this over the past year. First taking a moderate amount of Ibogaine in Mexico and putting together 4 months after detoxing from a shit load of Methadone and a bunch of dope… then slipping with heroin for a week and taking a rather small dose of Ibogaine…. then putting together another month or so before falling again mostly because a week wasn’t enough time to really get my ass kicked and remember how hard and unfulfilling a life it is for me…. and now I’m coming up on 3 months AGAIN after taking a rather Large dose of Ibogaine.
I think my story is a lot more common than people think and its not the worst thing in the world either. For starters, I have had more clean time this year than I can remember having in a long time. Yeah this year has been a hell ride in a lot of respects but every time I’ve fallen and gotten up with the help of that spirit Rocky mentioned and I feel a little more whole when I’m back on my feet each time out. This time, and I realize I’ve had this amount of time before, but I have no desire to use dope at all. Theres nothing attractive about it  at all right now.  Dana compares it to peeling and onion, who knows. But the therapeutic value of this session was more than I ever even imagined possible after the last two. Howard said something about how “we all know what the issues are and that Ibogaine enables that discussion” or something close to that. Well, I never experienced anything like that until this time around. I got what “going real! ly deep” was all about and it wasn’t what I tohught it would be at all. It was so much more! But I don’t know.
But are we all doomed? No fuckin way.
I think that there is something about this crazy medicine that feeds on our true intentions and if we intend to shoot dope again we certainly will but if we want to be free from this and change our lives then it will eventually show us the way out. This year as I’ve said has been more unmanageable than I would have liked but I guess walking around for the first time in 10 years or so without any “painkillers” in my system wasn’t supposed to be easy.
Also, about the debate on should we be able to do it ourselves. I’m really torn on that one because although I agree with everything Rocky and the “provider that will remain nameless” said. I also know that after my relapse this winter if I could have copped Ibogaine on the corner or ordered it on the internet I would have. I see people on the street everyday that don’t have the money to do this and I know that if it was more easily accessible more people would have a chance. But a shit load more people would die as well!
I think one of the first things I said after this last session was “I never would have been able to do that by myself- Thank you” because I thought about doing the po box thing, or even asking one of you kind folks that don’t live under such oppressive regimes to order and send me some more times than I could remember when I couldn’t come up with the cash for a treatment. But its a rough ride no doubt about it and I think theres a lot to letting someone who has been called to this, especially someone who ain’t making shit, sit and help you though because that’s where they want to be. That’s just my opinion.
Also Preston, from what I remember you have a pretty hard time with this stuff. I go though unusually fast and have never puked and theres no way I could have gone though this time with a family member or my girlfriend. It can be a pretty terririfing ordeal, no?
You wouldn’t do a large therapeutic dose on your own would you?

Rocky wrote…

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break .. ! ; thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Ibogi Boogie Boogie <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net> wrote:
“Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.”
~ George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
British playwright & novelist

“Keep close to Nature’s heart . . . and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”
~ John Muir (1838-1914)

American naturalist

“When he tries to extend his power over objects, those objects gain control of him. He who is controlled by objects loses possession of his inner self… Prisoners in the world of object, they have no choice but to submit to the demands of matter! They are pressed down and crushed by external forces: fashion, the market, events, public opinion. Never in a whole lifetime do they recover their right mind!… What a pity!”
~ Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC-c. 275 BC)

“Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.”
~ John William Gardner (1912-)
—– Original Message —– From: ROCKYM CARAVELLI
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break .. ! ; thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Edi! tor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.

Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here! a lot, I
know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.

My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.

Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.

Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?

My second question is about guides and treatment in! stead of ibogaine
itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
After reading this list nearly since it started I would not want to be
doing ibogaine alone or with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re

What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] family in the treatment process
Date: June 24, 2005 at 5:54:11 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

its not clear to either of us whether my endless hand-holding during
the hot baths and listening to derepressed traumatic stories was as
“therapeutic” a release as it might have unfolded in dialog with a
trained transpersonal counselor.

love, rachel<

I look to you and your man as an example for me in my own relationship, as inspiration really, when I feel down or insecure Rachel. You are an angel, just as much so and probabaly even more so than the provider angels themselves.
You and JEff certainly both inspire me when I stop to remember you two and think about where you are and how far you’ve come. Plus, I really enjoyed meeting the both of you at the conference and at 9Bleeker, so that gives me a bit of bias for you two too.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “Eye of the Bhogi” <freedomroot@gmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 6:05 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] family in the treatment process

On 6/23/05, ROCKYM CARAVELLI <rockymcaravelli@yahoo.com> wrote:
i don’t hear so much about the  spirit that dwells in the root that
its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging
energys on the planet
Right on, Rocky!

oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially
like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love
through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone
they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never
know what will happen in an ibogaine detox…

I blame ALL of my gray hairs that sprouted between August — when my
husband started talking seriously about taking the treatment — and
March — when he finally got back to work and back into a groove — on
the stress of imagining the worst possible outcomes.  Not to project
them, the fears, into being.  But to be ready to let go of him if he
took this risky road, and to deal with his rawness, and to worry about
the possibilities of relapse when he had been so stable.

And at the same time, I was grateful to be there to help him take a
piss, to coax him into hydrating, to fetch food when it was time, and
to hold his hand or just be present in whatever way comforted him.
Maybe it’s different when you are married…. the individual selves
are not quite so distinct… but if our relationship were different,
or the nature of our codependence more enmeshed, perhaps it would have
been a total disaster to have me there.  As it was, I had to listen
hard to hear the cautions and advice from our Ibo-Angels in the
aftermath about giving him plenty of space to have his process.  And
its not clear to either of us whether my endless hand-holding during
the hot baths and listening to derepressed traumatic stories was as
“therapeutic” a release as it might have unfolded in dialog with a
trained transpersonal counselor.

love, rachel

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???
Date: June 24, 2005 at 2:36:48 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The instructions should be at the bottom of the emails you get!
Heh, I guess I should wish you all the best, and I am sorry to hear about all the troubles, terrible about your niece L
And finally, sorry about all the mundane emails!!!
Love and all the best for you
From: stowe01@comcast.net [mailto:stowe01@comcast.net] 
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 5:59 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???

could someome tell me how to get off this list!!! Not mad just acnt handle all the nesages anymore. I would appreciate it, thanks

————– Original message ————– 

> L’il Randy, 
> He has to WANT to stop drinking in order for any of it to work…email me 
> love to you and hi from katie 
> tink 
> On 6/23/05, Capt Kirk wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Andddddddddd I’ve read somewhere that it didn’t work for an alcoholic…… so 
> > once again… it’s so individual…..unless there is a common thread 
> > somewhere.,… post behaviour/environment? 
> > 
> > Congratulations I;m very happy fer you J 
> > 
> > KIrsty 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________ 
> > 
> > 
> > From: JulieLakeside@aol.com [mailto:JulieLakeside@aol.com] 
> > Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 2:50 p.m. 
> > T o: RowdyRandy420@aol.com; Ibogaine@mindvox.com 
> > Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment??? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > i went to St. Kitts last Jan. My last drink was Jan 4 and I have not missed 
> > it a single bit. Around someone who is drinking I feel almost as if I were 
> > watching someone chewing tobacco…can’t miss it because I really don’t 
> > remember ever doing it or wanting to. Very strange but wonderful. I have 
> > been doing a LOT of reading since my ibogaine journey…Jung, Joseph 
> > Campbell etc and have just recently joined the room. I do not have the words 
> > to express what magic this plant has brought into my life…not only by 
> > helping to free me from my addiction, but by openning my mind and spirit to 
> > so much that has always been around me..just waiting to be discovered and 
> > loved. 
> > 
> > For anyone thinking about an ibogaine treatment for alcoholism….It Worked 
> > For Me!!! 
> > Julie

From: <tomo7@starband.net>
Subject: [Ibogaine] allergy relief for tink, let’s all clap
Date: June 24, 2005 at 2:02:18 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Cc: <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


You need some natural medicines right away. The drug store cowboy world
just keeps money going from your wallet to theirs, or haven’t you noticed?

Find a larger, older health food store and get capsules of Freeze-dried
nettles and coriander (separate capsules) The freeze dried form has the
formic acid that nettles sting with still intact. Both of these herbs will
stabilize your mast cells so they aren’t so hair trigger in relasing
histamine for every little problem. They don’t shut down the histamine,
because your immune system really needs that, they just toughen the cell
wall so it can handle more stress before it lets the histamine go.

Sort of like the fingertips of a street musician toughening up to the task
of performing.  I would start with a dose of two nettle capsules and one
coriander, with water every 3 hours while you’re having an attack, and
then down to a dose like that twice a day for a while as “maintainance”
through allergy season. It’s non-toxic so you could gag the whole bottle
down and only have an overly nourished upset tummy, but that dose range
should get you some relief.

If you hate pills of any kind and live near some cool dark forests, go
find the nettles, pick them and make fresh tea instead.  That get’s a
little painful for us armchair herbalists, tho.

Be well.

Dr. Tom

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: stowe01@comcast.net
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???
Date: June 24, 2005 at 1:59:14 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

could someome tell me how to get off this list!!! Not mad just acnt handle all the nesages anymore. I would appreciate it, thanks

————– Original message ————–

> L’il Randy,
> He has to WANT to stop drinking in order for any of it to work…email me
> love to you and hi from katie
> tink
> On 6/23/05, Capt Kirk wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Andddddddddd I’ve read somewhere that it didn’t work for an alcoholic…… so
> > once again… it’s so individual…..unless there is a common thread
> > somewhere.,… post behaviour/environment?
> >
> > Congratulations I;m very happy fer you J
> >
> > KIrsty
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> >
> > From: JulieLakeside@aol.com [mailto:JulieLakeside@aol.com]
> > Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 2:50 p.m.
> > To: RowdyRandy420@aol.com; Ibogaine@mindvox.com
> > Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???
> >
> >
> >
> > i went to St. Kitts last Jan. My last drink was Jan 4 and I have not missed
> > it a single bit. Around someone who is drinking I feel almost as if I were
> > watching someone chewing tobacco…can’t miss it because I really don’t
> > remember ever doing it or wanting to. Very strange but wonderful. I have
> > been doing a LOT of reading since my ibogaine journey…Jung, Joseph
> > Campbell etc and have just recently joined the room. I do not have the words
> > to express what magic this plant has brought into my life…not only by
> > helping to free me from my addiction, but by openning my mind and spirit to
> > so much that has always been around me..just waiting to be discovered and
> > loved.
> >
> > For anyone thinking about an ibogaine treatment for alcoholism….It Worked
> > For Me!!!
> > Julie

From: stowe01@comcast.net
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???
Date: June 24, 2005 at 1:57:25 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey everybody I have been off hydrocdone for almost a month and I feel great. I appreciate you all and for my sake this will not be some where I hope  to be back. I am saying that in a very respectful way. I hope that I never relapse.I had one of the worst weeks that anyone in there life could have had and I  handled it ,and I never even thought about a lortab not Once!!Just to give you an idea on how my week started. I got a call from my office and was told that my secretary stole over $3000 and she moved to chicago and turned her phone off, So I may never see her again. Just vanished. Then a call from a friend that was buying a very expensive couputer from me and when he recieved it the monitor didnt work. So I had to pay for him to ship it back I needed that money that he was paying for it. I bought Insurance so we wll see about that tomorrow. But here is the next call that I got and I couldnt believe it. It was my sister calling me to tell me that my 17 year old neice just died in a car accident, and trust me there was many other things that I had problems with  all at the same time. It would take a month to tell you so I want..My  point is that with all that I didnt even think about a lortabs. Love to you all. If anyone out there is trying to get clean vou need to try to get on the subetex. There are doctors but you have to locate them on the internet that will give it to you outpatient. It was the easiest thing that I have ever done. I know that this is a Ibogaine list so not trying to get anyone mad at me. Eveyone I have talked to from this site dont care as long somone gets clean, I admire that. If anyone wants to know about that email me off the list

> He has to WANT to stop drinking in order for any of it to work…email me
> love to you and hi from katie
> tink
> On 6/23/05, Capt Kirk wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Andddddddddd I’ve read somewhere that it didn’t work for an alcoholic…… so
> > once again… it’s so individual…..unless there is a common thread
> > somewhere.,… post behaviour/environment?
> >
> > Congratulations I;m very happy fer you J
> >
> > KIrsty
> >
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >
> >
> > From: JulieLakeside@aol.com [mailto:JulieLakeside@aol.com]
> > Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 2:50 p.m.
> > To: RowdyRandy420@aol.com; Ibogaine@mindvox.com
> > Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???
> >
> >
> >
> > i went to St. Kitts last Jan. My last drink was Jan 4 and I have not missed
> > it a single bit. Around someone who is drinking I feel almost as if I were
> > watching someone chewing tobacco…can’t miss it because I really don’t
> > remember ever doing it or wanting to. Very strange but wonderful. I have
> > been doing a LOT of reading since my ibogaine journey…Jung, Joseph
> > Campbell etc and have just recently joined the room. I do not have the words
> > to express what magic this plant has brought into my life…not only by
> > helping to free me from my addiction, but by openning my mind and spirit to
> > so much that has always been around me..just waiting to be discovered and
> > loved.
> >
> > For anyone thinking about an ibogaine treatment for alcoholism….It Worked
> > For Me!!!
> > Julie

From: Boris Leshinsky <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] LSD addiction ?!!?
Date: June 24, 2005 at 1:50:13 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Actually, the reason I was looking at that is that I read an article somewhere that said LSD promotes growth (repair?) of dopamine receptors.  Cant find that article now.

Has anyone read or knows anything about this?


—- Boris Leshinsky <bleshins@bigpond.net.au> wrote:

This is hilarious.


At first I thought they used LSD to treat addiction.

Then it dawned on me that they are treating addiction to LSD.


I cant wait for the first centre that treats addiction to Ibogaine.

hmmm, no, thats not funny..


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]


[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Boris Leshinsky <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine Therapy: A ‘Vast, Uncontrolled Experiment’
Date: June 24, 2005 at 1:43:02 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Another newish article.

Not much news here, in fact it all seems paraphrased from something I read somewhere else??

One new thing though- the study thats about to start in Tel Aviv. First mention I’ve seen of that.

” ADDICTION RESEARCH: Ibogaine Therapy: A ‘Vast, Uncontrolled Experiment’ — Vastag 308 (5720): 345 — Science (15th Of April 2005)

Despite potentially harsh side effects, an African plant extract is being tested in two public clinical trials–and many clandestine ones
On a snowy President’s Day, an odd group of activists and scientists devoted to treating addiction gathered in an art gallery in the Chelsea warehouse district of New York City. As an all-night, all-day rave throbbed next door, panelists outlined the latest developments in a decades-long movement to mainstream a West African plant alkaloid, ibogaine, that purportedly interrupts addiction and eliminates withdrawal.

Sustained by true believers who operate largely outside the academic medical world, research on the vision-inducing drug is gaining attention, despite its U.S. status as a banned substance. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a clinical trial in 1993, but the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) decided not to fund it after consultants raised questions about safety.

The plant extract can be neurotoxic at high doses and can slow the heart. Yet a handful of scientists continue to study it for its potential in treating addiction. The enthusiasts who gathered in New York reviewed efforts to tease apart its antiaddictive and hallucinatory components.

Although a PubMed search for “ibogaine” pulls up some 200 articles on laboratory studies, clinical reports cover just a few dozen patients. That’s because patients seek treatment clandestinely. “Whether the FDA likes it or not, the fact of the matter is that … hundreds, probably thousands of people … have been treated with ibogaine,” said Stanley Glick, a physician and pharmacologist at the Albany Medical Center in New York who has documented ibogaine’s antiaddictive potential in rodents. At the meeting, Kenneth Alper, a Columbia University assistant professor of psychiatry, estimated that more than 5000 people have taken ibogaine since an organized (but unregulated) clinic opened in Amsterdam in the late 1980s. Boaz Wachtel, an ibogaine advocate in Israel, believes that 30 to 40 clinics operate worldwide. Listed alongside heroin, LSD, and marijuana on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s schedule I of banned substances, ibogaine is nevertheless legal in most of the world.

“There’s basically a vast, uncontrolled experiment going on out there,” said Frank Vocci, director of antiaddiction drug development at NIDA. The agency spent several million dollars on preclinical ibogaine work in the 1990s before dropping it.

Ibogaine’s promoters yearn for the legitimacy that a successful clinical trial can bring. They may soon get their wish. Later this spring, neuroscientist Deborah Mash of the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida, will launch a phase I safety trial in Miami. A second safety and efficacy trial, of 12 heroin-addicted individuals, is slated to begin this fall at the Beer Yaakov Mental Health Center in Tel Aviv. Both are being funded in an unusual fashion: by anonymous donations–$250,000 for Mash, a smaller amount for the Israeli study.

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: Boris Leshinsky <bleshins@bigpond.net.au>
Subject: [Ibogaine] LSD addiction ?!!?
Date: June 24, 2005 at 1:22:43 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This is hilarious.

At first I thought they used LSD to treat addiction.

Then it dawned on me that they are treating addiction to LSD.


I cant wait for the first centre that treats addiction to Ibogaine.

hmmm, no, thats not funny..

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???
Date: June 24, 2005 at 12:51:22 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

L’il Randy,
He has to WANT to stop drinking in order for any of it to work…email me
love to you and hi from katie

On 6/23/05, Capt Kirk <captkirk@free.net.nz> wrote:

Andddddddddd I’ve read somewhere that it didn’t work for an alcoholic…… so
once again… it’s so individual…..unless there is a common thread
somewhere.,… post behaviour/environment?

Congratulations I;m very happy fer you J



From: JulieLakeside@aol.com [mailto:JulieLakeside@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 2:50 p.m.
To: RowdyRandy420@aol.com; Ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???

i went to St. Kitts last Jan. My last drink was Jan 4 and I have not missed
it a single bit. Around someone who is drinking I feel almost as if I were
watching someone chewing tobacco…can’t miss it because I really don’t
remember ever doing it or wanting to. Very strange but wonderful. I have
been doing a LOT of reading since my ibogaine journey…Jung, Joseph
Campbell etc and have just recently joined the room. I do not have the words
to express what magic this plant has brought into my life…not only by
helping to free me from my addiction, but by openning my  mind and spirit to
so much that has always been around me..just waiting to be discovered and

For anyone thinking about an ibogaine treatment for alcoholism….It Worked
For Me!!!

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Date: June 24, 2005 at 12:46:12 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I have never had allergies like I’ve had this year so far, and I don’t
know whether it was seasonal timing or what, but it seems as though
it’s gotten a million times worse since my treatment.  I can’t
breathe, I sneeze constantly, and it’s not that goosebumpy ibogachoo
thingy any more.  This is AGONY!! My head feels like it’s going to
implode, and Nasonex simply does NOT cut it.  I have a constant head
ache, my throat hurts, and i also have Restless Legs Syndrome-what
fun- and can’t take anything that has pseudoephedrine HCL in it or
it’s like 6 hours of dope sick. Anything at all with restlessness as a
side effect is horrible for me, including periactin, seroquyl,
etc,(which I’m not taking for ANY reason, but found that out the hard
way at the Brattleboro Retreat last time I went in to detox off of

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: tink <tinkerbell.sarah@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]
Date: June 24, 2005 at 12:34:43 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thank you so much for a little smack in the ass back toward the right
direction!! Like Kirkie says, I’m very sorry for your losses, and very
VERY happy for your success!!  It’s all so different for everyone, and
nothing works if we don’t work on it as hard as we can;it’s easy to
forget that some times.
I often get exactly what I need to hear on this list, right when I
need to hear it(whether I like it or not) and again thank you for
opening up. It was perfect timing in a rough spot.
Friggin’ San Antonio….(kidding!! sort of…not that a bad a spot ;])
Love to you and yours
On 6/23/05, Capt Kirk <captkirk@free.net.nz> wrote:

Thank YOU Jeff, for reminding us that we can get too caught up in making
rules when we must remember that it’s not going to be the same for
EVERYONE!!!! Doh!!

Sorry for your past pain.

Happy for your present situation J

Bwiti Love

Kirsty Dawn


From: Jeff Gallop [mailto:jeffgallop@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 1:15 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]

Hello fellow ibonaunts,iboangels,ibospouses etal…

Jeff G here,from foggy,sunny,foggy,suny, San Fransisco. REading the list
almost regulary and following the many many interesting threads going and
coming these past few monthas and especially the past few days, I just
wanted to check in.

To refresh i was treated in NYC almost 7 months ago for a loooong term
Methadone  habit, a habit i NEVER thought would end, well it6 has ended and
it was the toughest thingi have ever done barr buring my wife aftertelling
my 6 year old son (now 18) his mother was dead (from an OD) I will say
firstly as far as a family member present during treatment and post
treatment for me it was a LIFESAVER! MY Iboangelspouse is a saint in my eyes
for puting up with what we call my rebirth..I was amewling infant then an
arrogant adolescent and finally a newly born adult dealing with things that
had not (

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???
Date: June 23, 2005 at 11:52:31 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Andddddddddd I’ve read somewhere that it didn’t work for an alcoholic…… so once again… it’s so individual…..unless there is a common thread somewhere.,… post behaviour/environment?
Congratulations I;m very happy fer you J
From: JulieLakeside@aol.com [mailto:JulieLakeside@aol.com] 
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 2:50 p.m.
To: RowdyRandy420@aol.com; Ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???

i went to St. Kitts last Jan. My last drink was Jan 4 and I have not missed it a single bit. Around someone who is drinking I feel almost as if I were watching someone chewing tobacco…can’t miss it because I really don’t remember ever doing it or wanting to. Very strange but wonderful. I have been doing a LOT of reading since my ibogaine journey…Jung, Joseph Campbell etc and have just recently joined the room. I do not have the words to express what magic this plant has brought into my life…not only by helping to free me from my addiction, but by openning my  mind and spirit to so much that has always been around me..just waiting to be discovered and loved.

For anyone thinking about an ibogaine treatment for alcoholism….It Worked For Me!!!

From: “Capt Kirk” <captkirk@free.net.nz>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine]
Date: June 23, 2005 at 11:50:33 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thank YOU Jeff, for reminding us that we can get too caught up in making rules when we must remember that it’s not going to be the same for EVERYONE!!!! Doh!!
Sorry for your past pain.
Happy for your present situation J
Bwiti Love
Kirsty Dawn
From: Jeff Gallop [mailto:jeffgallop@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, 24 June 2005 1:15 p.m.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]

Hello fellow ibonaunts,iboangels,ibospouses etal…
Jeff G here,from foggy,sunny,foggy,suny, San Fransisco. REading the list almost regulary and following the many many interesting threads going and coming these past few monthas and especially the past few days, I just wanted to check in.
To refresh i was treated in NYC almost 7 months ago for a loooong term Methadone  habit, a habit i NEVER thought would end, well it6 has ended and it was the toughest thingi have ever done barr buring my wife aftertelling my 6 year old son (now 18) his mother was dead (from an OD) I will say firstly as far as a family member present during treatment and post treatment for me it was a LIFESAVER! MY Iboangelspouse is a saint in my eyes for puting up with what we call my rebirth..I was amewling infant then an arrogant adolescent and finally a newly born adult dealing with things that had not (

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] Pain Relief in the ‘Land of Plenty’
Date: June 23, 2005 at 11:34:13 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dr Portenoy was my Pain Doc in NYC almost 20 years ago, he is one of the fathers of modern pain management using long term opioid therapy (ie when MS-Contin first came out and methadone, an option he gave me). He is very open minded, knew all about my “history”, had no problem treating me or holding back in any way, he is also as good a doctor as you will ever find, a real professional, really understands pain…. I would have to agree with him on the following statement as he sees it. First over half the patients if given opioids would stop due to side effects alone, that is over 50% right off the top assuming everyone needed opioid treatment, many others do not. Very many people don’t want to go on opioid therapy or use “DRUGS”, people with drug histories and those in 12 step programs will be avoiding that kind of treatment like the plague. There are implantable devices like morphine pump – it is not a high-dose treatment/not habituating, it pumps into the spinal fluid in very tiny amounts, there are also a implantable TENS type units….  Then there is the pain that responds better to other forms of therapy than opioids, I do poorly on them but for some a lot of the anti-seizure and AED’s work on certain kinds of pain like cluster headaches, there are nerve blocks and injections, nerve abliterations (sp), sterioids, anti-inflamitories/NSAIDS and very many different people and medical conditions of all sorts that will require a variety of treatments. My brother got a new hip! took some perc’s after the surgery, that was chronic-disabling pain, my mom gets facet blocks from spinal degeneration, likely some tylenol #3 is the most narcotic she would take.. What Dr, Portenoy is saying out of all those chronic/disabling pain patients 10% will be helped by long term high dose treatment (as in habituating opioid treatment), he didn’t say don’t medicate or treat them for pain. The reply was mis-directed.”I bet to differ”.


“Dr. Russell K.
Portenoy, chairman of pain medicine and palliative
care at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York,
cites surveys estimating that as many as 6 to 10
percent of Americans suffer from chronic, disabling
pain. He speculates that maybe 1 in 10 of them could
benefit from long-term, high dose treatment.”

I beg to differ. If a patient has “chronic, disabling
pain,” I maintain that 10 out of 10 of them could
benefit from long-term, high-dose treatment. Something
tells me that if Russell suddenly found himself in
chronic disabling pain, he might alter his opinion.
Quality of medicine takes a nosedive”

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:

—– Original Message —–
From: Vigilius Haufniensis
To: drugwar@mindvox.com
Cc: the lawyerdude ; project grasp ; chacon
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 12:43 PM
Subject: [DrugWar] Pain Relief in the ‘Land of Plenty’


Pain Relief in the ‘Land of Plenty’

by William Campbell Douglass II, MD

God have mercy on you if you live in this “Land of
Plenty” and develop some form of horrific pain. You’ll
end up with “plenty” alright: plenty of unnecessary
pain and suffering. The government is so obsessed with
“fighting” drugs that they’ve destroyed the ability of
doctors to reduce suffering among their patients.

A recent example of this, published in The New York
Times, is typical of the mess we are in. Five years
ago, Frank Fisher, M.D., was arrested by goons from
the California Gestapo (known as the Attorney
General’s office) and charged with drug trafficking
and murder. And what was Dr. Fisher actually guilty
of? He was guilty of relieving his patients’ severe
pain with legal narcotics for which he had a license
to prescribe. After five months in jail, loss of his
home and practice, he was released and told it was all
a mistake. The patients who had died succumbed from
their injuries or from medical illnesses, not from the
narcotics Dr. Fisher prescribed. But these “apologies”
(if you can call them that) are too little too late
for Dr. Fisher and his family: His practice and his
reputation are ruined. And who’s going to compensate
them? No one. The state is the state. It has no sense
of responsibility or morality. It is not a source for
good, as pinko liberals think in their childish minds.
It is a continuous source of evil.

Dr. Fisher’s case is not at all unusual. Even patients
are not immune. Richard Paey, a patient suffering from
intractable pain, was unable to obtain enough Percocet
to relieve his pain, so he forged undated prescription
forms his doctor had given him to get what he needed
to relieve his misery. He refused to take a plea
bargain when charged as he maintained he was innocent.
He never sold a pill; he paid for the medication, and
maintained he was being denied his right to pursue a
pain-free life. So he received a 25-year sentence for
pleading not guilty. He is now in jail, in a
wheelchair, and on a morphine pump.
Cops take charge of your medical care

To understand the duplicity of the Drug Enforcement
Agency (DEA) and to be clear as to whose side they are
on, consider their behavior earlier this year. They
publicly acknowledged the need for a “principle of
balance” to address the necessity of access to pain
medications. Their document was, according to Dr.
Sally Satel who authored the New York Times article I
referenced above, a thoughtful and lucid description
of the problem of prosecuting doctors. But the agency
pulled the document from the Web a few months later
claiming there were “misstatements” in it.

How can the narcotic police judge individual cases
intelligently, assuming they are intelligent, when
they do not know the patient and they know nothing
about medicine in the first place?

As Dr. Satel stated in her article, “It is not known
how many patients need long-term treatment with
opioids, particularly at high doses. Dr. Russell K.
Portenoy, chairman of pain medicine and palliative
care at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York,
cites surveys estimating that as many as 6 to 10
percent of Americans suffer from chronic, disabling
pain. He speculates that maybe 1 in 10 of them could
benefit from long-term, high dose treatment.”

I beg to differ. If a patient has “chronic, disabling
pain,” I maintain that 10 out of 10 of them could
benefit from long-term, high-dose treatment. Something
tells me that if Russell suddenly found himself in
chronic disabling pain, he might alter his opinion.
Quality of medicine takes a nosedive

Thanks to cases like Dr. Fisher’s, which are becoming
increasingly common, doctors are quitting by the
hundreds. Many are switching to nursing because it is
less stressful, less responsibility, less malpractice,
and shorter work hours. As a result of this “doctor
shortage,” the quality of applicants admitted to
medical school has decreased to allow more people into
the profession in order to fill the gap.

CAT scans, a multi-million-dollar laboratory and
computerized EKG readings will not compensate for dumb
doctors. I have seen this in many third world
countries: Some of them have remarkably sophisticated
equipment (paid for by guess who) but because of the
low quality of the doctors, they are still dangerous
places to get seriously ill. This is a scenario coming
soon to an operating theater near you.

The quality of medicine and the status of doctors are
deteriorating concomitantly. And so is the publics’
attitude toward them. As doctors become less affluent,
respect for them declines. They envy those with high
incomes, nice cars, and big homes on the water. But if
a doctor drives an old Dodge and wears Wal-Mart shoes,
the consensus seems to be: “Who would go to him? Look
at the car he drives.”

This is the road to ruin for American medicine.
Unfortunately, there’s not a whole lot we can do about

Action to take:

My best advice to you is to pay close attention to
your doctor’s credentials and treatment techniques.
Odds are if you suspect he doesn’t know what he’s
doing, you’re probably right.

If that’s the case, I suggest you look for a new
doctor – preferably one who can help you get the pain
relief you need. Physicians with a background in
alternative medicine are usually more understanding
about this sort of thing, and are better equipped to
offer you numerous options for pain relief than
mainstream docs. To locate an alternative physician
near you, contact the American College for Advancement
in Medicine (800-532-3688; 714-583-7666).


“Doctors Behind Bars: Treating Pain Is Now Risky
Business,” The New York Times, 10/19/2004

“AAPS Supports Due Process in Licensure,” AAPS News
2004: 60(8)

June 23, 2005

William Campbell Douglass II, MD, writes the medical
newsletter, Real Health Breakthroughs, and the free
E-letter, Daily Dose. His numerous books and
monographs are available from www..drdouglass.com.

“In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary
act.”-George Orwell
“Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority.
It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the
people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who
mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good
masters, but they mean to be masters.” — Daniel Webster
“Great empires cannot subsist without great armies, and liberty cannot
subsist with them.” – Cato, anti-federalist

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage
where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens
may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of
human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” [Ayn Rand, The Nature of

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R.J. Tavel, J.D., Founder

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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

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From: JulieLakeside@aol.com
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Using Ibo for alcoholism treatment???
Date: June 23, 2005 at 10:49:57 PM EDT
To: RowdyRandy420@aol.com, Ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

i went to St. Kitts last Jan. My last drink was Jan 4 and I have not missed it a single bit. Around someone who is drinking I feel almost as if I were watching someone chewing tobacco…can’t miss it because I really don’t remember ever doing it or wanting to. Very strange but wonderful. I have been doing a LOT of reading since my ibogaine journey…Jung, Joseph Campbell etc and have just recently joined the room. I do not have the words to express what magic this plant has brought into my life…not only by helping to free me from my addiction, but by openning my  mind and spirit to so much that has always been around me..just waiting to be discovered and loved.

For anyone thinking about an ibogaine treatment for alcoholism….It Worked For Me!!!

From: Jeff Gallop <jeffgallop@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]
Date: June 23, 2005 at 9:45:02 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

oops trying again to get it right

On 6/23/05, Jeff Gallop <jeffgallop@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello fellow ibonaunts,iboangels,ibospouses etal…
Jeff G here,from foggy,sunny,foggy,sunny, San Fransisco. Reading the list almost regulary and following the many many interesting threads going and coming these past few monthas and especially the past few days, I just wanted to check in.
To refresh i was treated in NYC almost 7 months ago for a loooong term Methadone  habit, a habit i NEVER thought would end, well apparently it has ended and it was the toughest thing i have ever done bar burying my wife after telling my 6 year old son (now 18) his mother was dead (from an OD)

I will say firstly as far as a family member present during treatment and post treatment for me it was a LIFESAVER! MY Iboangelspouse is a saint in my eyes for puting up with what we call my rebirth..I was a mewling infant- then an arrogant adolescent- and finally a newly born adult- dealing with things that had not ( and may still not be ) dealt with in/for many many years and with out her support i would never have made it she is as much a part of my success(?) as anything….and her meditating presence in the room during my deepest moments of Ibojourneying was nothing short of amazing( I think for us both tho only she can speak for her…grey hairs not withstanding)

As far as providers from my point of view anyway…no  one is getting rich here folks, no one is getting power, no one is getting much of anything except a feeling that they are doing what they have been called to do. Some come out of treatment and feel compelled to do this work,I for one have never felt that way I am glad to help in other ways but to be a provider uh uh not this freak…i would almost rather shoot battery acid in my dick than have that responsibility and calling….

Ibogaine  is a fucking miracle…Iboproviders in all there many forms are angels…and to be any less than absolutely grateful (note to Preston not directed only or  specifically at you my man dont freak on me) seems senseless and just plain grumpy!

Tink love your writing….Randy miss your smiles call me (D has #)….and  everyone else i love you we are in the coolest “club” ever………………. Ibonaunts!!!

Grateful dont come close!

Freely Freaked
Freaking Free…

From: Jeff Gallop <jeffgallop@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]
Date: June 23, 2005 at 9:15:29 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hello fellow ibonaunts,iboangels,ibospouses etal…
Jeff G here,from foggy,sunny,foggy,suny, San Fransisco. REading the list almost regulary and following the many many interesting threads going and coming these past few monthas and especially the past few days, I just wanted to check in.
To refresh i was treated in NYC almost 7 months ago for a loooong term Methadone  habit, a habit i NEVER thought would end, well it6 has ended and it was the toughest thingi have ever done barr buring my wife aftertelling my 6 year old son (now 18) his mother was dead (from an OD) I will say firstly as far as a family member present during treatment and post treatment for me it was a LIFESAVER! MY Iboangelspouse is a saint in my eyes for puting up with what we call my rebirth..I was amewling infant then an arrogant adolescent and finally a newly born adult dealing with things that had not (

From: mcorcoran <mcorcoran27@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] list of famous opiate addicts…
Date: June 23, 2005 at 8:58:50 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Actors / Actresses / Models / Directors
• Nick Adams (actor)
• Bridgette Andersen (actress)
• John Drew Barrymore (actor)
• John Belushi (actor, comedian)
• Timothy Carey (actor)
• Seymour Cassel (actor)
• Montgomery Clift (actor)
• Jean Cocteau (writer, filmmaker)
• Jackie Curtis (actor)
• Robert Downey Jr. (actor)
• Jeanne Eagels (actress)
• Chris Farley (actor)
• Whoopi Goldberg (actress)
• Dennis Hopper (actor, director)
• Brion James (actor)
• Peter Lorre (actor)
• Bela Lugosi (actor)
• Jason Mewes (actor)
• Kate Moss (actress, model)
• River Phoenix (actor)
• Miguel Piñero (writer, actor)
• Daniel Pollock (actor)
• Nicholas Ray (film director)
• Mickey Rourke (actor)
• Winona Ryder (actress)
• Martin Scorsese (director)
• Ray Sharkey (actor)
• Tom Sizemore (actor)
• Christian Slater (actor)
• Olive Thomas (actress)
• Danny Trejo (actor)
• Gia Carangi (model)
• Althea Leasure (model)

Musicians / Singers / Songwriters / Composers
• Art Alexakis (musician)
• Gregg Allman (musician)
• Gene Ammons (musician)
• Phil Anselmo (musician)
• Chet Baker (musician)
• Michael Balzary a.k.a. Flea (musician)
• Art Blakey (musician)
• Mike Bloomfield (musician)
• Graham Bond (musician)
• Lenny Breau (musician)
• Tim Buckley (singer-songwriter)
• Sandy Bull (musician)
• Paul Butterfield (musician)
• John Cale (musician)
• Nick Cave (musician)
• Serge Chaloff (musician)
• Jimmy Chamberlin (musician)
• Paul Chambers (musician)
• Ray Charles (singer)
• Charlie Christian (musician)
• Eric Clapton (musician)
• Sonny Clark (musician)
• Kurt Cobain (musician)
• John Coltrane (musician)
• Chris Cornell (musician)
• David Crosby (musician)
• Tadd Dameron (musician/arranger)
• Evan Dando (musician)
• Miles Davis (musician)
• Dion DiMucci (singer)
• Pete Doherty (musician)
• Steven Drozd (musician)
• Bob Dylan (singer-songwriter)
• Bill Evans (musician, pianist)
• Bob Ezrin (music producer)
• Marianne Faithfull (singer, actress)
• Perry Farrell (singer)
• Ace Frehley (musician)
• John Frusciante (musician)
• Jerry Garcia (musician)
• Dave Gahan (musician)
• Boy George (singer)
• Stan Getz (musician)
• Bobby Gillespie (singer)
• Dwayne Goettel (composer)
• Dexter Gordon (musician)
• Grant Green (musician)
• Wardell Grey (musician)
• Joe Guy (musician)
• Charlie Haden (musician)
• Tim Hardin (singer/songwriter)
• Hampton Hawes (musician)
• Tubby Hayes (musician)
• Billie Holiday (singer)
• Saul Hudson a.k.a. Slash (musician)
• Milt Jackson (musician)
• Brian James (musician)
• Joan Jett (musician)
• Elvin Jones (musician)
• Mick Jones (musician)
• Philly Joe Jones (musician)
• Steve Jones (musician)
• Janis Joplin (singer)
• Antony Kiedis (musician)
• Paul Kossoff (musician)
• John Lennon (musician)
• Julian Lennon (singer)
• Courtney Love (musician, actress)
• Phil Lynott (musician)
• Bert McCracken (musician)
• Jonathan Melvoin (musician)
• Jose Monje Cruz a.k.a. Camaron de la Isla – singer
• Frank Morgan (musician)
• Lee Morgan (musician)
• Jim Morrison (musician)
• Gerry Mulligan (musician)
• Dave Mustaine (musician)
• Dave Navarro (musician)
• Fats Navarro (musician)
• Jerry Nolan (musician)
• Bradley Nowell (musician)
• Anita O’Day (singer)
• Yoko Ono (singer)
• Jimmy Page (musician)
• Charlie “Bird” Parker (musician)
• Joe Pass (musician)
• Christa Päffgen a.k.a. Nico (singer, actress, model)
• Edith Piaf (singer)
• “Little” Richard Penniman (singer)
• Art Pepper (musician)
• Carl Perkins (musician)
• Joe Perry (musician)
• Esther Phillips (singer)
• John Phillips (musician)
• Iggy Pop (singer, actor)
• Bud Powell (musician)
• Elvis Presley (singer)
• Ike Quebec (musician)
• Robert Quine (musician)
• Dee Dee Ramone (musician)
• Lou Reed (musician)
• Emily Remler (musician)
• Keith Richards (musician)
• Max Roach (musician)
• Red Rodney (musician)
• Sonny Rollins (musician)
• Axl Rose (musician)
• Shaun Ryder (musician)
• Bon Scott (musician)
• Nikki Sixx (musician)
• Hillel Slovak (musician)
• Elliott Smith (musician)
• Layne Staley (musician)
• Sonny Stitt (musician)
• Gabor Szabo (musician)
• James Taylor (musician)
• Johnny Thunders (musician)
• Pete Townshend (musician)
• Richard Twardzik (musician)
• Jeff Tweedy (musician)
• Steven Tyler (musician)
• Sid Vicious (musician)
• Scott Weiland (singer)
• Andrew Woods (singer)
• Tony Williams (musician)
• Brian Wilson (musician)
• Mike Doughty (musician)
• Darby Crash (musician)

Writers / Poets / Journalists
• William S. Burroughs (writer)
• Max Cantor (journalist)
• Samuel Taylor Coleridge (poet)
• Sigmund Freud (psychiatrist, writer)
• John Keats (poet)
• Ken Kesey (writer)
• Jack London (writer)
• Friedrich Nietzsche (philosopher, writer)
• Thomas de Quincey (writer) Confessions of an English Opium Eater
• Françoise Sagan (writer)
• Sir Walter Scott (writer, poet)
• Hubert Selby Jr. (writer)
• Stephen Dohnberg (writer,poet,journalist)
• Will Self (writer)
• Jerry Stahl (writer)
• Robert Louis Stevenson (writer)
• Alexander Trocchi (writer)
• William Wilberforce (writer, anti-slavery campaigner)
• Wilkie Collins (writer)
• Jack Kerouac (writer)
• Hunter S. Thompson (writer, new journalist)
• Edgar Allen Poe (writer, poet)

Artists / Painters
• Jean-Michel Basquiat (artist)
• Francis Picabia (painter)
• Pablo Picasso (painter)
• Santiago Rusiñol (painter)

Politicians / Rulers / Royals
• Harry Anslinger (US director of the Bureau of Narcotics)
• Marcus Aurelius (emperor, philosopher)
• Otto von Bismarck (Preussian prince, German statesman)
• Benjamin Franklin (inventor, statesman)
• Ulysses S. Grant (US president, general)
• Hermann Göring (Nazi Reichsmarschall)
• Joseph McCarthy (US senator)

Athletes / Olympians
• Bobby Chacon (boxer)
• Sonny Liston (boxer)
• Joe Louis (boxer)
• Todd Marinovich (football player)
• Sugar Ray Robinson (boxer)
• Barney Ross (boxer)

Other Celebrities
• Lenny Bruce (comedian)
• Aleister Crowley (occultist)
• The Pigeons (occultist)
• Harold Shipman (Doctor, Serial Killer)
• Mitch Hedberg (comedian)
• Howard Hughes (tycoon, film producer, aviator)

Self, Will – Feeding Frenzy (2002)
Retrieved from “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_famous_opiate_addicts”
Categories: Lists of people

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
I glad to say I disagree with you Rocky, and hope you the best in whatever
you do.

>this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that
>dwells in the root that its one of the most loving and powerful life
>course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you
>personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be
>appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit
>otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most
>part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most
>times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and
>get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the
>time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into
>their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the
>adjustments to eliminate it.<

I would like to point out though that first of all, I’m going to let your
judgement call bounce right off of me.
Second of all, ibogaine has taught me something each time I’ve done it,
whether I’ve publicly declared what that learning is or not- for the most
part it’s not for sharing, it’s very personal stuff. I could swear that I
did just point out in a very recent post, yep, just this morning at 8:35AM,
that when talking about my after “treatment” plans, I first wrote:

>…I still feel I’m “doing the work” I need to do, for the most part, but
struggle with moods, emotions, feelings of confusion and a whole bunch of
other things I think are normal for people to experience and deal with, each
of us in our own ways, especially those of us who are saddled with this
“addiction” routine only made more complicated by prohibition.<

And that I felt that:

>If one of those ways [of dealing with my life in the way I see giving me
>the least stress and the most happiness while causing myself and those
>around me the very least harm- I add now at 7:26PM the same day I posted
>this original statement] happens to be obtaining ibogaine on occassion to
>help keep an opiate use pattern in control,<

And most importantly as regards your comment about “the spirit that dwells
in the root”:

>or even were it simply to broaden my mind and
explore regions of the cosmos the ibogaine plant enables us to explore (or
me at least) than what’s wrong with that reason too?<

In other words, I’m not sure where you get off putting your ideas about how
ibogaine should be taken into my life and somehow deciding that the best way
for you to deal is obviously going to be the best for me? Of so that’s the
message I get from your seemingly haughty and judgemental post here.

>everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought
>gets established and the usefullness is lost<

Where in the world you got the idea that 5 or 6 session on ibogaine and I’ll
have lost any usefullness from taking this spiritual, magical, blessing of a
plant is completely beyond me, and I can’t begin to guess where that
attitude or statement came from, on what you’re basing it. Knowing people on
this very list who not only have taken ibogaine a LOT more times than 5 or 6
times, and some even taking it a LOT more than 5 or 6 times and never once
having taken it for ADDICTION reasons leaves me laughing at your attitude of
“oh, this plant is too sacred to be misused by amatures who think they know
all after a few sessions,” which isn’t what I’ve ever said- I’ve only ever
said that after a few sessions I’ve thought of ideas and seen things from
new perspectives that could and probably always will evolve and change and
grow and strenghten and do all sorts of other positive things. But I can’t
imagine the usefulness being “lost” at all. Sorry you feel that way, and I’m
glad I don’t.

> oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl
> freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love through
> the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they
> love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never
> know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of
> yourself but try it.<

After watching me struggle through the hell of various addictive abuse
patterns over the years, watching me take ibogaine was magical for my loved
one, and she was extremely happy to not only have had the honor of being
with me through such an experience, she was extremely happy to have seen me
and continue to see me grow and evolve since my taking ibogaine, three times
now and quite possibly again at some point.
On one note- I’ve been told repeatedly now by my provider that the
second “treatment” doesn’t “count” because it wasn’t really for an
“addiction” issue, it was more for “psycho-spiritual” reasons, which I gotta
admit pisses the hell out of me, and is a GLARING example of the issue I’m
trying to address:

I knew what I wanted when taking ibogaine a second time. I knew that I had
not gotten what I needed the first time around, and wanted to go again to
further explore some of the issues I had touched on briefly during my first
experience, or to at least make the attempt to further explore the issues
that make me who I am and to further cement some of the feelings I had
found- but someone along the provider line, between me and the stuff,
decided they knew better than I what I needed, so while charging me more
than the first time ’round, they gave me a LOT less than I expected, and
needed. And I knew it even though they didn’t tell me this until months and
months later- I knew it as soon as I came to my senses in half the time it
took me to the first time ’round, and when I felt so angry and frustrated
for no apparent reason immediately upon coming to my senses as well. This is
a perfect example of why I myself am frustrated at so far having to go
through someone else to obtain ibogaine, and that it is illegal so I can’t
simply order it from the company and know for a fact exactly what I’m
getting, weight and quality wise (not that there were any quality issues
with what I got- only weight issues). I felt the genuine need for another
full “treatment” dose and didn’t get it due to someone else deciding they
knew better than I what I was hearing the plant and my own brain telling me.
I feel badly that someone might not want their loved one nearby them
when going through something like an ibogaine session, or feel that that’s
an imposition upon their loved one. I guess I’m lucky that way.

>Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.<

Ok, now that you’ve told me to, I’m going to leap up and run out and get
outta myself. Give it a try. It’ll be a new thing, never tried that before.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a
decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in
the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not
a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has
many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable
but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing
as best it can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically
respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the
spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most loving and powerful
life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you
personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be
appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit
otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most
part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most
times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and
get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the
time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into
their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the
adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6
sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey
if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded
chances are they are not really interested in changing their lives and
being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it
all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday,
lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it
all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break
.. ! ; thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially
like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love
through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone
they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never
know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself
but try it.

Preston Peet wrote:
>What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Edi! tor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

> This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
> have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
> not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
> wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
> of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.
> Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here! a lot, I
> know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
> new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.
> My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
> you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
> discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
> is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
> then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.
> Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
> a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
> will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
> heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.
> Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?
> My second question is about guides and treatment in! stead of ibogaine
> itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
> where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
> After reading this list nearly since it started I would not want to be
> doing ibogaine alone or with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re
> doing.
> What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
> and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
> happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
> having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
> this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
> there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
> dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
> and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same
> instructions?
>> .:vector:.
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From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 23, 2005 at 8:21:29 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I glad to say I disagree with you Rocky, and hope you the best in whatever you do.

this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it.<

I would like to point out though that first of all, I’m going to let your judgement call bounce right off of me.
Second of all, ibogaine has taught me something each time I’ve done it, whether I’ve publicly declared what that learning is or not- for the most part it’s not for sharing, it’s very personal stuff. I could swear that I did just point out in a very recent post, yep, just this morning at 8:35AM, that when talking about my after “treatment” plans, I first wrote:

…I still feel I’m “doing the work” I need to do, for the most part, but still
struggle with moods, emotions, feelings of confusion and a whole bunch of
other things I think are normal for people to experience and deal with, each
of us in our own ways, especially those of us who are saddled with this
“addiction” routine only made more complicated by prohibition.<

And that I felt that:

If one of those ways [of dealing with my life in the way I see giving me the least stress and the most happiness while causing myself and those around me the very least harm- I add now at 7:26PM the same day I posted this original statement] happens to be obtaining ibogaine on occassion to help keep an opiate use pattern in control,<

And most importantly as regards your comment about “the spirit that dwells in the root”:

or even were it simply to broaden my mind and
explore regions of the cosmos the ibogaine plant enables us to explore (or
me at least) than what’s wrong with that reason too?<

In other words, I’m not sure where you get off putting your ideas about how ibogaine should be taken into my life and somehow deciding that the best way for you to deal is obviously going to be the best for me? Of so that’s the message I get from your seemingly haughty and judgemental post here.

everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost<

Where in the world you got the idea that 5 or 6 session on ibogaine and I’ll have lost any usefullness from taking this spiritual, magical, blessing of a plant is completely beyond me, and I can’t begin to guess where that attitude or statement came from, on what you’re basing it. Knowing people on this very list who not only have taken ibogaine a LOT more times than 5 or 6 times, and some even taking it a LOT more than 5 or 6 times and never once having taken it for ADDICTION reasons leaves me laughing at your attitude of “oh, this plant is too sacred to be misused by amatures who think they know all after a few sessions,” which isn’t what I’ve ever said- I’ve only ever said that after a few sessions I’ve thought of ideas and seen things from new perspectives that could and probably always will evolve and change and grow and strenghten and do all sorts of other positive things. But I can’t imagine the usefulness being “lost” at all. Sorry you feel that way, and I’m glad I don’t.

oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love  through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.<

After watching me struggle through the hell of various addictive abuse patterns over the years, watching me take ibogaine was magical for my loved one, and she was extremely happy to not only have had the honor of being with me through such an experience, she was extremely happy to have seen me and continue to see me grow and evolve since my taking ibogaine, three times now and quite possibly again at some point.
On one note- I’ve been told repeatedly now by my provider that the second “treatment” doesn’t “count” because it wasn’t really for an “addiction” issue, it was more for “psycho-spiritual” reasons, which I gotta admit pisses the hell out of me, and is a GLARING example of the issue I’m trying to address:

I knew what I wanted when taking ibogaine a second time. I knew that I had not gotten what I needed the first time around, and wanted to go again to further explore some of the issues I had touched on briefly during my first experience, or to at least make the attempt to further explore the issues that make me who I am and to further cement some of the feelings I had found- but someone along the provider line, between me and the stuff, decided they knew better than I what I needed, so while charging me more than the first time ’round, they gave me a LOT less than I expected, and needed. And I knew it even though they didn’t tell me this until months and months later- I knew it as soon as I came to my senses in half the time it took me to the first time ’round, and when I felt so angry and frustrated for no apparent reason immediately upon coming to my senses as well. This is a perfect example of why I myself am frustrated at so far having to go through someone else to obtain ibogaine, and that it is illegal so I can’t simply order it from the company and know for a fact exactly what I’m getting, weight and quality wise (not that there were any quality issues with what I got- only weight issues). I felt the genuine need for another full “treatment” dose and didn’t get it due to someone else deciding they knew better than I what I was hearing the plant and my own brain telling me.
I feel badly that someone might not want their loved one nearby them when going through something like an ibogaine session, or feel that that’s an imposition upon their loved one. I guess I’m lucky that way.

Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.<

Ok, now that you’ve told me to, I’m going to leap up and run out and get outta myself. Give it a try. It’ll be a new thing, never tried that before.

Peace and love,
Preston Peet

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: ROCKYM CARAVELLI
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has f! or the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break .. ! ; thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Edi! tor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —– From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.

Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here! a lot, I
know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.

My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.

Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.

Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?

My second question is about guides and treatment in! stead of ibogaine
itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
After reading this list nearly since it started I would not want to be
doing ibogaine alone or with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re

What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

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Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour:

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html


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From: mcorcoran <mcorcoran27@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine and retreatments and doin it on our own…
Date: June 23, 2005 at 7:52:17 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

First of all I wanted to say hey Rocky and well said. Secondly and for the last time, its not true that people are not saying clean in NYC. I saw 4 of them and if you count me that’s 4 1/2 just kidding, but that was yesterday and today alone..
As most of you know I have had a couple of attempts at this over the past year. First taking a moderate amount of Ibogaine in Mexico and putting together 4 months after detoxing from a shit load of Methadone and a bunch of dope… then slipping with heroin for a week and taking a rather small dose of Ibogaine…. then putting together another month or so before falling again mostly because a week wasn’t enough time to really get my ass kicked and remember how hard and unfulfilling a life it is for me…. and now I’m coming up on 3 months AGAIN after taking a rather Large dose of Ibogaine.
I think my story is a lot more common than people think and its not the worst thing in the world either. For starters, I have had more clean time this year than I can remember having in a long time. Yeah this year has been a hell ride in a lot of respects but every time I’ve fallen and gotten up with the help of that spirit Rocky mentioned and I feel a little more whole when I’m back on my feet each time out. This time, and I realize I’ve had this amount of time before, but I have no desire to use dope at all. Theres nothing attractive about it  at all right now.  Dana compares it to peeling and onion, who knows. But the therapeutic value of this session was more than I ever even imagined possible after the last two. Howard said something about how “we all know what the issues are and that Ibogaine enables that discussion” or something close to that. Well, I never experienced anything like that until this time around. I got what “going really deep” was all about and it wasn’t what I tohught it would be at all. It was so much more! But I don’t know.
But are we all doomed? No fuckin way.
I think that there is something about this crazy medicine that feeds on our true intentions and if we intend to shoot dope again we certainly will but if we want to be free from this and change our lives then it will eventually show us the way out. This year as I’ve said has been more unmanageable than I would have liked but I guess walking around for the first time in 10 years or so without any “painkillers” in my system wasn’t supposed to be easy.
Also, about the debate on should we be able to do it ourselves. I’m really torn on that one because although I agree with everything Rocky and the “provider that will remain nameless” said. I also know that after my relapse this winter if I could have copped Ibogaine on the corner or ordered it on the internet I would have. I see people on the street everyday that don’t have the money to do this and I know that if it was more easily accessible more people would have a chance. But a shit load more people would die as well!
I think one of the first things I said after this last session was “I never would have been able to do that by myself- Thank you” because I thought about doing the po box thing, or even asking one of you kind folks that don’t live under such oppressive regimes to order and send me some more times than I could remember when I couldn’t come up with the cash for a treatment. But its a rough ride no doubt about it and I think theres a lot to letting someone who has been called to this, especially someone who ain’t making shit, sit and help you though because that’s where they want to be. That’s just my opinion.
Also Preston, from what I remember you have a pretty hard time with this stuff. I go though unusually fast and have never puked and theres no way I could have gone though this time with a family member or my girlfriend. It can be a pretty terririfing ordeal, no?
You wouldn’t do a large therapeutic dose on your own would you?

Rocky wrote…

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has for the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break ..  thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love  through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Ibogi Boogie Boogie <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net> wrote:
“Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.”
~ George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
British playwright & novelist

“Keep close to Nature’s heart . . . and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”
~ John Muir (1838-1914)
American naturalist

“When he tries to extend his power over objects, those objects gain control of him. He who is controlled by objects loses possession of his inner self… Prisoners in the world of object, they have no choice but to submit to the demands of matter! They are pressed down and crushed by external forces: fashion, the market, events, public opinion. Never in a whole lifetime do they recover their right mind!… What a pity!”
~ Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC-c. 275 BC)

“Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.”
~ John William Gardner (1912-)
—– Original Message —–
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has for the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break ..  thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love  through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
>What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

> This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
> have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
> not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
> wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
> of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.
> Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here a lot, I
> know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
> new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.
> My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
> you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
> discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
> is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
> then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.
> Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
> a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
> will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
> heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.
> Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?
> My second question is about guides and treatment instead of ibogaine
> itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
> where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
> After reading this list nearly since it started I would not want to be
> doing ibogaine alone or with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re
> doing.
> What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
> and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
> happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
> having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
> this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
> there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
> dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
> and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same
> instructions?
> .:vector:.
> __________________________________
> Yahoo! Mail
> Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour:
> http://tour.mail.yahoo.com/mailtour.html
> /]=———————————————————————=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> [%]
> \]=———————————————————————=[/

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

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Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From: mcorcoran <mcorcoran27@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine and retreatments.
Date: June 23, 2005 at 7:51:54 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

First of all I wanted to say hey Rocky and well said. Secondly and for the last time, its not true that people are not saying clean in NYC. I saw 4 of them and if you count me that’s 4 1/2 just kidding, but that was yesterday and today alone..
As most of you know I have had a couple of attempts at this over the past year. First taking a moderate amount of Ibogaine in Mexico and putting together 4 months after detoxing from a shit load of Methadone and a bunch of dope… then slipping with heroin for a week and taking a rather small dose of Ibogaine…. then putting together another month or so before falling again mostly because a week wasn’t enough time to really get my ass kicked and remember how hard and unfulfilling a life it is for me…. and now I’m coming up on 3 months AGAIN after taking a rather Large dose of Ibogaine.
I think my story is a lot more common than people think and its not the worst thing in the world either. For starters, I have had more clean time this year than I can remember having in a long time. Yeah this year has been a hell ride in a lot of respects but every time I’ve fallen and gotten up with the help of that spirit Rocky mentioned and I feel a little more whole when I’m back on my feet each time out. This time, and I realize I’ve had this amount of time before, but I have no desire to use dope at all. Theres nothing attractive about it  at all right now.  Dana compares it to peeling and onion, who knows. But the therapeutic value of this session was more than I ever even imagined possible after the last two. Howard said something about how “we all know what the issues are and that Ibogaine enables that discussion” or something close to that. Well, I never experienced anything like that until this time around. I got what “going really deep” was all about and it wasn’t what I tohught it would be at all. It was so much more! But I don’t know.
But are we all doomed? No fuckin way.
I think that there is something about this crazy medicine that feeds on our true intentions and if we intend to shoot dope again we certainly will but if we want to be free from this and change our lives then it will eventually show us the way out. This year as I’ve said has been more unmanageable than I would have liked but I guess walking around for the first time in 10 years or so without any “painkillers” in my system wasn’t supposed to be easy.
Also, about the debate on should we be able to do it ourselves. I’m really torn on that one because although I agree with everything Rocky and the “provider that will remain nameless” said. I also know that after my relapse this winter if I could have copped Ibogaine on the corner or ordered it on the internet I would have. I see people on the street everyday that don’t have the money to do this and I know that if it was more easily accessible more people would have a chance. But a shit load more people would die as well!
I think one of the first things I said after this last session was “I never would have been able to do that by myself- Thank you” because I thought about doing the po box thing, or even asking one of you kind folks that don’t live under such oppressive regimes to order and send me some more times than I could remember when I couldn’t come up with the cash for a treatment. But its a rough ride no doubt about it and I think theres a lot to letting someone who has been called to this, especially someone who ain’t making shit, sit and help you though because that’s where they want to be. That’s just my opinion.
Also Preston, from what I remember you have a pretty hard time with this stuff. I go though unusually fast and have never puked and theres no way I could have gone though this time with a family member or my girlfriend. It can be a pretty terririfing ordeal, no?
You wouldn’t do a large therapeutic dose on your own would you?

Rocky wrote…

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has for the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break ..  thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love  through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Ibogi Boogie Boogie <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net> wrote:
“Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.”
~ George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
British playwright & novelist

“Keep close to Nature’s heart . . . and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”
~ John Muir (1838-1914)
American naturalist

“When he tries to extend his power over objects, those objects gain control of him. He who is controlled by objects loses possession of his inner self… Prisoners in the world of object, they have no choice but to submit to the demands of matter! They are pressed down and crushed by external forces: fashion, the market, events, public opinion. Never in a whole lifetime do they recover their right mind!… What a pity!”
~ Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC-c. 275 BC)

“Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.”
~ John William Gardner (1912-)
—– Original Message —–
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has for the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break ..  thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love  through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
>What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

> This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
> have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
> not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
> wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
> of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.
> Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here a lot, I
> know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
> new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.
> My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
> you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
> discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
> is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
> then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.
> Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
> a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
> will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
> heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.
> Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?
> My second question is about guides and treatment instead of ibogaine
> itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
> where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
> After reading this list nearly since it started I would not want to be
> doing ibogaine alone or with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re
> doing.
> What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
> and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
> happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
> having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
> this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
> there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
> dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
> and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same
> instructions?
> .:vector:.
> __________________________________
> Yahoo! Mail
> Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour:
> http://tour.mail.yahoo.com/mailtour.html
> /]=———————————————————————=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html
> [%]
> \]=———————————————————————=[/

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

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Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

From: Eye of the Bhogi <freedomroot@gmail.com>
Subject: [Ibogaine] family in the treatment process
Date: June 23, 2005 at 6:05:32 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On 6/23/05, ROCKYM CARAVELLI <rockymcaravelli@yahoo.com> wrote:
i don’t hear so much about the  spirit that dwells in the root that
its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging
energys on the planet
Right on, Rocky!

oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially
like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love
through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone
they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never
know what will happen in an ibogaine detox…

I blame ALL of my gray hairs that sprouted between August — when my
husband started talking seriously about taking the treatment — and
March — when he finally got back to work and back into a groove — on
the stress of imagining the worst possible outcomes.  Not to project
them, the fears, into being.  But to be ready to let go of him if he
took this risky road, and to deal with his rawness, and to worry about
the possibilities of relapse when he had been so stable.

And at the same time, I was grateful to be there to help him take a
piss, to coax him into hydrating, to fetch food when it was time, and
to hold his hand or just be present in whatever way comforted him.
Maybe it’s different when you are married…. the individual selves
are not quite so distinct… but if our relationship were different,
or the nature of our codependence more enmeshed, perhaps it would have
been a total disaster to have me there.  As it was, I had to listen
hard to hear the cautions and advice from our Ibo-Angels in the
aftermath about giving him plenty of space to have his process.  And
its not clear to either of us whether my endless hand-holding during
the hot baths and listening to derepressed traumatic stories was as
“therapeutic” a release as it might have unfolded in dialog with a
trained transpersonal counselor.

love, rachel

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

From: “Ibogi Boogie Boogie” <GardenRestaurant@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 23, 2005 at 5:06:45 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.”
~ George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
British playwright & novelist

“Keep close to Nature’s heart . . . and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.”
~ John Muir (1838-1914)
American naturalist

“When he tries to extend his power over objects, those objects gain control of him. He who is controlled by objects loses possession of his inner self… Prisoners in the world of object, they have no choice but to submit to the demands of matter! They are pressed down and crushed by external forces: fashion, the market, events, public opinion. Never in a whole lifetime do they recover their right mind!… What a pity!”
~ Chuang Tzu (c.360 BC-c. 275 BC)

“Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the nonpharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.”
~ John William Gardner (1912-)
—– Original Message —–
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has for the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break ..  thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love  through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
>What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

> This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
> have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
> not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
> wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
> of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.
> Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here a lot, I
> know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
> new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.
> My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
> you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
> discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
> is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
> then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.
> Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
> a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
> will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
> heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.
> Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?
> My second question is about guides and treatment instead of ibogaine
> itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
> where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
> After reading this list nearly since it started I would not want to be
> doing ibogaine alone or with anyone who doesn’t know what they’re
> doing.
> What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
> and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
> happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
> having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
> this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
> there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
> dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
> and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same
> instructions?
> .:vector:.
> __________________________________
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> [%]
> \]=———————————————————————=[/

[%] Ibogaine List Commands: http://ibogaine.mindvox.com/IbogaineList.html [%]

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From: ROCKYM CARAVELLI <rockymcaravelli@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment
Date: June 23, 2005 at 4:48:54 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

oh i love this so a few experiences with ibogaine is enough to make a decission on the care and outcome of a detox i have to say i am glad that in the community of treatment and resources for avaliable ibogaine that its not a on the corner and pick it up substance for the pure reason that it has many aspects to be concerned with. that it for the most part is availiable but that theres responsibility for handling it properly and for representing as best it  can that it has a reputation for being effective and basically respected. this is just oppinion but really i don’t hear so much about the spirit that dwells in the root that its one of the most  loving and powerful life course rearranging energys on the planet and if it vibrates to you personally it would seem that a little self sacrafice to honor it would be appropriate one of those aspects is having a representitive of the spirit otherwise known as a provider someone who was called and has for the most part given their lives to do the work of iboga . Its a funny thing most times it just bounces off people and they forget where they came from and get the idea oh i’ll just do another session and get clean not spend the time nessissary to redevelope a new way of life to face life and look into their hearts for what is the root cause of discontentment and making the adjustments to eliminate it. everything can become a habit and after 5 ,6 sessions a habit of thought gets established and the usefullness is lost hey if someone wants to get loaded but not suffer consiquences of getting loaded chances are they are  not really interested in changing their lives and being free of addiction on the other hand if your willing to go through it all , the good the bad the ugly ,work with some one who does this everyday, lives and breathes it mabe you gotta chance. I’m an addict i think i know it all without ever doing the work this has been the hardest mind set to break ..  thanx everyone
oh by the way doing treatments with family or freind especially like girl freind boy freind why would anyone want to put someone they love  through the fear of if anything went wrong or the agony of watching someone they love struggle through a difficult experience and the truth is you never know what will happen in an ibogaine detox . Its hard to get out of yourself but try it.

Preston Peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
>What I want to ask is, if you’re doing ibogaine to interrupt addiction
and you’ve already done it 3 or 4 times, you know what’s going to
happen, you know how you respond to it. What exactly is the point of
having a ‘guide’ or ‘treatment’? What Preston wrote made me think about
this, I mean in a underground setting it’s not like the other person
there is going to do anything if there is a problem except (hopefully)
dial a ambulance. What’s the point of that instead of getting ibogaine
and doing it yourself with your girlfriend or family given the same

Vector, you put this very well. Thank you.

Peace and love,

“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines

Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations,
Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” (due out Sept. 2005)
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor http://www.disinfo.com
Columnist New York Waste

—– Original Message —–
From: “Vector Vector”
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 2:07 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] relapse and treatment

> This is a question for the peeps who are mostly in the NYC area that
> have been treated. Preston wrote a message saying that most people were
> not staying clean after ibogaine and didn’t hold it together and then
> wrote he didn’t want the guide or a ‘treatment’ that goes for thousands
> of dollars when he’d rather get the ibogaine and do it himself.
> Not being in NYC and only knowing the peeps who write here a lot, I
> know Randy is mostly on cloud 9 and he put in the work to get himself a
> new life. He is the exception I can think of while reading this list.
> My question for all the other peeps treated in NY is, what happens when
> you relapse and if that’s a loaded word or one of those clean or dirty
> discussions sorry and I don’t mean to step on any toes, what I’m asking
> is what makes that one time when you do go out and get heroin different
> then all the other times you _want to_ but don’t do it.
> Also after that first time, does addiction work in a way that it’s like
> a death sentence? It looks almost like the first time almost for sure
> will be followed by the second, third ,etc, time and it’s back on
> heroin, half a year of that, then another ibogaine detox.
> Is it not possible to stop after that one slip?
> My second question is about guides and treatment instead of ibogaine
> itself. I plan to do ibogaine for the first time and I already know
> where I am going and who I feel the most comfortable with (Sara :).
> After reading this list nearly since it started I would not wan