Subject: [ibogaine] shelf life
Date: December 30, 2003 at 7:36:51 PM EST
September 9, 2002
Try An Experiment With Your Mother-In-Law
By Richard Altschuler
Does the expiration date on a bottle of a medication mean anything? If a
bottle of Tylenol, for example, says something like “Do not use after June 1998,”
and it is August 2002, should you take the Tylenol? Should you discard it? Can
you get hurt if you take it? Will it simply have lost its potency and do you
no good?
In other words, are drug manufacturers being honest with us when they put an
expiration date on their medications, or is the practice of dating just
another drug industry scam, to get us to buy new medications when the old ones that
purportedly have “expired” are still perfectly good?
These are the pressing questions I investigated after my mother-in-law
recently said to me, “It doesn’t mean anything,” when I pointed out that the Tylenol
she was about to take had “expired” 4 years and a few months ago. I was a bit
mocking in my pronouncement — feeling superior that I had noticed the
chemical corpse in her cabinet — but she was equally adamant in her reply, and is
generally very sage about medical issues.
So I gave her a glass of water with the purportedly “dead” drug, of which she
took 2 capsules for a pain in the upper back. About a half hour later she
reported the pain seemed to have eased up a bit. I said “You could be having a
placebo effect,” not wanting to simply concede she was right about the drug, and
also not actually knowing what I was talking about. I was just happy to hear
that her pain had eased, even before we had our evening cocktails and hot tub
dip (we were in “Leisure World,” near Laguna Beach, California, where the hot
tub is bigger than most Manhattan apartments, and “Heaven,” as generally
portrayed, would be raucous by comparison).
Upon my return to NYC and high-speed connection, I immediately scoured the
medical databases and general literature for the answer to my question about
drug expiration labeling. And voila, no sooner than I could say “Screwed again by
the pharmaceutical industry,” I had my answer. Here are the simple facts:
First, the expiration date, required by law in the United States, beginning
in 1979, specifies only the date the manufacturer guarantees the full potency
and safety of the drug — it does not mean how long the drug is actually “good”
or safe to use. Second, medical authorities uniformly say it is safe to take
drugs past their expiration date — no matter how “expired” the drugs
purportedly are. Except for possibly the rarest of exceptions, you won’t get hurt and
you certainly won’t get killed. A contested example of a rare exception is a
case of renal tubular damage purportedly caused by expired tetracycline
(reported by G. W. Frimpter and colleagues in JAMA, 1963;184:111). This outcome
(disputed by other scientists) was supposedly caused by a chemical transformation
of the active ingredient. Third, studies show that expired drugs may lose some
of their potency over time, from as little as 5% or less to 50% or more
(though usually much less than the latter). Even 10 years after the “expiration
date,” most drugs have a good deal of their original potency. So wisdom dictates
that if your life does depend on an expired drug, and you must have 100% or so
of its original strength, you should probably toss it and get a refill, in
accordance with the cliché, “better safe than sorry.” If your life does not
depend on an expired drug — such as that for headache, hay fever, or menstrual
cramps — take it and see what happens.
One of the largest studies ever conducted that supports the above points
about “expired drug” labeling was done by the US military 15 years ago, according
to a feature story in the Wall Street Journal (March 29, 2000), reported by
Laurie P. Cohen. The military was sitting on a $1 billion stockpile of drugs and
facing the daunting process of destroying and replacing its supply every 2 to
3 years, so it began a testing program to see if it could extend the life of
its inventory. The testing, conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), ultimately covered more than 100 drugs, prescription and
over-the-counter. The results showed that about 90% of them were safe and effective as far as
15 years past their original expiration date.
In light of these results, a former director of the testing program, Francis
Flaherty, said he concluded that expiration dates put on by manufacturers
typically have no bearing on whether a drug is usable for longer. Mr. Flaherty
noted that a drug maker is required to prove only that a drug is still good on
whatever expiration date the company chooses to set. The expiration date doesn’t
mean, or even suggest, that the drug will stop being effective after that,
nor that it will become harmful. “Manufacturers put expiration dates on for
marketing, rather than scientific, reasons,” said Mr. Flaherty, a pharmacist at
the FDA until his retirement in 1999. “It’s not profitable for them to have
products on a shelf for 10 years. They want turnover.”
The FDA cautioned there isn’t enough evidence from the program, which is
weighted toward drugs used during combat, to conclude most drugs in consumers’
medicine cabinets are potent beyond the expiration date. Joel Davis, however, a
former FDA expiration-date compliance chief, said that with a handful of
exceptions — notably nitroglycerin, insulin, and some liquid antibiotics — most
drugs are probably as durable as those the agency has tested for the military.
“Most drugs degrade very slowly,” he said. “In all likelihood, you can take a
product you have at home and keep it for many years, especially if it’s in the
refrigerator.” Consider aspirin. Bayer AG puts 2-year or 3-year dates on
aspirin and says that it should be discarded after that. However, Chris Allen, a
vice president at the Bayer unit that makes aspirin, said the dating is “pretty
conservative”; when Bayer has tested 4-year-old aspirin, it remained 100%
effective, he said. So why doesn’t Bayer set a 4-year expiration date? Because the
company often changes packaging, and it undertakes “continuous improvement
programs,” Mr. Allen said. Each change triggers a need for more expiration-date
testing, and testing each time for a 4-year life would be impractical. Bayer
has never tested aspirin beyond 4 years, Mr. Allen said. But Jens Carstensen
has. Dr. Carstensen, professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin’s
pharmacy school, who wrote what is considered the main text on drug stability, said,
“I did a study of different aspirins, and after 5 years, Bayer was still
excellent. Aspirin, if made correctly, is very stable.
Okay, I concede. My mother-in-law was right, once again. And I was wrong,
once again, and with a wiseacre attitude to boot. Sorry mom. Now I think I’ll
take a swig of the 10-year dead package of Alka Seltzer in my medicine chest —
to ease the nausea I’m feeling from calculating how many billions of dollars
the pharmaceutical industry bilks out of unknowing consumers every year who
discard perfectly good drugs and buy new ones because they trust the industry’s
“expiration date labeling.”
Reprinted with permission of Redflagsdaily
Thomas A. M. Kramer, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Medscape General Medicine 5(3), 2003. © 2003 Medscape
From: “annie B” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Herbal supplement ephedra to be banned
Date: December 30, 2003 at 12:13:19 PM EST
are there not a number of herbal / vitamin supplements about to be banned? Does anyone know the score? When I read about that i couldn’t help but think there was some kind of pharmaceutical industry influence at play…
>From: “Preston Peet”
>To: ,
>Subject: [ibogaine] Herbal supplement ephedra to be banned
>Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 10:42:58 -0500
>Hi all,
> Does this seem to anyone else to be an irrational step Backwards, as
>opposed to a rational step forwards? If they are going to go so far as to
>ban something so innocuous as ephedra, what hope do we have of any sane
>drug law reform in the near future?
> It’s tough, a real chore, being optimistic these days.
>Herbal supplement ephedra to be banned
>Tuesday, December 30, 2003 Posted: 10:29 AM EST (1529 GMT)
>(CNN) — Federal officials are moving to ban the sale of the herbal
>supplement ephedra because of continued health concerns about the product.
>Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson and Mark McClellan, the
>commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, are expected to announce
>steps leading to a ban on ephedra at an 11:30 a.m. ET news conference.
>Illinois and New York already have banned the sale of products containing
>ephedra, and Florida banned ephedra sales to minors in May.
>Ephedra is an herbal supplement that is found in many over-the-counter
>products designed to help people lose weight or increase their energy, and
>has long been the subject of criticism.
>In February, a medical examiner said an ephedra supplement was linked to the
>death of Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler.
>A study commissioned by the National Institutes of Health also called into
>safety the use of ephedra, saying it was associated with higher risks of
>heart palpitations, tremors and insomnia.
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Herbal supplement ephedra to be banned
Date: December 30, 2003 at 10:42:58 AM EST
To: <>, <>
Hi all,
Does this seem to anyone else to be an irrational step Backwards, as
opposed to a rational step forwards? If they are going to go so far as to
ban something so innocuous as ephedra, what hope do we have of any sane
drug law reform in the near future?
It’s tough, a real chore, being optimistic these days.
Herbal supplement ephedra to be banned
Tuesday, December 30, 2003 Posted: 10:29 AM EST (1529 GMT)
(CNN) — Federal officials are moving to ban the sale of the herbal
supplement ephedra because of continued health concerns about the product.
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson and Mark McClellan, the
commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, are expected to announce
steps leading to a ban on ephedra at an 11:30 a.m. ET news conference.
Illinois and New York already have banned the sale of products containing
ephedra, and Florida banned ephedra sales to minors in May.
Ephedra is an herbal supplement that is found in many over-the-counter
products designed to help people lose weight or increase their energy, and
has long been the subject of criticism.
In February, a medical examiner said an ephedra supplement was linked to the
death of Baltimore Orioles pitcher Steve Bechler.
A study commissioned by the National Institutes of Health also called into
safety the use of ephedra, saying it was associated with higher risks of
heart palpitations, tremors and insomnia.
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] CNN promotes drug abuse
Date: December 30, 2003 at 8:31:13 AM EST
me either!
I have drank a shitload of Terpin Hydrate in the past. It has to be the worse tasting syrup in the world!
All those antihistamine/decongestanats fuck with your system BAD! I hope folks are smart enough to not try to buzz on DXM!
Peace to all! Callie
From: “annie B” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge what is the drug?
Date: December 30, 2003 at 8:27:20 AM EST
um, not sure if i’m stating the obvious here but this article refers to a type of e…snowball being a brand, much like the early ‘mitsubishi’ or ‘dove’ varieties…
i think all it’s saying is that this ‘brand’ is stronger than average…the combination of other drugs in the mix is no new thing either, but makes a change from ground up baking powder/aspirin/other random household substance anyway
is this just a british/irish thing?
>From: “Preston Peet”
>Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge what is the drug?
>Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 15:37:33 -0500
>I don’t know Nik…making it that much more of an adventure perhaps?
>Good question though, I’d like to know that answer. But it really reads like
>a typical prohibitionist scare story, in the vein of: “The New Drug is a
>Real Killer!! Watch Out, it is Particularly Enticing to the CHildren!!”
>—– Original Message —–
>From: Nik
>Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 12:23 AM
>Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in
>Banbridge what is the drug?
>what is snowball EXACTLY! lsd and waht?
>Preston Peet wrote:
>would it be safe for me to say that this “new” drug sounds reeeelly,
>reeeelly inerestin’?
>Peace and veritable interest (but don’t write offering me any as I’ll just
>take you for a copper and not bite yer bait),
>—– Original Message —–
>From: “Tim Meehan”
>To: ; ; ;
>; ; ;
>Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 10:25 PM
>Subject: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge
> > Source: Belfast Telegraph
> > Contact
> > Website:
> > Copyright: 2003 Belfast Telegraph Newspapers Ltd
> > Pubdate: December 15, 2003
> > Author: Paul Dykes
> >
> > Snowb! all’ drug seized in Banbridge
> >
> > POLICE have seized a batch of the dangerous new recreational Ecstasy drug
> > “snowball” in Banbridge.
> >
> > The seizure follows a warning from drug awareness group Breakthru Project
> > people not to use the drug because of its potentially fatal dosage.
> >
> > It is three times more powerful than normal Ecstasy tablets but takes
> > longer to “kick in”, prompting fears that users would mistakenly think it
> > having no effect and take more.
> >
> > Because it is a cocktail of drugs, including LSD, an overdose could be
> > the group warned.
> >
> > There was little local knowledge of the drug in Banbridge, but now police
> > seized their first batch of snowballs in Dromore Road, Banbridge, on
> > night.
> >
> > A 41-year-old man has been charged with two counts of possession of a
>Class A
> > drug, two count! s of possession with intent to supply, and one count of
> > a Class A drug.
> >
> > He is due to appear at Banbridge Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, December
> >
> > Police found a quantity of the snowball drug when they stopped a car, and
>in a
> > follow-up search of a house.
> >
> > Ecstasy worth 」500 was seized, including a quantity of the snowball drug.
> >
> >
> >
> > [ Moderated by: Preston Peet |
> ]
> > | -=/[ To Subscribe: ]/=-
> > | To Unsubscribe:
> > [ DrugWar List in Digest Format:
> ]
> >
> >
> >
> >
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] CNN promotes drug abuse
Date: December 30, 2003 at 12:24:05 AM EST
To: <>
Oh, I don’t know, I felt pretty woozy both when I was Roboing and from the
one time I smoked PCP, so…
Yeah, you got cheated G.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Gamma” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 29, 2003 11:22 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] CNN promotes drug abuse
— Preston Peet <> wrote:
“The effect of these drugs are very similar to LSD or PCP, so yeah,
hmmm. i feel cheated. I NEVER experienced LSD or PCP-like symptoms from
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From: Gamma <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] CNN promotes drug abuse
Date: December 29, 2003 at 11:22:23 PM EST
— Preston Peet <> wrote:
“The effect of these drugs are very similar to LSD or PCP, so yeah, they’re
hmmm. i feel cheated. I NEVER experienced LSD or PCP-like symptoms from DXM.
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] CNN promotes drug abuse
Date: December 29, 2003 at 8:48:07 PM EST
To: <>, <>
Hey all,
Some of the comments from the CNN host lady just now on my tv (loosely
“We want to remind our viewers that these drugs are all over the counter-
you can walk right in and buy it.”
“Thanks for telling us about this drug, I think it’s really facinating,
especially for those who haven’t heard about it before.”
Drug Pro guest:
“The effect of these drugs are very similar to LSD or PCP, so yeah, they’re
They’re reporting on the latest “new” trend in drug use/abuse…cough
medicine containing DXM. Egad! Let’s see- 20-25 years ago I was drinking
Robitusin DM to get high. I knew others who occasionally did so too.
So how is this a New Threat?
Are these people seriously unaware that they are promoting not only the use
of these medicines but probably the abuse as well? I can’t imagine they
aren’t aware of this, so it appears to my suspicious mind that they are
making sure the system continues to have targets and patients in their jails
and treatment facilities.
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Bush signs parts of Patriot Act II into law – stealthily
Date: December 29, 2003 at 7:11:00 PM EST
By David Martin 12/24/2003
Bush signs parts of Patriot Act II into law stealthily
On December 13, when U.S. forces captured Saddam Hussein, President
George W. Bush not only celebrated with his national security team, but
also pulled out his pen and signed into law a bill that grants the FBI
sweeping new powers. A White House spokesperson explained the curious
timing of the signing – on a Saturday – as “the President signs bills
seven days a week.” But the last time Bush signed a bill into law on a
Saturday happened more than a year ago – on a spending bill that the
President needed to sign, to prevent shuttng down the federal
government the following Monday.
By signing the bill on the day of Hussein’s capture, Bush effectively
consigned a dramatic expansion of the USA Patriot Act to a mere
footnote. Consequently, while most Americans watched as Hussein was
probed for head lice, few were aware that the FBI had just obtained the
power to probe their financial records, even if the feds don’t suspect
their involvement in crime or terrorism.
By signing the bill on the day of Hussein’s capture, Bush effectively
consigned a dramatic expansion of the USA Patriot Act to a mere
The Bush Administration and its Congressional allies tucked away these
new executive powers in the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2004, a legislative behemoth that funds all the intelligence
activities of the federal government. The Act included a simple, yet
insidious, redefinition of “financial institution,” which previously
referred to banks, but now includes stockbrokers, car dealerships,
casinos, credit card companies, insurance agencies, jewelers, airlines,
the U.S. Post Office, and any other business “whose cash transactions
have a high degree of usefulness in criminal, tax, or regulatory
Congress passed the legislation around Thanksgiving. Except for U.S.
Representative Charlie Gonzalez, all San Antonio’s House members voted
for the act. The Senate passed it with a voice vote to avoid individual
accountability. While broadening the definition of “financial
institution,” the Bush administration is ramping up provisions within
the 2001 USA Patriot Act, which granted the FBI the authority to obtain
client records from banks by merely requesting the records in a
“National Security Letter.” To get the records, the FBI doesn’t have to
appear before a judge, nor demonstrate “probable cause” – reason to
believe that the targeted client is involved in criminal or terrorist
activity. Moreover, the National Security Letters are attached with a
gag order, preventing any financial institution from informing its
clients that their records have been surrendered to the FBI. If a
financial institution breaches the gag order, it faces criminal
penalties. And finally, the FBI will no longer be required to report to
Congress how often they have used the National Security Letters.
Supporters of expanding the Patriot Act claim that the new law is
necessary to prevent future terrorist attacks on the U.S. The FBI needs
these new powers to be “expeditious and efficient” in its response to
these new threats. Robert Summers, professor of international law and
director of the new Center for Terrorism Law at St. Mary’s University,
explains, “We don’t go to war with the terrorists as we went to war
with the Germans or the North Vietnamese. If we apply old methods of
following the money, we will not be successful. We need to meet them on
an even playing field to avoid another disaster.”
“It’s a problem that some of these riders that are added on may not
receive the scrutiny that we would like to see.”
Robert Summers
Opponents of the PATRIOT Act and its expansion claim that safeguards
like judicial oversight and the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits
unreasonable search and seizure, are essential to prevent abuses of
power. “There’s a reason these protections were put into place,” says
Chip Berlet, senior analyst at Political Research Associates, and a
historian of U.S. political repression. “It has been shown that if you
give [these agencies] this power they will abuse it. For any
investigative agency, once you tell them that they must make sure that
they protect the country from subversives, it inevitably gets
translated into a program to silence dissent.”
Opponents claim the FBI already has all the tools to stop crime and
terrorism. Moreover, explains Patrick Filyk, an attorney and vice
president of the local chapter of the ACLU, “The only thing the act
accomplishes is the removal of judicial oversight and the transfer of
more power to law enforcements agents.”
This broadening of the Patriot Act represents a political victory for
the Bush Administration’s stealth legislative strategy to increase
executive power. Last February, shortly before Bush launched the war on
Iraq, the Center for Public Integrity obtained a draft of a
comprehensive expansion of the Patriot Act, nicknamed Patriot Act II,
written by Attorney General John Ashcroft’s staff. Again, the timing
was suspicious; it appeared that the Bush Administration was waiting
for the start of the Iraq war to introduce Patriot Act II, and then
exploit the crisis to ram it through Congress with little public
The leak and ensuing public backlash frustrated the Bush
administration’s strategy, so Ashcroft and Co. disassembled Patriot Act
II, then reassembled its parts into other legislation. By attaching the
redefinition of “financial institution” to an Intelligence
Authorization Act, the Bush Administration and its Congressional allies
avoided public hearings and floor debates for the expansion of the
Patriot Act.
Even proponents of this expansion have expressed concern about these
legislative tactics. “It’s a problem that some of these riders that are
added on may not receive the scrutiny that we would like to see,” says
St. Mary’s Professor Robert Summers.
The Bush Administration has yet to answer pivotal questions about its
latest constitutional coup: If these new executive powers are necessary
to protect United States citizens, then why would the legislation not
withstand the test of public debate? If the new act’s provisions are in
the public interest, why use stealth in ramming them through the
legislative process?
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Subject: [ibogaine] What’s new
Date: December 29, 2003 at 12:36:25 AM EST
Some revisions have been made to the ibogaine dossiers and you may enjoy
taking a look at our what’s new section
Laurent Sazy provides a new exhibit of Bwiti photographs to the Ibogaine
Dossier Gallery. Exhibit II includes Bwit, Edika and Mwiri ceremonies. The
collection includes a photograph of the Mwiri ceremony in which only African men may
participate. Once again Sazy’s dramatic images take us into the African
A second exhibit, a stunning microphotograph of ibogaine HCl.
Along with ibogaine development has come the discovery of second generation
ibogaine-like drugs. The Ibogaine Dossier presents an updated file on the
ibogaine congener 18-Methoxycoronaridine. These are technical documents that now
include Anti-addictive actions of an iboga alkaloid congener: a novel mechanism
for a novel treatment. Maisonneuve IM, Glick SD. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2003
From: “Onetel2” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Bwiti book sought
Date: December 28, 2003 at 9:04:06 AM EST
To: <>
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 2:56 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Bwiti book sought
In a message dated 12/20/03 8:57:31 PM, writes:
I’m potentially interested in financing the publication of an
English language book on the Bwiti. Anyone out there with
literary ideas in this area, please get in touch.
What would be nice Nick, if you can obtain African authors or include
authors if the book is an anthology rather than the same usual situation
europeans talking about african belief systems. I know it is a difficult
but, good luck to you.
Hi Howard,
Many thanks for your ideas. The concept I’m currently thinking about would
be an anthology of short stories by people connected with iboga and the
Bwiti, whether as African initiates, Western drug users, or anything else. I
want to collect a reasonable amount of material, deal with French
translation if needed, edit the lot and publish it as a 200 odd page
paperback book, 1000 copies. I figured this would be a manageable project
with my current resources.
Anyone interested in potentially helping with French – English translation,
putting up announcements in Bwiti areas, financing, or anything else, please
get in touch.
All the best
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: christmas party/photos
Date: December 28, 2003 at 2:18:41 AM EST
When you search for the term ibogaine as a googolism you get:
ibogaine is effective in blocking
ibogaine is effective in blocking opiate withdrawal symptoms
ibogaine is stuck in limbo
ibogaine is a broad spectrum ‘interrupter’ of addiction to ‘hard drugs’
ibogaine is a novel pharmacological approach to the treatment of opioid
ibogaine is a medicinal extract from the root of the tabernanthe iboga plant
ibogaine is derived from the eboga plant
ibogaine is an unlicensed medication and it is increasingly recognised that
there may be inherent risks associated with its usage
ibogaine is also used in tribal rituals
ibogaine is a psychoactive substance
ibogaine is non
ibogaine is clearly illegal to import into australia without a license
ibogaine is a rough trip
ibogaine is illegal in the usa
ibogaine is a schedule 1 substance was a circumstance we viewed as positive
in that only responsible researchers would have access to the material
ibogaine is a psychoactive indole alkaloid from the rain forest shrub
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is almost certainly the one that
ibogaine is not itself addictive and even more intriguing is that it seems to
have anti
ibogaine is
ibogaine is to the treatment of chemical dependence
ibogaine is a drug which can stop drug addiction in a single dose
ibogaine is one of several alkaloids found in the west african shrub called
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a natural addiction interrupter medication used to treat heroin
ibogaine is stuck in limbo yes
ibogaine is the primary psychoactive alkaloid found in the african shrub
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is largely the work of lotsof and his disciples in new york’s
ibogaine is an alkaloid found primarily in the root bark of the shrub
‘tabernanthe iboga’ which usually grows in equatorial africa
ibogaine is so heavy that one looses all ones knowledge
ibogaine is in the treatment of addictions
ibogaine is a medical breakthrough in drug addiction recovery
ibogaine is an alkaloid derived from the root of the african plant
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is an alkaloid derived from the root of the african shrub
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is the only drug that has heroin beat
ibogaine is not a substitute for narcotics or stimulants
ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive compound that is used in
central west africa in bwiti religious ceremonies
ibogaine is an indole
ibogaine is the primary psychoactive alkaloid found in the african shrub
ibogaine is an antagonist to reserpine
ibogaine is an indole alkaloid first isolated from
ibogaine is indeed a
ibogaine is a naturally occurring alkaloid found in the root of an african
plant called tabernathe iboga that when consumed orally works as an hallucinogen
ibogaine is not a major component of the alkaloids
ibogaine is afkomstig uit de bast van de wortels van de afrikaanse plant
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is the best facilitator yet though for this process
ibogaine is a safe and effective drug
ibogaine is exhausting
ibogaine is extracted is tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive indole alkaloid derived from
the roots of the african rain forest shrub tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is not being made available with the dispatch of
ibogaine is largely the work of lotsof and
ibogaine is an anti
ibogaine is not known
ibogaine is a broad spectrum anti
ibogaine is established
ibogaine is a much more humane and dignified approach to detox’
ibogaine is being promoted as an addiction
ibogaine is a naturally occurring indole alkaloid
ibogaine is a psychedelic drug
ibogaine is that the addict have a follow up plan
ibogaine is some journey
ibogaine is a psychoactive indole alkaloid derived from the rain forest shrub
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a competitive inhibitor of
ibogaine is an alkaloid drug derived from an african shrub
ibogaine is dose
ibogaine is extremely >expensive >
ibogaine is an indole alkaloid derived from the bark of the root of the
african shrub tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is an alkaloid plant
ibogaine is derived from the root bark of a central african plant
ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive alkaloid found in tabernanthe
iboga and other plant species of central west africa
ibogaine is an indole alkaloid found in the roots of tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a naturally occurring indole alkaloid derived from the roots of
the rain forest shrub tabemanthe iboga
ibogaine is an experimental therapy and has not been approved by the food and
drug administration
ibogaine is an alkaloid found in the tabernanthe iboga plant in tropical
areas of central west africa
ibogaine is a derivative of an african plant
ibogaine is as illegal as any street narcotic
ibogaine is used experimentally to interrupt drug addiction and allow
therapeutic intervention
ibogaine is a way out
ibogaine is derived from the roots of tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a very new treatment option and is specific for heroin and
cocaine addictions
ibogaine is a psychoactive indole alkaloid derived from the rootbark of an
african plant
ibogaine is a naturally occurring indole alkaloid found in a variety of
tropical shrubs of the tabernanthe genus
ibogaine is safe when administered in doses up to 25 milligrams per kilogram
of body weight
ibogaine is so positive
ibogaine is not only a powerful entheogen
ibogaine is terribly flawed
ibogaine is the most important
ibogaine is a medication in treating dependence to addictive drugs such as
heroin and crack
ibogaine is a religious sacrament
ibogaine is a recently developed drug
Subject: [ibogaine] Googlism for: ibogaine
Date: December 28, 2003 at 2:34:02 AM EST
Reply-To: will find out what thinks of you, your friends or
anything! Search for your name here or for a good laugh check out some of the
popular Googlisms below.
Googlism for: ibogaine
ibogaine is effective in blocking
ibogaine is effective in blocking opiate withdrawal symptoms
ibogaine is stuck in limbo
ibogaine is a broad spectrum ‘interrupter’ of addiction to ‘hard drugs’
ibogaine is a novel pharmacological approach to the treatment of opioid
ibogaine is a medicinal extract from the root of the tabernanthe iboga plant
ibogaine is derived from the eboga plant
ibogaine is an unlicensed medication and it is increasingly recognised that
there may be inherent risks associated with its usage
ibogaine is also used in tribal rituals
ibogaine is a psychoactive substance
ibogaine is non
ibogaine is clearly illegal to import into australia without a license
ibogaine is a rough trip
ibogaine is illegal in the usa
ibogaine is a schedule 1 substance was a circumstance we viewed as positive
in that only responsible researchers would have access to the material
ibogaine is a psychoactive indole alkaloid from the rain forest shrub
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is almost certainly the one that
ibogaine is not itself addictive and even more intriguing is that it seems to
have anti
ibogaine is
ibogaine is to the treatment of chemical dependence
ibogaine is a drug which can stop drug addiction in a single dose
ibogaine is one of several alkaloids found in the west african shrub called
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a natural addiction interrupter medication used to treat heroin
ibogaine is stuck in limbo yes
ibogaine is the primary psychoactive alkaloid found in the african shrub
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is largely the work of lotsof and his disciples in new york’s
ibogaine is an alkaloid found primarily in the root bark of the shrub
‘tabernanthe iboga’ which usually grows in equatorial africa
ibogaine is so heavy that one looses all ones knowledge
ibogaine is in the treatment of addictions
ibogaine is a medical breakthrough in drug addiction recovery
ibogaine is an alkaloid derived from the root of the african plant
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is an alkaloid derived from the root of the african shrub
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is the only drug that has heroin beat
ibogaine is not a substitute for narcotics or stimulants
ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive compound that is used in
central west africa in bwiti religious ceremonies
ibogaine is an indole
ibogaine is the primary psychoactive alkaloid found in the african shrub
ibogaine is an antagonist to reserpine
ibogaine is an indole alkaloid first isolated from
ibogaine is indeed a
ibogaine is a naturally occurring alkaloid found in the root of an african
plant called tabernathe iboga that when consumed orally works as an hallucinogen
ibogaine is not a major component of the alkaloids
ibogaine is afkomstig uit de bast van de wortels van de afrikaanse plant
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is the best facilitator yet though for this process
ibogaine is a safe and effective drug
ibogaine is exhausting
ibogaine is extracted is tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive indole alkaloid derived from
the roots of the african rain forest shrub tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is not being made available with the dispatch of
ibogaine is largely the work of lotsof and
ibogaine is an anti
ibogaine is not known
ibogaine is a broad spectrum anti
ibogaine is established
ibogaine is a much more humane and dignified approach to detox’
ibogaine is being promoted as an addiction
ibogaine is a naturally occurring indole alkaloid
ibogaine is a psychedelic drug
ibogaine is that the addict have a follow up plan
ibogaine is some journey
ibogaine is a psychoactive indole alkaloid derived from the rain forest shrub
tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a competitive inhibitor of
ibogaine is an alkaloid drug derived from an african shrub
ibogaine is dose
ibogaine is extremely >expensive >
ibogaine is an indole alkaloid derived from the bark of the root of the
african shrub tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is an alkaloid plant
ibogaine is derived from the root bark of a central african plant
ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive alkaloid found in tabernanthe
iboga and other plant species of central west africa
ibogaine is an indole alkaloid found in the roots of tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a naturally occurring indole alkaloid derived from the roots of
the rain forest shrub tabemanthe iboga
ibogaine is an experimental therapy and has not been approved by the food and
drug administration
ibogaine is an alkaloid found in the tabernanthe iboga plant in tropical
areas of central west africa
ibogaine is a derivative of an african plant
ibogaine is as illegal as any street narcotic
ibogaine is used experimentally to interrupt drug addiction and allow
therapeutic intervention
ibogaine is a way out
ibogaine is derived from the roots of tabernanthe iboga
ibogaine is a very new treatment option and is specific for heroin and
cocaine addictions
ibogaine is a psychoactive indole alkaloid derived from the rootbark of an
african plant
ibogaine is a naturally occurring indole alkaloid found in a variety of
tropical shrubs of the tabernanthe genus
ibogaine is safe when administered in doses up to 25 milligrams per kilogram
of body weight
ibogaine is so positive
ibogaine is not only a powerful entheogen
ibogaine is terribly flawed
ibogaine is the most important
ibogaine is a medication in treating dependence to addictive drugs such as
heroin and crack
ibogaine is a religious sacrament
ibogaine is a recently developed drug
From: Gamma <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] hh
Date: December 27, 2003 at 3:03:37 PM EST
To: Joseph Musico <>
lets see… well I was on about 40mgs methadone/day, having tapered down from
80mgs on my own. That was at the end of 4 years of methadone, with a good solid
5 years of 1 gram smack/Day plus crack, coke, speed, whatever before that. so,
I had a pretty good habit going for a lot of years
Ibogaine IS NOT a “cure”, but it can open new doors for you. It *DOES*
eliminate withdrawal symptoms, for me it took 80-90% of the symptoms away, and
I was able to get about 3-4 hours of sleep a night immediately after the
treatment. I’ve kicked many ways many times and this was by far the least
painful. Plus the “psychedelic” experience was like nothing i’d ever
experienced before. it was amazing. I did feel like boiled ass-meat for a
while, as I was a bad junkie and didn’t take care of myself very well at all
while i was using. It did take me a while to feel normal, I was terribly
exhausted and didn’t have much energy for work for a few months, but I was
glowing from the experience and I was free from the balls and chains of the
methadone clinic.
Have I used since? yes. I used smack 2X after the treatment, and got my ass
kicked royally the 2nd time. The ibogaine changed a lot inside me, I guess what
I experienced during the ibo was like what people experience when they die. so
I came out of it feeling like I had been given a second chance, I had glimpsed
the secrets of the universe and felt like i’d done enough dying (I’ve OD’d
several times) so now I’d give living another chance.
At times it was hard hard hard hard hard, and I did whatever it took to not
use, went to meetings, did therapy, all that stuff. Practical shit like a
healthy diet and lots of excercise and vitamins was a HUGE part of me bouncing
Making changes in my social life made a big difference too, for a while I
changed the music i listened to, and made new friends, eventually. I’m a loner
by character, but that doesn’t sit well with a relentless monkey chattering in
my head. (It is my view that when using, the monkey is on your back, you can’t
ignore it. When ya stop using, that monkey climbs up into the head. The trick
is not to let the monkey in the head get louder than the music in the heart.)
today, I’m in a really stable place. since I stopped opiates I met my wife and
got married, blah blah blah life is good, I don’t go to meetings anymore (but
they helped save my ass for a while).
The KEY to a successful opiate interruption with ibogaine is what you do
afterwards. so coming up with an after-the-ibo-plan is THE MOST IOMPORTANT
THING. Ibogaine will spring you from the depths of decay, but YOU have to do
the work to keep from slipping back down into that shitty hole.
BUT… news flash: you can do it.
That other guy up there in the CC field is a really cool dude who also kicked
with ibo, will probably have some similar words of encouragement, if you ask.
his name is Patrick.
dude, you are not alone.
— Joseph Musico <> wrote:
Hey dude,
I used Ibo in 1998 to kick worked.but there’s a lot
involved.feel free to write to me with questions, whatever.
best of luck,
Thank you,
What do you mean there is a lot involved? Did you have the usual 3 month
sickness? How much were you taking when you quit? Is this a “cure”?
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From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@NYC.RR.COM>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Psychedelic Santa [FWIW]
Date: December 27, 2003 at 10:20:36 PM EST
To: <>
Hey all,
Anyone have Dana Larsen’s email address?
—– Original Message —–
From: “Gamma” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 5:26 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Psychedelic Santa [FWIW]
The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus
by Dana Larsen (18 Dec, 2003)
Modern Christmas traditions are based on ancient mushroom-using shamans.
Although most people see Christmas as a Christian holiday, most of the
symbols and icons we associate with Christmas celebrations are actually
derived from the shamanistic traditions of the tribal peoples of
pre-Christian Northern Europe.
The sacred mushroom of these people was the red and white amanita
muscaria mushroom, also known as “fly agaric.” These mushrooms are now
commonly seen in books of fairy tales, and are usually associated with
magic and fairies. This is because they contain potent hallucinogenic
compounds, and were used by ancient peoples for insight and
transcendental experiences.
Most of the major elements of the modern Christmas celebration, such as
Santa Claus, Christmas trees, magical reindeer and the giving of gifts,
are originally based upon the traditions surrounding the harvest and
consumption of these most sacred mushrooms.
The world tree
These ancient peoples, including the Lapps of modern-day Finland, and
the Koyak tribes of the central Russian steppes, believed in the idea
of a World Tree. The World Tree was seen as a kind of cosmic axis, onto
which the planes of the universe are fixed. The roots of the World Tree
stretch down into the underworld, its trunk is the “middle earth” of
everyday existence, and its branches reach upwards into the heavenly
The amanita muscaria mushrooms grow only under certain types of trees,
mostly firs and evergreens. The mushroom caps are the fruit of the
larger mycelium beneath the soil which exists in a symbiotic
relationship with the roots of the tree. To ancient people, these
mushrooms were literally “the fruit of the tree.”
The North Star was also considered sacred, since all other stars in the
sky revolved around its fixed point. They associated this “Pole Star”
with the World Tree and the central axis of the universe. The top of
the World Tree touched the North Star, and the spirit of the shaman
would climb the metaphorical tree, thereby passing into the realm of
the gods. This is the true meaning of the star on top of the modern
Christmas tree, and also the reason that the super-shaman Santa makes
his home at the North Pole.
Reindeer games
The active ingredients of the amanita mushrooms are not metabolized by
the body, and so they remain active in the urine. In fact, it is safer
to drink the urine of one who has consumed the mushrooms than to eat
the mushrooms directly, as many of the toxic compounds are processed
and eliminated on the first pass through the body.
It was common practice among ancient people to recycle the potent
effects of the mushroom by drinking each other’s urine. The amanita’s
ingredients can remain potent even after six passes through the human
body. Some scholars argue that this is the origin of the phrase “to get
pissed,” as this urine-drinking activity preceded alcohol by thousands
of years.
Reindeer were the sacred animals of these semi-nomadic people, as the
reindeer provided food, shelter, clothing and other necessities.
Reindeer are also fond of eating the amanita mushrooms; they will seek
them out, then prance about while under their influence. Often the
urine of tripped-out reindeer would be consumed for its psychedelic
This effect goes the other way too, as reindeer also enjoy the urine of
a human, especially one who has consumed the mushrooms. In fact,
reindeer will seek out human urine to drink, and some tribesmen carry
sealskin containers of their own collected piss, which they use to
attract stray reindeer back into the herd.
The effects of the amanita mushroom usually include sensations of size
distortion and flying. The feeling of flying could account for the
legends of flying reindeer, and legends of shamanic journeys included
stories of winged reindeer, transporting their riders up to the highest
branches of the World Tree.
Santa Claus, super shaman
Although the modern image of Santa Claus was created at least in part
by the advertising department of Coca-Cola, in truth his appearance,
clothing, mannerisms and companions all mark him as the reincarnation
of these ancient mushroom-gathering shamans.
One of the side effects of eating amanita mushrooms is that the skin
and facial features take on a flushed, ruddy glow. This is why Santa is
always shown with glowing red cheeks and nose. Even Santa’s jolly “Ho,
ho, ho!” is the euphoric laugh of one who has indulged in the magic
Santa also dresses like a mushroom gatherer. When it was time to go out
and harvest the magical mushrooms, the ancient shamans would dress much
like Santa, wearing red and white fur-trimmed coats and long black
These peoples lived in dwellings made of birch and reindeer hide,
called “yurts.” Somewhat similar to a teepee, the yurt’s central
smokehole is often also used as an entrance. After gathering the
mushrooms from under the sacred trees where they appeared, the shamans
would fill their sacks and return home. Climbing down the
chimney-entrances, they would share out the mushroom’s gifts with those
The amanita mushroom needs to be dried before being consumed; the
drying process reduces the mushroom’s toxicity while increasing its
potency. The shaman would guide the group in stringing the mushrooms
and hanging them around the hearth-fire to dry. This tradition is
echoed in the modern stringing of popcorn and other items.
The psychedelic journeys taken under the influence of the amanita were
also symbolized by a stick reaching up through the smokehole in the top
of the yurt. The smokehole was the portal where the spirit of the
shaman exited the physical plane.
Santa’s famous magical journey, where his sleigh takes him around the
whole planet in a single night, is developed from the “heavenly
chariot,” used by the gods from whom Santa and other shamanic figures
are descended. The chariot of Odin, Thor and even the Egyptian god
Osiris is now known as the Big Dipper, which circles around the North
Star in a 24-hour period.
In different versions of the ancient story, the chariot was pulled by
reindeer or horses. As the animals grow exhausted, their mingled spit
and blood falls to the ground, forming the amanita mushrooms.
St Nicholas and Old Nick
Saint Nicholas is a legendary figure who supposedly lived during the
fourth Century. His cult spread quickly and Nicholas became the patron
saint of many varied groups, including judges, pawnbrokers, criminals,
merchants, sailors, bakers, travelers, the poor, and children.
Most religious historians agree that St Nicholas did not actually exist
as a real person, and was instead a Christianized version of earlier
Pagan gods. Nicholas’ legends were mainly created out of stories about
the Teutonic god called Hold Nickar, known as Poseidon to the Greeks.
This powerful sea god was known to gallop through the sky during the
winter solstice, granting boons to his worshippers below.
When the Catholic Church created the character of St Nicholas, they
took his name from “Nickar” and gave him Poseidon’s title of “the
Sailor.” There are thousands of churches named in St Nicholas’ honor,
most of which were converted from temples to Poseidon and Hold Nickar.
(As the ancient pagan deities were demonized by the Christian church,
Hold Nickar’s name also became associated with Satan, known as “Old
Local traditions were incorporated into the new Christian holidays to
make them more acceptable to the new converts. To these early
Christians, Saint Nicholas became a sort of “super-shaman” who was
overlaid upon their own shamanic cultural practices. Many images of
Saint Nicholas from these early times show him wearing red and white,
or standing in front of a red background with white spots, the design
of the amanita mushroom.
St Nicholas also adopted some of the qualities of the legendary
“Grandmother Befana” from Italy, who filled children’s stockings with
gifts. Her shrine at Bari, Italy, became a shrine to St Nicholas.
Modern world, ancient traditions
Some psychologists have discussed the “cognitive dissonance” which
occurs when children are encouraged to believe in the literal existence
of Santa Claus, only to have their parents’ lie revealed when they are
older. By so deceiving our children we rob them of a richer heritage,
for the actual origin of these ancient rituals is rooted deep in our
history and our collective unconscious. By better understanding the
truths within these popular celebrations, we can better understand the
modern world, and our place in it.
-G A M M A
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From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@NYC.RR.COM>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: christmas party/photos
Date: December 27, 2003 at 10:21:39 PM EST
To: <>
oh, and thanks Gamma.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Gamma” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2003 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: christmas party/photos
Altman contact can be made here:
Robert used to teach at the multimedia school I went to in SF. For the
life of
me I can’t remember what class he taught us. might have been all the
aspirin i
was taking at the time. or was it the crack?
~ G A M M A
— Preston Peet <> wrote:
Hey Vector and all,
Robert Altman took some photos of me and Patrick outside, as soon as
arrived and Altman spotted me (“the walking art exhibit” as Patrick
described me), but I have no idea how to get in touch with Altman as he
had 3 cards and didn’t want to part with ’em. Hmmm- Altman also didn’t
really want anyone to take up valuable partying time with irritating
or speaking at all, which kinda weirded me out considering the whole
speaking/reading bit was part of the overall plan I’d been lead to
but I decided to ignore his protestations. Anyway, perhaps Patrick or
(or someone anyway) know how to get in touch with Altman or anyone else
may have taken photos, as I too would like to see them. There were a lot
interesting people there whose photos would be nice to see.
Peace, and I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas day yesterday and are
looking forward to a safe and pleasent New Year too.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Vector Vector” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
For real start a yippie or LES list, I want to read the dirt too and
would have loved to know this party even existed and I do understand
the ibo list might not be the most approp place to post about it!
Great choice in dresses Preston 🙂
Photos 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
— Preston Peet <> wrote:
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
Naw, it was “Preston, the person wearing a Prison Striped dress,
Preston Peet’s “Equal Protection Under the Law- a Modern Day
Parable- and reminding everyone
remember those who are still in prison and unable to attend
Why do people keep assuming I’m reading someone else’s work when
I read
publicly? Do people just not listen? This is the second time in
weeks this has been said about me and my reading in public, about 3
different stories. Do a lot of people do that, go to public readings
to read
yet read someone else’s work? That’s kinda weird, not to mention
Anyway, yeah, twas an interesting party, and I’m glad I left
before the
Happy holidays all.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Carla Barnes” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
LMAO 😉 Thanks for the updates 😉
A year or two ago I would have said something
different, but since then I’ve figured out when people
post all this, what they’re writing out are all the
parts they liked and remember.
I’m sure it wasn’t very organised if the speakers or
mc’s are posting questions to this list about how to
even find the event, I don’t remember seeing anyone
post about the party to this list at all so a lot of
the main ibogaine people had a party that wasn’t about
ibogaine, good for them 🙂
The next time I do wish you were organised enough to
at least post notice to the ibogaine list it would
have been fun to go and ny isn’t so far for me.
Patrick is a cult of personality, Dana was being Dana,
Howard was there and Robert Altman took photos. Photos
Patrick, just wanted to say that after almost a year
of therapy which is one of the things I needed and
groups, to stay clean after doing ibogaine more then
once to get clean and showing up to his office with
printouts of what you’ve written about addiction and
talking about you, thank you 🙂 You were one of the
main motivations I had to stay clean and believe I
could do it. I hate to tell you this but according to
my therapist you don’t exist. Statistically speaking
😉 What you did is impossible and will never work for
anyone else. Thought you might want to know you’re not
really here at all 😉
I don’t know if Dana was ever here either but he was
never a addict 🙂
Love you all 🙂
Carla B
— “A.C. Dilard” <> wrote:
Neither dose anybody who was there and is still
Events that werent listed in the schedule.
patrick kroupa explaining recovery to robert altman
while sitting in his bmw double parked in front
smoking what doesnt look like cigarettes.
peace and love anti drug war girls screaming and
punching people on the stage and being thrown out
a lot of people thrown out
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
patrick’s hopes for everyone’s sobriety ‘i hope
everyone is really fucking high and drunk’ applause.
dana beal getting thrown out
you know it was a good party, great even. you had a
huge crowd, happy people into your message who fell
all over themselves to get near all of you.
and all of you who came to town for this event
gathered together in the same in-group all of you
always do and spent all your time in back rooms or
sitting in cars parked out front. and not one person
in town supposdely for this event answered email or
phone calls before the event which was listed and
unlisted at least 4 times before the date. nobody
confirmed it was happening until the day before.
great party, no organization at all, no meaningful
exchange of information at all. great party! 🙂
photos!! 🙂 wrote:
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
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Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fwd: Returned mail: Cannot send message within 4 hours
Date: December 27, 2003 at 10:12:27 PM EST
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge what is the drug?
Date: December 26, 2003 at 3:37:33 PM EST
To: <>
I don’t know Nik…making it that much more of an adventure perhaps?
Good question though, I’d like to know that answer. But it really reads like
a typical prohibitionist scare story, in the vein of: “The New Drug is a
Real Killer!! Watch Out, it is Particularly Enticing to the CHildren!!”
—– Original Message —–
From: Nik
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 12:23 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in
Banbridge what is the drug?
what is snowball EXACTLY! lsd and waht?
Preston Peet <> wrote:
would it be safe for me to say that this “new” drug sounds reeeelly,
reeeelly inerestin’?
Peace and veritable interest (but don’t write offering me any as I’ll just
take you for a copper and not bite yer bait),
—– Original Message —–
From: “Tim Meehan”
To: ; ; ;
; ; ;
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 10:25 PM
Subject: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge
Source: Belfast Telegraph
Copyright: 2003 Belfast Telegraph Newspapers Ltd
Pubdate: December 15, 2003
Author: Paul Dykes
Snowb! all’ drug seized in Banbridge
POLICE have seized a batch of the dangerous new recreational Ecstasy drug
“snowball” in Banbridge.
The seizure follows a warning from drug awareness group Breakthru Project
people not to use the drug because of its potentially fatal dosage.
It is three times more powerful than normal Ecstasy tablets but takes
longer to “kick in”, prompting fears that users would mistakenly think it
having no effect and take more.
Because it is a cocktail of drugs, including LSD, an overdose could be
the group warned.
There was little local knowledge of the drug in Banbridge, but now police
seized their first batch of snowballs in Dromore Road, Banbridge, on
A 41-year-old man has been charged with two counts of possession of a
Class A
drug, two count! s of possession with intent to supply, and one count of
a Class A drug.
He is due to appear at Banbridge Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, December
Police found a quantity of the snowball drug when they stopped a car, and
in a
follow-up search of a house.
Ecstasy worth £500 was seized, including a quantity of the snowball drug.
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From: Gamma <>
Subject: [ibogaine] email issues.
Date: December 26, 2003 at 2:18:35 PM EST
Hmmmm… seems like my messages take a detour before posting to the list.
either the patriot act filters are getting clogged or there is a vortex in the
vox servers. or both.
put down thy crackpipe and fixeth!
don’t you know we nedd INSTANT gratification here?
~ G A M M A
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From: Gamma <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: christmas party/photos
Date: December 26, 2003 at 1:58:09 PM EST
Altman contact can be made here:
Robert used to teach at the multimedia school I went to in SF. For the life of
me I can’t remember what class he taught us. might have been all the aspirin i
was taking at the time. or was it the crack?
~ G A M M A
— Preston Peet <> wrote:
Hey Vector and all,
Robert Altman took some photos of me and Patrick outside, as soon as we
arrived and Altman spotted me (“the walking art exhibit” as Patrick kindly
described me), but I have no idea how to get in touch with Altman as he only
had 3 cards and didn’t want to part with ’em. Hmmm- Altman also didn’t
really want anyone to take up valuable partying time with irritating reading
or speaking at all, which kinda weirded me out considering the whole
speaking/reading bit was part of the overall plan I’d been lead to believe,
but I decided to ignore his protestations. Anyway, perhaps Patrick or Dana
(or someone anyway) know how to get in touch with Altman or anyone else who
may have taken photos, as I too would like to see them. There were a lot of
interesting people there whose photos would be nice to see.
Peace, and I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas day yesterday and are
looking forward to a safe and pleasent New Year too.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Vector Vector” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
For real start a yippie or LES list, I want to read the dirt too and
would have loved to know this party even existed and I do understand
the ibo list might not be the most approp place to post about it!
Great choice in dresses Preston 🙂
Photos 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
— Preston Peet <> wrote:
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
Naw, it was “Preston, the person wearing a Prison Striped dress,
Preston Peet’s “Equal Protection Under the Law- a Modern Day Parable- and reminding everyone
remember those who are still in prison and unable to attend Christmas
Why do people keep assuming I’m reading someone else’s work when
I read
publicly? Do people just not listen? This is the second time in about
weeks this has been said about me and my reading in public, about 3
different stories. Do a lot of people do that, go to public readings
to read
yet read someone else’s work? That’s kinda weird, not to mention
Anyway, yeah, twas an interesting party, and I’m glad I left
before the
Happy holidays all.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Carla Barnes” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
LMAO 😉 Thanks for the updates 😉
A year or two ago I would have said something
different, but since then I’ve figured out when people
post all this, what they’re writing out are all the
parts they liked and remember.
I’m sure it wasn’t very organised if the speakers or
mc’s are posting questions to this list about how to
even find the event, I don’t remember seeing anyone
post about the party to this list at all so a lot of
the main ibogaine people had a party that wasn’t about
ibogaine, good for them 🙂
The next time I do wish you were organised enough to
at least post notice to the ibogaine list it would
have been fun to go and ny isn’t so far for me.
Patrick is a cult of personality, Dana was being Dana,
Howard was there and Robert Altman took photos. Photos
Patrick, just wanted to say that after almost a year
of therapy which is one of the things I needed and
groups, to stay clean after doing ibogaine more then
once to get clean and showing up to his office with
printouts of what you’ve written about addiction and
talking about you, thank you 🙂 You were one of the
main motivations I had to stay clean and believe I
could do it. I hate to tell you this but according to
my therapist you don’t exist. Statistically speaking
😉 What you did is impossible and will never work for
anyone else. Thought you might want to know you’re not
really here at all 😉
I don’t know if Dana was ever here either but he was
never a addict 🙂
Love you all 🙂
Carla B
— “A.C. Dilard” <> wrote:
Neither dose anybody who was there and is still
Events that werent listed in the schedule.
patrick kroupa explaining recovery to robert altman
while sitting in his bmw double parked in front
smoking what doesnt look like cigarettes.
peace and love anti drug war girls screaming and
punching people on the stage and being thrown out
a lot of people thrown out
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
patrick’s hopes for everyone’s sobriety ‘i hope
everyone is really fucking high and drunk’ applause.
dana beal getting thrown out
you know it was a good party, great even. you had a
huge crowd, happy people into your message who fell
all over themselves to get near all of you.
and all of you who came to town for this event
gathered together in the same in-group all of you
always do and spent all your time in back rooms or
sitting in cars parked out front. and not one person
in town supposdely for this event answered email or
phone calls before the event which was listed and
unlisted at least 4 times before the date. nobody
confirmed it was happening until the day before.
great party, no organization at all, no meaningful
exchange of information at all. great party! 🙂
photos!! 🙂 wrote:
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
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Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker – Get it now
Do you Yahoo!?
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: christmas party/photos
Date: December 26, 2003 at 11:25:21 AM EST
To: <>
Hey Vector and all,
Robert Altman took some photos of me and Patrick outside, as soon as we
arrived and Altman spotted me (“the walking art exhibit” as Patrick kindly
described me), but I have no idea how to get in touch with Altman as he only
had 3 cards and didn’t want to part with ’em. Hmmm- Altman also didn’t
really want anyone to take up valuable partying time with irritating reading
or speaking at all, which kinda weirded me out considering the whole
speaking/reading bit was part of the overall plan I’d been lead to believe,
but I decided to ignore his protestations. Anyway, perhaps Patrick or Dana
(or someone anyway) know how to get in touch with Altman or anyone else who
may have taken photos, as I too would like to see them. There were a lot of
interesting people there whose photos would be nice to see.
Peace, and I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas day yesterday and are
looking forward to a safe and pleasent New Year too.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Vector Vector” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:00 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
For real start a yippie or LES list, I want to read the dirt too and
would have loved to know this party even existed and I do understand
the ibo list might not be the most approp place to post about it!
Great choice in dresses Preston 🙂
Photos 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
— Preston Peet <> wrote:
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
Naw, it was “Preston, the person wearing a Prison Striped dress,
Preston Peet’s “Equal Protection Under the Law- a Modern Day Parable- and reminding everyone
remember those who are still in prison and unable to attend Christmas
Why do people keep assuming I’m reading someone else’s work when
I read
publicly? Do people just not listen? This is the second time in about
weeks this has been said about me and my reading in public, about 3
different stories. Do a lot of people do that, go to public readings
to read
yet read someone else’s work? That’s kinda weird, not to mention
Anyway, yeah, twas an interesting party, and I’m glad I left
before the
Happy holidays all.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Carla Barnes” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
LMAO 😉 Thanks for the updates 😉
A year or two ago I would have said something
different, but since then I’ve figured out when people
post all this, what they’re writing out are all the
parts they liked and remember.
I’m sure it wasn’t very organised if the speakers or
mc’s are posting questions to this list about how to
even find the event, I don’t remember seeing anyone
post about the party to this list at all so a lot of
the main ibogaine people had a party that wasn’t about
ibogaine, good for them 🙂
The next time I do wish you were organised enough to
at least post notice to the ibogaine list it would
have been fun to go and ny isn’t so far for me.
Patrick is a cult of personality, Dana was being Dana,
Howard was there and Robert Altman took photos. Photos
Patrick, just wanted to say that after almost a year
of therapy which is one of the things I needed and
groups, to stay clean after doing ibogaine more then
once to get clean and showing up to his office with
printouts of what you’ve written about addiction and
talking about you, thank you 🙂 You were one of the
main motivations I had to stay clean and believe I
could do it. I hate to tell you this but according to
my therapist you don’t exist. Statistically speaking
😉 What you did is impossible and will never work for
anyone else. Thought you might want to know you’re not
really here at all 😉
I don’t know if Dana was ever here either but he was
never a addict 🙂
Love you all 🙂
Carla B
— “A.C. Dilard” <> wrote:
Neither dose anybody who was there and is still
Events that werent listed in the schedule.
patrick kroupa explaining recovery to robert altman
while sitting in his bmw double parked in front
smoking what doesnt look like cigarettes.
peace and love anti drug war girls screaming and
punching people on the stage and being thrown out
a lot of people thrown out
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
patrick’s hopes for everyone’s sobriety ‘i hope
everyone is really fucking high and drunk’ applause.
dana beal getting thrown out
you know it was a good party, great even. you had a
huge crowd, happy people into your message who fell
all over themselves to get near all of you.
and all of you who came to town for this event
gathered together in the same in-group all of you
always do and spent all your time in back rooms or
sitting in cars parked out front. and not one person
in town supposdely for this event answered email or
phone calls before the event which was listed and
unlisted at least 4 times before the date. nobody
confirmed it was happening until the day before.
great party, no organization at all, no meaningful
exchange of information at all. great party! 🙂
photos!! 🙂 wrote:
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
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Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker – Get it now
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] hh
Date: December 26, 2003 at 9:45:41 AM EST
Carla, I am not Joseph but I have a question or two.
How much Methadone were you on and for how long. How many Ibogaine sessions did it take. If you don’t mind, are you using opiates now. If so, how much. Do you smoke weed regularly?
Thanks in advance, Callie
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Anyone working with any of these groups already?
Date: December 26, 2003 at 8:49:16 AM EST
In a message dated 12/26/03 11:22:40 AM, writes:
Many times I have tried to make Iboga known,
I have been on the Dutch radio program last year,
But the people in charge are waiting for Dr. Mash
To say it is safe for using.
If you will go to the mp3 sound files of mash’s presentation from the
California Society of Addiction Medicine, Mash does say that ibogaine is safe, or at least that is my
recollection. I don’t think the people in charge are waiting for doctor mash at all.
They just tell you they are so they won’t have to deal with the realtime
benefits of ibogaine or make adjustment in their treatment philosophy for its effects.
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Anyone working with any of these groups already?
Date: December 25, 2003 at 3:04:45 PM EST
To: <>
Hi Jason,
Many times I have tried to make Iboga known,
I have been on the Dutch radio program last year,
But the people in charge are waiting for Dr. Mash
To say it is safe for using.
But she will not say it, will not credit Howard, His work and research.
They took the info. “Put a little pepper and salt”.
And then take all the credit on a Global level.
I took the risks that they will not take
in the first place.
But now, how can anyone work together with lairs?
How can I give info.if it used for piracy?
I don’t think those who are giving Iboga/ine
treatment have any feelings about what is unjust.
People have different levels of insight, but the pressure cocker can
take so much.
From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Email …
Date: December 26, 2003 at 2:25:58 AM EST
Thanks Patrick, I’m also getting a lot of email all at
once. From the list that is, I’m watching the days
filling up with messages.
Carla B
— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <> wrote:
Short version: it’s like, fixed or something.
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 04:09:25 -0500 (EST)
From: “Evan D. Baer” <>
Subject: [voxadm] Bruce, Patrick, mail settings,
file descriptors,
I adjusted the soft and hard maximums for file
descriptors in /etc/system,
that should solve with the pipe errors seen in the
maillog around qmail.
They were at 256/1024, i up’d to 2048/4096.
Dec 23 10:55:13 crackpipe qmail: [ID 748625] 1072194913.584579
delivery 352341: deferral:
These took a few days to show up originally. My
guess is they were
adjusted when the patch set was applied, though its
hard to say.
There seemed to be some other snag around the 15th,
in the logs:
Dec 15 10:00:29 crackpipe qmail: [ID 748625
mail.alert] 1071500429.931197
unable to append to bounce message; HELP!
Dec 15 10:00:39 crackpipe qmail: [ID 748625
mail.alert] 1071500439.931434
unable to append to bounce message; HELP!
Dec 21 03:10:02 crackpipe qmail: [ID 748625] 1071994202.228729
bounce m
sg 229149 qp 18123
Followed by this first occurence (in the available
logs) of the pipe
Dec 21 03:10:05 crackpipe qmail: [ID 748625] 1071994205.588588
delivery 8551096: deferral:
ALSO – the patches put a normal sendmail binary in
/usr/lib, which I
adjusted back to point to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail
(the qmail sendmail
Wesley Clark’s site has been moved out of our class
C, so if he takes the
mail system out again; he’s only taking it out on instead of
all our other servers.
We are delisted from all spam lists that the above
and caused
problems with.
Looking through crackpipe I can’t help but notice we
now have:
3 versions of perl
5(!) versions of php
scoop and all attendent files
slashcode and all attendent files
the truly huge WebObjects MindVox and MindVoxUI and
DTW systems
injectors for MySQL and Oracle
Bruce, please make a mess all over the Sun which is
sitting under your
desk before mounting 20 different versions of god
knows what all over the
main machine.
Pick one, let’s open it already. Most important,
when you apply entire
patch clusters, you need to exclude out all systems
which are custom and
no longer work with Solaris out of the box. This
means the entire mail
system, it is going to reset /etc/system and break
mail and Oracle and
then reset the dynamic and static libs and also
break everything, because
it assumes sendmail is present. Sendmail is
completely turned off and all
that exists are wrappers that point to qmail.
THINK and don’t do this at 5am.
I have upped the throttle to 10,000 max open
connections at the same time.
If it needs to go higher, I can move it as high as
25,000. I will examine
what mail is doing over the next week to work out
any remaining glitches.
Merry Christmas and if anybody touches the firewall
settings I quit.
– Evan
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
Date: December 26, 2003 at 2:23:55 AM EST
If I was there I would have given you one pieman 😉
Love your website. I think it should be used in html
class, I don’t think you’ve missed one example of what
not to do on web pages 🙂 I love it 🙂
Did you throw any pies?
Carla B
— ARON KAY <> wrote:
hey i was there!!!! i dont get an honorable mention
bush and ayatollah asscroft are promoting the latest
version of
kristallnacht..we culture freex must rise to defend
our diverse cultures of
race, rap, rock, rainbow
and reggae music, art and dance from the jaws of the
fascist machine-which
is attempting to perpetrate a a nation of blind
we must make sure they get the glitches in their
machine so the people will
—– Original Message —–
From: “Carla Barnes” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
LMAO 😉 Thanks for the updates 😉
A year or two ago I would have said something
different, but since then I’ve figured out when
post all this, what they’re writing out are all
parts they liked and remember.
I’m sure it wasn’t very organised if the speakers
mc’s are posting questions to this list about how
even find the event, I don’t remember seeing
post about the party to this list at all so a lot
the main ibogaine people had a party that wasn’t
ibogaine, good for them 🙂
The next time I do wish you were organised enough
at least post notice to the ibogaine list it would
have been fun to go and ny isn’t so far for me.
Patrick is a cult of personality, Dana was being
Howard was there and Robert Altman took photos.
Patrick, just wanted to say that after almost a
of therapy which is one of the things I needed and
groups, to stay clean after doing ibogaine more
once to get clean and showing up to his office
printouts of what you’ve written about addiction
talking about you, thank you 🙂 You were one of
main motivations I had to stay clean and believe I
could do it. I hate to tell you this but according
my therapist you don’t exist. Statistically
😉 What you did is impossible and will never work
anyone else. Thought you might want to know you’re
really here at all 😉
I don’t know if Dana was ever here either but he
never a addict 🙂
Love you all 🙂
Carla B
— “A.C. Dilard” <> wrote:
Neither dose anybody who was there and is still
Events that werent listed in the schedule.
patrick kroupa explaining recovery to robert
while sitting in his bmw double parked in front
smoking what doesnt look like cigarettes.
peace and love anti drug war girls screaming and
punching people on the stage and being thrown
a lot of people thrown out
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
patrick’s hopes for everyone’s sobriety ‘i hope
everyone is really fucking high and drunk’
dana beal getting thrown out
you know it was a good party, great even. you
had a
huge crowd, happy people into your message who
all over themselves to get near all of you.
and all of you who came to town for this event
gathered together in the same in-group all of
always do and spent all your time in back rooms
sitting in cars parked out front. and not one
in town supposdely for this event answered email
phone calls before the event which was listed
unlisted at least 4 times before the date.
confirmed it was happening until the day before.
great party, no organization at all, no
exchange of information at all. great party! 🙂
photos!! 🙂 wrote:
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and
Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker – Get it now
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] hh
Date: December 26, 2003 at 2:21:51 AM EST
Hi Joseph, I used ibogaine to get off of methadone. A
lot of people on this list have used it to get off
opiates. What exactly was the question?
Merry Christmas,
Carla B
— Joseph Musico <> wrote:
I am trying to find anyone who has used ibogaine as
a way of getting clean from opiate drugs
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Subject: [ibogaine] Anyone working with any of these groups already?
Date: December 26, 2003 at 2:05:43 AM EST
Has anyone already contacted any of these groups about Harm Reduction regarding the Drug War or iboga? If you have please let me know. If nobody has, i would like to come up with a basic press kit of information (facts only) in regards to iboga. This can only happen if the various organizations work together. Each of our organizations regarding iboga(ine) cannot afford to think each organization doesn’t bring assets to our cause. Any help in a basic ‘iboga movement’ information pack, who our various organizations are and what they do, as well as our common goals for the next 5, 10 and 20 years. We cannot do this on our own, in my opinion, to think this is assuring our failure. We need the help of these other organizations, even if our issues don’t seem directly related…it couldn’t hurt, and you never know what good can come out working together. Any assistance and contributions and organization in regards to writing a basic press kit to send to let these people know who we are and that it is important, not just to drug addicts and families, but also to the family who doesn’t think they are effected by the costs of prohibition indoctrination, and the money and politics and tax payer money that is being pissed away for a strategy not seemingly designed to succeed, if not by 60+ years (if we only had more money etc.). We must reach out to the non-drug user with families and church on Sunday, that this effects them very directly and thus they should better understand our issue. I believe, at least in Texas, that unless someone feels that it effects them directly, why should they bother trying to understanding. That is where relating economic opportunities from prohibition funding terror comes in (Al Capone created by Alcohol prohibition, BinLaden doesn’t want the drug war to end etc.) Ending the Drug War is an issue of National Security, is I think the best approach. This is not about wether drug use is good or bad or whatever, people will use it regardless, so lets stop pretending that the drug war prevents drug use.
Is it fiscally conservative to be spending the insane amounts of tax payer money on the entire drug war machine? I think, in America, we need to stop coming across as radicals because they won’t even TRY to understand the facts; and misunderstanding and lack of wanting to understand seem to be at the root of the problem. And only with adults and this should always be differentiated because their whole “if your not ‘no tolerance on drugs’ then you are a bad parent”, these ads have been working very well. The functioning user is seen as promoting drug use, this is the kind of mentality. If it doesn’t effect them directly, most got enough of their own troubles and tribulations.
Even if we get literature in some of these places, who knows what kind of high roller who stumbles across the information and decides to do something about it in terms of dollars, because it seems that seems to be a huge stumbling block in the way of getting this medicine to so many who need it. So I’m thinking a shortest amount of words with as much of the history, bwiti, then the history of the discovery of anti-addictive qualities and intense insight, as well as the development of organizations briefly describing what they do. History of the Stumbling blocks for approval. Methadone Clinics Vs. Iboga(ine) Clinics–social impacts with and/or without repeal of marijuana laws, to help take funds away from terrorists, thus protecting the American people. Could 9/11 been funded without the help of the black markets created by prohibition/war on drugs? Is it worth the tax payer money? What else could be done with that money?
What is everyones thoughts on this?
-Jason Bursey
(a basic list of organizations from
CAIPIRINHA productions (pronounced ‘ky-pee-reen-ya’) is an independent mixed media arts & culture company with activities in the fields of film, music and human rights. our philosophies promote diversity, tolerance and peace beyond borders. in 2002, CAIPIRINHA continues to host a variety of benefits + lectures to raise awareness of international humanitarian issues, hoping to bring about action against violations that continue to plague the global community. with our national campaign, we seek to encourage ordinary people to participate in the discussion of complex world affairs.
We support and encourage others to support:
– global greengrants – Global Greengrants fund grassroots action in some of the world?s most despoiled and impoverished places. Grassroots groups are key to solving intractable problems and halting cycles of poverty, powerlessness and environmental destruction. Our grants offer hope and tap the energy of communities where other sources of support are unavailable. There is no better investment than supporting passionate people with great ideas.
– donkey sanctuary – Dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and protection of abandoned, neglected or abused donkeys, mules and hinnies, the Sanctuary provides these animals a lifelong home.
– The Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) – The Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) was established in 1993 to promote social justice through human rights. In a world where poverty and inequality deprive entire communities of dignity and even life itself, CESR promotes the universal right of every human being to housing, education, health and a healthy environment, food, work, and social security.
– – since 1988, global exchange has advocated corporate accountability, sustainable development and fair trade for nations that have fallen victim to excessive militarization and globalization.
– – instituto terra was created in 1998 by brazilian photographer sebastiao salgado and his wife lelia wanick salgado to develop and support reforestation projects for a large area of devastated atlantic forest in the river doce valley region in brazil. it is currently developing four major pilot projects based at bulcao farm in the municipality of aimores in the state of minas gerais, southeast brazil.
– human rights watch – – human rights watch is the largest human rights organization based in the united states. its researchers conduct fact-finding investigations into human rights abuses in all regions of the world then publishes those findings , generating extensive coverage in local and international media. they also meet with government officials to urge changes in policy and practice — at the united nations, the european union, in washington and in capitals around the world. in extreme circumstances, human rights watch presses for the withdrawal of military and economic support from governments that egregiously violate the rights of their people.
– – the global fund for children was founded in 1994 by maya ajmera on the premise that an educational non-profit group could use the entrepreneurial skills of a start-up company and the power of the market to create a new kind of wealth-social wealth. the global fund for children strives not only to improve the lives of children, but also to integrate their voices into all that we do. today’s children face many challenges. in the developing world, severe poverty and a lack of education limit many children’s lives. as our world becomes increasingly interdependent, the problems that cloud children’s futures, from lack of basic education to ethnic conflict, require global solutions. we believe that all of the world’s children must be empowered to reach their full potentials in order to meet the challenges that the future will bring.
– working assets radio – – working assets radio – part of the working for change progressive network, which generates millions of dollars in donations to nonprofits working for peace, equality, human rights, education and a cleaner environment – airs on npr-affiliate kalw, weekdays in the bay area. the broadcasts are hosted by author laura flanders, who addresses such issues as human rights, international politics, feminism, economics and the media.
– witness – – witness is a human rights program that attracts the eyes of the world and inspires those who see to act. co-founded by musician peter gabriel, witness strengthens local activists by giving them video cameras and field training. today, they unleash an arsenal of computers, imaging and editing software, satellite phones and email in the struggle for justice. they have worked with over 150 partner groups from 50 countries to use video to overcome political, economic, and physical barriers, and to expose human rights abuses to the world via television – bbc, cnn, abc, etc. – grassroots advocacy, and internet broadcasting.
– third wave foundation – – through grantmaking, networking and public education, third wave foundation informs and empowers a generation of young women activists. they support young women activists whose innovative social change strategies are often overlooked elsewhere. third wave is led by young men and women who reflect the diversity of america. they strive to combat inequalities that we all face as a result of our age, gender, race, sexual orientation, economic status or level of education. third wave supports young women leading a broad range of movements, from campaigning for a living wage or environmental protections, to opposing private prisons and reproductive rights.
– the development gap – – with a first-hand knowledge of the circumstances and capabilities of the people of much of the south and the economic institutions and policy circles of the north, the development gap has sought to close the wide gap that has existed between third world local realities and the perception of northern policymakers who have not experienced those realities. as a result of the interlocutory role it has played between these two worlds, as well as among environmentalists, developmentalists and other like-minded advocates for constructive change, the development gap has become a significant center for analysis, advocacy and action in washington. through its efforts, d’gap has fostered successful civil-society organizations in mali, ghana, uganda and zimbabwe, as part of its structural adjustment participatory review initiative.
– independent media center – – the independent media center is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. it was established by various independent and alternative media organizations and activists for the purpose of providing grassroots coverage of the world trade organization (wto) protests in seattle last november. the center acted as a clearinghouse of information for journalists, and provided up-to-the-minute reports, photos, audio and video footage through its website. through a decentralized and autonomous network, hundreds of media activists have since setup independent media centers in london, canada, mexico city, prague, belgium, france, and italy, with more to come.
– idex (international development exchange) – – IDEX is a san-francisco based non-profit organization that partners with grassroots organizations in eight countries in africa, asia and latin america, while actively engaging and educating north americans in the challenges facing communities in these regions. since 1985, IDEX has channeled over $1.9 million to fund more than 480 self-help community projects benefiting women, youth and indigenous peoples who earn less than $2 a day.
– foreign policy in focus – – foreign policy in focus (FPIF), established in 1996, seeks to make the u.s. a more responsible global leader and global partner. it is a “think tank without walls” that functions as an international network of more than 650 policy analysts and advocates. unlike traditional think tanks, FPIF is committed to advancing a citizen-based foreign policy agenda – one that is fundamentally rooted in citizen initiatives and movements.
– seac (student environmental action coalition) – – SEAC- pronounced “seek,” as in “seeking” — is a student and youth run national network of progressive organizations and individuals whose aim is to uproot environmental injustices through action and education. they define the environment to include the physical, economical, political and cultural conditions in which we live. by challenging the power structure which threatens these environmental conditions, SEAC works to create progressive social change on both the local and global levels.
– global trade watch – – global trade watch (GTW) was created in 1993 to promote government and corporate accountability in an area on which few public interest groups were focused: the international commercial agreements shaping the current version of globalization. GTW is a division of ?public citizen,¹ the national consumer group founded in 1972 by ralph nader. having built unique substantive capacity and diverse contacts with other ngos, the press and policy-makers, it is still the only u.s. organization focused full-time on globalization issues. they have become a leader in promoting a citizen’s perspective on an array of globalization issues, including implications for health and safety, environmental protection, economic justice, and democratic, accountable governance.
– baido (bay area international development organizations) – – BAIDO (bay area international development organizations) is a network of bay area nonprofits doing international development work. they promote understanding of the challenges facing people globally – and the solutions they are finding. BAIDO builds on the collective expertise within their membership to address the inter-connectedness of global issues. BAIDO members represent a wealth of in-depth knowledge and personal experience concerning the developing world – a valuable resource for northern california.
– fstv (free speech tv) – – FSTV (free speech tv) is a full time satellite channel on the dish network (channel 9415) and a part-time cable network bringing the best of progressive television to nearly nine million homes weekly. working with activists and artists, FSTV uses television to cultivate an informed and active citizenry in order to advance progressive social change. the station airs primarily social, political, cultural, and environmental documentaries, although some experimental and dramatic work is featured as well.
– democracy now – – democracy now! goes beyond the rhetoric and party politics offered by the mainstream media. instead, it highlights grassroots efforts to enhance and ignite democracy in the u.s. these days, some are labeling this “public journalism” or “civic journalism.” democracy now! focuses on a range of issues that demand attention, from the relationship of citizens to their government to the economic realities of declining wages and standards of living for the vast majority of americans; from the role of money in campaigns to the impact of new technologies on politics and the media.
– center for marine conservation – – the mission of the center for marine conservation is to protect ocean ecosystems and conserve the global abundance and diversity of marine wildlife. through science-based advocacy, research and public education, CMC informs, inspires and empowers people to speak and act for the oceans.
– doctors without borders – – médecins sans frontières (also known as doctors without borders or MSF) delivers emergency aid to victims of armed conflict, epidemics and natural and man-made disasters, and to others who lack health care due to social or geographical isolation. a private, nonprofit organization, MSF is at the forefront of emergency health care as well as care for populations suffering from endemic diseases and neglect. they provide primary health care, perform surgery, rehabilitate hospitals and clinics, run nutrition and sanitation programs, train local medical personnel, and provide mental health care.
– grassroots international – – grassroots international is an independent, non-profit agency working for social change. they provide financial and material support for community-led development in brazil, east timor, eritrea, haiti, mexico, and palestine. in the u.s., we do educational and advocacy work on issues of concern to our partners.
– united for a fair economy – – united for a fair economy was founded as a “movement support” organization to provide media capacity, face-to-face economic literacy education and training resources to organizations and individuals who work to address the widening income and asset gap in our country.
– east timor action network – – the east timor action network/united states was founded in november 1991 to support genuine self-determination and human rights for the people of east timor, in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights, the 1960 united nations general assembly resolution on decolonization, and security council and general assembly resolutions on east timor. their primary focus has been to change u.s. foreign policy and raise public awareness of the 26 years of human rights violations inflicted upon the east timorese at the hands of indonesia-backed paramilitaries.
– ASPCA (american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals) – – the american society for the prevention of cruelty to animals was founded in 1866 as the first humane organization in the western hemisphere. today, the ASPCA has over 680,000 members and donors and continues to prevent cruelty and alleviate the pain, fear and suffering of animals through nationwide education, awareness and legislative programs. their headquarters in new york city houses one of the area’s largest full service animal hospitals, an adoption facility, and the humane law enforcement department, which is responsible for enforcing new york’s animal cruelty laws.
– black radical congress – – the purpose of the black radical congress (BRC) is to promote dialogue among african-american activists and scholars on the left; to discuss critical issues on the national and international scene that pertain to the black community; to explore new strategies and directions for progressive political, social and cultural movements; and to renew the black radical movement through increased unified action.
– mother jones – – the mission of the foundation for national progress is to educate and empower people to work toward progressive change. established in 1975, the FNP seeks to advance public understanding of important issues through various media projects including mother jones magazine, the mojo wire, and the international fund for documentary photography.
– global fund for women – – the global fund for women, an international network of women and men committed to a world of equality and social justice, advocates for and defends women’s human rights by making grants to support women’s groups around the world. they are part of a global women’s movement that is rooted in a commitment to justice and an appreciation of the value of women’s experience. the challenges women face vary widely across communities, cultures, religions, traditions and countries.
– peace development fund – – the peace development fund makes grants to organizations and projects working to achieve peaceful, just and interdependent relationships among people and nations. they believe that the change in values needed to establish a more just and peaceful world will come about only if it is strongly rooted in local communities.
– girls, inc. – – girls, inc. develops research-based informal education programs that encourage girls to take risks and master physical, intellectual and emotional challenges. major programs address math and science education, pregnancy and drug abuse prevention, media literacy, economic literacy, adolescent health, violence prevention, and sports participation.
– women’s cancer resource center – – women’s cancer resource center seeks to empower women with cancer to be active and informed consumers and survivors; to provide community for women with cancer and their supporters; to educate the general community about cancer; and to be actively involved in the struggle for a life-affirming, cancer-free society.
– lion & lamb project – – the mission of the lion & lamb project is to stop the marketing of violence to children. they do this by helping parents, industry and government officials recognize that violence is not child’s play – and by galvanizing concerned adults to take action. lion & lamb works to reduce the marketing of violent toys, games and entertainment to children in two distinct ways. they work with parents and other concerned adults to reduce the demand for violent “entertainment” products, and with industry and government to reduce the supply of such products.
– institute for agriculture & trade policy – – the institute for agriculture and trade policy (IATP) was established in 1986 as a nonprofit and tax exempt research and education organization. their mission is to create environmentally and economically sustainable communities and regions through sound agriculture and trade policy. the institute assists public interest organizations in effectively influencing both domestic and international policymaking through monitoring, analysis and research.
– children now – – children now conducts analysis and research, including the voices of children and families, communicates strategies that inform, educate and engage, develops partnerships with community organizations, parents, advocates, business and government and motivates those with influence and power to act on behalf of children.
– oxfam – – oxfam america invests privately raised funds and technical expertise in local organizations around the world that hold promise in their efforts to help poor people move out of poverty. these projects are characterized by partnerships with these local organizations – a unique and highly successful approach that ensures lasting change. they listen to their partners as they describe local needs, and work together with them to find ways to help their communities prosper in their livelihoods and organize their communities for economic stability and democratic opportunity.
– robin hood foundation – – the core mission of the robin hood foundation is fighting poverty, improving literacy, finding employment, and maintaining basic survival programs in healthcare, hunger, housing and domestic violence in new york city. they make grants and invest in smaller community organizations, provide management assistance and recruit legal, accounting and real estate firms to provide services pro bono.
– pr watch – center for media and democracy – – pr watch is a project of the center for media & democracy. it offers investigative reporting on the public relations industry. pr watch helps the public recognize manipulative and misleading pr practices by exposing the activities of secretive, little- known propaganda-for-hire firms that work to control political debates and public opinion.
– peace action – – peace action (formerly sane/freeze, founded in 1957), its sister organization, peace action education fund (PAEF), the student peace action network (SPAN), and the international office work through national and grassroots citizens’ action to promote global nuclear disarmament, cut military spending, and end the international arms trade.
– family care international – – FCI is dedicated to improving women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights in developing countries, with a special emphasis on making pregnancy and childbirth safer. FCI addresses a range of urgent health issues, including maternal health, adolescent sexual and reproductive health, family planning, unsafe abortion, and violence against women. much of their work is carried out in the areas of safe motherhood, which aims to ensure that women have access to the services and support they need to go through pregnancy and childbirth safely and the comprehensive, women-centered approach to reproductive health, which was endorsed by 179 countries at the international conference on population and development in 1994.
– sweatshop watch – – sweatshop watch is a coalition of labor, community, civil rights, immigrant rights, women’s, religious and student organizations, and individuals committed to eliminating the exploitation that occurs in sweatshops. sweatshop watch serves low wage workers, with a focus on garment workers in california, as well as nationally and globally. they believe that workers should be earning a living wage in a safe and decent working environment and that those who benefit the most from the exploitation of sweatshop workers must be held accountable.
– rainforest alliance – – the rainforest alliance is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of tropical forests for the benefit of the global community. their mission is to develop and promote economically viable and socially desirable alternatives to the destruction of this endangered, biologically diverse natural resource. they pursue this mission through education, research in the social and natural sciences, and the establishment of cooperative partnerships with businesses, governments, and local peoples.
– znet – – z is an independent political magazine of critical thinking on political, cultural, social, and economic life in the united states. it sees the racial, sexual, political, and class dimensions of personal life as fundamental to understanding and improving contemporary circumstances and it aims to assist activist efforts to attain a better future. to these ends, z attempts to operate in a democratic fashion, both internally and also with respect to its contributing writers and artists and the broader national progressive community.
– pop sustainability – – is an initiative of pop sustainability, a non-profit organization promoting more sustainable lifestyles through the tools of popular culture–the means of mass media and the arts. it is the beginning of a global movement towards creative solutions to exclusion, poverty, environmental degradation, social injustice and repression.
– – HAWCA (humanitarian assistance for the women and children afghanistan) is dedicated to improving the lives of afghans living in the refugee camps of Pakistan by sponsoring programs in the fields of basic health care, maternal care, sanitation, literacy and trauma counseling.
– – the volunteer-run american red cross extends relief to disaster victims and offers strategies on how to prevent, prepare for and recover from emergencies.
– – save the children uk works in poverty-stricken communities in 70 countries, safe-guarding children against malnourishment, illness, violence and injustice.
– – greenpeace uses non-violent direct action to protest environmental legislations and practices that do global and/or local damage to the ecosystem.
– – for more than 50 years, cooperative assistance and relief everywhere (CARE) has extended food, health care, shelter and education to more than 60 countries in need of relief.
– – with projects in 40 countries to date, action against hunger combats famine and malnutrition by fostering water & sanitation, food security, health and nutrition programs in communities of disaster victims.
– – through such nation-wide initiatives as national HIV testing day, AIDS awareness programs for children and continuing medical education courses, amFAR (american foundation for AIDS research) aims to prevent HIV infection and to support research to cure the disease.
– – keeping with founder robert redford’s original mission, the sundance institute is dedicated to supporting new screenwriters and directors. from its sundance, utah base, the institute hosts an annual exhibition of new, independent features and documentaries.
– – the asian art nuseum is the first museum in the US devoted exclusively to the arts of asia, with many items from founder avery brundage’s private holdings among the artifacts on exhibit.
– – everything from egyptian sculpture to medieval armor comprises the cleveland museum of art’s 30,000+ assortment of trans-global, multi-cultural art work.
– – film society of lincoln center sponsors the new york film festival, the new york video festival, this year’s human rights watch festival, as well as an array of independent films and retrospectives at the walter reade theatre.
– – devoted entirely to the modern movement, the 72-year-old museum of modern art holds a collection that includes more than 100,000 works of art in the fields of architecture and design, drawings, film and video, painting and sculpture, photography and illustrated books.
– – czech center new york aims to increase awareness of the czech republic stateside through cultural events and educational programs.
– – with alumni such as diego rivera and mark rothko and having housed the west coast abstract expressionism and later, beat movements, the san francisco art institute has remained on the cutting edge of contemporary art for well over a century.
– – the telluride film festival, a product of the national film preserve, is an informal yearly exhibition of independent films screened for film-lovers.
– – the foundation for fighting blindness funds research studies to find causes, treatments, preventions and cures for various ocular ailments and diseases.
– – a recent addition to the smithsonian institution, the national museum of the american indian is the first national museum to honor the languages, culture, history and arts of native american tribes from america, canada, middle and south america and the caribbean.
– – the nature conservacy works with communities and businesses to preserve plants, animals, valuable lands and bodies of water.
– – led by conductor michael tilson thomas, the san francisco symphony is internationally renowned as one of the world’s best classical music ensembles.
– – the asia society is dedicated to fostering understanding of asia abroad and to bolstering communication between Americans and the people of asia using the arts, film, seminars and publications.
– – the western folklife center was created to preserve and perpetuating the folk arts of the romantic american west, through exhibits, educational programs and public performances.
– – the mission of the sierra club includes preservation, protection and enhancement of the natural environment through education and practicing and promoting ecologically sound living. the sierra club influences public, private and corporate policies and actions through various programs. The strategy of the sierra club is to activate appropriate portions of a network of staff, members, and other concerned citizens, using legislative, administrative, electoral, and legal approaches, and to develop supporting public opinion.
– Rongelap Peace Museum – The museum is an attempt to record, remember and make known the damage of US nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands. It will help bring public attention to many unknown sufferings and contribute to the relief of the sufferers. The museum will thus encourage people to work for a nuclear-weapons-free Pacific and a nuclear-weapons-free future. Please send a donation to support this extremely important project.
It is preferred that contributions be transferred to the bank account of the project at: Bank of Marshall Islands, P.O. Box J, Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960, Tel: 692-625-3662; Savings account number: 881-72-2006-7, Routing Number: 121405212. Donations can also be sent to Mirar in Eaan Committee (People from the North), P.O. Box 350, Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960.
From: Gamma <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Psychedelic Santa [FWIW]
Date: December 25, 2003 at 5:44:33 PM EST
Thanks, Adam.
i had not heard of meester arthur until now.
happy holo-daze to all you ibonauts!
– G A M M A
— adam gur <> wrote:
Season’s Greetings to one and all,
I’d be surprised, Gamma, if you’re not familiar with James Arthur,
he’s on this list and he was on the calyx list over 4 years ago when
I came upon him…
For those out there that have yet had the pleasure- James has quite
the site on the entire subject matter and it’s truly fascinating stuff–
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Email …
Date: December 25, 2003 at 8:33:07 AM EST
Patrick, thanks 🙂
One question out of all this. Traceroute and arin have this landing at
Your………………………………………… running the Wesley
Clark for President site?
You people should get a contract for Now that would be
fun 🙂 🙂
Merry Christmas!
— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <> wrote:
Short version: it’s like, fixed or something.
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 04:09:25 -0500 (EST)
From: “Evan D. Baer” <>
Subject: [voxadm] Bruce, Patrick, mail settings, file descriptors,
I adjusted the soft and hard maximums for file descriptors in
that should solve with the pipe errors seen in the maillog around
They were at 256/1024, i up’d to 2048/4096.
Dec 23 10:55:13 crackpipe qmail: [ID 748625]
delivery 352341: deferral:
Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker – Get it now
Subject: [ibogaine] Fwd: Returned mail: Cannot send message within 4 hours
Date: December 25, 2003 at 7:55:30 AM EST
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <>
Subject: Returned mail: Cannot send message within 4 hours
Date: December 25, 2003 at 2:24:42 AM EST
To: <>
The original message was received at Wed, 24 Dec 2003 22:22:55 -0500 (EST)
from []
—– The following addresses had permanent fatal errors —–
—– Transcript of session follows —–
<>… Deferred: Connection timed out with
Message could not be delivered for 4 hours
Message will be deleted from queue
Final-Recipient: RFC822;
Action: failed
Status: 4.4.7
Remote-MTA: DNS;
Last-Attempt-Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 02:24:42 -0500 (EST)
Subject: A Drug War Carol
Date: December 24, 2003 at 10:03:49 PM EST
I recently received a copy of a book titled, “A Drug War Carol” by Susan W.
Wells and Scott Bieser as a gift. It is in professional comic art form and
represents a dramatically clear response to the confusion of pseudo science
provided by the war on drugs camp.
I suggest any of you who have interest visit the web page and in fact purchase a print copy for
under ten bucks, 5.95 in fact. The images from the book are available on the
web site but, the book is quite dramatic and significant price reductions are
made for ten or more books, $2.95. It is hard to imagine a less expensive
and effective means of offsetting drug war propaganda.
From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Email …
Date: December 25, 2003 at 5:13:12 AM EST
Short version: it’s like, fixed or something.
From: “ARON KAY” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
Date: December 25, 2003 at 2:14:50 AM EST
To: <>
hey i was there!!!! i dont get an honorable mention
bush and ayatollah asscroft are promoting the latest version of
kristallnacht..we culture freex must rise to defend our diverse cultures of
race, rap, rock, rainbow
and reggae music, art and dance from the jaws of the fascist machine-which
is attempting to perpetrate a a nation of blind obedience.
we must make sure they get the glitches in their machine so the people will
—– Original Message —–
From: “Carla Barnes” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
LMAO 😉 Thanks for the updates 😉
A year or two ago I would have said something
different, but since then I’ve figured out when people
post all this, what they’re writing out are all the
parts they liked and remember.
I’m sure it wasn’t very organised if the speakers or
mc’s are posting questions to this list about how to
even find the event, I don’t remember seeing anyone
post about the party to this list at all so a lot of
the main ibogaine people had a party that wasn’t about
ibogaine, good for them 🙂
The next time I do wish you were organised enough to
at least post notice to the ibogaine list it would
have been fun to go and ny isn’t so far for me.
Patrick is a cult of personality, Dana was being Dana,
Howard was there and Robert Altman took photos. Photos
Patrick, just wanted to say that after almost a year
of therapy which is one of the things I needed and
groups, to stay clean after doing ibogaine more then
once to get clean and showing up to his office with
printouts of what you’ve written about addiction and
talking about you, thank you 🙂 You were one of the
main motivations I had to stay clean and believe I
could do it. I hate to tell you this but according to
my therapist you don’t exist. Statistically speaking
😉 What you did is impossible and will never work for
anyone else. Thought you might want to know you’re not
really here at all 😉
I don’t know if Dana was ever here either but he was
never a addict 🙂
Love you all 🙂
Carla B
— “A.C. Dilard” <> wrote:
Neither dose anybody who was there and is still
Events that werent listed in the schedule.
patrick kroupa explaining recovery to robert altman
while sitting in his bmw double parked in front
smoking what doesnt look like cigarettes.
peace and love anti drug war girls screaming and
punching people on the stage and being thrown out
a lot of people thrown out
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
patrick’s hopes for everyone’s sobriety ‘i hope
everyone is really fucking high and drunk’ applause.
dana beal getting thrown out
you know it was a good party, great even. you had a
huge crowd, happy people into your message who fell
all over themselves to get near all of you.
and all of you who came to town for this event
gathered together in the same in-group all of you
always do and spent all your time in back rooms or
sitting in cars parked out front. and not one person
in town supposdely for this event answered email or
phone calls before the event which was listed and
unlisted at least 4 times before the date. nobody
confirmed it was happening until the day before.
great party, no organization at all, no meaningful
exchange of information at all. great party! 🙂
photos!! 🙂 wrote:
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker – Get it now
From: “Joseph Musico” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] hh
Date: December 24, 2003 at 4:31:18 PM EST
To: <>
I am trying to find anyone who has used ibogaine as a way of getting clean from opiate drugs
From: <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] MAPS ibogaine
Date: December 23, 2003 at 7:23:06 PM EST
Did not know this was even out. Beautiful issue and killer article. Right
on, right on! Why no names? 😉
This is the url
It is a huge pdf file and if it takes a long time to download you can
go to news-letters and download the latest one which has the cool ibogaine
piece, it is the Holy Fire issue.
Peace out,
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 17:21:15 -0800 wrote:
hello friends. I don’t understand this site very much but it is very
beatiful! Thank you. I don’t know that much about ibogaine either
very much enjoyed the ibogaine article, well written and very funny.
Reading more of
Have many here done ibogaine for addiction or done ibogaine at all?
is transendence a listing or a email? I can’t sign up to it!
Thank you and many good wishes. Pasting the url from a pdf doesn’t
Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
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Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email:
Free, ultra-private instant messaging with Hush Messenger
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From: <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ezmlm warning
Date: December 23, 2003 at 7:19:36 PM EST
Thanks bro! I have had exactly the same experience as Jenks wrote about
with the same errors. Since yesterday I’ve gotten something on the order
of 30 messages from the last week so something changed for the better.
Happy holidays to all and thanks Patrick!
Peace out,
On Mon, 22 Dec 2003 16:47:15 -0800 “Patrick K. Kroupa” <>
On [Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 02:04:57PM -0800], []
Yeah, servers with slow-timeouts have been fucked for the last month
so. In the process of being UnFucked, DeFucked and ReFucked in
a Brand
NeW Way.
Give it ’bout 24 hours; if you still experience problems, plz forward
EXACTLY what Chris just did (the HEADERS so that we can read the
msg), to:
^^^ Please read, assimilate, understand the above. PLEASE forward
message with HEADERS intact. Saying, “it’s broken!” isn’t very
The two primary issues we had were: our entire class C being blacklisted
— now de-listed; and SMTP connections which did not answer within
seconds, just being shut down. Both have been resolved; if there
are any
tweaks left to do, well, we’re all once again around — planet Earth
for the holidaze, and I am no longer bouncing around the world for
next few weeks at least.
Thanks a bunch, happy holidaze, and laters,
p.s., Chris, you aren’t signed up with this account, which is why
it needs
to be released by hand. You’re on as jenkster I think.
| On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Preston Peet wrote:
| > and is this message part of a thread? I seem to be missing some
of it, as I
| > never saw A.C. Dilard’s post until Carla responded….
| Today I got a warning from the ibogaine list mail server that
| couldn’t deliver many (it listed 26) of the messages to my address.
| Although such a warning is usually a problem with the recipient,
the kind
| of error makes me think it could be a problem in the mailer and
may be
| affecting the entire list. Is anyone else missing messages? Here
is the
| error message I was sent from
| Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
| I’m afraid I wasn’t able to deliver your message to the following
| addresses.
| This is a permanent error; I’ve given up. Sorry it didn’t work
| <>:
| qmail-spawn unable to create pipe. (#4.3.0)
| I’m not going to try again; this message has been in the queue
too long.
Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email:
Free, ultra-private instant messaging with Hush Messenger
Promote security and make money with the Hushmail Affiliate Program:
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] hh
Date: December 23, 2003 at 3:26:56 AM EST
To: <>
Happy Holidays to all
From: “GanjaCat” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] ezmlm warning
Date: December 23, 2003 at 7:33:41 AM EST
To: <>
I got exactly the same warning. Often I’m reading replies days before
the article they were about, or indeed only reading it at all when
included in the reply.
“To err is human……
To REALLY f**K up you need a computer” 🙂
Solstice blessings to all
—–Original Message—–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa []
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 1:47 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ezmlm warning
On [Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 02:04:57PM -0800], [] wrote:
Yeah, servers with slow-timeouts have been fucked for the last month or
so. In the process of being UnFucked, DeFucked and ReFucked in a Brand
NeW Way.
Give it ’bout 24 hours; if you still experience problems, plz forward
EXACTLY what Chris just did (the HEADERS so that we can read the error
msg), to:
^^^ Please read, assimilate, understand the above. PLEASE forward the
message with HEADERS intact. Saying, “it’s broken!” isn’t very helpful.
The two primary issues we had were: our entire class C being blacklisted
— now de-listed; and SMTP connections which did not answer within 30
seconds, just being shut down. Both have been resolved; if there are
tweaks left to do, well, we’re all once again around — planet Earth —
for the holidaze, and I am no longer bouncing around the world for the
next few weeks at least.
Thanks a bunch, happy holidaze, and laters,
p.s., Chris, you aren’t signed up with this account, which is why it
to be released by hand. You’re on as jenkster I think.
| On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Preston Peet wrote:
| > and is this message part of a thread? I seem to be missing some of
it, as I
| > never saw A.C. Dilard’s post until Carla responded….
| Today I got a warning from the ibogaine list mail server that it
| couldn’t deliver many (it listed 26) of the messages to my address.
| Although such a warning is usually a problem with the recipient, the
| of error makes me think it could be a problem in the mailer and may be
| affecting the entire list. Is anyone else missing messages? Here is
| error message I was sent from
| Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
| I’m afraid I wasn’t able to deliver your message to the following
| addresses.
| This is a permanent error; I’ve given up. Sorry it didn’t work out.
| <>:
| qmail-spawn unable to create pipe. (#4.3.0)
| I’m not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] ezmlm warning
Date: December 22, 2003 at 1:02:52 PM EST
To: <>
The same with here,
—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: maandag 22 december 2003 14:05
Subject: [ibogaine] ezmlm warning
On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Preston Peet wrote:
and is this message part of a thread? I seem to be missing some of it,
as I
never saw A.C. Dilard’s post until Carla responded….
Today I got a warning from the ibogaine list mail server that it
couldn’t deliver many (it listed 26) of the messages to my address.
Although such a warning is usually a problem with the recipient, the
of error makes me think it could be a problem in the mailer and may be
affecting the entire list. Is anyone else missing messages? Here is the
error message I was sent from
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I’m afraid I wasn’t able to deliver your message to the following
This is a permanent error; I’ve given up. Sorry it didn’t work out.
qmail-spawn unable to create pipe. (#4.3.0)
I’m not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ezmlm warning
Date: December 22, 2003 at 10:58:41 PM EST
Well its about time! 🙂 Do you think you can just take off and wander
around the world for 6 weeks? 😉
Thanks, reading the 25 messages that just arrived for me 🙂
— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <> wrote:
On [Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 02:04:57PM -0800], []
Yeah, servers with slow-timeouts have been fucked for the last month
so. In the process of being UnFucked, DeFucked and ReFucked in a
NeW Way.
Give it ’bout 24 hours; if you still experience problems, plz forward
EXACTLY what Chris just did (the HEADERS so that we can read the
msg), to:
^^^ Please read, assimilate, understand the above. PLEASE forward
message with HEADERS intact. Saying, “it’s broken!” isn’t very
The two primary issues we had were: our entire class C being
— now de-listed; and SMTP connections which did not answer within 30
seconds, just being shut down. Both have been resolved; if there are
tweaks left to do, well, we’re all once again around — planet Earth
for the holidaze, and I am no longer bouncing around the world for
next few weeks at least.
Thanks a bunch, happy holidaze, and laters,
p.s., Chris, you aren’t signed up with this account, which is why it
to be released by hand. You’re on as jenkster I think.
Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker – Get it now
From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ezmlm warning
Date: December 22, 2003 at 7:47:15 PM EST
On [Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 02:04:57PM -0800], [] wrote:
Yeah, servers with slow-timeouts have been fucked for the last month or
so. In the process of being UnFucked, DeFucked and ReFucked in a Brand
NeW Way.
Give it ’bout 24 hours; if you still experience problems, plz forward
EXACTLY what Chris just did (the HEADERS so that we can read the error
msg), to:
^^^ Please read, assimilate, understand the above. PLEASE forward the
message with HEADERS intact. Saying, “it’s broken!” isn’t very helpful.
The two primary issues we had were: our entire class C being blacklisted
— now de-listed; and SMTP connections which did not answer within 30
seconds, just being shut down. Both have been resolved; if there are any
tweaks left to do, well, we’re all once again around — planet Earth —
for the holidaze, and I am no longer bouncing around the world for the
next few weeks at least.
Thanks a bunch, happy holidaze, and laters,
p.s., Chris, you aren’t signed up with this account, which is why it needs
to be released by hand. You’re on as jenkster I think.
| On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Preston Peet wrote:
| > and is this message part of a thread? I seem to be missing some of it, as I
| > never saw A.C. Dilard’s post until Carla responded….
| Today I got a warning from the ibogaine list mail server that it
| couldn’t deliver many (it listed 26) of the messages to my address.
| Although such a warning is usually a problem with the recipient, the kind
| of error makes me think it could be a problem in the mailer and may be
| affecting the entire list. Is anyone else missing messages? Here is the
| error message I was sent from
| Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
| I’m afraid I wasn’t able to deliver your message to the following
| addresses.
| This is a permanent error; I’ve given up. Sorry it didn’t work out.
| <>:
| qmail-spawn unable to create pipe. (#4.3.0)
| I’m not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.
Subject: [ibogaine] ezmlm warning
Date: December 22, 2003 at 5:04:57 PM EST
On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Preston Peet wrote:
and is this message part of a thread? I seem to be missing some of it, as I
never saw A.C. Dilard’s post until Carla responded….
Today I got a warning from the ibogaine list mail server that it
couldn’t deliver many (it listed 26) of the messages to my address.
Although such a warning is usually a problem with the recipient, the kind
of error makes me think it could be a problem in the mailer and may be
affecting the entire list. Is anyone else missing messages? Here is the
error message I was sent from
Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I’m afraid I wasn’t able to deliver your message to the following
This is a permanent error; I’ve given up. Sorry it didn’t work out.
qmail-spawn unable to create pipe. (#4.3.0)
I’m not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.
From: ad astra <>
Subject: [ibogaine] ayahuasca
Date: December 22, 2003 at 1:39:03 PM EST
I thought some people here might be interested to read
about an ayahuasca retreat I attended last month. My
motivation was personal and spiritual growth, but I
think ayahuasca would be helpful for dealing with
addictions as well. For me ayahuasca and iboga seem
to be playing on the same team – they both show me
whatever I need to deal with, in no uncertain terms.
Frequently unpleasant and difficult, but ultimately
rewarding and useful. Anyway, here is my report:
Where I live, it is easy to get the materials to make
ayahuasca, the potent plant based brew used by
indigenous people in the amazon for millenia for
healing and spirit journeys. However, I wanted to go
closer to the source for my introduction to this plant
teacher, so recently I travelled with two close
friends to attend an ayahuasca retreat in Peru.
The reatreat took place at the Corto Maltés Amazonia
Lodge, on the banks of the Madre de Dios river. We
were surrounded by the amazon rain forest, with its
amazing diversity of plant and animal life. Being away
from the stress and distractions of modern life was
healing in itself and definitely enhanced the
experience. There were no media available during the
retreat, and not knowing what was happening in the
outside world helped me to realize that everything
important was happening right there it was the inner
work we were doing that really mattered.
The ayahuasca experience itself is hard to describe.
It felt something like dreaming or dying. The
ayahuasca session is a crucible in which psychological
and spiritual processes occur at a much greater level
of intensity than is typical in everyday life,
enabling one to learn rapidly and deeply about life,
mind, relationships and spirit.
Members of the group reported a wide variety of
experiences. Some people had visions, for others the
trip mostly involved their thought processes or
emotions. One person felt she was dying, surrounded by
white light, her body dissolving into nothingness.
Another reported feeling enlightened in the present
moment, for the first time after years of serious
Zen meditation. A few people battled inner demons in
one way or another. One person felt that ayahuasca was
essentially an artificial alteration of his
perceptions, though most people felt that ayahuasca
revealed deeper truths about life. Each person had a
unique experience, in fact each session for each
person was unique.
We did three sessions altogether. Each time we would
gather in the dining area of the retreat center, with
a pillow, blanket, water, and whatever else we would
need for the overnight session, then we would walk
together down a dark path into the forest, lit by
small torches about every two to three meters. We
gathered in a special building used only for ayahuasca
sessions. Diego, the leader of the group, would say
some prayers, and then one by one we would go to him
to receive the medicine. When the ayahuasca started to
take effect, Diego would begin to chant and play his
guitar. His beautiful chanting was very soothing and
centering, and was valuable and helpful part of the
For me ayahuasca brought up whatever I needed to
experience in the present moment. I found it to be a
very harsh teacher. Whenever I tried to resist what
was being shown to me, the experience would become
more intense and unpleasant one of the central
lessons for me is that it is better to let go, to
surrender to the experience.
Some concepts that I had understood in an abstract way
I experienced at a much deeper level. One of these
concepts is impermanence. I had grasped that concept
on a superficial intellectual level, but didnt really
understand it. During my first and third ayahuasca
sessions, I entered into states of intense suffering
that I was absolutely convinced would never end even
death would not release me. Yet those states did pass.
At another point I found myself spontaneously
breathing out love into the world. It was a subtle
experience but very distinct. This is something I had
practiced in the past, but which I hadnt really felt
before. What had been an intellectual exercise before
became an experiential reality during the ayahuasca
session. Since then Ive occasionally been able to
practice this technique and genuinely feel it.
Ayahuasca also helped me to see that a great deal of
what I experience is a projection of my mind, which
interferes with my ability to see the world inner or
outer – as it is. I had read and thought about being
centered and experiencing the moment as it is, without
trying to grasp or resist. Under the influence of
ayahuasca, this quality of mind is very important, and
I believe I am a little better at being that way now.
In the second session one of my friends was having a
very intense, difficult time, and at one point all of
us gathered around her and were chanting to her. It
felt wonderful to be part of a circle of caring,
giving love and attention to a friend in need. During
the first session I had a difficult time, and others
helped me; now I found myself on the other side of
that equation and it felt wonderful to take that role
for her.
During the third experience, when I was suffering
intensely regarding karma from past actions –
basically feeling emotions I needed to feel but had
always avoided – I believe I was “burning karma” at
that time, doing some of the suffering I needed to do.
I feel a bit clearer now, as if my karmic load has
lightened a bit.
No matter how difficult the session was, when the
effects started to wear off when I was no longer
tripping I felt happy and centered. So glad to be
alive, to breathe, to be in this space with people I
love. This, for me, is one of the most wonderful
aspects of the ayahuasca experience. First I go
through the difficult part, then I feel wonderful
its the exact opposite of taking a drug, feeling good
for a while, followed by some sort of hangover.
It seems to me that the best way to do ayahuasca is in
this sort of ritual setting. The medicine can teach a
lot about relationships, and how to give and receive
love. Sharing the experience with my fellow travelers
afterwards was a very important part of the process.
The chanting and singing was an important part of it
and the opening and closing of the ceremony helped to
put the experience in context.
I believe that ayahuasca, used properly, can be a
catalyst to accelerate personal and spiritual growth.
You still have to go through your process, but this
medicine can speed things up. It shows you what you
need to work on and puts you in a state where you can
do some intense learning. Ayahuasca, I feel, works
very well in the context of an ongoing spiritual
practice such as meditation.
I would recommend the ayahuasca experience to anyone
who is seriously interested in spiritual or
psychological work and is attracted to altered states.
More information about the particular retreat that I
attended may be found at
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From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Psychedelic Santa [FWIW]
Date: December 22, 2003 at 12:08:56 AM EST
To: <>
Season’s Greetings to one and all,
I’d be surprised, Gamma, if you’re not familiar with James Arthur,
he’s on this list and he was on the calyx list over 4 years ago when
I came upon him…
For those out there that have yet had the pleasure- James has quite
the site on the entire subject matter and it’s truly fascinating stuff–
Dana’s article in cannabisculture lists James’ site/book
as reference and recommends it as well.
But while this is a lifetime endeavor for James, Dana’s article,
imo, reads like a lame book report; a spoiler synopsis, if you
will. I would have liked to have seen him tackle the amanita,
chug down a couple of glasses of fresh urine and then write about it…
At any rate, I strongly recommend the original eye-opener; ‘Mushroom
and Mankind’ on James’ site– it’s way more in-depth and it showcases
a collection of images and photos that are just unbelievable (2nd page
Adam Gur
From: “Gamma” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 12:26 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Psychedelic Santa [FWIW]
> The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus
> by Dana Larsen (18 Dec, 2003)
> Modern Christmas traditions are based on ancient mushroom-using shamans.
> Although most people see Christmas as a Christian holiday, most of the
> symbols and icons we associate with Christmas celebrations are actually
> derived from the shamanistic traditions of the tribal peoples of
> pre-Christian Northern Europe.
> The sacred mushroom of these people was the red and white amanita
> muscaria mushroom, also known as “fly agaric.” These mushrooms are now
> commonly seen in books of fairy tales, and are usually associated with
> magic and fairies. This is because they contain potent hallucinogenic
> compounds, and were used by ancient peoples for insight and
> transcendental experiences.
> Most of the major elements of the modern Christmas celebration, such as
> Santa Claus, Christmas trees, magical reindeer and the giving of gifts,
> are originally based upon the traditions surrounding the harvest and
> consumption of these most sacred mushrooms.
> The world tree
> These ancient peoples, including the Lapps of modern-day Finland, and
> the Koyak tribes of the central Russian steppes, believed in the idea
> of a World Tree. The World Tree was seen as a kind of cosmic axis, onto
> which the planes of the universe are fixed. The roots of the World Tree
> stretch down into the underworld, its trunk is the “middle earth” of
> everyday existence, and its branches reach upwards into the heavenly
> realm.
> The amanita muscaria mushrooms grow only under certain types of trees,
> mostly firs and evergreens. The mushroom caps are the fruit of the
> larger mycelium beneath the soil which exists in a symbiotic
> relationship with the roots of the tree. To ancient people, these
> mushrooms were literally “the fruit of the tree.”
> The North Star was also considered sacred, since all other stars in the
> sky revolved around its fixed point. They associated this “Pole Star”
> with the World Tree and the central axis of the universe. The top of
> the World Tree touched the North Star, and the spirit of the shaman
> would climb the metaphorical tree, thereby passing into the realm of
> the gods. This is the true meaning of the star on top of the modern
> Christmas tree, and also the reason that the super-shaman Santa makes
> his home at the North Pole.
> Reindeer games
> The active ingredients of the amanita mushrooms are not metabolized by
> the body, and so they remain active in the urine. In fact, it is safer
> to drink the urine of one who has consumed the mushrooms than to eat
> the mushrooms directly, as many of the toxic compounds are processed
> and eliminated on the first pass through the body.
> It was common practice among ancient people to recycle the potent
> effects of the mushroom by drinking each other’s urine. The amanita’s
> ingredients can remain potent even after six passes through the human
> body. Some scholars argue that this is the origin of the phrase “to get
> pissed,” as this urine-drinking activity preceded alcohol by thousands
> of years.
> Reindeer were the sacred animals of these semi-nomadic people, as the
> reindeer provided food, shelter, clothing and other necessities.
> Reindeer are also fond of eating the amanita mushrooms; they will seek
> them out, then prance about while under their influence. Often the
> urine of tripped-out reindeer would be consumed for its psychedelic
> effects.
> This effect goes the other way too, as reindeer also enjoy the urine of
> a human, especially one who has consumed the mushrooms. In fact,
> reindeer will seek out human urine to drink, and some tribesmen carry
> sealskin containers of their own collected piss, which they use to
> attract stray reindeer back into the herd.
> The effects of the amanita mushroom usually include sensations of size
> distortion and flying. The feeling of flying could account for the
> legends of flying reindeer, and legends of shamanic journeys included
> stories of winged reindeer, transporting their riders up to the highest
> branches of the World Tree.
> Santa Claus, super shaman
> Although the modern image of Santa Claus was created at least in part
> by the advertising department of Coca-Cola, in truth his appearance,
> clothing, mannerisms and companions all mark him as the reincarnation
> of these ancient mushroom-gathering shamans.
> One of the side effects of eating amanita mushrooms is that the skin
> and facial features take on a flushed, ruddy glow. This is why Santa is
> always shown with glowing red cheeks and nose. Even Santa’s jolly “Ho,
> ho, ho!” is the euphoric laugh of one who has indulged in the magic
> fungus.
> Santa also dresses like a mushroom gatherer. When it was time to go out
> and harvest the magical mushrooms, the ancient shamans would dress much
> like Santa, wearing red and white fur-trimmed coats and long black
> boots.
> These peoples lived in dwellings made of birch and reindeer hide,
> called “yurts.” Somewhat similar to a teepee, the yurt’s central
> smokehole is often also used as an entrance. After gathering the
> mushrooms from under the sacred trees where they appeared, the shamans
> would fill their sacks and return home. Climbing down the
> chimney-entrances, they would share out the mushroom’s gifts with those
> within.
> The amanita mushroom needs to be dried before being consumed; the
> drying process reduces the mushroom’s toxicity while increasing its
> potency. The shaman would guide the group in stringing the mushrooms
> and hanging them around the hearth-fire to dry. This tradition is
> echoed in the modern stringing of popcorn and other items.
> The psychedelic journeys taken under the influence of the amanita were
> also symbolized by a stick reaching up through the smokehole in the top
> of the yurt. The smokehole was the portal where the spirit of the
> shaman exited the physical plane.
> Santa’s famous magical journey, where his sleigh takes him around the
> whole planet in a single night, is developed from the “heavenly
> chariot,” used by the gods from whom Santa and other shamanic figures
> are descended. The chariot of Odin, Thor and even the Egyptian god
> Osiris is now known as the Big Dipper, which circles around the North
> Star in a 24-hour period.
> In different versions of the ancient story, the chariot was pulled by
> reindeer or horses. As the animals grow exhausted, their mingled spit
> and blood falls to the ground, forming the amanita mushrooms.
> St Nicholas and Old Nick
> Saint Nicholas is a legendary figure who supposedly lived during the
> fourth Century. His cult spread quickly and Nicholas became the patron
> saint of many varied groups, including judges, pawnbrokers, criminals,
> merchants, sailors, bakers, travelers, the poor, and children.
> Most religious historians agree that St Nicholas did not actually exist
> as a real person, and was instead a Christianized version of earlier
> Pagan gods. Nicholas’ legends were mainly created out of stories about
> the Teutonic god called Hold Nickar, known as Poseidon to the Greeks.
> This powerful sea god was known to gallop through the sky during the
> winter solstice, granting boons to his worshippers below.
> When the Catholic Church created the character of St Nicholas, they
> took his name >from “Nickar” and gave him Poseidon’s title of “the
> Sailor.” There are thousands of churches named in St Nicholas’ honor,
> most of which were converted from temples to Poseidon and Hold Nickar.
> (As the ancient pagan deities were demonized by the Christian church,
> Hold Nickar’s name also became associated with Satan, known as “Old
> Nick!”)
> Local traditions were incorporated into the new Christian holidays to
> make them more acceptable to the new converts. To these early
> Christians, Saint Nicholas became a sort of “super-shaman” who was
> overlaid upon their own shamanic cultural practices. Many images of
> Saint Nicholas from these early times show him wearing red and white,
> or standing in front of a red background with white spots, the design
> of the amanita mushroom.
> St Nicholas also adopted some of the qualities of the legendary
> “Grandmother Befana” from Italy, who filled children’s stockings with
> gifts. Her shrine at Bari, Italy, became a shrine to St Nicholas.
> Modern world, ancient traditions
> Some psychologists have discussed the “cognitive dissonance” which
> occurs when children are encouraged to believe in the literal existence
> of Santa Claus, only to have their parents’ lie revealed when they are
> older. By so deceiving our children we rob them of a richer heritage,
> for the actual origin of these ancient rituals is rooted deep in our
> history and our collective unconscious. By better understanding the
> truths within these popular celebrations, we can better understand the
> modern world, and our place in it.
> -G A M M A
> __________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
> New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
Date: December 21, 2003 at 9:25:34 PM EST
To: <>
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
Naw, it was “Preston, the person wearing a Prison Striped dress, reading
Preston Peet’s “Equal Protection Under the Law- a Modern Day Parable- and reminding everyone to
remember those who are still in prison and unable to attend Christmas
Why do people keep assuming I’m reading someone else’s work when I read
publicly? Do people just not listen? This is the second time in about 2
weeks this has been said about me and my reading in public, about 3
different stories. Do a lot of people do that, go to public readings to read
yet read someone else’s work? That’s kinda weird, not to mention lazy.
Anyway, yeah, twas an interesting party, and I’m glad I left before the
Happy holidays all.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Carla Barnes” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
LMAO 😉 Thanks for the updates 😉
A year or two ago I would have said something
different, but since then I’ve figured out when people
post all this, what they’re writing out are all the
parts they liked and remember.
I’m sure it wasn’t very organised if the speakers or
mc’s are posting questions to this list about how to
even find the event, I don’t remember seeing anyone
post about the party to this list at all so a lot of
the main ibogaine people had a party that wasn’t about
ibogaine, good for them 🙂
The next time I do wish you were organised enough to
at least post notice to the ibogaine list it would
have been fun to go and ny isn’t so far for me.
Patrick is a cult of personality, Dana was being Dana,
Howard was there and Robert Altman took photos. Photos
Patrick, just wanted to say that after almost a year
of therapy which is one of the things I needed and
groups, to stay clean after doing ibogaine more then
once to get clean and showing up to his office with
printouts of what you’ve written about addiction and
talking about you, thank you 🙂 You were one of the
main motivations I had to stay clean and believe I
could do it. I hate to tell you this but according to
my therapist you don’t exist. Statistically speaking
😉 What you did is impossible and will never work for
anyone else. Thought you might want to know you’re not
really here at all 😉
I don’t know if Dana was ever here either but he was
never a addict 🙂
Love you all 🙂
Carla B
— “A.C. Dilard” <> wrote:
Neither dose anybody who was there and is still
Events that werent listed in the schedule.
patrick kroupa explaining recovery to robert altman
while sitting in his bmw double parked in front
smoking what doesnt look like cigarettes.
peace and love anti drug war girls screaming and
punching people on the stage and being thrown out
a lot of people thrown out
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
patrick’s hopes for everyone’s sobriety ‘i hope
everyone is really fucking high and drunk’ applause.
dana beal getting thrown out
you know it was a good party, great even. you had a
huge crowd, happy people into your message who fell
all over themselves to get near all of you.
and all of you who came to town for this event
gathered together in the same in-group all of you
always do and spent all your time in back rooms or
sitting in cars parked out front. and not one person
in town supposdely for this event answered email or
phone calls before the event which was listed and
unlisted at least 4 times before the date. nobody
confirmed it was happening until the day before.
great party, no organization at all, no meaningful
exchange of information at all. great party! 🙂
photos!! 🙂 wrote:
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
Date: December 21, 2003 at 9:29:54 PM EST
To: <>
and is this message part of a thread? I seem to be missing some of it, as I
never saw A.C. Dilard’s post until Carla responded. I mean, I think it was a
thread started by me asking for info about the party, but I only until this
point saw Howard’s reply to me off list.
So again, happiest holidays to you all.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Carla Barnes” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
LMAO 😉 Thanks for the updates 😉
A year or two ago I would have said something
different, but since then I’ve figured out when people
post all this, what they’re writing out are all the
parts they liked and remember.
I’m sure it wasn’t very organised if the speakers or
mc’s are posting questions to this list about how to
even find the event, I don’t remember seeing anyone
post about the party to this list at all so a lot of
the main ibogaine people had a party that wasn’t about
ibogaine, good for them 🙂
The next time I do wish you were organised enough to
at least post notice to the ibogaine list it would
have been fun to go and ny isn’t so far for me.
Patrick is a cult of personality, Dana was being Dana,
Howard was there and Robert Altman took photos. Photos
Patrick, just wanted to say that after almost a year
of therapy which is one of the things I needed and
groups, to stay clean after doing ibogaine more then
once to get clean and showing up to his office with
printouts of what you’ve written about addiction and
talking about you, thank you 🙂 You were one of the
main motivations I had to stay clean and believe I
could do it. I hate to tell you this but according to
my therapist you don’t exist. Statistically speaking
😉 What you did is impossible and will never work for
anyone else. Thought you might want to know you’re not
really here at all 😉
I don’t know if Dana was ever here either but he was
never a addict 🙂
Love you all 🙂
Carla B
— “A.C. Dilard” <> wrote:
Neither dose anybody who was there and is still
Events that werent listed in the schedule.
patrick kroupa explaining recovery to robert altman
while sitting in his bmw double parked in front
smoking what doesnt look like cigarettes.
peace and love anti drug war girls screaming and
punching people on the stage and being thrown out
a lot of people thrown out
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
patrick’s hopes for everyone’s sobriety ‘i hope
everyone is really fucking high and drunk’ applause.
dana beal getting thrown out
you know it was a good party, great even. you had a
huge crowd, happy people into your message who fell
all over themselves to get near all of you.
and all of you who came to town for this event
gathered together in the same in-group all of you
always do and spent all your time in back rooms or
sitting in cars parked out front. and not one person
in town supposdely for this event answered email or
phone calls before the event which was listed and
unlisted at least 4 times before the date. nobody
confirmed it was happening until the day before.
great party, no organization at all, no meaningful
exchange of information at all. great party! 🙂
photos!! 🙂 wrote:
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
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From: <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Psychedelic Santa [FWIW]
Date: December 21, 2003 at 9:08:27 PM EST
Thanks, that was a unique version of psychedelic santa. Forwarding it
around right after I type this.
On Sun, 21 Dec 2003 14:26:01 -0800 Gamma <> wrote:
The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus
by Dana Larsen (18 Dec, 2003)
Modern Christmas traditions are based on ancient mushroom-using
Although most people see Christmas as a Christian holiday, most
of the
symbols and icons we associate with Christmas celebrations are actually
derived from the shamanistic traditions of the tribal peoples of
pre-Christian Northern Europe.
The sacred mushroom of these people was the red and white amanita
muscaria mushroom, also known as “fly agaric.” These mushrooms are
commonly seen in books of fairy tales, and are usually associated
magic and fairies. This is because they contain potent hallucinogenic
compounds, and were used by ancient peoples for insight and
transcendental experiences.
Most of the major elements of the modern Christmas celebration,
such as
Santa Claus, Christmas trees, magical reindeer and the giving of
are originally based upon the traditions surrounding the harvest
consumption of these most sacred mushrooms.
The world tree
These ancient peoples, including the Lapps of modern-day Finland,
the Koyak tribes of the central Russian steppes, believed in the
of a World Tree. The World Tree was seen as a kind of cosmic axis,
which the planes of the universe are fixed. The roots of the World
stretch down into the underworld, its trunk is the “middle earth”
everyday existence, and its branches reach upwards into the heavenly
The amanita muscaria mushrooms grow only under certain types of
mostly firs and evergreens. The mushroom caps are the fruit of the
larger mycelium beneath the soil which exists in a symbiotic
relationship with the roots of the tree. To ancient people, these
mushrooms were literally “the fruit of the tree.”
The North Star was also considered sacred, since all other stars
in the
sky revolved around its fixed point. They associated this “Pole
with the World Tree and the central axis of the universe. The top
the World Tree touched the North Star, and the spirit of the shaman
would climb the metaphorical tree, thereby passing into the realm
the gods. This is the true meaning of the star on top of the modern
Christmas tree, and also the reason that the super-shaman Santa
his home at the North Pole.
Reindeer games
The active ingredients of the amanita mushrooms are not metabolized
the body, and so they remain active in the urine. In fact, it is
to drink the urine of one who has consumed the mushrooms than to
the mushrooms directly, as many of the toxic compounds are processed
and eliminated on the first pass through the body.
It was common practice among ancient people to recycle the potent
effects of the mushroom by drinking each other’s urine. The amanita’s
ingredients can remain potent even after six passes through the
body. Some scholars argue that this is the origin of the phrase
“to get
pissed,” as this urine-drinking activity preceded alcohol by thousands
of years.
Reindeer were the sacred animals of these semi-nomadic people, as
reindeer provided food, shelter, clothing and other necessities.
Reindeer are also fond of eating the amanita mushrooms; they will
them out, then prance about while under their influence. Often the
urine of tripped-out reindeer would be consumed for its psychedelic
This effect goes the other way too, as reindeer also enjoy the urine
a human, especially one who has consumed the mushrooms. In fact,
reindeer will seek out human urine to drink, and some tribesmen carry
sealskin containers of their own collected piss, which they use
attract stray reindeer back into the herd.
The effects of the amanita mushroom usually include sensations of
distortion and flying. The feeling of flying could account for the
legends of flying reindeer, and legends of shamanic journeys included
stories of winged reindeer, transporting their riders up to the
branches of the World Tree.
Santa Claus, super shaman
Although the modern image of Santa Claus was created at least in
by the advertising department of Coca-Cola, in truth his appearance,
clothing, mannerisms and companions all mark him as the reincarnation
of these ancient mushroom-gathering shamans.
One of the side effects of eating amanita mushrooms is that the
and facial features take on a flushed, ruddy glow. This is why Santa
always shown with glowing red cheeks and nose. Even Santa’s jolly
ho, ho!” is the euphoric laugh of one who has indulged in the magic
Santa also dresses like a mushroom gatherer. When it was time to
go out
and harvest the magical mushrooms, the ancient shamans would dress
like Santa, wearing red and white fur-trimmed coats and long black
These peoples lived in dwellings made of birch and reindeer hide,
called “yurts.” Somewhat similar to a teepee, the yurt’s central
smokehole is often also used as an entrance. After gathering the
mushrooms from under the sacred trees where they appeared, the shamans
would fill their sacks and return home. Climbing down the
chimney-entrances, they would share out the mushroom’s gifts with
The amanita mushroom needs to be dried before being consumed; the
drying process reduces the mushroom’s toxicity while increasing
potency. The shaman would guide the group in stringing the mushrooms
and hanging them around the hearth-fire to dry. This tradition is
echoed in the modern stringing of popcorn and other items.
The psychedelic journeys taken under the influence of the amanita
also symbolized by a stick reaching up through the smokehole in
the top
of the yurt. The smokehole was the portal where the spirit of the
shaman exited the physical plane.
Santa’s famous magical journey, where his sleigh takes him around
whole planet in a single night, is developed from the “heavenly
chariot,” used by the gods from whom Santa and other shamanic figures
are descended. The chariot of Odin, Thor and even the Egyptian god
Osiris is now known as the Big Dipper, which circles around the
Star in a 24-hour period.
In different versions of the ancient story, the chariot was pulled
reindeer or horses. As the animals grow exhausted, their mingled
and blood falls to the ground, forming the amanita mushrooms.
St Nicholas and Old Nick
Saint Nicholas is a legendary figure who supposedly lived during
fourth Century. His cult spread quickly and Nicholas became the
saint of many varied groups, including judges, pawnbrokers, criminals,
merchants, sailors, bakers, travelers, the poor, and children.
Most religious historians agree that St Nicholas did not actually
as a real person, and was instead a Christianized version of earlier
Pagan gods. Nicholas’ legends were mainly created out of stories
the Teutonic god called Hold Nickar, known as Poseidon to the Greeks.
This powerful sea god was known to gallop through the sky during
winter solstice, granting boons to his worshippers below.
When the Catholic Church created the character of St Nicholas, they
took his name from “Nickar” and gave him Poseidon’s title of “the
Sailor.” There are thousands of churches named in St Nicholas’ honor,
most of which were converted from temples to Poseidon and Hold Nickar.
(As the ancient pagan deities were demonized by the Christian church,
Hold Nickar’s name also became associated with Satan, known as “Old
Local traditions were incorporated into the new Christian holidays
make them more acceptable to the new converts. To these early
Christians, Saint Nicholas became a sort of “super-shaman” who was
overlaid upon their own shamanic cultural practices. Many images
Saint Nicholas from these early times show him wearing red and white,
or standing in front of a red background with white spots, the design
of the amanita mushroom.
St Nicholas also adopted some of the qualities of the legendary
“Grandmother Befana” from Italy, who filled children’s stockings
gifts. Her shrine at Bari, Italy, became a shrine to St Nicholas.
Modern world, ancient traditions
Some psychologists have discussed the “cognitive dissonance” which
occurs when children are encouraged to believe in the literal existence
of Santa Claus, only to have their parents’ lie revealed when they
older. By so deceiving our children we rob them of a richer heritage,
for the actual origin of these ancient rituals is rooted deep in
history and our collective unconscious. By better understanding
truths within these popular celebrations, we can better understand
modern world, and our place in it.
-G A M M A
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From: Gamma <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Psychedelic Santa [FWIW]
Date: December 21, 2003 at 5:26:01 PM EST
The Psychedelic Secrets of Santa Claus
by Dana Larsen (18 Dec, 2003)
Modern Christmas traditions are based on ancient mushroom-using shamans.
Although most people see Christmas as a Christian holiday, most of the
symbols and icons we associate with Christmas celebrations are actually
derived from the shamanistic traditions of the tribal peoples of
pre-Christian Northern Europe.
The sacred mushroom of these people was the red and white amanita
muscaria mushroom, also known as “fly agaric.” These mushrooms are now
commonly seen in books of fairy tales, and are usually associated with
magic and fairies. This is because they contain potent hallucinogenic
compounds, and were used by ancient peoples for insight and
transcendental experiences.
Most of the major elements of the modern Christmas celebration, such as
Santa Claus, Christmas trees, magical reindeer and the giving of gifts,
are originally based upon the traditions surrounding the harvest and
consumption of these most sacred mushrooms.
The world tree
These ancient peoples, including the Lapps of modern-day Finland, and
the Koyak tribes of the central Russian steppes, believed in the idea
of a World Tree. The World Tree was seen as a kind of cosmic axis, onto
which the planes of the universe are fixed. The roots of the World Tree
stretch down into the underworld, its trunk is the “middle earth” of
everyday existence, and its branches reach upwards into the heavenly
The amanita muscaria mushrooms grow only under certain types of trees,
mostly firs and evergreens. The mushroom caps are the fruit of the
larger mycelium beneath the soil which exists in a symbiotic
relationship with the roots of the tree. To ancient people, these
mushrooms were literally “the fruit of the tree.”
The North Star was also considered sacred, since all other stars in the
sky revolved around its fixed point. They associated this “Pole Star”
with the World Tree and the central axis of the universe. The top of
the World Tree touched the North Star, and the spirit of the shaman
would climb the metaphorical tree, thereby passing into the realm of
the gods. This is the true meaning of the star on top of the modern
Christmas tree, and also the reason that the super-shaman Santa makes
his home at the North Pole.
Reindeer games
The active ingredients of the amanita mushrooms are not metabolized by
the body, and so they remain active in the urine. In fact, it is safer
to drink the urine of one who has consumed the mushrooms than to eat
the mushrooms directly, as many of the toxic compounds are processed
and eliminated on the first pass through the body.
It was common practice among ancient people to recycle the potent
effects of the mushroom by drinking each other’s urine. The amanita’s
ingredients can remain potent even after six passes through the human
body. Some scholars argue that this is the origin of the phrase “to get
pissed,” as this urine-drinking activity preceded alcohol by thousands
of years.
Reindeer were the sacred animals of these semi-nomadic people, as the
reindeer provided food, shelter, clothing and other necessities.
Reindeer are also fond of eating the amanita mushrooms; they will seek
them out, then prance about while under their influence. Often the
urine of tripped-out reindeer would be consumed for its psychedelic
This effect goes the other way too, as reindeer also enjoy the urine of
a human, especially one who has consumed the mushrooms. In fact,
reindeer will seek out human urine to drink, and some tribesmen carry
sealskin containers of their own collected piss, which they use to
attract stray reindeer back into the herd.
The effects of the amanita mushroom usually include sensations of size
distortion and flying. The feeling of flying could account for the
legends of flying reindeer, and legends of shamanic journeys included
stories of winged reindeer, transporting their riders up to the highest
branches of the World Tree.
Santa Claus, super shaman
Although the modern image of Santa Claus was created at least in part
by the advertising department of Coca-Cola, in truth his appearance,
clothing, mannerisms and companions all mark him as the reincarnation
of these ancient mushroom-gathering shamans.
One of the side effects of eating amanita mushrooms is that the skin
and facial features take on a flushed, ruddy glow. This is why Santa is
always shown with glowing red cheeks and nose. Even Santa’s jolly “Ho,
ho, ho!” is the euphoric laugh of one who has indulged in the magic
Santa also dresses like a mushroom gatherer. When it was time to go out
and harvest the magical mushrooms, the ancient shamans would dress much
like Santa, wearing red and white fur-trimmed coats and long black
These peoples lived in dwellings made of birch and reindeer hide,
called “yurts.” Somewhat similar to a teepee, the yurt’s central
smokehole is often also used as an entrance. After gathering the
mushrooms from under the sacred trees where they appeared, the shamans
would fill their sacks and return home. Climbing down the
chimney-entrances, they would share out the mushroom’s gifts with those
The amanita mushroom needs to be dried before being consumed; the
drying process reduces the mushroom’s toxicity while increasing its
potency. The shaman would guide the group in stringing the mushrooms
and hanging them around the hearth-fire to dry. This tradition is
echoed in the modern stringing of popcorn and other items.
The psychedelic journeys taken under the influence of the amanita were
also symbolized by a stick reaching up through the smokehole in the top
of the yurt. The smokehole was the portal where the spirit of the
shaman exited the physical plane.
Santa’s famous magical journey, where his sleigh takes him around the
whole planet in a single night, is developed from the “heavenly
chariot,” used by the gods from whom Santa and other shamanic figures
are descended. The chariot of Odin, Thor and even the Egyptian god
Osiris is now known as the Big Dipper, which circles around the North
Star in a 24-hour period.
In different versions of the ancient story, the chariot was pulled by
reindeer or horses. As the animals grow exhausted, their mingled spit
and blood falls to the ground, forming the amanita mushrooms.
St Nicholas and Old Nick
Saint Nicholas is a legendary figure who supposedly lived during the
fourth Century. His cult spread quickly and Nicholas became the patron
saint of many varied groups, including judges, pawnbrokers, criminals,
merchants, sailors, bakers, travelers, the poor, and children.
Most religious historians agree that St Nicholas did not actually exist
as a real person, and was instead a Christianized version of earlier
Pagan gods. Nicholas’ legends were mainly created out of stories about
the Teutonic god called Hold Nickar, known as Poseidon to the Greeks.
This powerful sea god was known to gallop through the sky during the
winter solstice, granting boons to his worshippers below.
When the Catholic Church created the character of St Nicholas, they
took his name from “Nickar” and gave him Poseidon’s title of “the
Sailor.” There are thousands of churches named in St Nicholas’ honor,
most of which were converted from temples to Poseidon and Hold Nickar.
(As the ancient pagan deities were demonized by the Christian church,
Hold Nickar’s name also became associated with Satan, known as “Old
Local traditions were incorporated into the new Christian holidays to
make them more acceptable to the new converts. To these early
Christians, Saint Nicholas became a sort of “super-shaman” who was
overlaid upon their own shamanic cultural practices. Many images of
Saint Nicholas from these early times show him wearing red and white,
or standing in front of a red background with white spots, the design
of the amanita mushroom.
St Nicholas also adopted some of the qualities of the legendary
“Grandmother Befana” from Italy, who filled children’s stockings with
gifts. Her shrine at Bari, Italy, became a shrine to St Nicholas.
Modern world, ancient traditions
Some psychologists have discussed the “cognitive dissonance” which
occurs when children are encouraged to believe in the literal existence
of Santa Claus, only to have their parents’ lie revealed when they are
older. By so deceiving our children we rob them of a richer heritage,
for the actual origin of these ancient rituals is rooted deep in our
history and our collective unconscious. By better understanding the
truths within these popular celebrations, we can better understand the
modern world, and our place in it.
-G A M M A
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From: ad astra <>
Subject: [ibogaine] report on ayahuasca retreat
Date: December 21, 2003 at 2:45:58 PM EST
Thought some of you might be interested in a post I
submitted elsewhere talking about an ayahuasca retreat
I recently attended. My motivation was
personal/spiritual growth, not addiction, but I think
ayahuasca could be very helpful for kicking something.
Where I live, it is easy to get the materials to make
ayahuasca, the potent plant based brew used by
indigenous people in the amazon for millenia for
healing and spirit journeys. However, I wanted to go
closer to the source for my introduction to this plant
teacher, so recently I travelled with two close
friends to attend an ayahuasca retreat in Peru.
The reatreat took place at the Corto Maltés Amazonia
Lodge, on the banks of the Madre de Dios river. We
were surrounded by the amazon rain forest, with its
amazing diversity of plant and animal life. Being away
from the stress and distractions of modern life was
healing in itself and definitely enhanced the
experience. There were no media available during the
retreat, and not knowing what was happening in the
outside world helped me to realize that everything
important was happening right there it was the inner
work we were doing that really mattered.
The ayahuasca experience itself is hard to describe.
It felt something like dreaming or dying. The
ayahuasca session is a crucible in which psychological
and spiritual processes occur at a much greater level
of intensity than is typical in everyday life,
enabling one to learn rapidly and deeply about life,
mind, relationships and spirit.
Members of the group reported a wide variety of
experiences. Some people had visions, for others the
trip mostly involved their thought processes or
emotions. One person felt she was dying, surrounded by
white light, her body dissolving into nothingness.
Another reported feeling enlightened in the present
moment, for the first time after years of serious
Zen meditation. A few people battled inner demons in
one way or another. One person felt that ayahuasca was
essentially an artificial alteration of his
perceptions, though most people felt that ayahuasca
revealed deeper truths about life. Each person had a
unique experience, in fact each session for each
person was unique.
We did three sessions altogether. Each time we would
gather in the dining area of the retreat center, with
a pillow, blanket, water, and whatever else we would
need for the overnight session, then we would walk
together down a dark path into the forest, lit by
small torches about every two to three meters. We
gathered in a special building used only for ayahuasca
sessions. Diego, the leader of the group, would say
some prayers, and then one by one we would go to him
to receive the medicine. When the ayahuasca started to
take effect, Diego would begin to chant and play his
guitar. His beautiful chanting was very soothing and
centering, and was valuable and helpful part of the
For me ayahuasca brought up whatever I needed to
experience in the present moment. I found it to be a
very harsh teacher. Whenever I tried to resist what
was being shown to me, the experience would become
more intense and unpleasant one of the central
lessons for me is that it is better to let go, to
surrender to the experience.
Some concepts that I had understood in an abstract way
I experienced at a much deeper level. One of these
concepts is impermanence. I had grasped that concept
on a superficial intellectual level, but didnt really
understand it. During my first and third ayahuasca
sessions, I entered into states of intense suffering
that I was absolutely convinced would never end even
death would not release me. Yet those states did pass.
At another point I found myself spontaneously
breathing out love into the world. It was a subtle
experience but very distinct. This is something I had
practiced in the past, but which I hadnt really felt
before. What had been an intellectual exercise before
became an experiential reality during the ayahuasca
session. Since then Ive occasionally been able to
practice this technique and genuinely feel it.
Ayahuasca also helped me to see that a great deal of
what I experience is a projection of my mind, which
interferes with my ability to see the world inner or
outer – as it is. I had read and thought about being
centered and experiencing the moment as it is, without
trying to grasp or resist. Under the influence of
ayahuasca, this quality of mind is very important, and
I believe I am a little better at being that way now.
In the second session one of my friends was having a
very intense, difficult time, and at one point all of
us gathered around her and were chanting to her. It
felt wonderful to be part of a circle of caring,
giving love and attention to a friend in need. During
the first session I had a difficult time, and others
helped me; now I found myself on the other side of
that equation and it felt wonderful to take that role
for her.
During the third experience, when I was suffering
intensely regarding karma from past actions –
basically feeling emotions I needed to feel but had
always avoided – I believe I was “burning karma” at
that time, doing some of the suffering I needed to do.
I feel a bit clearer now, as if my karmic load has
lightened a bit.
No matter how difficult the session was, when the
effects started to wear off when I was no longer
tripping I felt happy and centered. So glad to be
alive, to breathe, to be in this space with people I
love. This, for me, is one of the most wonderful
aspects of the ayahuasca experience. First I go
through the difficult part, then I feel wonderful
its the exact opposite of taking a drug, feeling good
for a while, followed by some sort of hangover.
It seems to me that the best way to do ayahuasca is in
this sort of ritual setting. The medicine can teach a
lot about relationships, and how to give and receive
love. Sharing the experience with my fellow travelers
afterwards was a very important part of the process.
The chanting and singing was an important part of it
and the opening and closing of the ceremony helped to
put the experience in context.
I believe that ayahuasca, used properly, can be a
catalyst to accelerate personal and spiritual growth.
You still have to go through your process, but this
medicine can speed things up. It shows you what you
need to work on and puts you in a state where you can
do some intense learning. Ayahuasca, I feel, works
very well in the context of an ongoing spiritual
practice such as meditation.
I would recommend the ayahuasca experience to anyone
who is seriously interested in spiritual or
psychological work and is attracted to altered states.
More information about the particular retreat that I
attended may be found at
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Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Bwiti book sought
Date: December 20, 2003 at 9:56:06 PM EST
In a message dated 12/20/03 8:57:31 PM, writes:
I’m potentially interested in financing the publication of an
English language book on the Bwiti. Anyone out there with
literary ideas in this area, please get in touch.
What would be nice Nick, if you can obtain African authors or include African
authors if the book is an anthology rather than the same usual situation of
europeans talking about african belief systems. I know it is a difficult task
but, good luck to you.
From: “A.C. Dilard” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] MAPS ibogaine
Date: December 20, 2003 at 7:42:08 PM EST
Wanted to say sorry, don’t need that many people
hassling me offlist. This is about my christmas party
I have one suggestion to make which is a request I
think, could the powers that be, Patrick, Dana,
whoever, please set up a yippie list on mindvox or a
LES lower east side happenings list or something like
that and then I wouldn’t have posted any of that to
the ibogaine list.
Sorry I didn’t mean to offend or bother anyone, I
understand the party wasn’t even posted to the
ibogaine list, I understand it wasn’t appropriate to
post it to the list, I understand I’ve pissed off some
people, I understand. Sorry ok?
Yippie list or LES list on Mindvox please. You have
all these crazy lists for other people who use them,
we could use a event or gossip list and won’t fill up
the ibo list with it.
Thank you please consider my request. Postign here
because my email is ignored and nobody is ever
answering their phone 🙁
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From: <>
Subject: [ibogaine] MAPS ibogaine
Date: December 19, 2003 at 8:21:15 PM EST
hello friends. I don’t understand this site very much but it is very
beatiful! Thank you. I don’t know that much about ibogaine either but
very much enjoyed the ibogaine article, well written and very funny.
Reading more of
Have many here done ibogaine for addiction or done ibogaine at all? Also
is transendence a listing or a email? I can’t sign up to it!
Thank you and many good wishes. Pasting the url from a pdf doesn’t work
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From: Nik <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge what is the drug?
Date: December 19, 2003 at 12:23:23 AM EST
what is snowball EXACTLY! lsd and waht?
Preston Peet <> wrote:
would it be safe for me to say that this “new” drug sounds reeeelly,
reeeelly inerestin’?
Peace and veritable interest (but don’t write offering me any as I’ll just
take you for a copper and not bite yer bait),
—– Original Message —–
From: “Tim Meehan”
To: ; ; ;
; ; ;
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 10:25 PM
Subject: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge
> Source: Belfast Telegraph
> Contact
> Website:
> Copyright: 2003 Belfast Telegraph Newspapers Ltd
> Pubdate: December 15, 2003
> Author: Paul Dykes
> Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge
> POLICE have seized a batch of the dangerous new recreational Ecstasy drug
> “snowball” in Banbridge.
> The seizure follows a warning from drug awareness group Breakthru Project
> people not to use the drug because of its potentially fatal dosage.
> It is three times more powerful than normal Ecstasy tablets but takes
> longer to “kick in”, prompting fears that users would mistakenly think it
> having no effect and take more.
> Because it is a cocktail of drugs, including LSD, an overdose could be
> the group warned.
> There was little local knowledge of the drug in Banbridge, but now police
> seized their first batch of snowballs in Dromore Road, Banbridge, on
> night.
> A 41-year-old man has been charged with two counts of possession of a
Class A
> drug, two counts of possession with intent to supply, and one count of
> a Class A drug.
> He is due to appear at Banbridge Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, December
> Police found a quantity of the snowball drug when they stopped a car, and
in a
> follow-up search of a house.
> Ecstasy worth 」500 was seized, including a quantity of the snowball drug.
> [ Moderated by: Preston Peet | ]
> | -=/[ To Subscribe: ]/=-
> | To Unsubscribe:
> [ DrugWar List in Digest Format: ]
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From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
Date: December 18, 2003 at 10:09:35 AM EST
LMAO 😉 Thanks for the updates 😉
A year or two ago I would have said something
different, but since then I’ve figured out when people
post all this, what they’re writing out are all the
parts they liked and remember.
I’m sure it wasn’t very organised if the speakers or
mc’s are posting questions to this list about how to
even find the event, I don’t remember seeing anyone
post about the party to this list at all so a lot of
the main ibogaine people had a party that wasn’t about
ibogaine, good for them 🙂
The next time I do wish you were organised enough to
at least post notice to the ibogaine list it would
have been fun to go and ny isn’t so far for me.
Patrick is a cult of personality, Dana was being Dana,
Howard was there and Robert Altman took photos. Photos
Patrick, just wanted to say that after almost a year
of therapy which is one of the things I needed and
groups, to stay clean after doing ibogaine more then
once to get clean and showing up to his office with
printouts of what you’ve written about addiction and
talking about you, thank you 🙂 You were one of the
main motivations I had to stay clean and believe I
could do it. I hate to tell you this but according to
my therapist you don’t exist. Statistically speaking
😉 What you did is impossible and will never work for
anyone else. Thought you might want to know you’re not
really here at all 😉
I don’t know if Dana was ever here either but he was
never a addict 🙂
Love you all 🙂
Carla B
— “A.C. Dilard” <> wrote:
Neither dose anybody who was there and is still
Events that werent listed in the schedule.
patrick kroupa explaining recovery to robert altman
while sitting in his bmw double parked in front
smoking what doesnt look like cigarettes.
peace and love anti drug war girls screaming and
punching people on the stage and being thrown out
a lot of people thrown out
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading
patrick’s hopes for everyone’s sobriety ‘i hope
everyone is really fucking high and drunk’ applause.
dana beal getting thrown out
you know it was a good party, great even. you had a
huge crowd, happy people into your message who fell
all over themselves to get near all of you.
and all of you who came to town for this event
gathered together in the same in-group all of you
always do and spent all your time in back rooms or
sitting in cars parked out front. and not one person
in town supposdely for this event answered email or
phone calls before the event which was listed and
unlisted at least 4 times before the date. nobody
confirmed it was happening until the day before.
great party, no organization at all, no meaningful
exchange of information at all. great party! 🙂
photos!! 🙂 wrote:
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
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From: <>
Subject: [ibogaine] christmas party
Date: December 18, 2003 at 2:56:05 AM EST
Hash: SHA1
Was a dope show. If you buy the whole room vodka I think you deserve
to park your ride on the sidewalk in front of the club and smoke all
the pot you want.
Intense night, everyone who got in a fight was a girlie. Love catfights
Beside that what’s the prob? Dope party, it wasn’t a ibogaine conference,
except for Dana ;-> Howard Lotsoff was on stage for 5 mins and gave
up, Patrick was on stage for 5 mins and fed the insanity :-> Robert did
the same thing and Dana was Dana!!!!!!!!
I’m over the garbagehead comment, dope party crazy talk good drugs free
drinks :->
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From: “A.C. Dilard” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
Date: December 18, 2003 at 2:33:33 AM EST
Neither dose anybody who was there and is still there.
Events that werent listed in the schedule.
patrick kroupa explaining recovery to robert altman
while sitting in his bmw double parked in front
smoking what doesnt look like cigarettes.
peace and love anti drug war girls screaming and
punching people on the stage and being thrown out
a lot of people thrown out
preston ? the person wearing a dress, reading william
patrick’s hopes for everyone’s sobriety ‘i hope
everyone is really fucking high and drunk’ applause.
dana beal getting thrown out
you know it was a good party, great even. you had a
huge crowd, happy people into your message who fell
all over themselves to get near all of you.
and all of you who came to town for this event
gathered together in the same in-group all of you
always do and spent all your time in back rooms or
sitting in cars parked out front. and not one person
in town supposdely for this event answered email or
phone calls before the event which was listed and
unlisted at least 4 times before the date. nobody even
confirmed it was happening until the day before.
great party, no organization at all, no meaningful
exchange of information at all. great party! 🙂 great
photos!! 🙂 wrote:
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
Date: December 18, 2003 at 1:40:34 AM EST
i know NOTHING ! This I swear.
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Some french on the net 😉
Date: December 18, 2003 at 1:39:08 AM EST
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge
Date: December 17, 2003 at 1:50:40 PM EST
To: <>
would it be safe for me to say that this “new” drug sounds reeeelly,
reeeelly inerestin’?
Peace and veritable interest (but don’t write offering me any as I’ll just
take you for a copper and not bite yer bait),
—– Original Message —–
From: “Tim Meehan” <>
To: <>; <>; <>;
<>; <>; <>;
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 10:25 PM
Subject: [drugwar] Ulster: ‘Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge
Source: Belfast Telegraph
Copyright: 2003 Belfast Telegraph Newspapers Ltd
Pubdate: December 15, 2003
Author: Paul Dykes
Snowball’ drug seized in Banbridge
POLICE have seized a batch of the dangerous new recreational Ecstasy drug
“snowball” in Banbridge.
The seizure follows a warning from drug awareness group Breakthru Project
people not to use the drug because of its potentially fatal dosage.
It is three times more powerful than normal Ecstasy tablets but takes
longer to “kick in”, prompting fears that users would mistakenly think it
having no effect and take more.
Because it is a cocktail of drugs, including LSD, an overdose could be
the group warned.
There was little local knowledge of the drug in Banbridge, but now police
seized their first batch of snowballs in Dromore Road, Banbridge, on
A 41-year-old man has been charged with two counts of possession of a
Class A
drug, two counts of possession with intent to supply, and one count of
a Class A drug.
He is due to appear at Banbridge Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, December
Police found a quantity of the snowball drug when they stopped a car, and
in a
follow-up search of a house.
Ecstasy worth £500 was seized, including a quantity of the snowball drug.
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From: Nick Sandberg <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] progress?
Date: December 17, 2003 at 12:38:33 PM EST
—- Original message —-
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 07:42:22 -0800
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] progress?
To: <>
Link: File-List
A senior executive at Europe’s largest drug maker
has admitted most prescription medicines don’t work
for most people, it is reported.
Allen Roses, of GlaxoSmithKline, is quoted in a
national newspaper as saying more than 90% of drugs
only work in 30-50% of people.
He said: “Drugs on the market work, but they don’t
work in everybody.”
Mr Roses, an expert in genetics, said new
developments should help tailor drugs more
At present, pharmaceutical companies adopt a
“one-drug-fits-all” policy.
But Mr Roses said refinements in genetic technology
should make it possible to identify more precisely
those people who were likely to benefit from a drug.
He said: “By eliminating the people that we predict
will be non-responders we’ll be able to do smaller,
faster and cheaper drug trials.
“If you can determine who is going to have a
response (to a drug) and who is not going to have a
response, you can take your next molecule and aim it
specifically at the people who haven’t had a
response with the first one so that you can create a
set of drugs that cover the population, and then you
are back to selling to everybody.”
Big differences
GSK announced last week that it had more than 20
potential $1 billion-a-year blockbuster drugs in
Mr Roses quoted research published three years ago
by Brian Spear, an expert in medical diagnostics,
which found that different drugs had vastly
different success rates in treating patients.
Most drugs had an efficacy rate of 50% or lower.
Richard Ley, a spokesman for the Association of the
British Pharmaceutical Industry, told BBC News
Online, said Mr Roses’ comments emphasised just how
important it was to conduct research into new
He said: “It’s not news to anyone that not all drugs
work in all people all the time.
“Sometimes the government and the National Institute
for Clinical Excellence want to try to find one drug
for a particular condition.
“This shows quite clearly that is not a viable
approach. A medicine might work well in one person,
and not at all for another.”
Thanks for posting this, Sara. So, I guess we can expect big
scandals in the media soon about “drugs not working for lots
of people”, to be soon mysteriously followed by the “smart
drug revolution” from those wonderful guys at GSK.
Classic “problem, reaction, solution” media marketing.
Related to iboga, readers might like to know that the
ibopyrines also offer potential for smart-profiling, if I
recall Winfried’s original proposal for $10 a shot iboga. You
can adapt the isomerism of the basic ibopyrine molecule for
liver profile or other variables. Remains unresearched sadly.
Hey, that is true!
Also, it is the same with natural herbs and Iboga,
it doesn’t “waken up” everyone.
There is not one dosage that fits to everyone needs,
there is “not one way “which is the best way for
Some like sweet and some salt, I write this because
it looks like that EU are going to have new
Who Is going to stand up and say: we want more
freedom AND NOT MORE REGULATIONS, after all
The pharma. Are not that good for everyone, and
there was a place for progress, why stop it?
From: Nick Sandberg <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Bwiti book sought
Date: December 17, 2003 at 12:43:30 PM EST
Hi there,
I’m potentially interested in financing the publication of an
English language book on the Bwiti. Anyone out there with
literary ideas in this area, please get in touch.
All the best
Nick Sandberg
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] tonight’s christmas party
Date: December 17, 2003 at 4:23:01 AM EST
To: <>
HI all and to those it may concern,
Could someone please send me a flier for tonight’s yippie christmas party,
you know, the one I’m supposed to be at tonight?
Or at least give me a call and let me know what time I’m supposed to be
From: Jaden Shaw <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Post ibogaine tx report of pain med use+habituation
Date: December 16, 2003 at 10:53:26 PM EST
Brett Calabrese <> wrote:
Hi all, I just stopped oxycontin after about 6 months. As many know I was previously treated with ibogaine for addiction, though not for opiate addiction, I am also a chronic pain patient. There were no “slips”, no drug thoughts, no cravings, in the end I had become immune (?) to even withdrawal. When the pain eased up I had no choice but to stop, better than some other choices I have made.
Hey Brett, I just wanted to say congrats for getting off oxycontin. I spent some time reading up on it and it sounds like some pretty unpleasant stuff, and difficult to get off. So way to go man.
Open question. Has anybody treated someone who’s drug of choice is Crystal Meth? If so did you do things differently than you would have with coke heroin or methadone interuption? Any links? Thank you.
Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Happy Holidays and Productive Journeys
Date: December 16, 2003 at 3:49:55 PM EST
Happy Holidays to you too!
I hate to put a damper on the post you worked so hard on to share with us BUT>>>>>>>>
I just don’t see those scriptures being about methadone, Ibogaine and Ibogaine providers.
I know the Bible is interpreted very differently by everyone but Methadone and Ibogaine????????!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, just don’t see it!
Subject: [ibogaine] Happy Holidays and Productive Journeys
Date: December 16, 2003 at 3:41:36 PM EST
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday;
yes things might be slim this year, but with 4/5 of the worlds population’s bellies swelling with hunger in 3rd world places, we have not only graditute for what we have but a desire to not put limits on our potential to help. Perhaps with not only the physical food, but spiritual food as well.
‘Speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves. Speak up for the rights of all those who are poor’ Proverbs 31:8
‘Don’t look at wine when it is red.’ (methadone)
‘In the end it bites like a snake. It bites like a poisonous serpent.’ (sickness)
‘Your eyes will see strange sights. Your mind will imagine weird things’ (iboga) Proverbs 23:31-33
‘Anyone who renews others will be renewed’ Proverbs 11:25
‘Come and eat my food. Smoke the incense I have mixed. Leave your childish ways and you will live. Walk in the way that leads to understanding.’ (providers of iboga) Proverbs 9:5-6
‘You who are childish get some good sense. You who are foolish gain understanding.
I and I have worthy things to say. I and I open I lips to speak what is right’ Proverbs 8:5-6
‘Hold on to good sense and the understanding of what is right. Don’t let them out of your sight. They will be life for you. You won’t be afraid. You will sleep soundly. Don’t be terrified by sudden trouble.’ Proverbs2:21-25
‘So you will eat the fruit of the way you have lived.’ Prov 1:31
‘Understanding will guard you. Wisdom will save you from the ways of evil men. It will save you from men who twist their words.’ (CIA child and friends) Prov 2:11-12
‘If babylon temps you, don’t give in to them. They might say “Come along with us, let’s hide and catch some harmless people in our trap. Let’s swallow them alive, as the grave does. Let’s swallow them whole like those who go down into the pit. We’ll get all kinds of valuable things. We’ll fill our houses with what we steal and seize”. Don’t go along with them. Don’t set your feet on their paths. Wisdom calls out in the street. She raises her voice in public places.’ Prov 1:10-20
‘My troubles are like a flood. I’m up to my neck in them. I’m sinking in deep mud. I have no firm place to stand. I am out in deep water. The waves roll over me. I’m worn out. Those who hate me without any reason are more than the hairs on my head. Many people who don’t have any reason to be my enemies are trying to destroy me. They force me to give back what I didn’t steal. You know how foolish I’ve been. My guilt is not hidden from you.’ Psalms69:1-5
‘You have put us to the test. You put us through fire to make us like silver. You put us in prison. You placed heavy loads on our backs. I will come to your temple with burnt offerings.’ Psalms66:10-13
(sickness)’my whole body is sick because of my sin, my guilt has become to much for me. It is a load too heavy to carry. I’ve been foolish. I’ve been brought very low. My back is filled with burning pain. My whole body is sick. I am weak. I feel as if I’ve been broken in pieces. I groan because of the great pain. My heart pounds. My strength is gone. Pain seems to never leave. I have done wrong.’ Psalm 38
‘Turn away from evil and do good. Then you will live in the land.’ Psalms 37:27
‘Be strong and don’t lose hope’ Psalms 27:14
(iboga) ‘Guide me in your truth. Teach me. Set me free from my great pain. May our hearts be filled with new hope. Even though I and I walk through the darkest valley, I and I will not be afraid. It gives us new strength. It makes childish people wise. Lifted me out of deep waters. Saves me from my powerful enemies. Sets me free from those who were too strong for me.’ Psalms 19-25
‘You take note of it. You do something about it. Take away the power of bad. Uncover all the evil. Hear the longings of those who are hurting. Cheer them up and give them hope. Listen. Stand up for those who have been beaten down. Do it so that no one made of dust may terrify others anymore.’ Psalms10:14-18
‘When you are in bed, look deep down inside you and be silent. Offer sacrifices in the right way. See your face smiling.’ Psalms 4:4-6
(iboga providers) ‘Here’s something else I saw on this earth. I saw an example of wisdom that touched me deeply.’ Ecc.
‘All things are tiresome. They are more tiresome than anyone can say. But our eyes never see enough of anything. Our ears never hear enough. I looked into everything that is done on earth…What a heavy load rests on the shoulders of men and women.
And I wanted to know what foolish pleasure is all about. But I found out that that’s also like chasing the wind. A lot of human wisdom leads to a lot of sorrow. More knowledge only brings more sadness. I wanted to see what was really important for people to do on earth during the few days of their lives.
Their is a time to plant and a time to pull up what is planted.
There is a time to dance. There is a time to hug. There’s a time to mend. There is a time to be silent. and there’s a time to speak.
I’ve seen the heavy load God has put on men and women. I looked and saw how much people were suffering on this earth. I saw the tears of those who are suffering. They don’t have anyone to comfort them. Power is on the side of those who beat them down. Someone who hasn’t been born yet is better off then the dead or the living. That’s because he hasn’t seen the evil things that are done on earth.
A foolish person folds his hands and doesn’t work for the next day. And that destroys him.
Two people are better than one. They can help each other in everything they do. One person could be overpowered But two people can stand up for themselves.
People can learn more from sobbing when someone dies than from being happy when someone is born. Saddness is good for the heart. When times are good, be happy. But when times are bad, there’s something to think about. Anyone who is living still has hope. No matter what you do, work at it with all your might. Remember, you are going to your grave. And there isn’t any work or planning or knowledge or wisdom there. When a man won’t work, the roof falls down. When his hands aren’t busy, the house leaks.
Anyone who keeps on watching the wind won’t plant seeds. Anyone who keeps looking at the clouds won’t gather crops.
Do what your heart tells you to do.
So drive worry out of your heart. Get rid of all your troubles.
The words of those who are wise move people to take action.’
‘After Judah’s people had suffered greatly, they were taken away as prisoners. They can’t find any place to rest. All those who were chasing them have caught up with them And they can’t get away. It’s young women are sad. And Zion itself sobs bitterly. Its enemies have become its masters. Its children have been taken away as prisoners. People groan as they search for bread. They trade their treasures for food just to stay alive. I remember how I suffered and wandered. I remember how bitter my life was. I remember it very well. My spirit is very sad deep down inside me And it gives me hope…So we haven’t been completely destroyed. It is good for a man to carry a heavy load of suffering while he is young. Let him meditate on this. Let’s take a good look at the way we’re living. What I see brings pain to my spirit. All of the people in my city are suffering so much. We are so hungry we’re burning up with fever.
People of Zion, the time for you to be punished will come to an end. Then they won’t keep you away from your land any longer.’
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Human look to Pharma.
Date: December 14, 2003 at 12:34:08 PM EST
To: <>
The Guardian The British pharmaceutical industry, which has become hugely wealthy, in part thanks to government incentives, is failing to develop the drugs the NHS needs, according to a thinktank report. The King’s Fund says that successive governments have been content to buy what the industry offers, rather than negotiate for what patients need, especially women, children and older people. The pharmaceutical companies spend less on researching ways to protect and promote health than on seeking profitable new blockbuster drugs. ”We want to see a relationship develop between government and the pharmaceutical industry that is geared towards the promotion of health, not just the promotion of wealth,” says the report’s author, Anthony Harrison, a senior fellow at the fund. “For too long the industry has been in the driving seat of this relationship, with government acting as a passive purchaser of drugs. ”Whilst this partnership has undoubtedly been an economic success, the interests of patients and the public clearly do not always coincide with what will be most profitable for the pharmaceutical industry.” The research agenda is set by the companies, which invest millions in the hope of discovering a drug which will be in demand all over the world, such as Viagra. On the back of such blockbusters, the industry makes some of the highest profits in the world. But this means that less potentially profitable areas which would benefit patients are neglected, Mr Harrison says. The problem is compounded by the lack of involvement of patients or other people who use NHS services in setting drug research priorities. The pharmaceutical companies and scientific researchers decide what they want to investigate and which medicines to take to clinical trials. The report says that the relationship between the government and the pharmaceutical industry, which Mr Harrison describes as “an implicit public-private partnership”, needs to be better defined. The government needs to be clear about what health research it would like pursued. Although most of the money that goes into the research and development of drugs comes from the private companies, the industry gets subsidies or tax breaks >from the government, and benefits from access to NHS doctors and patients, who carry out and take part in clinical trials. The industry’s profits from the NHS are capped by the pharmaceutical price regulation scheme, but the report says this allows “an adequate profit margin to finance a high level cost of research”. Patients and the public should become more involved in discussions about the direction of medicines research, the report suggests. It proposes the setting up of a health research and development taskforce to identify the patient groups and health areas currently poorly served, and to suggest to the government and NHS how they should negotiate with the industry to correct that. The report accepts that this body might clash with the Pharmaceutical Industry Competitiveness Task Force set up by Tony Blair, which comprises ministers and drug company heads, and exists to promote the industry as an employer and a source of income to the UK economy. An industry statement said: “Dozens of new medicines designed for diseases specifically affecting women, children and people in the developed and developing world have been produced over the past five years, and hundreds more are in the pipeline.” The director general of the Association for the British Pharmaceutical Industry, Trevor Jones, added: “The pharmaceutical industry in the UK is one of the most innovative in the world.” · Getting the Right Medicines? Putting public interests at the heart of health-related research, by Anthony Harrison, published by the King’s Fund.
Governments will not take DATA’s from unprofessional who don’t know the difference between Iboga and Ibogaine. They have their own agenda’s.
From: Gamma <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] progress?
Date: December 14, 2003 at 3:36:16 PM EST
one of the scarier tactics is the US Pharmaceutical Industry’s practice of
exportation of un-tested, un-approved or expired medications to 3rd world
countires where they are sold for TOP dollar (and are known to be innefective
or worse, detrimental)
Lets remember exactly who these pharms really are, born from the petro-chemical
companies who demonized healing herbs like marijuana (whose healing and
agricultural values were replaced by patent-able “medicine and other
chemicals”). Who do you think was a major funder behind the marijuana scare?
Yep. Companies like DOW, and the list goes on.
I have this love-hate relationship with pharms. I love their narcotics but hate
just about everything else about them. :^) including their price gouging.
— Sara Glatt <> wrote:
A senior executive at Europe’s largest drug maker has admitted most
prescription medicines don’t work for most people, it is reported.
Allen Roses, of GlaxoSmithKline, is quoted in a national newspaper as
saying more than 90% of drugs only work in 30-50% of people.
He said: “Drugs on the market work, but they don’t work in everybody.”
Mr Roses, an expert in genetics, said new developments should help
tailor drugs more specifically.
At present, pharmaceutical companies adopt a “one-drug-fits-all” policy.
But Mr Roses said refinements in genetic technology should make it
possible to identify more precisely those people who were likely to
benefit from a drug.
He said: “By eliminating the people that we predict will be
non-responders we’ll be able to do smaller, faster and cheaper drug
“If you can determine who is going to have a response (to a drug) and
who is not going to have a response, you can take your next molecule and
aim it specifically at the people who haven’t had a response with the
first one so that you can create a set of drugs that cover the
population, and then you are back to selling to everybody.”
Big differences
GSK announced last week that it had more than 20 potential $1
billion-a-year blockbuster drugs in development.
Mr Roses quoted research published three years ago by Brian Spear, an
expert in medical diagnostics, which found that different drugs had
vastly different success rates in treating patients.
Most drugs had an efficacy rate of 50% or lower.
Richard Ley, a spokesman for the Association of the British
Pharmaceutical Industry, told BBC News Online, said Mr Roses’ comments
emphasised just how important it was to conduct research into new
He said: “It’s not news to anyone that not all drugs work in all people
all the time.
“Sometimes the government and the National Institute for Clinical
Excellence want to try to find one drug for a particular condition.
“This shows quite clearly that is not a viable approach. A medicine
might work well in one person, and not at all for another.”
Hey, that is true!
Also, it is the same with natural herbs and Iboga, it doesn’t “waken
up” everyone.
There is not one dosage that fits to everyone needs, there is “not one
way “which is the best way for everyone
Some like sweet and some salt, I write this because it looks like that
EU are going to have new regulation.
Who Is going to stand up and say: we want more freedom AND NOT MORE
REGULATIONS, after all
The pharma. Are not that good for everyone, and there was a place for
progress, why stop it?
Do you Yahoo!?
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From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] (OT!) NYPD raids -APOC – NOT CR- meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 14, 2003 at 5:57:44 AM EST
To: <>, <>
Dear Libby Whatever,
You’re more than a little confused.
I don’t hate, I don’t post hate mail.
I have, however, been known to ridicule,
In this case, I ridiculed a dubious press release,
from a group that advocates segregation-&-rebellion.
(I, unlike some, don’t consider them activists)
I ridiculed an on-line news outlet’s lack of journalistic
integrity for concealing this group’s identity behind that
of their hosts. I find that to be manipulative, patronizing
and disgusting.
I believe that activism and lying are mutually exclusive.
Even teenie-weenie, never-you-mind, little white lies.
But wait, it gets better-
For my efforts, a certain Tim ‘Who?’ Meehan decided
to dredge up some dirt, to disparage me, before, like you,
kill-filing me once and for all. (cue in death-rattle)
This would be the same Tim ‘Who?’ Meehan, who, days before,
had no qualms with me poking fun at- and here I’ll quote his reply;
“Right wing talk-show radio hosts who engage in puffery for ratings?”
(end quote)
How droll, n’est pas?
And Libby, one last thing,
That’s a tad hypocritical of you,
to ‘Emily Post’ me, yet address me
with your back turned to me, only to
inform me that you’re hereby
ignoring me. Where did you learn
to take such quaint little potshots?
Adam ‘Whoever’ Gur
P.S. I hope I have alleviated your excruciating confusion.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Libby” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: [drugwar] (OT!) Re: [drugwar] Re: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD
raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
I’m not getting my posts in chronological order these
days so I’m a little confused by this debate but I
have to say I’ve already put Adam whoever on my delete
Adam I’m sure you’re a smart guy who simply suffers
from bad manners but please either read Emily Post or
stop cluttering up my bandwidth with hate mail.
— Preston Peet <> wrote:
Adam whoever scibbled in his haste
I think that posting this on the ibo list is in bad
taste, but suits you
now F2ck off,<
First of all, who’s “Tim”?
Second of all, You have got to be kidding. Which bit
is in “bad taste”
Did you really mean to write this and look like an
ass, or was it an
This is not the sort of thing that leads to
education or learning or much of
anything but amused scorn in my own mind.
Preston the DrugWar list owner and moderator.
—– Original Message —–
From: “adam gur” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: [drugwar] Re: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD
raids CR meeting
focusing on police brutality
….grow up…
and you ought to look harder, I promise you there
are in fact
things to quote me from…
For the record though, F in F2 stands for
function, you don’t ‘type’ it…
And as a designer/illustrator, I work with a large
wacom tablet, which
the keyboard
is way off to the side… I also work with all the
leading graphics
but only
Coreldraw uses F2 and F3 for zooming purposes,
which, without glancing-
in ’96-
would invariably result in accidentally launching
the F1 help applet…
I think that posting this on the ibo list is in
bad taste, but suits you
now F2ck off,
—– Original Message —–
From: “Tim Meehan” <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 5:10 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR
meeting focusing on police
adam gur said:
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac
chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever
seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying,
inciting and stirring shit
because they’re your neighborhood
revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial
Uh, on the other hand, you don’t see them
posting to USENET groups
because they don’t know how to type
From: Adam Gur (
Subject: Can’t deactivate F1- puh-leez help!
Date: 1996/12/15
If you’re like me, you are constantly using F2 &
F3, and frequently
hit F1 accidently and I wish I can deactivate
it.. I tried the
customize../keyboard and reassigned shortcuts
for ALL the items under
help and so far no luck… TIA, AG
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Subject: [ibogaine] Copenhagen conference reports
Date: December 14, 2003 at 2:09:13 AM EST
You can get two immediate reports on the Copenhagen Invitational Conference
on Drug User Activism and more to follow. Check the Drug Policy Alliance whats
new page
Joyce woods and I (Howard Lotsof) have been linked to our reports from the
DPA page. Now that is for the Copenhagen conference. Wait till you see the
reports on the DPA Ibogaine Roundtable….coming soon.
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] progress?
Date: December 13, 2003 at 10:42:22 AM EST
To: <>
A senior executive at Europe’s largest drug maker has admitted most prescription medicines don’t work for most people, it is reported. Allen Roses, of GlaxoSmithKline, is quoted in a national newspaper as saying more than 90% of drugs only work in 30-50% of people. He said: “Drugs on the market work, but they don’t work in everybody.” Mr Roses, an expert in genetics, said new developments should help tailor drugs more specifically. At present, pharmaceutical companies adopt a “one-drug-fits-all” policy. But Mr Roses said refinements in genetic technology should make it possible to identify more precisely those people who were likely to benefit from a drug. He said: “By eliminating the people that we predict will be non-responders we’ll be able to do smaller, faster and cheaper drug trials. ”If you can determine who is going to have a response (to a drug) and who is not going to have a response, you can take your next molecule and aim it specifically at the people who haven’t had a response with the first one so that you can create a set of drugs that cover the population, and then you are back to selling to everybody.” Big differences GSK announced last week that it had more than 20 potential $1 billion-a-year blockbuster drugs in development. Mr Roses quoted research published three years ago by Brian Spear, an expert in medical diagnostics, which found that different drugs had vastly different success rates in treating patients. Most drugs had an efficacy rate of 50% or lower. Richard Ley, a spokesman for the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, told BBC News Online, said Mr Roses’ comments emphasised just how important it was to conduct research into new products. He said: “It’s not news to anyone that not all drugs work in all people all the time. ”Sometimes the government and the National Institute for Clinical Excellence want to try to find one drug for a particular condition. ”This shows quite clearly that is not a viable approach. A medicine might work well in one person, and not at all for another.”
Hey, that is true!
Also, it is the same with natural herbs and Iboga, it doesn’t “waken up” everyone.
There is not one dosage that fits to everyone needs, there is “not one way “which is the best way for everyone
Some like sweet and some salt, I write this because it looks like that EU are going to have new regulation.
Who Is going to stand up and say: we want more freedom AND NOT MORE REGULATIONS, after all
The pharma. Are not that good for everyone, and there was a place for progress, why stop it?
From: Gamma <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious : origins of Iboga
Date: December 13, 2003 at 12:53:05 PM EST
so much for the humor.
who said anything about a pissing match?
— GanjaCat <> wrote:
I reckon we should knock this on the head before anyone thinks that
anyone is taking this seriously.
The only buggers wishing death-beams at me is the UK Government, and a
certain fascist coffeeshop owner in Haarlem. OK, maybe my ex-wife as
If I wanted to get into a “My alien is bigger than yours” pissing
contest with sci-fi nerds, I’d join the Trekkies and forget I actually
HAVE a life.
Can we put as much effort into what we are here for, Iboga & healing?
Solstice Blessings to all from my local druid.
“Mother Nature has the last laugh -Always”
—–Original Message—–
From: Gamma []
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 9:27 PM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the
Mysterious : origins of Iboga
— GanjaCat <> wrote:
I can prove that you’ve spent the majority of your life in a high
death beam that has damaged your immunity and genetic system and
consequently your metabolism and your mental health. The tissue was
damaged, but only in those parts that were exposed to the death beam.
That damned death beam will get you everytime. from what I understand it
projected from planetX. They power the death beam with molten gold,
which was
first harvested here on earth by the Nibiru, and which is why to this
day Gold
is so valuable. Fort Knox is actually a transfer station for the alien
which is transported back to planetX by alien anti-gravity technology.
Nibiru first mined for gold in Africa, where they also planted many
plants for themselves, Iboga Tabernathe included.
The death beam was originally designed to mind control the hominid/alien
slaves (Homo Sapiens), but was rendered useless once the slaves began
the bitter root of the iboga plant, expanding their minds and revealing
truth, which led to revolt against the Nibiru and the begining of human
civilization. The Nibiru consequently got mighty pissed and modified the
beam to inflict suffering on the generations that followed in the
footsteps of
our once-slave ancestors. The Nibiru use gold particles suspended in
atmosphere to deflect harmful cosmic rays and to shield their presence
other lifeforms.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] (OT!) Re: [drugwar] Re: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 13, 2003 at 10:19:22 AM EST
To: <>, <>
Adam whoever scibbled in his haste
I think that posting this on the ibo list is in bad taste, but suits you
now F2ck off,<
First of all, who’s “Tim”?
Second of all, You have got to be kidding. Which bit is in “bad taste”
Did you really mean to write this and look like an ass, or was it an
This is not the sort of thing that leads to education or learning or much of
anything but amused scorn in my own mind.
Preston the DrugWar list owner and moderator.
—– Original Message —–
From: “adam gur” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 5:25 PM
Subject: [drugwar] Re: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting
focusing on police brutality
….grow up…
and you ought to look harder, I promise you there are in fact
things to quote me from…
For the record though, F in F2 stands for function, you don’t ‘type’ it…
And as a designer/illustrator, I work with a large wacom tablet, which
the keyboard
is way off to the side… I also work with all the leading graphics
but only
Coreldraw uses F2 and F3 for zooming purposes, which, without glancing-
in ’96-
would invariably result in accidentally launching the F1 help applet…
I think that posting this on the ibo list is in bad taste, but suits you
now F2ck off,
—– Original Message —–
From: “Tim Meehan” <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 5:10 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police
adam gur said:
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying, inciting and stirring shit
because they’re your neighborhood revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial support…
Uh, on the other hand, you don’t see them posting to USENET groups
because they don’t know how to type accurately…
From: Adam Gur (
Subject: Can’t deactivate F1- puh-leez help! (Corel6)
Date: 1996/12/15
If you’re like me, you are constantly using F2 & F3, and frequently
hit F1 accidently and I wish I can deactivate it.. I tried the
customize../keyboard and reassigned shortcuts for ALL the items under
help and so far no luck… TIA, AG
[ Moderated by: Preston Peet | ]
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From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 12, 2003 at 10:47:02 PM EST
To: <>, <>
From: Preston Peet
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 2:14 AM
Subject: Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
and now having read your note closely, I must say take a pill or something please.
Or better, smoke a bowl and relax.
..nah, never did pills, nor hard drugs, and the good weed and I parted some time ago..
.. and ever since, I’m less than impartial towards smoke blown up my ass..
But humor me here for a sec-one last time- and ask yourself this- police raid this event, no warrants, no negotiations, just this full-frontal assault and yet somehow, CR and WWIII got wind that the police were propelled into action because of this one guy on the street with an open container….? Who’s this guy, and how big was that container? Did it have ‘rocket silo’ written on it? You know the cops aren’t quoted as saying so, so why pin this lame ass excuse on them???
Wouldn’t it make more sense if the story went- hey, they just showed up, out of the blue- don’t fucking know why!!!!!
Couldn’t Weinberg and Bloom call up the precinct’s spokesperson and get their side of the story? After all, 25 cruisers raiding a benefit gala because of one wino on the sidewalk is a fucking Pulitzer in the making…
Correct me if I’m wrong, Preston, but we’re the good guys, which means we don’t tolerate nor support half-truths >from those pertaining to be on our side, not because they discredit us as such, but because it’s what defines us as the good guys in the first place….
From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 12, 2003 at 6:38:31 PM EST
To: <>
It’s also a real shame that WWIII did not substantiate any
of the claims nor pursue this story indepently… and this is
quite surprising in light of ‘personally’ knowing a number
of victims…. All they did is slightly revise some of the
wording from the 2, yet again varying, press releases…
-that and, increase the number of police vehicles from
‘approx. 21’ to ‘over 25’…
Sorry, I don’t buy it…. check this out and tell me if this is
applicable to this case–from the WWIII’s mission statement;
“Everything we report is sourced, and we endeavor to
fact-check and probe deeper when something smells funny–
whether it comes from the New York Times or a fringe web
Ok, so we have WWIII’s opening line ‘A private fundraising event
for activist group Critical Resistance…’
And we have Critical Resistance’s very own -‘a benefit party hosted
at the Critical Resistance space in Brooklyn, New York for the 1st
Anarchist People of Color (APOC) conference’
.So much for getting the facts straight… I guess that
‘1st Anarchist People of Color conference’ had that
“something smells funny’ going for it, and thus, had to
be ommited….
I really hope that innocent people were not attacked on this
or any other night, but these sources are just too ‘funny smelling’
for me…
(sigh again)
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 8:11 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
actually, now having asked both publishers/editors of the WWIII report
your comments, they say they know personally victims of the police raid,
that one at least is surprised that someone on an ibogaine list reacted
way you have. The raid apparently did take place as described.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Thanks for pointing all this out. I hadn’t really read through the
article when posting it, only having glanced at the first paragraph and
that focusedly either.
—– Original Message —–
From: adam gur
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:16 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
I checked out ‘world war 3 report’, because the story in question
had a certain odor that I associate with the worst of b-movies…
you know; the kind that brings out homicidal tendencies in the
best of us… not that I’m questioning ww3’s journalistic integrity
or their fact-gathering capabilities…
So I googled up the sources in question and guess what;
no credible source behind this story, nothing but wishful
hyperboling by a bunch of pouting revolutionary wannabes….
This is the gist of it—
A ‘private fundraising benefit’ at 2am??? for the
1st Anarchist People of Color (APOC) conference-
(an anarchy conference — like an all-mimes’ karaoke night)
hosted at the Critical Resistance officespace at 968 Atlantic
Avenue, Brooklyn… (read mastermind’s bedroom in mom’s apartment )
…with up to 100 attendees? (And as low as…?)
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying, inciting and stirring shit up,
because they’re your neighborhood revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial support…
Here are a few precious quotes from the Critical Resistance
original ‘press releases’… (2 on the same page)
“ enforcement <cut> is engaged in a campaign to
terrorize communities of color <cut> particularly those revolutionary
activists <cut> that seek to create spaces of resistance and rebellion”
(whoa there, young skywalker!)
“Approximately 21 marked police vehicles arrived…”
Throngs of police indiscriminately sprayed chemical agents, beat
people with nightsticks, punched, shoved, kicked and dragged people
along sidewalks — At least one camera used to record the incident was
confiscated and/or destroyed (and/or never existed) People suffered
various injuries, from transgender harassment (hey!) to blunt trauma
lacerations, contusions (bang!) and lower back spasms (Oyyy..!).
One person was treated for a hematoma (oooh!) on his ‘right frontal
(his posterior one’s ok though..)
Noun: Hematoma (Hematomata); A localized swelling filled with blood.
“I was stunned at the severity of the attack, and I am genuinely
concerned for the safety (hic!) and well-being of those who were
detained and arrested,” said witness (buuurp) at the scene of the
“Legal council at the scene (ROTFL!) confirmed that at least 8 arrests
So let’s tally up — 100 attendees, 20.3 police cruisers, 8 bruised
legal council at the scene..(hahahahaa!!!)
* Support our work by making a financial contribution.
(Make checks payable to “Brecht Forum” and write
“Critical Resistance NYC, sucker” in the memo line.)
And from the APOC site—
We invite any and all persons of color.. <cut> ..we ask that all white
privileged individuals to respect our autonomy and do not come.
Someone should explain the term ‘anarchy’ to these well-meaning
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 3:10 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
HI all,
This report doesn’t actually discuss drugs, but due to all the
in the US who face police brutality on a daily basis, I figure it
A private fundraising event in Brooklyn for the activist group
Resistance was raided by the New York Police Department Nov. 16. Up to
people in attendance were indiscriminately sprayed with chemical
beaten with nightsticks, and otherwise harassed by a throng of police
officers. Witnesses say there was no provocation for the assaults and
subsequent arrests.
Over 25 police vehicles arrived at 968 Atlantic Ave., the location of
event, at around 2 AM, to investigate an officer’s report of someone
standing outside the party holding an “open container.” Within
attendees said, the police attacked the crowd, beating attendees who
not resisting their orders. Over 20 people experienced effects of the
spray that was erratically sprayed into the air by the officers.
All tenants of the private residential building were present at the
did not request police assistance, and no one in the building placed a
complaint with either the local precinct or the emergency response
Witnesses report that no warrant was presented upon police entrance.
least eight arrests were made on charges of disorderly conduct,
arrest and inciting riot. The 77th Precinct, where the arrestees were
initially held, refused to provide any information about the status of
arrested. Emergency medical technicians visited the precinct to attend
those who sustained serious injuries, which reportedlt include bruised
a spinal injury, and severe blows to the head.
Critical Resistance is a national grassroots group that focuses on
and police brutality, and challenges the belief that policing,
imprisonment, and similar forms of control make our communities safer.
(Critical Resistance action alert, Nov. 16) [top]
From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 12, 2003 at 5:25:10 PM EST
To: <>, <>
….grow up…
and you ought to look harder, I promise you there are in fact embarrassingly
things to quote me from…
For the record though, F in F2 stands for function, you don’t ‘type’ it…
And as a designer/illustrator, I work with a large wacom tablet, which means
the keyboard
is way off to the side… I also work with all the leading graphics programs
but only
Coreldraw uses F2 and F3 for zooming purposes, which, without glancing- back
in ’96-
would invariably result in accidentally launching the F1 help applet…
I think that posting this on the ibo list is in bad taste, but suits you
now F2ck off,
—– Original Message —–
From: “Tim Meehan” <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 5:10 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police
adam gur said:
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying, inciting and stirring shit up,
because they’re your neighborhood revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial support…
Uh, on the other hand, you don’t see them posting to USENET groups
because they don’t know how to type accurately…
From: Adam Gur (
Subject: Can’t deactivate F1- puh-leez help! (Corel6)
Date: 1996/12/15
If you’re like me, you are constantly using F2 & F3, and frequently
hit F1 accidently and I wish I can deactivate it.. I tried the
customize../keyboard and reassigned shortcuts for ALL the items under
help and so far no luck… TIA, AG
From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 12, 2003 at 4:11:08 PM EST
To: <>, <>
You missed my point and I pissed you off and yet the
worst thing you call me is smart-ass. What are you,
a saint?
My point is twofold-
1) their lame and child-like spin-doctoring is in itself
2) The increasing incidents of police brutality, of
human rights violations, of wrongful incarcerations and the
truckload of manure headed our way… only ties in to these
guys in how they’re trying to ride that ticket and milk that cow…
which, yet again, I find deplorable… and worthy of the scorn from
their own community, way before mine…
You know how life imitates art sometimes…? This is life imitating
a second-rate parody of an overextended cliche;
Disgruntled jackass advocates *rebellion* under the unifying banner
of anarchial segregation (sic), throws a party in his apartment to get
the ball rolling; raises enough ruckus to warrant the cops dropping in….
And from there on things got ugly, because that, after all, was the agenda
for the evening… so no, not media-worthy, no bad-ass movement, no
movie of the week… maybe a hematomata for souvenir….
As for anarchy, I think I do know a thing or two-
1) it’s not a polite word for mayhem
2) it’s not a green light for going beserk
3) it’s not organized segregation (with or without -lol- benefit soirees)
4) it’s not payback time for whitie
Anarchy is about reclaiming responsiblities over every aspect of your life,
and in doing so, trivializing the hierarchal forms of government into
It is about transparency in the marketplace, accountability to your
and foremost; recognizing yourself in every other being…
…I may be paraphrasing Chomsky’s ‘social anarchy’, which I kinda recommend
giving the one-over…
all the best,
Adam Gur
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2003 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
So, Adam, what’s your point? Does that fact that it didn’t make the New
York Times make it fiction? Did something actually happen or not? Or was
it just an excuse for you to ridicule people you don’t like? And is it
okay for cops to beat on people because you don’t like them?
Are you the guy who is going to explain the term “anarchist” to these poor
misguided folks? I hope not. I don’t know too many anarchists who cheer
for skull-crackin’ cops. Smart-ass.
Phil Smith
I checked out ‘world war 3 report’, because the story in question had a
certain odor that I associate with the worst of b-movies… you know;
the kind that brings out homicidal tendencies in the
best of us… not that I’m questioning ww3’s journalistic integrity or
their fact-gathering capabilities…
So I googled up the sources in question and guess what;
no credible source behind this story, nothing but wishful
hyperboling by a bunch of pouting revolutionary wannabes….
This is the gist of it—
A ‘private fundraising benefit’ at 2am??? for the
1st Anarchist People of Color (APOC) conference-
(an anarchy conference — like an all-mimes’ karaoke night)
hosted at the Critical Resistance officespace at 968 Atlantic
Avenue, Brooklyn… (read mastermind’s bedroom in mom’s apartment )
…with up to 100 attendees? (And as low as…?)
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying, inciting and stirring shit up,
because they’re your neighborhood revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial support…
Here are a few precious quotes from the Critical Resistance
original ‘press releases’… (2 on the same page)
“ enforcement <cut> is engaged in a campaign to
terrorize communities of color <cut> particularly those revolutionary
activists <cut> that seek to create spaces of resistance and rebellion”
(whoa there, young skywalker!)
“Approximately 21 marked police vehicles arrived…”
Throngs of police indiscriminately sprayed chemical agents, beat
people with nightsticks, punched, shoved, kicked and dragged people
along sidewalks — At least one camera used to record the incident was
confiscated and/or destroyed (and/or never existed) People suffered
various injuries, from transgender harassment (hey!) to blunt trauma
(pow!) lacerations, contusions (bang!) and lower back spasms (Oyyy..!).
One person was treated for a hematoma (oooh!) on his ‘right frontal
skull’. (his posterior one’s ok though..)
Noun: Hematoma (Hematomata); A localized swelling filled with blood.
“I was stunned at the severity of the attack, and I am genuinely
concerned for the safety (hic!) and well-being of those who were
unfairly detained and arrested,” said witness (buuurp) at the scene of
the incident.
“Legal council at the scene (ROTFL!) confirmed that at least 8 arrests
were made.”
So let’s tally up — 100 attendees, 20.3 police cruisers, 8 bruised
assholes….and legal council at the scene..(hahahahaa!!!)
* Support our work by making a financial contribution.
(Make checks payable to “Brecht Forum” and write
“Critical Resistance NYC, sucker” in the memo line.)
And from the APOC site—
We invite any and all persons of color.. <cut> ..we ask that all white
privileged individuals to respect our autonomy and do not come.
Someone should explain the term ‘anarchy’ to these well-meaning
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 3:10 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
HI all,
This report doesn’t actually discuss drugs, but due to all the
in the US who face police brutality on a daily basis, I figure it
pertains. Peace,
A private fundraising event in Brooklyn for the activist group
Critical Resistance was raided by the New York Police Department Nov.
16. Up to 100 people in attendance were indiscriminately sprayed with
chemical agents, beaten with nightsticks, and otherwise harassed by a
throng of police officers. Witnesses say there was no provocation for
the assaults and the subsequent arrests.
Over 25 police vehicles arrived at 968 Atlantic Ave., the location of
the event, at around 2 AM, to investigate an officer’s report of
someone standing outside the party holding an “open container.” Within
minutes, attendees said, the police attacked the crowd, beating
attendees who were not resisting their orders. Over 20 people
experienced effects of the pepper spray that was erratically sprayed
into the air by the officers. All tenants of the private residential
building were present at the event, did not request police assistance,
and no one in the building placed a complaint with either the local
precinct or the emergency response system. Witnesses report that no
warrant was presented upon police entrance. At least eight arrests
were made on charges of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and
inciting riot. The 77th Precinct, where the arrestees were initially
held, refused to provide any information about the status of those
arrested. Emergency medical technicians visited the precinct to attend
to those who sustained serious injuries, which reportedlt include
bruised ribs, a spinal injury, and severe blows to the head.
Critical Resistance is a national grassroots group that focuses on
prisons and police brutality, and challenges the belief that policing,
surveillance, imprisonment, and similar forms of control make our
communities safer. (Critical Resistance action alert, Nov. 16) [top]
[ Moderated by: Preston Peet | ]
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Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Indra/Denmark
Date: December 12, 2003 at 2:09:41 PM EST
In a message dated 12/10/03 6:26:02 PM, writes:
Actually, the restriction of Iboga and IbogaineHCL is Denmark is already
effective since the 03.12.2003.
Following is the English translation from the ELDD(European legal database
on drugs (
“DENMARK: Ibogain added to list of controlled substances (05/12/2003)
Following a recommendation of The National Board of Health concerning
tabernanthe iboga and ibogain (12-methoxyibogamin), the Danish Minister
for the Interior and Health has decided to add the mentioned plant and
to the Danish list of controlled plants and substances.
Consequently, the Minister has signed the Executive Order amending the
Executive Order on Euphoriant Substances which has entered into force on
3 December 2003. Tabernanthe iboga and ibogain (12-methoxyibogamin) may now
only be used for medical or scientific purposes.
As the regulation allows for medical use does this mean that a Danish heroin
user can self administer ibogaine to treat their addiction, a medical
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 12, 2003 at 1:11:47 PM EST
To: <>
actually, now having asked both publishers/editors of the WWIII report about
your comments, they say they know personally victims of the police raid, and
that one at least is surprised that someone on an ibogaine list reacted the
way you have. The raid apparently did take place as described.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Thanks for pointing all this out. I hadn’t really read through the
article when posting it, only having glanced at the first paragraph and
that focusedly either.
—– Original Message —–
From: adam gur
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:16 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
I checked out ‘world war 3 report’, because the story in question
had a certain odor that I associate with the worst of b-movies…
you know; the kind that brings out homicidal tendencies in the
best of us… not that I’m questioning ww3’s journalistic integrity
or their fact-gathering capabilities…
So I googled up the sources in question and guess what;
no credible source behind this story, nothing but wishful
hyperboling by a bunch of pouting revolutionary wannabes….
This is the gist of it—
A ‘private fundraising benefit’ at 2am??? for the
1st Anarchist People of Color (APOC) conference-
(an anarchy conference — like an all-mimes’ karaoke night)
hosted at the Critical Resistance officespace at 968 Atlantic
Avenue, Brooklyn… (read mastermind’s bedroom in mom’s apartment )
…with up to 100 attendees? (And as low as…?)
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying, inciting and stirring shit up,
because they’re your neighborhood revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial support…
Here are a few precious quotes from the Critical Resistance
original ‘press releases’… (2 on the same page)
“ enforcement <cut> is engaged in a campaign to
terrorize communities of color <cut> particularly those revolutionary
activists <cut> that seek to create spaces of resistance and rebellion”
(whoa there, young skywalker!)
“Approximately 21 marked police vehicles arrived…”
Throngs of police indiscriminately sprayed chemical agents, beat
people with nightsticks, punched, shoved, kicked and dragged people
along sidewalks — At least one camera used to record the incident was
confiscated and/or destroyed (and/or never existed) People suffered
various injuries, from transgender harassment (hey!) to blunt trauma
lacerations, contusions (bang!) and lower back spasms (Oyyy..!).
One person was treated for a hematoma (oooh!) on his ‘right frontal
(his posterior one’s ok though..)
Noun: Hematoma (Hematomata); A localized swelling filled with blood.
“I was stunned at the severity of the attack, and I am genuinely
concerned for the safety (hic!) and well-being of those who were unfairly
detained and arrested,” said witness (buuurp) at the scene of the
“Legal council at the scene (ROTFL!) confirmed that at least 8 arrests
So let’s tally up — 100 attendees, 20.3 police cruisers, 8 bruised
legal council at the scene..(hahahahaa!!!)
* Support our work by making a financial contribution.
(Make checks payable to “Brecht Forum” and write
“Critical Resistance NYC, sucker” in the memo line.)
And from the APOC site—
We invite any and all persons of color.. <cut> ..we ask that all white
privileged individuals to respect our autonomy and do not come.
Someone should explain the term ‘anarchy’ to these well-meaning
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 3:10 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
HI all,
This report doesn’t actually discuss drugs, but due to all the
in the US who face police brutality on a daily basis, I figure it
A private fundraising event in Brooklyn for the activist group Critical
Resistance was raided by the New York Police Department Nov. 16. Up to
people in attendance were indiscriminately sprayed with chemical agents,
beaten with nightsticks, and otherwise harassed by a throng of police
officers. Witnesses say there was no provocation for the assaults and
subsequent arrests.
Over 25 police vehicles arrived at 968 Atlantic Ave., the location of
event, at around 2 AM, to investigate an officer’s report of someone
standing outside the party holding an “open container.” Within minutes,
attendees said, the police attacked the crowd, beating attendees who
not resisting their orders. Over 20 people experienced effects of the
spray that was erratically sprayed into the air by the officers.
All tenants of the private residential building were present at the
did not request police assistance, and no one in the building placed a
complaint with either the local precinct or the emergency response
Witnesses report that no warrant was presented upon police entrance. At
least eight arrests were made on charges of disorderly conduct,
arrest and inciting riot. The 77th Precinct, where the arrestees were
initially held, refused to provide any information about the status of
arrested. Emergency medical technicians visited the precinct to attend
those who sustained serious injuries, which reportedlt include bruised
a spinal injury, and severe blows to the head.
Critical Resistance is a national grassroots group that focuses on
and police brutality, and challenges the belief that policing,
imprisonment, and similar forms of control make our communities safer.
(Critical Resistance action alert, Nov. 16) [top]
From: “Elmer Elevator” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Has the opium myth gone up in smoke? [also intro to Fu Manchu]
Date: December 12, 2003 at 6:46:10 AM EST
To: <>, <>
Like wow, somebody from Asia (Singapore, as a matter of fact) saying nice things about opium and nasty things about the United Interglobal Perpetual Zero Tolerance War on All Narco Drugs.
First of all, I would also like to say something nice about opium:
By the 17th century, there was a huge merchant trade between Western Europe and East Asia, and clearly it was only going to get bigger and more profitable. There was only one problem with it. England, the major merchant buyer, and other European merchant nations produced nothing which the Chinese wanted or needed. So Europe had to trade hard silver and gold currency for the Chinese silks and ceramics which Europeans were buying like crazy. This was creating a huge and mounting trade deficit.
England’s solution was to invent and supply a commodity which the Chinese wanted to buy: opium. The British established huge poppy plantings in their colony of India (and what’s now Pakistan), and began importing shipments of wooden chests of opium (black gooey spheres about the size of softballs or soccer balls) to the few ports where China permitted a limited trade with Europeans.
Until this European trade, traditional Chinese society did not use opium, either for recreation or for traditional medicine. Chinese doctors had long recognized opium’s medical uses, but called it “Arab medicine” and only used it sparingly. (As the Straits Times guy suggests, it’s a powerful and effective cure for diarrhea.)
The Chinese Imperial government quickly recognized the negative social and economic aspects of this new trade in opium, and began several centuries of initiatives, diplomatic and military, to limit or curtail it. The diplomatic initiatives were all ignored, and when China dared to try to ban or limit the importation of opium with its disorganized and pathetic military, the British Navy blasted the crap out of the Chinese forces. The two most famous exchanges, which firmly established by treaty Europe’s right to enforce annual importation quotas of opium into China, are the Opium Wars.
I strongly urge everybody to read Jack Beeching’s “The Chinese Opium Wars.” It’s simple, straightforward, clear, intelligent — and fills a huge void. Every Chinese adult knows all about this miserable history as well as Americans know about the Civil War. But in the West, we really don’t have a clue what China and opium were all about.
A pal of mine teaches Chinese History at a nearby ritzy college. About 20 years ago when he went before a committee for his final interrogation to get his Ph.D., he almost crapped himself at the first question they asked him: “What was Sax Rohmer’s real name?” It was sort of like going for a Ph.D. in veterinary medicine and being asked the names of Donald Duck’s nephews. Fortunately my pal knew the answer (Arthur Sarsfield), and after answering some easier questions, including some in Chinese, that he had spent his life studying, he got his doctorate.
Why did they ask him this whack bogus question? Sax Rohmer, of course, was the author of the wildly popular Fu Manchu novels of the 1920s, 30s, 40s and I think he was still cranking this lurid stuff out into the 1950s. Fu Manchu is an evil Chinese genius who is about 200 years old and is the head of the worldwide Chinese conspiracy to destroy and enslave the white race. He is seven feet tall and has really long fingernails and is unbelievably sneaky, and employs Thuggis and Dacoits to sneak around in the bushes at night and shoot poison blowdarts at people and kidnap young attractive white virgins — I mean, this guy is like your basic Total Fiend.
Sarsfield was a Cockney journalist whose expertise on matters Oriental extended to one honeymoon tour-bus trip to Egypt, and a couple of quick visits to London’s Limehouse district, its Chinatown, with some pals to eat some Chinese food. He had the standard Brit-o-centric prejudices of his times, but very cleverly knew how to make a mint off exploiting them. His English-language readers couldn’t get enough of Fu Manchu.
Does there exist a secret Chinese conspiracy to enslave all white Europeans and North Americans? Probably not, but that didn’t stand in the way of Sarsfield grinding out dozens of these lurid ripping yarns and penny dreadfuls. In these weird books and movies (starring Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee as F.M.), the only thing standing between us nice decent upstanding clean white people and “The Yellow Peril” was a sort of Sherlock Holmes-y guy named Sir Dennis Nayland Smith, and his sort of Watson-y sidekick, Dr. Petrie. At the end of each book, they absolutely certainly certifiably kill Fu Manchu, and at the beginning of the next book, Fu’s up to his old fiendish tricks again.
Oh, by the way, Fu has one weakness: Like all Chinese weaklings and perverts, he’s an opium addict. (Sax leaves out the part where Fu has to buy the stuff from the Englishmen who grow it — Fu may be a user, but his drug dealer’s an Englishman.)
And that’s why they asked my pal what Sax Rohmer’s real name was (and that’s why my pal knew). Because in the West, most of what everybody knows about China and the Chinese people and culture and history and opium comes from the Fu Manchu novels and movies of Sax Rohmer. And that’s pretty much true to this day.
Beeching’s book is like a real wake-up antidote to Sax Rohmer. When I read it, for the first time I understood why the Communist Chinese government was so hostile to the West all my lifetime. They have really good historical reason to be hostile. We used the world’s most powerful gunboats to force their people to buy tons of opium, and then we created a lurid fantasy and mythology that blamed everything on the evil, fiendish, perverted Chinese. (America — merchant ports like Boston — was also a major player in the opium trade.)
But I doubt if Beeching’s readership will ever rival Sax Rohmer’s. There just aren’t any attractive white young virgins tied to chairs while 200-year-old Chinese fiends drool over them and menace them with long fingernails in Beeching’s book. Lots of fiends alright, but they’re white guys in business suits, merchants, investors, financiers, diplomats.
—–Original Message—–
From: Preston Peet <>
To: <>; <>
Date: Friday, December 12, 2003 4:02 AM
Subject: [drugwar] Has the opium myth gone up in smoke?
>Has the opium myth gone up in smoke?
>LONDON – British Home Secretary David Blunkett has reclassified cannabis to
>the lowest grade on the scale of controlled substances. The British
>government – and others including Canada and several US states – are
>re-evaluating their narcophobic views which took root a century and a half
>ago in China and led to the Opium Wars.
>Governments are realising that not all drugs are an unmitigated evil and a
>difference is being drawn between synthetic hard drugs that threaten society
>and purified natural substances with medicinal values and a place in Asia’s
>traditional cultures.
>The war that Western imperialism forced on the decaying Qing empire, and
>which identified China as the original victim – Patient Zero – of a global
>drug plague, actually coincided with the conviction among both the Chinese
>and British governments that drugs were bad and required suppressing.
>Understandably, the opium trade has been called ‘the most long-continued and
>systematic international crime of modern times’ perpetrated by the West on a
>vulnerable Asian nation. But what exactly was the effect of this supposedly
>pernicious substance?
>Opium’s impact on health has been dramatised. Medical evidence points to
>only one effect – mild constipation. In Britain, frequent users did not
>suffer any detrimental effects. On the contrary, they enjoyed good health
>into their eighties.
From: Tim Meehan <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 12, 2003 at 10:10:45 AM EST
Cc: <>
adam gur said:
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying, inciting and stirring shit up,
because they’re your neighborhood revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial support…
Uh, on the other hand, you don’t see them posting to USENET groups complaining
because they don’t know how to type accurately…
From: Adam Gur (
Subject: Can’t deactivate F1- puh-leez help! (Corel6)
Date: 1996/12/15
If you’re like me, you are constantly using F2 & F3, and frequently
hit F1 accidently and I wish I can deactivate it.. I tried the
customize../keyboard and reassigned shortcuts for ALL the items under
help and so far no luck… TIA, AG
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] BIG brother is watching you
Date: December 12, 2003 at 11:16:23 AM EST
That is more real than many of us realize!
I hate those Kroger Plus cards and the Food Lion MVP cards! Hell, those folks know all about us by the grocery items we buy! They can tell we are celebrating a birthday cause we buy cake, mixes, candles and ice cream. They know when our menstrual cycle is by tracking when we buy tampons. They know when we are dieting by the lettuce and radishes we buy!
Hell, they could probably look at our past groceries bought and put together a profile of us like those detective profilers do for serial killers!
We are quickly becoming just faceless numbers and computer print outs…….won’t be long until humans are no longer needed, the machines will carry on life fine without us!
WOW! I got way off there but……………
Peace to all!
BTW also…… any of you have anything to share on coping with these dreadful Christmas holidays?
Every year I feel the same……broke and embarrassed that I can’t give like I want to.
My two sons are the only ones I worry about but it seems every December I am more broke than any other time of year!
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!
From: IBOGA Foundation <>
Subject: [ibogaine] BIG brother is watching you
Date: December 12, 2003 at 4:51:58 AM EST
Operator : – Thank you for calling Pizza House . May I have your…
Customer: – Haloo, can I order…
Operator : – Can I have your multi purpose card number first, Sir?
Customer: – It’s eh…, hold on……6102049998-45-54610
Operator : – OK… you’re… Mr. Singh and you’re calling from 17 Jalan
Kayu. Your home number is 4094 2366, your office 7645 2302 and your mobile
is 014 266 2566. Which number are you calling from now Sir?
Customer: – Home! How did you get all my phone numbers?
Operator : – We are connected to the system, Sir.
Customer: – May I order your Seafood Pizza…
Operator : – That’s not a good idea, Sir.
Customer: – How come?
Operator : – According to your medical records, you have high blood
pressure and even higher cholesterol level, Sir.
Customer: – What?… What do you recommend then?
Operator : – Try our Low Fat Hokier Meat Pizza. You’ll like it.
Customer: – How do you know for sure?
Operator : – You borrowed a book entitled ‘Popular Hokier Dishes’ from the
National Library last week, Sir.
Customer: – Ok, I give up… Give me three family sized ones then. How
much will that cost?
Operator : – That should be enough for your family of 10, Sir. The total
is $49.99.
Customer: – Can I pay by credit card?
Operator : – I’m afraid you have to pay us cash, Sir. Your credit card is
over the limit, and you’re owing your bank $3,720.55 since October last
year. That’s not including the late payment charges on your housing loan,
Customer: – I guess I have to run to the neighborhood ATM and withdraw
some cash before your guy arrives.
Operator : – You can’t, Sir. Based on the records, you’ve reached your
daily limit on machine withdrawal today.
Customer: – Never mind! Just send the pizzas, I’ll have the cash ready.
How long is it going to take anyway?
Operator : -About 45 minutes, Sir, but if you can’t wait, you can always
come and collect it on your motorcycle…
Customer: – What!
Operator : -According to the details in the system, you own a
Scooter,…registration number E1123…
Customer: – *’!^ *%^**%^I#*
Operator : – Better watch your language, Sir. Remember on 15th July 1987?
You were convicted of using abusive language on a policeman…
Customer: [Speechless]
Operator : – Is there anything else Sir?
Customer: – Nothing… By the way… Aren’t you giving me the 3 free
bottles of cola as advertised?
Operator : – We normally would Sir, but based on our records, you’re also
a diabetic…
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Indra/Denmark
Date: December 11, 2003 at 1:45:51 PM EST
To: <>
The answer is they moved to another country and still sell it online.
—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: woensdag 10 december 2003 17:26
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Indra/Denmark
Thanks for this information bro. If this is the case, then how is it
that is still online and selling ibogaine extract? Or have they
now stopped?
Do you know what led to it being scheduled?
The phrase ‘may now only be used for medical or scientific purposes’
still leaves a lot that is open to creative interpretation 😉 Even if
indra can’t sell it from a web site anymore it doesn’t sound that bad.
How bad is it? What do you have to do now to get ibogaine?
The question would be, if indra is now shut down where do you go to get
Many thanks for the info bro!
Peace out,
On Tue, 09 Dec 2003 05:21:31 -0800 Andi Stasta
Actually, the restriction of Iboga and IbogaineHCL is Denmark is
effective since the 03.12.2003.
Following is the English translation from the ELDD(European legal
on drugs (
“DENMARK: Ibogain added to list of controlled substances (05/12/2003)
Following a recommendation of The National Board of Health concerning
tabernanthe iboga and ibogain (12-methoxyibogamin), the Danish Minister
the Interior and Health has decided to add the mentioned plant and
to the Danish list of controlled plants and substances.
Consequently, the Minister has signed the Executive Order amending
Executive Order on Euphoriant Substances which has entered into
force on 3
December 2003. Tabernanthe iboga and ibogain (12-methoxyibogamin)
may now
only be used for medical or scientific purposes.
The Executive Order is available on the ELDD website.”
The ELDD-Site is actually really interesting for it contains all
legal texts
about drugs from EU-countries and EU-candidate Countries, and also
texts about general drug-policy trends. They also have a email-
that keeps you informed about legal changes.
am 29.11.2003 22:51 Uhr schrieb unter
I have received information that I have not verified that ibogaine
will be
restricted in Denmark within the next two months.
Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email:
Free, ultra-private instant messaging with Hush Messenger
Promote security and make money with the Hushmail Affiliate Program:
From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] but poll doesn’t seem to be….
Date: December 11, 2003 at 10:06:31 PM EST
To: <>, <>
Hi all,
You’re gonna thank me for this—- this is about those annoying pop-ups
Just go and download the best web browser out there; Avant Browser—-
It’s 100% free, no nags, no ads, nothing that I can complain about, it’s a
2meg download-
and it comes with a bunch of features that Microshit can’t afford to ever
(because hey, they wouldn’t be Microshit if they did)
Things like ‘block pop-ups’ and ‘block flash’ buttons on the menubar….
or middle-click on a link to open the page in a new window that
opens up *BEHIND* the one you’re on…
I tried Opera which has a lot going for it but this is *free*, no
limitations, real easy,
it will load with all your favorites/links so no hassle there… enjoy….
except 2 things-
1) don’t accept/don’t install the AI Roboform (3rd party plugin); it’s not
worth the
hassle- unless you’re juggling a whole bunch of passwords- and
2) double-click on the speaker icon on the bottom right corner of the
browser to
turn off the beep everytime the browser kills a popup…. (the number, next
to the
speaker, on the other hand, never fails to make me smile)
—– Original Message —–
From: “Elmer Elevator” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [drugwar] but poll doesn’t seem to be….
When you vote, this site barfs a whole bunch of annoying popups in your
face, which at first fooled me into thinking the poll wasn’t working.
Persevere and kill all the popups. Last night when I voted, the results
‘zackly 60 percent for legalizin’ eeeet, 40 against.
PS: Until drugwar@mindvox takes a laxative, I’ll just note that I’m
this message at 12:31 pm EST.
—–Original Message—–
From: Preston Peet <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, December 11, 2003 7:21 AM
Subject: [drugwar] but poll doesn’t seem to be….
Grrrr. Keep trying folks if you feel like it. I am.
(poll at )
[ Moderated by: Preston Peet | ]
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From: “Randy Hencken” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Test
Date: December 11, 2003 at 1:04:07 PM EST
Please excuse me. This is just a test.
Free Poetry Contest. Win $10,000. Submit your poem @!;6750922;3807821;l?
From: “wachtel” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 11, 2003 at 11:54:30 AM EST
To: <>
Adam shlom
When are u coming by for a visit?
Stay in touch
P.O.Box 2983 E.ven Yehuda 40500
Tel: 972-54-573679
Fax: 972-9-8996639
—–Original Message—– From: adam gur [] Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2003 5:17 AM To:; Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
I checked out ‘world war 3 report’, because the story in question
had a certain odor that I associate with the worst of b-movies…
you know; the kind that brings out homicidal tendencies in the
best of us… not that I’m questioning ww3’s journalistic integrity
or their fact-gathering capabilities…
So I googled up the sources in question and guess what;
no credible source behind this story, nothing but wishful
hyperboling by a bunch of pouting revolutionary wannabes….
This is the gist of it—
A ‘private fundraising benefit’ at 2am??? for the
1st Anarchist People of Color (APOC) conference-
(an anarchy conference — like an all-mimes’ karaoke night)
hosted at the Critical Resistance officespace at 968 Atlantic
Avenue, Brooklyn… (read mastermind’s bedroom in mom’s apartment )
…with up to 100 attendees? (And as low as…?)
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying, inciting and stirring shit up,
because they’re your neighborhood revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial support…
Here are a few precious quotes >from the Critical Resistance
original ‘press releases’… (2 on the same page)
“ enforcement <cut> is engaged in a campaign to
terrorize communities of color <cut> particularly those revolutionary
activists <cut> that seek to create spaces of resistance and rebellion”
(whoa there, young skywalker!)
“Approximately 21 marked police vehicles arrived…”
Throngs of police indiscriminately sprayed chemical agents, beat people with nightsticks, punched, shoved, kicked and dragged people along sidewalks — At least one camera used to record the incident was confiscated and/or destroyed (and/or never existed) People suffered various injuries, from transgender harassment (hey!) to blunt trauma (pow!) lacerations, contusions (bang!) and lower back spasms (Oyyy..!). One person was treated for a hematoma (oooh!) on his ‘right frontal skull’. (his posterior one’s ok though..)
Noun: Hematoma (Hematomata); A localized swelling filled with blood.
“I was stunned at the severity of the attack, and I am genuinely
concerned for the safety (hic!) and well-being of those who were unfairly
detained and arrested,” said witness (buuurp) at the scene of the incident.
“Legal council at the scene (ROTFL!) confirmed that at least 8 arrests were made.”
So let’s tally up — 100 attendees, 20.3 police cruisers, 8 bruised assholes….and legal council at the scene..(hahahahaa!!!)
* Support our work by making a financial contribution. (Make checks payable to “Brecht Forum” and write “Critical Resistance NYC, sucker” in the memo line.)
And from the APOC site—
We invite any and all persons of color.. <cut> ..we ask that all white
privileged individuals to respect our autonomy and do not come.
Someone should explain the term ‘anarchy’ to these well-meaning vigilantes….
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 3:10 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
> HI all, > This report doesn’t actually discuss drugs, but due to all the druggies > in the US who face police brutality on a daily basis, I figure it pertains. > Peace, > Preston > > > 8. NYPD RAIDS ACTIVIST MEETING > A private fundraising event in Brooklyn for the activist group Critical > Resistance was raided by the New York Police Department Nov. 16. Up to 100 > people in attendance were indiscriminately sprayed with chemical agents, > beaten with nightsticks, and otherwise harassed by a throng of police > officers. Witnesses say there was no provocation for the assaults and the > subsequent arrests. > Over 25 police vehicles arrived at 968 Atlantic Ave., the location of the > event, at around 2 AM, to investigate an officer’s report of someone > standing outside the party holding an “open container.” Within minutes, > attendees said, the police attacked the crowd, beating attendees who were > not resisting their orders. Over 20 people experienced effects of the pepper > spray that was erratically sprayed into the air by the officers. > All tenants of the private residential building were present at the event, > did not request police assistance, and no one in the building placed a > complaint with either the local precinct or the emergency response system. > Witnesses report that no warrant was presented upon police entrance. At > least eight arrests were made on charges of disorderly conduct, resisting > arrest and inciting riot. The 77th Precinct, where the arrestees were > initially held, refused to provide any information about the status of those > arrested. Emergency medical technicians visited the precinct to attend to > those who sustained serious injuries, which reportedlt include bruised ribs, > a spinal injury, and severe blows to the head. > Critical Resistance is a national grassroots group that focuses on prisons > and police brutality, and challenges the belief that policing, surveillance, > imprisonment, and similar forms of control make our communities safer. > (Critical Resistance action alert, Nov. 16) [top] > > > >
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 11, 2003 at 9:38:59 AM EST
To: <>
Thanks for pointing all this out. I hadn’t really read through the
article when posting it, only having glanced at the first paragraph and not
that focusedly either.
—– Original Message —–
From: adam gur
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:16 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
I checked out ‘world war 3 report’, because the story in question
had a certain odor that I associate with the worst of b-movies…
you know; the kind that brings out homicidal tendencies in the
best of us… not that I’m questioning ww3’s journalistic integrity
or their fact-gathering capabilities…
So I googled up the sources in question and guess what;
no credible source behind this story, nothing but wishful
hyperboling by a bunch of pouting revolutionary wannabes….
This is the gist of it—
A ‘private fundraising benefit’ at 2am??? for the
1st Anarchist People of Color (APOC) conference-
(an anarchy conference — like an all-mimes’ karaoke night)
hosted at the Critical Resistance officespace at 968 Atlantic
Avenue, Brooklyn… (read mastermind’s bedroom in mom’s apartment )
…with up to 100 attendees? (And as low as…?)
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying, inciting and stirring shit up,
because they’re your neighborhood revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial support…
Here are a few precious quotes from the Critical Resistance
original ‘press releases’… (2 on the same page)
“ enforcement <cut> is engaged in a campaign to
terrorize communities of color <cut> particularly those revolutionary
activists <cut> that seek to create spaces of resistance and rebellion”
(whoa there, young skywalker!)
“Approximately 21 marked police vehicles arrived…”
Throngs of police indiscriminately sprayed chemical agents, beat
people with nightsticks, punched, shoved, kicked and dragged people
along sidewalks — At least one camera used to record the incident was
confiscated and/or destroyed (and/or never existed) People suffered
various injuries, from transgender harassment (hey!) to blunt trauma (pow!)
lacerations, contusions (bang!) and lower back spasms (Oyyy..!).
One person was treated for a hematoma (oooh!) on his ‘right frontal skull’.
(his posterior one’s ok though..)
Noun: Hematoma (Hematomata); A localized swelling filled with blood.
“I was stunned at the severity of the attack, and I am genuinely
concerned for the safety (hic!) and well-being of those who were unfairly
detained and arrested,” said witness (buuurp) at the scene of the incident.
“Legal council at the scene (ROTFL!) confirmed that at least 8 arrests were
So let’s tally up — 100 attendees, 20.3 police cruisers, 8 bruised
legal council at the scene..(hahahahaa!!!)
* Support our work by making a financial contribution.
(Make checks payable to “Brecht Forum” and write
“Critical Resistance NYC, sucker” in the memo line.)
And from the APOC site—
We invite any and all persons of color.. <cut> ..we ask that all white
privileged individuals to respect our autonomy and do not come.
Someone should explain the term ‘anarchy’ to these well-meaning
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 3:10 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
HI all,
This report doesn’t actually discuss drugs, but due to all the
in the US who face police brutality on a daily basis, I figure it
A private fundraising event in Brooklyn for the activist group Critical
Resistance was raided by the New York Police Department Nov. 16. Up to 100
people in attendance were indiscriminately sprayed with chemical agents,
beaten with nightsticks, and otherwise harassed by a throng of police
officers. Witnesses say there was no provocation for the assaults and the
subsequent arrests.
Over 25 police vehicles arrived at 968 Atlantic Ave., the location of the
event, at around 2 AM, to investigate an officer’s report of someone
standing outside the party holding an “open container.” Within minutes,
attendees said, the police attacked the crowd, beating attendees who were
not resisting their orders. Over 20 people experienced effects of the
spray that was erratically sprayed into the air by the officers.
All tenants of the private residential building were present at the event,
did not request police assistance, and no one in the building placed a
complaint with either the local precinct or the emergency response system.
Witnesses report that no warrant was presented upon police entrance. At
least eight arrests were made on charges of disorderly conduct, resisting
arrest and inciting riot. The 77th Precinct, where the arrestees were
initially held, refused to provide any information about the status of
arrested. Emergency medical technicians visited the precinct to attend to
those who sustained serious injuries, which reportedlt include bruised
a spinal injury, and severe blows to the head.
Critical Resistance is a national grassroots group that focuses on prisons
and police brutality, and challenges the belief that policing,
imprisonment, and similar forms of control make our communities safer.
(Critical Resistance action alert, Nov. 16) [top]
From: “GanjaCat” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] For science geeks? ; )
Date: December 11, 2003 at 4:46:22 AM EST
To: <>
A major research institution has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science. The new element has been tentatively named “Governmentium.” Governmentium has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 11 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Governmentium causes one reaction to take over 4 days to complete when it would normally take less than a second. Governmentium has a normal half-life of 4 years; it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentium’s mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause some morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to speculate that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as “Critical Morass”. You will know it when you see it.
From: “GanjaCat” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious : origins of Iboga
Date: December 11, 2003 at 3:54:13 AM EST
To: <>
I reckon we should knock this on the head before anyone thinks that
anyone is taking this seriously.
The only buggers wishing death-beams at me is the UK Government, and a
certain fascist coffeeshop owner in Haarlem. OK, maybe my ex-wife as
If I wanted to get into a “My alien is bigger than yours” pissing
contest with sci-fi nerds, I’d join the Trekkies and forget I actually
HAVE a life.
Can we put as much effort into what we are here for, Iboga & healing?
Solstice Blessings to all from my local druid.
“Mother Nature has the last laugh -Always”
—–Original Message—–
From: Gamma []
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 9:27 PM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the
Mysterious : origins of Iboga
— GanjaCat <> wrote:
I can prove that you’ve spent the majority of your life in a high
death beam that has damaged your immunity and genetic system and
consequently your metabolism and your mental health. The tissue was
damaged, but only in those parts that were exposed to the death beam.
That damned death beam will get you everytime. from what I understand it
projected from planetX. They power the death beam with molten gold,
which was
first harvested here on earth by the Nibiru, and which is why to this
day Gold
is so valuable. Fort Knox is actually a transfer station for the alien
which is transported back to planetX by alien anti-gravity technology.
Nibiru first mined for gold in Africa, where they also planted many
plants for themselves, Iboga Tabernathe included.
The death beam was originally designed to mind control the hominid/alien
slaves (Homo Sapiens), but was rendered useless once the slaves began
the bitter root of the iboga plant, expanding their minds and revealing
truth, which led to revolt against the Nibiru and the begining of human
civilization. The Nibiru consequently got mighty pissed and modified the
beam to inflict suffering on the generations that followed in the
footsteps of
our once-slave ancestors. The Nibiru use gold particles suspended in
atmosphere to deflect harmful cosmic rays and to shield their presence
other lifeforms.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Post ibogaine tx report of pain med use+habituation
Date: December 10, 2003 at 11:13:22 AM EST
To: <>
Hi Brett,
Have a nice holidays time ! be well.
—–Original Message—– From: Brett Calabrese [] Sent: woensdag 10 december 2003 12:30 To:; Subject: [ibogaine] Post ibogaine tx report of pain med use+habituation
Hi all, I just stopped oxycontin after about 6 months. As many know I was previously treated with ibogaine for addiction, though not for opiate addiction, I am also a chronic pain patient. There were no “slips”, no drug thoughts, no cravings, in the end I had become immune (?) to even withdrawal. When the pain eased up I had no choice but to stop, better than some other choices I have made.
A quick rundown of what happened.
Started on 90mg morphine a day – that sucked.
Went to oxycontin 20mg twice a day, it was to much and too little med – it didn’t last 12 hours as it should
Switched to 10mg three times a day (my choice, the most conservative choice given to me), a little minor withdrawal but then had problems every 6-8 hours, the medication did not last and I was in minor withdrawal 3 times a day for 2 hours each. Normally not a problem except I would get irriationally irritable at times There were other problems like sleeping on oxycontin, tried ristoril, tried valium, neither was any help to sleep and no problems. I also take valium 1/4th a 5mg at a time during cluster attacks along with pain meds.
Contacted the doctors office to switch to 10mg 4 times a day and ran into a communication problem, so I discontinued the oxy for 2 weeks – withdrawal was not too bad once I landed on my feet, that transition from medicated to non-medicated really
Started oxy again to 10mg 4 times a day, often 1 or 2 1/2 perc along with it (2.5mg oxycodone). FYI, I only take 1/2 perc at a time, even during or after detoxing though my tolerence is obviously a bit lower right after/during detoxing, but in the end not by much.
As is my style I use very little immediate release (perc) except for periodic attacks, then I ramp up the dose. I was well over 100mg a day oxycodone/oxycontin once for an extended period, the day the pain broke I was down to a normal dose, and withdrawal about 2.5-3 hours a day 4 times a day – the 10mg wouldn’t hold. I did not buffer the dosage, just dropped, zero cravings. It was after this that it got easier to skip a dose, I had become somewhat desensitized to skipping.
Several times I forgot to dose, usually an evening pill. Initially I would wake up covered in sweat/weak as a baby…After a while I could just skip a dose (or 2) without even minor withdrawal symptoms, just barely noticable. So in the end, any mood swings or irritability near my mediction time just didn’t happen, neither did any withdrawal. It wasn’t even a thought, all I had to do was not remember to take the next pill, no ibo in over a year. Instead of having a few days of minor withdrawal and about a week of post-acute (like I had off 30mg and dropping from over 100mg to 40mg) withdrawal, I got this glow – like a mild ibogaine glow. This is the 3rd time in my life that happened w/o ibogaine, each after long periods without doing ibo and with some elevation involved. It was ikely the 2nd most liberating experience of my life, after quitting smoking. I may as well be “cured” for all practical purposes as long as I don’t repeat the thoughts and behavior ! any medication is safe. I just can’t get high, think about getting high, think about not getting high, planning not to get high, how to keep myself safe from getting high or planning to get high – to me it is all the same, thinking about getting high.Once in a while grit my teeth against the pain meds if the pain drops off and I have a load of meds on-board, not sit back and enjoy a free buzz (yuck actually, nasty dry pasty mouth from the oxy).
Advice for anyone needing to use pain meds, yes you can do it but be real with yourself. Every pill I take goes after the thought “will it help”, sometimes I have to tell myself to take something, or that another won’t make it better. Easy does it, break the pills in 1/2 and take them twice as often if need be, or even 20 minutes after the first 1/2. Keep away from spiking blood levels of your favorite drug, I mean pain medication, take 1/2 pill and let it work, DO NOT RUSH IT.. I take a lot of pain, all I try to do with the pain meds is make it livable rather than squash the pain and all feelings with it. Oxycontin (or whatever dope) is a mood/mind altering drug, for sure. I had to seperate the drug from me, understand there will be side effects. For instance when first habituated I misplaced my pain meds (OH NO!!!!!), and had to accept the fact that once one is “habituated” it is unnerving to misplace meds – a very natural thingie, it is not “DRUG SEEKING BEHAVI! OR” as in addiction, it was “OK”, or mood swings – the dosing was NOT smooth, feeling LOW on meds also tended to follow pain levels – more pain, the more felt need for dope in a drug sort of way vs a pain sort of way (yes, there was pain too). I ignored everything except pain and didn’t do things like try to operate a motor vehicle while in withdrawal (bad idea, on oxy or morhpine was fine, but not drug sick, talk about road rage!). In the end I had my mind made up, there will be no playing around (and wasn’t), and if there was a problem, there is always my get out of addiction free card, ibogaine. It wasn’t like I had a choice, I needed the meds and now I don’t – still taking some perc but very at-ease with it these days, mostly on “automatic”.Pretty much everything I do is exactly what a drug addict wouldn’t do, and it feels that way. It feels wonderful to be off the oxy, really amazingly wonderful. I am glad I didn’t listen to a lot of well meaning advice, fol! lowed what I knew I had to do. The last thing people in 12 step meetings wanted to hear was “I have it figured out, I can safely take XXXX”, taking it as a license ot “use”, it was not even with the meds in my body. There was more than once early on I grit my teeth against the medication (ie if the pain dropped off), I wouldn’t allow myself to enjoy it. That happened on the first 20mg oxycontin, for about 5 minutes – we will have none of that (nodding/yumming…), then the pain hit anyway. If you are going to take meds, stuff like this is going to happen, try to stay under the pain and not stomp it out with more meds (dope), a little goes a long way and a lot doesn’t take away much more pain.
So, NO BIG DEAL – in the end I wasn’t even habituated when I was “habituated”, there was no demoralization of the spirit, the drug did not and never will have me, never again. Having to do this it does not resemble addiction in any way though it was little unnerving at times, in the beginning. Also DO NOT LISTEN to people who fail at doing this, all they will tell you is that they failed and so will you (cuz u r an addict), not what I needed to hear, doom and gloom… great! and they never got past this wasn’t a choice, I had to be fooling myself cause I was an addict like them – obviously I am not. Odds are that sometime in your life you will have a broken bone, need some sort of heavy dental work, injury or surgery. I find most abstinance folks to have their head in the sand, and promptly relapse when reality hits the fan, one receptor load away from a relapse I guess.
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From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 10, 2003 at 10:16:47 PM EST
To: <>, <>
I checked out ‘world war 3 report’, because the story in question
had a certain odor that I associate with the worst of b-movies…
you know; the kind that brings out homicidal tendencies in the
best of us… not that I’m questioning ww3’s journalistic integrity
or their fact-gathering capabilities…
So I googled up the sources in question and guess what;
no credible source behind this story, nothing but wishful
hyperboling by a bunch of pouting revolutionary wannabes….
This is the gist of it—
A ‘private fundraising benefit’ at 2am??? for the
1st Anarchist People of Color (APOC) conference-
(an anarchy conference — like an all-mimes’ karaoke night)
hosted at the Critical Resistance officespace at 968 Atlantic
Avenue, Brooklyn… (read mastermind’s bedroom in mom’s apartment )
…with up to 100 attendees? (And as low as…?)
Come on…. this is worse than pedophiliac chain-mail…. These
dimwits deserve all the police brutality ever seen on mexican tv!
They have no problem with slander, lying, inciting and stirring shit up,
because they’re your neighborhood revolutionaries, and they
deserve media coverage and your financial support…
Here are a few precious quotes from the Critical Resistance
original ‘press releases’… (2 on the same page)
“ enforcement <cut> is engaged in a campaign to
terrorize communities of color <cut> particularly those revolutionary
activists <cut> that seek to create spaces of resistance and rebellion”
(whoa there, young skywalker!)
“Approximately 21 marked police vehicles arrived…”
Throngs of police indiscriminately sprayed chemical agents, beat
people with nightsticks, punched, shoved, kicked and dragged people
along sidewalks — At least one camera used to record the incident was
confiscated and/or destroyed (and/or never existed) People suffered
various injuries, from transgender harassment (hey!) to blunt trauma (pow!)
lacerations, contusions (bang!) and lower back spasms (Oyyy..!).
One person was treated for a hematoma (oooh!) on his ‘right frontal skull’.
(his posterior one’s ok though..)
Noun: Hematoma (Hematomata); A localized swelling filled with blood.
I was stunned at the severity of the attack, and I am genuinely
concerned for the safety (hic!) and well-being of those who were unfairly
detained and arrested, said witness (buuurp) at the scene of the incident.
“Legal council at the scene (ROTFL!) confirmed that at least 8 arrests were made.”
So let’s tally up — 100 attendees, 20.3 police cruisers, 8 bruised assholes….and
legal council at the scene..(hahahahaa!!!)
* Support our work by making a financial contribution.
(Make checks payable to Brecht Forum and write
Critical Resistance NYC, sucker in the memo line.)
And from the APOC site—
We invite any and all persons of color.. <cut> ..we ask that all white
privileged individuals to respect our autonomy and do not come.
Someone should explain the term ‘anarchy’ to these well-meaning vigilantes….
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 3:10 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
> HI all,
> This report doesn’t actually discuss drugs, but due to all the druggies
> in the US who face police brutality on a daily basis, I figure it pertains.
> Peace,
> Preston
> A private fundraising event in Brooklyn for the activist group Critical
> Resistance was raided by the New York Police Department Nov. 16. Up to 100
> people in attendance were indiscriminately sprayed with chemical agents,
> beaten with nightsticks, and otherwise harassed by a throng of police
> officers. Witnesses say there was no provocation for the assaults and the
> subsequent arrests.
> Over 25 police vehicles arrived at 968 Atlantic Ave., the location of the
> event, at around 2 AM, to investigate an officer’s report of someone
> standing outside the party holding an “open container.” Within minutes,
> attendees said, the police attacked the crowd, beating attendees who were
> not resisting their orders. Over 20 people experienced effects of the pepper
> spray that was erratically sprayed into the air by the officers.
> All tenants of the private residential building were present at the event,
> did not request police assistance, and no one in the building placed a
> complaint with either the local precinct or the emergency response system.
> Witnesses report that no warrant was presented upon police entrance. At
> least eight arrests were made on charges of disorderly conduct, resisting
> arrest and inciting riot. The 77th Precinct, where the arrestees were
> initially held, refused to provide any information about the status of those
> arrested. Emergency medical technicians visited the precinct to attend to
> those who sustained serious injuries, which reportedlt include bruised ribs,
> a spinal injury, and severe blows to the head.
> Critical Resistance is a national grassroots group that focuses on prisons
> and police brutality, and challenges the belief that policing, surveillance,
> imprisonment, and similar forms of control make our communities safer.
> (Critical Resistance action alert, Nov. 16) [top]
From: <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Indra/Denmark
Date: December 10, 2003 at 8:26:15 PM EST
Thanks for this information bro. If this is the case, then how is it
that is still online and selling ibogaine extract? Or have they
now stopped?
Do you know what led to it being scheduled?
The phrase ‘may now only be used for medical or scientific purposes’
still leaves a lot that is open to creative interpretation 😉 Even if
indra can’t sell it from a web site anymore it doesn’t sound that bad.
How bad is it? What do you have to do now to get ibogaine?
The question would be, if indra is now shut down where do you go to get
Many thanks for the info bro!
Peace out,
On Tue, 09 Dec 2003 05:21:31 -0800 Andi Stasta <>
Actually, the restriction of Iboga and IbogaineHCL is Denmark is
effective since the 03.12.2003.
Following is the English translation from the ELDD(European legal
on drugs (
“DENMARK: Ibogain added to list of controlled substances (05/12/2003)
Following a recommendation of The National Board of Health concerning
tabernanthe iboga and ibogain (12-methoxyibogamin), the Danish Minister
the Interior and Health has decided to add the mentioned plant and
to the Danish list of controlled plants and substances.
Consequently, the Minister has signed the Executive Order amending
Executive Order on Euphoriant Substances which has entered into
force on 3
December 2003. Tabernanthe iboga and ibogain (12-methoxyibogamin)
may now
only be used for medical or scientific purposes.
The Executive Order is available on the ELDD website.”
The ELDD-Site is actually really interesting for it contains all
legal texts
about drugs from EU-countries and EU-candidate Countries, and also
texts about general drug-policy trends. They also have a email-
that keeps you informed about legal changes.
am 29.11.2003 22:51 Uhr schrieb unter
I have received information that I have not verified that ibogaine
will be
restricted in Denmark within the next two months.
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From: Brett Calabrese <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Post ibogaine tx report of pain med use+habituation
Date: December 10, 2003 at 3:30:08 PM EST
Hi all, I just stopped oxycontin after about 6 months. As many know I was previously treated with ibogaine for addiction, though not for opiate addiction, I am also a chronic pain patient. There were no “slips”, no drug thoughts, no cravings, in the end I had become immune (?) to even withdrawal. When the pain eased up I had no choice but to stop, better than some other choices I have made.
A quick rundown of what happened.
Started on 90mg morphine a day – that sucked.
Went to oxycontin 20mg twice a day, it was to much and too little med – it didn’t last 12 hours as it should
Switched to 10mg three times a day (my choice, the most conservative choice given to me), a little minor withdrawal but then had problems every 6-8 hours, the medication did not last and I was in minor withdrawal 3 times a day for 2 hours each. Normally not a problem except I would get irriationally irritable at times There were other problems like sleeping on oxycontin, tried ristoril, tried valium, neither was any help to sleep and no problems. I also take valium 1/4th a 5mg at a time during cluster attacks along with pain meds.
Contacted the doctors office to switch to 10mg 4 times a day and ran into a communication problem, so I discontinued the oxy for 2 weeks – withdrawal was not too bad once I landed on my feet, that transition from medicated to non-medicated really
Started oxy again to 10mg 4 times a day, often 1 or 2 1/2 perc along with it (2.5mg oxycodone). FYI, I only take 1/2 perc at a time, even during or after detoxing though my tolerence is obviously a bit lower right after/during detoxing, but in the end not by much.
As is my style I use very little immediate release (perc) except for periodic attacks, then I ramp up the dose. I was well over 100mg a day oxycodone/oxycontin once for an extended period, the day the pain broke I was down to a normal dose, and withdrawal about 2.5-3 hours a day 4 times a day – the 10mg wouldn’t hold. I did not buffer the dosage, just dropped, zero cravings. It was after this that it got easier to skip a dose, I had become somewhat desensitized to skipping.
Several times I forgot to dose, usually an evening pill. Initially I would wake up covered in sweat/weak as a baby…After a while I could just skip a dose (or 2) without even minor withdrawal symptoms, just barely noticable. So in the end, any mood swings or irritability near my mediction time just didn’t happen, neither did any withdrawal. It wasn’t even a thought, all I had to do was not remember to take the next pill, no ibo in over a year. Instead of having a few days of minor withdrawal and about a week of post-acute (like I had off 30mg and dropping from over 100mg to 40mg) withdrawal, I got this glow – like a mild ibogaine glow. This is the 3rd time in my life that happened w/o ibogaine, each after long periods without doing ibo and with some elevation involved. It was ikely the 2nd most liberating experience of my life, after quitting smoking. I may as well be “cured” for all practical purposes as long as I don’t repeat the thoughts and behavior any medication is safe. I just can’t get high, think about getting high, think about not getting high, planning not to get high, how to keep myself safe from getting high or planning to get high – to me it is all the same, thinking about getting high.Once in a while grit my teeth against the pain meds if the pain drops off and I have a load of meds on-board, not sit back and enjoy a free buzz (yuck actually, nasty dry pasty mouth from the oxy).
Advice for anyone needing to use pain meds, yes you can do it but be real with yourself. Every pill I take goes after the thought “will it help”, sometimes I have to tell myself to take something, or that another won’t make it better. Easy does it, break the pills in 1/2 and take them twice as often if need be, or even 20 minutes after the first 1/2. Keep away from spiking blood levels of your favorite drug, I mean pain medication, take 1/2 pill and let it work, DO NOT RUSH IT.. I take a lot of pain, all I try to do with the pain meds is make it livable rather than squash the pain and all feelings with it. Oxycontin (or whatever dope) is a mood/mind altering drug, for sure. I had to seperate the drug from me, understand there will be side effects. For instance when first habituated I misplaced my pain meds (OH NO!!!!!), and had to accept the fact that once one is “habituated” it is unnerving to misplace meds – a very natural thingie, it is not “DRUG SEEKING BEHAVIOR” as in addiction, it was “OK”, or mood swings – the dosing was NOT smooth, feeling LOW on meds also tended to follow pain levels – more pain, the more felt need for dope in a drug sort of way vs a pain sort of way (yes, there was pain too). I ignored everything except pain and didn’t do things like try to operate a motor vehicle while in withdrawal (bad idea, on oxy or morhpine was fine, but not drug sick, talk about road rage!). In the end I had my mind made up, there will be no playing around (and wasn’t), and if there was a problem, there is always my get out of addiction free card, ibogaine. It wasn’t like I had a choice, I needed the meds and now I don’t – still taking some perc but very at-ease with it these days, mostly on “automatic”.Pretty much everything I do is exactly what a drug addict wouldn’t do, and it feels that way. It feels wonderful to be off the oxy, really amazingly wonderful. I am glad I didn’t listen to a lot of well meaning advice, followed what I knew I had to do. The last thing people in 12 step meetings wanted to hear was “I have it figured out, I can safely take XXXX”, taking it as a license ot “use”, it was not even with the meds in my body. There was more than once early on I grit my teeth against the medication (ie if the pain dropped off), I wouldn’t allow myself to enjoy it. That happened on the first 20mg oxycontin, for about 5 minutes – we will have none of that (nodding/yumming…), then the pain hit anyway. If you are going to take meds, stuff like this is going to happen, try to stay under the pain and not stomp it out with more meds (dope), a little goes a long way and a lot doesn’t take away much more pain.
So, NO BIG DEAL – in the end I wasn’t even habituated when I was “habituated”, there was no demoralization of the spirit, the drug did not and never will have me, never again. Having to do this it does not resemble addiction in any way though it was little unnerving at times, in the beginning. Also DO NOT LISTEN to people who fail at doing this, all they will tell you is that they failed and so will you (cuz u r an addict), not what I needed to hear, doom and gloom… great! and they never got past this wasn’t a choice, I had to be fooling myself cause I was an addict like them – obviously I am not. Odds are that sometime in your life you will have a broken bone, need some sort of heavy dental work, injury or surgery. I find most abstinance folks to have their head in the sand, and promptly relapse when reality hits the fan, one receptor load away from a relapse I guess.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] NYPD raids CR meeting focusing on police brutality
Date: December 9, 2003 at 8:10:31 PM EST
To: <>, <>
HI all,
This report doesn’t actually discuss drugs, but due to all the druggies
in the US who face police brutality on a daily basis, I figure it pertains.
A private fundraising event in Brooklyn for the activist group Critical
Resistance was raided by the New York Police Department Nov. 16. Up to 100
people in attendance were indiscriminately sprayed with chemical agents,
beaten with nightsticks, and otherwise harassed by a throng of police
officers. Witnesses say there was no provocation for the assaults and the
subsequent arrests.
Over 25 police vehicles arrived at 968 Atlantic Ave., the location of the
event, at around 2 AM, to investigate an officer’s report of someone
standing outside the party holding an “open container.” Within minutes,
attendees said, the police attacked the crowd, beating attendees who were
not resisting their orders. Over 20 people experienced effects of the pepper
spray that was erratically sprayed into the air by the officers.
All tenants of the private residential building were present at the event,
did not request police assistance, and no one in the building placed a
complaint with either the local precinct or the emergency response system.
Witnesses report that no warrant was presented upon police entrance. At
least eight arrests were made on charges of disorderly conduct, resisting
arrest and inciting riot. The 77th Precinct, where the arrestees were
initially held, refused to provide any information about the status of those
arrested. Emergency medical technicians visited the precinct to attend to
those who sustained serious injuries, which reportedlt include bruised ribs,
a spinal injury, and severe blows to the head.
Critical Resistance is a national grassroots group that focuses on prisons
and police brutality, and challenges the belief that policing, surveillance,
imprisonment, and similar forms of control make our communities safer.
(Critical Resistance action alert, Nov. 16) [top]
From: Gamma <>
Subject: Fwd: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious : origins of Iboga
Date: December 9, 2003 at 1:36:14 PM EST
i need the screen play on my desk by january 13th. contact my secretary (Yvonne
from slovenia – she’s hot, single and loves ibo-stars) for the composite
sketches. I’m meeting with Spielberg next weekend.
That damned death beam will get you everytime. from what I understand it is
projected from planetX. They power the death beam with molten gold, which was
first harvested here on earth by the Nibiru, and which is why to this day
is so valuable. Fort Knox is actually a transfer station for the alien gold,
which is transported back to planetX by alien anti-gravity technology. The
Nibiru first mined for gold in Africa, where they also planted many medicinal
plants for themselves, Iboga Tabernathe included.
The death beam was originally designed to mind control the hominid/alien
slaves (Homo Sapiens), but was rendered useless once the slaves began chewing
the bitter root of the iboga plant, expanding their minds and revealing the
truth, which led to revolt against the Nibiru and the begining of human
civilization. The Nibiru consequently got mighty pissed and modified the
beam to inflict suffering on the generations that followed in the footsteps
our once-slave ancestors. The Nibiru use gold particles suspended in their
atmosphere to deflect harmful cosmic rays and to shield their presence from
other lifeforms.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
From: Andi Stasta <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Indra/Denmark
Date: December 9, 2003 at 8:21:31 AM EST
To: <>
Actually, the restriction of Iboga and IbogaineHCL is Denmark is already
effective since the 03.12.2003.
Following is the English translation from the ELDD(European legal database
on drugs (
“DENMARK: Ibogain added to list of controlled substances (05/12/2003)
Following a recommendation of The National Board of Health concerning
tabernanthe iboga and ibogain (12-methoxyibogamin), the Danish Minister for
the Interior and Health has decided to add the mentioned plant and substance
to the Danish list of controlled plants and substances.
Consequently, the Minister has signed the Executive Order amending the
Executive Order on Euphoriant Substances which has entered into force on 3
December 2003. Tabernanthe iboga and ibogain (12-methoxyibogamin) may now
only be used for medical or scientific purposes.
The Executive Order is available on the ELDD website.”
The ELDD-Site is actually really interesting for it contains all legal texts
about drugs from EU-countries and EU-candidate Countries, and also provide
texts about general drug-policy trends. They also have a email-newsletter
that keeps you informed about legal changes.
am 29.11.2003 22:51 Uhr schrieb unter
I have received information that I have not verified that ibogaine will be
restricted in Denmark within the next two months.
From: IBOGA Foundation <>
Subject: [ibogaine] BIOcybernetics
Date: December 9, 2003 at 5:46:34 AM EST
Hi GeeCee
On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, GanjaCat wrote:
Sorry, dude
But no matter how much you emphasise the P word this is, by definition
(and at best!) meta-science i.e it is incapable of being formulated into
a consistent and testable theory under the accepted rules of the science
and mathematics.
I can’t agree, BIOcybernetics is no meta-science. It has all attributes of
science, and it’s broader than science, too. When someone learns to
measure levels of BIOenergies, he/she gets exactly same results as anyone
else (measuring certain BIOsystem, for example). It’s like operating a
machine (or device, like Voltmeter, for example); once you learn how to
operate it, you get same results as any other operator. And that’s the
point of science – that every experiment is repeatable, and results are
the same, isn’t it?
Mathematics is quite limited branch of science. You can’t prove everything
with its formulas. Human BIOsystem is much better for proving
something. I can feel ALPHA and BETA rays, feel their qualitative
difference, and I know that something is there even if there’s no
mathematical formulas (yet?) which would prove the existence of what I
BIOcybernetics is already formulated into a consistent and testable and
provable theory under the accepted rules of the science (but it’s not
translated to English yet). And – do you remember Galileo, the man who
discovered that Earth is circling around the Sun? Nobody belived him (by
that I mean also the scientists of that time – they didn’t bother to
check his discovery), but he KNEW he was right and said “Eppur si muove”
just before he was burnt…
Where are the peer-reviews?
Ibogaine is known for more than 100 years; its anti-addiction properties
are known for more than 30 years, and peer-reviews started only recently.
BIOcybernetics was (re)discovered 10 years ago. How do you ecpect
peer-reviews in such a short time (for science), when it’s only getting
into the world? There is variety of people involved in BIOcybernetics
(here in Slovenia), from “ordinary” people to a programmer who is one of
few people who have licence to write sensitive programs for US government
to religious leader…
Really, twaddle like this should be kept to such esteemed organs of
truth as ‘The National Enquirer’ not peddled as proven wisdom. And I’m
being generous here. At heart I regard this as a money-making scam of
the gullible.
That’s your opinion. You have right to have an opinion, but don’t forget
that you haven’t tested BIOcybernetics, so your opinion doesn’t count. A
friend of mine who is a journalist had similar opinion as you have. Then
he had an interview with Mr. Gorenc, and he smoked a joint before they
started. Mr. Gorenc BIOcybernetically cleaned him and my friend was
shocked : “What have you done to me? I’m not stoned any more!!”
Try it first, and judge later. Now you sound like those doctors who don’t
believe that Ibogaine does what we say it does, and they don’t want to
research it because they KNOW it doesn’t work… Now you sound like
“scientists” who were guilty for Galileo’s death…
[quote] Are you having heavy medical problems?
I can prove that you’ve spent the majority of your life in a high level
death beam that has damaged your immunity and genetic system and
consequently your metabolism and your mental health. The tissue was also
damaged, but only in those parts that were exposed to the death beam.
The measurement results in the 33rd dimension will reveal that you are
currently in the S22 measurement window and are slowly gliding into
heavier and heavier disease. You pass window S23 and eventually reach
window S24. If you don’t do something, you’re just waiting for death
there. We will give you affordable and reliable information about what
to do to slow the disease down, to stop it and sometimes even to
completely defeat it..[unquote]
Yes, this quote is true. It’s just that you don’t know what it means.
Don’t worry, I didn’t understand 10% when I read the BIOcybernetics book
for the first time. But I knew that I could feel rays, so I started to
read it again. And again. Then I attended 6-months seminar on
BIOcybernetics and now I understand it (quite) well. And no, I wasn’t
brain-washed 😉
If you want, I can send you English translation of my seminar paper/essay
in .pdf (just need a few more days to finish it). Perhaps I’ll send it to
the list ;-))
Maybe a good dose of the root would cure you of this need to seek
greater truth than that which lies within all of us.
Funny, a good dose of the root boosted my need to find the absolute truth!
And BIOcybernetics is MUCH closer to it than anything else I researched so
far! Besides, it’s extremely precise!
From: Gamma <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious : origins of Iboga
Date: December 8, 2003 at 3:27:19 PM EST
— GanjaCat <> wrote:
I can prove that you’ve spent the majority of your life in a high level
death beam that has damaged your immunity and genetic system and
consequently your metabolism and your mental health. The tissue was also
damaged, but only in those parts that were exposed to the death beam.
That damned death beam will get you everytime. from what I understand it is
projected from planetX. They power the death beam with molten gold, which was
first harvested here on earth by the Nibiru, and which is why to this day Gold
is so valuable. Fort Knox is actually a transfer station for the alien gold,
which is transported back to planetX by alien anti-gravity technology. The
Nibiru first mined for gold in Africa, where they also planted many medicinal
plants for themselves, Iboga Tabernathe included.
The death beam was originally designed to mind control the hominid/alien hybrid
slaves (Homo Sapiens), but was rendered useless once the slaves began chewing
the bitter root of the iboga plant, expanding their minds and revealing the
truth, which led to revolt against the Nibiru and the begining of human
civilization. The Nibiru consequently got mighty pissed and modified the death
beam to inflict suffering on the generations that followed in the footsteps of
our once-slave ancestors. The Nibiru use gold particles suspended in their
atmosphere to deflect harmful cosmic rays and to shield their presence from
other lifeforms.
Do you Yahoo!?
New Yahoo! Photos – easier uploading and sharing.
From: “GanjaCat” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 8, 2003 at 8:33:04 AM EST
To: <>
Sorry, dude
But no matter how much you emphasise the P word this is, by definition
(and at best!) meta-science i.e it is incapable of being formulated into
a consistent and testable theory under the accepted rules of the science
and mathematics.
Where are the peer-reviews?
Really, twaddle like this should be kept to such esteemed organs of
truth as ‘The National Enquirer’ not peddled as proven wisdom. And I’m
being generous here. At heart I regard this as a money-making scam of
the gullible.
[quote] Are you having heavy medical problems?
I can prove that you’ve spent the majority of your life in a high level
death beam that has damaged your immunity and genetic system and
consequently your metabolism and your mental health. The tissue was also
damaged, but only in those parts that were exposed to the death beam.
The measurement results in the 33rd dimension will reveal that you are
currently in the S22 measurement window and are slowly gliding into
heavier and heavier disease. You pass window S23 and eventually reach
window S24. If you don’t do something, you’re just waiting for death
there. We will give you affordable and reliable information about what
to do to slow the disease down, to stop it and sometimes even to
completely defeat it..[unquote]
Maybe a good dose of the root would cure you of this need to seek
greater truth than that which lies within all of us.
—–Original Message—–
From: IBOGA Foundation []
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 3:43 PM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the
tiziz tee best-of-oll!
On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, GanjaCat wrote:
You gotta be trippin’ dude!
That site is the biggest load of twaddle I’ve seen since “Ask Frank”.
Anyway, who needs super-aliens when we have the Mother Earth (in ALL
glory) to sustain and nourish our spiritual growth?
—–Original Message—–
From: IBOGA Foundation []
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the
Such people are generated by G-BETA BIOtechnlogy. For more info on
subject see And I can guarantee that data
here IS proven ;-))
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Has the opium myth gone up in smoke?
Date: December 8, 2003 at 8:11:17 AM EST
To: <>, <>
Has the opium myth gone up in smoke?
LONDON – British Home Secretary David Blunkett has reclassified cannabis to
the lowest grade on the scale of controlled substances. The British
government – and others including Canada and several US states – are
re-evaluating their narcophobic views which took root a century and a half
ago in China and led to the Opium Wars.
Governments are realising that not all drugs are an unmitigated evil and a
difference is being drawn between synthetic hard drugs that threaten society
and purified natural substances with medicinal values and a place in Asia’s
traditional cultures.
The war that Western imperialism forced on the decaying Qing empire, and
which identified China as the original victim – Patient Zero – of a global
drug plague, actually coincided with the conviction among both the Chinese
and British governments that drugs were bad and required suppressing.
Understandably, the opium trade has been called ‘the most long-continued and
systematic international crime of modern times’ perpetrated by the West on a
vulnerable Asian nation. But what exactly was the effect of this supposedly
pernicious substance?
Opium’s impact on health has been dramatised. Medical evidence points to
only one effect – mild constipation. In Britain, frequent users did not
suffer any detrimental effects. On the contrary, they enjoyed good health
into their eighties.
South Asians took opium pills without any serious social or physical damage.
In contrast, imported European spirits faced strong opposition from India’s
Hindus and Muslims. Contrary to folklore, few opium users in China or
elsewhere lost control of themselves.
In the late 1930s, when prices soared in Canton, most users halved their
consumption to make ends meet. Obviously, spiralling addiction was not the
inevitable result of smoking.
China’s elite in the tumultuous 1800s regarded opium as the new status
symbol – like fine calligraphy in traditional society. Connoisseurship was a
carefully cultivated gentleman’s art and ‘Patna opium’ the exotic
indulgence. Smoking paraphernalia became collectors’ items, much like
Europeans collected Wedgwood tea sets. Expensive pipes fashioned out of
precious blackwood or jade and inlaid with ornate silver decoration became
social markers.
Rock-bottom prices in the late 19th century nationalised an elite pastime
without any of the sinister effects that haunt the lay imagination. A
British consul in Hainan reported that ‘although nearly everyone uses it,
one never meets the opium skeleton vividly depicted in philanthropic works,
rather the reverse – a hardy peasantry, healthy and energetic’.
Seeking the dismal opium den of lore, Somerset Maugham found clean and tidy
places, as a League of Nations report in 1930 noted, where the only
customers were an elderly rubicund gentleman reading a newspaper, two
friends chatting over a pipe, and a family with a child!
Subject: Re: [ibogaine]Has anyone tried the pre ibogaine treament clinic in ddetroit Re: GMfCL 2003 #48: Montreal Ibo-Clinic OPEN!;
Date: December 6, 2003 at 9:44:04 PM EST
In a message dated 12/6/03 8:07:42 PM, writes:
<< im not gonna do it at the one in detroit cuz im on medicade and dude they
want you to sign away all your rights that they are not totally responsuble
for what could happen >>
Follow your instincts. No one in all of medicine is totally responsible for
what will happen under any circumstances. Ibogaine is an experimental
medication and anyone who is dosing you with it is required to tell you it is
experimental and they cannot guarantee anything including your safety.
My suggestion would be that if you want off of methadone, come down real
slow on the methadone. Maybe 5 mg or less a month. If you don’t want to stay on
methadone and if medicaid in detroit will pay for buprenorphine and you can
find a doctor who will give you then you may want to try it. It is a narcotic
also but, can be administered by a doctor in an office. But, you have to be
on 30mg/day or less of methadone to switch to buprenorphine.
Are you using only methadone or heroin as well?
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] tell me,
Date: December 6, 2003 at 3:16:23 AM EST
To: <>
“Bro I think what you said is right, everybody means well but has their own agenda and interests and nobody is ever going to unite in some one big movement.”
we are united by nature, only we look for intellectual and emotional separation,
To make us look like someone who has an agenda, but that’s the illusion, the agenda
doesn’t work as we would like it to. Other wise after 4o years that Ibogaine is know
for it’s working, would be legal in the U.S.A and no becoming illegal in Finland and Denmark soon.
How do you know that everyone means well?
From: “sandra .” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] resubscribe
Date: December 6, 2003 at 4:06:43 PM EST
haven’t received anything lately, am i still on the list?…
From: Nik <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine]Has anyone tried the pre ibogaine treament clinic in ddetroit Re: GMfCL 2003 #48: Montreal Ibo-Clinic OPEN!;
Date: December 5, 2003 at 2:07:20 PM EST
this is that person and first of all i cant afford it its pretty funny well cinicle really how many junkies do you know that have at a minimum $1,000.00 dollers for one maybe two ibo sessions. These Drs. really dont know a whole lot abooout the actual state of addiction how they talked everything was very clinical and they have number amount s ofr mg/to body kg shit and they talked like well then you do this and you do that they also believe that ibogaine treatment can be vary dangerous for someone using 150mgs of methadone a day or alot of heroin thhtey estimate it by bags or tenths of grams. its pretty shady of a place its of 6 mile and likje gtratiot i believe and fucking sucks down there shit thats wre some peple used to cop or atleast a friend told me he did once or something but man i am fucking sick to my soul with using methadone i feel like a big baby or pussy that i cant do it i am down to 60 mgs from 125 mg that was two months ago i would come down like 5 or 10mgs on a friday and would be bouge till next friday when i start to assimailate back to the dose then back down usually 5 if i went down ten cuz i sucks being sick and that while still doing the other say 90 mgs then 80 or whatever man noone ever has any actual reports about their experiences at any particuklar place its like we all know when something sounds too good it almost99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999989% of the time is fictional so yaa all these people say ya oh i went and did two sesions and ii was using for x amount of years and now im all better dude i know its not that blatent and if it was cheaper in canada i would try it there and im not gonna do it at the one in detroit cuz im on medicade and dude they want you to sign away all your rights that they are not totally responsuble for what could happen wrote:
In a message dated 12/5/03 12:18:37 AM, writes:
> I went and checked it out and the doc sugeesstedd that i switch to heroin
>if possible before he starts he has a grant the only one in the us at the
>time who else has tried it they dont dispenxse ibo tther but they give
>you lots of other meds and are willing to detox well start giving you
>methdone if your using huge anounr s of heroion of scriptss he givess 30mgs
>maximum then detoxes you 2 mgs a day till your atb 10 mgs then one mg every
>other day then when tyyour at 5 mgs they take you across the brder to
>the other clinic excuse me while at 15 mgs of met then slowly up your
>does of ibo and lower it till your at 5 mgs then one medium sesion then
>1 mg a day for 5 days and then a whopper dose then redose 4 days later
>then he gives you 4 doses of ibo that are very small that are to be taken
>at various apointments
Why is all this opiate manipulation being done with 30mg of methadone to
dose someone with ibogaine? What comprises a medium session (dose)? What is
whopper dose? What are very small doses? Why does the person not go
across the border and get dosed with ibogaine?
Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker – Get it now
Subject: Re: [ibogaine]Has anyone tried the pre ibogaine treament clinic in ddetroit Re: GMfCL 2003 #48: Montreal Ibo-Clinic OPEN!;
Date: December 5, 2003 at 10:11:22 AM EST
In a message dated 12/5/03 12:18:37 AM, writes:
I went and checked it out and the doc sugeesstedd that i switch to heroin
if possible before he starts he has a grant the only one in the us at the
time who else has tried it they dont dispenxse ibo tther but they give
you lots of other meds and are willing to detox well start giving you
methdone if your using huge anounr s of heroion of scriptss he givess 30mgs
maximum then detoxes you 2 mgs a day till your atb 10 mgs then one mg every
other day then when tyyour at 5 mgs they take you across the brder to
the other clinic excuse me while at 15 mgs of met then slowly up your
does of ibo and lower it till your at 5 mgs then one medium sesion then
1 mg a day for 5 days and then a whopper dose then redose 4 days later
then he gives you 4 doses of ibo that are very small that are to be taken
at various apointments
Why is all this opiate manipulation being done with 30mg of methadone to
dose someone with ibogaine? What comprises a medium session (dose)? What is
whopper dose? What are very small doses? Why does the person not go
across the border and get dosed with ibogaine?
From: “paul harvey ” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] how do i subscribe to the digest version of ibogaine/mindvox ?
Date: December 5, 2003 at 8:47:57 AM EST
yeah,yeah – i know..its something like “ibogaine-digest-subscribe” aint it.. i cant remember and as i no
longer get 24hr access to the net – its easier to follow the threads in a digest format…and may i say what
interesting threads they are…good to see some new names around as well as the people who have been
around for ages,blahblah
take care
Size DOES matter – Lycos Email gives you 10MB storage
From: IBOGA Foundation <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Alternative health treatments
Date: December 5, 2003 at 4:13:07 AM EST
Hi all,
if you want to read something really good about medications (which some of
you are using) and official/alternative medicine, go to
and you’ll realise what “the system” does, and why it doesn’t want IBO…
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugwar] Entheogen Interview
Date: December 4, 2003 at 8:21:14 PM EST
To: <>
—– Original Message —–
From: Vigilius Haufniensis
Cc: ; ; ;
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 2:39 PM
Subject: [drugwar] Entheogen Interview
Entheogen Interview
Daniel Pinchbeck – Speaking Shamanic
Phenomena News Editor Greg Taylor attempts to break open the head of Daniel
Dateline: Monday, September 22, 2003
By: Phenomena News Editor
Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of BREAKING OPEN THE HEAD (available from
Amazon US and UK). BREAKING OPEN THE HEAD is a personal journey of discovery
in which Pinchbeck acts upon his disenchantment with modern urban life and
sets out on a quest to reconnect with what he terms the ‘archaic tradition’.
His travels take him from tribal initiations in Africa to meetings with
shamans in the Amazon, as he undergoes a personal transformation. You can
read more about Daniel Pinchbeck and BREAKING OPEN THE HEAD at the website
devoted to the book.
GT: Greetings Daniel – thanks for taking the time to speak with us. Your
book BREAKING OPEN THE HEAD is a journey of discovery into shamanism and the
intriguing domain of altered states of consciousness, including those
brought about by entheogens (hallucinogens). It has been a generation since
the 1960s psychedelic era – most people today consider these substances, and
indigenous shamanism, to have little relevance in our complex,
technologically-based civilization. Why do you believe there is still
validity and meaning to this type of inner exploration? What is the use?
DP: We have to look at the ways that we use language and classifications to
create avoidance mechanisms and barriers around the reality of individual
experience. To say that psychedelics are a dusty “1960s” thing is to ignore
the fact that when you take them it is your consciousness that is
transformed, radically, in the present moment. There are different levels of
value in undergoing this type of ontological shock. First of all, one may
get a radical deconditioning from one¹s social programming a sudden
awareness of how society is a fictive construct of language games, power
trips, and manipulative strategies. Secondly, one can – not in one trip
perhaps, but over time – discover that there is something profound and true
about the shamanic vision of a multidimensional cosmos. Taken seriously, the
psychedelic experience still does exactly what it did in the 1960s: It calls
into question the entire structure and validity of our current “suicide
system.” It gives the perspective of an “Other,” whether botanical mind or
alien consciousness or “Higher Self”, on our current sad situation.
GT: BREAKING OPEN THE HEAD examines shamanism and the use of entheogens as a
tool in expanding consciousness. The noted scholar Mircea Eliade felt that
entheogen use was basically a more modern (of course in terms of shamanism,
this means the last 2000 years) technique which resulted from the
degradation of original shamanism – that is, as time passed, humans lost the
ability to reach the altered states through their own skills. Do you agree
with him on this point?
DP: I think that Eliade eventually recognized he was mistaken. Through his
friendship with Gordon Wasson, he later realized he had let his own bias
against “drugs” influence his opinion. I suspect that, as these shamanic
plants have always been around, they have always been used. Psychoactive
substances are probably the original method for achieving visionary states –
some anthropological evidence supports this.
Recently I had the chance to take the African psychedelic root, iboga (known
in the West as ibogaine), for a second time, at an addiction clinic in
Mexico. During this trip, I experienced the “spirit of iboga” as a black man
in a suit. I was able to ask “Mr. Iboga” questions, and the answers would
come back like telegraphic shouts in my head. I asked “Mr. Iboga,” “What is
iboga, anyway?” And the answer I received was: “PRIMORDIAL WISDOM TEACHER OF
HUMANITY!” – not my syntax at all. Since iboga grows around the African
Equator, my thought is that it may, in fact, be the long-forgotten model for
the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” described in the Bible, and use
of it may go way, way back to early phases of human evolution. Unlike other
psychedelics, it is a direct instructor in personal morality and
psychology like a stern father. It is no accident that iboga is reentering
the modern consciousness at this precise point in time.
GT: In mentioning Iboga, I was bemused by your Iboga initiation with the
Bwiti – in terms of establishing the proper ‘set’ and ‘setting’ for a rather
major entheogenic journey, it could have hardly been more catastrophic.
While a lot of the environment, such as the tribal setting, would probably
have been positive elements, do you feel that you suffered any ill effects
as a result of the other circumstances surrounding your initiation?
DP: Ultimately, the ill effects receded from my memory and the positive
aspects took root in my psyche. Also, the entire incident made for a great
story. In retrospect, I even feel fondness for The King, and hope to meet
him again some day. It was partially our fault. We were trespassing on his
scene without much knowledge of the deeper levels of the situation.
GT: Early on in BREAKING OPEN THE HEAD, you describe the psychedelic
experimentation of the 1960s as a “failed mass-cultural voyage of shamanic
initiation”. Why do you think it failed, and do you believe that this
‘failed voyage’ has impacted negatively upon the modern neo-shaman’s ability
to explore consciousness?
DP: One reason that the 60s’ mass shamanic journey failed is because people
lacked guides or cognitive maps available to interpret and integrate the
realms into which they were suddenly catapulted. To make things worse,
because our society is so consumer-oriented, people would overdo their
intake of psychedelics until they had a regressive or nihilistic effect.
John Lennon, for example, said that he tripped over a thousand times on LSD
until he destroyed himself. Done in the wrong way, without knowledge or
attention to context, psychedelic substances can induce what the Mazatec
Indians call “mind shadows,” amplifying destructive and negative aspects of
the psyche.
When psychedelics became politicized and demonized, that also influenced the
kinds of experiences people would have when they took them. If you go back
to the early 1960s, LSD was considered an “astonishingly safe” drug – even a
wonder drug – by psychiatrists. The propaganda against it exponentially
amplified the dangers associated with it. The psychedelic experience is
personal and delicate and it relies on “set and setting” and cultural
context. A lot of other social and gender issues were being worked out
during the 1960s, and this added to the general confusion. Those voices that
shouted loudest in the 1960s, like Timothy Leary’s, tended to be very
egoistic and self-aggrandizing. However, even Leary, at first, was trying to
find a way to integrate psychedelic use into modern society – he wanted to
create a new profession of shaman/psychologist/guide to administer these
As for the “modern neo-shaman,” I think they are at a distinct advantage.
There is much better information available, and many more guides around who
have been through their own initiations. The people who will benefit most
will be those who put time and thought and some research into what they are
doing. While the professional class that Leary hoped to create does not
exist officially, there are people who have stepped into that role.
GT: Following on your comments – I recently read through Michael
Hollingshead’s “The Man Who Turned on the World”, and though the anecdotes
of the Millbrook years (with Timothy Leary et al) make for entertaining
reading, I was struck by the feeling that the participants seemed to give
too much of themselves to the drugs, rather than using them simply as a tool
of exploration. Would you agree that there needs to be more recognition that
drugs are only one tool of many for exploring the potentials of
consciousness, if they are to become more ‘legitimate’ to the general
DP: There are lots of great methods to explore alternative forms of
consciousness without substances. My own attempts with Tibetan Dream Yoga
have led to episodes as deeply psychedelic and profound as anything
connected with substances.
The bad part of globalization is that it is destroying the biosphere, the
good part of it is that all of the esoteric spiritual traditions of the
world are now available for study. We can now integrate scientific knowledge
with shamanic wisdom and create a new paradigm, or we can watch the world
collapse, or both at once.
GT: Part of the problem for any explorers of ‘inner-space’ in the modern
age, I believe, is that participation and success in society depends largely
on living by a physicalist, reductionist philosophy – with some notable
exceptions of course. That is, we now are asked to live our life with
maximum efficiency, and judge the outcome of our works by their impact on
purely physical factors. How do you see the individual re-integrating
elements of shamanism, and indeed humanism, back into their life in the
modern age?
DP: I think modern materialist society has entered an accelerated period of
transformation and self-destruction, and it will not continue in its present
form for much longer. The environmental consequences of globalized
capitalism and mass consumerism make the perpetuation of this “suicide
system” impossible. When we hit the wall in the next few years, people are
going to have to systematically reevaluate the entire delusional ideology
driving them and their culture. The only possible way forward for our
species is to turn inward – what the alchemists meant by their injunction to
“Visit the interior of the Earth.” I think it is a premonition of this that
is leading so many Westerners deep into Buddhism and Yoga. A revival of
shamanism and intelligent use of sacramental substances is another aspect of
this inward turn.
Personally, I believe that, through shamanism, it is completely possible to
work with “Elemental Beings,” other forms of sentience involved in the
natural world. I collected many stories about this in my book. Learning to
work with these other levels is going to be necessary in order to put the
Earth back together. In other words, the rational scientific and the
intuitive shamanic mindset are going to fuse, a kind of dialectical
synthesis that is necessary for the continuation of the human species.
I see the current biospheric crisis as a self-willed cataclysm designed to
force human evolution to a higher level of consciousness – what Gurdjieff
called a “higher octave.”
GT: Your comments here about ‘elemental beings’, would obviously be seen by
a large portion of society – those most centred in rational and physical
thinking – as talk of delusions. Could you outline briefly how you have
arrived at a ‘belief’ in the existence of sentient beings on other planes,
and any possible ways that such a belief could be justified to the
DP: Most people’s skepticism is based on untested faith in the materialist
belief system in which they have been indoctrinated. They don’t realize this
is a faith because they have been constantly assured by all of their
professors and TV talking heads that our empirical materialism is “rational”
and even “the end of history.” They can’t even imagine there is an outside
perspective from which to critique this limited “irrational rationality,”
just as Medieval people could not imagine that there was another way of
conceiving the relationship between the Earth and the Sun. This is why the
Gnostic Christ is right on the money when he said: “Open the door for
yourself, so you will know what it is.” The pursuit of gnosis requires an
individual effort, an overcoming of the societal inertia which keeps us
passive and asleep.
I am not really interested in the language of “belief” versus “unbelief.” I
arrived at the hypothesis that there are other forms of sentience through
experiences of them – to my own surprise. I also listened to the stories of
many people who have had similar experiences. In BREAKING OPEN THE HEAD, I
tell the story of a friend who met the “Thunder Beings,” described in many
Native American traditions, and afterwards he developed, for a little while,
the ability to control local weather systems – like certain Native American
shamans. I watched a group of laughing elves that appeared to me on a
mushroom trip, and dealt with a Djinn that caused poltergeist phenomena in
my apartment. I wouldn’t say these entities necessarily have consciousness
in the same way we do – they probably have their own way of being and
knowing. The elves were damn cute, however.
GT: For many people, the desire to revert to a simpler and more ‘natural’
way of living has made ‘shamanistic tourism’ somewhat the cause celebre du
jour. As you have pointed out, this embracing of shamanism, and
proselytising on its behalf, carries with it a large share of ignorance.
There is a darker side to shamanism that is often overlooked, both in the
personalities that are encountered and the experiences in altered states.
What are your feelings about the ‘pop conception’ of shamanism, and the
possible dangers that individuals might face in regards to this superficial
DP: I am not too worried about those dangers. The plants really are amazing
teachers, and they seem to be conveying very strong messages right now about
what needs to be done to improve our situation. I think that anyone who
approaches this area with an open mind and an open heart can gain real
benefits. As I discuss in my book, shamanic tourism, done correctly, can
benefit tribal groups, who feel marginalized and in some cases have stopped
valuing their own traditions. At this tragic point in time, Western visitors
can spark renewed interest in disappearing tribal traditions.
GT: But what about the ‘dangers’ of the Astral Plane – as Dion Fortune says,
just because a voice speaks from another plane of existence doesn’t mean
that it is good-natured and omnipotent. How does the ‘novice’ approach
neo-shamanism? Is it essential to have experienced guides?
DP: The only thing you can do is use your intelligence and intuition to
separate good information from bad – not just in regard to Astral entities
but in politics and life. All the occult writers strongly caution against
giving up your will to any “Other,” no matter how glamorous or seemingly
wise. I am not sure, however, that anyone could do worse than George Bush,
and the directives of any Astral Entity are likely to be an improvement over
CNN or Hollywood.
It can be good to have guides but they are not always available and life is
short. Some psychonauts are proponents of the “heroic dose,” but I am not
really one of them. I think there are advantages to starting with smaller
amounts and getting used to the space before diving in to some massive
experience of ego-explosion. I think that most people will know when or if
they need guides. It has also become a problem in modern society that we
always feel we need “professionals” before we can do anything for ourselves.
I know people who run all over the world chasing shamans and lamas and that
seems a bit ridiculous to me – a form of spiritual consumerism.
Shamanism is definitely a “D-I-Y” field.
GT: You talk about William Burrough’s experiences with yage (ayahuasca),
describing his vision of ‘dark mergings and dissolutions and horror’, and
qualify that with the summation that this vision was “probably not the
vision he wanted. But it was the vision he needed”. Indeed, when you talk of
ayahuasca in general, it comes across that you believe it is a cathartic
tool of sorts, designed to purge the soul of the negative influences. Would
this be a correct interpretation? If so, do you see a use for it in modern
DP: I think many of these substances could be extraordinary tools for
psychology – and in fact, they will be studied and used for those purposes
again, when the inevitable paradigm shift happens, as they were in the 1950s
and early ’60s. But psychedelics are more than psychological tools – and
this is where our division of disciplines is completely inadequate. What is
the psychological benefit of the “ontological shock” caused by smoking DMT?
At the very least, it proves that you certainly don’t need to bomb the hell
out of anyone to experience “Shock and Awe.” A small inhalation of DMT smoke
will do the trick just fine.
Ayahuasca, especially, makes people spiritually stronger – compared to the
popular club drug Ketamine, which weakens people spiritually and sets them
up to be used by glamorous ambiguous entities from the Astral Plane. With K,
people often think they are doing the drug when the drug is actually doing
them. I do think that contemporary culture desperately needs the psychic
purging provided by ayahuasca and iboga. George Bush, Michael Jackson, Rush
Limbaugh, CNN, MTV, Eminem – let’s vomit them out and move on.
GT: Well then, how do we tell which substances are helpful, and which have a
negative influence? Do we revert to the natural substances used for many
centuries, such as ayahuasca, iboga, peyote and mushrooms? Perhaps we are
better off leaving the substances alone and concentrating on other
techniques such as yoga and ritual magick?
DP: Who is this “we” you are talking about? Each person should do what is
necessary and right for their own psychic evolution.
GT: Well, I guess ‘we’ would be all those that are curious about different
techniques of achieving altered states of consciousness. Speaking of which,
since you started this journey, you have become quite interested in the
mystical/magickal tradition – Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Crowley etc. Have you
encountered any difficulties in sorting the useful information from the ‘new
age pap’, for want of a better turn of phrase?
DP: It is like with anything – you have to think about it and turn ideas
over in your mind, again and again, to see how they resonate. The most
amazing of these figures is, for me, Rudolf Steiner. He worked incredibly
hard to create a “spiritual science” that could be validated by anyone
capable of work on themselves. He was a pioneer whose ideas on farming,
medicine, and education remain completely relevant – yet he also explicated
the most fabulously complex esoteric cosmology. Unlike Crowley and
Gurdjieff, Steiner was extremely balanced. But Crowley and Gurdjieff were
also extraordinary thinkers with useful ideas.
GT: Can we really be sure that the ‘psychedelic experience’ is something of
worth? While people certainly feel that they have had revelations and
insights while using entheogens, could it be that it simply comes down to
the brain being fooled? There’s an anecdote by a skeptic where he describes
his revelatory experience beholding a sign in a toilet – do skeptics have a
case here?
DP: Taking psychedelics is an individual decision. People have to overcome
their own biases and the mainstream’s repression and ridicule. I don’t feel
that I was ever interested in “drugs” – what interests me is consciousness,
trying to understand it, to stretch it out or compact it, to experience
different potentials of the mind’s relationship to time and space and other
dimensions of existence. Ultimately, all you can get from any trip is an
amplified or magnified mirror of what is inside your own mind. If one’s mind
is full of garbage, your trip will reveal a garbage-world. As Walter
Benjamin put it, “Nothing bores an ordinary man more than the cosmos.”
I also support the Buddhist notion that ultimately the world we live in is
no different – no more “real” – than a solid-state dream. David Bohm’s
thesis of a ‘holographic universe’ puts this on a scientific footing.
Smoking DMT showed me that the physical world is like a simulation being run
in a cosmic computer, sustained by the meditations of impersonal God-like
entities who fascinated and terrified me. Our perceptual apparatus has
evolved to take in a very limited range of sensory data – a tiny range of
frequencies – and there are an infinite number of other frequencies that we
could be tuned to, like different radio stations. These substances allow you
to flip the dial.
GT: So you would then therefore subscribe to the theory of what Aldous
Huxley called “The Reducing Valve of the Brain”? That is, that our everyday
consciousness is simply a tool designed first and foremost to ensure
survival, and that other modes of consciousness allow access to information
that is not considered essential for that purpose – in short, that what we
term reality is simply a small portion (the physical) of a much broader
DP: That is one model of many. Ordinary consciousness allows us to “earth”
our perceptions of the non-ordinary. Buddha’s first act after achieving
enlightenment was to touch the earth. Our daily plodding is necessary for
eventual soaring. The eight circuit model of Leary and Robert Anton Wilson
is also interesting. What amazes me, right now, is how a vast majority of
people seem to have abandoned interest in any higher levels of awareness or
their own spiritual fate. They have retreated into what Jose Arguelles calls
“machine normal” consciousness, striving to completely integrate with the
corporate machinery of manufactured mind, distracting themselves and
avoiding any vision of where this thing is going. Where people used to
think, at least, a generation ahead, most people seem incapable of thinking
even a few years into the future. They have lost the ability to connect
actions with consequences, except in the most simpleminded way. This has to
indicate that our current system has reached its end point.
The shamanic perspective gives you a much vaster perception of time and
allows you to think about the evolution of human consciousness as a
purposeful project and process. Sometimes it does seem to me that humanity
is headed in two opposite directions. It may be that after “2012” or the
“catastrophic bifurcation” or the “Apocalypse” or whatever is directly and
imminently ahead of us now, we will be in the right position to engage those
higher circuits of consciousness. This phase of intensified destruction may
be pushing us to the place where we are ready to make that jump.
Perhaps the childhood of the species is ending with one last hideous
acting-out, one last parading of all our greeds and horrors and miseries,
before we assume the responsibilities of adulthood – which may include
membership in a community of galactic intelligence.
GT: Do you think that ‘transpersonal experiences’ (such as when multiple
people ‘share’ the same trip) give some sort of substance to arguments that
there is such a thing as the ‘astral plane’?
DP: My current syntax for thinking about it is more about levels and types
of vibrations, resonances, and intervals, rather than Astral or other
Planes. I think we need a more advanced language for conceptualizing
consciousness and the “supersensible realms,” and I hope that someone much
smarter than I am will develop it. English is probably a poor language for
this as we are trapped in dualism and hard subject-object distinctions.
The overwhelming anecdotal evidence of shared dreams and shared trips, etc.,
should have made a dent on the materialist model, but it hasn’t yet. The
Global Consciousness Project at Princeton is also discovering evidence for a
“noosphere,” a mental envelope around the earth, by documenting fluctuations
in random number generators set up at 50 cities around the planet. On days
of major world events, they get significant statistical deviations from
normal patterns of randomness. On 9/11, these deviations peaked several
hours after the planes hit the buildings, but the deviations began an hour
or two before the first Tower was hit. The Project may be charting the birth
of a global consciousness aware of major events before they actually happen.
I suspect, in the new paradigm, we will recognize that human consciousness
and the Earth, together, constitute a single sentient and evolving organism.
GT: I agree, much of the consciousness research in the past few decades will
be of vital importance if the materialistic paradigm is to be changed.
Hopefully we can chat about this more at a later date – for now, though,
thank you very much Daniel for taking the time to speak with TDG.
(BREAKING OPEN THE HEAD by Daniel Pinchbeck is available from both Amazon US
and UK)
From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 4, 2003 at 3:23:39 PM EST
On [Thu, Dec 04, 2003 at 02:01:02PM +0200], [adam gur] wrote:
| And why does it take forever to post and even then, only some people seem to
| be getting
| some of the posts- some of the time…?
We are debugging mail. The previous timeout for slow connections was
apparently not slow enough. ALL messages *should* be propagating to ALL
subscribers at this point in time. Although, for some people on
overloaded servers — hotmail in particular — it may take a few tries
before the message makes it out of the queue and into their mailbox.
A secondary issue is that some sites appear to be blocking us — or,
rather, all of; which is the IP range we moved to, when we lit
up with mo’ bettah bandwidth to burN, a few weeks ago.
Both ISSUES are being dealt with. NO MAIL should simply be going off into
oblivion at this point in time, SOME mail for SOME subscribers may take a
few hours to land. This will be fixed by the weekend. The blacklists may
take a few more days, since this involves dealing with computer-twerps who
have nothing to do with their lives except run spam-lists. “It CLEARLY
indicates in our RECORDS, that YOUR IP range was used to send SPAM in
That’s nice, we’ve been using this IP range for 5 weeks, so, like, unblock
it, or we’ll come to your house and beat your fucking head in. We’re not
smart enough to sell anything, all of this is just a weird hobby / public
edyUkaYShunAhl serVice. <– That’s the gist anyway, it’s usually more
helpful to just have a lawyer call up and pretend he’s a human being —
instead of a lawyer — and he’s deeply concerned with their issues
(whateverTheFuck they happen to be), but since we don’t own,
much less whatever site lived there 5 companies ago, prior to the glorious
fusion of dot.bomb disasters, restructurings, and lawsuits, that led to
the glory of all that is the present incarnation of … just
like, reset your records. Thanks a bunch. The EnD.
In short: shit happens,
From: “leesmithjr” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Can Ecstasy Help with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Date: December 4, 2003 at 1:04:02 PM EST
To: “” <>
A new study is set to begin in January to determine whether the club drug ecstasy, or MDMA, can be effective in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the Guardian reported Nov. 24.
In particular, the researchers will evaluate whether the emotional closeness associated with use of the drug could help victims of rape and sexual abuse talk more openly to therapists.
“What we’d like to do is develop MDMA into a prescription medicine,” said Rick Doblin, the founder and head of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, which is coordinating and funding the new trial. “MDMA has a dramatic ability to help people express deeper emotions, to look at emotionally conflicted topics from their past and it promotes a certain catharsis.”
The study, which is the first of its kind, will include 20 victims of crime who are suffering post-traumatic stress disorder and are finding it difficult to talk about their experience.
IncrediMail – Email has finally evolved – Click Here
From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] (OT) fire, fire!
Date: December 4, 2003 at 7:09:36 AM EST
To: <>
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Plus, I almost only owned the buttless pair of pants I was wearing
the fire started.
That wouldn’t have been cool.
Hey Pete,
…buttless pants?
As in ‘up the shit-creek without a paddle in my buttless pants..?’
Glad you’re OK…
From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 4, 2003 at 7:01:02 AM EST
To: <>
From: “Jon Freedlander” <>
BTW, his stories and novels have been the basis for many films,
Blade Runner, Minority Report and Total Recall.
and there’s a new one coming out soon… =)
I forget what it’s called, but it’s got Matt Damon in it…
That would be ‘Paycheck’ by John Woo with Ben Afleck…. no Damon in it….
Alas, got some so-so reviews from ‘test screeners’….
can anybody tell me what’s the deal between Jadzcyk and PKD?
And why does it take forever to post and even then, only some people seem to
be getting
some of the posts- some of the time…?
Adam Gur wrote:
Subject: Fw: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Hey all,
Am I missing something here….?
Phillip K Dick passed away in 82…. but not before
imparting some crystaline-pure visionary-fiction…
Some 42 novels and over 120 short stories….
There’s also a new flick, Paycheck, by John Woo
coming out soon, based on a short story by the same name…
So what’s the connection between Jadczyk’s
‘Physics of the Mysterious’ and Phillip K. Dick..?
Because it’s kinda lame and misleading to ommit
Jadczyk’s name as author of that piece of work,
and ‘spectrum’ doesn’t really clarify much in itself….
I was really keen on reading PKD’s take on ‘physics’
and ‘mysterious’ and then I got a sense of dejas vue,
because I’d been to cassiopaea ages ago and like most
folks, got turned off by the whole ‘organic portals’ or
‘garden variety psychopaths’…
(with or without their montalk retraction/disclaimer)
And maybe Jadzcyk’s “Physics of the Migraine-Inducing Mystery”
wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t end with his concluding that we, you and
are really Universal Debugging Units… Which, as anyone with 2 spare
neurons in the attic knows, is false and delusional- we are Disney’s
Debugging Units….
Where are the men in black when you need them…
peace, Adam
From: Jon Freedlander <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 3, 2003 at 6:57:42 PM EST
In the United States alone, someone checks their email every 3 seconds….
Ah, someone else who doesn’t understand PKD. It’s ok, because you’re in the
majority. You’re taking him too literally. You should read VALIS.
BTW, his stories and novels have been the basis for many films, including
Blade Runner, Minority Report and Total Recall.
and there’s a new one coming out soon… =)
I forget what it’s called, but it’s got Matt Damon in it…
From: Jaden Shaw <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Survey-please help!
Date: December 3, 2003 at 5:01:14 PM EST
lisa steckler <> wrote:
Ibogaine Survey
Please help – I am trying to put together some
information to present to my addiction class. Your
imput would be much appreciated. Please email surveys
back to me by December 5th. Thank you.
1) # of times you have taken ibogaine __ 4 _____ since_2002_
1b) If you have never taken it, your interest in this
mailing list is (please complete as many questions
that follow as possible)__________
2) Reasons you have taken it are (list as many as
possible)_addiction interuptor____________
3) Your age now __26____
4) Your drug use history (brief)__all, but most recently coke and heroin IV speed, pills, dillys, benzos____________________
5) Current use/recovery situation __no use. My recovery situation sucks. I dont really have one. Ive been trying to get my sister off the street._______
6) Longest abstinence following ibogaine treatment
_4 months___________
7) History of use of any psychopharmacuticals (anti
depressents, etc) _
8) During time when ibogaine was in effect, any
steps you took to avoid relapse in the
future___ive never used my window to its fullest. Im too focused on getting my family off the streets. ____________
9) Ways ibogaine has affected your spiritual
perspectives/connections:__huge ways. It let me in. I have spirituality now and I follow it. __
10) Ways ibogaine has affected your long term
emotional/mental stability:_I couldnt say____
Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this
as fully as possible. Your answers will aid my
process of introducing this treatment option to my
class. Again thank you so much. -Lisa
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From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: Fw: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 3, 2003 at 3:39:04 PM EST
To: <>
(2nd attempt to post)
Hey all,
Am I missing something here….?
Phillip K Dick passed away in 82…. but not before
imparting some crystaline-pure visionary-fiction…
Some 42 novels and over 120 short stories….
There’s also a new flick, Paycheck, by John Woo
coming out soon, based on a short story by the same name…
So what’s the connection between Jadczyk’s
‘Physics of the Mysterious’ and Phillip K. Dick..?
Because it’s kinda lame and misleading to ommit
Jadczyk’s name as author of that piece of work,
and ‘spectrum’ doesn’t really clarify much in itself….
I was really keen on reading PKD’s take on ‘physics’
and ‘mysterious’ and then I got a sense of dejas vue,
because I’d been to cassiopaea ages ago and like most
folks, got turned off by the whole ‘organic portals’ or
‘garden variety psychopaths’…
(with or without their montalk retraction/disclaimer)
And maybe Jadzcyk’s “Physics of the Migraine-Inducing Mystery”
wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t end with his concluding that we, you and I,
are really Universal Debugging Units… Which, as anyone with 2 spare
neurons in the attic knows, is false and delusional- we are Disney’s
Debugging Units….
Where are the men in black when you need them…
peace, Adam
—– Original Message —–
From: “Joshua Tinnin” <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Ah, someone else who doesn’t understand PKD. It’s ok, because you’re in
majority. You’re taking him too literally. You should read VALIS.
BTW, his stories and novels have been the basis for many films, including
Blade Runner, Minority Report and Total Recall.
– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: “IBOGA Foundation” <>
So, this is not even a theory; I see this as a heap of assumptions and
guesses. Nothing is proven. Internet is full of such garbage, and some
people believe in such things when they read them.
This whole article is on wrong basis. Author perhaps hasn’t realised yet
that the Universe is electrical in nature. And this IS proven.
And voices which that woman hears are just hallucinations – or fraud.
ANYONE can claim that he/she has a contact with someone/something… but
there is NO evidence of that. NO proof.
Such people are generated by G-BETA BIOtechnlogy. For more info on this
subject see And I can guarantee that data
here IS proven ;-))
Physics of the Mysterious
I. Introduction
I am going to talk about Time Travel. But, before I get to that most
mysterious of subjects, there is some groundwork that must be dealt with
This will be a series of notes that will appear at this place on the Web,
section at a time. I will add new stuff as often as I can, so that, little
little, there will be more and more until we get into the fun part, so
be patient. It is not a subject that can be rushed. The point is that I
little time. I have my work, I have my research, and also….
From: Nik <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine]Has anyone tried the pre ibogaine treament clinic in ddetroit Re: GMfCL 2003 #48: Montreal Ibo-Clinic OPEN!;
Date: December 3, 2003 at 2:49:35 PM EST
I went and checked it out and the doc sugeesstedd that i switch to heroin if possible before he starts he has a grant the only one in the us at the time who else has tried it they dont dispenxse ibo tther but they give you lots of other meds and are willing to detox well start giving you methdone if your using huge anounr s of heroion of scriptss he givess 30mgs maximum then detoxes you 2 mgs a day till your atb 10 mgs then one mg every other day then when tyyour at 5 mgs they take you across the brder to the other clinic excuse me while at 15 mgs of met then slowly up your does of ibo and lower it till your at 5 mgs then one medium sesion then 1 mg a day for 5 days and then a whopper dose then redose 4 days later then he gives you 4 doses of ibo that are very small that are to be taken at various apointments
Preston Peet <> wrote:
>( His son, after a third treatment,
has stayed off heroin for six months. ) <
Great Fucking News indeed Marc, really, I’m am very, very happy for both you
and your son.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: GMfCL 2003 #48: Montreal Ibo-Clinic OPEN!;
> Bro I think what you said is right, everybody means well but has their
> own agenda and interests and nobody is ever going to unite in some one
> big movement.
> I like what everyone does in their own way but I take it all with a grain
> of salt and half a bowl 😉 or I start getting upset and have no need
> for the negative energy until I ask myself why am I getting so overwrought
> by something that doesn’t really matter and doesn’t have anything to
> do with helping ibogaine.
> Dana and Patrick have all these connections with each other besides
> but you read the archives on google of the list from years ago and they
> have 100 mile long messages calling each other assholes 😉 You read
> the media that people post to this list and it’s all great, but do a
> search on agood engine like mapinc and you find stories that nobody who
> is involved ever reprints on here.
> Here’s a not so positive Marc Emery story where his neghbors are
> that he has addicts tripping in a apartment building and then sets them
> loose, continued with his plans to start for pay detox clinics and compete
> with Mash. More power bro, the more the merrier 🙂
> Peace out, smoke out. ‘Organized’ is just another word for ‘follow me
> and give me more credit and power’ 😉 Same old. To make sure I say what
> I mean, I am not disprespecting anyone, I think what Marc does is great,
> I think what Dana does is great, I think Patrick is great, I think Mash
> is great, I think Howard is great, I think everyone involved with ibogaine
> is doing the right thing in their own way.
> I don’t think anyone has a lock on ‘being right’ or better, or having
> some more pure intention.
> Peace out,
> Curtis
> URL:
> Newshawk: Herb
> Pubdate: Sat, 01 Nov 2003
> Source: Vancouver Magazine (CN BC)
> Contact:
> Website:
> Author: Ross Crockford
> Bookmark: (Emery, Marc)
> A West End addiction clinic test-drives tries an African drug.
> Residents of the West End live on top of each other, but they’re often
> clueless about their neighbours. Consider the tenants of a particular
> condo tower near Stanley Park. The retirees drifting back from breakfast,
> the Japanese girl heading out for a run-they’d never guess that up in
> one neighbor’s apartment this morning, a Seattle dominatrix is trying
> to kick her addiction to heroin by undergoing a treatment rooted in
> shamanism.
> Kelly, 34, pale and thin, her eyes flickering, is wrapped in sheets on
> a bed, whispering of dragons and wolves. She’s 24 hours into a three-
> day hallucinogenic trip induced by ibogaine, an extract of Tabernanthe
> iboga, a shrub native to Gabon. In that region’s Bwiti religion, it’s
> believed that chewing the plant’s root enables people to speak with the
> dead. “She’s been speaking in tongues, too,” says Marc Emery, munching
> on 7-Eleven crudites in the living room. “They don’t understand what
> they’re seeing. It’s after, when they’re clean, that they reflect on
> it.”
> Emery’s no doctor. He is, of course, better known as Vancouver’s loudest
> pot activist and the owner of a $3-million marijuana seed business.
> Now some of that wealth funds his clandestine Iboga Therapy House, a
> free clinic and the first of its kind in Canada. Over the past year,
> he’s dosed 28 hardcore addicts-including his own adopted son-with
> which reportedly purges all cravings for drugs after its hallucinations
> fog the trauma of withdrawal. “From our perspective, it’s going great,
> ” says Emery- although nearly all of his “patients” have relapsed into
> drug use after a month or two clean, and he’s now getting them in for
> week-long follow-up treatments. ( His son, after a third treatment,
> has stayed off heroin for six months. ) Emery says the ibogaine and
> round-the-clock “facilitators” trained in first aid cost him $2,000 per
> patient. “But all education costs money.”
> Ibogaine is illegal in the United States, but it isn’t in Canada, which
> is why Emery’s clinic has recently been cited in publications ranging
> from LA Weekly to the Journal of the American Medical Association. It’s
> been applauded by U.S. drugpolicy liberals, who claim it could complement
> Vancouver’s new safe injection site by reducing the demand for hard drugs.
> But Emery has also enraged addiction doctors in the States who accuse
> him of running a dangerous, uncontrolled experiment: over the past 20
> years, at least three patients at other clinics have died after taking
> ibogaine. ( Emery insists all of his patients have a full medical
> “Even though we’re dealing with vulnerable, healthimpacted individuals,
> I never really see any serious health anomalies. It seems very safe
> to me.” ) Emery has also angered members of the Vancouver Area Network
> of Drug Users, who say he refuses to treat addicts from the downtown
> east side, and plans to create a “detox resort” like similar ibogaine
> clinics in Panama and the Virgin Islands that charge up to $15,000 per
> treatment. But Emery says he can’t waste his money on someone headed
> straight back to a welfare hotel awash in smack. “I need these people
> to have some ability to succeed,” he says. “And I’ve never asked anybody
> for a cent.”
> The real question, of course, is whether ibogaine really helps the people
> who take it. Kevin, a Coquitlam car salesman, subjected himself to
> treatment to break a decade-long crack habit. He suffered 19 hours of
> vomiting and gruesome hallucinations, “like something out of Caligula,
> ” he says. Neurologists have found that ibogaine increases serotonin
> levels, like an antidepressant, and simultaneously shuts off cocaine
> and heroin receptors in the brain-but, Kevin says, “it had absolutely
> no effect on me whatsoever.” He went back to using within a month. Still,
> at least that was a month clean. A fresh start. And for that, he’s
> grateful. “Whether or not I like Marc and his tactics, I have to respect
> him. At least he gave me the opportunity to change my life.”
> ———————————————————————
> ———–
> MAP posted-by: Josh
> On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 15:23:53 -0800 Vector Vector
> wrote:
> >Go Dana! 🙂
> >
> >I’ll do everyone a favor and cut out half of the bulletin which
> >is
> >reprinting messages already posted to this list 🙂
> >
> >I found the after ibogaine list subscribe from the archives, it’s
> >
> >
> >.:vector:.
> >
> >— Dana Beal wrote:
> >> Ibogaine Treatment Now Accessible in Montreal–Call 212-677-7180!
> >>
> >> For years now Cures not Wars has been referring addicts for treatment
> >> in Holland, Mexico, Vancouver and the Caribbean. At last we are
> >doing
> >> our own treatments for folks in the North Eastern U.S.–conveniently
> >> close in Montreal! Treatment will not be free, but we are willing
> >to
> >> work with anyone who genuinely desires to quit one or more substances
> >> of abuse to arrange some kind of sliding scale that fits your
> >budget.
> >>
> >> We are hoping that all of our affiliates, both within and without
> >the
> >> Million Marijuana March, are ready to upgrade your message to
> >stress
> >> the public health benefits of separating marijuana from hard drugs-
> >-
> >> and the vital role ibogaine can have in repelling hard drugs
> >from
> >> the cannabis scene.
> >>
> >> According to Dutch government factsheets, for instance, out of
> >the
> >> total population of 727,000, Amsterdam has around 5,100 hard-drug
> >> users. The primary thrust of policy is to discourage the use of
> >> drugs, and to combat the trade in drugs. The authorities also
> >seek to
> >> minimise the risks incurred by drug users and to reduce as far
> >as
> >> possible the nuisance factor for the general public. In the context
> >> of use, Amsterdam’s drug policy differentiates between hard and
> >soft
> >> drugs, i.e.: cannabis is available, but at locations where no
> >other
> >> illicit substances may be sold, and this “market separation” is
> >> strictly enforced. Of some 5,100 hard-drug users, around 2000
> >are of
> >> Dutch origin, with some 1,350 having roots in former colony of
> >> Surinam, the Netherlands Antilles and Morocco. Around 1,750 users
> >> come from other European countries, mainly Germany and Italy.
> >The
> >> total number of hard-drug users is steadily decreasing, while
> >their
> >> average age is rising, from 26.8 years in 1981 to 39 years in
> >1999.
> >> In the same period the total number of drug users under 22 years
> >of
> >> age dropped from 14.4 percent to 1.6%.
> >>
> >> A ninety percent reduction! For harm reduction workers who seek
> >to
> >> duplicate this feat in countries where the government is not (like
> >> the Netherlands) cooperating, Ibogaine represents a medical
> >> alternative to state involvement. That’s why we would like every
> >> Million Marijuana March organization to become an outlet for ibogaine
> >> information, and to this end we are asking you to join a new list,
> >>
> >> where all the activists and treatment providers are waiting to
> >answer
> >> your questions. To check out a typical thread from the ibogaine
> >list,
> >> look under Ibogaine, below, after BUSHWHACKED.
> >>
> >> Subscribe Mindvox
> >>
> >> To join the Mindvox ibogaine list just send an email to
> >> if you please.
> >>
> >> Nothing more to it. You don’t have to write anything in the subject
> >> or text area.
> >>
> >> ———
> >>
> >> So far, 86 Cities are Signed up for 2004 .
> >>
> >>
> >> (Next year, the first Saturday of May falls on May 1. We are
> >> recommending Sunday, May 2 or Monday May 3 in cities where there
> >is
> >> significant conflict with other local events–or as a rain date.
> >Of
> >> course, we understand that some schools have to do it on 4/20
> >because
> >> their school year is over by May, and that some northern cities
> >have
> >> to do it a little later in May…)
> >>
> >>
> Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
> FREE encrypted email:
> Free, ultra-private instant messaging with Hush Messenger
> Promote security and make money with the Hushmail Affiliate Program:
Do you Yahoo!?
Free Pop-Up Blocker – Get it now
From: “Martine Docin-Julien” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: (OT) fire, fire!
Date: December 3, 2003 at 2:22:56 PM EST
To: <>
Hello, I’m glad with you that things did’nt went worst, nevertheless, I wonder how you can share your home with soooooooo much cats ?
😉 Martine
—– Original Message —–
From: Preston Peet
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 6:46 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: (OT) fire, fire!
…and now our apartment smells like Sept 11 all over again, a plastic,
burnt smell that reeks to high heavens (see below for more details, those
who didn’t get the first note on this topic). All that’s missing is that
cooked flesh smell.
Our lungs are full of nasty tasting sootishness, and we are now a bit
overwhelmed feeling, the aftershock finally kicking in.
That was way, way too close a call for my liking I have to say.
I realize this is way off topic for the two lists I’ve posted these
notes to, but I really needed to vent my feelings, so thanks for bearing
with me.
Peace all, and remember to live to the fullest today, right now, as we never
ever know what’s waiting just around the next moment.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 12:14 AM
Subject: (OT) fire, fire!
> Hi all,
> Weedless here, and wouldn’t it figure. I could Really use a bowl or three
> right this moment.
> We just had a close call with fire here. V smelled smoke, we thought,
> “hey, someone’s got a fireplace goin'” she went out into the hallway to
> a casual look-see, then within about 30 seconds V came running back inside
> to grab the phone and call 911 to report the now raging fire in our
> between our building and the one next door. The flames were almost up to
> 6th floor in just seconds really, and exploded a window into one of the
> apartments on the ground floor. All we can figure is that someone must
> thrown a still lit cigerette out the hallway window or an apartment window
> into the almost one story tall heap of matresses and other assorted
> out there. I spent a few minutes racing around the apartment trying to
> our many cats into carriers but thank god the fire department showed up as
> fast as they did after V called, and put out the fire before the actual
> building itself caught blaze. I wasn’t leaving until I got all the cats,
> didn’t want to anyway, but had only managed to get 6 of the 10 into
> bags/carriers/boxes/etc before V came in and let me know the FD had the
> flames under control. Of course, asking one of the cops downstairs if
> knew yet how it started got me a dead-eyed stare and then the fucker
> his back on me.
> What an asshole.
> Anyway, other than for the many cuts and gouges in my flesh from
> frightened kitties, we are all ok, if a bit oversmoked, and not the good
> kind of oversmoked either.
> Plus, I almost only owned the buttless pair of pants I was wearing
> the fire started.
> That wouldn’t have been cool.
> Peace,
> Preston
From: “Martine Docin-Julien” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 3, 2003 at 1:48:15 PM EST
To: <>
Hello Ganjacat, thanks for your answer.
I’m pretty interested too in new way of exploring what ” reality ” is and I’ve read years and years ago, lot of fascinating science-fiction books.
For sure they have contributed in nourishing my curiosity and feeling : ” There is something else than what I’m told”.
I guess one of the story I’d prefered was a short one, probably one of PKD, the story of a man isolated somewhere, and who found that his way out was inside himself, waouh, what an inspiration for the teen-ager I was then 😉
I felt that ” it was echoing in my self “deeply : some key for me was there, hidden.
Time has run, and I’ve discovered that the mysterious clue given in this book was the echo of one universal wisdom and knowledge.
There are maybe parallels universes, crossing of differents realities, different levels of the same reality, or different ways to experiment reality, that is ok for me and very interesting !.
Following my own path, I choose to open my mind to the thoughts or informations that echo well inside.
As I consider that I have choice and responsability, I now pay special attention to new or old ideas that could let suppose some men or women would be inferior to some others, may it comes from a human or a non-human point of view !.
Separation, apartheid is there, that’s a kind of trap, acting as a subliminal message.
I’m not interested in cocreation of that sort of universe, may it be true or virtual.
I don’t know how this sounds in english ” Be at one with the many ” ? Those are words I’ve get in my mind, like some hope. In my feeling they sound as “Unity”, but the grammary is perhaps not a good one ?
I’ve learned some day that we as human beings have our usual senses, view, hearing and so on, and another that was quite new for my understanding : the feeling of being with others, the ” US “; I mean, “us” and not United States of America ! 😉
This us is openess.
Friendly to all friendly creatures !
—– Original Message —–
From: GanjaCat
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 11:13 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] If it walks like a duck…. RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Hi Martine,
I have to admit that Im enough of an anorak (English expression) to have some familiarity with some of the stuff talked about in the posted article –
The quantum-consciousness work of Roger Penrose I find particularly fascinating
and have read quite a lot of PKD sci-fi too.
But I too am intensely uncomfortable with the overall direction that this paradigm takes. I cant really put my finger on it, but as you say it smacks of pseudo-elitism.
Like you, I am in favour of seeing what changes if the dude takes Iboga
But there again, remember Im developing into somewhat of a hard-liner
If pushed I would stand for Ibo not just being legal or accepted, but being COMPULSORY!
(Exits whistling Whos afraid of the big bad wolf.)
—–Original Message—– From: Martine Docin-Julien [] Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:25 AM To: Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Hello, I’d like to react for this post “Physic of the Mysterious” cause I don’t get it clear enough, maybe due to the time I need to digest the whole message sent.
As for myself, I first felt pretty interested on sunday, and thought ” At last someone can explain simply things about physic and so on “, but today, the day after, I’m not so sure I’ll will get more knowledge, even if for the moment, I’ve only ” overviewed” the text : I feel uncomfortable.
Thus being said, I’m not at all able to talk about the scientific theories or researches presented.
I’ve surfed on the site related “” and I got the same uncomfortable feeling, first interest and then some kind of “weight” growing.
And again, I’m not talking about scientific stuff.
The job done seems considerable, but I felt shocked after a glance I had on some of the theories expressed on two supposed kinds of human beings :
First human beings serving as organic portals, taking energy from others, being considered as ” having no souls” and secondly others considered as having a soul and thus ” able to evoluate further “.
I really don’t like it. Again some kind of inferior beings and superior ones ? Again ? And that theory coming from sources that the common reader cannot check ?
The worst for me is that the theory speaks of mixed kind of humans, it means that in the same family, one may have first kind and second kind of human beings, is this a theory supposed to create the harmony, the respect, the openess I’m longing for ? ” Half of the humanity taking energy from the other half”.
I feel sadness. But I’m perhaps only one portal, not a being supposed to evoluate soon, and I’ve to wait for my turn in the big evolution.
Does the writer of this text have ” eaten the wood ” as the Bwitis say, did he experimented Iboga ?
I’m longing for reactions of readers of that list, really.
From: Marc Scott Emery <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Vancouver Magazine article
Date: December 3, 2003 at 3:32:50 AM EST
My son has used on two occasions in the last 12 months, and his life has
improved significantly.
As to the Vancouver Magazine article, no one has complained among my
neighbours, I don’t think it says that in the article, in any case. In
fact, I have never really ever received a negative word from anyone
regards iboga.
—–Original Message—–
From: Preston Peet []
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: GMfCL 2003 #48: Montreal Ibo-Clinic OPEN!;
( His son, after a third treatment,
has stayed off heroin for six months. ) <
Great Fucking News indeed Marc, really, I’m am very, very happy for both
and your son.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: GMfCL 2003 #48: Montreal Ibo-Clinic OPEN!;
Bro I think what you said is right, everybody means well but has their
own agenda and interests and nobody is ever going to unite in some one
big movement.
I like what everyone does in their own way but I take it all with a
of salt and half a bowl 😉 or I start getting upset and have no need
for the negative energy until I ask myself why am I getting so
by something that doesn’t really matter and doesn’t have anything to
do with helping ibogaine.
Dana and Patrick have all these connections with each other besides
but you read the archives on google of the list from years ago and
have 100 mile long messages calling each other assholes 😉 You read
the media that people post to this list and it’s all great, but do a
search on agood engine like mapinc and you find stories that nobody
is involved ever reprints on here.
Here’s a not so positive Marc Emery story where his neghbors are
that he has addicts tripping in a apartment building and then sets
loose, continued with his plans to start for pay detox clinics and
with Mash. More power bro, the more the merrier 🙂
Peace out, smoke out. ‘Organized’ is just another word for ‘follow me
and give me more credit and power’ 😉 Same old. To make sure I say
I mean, I am not disprespecting anyone, I think what Marc does is
I think what Dana does is great, I think Patrick is great, I think
is great, I think Howard is great, I think everyone involved with
is doing the right thing in their own way.
I don’t think anyone has a lock on ‘being right’ or better, or having
some more pure intention.
Peace out,
Newshawk: Herb
Pubdate: Sat, 01 Nov 2003
Source: Vancouver Magazine (CN BC)
Author: Ross Crockford
Bookmark: (Emery, Marc)
A West End addiction clinic test-drives tries an African drug.
Residents of the West End live on top of each other, but they’re often
clueless about their neighbours. Consider the tenants of a particular
condo tower near Stanley Park. The retirees drifting back from
the Japanese girl heading out for a run-they’d never guess that up in
one neighbor’s apartment this morning, a Seattle dominatrix is trying
to kick her addiction to heroin by undergoing a treatment rooted in
Kelly, 34, pale and thin, her eyes flickering, is wrapped in sheets on
a bed, whispering of dragons and wolves. She’s 24 hours into a three-
day hallucinogenic trip induced by ibogaine, an extract of Tabernanthe
iboga, a shrub native to Gabon. In that region’s Bwiti religion, it’s
believed that chewing the plant’s root enables people to speak with
dead. “She’s been speaking in tongues, too,” says Marc Emery,
on 7-Eleven crudites in the living room. “They don’t understand what
they’re seeing. It’s after, when they’re clean, that they reflect on
Emery’s no doctor. He is, of course, better known as Vancouver’s
pot activist and the owner of a $3-million marijuana seed business.
Now some of that wealth funds his clandestine Iboga Therapy House, a
free clinic and the first of its kind in Canada. Over the past year,
he’s dosed 28 hardcore addicts-including his own adopted son-with
which reportedly purges all cravings for drugs after its
fog the trauma of withdrawal. “From our perspective, it’s going
” says Emery- although nearly all of his “patients” have relapsed into
drug use after a month or two clean, and he’s now getting them in for
week-long follow-up treatments. ( His son, after a third treatment,
has stayed off heroin for six months. ) Emery says the ibogaine and
round-the-clock “facilitators” trained in first aid cost him $2,000
patient. “But all education costs money.”
Ibogaine is illegal in the United States, but it isn’t in Canada,
is why Emery’s clinic has recently been cited in publications ranging
from LA Weekly to the Journal of the American Medical Association.
been applauded by U.S. drugpolicy liberals, who claim it could
Vancouver’s new safe injection site by reducing the demand for hard
But Emery has also enraged addiction doctors in the States who accuse
him of running a dangerous, uncontrolled experiment: over the past 20
years, at least three patients at other clinics have died after taking
ibogaine. ( Emery insists all of his patients have a full medical
“Even though we’re dealing with vulnerable, healthimpacted
I never really see any serious health anomalies. It seems very safe
to me.” ) Emery has also angered members of the Vancouver Area Network
of Drug Users, who say he refuses to treat addicts from the downtown
east side, and plans to create a “detox resort” like similar ibogaine
clinics in Panama and the Virgin Islands that charge up to $15,000 per
treatment. But Emery says he can’t waste his money on someone headed
straight back to a welfare hotel awash in smack. “I need these people
to have some ability to succeed,” he says. “And I’ve never asked
for a cent.”
The real question, of course, is whether ibogaine really helps the
who take it. Kevin, a Coquitlam car salesman, subjected himself to
treatment to break a decade-long crack habit. He suffered 19 hours of
vomiting and gruesome hallucinations, “like something out of Caligula,
” he says. Neurologists have found that ibogaine increases serotonin
levels, like an antidepressant, and simultaneously shuts off cocaine
and heroin receptors in the brain-but, Kevin says, “it had absolutely
no effect on me whatsoever.” He went back to using within a month.
at least that was a month clean. A fresh start. And for that, he’s
grateful. “Whether or not I like Marc and his tactics, I have to
him. At least he gave me the opportunity to change my life.”
MAP posted-by: Josh
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 15:23:53 -0800 Vector Vector
Go Dana! 🙂
I’ll do everyone a favor and cut out half of the bulletin which
reprinting messages already posted to this list 🙂
I found the after ibogaine list subscribe from the archives, it’s
— Dana Beal <> wrote:
Ibogaine Treatment Now Accessible in Montreal–Call 212-677-7180!
For years now Cures not Wars has been referring addicts for
in Holland, Mexico, Vancouver and the Caribbean. At last we are
our own treatments for folks in the North Eastern
close in Montreal! Treatment will not be free, but we are willing
work with anyone who genuinely desires to quit one or more
of abuse to arrange some kind of sliding scale that fits your
We are hoping that all of our affiliates, both within and without
Million Marijuana March, are ready to upgrade your message to
the public health benefits of separating marijuana from hard drugs-
and the vital role ibogaine can have in repelling hard drugs
the cannabis scene.
According to Dutch government factsheets, for instance, out of
total population of 727,000, Amsterdam has around 5,100 hard-drug
users. The primary thrust of policy is to discourage the use of
drugs, and to combat the trade in drugs. The authorities also
seek to
minimise the risks incurred by drug users and to reduce as far
possible the nuisance factor for the general public. In the context
of use, Amsterdam’s drug policy differentiates between hard and
drugs, i.e.: cannabis is available, but at locations where no
illicit substances may be sold, and this “market separation” is
strictly enforced. Of some 5,100 hard-drug users, around 2000
are of
Dutch origin, with some 1,350 having roots in former colony of
Surinam, the Netherlands Antilles and Morocco. Around 1,750 users
come from other European countries, mainly Germany and Italy.
total number of hard-drug users is steadily decreasing, while
average age is rising, from 26.8 years in 1981 to 39 years in
In the same period the total number of drug users under 22 years
age dropped from 14.4 percent to 1.6%.
A ninety percent reduction! For harm reduction workers who seek
duplicate this feat in countries where the government is not (like
the Netherlands) cooperating, Ibogaine represents a medical
alternative to state involvement. That’s why we would like every
Million Marijuana March organization to become an outlet for
information, and to this end we are asking you to join a new list,
where all the activists and treatment providers are waiting to
your questions. To check out a typical thread from the ibogaine
look under Ibogaine, below, after BUSHWHACKED.
Subscribe Mindvox
To join the Mindvox ibogaine list just send an email to if you please.
Nothing more to it. You don’t have to write anything in the subject
or text area.
So far, 86 Cities are Signed up for 2004 .
(Next year, the first Saturday of May falls on May 1. We are
recommending Sunday, May 2 or Monday May 3 in cities where there
significant conflict with other local events–or as a rain date.
course, we understand that some schools have to do it on 4/20
their school year is over by May, and that some northern cities
to do it a little later in May…)
Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email:
Free, ultra-private instant messaging with Hush Messenger
Promote security and make money with the Hushmail Affiliate Program:
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] (OT) fire, fire!
Date: December 3, 2003 at 11:15:32 AM EST
Preston, Glad you and V are okay and the fire was put out quickly.
I am very afraid of fire. It is a destroyer and killer and can do so very fast.
Sorry also that you are out of ‘smoke’ but you probably won’t be out long!
peace, Callie
From: “GanjaCat” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Fw: (OT) fire, fire!
Date: December 3, 2003 at 10:26:06 AM EST
To: <>
No problem PP
Anyone prepared to risk his life for his felines is OK by me.
—–Original Message—–
From: Preston Peet []
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 6:47 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: (OT) fire, fire!
…and now our apartment smells like Sept 11 all over again, a plastic,
burnt smell that reeks to high heavens (see below for more details,
who didn’t get the first note on this topic). All that’s missing is that
cooked flesh smell.
Our lungs are full of nasty tasting sootishness, and we are now a
overwhelmed feeling, the aftershock finally kicking in.
That was way, way too close a call for my liking I have to say.
I realize this is way off topic for the two lists I’ve posted these
notes to, but I really needed to vent my feelings, so thanks for bearing
with me.
Peace all, and remember to live to the fullest today, right now, as we
ever know what’s waiting just around the next moment.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 12:14 AM
Subject: (OT) fire, fire!
Hi all,
Weedless here, and wouldn’t it figure. I could Really use a bowl or
right this moment.
We just had a close call with fire here. V smelled smoke, we
“hey, someone’s got a fireplace goin'” she went out into the hallway
a casual look-see, then within about 30 seconds V came running back
to grab the phone and call 911 to report the now raging fire in our
between our building and the one next door. The flames were almost up
6th floor in just seconds really, and exploded a window into one of
apartments on the ground floor. All we can figure is that someone must
thrown a still lit cigerette out the hallway window or an apartment
into the almost one story tall heap of matresses and other assorted
out there. I spent a few minutes racing around the apartment trying to
our many cats into carriers but thank god the fire department showed
up as
fast as they did after V called, and put out the fire before the
building itself caught blaze. I wasn’t leaving until I got all the
didn’t want to anyway, but had only managed to get 6 of the 10 into
bags/carriers/boxes/etc before V came in and let me know the FD had
flames under control. Of course, asking one of the cops downstairs if
knew yet how it started got me a dead-eyed stare and then the fucker
his back on me.
What an asshole.
Anyway, other than for the many cuts and gouges in my flesh from
frightened kitties, we are all ok, if a bit oversmoked, and not the
kind of oversmoked either.
Plus, I almost only owned the buttless pair of pants I was wearing
the fire started.
That wouldn’t have been cool.
From: IBOGA Foundation <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 3, 2003 at 9:42:30 AM EST
tiziz tee best-of-oll!
On Wed, 3 Dec 2003, GanjaCat wrote:
You gotta be trippin’ dude!
That site is the biggest load of twaddle I’ve seen since “Ask Frank”.
Anyway, who needs super-aliens when we have the Mother Earth (in ALL her
glory) to sustain and nourish our spiritual growth?
—–Original Message—–
From: IBOGA Foundation []
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the
Such people are generated by G-BETA BIOtechnlogy. For more info on this
subject see And I can guarantee that data
here IS proven ;-))
From: “adam gur” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 3, 2003 at 7:42:50 AM EST
To: <>
Hey all,
Am I missing something here….?
Phillip K Dick passed away in 82…. but not before
imparting some crystaline-pure visionary-fiction…
Some 42 novels and over 120 short stories….
There’s also a new flick, Paycheck, by John Woo
coming out soon, based on a short story by the same name…
So what’s the connection between Jadczyk’s
‘Physics of the Mysterious’ and Phillip K. Dick..?
Because it’s kinda lame and misleading to ommit
Jadczyk’s name as author of that piece of work,
and ‘spectrum’ doesn’t really clarify much in itself….
I was really keen on reading PKD’s take on ‘physics’
and ‘mysterious’ and then I got a sense of dejas vue,
because I’d been to cassiopaea ages ago and like most
folks, got turned off by the whole ‘organic portals’ or
‘garden variety psychopaths’…
(with or without their montalk retraction/disclaimer)
And maybe Jadzcyk’s “Physics of the Migraine-Inducing Mystery”
wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t end with his concluding that we, you and I,
are really Universal Debugging Units… Which, as anyone with 2 spare
neurons in the attic knows, is false and delusional- we are Disney’s
Debugging Units….
Where are the men in black when you need them…
peace, Adam
—– Original Message —–
From: “Joshua Tinnin” <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Ah, someone else who doesn’t understand PKD. It’s ok, because you’re in
majority. You’re taking him too literally. You should read VALIS.
BTW, his stories and novels have been the basis for many films, including
Blade Runner, Minority Report and Total Recall.
– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: “IBOGA Foundation” <>
So, this is not even a theory; I see this as a heap of assumptions and
guesses. Nothing is proven. Internet is full of such garbage, and some
people believe in such things when they read them.
This whole article is on wrong basis. Author perhaps hasn’t realised yet
that the Universe is electrical in nature. And this IS proven.
And voices which that woman hears are just hallucinations – or fraud.
ANYONE can claim that he/she has a contact with someone/something… but
there is NO evidence of that. NO proof.
Such people are generated by G-BETA BIOtechnlogy. For more info on this
subject see And I can guarantee that data
here IS proven ;-))
Physics of the Mysterious
I. Introduction
I am going to talk about Time Travel. But, before I get to that most
mysterious of subjects, there is some groundwork that must be dealt with
This will be a series of notes that will appear at this place on the Web,
section at a time. I will add new stuff as often as I can, so that, little
little, there will be more and more until we get into the fun part, so
be patient. It is not a subject that can be rushed. The point is that I
little time. I have my work, I have my research, and also….
From: “GanjaCat” <>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 3, 2003 at 5:55:06 AM EST
To: <>
You gotta be trippin’ dude!
That site is the biggest load of twaddle I’ve seen since “Ask Frank”.
Anyway, who needs super-aliens when we have the Mother Earth (in ALL her
glory) to sustain and nourish our spiritual growth?
—–Original Message—–
From: IBOGA Foundation []
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the
Such people are generated by G-BETA BIOtechnlogy. For more info on this
subject see And I can guarantee that data
here IS proven ;-))
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: GMfCL 2003 #48: Montreal Ibo-Clinic OPEN!;
Date: December 3, 2003 at 1:10:11 AM EST
To: <>
( His son, after a third treatment,
has stayed off heroin for six months. ) <
Great Fucking News indeed Marc, really, I’m am very, very happy for both you
and your son.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 30, 2003 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: GMfCL 2003 #48: Montreal Ibo-Clinic OPEN!;
Bro I think what you said is right, everybody means well but has their
own agenda and interests and nobody is ever going to unite in some one
big movement.
I like what everyone does in their own way but I take it all with a grain
of salt and half a bowl 😉 or I start getting upset and have no need
for the negative energy until I ask myself why am I getting so overwrought
by something that doesn’t really matter and doesn’t have anything to
do with helping ibogaine.
Dana and Patrick have all these connections with each other besides
but you read the archives on google of the list from years ago and they
have 100 mile long messages calling each other assholes 😉 You read
the media that people post to this list and it’s all great, but do a
search on agood engine like mapinc and you find stories that nobody who
is involved ever reprints on here.
Here’s a not so positive Marc Emery story where his neghbors are
that he has addicts tripping in a apartment building and then sets them
loose, continued with his plans to start for pay detox clinics and compete
with Mash. More power bro, the more the merrier 🙂
Peace out, smoke out. ‘Organized’ is just another word for ‘follow me
and give me more credit and power’ 😉 Same old. To make sure I say what
I mean, I am not disprespecting anyone, I think what Marc does is great,
I think what Dana does is great, I think Patrick is great, I think Mash
is great, I think Howard is great, I think everyone involved with ibogaine
is doing the right thing in their own way.
I don’t think anyone has a lock on ‘being right’ or better, or having
some more pure intention.
Peace out,
Newshawk: Herb
Pubdate: Sat, 01 Nov 2003
Source: Vancouver Magazine (CN BC)
Author: Ross Crockford
Bookmark: (Emery, Marc)
A West End addiction clinic test-drives tries an African drug.
Residents of the West End live on top of each other, but they’re often
clueless about their neighbours. Consider the tenants of a particular
condo tower near Stanley Park. The retirees drifting back from breakfast,
the Japanese girl heading out for a run-they’d never guess that up in
one neighbor’s apartment this morning, a Seattle dominatrix is trying
to kick her addiction to heroin by undergoing a treatment rooted in
Kelly, 34, pale and thin, her eyes flickering, is wrapped in sheets on
a bed, whispering of dragons and wolves. She’s 24 hours into a three-
day hallucinogenic trip induced by ibogaine, an extract of Tabernanthe
iboga, a shrub native to Gabon. In that region’s Bwiti religion, it’s
believed that chewing the plant’s root enables people to speak with the
dead. “She’s been speaking in tongues, too,” says Marc Emery, munching
on 7-Eleven crudites in the living room. “They don’t understand what
they’re seeing. It’s after, when they’re clean, that they reflect on
Emery’s no doctor. He is, of course, better known as Vancouver’s loudest
pot activist and the owner of a $3-million marijuana seed business.
Now some of that wealth funds his clandestine Iboga Therapy House, a
free clinic and the first of its kind in Canada. Over the past year,
he’s dosed 28 hardcore addicts-including his own adopted son-with
which reportedly purges all cravings for drugs after its hallucinations
fog the trauma of withdrawal. “From our perspective, it’s going great,
” says Emery- although nearly all of his “patients” have relapsed into
drug use after a month or two clean, and he’s now getting them in for
week-long follow-up treatments. ( His son, after a third treatment,
has stayed off heroin for six months. ) Emery says the ibogaine and
round-the-clock “facilitators” trained in first aid cost him $2,000 per
patient. “But all education costs money.”
Ibogaine is illegal in the United States, but it isn’t in Canada, which
is why Emery’s clinic has recently been cited in publications ranging
from LA Weekly to the Journal of the American Medical Association. It’s
been applauded by U.S. drugpolicy liberals, who claim it could complement
Vancouver’s new safe injection site by reducing the demand for hard drugs.
But Emery has also enraged addiction doctors in the States who accuse
him of running a dangerous, uncontrolled experiment: over the past 20
years, at least three patients at other clinics have died after taking
ibogaine. ( Emery insists all of his patients have a full medical
“Even though we’re dealing with vulnerable, healthimpacted individuals,
I never really see any serious health anomalies. It seems very safe
to me.” ) Emery has also angered members of the Vancouver Area Network
of Drug Users, who say he refuses to treat addicts from the downtown
east side, and plans to create a “detox resort” like similar ibogaine
clinics in Panama and the Virgin Islands that charge up to $15,000 per
treatment. But Emery says he can’t waste his money on someone headed
straight back to a welfare hotel awash in smack. “I need these people
to have some ability to succeed,” he says. “And I’ve never asked anybody
for a cent.”
The real question, of course, is whether ibogaine really helps the people
who take it. Kevin, a Coquitlam car salesman, subjected himself to
treatment to break a decade-long crack habit. He suffered 19 hours of
vomiting and gruesome hallucinations, “like something out of Caligula,
” he says. Neurologists have found that ibogaine increases serotonin
levels, like an antidepressant, and simultaneously shuts off cocaine
and heroin receptors in the brain-but, Kevin says, “it had absolutely
no effect on me whatsoever.” He went back to using within a month. Still,
at least that was a month clean. A fresh start. And for that, he’s
grateful. “Whether or not I like Marc and his tactics, I have to respect
him. At least he gave me the opportunity to change my life.”
MAP posted-by: Josh
On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 15:23:53 -0800 Vector Vector
Go Dana! 🙂
I’ll do everyone a favor and cut out half of the bulletin which
reprinting messages already posted to this list 🙂
I found the after ibogaine list subscribe from the archives, it’s
— Dana Beal <> wrote:
Ibogaine Treatment Now Accessible in Montreal–Call 212-677-7180!
For years now Cures not Wars has been referring addicts for treatment
in Holland, Mexico, Vancouver and the Caribbean. At last we are
our own treatments for folks in the North Eastern U.S.–conveniently
close in Montreal! Treatment will not be free, but we are willing
work with anyone who genuinely desires to quit one or more substances
of abuse to arrange some kind of sliding scale that fits your
We are hoping that all of our affiliates, both within and without
Million Marijuana March, are ready to upgrade your message to
the public health benefits of separating marijuana from hard drugs-
and the vital role ibogaine can have in repelling hard drugs
the cannabis scene.
According to Dutch government factsheets, for instance, out of
total population of 727,000, Amsterdam has around 5,100 hard-drug
users. The primary thrust of policy is to discourage the use of
drugs, and to combat the trade in drugs. The authorities also
seek to
minimise the risks incurred by drug users and to reduce as far
possible the nuisance factor for the general public. In the context
of use, Amsterdam’s drug policy differentiates between hard and
drugs, i.e.: cannabis is available, but at locations where no
illicit substances may be sold, and this “market separation” is
strictly enforced. Of some 5,100 hard-drug users, around 2000
are of
Dutch origin, with some 1,350 having roots in former colony of
Surinam, the Netherlands Antilles and Morocco. Around 1,750 users
come from other European countries, mainly Germany and Italy.
total number of hard-drug users is steadily decreasing, while
average age is rising, from 26.8 years in 1981 to 39 years in
In the same period the total number of drug users under 22 years
age dropped from 14.4 percent to 1.6%.
A ninety percent reduction! For harm reduction workers who seek
duplicate this feat in countries where the government is not (like
the Netherlands) cooperating, Ibogaine represents a medical
alternative to state involvement. That’s why we would like every
Million Marijuana March organization to become an outlet for ibogaine
information, and to this end we are asking you to join a new list,
where all the activists and treatment providers are waiting to
your questions. To check out a typical thread from the ibogaine
look under Ibogaine, below, after BUSHWHACKED.
Subscribe Mindvox
To join the Mindvox ibogaine list just send an email to if you please.
Nothing more to it. You don’t have to write anything in the subject
or text area.
So far, 86 Cities are Signed up for 2004 .
(Next year, the first Saturday of May falls on May 1. We are
recommending Sunday, May 2 or Monday May 3 in cities where there
significant conflict with other local events–or as a rain date.
course, we understand that some schools have to do it on 4/20
their school year is over by May, and that some northern cities
to do it a little later in May…)
Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email:
Free, ultra-private instant messaging with Hush Messenger
Promote security and make money with the Hushmail Affiliate Program:
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: (OT) fire, fire!
Date: December 3, 2003 at 12:46:43 AM EST
To: <>, <>
…and now our apartment smells like Sept 11 all over again, a plastic,
burnt smell that reeks to high heavens (see below for more details, those
who didn’t get the first note on this topic). All that’s missing is that
cooked flesh smell.
Our lungs are full of nasty tasting sootishness, and we are now a bit
overwhelmed feeling, the aftershock finally kicking in.
That was way, way too close a call for my liking I have to say.
I realize this is way off topic for the two lists I’ve posted these
notes to, but I really needed to vent my feelings, so thanks for bearing
with me.
Peace all, and remember to live to the fullest today, right now, as we never
ever know what’s waiting just around the next moment.
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 12:14 AM
Subject: (OT) fire, fire!
Hi all,
Weedless here, and wouldn’t it figure. I could Really use a bowl or three
right this moment.
We just had a close call with fire here. V smelled smoke, we thought,
“hey, someone’s got a fireplace goin'” she went out into the hallway to
a casual look-see, then within about 30 seconds V came running back inside
to grab the phone and call 911 to report the now raging fire in our
between our building and the one next door. The flames were almost up to
6th floor in just seconds really, and exploded a window into one of the
apartments on the ground floor. All we can figure is that someone must
thrown a still lit cigerette out the hallway window or an apartment window
into the almost one story tall heap of matresses and other assorted
out there. I spent a few minutes racing around the apartment trying to
our many cats into carriers but thank god the fire department showed up as
fast as they did after V called, and put out the fire before the actual
building itself caught blaze. I wasn’t leaving until I got all the cats,
didn’t want to anyway, but had only managed to get 6 of the 10 into
bags/carriers/boxes/etc before V came in and let me know the FD had the
flames under control. Of course, asking one of the cops downstairs if
knew yet how it started got me a dead-eyed stare and then the fucker
his back on me.
What an asshole.
Anyway, other than for the many cuts and gouges in my flesh from
frightened kitties, we are all ok, if a bit oversmoked, and not the good
kind of oversmoked either.
Plus, I almost only owned the buttless pair of pants I was wearing
the fire started.
That wouldn’t have been cool.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] (OT) fire, fire!
Date: December 3, 2003 at 12:14:11 AM EST
To: <>, <>
Hi all,
Weedless here, and wouldn’t it figure. I could Really use a bowl or three
right this moment.
We just had a close call with fire here. V smelled smoke, we thought,
“hey, someone’s got a fireplace goin'” she went out into the hallway to take
a casual look-see, then within about 30 seconds V came running back inside
to grab the phone and call 911 to report the now raging fire in our shaftway
between our building and the one next door. The flames were almost up to the
6th floor in just seconds really, and exploded a window into one of the
apartments on the ground floor. All we can figure is that someone must have
thrown a still lit cigerette out the hallway window or an apartment window
into the almost one story tall heap of matresses and other assorted garbage
out there. I spent a few minutes racing around the apartment trying to stuff
our many cats into carriers but thank god the fire department showed up as
fast as they did after V called, and put out the fire before the actual
building itself caught blaze. I wasn’t leaving until I got all the cats, or
didn’t want to anyway, but had only managed to get 6 of the 10 into
bags/carriers/boxes/etc before V came in and let me know the FD had the
flames under control. Of course, asking one of the cops downstairs if anyone
knew yet how it started got me a dead-eyed stare and then the fucker turned
his back on me.
What an asshole.
Anyway, other than for the many cuts and gouges in my flesh from
frightened kitties, we are all ok, if a bit oversmoked, and not the good
kind of oversmoked either.
Plus, I almost only owned the buttless pair of pants I was wearing when
the fire started.
That wouldn’t have been cool.
From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] RE: High Times
Date: December 2, 2003 at 8:57:15 PM EST
I’ve never read a high times before but I don’t
understand this either. Why would a magazine which is
all about pot stop writing about pot? Are they being
pressured under the Bush administration or what
happened? Before anyone tells me how dumb I am, sorry
but I don’t know anything at all about the marijuana
movement and everything I have learned has come from
the people who post to this list 😉
Not sure I care about high times itself but I’m
interested in what it might mean. I have heard about
Tommy Chong and all, so does this mean all head shops
are going to be shut down in america next? What’s
happening? I thought medical marijuana had a big
victory with Ed Rosenthal?
Confused and curious any insigh appreciated!
Carla B
— Vector Vector <> wrote:
Since this list also by coincidence has more
mariuana activists reading
it and posting to it then any other single place
I’ve seen 😉 What is
happening with High Times? I don’t get it. High
Times is going to
become a coffee table magazine and stop promoting
pot??? Why even
I’ve read this now online all over and I’m wondering
what’s going on. I
know most of you don’t like High Times or have some
constant war going
on between each other and hate each other behind the
scenes, was I
talking about ibogaine or marijuana? 😉 What is
happening, why is High
Times doing this? Did it change ownership and if it
didn’t then why are
the owners letting the new management take over the
magazine and
remaking it without pot?
I don’t get that one at all.
— Sara Glatt <> wrote:
So, why marc doesn’t talk to Dana?why don’t you
support the MMM this
I don’t think that you or Marc would be where you
are today without
Dana Beal.
Is this working on Global level?
Marc wants his name Bigger then Mash isn’t it?
You can change your mind when ever, it is free.
—–Original Message—–
From: sandra . []
Sent: zaterdag 29 november 2003 5:37
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Saddam Emery? RE:
[ibogaine] Bickering in the
Ibo/Activist …
Do you Yahoo!?
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From: “Joshua Tinnin” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 2, 2003 at 7:55:39 PM EST
To: <>
Ah, someone else who doesn’t understand PKD. It’s ok, because you’re in the
majority. You’re taking him too literally. You should read VALIS.
BTW, his stories and novels have been the basis for many films, including
Blade Runner, Minority Report and Total Recall.
– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: “IBOGA Foundation” <>
So, this is not even a theory; I see this as a heap of assumptions and
guesses. Nothing is proven. Internet is full of such garbage, and some
people believe in such things when they read them.
This whole article is on wrong basis. Author perhaps hasn’t realised yet
that the Universe is electrical in nature. And this IS proven.
And voices which that woman hears are just hallucinations – or fraud.
ANYONE can claim that he/she has a contact with someone/something… but
there is NO evidence of that. NO proof.
Such people are generated by G-BETA BIOtechnlogy. For more info on this
subject see And I can guarantee that data
here IS proven ;-))
Physics of the Mysterious
I. Introduction
I am going to talk about Time Travel. But, before I get to that most
mysterious of subjects, there is some groundwork that must be dealt with
This will be a series of notes that will appear at this place on the Web,
section at a time. I will add new stuff as often as I can, so that, little
little, there will be more and more until we get into the fun part, so
be patient. It is not a subject that can be rushed. The point is that I
little time. I have my work, I have my research, and also….
From: “leesmithjr” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 2, 2003 at 2:30:19 PM EST
To: <>
Hi Martine:
I also looked at their website… they apparently believe in “Lizzies”… some sort of lizard being from another “density”… (enough said).
——-Original Message——-
Date: Monday, December 01, 2003 19:41:15
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Hello, I’d like to react for this post “Physic of the Mysterious” cause I don’t get it clear enough, maybe due to the time I need to digest the whole message sent.
As for myself, I first felt pretty interested on sunday, and thought ” At last someone can explain simply things about physic and so on “, but today, the day after, I’m not so sure I’ll will get more knowledge, even if for the moment, I’ve only ” overviewed” the text : I feel uncomfortable.
Thus being said, I’m not at all able to talk about the scientific theories or researches presented.
I’ve surfed on the site related “” and I got the same uncomfortable feeling, first interest and then some kind of “weight” growing.
And again, I’m not talking about scientific stuff.
The job done seems considerable, but I felt shocked after a glance I had on some of the theories expressed on two supposed kinds of human beings :
First human beings serving as organic portals, taking energy from others, being considered as ” having no souls” and secondly others considered as having a soul and thus ” able to evoluate further “.
I really don’t like it. Again some kind of inferior beings and superior ones ? Again ? And that theory coming from sources that the common reader cannot check ?
The worst for me is that the theory speaks of mixed kind of humans, it means that in the same family, one may have first kind and second kind of human beings, is this a theory supposed to create the harmony, the respect, the openess I’m longing for ? ” Half of the humanity taking energy from the other half”.
I feel sadness. But I’m perhaps only one portal, not a being supposed to evoluate soon, and I’ve to wait for my turn in the big evolution.
Does the writer of this text have ” eaten the wood ” as the Bwitis say, did he experimented Iboga ?
I’m longing for reactions of readers of that list, really.
IncrediMail – Email has finally evolved – Click Here
From: IBOGA Foundation <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 2, 2003 at 6:35:50 AM EST
So, this is not even a theory; I see this as a heap of assumptions and
guesses. Nothing is proven. Internet is full of such garbage, and some
people believe in such things when they read them.
This whole article is on wrong basis. Author perhaps hasn’t realised yet
that the Universe is electrical in nature. And this IS proven.
And voices which that woman hears are just hallucinations – or fraud.
ANYONE can claim that he/she has a contact with someone/something… but
there is NO evidence of that. NO proof.
Such people are generated by G-BETA BIOtechnlogy. For more info on this
subject see And I can guarantee that data
here IS proven ;-))
Physics of the Mysterious
I. Introduction
I am going to talk about Time Travel. But, before I get to that most
mysterious of subjects, there is some groundwork that must be dealt with
This will be a series of notes that will appear at this place on the Web,
section at a time. I will add new stuff as often as I can, so that, little
little, there will be more and more until we get into the fun part, so
be patient. It is not a subject that can be rushed. The point is that I
little time. I have my work, I have my research, and also….
From: “GanjaCat” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] If it walks like a duck…. RE: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 2, 2003 at 5:13:16 AM EST
To: <>
Hi Martine,
I have to admit that I’m enough of an anorak (English expression) to have some familiarity with some of the stuff talked about in the posted article –
The quantum-consciousness work of Roger Penrose I find particularly fascinating
and have read quite a lot of PKD sci-fi too.
But I too am intensely uncomfortable with the ‘overall direction’ that this paradigm takes. I can’t really put my finger on it, but as you say it smacks of pseudo-elitism.
Like you, I am in favour of seeing what changes if the dude takes Iboga
But there again, remember I’m developing into somewhat of a hard-liner –
If pushed I would stand for Ibo not just being legal or accepted, but being COMPULSORY!
(Exits whistling “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf”.)
—–Original Message—– From: Martine Docin-Julien [] Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:25 AM To: Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Hello, I’d like to react for this post “Physic of the Mysterious” cause I don’t get it clear enough, maybe due to the time I need to digest the whole message sent.
As for myself, I first felt pretty interested on sunday, and thought ” At last someone can explain simply things about physic and so on “, but today, the day after, I’m not so sure I’ll will get more knowledge, even if for the moment, I’ve only ” overviewed” the text : I feel uncomfortable.
Thus being said, I’m not at all able to talk about the scientific theories or researches presented.
I’ve surfed on the site related “” and I got the same uncomfortable feeling, first interest and then some kind of “weight” growing.
And again, I’m not talking about scientific stuff.
The job done seems considerable, but I felt shocked after a glance I had on some of the theories expressed on two supposed kinds of human beings :
First human beings serving as organic portals, taking energy from others, being considered as ” having no souls” and secondly others considered as having a soul and thus ” able to evoluate further “.
I really don’t like it. Again some kind of inferior beings and superior ones ? Again ? And that theory coming from sources that the common reader cannot check ?
The worst for me is that the theory speaks of mixed kind of humans, it means that in the same family, one may have first kind and second kind of human beings, is this a theory supposed to create the harmony, the respect, the openess I’m longing for ? ” Half of the humanity taking energy from the other half”.
I feel sadness. But I’m perhaps only one portal, not a being supposed to evoluate soon, and I’ve to wait for my turn in the big evolution.
Does the writer of this text have ” eaten the wood ” as the Bwitis say, did he experimented Iboga ?
I’m longing for reactions of readers of that list, really.
From: “Joshua Tinnin” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 1, 2003 at 9:51:13 PM EST
To: <>
Are you familiar with Philip K. Dick or any of his writing? Perhaps not.
This might be a better intro:
Here’s his bio:
– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: “Martine Docin-Julien” <>
Belle journéeHello, I’d like to react for this post “Physic of the
Mysterious” cause I don’t get it clear enough, maybe due to the time I need
to digest the whole message sent.
From: “Martine Docin-Julien” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Aftercare
Date: December 1, 2003 at 4:58:45 PM EST
To: <>
I’ve been thinking of you wrote Jaden, your need for an after Iboga, and yes, I agree with you, something is missing.
You’ve spoken of the desire to help, I feel it too and my way is like many I guess, to speak of my experiment, and take care of who I am, with sometimes the desire to do more, and the ” Walls “, the time needed for things to change.
What kind of Aftercare ?
First I think that there is a lack of psychologists having followed personally the Iboga’s path.
Second point :I’m interested in the studies made for years about the psychic travel lived through Iboga and till now, I’ve found no track of this kind of work, does it be a secret not to be shared ?
What about the results of the analyses done with the Ibogaïne questionnaire ? Is there any place where a synthesis can be read ?
Third point : I’ve already asked questions about the Ibogaïne effects on both cerebral hemispheres, is there answers somewhere ?
I’ve experimented during the Ibo session the ” opening of the so called third eye ” and I want to understand what has activated it ?
I’m wondering wether the Ibo movement is too young to provide spontaneously that kind of resources, informations, or is there some taboo ? Or is the ibogaine aftercare something to be lived ” alone ” ?
Answers welcome 🙂
From: “Martine Docin-Julien” <>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Philip K Dick spectrum – Physics of the Mysterious
Date: December 1, 2003 at 5:25:08 AM EST
To: <>
Hello, I’d like to react for this post “Physic of the Mysterious” cause I don’t get it clear enough, maybe due to the time I need to digest the whole message sent.
As for myself, I first felt pretty interested on sunday, and thought ” At last someone can explain simply things about physic and so on “, but today, the day after, I’m not so sure I’ll will get more knowledge, even if for the moment, I’ve only ” overviewed” the text : I feel uncomfortable.
Thus being said, I’m not at all able to talk about the scientific theories or researches presented.
I’ve surfed on the site related “” and I got the same uncomfortable feeling, first interest and then some kind of “weight” growing.
And again, I’m not talking about scientific stuff.
The job done seems considerable, but I felt shocked after a glance I had on some of the theories expressed on two supposed kinds of human beings :
First human beings serving as organic portals, taking energy from others, being considered as ” having no souls” and secondly others considered as having a soul and thus ” able to evoluate further “.
I really don’t like it. Again some kind of inferior beings and superior ones ? Again ? And that theory coming from sources that the common reader cannot check ?
The worst for me is that the theory speaks of mixed kind of humans, it means that in the same family, one may have first kind and second kind of human beings, is this a theory supposed to create the harmony, the respect, the openess I’m longing for ? ” Half of the humanity taking energy from the other half”.
I feel sadness. But I’m perhaps only one portal, not a being supposed to evoluate soon, and I’ve to wait for my turn in the big evolution.
Does the writer of this text have ” eaten the wood ” as the Bwitis say, did he experimented Iboga ?
I’m longing for reactions of readers of that list, really.
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: [ibogaine] Thanks giving?
Date: November 30, 2003 at 10:08:25 AM EST
To: <>
Kahlil Gibran
On Giving
Then said a rich man, “Speak to us of Giving.” :
And he answered:
You give but little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them tomorrow?
And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the overprudent dog burying bones in the trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?
And what is fear of need but need itself?
Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, thirst that is unquenchable?
There are those who give little of the much which they have – and they give it for recognition and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.
And there are those who have little and give it all.
These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.
There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.
And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.
And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with mindfulness of virtue;
They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.
Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes He smiles upon the earth.
It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding;
And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving
And is there aught you would withhold?
All you have shall some day be given;
Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors’.
You often say, “I would give, but only to the deserving.”
The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.
They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.
Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights is worthy of all else from you.
And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your little stream.
And what desert greater shall there be than that which lies in the courage and the confidence, nay the charity, of receiving?
And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see their worth naked and their pride unabashed?
See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.
For in truth it is life that gives unto life – while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a witness.
And you receivers – and you are all receivers – assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives.
Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings;
For to be overmindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has the free-hearted earth for mother, and God for father.