From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] 6th National Harm Reduction Conference
Date: April 30, 2006 at 10:45:46 PM EDT
The 6th National Harm Reduction Conference will take place on November 9-12, 2006, at the Marriott Oakland City Center Hotel, in Oakland, California.
As of right now, abstract submissions are closed.
If you have submitted an abstract that pertains to ibogaine, there is nothing further that you need to do. If you have NOT submitted an abstract, plan to attend the conference, and want to talk — please let me know as soon as possible.
Everything is still a ways off in the distance, and updates will be posted as the event gets closer; but I would like to have an overall headcount so we have a better idea of how many speakers will be present.
RIGHT NOW, the date, time, and location for ibogaine presentations, are all in flux. The only solid details are the overall conferences dates, and location.
If you want to attend or speak, some stuff to keep in mind:
– This is a harm reduction conference. It’s not a psychedelic/entheogen gathering, and it’s not NA or AA. Several thousand individuals will show up, and many people will be active drug users, who have no desire to clean up.
– Scholarships are extremely limited, and generally pertain to waiving or lowering speaking fees. Travel and accommodations are not paid for; HRC is extremely strapped for cash, and not in a position to fly people around and pay for their rooms.
If you wish to attend, you’re going to have to get yourself to California, and find a place to crash/rent a hotel room.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]support in prep for ibo
Date: April 30, 2006 at 10:48:06 PM EDT
To: <>
Hi Chi,
Don’t feel anyone is forcing any jesus or god down your throat. Just delete the fundementalist messages.
Take what is useful for you and your positive energy and sprits here, and toss the rest.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “cm” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]support in prep for ibo
i joined this list after a friend who’s done ibo suggested it to me for support before, during and after being treated with ibo. I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD. im having another 5m methadone reduction on monday and still seeing my counsellor once a fortnight. these are the things id like to be able to discuss on here with anyone willing to be supportive and not ram jesus down my throat.
chi x
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] seeking help for a friend…need info from smarter minds
Date: April 30, 2006 at 10:02:17 PM EDT
To: <>
—– Original Message —–
From: grasshopper
To: IBO list
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [] RE: Your Process
any ideas on a titrate protocal from bup 0.3mg im x 4 daily over a 30 day period? the hopper’s beat, has to work and sliding in the mud. thanks, peaceful path to all, GH
—– Original Message —–
From: Lee Albert
To: ;
Cc: ; Ibogaine – NUNZIO ; Ibogaine – Nick Sandberg ; Ibogaine – matthew zielinski ; Ibogaine – Luke Christoffersen ; Ibogaine – Kirk ; Ibogaine – grasshopper ; Ibogaine – david isaacson ; Ibogaine – Danny Torbica ; Ibogaine – brenda brewer ; Ibogaine – Andÿ Kassa ; Iboagine – Charles griffin
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 9:58 AM
Subject: [eboga] RE: Your Process
Hi Nick,
Firstly I agree, my final comments are simply my point of view and I do not wish to impose that on anybody. I guess its the way I write. I need to prefix what I say much more. I realised after posting it, it might be misconstrued.
The nature of the session itself was not ideal, nor was the setting which was provided freely. An extra 2 days and another 500 euros would have hired a house and made a very different session allowing me to be more effective. I now better realise the value of charging more as well as the variety of sessions/problems that can occur working with a powerful plant. This needs to be born in mind. I think however that is true for a lot of treatment providers. I am just simply accepting my part & putting the rest into context.
When I refer to the ego I am refering to the shadow. The ego for me is simply the translater or receiver of life experience. Its part of the body but in someone with healing to undergo it is dominated by the shadow in my experience and thats the problem as I see it as it causes all kinds of distorted thinking and negative behaviour. It is that which eboga in my experience brings to light and clears through all kinds of means including synchronistic means in my experience. As my writtings state all over the place you cannot exist without the ego, nor would I want to.
I am most certainly not seeking to impose my belief on anyone. I added my last comments as my opinion in closing the list. In treating someone I simply try to offer a safe environment and to help someone understand the importance of intention and facing what emerges. The answers I gave to the questions raised are based on my experience of the way eboga works via the openness of the heart and the intention of the individual. I have no bible thumping ajenda with eboga. I also no longer promote it. I just support it for those who have no choice but to use it.
Each person develops their own understanding through experience and ultimately makes their own way with the help of eboga as a guide and therapist.
Regarding Janov. Thats a long time ago but I do share a lot of the ideas of reliving and facing the trauma. I have used that approach for myself with eboga and it does work. I left Primal Therapy because in the end it did not work for me but many of the ideas on a personal level have a very useful application working with eboga in my own personal experience. The primal scream phenomena can also occur but it is not the be all and end all nor does it lead to sudden and full healing. That is pure fanciful thinking.
But please don’t confuse theoretical fancies about spirituality and healing with providing honest, trustworthy care to someone seeking help. Please don’t confuse it with taking the time and responsibility to learn fully a therapeutic technique with a registered school.
Eboga is the system of healing I understand and I pass it on via my writtings based on concrete actual and factual personal results over a period of almost 8 years. More results than most people can report in a lifetime. I do not believe I confuse theoretical “fancies” about spirituality & healing with providing … as these are two very different things. However, perhaps my post session analysis of Someshs case in my last post gives that impression. That is something I will need to dwell on more and consider better how I share my insights. Another reason why i prefer to write about what I have learned personally rather than attempt to apply it as each person has their own reality which only they really can understand. I simply offered my viewpoint. I did not impose it.
I also when treating someone offer the best I can at the time for the least amount of money. I did make a lot of effort for Somesh under less than ideal circumstances which I provided for Someshs benefit. Please don’t be too judgemental.
Regarding providing trustworthy care etc. As I have said I made some mistakes in this case due to various factors not all of which were of my making. We all play a part. However I have learned a lot and am much more aware of the issues now. I have actually undergone a fully registered therapeutic technique but eboga sessions were not something that was covered. In any case providing is about experience and awareness of what is going on and making sure the right space is in place and that costs money.
As I have already stated I do not wish to offer more sessions as I do not have the time or resources to offer the full range of backup and support that is required nor do I wish to charge the necessary amounts.
Sorry about the list.
Nick Sandberg <> wrote:
Hi Lee,
Thanks for writing and explaining more openly your position. I find you most definitely a caring person. I find it also a shame that this list will now close, especially as I only very recently seem to have got onto it! I find that the posts do raise interesting issues and I think much of what has been written here could serve as a useful resource for people seeking ibogaine treatment and those wishing to offer the same.
I would also like to bring up something which I do personally find an issue in your approach to healing. This is what I see as a strong “self-negatory” approach at times on your part. I have seen you write on occasions of an “ego” that apparently needs to be overcome, or in some way dropped in order for healing to take place. Whilst this may sound very true in theory, I think practically that it is not much near reality in the day to day dramas of therapy, at least not in my experience. (I am qualified in Humaniversity Therapy in Holland, and help manage an Osho community in Dorset, UK). For me, the ego is the ego and it is in no way a bad thing. Perhaps at times it needs or it seeks some cleaning and that is the business of therapy, but it is fundamentally a good thing. I don’t think many people working in therapy would disagree so much (of course I could be wrong).
I recall Janov’s first book, where he famously writes of a young man who lets out some deep, gut-wrenching yell at some stage in the process and finds this “primal scream” has healed him. Many people seek Janov’s therapy on the basis of this anecdote. Maybe for this guy it happened like this, but for most this is not what happens. It’s a long, drawn-out thing, often years of work with slowly accumulating results and frequent set-backs. People are attracted to the idea of a simplistic sudden release but it’s not reality. (Ibogaine, like primal therapy, is incidentally similarly attractive). Likewise, I find these occasional writings of yours on the ego, which seem to underpin your beliefs (again, I could be wrong), definitely disturbing when I consider you have been working with people using iboga. It’s just not cut and dried like this. The ego is a natural thing, it is not something to be mentally ravaged in accordance with theoretical expectations. I think it’s important to come from a space of loving your own ego and realising how precious it is when you’re offering therapy, otherwise where else exactly are you proposing to lead people?
I also find that people with this self-negatory, or ego-negatory, position can have difficulty taking personal responsibility for their actions. The very position of ego-negation means that they often process supersensory experiences as being the activity of angels or “higher beings” operating through them. Nothing so wrong with this on the surface, but it can develop to a state where they cease to take responsibility for their own actions, believing themselves mere channels through which more exalted entities are operating. Psychologically, this is really not healthy. And, with the abdication of personal responsibility, so follows the dogma – the decreed beliefs pushed out as facts that must be adhered to.
I see traces of this in how you come across to me. I also find you very compassionate and very well-intentioned, I have to say. But towards the end of your post below you again begin to make quite dictatorial statements about the nature of healing, spirituality, and eboga. Man, it is precisely that dictatorial attitude that is creating the conditioning and trauma you are simultaneously trying to heal! OK, so sometimes you need to confront people in therapy. You need encounter. But to simply impose a belief system on another in the way you do, in a therapeutic situation? I find it not so useful. Yeah, we put out our pet theories about everything on emails or in person, for sure. But with therapy stuff, when people are entrusting their well-being to you? I find this just so not the place. You are a very compassionate soul, Lee. I feel it in you. But please don’t confuse theoretical fancies about spirituality and healing with providing honest, trustworthy care to someone seeking help. Please don’t confuse it with taking the time and responsibility to learn fully a therapeutic technique with a registered school.
I don’t want to go on at you in some big judgmental fashion, one of my own tendencies. I’m happy you are taking a break from treating people. And I would so love it if you would take yourself into a professional therapeutic situation and get the personal insights and learning that would enable you to re-emerge into the iboga field making the best use of all your drive and compassion.
—–Original Message—–
From: Lee Albert []
Sent: 29 April 2006 14:40
To: Eboga Network
Cc:; Ibogaine – NUNZIO; Ibogaine – Nick Sandberg; Ibogaine – matthew zielinski; Ibogaine – Luke Christoffersen; Ibogaine – Kirk; Ibogaine – grasshopper; Ibogaine – david isaacson; Ibogaine – Danny Torbica; Ibogaine – brenda brewer; Ibogaine – Andÿ Kassa; Iboagine – Charles griffin
Subject: Your Process
Since my last post I have undergone a session and come to realise that there is a side to this which I have not considered. I know what you were looking for now and I am really sorry that you did not get it. My last post was in self defence and not a task I particularly enjoyed. Sorry to have prolonged the agony.
I am also very sorry for what I done on Monday morning when I picked you up on the list. It was inappropriate and lacking in compassion. I should have called you and inquired as to how you were. I reacted as I felt sorry for the author of the email you had an issue with. I realise I could have felt more compassion for you but I guess our processes got intermesed somehow. You also may have felt that I was patronising you. I realise now that I was not there for you as I just switched off after you left because of the unexpected difficulty of the weekend.
I also now realise that the smell you refer to was due to the cat box being in the living room where you slept on the second night. I brought it in. That was an oversight on my part as also was the less than satisfactory maintenance of the toilet during your session. I clearly wasn’t fully aware of your needs.
I am very sorry for the hurt that I have caused you I will be sending you 100 euro by post to pay for your airfare. I hope this helps in some way. This means I will have made more or less zero for the session. That I feel is how it should be.
Eboga knew what it was doing when it sent you to me and equally the session you had is quite possibly what eboga wished for you. The benefits of a session are not always what we anticipate. I know that may not make things better or make sense in the normal scheme of things but it is worth considering.
Eboga is not just a healing system. It is a spiritual path that requires one to make certain changes before healing is attained. It has as its aim the freeing of the child within by the elimination of the shadow and for me this whole process between us has been very healing. Thank you. You came to me in a time of profound changes.
In line with this Eboga has made me aware that the time has come for me to close this list. I have also come to realise that this list is unfeasible for me personally in the long run. Recent events have been a catlyst, but not the reason for the closure.
I will close the list tomorrow evening and unsubscribe the member list. I am sorry if this causes anyone upset. I believe that the ibogaine list can meet most of the needs (if not all) of those here if used wisely.
I also now realise that the smell you refer to was due to the cat box being in the living room where you slept on the second night. I brought it in. That was an oversight on my part as also was the less than satisfactory maintenance of the toilet during your session. I clearly wasn’t fully aware of your needs.
I am very sorry for the hurt that I have caused you I will be sending you 100 euro by post to pay for your airfare. I hope this helps in some way. This means I will have made more or less zero for the session. That I feel is how it should be.
Eboga knew what it was doing when it sent you to me and equally the session you had is quite possibly what eboga wished for you. The benefits of a session are not always what we anticipate. I know that may not make things better or make sense in the normal scheme of things but it is worth considering.
Eboga is not just a healing system. It is a spiritual path that requires one to make certain changes before healing is attained. It has as its aim the freeing of the child within by the elimination of the shadow and for me this whole process between us has been very healing. Thank you. You came to me in a time of profound changes.
In line with this Eboga has made me aware that the time has come for me to close this list. I have also come to realise that this list is unfeasible for me personally in the long run. Recent events have been a catlyst, but not the reason for the closure.
I will close the list tomorrow evening and unsubscribe the member list. I am sorry if this causes anyone upset. I believe that the ibogaine list can meet most of the needs (if not all) of those here if used wisely.
Once again my apologies to you Somesh and blessings on your journey.
Wishing you and everyone well,
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From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] A sad tale…
Date: April 30, 2006 at 9:55:02 PM EDT
To: <>
the alpha and omega of addiction. I know a good MD in S- FL who is a master at healing when he drops his ego and I know some independant contractors further up the state that like dinero but will surprise one when it comes to helping a sick addict get well. Shame it’s a cash cow now. I’ll probably die w/ this info but hopefully the right person will get it from me and prosper. ron
—– Original Message —–
From: booker w
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 7:10 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] A sad tale…
Thought I’d pass on this email (with permission) of a person’s account at Dr. Mash’s organization –
(Hi, well I went & it ended up being a nightmare. i went ahead with Dr. mash’s program I think because I had already done so much of the preliminary work with them & I was getting worn out with all the different tests etc. Especially working under a hmo. What a miwstake. I got there on a Thurwsday & they didn’t dowse me until Saturday morning. They were keeping me well supposedly with morphine. It must have been Mexican grade. I don’t know or the dose was just too low. Once I got sick I stayed sick the whole time. I never got well enough to sleep or eat the whole time I was there. They did keep me an extra day because I was still so sick & still throwing up. Not because of the Ibogaine cause I was throwing up before that Just because of the kicking. They should really keep people until they’re well. The flight home was miserable of course. As soon as I got home I fixed telling myself just for a little reprieve. I needed to eat to gain a little strength & at least one good nights sleep. Of course I was lying to myself there’s no such thing as one time. Now I’m just looking to go to (insuranced covered) 30 detox in patient. I don’t haqve the will power to do out patient. You know I’ve kicked other times cold (only by force) but 2 weeks is the average time to kick anyways. Before you can start to sleep & everything but the energy. Thaqt takes longer. I feel like I threw away all that money for nothing. I didn’t get any big revealations either. Maybe like you said I needed more treatments. They said they gave me an extra large dose because I was so hooked. It felt exactly like as if I had taken some acid or mescaline. At least the way those drugs were in the late 60’s early 70’s. I know from those trips that you can make it anything you want usually.
It just depends on your environment & what you start thinking about. Whatever you think about or is going on around you became more & more intensified. If I’d known that’s how it would be I could have tried to set the stage more effectedly for myself. I had been given the impression that if I just listened to the music & don’t hinder my experience it would be on an auto pilot type deal. It wasn’t. I could have bought it myself for $5.00 of less on the street & got the same thing out of it. That was the most important part for me. Maybe because I didn’t bekieve it enough. As soon as it was over I felt exactly as I had before I took it except discoraged. I don’t know the answer maybe I was expecting too much.
People need to know it doesn’t always work & they should definitely choose other than Dr. Mash. Not to mention Dr. Mash originally quoted me $3,500. Than her intake person told me it had been raised & Dr. Mash mis-quoted the price that it was now $5,500. I had to pay the higher price. Than a friend of mine called in to find out about going before she heard of my disaster. She mentioned that she had the $5,500 to go & the girl told her that was my price because we had been talking for so long & now her price is $7,000. These people are extorting addicts who are desperate to clean up. I’ve been trying to get a hold of Dr. Mash to tell her about it & now that ther’s no more funds to get from me I guess she’s not as accessable. Definitely let people know.
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list…for Jeff G.
Date: April 30, 2006 at 9:40:19 PM EDT
To: <>
Say bro:
do female angels help raggedy men thru PAWS and other post ibo issues? ron
—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff G
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
Double P…
Yes,I was treated by Ibo Angels last november and yes it was one treatment for me, that and having six months to feel like shit with PAWS afterward while having Rachel-Angel there to spur me on despite my unbelievably bad attitude (well some days anyway) …
Now with a bit of perspective and time I can stil say that Ibogaine is a fucking miracle BUT NOT a magic bullet…
Freaking Free….
On 4/29/06, Preston Peet <> wrote:
When were you treated again? Didn’t you only need one ibo treatment to get on your feet again?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff G
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:59 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
….makes me miss ron, koko, and grasshopper,and I hope they are doing well.
Freak Free
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] “You will release Ibogaine to the World, and set it free..”
Date: April 30, 2006 at 9:35:26 PM EDT
Nick wrote:
…..There are symbolic parallels between taking ibogaine and crucifixion, I grant you, but I’d say this would relate more to ibogaine being a drug one might take to induce some form of psychological crucifixion, not relieve the pain of it……
I didn’t write what Nick wrote. At least get it straight.
Although Ibogaine IS like crucifixion and resurrection.
All MY stuff is in [Brackets].
From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] “You will release Ibogaine to the World, and set it free..”(shooting K-9)OT
Date: April 30, 2006 at 9:30:41 PM EDT
To: <>
Speaking of dogs, did you know it’s a felony to injure a police dog in Fl.USA? They also get to wear 500 dollar bullet proof vests if the officer wants one for the pup. Puppy funerals get full honor guards w/bagpipes.. Suspects injured by police dogs get charged if they are bitten to prevent lawsuits and typically a resisting an officer charge to justify the bite. They are prosecuted vigorously as if they had hurt a human and many receive broken bones , missing noses and ears to go with the shredded flesh. A police k-9 alerting on a particular part of a car is probable cause for a search. An alert is anything the dog does that the officer says the dog does when smelling contraband, e.g. lifting hind leg and peeing, shaking head, walking in circles, a bark if lucky or sitting down or a hard stare at a glove compartment. If one is stopped for a traffic infraction, often times an officer will take an unusually long time to write a citation until a k-9 officer happens by to assist his or her fellow officer. Drivers w/ gold teeth , dreads, long hair or those that have a hard time getting their license out of their wallet or with shaky hands typically get a slow ticket. Ethnicity can be a factor at times as well as the neighborhood or time of day. I love dogs and most other critters,but often times their owners sux. Sorry to interrupt an exchange of substance with such a mundane digression. Dana, I remember our conversation about the demonstration at Grand Central Station in “68 I think …one of my favorite YIP-INS and STP handouts in Central Park around the same time. Pre Woodstock if I recall but my memory fades after decades of polishing the heads off most of my receptors. Warren- please accept my apology for the digression but some IBONAUTS may find this info useful, rude as the intrusion was. PAX, Grasshopper, on the edge.
Apologies to others on the list who read this expecting something intelligent as well. I go off when I backslide into hell but appreciate those dedicated to helping others and living sober. Oh, IBO can hurt as it cures for the uninitiated seeking addiction relief. I have references—– Original Message —–
From: Warren Theriot
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] “You will release Ibogaine to the World, and set it free..”
Dana, that was distressing to read that a cop shot your dog, especially you being 12 at the time. I hope the cop has a conscience that haunts him still. Thats what bothers me about some cops, that abject stupidity under stress. It still isn’t the animal’s fault even if it is used for law enforcement, it’s the humans’ fault for the persecution. No innocent dog deserves to be shot. And if somehow taking Ibogaine is a form of psychological crucifixion, why would anyone want to take it to free themselves of addiction. It seems most likely that the addiction is the self-crucifixion and the Ibogaine is the path to self-Resurrection. If Ibogaine could be more unpleasant and painful than the life that came before, it doesn’t sound like the way to go for me. Can you put it another way I could relate to?
On Apr 30, 2006, at 1:19 PM, Dana Beal wrote:
…..There are symbolic parallels between taking ibogaine and crucifixion, I grant you, but I’d say this would relate more to ibogaine being a drug one might take to induce some form of psychological crucifixion, not relieve the pain of it……
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “booker w” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] A sad tale…
Date: April 30, 2006 at 8:10:21 PM EDT
Thought I’d pass on this email (with permission) of a person’s account at Dr. Mash’s organization –
(Hi, well I went & it ended up being a nightmare. i went ahead with Dr. mash’s program I think because I had already done so much of the preliminary work with them & I was getting worn out with all the different tests etc. Especially working under a hmo. What a miwstake. I got there on a Thurwsday & they didn’t dowse me until Saturday morning. They were keeping me well supposedly with morphine. It must have been Mexican grade. I don’t know or the dose was just too low. Once I got sick I stayed sick the whole time. I never got well enough to sleep or eat the whole time I was there. They did keep me an extra day because I was still so sick & still throwing up. Not because of the Ibogaine cause I was throwing up before that Just because of the kicking. They should really keep people until they’re well. The flight home was miserable of course. As soon as I got home I fixed telling myself just for a little reprieve. I needed to eat to gain a little strength & at least one good nights sleep. Of course I was lying to myself there’s no such thing as one time. Now I’m just looking to go to (insuranced covered) 30 detox in patient. I don’t haqve the will power to do out patient. You know I’ve kicked other times cold (only by force) but 2 weeks is the average time to kick anyways. Before you can start to sleep & everything but the energy. Thaqt takes longer. I feel like I threw away all that money for nothing. I didn’t get any big revealations either. Maybe like you said I needed more treatments. They said they gave me an extra large dose because I was so hooked. It felt exactly like as if I had taken some acid or mescaline. At least the way those drugs were in the late 60’s early 70’s. I know from those trips that you can make it anything you want usually.
It just depends on your environment & what you start thinking about. Whatever you think about or is going on around you became more & more intensified. If I’d known that’s how it would be I could have tried to set the stage more effectedly for myself. I had been given the impression that if I just listened to the music & don’t hinder my experience it would be on an auto pilot type deal. It wasn’t. I could have bought it myself for $5.00 of less on the street & got the same thing out of it. That was the most important part for me. Maybe because I didn’t bekieve it enough. As soon as it was over I felt exactly as I had before I took it except discoraged. I don’t know the answer maybe I was expecting too much.
People need to know it doesn’t always work & they should definitely choose other than Dr. Mash. Not to mention Dr. Mash originally quoted me $3,500. Than her intake person told me it had been raised & Dr. Mash mis-quoted the price that it was now $5,500. I had to pay the higher price. Than a friend of mine called in to find out about going before she heard of my disaster. She mentioned that she had the $5,500 to go & the girl told her that was my price because we had been talking for so long & now her price is $7,000. These people are extorting addicts who are desperate to clean up. I’ve been trying to get a hold of Dr. Mash to tell her about it & now that ther’s no more funds to get from me I guess she’s not as accessable. Definitely let people know.
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] “You will release Ibogaine to the World, and set it free..”
Date: April 30, 2006 at 5:54:54 PM EDT
Dana, that was distressing to read that a cop shot your dog, especially you being 12 at the time. I hope the cop has a conscience that haunts him still. Thats what bothers me about some cops, that abject stupidity under stress. It still isn’t the animal’s fault even if it is used for law enforcement, it’s the humans’ fault for the persecution. No innocent dog deserves to be shot. And if somehow taking Ibogaine is a form of psychological crucifixion, why would anyone want to take it to free themselves of addiction. It seems most likely that the addiction is the self-crucifixion and the Ibogaine is the path to self-Resurrection. If Ibogaine could be more unpleasant and painful than the life that came before, it doesn’t sound like the way to go for me. Can you put it another way I could relate to?
On Apr 30, 2006, at 1:19 PM, Dana Beal wrote:
…..There are symbolic parallels between taking ibogaine and crucifixion, I grant you, but I’d say this would relate more to ibogaine being a drug one might take to induce some form of psychological crucifixion, not relieve the pain of it……
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]support in prep for ibo
Date: April 30, 2006 at 4:35:37 PM EDT
To: <>
Different ropes are spiritual paths leading to the same treehouse where the Great Spirit awaits those that make the journey. Christianity is but one of those. Grasshopper oh, belief is not necessary but may lend comfort to those that do. Journeyed twice, praying thru both failed attempts. I’m in the US. Good providers like Tommy don’t care whether you believe. 100’s of 1000s get straight w/o IBO thru NA and AA believing there might be one. I was straight for 15 yrs . believing. During my continuing commute to hell, I still pray. Go figure. Be a pleasure to share off list if you wish.
—– Original Message —– From: “cm” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 12:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]support in prep for ibo
i joined this list after a friend who’s done ibo suggested it to me for support before, during and after being treated with ibo. I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD. im having another 5m methadone reduction on monday and still seeing my counsellor once a fortnight. these are the things id like to be able to discuss on here with anyone willing to be supportive and not ram jesus down my throat.
chi x
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] “You will release Ibogaine to the World, and set it free..”
Date: April 30, 2006 at 4:19:47 PM EDT
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to
His lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it
to ease His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to
what you would do?
Personally, I think if I was gonna be having nails hammered into my hands
and feet, and strung up on a cross to suffocate to death, I’d be reaching
for the morphine or general anaesthetic quicker than the iboga..
But that’s just me..
Actually, come to think of it, I wouldn’t be reaching at all.. if my hands
were nailed to a plank of wood, i mean…
[Jon: since yr scientific enough to argue the pharmacology (not being wedded to the literal text of the Bible), surely you understand that an opiate (which Schonfield kind of implies it was in the THE PASSOVER PLOT) would only hasten respiratory collapse. So you’d need something like cocaine, which is used in eye operations where the patient has to stay awake to give the doctor feedback. The Bwiti, who give iboga to bring people the brink of death in order to meet the Ancestors, judge that an initiate has taken enough when their body is completely numb up to the top of the neck. But (and this is the important part) ibogaine has been patented by Olney for treatment of ischemia (global stroke)–so that respiratory collapse and brain death would have been deferred for at least 3 hours]
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
I’m not an expert of biblical stuff, possibly because I consider myself (maybe wrongly) not dull enough to become some kind of scholar. I also like to think that I have better things to do than learn all the possible interpretations available for biblical scripture and study all this shit for years. What I know is more what has come to me in the times I’ve been interested in these things. I’ve had bursts of energy for it at various times over the last 7-8 odd years.
What I figure is….it’s grossly unlikely that any real, living Jesus ever walked the earth or had the events of his life recorded in the new testament. I put the reasons for this out before. It seems to me that this rather undermines your theory that Jesus was given ibogaine on the cross. There are symbolic parallels between taking ibogaine and crucifixion, I grant you, but I’d say this would relate more to ibogaine being a drug one might take to induce some form of psychological crucifixion, not relieve the pain of it. And this is just symbology – not real historical fact. As to whether ibogaine mimics symbolically or actually the use of sacraments, as in water and wine, well you’d have to write me more about this. It doesn’t sound too promising a line of inquiry to me but I’d be happy to listen if you can state simply and clearly to what you refer. BTW, to write “in a sense replaces” also doesn’t sound so hopeful. Everything in a sense resembles or replaces everything else.
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 26 April 2006 02:27
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
You’re not responding to the substance of my post, which is that ibogaine in a sense REPLACES the wine and wafer.
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
Forgot to mention that I can’t read everything you have written on this. I simply don’t have the time. I apologize for this but I also have to say that, for me, it’s important that you can state clearly what your argument is, in reasonably layman-like terms, and without having to refer to lots of subsidiary concepts and beliefs, many of which are themselves highly tangential culturally. Reading your stuff, I sometimes feel like I’m being dragged into an aeon of underground or new-age study which, frankly, I’m just not interested in. It’s turns me off. Maybe this is just me, I don’t know how other people find it. I don’t read much as a rule.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
I’ve got to agree with this. I can deal with the bible thumpers when
it’s not 5 of them writing 60 messages a day, I realize most of the
authors are still addicted and trying to find solace and strength
where they may, good on them. Dana you don’t have any such excuse, I
understand you do a lot of good and have championed ibogaine forever,
but any time I click on a single link you enclose, it feels like I’m
in the middle of a bowl of spaghetti, with every few paragraphs
referencing gobs of what seems to me at least, unrelated pseudo new
age christianity wrapped up in psychedelic drugs and how they were
there at every corner of the evolution of man. I don’t doubt that
psychedelic drugs have been responsible for many of mankind’s great
steps forward, Terrence McKenna’s writings covered this through many
books, the difference is with McKenna even when it turns into nonsense
at least its entertaining. With your writing it seems more like going
to a religious section of a library, opening up every book at random
and then connecting everything to ibogaine or any weird theory you can
think of at that moment and connecting all of it together.
Fun time as a hobby I suppose, but from the outside looking in, it’s
the same old conspiracy I can find from any cult. You reference all of
this material, but somehow I get the idea you interpret anything and
everything, however you want, to make it fit your theories and
honestly I am at a loss as to what you’re talking about, other then
ibogaine being at the center of all evolution on our planet. If your
answer requires a person to go read a huge assortment of books, I
don’t think you’re going to have many takers. I have read through the
ibogaine story, I can’t help but get smacked in the face with your
work, it’s right around the corner on any page I load from Mindvox,
but I find it completely unreadable. It’s not as if I agree or
disagree, it’s not coherent enough to form any opinion on the
material. You present interesting historical events as they relate to
ibogaine and then wrap every conspiracy and religious theory that’s
out there and tangle all of it up into one immense mass of confusing
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least….
Mace, I totally agree with what you said.
I am not a Bible thumper but I will speak up softly about my belief in God and Jesus and the stories in the Bible.
I usually don’t reply to Dana’s messages because I rarely clearly ‘hear’ what he is saying! I interpret his writing and thoughts totally different than what he is trying to convey. Hell, I still can’t navigate MindVox without getting ‘lost’ or frustrated! lol! It is an impressive sight. I LOVE the art work.
btw, I love the name Mace. Is it your ‘given’ name?
Peace, Callie
[Okay, once again, from the top: when I started to put THE IBOGAINE STORY together, a lot of stuff that I thought was relevant turned out to be just not that relevant (e.g: Spinrad’s AGENT OF CHAOS). But as I realized once again after Ken’s recent presentation about converging second-messenger effects, VALIS gives one of the best descriptions of what Ibogaine is doing I’ve ever found: something extrinsic to us that causes us to remember (on cellular level, as in a dream) what we already know, intrinsically, but are not able to remember because the info is “occluded” (Dick’s term for it).
As I put it recently in a talk, ibogaine helps the to process the situation it’s in (not cognitively, but in a process similar to REM) and come up with exactly the immune response required.
Please note that immune response takes many more forms than antibodies or killer T cells, as in the seemingly spontaneous healing of my daughter’s “wound that would not heal.” Except that it was not spontaneous. As I told her ahead of time, it happened as the result of taking ibogaine.
I am not a prophet, BTW. I just “referenc(ed) gobs of what seems (like) unrelated pseudo new
age Christianity wrapped up in psychedelic drugs.”
BTW McKenna, who I tried to talk to about Ibogaine, could never really get past his fascination with his favorite drug, DMT, and see how ibo is truly DIFFERENT, so talking to him was a complete disappointment. All he did was refer me to Eliade. Well, Philip Dick refers everyone who reads VALIS to Eliade.]
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus, You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
If Jesus needed any Help He would have just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that were always at His command,..
[If it could be done with Angels, why incarnate to being with?]
But Scripture had to be fulfilled, and as for Me, YES if I was at Golgatha and had the chance to help My Lord YES I would give Him whatever I could to ease His Pain,
[So far so good]
But Then Scripture would not have been fulfilled
[This is one of the points where the Bible actually contradicts itself, since the two more Greek gospels say he didn’t partake of the sponge, and John, which is closest to the original Nazarene version, says he did.
So which is it?]
…and I would have interrupted history, and Christ would have not been The Christ.
[Or you would have fulfilled history, since Christ, as the very embodiment of Divine Law, obviously qualifies to access the Tree of Life, as cited in Revelations 22: 1, 22: 2 and 22: 13, 22:14]
If Someone was to be able to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with God.
[So what exactly is Joseph of Aramathea doing in the story then..? Once again, if humans had no role in the story, why incarnate?]
Just accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too Will be Saved.
[As North American Apostolic Delegate of the Sacrament of Transition, I believe I’m “covered.”]
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Received My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE, will be watching it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
[One thing more that may explain the relevance of VALIS–
When I thought my book was done, and Paul De Rienzo had read the first 15 Chapters of it onto audotape to get it into a single voice, I still had this feeling like “What am I seeing here that I’m not getting?” I was particularly baffled by the way in which PKD, obviously influenced by Bishop Pike and worried about the fundamentalist firestorm that greeted “The Mushroom and the Cross” (which led to John Allegro being fired from the Dead Sea Scrolls project) never directly addresses the Mystery he leaves so many clues to.
And then as it says in the beginning of Chapter 16, I watched the DAY ONE video again where they show a Bwiti initiate being pierced with a sliver to see if he’s numb enough yet for them to know that he’s really at the requisite level of ibogainization, and I flashed on all the above. And realized the book was yet not done, and asked Bob Sisko the question that lead to me reading the PASSOVER PLOT.
The Jews, you know, have a different version of the story. One in which Jesus is not born of a virgin impregnated by God, but was instead of great Magus. Like the 3 Kings from the East. Remember that the first person to preach of Jesus in Rome was not Peter, but a man named Simon Magus. My job as Ibogaine Apostle is to relate the new sacrament to all faiths, all nations, all saviors and prophets. To tell how Buddha attained enlightenment after eating a single pot seed. To remind Islamics that the Angel Gabriel first appeared to Mohammed in a Dream, as in an Iboga vision. And yes, to inspire Christians with a new understanding of the Grail, one that announces that mankind is finally ready to partake of the Tree of Life, access to which was lost when we were expelled from the Garden.
–Dana/co-Founder, Cures not Wars (Cures not Wars being a message not originated by me).]
“You will release Ibogaine to the World, and set it free..” –Voices heard by Howard Lotsof during his first Session
From: “cm” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]support in prep for ibo
Date: April 29, 2006 at 1:21:43 AM EDT
To: <>
i joined this list after a friend who’s done ibo suggested it to me for support before, during and after being treated with ibo. I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD. im having another 5m methadone reduction on monday and still seeing my counsellor once a fortnight. these are the things id like to be able to discuss on here with anyone willing to be supportive and not ram jesus down my throat.
chi x
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 30, 2006 at 1:32:34 PM EDT
When I was 12 a cop shot my dog Spotty. She was a good dog who had had many litters of puppies. But the temperature was 102 in the shade, and after running alongside my bike the 4 miles up to Okemos, she was foaming at the mouth, because that’s the way dogs sweat. When she jumped up to greet the town constable by licking him on the face, because that the way she’d always greeted people, he shot her dead. He just assumed she was rabid.
Nobody executes dope dogs who bust people for pot, I might add.
That might be a good thing. And it would avenge Spotty.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 10:07 PM, Warren Theriot wrote:
Not in direct answer to you Callie, but in general, I have had a problem with the concept of a benevolent God ever since I was a kid. I had a mean grandmother, besides having a nice one. The mean one punished me for what she thought was me cussing, when I was 6, making kid sounds with my mouth, experimenting with different sounds, one which sounded like “piss”. I told her I wished she would go away and never come back. 6 months later, she died of cancer and I felt guilty about that for years and kept it inside. When I was 10 my dog got hit by a car and a my mother told me that it was God’s punishment for not obeying, by my not keeping the dog tied up when I was finished playing with it . It always barked when no one was giving it attention and it was only a 9 month old puppy. Thats probably why I cant stand to hear other people’s dogs barking all the time. I went to church as a teenager from 11 to 17, but my favorite part of church was the social interaction with the people my age, and the pipe organ music. When I first took drugs, weed at 16, I felt guilty, but when God didn’t kill me time after time after time, I began not to fear God so much as to feel unworthy inside. To this day it is only by the faith I have in something inside myself that I can keep going. Everything that has gone right or wrong seems because of my own decisions. And still there is that fear that if I say I’m agnostic, I will surely suffer more. It is only psychedelics that have provided a stronger basis for my believing in God for me as an adult. I still don’t resonate with the head-bobbing of Muslim or Jewish prayer or Catholic kneeling or looking at the floor when the minister says a prayer. Go figure.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 4:25 PM, wrote:
I didn’t take it as belittling or condescending. I love to discuss things!
I am having an equally hard time understanding how you can NOT believe or how you can compare Heaven and Hell to the tooth fairy.
At this point I can’t explain why I see those two things as different but the word Faith keeps popping in my mind. I have faith in the things I believe in. I have faith that Jesus died on the cross for my/our sins. I have faith that Jesus rose from the dead and that his mother was a virgin when he was born. Faith is stronger than believing……it is the same but different.
Got to go to work now but will look for posts later
From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….needs to know Tommy
Date: April 30, 2006 at 1:40:23 PM EDT
To: <>
if you know him, may I pm you off list? can’t reach him by phone for reasons he knows and would like to smooth some rough edges. I’m old school so all cards are close to the chest and I believe he has my trust. thanks in advance, disregard if you think it’s a waste of his time. there’s a house for rent and other odds and ends. grasshopper> the hopper has a land line that can’t be published. Peaceful Path to you
—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff G
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
Double P…
Yes,I was treated by Ibo Angels last november and yes it was one treatment for me, that and having six months to feel like shit with PAWS afterward while having Rachel-Angel there to spur me on despite my unbelievably bad attitude (well some days anyway) …
Now with a bit of perspective and time I can stil say that Ibogaine is a fucking miracle BUT NOT a magic bullet…
Freaking Free….
On 4/29/06, Preston Peet <> wrote:
When were you treated again? Didn’t you only need one ibo treatment to get on your feet again?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff G
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:59 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
….makes me miss ron, koko, and grasshopper,and I hope they are doing well.
Freak Free
From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Another version of the truth lolol
Date: April 30, 2006 at 1:24:03 PM EDT
To: <>
the three entities operating on this addie always enjoy being offended by the Kiwi. Welcome to the hall of slime, a place I’ve occupied for decades in an obscure courthouse on an obscure plaque, in an obscure corner of an obscure office hanging on an obscure wall in an obscure state in the States. There are many ways to get there and it’s an honor if you trust a klown in a human body. oh, mayI PM you off list in human form? r, gh and k
—– Original Message —– From: “Kirk” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 4:26 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Another version of the truth lolol
Check this quote out (caution, CONTENT WILL OFFEND THE OFFENDABLE.)
Bloody good movie, if not a bit disturbing in places…. but that’s Aussies
for ya lolol
if ya can’t beat em, baffle em with bullshit.
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.6/324 – Release Date: 04/25/2006
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Pinchbeck and HT
Date: April 30, 2006 at 1:14:59 PM EDT
Recently Steve Hagar said my spiel on public health marijuana and ibogaine, while worthy of a High Times interview, could not be run because I was not famous enough.
Interesting. Because they’ve pretty much refused to cover me since he took over, I guess that’s true. They have always been pissed off that I pointed out that Jack Herer stole the “Emperor Wears no Clothes” from Hans Georg Behr’s “Von Hempf ist Die Rede”–when they were intent on running Jack Herer in every other issue.
Making him famous enough for multiple front-cover interviews.
Another chicken and egg situation with the chicken smug, self-satisfied and smoking a cigarette.
At least it answers the question of who came first. And who got fucked.
O well.
Perhaps some one(s) from the list should write Hagar advising him how rude and vacuous Pinchbeck was at Alex Grey’s during the ibo-forum in February. The email is . Let him know what you think.
On Apr 29, 2006, at 10:33 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
The new, soon to hit stands July issue of High Times has a very interesting interview with Daniel Pinchbeck on page 64, discussing “Mayan prophecy, crop circles, shamanism and exotic hallucinogens,” among other things (not to mention the issue also contains a brief little Freedom Fighter piece by me).
Congrats Daniel.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Jeff G” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
Date: April 30, 2006 at 12:27:54 PM EDT
Double P…
Yes,I was treated by Ibo Angels last november and yes it was one treatment for me, that and having six months to feel like shit with PAWS afterward while having Rachel-Angel there to spur me on despite my unbelievably bad attitude (well some days anyway) …
Now with a bit of perspective and time I can stil say that Ibogaine is a fucking miracle BUT NOT a magic bullet…
Freaking Free….
On 4/29/06, Preston Peet <> wrote:
When were you treated again? Didn’t you only need one ibo treatment to get on your feet again?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff G
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:59 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
….makes me miss ron, koko, and grasshopper,and I hope they are doing well.
Freak Free
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Another version of the truth lolol
Date: April 30, 2006 at 5:43:56 AM EDT
This gives me a sensation of having my head split in half in just the quantum possibility that is and not is are both at the same time.
On Apr 30, 2006, at 2:26 AM, Kirk wrote:
Check this quote out (caution, CONTENT WILL OFFEND THE OFFENDABLE.)
Bloody good movie, if not a bit disturbing in places…. but that’s Aussies
for ya lolol
if ya can’t beat em, baffle em with bullshit.
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.6/324 – Release Date: 04/25/2006
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Kirk <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Another version of the truth lolol
Date: April 30, 2006 at 5:26:27 AM EDT
Check this quote out (caution, CONTENT WILL OFFEND THE OFFENDABLE.)
Bloody good movie, if not a bit disturbing in places…. but that’s Aussies
for ya lolol
if ya can’t beat em, baffle em with bullshit.
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.6/324 – Release Date: 04/25/2006
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine RE: space…
Date: April 30, 2006 at 4:18:16 AM EDT
I hope this isn’t too much space…
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:[%]
From: Kirk <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Jon I Feel Sorry 4 You 2
Date: April 30, 2006 at 3:26:25 AM EDT
Puts her fingers in her ears and goes
—–Original Message—–
From: jon []
Sent: Sunday, 30 April 2006 7:17 p.m.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jon I Feel Sorry 4 You 2
Well, I’m sorry if you feel I misinterpreted what you were saying;
though, it probably would help if you could try to speak a bit more
Exactly what words of yours do you feel I changed?
Billy J wrote:
Hey now there, Just 1st learn how to quote (read) and stop your BS of
changing my words into what suits you> Got it! That kind of crap is what
starts wars, he said shae said, oh well thats what he meant( Cause I was
a phycic in my last life) I can read what He is not saying, Stop It.
I Too Think that Crooked eye is a decent person, I Did Not say He was a
Hateful person But I will Call you something, ( Hows Dirty mouth, or
but Really can you Help me out and Enlighten me as to my Origins , or
rather yours, cause I do not think We come from the same ???? tree???,
Let Me Know, As I will try to Fall for it, only if it is not to far
fetched, and My God wasn’t stoned when I was ??? made??/ Is There
another Me somewhare/ and can I see Him??
I am sure you will give me thew answers, and I thank you in advance.
P.S.See If you can Re- Quote This Quote, Exactly
It is not what goes in a person that defiles them, rather it is what
comes out of our mouths that defile us,
i love this List
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:04:38 -0400
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proof? really?
i mean, come on…. i can buy the “i just have faith” argument. if
someone believes something, that’s their right, whether they can make a
logical argument for their belief or not.
but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the
existence of god.
to be a bit on the blunt side, that’s just bullshit. what is this proof
of god you say we’ve acquired in the past century, that only you seem to
know about? there’s a pretty substantial body of evidence that explains
where we came from without having to invoke supernatural powers. while,
on the other hand, there isn’t a shred of evidence to the contrary.
and, unless you’re reading posts of his that i’m not, i don’t see what
makes you think crooked eye is a hateful, selfish person. i mean, he may
very well be that in real life, i’ve no idea…ehe.. but he doesn’t give
the impression so from his posts, which tend to be level-headed and
Billy J wrote:
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of
practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It
would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this
List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the
Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you
have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness
would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have
you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe
to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to
unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you
the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence
your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are
breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction,
Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with
Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because
We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from
God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been
this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL
And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830);
Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:46 -0700
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201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
for <>; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:04:46 -0400
Received: from (HELO
([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Apr 2006
10:04:41 -0400
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Received: (qmail 5824 invoked by uid 514); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
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Process 5787)
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Apr 2006 14:04:47.0015 (UTC)
But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans
rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened,
seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people
believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are
suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the
virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit
in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t
matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until
you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible
that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to
conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s
all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact,
why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right”
way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you
come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What
if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care
what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for
yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take
control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
will be watching it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
Received: from
([]) by with
Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
([]) by
(InterMail vM.
201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
-0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
contact; run by ezmlm
Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From: via
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
(Clear:RC:0( Processed in
3.114746 secs Process 572)
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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2¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
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Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.6/324 – Release Date: 04/25/2006
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.6/324 – Release Date: 04/25/2006
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jon I Feel Sorry 4 You 2
Date: April 30, 2006 at 3:17:19 AM EDT
Well, I’m sorry if you feel I misinterpreted what you were saying; though, it probably would help if you could try to speak a bit more coherently.
Exactly what words of yours do you feel I changed?
Billy J wrote:
Hey now there, Just 1st learn how to quote (read) and stop your BS of changing my words into what suits you> Got it! That kind of crap is what starts wars, he said shae said, oh well thats what he meant( Cause I was a phycic in my last life) I can read what He is not saying, Stop It.
I Too Think that Crooked eye is a decent person, I Did Not say He was a Hateful person But I will Call you something, ( Hows Dirty mouth, or bitterboy),
but Really can you Help me out and Enlighten me as to my Origins , or rather yours, cause I do not think We come from the same ???? tree???, Bang???.
Let Me Know, As I will try to Fall for it, only if it is not to far fetched, and My God wasn’t stoned when I was ??? made??/ Is There another Me somewhare/ and can I see Him??
I am sure you will give me thew answers, and I thank you in advance.
P.S.See If you can Re- Quote This Quote, Exactly
It is not what goes in a person that defiles them, rather it is what comes out of our mouths that defile us,
i love this List
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:04:38 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:06:03 -0700
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Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 29 Apr 2006 11:05:58 -0400
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Received: (qmail 31626 invoked by uid 514); 29 Apr 2006 11:05:58 -0400
X-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt3660MmjhEvYg2f34OAemlKtU9j2Z7TuGo=
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X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
References: <BAY16-F60AFE581A307B2501E1C4FDB30@phx.gbl>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 29 Apr 2006 15:06:03.0917 (UTC) FILETIME=[6F132BD0:01C66B9E]
proof? really?
i mean, come on…. i can buy the “i just have faith” argument. if someone believes something, that’s their right, whether they can make a logical argument for their belief or not.
but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.
to be a bit on the blunt side, that’s just bullshit. what is this proof of god you say we’ve acquired in the past century, that only you seem to know about? there’s a pretty substantial body of evidence that explains where we came from without having to invoke supernatural powers. while, on the other hand, there isn’t a shred of evidence to the contrary.
and, unless you’re reading posts of his that i’m not, i don’t see what makes you think crooked eye is a hateful, selfish person. i mean, he may very well be that in real life, i’ve no idea…ehe.. but he doesn’t give the impression so from his posts, which tend to be level-headed and thoughtful.
Billy J wrote:
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:46 -0700
Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id <> for <>; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:04:46 -0400
Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Apr 2006 10:04:41 -0400
Received: (qmail 5830 invoked by uid 513); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
Received: (qmail 5824 invoked by uid 514); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
X-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt0ymSpVbdss6nYKblRP9hSWbj1aSObRaeo=
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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Apr 2006 14:04:47.0015 (UTC) FILETIME=[B50EB370:01C66ACC]
But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> Received: from
> ([]) by with
> Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> <
> for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> ([]) by
> with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> contact; run by ezmlm
> Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> List-Post:
> List-Help:
> List-Unsubscribe:
> List-Subscribe:
> Delivered-To:
> mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
> hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
> via
> X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
> (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> Return-Path:
> m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Lets Change this topic it’s past it’s use by date….
Date: April 30, 2006 at 3:20:41 AM EDT
sorry… religion and religious people are fascinations of mine… much as schizophrenia and serial killers are…
but i’ll give it a rest. congrats on smelling good again =)
Kirk wrote:
Who’s up for it??????????? I for one have had it with this subject no
wonder there’s no peace on this forsaken planet no matter HOW the fuck it or
we came to be here lolol.
Anywayyyyyy another Sunday passes since I did…. um… what’s it called
again…. oh yehh IBOGAINE!!!!!! Finally that horrible detox/methadone
stench has left my body (actually last Sunday that happened, every Sunday
something different seems to happen… weird huh…) that no B.O. killer
seems to be able to kill for very long, specially when one is slightly
active!! I can finally go out in public lolol without offending anyone
(including myself) if I haven’t showered three times that day…..
See didn’t you just really enjoy hearing about my body odours??????
Luv lite n lafta Koiky :o)
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Kirk <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Lets Change this topic it’s past it’s use by date….
Date: April 30, 2006 at 3:01:39 AM EDT
Who’s up for it??????????? I for one have had it with this subject no
wonder there’s no peace on this forsaken planet no matter HOW the fuck it or
we came to be here lolol.
Anywayyyyyy another Sunday passes since I did…. um… what’s it called
again…. oh yehh IBOGAINE!!!!!! Finally that horrible detox/methadone
stench has left my body (actually last Sunday that happened, every Sunday
something different seems to happen… weird huh…) that no B.O. killer
seems to be able to kill for very long, specially when one is slightly
active!! I can finally go out in public lolol without offending anyone
(including myself) if I haven’t showered three times that day…..
See didn’t you just really enjoy hearing about my body odours??????
Luv lite n lafta
Koiky :o)
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.4.6/324 – Release Date: 04/25/2006
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Billy J” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jon I Feel Sorry 4 You 2
Date: April 30, 2006 at 2:25:42 AM EDT
Hey now there, Just 1st learn how to quote (read) and stop your BS of changing my words into what suits you> Got it! That kind of crap is what starts wars, he said shae said, oh well thats what he meant( Cause I was a phycic in my last life) I can read what He is not saying, Stop It.
I Too Think that Crooked eye is a decent person, I Did Not say He was a Hateful person But I will Call you something, ( Hows Dirty mouth, or bitterboy),
but Really can you Help me out and Enlighten me as to my Origins , or rather yours, cause I do not think We come from the same ???? tree???, Bang???.
Let Me Know, As I will try to Fall for it, only if it is not to far fetched, and My God wasn’t stoned when I was ??? made??/ Is There another Me somewhare/ and can I see Him??
I am sure you will give me thew answers, and I thank you in advance.
P.S.See If you can Re- Quote This Quote, Exactly
It is not what goes in a person that defiles them, rather it is what comes out of our mouths that defile us,
i love this List
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:04:38 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:06:03 -0700
Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id <> for <>; Sat, 29 Apr 2006 11:06:03 -0400
Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 29 Apr 2006 11:05:58 -0400
Received: (qmail 31632 invoked by uid 513); 29 Apr 2006 11:05:58 -0400
Received: (qmail 31626 invoked by uid 514); 29 Apr 2006 11:05:58 -0400
X-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt3660MmjhEvYg2f34OAemlKtU9j2Z7TuGo=
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X-Accept-Language: en-us, en
References: <BAY16-F60AFE581A307B2501E1C4FDB30@phx.gbl>
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 29 Apr 2006 15:06:03.0917 (UTC) FILETIME=[6F132BD0:01C66B9E]
proof? really?
i mean, come on…. i can buy the “i just have faith” argument. if someone believes something, that’s their right, whether they can make a logical argument for their belief or not.
but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.
to be a bit on the blunt side, that’s just bullshit. what is this proof of god you say we’ve acquired in the past century, that only you seem to know about? there’s a pretty substantial body of evidence that explains where we came from without having to invoke supernatural powers. while, on the other hand, there isn’t a shred of evidence to the contrary.
and, unless you’re reading posts of his that i’m not, i don’t see what makes you think crooked eye is a hateful, selfish person. i mean, he may very well be that in real life, i’ve no idea…ehe.. but he doesn’t give the impression so from his posts, which tend to be level-headed and thoughtful.
Billy J wrote:
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
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But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> Received: from
> ([]) by with
> Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> <
> for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> ([]) by
> with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> contact; run by ezmlm
> Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> List-Post:
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> List-Subscribe:
> Delivered-To:
> mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
> hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
> via
> X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
> (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> Return-Path:
> m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
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From: “Paul Brookshaw” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
Date: April 30, 2006 at 2:07:23 AM EDT
Corrected I believe lolol Ieeeeeeeeeeeaahaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha :)’
Have a Great day now people,
From: “grasshopper” <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 20:53:10 -0500
odd, i fashion meself a typo with just a bit of soul left in meself. grasshopper
—– Original Message —– From: “captkirk” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
—– Original Message Follows —–
standing there at the day of reckoning, awaiting to be
counted as one. For when you see him as he sees you, then
you are him. Amen.
Heheheheeh what a great typo, the day of Re conning,
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From: anthony spinelli <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (now completely ot again) Re: [Ibogaine] reply to Preston, I think!!
Date: April 30, 2006 at 1:28:52 AM EDT
We each judge ourself. Because God is just, he would never judge a person: only that person truely knows why they lived the life they did.
Crooked Eye <> wrote:
ditto .. ????
Preston Peet <> wrote:
But for those of us who have heard of god and the christian message, who still aren’t buying into the “saved/not saved, hellfire and damnation” viewpoint Callie is what I meant.
What about those, like me, who have heard but still refuse to believe?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:42 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] reply to Preston, I think!!
Preston (?) said,”I gotta just add that when I hear or read of someone saying (no offense
> intended Callie just weirded out a bit) that all it takes is faith to
> believe that there’s a lake of fire waiting anyone who doesn’t believe
> correctly, that some supreme being would actually insist on creating
> folk it already knows are never going to accept “jesus christ” as their
> personal savior and therefore are already doomed ”
I just have to reply to this cause I don’t think I made myself clear. My personal belief is that God will judge us on what we have been exposed to. I do not think he will condemn someone who has never heard about Christ and Christianity. I do not think God cares whether we call him Buddah, Allah, God, Christ……they are all him in his eyes. I do not think God cares whether you are Protestant, Jew, Islamic, Christian or any other title , as long as you have aknowledge your ‘title’ and live according to the guidelines or ‘rules’ of your faith.
I think if there is a secluded island where the people have no knowledge except what is around them and maybe their God is fire….that is okay with God as long as they practice their beliefs and faith.
So, no one is doomed! We will all be judged according to what we are, what we have been exposed to and how we have lived according to our belif system. God knows who and what each of us are. No one will be treated unjustly.
Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.
Get amazing travel prices for air and hotel in one click on Yahoo! FareChase
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (where’s the clown…errr. ot I mean) Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: April 29, 2006 at 8:18:14 PM EDT
To: <>
what a great link, thanks Ekki.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “ekki” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
actually there a numerous prooves for the existence of god. anselm from
canterbury´s may be the most well known in the tradition of platonic
philosophy and has a certain beauty and elegance in it.
anyway here is a list
they all kind of bite themselves in their tail however.
i´d say to prove existence of god, heaven and hell is not necessary.
but can you see them right now, in this very moment? if not, then you
are already in hell 😉
Am 29.04.2006 um 18:35 schrieb Preston Peet:
(From the excerpt below): ‘I refuse to prove I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’
Jon wrote in his usual relatively clear headed way >but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.<
To even utter the word “proof” when talking about god completely moots the whole “faith” thing to begin with.
Babel Fish
The Babel fish is small, yellow and leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absords all unconcious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centres of the brain which has supplied them.
The pratical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.
Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mindboggingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The arguement goes something like this: ‘I refuse to prove I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’
‘But,’ says Man, ‘the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn’t it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguements, you don’t. QED.’
‘Oh dear,’ says God, ‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.
‘Oh, that was easy,’ says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.
Most leading theologians claim that this arguement is a load of dingo’s kidneys, but that didn’t stop Oolan Colluphid making a small fortune when he used it as the central theme of his best-selling book Well That About Wraps It Up For God.
Meanwhile the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “jon” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
proof? really?
i mean, come on…. i can buy the “i just have faith” argument. if someone believes something, that’s their right, whether they can make a logical argument for their belief or not.
but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.
to be a bit on the blunt side, that’s just bullshit. what is this proof of god you say we’ve acquired in the past century, that only you seem to know about? there’s a pretty substantial body of evidence that explains where we came from without having to invoke supernatural powers. while, on the other hand, there isn’t a shred of evidence to the contrary.
and, unless you’re reading posts of his that i’m not, i don’t see what makes you think crooked eye is a hateful, selfish person. i mean, he may very well be that in real life, i’ve no idea…ehe.. but he doesn’t give the impression so from his posts, which tend to be level-headed and thoughtful.
Billy J wrote:
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
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But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> Received: from
> ([]) by with
> Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> <
> for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> ([]) by
> with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> contact; run by ezmlm
> Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> List-Post:
> List-Help:
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> List-Subscribe:
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> mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
> hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
> via
> X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
> (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> Return-Path:
> m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
> /]=——————————————————-
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> [%]
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> [%]
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (now completely ot again) Re: [Ibogaine] reply to Preston, I think!!
Date: April 29, 2006 at 10:30:15 PM EDT
ditto .. ????
Preston Peet <> wrote:
But for those of us who have heard of god and the christian message, who still aren’t buying into the “saved/not saved, hellfire and damnation” viewpoint Callie is what I meant.
What about those, like me, who have heard but still refuse to believe?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:42 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] reply to Preston, I think!!
Preston (?) said,”I gotta just add that when I hear or read of someone saying (no offense
> intended Callie just weirded out a bit) that all it takes is faith to
> believe that there’s a lake of fire waiting anyone who doesn’t believe
> correctly, that some supreme being would actually insist on creating
> folk it already knows are never going to accept “jesus christ” as their
> personal savior and therefore are already doomed ”
I just have to reply to this cause I don’t think I made myself clear. My personal belief is that God will judge us on what we have been exposed to. I do not think he will condemn someone who has never heard about Christ and Christianity. I do not think God cares whether we call him Buddah, Allah, God, Christ……they are all him in his eyes. I do not think God cares whether you are Protestant, Jew, Islamic, Christian or any other title , as long as you have aknowledge your ‘title’ and live according to the guidelines or ‘rules’ of your faith.
I think if there is a secluded island where the people have no knowledge except what is around them and maybe their God is fire….that is okay with God as long as they practice their beliefs and faith.
So, no one is doomed! We will all be judged according to what we are, what we have been exposed to and how we have lived according to our belif system. God knows who and what each of us are. No one will be treated unjustly.
Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1¢/min.
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: April 29, 2006 at 10:28:09 PM EDT
The only reason I’d shit myself, is because I’d be so friggin blown away that he existed.. About the same as if I saw bigfoot or a leprechaun. I am perfectly happy about my life and the decisions I make..
I am not afraid of God or the set of beliefs set forth by any christian or any religion for that matter. I make decisions based on logic and what I feel is right, not because I am afraid of some big man in the sky, waiting to banish me to life of burning if I don’t marry the girl I screw, or I don’t believe all the other nonsensical crap spewed in the bible or other religious works..
I don’t hate you or anyone for their beliefs, but that’s more than I can say for the practioners of many faiths.. I say to each his own, but I get preterbed when people site the scriptures or state how things are a certain way because they read it in a religious book, where there is no proof or explicit proof against the aforementioned text..
As stated in other mails here, the very word faith means to believe in something there is no real proof of.. Some say it’s faith, others call it absurd.. I am of the latter.. The things I know to be true, can be proven, the things I know that are false, can be disproven.. God, while he can’t be proven, also, cannot be disproven, therfore I don’t accept what some book says, nor do I accept another book.. I feel by doing what I feel is right, I can live a happier life, who cares what happens when I die, as I am pretty sure it’s not an eternal heaven/hell scenario..
I believe those scenarios are used by man, to scare other men into believing or acting the way they want them to.. Therefore I am pretty anti-religion.. I think you are all decent folks, deep down, but I don’t think your beliefs are necessarily the most accurate..
Anyone who says they believe it cause the bible says it, just scares me.. The bible can be interpreted in many fashions, like the way the KKK use it, or the way the anti-gay folks use it, or the way anyone uses it to talk bad about another.. The Koran actually says that anyone who doesn’t follow mohammed should be killed.. I mean, where do we draw the line with religious fanatcism? Many bible thumpers are just dynamite away from being terrorists, and it’s almost justified by much of middle america, because “the bible says so”, and it’s the prevalent religion of our society..
I say believe what you wish, but don’t expect me to agree because you have a big book of fairytales.. And don’t call me ignorant or think I am not very well read, because I don’t agree with your beliefs.. I never once called you a frog or a reptile… I never called you a delusional ignoramous, because you believe in something you cannot see, hear, smell, touch, or show to anyone else.. I never called you a sheep for following probably the most common religion in the world.. I merely questioned what makes you follow it blindly, and I have yet to receive a single answer that would make me change my views, or even question them..
As for Billy J, you can sit and talk about me like I am ignorant, with arguments of no substance or real meaning.. I have yet to reveal any hateful language in my questions of your religion, which is more than I can say for your assault on my simple question of blind faith…
I actually have a life filled with joy and happiness, and I don’t follow your God.. I’m sorry if I don’t suffer a pain filled life, with loathe for people who don’t believe the way I do.. I am actually one of the happiest, most generous people you could ever meet in person.. I have many people that I care for and very good friends who would do the same.. I am on the list because I was helped by the Iboga and my desire to change, as well as the provider Sara, to whom I extend much gratitude.. I am sure she could tell you I am a very kind person, and have a lot of compassion..
My fault with most organized religions, stems from the exact attitude displayed by most of the religious people on this list.. Instead of explaining what really makes you follow your faith of choice, I am looked down upon for not following your way, with pity, anger, or hate.. So rather than join a hate group, run by the Man, usually with a drive for money and/or power, I subscribe to my own set of beliefs, wherein I am either God or everything is God, or God is just a word for the unexplainable.. I will not say that there is nothing greater than my simple consciousness, however, I am vehemently against any of these silly stories presented by most religions.. AND, I’ll tell ya what, my life ROCKS!!!
Am I so wrong?
Paul Brookshaw <> wrote:
There are plenty of books of Wisdom, that you could get your self
enlightenment from.
Just cos others believe in themselves and God doesn’t mean that God does not
Crooked eye, I bet you would be the first to crap yourself, like most non
believers, if Christ was to stand before you and ask you to account for your
The point of Man writing such Wisdom is so that others may have a tangible
thing to grasp, in Spirit, so that he may learn to accept the crap in his
Firstly, we are no strangers to pain. We where born in a physical body, for
starters. If God made it that way we should accept that we are just dust in
the eyes of the Almighty.
We should just learn to give and receive love.
I love you, crooked eye, like I love all of Mankind, good and bad. For that
is the real reason of why we are here, and what we should be doing with our
I pray that you fill your heart and life full of the love, life given, not
taken, but given to you freely to enjoy as you will.
Have a Great and Sunny day my
Heart felt love and compassion to all.
Love Paul;’)~~~
>From: “Billy J”
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
>Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:43:10 -0400
>Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of
>practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would
>only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that
>You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that
>May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed
>into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything
>else Lol.)
> Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you
>got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the
>Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
>Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to
>unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the
>wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your
>life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are
>breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please
>try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse
>Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will
>We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
>try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God
>then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last
>Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
>Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And
>Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
>—-Original Message Follows—-
>From: Crooked Eye
>Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
>Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Received: from ([]) by
> with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri,
>28 Apr 2006 07:04:46 -0700
>Received: from ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
>201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> for ; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:04:46 -0400
>Received: from (HELO
>([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Apr 2006
>10:04:41 -0400
>Received: (qmail 5830 invoked by uid 513); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
>Received: (qmail 5824 invoked by uid 514); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
>X-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt0ymSpVbdss6nYKblRP9hSWbj1aSObRaeo=
>Mailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm
>Precedence: bulk
>X-No-Archive: yes
>Delivered-To: mailing list
>X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.3 required=4.0
>X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From: via
>X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
>(Clear:RC:0( Processed in 3.895112 secs
>Process 5787)
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Apr 2006 14:04:47.0015 (UTC)
>But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
>uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib..
>That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein
>that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns,
>santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can
>Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe
>it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered
>believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any
> that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin
>Mary in
>some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the
>but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t
>matter if it said
>cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you
>bled to
>death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that
>would seem
>atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to
>conform to your
>desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all
>about what
>set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why
>would you
>need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I
>mean what
>makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to
>be a
>Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you
>were an
>Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what
>you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself..
>Start taking
>responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control
>of your life.
>You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
>You create your own reality…
>—– Original Message Follows —–
> > Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> > dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> >
> > Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> > You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> > will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> > BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> > just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> > always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> > and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> > to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> > ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> > fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> > would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> > to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> > US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> > God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> > Will be Saved.
> >
> > Love and Smiles all day
> > Bill ,
> >
> > P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> > will be watching it tonight.
> > Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> >
> > —-Original Message Follows—-
> > From: Dana Beal
> > Reply-To:
> > To:
> > Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> > Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> > MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> > Received: from
> > ([]) by with
> > Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> > 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> > ([]) by
> > (InterMail vM.
> > 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> > <
> >>
> > for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> > 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> > ([]) by
> > with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> > -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> > 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> > 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> > moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> > contact; run by ezmlm
> > Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> > List-Post:
> > List-Help:
> > List-Unsubscribe:
> > List-Subscribe:
> > Delivered-To:
> > mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
> > hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
> > via
> > X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
> > (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> > 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> > X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> > Return-Path:
> >
> > m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> > FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> >
> > I meant to write:
> >
> > And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> > sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> > of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> > there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> > do?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > /]=——————————————————-
> > ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > [%]
> >
> > )=——————————————————-
> > ————–=[/
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > /]=——————————————————-
> > ————–=[\
> > [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> > [%]
> >
> > )=——————————————————-
> > ————–=[/
> >
> >
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
>Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (now completely ot again) Re: [Ibogaine] reply to Preston, I think!!
Date: April 29, 2006 at 8:07:27 PM EDT
To: <>
But for those of us who have heard of god and the christian message, who still aren’t buying into the “saved/not saved, hellfire and damnation” viewpoint Callie is what I meant.
What about those, like me, who have heard but still refuse to believe?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:42 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] reply to Preston, I think!!
Preston (?) said,”I gotta just add that when I hear or read of someone saying (no offense
> intended Callie just weirded out a bit) that all it takes is faith to
> believe that there’s a lake of fire waiting anyone who doesn’t believe
> correctly, that some supreme being would actually insist on creating
> folk it already knows are never going to accept “jesus christ” as their
> personal savior and therefore are already doomed ”
I just have to reply to this cause I don’t think I made myself clear. My personal belief is that God will judge us on what we have been exposed to. I do not think he will condemn someone who has never heard about Christ and Christianity. I do not think God cares whether we call him Buddah, Allah, God, Christ……they are all him in his eyes. I do not think God cares whether you are Protestant, Jew, Islamic, Christian or any other title , as long as you have aknowledge your ‘title’ and live according to the guidelines or ‘rules’ of your faith.
I think if there is a secluded island where the people have no knowledge except what is around them and maybe their God is fire….that is okay with God as long as they practice their beliefs and faith.
So, no one is doomed! We will all be judged according to what we are, what we have been exposed to and how we have lived according to our belif system. God knows who and what each of us are. No one will be treated unjustly.
From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You(whatever makes you feel good)
Date: April 29, 2006 at 9:58:59 PM EDT
To: <>
could resolve this whole thing, gh
—– Original Message —– From: “ekki” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
actually there a numerous prooves for the existence of god. anselm from
canterbury´s may be the most well known in the tradition of platonic
philosophy and has a certain beauty and elegance in it.
anyway here is a list
they all kind of bite themselves in their tail however.
i´d say to prove existence of god, heaven and hell is not necessary.
but can you see them right now, in this very moment? if not, then you
are already in hell 😉
Am 29.04.2006 um 18:35 schrieb Preston Peet:
(From the excerpt below): ‘I refuse to prove I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’
Jon wrote in his usual relatively clear headed way >but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.<
To even utter the word “proof” when talking about god completely moots the whole “faith” thing to begin with.
Babel Fish
The Babel fish is small, yellow and leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absords all unconcious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centres of the brain which has supplied them.
The pratical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.
Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mindboggingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The arguement goes something like this: ‘I refuse to prove I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’
‘But,’ says Man, ‘the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn’t it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguements, you don’t. QED.’
‘Oh dear,’ says God, ‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.
‘Oh, that was easy,’ says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.
Most leading theologians claim that this arguement is a load of dingo’s kidneys, but that didn’t stop Oolan Colluphid making a small fortune when he used it as the central theme of his best-selling book Well That About Wraps It Up For God.
Meanwhile the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “jon” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
proof? really?
i mean, come on…. i can buy the “i just have faith” argument. if someone believes something, that’s their right, whether they can make a logical argument for their belief or not.
but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.
to be a bit on the blunt side, that’s just bullshit. what is this proof of god you say we’ve acquired in the past century, that only you seem to know about? there’s a pretty substantial body of evidence that explains where we came from without having to invoke supernatural powers. while, on the other hand, there isn’t a shred of evidence to the contrary.
and, unless you’re reading posts of his that i’m not, i don’t see what makes you think crooked eye is a hateful, selfish person. i mean, he may very well be that in real life, i’ve no idea…ehe.. but he doesn’t give the impression so from his posts, which tend to be level-headed and thoughtful.
Billy J wrote:
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:46 -0700
Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id <20060428140446.XXLF6286.tomts49-> for <>; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:04:46 -0400
Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Apr 2006 10:04:41 -0400
Received: (qmail 5830 invoked by uid 513); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
Received: (qmail 5824 invoked by uid 514); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
X-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt0ymSpVbdss6nYKblRP9hSWbj1aSObRaeo=
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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Apr 2006 14:04:47.0015 (UTC) FILETIME=[B50EB370:01C66ACC]
But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> Received: from
> ([]) by with
> Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> <
> for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> ([]) by
> with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> contact; run by ezmlm
> Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> List-Post:
> List-Help:
> List-Unsubscribe:
> List-Subscribe:
> Delivered-To:
> mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
> hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
> via
> X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
> (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> Return-Path:
> m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
/]=—————————————————————— —=[\
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\]=—————————————————————— —=[/
Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
/]=—————————————————————— —=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….to the one who freaks freely
Date: April 29, 2006 at 9:50:07 PM EDT
To: <>
i hear all are surviving with some regret as they slip and slide across a wet basement floor in threadbare socks soaked with the rusting water from the leaking pipes. it’s a daily ritual tainted w/ a knot in the pit of each ones stomach from fear of impending doom which as most on the list knows is caused by impending doom of untreated addiction.
koko for the group , with kind regards to the one who freaks freely
—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff G
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 1:59 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
….makes me miss ron, koko, and grasshopper,and I hope they are doing well.
Freak Free
From: “grasshopper” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
Date: April 29, 2006 at 9:53:10 PM EDT
To: <>
odd, i fashion meself a typo with just a bit of soul left in meself. grasshopper
—– Original Message —– From: “captkirk” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
—– Original Message Follows —–
standing there at the day of reconing, awaiting to be
counted as one. For when you see him as he sees you, then
you are him. Amen.
Heheheheeh what a great typo, the day of Reconning,
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
Date: April 29, 2006 at 8:15:16 PM EDT
To: <>
Hear, Hear!
LOL, thanks for that grounding Jeff.
FF right back to you and I was just thinking about you the other day, yesterday I believe, wondering what you’ve been up to, seeing your lovely loving lady posting here but no sign of Jeffery.
Then you pop up. Good.
When were you treated again? Didn’t you only need one ibo treatment to get on your feet again?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Jeff G
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:59 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
….makes me miss ron, koko, and grasshopper,and I hope they are doing well.
Freak Free
From: “Paul Brookshaw” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: April 29, 2006 at 11:34:34 AM EDT
There are plenty of books of Wisdom, that you could get your self enlightenment from.
Just cos others believe in themselves and God doesn’t mean that God does not exist.
Crooked eye, I bet you would be the first to crap yourself, like most non believers, if Christ was to stand before you and ask you to account for your life.
The point of Man writing such Wisdom is so that others may have a tangible thing to grasp, in Spirit, so that he may learn to accept the crap in his life.
Firstly, we are no strangers to pain. We where born in a physical body, for starters. If God made it that way we should accept that we are just dust in the eyes of the Almighty.
We should just learn to give and receive love.
I love you, crooked eye, like I love all of Mankind, good and bad. For that is the real reason of why we are here, and what we should be doing with our lives.
I pray that you fill your heart and life full of the love, life given, not taken, but given to you freely to enjoy as you will.
Have a Great and Sunny day my friends.
Heart felt love and compassion to all.
Love Paul;’)~~~
From: “Billy J” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:43:10 -0400
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:46 -0700
Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id <> for <>; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:04:46 -0400
Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Apr 2006 10:04:41 -0400
Received: (qmail 5830 invoked by uid 513); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
Received: (qmail 5824 invoked by uid 514); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
X-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt0ymSpVbdss6nYKblRP9hSWbj1aSObRaeo=
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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Apr 2006 14:04:47.0015 (UTC) FILETIME=[B50EB370:01C66ACC]
But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> Received: from
> ([]) by with
> Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> <
> for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> ([]) by
> with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> contact; run by ezmlm
> Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> List-Post:
> List-Help:
> List-Unsubscribe:
> List-Subscribe:
> Delivered-To:
> mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
> hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
> via
> X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
> (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> Return-Path:
> m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: ekki <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: April 29, 2006 at 2:12:30 PM EDT
actually there a numerous prooves for the existence of god. anselm from canterbury´s may be the most well known in the tradition of platonic philosophy and has a certain beauty and elegance in it.
anyway here is a list
they all kind of bite themselves in their tail however.
i´d say to prove existence of god, heaven and hell is not necessary. but can you see them right now, in this very moment? if not, then you are already in hell 😉
Am 29.04.2006 um 18:35 schrieb Preston Peet:
(From the excerpt below): ‘I refuse to prove I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’
Jon wrote in his usual relatively clear headed way >but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.<
To even utter the word “proof” when talking about god completely moots the whole “faith” thing to begin with.
Babel Fish
The Babel fish is small, yellow and leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absords all unconcious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centres of the brain which has supplied them.
The pratical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.
Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mindboggingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The arguement goes something like this: ‘I refuse to prove I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’
‘But,’ says Man, ‘the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn’t it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguements, you don’t. QED.’
‘Oh dear,’ says God, ‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.
‘Oh, that was easy,’ says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.
Most leading theologians claim that this arguement is a load of dingo’s kidneys, but that didn’t stop Oolan Colluphid making a small fortune when he used it as the central theme of his best-selling book Well That About Wraps It Up For God.
Meanwhile the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “jon” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
proof? really?
i mean, come on…. i can buy the “i just have faith” argument. if someone believes something, that’s their right, whether they can make a logical argument for their belief or not.
but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.
to be a bit on the blunt side, that’s just bullshit. what is this proof of god you say we’ve acquired in the past century, that only you seem to know about? there’s a pretty substantial body of evidence that explains where we came from without having to invoke supernatural powers. while, on the other hand, there isn’t a shred of evidence to the contrary.
and, unless you’re reading posts of his that i’m not, i don’t see what makes you think crooked eye is a hateful, selfish person. i mean, he may very well be that in real life, i’ve no idea…ehe.. but he doesn’t give the impression so from his posts, which tend to be level-headed and thoughtful.
Billy J wrote:
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:46 -0700
Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id <> for <>; Fri, 28 Apr 2006 10:04:46 -0400
Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 28 Apr 2006 10:04:41 -0400
Received: (qmail 5830 invoked by uid 513); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
Received: (qmail 5824 invoked by uid 514); 28 Apr 2006 10:04:40 -0400
X-Message-Info: LsUYwwHHNt0ymSpVbdss6nYKblRP9hSWbj1aSObRaeo=
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X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms (Clear:RC:0( Processed in 3.895112 secs Process 5787)
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Apr 2006 14:04:47.0015 (UTC) FILETIME=[B50EB370:01C66ACC]
But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> Received: from
> ([]) by with
> Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> <
> for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> ([]) by
> with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> contact; run by ezmlm
> Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> List-Post:
> List-Help:
> List-Unsubscribe:
> List-Subscribe:
> Delivered-To:
> mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
> hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
> via
> X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
> (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> Return-Path:
> m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: [Ibogaine] Rush Limbaugh arrested on prescription drug charges again
Date: April 29, 2006 at 4:09:36 PM EDT
Rush Limbaugh arrested on prescription drug charges
Chrystian Tejedor |
Posted April 28, 2006, 6:15 PM EDT
WEST PALM BEACH — Conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh on Friday turned himself into the Palm Beach County Jail to face a charge of fraud for concealing information to obtain a prescription.
He was quickly released after posting $3,000 bond, jail officials said. Prosecutors alleged that Limbaugh violated the state’s “doctor shopping” law by getting four doctors to write overlapping prescriptions and failing to tell them about each other. Limbaugh, who pleaded not guilty, struck an agreement with the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office that calls for the charge to be dropped in 18 months provided that Limbaugh continues to seek treatment from the doctor he has seen for the past 2 1/2 years and must refrain from breaking the law during that period, Limbaugh’s attorney, Roy Black, said in a statement.
Limbaugh also will pay $30 per month for the cost of supervision and will pay the state $30,000 to help offset the cost of the investigation into the doctor-shopping allegations.
Prosecutors previously were investigating prescriptions that Limbaugh received from Florida and California doctors between March 2003 and September 2003, when he allegedly picked up 1,733 hydrocodone, 90 OxyContin, 50 Xanax and 40 time-release morphine pills.
In 2003, Wilma Cline, Limbaugh’s former housekeeper and her handyman husband, David, gave the Palm Beach County State Attorney’s Office copies of e-mails and taped phone messages documenting what they allege became Limbaugh’s 30-pill-a-day drug habit.
Wilma Cline told The National Enquirer that she began funneling to Limbaugh some of her husband’s hydrocodone supply, prescribed after David Cline fell when a pull-down ladder snapped apart, injuring his neck, knees and hand in March 1988. After those prescriptions dried up, Wilma Cline found another drug source for Limbaugh, she told the tabloid, getting him at one point 11,900 pills in a four month period in 2001.
After the Clines’ story broke, Limbaugh acknowledged on his nationally syndicated radio program that he was addicted to painkillers, and took a 30-day leave of absence to try to kick the habit.
“I want you to know I’m no role model. I refuse to let anyone think I’m doing something heroic here, something great here. I’m not a victim. I’m not going to portray myself as a victim. I take full responsibility for this problem,” Limbaugh told his listeners in October 2003.
Limbaugh also told listeners that day that he had twice checked into rehabilitation clinics over the past half-dozen years in an effort to break his addiction and would do so again immediately.
From: “Jeff G” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] you know lately this list….
Date: April 29, 2006 at 2:59:57 PM EDT
….makes me miss ron, koko, and grasshopper,and I hope they are doing well.
Freak Free
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (Somewhat ot) Re: [Ibogaine] Re: the pres is on Oxycontin
Date: April 29, 2006 at 3:11:03 PM EDT
Thats right, hemp will grow even in places sugar cane won’t. Still you have to change the likes of Dow and Exxon first. Or have more influence. I’m not going to use my car in 3 weeks and I wont pay the insurance so I can be ripped off weekly by the oil companies. There is no more reward in driving anywhere.
On Apr 29, 2006, at 5:56 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
and do like Brazil growing sugar
cane for ethanol, <
Or, say, HEMP.
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: April 29, 2006 at 3:32:57 PM EDT
See the 1956 film with Leslie Nielsen, The Forbidden Planet, where “monsters of the ID” have wiped out an entire civilization.
On Apr 29, 2006, at 9:35 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
……Meanwhile the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]\
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Celebrex Ads Are Back, Dire Warnings and All
Date: April 29, 2006 at 3:21:42 PM EDT
Last evening there was an ad on TV by Bayer, the people who bring you aspirin, selling insecticides. [same class of chemicals as Nerve Gas, i.e., Sarin, ]
On Apr 29, 2006, at 7:00 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
…..yet the big pharmaceutical companies can create and sell murderous poisons to us as they will apparently……
Subject: [Ibogaine] reply to Preston, I think!!
Date: April 29, 2006 at 2:42:32 PM EDT
Preston (?) said,”I gotta just add that when I hear or read of someone saying (no offense
> intended Callie just weirded out a bit) that all it takes is faith to
> believe that there’s a lake of fire waiting anyone who doesn’t believe
> correctly, that some supreme being would actually insist on creating
> folk it already knows are never going to accept “jesus christ” as their
> personal savior and therefore are already doomed ”
I just have to reply to this cause I don’t think I made myself clear. My personal belief is that God will judge us on what we have been exposed to. I do not think he will condemn someone who has never heard about Christ and Christianity. I do not think God cares whether we call him Buddah, Allah, God, Christ……they are all him in his eyes. I do not think God cares whether you are Protestant, Jew, Islamic, Christian or any other title , as long as you have aknowledge your ‘title’ and live according to the guidelines or ‘rules’ of your faith.
I think if there is a secluded island where the people have no knowledge except what is around them and maybe their God is fire….that is okay with God as long as they practice their beliefs and faith.
So, no one is doomed! We will all be judged according to what we are, what we have been exposed to and how we have lived according to our belif system. God knows who and what each of us are. No one will be treated unjustly.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: April 29, 2006 at 12:35:58 PM EDT
To: <>
(From the excerpt below): ‘I refuse to prove I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’
Jon wrote in his usual relatively clear headed way >but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.<
To even utter the word “proof” when talking about god completely moots the whole “faith” thing to begin with.
Babel Fish
The Babel fish is small, yellow and leech-like, and probably the oddest thing in the universe. It feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absords all unconcious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centres of the brain which has supplied them.
The pratical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.
Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mindboggingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The arguement goes something like this: ‘I refuse to prove I exist,’ says God, ‘for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing.’
‘But,’ says Man, ‘the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn’t it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguements, you don’t. QED.’
‘Oh dear,’ says God, ‘I hadn’t thought of that,’ and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic.
‘Oh, that was easy,’ says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.
Most leading theologians claim that this arguement is a load of dingo’s kidneys, but that didn’t stop Oolan Colluphid making a small fortune when he used it as the central theme of his best-selling book Well That About Wraps It Up For God.
Meanwhile the poor Babel fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication between different races and cultures, has caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “jon” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
proof? really?
i mean, come on…. i can buy the “i just have faith” argument. if someone believes something, that’s their right, whether they can make a logical argument for their belief or not.
but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.
to be a bit on the blunt side, that’s just bullshit. what is this proof of god you say we’ve acquired in the past century, that only you seem to know about? there’s a pretty substantial body of evidence that explains where we came from without having to invoke supernatural powers. while, on the other hand, there isn’t a shred of evidence to the contrary.
and, unless you’re reading posts of his that i’m not, i don’t see what makes you think crooked eye is a hateful, selfish person. i mean, he may very well be that in real life, i’ve no idea…ehe.. but he doesn’t give the impression so from his posts, which tend to be level-headed and thoughtful.
Billy J wrote:
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
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But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
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> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
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> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
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From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Which came first???
Date: April 29, 2006 at 11:07:41 AM EDT
ummm… an immaculate omlette?
Paul Brookshaw wrote:
God did;’)~~~
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Which came first???
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 20:20:41 -0700
If there was only one chicken, how did it get to be “pregnant”? If the egg came first, who laid it?
On Mar 22, 2006, at 1:31 AM, Paul Brookshaw wrote:
Hello all,
Which came first. The Chicken or the egg? Well my Son. Of course, the Chicken, for, how else would they have babies. Thankyou Father.
Bless you my Son!!!
Strength, Power and Honour, Respect Bless you all Paul!!!
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From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] US: Web: God, NORML and the FDA
Date: April 29, 2006 at 11:06:38 AM EDT
well said, preston =)
Preston Peet wrote:
God, NORML and the FDA
As I read the statement, I was amazed to see that the other side
seemed to be embracing religion as well, although in more of a
stealth fashion. The FDA’s statement isn’t about science, as it
cites no specific research. It might be looked at as political, but
it doesn’t announce policy change or shift in power.
It is simply a statement of belief: what religious scholars might
call a creed. The FDA has majestically taken what it wants from
available texts and ignored the rest, then conveyed this creed as if
it were truth from on high. The statement implicitly designates
contrary views as heretical while boldly announcing that the grand
theology is shared by bureaucratic brethren at the DEA and ONDCP. Hallelujah!
Complete article below
I gotta just add that when I hear or read of someone saying (no offense intended Callie just weirded out a bit) that all it takes is faith to believe that there’s a lake of fire waiting anyone who doesn’t believe correctly, that some supreme being would actually insist on creating folk it already knows are never going to accept “jesus christ” as their personal savior and therefore are already doomed in this particular world-view to eternal torture and damnation (Egad), it strikes me in exactly the sense as described in the two paragraphs above- that there is a LOT of information missing or being denied without any consideration whatsoever, that some folk are willfully blinding themselves to so many wonders in this world when limiting themselves to such simplistic “heaven/hell, saved/notsaved” mentality.
I won’t tell anyone they’re wrong, or try not to anyway (even though I’ve argued stenuously with some here on this list, for which I apologize and they know who they are), but I continue to wonder at such thinking anyway.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “Richard Lake” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 9:25 PM
Subject: [DrugWar] US: Web: God, NORML and the FDA
Newshawk: Please Help Keep DSW On Line
Pubdate: Fri, 28 Apr 2006
Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Author: Stephen Young
Note: Stephen Young is an editor with DrugSense Weekly and the author of Maximizing Harm.
When my hands were anointed with the sacred oil, it was something like a religious experience, as far as such a thing is possible in the basement of a Holiday Inn.
At the very least, it was an interesting exchange about religion.
As I strolled among the tables at the NORML conference in San Francisco, Rev. Tom Brown was passing out flyers about the use of cannabis as a sacrament. He looked sort of like a biblical prophet, with a flowing whit e beard and clear blue eyes that seemed both calm and intense as he spoke.
Rev. Tom talked about organized religion and the protection it was afford ed in the United States, not only by the Bill of Rights, but by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. That law protects people who engage in practices that some might consider dangerous, like snake handling or the ingestion of hoasca tea, so long as those practices take place within a religious ceremony.
Individuals who use cannabis as a religious sacrament, he said, share the same protection. A cannabis user need only go through a few steps to declare their residences as places of worship, and themselves as minister s.
The concept made some sort of sense. But, I said, I didn’t know if I would be interested in doing that for a few reasons. First, I’m a Lutheran who attends services with some regularity, and it seemed disingenuous to proclaim myself as a minister in a new religion while still practicing another religion that has its own established sacrament.
Rev. Tom shared a long history of Christianity which suggested there would be no contradiction. Indeed, he said, the oil with which Jesus anointed followers contained cannabis. Then he produced a small bottle containing a brown oil. He said it was made according to an ancient recipe and include d aromatic herbs and other ingredients. It smelled sweet and a little pungent; something like cinnamon was discernable among the various scents . He poured a bit on one of my palms and said I should rub my hands together.
I did so and felt glad for the experience.
I went on to talk to more people and watch several interesting presentations in San Francisco. During the conference, I had the chance to share a talk about DrugSense and the Media Awareness Project with a polite and attentive audience. Unfortunately, I had another commitment while a panel on “Marijuana, Religion and Sacrament” took place, but I did get to chat briefly with Roger Christie, whose THC Ministries ( ) also proclaims religious protection for the sacramental use of cannabis.
I was reminded of Rev. Tom soon after I returned home. I was catching up on the news and finally read the Food and Drug Administration statement ( ) suggesting that smoked marijuana could not be medicine. (The FDA statement, incidentally or mystically, was released on April 20, the very day I had my conversation with Rev. Tom.)
As I read the statement, I was amazed to see that the other side seemed to be embracing religion as well, although in more of a stealth fashion. The FDA’s statement isn’t about science, as it cites no specific research. It might be looked at as political, but it doesn’t announce policy change or shift in power.
It is simply a statement of belief: what religious scholars might call a creed. The FDA has majestically taken what it wants from available texts and ignored the rest, then conveyed this creed as if it were truth from on high. The statement implicitly designates contrary views as heretical while boldly announcing that the grand theology is shared by bureaucratic brethren at the DEA and ONDCP. Hallelujah!
Karen Armstrong, a former nun who has written a series of books about religion, was recently interviewed in the Chicago Tribune. She said when she started writing, she was skeptical of religion and very conscious of all its negative aspects. But, over time, she came to see the positive side of religion, particularly the encouragement of kindness. She said she now tries to be kind in her own life.
At the NORML conference, I saw attendees and presenters expressing kindness and compassion toward others. I perceived Rev. Tom’s interaction with me as a bit of kindness in the form of an attempt to share enlightenment.
The last time I went to a ONDCP event (a student drug testing “summit” – ), I saw the organizers primarily endorsing fear and coercion.
I hope religious freedom stays strong in America. The FDA, DEA and ONDCP and their representatives should believe what they want to believe. These federal agencies, though, have overstepped their bounds and gone way beyond First Amendment protections in trying to live their beliefs. They have no right to demonize individuals, to officially withhold medicines, or to direct violence at non-believers bold enough to bypass the high priests.
Rev. Tom may have been evangelizing, but he certainly wasn’t trying to impose his religion on anyone else. In that sense, even if the feds’ beliefs are very strong (though I doubt they are), their spiritual evolution is clearly several generations behind Rev. Tom and just about everybody else I met in San Francisco.
[ Moderated by: Preston Peet | ]
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From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: April 29, 2006 at 11:04:38 AM EDT
proof? really?
i mean, come on…. i can buy the “i just have faith” argument. if someone believes something, that’s their right, whether they can make a logical argument for their belief or not.
but don’t try to make like there is some logical argument to prove the existence of god.
to be a bit on the blunt side, that’s just bullshit. what is this proof of god you say we’ve acquired in the past century, that only you seem to know about? there’s a pretty substantial body of evidence that explains where we came from without having to invoke supernatural powers. while, on the other hand, there isn’t a shred of evidence to the contrary.
and, unless you’re reading posts of his that i’m not, i don’t see what makes you think crooked eye is a hateful, selfish person. i mean, he may very well be that in real life, i’ve no idea…ehe.. but he doesn’t give the impression so from his posts, which tend to be level-headed and thoughtful.
Billy J wrote:
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
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But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> Received: from
> ([]) by with
> Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> <
> for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> ([]) by
> with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> contact; run by ezmlm
> Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> List-Post:
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> List-Subscribe:
> Delivered-To:
> mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
> hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
> via
> X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
> (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> Return-Path:
> m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
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From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 29, 2006 at 10:54:15 AM EDT
Well, but that’s a matter of politics… Christianity has become as powerful as it did because people who were already in power have fancied it.
The tooth very could have come to rule the world just as easily as jesus if Emperor Constantine had believed in her rather than him..
Carol Ann wrote:
Well, dont ya know…….Jesus is more serious matter than Faries and Leprechans. Jeeez……entire culutures, civilizations and economic systems are built upon that one name. Exon, Trump could envy such an enterprise.
Don’t ya ever watch Sunday TV preachers? Their empires are worth billions. Or visit the Vatican? Now what Fairy or Leprechaun ever became that famous or able to solicite donations in their……….hmmm. I forgot…Santa is in there too.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Celebrex Ads Are Back, Dire Warnings and All
Date: April 29, 2006 at 10:00:55 AM EDT
To: <>, <>
So, must I state the obvious?
The FDA approved this Celebrex shite (even my ‘rents, or at least one of ’em, have taken this stuff, luckily to no ill effect, so far anyway), yet it has definite risks to takers’ health, which is the reason given by the FDA last week for not allowing people to use marijuan for medical (or any) reasons. Pot has NEVER caused a single overdose, not once. So pot, ibogaine, lsd, mushrooms, none of which have ever killed anyone (with the exception of ibogaine, which considering the alternatives is negligible in my opinion, especially considering the benefits that can and do usually result from taking ibogaine, and considering the alternatives to not taking it) remain illegal, with criminal sanctions that can land a person in jail for YEARS for selling, buying, or even using said substances, yet the big pharmaceutical companies can create and sell murderous poisons to us as they will apparently.
Will I never cease to be amazed at the hypocricy and idiocy of such policies? I seriously doubt it.
Celebrex Ads Are Back, Dire Warnings and All
The ads for the Pfizer painkiller Celebrex feature a man holding a boy’s hand as they walk up a stadium staircase. “52 steps won’t keep you from taking him out to the ballgame,” they say.
But a heart attack would.
Each ad includes a boldface warning that begins, “Important Information: Celebrex may increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke that can lead to death.”
As it resumes ads for the controversial medicine, Pfizer, the world’s biggest drug maker, is offering consumers a decidedly mixed message. But 16 months after the company stopped advertising Celebrex over concerns about its heart risks, Pfizer has returned to the consumer ad market in hopes of reviving sales of the drug, which plunged last year during the ad moratorium.
The new campaign in magazines has raised the ire of consumer groups, who say that Celebrex is so dangerous that Pfizer should stop selling it, not encourage patients to use it.
The campaign is more evidence of the drug industry’s dependence on consumer advertising to prop up sales, said Dr. Sidney Wolfe, a frequent critic of drug makers. “There’s no objective evidence of any unique benefit with this drug, and there is objective evidence of a unique risk,” said Dr. Wolfe, the director of health research for the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen.
Pfizer stopped advertising Celebrex in December 2004, after Merck stopped selling Vioxx, a similar drug, because of its heart dangers. Four months later, federal regulators ordered Pfizer to put a so-called black-box warning on Celebrex, detailing its risks.
In 2004, before the advertising moratorium, Pfizer spent $117 million promoting Celebrex. That year, Celebrex sales were $3.3 billion worldwide. In 2005, during the ad moratorium, sales plunged to $1.7 billion. Pfizer says that all painkillers carry some risk and that its new ads disclose Celebrex’s potential dangers.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
Date: April 29, 2006 at 10:51:33 AM EDT
captkirk wrote:
—– Original Message Follows —–
standing there at the day of reconing, awaiting to be
counted as one. For when you see him as he sees you, then
you are him. Amen.
Heheheheeh what a great typo, the day of Reconning,
No, it’s the day of ReConing… as in, the Coneheads…
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 29, 2006 at 10:45:52 AM EDT
Reply-To: wrote:
I didn’t take it as belittling or condescending. I love to discuss things!
I am having an equally hard time understanding how you can NOT believe or how you can compare Heaven and Hell to the tooth fairy.
At this point I can’t explain why I see those two things as different but the word Faith keeps popping in my mind. I have faith in the things I believe in. I have faith that Jesus died on the cross for my/our sins. I have faith that Jesus rose from the dead and that his mother was a virgin when he was born. Faith is stronger than believing……it is the same but different.
Got to go to work now but will look for posts later
thanks again for answering. glad you didn’t take what i’d said as offensive or anything =)
anyhow, here’re some reasons i don’t see a difference between believing in heaven and believing in the tooth fairy…
– the only way anyone could know about either one is by having been told about it or having read about it
– you cannot experience either one
– you cannot demonstrate evidence of either one
– there is no way to prove or disprove the existence of either one
– both violate Occum’s Razor (the simplest explanation of a given phenomenon is usually the correct one)
– both contradict things we CAN observe (e.g. a parent putting money under a pillow or a body decomposing)
i’ve never really quite understood the notion of faith either. i think mark twain described it best when he said “faith is believing something you know ain’t so”.
some people see that as a good thing, but i can’t understand why. why is it a good thing to lie to one’s self, and with such conviction?
convictions make for convicts…
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Pinchbeck and HT
Date: April 29, 2006 at 10:33:26 AM EDT
To: <>, <>
The new, soon to hit stands July issue of High Times has a very interesting interview with Daniel Pinchbeck on page 64, discussing “Mayan prophecy, crop circles, shamanism and exotic hallucinogens,” among other things (not to mention the issue also contains a brief little Freedom Fighter piece by me).
Congrats Daniel.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] more FDA wonders
Date: April 29, 2006 at 9:54:53 AM EDT
To: <>, <>
Ex-Head of F.D.A. Faces Criminal Inquiry
WASHINGTON, April 28 – Dr. Lester M. Crawford, the former commissioner of food and drugs, is under criminal investigation by a federal grand jury over accusations of financial improprieties and false statements to Congress, his lawyer said Friday.
The lawyer, Barbara Van Gelder, would not discuss the accusations further. In a court hearing held by telephone on Thursday, she told a federal magistrate that she would instruct Dr. Crawford to invoke his Fifth Amendment right against compelled self-incrimination if ordered to answer questions this week about his actions as head of the Food and Drug Administration, according to a transcript of the hearing.
Dr. Crawford did not reply to messages seeking comment, and Kathleen Quinn, an F.D.A. spokeswoman, declined to comment.
Dr. Crawford resigned in September, fewer than three months after the Senate confirmed him. He said then that it was time for someone else to lead the agency.
The next month, financial disclosure forms released by the Department of Health and Human Services showed that in 2004 either Dr. Crawford or his wife, Catherine, had sold shares in companies regulated by the agency when he was its deputy commissioner and acting commissioner. He has since joined a Washington lobbying firm, Policy Directions Inc.
The criminal investigation was disclosed at a court hearing in a lawsuit over the F.D.A.’s actions on the emergency contraceptive Plan B, a subject of bitter contention during Dr. Crawford’s tenure as acting commissioner and commissioner. After the pill’s maker, Barr Laboratories, applied three years ago to sell the pill over the counter, the agency repeatedly delayed making a decision on the application.
While many lawmakers, abortion rights advocates and former F.D.A. officials said the delays had resulted from politics, Dr. Crawford and other agency officials said their concerns were scientific and legal.
An advocacy group, the Center for Reproductive Rights, sued the agency in federal court in New York over the delays. Many such suits are quickly dismissed, but a federal judge allowed the case to proceed, giving the center the right to interview top F.D.A. officials, including Dr. Crawford.
Dr. Crawford was scheduled to be questioned under oath on Thursday, but on Wednesday Ms. Van Gelder, who is his personal lawyer, asked for a delay, saying she would instruct him to invoke his Fifth Amendment rights. Dr. Crawford previously declined to answer questions from the Government Accountability Office about Plan B.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (Somewhat ot) Re: [Ibogaine] Re: the pres is on Oxycontin
Date: April 29, 2006 at 8:56:24 AM EDT
To: <>
and do like Brazil growing sugar
cane for ethanol, <
Or, say, HEMP.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “Warren Theriot” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: the pres is on Oxycontin
What we need is a clear thinking leader, unmotivated by blind faith and greed, with a mind unaltered by psychotropic drugs or alcohol. One who will recognize the true health needs of America. One who will recognize Ibogaine as a serious way to treat drug addiction. One who will put food on the tables of the people without destroying the land we were fortunate enough to be born on. One who will support legislation bringing back technical jobs to America instead of giving them away to China and India. One who will NATIONALIZE the energy industry for the good of the people, and do like Brazil growing sugar cane for ethanol, instead of doing everything to benefit that likes of that pig of a human with the enormous fat pouch under his chin, the exec from Exxon, seen on the evening news. [LOL… or not as that image was pathetic, truly pathological.] $400+ million dollars would go a long way to treat drug addiction with a nationally funded Ibogaine program. Or a Nor-Ibogaine program, what ever you want for yourself, instead of methadone which seems like it lets people down after a while. If there is a God who watches down on America, He must be wringing his hands in disappointment.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 6:18 AM, wrote:
I can se it now. Ol’ George sucking the coating off of an 80 and crushing it up. Wait a minute dumb ass don’t you know the trick with the hose clamp. It shaves the oxy off. You door knob!! Anyway, since he was such a coke freak I’d say it would be easy for him to get into snorting oxy’s. I wonder if him and Rush hook each other up? He He ahhhhhh…………….fuck it. On the other hand maybe George needs to take his medicine, watch the show at the holodeck and feel the love. Couldn’t hoit. Shut up George and take your Ibogaine. Randy
/] =——————————————————————— =[\
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
Date: April 29, 2006 at 9:43:24 AM EDT
To: <>
There’s already mass confusion what with rampant, insane, evil prohibition.
I don’t have very high hopes for much betterment with this new move, considering they’re leaving sales and purchasing illegal.
So how in the world are folk supposed to get their “legal” drugs if it’s illegal to buy or sell them?
By buying from criminals, that’s how.
Smart move.
Still, it is a step in the right direction, and can’t possibly be any worse than what we have today, or Mexico has today for that matter.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From:
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
In a message dated 4/28/2006 6:23:41 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
By MARK STEVENSON (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated Press
April 28, 2006 4:12 PM EDT
Very interesting but I bet there will be confusion for awhile.
Will be interesting to see the effect of this decriminalization after several years.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Billy J” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Feel Sorry 4 You
Date: April 29, 2006 at 9:43:10 AM EDT
Hey, I guess Crooked eye didn’t come from anywhere, It took a lot of practice to be able to get as far out there as your message below. It would only appear that you , on top of the obvious(why we are on this List) that You Have a Great deal of hate and that anything like the Words of God that May and wil deliver you from All the Lies that you have been Brainwashed into believing(hence that Your own Highness would be Greater than anything else Lol.)
Well Crooked, I still believe and the PROOF is there, where have you got your diinformation from- I could only guess – Do you Subscribe to the Self Bible? The If It Feels Good Do It Bible?
Well I Love You and I care for You, Can you find it in your heart to unconditionally care for every other human being? Even if they rub you the wrong way? If the answer is Yes, then you have had God in fluence your life, If No,Well then ???? There is still Time as long as you are breathing, But remember that PRIDE always comes before destruction, Please try to be Humble and do not stomp All over My words with Slander and Caurse Launguage, because it will only proove that Because We Alll have FREE will We open our Mouths and prove we are idiots.
try and Not Be offended, But To remember, that if we did not come from God then what is your answer, and as for proof. where have you been this last century?
Still hurting, But always trying to Love,
Why, Cause I believe that thing you call stupid, that says LOVE WILL And Does Conquer Everything. PERIOD
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:35 -0700 (PDT)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Fri, 28 Apr 2006 07:04:46 -0700
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X-OriginalArrivalTime: 28 Apr 2006 14:04:47.0015 (UTC) FILETIME=[B50EB370:01C66ACC]
But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of beliefs…
You create your own reality…
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> Received: from
> ([]) by with
> Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> <
> for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> ([]) by
> with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> contact; run by ezmlm
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> hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
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> (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> Return-Path:
> m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
> /]=——————————————————-
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> [%]
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From: “Paul Brookshaw” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 29, 2006 at 3:42:21 AM EDT
Its all about, personnal choices, Really.
Have a great and wonderfull day now.
From: “Nick Sandberg” <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 20:03:42 +0100
I figure people who believe in Hell are already living in it. I mean, who
willingly would choose to exist in so much fear? The “hell” of the bible is
the belief in separation, this is all it actually means. Phrases like the
“wrath of God” are also just bad translations. From the Greek this wrath
just means “ardour.” Esoterically it’s a reference to energetic states in
the body, the Hindu “rajas” tattva.
> —–Original Message—–
> From: []
> Sent: 28 April 2006 19:49
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save
> people?
> > Jesus can save us or our souls from going to Hell. “Believe in Jesus and
> > you
> > will be saved from burning for eternity in Hell.”
> > The statement is misleading though because it takes more than belief to
> > get
> > to heaven. Of course this is my opinion. But believing is the
> first step!
> > Hope that answered your question
> Thanks for answering, but what do you really mean by that? Do you believe
> in a hell a la Dante’s Divine Comedy, with lakes of fire, pitchforks,
> etc.. or is that symbolic for something?
> I guess I just don’t understand.. if someone were to believe in the
> classic Heaven and Hell deal, why not the Tooth Fairy? the Easter Bunny?
> Vampires? Leprechauns?
> I mean, what difference is there between “if you believe in Jesus you will
> go to Heaven” and “if you follow the leprechaun to the end of the rainbow
> you’ll get a pot of gold”?
> /]=—————————————————————
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] US: Web: God, NORML and the FDA
Date: April 29, 2006 at 2:15:58 AM EDT
Thats so cool, Brenda. I am getting more and more insight about Ibogaine, even if I may not be able to take the treatment until after I am clean for a while. Everybody seems to have something in common here ideologically. Ibogaine seems to transcend ordinary religion. We all seem to be connected to a cosmic consciousness. through Ibogaine.
Best Wishes,
On Apr 28, 2006, at 9:38 PM, brenda brewer wrote:
Yes! He was in my session and Iboga told me “if Dalai Lama can do it –
SURELY you can!”
After all, he was just a man…
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
Date: April 29, 2006 at 1:18:22 AM EDT
In spite of technological advances, the US remains several years behind some other European nations ideologically, re: the war on drugs, in my opinion , of course…
On Apr 28, 2006, at 9:54 PM, wrote:
In a message dated 4/28/2006 6:23:41 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
By MARK STEVENSON (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated Press
April 28, 2006 4:12 PM EDT
Very interesting but I bet there will be confusion for awhile.
Will be interesting to see the effect of this decriminalization after several years.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
Date: April 29, 2006 at 12:54:43 AM EDT
In a message dated 4/28/2006 6:23:41 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
By MARK STEVENSON (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated Press
April 28, 2006 4:12 PM EDT
Very interesting but I bet there will be confusion for awhile.
Will be interesting to see the effect of this decriminalization after several years.
From: brenda brewer <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] US: Web: God, NORML and the FDA
Date: April 29, 2006 at 12:38:26 AM EDT
To: <>
Yes! He was in my session and Iboga told me “if Dalai Lama can do it –
SURELY you can!”
After all, he was just a man…
On 4/28/06 9:31 PM, “Warren Theriot” <> wrote:
And my response is to look at the Dali Lama and say to myself, “that
man is truly a man of God, [from the perspective of one raised
Christian] one who is truly blessed with internal happiness and full
of benevolence towards his fellow man”. And he is not Christian
either. He is surely one to look up to in this day and age.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 9:11 PM, Preston Peet wrote:
………..I gotta just add that when I hear or read of someone
saying (no offense intended Callie just weirded out a bit) that all
it takes is faith to believe that there’s a lake of fire waiting
anyone who doesn’t believe correctly……….
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] US: Web: God, NORML and the FDA
Date: April 29, 2006 at 12:31:13 AM EDT
And my response is to look at the Dali Lama and say to myself, “that man is truly a man of God, [from the perspective of one raised Christian] one who is truly blessed with internal happiness and full of benevolence towards his fellow man”. And he is not Christian either. He is surely one to look up to in this day and age.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 9:11 PM, Preston Peet wrote:
………..I gotta just add that when I hear or read of someone saying (no offense intended Callie just weirded out a bit) that all it takes is faith to believe that there’s a lake of fire waiting anyone who doesn’t believe correctly……….
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] US: Web: God, NORML and the FDA
Date: April 29, 2006 at 12:11:30 AM EDT
To: <>
God, NORML and the FDA
As I read the statement, I was amazed to see that the other side
seemed to be embracing religion as well, although in more of a
stealth fashion. The FDA’s statement isn’t about science, as it
cites no specific research. It might be looked at as political, but
it doesn’t announce policy change or shift in power.
It is simply a statement of belief: what religious scholars might
call a creed. The FDA has majestically taken what it wants from
available texts and ignored the rest, then conveyed this creed as if
it were truth from on high. The statement implicitly designates
contrary views as heretical while boldly announcing that the grand
theology is shared by bureaucratic brethren at the DEA and ONDCP. Hallelujah!
Complete article below
I gotta just add that when I hear or read of someone saying (no offense intended Callie just weirded out a bit) that all it takes is faith to believe that there’s a lake of fire waiting anyone who doesn’t believe correctly, that some supreme being would actually insist on creating folk it already knows are never going to accept “jesus christ” as their personal savior and therefore are already doomed in this particular world-view to eternal torture and damnation (Egad), it strikes me in exactly the sense as described in the two paragraphs above- that there is a LOT of information missing or being denied without any consideration whatsoever, that some folk are willfully blinding themselves to so many wonders in this world when limiting themselves to such simplistic “heaven/hell, saved/notsaved” mentality.
I won’t tell anyone they’re wrong, or try not to anyway (even though I’ve argued stenuously with some here on this list, for which I apologize and they know who they are), but I continue to wonder at such thinking anyway.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
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Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “Richard Lake” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 9:25 PM
Subject: [DrugWar] US: Web: God, NORML and the FDA
Newshawk: Please Help Keep DSW On Line
Pubdate: Fri, 28 Apr 2006
Source: DrugSense Weekly (DSW)
Author: Stephen Young
Note: Stephen Young is an editor with DrugSense Weekly and the author of Maximizing Harm.
When my hands were anointed with the sacred oil, it was something like a religious experience, as far as such a thing is possible in the basement of a Holiday Inn.
At the very least, it was an interesting exchange about religion.
As I strolled among the tables at the NORML conference in San Francisco, Rev. Tom Brown was passing out flyers about the use of cannabis as a sacrament. He looked sort of like a biblical prophet, with a flowing whit e beard and clear blue eyes that seemed both calm and intense as he spoke.
Rev. Tom talked about organized religion and the protection it was afford ed in the United States, not only by the Bill of Rights, but by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. That law protects people who engage in practices that some might consider dangerous, like snake handling or the ingestion of hoasca tea, so long as those practices take place within a religious ceremony.
Individuals who use cannabis as a religious sacrament, he said, share the same protection. A cannabis user need only go through a few steps to declare their residences as places of worship, and themselves as minister s.
The concept made some sort of sense. But, I said, I didn’t know if I would be interested in doing that for a few reasons. First, I’m a Lutheran who attends services with some regularity, and it seemed disingenuous to proclaim myself as a minister in a new religion while still practicing another religion that has its own established sacrament.
Rev. Tom shared a long history of Christianity which suggested there would be no contradiction. Indeed, he said, the oil with which Jesus anointed followers contained cannabis. Then he produced a small bottle containing a brown oil. He said it was made according to an ancient recipe and include d aromatic herbs and other ingredients. It smelled sweet and a little pungent; something like cinnamon was discernable among the various scents . He poured a bit on one of my palms and said I should rub my hands together.
I did so and felt glad for the experience.
I went on to talk to more people and watch several interesting presentations in San Francisco. During the conference, I had the chance to share a talk about DrugSense and the Media Awareness Project with a polite and attentive audience. Unfortunately, I had another commitment while a panel on “Marijuana, Religion and Sacrament” took place, but I did get to chat briefly with Roger Christie, whose THC Ministries ( ) also proclaims religious protection for the sacramental use of cannabis.
I was reminded of Rev. Tom soon after I returned home. I was catching up on the news and finally read the Food and Drug Administration statement ( ) suggesting that smoked marijuana could not be medicine. (The FDA statement, incidentally or mystically, was released on April 20, the very day I had my conversation with Rev. Tom.)
As I read the statement, I was amazed to see that the other side seemed to be embracing religion as well, although in more of a stealth fashion. The FDA’s statement isn’t about science, as it cites no specific research. It might be looked at as political, but it doesn’t announce policy change or shift in power.
It is simply a statement of belief: what religious scholars might call a creed. The FDA has majestically taken what it wants from available texts and ignored the rest, then conveyed this creed as if it were truth from on high. The statement implicitly designates contrary views as heretical while boldly announcing that the grand theology is shared by bureaucratic brethren at the DEA and ONDCP. Hallelujah!
Karen Armstrong, a former nun who has written a series of books about religion, was recently interviewed in the Chicago Tribune. She said when she started writing, she was skeptical of religion and very conscious of all its negative aspects. But, over time, she came to see the positive side of religion, particularly the encouragement of kindness. She said she now tries to be kind in her own life.
At the NORML conference, I saw attendees and presenters expressing kindness and compassion toward others. I perceived Rev. Tom’s interaction with me as a bit of kindness in the form of an attempt to share enlightenment.
The last time I went to a ONDCP event (a student drug testing “summit” – ), I saw the organizers primarily endorsing fear and coercion.
I hope religious freedom stays strong in America. The FDA, DEA and ONDCP and their representatives should believe what they want to believe. These federal agencies, though, have overstepped their bounds and gone way beyond First Amendment protections in trying to live their beliefs. They have no right to demonize individuals, to officially withhold medicines, or to direct violence at non-believers bold enough to bypass the high priests.
Rev. Tom may have been evangelizing, but he certainly wasn’t trying to impose his religion on anyone else. In that sense, even if the feds’ beliefs are very strong (though I doubt they are), their spiritual evolution is clearly several generations behind Rev. Tom and just about everybody else I met in San Francisco.
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Which came first???
Date: April 28, 2006 at 11:55:40 PM EDT
Surely Darwin’s ideas are more logical than Bible stories…but don’t reject anything outright until you have studied cause and effect….
On Apr 28, 2006, at 8:37 PM, Paul Brookshaw wrote:
God did;’)~~~
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Which came first???
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 20:20:41 -0700
If there was only one chicken, how did it get to be “pregnant”? If the egg came first, who laid it?
On Mar 22, 2006, at 1:31 AM, Paul Brookshaw wrote:
Hello all,
Which came first. The Chicken or the egg? Well my Son. Of course, the Chicken, for, how else would they have babies. Thankyou Father.
Bless you my Son!!!
Strength, Power and Honour, Respect Bless you all Paul!!!
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From: “Paul Brookshaw” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Which came first???
Date: April 28, 2006 at 11:37:35 PM EDT
God did;’)~~~
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Which came first???
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 20:20:41 -0700
If there was only one chicken, how did it get to be “pregnant”? If the egg came first, who laid it?
On Mar 22, 2006, at 1:31 AM, Paul Brookshaw wrote:
Hello all,
Which came first. The Chicken or the egg? Well my Son. Of course, the Chicken, for, how else would they have babies. Thankyou Father.
Bless you my Son!!!
Strength, Power and Honour, Respect Bless you all Paul!!!
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: the pres is on Oxycontin
Date: April 28, 2006 at 11:32:56 PM EDT
What we need is a clear thinking leader, unmotivated by blind faith and greed, with a mind unaltered by psychotropic drugs or alcohol. One who will recognize the true health needs of America. One who will recognize Ibogaine as a serious way to treat drug addiction. One who will put food on the tables of the people without destroying the land we were fortunate enough to be born on. One who will support legislation bringing back technical jobs to America instead of giving them away to China and India. One who will NATIONALIZE the energy industry for the good of the people, and do like Brazil growing sugar cane for ethanol, instead of doing everything to benefit that likes of that pig of a human with the enormous fat pouch under his chin, the exec from Exxon, seen on the evening news. [LOL… or not as that image was pathetic, truly pathological.]
$400+ million dollars would go a long way to treat drug addiction with a nationally funded Ibogaine program. Or a Nor-Ibogaine program, what ever you want for yourself, instead of methadone which seems like it lets people down after a while. If there is a God who watches down on America, He must be wringing his hands in disappointment.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 6:18 AM, wrote:
I can se it now. Ol’ George sucking the coating off of an 80 and crushing it up. Wait a minute dumb ass don’t you know the trick with the hose clamp. It shaves the oxy off. You door knob!! Anyway, since he was such a coke freak I’d say it would be easy for him to get into snorting oxy’s. I wonder if him and Rush hook each other up? He He ahhhhhh…………….fuck it. On the other hand maybe George needs to take his medicine, watch the show at the holodeck and feel the love. Couldn’t hoit. Shut up George and take your Ibogaine. Randy
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From: “Paul Brookshaw” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine]Nick, Read eve;’)~~~ at least, sounds like a windge.
Date: April 28, 2006 at 11:32:35 PM EDT
Hello Nick,
Nice one mate. Life is for living, not getting stuck in the past, trying to work out something you will never understand.;’)~~~
I have studied the Bible and other great books of Religion, misguidedly I grant you, for some 16 years. Occult books also.
I gathered one hell of a lot of knowledge, but little of what I can say changes my everyday life.
My favourite book to read, has to be the book of Vanity. lolol (Ecclesiastes, or The Preacher)
I feel Danna should read this. And understand. ALL IS VANITY.
The best we can ever hope for is to be content and secure with our lives, and as it says, eat the food and drink the water.;’)~~~
Organised CHAOS.
Everything is in Chaos of change in future. The tree grows, but knows not where in which direction, other than the forces of nature acting with it.
There is nothing new within Heaven and Earth that has not already been or is to be that is not known by God, but Man is a Man not a God and will never attain all.
Only insight into self is the reward of life, and giving and recieving of love.
For I am sure that our maker gave us enough lotted time to do our lifes work.
Just my point of seeing thats all;’)~~~
As to Jesus being or not. It dosn’t matter. I never hear mention of Bar-Sira, or any of the such names of liniage as. Simion Jesus Eleazar Sira. Jesus Sirach.
If the liniage stories are true then Jesus was just a clever man that set about to fullfil scriptue.
If you read any of the Greek or Latin translations, Hebrew or Aramaic, Islamic, you get roufly the same story with man’s added embelishment, added like Royal clothing.
You can get lost in all of that for all of your life, and not see anything.
Just my vbiew anyway.;’)~~~
At least all this Religius stuff gives a lot of holidays even though we change the dates to suit ourselves.
Have agreat bank holiday mate, have fun.
Paul ;’)~~~
Keep things simple:)~
From: “Nick Sandberg” <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 15:24:25 +0100
Hi Dana,
Forgot to mention that I can’t read everything you have written on this. I
simply don’t have the time. I apologize for this but I also have to say
that, for me, it’s important that you can state clearly what your argument
is, in reasonably layman-like terms, and without having to refer to lots of
subsiduary concepts and beliefs, many of which are themselves highly
tangential culturally. Reading your stuff, I sometimes feel like I’m being
dragged into an aeon of underground or new-age study which, frankly, I’m
just not interested in. It’s turns me off. Maybe this is just me, I don’t
know how other people find it. I don’t read much as a rule.
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 26 April 2006 02:27
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew
“Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic
and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is
mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these
works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a
real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
You’re not responding to the substance of my post, which is that ibogaine
in a sense REPLACES the wine and wafer.
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From: Kirk <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 10:20:08 PM EDT
Lol probly very similar to the meaning of “truth”
—–Original Message—–
From: Warren Theriot []
Sent: Saturday, 29 April 2006 2:10 p.m.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
That depends on what the meaning of lie is is.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Kirk wrote:
“Funny how the word Lie is the centre of “BeLIEve ;o)
Do we lie to ourselves until something becomes truth?”
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 10:10:09 PM EDT
That depends on what the meaning of lie is is.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Kirk wrote:
“Funny how the word Lie is the centre of “BeLIEve ;o)
Do we lie to ourselves until something becomes truth?”
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 10:07:06 PM EDT
Not in direct answer to you Callie, but in general, I have had a problem with the concept of a benevolent God ever since I was a kid. I had a mean grandmother, besides having a nice one. The mean one punished me for what she thought was me cussing, when I was 6, making kid sounds with my mouth, experimenting with different sounds, one which sounded like “piss”. I told her I wished she would go away and never come back. 6 months later, she died of cancer and I felt guilty about that for years and kept it inside. When I was 10 my dog got hit by a car and a my mother told me that it was God’s punishment for not obeying, by my not keeping the dog tied up when I was finished playing with it . It always barked when no one was giving it attention and it was only a 9 month old puppy. Thats probably why I cant stand to hear other people’s dogs barking all the time. I went to church as a teenager from 11 to 17, but my favorite part of church was the social interaction with the people my age, and the pipe organ music. When I first took drugs, weed at 16, I felt guilty, but when God didn’t kill me time after time after time, I began not to fear God so much as to feel unworthy inside. To this day it is only by the faith I have in something inside myself that I can keep going. Everything that has gone right or wrong seems because of my own decisions. And still there is that fear that if I say I’m agnostic, I will surely suffer more. It is only psychedelics that have provided a stronger basis for my believing in God for me as an adult. I still don’t resonate with the head-bobbing of Muslim or Jewish prayer or Catholic kneeling or looking at the floor when the minister says a prayer. Go figure.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 4:25 PM, wrote:
I didn’t take it as belittling or condescending. I love to discuss things!
I am having an equally hard time understanding how you can NOT believe or how you can compare Heaven and Hell to the tooth fairy.
At this point I can’t explain why I see those two things as different but the word Faith keeps popping in my mind. I have faith in the things I believe in. I have faith that Jesus died on the cross for my/our sins. I have faith that Jesus rose from the dead and that his mother was a virgin when he was born. Faith is stronger than believing……it is the same but different.
Got to go to work now but will look for posts later
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
Date: April 28, 2006 at 9:49:48 PM EDT
And as I was just going to post something in reference to this, I also heard that Limbaugh is also on the news for alleged redicivism on his OXY., Which by the way is a tough nut to crack; when you hurt you look for a remedy. I don’t defend him; his big trouble is being hyper-hypocritical. Mexico’s decision to decriminalize is a long deserved slap in the face to the prohibitionists in this country. There is a culture of denial about drug that refuses to learn from alcohol prohibition, thats for sure. The insurance industry is partly responsible because of the profit factors of the economy, I believe. Thus, a lot of doctors won’t prescribe what you actually need for personal comfort; that ought to be viewed more objectively. There are too many people crowding the system as it is and it won’t get better given the current level of greed of the elitists in America. Will the military invade Mexico next after Iran?
On Apr 28, 2006, at 4:22 PM, wrote:
Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
By MARK STEVENSON (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated Press
April 28, 2006 4:12 PM EDT
MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s Congress approved a bill Friday decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine and heroin for personal use – a measure sure to raise questions in Washington about Mexico’s commitment to the war on drugs……
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: brenda brewer <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] shaun luster – WEBSITE
Date: April 28, 2006 at 9:46:24 PM EDT
To: <>
And, hello to you as well 😉
My question was – “what is this website you speak of?”
As in, what is the URL?
On 4/28/06 5:44 PM, “shaun luster” <> wrote:
> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Been skimming through as I have time…what is this website you speak of?
> BTW, I’m doing GREAT since my treatment 5 mos ago! I would have to say,
> better than in my entire life so far!
> brenda 😉
From: shaun luster <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] shaun luster – WEBSITE
Date: April 28, 2006 at 8:44:43 PM EDT
SHAUN wrote:
Hi everyone,
Been skimming through as I have time…what is this website you speak of?
BTW, I’m doing GREAT since my treatment 5 mos ago! I would have to say,
better than in my entire life so far!
brenda 😉
> Hi shaun
> Can I ask how much mexico centre charges? Also, is dr. mash affiliated
> wiyth the place?
> I paid £800 (about $1,500) to go to St Kitts about a year ago, but
> something happened and they had to cancel that months sessions so lost
> out and lost a lot of money for the trip!
> Have looked at the web site and looks great but personal reference
> would be better! Congrats by the way and good luck!
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Kirk <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 8:09:34 PM EDT
“Funny how the word Lie is the centre of “BeLIEve ;o)
Do we lie to ourselves until something becomes truth?”
—–Original Message—–
From: Paul Brookshaw []
Sent: Saturday, 29 April 2006 9:22 a.m.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
I believe everyone.
That dosn’t lie to me.
But most of all.
I believe me;’)~~~
Paul *’
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 22:06:28 +0200 (CEST)
I believe Bill Hicks.
guess we’re all free to believe whatever we want, no?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: “Billy J” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my dues.(I actually
enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus, You can all say
what you want about Jesus I guess (free will and all) But as for me ,
the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
If Jesus needed any Help He would have just called upon His Own Legion
Angles, that where always at His comand, But Scripture had to be
fulfilled, and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance to
help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to ease His Pain,
Then Scripture would not have been fulfilled and I would have
history, and Christ would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be
able to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for US to
that as mere Humans WE could have a part with God.
Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE, will be
it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
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I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to
lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it to
His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you
would do?
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 7:25:50 PM EDT
I didn’t take it as belittling or condescending. I love to discuss things!
I am having an equally hard time understanding how you can NOT believe or how you can compare Heaven and Hell to the tooth fairy.
At this point I can’t explain why I see those two things as different but the word Faith keeps popping in my mind. I have faith in the things I believe in. I have faith that Jesus died on the cross for my/our sins. I have faith that Jesus rose from the dead and that his mother was a virgin when he was born. Faith is stronger than believing……it is the same but different.
Got to go to work now but will look for posts later
Subject: [Ibogaine] Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
Date: April 28, 2006 at 7:22:37 PM EDT
Mexico Set to Decriminalize Some Drug Use
By MARK STEVENSON (Associated Press Writer)
From Associated Press
April 28, 2006 4:12 PM EDT
MEXICO CITY – Mexico’s Congress approved a bill Friday decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine and heroin for personal use – a measure sure to raise questions in Washington about Mexico’s commitment to the war on drugs.
The only step remaining was the signature of the president, whose office indicated he would sign it.
Mexican officials hope the law will help police focus on large-scale trafficking operations, rather than minor drug busts. The bill also stiffens penalties for trafficking and possession of drugs – even small quantities – by government employees or near schools, and maintains criminal penalties for drug sales.
The Bush administration had no immediate reaction.
The bill, passed by Mexico’s Senate on a 53-26 vote with one abstention, had already been approved in the lower house of Congress and was sent to the desk of President Vicente Fox for his signature.
“This law gives police and prosecutors better legal tools to combat drug crimes that do so much damage to our youth and children,” presidential spokesman Ruben Aguilar said.
The bill says criminal charges will no longer be brought for possession of up to 25 milligrams of heroin, five grams of marijuana (about one-fifth of an ounce, or about four joints), and half a gram of cocaine – about half the standard street-size quantity, which is enough for several lines of the drug.
“No charges will be brought against … addicts or consumers who are found in possession of any narcotic for personal use,” according to the Senate bill, which also lays out allowable quantities for a large array of other drugs, including LSD, MDA, ecstasy – about two pills’ worth, – and amphetamines.
Some of the amounts are eye-popping: Mexicans would be allowed to possess 2.2 pounds of peyote, the button-sized hallucinogenic cactus used in some native Indian religious ceremonies.
Mexican law now leaves open the possibility of dropping charges against people caught with drugs if they are considered addicts and if “the amount is the quantity necessary for personal use.” But the exemption isn’t automatic.
The new bill drops the “addict” requirement – automatically allowing any “consumers” to have drugs – and sets out specific allowable quantities.
Sale of all drugs would remain illegal under the proposed law, unlike the Netherlands, where the sale of marijuana for medical use is legal and it can be bought with a prescription in pharmacies.
While Dutch authorities look the other way regarding the open sale of cannabis in designated coffee shops – something Mexican police seem unlikely to do – the Dutch have zero tolerance for heroin and cocaine. In both countries, commercial growing of marijuana is outlawed.
The effects could be significant, given that Mexico is rapidly becoming a drug-consuming nation as well as a shipment point for traffickers, and given the number of U.S. students who flock to border cities or resorts like Cancun and Acapulco on vacation.
“This is going to increase addictions in Mexico,” said Ulisis Bon, a drug treatment expert in Tijuana, where heroin use is rampant. “A lot of Americans already come here to buy medications they can’t get up there … Just imagine, with heroin.”
From: captkirk <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
Date: April 28, 2006 at 6:05:10 PM EDT
—– Original Message Follows —–
standing there at the day of reconing, awaiting to be
counted as one. For when you see him as he sees you, then
you are him. Amen.
Heheheheeh what a great typo, the day of Reconning,
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Paul Brookshaw” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 5:22:15 PM EDT
I believe everyone.
That dosn’t lie to me.
But most of all.
I believe me;’)~~~
Paul *’
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 22:06:28 +0200 (CEST)
>I believe Bill Hicks.
guess we’re all free to believe whatever we want, no?
> —–
> “Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
> They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
> It’s a lie.
> When you’re high you can do everything
> you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
> it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
> Bill Hicks
> Peace and love.
> Preston
> Editor Underground
> Editor Under the Influence
> Editor
> Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
> Cont. Editor
> Columnist New York Waste
> Etc.
> —– Original Message —–
> From: “Billy J” <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:32 AM
> Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
>> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my dues.(I actually
>> enjoy work mostly).
>> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus, You can all say
>> what you want about Jesus I guess (free will and all) But as for me , if
>> the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
>> If Jesus needed any Help He would have just called upon His Own Legion
>> of
>> Angles, that where always at His comand, But Scripture had to be
>> fulfilled, and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance to
>> help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to ease His Pain, But
>> Then Scripture would not have been fulfilled and I would have interupted
>> history, and Christ would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be
>> able to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for US to
>> think
>> that as mere Humans WE could have a part with God.
>> Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too Will be Saved.
>> Love and Smiles all day
>> Bill ,
>> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE, will be
>> watching
>> it tonight.
>> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
>> —-Original Message Follows—-
>> From: Dana Beal <>
>> Reply-To:
>> To:
>> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
>> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
>> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
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>> with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830);
>> Wed,
>> 26 Apr 2006 12:13:37 -0700
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>> (InterMail vM.
>> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
>> <>
>> for <>; Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:16:12 -0400
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>> ([]) by with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006
>> 15:13:32 -0400
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>> X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
>> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
>> I meant to write:
>> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to
>> His
>> lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it to
>> ease
>> His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you
>> would do?
>> /]=———————————————————————=[\
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From: “Paul Brookshaw” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
Date: April 28, 2006 at 5:12:38 PM EDT
Hello Bill,
Well my statement of faith would be. What Glory it will be when the Lord returns and stands upon skull hill and claps his hands and splits the earth completely in two. Wow what Glory my friend, I can’t wait.
To be standing there at the day of reconing, awaiting to be counted as one.
For when you see him as he sees you, then you are him. Amen.
My Heart felt Love to you Bill in your recovery.
Look to the future my friend, not your past.
Bless you Paul;’)~~~
From: “Billy J” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 00:55:06 -0400
I Believe That The Bible is 100% true and that there will be a Second appearing as is Written.
Paul, I need (want) to know what your statement of faith would be, as it pertains to what I have read in your posts I can only assume that your are Being taught from the Koran at the most from Old Testement only — Yes?
Because as someone had corrected me a couple of days ago reguarding me saying that I hated those that Hated God? It was a good Rebuke for me due to the sensitive space that we are occupying and most people would associate Hatred with violence. I could not be further away from violence in my heart. I should have looked up the scripture that I was quoting and when I do I will post it but right now I just want to re-emphasize The Word Hatred,
What is hatred? Is it the opposite of love? Is Hate Hitting and Love Kissing? Does it have to be physical, both hate and love? Let me Quote a Famous relatively wellknown person that I believe was the wisest ever to be on earth, He Said simply 2 things in 2 separate occasions, #1 so a Man Thinketh so He is:(That is something like the power of thought, If you say you will lose,themn you have already lost, or if you say that you are succesful, well then you are) Also that if you have done so in your heart, then you are Guilty of the offense, reguardless whether or not you physically did anything, As in lusting after your neighbors wife, beyond the though of my she is beautiful ,to oh I would love to just $*^&$^%$. Get the Drift?
One more thing, and Paul and Friends of this Great List (my 1st and only) I thing that we are all Winners with the Gift of Love that we need to spread and try our best not to promote hatred, especially because a lot of people will get on the Bandwagon and ride it to the Killing fields, just to belong and all the while that person is only going by what YOU have taught them.
I BELIEVE that God has put (or Allowed) our leaders to be put in office and that We are called to Pray for our leaders, NOT’ I Repeat, NOT” add burden to their burdens making it even harder to please everyone, We have to remember that even at a 50% approval rate, no matter who gets in office, they will be hated by the other 50% and on and on.
I really do not like the Government In Canada, yet they are what we have right noe and they need all the help they can get.
Paul it is a Blatant Sin “as I have read” to say ” the following 2 things, both of which go against the word of God.
God created Man, so he could experience DEATH. (Not True)
BUSH IS AN EGOTISTICAL LOST SOUL.( Bad Words that spread hate)
Also you had mentioned re-incarnation? Tell me that was a joke!(no such thing)
Love and respect,
P.S. This is not a fight,I am here for recovery and in the process I believe I get a opportunity to talk to others that share a lot with me on a mental emotional and on that spiritual level that is an awareness of something missing in us, which of course is Jesus Christ.
“What can wash away your sin? nothing but the blood of Jesus:
“What can make you whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: “Paul Brookshaw” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Strenght out of Weakness!!!
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 10:33:33 +0100
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Hello everyone,
I hope you enjoy.
Of all the great personalities of the Old Testament, Jeremiah is the one whom we can know best. Most of the Prophets throw light upon themselves as well as upon the events in which they were called upon to act as interpreters, judges, and councillors. But the inner life of Amos and Isaiah and Ezekiel keeps its secret. There is one who for a moment lifts the veil: it is Hosea, who lets us see the wreck of his home and share with him the belief that even in so great a wreck there is still room for hope and love;)~~~ and the successor of Hosea is Jeremiah.
It is but a single great lose to so many people, that Jeremiah stands for one thing and one thing only undiluted pessimism.
His name provides a standard and measurement for by which the intensity of gloom may be estimated. Nothing else can I find out about him or seems to be known. A more confusing and misleading conclusion is not given.
For the truth is that Jeremiah was no pessimist, unless the name is given to anyone who reads correctly the signs of the times;) and covers their meaning, not from himself or from others. Whats more, even when his pessimism is rightly described it can only be understood when it is viewed in relation to those deep facts of his inner nature which belonged to him as a Man, and remained a constant throughout all his work as a Prophet. It is to those facts, his sensitiveness, his self distrust, the tension inevitably set up between an immense capacity for emotion and an unbreakable tenacity of Will, the clash within the Soul easily moved to profound sympathy and profound indignation, and finally, a natural openness towards God and dependence upon Him which could not save him from something like intellectual perplexity and outspoken protests of Job, that his words bear their constant and moving witness. His story is the most tragic in the Old Testament because in him we see a Soul maintained at great cost to itself and loyalty to truth and duty, even when God seems to be turning His face away.
(Sharpen your face as Flint, unto the Lord of Hosts my friends;)~~~
(Who is the Lord of Hosts, I hear you ask. The King of Glory, thats Who:)~~~
He was not one of those Heroic Men who set no value on there own life, and find no difficulty in throwing it into the scale, so as to make the balance weigh down on the side of Righteousness.
Bunyans great hymn about the Pilgrim suggests a Warrior whos sword easily leaps out from its scabbard, while the song of joy approaching battle bursts from his lips. Yakkaa;)~~~
A Pilgrim indeed was Jeremiah, but almost malgre lui. To go forward, even to stand his ground, was a resolution which brought with it a continual price to be paid. He is one who, under the overwhelming sense of the burden laid upon him, allows others to see the travail of his Soul. And in that travail, while it seemed to him at times as though he was deprived of all help, human and Devine, he never lost either his courage or his Faith.
He must have had an overwhelming belief, both in an overruling God and in a countries ability to recover from ruin, there is no more splendid instance than Jeremiahs buying of the field in Anathon against the far off day, of which the Prophet knew he himself would not see, when houses and fields and vineyards shall again be possessed in the Land.
Bill. Religion is not always a comfort and joy, nor does Faith give unfailing security to the Soul for enjoyment of clear blue skies within. Sometimes it appears easier to sink into the abyss of despair, and to join the ranks of those who deny that mans life can be saved from final futility.
There are times when the Spirit of Denial is very near, and to some he speaks with Terrible Clearness. But if, before we take that Spirit as our Guide, we may only turn to the pages of the Old Hebrew Prophet and let him speak to us of his great deep pain and grief, we may learn from one who had the fullest right to speak that even in the midst of Mans despair it IS possible to hear and Obey the Word of God.
What we have got here is a failure to communicate.
Some Men you just cant reach.
So you have here what you had last week, which is the way he WAS.
He IS!!!
I love life;)~~
Ah Lord. Look at your young Men fighting,
Look at your Women crying.
Look at your Young Men dying.
The way theyve always done before.
Look at the Hate were breeding.
Look at the FEAR were Feeding.
Look at the Lives were leading.
The way weve always done before.
I am alive, but we disrespect the Word of God inside.
We take what we want and care for no reprise.
My friends. We are alive.
No bomb Man made, can destroy the Spirit inside. Allow the light to shine and Guide, for life is short for the Man that does not see the universe inside of himself. If the lights are on, but no body is home, then surly it is time to turn and move in a different direction.
All we can really ask of our maker, is for the Wisdom to not carry our worries as if in a ruck sack upon our backs. For if the Lunatics press the button, what does all of this really matter. An experiment gone wrong?
No problem. History repeats itself.
The only thing I cannot get my head around is that how can a Man play God, when he cant create Man, as a pure individual as of the likes that our Father in Heaven created us. Arrogance is DEATH.
Pride is Oblivion of the Human Race on Planet Earth.
Have a most Wonderful St Georges day. And I pray that we can look to the Angel of Mercy as we look with righteousness upon St George for his courage and stubbornness to save humanity and set the balance of chaos in the Universe.
If all is Chaos, then why do we create more?
I would ask all to sit and meditate upon this question, for if we do not find the answer fast, we are going to disappear up our own back doors, and I guess that God will then send the Angel of Mercy, to destroy the Human Race, in body at least, and set us free as we where created, Children of the Stars.
I guess the reason why we War monger so much is that Man inherently is Home sick for his Original place within the Universe. Sick of an Experiment gone wrong. Only wishes to go back home.
The problem is that, home is so far away he can only touch it and get minute glimpses through his Spirit. Being trapped in a Physical body is not how the Spirit sees freedom. Mans Spirit is a Giant.
A Warrior at the Edge of Time. Sword and Shield close at hand ready to strike at the Heart of the Beast, so as to preserve the Glory and Peace that of which God first created.
Man has only lost it, cos, when he came here he lost all of his tools, and has spent the whole time here trying to understand how he got here, and how he can get back home.
When he landed upon Earth, he had no Weapons, such as Ray Guns, and no tools such as Matter transference and he lost the ability of Star Drive.
If you find this concept hard to grasp, then just take a look around you.
Every Animal on this Planet is at one with itself and Nature, but Man is not,.
He requires Fire, so as to stay warm. He has to kill the Animals for the Furr, so as he may be able to make clothes and protect his fleshy soft body from the Thorns and stones and Wind and Rain.
Man is the Cancer of the Universe, and only shall be satisfied in total annihilation of the Universe, when he totally annihilates himself.
Oh WOW!!! I cant wait. OH What Glory and Honour awaits those Warriors that stayed pure and Good of Heart to the Cause of God and Man.
God created Man, so he could experience DEATH.
BUSH IS AN EGOTISTICAL LOST SOUL. Possibly the reincarnation of the Angel of Light. His Pride has blinded him with lust for material things, so hence that is why God chucked him out and made him live within the Rocks and dust of the universes.
Remember my friends, that everything is relative, but Man is not Relative to just the Planet Earth.
His Spirit Relates to everything in the Cosmos.
I think that the reason we love to take drugs and switch off, is out of the inherent desire to get out of this physical body and Go BACK HOME. But we cant as of yet, cos we still do not have the Tools. And anyway, cos Man has been stranded here for so long, when he does eventually get off this Rock, and try to get back home, he shall fulfil the book of Revelations, and destroy everything in his path. Out of FEAR, off all the things that he does not understand.
God most cleverly created a balance of Good and Evil within one vessel.
The scales my friends are weighing. To the balance of Mans darker Nature.
Guard against evil, my brothers of the Revolution.
For that is why God created us.
Warriors unite.
For we are still very young in the grand scale of things.
I guess that God will not allow us to self destruct as of yet, for we have not experienced enough pain and destruction and DEATH, for him to be able to be Sated.
For those that still do not believe, read the Old Testament. War and Chaos lolol
Christ as a Man only tried to fulfil Scripture, just like many other great Prophets of our time of Incarceration on this piece of rock with quite a lot of good things to eat upon it.
You can picture the joy and peace that Man thought he was going to get when he got off the last rock he lived on and came here.
History repeats itself.
When he finally attempted to land here, he landed on a most primeval and dangerous planet. But because he crashed and lost all his technology, he had to revert back to the UGG UGG stage of his Genetic evolution and fight the Animals already on this rock, with his bare hands so as to get some footing and safety, so as he could multiply and strip this Planet, also, of its resources so as to go back home, with trophies for His LORD. Just look back at our colourful History, of Quests and Discoveries, journeys and Wars.
This must be obvious to all in the end, cos we love to give and receive gifts. We pray and War, each and every day for the sucker of the comforts of life.
Life given freely by our God.
Blessings my friends.
Strength, Power and Honour are given freely to all that do not bow to the Spirit of the Deceiver.
Have a most bountiful and joyful day you all now.
+ ^ * 95 ecce quantum suffici, ecce Homo.
Heart felt Love ()’.'()
Remember my friends, Eat the Food and Drink the Water,
Sodd the fn Narcotics ;)~~~
Life is a Triangle, dont try to put a Square in it lolol .. : : Chaos.
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 4:33:22 PM EDT
To: <>
mean, what difference is there between “if you believe in Jesus you will
go to Heaven” and “if you follow the leprechaun to the end of the rainbow
you’ll get a pot of gold”?<
Well, let me tell you Jon, I actually followed this leprechaun once to the end of a rainbow, and sure nuff, there was this pot of gold sitting there.
Um, no, wait, that was a “hallucination” I had on heck, never mind.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Jesus can save us or our souls from going to Hell. “Believe in Jesus and
will be saved from burning for eternity in Hell.”
The statement is misleading though because it takes more than belief to
to heaven. Of course this is my opinion. But believing is the first step!
Hope that answered your question
Thanks for answering, but what do you really mean by that? Do you believe
in a hell a la Dante’s Divine Comedy, with lakes of fire, pitchforks,
etc.. or is that symbolic for something?
I guess I just don’t understand.. if someone were to believe in the
classic Heaven and Hell deal, why not the Tooth Fairy? the Easter Bunny?
Vampires? Leprechauns?
I mean, what difference is there between “if you believe in Jesus you will
go to Heaven” and “if you follow the leprechaun to the end of the rainbow
you’ll get a pot of gold”?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Carol Ann <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 4:25:16 PM EDT
Well, dont ya know…….Jesus is more serious matter than Faries and Leprechans. Jeeez……entire culutures, civilizations and economic systems are built upon that one name. Exon, Trump could envy such an enterprise.
Don’t ya ever watch Sunday TV preachers? Their empires are worth billions. Or visit the Vatican? Now what Fairy or Leprechaun ever became that famous or able to solicite donations in their……….hmmm. I forgot…Santa is in there too. wrote:
> Jesus can save us or our souls from going to Hell. “Believe in Jesus and
> you
> will be saved from burning for eternity in Hell.”
> The statement is misleading though because it takes more than belief to
> get
> to heaven. Of course this is my opinion. But believing is the first step!
> Hope that answered your question
Thanks for answering, but what do you really mean by that? Do you believe
in a hell a la Dante’s Divine Comedy, with lakes of fire, pitchforks,
etc.. or is that symbolic for something?
I guess I just don’t understand.. if someone were to believe in the
classic Heaven and Hell deal, why not the Tooth Fairy? the Easter Bunny?
Vampires? Leprechauns?
I mean, what difference is there between “if you believe in Jesus you will
go to Heaven” and “if you follow the leprechaun to the end of the rainbow
you’ll get a pot of gold”?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Carol Ann
The Pessimist complains about the Wind;
The Optimist expects it to change;
The Realist adjusts the Sails. – The world needs more sailors.
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From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 4:06:28 PM EDT
I believe Bill Hicks.
guess we’re all free to believe whatever we want, no?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: “Billy J” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my dues.(I actually
enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus, You can all say
what you want about Jesus I guess (free will and all) But as for me , if
the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
If Jesus needed any Help He would have just called upon His Own Legion
Angles, that where always at His comand, But Scripture had to be
fulfilled, and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance to
help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to ease His Pain, But
Then Scripture would not have been fulfilled and I would have interupted
history, and Christ would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be
able to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for US to
that as mere Humans WE could have a part with God.
Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE, will be
it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
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I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to
lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it to
His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you
would do?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 3:46:08 PM EDT
Hey Callie,
I didn’t mean to sound belittling or condescending when I compared
believing in Heaven and Hell to believing in the Tooth Fairy or whatnot.
I’m just trying to understand why some people see those as being
I mean, what makes you feel that believing in hell is valid and reasonable
but that believing in the Tooth Fairy is not? What difference do you see
Yep, I visualize Hell as a ocean of fire….burning for all eternity.
Like I said before, it takes more than just believing to keep you from
‘Faith without works is dead’
I have always been taught to try be like Jesus or make decisions I think
that Jesus might choose. I was taught to treat others as I would want to
There is a HUGE difference in Jesus and the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny or
Leprechauns. Of course, that is just what I believe.
I respect your beliefs. If you feel like you should consider believing in
Jesus the same as believing in the Tooth Fairy, go ahead. I will not
you. You have a right to believe what you want.
I do not know scripture well enough to quote. Don’t think I would quote
if I did but I believe in my interpretation of what I read in the Bible
and I
feel I will be judged by that. I think God knows us each and everyone and
knows what and how we believe and why we believe that way. I think that
is what
we will be judged by on Judgement Day.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 3:29:01 PM EDT
I guess I just don’t understand.. if someone were to believe in the
classic Heaven and Hell deal, why not the Tooth Fairy? the Easter Bunny?
Vampires? Leprechauns?
I mean, what difference is there between “if you believe in Jesus you will
go to Heaven” and “if you follow the leprechaun to the end of the rainbow
you’ll get a pot of gold”?
Yep, I visualize Hell as a ocean of fire….burning for all eternity.
Like I said before, it takes more than just believing to keep you from Hell. ‘Faith without works is dead’
I have always been taught to try be like Jesus or make decisions I think that Jesus might choose. I was taught to treat others as I would want to be treated.
There is a HUGE difference in Jesus and the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny or Leprechauns. Of course, that is just what I believe.
I respect your beliefs. If you feel like you should consider believing in Jesus the same as believing in the Tooth Fairy, go ahead. I will not chastise you. You have a right to believe what you want.
I do not know scripture well enough to quote. Don’t think I would quote it if I did but I believe in my interpretation of what I read in the Bible and I feel I will be judged by that. I think God knows us each and everyone and knows what and how we believe and why we believe that way. I think that is what we will be judged by on Judgement Day.
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] shaun luster – WEBSITE
Date: April 28, 2006 at 3:27:16 PM EDT
Hi everyone,
Been skimming through as I have time…what is this website you speak of?
BTW, I’m doing GREAT since my treatment 5 mos ago! I would have to say,
better than in my entire life so far!
brenda 😉
Hi shaun
Can I ask how much mexico centre charges? Also, is dr. mash affiliated
wiyth the place?
I paid £800 (about $1,500) to go to St Kitts about a year ago, but
something happened and they had to cancel that months sessions so lost
out and lost a lot of money for the trip!
Have looked at the web site and looks great but personal reference
would be better! Congrats by the way and good luck!
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Poise Consulting” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] shaun luster
Date: April 28, 2006 at 3:21:43 PM EDT
To: <>
Hi shaun
Can I ask how much mexico centre charges? Also, is dr. mash affiliated wiyth the place?
I paid £800 (about $1,500) to go to St Kitts about a year ago, but something happened and they had to cancel that months sessions – so lost out and lost a lot of money for the trip!
Have looked at the web site and looks great – but personal reference would be better! Congrats by the way and good luck!
Add me to your address book…
Want a signature like this?
—–Original Message—– From: shaun luster [] Sent: 25 April 2006 03:58 To: Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] shaun luster
no cap im not in marketing nor am i in advertising, im a long time drug user that had the good fortune to get the ibogaine treatment in mexico about 6 months ago. it is a miracle drug. i was so thrilled after my mexico trip that i wanted to help my friends that couldnt possibly come up with the 5 grand required for the treatment. i dont know many addicts that have or are willing to let go of 5 thousand dollars. i know that there are those out there that are as desperate as i was to get free of the hell called drug addiction. whats your story cap? how can i help?
iscovery and > by chance a Practicing Heroine Addict would take it, onl;y > to find out what it does. > So there you have it, in short form, God will use Ibogaine > , or allow its use to jump start Me/ US on a fresh start > once again-< > > While I don’t see eye to eye with you on the “god” thing > Bill, I highly support your viewpoint above. > > > Peace and love, > Preston Peet > > “Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for > enlightenment is often mistaken for madness” > Richard Davenport-Hines > > > Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient > Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History” > Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to > Drugs” Editor > Cont. High Times mag/.com > Cont. Editor > Columnist New York Waste > Etc. > > —– Original Message —– > From: “Billy J” > To: > Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 11:48 PM > Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Callie/Bible/hell > > > > Hello all, Been having withrawls not posting a message > > in almost 24 hours LOL, > > It is Bill or Billy or sometimes people give me other > > names, but the first 2 are one and the same, Mind you > > there is another Bill around here somewhere, but Not > > from the Great White North(Canada) I am writing on top > > of your post there Callie to From what appears to be > from Me, but it is Not it says it was posted on 4/20/2006 > > 7:19:54 PM and you replied to it I think as if I sent > > it but NO I did NOT send that post – “Weird” > > Anyways I just caught on that you are also a believer, > > that is good, and also that you have not taken Ibogaine > > yet- true? Did you come across this LIST Via searching > > for answers to your addiction and or someone elses’ or > > and what country you in? You seem to be a Big hearted > > person that is not perfect lol and you also have been > Blessed with people in your life to Love as well as Ones > > to Love You — COOL! Grandchild? Excellent, Me x2 and I > > am only 43, Married and 2 Girls at Home. Only Married > > still Because God is real. I will be taking Ibogaine > > very soon, Althought I have read a bunch of stuff that > appears to relate to Ibogaine being almost ALIVE and > > supper SPIRITUAL. In other words somewhat mystical, Now > > I at once (because I trust in God Proverbs 3:5&6) > > became RED Flagged due to the mystical stuff and also > being a little apprehensive about Trusting in God, and yet > > not enought to believe that He would deliver me from my > > addiction without anymore Drugs. Well I was able to use > > scripture again and with the help of The Holy Spirit (I > > believe anyways) I have come to believing that God > obviously created this plant and must have even been the > > driving Force behind its discovery and by chance a > > Practicing Heroine Addict would take it, onl;y to find > > out what it does. So there you have it, in short form, > > God will use Ibogaine, or allow its use to jump start > > Me/ US on a fresh start once again- After all We serve a > > God of 2nd and 3rd and on and on Chances- It is Kinda > like With God you Cannot Fail because He will Always let > > you Take the test over Again until you Pass. ( as long > > as we don’t kill ourselves First. > > > > Love Always, > > Bill and or Billy > > > > P.S. Tell your Loved one that someone in Canada is now > > Praying for Them and You Callie. > > > > —-Original Message Follows—- > > From: > > Reply-To: > > To: > > Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again/Careful > > Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:02:03 EDT > > MIME-Version: 1.0 > > Received: from > > ([]) by > > with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Thu, 20 Apr 2006 > > 19:12:13 -0700 Received: from > > ([]) by > > (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) > > with ESMTP id > < > >> for ; Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:12:12 -0400 > > Received: from (HELO > > ([]) by > > with ESMTP; 20 Apr 2006 22:12:08 > > -0400 Received: (qmail 14104 invoked by uid 513); 20 Apr > > 2006 22:12:07 -0400 Received: (qmail 14071 invoked by > > uid 514); 20 Apr 2006 22:12:04 -0400 X-Message-Info: > > JGTYoYF78jE/4i1ZnlD8GMMJ0WnYkhPtqEv/J0dI2OI= > Mailing-List: contact; run by > > ezmlm Precedence: bulk > > X-No-Archive: yes > > List-Post: > > List-Help: > > List-Unsubscribe: > > List-Subscribe: > > Delivered-To: mailing list > > X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-1.2 required=4.0 > > X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From: via > > > > X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms > > (Clear:RC:0( Processed > > in 3.854378 secs Process 14053) > > X-Mailer: 9.0 SE for Windows sub 5021 > > X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-MOVED-X-Spam-Flag: NO > > Return-Path: > > > m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 21 Apr 2006 02:12:13.0486 (UTC) > > FILETIME=[0113A4E0:01C664E9] > > > > > > In a message dated 4/20/2006 7:19:54 PM Central Daylight > > Time, writes: > > > > [Callie, did you ever think that maybe the reason you > > haven’t done the ibogaine is that you might find out the > > answers to some of those questions….and you won’t like > > what you find? Ibogaine is a direct source > > of revelation. People see things in their future that > > come true (prophecy) > > and have direct access to the afterlife in the form of > > dead relative who come and talk to them and serve as > their guides > > > > > Sorry but no, that is not why I have not done Ibogaine. > > For you to jump to > > that conclusion is assinine!! > > My believing in Jesus and the Bible has absolutely > > NOTHING to do with me not > > doing the Ibogaine trip!!! > > I have not done Ibogaine because I am scared shitless > > too. I do not have $$ > > to pass around freely. I can only work 28 hours a week > > because I love a handicapped man that I committed to and > > he depends on me. I can’t jet all over the > > world! I can barely go visit my only grandchild in > > Texas. I am not playing the martyr by sharing this with > > you either. I say this because I figure your arrogance > > would again come to the conclusion that I am > > trying to get sympathy by sharing the personal reasons I > > have not done Ibogaine. > > Well, shit, I got a phone call and now I have lost the > > emotion I was feeling > > when I started this reply! lol! > > (I told you all I was losing it) > > I do not care how anyone believes but I would be > > interested in whether or not you believe in heaven and > > hell. You probably believe hell is here on earth. > > But I am not coming to that conclusion…………. > > Callie > > > > > > > > > > > > > /]=——————————————————- > > ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: > > [%] > > > > > )=——————————————————- > > ————–=[/ > > > > /]=——————————————————- > ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: > [%] > )=——————————————————- > ————–=[/ > > > > /]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 3:12:02 PM EDT
hey ekki, thanx for posting that passage… very insightful i think. i
especially like the part:
* it is the reflection of a basic reality.
* it masks and perverts a basic reality.
* it masks the absence of a basic reality.
* it bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own
pure simulacrum.
I’d say that that’s a progression not just of the symbols and words that
we use, but also of religions and ideologies as a whole.
For example..
Step1, reflection of reality… what Jesus was trying to communicate to
his followers… early Christians.. (before they called themselves
Step2, masks and perverts reality… formalisation of Christianity into
codified laws
Step3, masks the absense of reality… adoption of Christiany by the power
structure, missionaries, etc
Step4, no relation to reality… present-day Christianity
i love christian mystics like meister ekkehard and angelus silesius,
also some sufism, chassidism or whatever, but usually i prefer buddhist
or taoist teachings which do not need any god. however there is not
really any difference. i find spiritual practice (and sometimes
psychedelic drugs) is more about letting go of (often unconsious)
believes than to create new ones. if you believe 100% in god (which can
be defined as emptyness or nothingness) means you don´t believe
anything at all any more.
words like “god”, “jesus” or “buddha” are just words (i.e. signs).
just came across something by baudrillard which somehow seems to relate
to that:
All of Western faith and good faith was engaged in this wager on
representation: That a sign could refer to the depth of meaning, that a
sign could exchange for meaning, and that something could guarantee
this exchange—God, of course. But what if God himself can be
simulated, that is to say, reduced to the signs which attest his
existence? Then the whole system becomes weightless, it is no longer
anything but a gigantic simulacrum—not unreal, but a simulacrum,
never again exchanging for what is real, but exchanging in itself, in
an uninterrupted circuit without reference or circumference.
So it is with simulation, insofar as it is opposed to
representation. The latter starts from the principle that the sign and
the real are equivalent (even if this equivalence is utopian, it is a
fundamental axiom). Conversely, simulation starts from the utopia of
this principle of equivalence, from the radical negation of the sign as
value, from the sign as reversion and death sentence of every
reference. Whereas representation tries to absorb simulation by
interpreting it as false representation, simulation envelops the
edifice of representation as itself a simulacrum. This would be the
successive phases of the image:
* it is the reflection of a basic reality.
* it masks and perverts a basic reality.
* it masks the absence of a basic reality.
* it bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own
pure simulacrum.
—Jean Baudrillard, “The Evil Demon of Images and the Precession
of Simulacra,” in Thomas Docherty, ed., Postmodernism: A Reader (New
York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1993) pp. 194 ff.
i like the thought “sign = death sentence of every reference”.
cheers ekki
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Nick Sandberg” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 3:03:42 PM EDT
To: <>
I figure people who believe in Hell are already living in it. I mean, who
willingly would choose to exist in so much fear? The “hell” of the bible is
the belief in separation, this is all it actually means. Phrases like the
“wrath of God” are also just bad translations. From the Greek this wrath
just means “ardour.” Esoterically it’s a reference to energetic states in
the body, the Hindu “rajas” tattva.
—–Original Message—–
From: []
Sent: 28 April 2006 19:49
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save
Jesus can save us or our souls from going to Hell. “Believe in Jesus and
will be saved from burning for eternity in Hell.”
The statement is misleading though because it takes more than belief to
to heaven. Of course this is my opinion. But believing is the
first step!
Hope that answered your question
Thanks for answering, but what do you really mean by that? Do you believe
in a hell a la Dante’s Divine Comedy, with lakes of fire, pitchforks,
etc.. or is that symbolic for something?
I guess I just don’t understand.. if someone were to believe in the
classic Heaven and Hell deal, why not the Tooth Fairy? the Easter Bunny?
Vampires? Leprechauns?
I mean, what difference is there between “if you believe in Jesus you will
go to Heaven” and “if you follow the leprechaun to the end of the rainbow
you’ll get a pot of gold”?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: ekki <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] God and Ibogaine
Date: April 28, 2006 at 3:03:19 PM EDT
thanks Callie, you are welcome 🙂
Am 28.04.2006 um 21:00 schrieb
Ekki, Thanks! I love that! Callie
In a message dated 4/28/2006 9:58:57 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
i was god inside god
before this timebound me
and shall be god again
when from my me set free
From: ekki <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 3:01:41 PM EDT
i love christian mystics like meister ekkehard and angelus silesius, also some sufism, chassidism or whatever, but usually i prefer buddhist or taoist teachings which do not need any god. however there is not really any difference. i find spiritual practice (and sometimes psychedelic drugs) is more about letting go of (often unconsious) believes than to create new ones. if you believe 100% in god (which can be defined as emptyness or nothingness) means you don´t believe anything at all any more.
words like “god”, “jesus” or “buddha” are just words (i.e. signs). just came across something by baudrillard which somehow seems to relate to that:
All of Western faith and good faith was engaged in this wager on representation: That a sign could refer to the depth of meaning, that a sign could exchange for meaning, and that something could guarantee this exchange—God, of course. But what if God himself can be simulated, that is to say, reduced to the signs which attest his existence? Then the whole system becomes weightless, it is no longer anything but a gigantic simulacrum—not unreal, but a simulacrum, never again exchanging for what is real, but exchanging in itself, in an uninterrupted circuit without reference or circumference.
So it is with simulation, insofar as it is opposed to representation. The latter starts from the principle that the sign and the real are equivalent (even if this equivalence is utopian, it is a fundamental axiom). Conversely, simulation starts from the utopia of this principle of equivalence, from the radical negation of the sign as value, from the sign as reversion and death sentence of every reference. Whereas representation tries to absorb simulation by interpreting it as false representation, simulation envelops the edifice of representation as itself a simulacrum. This would be the successive phases of the image:
* it is the reflection of a basic reality.
* it masks and perverts a basic reality.
* it masks the absence of a basic reality.
* it bears no relation to any reality whatever: it is its own pure simulacrum.
—Jean Baudrillard, “The Evil Demon of Images and the Precession of Simulacra,” in Thomas Docherty, ed., Postmodernism: A Reader (New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1993) pp. 194 ff.
i like the thought “sign = death sentence of every reference”.
cheers ekki
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] God and Ibogaine
Date: April 28, 2006 at 3:00:58 PM EDT
Ekki, Thanks! I love that! Callie
In a message dated 4/28/2006 9:58:57 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
i was god inside god
before this timebound me
and shall be god again
when from my me set free
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 2:49:17 PM EDT
Jesus can save us or our souls from going to Hell. “Believe in Jesus and
will be saved from burning for eternity in Hell.”
The statement is misleading though because it takes more than belief to
to heaven. Of course this is my opinion. But believing is the first step!
Hope that answered your question
Thanks for answering, but what do you really mean by that? Do you believe
in a hell a la Dante’s Divine Comedy, with lakes of fire, pitchforks,
etc.. or is that symbolic for something?
I guess I just don’t understand.. if someone were to believe in the
classic Heaven and Hell deal, why not the Tooth Fairy? the Easter Bunny?
Vampires? Leprechauns?
I mean, what difference is there between “if you believe in Jesus you will
go to Heaven” and “if you follow the leprechaun to the end of the rainbow
you’ll get a pot of gold”?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: [Ibogaine] exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
Date: April 28, 2006 at 2:36:06 PM EDT
i always kinda wondered, exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
seems like lots of people say “believe in jesus and you’ll be saved” or
somesuch gibberish, but no one has any idea what they mean by it…
Jesus can save us or our souls from going to Hell. “Believe in Jesus and you will be saved from burning for eternity in Hell.”
The statement is misleading though because it takes more than belief to get to heaven. Of course this is my opinion. But believing is the first step!
Hope that answered your question
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least….
Date: April 28, 2006 at 2:28:23 PM EDT
“You present interesting historical events as they relate to
ibogaine and then wrap every conspiracy and religious theory that’s
out there and tangle all of it up into one immense mass of confusing
Mace, I totally agree with what you said.
I am not a Bible thumper but I will speak up softly about my belief in God and Jesus and the stories in the Bible.
I usually don’t reply to Dana’s messages because I rarely clearly ‘hear’ what he is saying! I interpret his writing and thoughts totally different than what he is trying to convey. Hell, I still can’t navigate MindVox without getting ‘lost’ or frustrated! lol! It is an impressive sight. I LOVE the art work.
btw, I love the name Mace. Is it your ‘given’ name?
Peace, Callie
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] God and Ibogaine
Date: April 28, 2006 at 1:53:44 PM EDT
Isn’ t that like preaching to the choir? When everybody thinks
the same, what is there to talk about after a while?
On the Ibogaine list, it seems more like preaching to
anyone thinking about wanting to join the choir or people
trying to understand what the choir preaches.
On Apr 28, 2006, at 10:34 AM, Vector Vector wrote:
Thanks for reminding me of that ekki 🙂 Neuroskull was on the ibogaine
list I think back maybe 4 years ago and also wrote the very long Jesus
is my Lord and bible quote messages. Weirdest part was that he’s not a
drug addict, maybe not the weirdest part. It’s a weird world, I don’t
even know what qualifies anymore, but it does sometimes make me wonder,
if I was a hardcore christian and somehow I ended up loading Mindvox
into my browser…. what makes someone with that kind of background
decide, ‘yes that’s it! Mindvox is where I need to be! Jesus would
approve!’ and I guess something does, because Kotas does have his own
christian ministry forum broadcasting out of Mindvox. If any of that
makes sense to anyone, I’m missing it. Come to Mindvox, be saved by the
lord, because he is digital. srry patrick, couldn’t resist.
Happy 420, mine hasn’t ended yet 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thinking more about it, the strangest part of the christian forum is
that once you all have your own place to hang out and talk. You don’t.
I don’t mean to make a big generalization (right after I just did 😉
but 99.999999999% of the psychic energy or happiness that the bible
thumpers seem to get, is by bringing the bible thumping onto a non
christian area, where they always have someone to argue with. As soon
as you have your own space, with people who share your beliefs, there
are one or two messages once in a while and then total silence.
— ekki <> wrote:
i was god inside god
before this timebound me
and shall be god again
when from my me set free
this was written by a rather conservative catholic btw a few
i have many more of them
there is also a -atm very low traffic- list
for all those christians among you
just send plain mail
i hope it is ok if i advertise this list but i asume kotas aka
neuroskull wouldn´t mind 😉
Am 28.04.2006 um 16:50 schrieb
I’ve been watching yall talk about God for a while now here and I
find it interesting the views of people. OK lets make it easy. How
many of yall believe in God? (show of hands……about half of
OK, how many yall don’t? (show of hands ………about a quarter of
them, agnostic fuckers won’t even raise their hands) See, now we
Seriously, I don’t know why but Ibogaine and God inevitably always
come up in the same conversation. There is something to that. To me
God is that crony in my life that knows everything about me and I
trust implicitly, and I ask him to help me and thank him for
everything. I know that there is a power there and I’m aware of it.
don’t care if Moses was left handed or if Judas had on a garter
under that robe thing he had on. It doesn’t help me any. I pray and
have faith, it helps me. I know I sure felt different about it
my Ibogaine treatment. What about yuzzz guys? love and lottso sacra
mental wine Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: ekki <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 1:52:55 PM EDT
Am 28.04.2006 um 19:17 schrieb Preston Peet:
Ekki wrote >no, our believes are determined by past experiences and by our thinking<
But I do choose what to believe, largely based upon those experiences, and also due particularly to said thinking.
ok, let´s refrain from a discussion about determinism now 😉
there always seems to be a certain tendency in the mind to identify with some beliefs, thoughts etc. especially when they are connected to strong feelings or other beliefs or whatever but then there are those moments when one can lean back and just watch this stuff swimming around in the mind like fish in an aquarium, not labeling any of those as “me” or “mine”
If all my experiences were the basis of my beliefs, I’d probably be even more confused than I usually am.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] [Fwd: [infowarsnews] Powerful New Film Expertly Exposes Phony Drug War & Police State]
Date: April 28, 2006 at 12:26:14 PM EDT
To: <>
—– Original Message —–
From: Max Robinson
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:18 AM
Subject: [DrugWar] [Fwd: [infowarsnews] Powerful New Film Expertly Exposes Phony Drug War & Police State]
WOW! Does this look like a great movie! We need more information for the masses spoon fed to them like this!
——– Original Message ——–
[infowarsnews] Powerful New Film Expertly Exposes Phony Drug War & Police State
Fri, 28 Apr 2006 15:20:25 +0100
Paul Joseph Watson <>
<>, <>
My Groups | infowarsnews Main Page
Powerful New Film Expertly Exposes Phony Drug War & Police State
A Scanner Darkly set to shake collective unconsciousness through viral popular culture shot in the arm
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | April 28 2006
A new film set for release later this year chronicles how power interests exploit the drug war in order to create unthinking armies of drone servants and erect police state measures to prevent the people from ever glimpsing the dark truth behind a highly mechanized surveillance panopticon.
A Scanner Darkly is a powerful dystopic film set in the terrifying near future– a world controlled by high-tech surveillance and ruled by a liberty-destroying police state. Director Richard Linklater picks up where he left off with his ground-breaking Waking Life– its rotoscoped look has now advanced exponentially into a startling visual element which only supports the themes of this new film. A Scanner Darkly is a heavily researched, amazingly conceived blend of Phillip K. Dick’s acclaimed novel and the frightening real technology emerging in our threatened world.
The film stars Keanu Reeves, Robert Downy, Jr., Woody Harrelson, Winona Ryder and features Alex Jones himself– still bullhorning the truth in the future nightmare world. The Warner Brothers film is currently slated for release on July 7, 2006.
This movie brilliantly exposes the fraud of the drug war and how governments and power interests engender chaos in order to maintain their stranglehold on the human population.
Set in suburban Orange County California in the near future, undercover cop Keanu Reeves is ordered to start spying on his friends. A leviathan corporation, New Path, controls a drug named substance D, which causes its users to experience paranoid delusions and fantasies and eventually turns them into zombies.
An iron fist police state, a multi-tentacle surveillance grid and the abolition of freedom of speech protects the truth behind Substance D, a reality the characters seek to quantify in the midst of their hallucinogenic haze.
Society is managed similar to the tyranny of Communist China, where protesters are simply grabbed off the street and disappeared, as encapsulated by Alex Jones’ role.
The final unveiling of the scope of how New Path exploits the addiction of Substance D users for its own purposes will leave the viewer reeling from a volcanic blast of contemporary social commentary.
If you enjoyed the rotoscoping effects seen on Waking Life then prepare yourself to be blown away by the visual appeal of this masterpiece. Every single frame is a work of art. The creators have managed to produce a graphic novel come to life, without losing one iota of the facial characteristics and body language encountered through standard cinematography.
The film is a multi-layered waterfall of refreshing ideas and concepts. Running parallel is a strong and consistent element of humor throughout.
A Scanner Darkly represents the latest example of a refreshing and burgeoning trend in Hollywood that seeks to enlighten the viewer into recognizing the real world prison barriers being erected around society today.
The contribution A Scanner Darkly will make to the alternative truth movement cannot be understated. For those who believe in the possibility of the 100th monkey syndrome and how the collective unconsciousness can be changed through popular culture, Scanner stands out as a watershed moment in the desire to lift the human spirit and create a better world not just through deeds but the very act of thought and understanding alone.
A Scanner Darkly is a ripple in the fabric of human awakening and its impact will send shockwaves through the New World Order architects and make them fully understand that a growing majority are becoming aware of their machinations and plans.
This isn’t airy fairy nebulous wishful thinking, it is historically visible that revolutions in the way we perceive the world around us and thus change it occur simultaneously and as a result of positive viral injections, whether they come from science, religion, technology, maverick individuals or popular culture. Film is still the zeitgeist of the human psyche.
A Scanner Darkly is a prescient warning of the near-term world that awaits us all unless we stand in the way of those who would seek to crush the human soul and shackle an infinite ball and chain around our feet.
The sheer genius behind the creation of the Scanner website is a joy to behold. This is the most ‘leap off the monitor’ website you are ever likely to see. It puts you in the position of the Scanner, able to cycle through different surveillance subjects and overview their connections to each other.
Also featured is New Path’s psychological evaluation tool. What will a Scanner see in you? It depends on what you see in the images provided. You will soon learn that Substance D causes enough confusion for you to be labeled with a level of brain dysfunction that requires at least observation if not immediate treatment.
The website tracks the number of mouse clicks you make, eerie instant messages pop up, and you can put your own live image on the website with a webcam.
There is even an option to upload your own artwork, using either templates provided by the website or entirely your own creation from scratch. Screensavers, wallpaper, buddy icons, trailers, audio files and e-cards are just some of the other great features offered.
The appeal and ‘stickability’ of this website will keep you clicking round for at least an hour to make sure you sample the full smorgasbord of what it has to offer. Click here to visit the website now.
If the quality of both the trailer and the website are any indication, this film is likely to blow open previous movie conventions and deliver a powerful warning of a not-so-distant world that we can only hope will not solidify into a permanent prison planet.
Philip K. Dick was a visionary decades ahead of his time. A Scanner Darkly represents both a warning and a shining tribute to the abilities of a prominent new crop of producers and directors.
A Scanner Darkly must be commended for its artistic flair and bold intellectual stance. We are sure that it will join the tide of change in making Americans think for themselves and devise creative new ways to reach new people and spread the truth about what is taking place in our world.
It is important to support this film in every way possible and open the door for other similar creations to follow in its footsteps.
Warner Brothers’ A Scanner Darkly Website
A Scanner Darkly Film Trailer
‘A Scanner Darkly’ Reveals Near Future Police State
Prison The Premier Multimedia Subscription Package: Download and Share the Truth!
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 1:36:35 PM EDT
oh well yeah, i mean i do see your point. i certainly agree that people
should be allowed to believe and think whatever they like.
i guess it’s just this particular set of beliefs (i.e. christianity,
especially the more orthodox varieties) has led to so much suffering and
bloodshed over the last 2000 years that, in addition to just thinking it’s
kind of weird, i find it kinda scary as well.
i mean, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with people believing things i
disagree with or think are silly or whatnot… until they start impaling
people and burning them at the stake.
then, that isn’t so cool… ehe
Well, there is that Jon,
But considering some of the “outlandish” thing I personally believe, some
directly as a result from taking ibogaine and many (other?) psychomemtic
substances, I realized the other day that I’m one to talk when it comes to
strangeness. I don’t really care suddenly what bible thumpers think- even
when they tell me I’m wrong or whatever negative commentary they’d like to
make. I suddenly just don’t freakin’ care.
Of course, there are exceptions- the prohibitionist maniacs for one, and
those who would take away from choices because I don’t believe as they do,
those both rate my caring.
But someone on this or other lists babbling about their beliefs- more
to ’em.
I know this is a switch from my previously statement opinions on this
but as noted, it’s a recent(ly remembered) idea of mine.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
guess we’re all free to believe whatever we want, no?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: “Billy J” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my dues.(I actually
enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus, You can all
what you want about Jesus I guess (free will and all) But as for me ,
the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
If Jesus needed any Help He would have just called upon His Own Legion
Angles, that where always at His comand, But Scripture had to be
fulfilled, and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to ease His Pain,
Then Scripture would not have been fulfilled and I would have
history, and Christ would have not been The Christ If Someone was to
able to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for US to
that as mere Humans WE could have a part with God.
Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE, will be
it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
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26 Apr 2006 12:13:37 -0700
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201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
for <>; Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:16:12 -0400
Received: from (HELO
([]) by with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006
15:13:32 -0400
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Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400
X-Message-Info: moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M=
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X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to
lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it to
His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what
would do?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] RE: God
Date: April 28, 2006 at 1:36:20 PM EDT
Here is something my father wrote several years ago. It has taken a while for it to sink in but I now think I have a greater appreciation for what he was saying:
Cosmic Concept, by Forrest Owen Theriot
Atomic particles recombined from mystic formulas,
the rain and dust of heaven’s energy
Transcend all time and space.
Renewed thoughts of change create
Planetary realms with words of wisdom to orbit
Through the multiverse, not with disdain but in
Pursuit of halcyon days and appreciation.
Alchemy-Poets today write programs to transmute
The morbid and the mordant, to transplant
Migrant personalities with attitudes sublime,
To metamorphose, to discover other worlds
Of existence.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] God and Ibogaine
Date: April 28, 2006 at 1:34:00 PM EDT
Thanks for reminding me of that ekki 🙂 Neuroskull was on the ibogaine
list I think back maybe 4 years ago and also wrote the very long Jesus
is my Lord and bible quote messages. Weirdest part was that he’s not a
drug addict, maybe not the weirdest part. It’s a weird world, I don’t
even know what qualifies anymore, but it does sometimes make me wonder,
if I was a hardcore christian and somehow I ended up loading Mindvox
into my browser…. what makes someone with that kind of background
decide, ‘yes that’s it! Mindvox is where I need to be! Jesus would
approve!’ and I guess something does, because Kotas does have his own
christian ministry forum broadcasting out of Mindvox. If any of that
makes sense to anyone, I’m missing it. Come to Mindvox, be saved by the
lord, because he is digital. srry patrick, couldn’t resist.
Happy 420, mine hasn’t ended yet 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thinking more about it, the strangest part of the christian forum is
that once you all have your own place to hang out and talk. You don’t.
I don’t mean to make a big generalization (right after I just did 😉
but 99.999999999% of the psychic energy or happiness that the bible
thumpers seem to get, is by bringing the bible thumping onto a non
christian area, where they always have someone to argue with. As soon
as you have your own space, with people who share your beliefs, there
are one or two messages once in a while and then total silence.
— ekki <> wrote:
i was god inside god
before this timebound me
and shall be god again
when from my me set free
this was written by a rather conservative catholic btw a few
i have many more of them
there is also a -atm very low traffic- list
for all those christians among you
just send plain mail
i hope it is ok if i advertise this list but i asume kotas aka
neuroskull wouldn´t mind 😉
Am 28.04.2006 um 16:50 schrieb
I’ve been watching yall talk about God for a while now here and I
find it interesting the views of people. OK lets make it easy. How
many of yall believe in God? (show of hands……about half of
OK, how many yall don’t? (show of hands ………about a quarter of
them, agnostic fuckers won’t even raise their hands) See, now we
Seriously, I don’t know why but Ibogaine and God inevitably always
come up in the same conversation. There is something to that. To me
God is that crony in my life that knows everything about me and I
trust implicitly, and I ask him to help me and thank him for
everything. I know that there is a power there and I’m aware of it.
don’t care if Moses was left handed or if Judas had on a garter
under that robe thing he had on. It doesn’t help me any. I pray and
have faith, it helps me. I know I sure felt different about it
my Ibogaine treatment. What about yuzzz guys? love and lottso sacra
mental wine Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 1:17:32 PM EDT
To: <>
Ekki wrote >no, our believes are determined by past experiences and by our thinking<
But I do choose what to believe, largely based upon those experiences, and also due particularly to said thinking. If all my experiences were the basis of my beliefs, I’d probably be even more confused than I usually am.
That said….
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “ekki” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Am 28.04.2006 um 17:46 schrieb Preston Peet:
guess we’re all free to believe whatever we want, no?
no, our believes are determined by past experiences and by our thinking
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 1:12:06 PM EDT
To: <>
Well, there is that Jon,
But considering some of the “outlandish” thing I personally believe, some directly as a result from taking ibogaine and many (other?) psychomemtic substances, I realized the other day that I’m one to talk when it comes to strangeness. I don’t really care suddenly what bible thumpers think- even when they tell me I’m wrong or whatever negative commentary they’d like to make. I suddenly just don’t freakin’ care.
Of course, there are exceptions- the prohibitionist maniacs for one, and those who would take away from choices because I don’t believe as they do, those both rate my caring.
But someone on this or other lists babbling about their beliefs- more power to ’em.
I know this is a switch from my previously statement opinions on this topic, but as noted, it’s a recent(ly remembered) idea of mine.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
guess we’re all free to believe whatever we want, no?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: “Billy J” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my dues.(I actually
enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus, You can all say
what you want about Jesus I guess (free will and all) But as for me , if
the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
If Jesus needed any Help He would have just called upon His Own Legion
Angles, that where always at His comand, But Scripture had to be
fulfilled, and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance to
help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to ease His Pain, But
Then Scripture would not have been fulfilled and I would have interupted
history, and Christ would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be
able to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for US to
that as mere Humans WE could have a part with God.
Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE, will be
it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830);
26 Apr 2006 12:13:37 -0700
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201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
for <>; Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:16:12 -0400
Received: from (HELO
([]) by with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006
15:13:32 -0400
Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400
Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400
X-Message-Info: moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M=
Mailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm
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(Clear:RC:0( Processed in 3.114746 secs
Process 572)
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to
lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it to
His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you
would do?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 12:50:28 PM EDT
guess we’re all free to believe whatever we want, no?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: “Billy J” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my dues.(I actually
enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus, You can all say
what you want about Jesus I guess (free will and all) But as for me , if
the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
If Jesus needed any Help He would have just called upon His Own Legion
Angles, that where always at His comand, But Scripture had to be
fulfilled, and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance to
help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to ease His Pain, But
Then Scripture would not have been fulfilled and I would have interupted
history, and Christ would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be
able to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for US to
that as mere Humans WE could have a part with God.
Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE, will be
it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830);
26 Apr 2006 12:13:37 -0700
Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM.
201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
for <>; Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:16:12 -0400
Received: from (HELO
([]) by with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006
15:13:32 -0400
Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400
Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400
X-Message-Info: moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M=
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(Clear:RC:0( Processed in 3.114746 secs
Process 572)
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to
lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it to
His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you
would do?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 12:49:38 PM EDT
ehehehe. my sentiment exactly, kirky =)
i always kinda wondered, exactly from what does jesus purport to save people?
seems like lots of people say “believe in jesus and you’ll be saved” or
somesuch gibberish, but no one has any idea what they mean by it…
and the whole “Lord” notion is so outdated… we’re not feudal serfs
—– Original Message Follows —–
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
will be watching it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
Received: from
([]) by with
Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
([]) by
(InterMail vM.
201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
for <>; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
-0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
contact; run by ezmlm
Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
List-Post: <>
List-Help: <>
<> List-Subscribe:
<> Delivered-To:
mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From: via
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
(Clear:RC:0( Processed in
3.114746 secs Process 572)
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: ekki <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 11:55:36 AM EDT
Am 28.04.2006 um 17:46 schrieb Preston Peet:
guess we’re all free to believe whatever we want, no?
no, our believes are determined by past experiences and by our thinking
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] God and Ibogaine
Date: April 28, 2006 at 11:54:26 AM EDT
To: <>
I have to admit Randy,
That while I don’t believe the bible is the endall beall in terms of truth etc, I did recently realize that I too believe some pretty outlandish things that many others would consider ‘crazy talk’ so I’m trying my best to not get myself tied into knots when someone posts something I myself consider ‘crazy talk’ because, who am I to say really what is and isn’t ‘true’ when it comes to subjective belief.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 10:50 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] God and Ibogaine
I’ve been watching yall talk about God for a while now here and I find it interesting the views of people. OK lets make it easy. How many of yall believe in God? (show of hands……about half of them) OK, how many yall don’t? (show of hands ………about a quarter of them, agnostic fuckers won’t even raise their hands) See, now we know. Seriously, I don’t know why but Ibogaine and God inevitably always come up in the same conversation. There is something to that. To me God is that crony in my life that knows everything about me and I trust implicitly, and I ask him to help me and thank him for everything. I know that there is a power there and I’m aware of it. I don’t care if Moses was left handed or if Judas had on a garter belt under that robe thing he had on. It doesn’t help me any. I pray and have faith, it helps me. I know I sure felt different about it after my Ibogaine treatment. What about yuzzz guys? love and lottso sacra mental wine Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 11:46:31 AM EDT
To: <>
guess we’re all free to believe whatever we want, no?
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “Billy J” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus, You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
If Jesus needed any Help He would have just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled, and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with God.
Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE, will be watching it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:13:37 -0700
Received: from ([]) by (InterMail vM. 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id <> for <>; Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:16:12 -0400
Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32 -0400
Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400
Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400
X-Message-Info: moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M=
Mailing-List: contact; run by ezmlm
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X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC) FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would do?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] God Ibogaine
Date: April 28, 2006 at 10:58:58 AM EDT
“Trust God, but tether your donkee” … old proverb. . Also will have to find a good, non-alcoholic wine. . .
On Apr 28, 2006, at 7:50 AM, wrote:
I’ve been watching yall talk about God for a while now here and I find it interesting the views of people. OK lets make it easy. How many of yall believe in God? (show of hands……about half of them) OK, how many yall don’t? (show of hands ………about a quarter of them, agnostic fuckers won’t even raise their hands) See, now we know. Seriously, I don’t know why but Ibogaine and God inevitably always come up in the same conversation. There is something to that. To me God is that crony in my life that knows everything about me and I trust implicitly, and I ask him to help me and thank him for everything. I know that there is a power there and I’m aware of it. I don’t care if Moses was left handed or if Judas had on a garter belt under that robe thing he had on. It doesn’t help me any. I pray and have faith, it helps me. I know I sure felt different about it after my Ibogaine treatment. What about yuzzz guys? love and lottso sacra mental wine Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: ekki <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] God and Ibogaine
Date: April 28, 2006 at 10:58:47 AM EDT
i was god inside god
before this timebound me
and shall be god again
when from my me set free
this was written by a rather conservative catholic btw a few centuries ago
i have many more of them
there is also a -atm very low traffic- list for all those christians among you
just send plain mail
i hope it is ok if i advertise this list but i asume kotas aka neuroskull wouldn´t mind 😉
Am 28.04.2006 um 16:50 schrieb
I’ve been watching yall talk about God for a while now here and I find it interesting the views of people. OK lets make it easy. How many of yall believe in God? (show of hands……about half of them) OK, how many yall don’t? (show of hands ………about a quarter of them, agnostic fuckers won’t even raise their hands) See, now we know. Seriously, I don’t know why but Ibogaine and God inevitably always come up in the same conversation. There is something to that. To me God is that crony in my life that knows everything about me and I trust implicitly, and I ask him to help me and thank him for everything. I know that there is a power there and I’m aware of it. I don’t care if Moses was left handed or if Judas had on a garter belt under that robe thing he had on. It doesn’t help me any. I pray and have faith, it helps me. I know I sure felt different about it after my Ibogaine treatment. What about yuzzz guys? love and lottso sacra mental wine Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: [Ibogaine] God and Ibogaine
Date: April 28, 2006 at 10:50:05 AM EDT
I’ve been watching yall talk about God for a while now here and I find it interesting the views of people. OK lets make it easy. How many of yall believe in God? (show of hands……about half of them) OK, how many yall don’t? (show of hands ………about a quarter of them, agnostic fuckers won’t even raise their hands) See, now we know. Seriously, I don’t know why but Ibogaine and God inevitably always come up in the same conversation. There is something to that. To me God is that crony in my life that knows everything about me and I trust implicitly, and I ask him to help me and thank him for everything. I know that there is a power there and I’m aware of it. I don’t care if Moses was left handed or if Judas had on a garter belt under that robe thing he had on. It doesn’t help me any. I pray and have faith, it helps me. I know I sure felt different about it after my Ibogaine treatment. What about yuzzz guys? love and lottso sacra mental wine Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Crooked Eye <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 10:04:35 AM EDT
But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
uh huh, and the earth was created in 7 days and woman made from mans rib.. LMAO
That evolution nonsense couldn’t possibly be the way things happened, seein as
that’s what the evidence suggests.. May as well believe in unicorns, elves,
santa claus, the easter bunny, and any other mythical being you can imagine…
Who needs proof when you have the Bible? I mean, if so many people believe it,
it must be true, right? I just don’t understand how people are suckered into
believing all these grandiose stories.. Where have you ever seen any evidence
that the Bible is true? Did you see Jesus in your toast or the virgin Mary in
some woodgrains? I could go on forever about all the utter bullshit in the Bible,
but it’s obvious that by the statement quoted above, that it wouldn’t matter if it said
cut off your genitals paste em to your forehead
and dance around until you bled to
death, because “the bible” said so.. Plenty of things in the bible that would seem
atrocious by todays standards, but alas, the Bible is easy to bend to conform to your
desires… That’s why so many branches of Christianity exist.. It’s all about what
set of beliefs you want to conform to.. If these things were fact, why would you
need so many different sects? What makes Christianity the “right” way? I mean what
makes Jesus more believable, than Mohammed or Buddha? How did you come to be a
Christian? Were you just taught that as a child and it stuck? What if you were an
Indian child, would you be Hindu, just because? I don’t honestly care what religion
you choose, but I think you should do a bit more thinking for yourself.. Start taking
responsibilty for yourself, stop believing ghost stories, and take control of your life.
You might be amazed at the power you have with a new set of
You create your own reality…
captkirk <> wrote:
—– Original Message Follows —–
> Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
> dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
> Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
> You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
> will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
> BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
> just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
> always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
> and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
> to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
> ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
> fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
> would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
> to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
> US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
> God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
> Will be Saved.
> Love and Smiles all day
> Bill ,
> P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
> will be watching it tonight.
> Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
> —-Original Message Follows—-
> From: Dana Beal
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
> Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
> MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
> Received: from
> ([]) by with
> Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
> ([]) by
> (InterMail vM.
> 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> <
> for ; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
> 15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO
> ([]) by
> with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
> -0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
> 2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
> 514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
> moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
> contact; run by ezmlm
> Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> List-Post:
> List-Help:
> List-Unsubscribe:
> List-Subscribe:
> Delivered-To:
> mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
> hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From:
> via
> X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
> (Clear:RC:0( Processed in
> 3.114746 secs Process 572)
> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
> Return-Path:
> m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
> FILETIME=[85A1BAA0:01C66965]
> I meant to write:
> And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
> sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
> of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
> there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
> do?
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
> /]=——————————————————-
> ————–=[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
> )=——————————————————-
> ————–=[/
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
From: captkirk <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 9:38:57 AM EDT
—– Original Message Follows —–
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my
dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus,
You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free
will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I
BELIEVE IT. PERIOD. If Jesus needed any Help He would have
just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where
always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled,
and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance
to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to
ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been
fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ
would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able
to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for
US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with
God. Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too
Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE,
will be watching it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v746.2)
Received: from
([]) by with
Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Wed, 26 Apr 2006
12:13:37 -0700 Received: from
([]) by
(InterMail vM.
201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
for <>; Wed, 26 Apr 2006
15:16:12 -0400 Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 26 Apr 2006 15:13:32
-0400 Received: (qmail 623 invoked by uid 513); 26 Apr
2006 15:13:31 -0400 Received: (qmail 617 invoked by uid
514); 26 Apr 2006 15:13:31 -0400 X-Message-Info:
moY6YVwXQ46VCCBR2Q49kjLvITXK3DIpHB4SnJNjI2M= Mailing-List:
contact; run by ezmlm
Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
List-Post: <>
List-Help: <>
<> List-Subscribe:
<> Delivered-To:
mailing list X-Spam-Status: No,
hits=-0.4 required=4.0 X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-Mail-From: via
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
(Clear:RC:0( Processed in
3.114746 secs Process 572)
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.746.2)
m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Apr 2006 19:13:38.0122 (UTC)
I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a
sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction
of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would
there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: the pres is on Oxycontin
Date: April 28, 2006 at 9:18:55 AM EDT
I can se it now. Ol’ George sucking the coating off of an 80 and crushing it up. Wait a minute dumb ass don’t you know the trick with the hose clamp. It shaves the oxy off. You door knob!! Anyway, since he was such a coke freak I’d say it would be easy for him to get into snorting oxy’s. I wonder if him and Rush hook each other up? He He ahhhhhh…………….fuck it. On the other hand maybe George needs to take his medicine, watch the show at the holodeck and feel the love. Couldn’t hoit. Shut up George and take your Ibogaine. Randy
—–Original Message—–
Sent: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 20:15:28 -0700
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: the pres is on Oxycontin
Preston, You are probably right. I am prone to hyperbole and I may have mistakenly misquoted something I recently read on this list. Anyway my point was that it IS a facist law that was instigated by facist thinkers in this government. Right now I could take or leave pot, it isn’t working for me as Dr Phil would say. I would rather abstain from that for a while. I’m just pissed that it costs over $60 to fill up for gas any more. If I lived in Manhattan all my life, I might not be so prone to want to drive everywhere I go, nor to get angry about the cost of gasoline, but it takes hours to get around Los Angeles by bus. It is a half hour walk to a bus stop from where I live. I have property 70 miles away that I cant even visit any more. It used to cost me $8.00 ten years ago for a round trip. When the person whom I will show absolutely no respect for in charge in Washington when speaking of him or writing about sounded like he was on oxycontin yesterday when he said for Americans to take shorter vacations, that really set me off. His low, slow tone of voice was a dead givaway for someone on an opiate.
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:49 PM, Preston Peet wrote:
>> The
> prejudice about pot is originally a NAZI concept.<
> I always enjoy your posts Warren, but I gotta question this notion- > It was certainly fascists who first started cracking down on pot > use, but it was the Canadians first I believe, then the Americans, > before WWII started, that outlawed pot. The Nazis mights done the > same (I admit I don’t know much about Nazi anti-drug laws, only > that Hitler was apparently on all sorts of happy/sad drugs), but I > do think that Canadians beat everyone, then the US did the same.
> Please do correct me anyone if I have this sequence wrong, but I > don’t think I do.
> —–
> “Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
> They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
> It’s a lie.
> When you’re high you can do everything
> you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
> it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
> Bill Hicks
> Peace and love.
> Preston
> Editor Underground
> Editor Under the Influence
> Editor
> Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
> Cont. Editor
> Columnist New York Waste
> Etc.
> —– Original Message —– From: “WARRENTHERIOT” > <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 2:35 PM
> Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ > Because
>> I’ll tell you something about pot and concentration and IQ. I’m >> not the brightest in the nation by far, but I used to work >> manufacturing video animation pencil test controllers as an >> electronic technician in the 80’s. The CPU based controllers >> would automate video recording one or several frames at a time on >> videotape. The first machines were used extensively by Walt >> Disney Feature Animation, and the company I worked for won an >> Academy Award for Technical Achievement.
>> I was doing everything from mechanical assembly of the cases, >> wirewrapping circuit boards and troubleshooting to the component >> level, working with old 1″ video tape machines at one time I >> remember. One day, the equipment failed to operate during a test. >> I found the problem was the video recording machine itself and >> was able to figure out exactly that it was the horizontal timing >> adjustment on a large circuit board in the Video tape machine. I >> pulled out the suspected card, adjusted the variable capacitor >> and the whole system worked like a charm again. I had never fixed >> this kind of Video recorder before. All this while after smoking >> a joint at lunch. Go figure. I knew a PH.D in Laser Physics >> that smoked pot. The prejudice about pot is originally a NAZI >> concept.
>> Warren
>>> —–
>>> “Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
>>> They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
>>> It’s a lie.
>>> When you’re high you can do everything
>>> you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
>>> it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
>>> Bill Hicks
>>> Peace and love.
>>> Preston
>>> Editor Underground
>>> Editor Under the Influence
>>> Editor
>>> Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
>>> Cont. Editor
>>> Columnist New York Waste
>>> Etc.
>>> —– Original Message —– From: “ekki” <>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:05 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of >>> Beatles’ Because
>>>> Am 27.04.2006 um 12:46 schrieb Warren Theriot:
>>>>> Preston, I relocated it with my username and password that I >>>>> set up an account with them. You have to log-in before you get
to see the artists and listen to the samples.
>>>>> Warren
>>>>> On Apr 27, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Warren Theriot wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Preston,
>>>>>> That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few >>>>>> weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on >>>>>> last evening and ordered the song. It is only >>>>>> available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in >>>>>> the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I >>>>>> ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. >>>>>> Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated >>>>>> Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of >>>>>> different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it >>>>>> is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by >>>>>> Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I >>>>>> was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again >>>>>> on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they >>>>>> do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals >>>>>> are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat >>>>>> done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental >>>>>> backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am >>>>>> guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you >>>>>> like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that >>>>>> song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it >>>>>> at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, >>>>>> Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I >>>>>> will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If >>>>>> you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute >>>>>> MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, >>>>>> 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top
of my head.
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Warren
>>>>>> On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
>>>>>>> got a link for the song Warren?
>>>>>>> —–
>>>>>>> ? /] >>>>>>> =—————————————————————>>>>>>> — – —=[\
>>>>>>> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
IbogaineList.html [%]
>>>>>>> ? \] >>>>>>> =—————————————————————>>>>>>> — – —=[/
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>>>>> \] >>>>> =—————————————————————–>>>>> — – -=[/
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>>>> [%] Ibogaine List Commands: >>>> IbogaineList.html [%]
>>>> \] >>>> =——————————————————————>>>> — -=[/
>>> /] >>> =——————————————————————->>> — =[\
>>> [%] Ibogaine List Commands: >>> IbogaineList.html [%]
>>> \] >>> =——————————————————————->>> — =[/
>> /]>> =——————————————————————–>> -=[\
>> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:>> IbogaineList.html [%]
>> \]>> =——————————————————————–>> -=[/
> /]> =———————————————————————> =[\
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:> IbogaineList.html [%]
> \]> =———————————————————————> =[/
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From: “Billy J” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 28, 2006 at 8:32:40 AM EDT
Hello there, on my way tom work ‘Yuk’ but must pay my dues.(I actually enjoy work mostly).
Hey Dana, and all who have anything to say about Jesus, You can all say what you want about Jesus I guess (free will and all) But as for me , if the Bible says it I BELIEVE IT. PERIOD.
If Jesus needed any Help He would have just called upon His Own Legion of Angles, that where always at His comand, But Scripture had to be fulfilled, and as for Me, YES if I was at Gogatha and had the chance to help My Lord YES I would give Him watever I could to ease His Pain, But Then Scripture would not have been fulfilled and I would have interupted history, and Christ would have not been The Christ If Someone was to be able to interfere, Wasn’t possible, yet it is a nice story for US to think that as mere Humans WE could have a part with God.
Just acceptr Jesus as Lord and Savior and You Too Will be Saved.
Love and Smiles all day
Bill ,
P.S. I Recieved My DVD Yesterday of the RITE TO PASSAGE, will be watching it tonight.
Please Ye All Have a Great Straight Day (If Possible)
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:13:22 -0400
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I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would do?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: the pres is on Oxycontin
Date: April 27, 2006 at 11:15:28 PM EDT
Preston, You are probably right. I am prone to hyperbole and I may have mistakenly misquoted something I recently read on this list. Anyway my point was that it IS a facist law that was instigated by facist thinkers in this government. Right now I could take or leave pot, it isn’t working for me as Dr Phil would say. I would rather abstain from that for a while. I’m just pissed that it costs over $60 to fill up for gas any more. If I lived in Manhattan all my life, I might not be so prone to want to drive everywhere I go, nor to get angry about the cost of gasoline, but it takes hours to get around Los Angeles by bus. It is a half hour walk to a bus stop from where I live. I have property 70 miles away that I cant even visit any more. It used to cost me $8.00 ten years ago for a round trip. When the person whom I will show absolutely no respect for in charge in Washington when speaking of him or writing about sounded like he was on oxycontin yesterday when he said for Americans to take shorter vacations, that really set me off. His low, slow tone of voice was a dead givaway for someone on an opiate.
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:49 PM, Preston Peet wrote:
prejudice about pot is originally a NAZI concept.<
I always enjoy your posts Warren, but I gotta question this notion- It was certainly fascists who first started cracking down on pot use, but it was the Canadians first I believe, then the Americans, before WWII started, that outlawed pot. The Nazis mights done the same (I admit I don’t know much about Nazi anti-drug laws, only that Hitler was apparently on all sorts of happy/sad drugs), but I do think that Canadians beat everyone, then the US did the same.
Please do correct me anyone if I have this sequence wrong, but I don’t think I do.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “WARRENTHERIOT” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
I’ll tell you something about pot and concentration and IQ. I’m not the brightest in the nation by far, but I used to work manufacturing video animation pencil test controllers as an electronic technician in the 80’s. The CPU based controllers would automate video recording one or several frames at a time on videotape. The first machines were used extensively by Walt Disney Feature Animation, and the company I worked for won an Academy Award for Technical Achievement.
I was doing everything from mechanical assembly of the cases, wirewrapping circuit boards and troubleshooting to the component level, working with old 1″ video tape machines at one time I remember. One day, the equipment failed to operate during a test. I found the problem was the video recording machine itself and was able to figure out exactly that it was the horizontal timing adjustment on a large circuit board in the Video tape machine. I pulled out the suspected card, adjusted the variable capacitor and the whole system worked like a charm again. I had never fixed this kind of Video recorder before. All this while after smoking a joint at lunch. Go figure. I knew a PH.D in Laser Physics that smoked pot. The prejudice about pot is originally a NAZI concept.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “ekki” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Am 27.04.2006 um 12:46 schrieb Warren Theriot:
Preston, I relocated it with my username and password that I set up an account with them. You have to log-in before you get to see the artists and listen to the samples.
On Apr 27, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Warren Theriot wrote:
Hi Preston,
That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on last evening and ordered the song. It is only available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top of my head.
Best Regards,
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
got a link for the song Warren?
? /] =—————————————————————– – —=[\
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 5:49:26 PM EDT
To: <>
prejudice about pot is originally a NAZI concept.<
I always enjoy your posts Warren, but I gotta question this notion- It was certainly fascists who first started cracking down on pot use, but it was the Canadians first I believe, then the Americans, before WWII started, that outlawed pot. The Nazis mights done the same (I admit I don’t know much about Nazi anti-drug laws, only that Hitler was apparently on all sorts of happy/sad drugs), but I do think that Canadians beat everyone, then the US did the same.
Please do correct me anyone if I have this sequence wrong, but I don’t think I do.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “WARRENTHERIOT” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 2:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
I’ll tell you something about pot and concentration and IQ. I’m not the brightest in the nation by far, but I used to work manufacturing video animation pencil test controllers as an electronic technician in the 80’s. The CPU based controllers would automate video recording one or several frames at a time on videotape. The first machines were used extensively by Walt Disney Feature Animation, and the company I worked for won an Academy Award for Technical Achievement.
I was doing everything from mechanical assembly of the cases, wirewrapping circuit boards and troubleshooting to the component level, working with old 1″ video tape machines at one time I remember. One day, the equipment failed to operate during a test. I found the problem was the video recording machine itself and was able to figure out exactly that it was the horizontal timing adjustment on a large circuit board in the Video tape machine. I pulled out the suspected card, adjusted the variable capacitor and the whole system worked like a charm again. I had never fixed this kind of Video recorder before. All this while after smoking a joint at lunch. Go figure. I knew a PH.D in Laser Physics that smoked pot. The prejudice about pot is originally a NAZI concept.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “ekki” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Am 27.04.2006 um 12:46 schrieb Warren Theriot:
Preston, I relocated it with my username and password that I set up an account with them. You have to log-in before you get to see the artists and listen to the samples.
On Apr 27, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Warren Theriot wrote:
Hi Preston,
That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on last evening and ordered the song. It is only available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top of my head.
Best Regards,
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
got a link for the song Warren?
? /] =—————————————————————– – —=[\
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
Date: April 27, 2006 at 3:31:38 PM EDT
clean your glasses, warren
On Apr 27, 2006, at 12:26 PM, WARRENTHERIOT wrote:
On Apr 27, 2006, at 7:24 AM, Nick Sandberg wrote:
Hi Dana,
Forgot to mention that I can’t read everything you have written on this. I simply don’t have the time. I apologize for this but I also have to say that, for me, it’s important that you can state clearly what your argument is, in reasonably layman-like terms, and without having to refer to lots of subsiduary concepts and beliefs, many of which are themselves highly tangential culturally. Reading your stuff, I sometimes feel like I’m being dragged into an aeon of underground or new-age study which, frankly, I’m just not interested in. It’s turns me off. Maybe this is just me, I don’t know how other people find it. I don’t read much as a rule.
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 26 April 2006 02:27
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
You’re not responding to the substance of my post, which is that ibogaine in a sense REPLACES the wine and wafer.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
Date: April 27, 2006 at 3:26:00 PM EDT
On Apr 27, 2006, at 7:24 AM, Nick Sandberg wrote:
Hi Dana,
Forgot to mention that I can’t read everything you have written on this. I simply don’t have the time. I apologize for this but I also have to say that, for me, it’s important that you can state clearly what your argument is, in reasonably layman-like terms, and without having to refer to lots of subsiduary concepts and beliefs, many of which are themselves highly tangential culturally. Reading your stuff, I sometimes feel like I’m being dragged into an aeon of underground or new-age study which, frankly, I’m just not interested in. It’s turns me off. Maybe this is just me, I don’t know how other people find it. I don’t read much as a rule.
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 26 April 2006 02:27
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
You’re not responding to the substance of my post, which is that ibogaine in a sense REPLACES the wine and wafer.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 2:35:54 PM EDT
I’ll tell you something about pot and concentration and IQ. I’m not the brightest in the nation by far, but I used to work manufacturing video animation pencil test controllers as an electronic technician in the 80’s. The CPU based controllers would automate video recording one or several frames at a time on videotape. The first machines were used extensively by Walt Disney Feature Animation, and the company I worked for won an Academy Award for Technical Achievement.
I was doing everything from mechanical assembly of the cases, wirewrapping circuit boards and troubleshooting to the component level, working with old 1″ video tape machines at one time I remember. One day, the equipment failed to operate during a test. I found the problem was the video recording machine itself and was able to figure out exactly that it was the horizontal timing adjustment on a large circuit board in the Video tape machine. I pulled out the suspected card, adjusted the variable capacitor and the whole system worked like a charm again. I had never fixed this kind of Video recorder before. All this while after smoking a joint at lunch. Go figure. I knew a PH.D in Laser Physics that smoked pot. The prejudice about pot is originally a NAZI concept.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “ekki” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Am 27.04.2006 um 12:46 schrieb Warren Theriot:
Preston, I relocated it with my username and password that I set up an account with them. You have to log-in before you get to see the artists and listen to the samples.
On Apr 27, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Warren Theriot wrote:
Hi Preston,
That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on last evening and ordered the song. It is only available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top of my head.
Best Regards,
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
got a link for the song Warren?
? /]=—————————————————————— —=[\
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: government lies about pot
Date: April 27, 2006 at 2:17:55 PM EDT
Usually I have to find out for myself, especially when I have NEVER heard of anyone ODing on pot. Sometimes it is OK, othertimes I become too sensitive to the injustice brought about by the government and corporations. Pot has always been portrayed in a bad light, and in fact it was the NAZI’s in Germany that persecuted people for its use, as users usually were too laid back to get caught up into that trash about the Jews and that trash about the Aryans being superior. In fact the Nazi’s thought by [increasing the genetic diversity by interbreeding with other races or even within the caucasian race, i.e., mixing blonds with brunettes] caused a diminishing of the psychic powers]
The logical conclusion is that the Aryans were originally a group of incestuous inbreeds.
The same frame of mind about pot exists in the current US White house. Nothing is based on scientific fact, unless the research is first biased to find only the negative effects of THC. That is SO Unscientific. The Bush administration is doomed to its own self destruction by its selfishness, greed and outright ignorance and close-mindedness. The supporters of Bush are as guilty as the actual leaders for electing them, and that goes for 9/11 for ignorance! It has been building up since the McCarthy era where now they are reaping the profits[oil] of their efforts at the expense of world peace. The Bush Crime Family are traitors to the US. They have close ties to the BinLaden family, and the BinLadens were the first to be allowed to leave the country after the immediate attacks of 9/11. The Wolves are guarding the henhouse, don’t be fooled. Foxes are nice compared to who’s running the country now. We would be paying $1.80 at the most at the gas pumps now if Kerry had been elected, even after Rita and Katrina. All this can be learned by listening to the radio or watching LINK TV, [not Rush or Hannity] and going to the library.
…and the meek shall inherit the earth… [after it is destroyed by the aggressors]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] RE: Ibogaine Re: Smile
Date: April 27, 2006 at 1:25:45 PM EDT
—–Original Message—–
From: Warren Theriot <>
Sent: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 13:57:26 -0700
Subject: [Ibogaine] RE: Ibogaine Re: Smile
Hi Everyone. I just thought I would pass this on for your enjoyment this afternoon. Have a great day! I just got a call this morning from someone in New York willing to work with me about Ibogaine. There are miles to go on this journey of life to the Gateway of Resurrection. Remember to “Be Like The Fonz”.
Best Wishes,
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ery cool Warrem Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Karl Naeher” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 27, 2006 at 11:47:43 AM EDT
To: <>
—– Original Message —–
From: Eye of the Bhogi
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
I believe it was His wrists that were nailed, not the hands.
From: “Karl Naeher” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Atropine
Date: April 27, 2006 at 11:47:35 AM EDT
To: <>
—– Original Message —–
From: Alberto Sola
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 3:19 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Atropine
Of the side effects of Ibogaine the most frequent, nausea and vomiting, headache and anxiety. On the cardiac level prolongued bradicardia (slow heart rate) Atropine would increase. But it should be administered IV, and a low dose has a paradoxial effect (the contrary of what you want) it would further slow the heart. Atropine with then increase heart rate up to 120-150 BPM and dry mouth and anxiety would come from that so it is not an easy drug to use.
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From: “Mason Shipley” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
Date: April 27, 2006 at 10:49:16 AM EDT
I’ve got to agree with this. I can deal with the bible thumpers when
it’s not 5 of them writing 60 messages a day, I realize most of the
authors are still addicted and trying to find solace and strength
where they may, good on them. Dana you don’t have any such excuse, I
understand you do a lot of good and have championed ibogaine forever,
but any time I click on a single link you enclose, it feels like I’m
in the middle of a bowl of spaghetti, with every few paragraphs
referencing gobs of what seems to me at least, unrelated pseudo new
age christianity wrapped up in psychedelic drugs and how they were
there at every corner of the evolution of man. I don’t doubt that
psychedelic drugs have been responsible for many of mankind’s great
steps forward, Terrence Mkenna’s writings covered this through many
books, the difference is with Mkenna even when it turns into nonsense
at least its entertaining. With your writing it seems more like going
to a religious section of a library, opening up every book at random
and then connecting everything to ibogaine or any weird theory you can
think of at that moment and connecting all of it together.
Fun time as a hobby I suppose, but from the outside looking in, it’s
the same old conspiracy I can find from any cult. You reference all of
this material, but somehow I get the idea you interpret anything and
everything, however you want, to make it fit your theories and
honestly I am at a loss as to what you’re talking about, other then
ibogaine being at the center of all evolution on our planet. If your
answer requires a person to go read a huge assortment of books, I
don’t think you’re going to have many takers. I have read through the
ibogaine story, I can’t help but get smacked in the face with your
work, it’s right around the corner on any page I load from Mindvox,
but I find it completely unreadable. It’s not as if I agree or
disagree, it’s not coherent enough to form any opinion on the
material. You present interesting historical events as they relate to
ibogaine and then wrap every conspiracy and religious theory that’s
out there and tangle all of it up into one immense mass of confusing
On 4/27/06, Nick Sandberg <> wrote:
Hi Dana,
Forgot to mention that I can’t read everything you have written on this. I
simply don’t have the time. I apologize for this but I also have to say
that, for me, it’s important that you can state clearly what your argument
is, in reasonably layman-like terms, and without having to refer to lots of
subsiduary concepts and beliefs, many of which are themselves highly
tangential culturally. Reading your stuff, I sometimes feel like I’m being
dragged into an aeon of underground or new-age study which, frankly, I’m
just not interested in. It’s turns me off. Maybe this is just me, I don’t
know how other people find it. I don’t read much as a rule.
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 26 April 2006 02:27
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah”
is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and
Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is
mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these
works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a
real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
You’re not responding to the substance of my post, which is that ibogaine in
a sense REPLACES the wine and wafer.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Nick Sandberg” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
Date: April 27, 2006 at 10:24:25 AM EDT
To: <>
Hi Dana,
Forgot to mention that I can’t read everything you have written on this. I simply don’t have the time. I apologize for this but I also have to say that, for me, it’s important that you can state clearly what your argument is, in reasonably layman-like terms, and without having to refer to lots of subsiduary concepts and beliefs, many of which are themselves highly tangential culturally. Reading your stuff, I sometimes feel like I’m being dragged into an aeon of underground or new-age study which, frankly, I’m just not interested in. It’s turns me off. Maybe this is just me, I don’t know how other people find it. I don’t read much as a rule.
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 26 April 2006 02:27
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
You’re not responding to the substance of my post, which is that ibogaine in a sense REPLACES the wine and wafer.
From: “Nick Sandberg” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
Date: April 27, 2006 at 10:14:26 AM EDT
To: <>
I’m not an expert of biblical stuff, possibly because I consider myself (maybe wrongly) not dull enough to become some kind of scholar. I also like to think that I have better things to do than learn all the possible interpretations available for biblical scripture and study all this shit for years. What I know is more what has come to me in the times I’ve been interested in these things. I’ve had bursts of energy for it at various times over the last 7-8 odd years.
What I figure is….it’s grossly unlikely that any real, living Jesus ever walked the earth or had the events of his life recorded in the new testament. I put the reasons for this out before. It seems to me that this rather undermines your theory that Jesus was given ibogaine on the cross. There are symbolic parallels between taking ibogaine and crucifixion, I grant you, but I’d say this would relate more to ibogaine being a drug one might take to induce some form of psychological crucifixion, not relieve the pain of it. And this is just symbology – not real historical fact. As to whether ibogaine mimics symbolically or actually the use of sacraments, as in water and wine, well you’d have to write me more about this. It doesn’t sound too promising a line of inquiry to me but I’d be happy to listen if you can state simply and clearly to what you refer. BTW, to write “in a sense replaces” also doesn’t sound so hopeful. Everything in a sense resembles or replaces everything else.
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 26 April 2006 02:27
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
You’re not responding to the substance of my post, which is that ibogaine in a sense REPLACES the wine and wafer.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 8:05:02 AM EDT
To: <>
that IS supercool, much obliged to you both for alerting me, and giving me a link too, to this mix.
It’s not quite the Joy Division I’ve got in my headphones first thing this morning, but it is certainly something I’d play out on the decks.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “ekki” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Am 27.04.2006 um 12:46 schrieb Warren Theriot:
Preston, I relocated it with my username and password that I set up an account with them. You have to log-in before you get to see the artists and listen to the samples.
On Apr 27, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Warren Theriot wrote:
Hi Preston,
That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on last evening and ordered the song. It is only available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top of my head.
Best Regards,
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
got a link for the song Warren?
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 8:01:46 AM EDT
To: <>
Thanks kindly again Warren.
“Everything they tell you about pot is a lie.
They tell you pot smoking makes you unmotivated.
It’s a lie.
When you’re high you can do everything
you can normally do, just as well, you just realize
it’s not worth the fucking effort.”
Bill Hicks
Peace and love.
Editor Underground
Editor Under the Influence
Cont. HighTimes mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “Warren Theriot” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 6:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Hi Preston,
That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on last evening and ordered the song. It is only available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top of my head.
Best Regards,
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
got a link for the song Warren?
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 6:50:22 AM EDT
Preston, it is at about 130 BPM. 144 is way too fast, my mistake.
On Apr 27, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Warren Theriot wrote:
Hi Preston,
That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on last evening and ordered the song. It is only available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top of my head.
Best Regards,
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
got a link for the song Warren?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: ekki <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 7:05:39 AM EDT
Am 27.04.2006 um 12:46 schrieb Warren Theriot:
Preston, I relocated it with my username and password that I set up an account with them. You have to log-in before you get to see the artists and listen to the samples.
On Apr 27, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Warren Theriot wrote:
Hi Preston,
That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on last evening and ordered the song. It is only available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top of my head.
Best Regards,
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
got a link for the song Warren?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 6:46:02 AM EDT
Preston, I relocated it with my username and password that I set up an account with them. You have to log-in before you get to see the artists and listen to the samples.
On Apr 27, 2006, at 3:40 AM, Warren Theriot wrote:
Hi Preston,
That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on last evening and ordered the song. It is only available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top of my head.
Best Regards,
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
got a link for the song Warren?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 6:40:40 AM EDT
Hi Preston,
That song was hard to find today. I had located it a few weeks ago, but forgot. I finally found it again on last evening and ordered the song. It is only available on a single-sided vinyl 12″ from juno records in the UK. I though I had it a couple of weeks ago, when I ordered a CD from titled the Beatles Regrooved. Man was I fooled along with a lot of others who rated Regrooved very low. That CD is kind of an eclectic mix of different artists, NOT the original recordings at all, and it is not very interesting, kind of “new age”. This remix by Shiloh, I heard first on DirecTV “The System” channel and I was able to tape about half the song. Then I heard it again on NPR. I wish I had the equipment or software to do what they do with John Lennon’s vocals on the Shiloh remix. The vocals are stretched, chopped and there is that trance echo-repeat done also with the vocals, remixed over a new instrumental backround at about 144 BPM, maybe just a little slower, I am guessing at the number while looking at second timer. If you like electronica/dance and also like the Beatles and that song in particular, this is real pleaser. I cant relocate it at juno just now, but you can Google it with: Because, Shiloh, remix . It is called the Just For Annie Remix. I will have to experiment with tracking down the exact page. If you can find Shiloh at juno, you can listen to over a minute MP3 sample along with a lot of other cuts. It cost 6 pounds, 99, but I don’t know what that is in US dollars off the top of my head.
Best Regards,
On Apr 27, 2006, at 2:55 AM, Preston Peet wrote:
got a link for the song Warren?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 5:55:19 AM EDT
To: <>
got a link for the song Warren?
“America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream.
The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe
the dream out of existence.
The dream is a spontaneous happening a
nd therefore dangerous to a control system set up by
the non-dreamers.”
William S. Burroughs
Peace, love, and respect,
Preston Peet
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History”
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: Warren Theriot
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 2:01 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
This song kicks total ass. Intro is like the original, but after the first line of lyrics, …….. Because the world is rouuuuuund……….. WOW!? 8:40 of trance
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] RE: Ibogaine Re: Smile
Date: April 27, 2006 at 5:51:21 AM EDT
To: <>
I’m glad you are here. Thanks kindly for all these smiles. Smiles are a much needed thing in life, my life in particular.
And I’m still smiling too, so it’s nice to have company.
Great news on the call and best of thoughts and energy your direction.
I won’t pray for you, but I’ll light a candle later this morning and will jam with you in mind this afternoon.
“America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream.
The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe
the dream out of existence.
The dream is a spontaneous happening a
nd therefore dangerous to a control system set up by
the non-dreamers.”
William S. Burroughs
Peace, love, and respect,
Preston Peet
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History”
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: Warren Theriot
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:57 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] RE: Ibogaine Re: Smile
Hi Everyone.?
I just thought I would pass this on for your enjoyment this afternoon. Have a great day! I just got a call this morning from someone in New York willing to work with me about Ibogaine. There are miles to go on this journey of life to the Gateway of Resurrection. Remember to “Be Like The Fonz”.
Best Wishes,
? /]=———————————————————————=[\
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From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: Ibogaine, RE: Shiloh remix of Beatles’ Because
Date: April 27, 2006 at 2:01:51 AM EDT
This song kicks total ass. Intro is like the original, but after the first line of lyrics, …….. Because the world is rouuuuuund……….. WOW! 8:40 of trance
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] A drug for Jesus on the Cross
Date: April 26, 2006 at 10:07:33 PM EDT
It would be real funny to see Jerry Falwell’s expression when he learns Jesus took what our conservative government now classifies as “dangerous drugs”.
[anyway, the government killed Jesus, not drugs] … forgive them, for they know not what they do….
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Alberto Sola” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Atropine
Date: April 26, 2006 at 9:19:57 PM EDT
Of the side effects of Ibogaine the most frequent, nausea and vomiting, headache and anxiety. On the cardiac level prolongued bradicardia (slow heart rate) Atropine would increase. But it should be administered IV, and a low dose has a paradoxial effect (the contrary of what you want) it would further slow the heart. Atropine with then increase heart rate up to 120-150 BPM and dry mouth and anxiety would come from that so it is not an easy drug to use.
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
From: “Eye of the Bhogi” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 26, 2006 at 7:56:17 PM EDT
I believe it was His wrists that were nailed, not the hands.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Atropine
Date: April 26, 2006 at 7:41:04 PM EDT
I have worked several cardiac arrests and atropine is given when asystole or no electrical impulse is noted on cardiac monitor. Physicians order many other emergency drugs during a cardiac arrest also…..lidocaine, epinephrine etc.
Maybe the article was referring to a cardiac arrest from Ibogaine?
Atropine is also given sometime to prevent bradycardia from vagal nerve stimulation.
I t is also used in a cocktail of other drugs prior to surgery to dry up secretions. Many uses does atropine have, so I am not sure how they are referring it as an ‘antidote’ to Ibogaine poisoning.
Howard, are you here? Do you know?
In a message dated 4/26/2006 5:21:29 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
I’d like to know of any resuscitative efforts done to people having
problems during an Ibogaine treatment. There has to be some data on
this. Randy
—–Original Message—–
From: ekki <>
Sent: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 23:09:56 +0200
Subject: [Ibogaine] Atropine
just got a link to a pdf (in german language) to a brochure about
what to do in a case of emergency induced by drug poisioning
it said you can take atropine as an antidote to ibogaine. is this
correct? anyone ever tried that?
sounds rather unlikely to me.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Atropine
Date: April 26, 2006 at 6:21:00 PM EDT
I’d like to know of any recessatative efforts done to people having problems during an Ibogaine treatment. There has to be some data on this. Randy
—–Original Message—–
From: ekki <>
Sent: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 23:09:56 +0200
Subject: [Ibogaine] Atropine
just got a link to a pdf (in german language) to a brochure about what to do in a case of emergency induced by drug poisioning
it said you can take atropine as an antidote to ibogaine. is this correct? anyone ever tried that?
sounds rather unlikely to me.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: ekki <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Atropine
Date: April 26, 2006 at 5:09:56 PM EDT
just got a link to a pdf (in german language) to a brochure about what to do in a case of emergency induced by drug poisioning
it said you can take atropine as an antidote to ibogaine. is this correct? anyone ever tried that?
sounds rather unlikely to me.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] RE: Ibogaine Re: Smile
Date: April 26, 2006 at 4:57:26 PM EDT
Hi Everyone.
I just thought I would pass this on for your enjoyment this afternoon. Have a great day! I just got a call this morning from someone in New York willing to work with me about Ibogaine. There are miles to go on this journey of life to the Gateway of Resurrection. Remember to “Be Like The Fonz”.
Best Wishes,
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 26, 2006 at 3:26:14 PM EDT
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to
His lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it
to ease His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to
what you would do?
Personally, I think if I was gonna be having nails hammered into my hands
and feet, and strung up on a cross to suffocate to death, I’d be reaching
for the morphine or general anaesthetic quicker than the iboga..
But that’s just me..
Actually, come to think of it, I wouldn’t be reaching at all.. if my hands
were nailed to a plank of wood, i mean…
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] correction
Date: April 26, 2006 at 3:13:22 PM EDT
I meant to write:
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga on it to ease His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would do?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] A drug for Jesus on the Cross
Date: April 26, 2006 at 2:50:59 PM EDT
On Apr 26, 2006, at 12:00 AM, Billy J wrote:
Well Dana I can say much about the little I just read (at your Request)n but I will hold my tonque for tonight, Although I did not see the introduction of your sci-fi book and I could only assume that it was written during a phycodelic/haluciengetic party (I know how imaginations go at those times – You people sound like you were really flying, WOW
Oh Ya You Must add to your book that God/Jesus Has a sense of humor also, cause if He didn’t well ???? IT’S HOT
Love always, and LoL
“THE IBOGAINE STORY: Report on the Staten Island Project” is not science fiction. It’s one of the better social-political-spiritual-scientific books on ibogaine. (I couldn’t have been high, ’cause I was in jail when I wrote chapters 1 thru 13 (excluding 11)). VALIS isn’t really s.f. either, in the conventional sense. It was written some years after PKD had a series of iboga-like visions, perhaps in abreaction to long term crystal meth use, and is considered semi-autobiographical. PKD was a Christian, BTW (gnostic variety). I suggest everyone on the list read it, RADIO FREE ALBEMUTH, THE DIVINE INVASION, & THE TRANSMIGRATION OF TIMOTHY ARCHER.
Nick, was Zarathustra mythical as well? We know a Hell of a lot less about him than we do about Jesus.
Are all the accounts of prophetic seeing on ibo fabrications? And if they’re not, then who says that prophecy cannot be accomplished by other means, or that the prophets of the Old Testament could not have foreseen how to make Judaism a world religion?
And Billy, if you could be at Golgotha, and hold up a sponge with to His lips with a white vinegar extraction of harmala and iboga to his lips to ease His suffering, would there be any hesitation, any doubt as to what you would do?
I think both Billy J and Nick are missing the boat. What I’m saying is that as the wine & wafer replaced the dron ceremony of the Mithras cult, so is the wine and wafer to be replaced now. Ibogaine is the new dispensation. So I’m going to turn you on to another excerpt, from the end of Chapter 17:
A week later Bob Sisko and Dana were walking up Third street, discussing the notion that the NDE is the key to access, on the quantum level– through Closed Timelike Curves– to Time–
“That harmaline book really turned out to be the key,” exulted Dana, “to understanding the ramifications of the Passover Plot. The Essenes scoured the dreamtime for the meaningful touches Christ incorporated into his Action. To access the far distant future, his own harmaline trip had to be wrapped around some event of fundamental symbolic import, whose strange attractor would stamp itself on everything for millenia to come, so it would resonate. One way to understand it is to remember that consciousness, as Molliver says, is a matter of widely distributed circuits oscillating in phase with each other.
“The resonance was undeniable. Remember, even after 1900 years the Grim King was so repelled by the example of the Suffering Just One that he scoffed at ‘Jew-clear’ physics! The Nazis taught that Aryan psychic powers had not been pharmacologic, but genetic– lost chiefly by interbreeding with Asians, Jews, etc. In the Theosophical swirl surrounding the appearance of Nazism, Himmler identified Eastern religions generally with the renunciation and self-abnegation of the Buddhism of Hermann Hesse– a chief competitor with Nazism in Germany during the 20’s. He was both fascinated and afraid, creating SS research bureaus to plumb “the secrets of Tibet.” Himmler was convinced Tibetan Buddhism was behind the Jews [!], who of course controlled Rome through the Buddha-nature of Jesus. [See next page. ]
“Did you know that, acording to Hans Georg Behr, a Legion was in fact stationed in Jerusalem during Jesus’ lifetime that was up to one third Buddhist? The 10th. They had been stationed in the East. After the Resurrection, some became Christians, and carried Christianity with them when they were transferred north of the Alps.”
Dana went on: “For the Nazis, Eastern religion existed to weaken the West. They brought back St. Michael as the personification of Germany: the German Michael (See next page ). So Himmler, who believed he was Baldur (the German Mithras)–and was the one who decided which nuclear physics were politically correct!–never caught on to the soma angle, or the relevance of certain Buddhist techniques which bring the apparent heartbeat down to zero. ”
“Hitler was such a loser,” said Sisko. “I never understood that until I read ‘How Hitler Lost the War’. * We used to think of Hitler as almost winning, but the author of this book shows how he made one wrong decision after another. I’ve thought a lot about this. And the only thing you can say is that through the Holocaust, the Nazis were diverted from their larger object, the destruction of humanity.”
“Victory went to followers of Christ,” said Dana, “Not Mithras. Remember, in the original Mithadic vision, the world ended in fire. Because Germany and Japan win and go on to annihilate each other,** whereas Marxism and Christianity shared an anti-racist premise that enabled the Soviets and the West to reconcile. The Dream of the Prophets– of Universal World Government– was realized. And Israel was re-established, armed with nukes.”
“So Jesus was a Jewish radical,” exclaimed Sisko. “The original Abbie Hoffman!”
“You’t gotta read Schonfield’s other book, Those Incredible Christians, ” said Dana. “He believes the Book of Revelations is actually the earlier document. Like the Book of John, it is associated with the Beloved Disciple. who is reputed to have lived more than a century, and seems to have been written by some one whose first language was Hebrew, unlike John, which is written in the Platonic manner, with dialogue, in Greek. That could make parts of Revelations the equivalent to the visions Wiraz dictated to the scribe when he arose from thestared state–the product of excursions forward of Jesus and others to next decision point.*** The interest of the Beloved Disciple was to debrief Jesus after his trip to the end of the Epoch initiated by his Crucifixion and Resurrection–
“Rev. 22: 1 ‘And he showed me a pure river of water of life, pure as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and the Lamb. “22: 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was the Tree of Life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month; and the leaves of the Tree were for the Healing of the Nations’.”
“But also 22: 13 ‘I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.’ and 22: 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter through the gates into the City.'”
“What this implies is that only those who keep kosher, by regarding the host not as the literal blood of Jesus, but as the plant soma of the Tree of Life –i.e., the living blood of the Spirit which indwelt in Jesus when He was baptised by John the Baptist–get to enter the Village of the Dead!
“I told Charlier Kaplan,” Dana went on, “that the effect of millions of addicts taking Ibogaine might well be like the ‘scatter’ from city light messing up interstellar observatories –a sudden zone of translucence, which would be perceived as from a distance as the event-limit. And dig this! According to Flattery (p. 90-91), in Zoroastrian eschatology, at the end of Time a final yasna (sacrifice/communion) will be performed in which the bull Hadayus and its fat mixed with “white haoma.” This differs from ordinary haoma just as the Hadayus bull differs from ordinary cattle,**** (i.e, hadanaepata being the ancient Priestly usage for haoma that actually contained harmel). But the mixture is the draught of immortality to the resurrected dead. The Ancestors.”
“You know, I read a book called the Sign and the Seal that claims the Arc of the Covenent still exists. This guy Graham Hancock uses textual analysis, his own archeology, and the well-known fact that the falashas of Ethiopia practiced Old Temple rites not used in mainstream Judaism since the Babylonian exile to bolster the claim that the Kahanes actually spirited the Arc of the Covenant off to Egypt, to keep it from being defiled when Menasha tried to introduce idols into the Temple.***** Hancock found ruins of a replica of the first Temple on the Egyptian Island of Elephantine, near Aswan, from the end of the Persian Empire, when he says the Arc was removed to an island on Lake Tanith in the Abyssinian Highlands. There he found intact the stone altar for animal sacrifice, on the spot where the Arc was kept in a tent for 814 years. Then it wound up in a church in Axum during the mass conversion of Ethiopian Jews to Christianity around the time of Constantine the Great. Ethiopia was the only place where most Jews accepted Jesus as Moshioch” Dana mused. “Half the population were Jews. They were there for a long time–maybe before Solomon and Sheba.”
“The Ethiopians actually brought the Arc out in front of their army in 1898, when they met the Italians at Adowa. They say St. George came riding down on his dragon with a heavenly host, and the Italians were defeated–the largest European army ever to invade Africa up til that time. Emperor Menelik reproached his couriers, saying that it was not right that they rejoice at the deaths of so many Christians.
“In 1935, the Italians used poison gas. And in ’36, fascist blackshirts massacred the monks at Axum. But Mussolini, who thought he was Caesar, didn’t know or care about the Arc. He lost his armies in 1941–first, a quarter of a million men before the British in Libya, in February. Then the British brought Haile Selassie back from exile, to Khartoum, and as he ascended into Ethiopia, tens of thousands of Rastafarians came down from the hills, and the House of David re-entered Addis Ababa at the head of a mighty host. In all of East Africa, a second quarter million Italian troops were captured, almost without a shot being fired. After that, Italy was out of the war.
“Those who want to understand what comes next with Ibogaine ought to study that abject collapse–study its strange attractor: the re-match between Caesar and Christ, the return of the Negus. Remember, he was Jesus’ distant great grandnephew. The Arc is still at Axum. No one gets to see it but a single custodian, who always goes blind with cataracts after a couple years. Goes with the job. Once a year, at Kineret, they bring out a replica, covered with a blue robe emblazoned with the dove ot the Holy Spirit,” Dana concluded.
“That seems to be the story–Arc of the Covenant into Africa, Ibogaine out–’cause now, out of Africa, comes a New sacrament.
It restores the cultural importance of Dreamtime.
It obviates the need for mortification of flesh. From the Sundance to accupuncture. The improvement over harmaline is sufficiently dramatic to rehabilitate a lost form of medicine. Ibogaine heals ‘wounds that will not heal.’ Therefore, for addiction medicine, it’s like ‘the key that opens every door.’
“What dopaminergic visualization can do, kappa opiate visualization can undo, by going back in virtual time to undo it. And it is appropriate that emancipation from pathologic reflex is located in the dreamtime. All our concepts of a Spiritual Realm, a Platonic realm of Ideal analogs which generate everything in the real world, are cultural relics of a harmaline-induced state. As Dick poetically put it about the previous possibilities of harmala alkaloids, “St. Sophia is going to be born again; she was not acceptable before.” (VALIS, p.100)
“A few pages earlier (p. 97) he also wrote–‘The Godhead is impaired; some primordial crisis occurred in it which we do not understand.’
“Ibogaine clears up the problem with primordial crisis, at least: It wasn’t the Godhead but the previous sacrament, harmaline, that was impaired. Incomplete. A perfect sacrament wouldn’t require additives.”
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] 22 times I asked to remove me form your list
Date: April 26, 2006 at 8:18:37 AM EDT
Do yall see this? This is what happens when Ibogaine is given without regard to research and proven methods. Also everyone treated should know about any shortcomings (if you want to call them that) involved in treatment, esp. methadone. I knew going into my treatment that I would have residual withdrawals afterwards. Of course I cried like a baby, bitched and moaned and generally made myself feel worse, but being on the list I got help from people who turned out to be some of my best friends now. I hate to see anyone feel like Ibogaine is a fraud because it helped me so much and I know taken in the right way, and with the person having the right information that Ibogaine is the least painful way to kick. I know, I have kicked methadone with and without Ibogaine. When I kicked without I was sick for about 3 months. With Ibogaine I was in good shape in about 2 weeks. I must have kicked scag, oxy’s, what the fuck ever had opiates in it, 30 ti,es in my life. I could never feel good enough to go back to work without using again. I have seen Ibogaine change that. Ibogaine isn’t a magic bullet, but it beats the hell out of kicking any other way that I know of. This is why aftercare is so important. This list should be involved in everybodiies aftercare. (my opinion) It’s like cyber group therapy for the truly bizzare. I fit right in. But it’s not enough by itself for me. Maybe because I am such a sick fucker to begin with. LOL Thank you all for all the help you have given me. I couldn’t carry on wihthout you. Joe’s got a caugh……….sounds kind of rough………oooooooooo and the codiene to fix it…………..Dr prescribes drug store supplies….whooooo’s gonna help him to kick it? Torn and Frayed (the Rolling Stones) Exile on Mainstreet Randy
—–Original Message—–
Sent: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 22:45:00 EDT
Subject: [Ibogaine] 22 times I asked to remove me form your list
This is fraud you are ripping off people who can hardly retain there habits so they go to there sick elderly parents and beg for money, there last of there retirement to save there children and they come out sick and using. take me off this’s fraudulent sight.. NOW
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Salvia
Date: April 26, 2006 at 5:51:46 AM EDT
Hi,Callie, I read that report a few years ago and I disagree that Salvia has any similarities to pot, except it is a plant with leaves. That report shows me that it is not likely to have a lot of abuse potenital, with a 10% repeat rate. Heroin must have more appeal than that. As Salvorin A is not water soluble, it can never be injected in its pure form. It is a powerful Kappa opioid agonist, and non-addicting. At times the time-space accessed by LSD seems to be revisited which for me was a living color cartoon in my mind, a fun experience. I used to love Maxwell Fleisher cartoons as kid. There were brief flashes of a reality that is profoundly wondrously indescribably incredible. If smoked, it is metabolized very fast where pot stays in the system for weeks. I brought it up a while ago because Kappa opioid receptors are effected briefly during the initial stages of the Ibogaine experience, as mentioned in The Ibogaine Story. I wanted to find out if Dana had more to say about the Kappa receptor effect. Salvia seems to effect deep memories of childhood dreams. Mine just happened to be good memories. I found that deep in my soul I was OK, from reliving what seemed like all my childhood dreams during a particularly unique Salvia experience. has all the details and guidelines on safe use by adults. LIke all medicines, keep away from children. Its true that not many want to repeat the experience. I found that it satiated my desire to trip. From one use every year or so. Except that if mushrooms were available, I would eat them with great relish as they last long enough for one to get a lot more out of the experience and you can move about with relative ease. Vitamins for the soul. Salvia makes you very uncoordinated and you do not want stand up or to move for the most part, until it wears off. You just don’t want the reverie to be disturbed. Not a party drug, very introspective. I think it is safe for most healthy Adults who desire a short intense trip. Not to be used by children! Go with God. Keep the government out of our minds and spiritual lives.
Best wishes,
On Apr 25, 2006, at 6:48 PM, wrote:
With all the recent discussion about Salvia use I thought I would send this. I found it in my ‘filing cabinet’. I saved it in 2004.
Date: June 19, 2004 12:46:05 AM PDT’
Subject: (no subject)
Information Bulletin: Salvia Divinorum.
National Drug Intelligence Center
319 Washington St., 5th Floor
Johnstown, PA 15901
[Unclassified; Reprinted With Permission]
[This Information Bulletin is an overview of the distribution and abuse of Salvia Divinorum, an herb that contains the hallucinogen Salvinorin A. It includes a discussion of the drug’s background, abuse, availability, federal legislation, and outlook.]
* * * * *
The distribution and abuse of Salvia divinorum or S. divinorum, a plant that contains the hallucinogen Salvinorin A, are becoming an increasing concern for law enforcement officials in the Northeast, Midwest, and Pacific regions of the country. Neither Salvia divinorum nor Salvinorin A is federally regulated in the United States or controlled in any other country except Australia, which adopted controlling legislation in 2002. Thus, Salvia divinorum is openly distributed via Internet sites and “head shops” located in California, Hawaii, Missouri, New York, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Salvia divinorum (pronounced SAL-vee-ah dee-vin-OR-um)–frequently referred to as “Ska Maria Pastora” and “Diviner’s Sage”–is a perennial herb in the mint family that resembles sage. The plant is native to certain areas of the Sierra Mazateca region of Oaxaca, Mexico, but can be grown in any humid, semitropical climate as well as indoors. Within the United States, the plant primarily is cultivated in California and Hawaii. It grows in large clusters and reaches over 3 feet in height.
Salvinorin A is the active component of Salvia divinorum. Other plants with similar properties include Cannabis sativa, which contains tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana and Artemisia absinthium, known as wormwood and used to make absinthe. At this time there is no accepted medical use for Salvia divinorum; however, Mazatec Indians in Mexico use the plant in traditional healing ceremonies and to induce visions. The manner in which Salvia divinorum interacts with the brain to produce its hallucinogenic effect remains unclear.
Abusers ingest Salvia divinorum using various methods of administration. Like tobacco, Salvia divinorum can be smoked or chewed. It also can be brewed and ingested as a tea. When converted into a liquid extract, Salvia divinorum also can be vaporized and inhaled. Immediately after ingesting the drug, abusers typically experience vivid hallucinations–including out-of-body experiences, sensations of traveling through time and space, and feelings of merging with inanimate objects. Some abusers experience intense synesthesia, an effect that causes the abusers’ senses to become confused. For example, abusers may describe hearing colors or smelling sounds. The hallucinogenic effects generally last 1 hour or less unlike other hallucinogens like LSD and PCP. High doses of the drug can cause unconsciousness and short-term memory loss.
Salvia divinorum leaf. © Drugid
The long-term effects of Salvia divinorum abuse are unknown, as medical studies undertaken to examine the drug’s physiological effects have focused only on short-term effects. However, information provided by abusers indicates that the negative long-term effects of Salvia divinorum may be similar to those produced by other hallucinogens such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) including depression and schizophrenia. Some abusers also indicate that long-term abuse can cause hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, or “flashbacks”. Numerous individuals report experiencing negative effects during their first experience with Salvia divinorum and indicate that they would not use it a second time. Some others report that the drug caused them to become introverted and sometimes unable to communicate clearly.
National surveys conducted to estimate rates of drug abuse do not include questions regarding abuse of Salvia divinorum. Thus, current levels of abuse are difficult to determine. Most likely, the abuser population is limited and primarily consists of young adults and adolescents who frequent “head shops” or have been influenced by Internet sites promoting the drug. The percentage of first-time users who become regular abusers of the substance also is difficult to determine; however, one Internet distributor indicated that only 1 in 10 customers places a repeat order for the drug.
Adolescent Abuse of Salvia Divinorum in St. Peters, Missouri
Law enforcement officials in St. Peters, Missouri, indicate that Salvia divinorum abuse by young people in that area is extremely high. Abuse levels among youths are so high that St. Peters became the first community to enact a local ordinance designed to regulate the distribution of Salvia divinorum. The ordinance–enacted in January 2003–makes it unlawful “for any person to engage in the sale or distribution of Salvia divinorum a/k/a Salvinorin A, or any variation thereof, to an individual who is seventeen years of age or younger”. The ordinance does not apply to the distribution of Salvia divinorum by a family member on private property. Violations of the city ordinance are punishable by a $25 fine for the first offense, $100 for the second offense, and $250 for the third and subsequent offenses. According to the city’s Board of Aldermen, enactment of the ordinance was necessary due to high rates of abuse by adolescents and concerns that the herb poses a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of residents of St. Peters.
Salvia divinorum most often is distributed via the Internet and at some “head shops” in California, Hawaii, Missouri, New York, Washington, and Wisconsin. Prices for Salvia divinorum vary widely but are generally higher for plants grown in Hawaii and Sierra Mazateca (Central Mexico). An ounce of Salvia divinorum leaves sells for $15 to $120 while Salvia divinorum plants generally sell for $20 to $45 each. Liquid extract of Salvia divinorum–produced by crushing the leaves of the plants and using solvents to extract Salvinorin A–sells for $110 to $300 per ounce. Purchased primarily via the Internet, Salvia divinorum is transported to customers via package delivery services.
Salvia divinorum plants. © Drugid
Federal Legislation
The production, distribution, and abuse of Salvia divinorum or Salvinorin A currently are not federally regulated as the drug is not listed under Title 21 U.S. Code §812 of the Controlled Substances Act. However, HR 5607 (the Hallucinogen Control Act of 2002)–introduced in Congress on October 10, 2002–contains provisions to regulate Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A. This bill was not acted upon when the 107th Congress adjourned, but is expected to be reintroduced during the current session. In response to the introduction of legislation on Salvia divinorum, a group has formed to lobby Congress to fight any attempts to regulate the use or availability of Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A in the United States.
Increasing numbers of young adults and adolescents most likely will experiment with Salvia divinorum as the drug currently is unregulated and readily available via the Internet and “head shops”. Salvia divinorum most likely will not become widely abused at social events such as raves and dance parties. The drug often causes some individuals to become introverted, and abusers at such events tend to seek drugs that enhance social interaction such as MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, also known as ecstasy). Proposed federal legislation to control Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A may impact its availability, as distributors may be hesitant to sell the drug openly.
• ABC News
• Drug Enforcement Administration
• Drugid
• Falkowski, Carol. Dangerous Drugs; An Easy-to-Use Reference for Parents and Professionals. Center
City, Minnesota: Hazelden, 2003
• Los Angeles High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
• Los Angeles Times
• Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
• The New York Times
• St. Peters (MO) Police Department
* * * * *
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT?) Re: [Ibogaine] In Bwiti, the Grail, the Blood, the Burning Bush are one…
Date: April 26, 2006 at 12:19:33 AM EDT
To: <>
>The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.<
Have to admit I’ve been thinking along the same lines Dana, even after our discussion today. The name might be mentioned in the Talmud, but I still don’t think it refers to the historical man. Not what with all the other stuff I’ve read while looking into this matter in the limited degree I have.
Still, I enjoy the discussion, somewhat.
“America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream.
The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe
the dream out of existence.
The dream is a spontaneous happening a
nd therefore dangerous to a control system set up by
the non-dreamers.”
William S. Burroughs
Peace, love, and respect,
Preston Peet
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History”
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Nick Sandberg
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] In Bwiti, the Grail, the Blood, the Burning Bush are one…
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 25 April 2006 18:34
Subject: [Ibogaine] In Bwiti, the Grail, the Blood, the Burning Bush are one…
To begin with, if we are to have these religious discussions, a least go to http// and read my book. (The printed version is better, with illustrations, footnotes, appendices and more of everything. $20 check payable to cures not wars, 9 bleecker, NYC 10012). To demonstrate the value of the book, however, I have taken the trouble to intersperse relevant passages with recent posts on the list:
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hopeless
Top say Jesus (God in Flesh) (Son of Man) (The Great I Am) (Alpha and Omega) (The Vine) The Way The Truth and The Life-
If It is not True what Jesus did for us, Then we are really really lost and our whole society ( The Goodness part) that was ALL based on scriptural Principles and have worked to keep Goodness and right in our lives which has only been changed recently to the destruction of ALL. And the change , well Hey Freedom – Yup Free To Fly Airplanes into Skyscrapers – That was not a very good choice (In My opinion) Yet some Bleeding hearts will still say we had better let everybody carry their religious daggers and or turbans and or ??? Whatever they want because this is AmericA AND wE Can Do Whatever we want and if someone don’t like it we can have then arrested for being biased or prejudiced ?? WHATEVER ! JUST GO TO HEAVEN WOULD YOU### Later Aligator.
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again
The simplest explanation that covers all the bases is probably correct.<
Yes Dana, but I’m not sure the idea that ibogaine was given Jesus on the cross to fake his death is actually the simplest explanation. I agree with you that it’s fun to think about, and that it’s as good a theory, or story, as any other concerning Jesus and the crucifixion, but I’m personally leaning toward’s Nick’s take on the jesus story.
This doesn’t at all mean that I’m not enjoying the theorizing at all. I am enjoying the prodding towards new thinking, but don’t put much stock in the whole “Jesus was a real dude” idea.
Other than for the oblique reference to “a” Jesus by Josephus, I can’t think of any other contemporary references (not even Roman) to Jesus as a historical figure at all btw. I could be missing something, but don’t recall ever hearing or reading this before.
Peace and love,
[He also appears in the Talmud., and according to Hans Georg Behr, in other Roman accounts of the period.]
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine Documentary in South Africa
Date: April 26, 2006 at 12:05:41 AM EDT
To: <>
Charles, much kudos to you. This is awesome news.
Thanks for your efforts.
“America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream.
The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe
the dream out of existence.
The dream is a spontaneous happening a
nd therefore dangerous to a control system set up by
the non-dreamers.”
William S. Burroughs
Peace, love, and respect,
Preston Peet
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History”
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “Charles Rossouw” <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 1:13 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine Documentary in South Africa
Hi List
Just a note to tell all that a long-awaited and much laboured for
documentary on Ibogaine has been screened on South African television this
last Sunday.
I was very fortunate to have Mike Dufford as the producer and Ruda Landman
as presenter. Mike used to be psychologist before going into the movie
business and Ruda is one of our most outstanding journalists, and both
treated the subject with the utmost sensitivity. Nothing too rosy or too
gloomy, as actuality programmes tend to be, with the “I-said-he-said”
developments to invite commentary (and viewer numbers). It was about hope,
and Dr Mash kindly also made some positive comments.
Although I featured prominantly in the documentary, I refused to watch when
it was screened. (I spent the time with some street girls whom I got to
know, love and respect over the past many months – they’re my friends now)
I’ll look at it some other time when I’m alone and can cringe away when
no-one’s looking. (I’m a complete introvert, and went into a dark depro
half an hour before the time and only switched my cellphone on at 12h00 the
next day). Anyway, and thank goodness, the film is not about me, but about
Ibogaine, with three case studies (The good, the bad, and the ugly) and
their follow-ups.
It was originally planned to show for 10 minutes, but the Carte Blance team
decided to extend it to 15 minutes due to the actuality value of the
contents. This is significant, because Carte Blanche is definitely the most
influential actuality program in South Africa. It is on prime time (19h00
to 20h00) just before the feature movie on a Sunday evening, with a second
broadcast on Thursday nights of the inset that drew the most response from
the viewers.
So far response has been overwhelming, with my office (Cellular Phone)
ringing non-stop with all kinds of responses, ranging from people who need
help to organisations wanting me to come and tell them about what Ibogaine
does. ALL POSITIVE! I even had a response from Hong Kong!
Looking back at my personal struggle to do this thing, it seems like all the
pieces of the puzzle are slowly falling into place now – I, with a lot of
goodwill from my benefactors, started a chill farm in the African Bushveld,
where people come for detox and stay for a while before going on with life
as non-addicts. My programme consists of (besides medical screening)
Ibogaine treatment (Phase 1 for 3 days), psychological evaluation and
processing of the experience (Phase 2 for 4 days), and a cooling period of 3
weeks (Phase 3) for activities such as councilling, group sessions, nature
walks, horse outrides, day trips, communication skills training, self
confidance enhancement, coping skills training, etc. Rules and regulations
are based on values. And please (maybe thank goodness) I have never read a
single book on psychology or rehabilitation. So my ideas have been formed
by people who’s been-there-done-that, not by people who thought that they
knew better than those who actually had all the answers but didn’t know it.
Not to say that my programme is good, because it keeps on evolving, and I
have people with the right qualifications working with me.
So – Ibogaine is on the map in Southern Africa. Now is “do or die” time,
because now the “authorities” have been made aware of it, and please hold
thumbs that they don’t dig out the archaic US rule book that says it should
be banned.
That’s all for now.
Love and respect
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Billy J” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] a drug to Jesus on the cross
Date: April 26, 2006 at 12:00:46 AM EDT
Well Dana I can say much about the little I just read (at your Request)n but I will hold my tonque for tonight, Although I did not see the introduction of your sci-fi book and I could only assume that it was written during a phycodelic/haluciengetic party (I know how imaginations go at those times – You people sound like you were really flying, WOW
Oh Ya You Must add to your book that God/Jesus Has a sense of humor also, cause if He didn’t well ???? IT’S HOT
Love always, and LoL
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: “Nick Sandberg” <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] In Bwiti, the Grail, the Blood, the Burning Bush are one…
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 19:33:02 +0100
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—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 25 April 2006 18:34
Subject: [Ibogaine] In Bwiti, the Grail, the Blood, the Burning Bush are
To begin with, if we are to have these religious discussions, a least go
to http// and read my book. (The
printed version is better, with illustrations, footnotes, appendices and
more of everything. $20 check payable to cures not wars, 9 bleecker, NYC
10012). To demonstrate the value of the book, however, I have taken the
trouble to intersperse relevant passages with recent posts on the list:
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hopeless
Top say Jesus (God in Flesh) (Son of Man) (The Great I Am) (Alpha and
Omega) (The Vine) The Way The Truth and The Life-
If It is not True what Jesus did for us, Then we are really really lost
and our whole society ( The Goodness part) that was ALL based on scriptural
Principles and have worked to keep Goodness and right in our lives which has
only been changed recently to the destruction of ALL. And the change , well
Hey Freedom – Yup Free To Fly Airplanes into Skyscrapers – That was not a
very good choice (In My opinion) Yet some Bleeding hearts will still say we
had better let everybody carry their religious daggers and or turbans and or
??? Whatever they want because this is AmericA AND wE Can Do Whatever we
want and if someone don’t like it we can have then arrested for being biased
or prejudiced ?? WHATEVER ! JUST GO TO HEAVEN WOULD YOU### Later Aligator.
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again
The simplest explanation that covers all the bases is probably correct.<
Yes Dana, but I’m not sure the idea that ibogaine was given Jesus on the
cross to fake his death is actually the simplest explanation. I agree with
you that it’s fun to think about, and that it’s as good a theory, or story,
as any other concerning Jesus and the crucifixion, but I’m personally
leaning toward’s Nick’s take on the jesus story.
This doesn’t at all mean that I’m not enjoying the theorizing at all. I am
enjoying the prodding towards new thinking, but don’t put much stock in the
whole “Jesus was a real dude” idea.
Other than for the oblique reference to “a” Jesus by Josephus, I can’t
think of any other contemporary references (not even Roman) to Jesus as a
historical figure at all btw. I could be missing something, but don’t recall
ever hearing or reading this before.
Peace and love,
[He also appears in the Talmud., and according to Hans Georg Behr, in
other Roman accounts of the period.]
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah”
is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and
Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is
mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these
works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a
real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: captkirk <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] 22 times I asked to remove me form your list
Date: April 25, 2006 at 11:34:13 PM EDT
—– Original Message Follows —–
In a message dated 4/25/2006 10:07:08 P.M. Central
Standard Time, writes:
This is fraud you are ripping off people who can hardly
retain there habits so they go to there sick elderly
parents and beg for money, there last of there
retirement to save there children and they come out sick
and using. take me off this’s fraudulent sight.. NOW
LOL Callie ya really do have to wonder don’t ya!!!
LMAO!!!! What in the world happened? That is the first
time I have ever seen this reaction!
hhahahahahahahahahaha!!!! you unsubscribe by sending a
blank email to _ibogaine-unsubscribe@mindvox.com_
( I swear, how
do you folks subscribe if you can’t unsubscribe? It tells
you how to get list of commands at bottom of EVERY
e-mail! Callie
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] 22 times I asked to remove me form your list
Date: April 25, 2006 at 11:25:10 PM EDT
In a message dated 4/25/2006 10:07:08 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
This is fraud you are ripping off people who can hardly retain there habits so they go to there sick elderly parents and beg for money, there last of there retirement to save there children and they come out sick and using. take me off this’s fraudulent sight.. NOW
LMAO!!!! What in the world happened? That is the first time I have ever seen this reaction! hhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
you unsubscribe by sending a blank email to
I swear, how do you folks subscribe if you can’t unsubscribe? It tells you how to get list of commands at bottom of EVERY e-mail!
From: captkirk <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] 22 times I asked to remove me form your list
Date: April 25, 2006 at 11:13:39 PM EDT
take yourself off and who the hell are you talking to?
—– Original Message Follows —–
This is fraud you are ripping off people who can hardly
retain there habits so they go to there sick elderly
parents and beg for money, there last of there
retirement to save there children and they come out sick
and using. take me off this’s fraudulent sight.. NOW
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: [Ibogaine] 22 times I asked to remove me form your list
Date: April 25, 2006 at 10:45:00 PM EDT
This is fraud you are ripping off people who can hardly retain there habits so they go to there sick elderly parents and beg for money, there last of there retirement to save there children and they come out sick and using. take me off this’s fraudulent sight.. NOW
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Read everything I wrote, at least
Date: April 25, 2006 at 9:27:24 PM EDT
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
You’re not responding to the substance of my post, which is that ibogaine in a sense REPLACES the wine and wafer.
Subject: [Ibogaine] Salvia
Date: April 25, 2006 at 9:48:15 PM EDT
With all the recent discussion about Salvia use I thought I would send this. I found it in my ‘filing cabinet’. I saved it in 2004.
Subject: (no subject)
Date: June 19, 2004 at 3:46:05 AM EDT
Information Bulletin: Salvia Divinorum.
National Drug Intelligence Center
319 Washington St., 5th Floor
Johnstown, PA 15901
[Unclassified; Reprinted With Permission]
[This Information Bulletin is an overview of the distribution and abuse of Salvia Divinorum, an herb that contains the hallucinogen Salvinorin A. It includes a discussion of the drug’s background, abuse, availability, federal legislation, and outlook.]
* * * * *
The distribution and abuse of Salvia divinorum or S. divinorum, a plant that contains the hallucinogen Salvinorin A, are becoming an increasing concern for law enforcement officials in the Northeast, Midwest, and Pacific regions of the country. Neither Salvia divinorum nor Salvinorin A is federally regulated in the United States or controlled in any other country except Australia, which adopted controlling legislation in 2002. Thus, Salvia divinorum is openly distributed via Internet sites and “head shops” located in California, Hawaii, Missouri, New York, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Salvia divinorum (pronounced SAL-vee-ah dee-vin-OR-um)–frequently referred to as “Ska Maria Pastora” and “Diviner’s Sage”–is a perennial herb in the mint family that resembles sage. The plant is native to certain areas of the Sierra Mazateca region of Oaxaca, Mexico, but can be grown in any humid, semitropical climate as well as indoors. Within the United States, the plant primarily is cultivated in California and Hawaii. It grows in large clusters and reaches over 3 feet in height.
Salvinorin A is the active component of Salvia divinorum. Other plants with similar properties include Cannabis sativa, which contains tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana and Artemisia absinthium, known as wormwood and used to make absinthe. At this time there is no accepted medical use for Salvia divinorum; however, Mazatec Indians in Mexico use the plant in traditional healing ceremonies and to induce visions. The manner in which Salvia divinorum interacts with the brain to produce its hallucinogenic effect remains unclear.
Abusers ingest Salvia divinorum using various methods of administration. Like tobacco, Salvia divinorum can be smoked or chewed. It also can be brewed and ingested as a tea. When converted into a liquid extract, Salvia divinorum also can be vaporized and inhaled. Immediately after ingesting the drug, abusers typically experience vivid hallucinations–including out-of-body experiences, sensations of traveling through time and space, and feelings of merging with inanimate objects. Some abusers experience intense synesthesia, an effect that causes the abusers’ senses to become confused. For example, abusers may describe hearing colors or smelling sounds. The hallucinogenic effects generally last 1 hour or less unlike other hallucinogens like LSD and PCP. High doses of the drug can cause unconsciousness and short-term memory loss.
Salvia divinorum leaf. © Drugid
The long-term effects of Salvia divinorum abuse are unknown, as medical studies undertaken to examine the drug’s physiological effects have focused only on short-term effects. However, information provided by abusers indicates that the negative long-term effects of Salvia divinorum may be similar to those produced by other hallucinogens such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) including depression and schizophrenia. Some abusers also indicate that long-term abuse can cause hallucinogen persisting perception disorder, or “flashbacks”. Numerous individuals report experiencing negative effects during their first experience with Salvia divinorum and indicate that they would not use it a second time. Some others report that the drug caused them to become introverted and sometimes unable to communicate clearly.
National surveys conducted to estimate rates of drug abuse do not include questions regarding abuse of Salvia divinorum. Thus, current levels of abuse are difficult to determine. Most likely, the abuser population is limited and primarily consists of young adults and adolescents who frequent “head shops” or have been influenced by Internet sites promoting the drug. The percentage of first-time users who become regular abusers of the substance also is difficult to determine; however, one Internet distributor indicated that only 1 in 10 customers places a repeat order for the drug.
Adolescent Abuse of Salvia Divinorum in St. Peters, Missouri
Law enforcement officials in St. Peters, Missouri, indicate that Salvia divinorum abuse by young people in that area is extremely high. Abuse levels among youths are so high that St. Peters became the first community to enact a local ordinance designed to regulate the distribution of Salvia divinorum. The ordinance–enacted in January 2003–makes it unlawful “for any person to engage in the sale or distribution of Salvia divinorum a/k/a Salvinorin A, or any variation thereof, to an individual who is seventeen years of age or younger”. The ordinance does not apply to the distribution of Salvia divinorum by a family member on private property. Violations of the city ordinance are punishable by a $25 fine for the first offense, $100 for the second offense, and $250 for the third and subsequent offenses. According to the city’s Board of Aldermen, enactment of the ordinance was necessary due to high rates of abuse by adolescents and concerns that the herb poses a threat to the health, safety, and welfare of residents of St. Peters.
Salvia divinorum most often is distributed via the Internet and at some “head shops” in California, Hawaii, Missouri, New York, Washington, and Wisconsin. Prices for Salvia divinorum vary widely but are generally higher for plants grown in Hawaii and Sierra Mazateca (Central Mexico). An ounce of Salvia divinorum leaves sells for $15 to $120 while Salvia divinorum plants generally sell for $20 to $45 each. Liquid extract of Salvia divinorum–produced by crushing the leaves of the plants and using solvents to extract Salvinorin A–sells for $110 to $300 per ounce. Purchased primarily via the Internet, Salvia divinorum is transported to customers via package delivery services.
Salvia divinorum plants. © Drugid
Federal Legislation
The production, distribution, and abuse of Salvia divinorum or Salvinorin A currently are not federally regulated as the drug is not listed under Title 21 U.S. Code §812 of the Controlled Substances Act. However, HR 5607 (the Hallucinogen Control Act of 2002)–introduced in Congress on October 10, 2002–contains provisions to regulate Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A. This bill was not acted upon when the 107th Congress adjourned, but is expected to be reintroduced during the current session. In response to the introduction of legislation on Salvia divinorum, a group has formed to lobby Congress to fight any attempts to regulate the use or availability of Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A in the United States.
Increasing numbers of young adults and adolescents most likely will experiment with Salvia divinorum as the drug currently is unregulated and readily available via the Internet and “head shops”. Salvia divinorum most likely will not become widely abused at social events such as raves and dance parties. The drug often causes some individuals to become introverted, and abusers at such events tend to seek drugs that enhance social interaction such as MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, also known as ecstasy). Proposed federal legislation to control Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A may impact its availability, as distributors may be hesitant to sell the drug openly.
• ABC News
• Drug Enforcement Administration
• Drugid
• Falkowski, Carol. Dangerous Drugs; An Easy-to-Use Reference for Parents and Professionals. Center
City, Minnesota: Hazelden, 2003
• Los Angeles High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
• Los Angeles Times
• Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
• The New York Times
• St. Peters (MO) Police Department
* * * * *
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine Documentary in South Africa
Date: April 25, 2006 at 9:22:17 PM EDT
On Apr 25, 2006, at 1:13 PM, Charles Rossouw wrote:
Hi List
Just a note to tell all that a long-awaited and much laboured for
documentary on Ibogaine has been screened on South African television this
last Sunday.
I was very fortunate to have Mike Dufford as the producer and Ruda Landman
as presenter. Mike used to be psychologist before going into the movie
business and Ruda is one of our most outstanding journalists, and both
treated the subject with the utmost sensitivity. Nothing too rosy or too
gloomy, as actuality programmes tend to be, with the “I-said-he-said”
developments to invite commentary (and viewer numbers). It was about hope,
and Dr Mash kindly also made some positive comments.
Although I featured prominantly in the documentary, I refused to watch when
it was screened. (I spent the time with some street girls whom I got to
know, love and respect over the past many months – they’re my friends now)
I’ll look at it some other time when I’m alone and can cringe away when
no-one’s looking. (I’m a complete introvert, and went into a dark depro
half an hour before the time and only switched my cellphone on at 12h00 the
next day). Anyway, and thank goodness, the film is not about me, but about
Ibogaine, with three case studies (The good, the bad, and the ugly) and
their follow-ups.
It was originally planned to show for 10 minutes, but the Carte Blance team
decided to extend it to 15 minutes due to the actuality value of the
contents. This is significant, because Carte Blanche is definitely the most
influential actuality program in South Africa. It is on prime time (19h00
to 20h00) just before the feature movie on a Sunday evening, with a second
broadcast on Thursday nights of the inset that drew the most response from
the viewers.
So far response has been overwhelming, with my office (Cellular Phone)
ringing non-stop with all kinds of responses, ranging from people who need
help to organisations wanting me to come and tell them about what Ibogaine
does. ALL POSITIVE! I even had a response from Hong Kong!
Looking back at my personal struggle to do this thing, it seems like all the
pieces of the puzzle are slowly falling into place now – I, with a lot of
goodwill from my benefactors, started a chill farm in the African Bushveld,
where people come for detox and stay for a while before going on with life
as non-addicts. My programme consists of (besides medical screening)
Ibogaine treatment (Phase 1 for 3 days), psychological evaluation and
processing of the experience (Phase 2 for 4 days), and a cooling period of 3
weeks (Phase 3) for activities such as councilling, group sessions, nature
walks, horse outrides, day trips, communication skills training, self
confidance enhancement, coping skills training, etc. Rules and regulations
are based on values. And please (maybe thank goodness) I have never read a
single book on psychology or rehabilitation. So my ideas have been formed
by people who’s been-there-done-that, not by people who thought that they
knew better than those who actually had all the answers but didn’t know it.
Not to say that my programme is good, because it keeps on evolving, and I
have people with the right qualifications working with me.
So – Ibogaine is on the map in Southern Africa. Now is “do or die” time,
because now the “authorities” have been made aware of it, and please hold
thumbs that they don’t dig out the archaic US rule book that says it should
be banned.
That’s all for now.
Love and respect
Cape Argus wrote:
It is illegal in a number of countries, including the US, not least
because it produces similar side-effects to other psychedelics such as
LSD and mescaline. It has also been linked to a small number of
Please emphasizet that aside from the U.S., which has the largest prison/industrial complex in the world, and an obvious motive to suppress any effective cure for addiction, only 4 minor European countries have succumbed to US. pressure to coordinate their laws with U.S. law– Switizerland, Belgium, Denmark and Sweden. And Sweden is said to be allowing the treatment of Norwegian addicts with ibo at some remoe location!
From: Marina <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] REMOVE ME from the list and please put instead
Date: April 25, 2006 at 4:08:09 PM EDT
Please remove me from the list. I did it for my friend. Please put his e-mail address on the list –
Thank you.
Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.
From: “Nick Sandberg” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] In Bwiti, the Grail, the Blood, the Burning Bush are one…
Date: April 25, 2006 at 2:33:02 PM EDT
To: <>
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal []
Sent: 25 April 2006 18:34
Subject: [Ibogaine] In Bwiti, the Grail, the Blood, the Burning Bush are one…
To begin with, if we are to have these religious discussions, a least go to http// and read my book. (The printed version is better, with illustrations, footnotes, appendices and more of everything. $20 check payable to cures not wars, 9 bleecker, NYC 10012). To demonstrate the value of the book, however, I have taken the trouble to intersperse relevant passages with recent posts on the list:
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hopeless
Top say Jesus (God in Flesh) (Son of Man) (The Great I Am) (Alpha and Omega) (The Vine) The Way The Truth and The Life-
If It is not True what Jesus did for us, Then we are really really lost and our whole society ( The Goodness part) that was ALL based on scriptural Principles and have worked to keep Goodness and right in our lives which has only been changed recently to the destruction of ALL. And the change , well Hey Freedom – Yup Free To Fly Airplanes into Skyscrapers – That was not a very good choice (In My opinion) Yet some Bleeding hearts will still say we had better let everybody carry their religious daggers and or turbans and or ??? Whatever they want because this is AmericA AND wE Can Do Whatever we want and if someone don’t like it we can have then arrested for being biased or prejudiced ?? WHATEVER ! JUST GO TO HEAVEN WOULD YOU### Later Aligator.
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again
The simplest explanation that covers all the bases is probably correct.<
Yes Dana, but I’m not sure the idea that ibogaine was given Jesus on the cross to fake his death is actually the simplest explanation. I agree with you that it’s fun to think about, and that it’s as good a theory, or story, as any other concerning Jesus and the crucifixion, but I’m personally leaning toward’s Nick’s take on the jesus story.
This doesn’t at all mean that I’m not enjoying the theorizing at all. I am enjoying the prodding towards new thinking, but don’t put much stock in the whole “Jesus was a real dude” idea.
Other than for the oblique reference to “a” Jesus by Josephus, I can’t think of any other contemporary references (not even Roman) to Jesus as a historical figure at all btw. I could be missing something, but don’t recall ever hearing or reading this before.
Peace and love,
[He also appears in the Talmud., and according to Hans Georg Behr, in other Roman accounts of the period.]
The word “Jesus,” whether as the Greek “Iessous” or the Hebrew “Jeheshuah” is a fucking mystical term, man. It is entrenched in Kabbalistic and Alchemical symbolism up to the ears. It means bugger all that it is mentioned in any book with any level of mystical association, ie. that these works use the word does nothing whatsoever to infer that there ever was a real living “Jesus” that walked the earth 2,000 years ago.
From: “matthew zielinski” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Looking for where to purchase ibogaine
Date: April 25, 2006 at 2:14:50 PM EDT
since u live in france why dont u contact the meyaya people there……speak to gerard…..
good luck
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Looking for where to purchase ibogaine
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 17:17:18 -0400
That’s an interesting handle for an email.
Brings back memories of Paris.
Sorry, can’t help you on the “where to buy thing,” but someone might.
“America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream.
The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe
the dream out of existence.
The dream is a spontaneous happening a
nd therefore dangerous to a control system set up by
the non-dreamers.”
William S. Burroughs
Peace, love, and respect,
Preston Peet
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History”
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “poubel (m)” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 5:10 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Looking for where to purchase ibogaine
>I currently live in France and have no clue of where to buy
>I don’t know anything about drugs, heroin, or els e (and don’t want
>We just plan to use ibogaine as a help in a psycho-therapeutic
>Any help or contact greatly appreciated.
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From: “Eye of the Bhogi” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Bad dope in Camden/Philly
Date: April 25, 2006 at 1:42:18 PM EDT
Heroin deaths appear to have driven up demand
By Sam Wood and Dwight Ott
Inquirer Staff Writers
If you want to make a killing in the heroin business, make sure a couple of customers die.
Bad heroin has killed at least nine people in Philadelphia and South Jersey since April 14, and dozens have been sent to emergency rooms, authorities said.
But the news has only driven up demand, as heroin users have flocked to drug corners looking for the powerful stuff.
Not exactly what you might expect. “But then these aren’t rational people we’re talking about,” Philadelphia Police Capt. Leonard Ditchkofsky said.
He said he believed the bad drugs had been put on the street “on purpose.”
Junkies agree. According to current users and recovering addicts, a dead junkie is a drug dealer’s best advertisement.
“If people die, other people think the heroin is good,” said Jason Ortiz, 31, of Camden, who said he had used heroin for 10 years. “They think it’s pure because somebody died.”
Said a recovering addict at My Brother’s Keeper, a treatment center in Camden: “It’s like saying, ‘We got the good stuff that’s really kicking.’ ”
Most junkies don’t know that the heroin isn’t killing them – it’s fentanyl, a drug used to “cut,” or stretch, the heroin.
Fentanyl, a painkiller 80 times stronger than morphine, usually is prescribed in the form of a skin patch to treat chronic pain in cancer patients. On the street, it is sold as “China White.”
Most drugs are measured in milligrams. Fentanyl is so powerful it is measured in micrograms, much smaller units.
One sample of suspected heroin seized last week in Cherry Hill was not heroin at all, police were surprised to discover. It was fentanyl cut with a small amount of novocaine, they said.
Ortiz, interviewed outside the Parkside Methadone Treatment Center in Camden, said he bought what he thought was a $10 bag of heroin Friday. He could tell immediately it had been tainted with fentanyl.
“It tasted different,” he said. He said he had been warned on the street not to inject the drug.
“But if you sniff it, it doesn’t do anything for you,” he said. “If you shoot it, that’s where the problem comes.”
Ortiz, like three other addicts interviewed yesterday on the street in Camden, agreed that dealers sometimes put “o.d. bags” on the street to attract business.
“I sold drugs, too,” Ortiz said. “It draws people when you all put it in the paper that there was an overdose. It only brings them in faster.”
Another addict said no junkie believed heroin would cause his own death. Anyone who dies of an overdose probably has some other problem, he said.
A recovering addict who identified himself only as Christo, 44, stood with other users on Broadway in South Camden.
Heroin, Christo said, is branded just like any other marketed product. The brands causing problems last week were Flatline, Al Capone and Fefe, he said. Authorities also included drugs labeled Monkey and Teflon on their danger lists.
Christo, who said he was a former professional skateboarder from Cherry Hill, said heroin dealers may have mistakenly added too much fentanyl.
“They overcut and overkilled,” he said.
Police said yesterday that they were doing their best to patrol heroin markets on both sides of the river. “There’s a lot of traffic out there today,” said Ditchkofsky, commander of Philadelphia’s East Detective Division.
Ditchkofsky said additional police patrols had been dispatched to the city’s Kensington section to discourage buyers.
In Camden, a multi-agency task force arrested 11 people Friday night and seized 100 bags of heroin, said Bill Shralow, spokesman for the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office. He said police hoped to learn where the bad heroin was coming from through interviews with those they arrested.
Shralow said he was not aware of any deaths from bad heroin since Friday.
Cooper University Hospital in Camden began tracking overdoses Thursday after noting a spike. Since then, it has treated about a dozen addicts a day.
“It’s high volume,” said Kathy McLaughlin, a hospital spokeswoman, “but we’re equipped to handle that.”
Oscar Hernandez, the administrator of My Brother’s Keeper, said police had stepped up patrols in northern and western Camden.
But he said he had also seen an increase of another type of traffic the last three weeks:
White suburban youths lured to Camden by the reports of heroin that is strong enough to kill.
Contact staff writer Sam Wood at 856-779-3838 or Inquirer staff writers Troy Graham and Stephanie Arnold contributed to this article.
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] In Bwiti, the Grail, the Blood, the Burning Bush are one…
Date: April 25, 2006 at 1:34:29 PM EDT
To begin with, if we are to have these religious discussions, a least go to http// and read my book. (The printed version is better, with illustrations, footnotes, appendices and more of everything. $20 check payable to cures not wars, 9 bleecker, NYC 10012). To demonstrate the value of the book, however, I have taken the trouble to intersperse relevant passages with recent posts on the list:
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hopeless
Top say Jesus (God in Flesh) (Son of Man) (The Great I Am) (Alpha and Omega) (The Vine) The Way The Truth and The Life-
If It is not True what Jesus did for us, Then we are really really lost and our whole society ( The Goodness part) that was ALL based on scriptural Principles and have worked to keep Goodness and right in our lives which has only been changed recently to the destruction of ALL. And the change , well Hey Freedom – Yup Free To Fly Airplanes into Skyscrapers – That was not a very good choice (In My opinion) Yet some Bleeding hearts will still say we had better let everybody carry their religious daggers and or turbans and or ??? Whatever they want because this is AmericA AND wE Can Do Whatever we want and if someone don’t like it we can have then arrested for being biased or prejudiced ?? WHATEVER ! JUST GO TO HEAVEN WOULD YOU### Later Aligator.
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again
The simplest explanation that covers all the bases is probably correct.<
Yes Dana, but I’m not sure the idea that ibogaine was given Jesus on the cross to fake his death is actually the simplest explanation. I agree with you that it’s fun to think about, and that it’s as good a theory, or story, as any other concerning Jesus and the crucifixion, but I’m personally leaning toward’s Nick’s take on the jesus story.
This doesn’t at all mean that I’m not enjoying the theorizing at all. I am enjoying the prodding towards new thinking, but don’t put much stock in the whole “Jesus was a real dude” idea.
Other than for the oblique reference to “a” Jesus by Josephus, I can’t think of any other contemporary references (not even Roman) to Jesus as a historical figure at all btw. I could be missing something, but don’t recall ever hearing or reading this before.
Peace and love,
[He also appears in the Talmud., and according to Hans Georg Behr, in other Roman accounts of the period.]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Kooky
William you are spaced LOL and Louder and LOUDER,
I could not go far with your fictitious accounts but I do get the JOKE,
Back when I did acid and Mushrooms (not as good as yours) I used to find myself with the most brightest ideas and seeing soooo many marvelous things- You as it appears have been left in a state of bliss, and although that in itself may be OK others need to be forewarned about the dif. between your fiction and that actual factuals of the BIBLE.
and I want to love here, so please if you are joking, please do it letting all know the joke, cause people will really believe you. And you are now very much accountable.
BY BY BY 4 Noe.
Billy , Canada
—-Original Message Follows—-
From: “William T. Brennan” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again
Hello list,
With all the talk about Christianity and the entheogen(s) of Jesus lately, I can’t help but plug my website:
Biblical history or symbolism are not things I consider myself an expert on, but many of the Amanita Muscaria references seem strikingly clear to say the least. However, this website is meant to point out general references to sacred plants in the Bible (not just mushrooms), so much of the evidence I look at still leaves plenty of room for additional plants (e.g., Ibogaine).
All the best,
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Kooky
Uh, I going to go out on a limb here and say that anyone who calls themselves Christian who hates anyone who hates the Lord is in the same predicament that the Muslims have about hating Infidels. I think to hate is to hold a great misunderstanding about what others are about, and is inevitably self-destructive. “We kill what we don’t understand” [from Duchess, by Genesis; Duke, 1980]. I THOUGHT the message of Jesus and the Bible were that hatred is wrong, wrong,wrong…. of any sort, unless it is about hating the BEHAVIOR of others, which I think is understandable. Maybe I am wrong. Judge not lest you be judged yourself. That would make me guilty of having said nasty things about the politicos who are messing up this country and the world, for which I am willing to take responsibility and apologize for being hateful myself. Bill, I am predicting you will have a change of attitude after the Ibogaine if you get the proper restorative dosages. Children are not born to hate. You need to be “reborn”. I am hoping that Ibogaine will bring that sort of change in myself.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] KookyNot That Hate
It is Love My Friend, and if I thought that for 1 minute that Ibogaine would turn me against Jesus Christ, Then I would Know it (Ibogaine) was from Hell and Stay Far Far Away. Period.
If You ever read scripture then you could find the passage on Hate.
Just as a little example for you Warren- If your Dad here on Earth was everything to you , Kind caring loving and then some, and you got on a list and you started hearing People say that they Hated your Dad and would say all kinds of terrible things against Him, In the name of Freedom of speech- All the while they are spreading Hatred towards YOUR DAD and Everything That He Stands For- You may have a different opinion- —-……>>>>>
Also- For The Record – Whoever it is that hates God and Bad Mouths he Works and Words- has an eternal problem and No amount of Ibogaine will Help.
I do not Hate People- Never Have Never Will- I Hate what they Do. Now That Is Really HARD for All THE LEFTS to understand, Because They All (maybe aan exception here or there) Only Hate People that do not agree with them and then twist things around- it’s bizzare, I hear it all the time- Let Me open a HUUUGGGEE Can of Worms- Homosexuality – Guys Into Guys- or Woman into Woman — To Me It is TOTALLY SICK — O.K. Does that mean that I hate all my past acquaintances that happened to be or choose to do that. No They where very nice people, But I believe it is not normal and it is not- the world would come to an end–
So now I must be a Homophobic because I am totally against being with the same sex partner..
I am also a Addictaphobic too then because I hate drugs and what it turns people into.
Please tell me you understand the dif.
Billy gone crazy!
Hey SEND ME some Ibogaine and i’ll do it tomorrow, Ya Ya Ya and a Ho Ho Ho
Please do not put me into the Muslim via Infidel category – If I wasn’t afraid of leaving my family I would speak my mind on that topic- yet there is no one safe to ever speak the truth to such people- It would be an honor to kill- and you almost put me there- (BELOW ZERO)
[In VALIS, Jesus returns as a little girl, Sophia, who is destroyed when her handlers try to download all her wisdom at once with a laser.
But before she is destroyed, Sophia says:
“Listen to me: I tell you in truth, in very truth, that the days of the wicked will end and the sone of man will sit on the judgement seat. The grim king will strive and lose, despite his cunning; he loses; he lost; he will always lose, and those with him will go into the pit of darkness there they will iinger forever.
“What you teach is the world of man. Man is holy, and the true god, the living god, is man himself. You will have no gods but yourelves; the days in which you believed in other gods end now, they end forever.,
“The goal of your lives has been reached. I am here to tell you this. Do not fear; I will protect you. Your are to follow one rule: you are t love one another as you love me and as I love you, for this love proceeds from the true god, which is yourselves.
“A time of trial and delusion and wailing lies ahead because the grim king, the king of tears, will not surrender his power. But you will take his power from him; I grant you that authority in my name, exactly as I granted it to you once before, whe n the grim king ruled and destroyed and challenged the humble people of the world.
“The battle which you fought before has not ended, although the day of the healing sun has come. Evil does not die of its own self because it imagines that it speaks for god. Many claim to speak for god, but there is only one god and that god is man himself.
“Therefore only those leaders who protect and shelter will live; the others will die. The oppression lifted four years ago, * and it will for a little while return. Be patient during this time; it will be a time of trials for you, but I will be wit h you, and when the time of trials is over I shall sit down on the judgement seat, and some will fall and some will not fall, according to my will, my will that comes to me from the father, back to whom we all go, all of us together.
“I am not a god; I am human. I am a child, the child of my father, which is Wisdom Him-self. You carry in you now the voice and authority of Wisdom; you are, therefore, Wisdom, even when you forget it. You will not forget it for long, I will be ther e and I will remind you.
“The day of Wisdom and the rule of Wisdom has come. The day of power, which is the enemy of Wisdom, ends. Power and Wisdom are the two principles in the world. Power has had its rule and now it goes into the darkness from which it came, and Wisdom a lone rules.
“Those who obey power will succumb as power succumbs.”Those who love Wisdom and follow her will thrive under the sun. Remember, I will be with you, I will be in each of you from now on. I will accompany you down into the prison of necessary; I will speak in the courts of law to defend you; my voice will be heard in the land, whatever the oppression.
“Do not fear; speak out and Wisdom will guide you. Fall silent out of fear and Wisdom will depart you. But you will not feel fear because Wisdom herself is in you, and you and she are one.”Formerly you were alone within yourselves; formerly you were solitary men. Now you have a companion who never sickens or fails or dies; you are bonded to the eternal and will shine like the healing sun itself.” (VALIS, Philip Dick)]
Subject: [Ibogaine] Strenght out of Weakness!!!
Hello everyone,
I hope you enjoy.
Of all the great personalities of the Old Testament, Jeremiah is the one whom we can know best. Most of the Prophets throw light upon themselves as well as upon the events in which they were called upon to act as interpreters, judges, and councillors. But the inner life of Amos and Isaiah and Ezekiel keeps its secret. There is one who for a moment lifts the veil: it is Hosea, who lets us see the wreck of his home and share with him the belief that even in so great a wreck there is still room for hope and love;?)~~~ and the successor of Hosea is Jeremiah.
It is but a single great lose to so many people, that Jeremiah stands for one thing and one thing only ? undiluted pessimism.
His name provides a standard and measurement for by which the intensity of gloom may be estimated. Nothing else can I find out about him or seems to be known. A more confusing and misleading conclusion is not given.
For the truth is that Jeremiah was no pessimist, unless the name is given to anyone who reads correctly the signs of the times;) and covers their meaning, not from himself or from others. What?s more, even when his ?pessimism? is rightly described it can only be understood when it is viewed in relation to those deep facts of his inner nature which belonged to him as a Man, and remained a constant throughout all his work as a Prophet. It is to those facts, his sensitiveness, his self distrust, the tension inevitably set up between an immense capacity for emotion and an unbreakable tenacity of Will, the clash within the Soul easily moved to profound sympathy and profound indignation, and finally, a natural openness towards God and dependence upon Him which could not save him from something like intellectual perplexity and outspoken protests of Job, that his words bear their constant and moving witness. His story is the most tragic in the Old Testament because in him we see a Soul maintained at great cost to itself and loyalty to truth and duty, even when God seems to be turning His face away.
(Sharpen your face as Flint, unto the Lord of Hosts my friends;?)~~~
(Who is the Lord of Hosts, I hear you ask. The King of Glory, that’s Who:?)~~~
He was not one of those Heroic Men who set no value on there own life, and find no difficulty in throwing it into the scale, so as to make the balance weigh down on the side of Righteousness.
Bunyan?s great hymn about the Pilgrim suggests a Warrior who?s sword easily leaps out from its scabbard, while the song of joy approaching battle bursts from his lips. Yakkaa?;?)~~~
A Pilgrim indeed was Jeremiah, but almost malgre? lui. To go forward, even to stand his ground, was a resolution which brought with it a continual price to be paid. He is one who, under the overwhelming sense of the burden laid upon him, allows others to see the travail of his Soul. And in that travail, while it seemed to him at times as though he was deprived of all help, human and Divine, he never lost either his courage or his Faith.
He must have had an overwhelming belief, both in an overruling God and in a countries ability to recover from ruin, there is no more splendid instance than Jeremiah?s buying of the field in Anathon against the far off day, of which the Prophet knew he himself would not see, when ?houses and fields and vineyards shall again be possessed in the Land.?
Bill. Religion is not always a comfort and joy, nor does Faith give unfailing security to the Soul for enjoyment of clear blue skies within. Sometimes it appears easier to sink into the abyss of despair, and to join the ranks of those who deny that man?s life can be saved from final futility.
There are times when the Spirit of Denial is very near, and to some he speaks with Terrible Clearness. But if, before we take that Spirit as our Guide, we may only turn to the pages of the Old Hebrew Prophet and let him speak to us of his great deep pain and grief, we may learn from one who had the fullest right to speak that even in the midst of Man?s despair it IS possible to hear and Obey the Word of God.
What we have got here is a failure to communicate.
Some Men you just can?t reach.
So you have here what you had last week, which is the way he WAS.
He IS!!!
I love life;?)~~
Ah Lord. Look at your young Men fighting,
Look at your Women crying.
Look at your Young Men dying.
The way they?ve always done before.
Look at the Hate we?re breeding.
Look at the FEAR we?re Feeding.
Look at the Lives we?re leading.
The way we?ve always done before.
I am alive, but we disrespect the Word of God inside.
We take what we want and care for no reprise.
My friends. We are alive.
No bomb Man made, can destroy the Spirit inside. Allow the light to shine and Guide, for life is short for the Man that does not see the universe inside of himself. If the lights are on, but no body is home, then surly it is time to turn and move in a different direction.
All we can really ask of our maker, is for the Wisdom to not carry our worries as if in a ruck sack upon our backs. For if the Lunatics press the button, what does all of this really matter. An experiment gone wrong?
No problem. History repeats itself.
The only thing I cannot get my head around is that how can a Man play God, when he can?t create Man, as a pure individual as of the likes that our Father in Heaven created us. Arrogance is DEATH.
Pride is Oblivion of the Human Race on Planet Earth.
Have a most Wonderful St? George?s day. And I pray that we can look to the Angel of Mercy as we look with righteousness upon St? George for his courage and stubbornness to save humanity and set the balance of chaos in the Universe.
If all is Chaos, then why do we create more?
I would ask all to sit and meditate upon this question, for if we do not find the answer fast, we are going to disappear up our own back doors, and I guess that God will then send the Angel of Mercy, to destroy the Human Race, in body at least, and set us free as we where created, Children of the Stars.
I guess the reason why we War monger so much is that Man inherently is Home sick for his Original place within the Universe. Sick of an Experiment gone wrong. Only wishes to go back home.
The problem is that, home is so far away he can only touch it and get minute glimpses through his Spirit. Being trapped in a Physical body is not how the Spirit sees freedom. Man’s Spirit is a Giant.
A Warrior at the Edge of Time. Sword and Shield close at hand ready to strike at the Heart of the Beast, so as to preserve the Glory and Peace that of which God first created.
Man has only lost it, cos, when he came here he lost all of his tools, and has spent the whole time here trying to understand how he got here, and how he can get back home.
When he landed upon Earth, he had no Weapons, such as Ray Guns, and no tools such as Matter transference and he lost the ability of Star Drive.
If you find this concept hard to grasp, then just take a look around you.
Every Animal on this Planet is at one with itself and Nature, but Man is not,.
He requires Fire, so as to stay warm. He has to kill the Animals for the Furr, so as he may be able to make clothes and protect his fleshy soft body from the Thorns and stones and Wind and Rain.
Man is the Cancer of the Universe, and only shall be satisfied in total annihilation of the Universe, when he totally annihilates himself.
Oh WOW!!! I can?t wait. OH What Glory and Honour awaits those Warriors that stayed pure and Good of Heart to the Cause of God and Man.
God created Man, so he could experience DEATH.
BUSH IS AN EGOTISTICAL LOST SOUL. Possibly the reincarnation of the Angel of Light. His Pride has blinded him with lust for material things, so hence that is why God chucked him out and made him live within the Rocks and dust of the universes.
Remember my friends, that everything is relative, but Man is not Relative to just the Planet Earth.
His Spirit Relates to everything in the Cosmos.
I think that the reason we love to take drugs and switch off, is out of the inherent desire to get out of this physical body and Go BACK HOME. But we can?t as of yet, cos we still do not have the Tools. And anyway, cos Man has been stranded here for so long, when he does eventually get off this Rock, and try to get back home, he shall fulfill the book of Revelations, and destroy everything in his path. Out of FEAR, off all the things that he does not understand.
God most cleverly created a balance of Good and Evil within one vessel.
The scales my friends are weighing. To the balance of Man?s darker Nature.
Guard against evil, my brothers of the Revolution.
For that is why God created us.
Warriors unite.
For we are still very young in the grand scale of things.
I guess that God will not allow us to self destruct as of yet, for we have not experienced enough pain and destruction and DEATH, for him to be able to be Sated.
For those that still do not believe, read the Old Testament. War and Chaos lolol
Christ as a Man only tried to fulfil Scripture, just like many other great Prophets of our time of Incarceration on this piece of rock with quite a lot of good things to eat upon it.
You can picture the joy and peace that Man thought he was going to get when he got off the last rock he lived on and came here.
History repeats itself.
When he finally attempted to land here, he landed on a most primeval and dangerous planet. But because he crashed and lost all his technology, he had to revert back to the UGG UGG stage of his Genetic evolution and fight the Animals already on this rock, with his bare hands so as to get some footing and safety, so as he could multiply and strip this Planet, also, of its resources so as to go back home, with trophies for His LORD. Just look back at our colourful History, of Quests and Discoveries, journeys and Wars.
This must be obvious to all in the end, cos we love to give and receive gifts. We pray and War, each and every day for the sucker of the comforts of life.
Life given freely by our God.
Blessings my friends.
Strength, Power and Honour are given freely to all that do not bow to the Spirit of the Deceiver.
Have a most bountiful and joyful day you all now.
+ ^ * 95 ecce quantum suffici, ecce Homo.
Heart felt Love ()’.'()
Remember my friends, Eat the Food and Drink the Water,
Sodd the f?n Narcotics ;?)~~~
Life is a Triangle, don?t try to put a Square in it lolol .?. : : Chaos.
[In VALIS, the alter ego of Philip Dick is Horselover Fat (Greek and German for his first and second names, respectively–
“The Empire never ended,” Fat quoted to himself. That one sentence appeared over and over again in his exegesis; it had become his tag line. Originally the sentence had been revealed to him in a great dream. In the dream he again was a child, searching dusty used-book stores for rare old science fiction magazines, in particular Astoundings. In the dream he had looked through countless tattered issues, stacks upon stacks, for the priceless serial entitled “The Empire Never Ended.” If he could f ind it and read it he would know everything; that had been the burden of the dream.
“Prior to that, during the interval in which he experienced the two-world superimposition, he had seen not only California, U.S.A., of the year 1974 but also ancient Rome, he had discerned within the superimposition a Gestalt shared by both space-time continua, their common element: a Black Iron Prison. This is what the dream referred to as “the Empire.” He knew it because, upon seeing the Black Iron Prison, he had recognized it. Everyone dwelt in it without realizing it. The Black Iron Prison was the ir world.
“Who had built the prison–and why–he could not say. But he could discern one good thing: the prison lay under attack. An organization of Christians, not regular Christians such as those who attended church every Sunday and prayed, but secret early Christians wearing light gray-colored robes, had started an assault on the prison, and with success. The secret, early Christians were filled with joy.
“Fat, in his madness, understood the reason for their joy. This time the early, secret, gray-robed Christians would get the prison, rather than the other way around. The deeds of the heroes, in the sacred dream-time…the only time, according to the b ushmen, that was real.
“Once, in a cheap science fiction novel, Fat had come across a perfect description of the Black Iron Prison but set in the far future. So if you superimposed the past (ancient Rome) over the present (California in the twentieth Century) and super-impo sed the far future world of The An-droid Cried Me a River over that, you got the Empire, the Black Iron Prison, as the supra- or trans-temporal constant. Everyone who had ever lived was literally surrounded by the iron walls of the prison; they were all i nside of it and none of them knew it–except for the gray-robed secret Christians.
“That made the early, secret Christians supra- or trans-temporal, too, that is to say present at all times, a situation which Fat could not fathom. How could they be early but in the present and the future? And if they existed in the present, why coul dn’t anyone see them? On the other hand, why couldn’t anyone see the walls of the Black Iron Prison which enclosed everyone, including himself, on all sides? Why did these antithetical forces emerge into palpability only when the past, present and future somehow–for whatever reason–got superimposed?
“Maybe in the bushman’s dreamtime no time existed. But if no time existed, how could the early secret Christians be scampering away with glee from the Black Iron Prison which they hadjust succeeded in blowing up? And how could they blow it up back in Rome circa 70 C.E., since no explosives existed in those days? And how, if no time existed in the dream-time, could the pris-on come to an end? It reminded Fat of the peculiar statement in Parsifal: “You see my son, here time turns into space.” During hi s religious experience in March of 1974, Fat had seen an augmentation of space: yards and yards of space, extending all the way to the stars; space opened up around him as if a confining box had been removed…]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Callie/Bible/hell
Hello all, Been having withdrawals not posting a message in almost 24 hours LOL,
It is Bill or Billy or sometimes people give me other names, but the first 2 are one and the same, Mind you there is another Bill around here somewhere, but Not from the Great White North(Canada)
I am writing on top of your post there Callie to From what appears to be from Me, but it is Not it says it was posted on 4/20/2006 7:19:54 PM and you replied to it I think as if I sent it but NO I did NOT send that post – “Weird”
Anyways I just caught on that you are also a believer, that is good, and also that you have not taken Ibogaine yet- true?
Did you come across this LIST Via searching for answers to your addiction and or someone else’s or and what country you in?
You seem to be a Big hearted person that is not perfect lol and you also have been Blessed with people in your life to Love as well as Ones to Love You — COOL! Grandchild? Excellent, Me x2 and I am only 43, Married and 2 Girls at Home. Only Married still Because God is real.
I will be taking Ibogaine very soon, Although I have read a bunch of stuff that appears to relate to Ibogaine being almost ALIVE and supper SPIRITUAL. In other words somewhat mystical, Now I at once (because I trust in God Proverbs 3:5&6) became RED Flagged due to the mystical stuff and also being a little apprehensive about Trusting in God, and yet not enough to believe that He would deliver me from my addiction without anymore Drugs. Well I was able to use scripture again and with the help of The Holy Spirit (I believe anyway) I have come to believing that God obviously created this plant and must have even been the driving Force behind its discovery and by chance a Practicing Heroine Addict would take it, onl;y to find out what it does.
So there you have it, in short form, God will use Ibogaine, or allow its use to jump start Me/ US on a fresh start once again-
After all We serve a God of 2nd and 3rd and on and on Chances- It is Kinda like With God you Cannot Fail because He will Always let you Take the test over Again until you Pass. ( as long as we don’t kill ourselves First.
Love Always,
Bill and or Billy
P.S. Tell your Loved one that someone in Canada is now Praying for Them and You Callie.
—-Original Message Follows—-
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again/Careful
In a message dated 4/20/2006 7:19:54 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:
[Callie, did you ever think that maybe the reason you haven’t done the
ibogaine is that you might find out the answers to some of those
questions….and you won’t like what you find? Ibogaine is a direct source
of revelation. People see things in their future that come true (prophecy)
and have direct access to the afterlife in the form of dead relative who
come and talk to them and serve as their guides]
Sorry but no, that is not why I have not done Ibogaine. For you to jump to
that conclusion is assinine!!
My believing in Jesus and the Bible has absolutely NOTHING to do with me not
doing the Ibogaine trip!!!
I have not done Ibogaine because I am scared shitless too. I do not have $$
to pass around freely. I can only work 28 hours a week because I love a
handicapped man that I committed to and he depends on me. I can’t jet all over the
world! I can barely go visit my only grandchild in Texas.
I am not playing the martyr by sharing this with you either. I say this
because I figure your arrogance would again come to the conclusion that I am
trying to get sympathy by sharing the personal reasons I have not done Ibogaine.
Well, shit, I got a phone call and now I have lost the emotion I was feeling
when I started this reply! lol!
(I told you all I was losing it)
I do not care how anyone believes but I would be interested in whether or
not you believe in heaven and hell. You probably believe hell is here on earth.
But I am not coming to that conclusion………….
[Fernandez, in Bwiti: an Ethnography of the Religious Imagination in Africa, wrote:
“For these Bwitists… religion was not a matter of faith… It was a very pragmatic technique for understanding, predicting and controlling–in short a science or pre-science of hidden to things. To believe in something despite lack of evidence or evidence to contrary, which is the Western religious condition, was foreign to their attitudes. Fang had always had good evidence for their beliefs.”
The ancestral home of the Fang, before they were pushed south and west to the rainforests of Gabon by the Fulani expansion, was the Savannah of Western Sudan. And according to Fernandez, the destination at the end of the visions for many initiates is a grassy upland resembling nothing so much as the Fang ancestral homeland. There the initiate may find a huge village of the Ancestors, or the clear glass house of their particular guardian angel, or of Bwiti.]
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Get Things Straight (I Believe)
I Believe That The Bible is 100% true and that there will be a Second appearing as is Written.
Paul, I need (want) to know what your statement of faith would be, as it pertains to what I have read in your posts I can only assume that your are Being taught from the Koran at the most from Old Testement only — Yes?
Because as someone had corrected me a couple of days ago regarding me saying that I hated those that Hated God? It was a good Rebuke for me due to the sensitive space that we are occupying and most people would associate Hatred with violence. I could not be further away from violence in my heart. I should have looked up the scripture that I was quoting and when I do I will post it but right now I just want to re-emphasize The Word Hatred,
What is hatred? Is it the opposite of love? Is Hate Hitting and Love Kissing? Does it have to be physical, both hate and love? Let me Quote a Famous relatively well-known person that I believe was the wisest ever to be on earth, He Said simply 2 things in 2 separate occasions, #1 so a Man Thinketh so He is:(That is something like the power of thought, If you say you will lose,them you have already lost, or if you say that you are successful, well then you are) Also that if you have done so in your heart, then you are Guilty of the offense, regardless whether or not you physically did anything, As in lusting after your neighbors wife, beyond the though of my she is beautiful ,to oh I would love to just $*^&$^%$. Get the Drift?
One more thing, and Paul and Friends of this Great List (my 1st and only) I thing that we are all Winners with the Gift of Love that we need to spread and try our best not to promote hatred, especially because a lot of people will get on the Bandwagon and ride it to the Killing fields, just to belong and all the while that person is only going by what YOU have taught them.
I BELIEVE that God has put (or Allowed) our leaders to be put in office and that We are called to Pray for our leaders, NOT’ I Repeat, NOT” add burden to their burdens making it even harder to please everyone, We have to remember that even at a 50% approval rate, no matter who gets in office, they will be hated by the other 50% and on and on.
I really do not like the Government In Canada, yet they are what we have right now and they need all the help they can get.
Paul it is a Blatant Sin “as I have read” to say ” the following 2 things, both of which go against the word of God.
God created Man, so he could experience DEATH. (Not True)
BUSH IS AN EGOTISTICAL LOST SOUL.( Bad Words that spread hate)
Also you had mentioned re-incarnation? Tell me that was a joke!(no such thing)
Love and respect,
P.S. This is not a fight,I am here for recovery and in the process I believe I get a opportunity to talk to others that share a lot with me on a mental emotional and on that spiritual level that is an awareness of something missing in us, which of course is Jesus Christ.
“What can wash away your sin? nothing but the blood of Jesus:
“What can make you whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus
[Holograms are funny; if you break a hologramic plate, the entire hologram-atic image is in every fragment. That’s because it’s made without lenses, by the direct action of split lasers on a negative. Everything is enfolded in a photographic print that requires the same split laser setup to project a 3-dimensional image. There is no difference between image and object. There is no space, no time, no matter and no mind. Our process of memory seems to work along the same lines, locating the correct memory in the “print” with the neuro-electric equivalent of the “reference beam” used to read a hologramic print.
V.A.L.I.S. stands for Vast Active Living Intelligence System. It knows only hologramatically, therefore it perceives the universe as a hologram. It knows everything known to every person, but only in memory. For us to communicate with it is a problem. Direct communication with creatures via modulation of bio-electric phenomena in the area puts such a load on any nervous system in the neighborhood that it can cause permanent damage. But in the dreamtime, when you have direct access to information stored in your cells, Valis can communicate digitally, via perturbation of non-nucleated genetic material. It can generate the equivalent of a laser reference beam to project a Fibonacci “doorway:” and if the throes of your NDE reflex generate the same chaotic ‘attractor’ shape, and the two lock together, you have a match, and Nico meets God.
Therefore, VALIS does not rule, but influences outcomes via synchronicity, maximized through free will taking advantage of coincidence. The only thing that can destroy it is for humanity to completely destroy itself. For the first time in history, however, that could happen at any moment. In his notes, in a later paragraph of entry 47, on TWO SOURCE COSMOGONY, Philip Dick writes:
It was the One’s purpose for our hologramatic universe to serve as a teaching instrument by which a variety of new lives advanced until ultimately they would be isomorphic with the One. However, the decaying condition of hyperuniverse II introduced malfactors which damaged our hologramatic universe. This is the origin of entropy, undeserved suffering, chaos and death, as well as the Empire, the Black Iron Prison; in essence, the aborting of the proper health and growth of the life forms withi n the hologramatic universe. Also, the teaching function was grossly impaired, since only the signal from the hyperuniverse I was information-rich; that from II had become noise. The psyche of hyperuniverse I sent a micro-form of itself into hyperuni verse II to attempt to heal it…”
By means of a plant called the tree of life, containing an alkaloid that unlocks the NDE reflex, a multi-ordinal feedback loop is established at the intersection of the chaos of the dreamtime and the chaos of society. The Grail, the Blood, the Burning Bush are one: in Bwiti. As the Ibogaine wave flashes across society, strangesynchronicities play across the wavefront. Initiates gain augmented perception of time. There are glimpses of a ghostly order emerging that attracts the chaos to it, like a tornado.
The little guys in the secret early grey robes have attached a special phase generator to the FDA/NIDA info-input of the Black Iron Prison. Since the entire Prison is a Chaos-generated projection, the little guys are pulsing a strange attractor into the input–a chaotic shape that exactly cancels out the chaotic phase-signature of the Prison. The shape: the perfect rectangle of Parminides. The impulse has reached the nucleus of the prison, and it is beginning to replicate hundreds and thousands of Bw iti among the prison inmates, which will burst the cells of the Prison, causing massive cell-death and breakdown of the malignant occupying organism in its entirety.
To the regular Christians such as those who go to Church on Sunday, the little guys have issued the Ibogaine Challenge:
“Bring us, O Cardinal, three junkies.
Give them the wine and the wafer,
And sit with them for forty-eight hours.
We will bring three junkies also,
Give them Ibogaine,
And sit with them for forty-eight hours.
At the end of the time,
You have breakfast with your junkies.
We’ll have breakfast with ours.” ]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Callie/Bible/hell
I have come to believing that God obviously created this
plant and must have even been the driving Force behind its discovery and by
chance a Practicing Heroine Addict would take it, onl;y to find out what it
So there you have it, in short form, God will use Ibogaine, or allow its
use to jump start Me/ US on a fresh start once again-<
While I don’t see eye to eye with you on the “god” thing Bill, I highly support your viewpoint above.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
[Harris Isbell and the other CIA-era researchers considered Ibogaine and the other indole-alkalamines to be “psychotomimetic.” In other words, if Nico thinks he met the Supreme Being, Nico is crazy. But Philip Dick says there are two ways to tell a ge nuine theophany from mere delusion. One sign is sudden healing (“It was like a miracle,” said Carol Baker). But second, if you are imparted with information which turns out to be true, and which you had no way of knowing, then perhaps the reve lation is genuine. During initiations, Bwiti routinely see future events– from Fernandez’s informant in Chapter 18 seeing his brother lying dead along the road three weeks later, to Geerte’s boyfriend Adam seeing his friend nodding off and falling out o f a 14th story window, exactly as it happened months later.
In the NDE, in the dreamtime, the shock of future events is sometimes sharp enough for you to get a preview. Time is not as we ordinarily perceive it. Howard Lotsof crossing the street on Ibogaine turned around and saw seven after-images of himself cr ossing the street behind him. The actual, secret sacrament of Gnosticism– which the wine and the wafer only represent , according to Dick–confers upon the initiate this same augmented perception of time. But the secret is encrypted in the myth of the cup which caught Christ’s blood–the Holy Grail–which Dick could not figure out:
“The leader of the Grail knights, Amfortas, has a wound which will not heal. Klingsor has wounded him with the spear which pierced Christ side. Later, when Kingsor hurls the spear at Parsifal, the pure fool catches the spear–which has stopp ed in midair–and holds it up, making the sign of the Cross with it, at which Klingsor and his entire castle vanish. They were never there in the first place; they were a delusion, what the Greeks call dokas; what the Indians call the veil of maya..
“There is nothing Parsifal cannot do. At the end of the opera, Parsifal touches the spear to Amfortas wound, the wound heals. Amfortas, who only wanted to die, is healed. Very mysterious words are repeated, which I never understood, although I can read German:
“Gesegnet sei dein Leiden,
Das Mitleids hochste Kraft,
Und reinstein Wissens Macht
Denn zagen Toren gab!”
“This is one of the keys to the story of Parsifal, the pure fool who abolishes the delusion of the magician Klingsor and his castle, and heals Amfortas’ wound. But what does it mean?
“May your suffering be blessed,
Which gave the timid fool
Pity’s highest power
Amd purest knowledge’s might!”
I don’t know what this means. However, I know that in our case, the pure fool, Horselover Fat, himself had the wound which would not heal, and the pain that goes with it. All right; the wound is caused by the spear which pierced the Savior’s side , and only that same spear can heal it. In the opera, after Amfortas is healed, the shrine is at last opened (it has been closed for a long time) and the Grail itself is revealed at which point heavenly voices say:
“Erlosung dem Erloser!”
Which is very strange, because it means:
“The Redeemer redeemed!”
In other words, Christ has saved himself. There’s a technical term for this: Salvator salvandas. The “saved savior.”
“The fact that in the discharge of his task the eternal messenger must himself assume the lot of incarnation and cosmic exile, and the further fact that, at least in the Iranian variety of the myth, he is in a sense identical with those he calls–t he once lost parts of the divine self gives rise to the moving idea of the ‘saved savior’ (salvator salvandas).
“My Source is reputable. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1967; in the article on “Gnosticism.” I am trying to see how this applies to Fat. What is this “pity’s highest power”? In what way does pity have the powe r to heal a wound? Would this, then, make Horselover Fat the Savior himself, the savior saved? That seems to be the idea which Wagner expresses. The savior idea is Genostic in origin. How did it get into Parsifal?
“Maybe Fat was searching for himself when he set out in search of the Savior. To heal the wound made by first the death of Gloria and then the death of Sherri. But what in our modern world is the analog for Klingsor’s huge stone castle?
“That which Fat calls the Empire? The Black Iron Prison?
“Is the Empire “which never ended” an illusion?
“The words which Parsifal speaks which cause the huge stone castle–and Klingsor himself –to disappear are: “Mit diesem Zeichen bann’ Ich deinen Zauber.”
“With this sign I abolish your magic.”
The sign of course, is the sign of the Cross. Fat’s Savior is Fat himself, as I already figured out; Zebra is all the selves along the linear time-axis, laminated into one supra- or trans-temporal self which cannot die, and which has come back to save Fat. But I don’t dare tell Fat that he is searching for himself. He is not ready to entertain such a notion, because like the rest of us he seeks an external savior.’
What is almost overlooked here is that if the healing sacrament of the ancient Gnostics is found–i.e., when the shrine is at last opened after 2,000 years–the living blood of the Savior transforms any cup it touches, and instantly: the Grail is revealed. This particular passage went into the workbook because the verse of Parsifal Dick says he doesn’t understand really encapsulates the central features of Nico’s experience, including a line Nico felt w as so important he repeated it four times on the original raw tape:
“If you are resisting suffering, you suffer more.
If you are trying to deny your confusion, you remain confused.
If you are striving for Peace, you find yourself constantly disturbed.”
Conversely, the Nico tape perfectly explains the verse of Parsifal which Dick says he doesn’t understand. Suffering is “blessed” which frees you from suffering–as in getting you through the withdrawal instead of prolonging it with more hero in. It is also “pity’s highest power” (the only meaningful pity)–to free all whose sides have been pierced (until no veins are left) by means of a healing alkaloid. One addict treated at the same time as Carol Baker had the kind of cocaine psychosis w here he thought bugs were under his skin; he’d at picked his face until it was covered with cold sores and zits. In 48 hours it healed. Ibogaine turns out to be the left half of a Kaposi’s Sarcoma drug called Vinblastine (dimeric Ibogaine, fro m the Madagas-car periwinkle), and the common component of another KS drug called Vincristine. It’s far less toxic than either one. Contoreggi has submited a protocol to study it as an anti-viral; he’s writing another for KS. (Rats pre-treated with I bogaine recovered from electro-shock twice as fast as untreated rats.)
According to Dick, healing that seems miraculous is a dead giveaway (along with raising the dead, i.e., the living dead of addiction), but Nico’s experience also clears up the other thing Dick can’t figure out–what “Purest knowledge’s might” is:
“Do you know, now?”
“Yes I know, now.”
“So you know; Act like it!”
During the Ibogaine rupture into the dreamtime, the serotonergic pathways react to the ‘splitting of the skull’–the shock of the opening up of the cholinergic pathways–by creating the brain’s own “windows” program: the movie screen many people desc ribe as opening up on the ceiling or wall, for the visions. It is Nico’s “rectangle that opens up,” so the Supreme Being can speak to him out of a blue sky. This rectangle is a characteristic “signature” of chaos, one of the higher patterns that emerge s in chaotic phenomena from galactic spirals to conch shells.
It is Parmenides’ “perfect” rectangle. The Greeks used it to build the Parthenon; we use it in playing cards. Its dimensions are always 3 by 5–Fibonacci’s constant. It’s all through the VALIS trilogy, as the “doorway to the Other Realm.” To match up the transcript of Nico’s meeting with God to Dick’s observations on Fibonacci’s doorway, side by side for easy reference, in such a way that both verses about suffering also come out next to each other, there was no other place to stick Hoover’s Black Messiah memo in the Ibogaine workbook but in between them –across from the Book of Daniel verse about the grim king.
The coincidence of those 3 sets of pages forming a hexagram like that, on the first time, it’s a billion-in-one.]
From: “Charles Rossouw” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Ibogaine Documentary in South Africa
Date: April 25, 2006 at 1:13:46 PM EDT
To: <>
Hi List
Just a note to tell all that a long-awaited and much laboured for
documentary on Ibogaine has been screened on South African television this
last Sunday.
I was very fortunate to have Mike Dufford as the producer and Ruda Landman
as presenter. Mike used to be psychologist before going into the movie
business and Ruda is one of our most outstanding journalists, and both
treated the subject with the utmost sensitivity. Nothing too rosy or too
gloomy, as actuality programmes tend to be, with the “I-said-he-said”
developments to invite commentary (and viewer numbers). It was about hope,
and Dr Mash kindly also made some positive comments.
Although I featured prominantly in the documentary, I refused to watch when
it was screened. (I spent the time with some street girls whom I got to
know, love and respect over the past many months – they’re my friends now)
I’ll look at it some other time when I’m alone and can cringe away when
no-one’s looking. (I’m a complete introvert, and went into a dark depro
half an hour before the time and only switched my cellphone on at 12h00 the
next day). Anyway, and thank goodness, the film is not about me, but about
Ibogaine, with three case studies (The good, the bad, and the ugly) and
their follow-ups.
It was originally planned to show for 10 minutes, but the Carte Blance team
decided to extend it to 15 minutes due to the actuality value of the
contents. This is significant, because Carte Blanche is definitely the most
influential actuality program in South Africa. It is on prime time (19h00
to 20h00) just before the feature movie on a Sunday evening, with a second
broadcast on Thursday nights of the inset that drew the most response from
the viewers.
So far response has been overwhelming, with my office (Cellular Phone)
ringing non-stop with all kinds of responses, ranging from people who need
help to organisations wanting me to come and tell them about what Ibogaine
does. ALL POSITIVE! I even had a response from Hong Kong!
Looking back at my personal struggle to do this thing, it seems like all the
pieces of the puzzle are slowly falling into place now – I, with a lot of
goodwill from my benefactors, started a chill farm in the African Bushveld,
where people come for detox and stay for a while before going on with life
as non-addicts. My programme consists of (besides medical screening)
Ibogaine treatment (Phase 1 for 3 days), psychological evaluation and
processing of the experience (Phase 2 for 4 days), and a cooling period of 3
weeks (Phase 3) for activities such as councilling, group sessions, nature
walks, horse outrides, day trips, communication skills training, self
confidance enhancement, coping skills training, etc. Rules and regulations
are based on values. And please (maybe thank goodness) I have never read a
single book on psychology or rehabilitation. So my ideas have been formed
by people who’s been-there-done-that, not by people who thought that they
knew better than those who actually had all the answers but didn’t know it.
Not to say that my programme is good, because it keeps on evolving, and I
have people with the right qualifications working with me.
So – Ibogaine is on the map in Southern Africa. Now is “do or die” time,
because now the “authorities” have been made aware of it, and please hold
thumbs that they don’t dig out the archaic US rule book that says it should
be banned.
That’s all for now.
Love and respect
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Police Hunt Pack of Killer Chimps
Date: April 25, 2006 at 11:41:04 AM EDT
…..As they are the closest related by DNA of all the other living primates.
On Apr 25, 2006, at 5:59 AM, jon wrote:
well, despite how they’re portrayed in movies and on tv, chimps are actually pretty aggressive animals.
i mean, in their natural state, without any interference from humans, they’re already not the friendliest of creatures..
which i think has got to be related to why humans are often such dicks.. wrote:
If we were treated like the chimps our response would probably be similar.
Police Hunt Pack of Killer Chimps
FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (April 24) – Police hunted Monday for chimpanzees that escaped from a Sierra Leone preserve and mauled a group of local and American sightseers – a rare attack that left one local man dead and at least four other people hospitalized.
The U.S. Embassy warned Americans against traveling to the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, from where the chimps escaped before the Sunday attack on a taxicab filled with Americans and others.
The Sierra Leonean driver died as the chimps ripped his body apart and the three Americans were treated at a local hospital for minor injuries, said a top police official, Oliver Somasa.
Another Sierra Leonean man in the group had his hand amputated after the primate mauling, Somasa said. U.S. officials had no further comment. The Americans were in Sierra Leone to help construct a new embassy building, Somasa said.
Armed police were searching Monday for 27 chimpanzees, Somasa said, while four other chimps had already returned on their own accord to the reserve.
Somosa said it was unclear why the chimps attacked or how the chimps were able to flee the park.
Chimpanzee attacks are unusual but not unprecedented.
Two chimps that escaped from their cages in a California sanctuary severely mauled one man last year, injuring his genitals and limbs. A bystander shot the primates before they could kill their victim.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Flaws found in approval process for drugs in U.S.
Date: April 25, 2006 at 12:01:19 PM EDT
The Abyss or Black Hole must be the DEA chief’s butt!
On Apr 24, 2006, at 11:29 PM, Preston Peet wrote:
Flaws found in approval process for drugs in U.S.
WASHINGTON Disorganization, bureaucratic infighting and an inability to force drug makers to conduct needed safety tests have undercut efforts at the Food and Drug Administration to uncover drug dangers, U.S. government auditors said in a report being released Monday.
When drug safety specialists raise alarms about certain medicines, they sometimes feel that their recommendations fall “into a ‘black hole’ or ‘abyss'” at the agency, according to the report by the Government Accountability Office.
LOL, oh boy, I’m gonna have to tip the hat to the NYTimes on this. First they published that fairly impressive editorial decrying the FDA’s absolutely pathetic announcement about pot, then they publish the above article.
Go Times.
“America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream.
The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe
the dream out of existence.
The dream is a spontaneous happening a
nd therefore dangerous to a control system set up by
the non-dreamers.”
William S. Burroughs
Peace, love, and respect,
Preston Peet
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History”
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Warren Theriot <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] [still]wishing for competent medical care
Date: April 25, 2006 at 11:15:32 AM EDT
So yesterday, I went to the hospital where my ear nose and throat doctor recommended a few years ago. It [seemed] prudent go to the walk-in clinic at a local hospital to get some treament for my anxiety and reoccurring depression. I am down to 60 mg of tylenol and codiene a day with minimum discomfort overall, at least this morning. I came down with a burning sore throat last night after I got home and the oncoming cold feels just as bad as any withdrawal I might have felt last friday. I just read Preston’s quote about the American Dream. You are so Right-on Preston!
Wearing nice clothes, a pair of dark workpants suitable for office work, a nice shirt and a tweed jacket, I waited at least six hours at that place. From the moment I walked in, with having to practically strip for the security check at the door[loss of American Dream number one. Not to have your routine disrupted by the machinery of the new Big Brother of Oceana]. Fucking BinLadin, friend of the Bush Crime Family. All Fucking Terrorists! The process of getting health care was disruptive to a state of mental calm. Then the overzealous Philippino security guard started shouting at me across the room TO SIT DOWN at a place by the receptionist to fill out the initial forms. When when I went up to the window and gave the lady my paperwork she ignored me and continued about her business. I was feeling run down and walked 8 feet back to the chair. There was no one else around me that needed to use that chair and table and I was not preventing any man woman or child using from that same chair from doing what I just did with paperwork. The receptionist continued to ignore me as I sat back down for a moment. Then the guard starts shouting at me from across the room through a crowd of people to NOT SIT DOWN and take a seat ACROSS the room where everybody waits. Now my hackles are up like a guard dog. I quickly ignore him as I dont want to make any trouble and go BACK to the window and move the paper around to get the attention of the receptionist. She takes the paper, hands me an adhesive tag to put on my jacket, with a number and the form I filled out, and kindly tells me to go wait across the room. I find a seat and I tell the people around me “what an obnoxious guard”. I get a few looks and then I read a book and wait six hours in the same chair before my number is called. I tell the nurse behind Door Number Three what I am there for and that is for anxiety and depression. By now I’m starting to feel a little tired and my butt hurts after all that sitting. but I had not taken more than 1 and 1/4 tylenol#3 the previous day and the 3/4 of a #3, 12 hours prior. I still felt OK as far as not having any WD’s. After telling the nurse about my depression in reaction to losing my friends and recently my Dad, she walks me down to Psych E.R. She was telling me that I would not have to wait very long at all after this point.
I sit in the little room with 8 other people, two of which were either there to see a doctor or visit someone. One guy had a manila folder and looked like he had some business to do with the office. I dont know. I had been talking with him about music, Dj’ing, work, etc. A half hour passes. Then 4 of L.A.’s [not] finest, the police with an indigent woman in handcuffs. She is processed in five minutes and the police and her disappear behind a door. I was talking with the man with the folder and in comes more cops with 2 more indigents, interupting my converstion. One man sits there very uncomfortably next to me, in a wrap around chair, squirming comfortably with his hands tied behind his back. Everybody is in a [relatively] good mood, lol. The indigent man next to me is complaining [good naturedly, abeit under the influence of alcohol] about him being robbed by another homeless person. A lady walks into the room from behind the door and starts talking to me, asking me [in front of everyone, what my mother’s and father’s names are and my SS# in front of everyone. I get paranoid and say to her that I don’t want to talk about this sensitive information in front of this crowd. She shrugs it off and keeps going with her routine. I had moved across the room from next to the indigent with cuffs to a seat next to the guy I had been talking with before. He leaves.
We wait another 15 minutes while both men are taken into the mysterious room behind the locked door. The first two people are processed and are gone. Then comes another group of cops with and indigent. He is processed and the cops take him inside the Door. We wait 15 minutes like that and 2 more cops with another indigent in cuffs come into the room. He is processed. The cops read all the men their rights one by one telling them they are under custody for their well being, not criminal arrest. I keep getting more and more uncomfortable, with the start of a headache and a scratchy throat.
Then comes another group with an indigent. He is processed and they disappear behind the Door. I get up and tell the receptionist that I think I made a mistake coming here and I did not want to pay an emergency room fee. She tells me to wait for the lady who had talked to me prior and said that any questions I had about fees I could work out . Another 10 minutes pass and in comes another group of cops with another indigent. I get up and tell the receptionist that I AM Leaving and Goodbye.
As I walk through the hallways and out of the hospital, back to my car, through the chilly breeze I am telling myself that I made the right decision to leave then and there. I go home, take 1000 mg of vitamin C powdered drink mix, eat a can of Kippers, and go to my room and get into bed. It is now 8:30 PM after all this and I take a #4 and I read stuff on my computer until about midnight. By this time my throat is really sore and I know I am getting a cold.
I find that eating salty food like canned fish is not only satisfying, but soothes my throat. As soon as I got home I started squirting Zicam in my nose to knock down the oncoming cold. I sucked on three zinc lozenges for my throat. I don’t take more than the single #4 when I got home. i brushed my teeth 3 times last night.
I got to sleep about 1:30. TV sucked last night so I kept it turned off early. I woke up this morning about 6AM, now its after 9.
It seems the only way to get fast [emergency room] mental health treatment is to act out on the streets or somewhere so the man will haul you in and they don’t waste a lot of time in getting processed. I on the other hand, I had the clarity of mind to go there on my own, not acting out, not getting myself into any kind of trouble, and I am passed over time and time again. I forgot to tell that in between the second or third group of indigents, I did get to talk to a nurse for 15 minutes in a private room, but after that, no Doctor, no antidepressants or any other medication that would help me. So I decided I would find another way, make an appointment with someone elsewhere and deal with my depression problem later. Someone asked on this message board, am I normal? What do you think? Except for making an ass out of myself with political statements on this forum, sometimes, that I regret, for security purposes, I think I conducted myself quite well yesterday. I drove safely and courteously to and from the hospital, went to the grocery before getting home all without making any waves. I kept myself either immersed in my book by Michio Kaku about Parallel Worlds or closed my eyes for rest all day waiting patiently for 6 hours before my number was called. The only complaint I made to anyone in particular was about the obnoxious guard when I first got there. I said, “what an obnoxious guard”.
So there you have it. I am sitting here with a sore throat, with a stiff neck,my back hurts as usual and my my right shoulder is in its usual bursitis pain mode, but I am waiting until a long as I can before I take another pill today. Maybe I will just try the New Zealand method and try to get some Kratom to smoke for the WD’s but not until this cold is over. The last cold I had was in January that interrupted my being able to see my dying dad for about 10 days, 10 days too long. Now, I get another cold immediately after visiting another hospital. It probably takes longer that just a few hours for a cold to incubate; I probably messed myself up hitting the tequila two weeks ago and It has been very chilly the last week. I have gotten chilled when I didn’t have enough blankets this week. I put some away after the weather warmed up and didn’t put enough back on my bed back until 2 nites ago. If the healthcare system was really competent, I should have seen a doctor, someone who might have even been able to give me something for my cold, or to have been able to discern between a cold and the jones. When asked by the nurse if I wanted any more codeine, I told her definitely NO. And I would rather have alzheimers than the anxiety that comes from smoking pot, so that is put away indefinitely.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Controversial anti-heroin addiction drug ibogaine hits rehabs
Date: April 25, 2006 at 10:15:56 AM EDT
Controversial anti-heroin addiction drug ibogaine hits rehabs
By Patrick Whyte
A controversial drug designed to combat heroin is being offered to
patients around South Africa.
The drug, called ibogaine, is based on an active principle found in the
iboga plant, found in Gabon, and reportedly eliminates the withdrawal
symptoms and cravings associated with heroin addiction by blocking
brain receptors that have previously been affected by the drug.
This makes it different from conventional heroin addiction treatments
such as methodone which are simply used to wean addicts off the drug by
mirroring its effect.
While offering a glimmer of hope to addicts, ibogaine has a dubious
It is illegal in a number of countries, including the US, not least
because it produces similar side-effects to other psychedelics such as
LSD and mescaline. It has also been linked to a small number of
Clinical research on the drug is in its infancy.
Dr Deborah Mash, a researcher at the University of Miami, has conducted
limited trials on patients. She found that ibogaine can help those
addicted to heroin, alcohol and other substances.
The drug has undergone no such studies in South Africa.
A Carte Blanche investigation into ibogaine included a mention that the
University of Cape Town was interested in starting trials with the
substance but yesterday UCT spokesperson Skye Grove said they “do not
intend to start clinical trials”.
Carte Blanche has admitted on its website that the statement was
Pretoria pharmacist Charles Rossouw is confident of the drug’s merits.
He runs a rehabilitation centre in the city where he charges R12 000
per treatment, claiming a 60% success rate among heroin addicts.
“I knew a couple of people who were using drugs,” said Rossouw. “I
heard about ibogaine but thought it was hogwash. But the more I read,
the more I became intrigued.”
Rossouw believes that the reason ibogaine is not widely available is
simple: “Nobody knows about it.”
Rossouw’s clinic mainly treats patients from around Pretoria but he has
looked after people from “as far away as Cape Town”.
Published on the web by Cape Argus on April 25, 2006.
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: jon <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Police Hunt Pack of Killer Chimps
Date: April 25, 2006 at 8:59:15 AM EDT
well, despite how they’re portrayed in movies and on tv, chimps are actually pretty aggressive animals.
i mean, in their natural state, without any interference from humans, they’re already not the friendliest of creatures..
which i think has got to be related to why humans are often such dicks.. wrote:
If we were treated like the chimps our response would probably be similar.
Police Hunt Pack of Killer Chimps
FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (April 24) – Police hunted Monday for chimpanzees that escaped from a Sierra Leone preserve and mauled a group of local and American sightseers – a rare attack that left one local man dead and at least four other people hospitalized.
The U.S. Embassy warned Americans against traveling to the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, from where the chimps escaped before the Sunday attack on a taxicab filled with Americans and others.
The Sierra Leonean driver died as the chimps ripped his body apart and the three Americans were treated at a local hospital for minor injuries, said a top police official, Oliver Somasa.
Another Sierra Leonean man in the group had his hand amputated after the primate mauling, Somasa said. U.S. officials had no further comment. The Americans were in Sierra Leone to help construct a new embassy building, Somasa said.
Armed police were searching Monday for 27 chimpanzees, Somasa said, while four other chimps had already returned on their own accord to the reserve.
Somosa said it was unclear why the chimps attacked or how the chimps were able to flee the park.
Chimpanzee attacks are unusual but not unprecedented.
Two chimps that escaped from their cages in a California sanctuary severely mauled one man last year, injuring his genitals and limbs. A bystander shot the primates before they could kill their victim.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Flaws found in approval process for drugs in U.S.
Date: April 25, 2006 at 2:29:50 AM EDT
To: <>, <>
Flaws found in approval process for drugs in U.S.
WASHINGTON Disorganization, bureaucratic infighting and an inability to force drug makers to conduct needed safety tests have undercut efforts at the Food and Drug Administration to uncover drug dangers, U.S. government auditors said in a report being released Monday.
When drug safety specialists raise alarms about certain medicines, they sometimes feel that their recommendations fall “into a ‘black hole’ or ‘abyss'” at the agency, according to the report by the Government Accountability Office.
LOL, oh boy, I’m gonna have to tip the hat to the NYTimes on this. First they published that fairly impressive editorial decrying the FDA’s absolutely pathetic announcement about pot, then they publish the above article.
Go Times.
“America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream.
The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe
the dream out of existence.
The dream is a spontaneous happening a
nd therefore dangerous to a control system set up by
the non-dreamers.”
William S. Burroughs
Peace, love, and respect,
Preston Peet
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History”
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: [Ibogaine] Police Hunt Pack of Killer Chimps
Date: April 25, 2006 at 2:16:36 AM EDT
If we were treated like the chimps our response would probably be similar.
Police Hunt Pack of Killer Chimps
FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (April 24) – Police hunted Monday for chimpanzees that escaped from a Sierra Leone preserve and mauled a group of local and American sightseers – a rare attack that left one local man dead and at least four other people hospitalized.
The U.S. Embassy warned Americans against traveling to the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, from where the chimps escaped before the Sunday attack on a taxicab filled with Americans and others.
The Sierra Leonean driver died as the chimps ripped his body apart and the three Americans were treated at a local hospital for minor injuries, said a top police official, Oliver Somasa.
Another Sierra Leonean man in the group had his hand amputated after the primate mauling, Somasa said. U.S. officials had no further comment. The Americans were in Sierra Leone to help construct a new embassy building, Somasa said.
Armed police were searching Monday for 27 chimpanzees, Somasa said, while four other chimps had already returned on their own accord to the reserve.
Somosa said it was unclear why the chimps attacked or how the chimps were able to flee the park.
Chimpanzee attacks are unusual but not unprecedented.
Two chimps that escaped from their cages in a California sanctuary severely mauled one man last year, injuring his genitals and limbs. A bystander shot the primates before they could kill their victim.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine]preston-baby dolls
Date: April 25, 2006 at 2:10:59 AM EDT
To: <>
The record/album/release cover shown here at this URL is the specific record by Baby Doll I want (2003’s self-titled record). I’m realizing I could probably simply order it online, but then, I don’t really wanna drag my lonely, m,uch abused, only recently beginning to recover credit card down towards that “maxed” line and further, not even 10 bucks further. I’d rather just find it here (or hell, I admit, I wouldn’t mind copying someone else’s copy either, though that is kinda low of me I suppose so I would prefer buying a copy).
I believe they are hailing from Adeliade.
Here’s an article about Baby Doll:
here’s a short bio of the band:
and here’s a short interview of someone in the band.
anyway, I could probably order it as noted, so am not expecting anyone to pick it up for me I am realizing.
“America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream.
The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe
the dream out of existence.
The dream is a spontaneous happening a
nd therefore dangerous to a control system set up by
the non-dreamers.”
William S. Burroughs
Peace, love, and respect,
Preston Peet
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden History”
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “cm” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]preston-baby dolls
hi preston, i read a msg jasen sent you about an oz band called the ‘baby dolls’. i have a close friend who’s a tour manager.
does oz and international, poor guy just finished a tour with the darkness. if you could give me any more info about the
band like what state they’re from, if they’re still together that would be helpful. then i’ll give him a call and see what he can do.
have a great w’end. chi x
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: captkirk <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] shaun luster
Date: April 24, 2006 at 11:23:10 PM EDT
thanks i’ll keep that in mind…but i hope you’re being
careful about giving it out to just anybody, people dying
will only damage Ibogaine and what it can do for
people…..just a thought….
—– Original Message Follows —–
captkirk <> wrote:
Thanks for the enlightenment lol, sorry you just sounded
like an advert….
I’m allll good now!! 2 months clean thanks to people like
you, Jasen C, and others generosity I was blessed enough
to do Ibogaine. I know that feeling, when I’m able i will
be following that path. I’m talking to a couple of girls
referred to me by the local drug clinic (i went and did a
talk to them all after treatment… i guess they see the
potential..) to give them information and hopefully get
them treated in the future.
Glad to hear you’re all good and doing what you’re doing.
—– Original Message Follows —–
no cap im not in marketing nor am i in advertising, im a
long time drug user that had the good fortune to get the
ibogaine treatment in mexico about 6 months ago. it is a
miracle drug. i was so thrilled after my mexico trip
that i wanted to help my friends that couldnt possibly
come up with the 5 grand required for the treatment. i
dont know many addicts that have or are willing to let
go of 5 thousand dollars. i know that there are those
out there that are as desperate as i was to get free of
the hell called drug addiction. whats your story cap?
how can i help?
iscovery and
by chance a Practicing Heroine Addict would take it,
onl ;y to find out what it does.
So there you have it, in short form, God will use
Ibogaine , or allow its use to jump start Me/ US on a
fresh start once again-<
While I don’t see eye to eye with you on the “god”
thing Bill, I highly support your viewpoint above.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for
enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to
Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and
Hidden History” Editor “Under the Influence- the
Disinformation Guide to Drugs” Editor Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: “Billy J”
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Callie/Bible/hell
Hello all, Been having withrawls not posting a
message in almost 24 hours LOL,
It is Bill or Billy or sometimes people give me
other names, but the first 2 are one and the same,
Mind you there is another Bill around here somewhere
, but Not from the Great White North(Canada) I am
writing on top of your post there Callie to From
what appears to be from Me, but it is Not it says it
was posted on 4/20/2006 7:19:54 PM and you replied
to it I think as if I sent it but NO I did NOT send
that post – “Weird” Anyways I just caught on that
you are also a believer, that is good, and also that
you have not taken Ibogaine yet- true? Did you come
across this LIST Via searching for answers to your
addiction and or someone elses’ or and what country
you in? You seem to be a Big hearted person that is
not perfect lol and you also have been Blessed with
people in your life to Love as well as Ones to Love
You — COOL! Grandchild? Excellent, Me x2 and I am
only 43, Married and 2 Girls at Home. Only Married
still Because God is real. I will be taking Ibogaine
very soon, Althought I have read a bunch of stuff that
appears to relate to Ibogaine being almost ALIVE and
supper SPIRITUAL. In other words somewhat mystical,
Now I at once (because I trust in God Proverbs
3:5&6) became RED Flagged due to the mystical stuff
and also being a little apprehensive about Trusting
in God, and yet not enought to believe that He would
deliver me from my addiction without anymore Drugs.
Well I was able to use scripture again and with the
help of The Holy Spirit (I believe anyways) I have
come to believing that God obviously created this
plant and must have even been the driving Force
behind its discovery and by chance a Practicing
Heroine Addict would take it, onl;y to find out what
it does. So there you have it, in short form, God
will use Ibogaine, or allow its use to jump start Me/ US
on a fresh start once again- After all We serve a
God of 2nd and 3rd and on and on Chances- It is Kinda
like With God you Cannot Fail because He will Always
let you Take the test over Again until you Pass. (
as long as we don’t kill ourselves First. >
Love Always,
Bill and or Billy
P.S. Tell your Loved one that someone in Canada is
now Praying for Them and You Callie.
—-Original Message Follows—-
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again/Careful
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:02:03 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from
([]) by with Microsoft
SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Thu, 20 Apr 2006 19:12:13
-0700 Received: from
([]) by
(InterMail vM.
201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id >
<> for ; Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:12:12
-0400 Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 20 Apr 2006
22:12:08 -0400 Received: (qmail 14104 invoked by uid 513);
20 Apr 2006 22:12:07 -0400 Received: (qmail 14071
invoked by uid 514); 20 Apr 2006 22:12:04 -0400
Mailing-List: contact; run
by ezmlm Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
Delivered-To: mailing list
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-1.2 required=4.0
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
Processed in 3.854378 secs Process 14053)
X-Mailer: 9.0 SE for Windows sub 5021
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-MOVED-X-Spam-Flag: NO
m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 21 Apr 2006 02:12:13.0486
(UTC) FILETIME=[0113A4E0:01C664E9] > >
In a message dated 4/20/2006 7:19:54 PM Central
Daylight Time, writes:
[Callie, did you ever think that maybe the reason
you haven’t done the ibogaine is that you might find
out the answers to some of those questions….and
you won’t like what you find? Ibogaine is a direct
source of revelation. People see things in their
future that come true (prophecy)
and have direct access to the afterlife in the form
of dead relative who come and talk to them and serve
as their guides >
Sorry but no, that is not why I have not done
Ibogaine. For you to jump to
that conclusion is assinine!!
My believing in Jesus and the Bible has absolutely
NOTHING to do with me not
doing the Ibogaine trip!!!
I have not done Ibogaine because I am scared
shitless too. I do not have $$
to pass around freely. I can only work 28 hours a
week because I love a handicapped man that I
committed to and he depends on me. I can’t jet all
over the world! I can barely go visit my only
grandchild in Texas. I am not playing the martyr by
sharing this with you either. I say this because I
figure your arrogance would again come to the
conclusion that I am trying to get sympathy by
sharing the personal reasons I have not done
Ibogaine. Well, shit, I got a phone call and now I
have lost the emotion I was feeling
when I started this reply! lol!
(I told you all I was losing it)
I do not care how anyone believes but I would be
interested in whether or not you believe in heaven
and hell. You probably believe hell is here on
earth. But I am not coming to that
conclusion…………. Callie
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%] >
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%] >
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: captkirk <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] shaun luster
Date: April 24, 2006 at 11:22:43 PM EDT
thanks i’ll keep that in mind…but i hope you’re being
careful about giving it out to just anybody, unwanted
deaths will only damage Ibogaine and what it can do for
people…..just a thought….
—– Original Message Follows —–
captkirk <> wrote:
Thanks for the enlightenment lol, sorry you just sounded
like an advert….
I’m allll good now!! 2 months clean thanks to people like
you, Jasen C, and others generosity I was blessed enough
to do Ibogaine. I know that feeling, when I’m able i will
be following that path. I’m talking to a couple of girls
referred to me by the local drug clinic (i went and did a
talk to them all after treatment… i guess they see the
potential..) to give them information and hopefully get
them treated in the future.
Glad to hear you’re all good and doing what you’re doing.
—– Original Message Follows —–
no cap im not in marketing nor am i in advertising, im a
long time drug user that had the good fortune to get the
ibogaine treatment in mexico about 6 months ago. it is a
miracle drug. i was so thrilled after my mexico trip
that i wanted to help my friends that couldnt possibly
come up with the 5 grand required for the treatment. i
dont know many addicts that have or are willing to let
go of 5 thousand dollars. i know that there are those
out there that are as desperate as i was to get free of
the hell called drug addiction. whats your story cap?
how can i help?
iscovery and
by chance a Practicing Heroine Addict would take it,
onl ;y to find out what it does.
So there you have it, in short form, God will use
Ibogaine , or allow its use to jump start Me/ US on a
fresh start once again-<
While I don’t see eye to eye with you on the “god”
thing Bill, I highly support your viewpoint above.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for
enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to
Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and
Hidden History” Editor “Under the Influence- the
Disinformation Guide to Drugs” Editor Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: “Billy J”
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Callie/Bible/hell
Hello all, Been having withrawls not posting a
message in almost 24 hours LOL,
It is Bill or Billy or sometimes people give me
other names, but the first 2 are one and the same,
Mind you there is another Bill around here somewhere
, but Not from the Great White North(Canada) I am
writing on top of your post there Callie to From
what appears to be from Me, but it is Not it says it
was posted on 4/20/2006 7:19:54 PM and you replied
to it I think as if I sent it but NO I did NOT send
that post – “Weird” Anyways I just caught on that
you are also a believer, that is good, and also that
you have not taken Ibogaine yet- true? Did you come
across this LIST Via searching for answers to your
addiction and or someone elses’ or and what country
you in? You seem to be a Big hearted person that is
not perfect lol and you also have been Blessed with
people in your life to Love as well as Ones to Love
You — COOL! Grandchild? Excellent, Me x2 and I am
only 43, Married and 2 Girls at Home. Only Married
still Because God is real. I will be taking Ibogaine
very soon, Althought I have read a bunch of stuff that
appears to relate to Ibogaine being almost ALIVE and
supper SPIRITUAL. In other words somewhat mystical,
Now I at once (because I trust in God Proverbs
3:5&6) became RED Flagged due to the mystical stuff
and also being a little apprehensive about Trusting
in God, and yet not enought to believe that He would
deliver me from my addiction without anymore Drugs.
Well I was able to use scripture again and with the
help of The Holy Spirit (I believe anyways) I have
come to believing that God obviously created this
plant and must have even been the driving Force
behind its discovery and by chance a Practicing
Heroine Addict would take it, onl;y to find out what
it does. So there you have it, in short form, God
will use Ibogaine, or allow its use to jump start Me/ US
on a fresh start once again- After all We serve a
God of 2nd and 3rd and on and on Chances- It is Kinda
like With God you Cannot Fail because He will Always
let you Take the test over Again until you Pass. (
as long as we don’t kill ourselves First. >
Love Always,
Bill and or Billy
P.S. Tell your Loved one that someone in Canada is
now Praying for Them and You Callie.
—-Original Message Follows—-
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again/Careful
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:02:03 EDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Received: from
([]) by with Microsoft
SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Thu, 20 Apr 2006 19:12:13
-0700 Received: from
([]) by
(InterMail vM.
201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id >
<> for ; Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:12:12
-0400 Received: from (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 20 Apr 2006
22:12:08 -0400 Received: (qmail 14104 invoked by uid 513);
20 Apr 2006 22:12:07 -0400 Received: (qmail 14071
invoked by uid 514); 20 Apr 2006 22:12:04 -0400
Mailing-List: contact; run
by ezmlm Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
Delivered-To: mailing list
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-1.2 required=4.0
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN: 1.25-st-qms
Processed in 3.854378 secs Process 14053)
X-Mailer: 9.0 SE for Windows sub 5021
X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-MOVED-X-Spam-Flag: NO
m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 21 Apr 2006 02:12:13.0486
(UTC) FILETIME=[0113A4E0:01C664E9] > >
In a message dated 4/20/2006 7:19:54 PM Central
Daylight Time, writes:
[Callie, did you ever think that maybe the reason
you haven’t done the ibogaine is that you might find
out the answers to some of those questions….and
you won’t like what you find? Ibogaine is a direct
source of revelation. People see things in their
future that come true (prophecy)
and have direct access to the afterlife in the form
of dead relative who come and talk to them and serve
as their guides >
Sorry but no, that is not why I have not done
Ibogaine. For you to jump to
that conclusion is assinine!!
My believing in Jesus and the Bible has absolutely
NOTHING to do with me not
doing the Ibogaine trip!!!
I have not done Ibogaine because I am scared
shitless too. I do not have $$
to pass around freely. I can only work 28 hours a
week because I love a handicapped man that I
committed to and he depends on me. I can’t jet all
over the world! I can barely go visit my only
grandchild in Texas. I am not playing the martyr by
sharing this with you either. I say this because I
figure your arrogance would again come to the
conclusion that I am trying to get sympathy by
sharing the personal reasons I have not done
Ibogaine. Well, shit, I got a phone call and now I
have lost the emotion I was feeling
when I started this reply! lol!
(I told you all I was losing it)
I do not care how anyone believes but I would be
interested in whether or not you believe in heaven
and hell. You probably believe hell is here on
earth. But I am not coming to that
conclusion…………. Callie
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%] >
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%] >
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
————–=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: shaun luster <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] shaun luster
Date: April 24, 2006 at 11:17:50 PM EDT
captkirk <> wrote:
Thanks for the enlightenment lol, sorry you just sounded
like an advert….
I’m allll good now!! 2 months clean thanks to people like
you, Jasen C, and others generosity I was blessed enough to
do Ibogaine. I know that feeling, when I’m able i will be
following that path. I’m talking to a couple of girls
referred to me by the local drug clinic (i went and did a
talk to them all after treatment… i guess they see the
potential..) to give them information and hopefully get
them treated in the future.
Glad to hear you’re all good and doing what you’re doing.
—– Original Message Follows —–
> no cap im not in marketing nor am i in advertising, im a
> long time drug user that had the good fortune to get the
> ibogaine treatment in mexico about 6 months ago. it is a
> miracle drug. i was so thrilled after my mexico trip that
> i wanted to help my friends that couldnt possibly come up
> with the 5 grand required for the treatment. i dont know
> many addicts that have or are willing to let go of 5
> thousand dollars. i know that there are those out there
> that are as desperate as i was to get free of the hell
> called drug addiction. whats your story cap? how can i
> help?
> iscovery and
> > by chance a Practicing Heroine Addict would take it, onl
> > ;y to find out what it does.
> > So there you have it, in short form, God will use
> > Ibogaine , or allow its use to jump start Me/ US on a
> > fresh start once again-<
> >
> > While I don’t see eye to eye with you on the “god” thing
> > Bill, I highly support your viewpoint above.
> >
> >
> > Peace and love,
> > Preston Peet
> >
> > “Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for
> > enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
> > Richard Davenport-Hines
> >
> >
> > Editor “Underground- The Disinformation Guide to Ancient
> > Civilizations, Astonishing Archeology and Hidden
> > History” Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation
> > Guide to Drugs” Editor
> > Cont. High Times mag/.com
> > Cont. Editor
> > Columnist New York Waste
> > Etc.
> >
> > —– Original Message —–
> > From: “Billy J”
> > To:
> > Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2006 11:48 PM
> > Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Callie/Bible/hell
> >
> >
> > > Hello all, Been having withrawls not posting a message
> > > in almost 24 hours LOL,
> > > It is Bill or Billy or sometimes people give me other
> > > names, but the first 2 are one and the same, Mind you
> > > there is another Bill around here somewhere, but Not
> > > from the Great White North(Canada) I am writing on top
> > > of your post there Callie to From what appears to be
> > from Me, but it is Not it says it was posted on
> > > 4/20/2006 7:19:54 PM and you replied to it I think as
> > > if I sent it but NO I did NOT send that post – “Weird”
> > > Anyways I just caught on that you are also a believer,
> > > that is good, and also that you have not taken
> > > Ibogaine yet- true? Did you come across this LIST Via
> > > searching for answers to your addiction and or someone
> > > elses’ or and what country you in? You seem to be a
> > > Big hearted person that is not perfect lol and you
> > also have been Blessed with people in your life to Love
> > > as well as Ones to Love You — COOL! Grandchild?
> > > Excellent, Me x2 and I am only 43, Married and 2 Girls
> > > at Home. Only Married still Because God is real. I
> > > will be taking Ibogaine very soon, Althought I have
> > read a bunch of stuff that appears to relate to Ibogaine
> > > being almost ALIVE and supper SPIRITUAL. In other
> > > words somewhat mystical, Now I at once (because I
> > > trust in God Proverbs 3:5&6) became RED Flagged due to
> > the mystical stuff and also being a little apprehensive
> > > about Trusting in God, and yet not enought to believe
> > > that He would deliver me from my addiction without
> > > anymore Drugs. Well I was able to use scripture again
> > > and with the help of The Holy Spirit (I believe
> > anyways) I have come to believing that God obviously
> > > created this plant and must have even been the driving
> > > Force behind its discovery and by chance a Practicing
> > > Heroine Addict would take it, onl;y to find out what
> > > it does. So there you have it, in short form, God will
> > > use Ibogaine, or allow its use to jump start Me/ US on
> > > a fresh start once again- After all We serve a God of
> > 2nd and 3rd and on and on Chances- It is Kinda like With
> > > God you Cannot Fail because He will Always let you
> > > Take the test over Again until you Pass. ( as long as
> > we don’t kill ourselves First. >
> > > Love Always,
> > > Bill and or Billy
> > >
> > > P.S. Tell your Loved one that someone in Canada is now
> > > Praying for Them and You Callie.
> > >
> > > —-Original Message Follows—-
> > > From:
> > > Reply-To:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Passover Plot Again/Careful
> > > Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:02:03 EDT
> > > MIME-Version: 1.0
> > > Received: from
> > > ([]) by
> > > with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830); Thu, 20 Apr
> > > 2006 19:12:13 -0700 Received: from
> > > ([]) by
> > > (InterMail vM.
> > > 201-253-122-130-113-20050324) with ESMTP id
> >
> > >
> <
> > >> for ; Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:12:12 -0400
> > > Received: from (HELO
> > > ([]) by
> > > with ESMTP; 20 Apr 2006 22:12:08
> > > -0400 Received: (qmail 14104 invoked by uid 513); 20
> > > Apr 2006 22:12:07 -0400 Received: (qmail 14071 invoked
> > > by uid 514); 20 Apr 2006 22:12:04 -0400
> X-Message-Info:
> > JGTYoYF78jE/4i1ZnlD8GMMJ0WnYkhPtqEv/J0dI2OI=
> > > Mailing-List: contact; run
> > > by ezmlm Precedence: bulk X-No-Archive: yes
> > > List-Post:
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> > > X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-1.2 required=4.0
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> > > (Clear:RC:0(
> > > Processed in 3.854378 secs Process 14053)
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> > > X-Antivirus-MYDOMAIN-MOVED-X-Spam-Flag: NO
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> > >
> > > m X-OriginalArrivalTime: 21 Apr 2006 02:12:13.0486
> > (UTC) FILETIME=[0113A4E0:01C664E9] >
> > >
> > > In a message dated 4/20/2006 7:19:54 PM Central
> > > Daylight Time, writes:
> > >
> > > [Callie, did you ever think that maybe the reason you
> > > haven’t done the ibogaine is that you might find out
> > > the answers to some of those questions….and you
> > > won’t like what you find? Ibogaine is a direct source
> > > of revelation. People see things in their future that
> > > come true (prophecy)
> > > and have direct access to the afterlife in the form of
> > > dead relative who come and talk to them and serve as
> > their guides >
> > >
> > > Sorry but no, that is not why I have not done
> > > Ibogaine. For you to jump to
> > > that conclusion is assinine!!
> > > My believing in Jesus and the Bible has absolutely
> > > NOTHING to do with me not
> >