Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: October 31, 2004 at 9:07:14 PM EST
Ibogaine is not a cure. It is a highly effective treatment. It is about as
good as it gets unless you opt for maintenance therapy (buprenorphine,
methadone, etc.)
In a message dated 10/31/04 4:13:58 PM, writes:
Ron, I have never used drugs, or even smoked a cigarette for that matter.
My son was addicted to Oxycontin and I’m one to find a cure, rather than
treatment. Thst’s why I’m interested in Iboga. But, I’m not hearing
about addicts overcoming they’re addiction. So, is it taken for granted
that all addicts are for Kerry? My son is not. I love everyone and would
do my best to help anyone, but I’ve always had a strong sense of justice,
and do have a problem with hearing President Bush treated so badly by those
who he has taken so much heat to protect. But, If Kerry wins, I will
say a harsh word against him, because he would be my President, and any
criticism is fuel to terriorists fire and empowers them to kill more of
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:56:30 PM EST
They gotta lotta nice girl’s, HA!
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:50:04 PM EST
I’m done with the politics. I can talk that anywhere. Just vote. I don’t give a rat’s ass for whom. Just do the American thing and vote. Hell, i voted for a democratic governor last race. I’m not stuck on any party, although i’m a registered Republican. They are all not the same. Same as all Democrats aren’t either. Neither candidate can give you every thing you want. But I will say, Republican or Democrat, most are overpaid, spoiled crooks, who want power. And will say anything or do anything to get it. Greed and power. Always been that way, always will be. But we get to elect the greediest, most powerful bastard, anyway. Well, kind of.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:39:07 PM EST
We sell weapons to our ally’s everyday. 10 years they are your enemy. Got to make sure you have he dominant weapons and the best pilots,trainers, and ways to incompacitate the weapons you sold if need be. And spare parts. Billion dollar weapons ain’t worth squat without the right technology or spare part.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:31:59 PM EST
You’d be shocked at who is selling whom weapons. Your ally today, your enemy tomorrow. Evey country guilty.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:28:12 PM EST
France and Russia
Iraq did most of its killing using Russian-made MiG and Sukhoi aircraft equipped with chemical sprayers. In addition, Saddam used French-made artillery and helicopters to dump gas on the Iranians and his own people.
The 155mm shell found outside of Baghdad airport was made for Iraq’s arsenal of French made artillery. Clearly, the shell was designed to meet French military standards to fire and used advanced safety techniques to protect Iraqi gunners.
It was that safety technique, of separating the nerve gas into two inert chemicals, and placing them in two chambers inside the shell, that foiled the terrorist attack. The “binary” chemical weapons design has a metal or plastic diaphragm designed to keep the two inert chemicals apart until the massive force or shock of firing it down a cannon bursts the wall, allowing the chemicals to mix.
Ironically, the binary weapons design originated inside the former Soviet Union. Saddam Hussein rose to power backed by Russian weapons and Russian money. Saddam still owes Moscow over $8 billion for the arms he purchased from Russia.
The primary Iraqi chemical weapons are nerve gas and mustard gas, a blistering agent, standard equipment for the 1980s Soviet era military machine.
According to “Russian Military Power” published in 1982, “It is known that the Soviets maintain stocks of CW (chemical weapons) agents.” The two primary Russian chemical weapons in the 1982 Soviet inventory were “nerve” gas and “blistering agents – developments of mustard gas used so effectively in World War I.”
Iraq obtained Russian chemical delivery systems and the same inventory of Russian made chemical weapons at the same time. Iraqi SU-22 Fitter attack jets have been armed with Warsaw Pact designed bombs filled with chemical weapons.
Iraq used these Russian jet fighters to drop chemical weapons on Iranian troops during the Iran/Iraq war. Iraq tried to use these SU-22 jets during the 1991 Gulf war and was foiled by the allied air superiority.
From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Get Up off Your Ass and VOTE (for SOMEBODY)
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:26:30 PM EST
Sorry Patrick, Bruce doesn’t count. His dad is a ultra
liberal democrat who started the Village Voice, what
else would his son be except a ultra conservative
republican? 😉 He’s mad at his father. If he was
really a conservative republican, why would he spend
his life hanging around with you and doing mindvox?
Carla B
— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <> wrote:
My partner in MindVox, and one of my best friends
since we were little
kids — Bruce Fancher — is also a Libertarian. We
basically share the
same beliefs. Somewhere near the very top is the
absolute conviction
that a government that seeks to imprison me for the
“crime” of altering
my state of consciousness against its wishes, is
pretty much a textbook
definition of fascism.
By which I mean to say, that “War on Drugs” thing…
It’s really just
not working out. Having been at the receiving end
of it for most of my
life, it’s hard not to take it personally.
I am voting against Bush. Since the basic core of
being a Libertarian
is pragmatism, this means I will be voting for
Bruce will be voting for Bush — again, for the
second time. He’s a
very smart, dysfunctional, human being, who doesn’t
watch Fox News and
has no interest in the abortion issue (as far as I
know, we haven’t
discussed it at length). <Shrug>
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail – You care about security. So do we.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: D H <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:27:09 PM EST
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, at 12:18 PM, wrote:
What opposition, I’m voting for Charles Bukowski I don’t care if he is dead. I wonder if Bush ever read “All the assholes in the world and mine”?
From: D H <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:19:41 PM EST
and ” how how how how”
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, at 10:39 AM, wrote:
Don’t forget the Billy Gibbons and the boys. “You know what i’m talking about.”
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:18:10 PM EST
What opposition, I’m voting for Charles Bukowski I don’t care if he is dead. I wonder if Bush ever read “All the assholes in the world and mine”?
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:14:26 PM EST
Texas gave us Billy Gibbons too!!! Randy
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:07:47 PM EST
To: <>
What a perfect name for a message from someone supporting Bush- Faith.
You are of course joking, right Faith?
Go Thompson!
Peace and love,
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “Faith Bowling” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:14 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Our creator, and the decent people in the US are getting very fed up of the attacks against the decent. The weakest, most despicible beings there are are those who feel so safe attacking the good, decent people who will stand for the rights of the people who are too tiny to vote, those that believe that every human freedom of choice to live or die, and has the moxie to fight against terriorism, when it’s so unpopular. No, George Bush speech comes from the heart, and he gets emotional. John Kerry really doesn’t care, sounds like it’s memorized. You had to hear him say that he would use OUR tax money to give to some female “being” to murder another human. I would rather not work, than to let any of my money go for this terriorist act, tha John Kerry supports.
From: D H <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:22:53 -1000
He’s been America’s most unorthodox political commentator for more than 30 years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush presidency is evil beyond belief – and judgement is nigh
28 October 2004
The genetically vicious nature of presidential campaigns in America is too obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun, and I am one of them. Election day – especially when it’s a presidential election – is always a wild and terrifying time for politics junkies, and I am one of those, too. We look forward to major election days like sex addicts look forward to orgies. We are slaves to them.
Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the winners. They are not the ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the votes are finally counted and the losers are forced to get down on their knees. No. The slaves who emerge victorious from these drastic public decisions go crazy with joy and plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled Cristal champagne with naked strangers who want to be close to a winner.
That is how it works in the victory business. You see it every time. The weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing their jobs and money and all the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It is like suddenly losing your wife and your home in a vagrant poker game, then having to go on the road with whoremongers and beg for your dinner in public. Nobody wants to hire a loser. Right? They stink of doom and defeat.
“What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex? It’s making me sick.”
“That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in to apply for a job, but we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him down to the parking lot and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
“Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new enemies list? I want them all locked up. They are scum.”
“We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist sympathisers, and most of them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
“Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come over here and kneel down. I want to reward you.”
That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni, vidi, vici, especially among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin saying: “As the camel falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
Presidential politics is a vicious business, even for rich white men, and anybody who gets into it should be prepared to grapple with the meanest of the mean. The White House has never been seized by timid warriors. There are no rules, and the roadside is littered with wreckage. That is why they call it the passing lane. Just ask any candidate who ever ran against George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards, John McCain – all of them ambushed and vanquished by lies and dirty tricks. And all of them still whining about it.
That is why George W Bush is President of the United States, and Al Gore is not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing to demolish anything that got in his way, including the US Supreme Court. It is not by accident that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney & Halliburton Inc) controls all three branches of our federal government today. They are powerful thugs who would far rather die than lose the election in November.
The Republican establishment is haunted by painful memories of what happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too early, and he had no response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has always been the case. Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of US economic policy. If the rich get richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to pre-industrial America, when only white male property owners could vote.
Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush comes from. Houston is a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby, sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West – which can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The other one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas, which has no laws against any deviant practice not specifically forbidden in the New Testament, including anal incest and public cunnilingus with farm animals.
Back in 1948, during his first race for the US Senate, Lyndon Johnson was running about 10 points behind, with only nine days to go. He was desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday, they say, when he called his equally depressed campaign manager and told him to call a press conference for just before lunch on a slow news day and accuse his high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having routine carnal knowledge of his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and children.
His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say that, Lyndon,” he supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
“Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s make the bastard deny it!”
Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that election by fewer than 100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went on to rule Texas and the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most powerful vice president in the history of the United States. Until now.
Armageddon came early for George Bush this year, and he was not ready for it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry turned into a series of embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised his closest campaign advisers. They knew he would never recover, no matter how many votes they could steal for him in Florida, where the presidential debates were closely watched and widely celebrated by millions of Kerry supporters who suddenly had reason to feel like winners.
Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog with almost no chance of winning three out of three rigged confrontations with a treacherous little freak like George Bush. But the debates are over now, and the victor was John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and left him for roadkill.
Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he talked like a donkey with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in Coral Gables, when Bush went belly up less than halfway through his first bout with Kerry, who hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful… I almost felt sorry for him, until I heard someone call him “Mister President”, and then I felt ashamed.
Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt even worse. There is angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the bowels of the White House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its name is George Bush. The president failed miserably from the instant he got onstage with John Kerry. He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong in Coral Gables, then again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s problem. His candidate is a weak-minded frat boy who cracks under pressure in front of 60 million voters.
Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening round, when he finally had to speak without his teleprompter. It was a Cinderella story brought up to date in Florida that night – except this time, the false prince turned back into a frog.
Immediately after the first debate ended, I called Muhammad Ali at his home in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ was laughing so hard that he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate really cracked him up,” he chuckled. “The champ loves a good ass-whuppin’. He says Bush looked so scared to fight, he finally just quit and laid down.”
This year’s first presidential debate was such a disaster for George Bush that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in the ring with John Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we can only wonder why. But there is no doubt that the president has lost his nerve, and his career in the White House is finished. No mas.
Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this dangerous election. The time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun into politics. That’s exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked like a winner, and it energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting to look like serious fun for everyone except poor George, who now looks like a loser. That is fatal in a presidential election.
I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate gaze of a professional gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on the outcome. Contrary to most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with five points as a recommended risk. Kerry will win this election, if it happens, by a bigger margin than Bush finally gouged out of Florida in 2000. That was about 46 per cent, plus five points for owning the US Supreme Court – which seemed to equal 51 per cent. Nobody really believed that, but George W Bush moved into the White House anyway.
It was the most brutal seizure of power since Hitler burned the Reichstag in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of Germany. Karl Rove is no stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it worked for a while, and it was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran out of oil, the whole world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure crystal biphetamine and stay awake for eight days in a row with his maps and bombers and his dope-addled general staff.
They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug for war, as long as you are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the hill forever. He had created a new master race, and every one of them worshipped him. They were fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not much different today. We still love war.
George Bush certainly does. In four short years he has turned our country from a prosperous nation at peace into a desperately indebted nation at war. But so what? He is the President of the United States, and you’re not. Love it or leave it.
“Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of syphilis,” the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called press conference near his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
“Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like Bush. He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against him in November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie accuracy of his political instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a worthless Judas goat with no moral compass.”
“I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said, “and I will do everything in my power, short of roaming the streets with a meat hammer, to help him be the next president of the United States.”
Which is true. I said all those things, and I will say them again. Of course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him for 30 years as a good man with a brave heart – which is more than even the President’s friends will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an old acquaintance from the white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated all over the world, including large parts of Texas, and he is taking us all down with him. Bush is a natural-born loser with a filthy-rich daddy who pimped his son out to rich oil-mongers. He hates music, football and sex, and he is no fun at all.
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make that mistake again. The joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now he belongs to the dead. Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in November – with the obvious exception of professional Republicans who have paid big money to turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader is so desperate that he’s paying homeless people to gather signatures to get him on the ballot. In Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted contained tens of thousands of phoney signatures, including Fred Flintstone, Mickey Mouse and John Kerry. A judge dumped Ralph from the ballot there, calling it “the most deceitful and fraudulent exercise ever perpetrated upon this court”.
But they will keep his name on the ballot in the long-suffering Hurricane State, which is ruled by the President’s younger brother, Jeb, who also wants to be the next president of the United States. In 2000, when they sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over. In that election, 97,488 people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore lost the state by 537 votes. You don’t have to be from Texas to understand the moral of that story. It’s like being out-coached in the Super Bowl. Only losers play fair, and all winners have blood on their hands.
Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel like a winner, we had a quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen, Colorado, where he was scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign contributors. I told him that Bush’s vicious goons in the White House are perfectly capable of assassinating Nader and blaming it on him. His staff laughed, but the Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry suggested I might make a good running mate, and we reminisced about trying to end the Vietnam War in 1972.
That was the year I first met him, at a riot on that elegant little street in front of the White House. He was yelling into a bullhorn and I was trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence and on to the President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in those days, and there were millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out because they were stupid warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and we stomped on Richard Nixon – which wise people said was impossible, but so what? It was fun. We were warriors then, and our tribe was strong like a river. That river is still running. All we have to do is get out and vote, while it’s still legal, and we will wash those crooked warmongers out of the White House.
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: D H <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:08:26 PM EST
yeah, and it’s really a shame that Saddam gassed those poor folks with chemicals given to him by the Reagan administration.
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, at 10:55 AM, wrote:
No offense Julie, but the death toll of this war does not even compare to the hundreds of thousands (some say millions) of innocent Kurds and others this mad man gassed to death.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Ron
Date: October 31, 2004 at 5:02:31 PM EST
To: <>
thank you julie , ron
—– Original Message —–
From: Ms Iboga
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:18 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Dear Ron
I think there were some posts earlier today about Ibo and benzos, and the common consensus seems to be that Ibo doesn’t relieve benzo withdrawal- something about acting on different receptors.
I have heard benzo withdrawal is way worse than opiate, and am so thankful I haven’t had to go through that. I have also heard some ‘messages from the underground’ about using GHB to combat both benzo and alcohol withdrawal, but these claims seem to be only partially substantiated. Search for an Italian study about GHB and alcohol withdrawal- check Entrez Med, or PubMed.
Quite honestly, most doctors don’t know shit about withdrawal, unless they are an expert in that area. Like you said, many of them are out to line their pocketbooks, and to evade prosecution. You will probably find more real information from someone who has already kicked benzos. There are a few good forums online, but I forget the addresses. I’ll look into it for you.
cheers, Julie
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete – You start. We finish.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT) Sept. 11 “suppliment” withheld
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:59:13 PM EST
To: <>, <>
Hi all,
(First of all, I understand this hasn’t anything to do with ibogaine or the war on some drugs either really, other than for the similarities in how the US government is stifling a report that shows the facts to be other than what they allege them to be, as is and has been done with so many reports contrary to the stated rationals for waging said WOSDU. But because one of these lists is mine, and the other is full of people I like, I’m passing this on to you all.)
I love this one. Remember the brouhaha over the “quick” release of the
Sept. 11 Commission “Report,” the one that was released to the public at the
“cheap” price of $10, the one I ran out to buy the first day it came out?
Well, it’s not the “complete” report afterall (oh gosh, I’m soooo surprised
too). Turns out official people “lied” or at least “didn’t quite tell the
truth,” or so the NYTimes is reporting when discussing the contents of the
“suppliment” to the Sept. 11 Commission “Report” that’s being withheld from
public release until after the “election.”
So, does this matter at all, that the people in charge of our protection
lied about what they did that day in Sept. 2001? Does it matter that more
factual updates of the report are being withheld from we the people? Will it
change anything at all, the “news” that we’ve been lied to yet again about
the very worst attack on civilians (at least, mostly white civilians as
opposed to native American civilians say) ever on our shores? Or is it just
conspiratorial thinking that leads me to think the very worst about those in
power (and seeking power too) in my country today?
Interestingly, here in the NYC area, we’re seeing commercials urging a
reopening of the investigation, accompanied by some very interesting and
disturbing photos of that weird hole left by the collision with the Pentagon
(as well as another pointing out the oddities of WTC7’s collapse). I’m not
coming down on the side of any theory about the attacks, but I do certainly
find that photo of the small, neat hole in the side of the Pentagon really
freakin weird.
Anyway, I thought I’d pass on these short snippets from the Times’
article about the Commission report suppliment being withheld from us, the
folk who actually paid for it (not to mention actually demanded it be done
in the first place, over the strenuous objections on the part of Bush/Cheney et al).
Peace and love, eventually,
—– Original Message —– From: “Evan Daniel Ravitz” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 1:54 PM
Subject: NY Times: Part of 9/11 Report unreleased; inquiry begun
Yesterday the NY Times published the below. The crucial part is:
“the [9/11] commission quietly asked the inspectors general at the
Departments of Defense and Transportation to review what it had
determined were broadly inaccurate accounts provided by several
civil and military officials about efforts to track and chase the
hijacked aircraft on Sept. 11.”
For succinct documentation of how NORAD’s own press release about
9/11, released 9/18/01, was deleted from NORAD’s web site this
summer; and how it was self-incriminating, see
In NYC last month, a Zogby poll showed 49.3% believe the government
knew 9/11 was coming and purposely did nothing.
If we don’t make sure a REAL investigation happens, then 9/11, like
the JFK, MLK and RFK assassinations, will forever make Americans
fear “their” government. (For decades, some 70% of Americans don’t
believe the govt story on JFK.)
So please pass this on to people who still believe the govt 9/11
story. Maybe you can get a newspaper person to write about it.
Part of 9/11 Report Remains Unreleased; An Inquiry Is Begun
Published: October 30, 2004
One last chapter of the investigation by the Sept. 11 commission, a
supplement completed more than two months ago, has not yet been made
public by the Justice Department, and officials say it is unlikely
to be released before the presidential election, even though that
had been a major goal of deadlines set for the panel.
Drawing from this unpublished part of the inquiry, the commission
quietly asked the inspectors general at the Departments of Defense
and Transportation to review what it had determined were broadly
inaccurate accounts provided by several civil and military officials
about efforts to track and chase the hijacked aircraft on Sept. 11.
In testimony before the commission, officials had described a quick
response to the hijackings that narrowly missed intercepting some of
the planes, but the commission’s investigators later determined from
documentary evidence that none of the military planes were anywhere
near the four airliners.
In addition, officials at the Federal Aviation Administration
testified that they had notified the military within a few minutes
of each hijacking, but the investigation found that tape recordings
contradicted that assertion.
The commission, in its final report, said that the true picture “did
not reflect discredit” on individuals, but that unreliable testimony
about the events had made it harder to understand the problems.
Besides the pursuit of the hijacked planes, the supplement, a
monograph 60 to 70 pages long, revisits other subjects in the
commission’s final report of July – telephone calls made from the
hijacked airplanes, airline security and orders issued that morning
by President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney – and provides
additional detail or context, former commission members said.
The monograph also finds shortcomings in the Transportation Security
Administration, the agency formed to buttress airline security after
the hijackings, said Bob Kerrey, the former Democratic senator from
Nebraska and a commission member.
Evan Ravitz 303 440 6838
Vote to Ratify the National Initiative at
Photo Adventures:
Bush vs the Pope!
Sins of the father Bush
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Patrick K. Kroupa <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Get Up off Your Ass and VOTE (for SOMEBODY)
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:45:05 PM EST
I unnerstan’ that this is a highly charged up time with that election thing happening. But turning this place into the Kerry vs. Bush debate is probably not going to solve or change, much of anything. Which is, okay. Everyone can say whatever they want.
However… On election day, get up off your ass and VOTE. For somebody.
This is the first time in my entire life that I am actually registered to vote. I am neither a Democrat nor Republican, I’m a Libertarian.
My partner in MindVox, and one of my best friends since we were little kids — Bruce Fancher — is also a Libertarian. We basically share the same beliefs. Somewhere near the very top is the absolute conviction that a government that seeks to imprison me for the “crime” of altering my state of consciousness against its wishes, is pretty much a textbook definition of fascism.
By which I mean to say, that “War on Drugs” thing… It’s really just not working out. Having been at the receiving end of it for most of my life, it’s hard not to take it personally.
I am voting against Bush. Since the basic core of being a Libertarian is pragmatism, this means I will be voting for Kerry.
Bruce will be voting for Bush — again, for the second time. He’s a very smart, dysfunctional, human being, who doesn’t watch Fox News and has no interest in the abortion issue (as far as I know, we haven’t discussed it at length). <Shrug>
Whatever it is that you believe, and whomever you support: ranting about it will not affect change. VOTING — and kickbacks to Diebold — sure will!
On Oct 31, 2004, at 4:12 PM, Faith Bowling wrote:
Ron, I have never used drugs, or even smoked a cigarette for that matter. My son was addicted to Oxycontin and I’m one to find a cure, rather than a treatment. Thst’s why I’m interested in Iboga. But, I’m not hearing alot about addicts overcoming they’re addiction.
Faith (or Ray?): ibogaine isn’t a “cure.” Cure implies magic wand, something outside of you, which will somehow make everything totally different, without any effort on your part.
This doesn’t exist.
Ibogaine absolutely WILL detox your son, and bring him back — or pretty damn close — to a pre-addiction modality. He will not be “detoxed” and still dopesick or fiending. He will be reset, his physical dependence will no longer exist. Period.
After this — depending on what your son’s other issues happen to be — he’s going to need to do SOMETHING. What exactly that something is, I can’t possibly tell you without knowing your son; but if he does ibogaine, goes back to whatever life he is living now, and changes nothing. The odds are extremely high that what he will be doing in the near future is more oxy.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Faith Bowling” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:43:10 PM EST
Thanks. I am seriously considering not having a TV. I remember Life magazine coming to the small town in which I grew up in after a flood. They took pictures of the piled up rubbish and interviewed a family. They family was so embarrased at how they were depicted. It’s been about 40 years ago but I still remember this quote from one of the children that was printed: “It really gets bad when Pap runs out of “tobaccy”
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 16:15:11 EST
I believe Ray Reynolds. God bless you. for helping these poor people who have
known nothing but fear and depression for years. Just because the Liberal
Press didn’t report it, does not mean it ain’t been done. I’d bet you 80-85% of
the average Iraqi people are glad were there. Most are still afraid to speak
their minds after being brainwashed all their lifes. If you have not been over
there personally, you don’t know. This man says he has. The 80-85% is my
opinion. But no one on this board knows unless you go take a poll. That’s just like
when(media) they come down to the part of the country I live in. They talk the
dumbest red-neck with the confederate flag on his truck, instead of black
head city councelman we have, black police chief we have, or the black judge,
professors or doctors. It’s controversy they want you to see. Not the truth.
Truth don’t sell papers or TV time. Controversy does. Simple. Even though I swear
to God I don’t know how far back in the woods they have to go get him ( Ronnie
Red) It’s very, very uncommon to see these idiots in the flesh. They are
almost like the dodo bird. Almost extinct. Will be soon, I hope.
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From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] up coming treatment ….some issues
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:35:01 PM EST
Dear Jeff,
I hope your treatment goes very well. You might experience a bit of residual withdrawal, but it will be nothing compared to the turkey. Take vitamins, and if you can’t eat, buy a pack of those meal replacement drinks- they got me through the thick of it.
Good luck,
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From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: sub
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:34:19 PM EST
To: <>
thanks hannah, i think i’m screwed. been on bup im 1.2 mg per day..liquid amps. i’m trying to taper that and benzos. i’ll probably lose my career and everything else before it’s over. i’m in my 50’s now and drugs quit being fun when i was in my 20’s. addiction is a powerful thing. ron
—– Original Message —– From: “Hannah Clay” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: sub
Hi Ron,
So far I’ve never been off my Sub apart from when I was using so I can’t
answer that. I’ve been on it 9 months though so I’m not looking forward to
it. My Doctor etc here in the UK all say that Sub is not addictive and that
you should not suffer at all as long as you taper off it. However I’ve
heard plenty of tales that disagree. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.
How long have you been taking it? What’s your dosage? There’s an
opiate-detox forum with a bit all about Buprenorphine so you could go there
and read people’s posts for info. (There’s a Bup forum and an info one that
I think has some details too) But I’ve never got a solid answer out of it.
Look for a guy called ‘Bup4pain’ if he’s still about-he really knows what
he’s talking about.
I’m no Doctor but surely you have to deal with one addiction at a time?
Benzos or Sub? I feel for you with the benzo WD.
Have you read up on Ibogaine? If not definately check out The ibogaine
Dossier for info. The others will know better-can you use Ibo to knock both
Sub and Benzos on the head? I’m hoping to do Ibogaine very very soon so
I’ll let you know how it works with the sub.
Love Hannah
—– Original Message —– From: “Ron Davis” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 2:47 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: sub
any problem coming off sub?
—– Original Message —– From: “Hannah Clay” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
>I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had stabilised on 4mg back
> before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect to be back down to
> by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
> I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we just both try
> I really could never leave him on th street-then he’d be straight back
> into
> it. I have got meaner with him and told him he CANNOT keep doing it at
> flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just as bad as he is
> though-before its been him that did well and ME who fucked things up > for
> HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to sort out a place
> anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t start working
> a
> goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I know it looks simple > to
> you
> but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life than be responsible
> hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing him out would really
> hurt
> him.
> —– Original Message —– > From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 8:01 PM
> Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
> Sorry Hannah, but it is you or your friend. Your call.
> What dose of subutex are you taking?
> Howard
> In a message dated 10/29/04 1:04:25 PM, > writes:
>>Hi everyone,
>>I’m feeling sorry for myself so I thought I’d write. I’ve really >>messed
>>I was a H addict for 4yrs doing a bit of evrything else too at times.
>>tried to detoc lots of times. Then I was put on Subutex and was clean
>>like a month (the longest I’;ve ever been clean) I keep trying though.
>> Then
>>my old partner in crime got chucked out onto the streets so I said he
>>stay with me. But we’re etrrible influences on each other-if one’s
>>good then the other always seems to want to be bad. Anyway recenty we
>>into Snowballs (H&Crack IV) which I’ve done lots before but never
> regularly.
>>I love that high. I wish I could feel like that all the time! Now
> detoxing
>>and just staying on my Subbies is even harder. They don’t make me feel
>>better anymore. I can’t tell anyone cuz they’ll chuck me off my >>script.
>> I
>>had got my life back a bit and now I’m losing what little I gained cuz
>>always sick. Todays only Day 2 (again) with just Subbies and I feel so
>>awful 🙁 I’ve mainly slept for the past 48hrs I can’t stop shaking >>and
>>crying. I’m not being sick or needing the loo too much which is a
>>(I do try to feel grateful for that) but I just feel so CRAP! My >>friend
>>being good too though he keeps moaning and begging me to score (does he
>>think I’m made of cash? I spent over £200 on H and rock on tues and >>wed
>>easy) And my dealers won’t stop ringing me. My phones on silent now >>cuz
>>don’t feel like talking to anyone. Sorry if my spellings bad but my
>>won’t stop shaking. Even if I scored I wouldn’t be able to get
>>hands are so sore and swollen from missing.
>>Ok That’s my moaning out the way. I guess I’ll just go back to bed. I
>>wanna feel good. I never did Snowballs in company cuz I like to really
>>it. My n my friend meditate on it breathing deeply ooooh…… stop
>>talking. I’ve been clean before though n life was boring.
>>I’m not really expecting replies I just wanted to vent. Basically just
>>feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like this will never end. I’ll
>>feel good again without drugs of one sort or nother.
>>I’ll stop now. I’m gonna make a hot sweet cup of tea. I’d have a
>>but I think i’d collapse. Now I think about it I haven’t eaten since
>>Wednesday anyway n hardly drtunk anything. That’s probably why I feel
>>weak! I’ll try eat some soup or summat easily digestable.
>>Thanks for listening.
> [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from T..
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:30:01 PM EST
How come when all Kerry and his buddy war protesters lined up to throw their medals in the fire in front of the Capital ( I think that’s where it was) back in the early 70’s, he’s the only one who kept his medals and just threw his ribbons in the fire? There’s a clip of it on the news. He said he accidently left them at home, I think. If your going to do something to make a statement that strong about the Vietnam War, wouldn’t you go all the way or nothing. Wow, what a BOLD statement, John. If I was his buddies, some who probably wish they had their medals back, i’d be wanting his. Or a good ass kicking contest with him. I wouldn’t trust anybody who got his thing up and then wussed out on his friends, who served with him and who had each others lifes in their hands. Every minute. I’d make him take the lead. Don’t want him covering my back.
From: “Faith Bowling” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:15:39 PM EST
Carla, that’s all propoganda. I don’t know the truth about this issue, so I’ll keep my mouth shut. But, I do have a tendency to believe the “Purple Heart” stories about Kerry are true. And, also to shoot a wounded, running, man is the back is something I would have a problem with, even in war.
From: D H <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 10:08:30 -1000
Very Funny!
High Morals and Ethics?
Does that include using influence to avoid Vietnam, then turning around and attempting to smear someone WHO ACTUALLY SERVED?
Does that include cashing out from Harkin with a tidy profit DAYS BEFORE HARKIN WENT BELLY UP? (leaving employees and shareholders empty handed!)
Does that include the Bush family legacy of profiteering from oil and Munitions manufacture? (munitions used to de-stabilize countries who just so happen to have LOTS of oil under their soil)
Does that include having the notorious reputation of residing over the highest amount of state executions (150) while he was Gov of Texas? (more than any other Gov in the history of the US!)
Does that include deceiving a Nation into going to war? and shifting rhyme and reason each time their rational is exposed to be false? All the while thumbing his nose at our long-standing Allies?
Does that include turning a blind eye to the Bin Laden family (and other “sensitive” Saudi’s) being allowed to leave the country only hours after 9-11 when the rest of the country is under a no-fly order?
Does that include stomping on Afghanistan and quickly departing to get Saddams oil, leaving the afghan war lords largely in charge to grow their Poppies so they can put more heroin on the streets of Europe and the Eastern US than has been seen in years?
Does that include the fact that Bush and everyone in his administration are corporate crooks and lobbyists with only one goal: to fill their greedy little small minded pockets with the payola of their mega corporation sponsors? Who also are hell-bent on removing Democracy from the table of America?
Describe to me the “Morals and High Ethics” at Guantanamo and Abu Grahib? (or the legal counsel Bush sought to exonerate himself and cabinet members from torture accountability – before the detainees arrived???)
Does that include opening up the countries last remaining nature preserves to Lumber and Fossil Fuel exploitation?
Refusing to sign the Kyoto agreement?
If so, I suppose “Morals and High Ethics” has taken on a whole new meaning
I am pro-choice. and given that the worlds population is about to double in the next 10 years, birth control and abortion aren’t such a bad thing. Oh wait, of course the ultra right corpo’s don’t want abortions! that means less consumers, which means less profits! Less cattle to consume twinkies and FOX News. Less disillusioned youth who will eventually stick a needle in their arm. we can’t have that! MORE is better!
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, at 04:53 AM, Faith Bowling wrote:
I a can tell you why.
Because George Bush is strong and has high morals and ethics, and he won’t sink to the level to “talk purdy” and say whatever someone wants to hear to get a vote. You can tell a person’s level of moral development, and worth, by how they take up for those who can’t take up for themselves, and how they will do the right things for people even though those people are so ignorant they can’t see it. Anyone who will vote for partial-birth abortion is a terriorist. The safest place for a human on earth should be it’s Maother’s womb.
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:30:09 -0800 (PST)
I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
election, because we also fear another four years with
that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I can’t
imagine why any intelligent person would cast a vote
for that wanker(Bush). There will be street parties
in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a complete
and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect, but
at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat cat
prick friends.
Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:15:11 PM EST
I believe Ray Reynolds. God bless you. for helping these poor people who have known nothing but fear and depression for years. Just because the Liberal Press didn’t report it, does not mean it ain’t been done. I’d bet you 80-85% of the average Iraqi people are glad were there. Most are still afraid to speak their minds after being brainwashed all their lifes. If you have not been over there personally, you don’t know. This man says he has. The 80-85% is my opinion. But no one on this board knows unless you go take a poll. That’s just like when(media) they come down to the part of the country I live in. They talk the dumbest red-neck with the confederate flag on his truck, instead of black head city councelman we have, black police chief we have, or the black judge, professors or doctors. It’s controversy they want you to see. Not the truth. Truth don’t sell papers or TV time. Controversy does. Simple. Even though I swear to God I don’t know how far back in the woods they have to go get him ( Ronnie Red) It’s very, very uncommon to see these idiots in the flesh. They are almost like the dodo bird. Almost extinct. Will be soon, I hope.
From: “Faith Bowling” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:12:28 PM EST
Ron, I have never used drugs, or even smoked a cigarette for that matter. My son was addicted to Oxycontin and I’m one to find a cure, rather than a treatment. Thst’s why I’m interested in Iboga. But, I’m not hearing alot about addicts overcoming they’re addiction. So, is it taken for granted that all addicts are for Kerry? My son is not. I love everyone and would do my best to help anyone, but I’ve always had a strong sense of justice, and do have a problem with hearing President Bush treated so badly by those who he has taken so much heat to protect. But, If Kerry wins, I will not say a harsh word against him, because he would be my President, and any criticism is fuel to terriorists fire and empowers them to kill more of our troops.
From: “Ron Davis” <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 13:40:45 -0600
faith: were you a junkie or addict? or are you just another republican who has infiltrated the opposition the way fbi agents did with what’s left of organized crime and the peace movement under the j. edgar hoover reign? rwd
—– Original Message —– From: “Faith Bowling” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
I a can tell you why.
Because George Bush is strong and has high morals and ethics, and he won’t sink to the level to “talk purdy” and say whatever someone wants to hear to get a vote. You can tell a person’s level of moral development, and worth, by how they take up for those who can’t take up for themselves, and how they will do the right things for people even though those people are so ignorant they can’t see it. Anyone who will vote for partial-birth abortion is a terriorist. The safest place for a human on earth should be it’s Maother’s womb.
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:30:09 -0800 (PST)
I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
election, because we also fear another four years with
that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I can’t
imagine why any intelligent person would cast a vote
for that wanker(Bush). There will be street parties
in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a complete
and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect, but
at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat cat
prick friends.
Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
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From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] up coming treatment ….some issues
Date: October 31, 2004 at 4:08:04 PM EST
To: <>
Congratulation! You must feel very lucky.
All the best,
Van: []
Verzonden: zondag 31 oktober 2004 20:49
Onderwerp: [Ibogaine] up coming treatment ….some issues
Hello List…
Well, here I am just a few days before I am supposed to be treated…mmm wish I had a better word….supposed to be dosed? supposed to … be given freedom from all these years of opiated living…..i suppose one of those or something else will have to do.
So I have been pretty quiet, kind of calm, as I ponder this upcoming experience. I am a combination of scared, worried, excited, nervous, confident, and so much more.
I am not sure exactly when I am dosing but it is in this upcoming week. I will let the list know as we have a regular “candle tradition” started here don’t you think!
Now some background so you all know who this is. I am 45 as of yesterday. I am married to an amazing woman (with no experience whatso ever in opiate use, abuse, or kicking, as well as any other powders) I lost my first wife to a heroin overdose back in 1993 we had a 7 year old son (who now 18 just started college!) and I raised him alone after my wife’s death. The experience of losing my woman, revealing our completely unknown drug use to her family as well as my own as she lay dying, well surreal doesn’t come close but is the only word I find to do justice to my feelings during that time.
I met my present wife while on tour seeing a band we both love back in 1999 marrying her in a spiritual ceremony with our guru Mata Amritandamayi in 2000 and again with a hippie rabbi to “legalize it” in 2001 She like to say she loves me so much she married me twice! That’s my Rachel I love her!!
I never thought I would be done with my methadone even when I had to tell Rachel about my history of drug use and my methadone medication.(about a week after our love at first site) But it was what she calls “The Bomb” that is the bomb I dropped in telling her about this storied past I own. A past she has a very hard time relating to at times it being a foreign world to her and her experience .(lucky girl)
I heard about Ibogaine many many years ago and ALWAYS knew it would be the way I would finally put this aspect of my life behind….I also knew that it would be a long time before I was ready to do that and that Ibogaine and I would find each other when the time was right…..all good things in all good time….
Now that we have found each other I am ready and Rachel is very nervous. as am I albeit in different ways and for different reasons.
I don’t think the list needs to hear about the specifics but the upcoming treatment has produced a definite amount of stress between us. She is a person who wants to have all things in order and set and I am a person who knows things will work out the way they are supposed to two very different outlooks and when applied to Ibogaine well it has been a hard few weeks. any one else had spousal or relatives problems leading up to and even post ibo??
Now back to a little background…After losing my wife I continued to use and was in a big habit very quickly. For good or ill money at that time was no object and I was doing a lot of dope and coke as well sometimes. Finally about two years after the death of Sue I went on a methadone program (something I swore i would never do again after two failed detoxes in the past) but I went in with an attitude of using Methadone as “my insulin” I was going to be on it forever I thought I went in thinking my brain was different than most peoples and that I needed this medicine like diabetics need their medicine. and it worked I got away from the shooting of dope and coke and got away from the everyday copping and doing things that I shouldn’t have been doing as far as risk taking involved with that lifestyle. I loved my methadone and was a model patient .. I ended up on a 1 time a week pick up schedule and being that my social life was a non issue as i was concentrating on raising my now 9 year old so it didn’t really interfere with anything.
As my boy got older and as time healed wounds of mine I began to socialize a bit and found a musical scene that I loved and through that a new group of amazing folks to hang with … and travel with now my 1 time a week schedule didn’t seem quite so convenient but when i needed to my counselor set me up with visits I have been to the Denver clinic, the Berkley clinic, the santa Rosa clinic, the Nashville clinic, and others in my travels i started to think maybe it would be easier if i didn’t have to use this medicine ….hmmmm
Then I started feeling the emotional dullness ….I realized I never ever ever remember my dreams (I assume i have some) and I used to dream so powerfully and loved it. i feel that the methadone is an emotional crippler. I am not feeling my life. I am not expressing my life as i should. I also have a huge energy problem I cant seem to find the motivation to do the things I need to do and even the things I want to do. I cant seem to get the motivation to do things that would make my life easier i self sabotage all the time not paying bills when the money is there putting off doing paperwork until it is a whole new bigger mess. Pay a ticket before a penalty is added HA! never! not this fucked up methadone freak.
I attribute a lot of this …what I call an Inertia problem as in an object (me) at rest stays at rest until acted upon by another) to my methadone I mean how can being in an opiated state for 9 years NOT screw with your motivation and energy levels????
So somehow I stumble onto this list and Howard and Patrick and watch as it goes from a list of a few people who have done Ibo and a whole lot who are thinking and reading about it to a list of people who are DOING Ibo and/or scheduling a treatment…it has been a wondrous thing to watch.
We have so many truly knowledgeable folks on this list so i figured I would put out a few questions I have to the list…
Aftercare- such an important part of Ibogaine therapy this we know. I feel that as a person who hasn’t been in an “active” heroin using state (not going to cop everyday et al) that being I live in a stable environment and wouldn’t even know where to get a bog of dope if i wanted to-that i am not in the kind of ‘danger ‘ that someone whop is living in a dope hood would be or someone who has just a week or so before (dosing with ibogaine) was copping dope everyday would be. BUT I still know that being opiate free for the first time in so many years can still be a dangerous place for me. So i want ti have in place a consoler preferably a psychiatrist (that is who my health benefits will cover) for my post Ibo help. I have seen many names thrown out but one more time if any or all of you can one more time send out the names of those here in the NYC area for aftercare that would be understanding of the unique space that those post Ibogaine are in.
Also an MD I think that I may find that these now 45 year old bones have been happily hiding behind the methadone. I have very bad knees and work in construction for over 20 years now and any one in this business knows that 20 years on the job takes a toll on you so…I may need to address some physical issues as well. Again I want to go to a Dr. that I can be 100% honest with about Ibogaine and any other doper related issues that may arise.
I tend to keep secrets like so manyof us addicts and haven’t been to a DR psych or dentist that I could be hones within many many years. So any names out there among you in the know will be most appreciated.
Nutrition and vitamin natropathic ….Another avenue to explore and another request for a name or two of those in the ibogaine loop so to speak.
I will let you all know when I am going to be dosing so you will be hearing from me again before that time. I thankyou all for being here
Freak Freely!
Jeff G
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 3:55:47 PM EST
No offense Julie, but the death toll of this war does not even compare to the hundreds of thousands (some say millions) of innocent Kurds and others this mad man gassed to death. Not counting Kuwait, either. Not counting starving his own people while he had a palace on every block. And look who was poised to take over. His mad dog animal sons, who raped women and killed their husbands for fun. And I do believe there are a lot more people than you think that are glad we are there. I think i’d choose free elections and democracy anyday. Get rid of the pockets of insurgents, which will happen, and it will go smoother. We’re better off, they are better off, all of the region is better off. I hope Osama is right behind him rotting in hell. I’ll admit he’s been lucky so far. But his luck will run out, too.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 3:39:42 PM EST
Don’t forget the Billy Gibbons and the boys. “You know what i’m talking about.”
From: D H <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: October 31, 2004 at 3:08:30 PM EST
Very Funny!
High Morals and Ethics?
Does that include using influence to avoid Vietnam, then turning around and attempting to smear someone WHO ACTUALLY SERVED?
Does that include cashing out from Harkin with a tidy profit DAYS BEFORE HARKIN WENT BELLY UP? (leaving employees and shareholders empty handed!)
Does that include the Bush family legacy of profiteering from oil and Munitions manufacture? (munitions used to de-stabilize countries who just so happen to have LOTS of oil under their soil)
Does that include having the notorious reputation of residing over the highest amount of state executions (150) while he was Gov of Texas? (more than any other Gov in the history of the US!)
Does that include deceiving a Nation into going to war? and shifting rhyme and reason each time their rational is exposed to be false? All the while thumbing his nose at our long-standing Allies?
Does that include turning a blind eye to the Bin Laden family (and other “sensitive” Saudi’s) being allowed to leave the country only hours after 9-11 when the rest of the country is under a no-fly order?
Does that include stomping on Afghanistan and quickly departing to get Saddams oil, leaving the afghan war lords largely in charge to grow their Poppies so they can put more heroin on the streets of Europe and the Eastern US than has been seen in years?
Does that include the fact that Bush and everyone in his administration are corporate crooks and lobbyists with only one goal: to fill their greedy little small minded pockets with the payola of their mega corporation sponsors? Who also are hell-bent on removing Democracy from the table of America?
Describe to me the “Morals and High Ethics” at Guantanamo and Abu Grahib? (or the legal counsel Bush sought to exonerate himself and cabinet members from torture accountability – before the detainees arrived???)
Does that include opening up the countries last remaining nature preserves to Lumber and Fossil Fuel exploitation?
Refusing to sign the Kyoto agreement?
If so, I suppose “Morals and High Ethics” has taken on a whole new meaning
I am pro-choice. and given that the worlds population is about to double in the next 10 years, birth control and abortion aren’t such a bad thing. Oh wait, of course the ultra right corpo’s don’t want abortions! that means less consumers, which means less profits! Less cattle to consume twinkies and FOX News. Less disillusioned youth who will eventually stick a needle in their arm. we can’t have that! MORE is better!
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, at 04:53 AM, Faith Bowling wrote:
I a can tell you why.
Because George Bush is strong and has high morals and ethics, and he won’t sink to the level to “talk purdy” and say whatever someone wants to hear to get a vote. You can tell a person’s level of moral development, and worth, by how they take up for those who can’t take up for themselves, and how they will do the right things for people even though those people are so ignorant they can’t see it. Anyone who will vote for partial-birth abortion is a terriorist. The safest place for a human on earth should be it’s Maother’s womb.
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:30:09 -0800 (PST)
I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
election, because we also fear another four years with
that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I can’t
imagine why any intelligent person would cast a vote
for that wanker(Bush). There will be street parties
in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a complete
and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect, but
at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat cat
prick friends.
Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
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From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Hanna
Date: October 31, 2004 at 3:04:55 PM EST
To: <>
Hi Julie,
I live in Lincoln which is in the East Midlands, UK. A little, slightly backward town 😉 I really can’t wait, I can’t get hold of ANY of my drugs up there so I have to be good-there’s no temptation. (We are taking some nice weed with us though) Lots of cuddly time with my boyf too which we both need. 🙂 It is proper romantic poet countryside, especially this time of year with all the leaves red and gold. When your around Dove Cottage where Wordsworth lived you can shut your eyes and imagine you’re back in time! You can really see what inspired him!
Love Hannah
—– Original Message —–
From: Ms Iboga
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Hanna
Dear Hannah,
I am so jealous! You know, an out of country trip during the post-acute phase is always a major blessing, and I’m sure you’ll find it very rewarding. Take a lot of sweaters, cuz England can get pretty cold due to the humidity.
I’ve always wanted to hike the Lake District, to take the path of so many Romantic poets like Coleridge, Byron, and Woodsworth.
You are so lucky,
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail – You care about security. So do we.
Subject: [Ibogaine] up coming treatment ….some issues
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:49:07 PM EST
Hello List…
Well, here I am just a few days before I am supposed to be treated…mmm wish I had a better word….supposed to be dosed? supposed to … be given freedom from all these years of opiated living…..i suppose one of those or something else will have to do.
So I have been pretty quiet, kind of calm, as I ponder this upcoming experience. I am a combination of scared, worried, excited, nervous, confident, and so much more.
I am not sure exactly when I am dosing but it is in this upcoming week. I will let the list know as we have a regular “candle tradition” started here don’t you think!
Now some background so you all know who this is. I am 45 as of yesterday. I am married to an amazing woman (with no experience whatso ever in opiate use, abuse, or kicking, as well as any other powders) I lost my first wife to a heroin overdose back in 1993 we had a 7 year old son (who now 18 just started college!) and I raised him alone after my wife’s death. The experience of losing my woman, revealing our completely unknown drug use to her family as well as my own as she lay dying, well surreal doesn’t come close but is the only word I find to do justice to my feelings during that time.
I met my present wife while on tour seeing a band we both love back in 1999 marrying her in a spiritual ceremony with our guru Mata Amritandamayi in 2000 and again with a hippie rabbi to “legalize it” in 2001 She like to say she loves me so much she married me twice! That’s my Rachel I love her!!
I never thought I would be done with my methadone even when I had to tell Rachel about my history of drug use and my methadone medication.(about a week after our love at first site) But it was what she calls “The Bomb” that is the bomb I dropped in telling her about this storied past I own. A past she has a very hard time relating to at times it being a foreign world to her and her experience .(lucky girl)
I heard about Ibogaine many many years ago and ALWAYS knew it would be the way I would finally put this aspect of my life behind….I also knew that it would be a long time before I was ready to do that and that Ibogaine and I would find each other when the time was right…..all good things in all good time….
Now that we have found each other I am ready and Rachel is very nervous. as am I albeit in different ways and for different reasons.
I don’t think the list needs to hear about the specifics but the upcoming treatment has produced a definite amount of stress between us. She is a person who wants to have all things in order and set and I am a person who knows things will work out the way they are supposed to two very different outlooks and when applied to Ibogaine well it has been a hard few weeks. any one else had spousal or relatives problems leading up to and even post ibo??
Now back to a little background…After losing my wife I continued to use and was in a big habit very quickly. For good or ill money at that time was no object and I was doing a lot of dope and coke as well sometimes. Finally about two years after the death of Sue I went on a methadone program (something I swore i would never do again after two failed detoxes in the past) but I went in with an attitude of using Methadone as “my insulin” I was going to be on it forever I thought I went in thinking my brain was different than most peoples and that I needed this medicine like diabetics need their medicine. and it worked I got away from the shooting of dope and coke and got away from the everyday copping and doing things that I shouldn’t have been doing as far as risk taking involved with that lifestyle. I loved my methadone and was a model patient .. I ended up on a 1 time a week pick up schedule and being that my social life was a non issue as i was concentrating on raising my now 9 year old so it didn’t really interfere with anything.
As my boy got older and as time healed wounds of mine I began to socialize a bit and found a musical scene that I loved and through that a new group of amazing folks to hang with … and travel with now my 1 time a week schedule didn’t seem quite so convenient but when i needed to my counselor set me up with visits I have been to the Denver clinic, the Berkley clinic, the santa Rosa clinic, the Nashville clinic, and others in my travels i started to think maybe it would be easier if i didn’t have to use this medicine ….hmmmm
Then I started feeling the emotional dullness ….I realized I never ever ever remember my dreams (I assume i have some) and I used to dream so powerfully and loved it. i feel that the methadone is an emotional crippler. I am not feeling my life. I am not expressing my life as i should. I also have a huge energy problem I cant seem to find the motivation to do the things I need to do and even the things I want to do. I cant seem to get the motivation to do things that would make my life easier i self sabotage all the time not paying bills when the money is there putting off doing paperwork until it is a whole new bigger mess. Pay a ticket before a penalty is added HA! never! not this fucked up methadone freak.
I attribute a lot of this …what I call an Inertia problem as in an object (me) at rest stays at rest until acted upon by another) to my methadone I mean how can being in an opiated state for 9 years NOT screw with your motivation and energy levels????
So somehow I stumble onto this list and Howard and Patrick and watch as it goes from a list of a few people who have done Ibo and a whole lot who are thinking and reading about it to a list of people who are DOING Ibo and/or scheduling a treatment…it has been a wondrous thing to watch.
We have so many truly knowledgeable folks on this list so i figured I would put out a few questions I have to the list…
Aftercare- such an important part of Ibogaine therapy this we know. I feel that as a person who hasn’t been in an “active” heroin using state (not going to cop everyday et al) that being I live in a stable environment and wouldn’t even know where to get a bog of dope if i wanted to-that i am not in the kind of ‘danger ‘ that someone whop is living in a dope hood would be or someone who has just a week or so before (dosing with ibogaine) was copping dope everyday would be. BUT I still know that being opiate free for the first time in so many years can still be a dangerous place for me. So i want ti have in place a consoler preferably a psychiatrist (that is who my health benefits will cover) for my post Ibo help. I have seen many names thrown out but one more time if any or all of you can one more time send out the names of those here in the NYC area for aftercare that would be understanding of the unique space that those post Ibogaine are in.
Also an MD I think that I may find that these now 45 year old bones have been happily hiding behind the methadone. I have very bad knees and work in construction for over 20 years now and any one in this business knows that 20 years on the job takes a toll on you so…I may need to address some physical issues as well. Again I want to go to a Dr. that I can be 100% honest with about Ibogaine and any other doper related issues that may arise.
I tend to keep secrets like so manyof us addicts and haven’t been to a DR psych or dentist that I could be hones within many many years. So any names out there among you in the know will be most appreciated.
Nutrition and vitamin natropathic ….Another avenue to explore and another request for a name or two of those in the ibogaine loop so to speak.
I will let you all know when I am going to be dosing so you will be hearing from me again before that time. I thankyou all for being here
Freak Freely!
Jeff G
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:52:26 PM EST
To: <>
I don’t think there is anyone here that agrees with you…
—– Original Message —–
From: “Faith Bowling” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 4:15 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Subject: why wasn’t this in the newspapers?
As I head off to Baghdad for the final weeks
of my stay in Iraq, I wanted to say thanks to
all of you who did not believe the media.
They have done a very poor job of covering
everything that has happened. I am sorry that
I have not been able to visit all of you
during my two week leave back home.
And just so you can rest at night knowing
something is happening in Iraq that is noteworthy,
I thought I would pass this on to you.
This is the list of things that has happened
in Iraq recently:
(Please share it with your friends and compare
it to the version that your paper is producing.)
* Over 400,000 kids have up-to-date immunizations
* School attendance is up 80% from levels before the war.
* Over 1,500 schools have been renovated and rid of
the weapons stored there so education can occur.
* The port of Uhm Qasar was renovated so grain can be
off-loaded from ships faster.
* The country had its first 2 billion barrel export
of oil in August.
* Over 4.5 million people have clean drinking water
for the first time ever in Iraq.
* The country now receives 2 times the electrical
power it did before the war.
* 100% of the hospitals are open and fully staffed,
compared to 35% before the war.
* Elections are taking place in every major city,
and city councils are in place.
* Sewer and water lines are installed in every
major city.
* Over 60,000 police are patrolling the streets.
* Over 100,000 Iraqi civil defense police are
securing the country.
* Over 80,000 Iraqi soldiers are patrolling the
streets side by side with US soldiers.
* Over 400,000 people have telephones for the
first time ever.
* Students are taught field sanitation and
hand washing techniques to prevent the spread
of germs.
* An interim constitution has been signed.
* Girls are allowed to attend school.
* Textbooks that don’t mention Saddam are in
the schools for the first time in 30 years.
Don’t believe for one second that these people
do not want us there. I have met many, many
people from Iraq that want us there, and in
a bad way. They say they will never see the
freedoms we talk about but they hope their
children will. We are doing a good job in Iraq
and I challenge anyone, anywhere to dispute me
on these facts. If you are like me and very
disgusted with how this period of rebuilding
has been portrayed, email this to a friend and
let them know there are good things happening.
Ray Reynolds,
SFC Iowa Army National Guard
234th Signal Battalion
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist
dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 08:00:31 -0800 (PST)
Ya know,
It never ceases to amaze me how the right becomes
morally indignant over abortion and stem cell issues,
yet remains nonplussed, almost completely unfazed, by
the death count of this bullshit war! What about the
tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians who lost their
lives? Out of sight, out of mind, right?
It seems very hypocritical to me to condemn one form
of murder yet condone another, when in fact they are
somewhat similar.
Anyone who would vote for a man who orchestrated a
whole war in order to secure profits and oil for
himself and the old boys club, is an idiot, in my
humble opinion.
— Faith Bowling <> wrote:
I a can tell you why.
Because George Bush is strong and has high morals
and ethics, and he won’t
sink to the level to “talk purdy” and say whatever
someone wants to hear to
get a vote. You can tell a person’s level of moral
development, and worth,
by how they take up for those who can’t take up for
themselves, and how they
will do the right things for people even though
those people are so ignorant
they can’t see it. Anyone who will vote for
partial-birth abortion is a
terriorist. The safest place for a human on earth
should be it’s Maother’s
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the
fascist capitalist dictator
from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:30:09 -0800 (PST)
I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
election, because we also fear another four years
that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I
imagine why any intelligent person would cast a
for that wanker(Bush). There will be street
in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a
and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect,
at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat
prick friends.
Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
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From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:40:45 PM EST
To: <>
faith: were you a junkie or addict? or are you just another republican who has infiltrated the opposition the way fbi agents did with what’s left of organized crime and the peace movement under the j. edgar hoover reign? rwd
—– Original Message —– From: “Faith Bowling” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 8:53 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
I a can tell you why.
Because George Bush is strong and has high morals and ethics, and he won’t sink to the level to “talk purdy” and say whatever someone wants to hear to get a vote. You can tell a person’s level of moral development, and worth, by how they take up for those who can’t take up for themselves, and how they will do the right things for people even though those people are so ignorant they can’t see it. Anyone who will vote for partial-birth abortion is a terriorist. The safest place for a human on earth should be it’s Maother’s womb.
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:30:09 -0800 (PST)
I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
election, because we also fear another four years with
that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I can’t
imagine why any intelligent person would cast a vote
for that wanker(Bush). There will be street parties
in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a complete
and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect, but
at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat cat
prick friends.
Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
Do you Yahoo!?
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From: D H <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:30:32 PM EST
nah, just the politicians.
I mean, Like Texas gave us Ms Joplin.
On Saturday, October 30, 2004, at 07:47 PM, wrote:
Got something against Texas?
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Hanna
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:31:10 PM EST
To: <>
Thanks for all this info-I’m really glad I’m on this list. My Doctor GUARANTEED me that I would not get withdrawals from Subutex (I wish I’d got it in writing!) All the staff at my clinic say that its nit addictive. They put you on maintenance every time and then they only have to think about the taper ina year or so’s time! They get really arsey if you start questioning their methods, however subtley. Things change slowly in this litlle town.
Thanks again,
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Hanna
Suboxone and alike are absolutely very addictive. 0.3 of Bup injected is equal to 8 mgs of morphine. I have seen many get addicted to Bup and they are not happy. As it is a mixed agonist / antagonist, it is on and off the receptor so you are okay and then not and then okay and then not again. I feel it is a poor maintenance drug and is addicting.
Be off of Bup/ Subox for at least 14 days prior to IBO. It has weird metabolites that stick around that long and can effect how IBO and noribo bind to the opiate receptors.
Switch over to short acting opiates 2 weeks prior to Ibo if you are on Bup.
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Hanna
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:21:44 PM EST
Dear Hannah,
I am so jealous! You know, an out of country trip during the post-acute phase is always a major blessing, and I’m sure you’ll find it very rewarding. Take a lot of sweaters, cuz England can get pretty cold due to the humidity.
I’ve always wanted to hike the Lake District, to take the path of so many Romantic poets like Coleridge, Byron, and Woodsworth.
You are so lucky,
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail – You care about security. So do we.
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Dear Ron
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:18:37 PM EST
I think there were some posts earlier today about Ibo and benzos, and the common consensus seems to be that Ibo doesn’t relieve benzo withdrawal- something about acting on different receptors.
I have heard benzo withdrawal is way worse than opiate, and am so thankful I haven’t had to go through that. I have also heard some ‘messages from the underground’ about using GHB to combat both benzo and alcohol withdrawal, but these claims seem to be only partially substantiated. Search for an Italian study about GHB and alcohol withdrawal- check Entrez Med, or PubMed.
Quite honestly, most doctors don’t know shit about withdrawal, unless they are an expert in that area. Like you said, many of them are out to line their pocketbooks, and to evade prosecution. You will probably find more real information from someone who has already kicked benzos. There are a few good forums online, but I forget the addresses. I’ll look into it for you.
cheers, Julie
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From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:25:05 PM EST
To: <>
I’ll be burning a candle over here for you anyway-remember that! 🙂
Lots of love Hannah
—– Original Message —–
From: Jasen Chamoun
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Hello Hannah,
Thankyou,these supportive emails make a big difference to me.
Yes you are right,I will be IN Europe,for some reason I keep thinking
that I will be in the UK.
I am going to try to stay away for 8 weeks.
I am very thankfull for all of this,and I give thanks
in advance for my freedom.
With Smiles Jasen.
From: Hannah Clay
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Hey Jasen,
I just wanted to tell you that I’m really excited for you and can’t wait to hear how it goes! You wrote an amazing emial to me once that I still keep. Just remember that we’ll all be thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes your way.
Oh and isn’t the Netherlands part of Europe?
Lota of love Hannah
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Second Treatment Complete Success!!!
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:23:46 PM EST
To: <>
I’m on a effexor-is that why I can’t stop shaking and can’t keep my hands still? I feel like I’m on speed or something! Its different to gouching though…
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Second Treatment Complete Success!!!
Welbrutrin is pure norepinephrine increaser and will make anxiety, insomnia and withdrawal, worse. Bad idea always. Effexoer and Cymbalta are also no no’s (sic)
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Hanna
Date: October 31, 2004 at 2:10:26 PM EST
To: <>
Thanks Randy,
I just felt silly cuz after a good night’s sleep things didn’t seem so bad. Both our guests have agreed to spend only one week of every two at mine so that’ll be much better. I’m also on Day 4 and my cravings have eased off slightly (touch wood) and I feel a bit better. I took my dog for a long walk today to get outdoors and its really starting to feel wintery-cold and clear. I love it like this. And in a couple of weeks I’ll be in the Lake District in the middle of nowhere in a climbing hut-basic but lots of log fires (some of my family will be there but I hope it’ll go ok) I can’t wait. Standing in woodland listening to the rain drip from the branches around you and not being able to hear anything but distant sheep bleeting….and then coming in from the cold to squeeze round a fire and eat, drink and be merry….
As you can see I’m feeling alot more chirpy (my boyf’s paying, not me!). I couldn’t believe how kind you all were to me and I’m very grateful. People on this list are cool. I guess that goes to show that there ARE sound people out there-they won’t either dismiss me for being a junkie or rip me off! I’m gonna have to start getting out more!
Love to you all. Happy Samhain!
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Hanna
Hanna, I don’t think anyone is looking down at you. I personally just want to help. I really care about most of the people who show up here on the list. People I didn’t even know by sight helped me immensely in my struggles. I’m just trying to pass it on. It’s an AA thing. I’m a raging alcoholic too. I’ve let love completely screw me numerous times. Probably will again but, I’ll walk before I use next time. Or she will. Whoever that may be. Randy
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] was this a bad joke???
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:44:00 PM EST
To: <>
bush bites, but this forum should be non political. i live in the florida panhandle and have watched every politician elected as a democrat convert to republican once theygot the whitehouse and congress. i would opine that most voters make their decisons on sound bites and political ads. listen and read the tripe and you’ll see each candidate doing the same thing in their campaigns. think any of the candidates would embrace the members of this forum? a bunch of ex or recovered junkies? think any of them would endorse ibo or the legalization of any class 1 drug? methadones’s cool b/c the pharmacutical industry is behind it. alcohol is ok b/c it’s a “legitimate” part of our culture and people make billions from its sales. i’m just a rusty old public defender who has been practicing for 20 years and 99% of my caseload is drug and alcohol related in some fashion which is further exacerbated by the unbridled populaton growth which no elected offical or judge dare comment on, except for the few that are federal judges who have lifetime appointments. even those are reluctant if they have aspirations for a higher appointment. to the unaddicted or well heeled alkie, most on this forum would be an unwelcommed dinner guest. BUSH IS KILLING US AND KERRY WILL DO THE SAME, BOTH LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. rwd, an over worked schmuck who has watched this culture turn its back on helping helping people and now just wants to punish. hey, what happened to that huge fed surplus that gave us tiny refunds and large corporations millions? i am
54, fighting for my life and worrying if i’ll 1) live to receive social security and 2) if there will be any left if i make it. i was a junkie who started drinking at 12 , shooting dope at 16 and then somehow pulled out. later i got tripped when a doc prescribedbenzos and now i’m really cooked. ever read the ama detox protocal for comming off benzos? every m.d i know is consumed by the fear of being sued yet all make thousands more a year than the rest of the poulation, most are afraid to try anything new b/c of the potential lawsuit or possible prosecution for violating our barbaric drug laws. i have been on both sides of the barbedwire( which i disclosed when applying for lawschool andlater admission to the bar) so i have some basis to render an informed opinion. druggies are the weak link in the food chain and noone gives a rat’s behind about them as to really finding a cure. having ranted for so long, can anyone on this forum tell me if IBO works on benzo w/d’s? this stuff is worse than any withdrawal i have experienced . i w/d from junk, methadone and oxys and want to be totally chemically free. this crap, legal or prescribed hancuffs an addict,and folks if you’ve read this far thanks, which limits my place in the world. let us all hope the right , rich and spoiled candidate wins.
—– Original Message —– From: “Carla Barnes” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 2:49 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] was this a bad joke???
This is one of the most disgusting small minded things
i’ve ever read on this list and that is saying a lot.
I didn’t know anybody except rich companies voted for
bush but I am proven wrong.
I dont know what country you live in but this isn’t
the united states of fundemntalist christianity. There
is separation of church and state, there’s some dumb
psychopath who belongs in the loonie bin in the white
house who makes people on mindvox seem normal.
declaring wars, talking about god to justify it. I’m
not even going there.
If you don’t support the right of women to control
their own bodies or have abortions then I suggest you
don’t get one. Nobody elected you god or judge over
everyone else.
Why are you even on the ibogaine list? are you on
heroin or someone in your family? Does Bush and
fundamentalis christianity approve of drug addicts now
or did I miss something? Won’t the junkies be in the
same line to the gas ovens with the homosexuals,
blacks, women who have had abortions???
Carla B
— Faith Bowling <> wrote:
Our creator, and the decent people in the US are
getting very fed up of the
attacks against the decent. The weakest, most
despicible beings there are
are those who feel so safe attacking the good,
decent people who will stand
for the rights of the people who are too tiny to
vote, those that believe
that every human freedom of choice to live or die,
and has the moxie to
fight against terriorism, when it’s so unpopular.
No, George Bush speech
comes from the heart, and he gets emotional. John
Kerry really doesn’t
care, sounds like it’s memorized. You had to hear
him say that he would use
OUR tax money to give to some female “being” to
murder another human. I
would rather not work, than to let any of my money
go for this terriorist
act, tha John Kerry supports.
>From: D H <>
>Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
>Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:22:53 -1000
>He’s been America’s most unorthodox political
commentator for more than 30
>years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush
presidency is evil beyond
>belief – and judgement is nigh
>28 October 2004
>The genetically vicious nature of presidential
campaigns in America is too
>obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun,
and I am one of them.
>Election day – especially when it’s a presidential
election – is always a
>wild and terrifying time for politics junkies, and
I am one of those, too.
>We look forward to major election days like sex
addicts look forward to
>orgies. We are slaves to them.
>Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the
winners. They are not the
>ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the
votes are finally counted
>and the losers are forced to get down on their
knees. No. The slaves who
>emerge victorious from these drastic public
decisions go crazy with joy and
>plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled Cristal
champagne with naked
>strangers who want to be close to a winner.
>That is how it works in the victory business. You
see it every time. The
>weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing
their jobs and money and all
>the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It
is like suddenly losing
>your wife and your home in a vagrant poker game,
then having to go on the
>road with whoremongers and beg for your dinner in
public. Nobody wants to
>hire a loser. Right? They stink of doom and defeat.
>”What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex?
It’s making me sick.”
>”That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in
to apply for a job, but
>we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him
down to the parking lot
>and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
>”Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new
enemies list? I want
>them all locked up. They are scum.”
>”We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist
sympathisers, and most of
>them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
>”Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come
over here and kneel
>down. I want to reward you.”
>That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni,
vidi, vici, especially
>among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin
saying: “As the camel
>falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
>Presidential politics is a vicious business, even
for rich white men, and
>anybody who gets into it should be prepared to
grapple with the meanest of
>the mean. The White House has never been seized by
timid warriors. There
>are no rules, and the roadside is littered with
wreckage. That is why they
>call it the passing lane. Just ask any candidate
who ever ran against
>George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards, John McCain –
all of them ambushed and
>vanquished by lies and dirty tricks. And all of
them still whining about
>That is why George W Bush is President of the
United States, and Al Gore is
>not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing
to demolish anything
>that got in his way, including the US Supreme
Court. It is not by accident
>that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney &
Halliburton Inc) controls
>all three branches of our federal government today.
They are powerful thugs
>who would far rather die than lose the election in
>The Republican establishment is haunted by painful
memories of what
>happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too
early, and he had no
>response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has
always been the case.
>Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the
Military-Industrial Complex
>loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt
on the excuse of a
>wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes
quickly to mind, along with
>Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down”
theory of US economic
>policy. If the rich get richer, the theory goes,
before long their pots
>will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the
poor, who would rather eat
>scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing
at all. Republicans have
>never approved of democracy, and they never will.
It goes back to
>pre-industrial America, when only white male
property owners could vote.
>Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush
comes from. Houston is a
>cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas
with no zoning laws and a
>culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby,
sprawling metropolis
>ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich
pansexual cowboys who
>live by the code of the West – which can mean just
about anything you need
>it to mean, in a pinch.
>Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of
the last three presidents
>of the United States of America, for good or ill.
The other one was a
>handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas,
which has no laws against
>any deviant practice not specifically forbidden in
the New Testament,
>including anal incest and public cunnilingus with
farm animals.
>Back in 1948, during his first race for the US
Senate, Lyndon Johnson was
>running about 10 points behind, with only nine days
to go. He was
>desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday,
they say, when he
>called his equally depressed campaign manager and
told him to call a press
>conference for just before lunch on a slow news day
and accuse his
>high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having
routine carnal knowledge of
>his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and
>His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say
that, Lyndon,” he
>supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
>”Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s
make the bastard deny it!”
>Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that
election by fewer than
>100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went
on to rule Texas and
>the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most
powerful vice president in
>the history of the United States. Until now.
>Armageddon came early for George Bush this year,
and he was not ready for
>it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry
turned into a series of
>embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised
his closest campaign
>advisers. They knew he would never recover, no
matter how many votes they
>could steal for him in Florida, where the
presidential debates were closely
>watched and widely celebrated by millions of Kerry
supporters who suddenly
>had reason to feel like winners.
>Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog
with almost no chance of
>winning three out of three rigged confrontations
with a treacherous little
>freak like George Bush. But the debates are over
now, and the victor was
>John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and
left him for roadkill.
>Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he
talked like a donkey
>with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in
Coral Gables, when Bush
>went belly up less than halfway through his first
bout with Kerry, who
>hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful…
I almost felt sorry for
>him, until I heard someone call him “Mister
President”, and then I felt
>Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt
even worse. There is
>angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the
bowels of the White
>House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its
name is George Bush. The
>president failed miserably from the instant he got
onstage with John Kerry.
>He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong
in Coral Gables, then
>again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s
problem. His candidate is a
>weak-minded frat boy who cracks under pressure in
front of 60 million
>Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening
round, when he finally had
>to speak without his teleprompter. It was a
Cinderella story brought up to
>date in Florida that night – except this time, the
false prince turned back
>into a frog.
>Immediately after the first debate ended, I called
Muhammad Ali at his home
>in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ
was laughing so hard that
>he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate really
cracked him up,” he
>chuckled. “The champ loves a good ass-whuppin’. He
says Bush looked so
>scared to fight, he finally just quit and laid
>This year’s first presidential debate was such a
disaster for George Bush
>that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in
the ring with John
>Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we
can only wonder why. But
>there is no doubt that the president has lost his
nerve, and his career in
>the White House is finished. No mas.
>Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this
dangerous election. The
>time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun
into politics. That’s
>exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked
like a winner, and it
>energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting
to look like serious fun
>for everyone except poor George, who now looks like
a loser. That is fatal
>in a presidential election.
>I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate
gaze of a professional
>gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on
the outcome. Contrary to
>most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with five
points as a recommended
>risk. Kerry will win this election, if it happens,
by a bigger margin than
>Bush finally gouged out of Florida in 2000. That
was about 46 per cent,
>plus five points for owning the US Supreme Court –
which seemed to equal 51
>per cent. Nobody really believed that, but George W
Bush moved into the
>White House anyway.
>It was the most brutal seizure of power since
Hitler burned the Reichstag
>in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of
Germany. Karl Rove is no
>stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it
worked for a while, and it
>was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran
out of oil, the whole
>world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure
crystal biphetamine and stay
>awake for eight days in a row with his maps and
bombers and his dope-addled
>general staff.
>They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug
for war, as long as you
>are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the
hill forever. He had
>created a new master race, and every one of them
worshipped him. They were
>fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not
much different today.
>We still love war.
>George Bush certainly does. In four short years he
has turned our country
>from a prosperous nation at peace into a
desperately indebted nation at
>war. But so what? He is the President of the United
States, and you’re not.
>Love it or leave it.
>”Four more years of George Bush will be like four
more years of syphilis,”
>the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called
press conference near
>his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
>”Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous
loser like Bush. He
>hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will
vote against him in
>November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie
accuracy of his political
>instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a
worthless Judas goat with
>no moral compass.”
>”I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said,
“and I will do everything
>in my power, short of roaming the streets with a
meat hammer, to help him
>be the next president of the United States.”
>Which is true. I said all those things, and I will
say them again. Of
>course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him
for 30 years as a good
>man with a brave heart – which is more than even
the President’s friends
>will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an
old acquaintance from the
>white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated all
over the world, including
>large parts of Texas, and he is taking us all down
with him. Bush is a
>natural-born loser with a filthy-rich daddy who
pimped his son out to rich
>oil-mongers. He hates music, football and sex, and
he is no fun at all.
>I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make
that mistake again. The
>joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now
he belongs to the dead.
>Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in
November – with the
>obvious exception of professional Republicans who
have paid big money to
>turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader is
so desperate that he’s
>paying homeless people to gather signatures to get
him on the ballot. In
>Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted contained
tens of thousands of
>phoney signatures, including Fred Flintstone,
Mickey Mouse and John Kerry.
>A judge dumped Ralph from the ballot there, calling
it “the most deceitful
>and fraudulent exercise ever perpetrated upon this
>But they will keep his name on the ballot in the
long-suffering Hurricane
>State, which is ruled by the President’s younger
brother, Jeb, who also
>wants to be the next president of the United
States. In 2000, when they
>sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over.
In that election, 97,488
>people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore lost
the state by 537 votes.
>You don’t have to be from Texas to understand the
moral of that story. It’s
>like being out-coached in the Super Bowl. Only
losers play fair, and all
>winners have blood on their hands.
>Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel
like a winner, we had a
>quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen,
Colorado, where he was
>scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign
contributors. I told him that
>Bush’s vicious goons in the White House are
perfectly capable of
>assassinating Nader and blaming it on him. His
staff laughed, but the
>Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry suggested I might
make a good running
>mate, and we reminisced about trying to end the
Vietnam War in 1972.
>That was the year I first met him, at a riot on
that elegant little street
>in front of the White House. He was yelling into a
bullhorn and I was
>trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence
and on to the
>President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in
those days, and there were
>millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out
because they were stupid
>warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and we
stomped on Richard Nixon –
>which wise people said was impossible, but so what?
It was fun. We were
>warriors then, and our tribe was strong like a
river. That river is still
>running. All we have to do is get out and vote,
while it’s still legal, and
>we will wash those crooked warmongers out of the
White House.
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From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:40:11 PM EST
To: <>
Ok. But in India 2,000,000 women get raped buy police officers each year when they come to ask for help.
after getting the dowry many are killed by the own new husband.
Many women sleep on a small cloth on the streets, breast feed on the street, beg for food and have no health care or education.
They are sold to prostitution houses. And get bitten by their owner.
in Ethiopia woman die after being circumcised with rusty razor blades, people are barbaric towards women all over the world,
They always have been, even in the Netherlands. it all come down to sex, abuse, and men who like to think of themselves as superior to women.
Van: [] Verzonden: zondag 31 oktober 2004 19:10 Aan: Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Yes sir, what opportunities for women abound in IRAQ.
After the 1991 Gulf War and economic embargos were applied, living conditions for women in Iraq began to deteriorate. The declining economy caused many women to lose their jobs and abandon their education. Girls and women today are now facing a major learning gap and there has been a sharp decline in adult female literacy. Many women in Iraq now focus all their efforts in search of food and clean water to ensure their family’s survival. Some women have even resorted to prostitution to provide for their children and families.
Current Status of Women in Iraq
The movement for women in Iraw has greatly suffered due to sanctions and anti-women legislation imposed by Hussein’s regime since the mid-90s. Under Islamic law, the punishment for a women who commits adultery is death. But women in Iraq are also being murdered for fighting with their husbands, having a relationship with a man outside marriage, and for being raped, because this brings shame on the family. Women have been stoned to death in public, disabled, disfigured and/or kidnapped. Women have even been kept hostage in their own homes.
According to the Iraq Foundation Web site “The rights of women in Iraq are going down the drain, along with everything else … In 1998, Saddam ordered all women secretaries working in government agencies be dismissed. Now there are new laws barring women from work altogether.”
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:09:57 PM EST
Yes sir, what opportunities for women abound in IRAQ.
After the 1991 Gulf War and economic embargos were applied, living conditions for women in Iraq began to deteriorate. The declining economy caused many women to lose their jobs and abandon their education. Girls and women today are now facing a major learning gap and there has been a sharp decline in adult female literacy. Many women in Iraq now focus all their efforts in search of food and clean water to ensure their family’s survival. Some women have even resorted to prostitution to provide for their children and families.
Current Status of Women in Iraq
The movement for women in Iraw has greatly suffered due to sanctions and anti-women legislation imposed by Hussein’s regime since the mid-90s. Under Islamic law, the punishment for a women who commits adultery is death. But women in Iraq are also being murdered for fighting with their husbands, having a relationship with a man outside marriage, and for being raped, because this brings shame on the family. Women have been stoned to death in public, disabled, disfigured and/or kidnapped. Women have even been kept hostage in their own homes.
According to the Iraq Foundation Web site “The rights of women in Iraq are going down the drain, along with everything else … In 1998, Saddam ordered all women secretaries working in government agencies be dismissed. Now there are new laws barring women from work altogether.”
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 11:47:26 AM EST
I believe that most of these statements are simply lies. Iraq is in total
chaos. What seemed like a good decision to let the Iraqi army slip away when we
invaded has come back to haunt us. Bush has not waged war competently and my
greatest fear is not his foreign policy but, his destruction of democracy in
this country. As for Kerry, I wish we had a better choice and I anticipate
that not only will Kerry continue the war but, will have to escalate it rather
than leave a new rogue government in power. But, then maybe the baathists and
Kerry can work out a deal and turn Iraq over to the remnants of Saddam
Hussein’s regime. Not good for the Kurds who have supported us or the Shi’ites who
were suppressed by Hussein. The Bush regime is a money grab for his family and
pals. Where do you think the cash causing our multi trillion dollar debt is
In a message dated 10/31/04 11:18:25 AM, writes:
Subject: why wasn’t this in the newspapers?
As I head off to Baghdad for the final weeks
of my stay in Iraq, I wanted to say thanks to
all of you who did not believe the media.
They have done a very poor job of covering
everything that has happened. I am sorry that
I have not been able to visit all of you
during my two week leave back home.
And just so you can rest at night knowing
something is happening in Iraq that is noteworthy,
I thought I would pass this on to you.
This is the list of things that has happened
in Iraq recently:
(Please share it with your friends and compare
it to the version that your paper is producing.)
* Over 400,000 kids have up-to-date immunizations
* School attendance is up 80% from levels before the war.
* Over 1,500 schools have been renovated and rid of
the weapons stored there so education can occur.
* The port of Uhm Qasar was renovated so grain can be
off-loaded from ships faster.
* The country had its first 2 billion barrel export
of oil in August.
* Over 4.5 million people have clean drinking water
for the first time ever in Iraq.
* The country now receives 2 times the electrical
power it did before the war.
* 100% of the hospitals are open and fully staffed,
compared to 35% before the war.
* Elections are taking place in every major city,
and city councils are in place.
* Sewer and water lines are installed in every
major city.
* Over 60,000 police are patrolling the streets.
* Over 100,000 Iraqi civil defense police are
securing the country.
* Over 80,000 Iraqi soldiers are patrolling the
streets side by side with US soldiers.
* Over 400,000 people have telephones for the
first time ever.
* Students are taught field sanitation and
hand washing techniques to prevent the spread
of germs.
* An interim constitution has been signed.
* Girls are allowed to attend school.
* Textbooks that don’t mention Saddam are in
the schools for the first time in 30 years.
Don’t believe for one second that these people
do not want us there. I have met many, many
people from Iraq that want us there, and in
a bad way. They say they will never see the
freedoms we talk about but they hope their
children will. We are doing a good job in Iraq
and I challenge anyone, anywhere to dispute me
on these facts. If you are like me and very
disgusted with how this period of rebuilding
has been portrayed, email this to a friend and
let them know there are good things happening.
Ray Reynolds,
SFC Iowa Army National Guard
234th Signal Battalion
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Second Treatment Complete Success!!!
Date: October 31, 2004 at 11:33:13 AM EST
Hi Howard,
1) At how many hours from your start point of taking ibogaine would you say
it was fully effective? Around the 3 hour I felt completely anesthetized- no withdrawal, just a bit of yawning.
2) How would you describe “fully effective?” I have never been able to get off opiates this easily. Even though I feel a bit weak and sleepless, I am 100 times better than I would be cold-turkeying. I have a bit of residual withdrawal, but only 10-15% of what I would have had otherwise.
3) Did you visualize?Yes. It came in peaks and valleys, and would usually begin about 30 minutes after my ingestions, and last for 2-3 hours.
4) If so what did you see? This time was a bit darker than last. I still saw strange faces, but also some gruesome scenes- I saw a guy getting decapitated. As his head was severed, his soul ‘flew’ out of his neck and up to the sky. I also saw a few monsters, and relived/reflected on a few melancholy events from my life.
5) How are you feeling today? Tired, a bit achey, and grumpy. I just took a trazodone, and seem to be feeling a bit better. The insomnia is getting to me, though.
6) Who determined which medications you would take? My doctor gave me trazodone, clonidine, arthrotec, loperamide and gravol. I decided to get a script for Wellbutrin, as it has helped before. However, it seems to perpetuate and inflame the symptoms, so I have discontinued it.
Howard, feel free to use any part of my story for your website. And muchas gracias for bringing this miracle to the modern world.
Regards, Julie
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From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 11:29:28 AM EST
To: <>
Girls are allowed to attend school.
It’s always been that way, there are plenty of educated Iraki women.
My mother has been to the university of Bagdad in the early 50′.
She study to become a lawyer. Her sisters went to school too in the 40′.
This has nothing to do with the Americans occupation.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: October 31, 2004 at 11:17:59 AM EST
Why in this country of so called opportunity and wealth and prospects, are there so many people who “can’t take up for themselves? ” I’ll bet you anything that when the whites are the minority they will definitley come up with another word to describe that status. Just the word connotates lack of empowerment. If politicians want to help those who can’t stand up for themselves maybe they can come up with something that alters the mindset ,that implements the behavior, that requires so many of these abortions. Change the status quo. Stop generational habits of how we treat or limit a persons positive abilities. Get rid of the victim mentality that most have. I’ve seen it consume every aspect of every moment in the life of some. I’ve seen it dictate direction and choices over and over. Fear based, victim mentality. Wounds Wound and more wounds. Look to your son to see what and where his wounds came from. That is the base for addiction and dysfunctional behavior. Being brainwashed and cult material is another one.
Everyone wants to blame everyone else for the problems in their camp. As a participant you are also doing the tango.
With all due respect,
—– Original Message —– From: “Faith Bowling” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 9:53 AM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
I a can tell you why.
Because George Bush is strong and has high morals and ethics, and he won’t sink to the level to “talk purdy” and say whatever someone wants to hear to get a vote. You can tell a person’s level of moral development, and worth, by how they take up for those who can’t take up for themselves, and how they will do the right things for people even though those people are so ignorant they can’t see it. Anyone who will vote for partial-birth abortion is a terriorist. The safest place for a human on earth should be it’s Maother’s womb.
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:30:09 -0800 (PST)
I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
election, because we also fear another four years with
that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I can’t
imagine why any intelligent person would cast a vote
for that wanker(Bush). There will be street parties
in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a complete
and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect, but
at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat cat
prick friends.
Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
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From: “Faith Bowling” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Why wasn’t this is the news?
Date: October 31, 2004 at 11:15:23 AM EST
Subject: why wasn’t this in the newspapers?
As I head off to Baghdad for the final weeks
of my stay in Iraq, I wanted to say thanks to
all of you who did not believe the media.
They have done a very poor job of covering
everything that has happened. I am sorry that
I have not been able to visit all of you
during my two week leave back home.
And just so you can rest at night knowing
something is happening in Iraq that is noteworthy,
I thought I would pass this on to you.
This is the list of things that has happened
in Iraq recently:
(Please share it with your friends and compare
it to the version that your paper is producing.)
* Over 400,000 kids have up-to-date immunizations
* School attendance is up 80% from levels before the war.
* Over 1,500 schools have been renovated and rid of
the weapons stored there so education can occur.
* The port of Uhm Qasar was renovated so grain can be
off-loaded from ships faster.
* The country had its first 2 billion barrel export
of oil in August.
* Over 4.5 million people have clean drinking water
for the first time ever in Iraq.
* The country now receives 2 times the electrical
power it did before the war.
* 100% of the hospitals are open and fully staffed,
compared to 35% before the war.
* Elections are taking place in every major city,
and city councils are in place.
* Sewer and water lines are installed in every
major city.
* Over 60,000 police are patrolling the streets.
* Over 100,000 Iraqi civil defense police are
securing the country.
* Over 80,000 Iraqi soldiers are patrolling the
streets side by side with US soldiers.
* Over 400,000 people have telephones for the
first time ever.
* Students are taught field sanitation and
hand washing techniques to prevent the spread
of germs.
* An interim constitution has been signed.
* Girls are allowed to attend school.
* Textbooks that don’t mention Saddam are in
the schools for the first time in 30 years.
Don’t believe for one second that these people
do not want us there. I have met many, many
people from Iraq that want us there, and in
a bad way. They say they will never see the
freedoms we talk about but they hope their
children will. We are doing a good job in Iraq
and I challenge anyone, anywhere to dispute me
on these facts. If you are like me and very
disgusted with how this period of rebuilding
has been portrayed, email this to a friend and
let them know there are good things happening.
Ray Reynolds,
SFC Iowa Army National Guard
234th Signal Battalion
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 08:00:31 -0800 (PST)
Ya know,
It never ceases to amaze me how the right becomes
morally indignant over abortion and stem cell issues,
yet remains nonplussed, almost completely unfazed, by
the death count of this bullshit war! What about the
tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians who lost their
lives? Out of sight, out of mind, right?
It seems very hypocritical to me to condemn one form
of murder yet condone another, when in fact they are
somewhat similar.
Anyone who would vote for a man who orchestrated a
whole war in order to secure profits and oil for
himself and the old boys club, is an idiot, in my
humble opinion.
— Faith Bowling <> wrote:
> I a can tell you why.
> Because George Bush is strong and has high morals
> and ethics, and he won’t
> sink to the level to “talk purdy” and say whatever
> someone wants to hear to
> get a vote. You can tell a person’s level of moral
> development, and worth,
> by how they take up for those who can’t take up for
> themselves, and how they
> will do the right things for people even though
> those people are so ignorant
> they can’t see it. Anyone who will vote for
> partial-birth abortion is a
> terriorist. The safest place for a human on earth
> should be it’s Maother’s
> womb.
> >From: Ms Iboga <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To:
> >Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the
> fascist capitalist dictator
> >from Texas
> >Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:30:09 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >Carla,
> >
> >I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
> >election, because we also fear another four years
> with
> >that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I
> can’t
> >imagine why any intelligent person would cast a
> vote
> >for that wanker(Bush). There will be street
> parties
> >in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
> >
> >George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a
> complete
> >and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
> >skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
> >competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect,
> but
> >at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat
> cat
> >prick friends.
> >
> >Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
> >
> >Julie
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >__________________________________
> >Do you Yahoo!?
> >Yahoo! Mail – Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > [%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> >[%]
> >
> >
> >
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> for advice on how to
> get there!
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Second Treatment Complete Success!!!
Date: October 31, 2004 at 11:15:37 AM EST
Dear Julie,
Some questions if I may?
1) At how many hours from your start point of taking ibogaine would you say
it was fully effective?
2) How would you describe “fully effective?”
3) Did you visualize?
4) If so what did you see?
5) How are you feeling today?
6) Who determined which medications you would take? (names not required –
only status, doctor, provider, pharmacist, prior prescriptions)
In a message dated 10/29/04 7:56:03 PM, writes:
Oh my God,
I can’t believe it- I have been opiate free since
Tuesday, 10pm. I had to reschedule my treatment for
Wednesday, 12pm, at which time I ingested 350ml of
Ibogaine HCL, and 175ml every hour or so thereafter,
to 1000mg, total. The music therapy aspect was SO
rewarding- it calmed me throughout the whole
treatment, and reduced the freakier parts into mere
Guys/gals, I can’t believe the difference between my
two treatments. Other than lethargy, low energy, and
a few uncomfortable moments(hot/cold flashes,
piloerection, periodic insomnia, aches), the last two
days have been a breeze. I would say the Ibo
treatment reduced my symptoms by 85-90%. I have been
able to grab naps for 2-4 hours in duration, and last
night I was able to sleep for approximately 6 hours!
On the second day after ceasing my opiate intake!
Hot baths and meds really helped too- trazadone and
clonidine together seemed to really tranquilize and
sedate my body, mind and soul, especially throughout
the tougher parts.
I was able to eat a Swiss Chalet quarter chicken
dinner yesterday, and have started on a brief, short
term regiment of light antidepressants(Wellbutrin
100mg/sr) which have worked miracles with my energy
levels. Listening to music is amazing- I have been
digging Air, Talvin Singh, the Clash, and of course,
Radiohead. Return to Brixton is especially blowing my
Howard, thanks for bringing this miracle to the
masses; Patrick, thanks for making this discussion
list possible; And to everyong else: thanks for the
support, and for just being YOU.
love Julie
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: October 31, 2004 at 11:00:31 AM EST
Ya know,
It never ceases to amaze me how the right becomes
morally indignant over abortion and stem cell issues,
yet remains nonplussed, almost completely unfazed, by
the death count of this bullshit war! What about the
tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians who lost their
lives? Out of sight, out of mind, right?
It seems very hypocritical to me to condemn one form
of murder yet condone another, when in fact they are
somewhat similar.
Anyone who would vote for a man who orchestrated a
whole war in order to secure profits and oil for
himself and the old boys club, is an idiot, in my
humble opinion.
— Faith Bowling <> wrote:
I a can tell you why.
Because George Bush is strong and has high morals
and ethics, and he won’t
sink to the level to “talk purdy” and say whatever
someone wants to hear to
get a vote. You can tell a person’s level of moral
development, and worth,
by how they take up for those who can’t take up for
themselves, and how they
will do the right things for people even though
those people are so ignorant
they can’t see it. Anyone who will vote for
partial-birth abortion is a
terriorist. The safest place for a human on earth
should be it’s Maother’s
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the
fascist capitalist dictator
from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:30:09 -0800 (PST)
I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
election, because we also fear another four years
that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I
imagine why any intelligent person would cast a
for that wanker(Bush). There will be street
in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a
and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect,
at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat
prick friends.
Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
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From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 10:38:10 AM EST
To: <>
Mr. Bush is try his radioactive weapon, were else can he try them? And on
who? he had to create an enemy to be able to check out the affectivity of
His weapons and his army, and to invest more money into defense and new war
You see, mr. Izgy it is an huge industry and they do need the petrol to fly
f-16 and drive those war machines they don’t happened to work on solar
Bush wants to show the rest of the world his military power, and so he did,
Shame on what and who’s account. His own soldiers are suffering from the
same radioactive weapon they are using against their “enemies”.
The whole region is going to die of cancer sooner or later and all the
people who went to Irak will suffer for it too.
This is not a war with sticks this is a war which leaves traces years after
it will be finished.
Mr. bush is suffering from brain damage so he doesn’t even understand
himself, what the hell he is doing in Irak.
If you need to get one man why would you need to have so many soldiers.
For sure the Israelis could trace his phone calls to his wife who is in
Lebanon. That wasn’t too difficult for them to do. They don’t need an army
For that.they don’t need an army to find weapon for mass distraction
Because there was no one who could work this kind of weapon in Irak, without
American knowledge who sold it to Sadam in the first place.
Just as well as the pilots terrorist who learn how to fly into the w.t.c
Learn that in the US. how come they didn’t learn to land. what kind of
flying lessons they got?
selling a weapon of mass distraction to a dictator but without instruction
how to use it, and then regret of selling it to him, and go bankruptcy to
get that back.
—–Oorspronkelijk bericht—–
Van: FakePlacebo []
Verzonden: zondag 31 oktober 2004 15:36
Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Some Facts about USA:
%3 of worlds population lives in USA but consuming %40 of world wealth,
producing %25 of polutions. There is no mass distraction of weapons in Irak.
Do you think Marins are fighting for USA’s safety? Do you realy believe
this. Is there anyone who can tell me what’s Mr. Bush doing in Irak.
Best Regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “D H” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
If you consider George Bush a decent human being… maybe you ought to
take a serious look at his track record.
Do you by chance watch FOX News or something?
On Saturday, October 30, 2004, at 02:14 PM, Faith Bowling wrote:
Our creator, and the decent people in the US are getting very fed up
of the attacks against the decent. The weakest, most despicible
beings there are are those who feel so safe attacking the good,
decent people who will stand for the rights of the people who are too
tiny to vote, those that believe that every human freedom of choice to
live or die, and has the moxie to fight against terriorism, when it’s
so unpopular. No, George Bush speech comes from the heart, and he
gets emotional. John Kerry really doesn’t care, sounds like it’s
memorized. You had to hear him say that he would use OUR tax money to
give to some female “being” to murder another human. I would rather
not work, than to let any of my money go for this terriorist act, tha
John Kerry supports.
From: D H <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:22:53 -1000
He’s been America’s most unorthodox political commentator for more
than 30 years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush presidency is
evil beyond belief – and judgement is nigh
28 October 2004
The genetically vicious nature of presidential campaigns in America
is too obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun, and I am
one of them. Election day – especially when it’s a presidential
election – is always a wild and terrifying time for politics junkies,
and I am one of those, too. We look forward to major election days
like sex addicts look forward to orgies. We are slaves to them.
Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the winners. They are not
the ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the votes are finally
counted and the losers are forced to get down on their knees. No. The
slaves who emerge victorious from these drastic public decisions go
crazy with joy and plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled
Cristal champagne with naked strangers who want to be close to a
That is how it works in the victory business. You see it every time.
The weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing their jobs and
money and all the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It is
like suddenly losing your wife and your home in a vagrant poker game,
then having to go on the road with whoremongers and beg for your
dinner in public. Nobody wants to hire a loser. Right? They stink of
doom and defeat.
“What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex? It’s making me sick.”
“That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in to apply for a
job, but we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him down to
the parking lot and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
“Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new enemies list? I
want them all locked up. They are scum.”
“We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist sympathisers, and
most of them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
“Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come over here and
kneel down. I want to reward you.”
That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni, vidi, vici,
especially among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin saying:
“As the camel falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
Presidential politics is a vicious business, even for rich white men,
and anybody who gets into it should be prepared to grapple with the
meanest of the mean. The White House has never been seized by timid
warriors. There are no rules, and the roadside is littered with
wreckage. That is why they call it the passing lane. Just ask any
candidate who ever ran against George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards,
John McCain – all of them ambushed and vanquished by lies and dirty
tricks. And all of them still whining about it.
That is why George W Bush is President of the United States, and Al
Gore is not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing to
demolish anything that got in his way, including the US Supreme
Court. It is not by accident that the Bush White House (read: Dick
Cheney & Halliburton Inc) controls all three branches of our federal
government today. They are powerful thugs who would far rather die
than lose the election in November.
The Republican establishment is haunted by painful memories of what
happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too early, and he had no
response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has always been the
case. Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the
Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation
into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard
Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his
ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of US economic policy. If the rich
get richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and
somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off
the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have
never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to
pre-industrial America, when only white male property owners could
Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush comes from. Houston
is a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning
laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby,
sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and
super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West – which
can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three
presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The
other one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas,
which has no laws against any deviant practice not specifically
forbidden in the New Testament, including anal incest and public
cunnilingus with farm animals.
Back in 1948, during his first race for the US Senate, Lyndon Johnson
was running about 10 points behind, with only nine days to go. He was
desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday, they say, when he
called his equally depressed campaign manager and told him to call a
press conference for just before lunch on a slow news day and accuse
his high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having routine carnal
knowledge of his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and children.
His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say that, Lyndon,” he
supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
“Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s make the bastard
deny it!”
Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that election by fewer
than 100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went on to rule
Texas and the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most powerful vice
president in the history of the United States. Until now.
Armageddon came early for George Bush this year, and he was not ready
for it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry turned into a
series of embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised his
closest campaign advisers. They knew he would never recover, no
matter how many votes they could steal for him in Florida, where the
presidential debates were closely watched and widely celebrated by
millions of Kerry supporters who suddenly had reason to feel like
Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog with almost no
chance of winning three out of three rigged confrontations with a
treacherous little freak like George Bush. But the debates are over
now, and the victor was John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush
and left him for roadkill.
Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he talked like a
donkey with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in Coral Gables,
when Bush went belly up less than halfway through his first bout with
Kerry, who hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful… I
almost felt sorry for him, until I heard someone call him “Mister
President”, and then I felt ashamed.
Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt even worse. There
is angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the bowels of the
White House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its name is George
Bush. The president failed miserably from the instant he got onstage
with John Kerry. He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong
in Coral Gables, then again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s
problem. His candidate is a weak-minded frat boy who cracks under
pressure in front of 60 million voters.
Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening round, when he
finally had to speak without his teleprompter. It was a Cinderella
story brought up to date in Florida that night – except this time,
the false prince turned back into a frog.
Immediately after the first debate ended, I called Muhammad Ali at
his home in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ was
laughing so hard that he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate
really cracked him up,” he chuckled. “The champ loves a good
ass-whuppin’. He says Bush looked so scared to fight, he finally just
quit and laid down.”
This year’s first presidential debate was such a disaster for George
Bush that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in the ring
with John Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we can only
wonder why. But there is no doubt that the president has lost his
nerve, and his career in the White House is finished. No mas.
Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this dangerous
election. The time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun into
politics. That’s exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked like
a winner, and it energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting
to look like serious fun for everyone except poor George, who now
looks like a loser. That is fatal in a presidential election.
I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate gaze of a
professional gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on the
outcome. Contrary to most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with five
points as a recommended risk. Kerry will win this election, if it
happens, by a bigger margin than Bush finally gouged out of Florida
in 2000. That was about 46 per cent, plus five points for owning the
US Supreme Court – which seemed to equal 51 per cent. Nobody really
believed that, but George W Bush moved into the White House anyway.
It was the most brutal seizure of power since Hitler burned the
Reichstag in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of Germany. Karl
Rove is no stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it worked for a
while, and it was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran out
of oil, the whole world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure
crystal biphetamine and stay awake for eight days in a row with his
maps and bombers and his dope-addled general staff.
They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug for war, as long as
you are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the hill forever.
He had created a new master race, and every one of them worshipped
him. They were fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not
much different today. We still love war.
George Bush certainly does. In four short years he has turned our
country from a prosperous nation at peace into a desperately indebted
nation at war. But so what? He is the President of the United States,
and you’re not. Love it or leave it.
“Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of
syphilis,” the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called press
conference near his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
“Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like Bush.
He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against
him in November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie accuracy of his
political instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a worthless
Judas goat with no moral compass.”
“I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said, “and I will do
everything in my power, short of roaming the streets with a meat
hammer, to help him be the next president of the United States.”
Which is true. I said all those things, and I will say them again. Of
course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him for 30 years as a
good man with a brave heart – which is more than even the President’s
friends will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an old
acquaintance from the white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated
all over the world, including large parts of Texas, and he is taking
us all down with him. Bush is a natural-born loser with a filthy-rich
daddy who pimped his son out to rich oil-mongers. He hates music,
football and sex, and he is no fun at all.
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make that mistake again.
The joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now he belongs to
the dead. Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in
November – with the obvious exception of professional Republicans who
have paid big money to turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader
is so desperate that he’s paying homeless people to gather signatures
to get him on the ballot. In Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted
contained tens of thousands of phoney signatures, including Fred
Flintstone, Mickey Mouse and John Kerry. A judge dumped Ralph from
the ballot there, calling it “the most deceitful and fraudulent
exercise ever perpetrated upon this court”.
But they will keep his name on the ballot in the long-suffering
Hurricane State, which is ruled by the President’s younger brother,
Jeb, who also wants to be the next president of the United States. In
2000, when they sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over. In
that election, 97,488 people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore
lost the state by 537 votes. You don’t have to be from Texas to
understand the moral of that story. It’s like being out-coached in
the Super Bowl. Only losers play fair, and all winners have blood on
their hands.
Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel like a winner, we
had a quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen, Colorado,
where he was scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign
contributors. I told him that Bush’s vicious goons in the White House
are perfectly capable of assassinating Nader and blaming it on him.
His staff laughed, but the Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry suggested
I might make a good running mate, and we reminisced about trying to
end the Vietnam War in 1972.
That was the year I first met him, at a riot on that elegant little
street in front of the White House. He was yelling into a bullhorn
and I was trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence and on
to the President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in those days,
and there were millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out
because they were stupid warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and
we stomped on Richard Nixon – which wise people said was impossible,
but so what? It was fun. We were warriors then, and our tribe was
strong like a river. That river is still running. All we have to do
is get out and vote, while it’s still legal, and we will wash those
crooked warmongers out of the White House.
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From: “Faith Bowling” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: October 31, 2004 at 9:53:19 AM EST
I a can tell you why.
Because George Bush is strong and has high morals and ethics, and he won’t sink to the level to “talk purdy” and say whatever someone wants to hear to get a vote. You can tell a person’s level of moral development, and worth, by how they take up for those who can’t take up for themselves, and how they will do the right things for people even though those people are so ignorant they can’t see it. Anyone who will vote for partial-birth abortion is a terriorist. The safest place for a human on earth should be it’s Maother’s womb.
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 06:30:09 -0800 (PST)
I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
election, because we also fear another four years with
that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I can’t
imagine why any intelligent person would cast a vote
for that wanker(Bush). There will be street parties
in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a complete
and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect, but
at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat cat
prick friends.
Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
Do you Yahoo!?
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Schmoolyboy, re:antidepressants
Date: October 31, 2004 at 9:46:05 AM EST
Zoloft is easy to get . Start at 25 mgs every Am for 1 week . Then on day #8 go to 50 mgs. Most people need 75-100mgs per day. Increases are made every 5 -7 days till stable.
Also ask for 2.5 mgs. Zyprexa. Take anywhere from 2.5 -7.5 mgs i hour prior to sleep or for a panic attack when needed. Start at the lowest dose as it can make you very lethargic. Check w/ your doc if this med is okay for you to take. You can use it as needed and it is not addictive. At high dosages it it a antipsychotic but don’t let this sway you. It will get you throufg the post acute benzo hell.
hang in there. it passes with time and you will feel well again.
From: “FakePlacebo” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 9:36:14 AM EST
To: <>
Some Facts about USA:
%3 of worlds population lives in USA but consuming %40 of world wealth,
producing %25 of polutions. There is no mass distraction of weapons in Irak.
Do you think Marins are fighting for USA’s safety? Do you realy believe
this. Is there anyone who can tell me what’s Mr. Bush doing in Irak.
Best Regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “D H” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
If you consider George Bush a decent human being… maybe you ought to
take a serious look at his track record.
Do you by chance watch FOX News or something?
On Saturday, October 30, 2004, at 02:14 PM, Faith Bowling wrote:
Our creator, and the decent people in the US are getting very fed up
of the attacks against the decent. The weakest, most despicible
beings there are are those who feel so safe attacking the good,
decent people who will stand for the rights of the people who are too
tiny to vote, those that believe that every human freedom of choice to
live or die, and has the moxie to fight against terriorism, when it’s
so unpopular. No, George Bush speech comes from the heart, and he
gets emotional. John Kerry really doesn’t care, sounds like it’s
memorized. You had to hear him say that he would use OUR tax money to
give to some female “being” to murder another human. I would rather
not work, than to let any of my money go for this terriorist act, tha
John Kerry supports.
From: D H <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:22:53 -1000
He’s been America’s most unorthodox political commentator for more
than 30 years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush presidency is
evil beyond belief – and judgement is nigh
28 October 2004
The genetically vicious nature of presidential campaigns in America
is too obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun, and I am
one of them. Election day – especially when it’s a presidential
election – is always a wild and terrifying time for politics junkies,
and I am one of those, too. We look forward to major election days
like sex addicts look forward to orgies. We are slaves to them.
Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the winners. They are not
the ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the votes are finally
counted and the losers are forced to get down on their knees. No. The
slaves who emerge victorious from these drastic public decisions go
crazy with joy and plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled
Cristal champagne with naked strangers who want to be close to a
That is how it works in the victory business. You see it every time.
The weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing their jobs and
money and all the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It is
like suddenly losing your wife and your home in a vagrant poker game,
then having to go on the road with whoremongers and beg for your
dinner in public. Nobody wants to hire a loser. Right? They stink of
doom and defeat.
“What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex? It’s making me sick.”
“That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in to apply for a
job, but we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him down to
the parking lot and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
“Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new enemies list? I
want them all locked up. They are scum.”
“We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist sympathisers, and
most of them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
“Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come over here and
kneel down. I want to reward you.”
That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni, vidi, vici,
especially among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin saying:
“As the camel falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
Presidential politics is a vicious business, even for rich white men,
and anybody who gets into it should be prepared to grapple with the
meanest of the mean. The White House has never been seized by timid
warriors. There are no rules, and the roadside is littered with
wreckage. That is why they call it the passing lane. Just ask any
candidate who ever ran against George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards,
John McCain – all of them ambushed and vanquished by lies and dirty
tricks. And all of them still whining about it.
That is why George W Bush is President of the United States, and Al
Gore is not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing to
demolish anything that got in his way, including the US Supreme
Court. It is not by accident that the Bush White House (read: Dick
Cheney & Halliburton Inc) controls all three branches of our federal
government today. They are powerful thugs who would far rather die
than lose the election in November.
The Republican establishment is haunted by painful memories of what
happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too early, and he had no
response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has always been the
case. Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the
Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation
into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard
Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his
ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of US economic policy. If the rich
get richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and
somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off
the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have
never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to
pre-industrial America, when only white male property owners could
Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush comes from. Houston
is a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning
laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby,
sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and
super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West – which
can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three
presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The
other one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas,
which has no laws against any deviant practice not specifically
forbidden in the New Testament, including anal incest and public
cunnilingus with farm animals.
Back in 1948, during his first race for the US Senate, Lyndon Johnson
was running about 10 points behind, with only nine days to go. He was
desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday, they say, when he
called his equally depressed campaign manager and told him to call a
press conference for just before lunch on a slow news day and accuse
his high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having routine carnal
knowledge of his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and children.
His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say that, Lyndon,” he
supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
“Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s make the bastard
deny it!”
Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that election by fewer
than 100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went on to rule
Texas and the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most powerful vice
president in the history of the United States. Until now.
Armageddon came early for George Bush this year, and he was not ready
for it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry turned into a
series of embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised his
closest campaign advisers. They knew he would never recover, no
matter how many votes they could steal for him in Florida, where the
presidential debates were closely watched and widely celebrated by
millions of Kerry supporters who suddenly had reason to feel like
Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog with almost no
chance of winning three out of three rigged confrontations with a
treacherous little freak like George Bush. But the debates are over
now, and the victor was John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush
and left him for roadkill.
Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he talked like a
donkey with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in Coral Gables,
when Bush went belly up less than halfway through his first bout with
Kerry, who hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful… I
almost felt sorry for him, until I heard someone call him “Mister
President”, and then I felt ashamed.
Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt even worse. There
is angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the bowels of the
White House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its name is George
Bush. The president failed miserably from the instant he got onstage
with John Kerry. He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong
in Coral Gables, then again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s
problem. His candidate is a weak-minded frat boy who cracks under
pressure in front of 60 million voters.
Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening round, when he
finally had to speak without his teleprompter. It was a Cinderella
story brought up to date in Florida that night – except this time,
the false prince turned back into a frog.
Immediately after the first debate ended, I called Muhammad Ali at
his home in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ was
laughing so hard that he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate
really cracked him up,” he chuckled. “The champ loves a good
ass-whuppin’. He says Bush looked so scared to fight, he finally just
quit and laid down.”
This year’s first presidential debate was such a disaster for George
Bush that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in the ring
with John Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we can only
wonder why. But there is no doubt that the president has lost his
nerve, and his career in the White House is finished. No mas.
Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this dangerous
election. The time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun into
politics. That’s exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked like
a winner, and it energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting
to look like serious fun for everyone except poor George, who now
looks like a loser. That is fatal in a presidential election.
I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate gaze of a
professional gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on the
outcome. Contrary to most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with five
points as a recommended risk. Kerry will win this election, if it
happens, by a bigger margin than Bush finally gouged out of Florida
in 2000. That was about 46 per cent, plus five points for owning the
US Supreme Court – which seemed to equal 51 per cent. Nobody really
believed that, but George W Bush moved into the White House anyway.
It was the most brutal seizure of power since Hitler burned the
Reichstag in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of Germany. Karl
Rove is no stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it worked for a
while, and it was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran out
of oil, the whole world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure
crystal biphetamine and stay awake for eight days in a row with his
maps and bombers and his dope-addled general staff.
They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug for war, as long as
you are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the hill forever.
He had created a new master race, and every one of them worshipped
him. They were fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not
much different today. We still love war.
George Bush certainly does. In four short years he has turned our
country from a prosperous nation at peace into a desperately indebted
nation at war. But so what? He is the President of the United States,
and you’re not. Love it or leave it.
“Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of
syphilis,” the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called press
conference near his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
“Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like Bush.
He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against
him in November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie accuracy of his
political instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a worthless
Judas goat with no moral compass.”
“I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said, “and I will do
everything in my power, short of roaming the streets with a meat
hammer, to help him be the next president of the United States.”
Which is true. I said all those things, and I will say them again. Of
course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him for 30 years as a
good man with a brave heart – which is more than even the President’s
friends will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an old
acquaintance from the white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated
all over the world, including large parts of Texas, and he is taking
us all down with him. Bush is a natural-born loser with a filthy-rich
daddy who pimped his son out to rich oil-mongers. He hates music,
football and sex, and he is no fun at all.
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make that mistake again.
The joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now he belongs to
the dead. Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in
November – with the obvious exception of professional Republicans who
have paid big money to turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader
is so desperate that he’s paying homeless people to gather signatures
to get him on the ballot. In Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted
contained tens of thousands of phoney signatures, including Fred
Flintstone, Mickey Mouse and John Kerry. A judge dumped Ralph from
the ballot there, calling it “the most deceitful and fraudulent
exercise ever perpetrated upon this court”.
But they will keep his name on the ballot in the long-suffering
Hurricane State, which is ruled by the President’s younger brother,
Jeb, who also wants to be the next president of the United States. In
2000, when they sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over. In
that election, 97,488 people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore
lost the state by 537 votes. You don’t have to be from Texas to
understand the moral of that story. It’s like being out-coached in
the Super Bowl. Only losers play fair, and all winners have blood on
their hands.
Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel like a winner, we
had a quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen, Colorado,
where he was scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign
contributors. I told him that Bush’s vicious goons in the White House
are perfectly capable of assassinating Nader and blaming it on him.
His staff laughed, but the Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry suggested
I might make a good running mate, and we reminisced about trying to
end the Vietnam War in 1972.
That was the year I first met him, at a riot on that elegant little
street in front of the White House. He was yelling into a bullhorn
and I was trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence and on
to the President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in those days,
and there were millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out
because they were stupid warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and
we stomped on Richard Nixon – which wise people said was impossible,
but so what? It was fun. We were warriors then, and our tribe was
strong like a river. That river is still running. All we have to do
is get out and vote, while it’s still legal, and we will wash those
crooked warmongers out of the White House.
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Carla, re: George Bush, the fascist capitalist dictator from Texas
Date: October 31, 2004 at 9:30:09 AM EST
I agree. We Canadians are avidly following the
election, because we also fear another four years with
that inbred, uncultured redneck. Personally, I can’t
imagine why any intelligent person would cast a vote
for that wanker(Bush). There will be street parties
in Toronto if Kerry takes the election.
George Bush is a LIAR, a MANIPULATOR, and a complete
and utter sham. He and Cheney need to stick to the
skin bars, and leave the decision making to a more
competent individual. Kerry may not be perfect, but
at least his main concern isn’t enriching his fat cat
prick friends.
Faith, have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
Do you Yahoo!?
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: shelley krupa <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen, from Julie
Date: October 31, 2004 at 9:29:53 AM EST
Hey Jason & all,hiya! Jason ,I was scared too, but youll be so grateful you did it!And in such good hands too! And free !!!Ill be thinking of you, hope you can get online if youre tripping around europe, hey I know everyone is talking meds for withdrawl but try some acupuncture very effective ,i can vouch for that! love shell
Ms Iboga <> wrote:
Dear Jasen,
You can count on a candle burning for you here in
Toronto. I hope the treatment is everything you are
hoping for.
It’s my fifth day post-opiates, and I feel ok, but not
great. Take it easy, and don’t push yourself. Let
your body heal and flush itself. Drink cranberry or
grapefruit juice to excrete the residual opiates, and
have some meds on hand- if you can’t get anything
else, weed seems to work wonders for insomnia and
depression; robaxacet or arthrotec for muscle aches,
clonidine for the hot/cold tingles, and trazadone for
Good luck, and please post your experience when you’re
ready to.
— Jasen Chamoun wrote:
> Hello Randy,
> Yes I will be by myself,but then not really,I will
> have Sara and I will have the thoughts of you guys
> on the list.
> I am flying from Australia,to Amsterdam is about as
> far as you can fly,to take someone with me would
> double the expence,
> just about.
> I wish I could take someone with me.I woke up this
> morning in a panic and a sweat,thinking F..k,I don’t
> know if I
> can handle doing this,but I am a lot calmer now,I am
> sure I will be fine.
> I have to do this,I can’t live like this anymore.I
> will do this.I AM doing this,it is in motion as I
> type.
> Mmmmm.
> I believe that the burning of the candles helps much
> more than we realise,thanks Randy I would love you
> to burn
> a big fat candle for me.The thought of candles lit
> and burning for me around the world whilst doing the
> treatment
> is and will be very calming.
> Smiles Jasen.
> —– Original Message —–
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
> Jasen, Will you be by yourself? 10 days later I
> would think that if your will is good you could do
> it. I’d take someone along if you can though. You
> are in exellent hands and by the time you leave
> Sara’s I’d say you could do just about what you want
> to. I was a complete wuss about the residuals so
> don’t go by what I was saying at the time. But you
> will have a few. FEW. Just a little. Keep your head
> up, stay busy and it won’t be bad at all. I wish you
> well and tell Sara to post when she doses you and I
> not only will burn a candle I’ll burn a big fat one
> in your honor. Happy trails (which are unGodly wait
> to you see them) and have a safe journey.
> Randy
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete – You start. We finish.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen, from Julie
Date: October 31, 2004 at 9:09:34 AM EST
Dear Jasen,
You can count on a candle burning for you here in
Toronto. I hope the treatment is everything you are
hoping for.
It’s my fifth day post-opiates, and I feel ok, but not
great. Take it easy, and don’t push yourself. Let
your body heal and flush itself. Drink cranberry or
grapefruit juice to excrete the residual opiates, and
have some meds on hand- if you can’t get anything
else, weed seems to work wonders for insomnia and
depression; robaxacet or arthrotec for muscle aches,
clonidine for the hot/cold tingles, and trazadone for
Good luck, and please post your experience when you’re
ready to.
— Jasen Chamoun <> wrote:
Hello Randy,
Yes I will be by myself,but then not really,I will
have Sara and I will have the thoughts of you guys
on the list.
I am flying from Australia,to Amsterdam is about as
far as you can fly,to take someone with me would
double the expence,
just about.
I wish I could take someone with me.I woke up this
morning in a panic and a sweat,thinking F..k,I don’t
know if I
can handle doing this,but I am a lot calmer now,I am
sure I will be fine.
I have to do this,I can’t live like this anymore.I
will do this.I AM doing this,it is in motion as I
I believe that the burning of the candles helps much
more than we realise,thanks Randy I would love you
to burn
a big fat candle for me.The thought of candles lit
and burning for me around the world whilst doing the
is and will be very calming.
Smiles Jasen.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Jasen, Will you be by yourself? 10 days later I
would think that if your will is good you could do
it. I’d take someone along if you can though. You
are in exellent hands and by the time you leave
Sara’s I’d say you could do just about what you want
to. I was a complete wuss about the residuals so
don’t go by what I was saying at the time. But you
will have a few. FEW. Just a little. Keep your head
up, stay busy and it won’t be bad at all. I wish you
well and tell Sara to post when she doses you and I
not only will burn a candle I’ll burn a big fat one
in your honor. Happy trails (which are unGodly wait
to you see them) and have a safe journey.
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete – You start. We finish.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Schmoolyboy, re:antidepressants
Date: October 31, 2004 at 9:04:50 AM EST
Dear Schmoolyboy,
Thanks for the info. In fact, you are completely
right. I think the Wellbutrin is fucking with my
residual withdrawal, accentuating the symptoms, and
not helping with the anxiety and depression.
Is Zoloft easy to get a script for? I’ll check with
my doc tomorrow.
Thanks for the super advice….
Julie 🙂
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Paula <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] importantly
Date: October 31, 2004 at 8:53:53 AM EST
Very Very Clever!!!!!
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:02 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] importantly
I bet many of you were not aware that “importanrly”, and “importantly” are actually the same word, were you? Neither did I. But eveidently, they are.
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] was this a bad joke???
Date: October 31, 2004 at 8:26:10 AM EST
Bush is not showing the type of emotion you perceived. My impression of Bush when he’s speaking or anytime, is one of an 8 year old boy getting ready to throw a tantrum. If you are so concerned with human life how can you condone all the killing going on in Iraq. Mostly women and children as they are the majority when you blindly bomb a civilization. The terrorists were all from Saudia Arabia. We’re in Iraq. You think Ben Laden and the Saudis involved could care less about Iraq? We’re not in there like liberators like the english in WW11. We’re in there like occupiers, like the Nazis! Since your government won’t permit the real images of war as well as misinformation,( is ommision lyin) most are completely ignorant of the truth and carrying on with an illusionary existance. One manipulated by the media and big business. “Have you had a break today? So get up and get away”
Does Kerry sound rehearsed? You mean he’s not winging one of the most important moments of his life? Gee! Personally I think you have to be a whore to be a politician. My view of our government is like that movie with John Carey, I believe it was called “Truman”. His whole life was a reality tv show only he didn’t know it. Sure you can still have cause and effect however the real deal is behind the scenes.
Our Creator, I believe does not judge or get horrified at peoples behavior.
He is pure love. There for the taking and the asking. If we are so horrified at Sept 11th and 3,000 people dead, How can you not see and have compasion for all the 100,000 dead in Iraq that are also from normal functioning families. Their grief, their fear. Look at what our country went through emotionally and spiritually on just on attack. Theirs is ongoing and neverending. Is it any different? I invite you to take a deep breath and open your mind.
All you need is Love,
—– Original Message —– From: “Carla Barnes” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:49 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] was this a bad joke???
This is one of the most disgusting small minded things
i’ve ever read on this list and that is saying a lot.
I didn’t know anybody except rich companies voted for
bush but I am proven wrong.
I dont know what country you live in but this isn’t
the united states of fundemntalist christianity. There
is separation of church and state, there’s some dumb
psychopath who belongs in the loonie bin in the white
house who makes people on mindvox seem normal.
declaring wars, talking about god to justify it. I’m
not even going there.
If you don’t support the right of women to control
their own bodies or have abortions then I suggest you
don’t get one. Nobody elected you god or judge over
everyone else.
Why are you even on the ibogaine list? are you on
heroin or someone in your family? Does Bush and
fundamentalis christianity approve of drug addicts now
or did I miss something? Won’t the junkies be in the
same line to the gas ovens with the homosexuals,
blacks, women who have had abortions???
Carla B
— Faith Bowling <> wrote:
Our creator, and the decent people in the US are
getting very fed up of the
attacks against the decent. The weakest, most
despicible beings there are
are those who feel so safe attacking the good,
decent people who will stand
for the rights of the people who are too tiny to
vote, those that believe
that every human freedom of choice to live or die,
and has the moxie to
fight against terriorism, when it’s so unpopular.
No, George Bush speech
comes from the heart, and he gets emotional. John
Kerry really doesn’t
care, sounds like it’s memorized. You had to hear
him say that he would use
OUR tax money to give to some female “being” to
murder another human. I
would rather not work, than to let any of my money
go for this terriorist
act, tha John Kerry supports.
>From: D H <>
>Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
>Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:22:53 -1000
>He’s been America’s most unorthodox political
commentator for more than 30
>years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush
presidency is evil beyond
>belief – and judgement is nigh
>28 October 2004
>The genetically vicious nature of presidential
campaigns in America is too
>obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun,
and I am one of them.
>Election day – especially when it’s a presidential
election – is always a
>wild and terrifying time for politics junkies, and
I am one of those, too.
>We look forward to major election days like sex
addicts look forward to
>orgies. We are slaves to them.
>Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the
winners. They are not the
>ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the
votes are finally counted
>and the losers are forced to get down on their
knees. No. The slaves who
>emerge victorious from these drastic public
decisions go crazy with joy and
>plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled Cristal
champagne with naked
>strangers who want to be close to a winner.
>That is how it works in the victory business. You
see it every time. The
>weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing
their jobs and money and all
>the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It
is like suddenly losing
>your wife and your home in a vagrant poker game,
then having to go on the
>road with whoremongers and beg for your dinner in
public. Nobody wants to
>hire a loser. Right? They stink of doom and defeat.
>”What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex?
It’s making me sick.”
>”That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in
to apply for a job, but
>we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him
down to the parking lot
>and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
>”Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new
enemies list? I want
>them all locked up. They are scum.”
>”We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist
sympathisers, and most of
>them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
>”Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come
over here and kneel
>down. I want to reward you.”
>That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni,
vidi, vici, especially
>among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin
saying: “As the camel
>falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
>Presidential politics is a vicious business, even
for rich white men, and
>anybody who gets into it should be prepared to
grapple with the meanest of
>the mean. The White House has never been seized by
timid warriors. There
>are no rules, and the roadside is littered with
wreckage. That is why they
>call it the passing lane. Just ask any candidate
who ever ran against
>George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards, John McCain –
all of them ambushed and
>vanquished by lies and dirty tricks. And all of
them still whining about
>That is why George W Bush is President of the
United States, and Al Gore is
>not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing
to demolish anything
>that got in his way, including the US Supreme
Court. It is not by accident
>that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney &
Halliburton Inc) controls
>all three branches of our federal government today.
They are powerful thugs
>who would far rather die than lose the election in
>The Republican establishment is haunted by painful
memories of what
>happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too
early, and he had no
>response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has
always been the case.
>Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the
Military-Industrial Complex
>loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt
on the excuse of a
>wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes
quickly to mind, along with
>Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down”
theory of US economic
>policy. If the rich get richer, the theory goes,
before long their pots
>will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the
poor, who would rather eat
>scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing
at all. Republicans have
>never approved of democracy, and they never will.
It goes back to
>pre-industrial America, when only white male
property owners could vote.
>Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush
comes from. Houston is a
>cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas
with no zoning laws and a
>culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby,
sprawling metropolis
>ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich
pansexual cowboys who
>live by the code of the West – which can mean just
about anything you need
>it to mean, in a pinch.
>Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of
the last three presidents
>of the United States of America, for good or ill.
The other one was a
>handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas,
which has no laws against
>any deviant practice not specifically forbidden in
the New Testament,
>including anal incest and public cunnilingus with
farm animals.
>Back in 1948, during his first race for the US
Senate, Lyndon Johnson was
>running about 10 points behind, with only nine days
to go. He was
>desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday,
they say, when he
>called his equally depressed campaign manager and
told him to call a press
>conference for just before lunch on a slow news day
and accuse his
>high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having
routine carnal knowledge of
>his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and
>His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say
that, Lyndon,” he
>supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
>”Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s
make the bastard deny it!”
>Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that
election by fewer than
>100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went
on to rule Texas and
>the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most
powerful vice president in
>the history of the United States. Until now.
>Armageddon came early for George Bush this year,
and he was not ready for
>it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry
turned into a series of
>embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised
his closest campaign
>advisers. They knew he would never recover, no
matter how many votes they
>could steal for him in Florida, where the
presidential debates were closely
>watched and widely celebrated by millions of Kerry
supporters who suddenly
>had reason to feel like winners.
>Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog
with almost no chance of
>winning three out of three rigged confrontations
with a treacherous little
>freak like George Bush. But the debates are over
now, and the victor was
>John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and
left him for roadkill.
>Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he
talked like a donkey
>with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in
Coral Gables, when Bush
>went belly up less than halfway through his first
bout with Kerry, who
>hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful…
I almost felt sorry for
>him, until I heard someone call him “Mister
President”, and then I felt
>Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt
even worse. There is
>angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the
bowels of the White
>House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its
name is George Bush. The
>president failed miserably from the instant he got
onstage with John Kerry.
>He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong
in Coral Gables, then
>again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s
problem. His candidate is a
>weak-minded frat boy who cracks under pressure in
front of 60 million
>Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening
round, when he finally had
>to speak without his teleprompter. It was a
Cinderella story brought up to
>date in Florida that night – except this time, the
false prince turned back
>into a frog.
>Immediately after the first debate ended, I called
Muhammad Ali at his home
>in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ
was laughing so hard that
>he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate really
cracked him up,” he
>chuckled. “The champ loves a good ass-whuppin’. He
says Bush looked so
>scared to fight, he finally just quit and laid
>This year’s first presidential debate was such a
disaster for George Bush
>that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in
the ring with John
>Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we
can only wonder why. But
>there is no doubt that the president has lost his
nerve, and his career in
>the White House is finished. No mas.
>Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this
dangerous election. The
>time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun
into politics. That’s
>exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked
like a winner, and it
>energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting
to look like serious fun
>for everyone except poor George, who now looks like
a loser. That is fatal
>in a presidential election.
>I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate
gaze of a professional
>gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on
the outcome. Contrary to
>most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with five
points as a recommended
>risk. Kerry will win this election, if it happens,
by a bigger margin than
>Bush finally gouged out of Florida in 2000. That
was about 46 per cent,
>plus five points for owning the US Supreme Court –
which seemed to equal 51
>per cent. Nobody really believed that, but George W
Bush moved into the
>White House anyway.
>It was the most brutal seizure of power since
Hitler burned the Reichstag
>in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of
Germany. Karl Rove is no
>stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it
worked for a while, and it
>was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran
out of oil, the whole
>world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure
crystal biphetamine and stay
>awake for eight days in a row with his maps and
bombers and his dope-addled
>general staff.
>They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug
for war, as long as you
>are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the
hill forever. He had
>created a new master race, and every one of them
worshipped him. They were
>fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not
much different today.
>We still love war.
>George Bush certainly does. In four short years he
has turned our country
>from a prosperous nation at peace into a
desperately indebted nation at
>war. But so what? He is the President of the United
States, and you’re not.
>Love it or leave it.
>”Four more years of George Bush will be like four
more years of syphilis,”
>the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called
press conference near
>his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
>”Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous
loser like Bush. He
>hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will
vote against him in
>November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie
accuracy of his political
>instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a
worthless Judas goat with
>no moral compass.”
>”I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said,
“and I will do everything
>in my power, short of roaming the streets with a
meat hammer, to help him
>be the next president of the United States.”
>Which is true. I said all those things, and I will
say them again. Of
>course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him
for 30 years as a good
>man with a brave heart – which is more than even
the President’s friends
>will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an
old acquaintance from the
>white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated all
over the world, including
>large parts of Texas, and he is taking us all down
with him. Bush is a
>natural-born loser with a filthy-rich daddy who
pimped his son out to rich
>oil-mongers. He hates music, football and sex, and
he is no fun at all.
>I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make
that mistake again. The
>joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now
he belongs to the dead.
>Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in
November – with the
>obvious exception of professional Republicans who
have paid big money to
>turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader is
so desperate that he’s
>paying homeless people to gather signatures to get
him on the ballot. In
>Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted contained
tens of thousands of
>phoney signatures, including Fred Flintstone,
Mickey Mouse and John Kerry.
>A judge dumped Ralph from the ballot there, calling
it “the most deceitful
>and fraudulent exercise ever perpetrated upon this
>But they will keep his name on the ballot in the
long-suffering Hurricane
>State, which is ruled by the President’s younger
brother, Jeb, who also
>wants to be the next president of the United
States. In 2000, when they
>sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over.
In that election, 97,488
>people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore lost
the state by 537 votes.
>You don’t have to be from Texas to understand the
moral of that story. It’s
>like being out-coached in the Super Bowl. Only
losers play fair, and all
>winners have blood on their hands.
>Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel
like a winner, we had a
>quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen,
Colorado, where he was
>scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign
contributors. I told him that
>Bush’s vicious goons in the White House are
perfectly capable of
>assassinating Nader and blaming it on him. His
staff laughed, but the
>Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry suggested I might
make a good running
>mate, and we reminisced about trying to end the
Vietnam War in 1972.
>That was the year I first met him, at a riot on
that elegant little street
>in front of the White House. He was yelling into a
bullhorn and I was
>trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence
and on to the
>President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in
those days, and there were
>millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out
because they were stupid
>warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and we
stomped on Richard Nixon –
>which wise people said was impossible, but so what?
It was fun. We were
>warriors then, and our tribe was strong like a
river. That river is still
>running. All we have to do is get out and vote,
while it’s still legal, and
>we will wash those crooked warmongers out of the
White House.
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 7:59:33 AM EST
Hey Dave, I hope you know I was just joking around with you about “Herman Munster”, (but your right, he may look more like Lurch). Sounds like some of these folks take it little far. Good Grief, vote for who you want. The one’s bitching about who’s voting for who. Take that choice away(Like almost happened 60 ears ago) and then listen to them bitch.
From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] was this a bad joke???
Date: October 31, 2004 at 3:49:07 AM EST
This is one of the most disgusting small minded things
i’ve ever read on this list and that is saying a lot.
I didn’t know anybody except rich companies voted for
bush but I am proven wrong.
I dont know what country you live in but this isn’t
the united states of fundemntalist christianity. There
is separation of church and state, there’s some dumb
psychopath who belongs in the loonie bin in the white
house who makes people on mindvox seem normal.
declaring wars, talking about god to justify it. I’m
not even going there.
If you don’t support the right of women to control
their own bodies or have abortions then I suggest you
don’t get one. Nobody elected you god or judge over
everyone else.
Why are you even on the ibogaine list? are you on
heroin or someone in your family? Does Bush and
fundamentalis christianity approve of drug addicts now
or did I miss something? Won’t the junkies be in the
same line to the gas ovens with the homosexuals,
blacks, women who have had abortions???
Carla B
— Faith Bowling <> wrote:
Our creator, and the decent people in the US are
getting very fed up of the
attacks against the decent. The weakest, most
despicible beings there are
are those who feel so safe attacking the good,
decent people who will stand
for the rights of the people who are too tiny to
vote, those that believe
that every human freedom of choice to live or die,
and has the moxie to
fight against terriorism, when it’s so unpopular.
No, George Bush speech
comes from the heart, and he gets emotional. John
Kerry really doesn’t
care, sounds like it’s memorized. You had to hear
him say that he would use
OUR tax money to give to some female “being” to
murder another human. I
would rather not work, than to let any of my money
go for this terriorist
act, tha John Kerry supports.
From: D H <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:22:53 -1000
He’s been America’s most unorthodox political
commentator for more than 30
years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush
presidency is evil beyond
belief – and judgement is nigh
28 October 2004
The genetically vicious nature of presidential
campaigns in America is too
obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun,
and I am one of them.
Election day – especially when it’s a presidential
election – is always a
wild and terrifying time for politics junkies, and
I am one of those, too.
We look forward to major election days like sex
addicts look forward to
orgies. We are slaves to them.
Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the
winners. They are not the
ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the
votes are finally counted
and the losers are forced to get down on their
knees. No. The slaves who
emerge victorious from these drastic public
decisions go crazy with joy and
plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled Cristal
champagne with naked
strangers who want to be close to a winner.
That is how it works in the victory business. You
see it every time. The
weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing
their jobs and money and all
the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It
is like suddenly losing
your wife and your home in a vagrant poker game,
then having to go on the
road with whoremongers and beg for your dinner in
public. Nobody wants to
hire a loser. Right? They stink of doom and defeat.
“What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex?
It’s making me sick.”
“That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in
to apply for a job, but
we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him
down to the parking lot
and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
“Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new
enemies list? I want
them all locked up. They are scum.”
“We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist
sympathisers, and most of
them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
“Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come
over here and kneel
down. I want to reward you.”
That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni,
vidi, vici, especially
among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin
saying: “As the camel
falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
Presidential politics is a vicious business, even
for rich white men, and
anybody who gets into it should be prepared to
grapple with the meanest of
the mean. The White House has never been seized by
timid warriors. There
are no rules, and the roadside is littered with
wreckage. That is why they
call it the passing lane. Just ask any candidate
who ever ran against
George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards, John McCain –
all of them ambushed and
vanquished by lies and dirty tricks. And all of
them still whining about
That is why George W Bush is President of the
United States, and Al Gore is
not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing
to demolish anything
that got in his way, including the US Supreme
Court. It is not by accident
that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney &
Halliburton Inc) controls
all three branches of our federal government today.
They are powerful thugs
who would far rather die than lose the election in
The Republican establishment is haunted by painful
memories of what
happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too
early, and he had no
response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has
always been the case.
Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the
Military-Industrial Complex
loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt
on the excuse of a
wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes
quickly to mind, along with
Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down”
theory of US economic
policy. If the rich get richer, the theory goes,
before long their pots
will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the
poor, who would rather eat
scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing
at all. Republicans have
never approved of democracy, and they never will.
It goes back to
pre-industrial America, when only white male
property owners could vote.
Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush
comes from. Houston is a
cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas
with no zoning laws and a
culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby,
sprawling metropolis
ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich
pansexual cowboys who
live by the code of the West – which can mean just
about anything you need
it to mean, in a pinch.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of
the last three presidents
of the United States of America, for good or ill.
The other one was a
handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas,
which has no laws against
any deviant practice not specifically forbidden in
the New Testament,
including anal incest and public cunnilingus with
farm animals.
Back in 1948, during his first race for the US
Senate, Lyndon Johnson was
running about 10 points behind, with only nine days
to go. He was
desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday,
they say, when he
called his equally depressed campaign manager and
told him to call a press
conference for just before lunch on a slow news day
and accuse his
high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having
routine carnal knowledge of
his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and
His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say
that, Lyndon,” he
supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
“Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s
make the bastard deny it!”
Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that
election by fewer than
100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went
on to rule Texas and
the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most
powerful vice president in
the history of the United States. Until now.
Armageddon came early for George Bush this year,
and he was not ready for
it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry
turned into a series of
embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised
his closest campaign
advisers. They knew he would never recover, no
matter how many votes they
could steal for him in Florida, where the
presidential debates were closely
watched and widely celebrated by millions of Kerry
supporters who suddenly
had reason to feel like winners.
Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog
with almost no chance of
winning three out of three rigged confrontations
with a treacherous little
freak like George Bush. But the debates are over
now, and the victor was
John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and
left him for roadkill.
Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he
talked like a donkey
with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in
Coral Gables, when Bush
went belly up less than halfway through his first
bout with Kerry, who
hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful…
I almost felt sorry for
him, until I heard someone call him “Mister
President”, and then I felt
Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt
even worse. There is
angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the
bowels of the White
House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its
name is George Bush. The
president failed miserably from the instant he got
onstage with John Kerry.
He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong
in Coral Gables, then
again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s
problem. His candidate is a
weak-minded frat boy who cracks under pressure in
front of 60 million
Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening
round, when he finally had
to speak without his teleprompter. It was a
Cinderella story brought up to
date in Florida that night – except this time, the
false prince turned back
into a frog.
Immediately after the first debate ended, I called
Muhammad Ali at his home
in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ
was laughing so hard that
he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate really
cracked him up,” he
chuckled. “The champ loves a good ass-whuppin’. He
says Bush looked so
scared to fight, he finally just quit and laid
This year’s first presidential debate was such a
disaster for George Bush
that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in
the ring with John
Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we
can only wonder why. But
there is no doubt that the president has lost his
nerve, and his career in
the White House is finished. No mas.
Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this
dangerous election. The
time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun
into politics. That’s
exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked
like a winner, and it
energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting
to look like serious fun
for everyone except poor George, who now looks like
a loser. That is fatal
in a presidential election.
I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate
gaze of a professional
gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on
the outcome. Contrary to
most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with five
points as a recommended
risk. Kerry will win this election, if it happens,
by a bigger margin than
Bush finally gouged out of Florida in 2000. That
was about 46 per cent,
plus five points for owning the US Supreme Court –
which seemed to equal 51
per cent. Nobody really believed that, but George W
Bush moved into the
White House anyway.
It was the most brutal seizure of power since
Hitler burned the Reichstag
in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of
Germany. Karl Rove is no
stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it
worked for a while, and it
was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran
out of oil, the whole
world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure
crystal biphetamine and stay
awake for eight days in a row with his maps and
bombers and his dope-addled
general staff.
They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug
for war, as long as you
are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the
hill forever. He had
created a new master race, and every one of them
worshipped him. They were
fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not
much different today.
We still love war.
George Bush certainly does. In four short years he
has turned our country
from a prosperous nation at peace into a
desperately indebted nation at
war. But so what? He is the President of the United
States, and you’re not.
Love it or leave it.
“Four more years of George Bush will be like four
more years of syphilis,”
the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called
press conference near
his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
“Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous
loser like Bush. He
hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will
vote against him in
November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie
accuracy of his political
instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a
worthless Judas goat with
no moral compass.”
“I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said,
“and I will do everything
in my power, short of roaming the streets with a
meat hammer, to help him
be the next president of the United States.”
Which is true. I said all those things, and I will
say them again. Of
course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him
for 30 years as a good
man with a brave heart – which is more than even
the President’s friends
will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an
old acquaintance from the
white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated all
over the world, including
large parts of Texas, and he is taking us all down
with him. Bush is a
natural-born loser with a filthy-rich daddy who
pimped his son out to rich
oil-mongers. He hates music, football and sex, and
he is no fun at all.
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make
that mistake again. The
joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now
he belongs to the dead.
Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in
November – with the
obvious exception of professional Republicans who
have paid big money to
turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader is
so desperate that he’s
paying homeless people to gather signatures to get
him on the ballot. In
Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted contained
tens of thousands of
phoney signatures, including Fred Flintstone,
Mickey Mouse and John Kerry.
A judge dumped Ralph from the ballot there, calling
it “the most deceitful
and fraudulent exercise ever perpetrated upon this
But they will keep his name on the ballot in the
long-suffering Hurricane
State, which is ruled by the President’s younger
brother, Jeb, who also
wants to be the next president of the United
States. In 2000, when they
sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over.
In that election, 97,488
people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore lost
the state by 537 votes.
You don’t have to be from Texas to understand the
moral of that story. It’s
like being out-coached in the Super Bowl. Only
losers play fair, and all
winners have blood on their hands.
Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel
like a winner, we had a
quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen,
Colorado, where he was
scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign
contributors. I told him that
Bush’s vicious goons in the White House are
perfectly capable of
assassinating Nader and blaming it on him. His
staff laughed, but the
Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry suggested I might
make a good running
mate, and we reminisced about trying to end the
Vietnam War in 1972.
That was the year I first met him, at a riot on
that elegant little street
in front of the White House. He was yelling into a
bullhorn and I was
trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence
and on to the
President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in
those days, and there were
millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out
because they were stupid
warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and we
stomped on Richard Nixon –
which wise people said was impossible, but so what?
It was fun. We were
warriors then, and our tribe was strong like a
river. That river is still
running. All we have to do is get out and vote,
while it’s still legal, and
we will wash those crooked warmongers out of the
White House.
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From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson lsd st. kitts [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:57:23 AM EDT
If your who I think you are, could you answer one question I think many
have wanted to know. Is Patrick human?
Is there also some special plan at St. Kitts where they send junkies to
Bangkok, give them sheets of LSD and then Mash adopts them? Or was that
a special clause he worked into his contract? 🙂
Please know I’m joking, mad respect Patrick 🙂 Between you, mash and
schmooly all of you are seriously weird people. Carla you should go to
St. Kitts 🙂 🙂
I’ve never been to Texas Charliedog but this is my opinion
— wrote:
I never found anything spiritual about the way HST did or wrote about
acid. He belittled a holy sacrament with alcohol and other dark
molecules and let a whole generation to beleive that is was cool to
take acid a act like a dick head.
Shiva dances and Hunter prances
Ibo trances
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail – Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:47:19 AM EDT
Got something against Texas?
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Re: IBO and Benzos
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:39:53 AM EDT
To: <>
Ibogaine may no work for benzo’s, I never had anyone getting a seizure coming off benzo’s,
I guess no one did research about the working of the other alkaloids of the iboga,I normally give very small doses after which seems to help most of the time.
I agree with you about people being more anxious and dysphoric getting off benzo’s after Ibo.
Van: [] Verzonden: zondag 31 oktober 2004 3:12 Aan: Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: IBO and Benzos
IBO absolutely does not work for Benzo’s. The Benzo GABA system is different then other drugs and IBO doesn’t seem to get the GABA receptors. There is always a risk of seizures coming off Benzo’s acutely and benzo people seem to be more anxious and very dysphoric after IBO. I have seen this happen a lot.
I suggest doing a slow benzo detox. Be off Benzo’s at least 10 days prior to IBO. Even if the opiates have to be increase to get off the Benzo’s, then so be it.
There are many new psychiatric meds that work well for benzo — post acute withdrawal syndrome (which can last for months and make you think you are going crazy). I.E.; Zyprexa, Seroquel and others. These however cannot be taken before IBO but can be started 24-48 hours after IBO experience is over. They really help, but the dosage and timing of intake of these meds is crucial.
Typical neuroleptics that will stop a bad LSD trip make IBO patients who are dysphoric after treatment WORSE. If someone id flipping out after IBO, ask them to get honest about the Benzo’s. A small dose of valium will chill them out (at least temporarily) till a better plan can be worked out.
Plane old benedryl seems to allow these people to get at least some sleep and doesn’t interact adversely w/ IBO.
Hope everyone suceeds on their journey for freedom and truth.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:38:44 AM EDT
I never found anything spiritual about the way HST did or wrote about acid. He belittled a holy sacrament with alcohol and other dark molecules and let a whole generation to beleive that is was cool to take acid a act like a dick head.
Shiva dances and Hunter prances
Ibo trances
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Was Re: [Ibogaine] Second Treatment Complete Success!!! Now a …
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:36:16 AM EDT
Zoloft good after Ibo . start 48 hours after Ibo ends . Takes 2 weeks for anti depressant effect to kick in and 4 weeks for full anti anxiety effect. It is not a majic bullet but helps a little, you will need low dose zyprexa or seroquel to work instantly while waiting for zoloft to kick in. Be off zoloft for 10 days before taking ibo. Its works for some and not for others. SSRI’s , like zoloft can tweak some people like those with ADHD.
good luck.
I like depakote. It slows the racing mind down and works quickly. Liver needs to be healthy for this RX and blood test follow ups are needed.It is a “mood stabilizer and good for bi-polar types.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:31:27 AM EDT
HST is now just a rich bald dude living the mega rich life in Aspen
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 31, 2004 at 1:19:47 AM EDT
To: <>
Yes, it has no effect of the withdrawals, but as you said after the Ibo. Few months, it does help, at least for some people. The people I do it with have had Alcohol , cocaine, anti depressants problem, fear of being alive.
The ceremony went really well everyone was happy about it, and everyone is still sleeping now, I guess I don’t need as much sleep as everyone else.
Van: [] Verzonden: zondag 31 oktober 2004 3:00 Aan: Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
I have seen many addicts in recovery relapse after doing hausca. It seems to trigger cocaine cravings. It should not be done for at least 90 days after Iboas it can interfere with depo- Nor Ibo.
Just my anecdotal findings.
It has no effect in blocking withdrwal at all.
From: D H <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 31, 2004 at 12:23:43 AM EDT
Screw Herman Munster (Kerry) and the infamous Hunter S. Thompson. Just exercising my rights. Carry on.
I’d rather not screw either one even though I highly respect Mr Thompson for decades of excellent writing. Although reading Fear & Loathing at age 11 gave me a twisted outlook, it sure beat the puritanical/hypocritical/Fear Based view my parents offered (kind of like the view that Bushco broadcasts… FEAR, HIPPOCRACY AND FAITH-BASED POLITICS (and some good-old (white) boy corporate back scratching). – I can’t imagine anything worse to control all 3 branches of government.
I am leary of ALL politicians, most especially those from Texas.
random thoughts:
I think Kerry looks more like Lurch.
A vote for Bush is a vote for Fascism.
Lets all take ibogaine and go dancing.
Subject: [Ibogaine] Was Re: [Ibogaine] Second Treatment Complete Success!!! Now a new question
Date: October 30, 2004 at 11:04:11 PM EDT
In a message dated 10/30/04 9:57:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Welbrutrin is pure norepinephrine increaser and will make anxiety, insomnia and withdrawal, worse. Bad idea always. Effexoer and Cymbalta are also no no’s (sic)
Any insight regarding Zoloft?
Thanks as always!
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:46:47 PM EDT
Jasen, anything that moves has a trail behind it. You’ll see. It kinda strobes or at least it did for me. I don’t want to ruin it for you. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:25:13 PM EDT
search ayahausca (sic) not sure of the spelling. A very interesting sacrament but I am not sure where it fits in with detox. Once clean, go for it if you can find a legitamite Yage source. They now run tours for tourists to take this stuff. Sounds a little commercial to me. I am not an expert here so many on the list can tell you more bout it.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:21:56 PM EDT
Agreed. yet I fear that bup metabolites may knock noribo off receptor after conversion. Who knows? . very little data on this. I also worry about increased irreversable respiratory depression with both on board. This may be over caution but since no one is sure, why take a chance.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Hanna
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:16:40 PM EDT
Suboxone and alike are absolutely very addictive. 0.3 of Bup injected is equal to 8 mgs of morphine. I have seen many get addicted to Bup and they are not happy. As it is a mixed agonist / antagonist, it is on and off the receptor so you are okay and then not and then okay and then not again. I feel it is a poor maintenance drug and is addicting.
Be off of Bup/ Subox for at least 14 days prior to IBO. It has weird metabolites that stick around that long and can effect how IBO and noribo bind to the opiate receptors.
Switch over to short acting opiates 2 weeks prior to Ibo if you are on Bup.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:12:32 PM EDT
In a message dated 10/30/04 9:00:42 PM, writes:
I have seen many addicts in recovery relapse after doing hausca. It seems
to trigger cocaine cravings. It should not be done for at least 90 days
Iboas it can interfere with depo- Nor Ibo.
Just my anecdotal findings.
I don’t think there is depo-Nor ibo, only depo ibogaiine that is released
over time and converted to noribogaine as it is released from fat.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: IBO and Benzos
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:11:49 PM EDT
IBO absolutely does not work for Benzo’s. The Benzo GABA system is different then other drugs and IBO doesn’t seem to get the GABA receptors. There is always a risk of seizures coming off Benzo’s acutely and benzo people seem to be more anxious and very dysphoric after IBO. I have seen this happen a lot.
I suggest doing a slow benzo detox. Be off Benzo’s at least 10 days prior to IBO. Even if the opiates have to be increase to get off the Benzo’s, then so be it.
There are many new psychiatric meds that work well for benzo — post acute withdrawal syndrome (which can last for months and make you think you are going crazy). I.E.; Zyprexa, Seroquel and others. These however cannot be taken before IBO but can be started 24-48 hours after IBO experience is over. They really help, but the dosage and timing of intake of these meds is crucial.
Typical neuroleptics that will stop a bad LSD trip make IBO patients who are dysphoric after treatment WORSE. If someone id flipping out after IBO, ask them to get honest about the Benzo’s. A small dose of valium will chill them out (at least temporarily) till a better plan can be worked out.
Plane old benedryl seems to allow these people to get at least some sleep and doesn’t interact adversely w/ IBO.
Hope everyone suceeds on their journey for freedom and truth.
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:08:12 PM EDT
To: <>
Hello Schmoolboy,
Please tell me what is “Hausca” and why would it normally be used.
Thankyou,Smiles Jasen.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 11:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
I have seen many addicts in recovery relapse after doing hausca. It seems to trigger cocaine cravings. It should not be done for at least 90 days after Iboas it can interfere with depo- Nor Ibo.
Just my anecdotal findings.
It has no effect in blocking withdrwal at all.
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:04:36 PM EDT
To: <>
Happy trails (which are unGodly wait to you see them) and have a safe journey. Randy
Hey Randy,
I forgot to ask,what do you mean the trails are ungodly?
Smiles Jasen.
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:01:24 PM EDT
To: <>
Hello Hannah,
Thankyou,these supportive emails make a big difference to me.
Yes you are right,I will be IN Europe,for some reason I keep thinking
that I will be in the UK.
I am going to try to stay away for 8 weeks.
I am very thankfull for all of this,and I give thanks
in advance for my freedom.
With Smiles Jasen.
From: Hannah Clay
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 1:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Hey Jasen,
I just wanted to tell you that I’m really excited for you and can’t wait to hear how it goes! You wrote an amazing emial to me once that I still keep. Just remember that we’ll all be thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes your way.
Oh and isn’t the Netherlands part of Europe?
Lota of love Hannah
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 9:59:49 PM EDT
I have seen many addicts in recovery relapse after doing hausca. It seems to trigger cocaine cravings. It should not be done for at least 90 days after Iboas it can interfere with depo- Nor Ibo.
Just my anecdotal findings.
It has no effect in blocking withdrwal at all.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 30, 2004 at 9:58:23 PM EDT
Screw Herman Munster (Kerry) and the infamous Hunter S. Thompson. Just exercising my rights. Carry on.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Second Treatment Complete Success!!!
Date: October 30, 2004 at 9:56:28 PM EDT
Welbrutrin is pure norepinephrine increaser and will make anxiety, insomnia and withdrawal, worse. Bad idea always. Effexoer and Cymbalta are also no no’s (sic)
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 30, 2004 at 9:43:57 PM EDT
To: <>
Hello Randy,
Yes I will be by myself,but then not really,I will have Sara and I will have the thoughts of you guys on the list.
I am flying from Australia,to Amsterdam is about as far as you can fly,to take someone with me would double the expence,
just about.
I wish I could take someone with me.I woke up this morning in a panic and a sweat,thinking F..k,I don’t know if I
can handle doing this,but I am a lot calmer now,I am sure I will be fine.
I have to do this,I can’t live like this anymore.I will do this.I AM doing this,it is in motion as I type.
I believe that the burning of the candles helps much more than we realise,thanks Randy I would love you to burn
a big fat candle for me.The thought of candles lit and burning for me around the world whilst doing the treatment
is and will be very calming.
Smiles Jasen.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Jasen, Will you be by yourself? 10 days later I would think that if your will is good you could do it. I’d take someone along if you can though. You are in exellent hands and by the time you leave Sara’s I’d say you could do just about what you want to. I was a complete wuss about the residuals so don’t go by what I was saying at the time. But you will have a few. FEW. Just a little. Keep your head up, stay busy and it won’t be bad at all. I wish you well and tell Sara to post when she doses you and I not only will burn a candle I’ll burn a big fat one in your honor. Happy trails (which are unGodly wait to you see them) and have a safe journey. Randy
From: D H <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 30, 2004 at 9:18:33 PM EDT
If you consider George Bush a decent human being… maybe you ought to take a serious look at his track record.
Do you by chance watch FOX News or something?
On Saturday, October 30, 2004, at 02:14 PM, Faith Bowling wrote:
Our creator, and the decent people in the US are getting very fed up of the attacks against the decent. The weakest, most despicible beings there are are those who feel so safe attacking the good, decent people who will stand for the rights of the people who are too tiny to vote, those that believe that every human freedom of choice to live or die, and has the moxie to fight against terriorism, when it’s so unpopular. No, George Bush speech comes from the heart, and he gets emotional. John Kerry really doesn’t care, sounds like it’s memorized. You had to hear him say that he would use OUR tax money to give to some female “being” to murder another human. I would rather not work, than to let any of my money go for this terriorist act, tha John Kerry supports.
From: D H <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:22:53 -1000
He’s been America’s most unorthodox political commentator for more than 30 years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush presidency is evil beyond belief – and judgement is nigh
28 October 2004
The genetically vicious nature of presidential campaigns in America is too obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun, and I am one of them. Election day – especially when it’s a presidential election – is always a wild and terrifying time for politics junkies, and I am one of those, too. We look forward to major election days like sex addicts look forward to orgies. We are slaves to them.
Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the winners. They are not the ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the votes are finally counted and the losers are forced to get down on their knees. No. The slaves who emerge victorious from these drastic public decisions go crazy with joy and plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled Cristal champagne with naked strangers who want to be close to a winner.
That is how it works in the victory business. You see it every time. The weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing their jobs and money and all the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It is like suddenly losing your wife and your home in a vagrant poker game, then having to go on the road with whoremongers and beg for your dinner in public. Nobody wants to hire a loser. Right? They stink of doom and defeat.
“What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex? It’s making me sick.”
“That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in to apply for a job, but we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him down to the parking lot and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
“Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new enemies list? I want them all locked up. They are scum.”
“We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist sympathisers, and most of them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
“Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come over here and kneel down. I want to reward you.”
That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni, vidi, vici, especially among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin saying: “As the camel falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
Presidential politics is a vicious business, even for rich white men, and anybody who gets into it should be prepared to grapple with the meanest of the mean. The White House has never been seized by timid warriors. There are no rules, and the roadside is littered with wreckage. That is why they call it the passing lane. Just ask any candidate who ever ran against George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards, John McCain – all of them ambushed and vanquished by lies and dirty tricks. And all of them still whining about it.
That is why George W Bush is President of the United States, and Al Gore is not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing to demolish anything that got in his way, including the US Supreme Court. It is not by accident that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney & Halliburton Inc) controls all three branches of our federal government today. They are powerful thugs who would far rather die than lose the election in November.
The Republican establishment is haunted by painful memories of what happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too early, and he had no response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has always been the case. Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of US economic policy. If the rich get richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to pre-industrial America, when only white male property owners could vote.
Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush comes from. Houston is a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby, sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West – which can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The other one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas, which has no laws against any deviant practice not specifically forbidden in the New Testament, including anal incest and public cunnilingus with farm animals.
Back in 1948, during his first race for the US Senate, Lyndon Johnson was running about 10 points behind, with only nine days to go. He was desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday, they say, when he called his equally depressed campaign manager and told him to call a press conference for just before lunch on a slow news day and accuse his high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having routine carnal knowledge of his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and children.
His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say that, Lyndon,” he supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
“Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s make the bastard deny it!”
Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that election by fewer than 100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went on to rule Texas and the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most powerful vice president in the history of the United States. Until now.
Armageddon came early for George Bush this year, and he was not ready for it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry turned into a series of embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised his closest campaign advisers. They knew he would never recover, no matter how many votes they could steal for him in Florida, where the presidential debates were closely watched and widely celebrated by millions of Kerry supporters who suddenly had reason to feel like winners.
Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog with almost no chance of winning three out of three rigged confrontations with a treacherous little freak like George Bush. But the debates are over now, and the victor was John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and left him for roadkill.
Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he talked like a donkey with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in Coral Gables, when Bush went belly up less than halfway through his first bout with Kerry, who hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful… I almost felt sorry for him, until I heard someone call him “Mister President”, and then I felt ashamed.
Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt even worse. There is angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the bowels of the White House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its name is George Bush. The president failed miserably from the instant he got onstage with John Kerry. He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong in Coral Gables, then again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s problem. His candidate is a weak-minded frat boy who cracks under pressure in front of 60 million voters.
Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening round, when he finally had to speak without his teleprompter. It was a Cinderella story brought up to date in Florida that night – except this time, the false prince turned back into a frog.
Immediately after the first debate ended, I called Muhammad Ali at his home in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ was laughing so hard that he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate really cracked him up,” he chuckled. “The champ loves a good ass-whuppin’. He says Bush looked so scared to fight, he finally just quit and laid down.”
This year’s first presidential debate was such a disaster for George Bush that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in the ring with John Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we can only wonder why. But there is no doubt that the president has lost his nerve, and his career in the White House is finished. No mas.
Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this dangerous election. The time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun into politics. That’s exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked like a winner, and it energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting to look like serious fun for everyone except poor George, who now looks like a loser. That is fatal in a presidential election.
I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate gaze of a professional gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on the outcome. Contrary to most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with five points as a recommended risk. Kerry will win this election, if it happens, by a bigger margin than Bush finally gouged out of Florida in 2000. That was about 46 per cent, plus five points for owning the US Supreme Court – which seemed to equal 51 per cent. Nobody really believed that, but George W Bush moved into the White House anyway.
It was the most brutal seizure of power since Hitler burned the Reichstag in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of Germany. Karl Rove is no stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it worked for a while, and it was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran out of oil, the whole world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure crystal biphetamine and stay awake for eight days in a row with his maps and bombers and his dope-addled general staff.
They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug for war, as long as you are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the hill forever. He had created a new master race, and every one of them worshipped him. They were fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not much different today. We still love war.
George Bush certainly does. In four short years he has turned our country from a prosperous nation at peace into a desperately indebted nation at war. But so what? He is the President of the United States, and you’re not. Love it or leave it.
“Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of syphilis,” the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called press conference near his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
“Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like Bush. He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against him in November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie accuracy of his political instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a worthless Judas goat with no moral compass.”
“I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said, “and I will do everything in my power, short of roaming the streets with a meat hammer, to help him be the next president of the United States.”
Which is true. I said all those things, and I will say them again. Of course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him for 30 years as a good man with a brave heart – which is more than even the President’s friends will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an old acquaintance from the white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated all over the world, including large parts of Texas, and he is taking us all down with him. Bush is a natural-born loser with a filthy-rich daddy who pimped his son out to rich oil-mongers. He hates music, football and sex, and he is no fun at all.
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make that mistake again. The joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now he belongs to the dead. Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in November – with the obvious exception of professional Republicans who have paid big money to turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader is so desperate that he’s paying homeless people to gather signatures to get him on the ballot. In Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted contained tens of thousands of phoney signatures, including Fred Flintstone, Mickey Mouse and John Kerry. A judge dumped Ralph from the ballot there, calling it “the most deceitful and fraudulent exercise ever perpetrated upon this court”.
But they will keep his name on the ballot in the long-suffering Hurricane State, which is ruled by the President’s younger brother, Jeb, who also wants to be the next president of the United States. In 2000, when they sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over. In that election, 97,488 people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore lost the state by 537 votes. You don’t have to be from Texas to understand the moral of that story. It’s like being out-coached in the Super Bowl. Only losers play fair, and all winners have blood on their hands.
Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel like a winner, we had a quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen, Colorado, where he was scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign contributors. I told him that Bush’s vicious goons in the White House are perfectly capable of assassinating Nader and blaming it on him. His staff laughed, but the Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry suggested I might make a good running mate, and we reminisced about trying to end the Vietnam War in 1972.
That was the year I first met him, at a riot on that elegant little street in front of the White House. He was yelling into a bullhorn and I was trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence and on to the President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in those days, and there were millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out because they were stupid warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and we stomped on Richard Nixon – which wise people said was impossible, but so what? It was fun. We were warriors then, and our tribe was strong like a river. That river is still running. All we have to do is get out and vote, while it’s still legal, and we will wash those crooked warmongers out of the White House.
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 30, 2004 at 9:05:05 PM EDT
Maybe I am missing your point of view in this but what you’re saying is
that you think Bush is a ethical person who is protecting America by
attacking other countries, removing the constitution piece by piece and
you end on the point that the fact he wants to make sure abortions are
back to happening in back rooms with coat hangers is a good thing?
— Faith Bowling <> wrote:
Our creator, and the decent people in the US are getting very fed up
the attacks against the decent. The weakest, most despicible beings
there are are those who feel so safe attacking the good, decent
who will stand for the rights of the people who are too tiny to vote,
those that believe that every human freedom of choice to live or die,
and has the moxie to fight against terriorism, when it’s so
No, George Bush speech comes from the heart, and he gets emotional.
John Kerry really doesn’t care, sounds like it’s memorized. You had
hear him say that he would use OUR tax money to give to some female
“being” to murder another human. I would rather not work, than to
any of my money go for this terriorist act, tha John Kerry supports.
From: D H <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:22:53 -1000
He’s been America’s most unorthodox political commentator for more
than 30 years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush presidency is
evil beyond belief – and judgement is nigh
28 October 2004
The genetically vicious nature of presidential campaigns in America
too obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun, and I am
of them. Election day – especially when it’s a presidential
election –
is always a wild and terrifying time for politics junkies, and I am
one of those, too. We look forward to major election days like sex
addicts look forward to orgies. We are slaves to them.
Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the winners. They are not
the ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the votes are
counted and the losers are forced to get down on their knees. No.
slaves who emerge victorious from these drastic public decisions go
crazy with joy and plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled
champagne with naked strangers who want to be close to a winner.
That is how it works in the victory business. You see it every
The weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing their jobs and
money and all the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It
like suddenly losing your wife and your home in a vagrant poker
then having to go on the road with whoremongers and beg for your
dinner in public. Nobody wants to hire a loser. Right? They stink
doom and defeat.
“What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex? It’s making me
“That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in to apply for a
but we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him down to the
parking lot and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
“Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new enemies list? I
want them all locked up. They are scum.”
“We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist sympathisers, and
most of them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
“Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come over here and
kneel down. I want to reward you.”
That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni, vidi, vici,
among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin saying: “As the
falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
Presidential politics is a vicious business, even for rich white
and anybody who gets into it should be prepared to grapple with the
meanest of the mean. The White House has never been seized by timid
warriors. There are no rules, and the roadside is littered with
wreckage. That is why they call it the passing lane. Just ask any
candidate who ever ran against George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards,
John McCain – all of them ambushed and vanquished by lies and dirty
tricks. And all of them still whining about it.
That is why George W Bush is President of the United States, and Al
Gore is not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing to
demolish anything that got in his way, including the US Supreme
It is not by accident that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney
Halliburton Inc) controls all three branches of our federal
today. They are powerful thugs who would far rather die than lose
election in November.
The Republican establishment is haunted by painful memories of what
happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too early, and he had
response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has always been the
case. Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the
Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation
into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard
comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous
“trickle-down” theory of US economic policy. If the rich get
the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow
“trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the
family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never
of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to pre-industrial
America, when only white male property owners could vote.
Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush comes from. Houston
a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning
laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby,
sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and
super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West –
can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three
presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The
one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas, which
no laws against any deviant practice not specifically forbidden in
New Testament, including anal incest and public cunnilingus with
Back in 1948, during his first race for the US Senate, Lyndon
was running about 10 points behind, with only nine days to go. He
desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday, they say, when
called his equally depressed campaign manager and told him to call
press conference for just before lunch on a slow news day and
his high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having routine carnal
knowledge of his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and children.
His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say that, Lyndon,” he
supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
“Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s make the bastard
Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that election by
than 100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went on to rule
Texas and the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most powerful
president in the history of the United States. Until now.
Armageddon came early for George Bush this year, and he was not
for it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry turned into a
series of embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised his
closest campaign advisers. They knew he would never recover, no
how many votes they could steal for him in Florida, where the
presidential debates were closely watched and widely celebrated by
millions of Kerry supporters who suddenly had reason to feel like
Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog with almost no
of winning three out of three rigged confrontations with a
little freak like George Bush. But the debates are over now, and
victor was John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and left
for roadkill.
Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he talked like a
donkey with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in Coral
when Bush went belly up less than halfway through his first bout
Kerry, who hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful… I
felt sorry for him, until I heard someone call him “Mister
and then I felt ashamed.
Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt even worse. There
angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the bowels of the
White House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its name is
Bush. The president failed miserably from the instant he got
with John Kerry. He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a
in Coral Gables, then again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s
problem. His candidate is a weak-minded frat boy who cracks under
pressure in front of 60 million voters.
Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening round, when he
finally had to speak without his teleprompter. It was a Cinderella
story brought up to date in Florida that night – except this time,
false prince turned back into a frog.
Immediately after the first debate ended, I called Muhammad Ali at
home in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ was laughing
hard that he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate really cracked
him up,” he chuckled. “The champ loves a good ass-whuppin’. He says
Bush looked so scared to fight, he finally just quit and laid
This year’s first presidential debate was such a disaster for
Bush that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in the ring
John Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we can only
why. But there is no doubt that the president has lost his nerve,
his career in the White House is finished. No mas.
Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this dangerous
election. The time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun into
politics. That’s exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked
a winner, and it energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting
look like serious fun for everyone except poor George, who now
like a loser. That is fatal in a presidential election.
I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate gaze of a
professional gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on the
outcome. Contrary to most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with
points as a recommended risk. Kerry will win this election, if it
happens, by a bigger margin than Bush finally gouged out of Florida
2000. That was about 46 per cent, plus five points for owning the
Supreme Court – which seemed to equal 51 per cent. Nobody really
believed that, but George W Bush moved into the White House anyway.
It was the most brutal seizure of power since Hitler burned the
Reichstag in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of Germany.
Rove is no stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it worked for
while, and it was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran out
oil, the whole world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure crystal
biphetamine and stay awake for eight days in a row with his maps
bombers and his dope-addled general staff.
They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug for war, as long
you are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the hill
He had created a new master race, and every one of them worshipped
him. They were fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not
much different today. We still love war.
George Bush certainly does. In four short years he has turned our
country from a prosperous nation at peace into a desperately
nation at war. But so what? He is the President of the United
and you’re not. Love it or leave it.
“Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of
syphilis,” the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called
conference near his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
“Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like
He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against
him in November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie accuracy of
political instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a
Judas goat with no moral compass.”
“I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said, “and I will do
everything in my power, short of roaming the streets with a meat
hammer, to help him be the next president of the United States.”
Which is true. I said all those things, and I will say them again.
course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him for 30 years as
good man with a brave heart – which is more than even the
friends will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an old
acquaintance from the white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated
all over the world, including large parts of Texas, and he is
us all down with him. Bush is a natural-born loser with a
daddy who pimped his son out to rich oil-mongers. He hates music,
football and sex, and he is no fun at all.
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make that mistake
The joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now he belongs
the dead. Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in
– with the obvious exception of professional Republicans who have
big money to turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader is so
desperate that he’s paying homeless people to gather signatures to
him on the ballot. In Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted
contained tens of thousands of phoney signatures, including Fred
Flintstone, Mickey Mouse and John Kerry. A judge dumped Ralph from
ballot there, calling it “the most deceitful and fraudulent
ever perpetrated upon this court”.
But they will keep his name on the ballot in the long-suffering
Hurricane State, which is ruled by the President’s younger brother,
Jeb, who also wants to be the next president of the United States.
2000, when they sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over.
that election, 97,488 people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore
the state by 537 votes. You don’t have to be from Texas to
the moral of that story. It’s like being out-coached in the Super
Bowl. Only losers play fair, and all winners have blood on their
Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel like a winner,
had a quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen, Colorado,
where he was scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign
contributors. I told him that Bush’s vicious goons in the White
are perfectly capable of assassinating Nader and blaming it on him.
His staff laughed, but the Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry
I might make a good running mate, and we reminisced about trying to
end the Vietnam War in 1972.
That was the year I first met him, at a riot on that elegant little
street in front of the White House. He was yelling into a bullhorn
I was trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence and on to
the President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in those days,
there were millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out
they were stupid warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and we
stomped on Richard Nixon – which wise people said was impossible,
so what? It was fun. We were warriors then, and our tribe was
like a river. That river is still running. All we have to do is get
out and vote, while it’s still legal, and we will wash those
warmongers out of the White House.
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From: “Faith Bowling” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 30, 2004 at 8:14:38 PM EDT
Our creator, and the decent people in the US are getting very fed up of the attacks against the decent. The weakest, most despicible beings there are are those who feel so safe attacking the good, decent people who will stand for the rights of the people who are too tiny to vote, those that believe that every human freedom of choice to live or die, and has the moxie to fight against terriorism, when it’s so unpopular. No, George Bush speech comes from the heart, and he gets emotional. John Kerry really doesn’t care, sounds like it’s memorized. You had to hear him say that he would use OUR tax money to give to some female “being” to murder another human. I would rather not work, than to let any of my money go for this terriorist act, tha John Kerry supports.
From: D H <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:22:53 -1000
He’s been America’s most unorthodox political commentator for more than 30 years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush presidency is evil beyond belief – and judgement is nigh
28 October 2004
The genetically vicious nature of presidential campaigns in America is too obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun, and I am one of them. Election day – especially when it’s a presidential election – is always a wild and terrifying time for politics junkies, and I am one of those, too. We look forward to major election days like sex addicts look forward to orgies. We are slaves to them.
Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the winners. They are not the ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the votes are finally counted and the losers are forced to get down on their knees. No. The slaves who emerge victorious from these drastic public decisions go crazy with joy and plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled Cristal champagne with naked strangers who want to be close to a winner.
That is how it works in the victory business. You see it every time. The weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing their jobs and money and all the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It is like suddenly losing your wife and your home in a vagrant poker game, then having to go on the road with whoremongers and beg for your dinner in public. Nobody wants to hire a loser. Right? They stink of doom and defeat.
“What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex? It’s making me sick.”
“That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in to apply for a job, but we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him down to the parking lot and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
“Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new enemies list? I want them all locked up. They are scum.”
“We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist sympathisers, and most of them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
“Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come over here and kneel down. I want to reward you.”
That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni, vidi, vici, especially among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin saying: “As the camel falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
Presidential politics is a vicious business, even for rich white men, and anybody who gets into it should be prepared to grapple with the meanest of the mean. The White House has never been seized by timid warriors. There are no rules, and the roadside is littered with wreckage. That is why they call it the passing lane. Just ask any candidate who ever ran against George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards, John McCain – all of them ambushed and vanquished by lies and dirty tricks. And all of them still whining about it.
That is why George W Bush is President of the United States, and Al Gore is not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing to demolish anything that got in his way, including the US Supreme Court. It is not by accident that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney & Halliburton Inc) controls all three branches of our federal government today. They are powerful thugs who would far rather die than lose the election in November.
The Republican establishment is haunted by painful memories of what happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too early, and he had no response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has always been the case. Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of US economic policy. If the rich get richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to pre-industrial America, when only white male property owners could vote.
Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush comes from. Houston is a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby, sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West – which can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The other one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas, which has no laws against any deviant practice not specifically forbidden in the New Testament, including anal incest and public cunnilingus with farm animals.
Back in 1948, during his first race for the US Senate, Lyndon Johnson was running about 10 points behind, with only nine days to go. He was desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday, they say, when he called his equally depressed campaign manager and told him to call a press conference for just before lunch on a slow news day and accuse his high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having routine carnal knowledge of his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and children.
His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say that, Lyndon,” he supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
“Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s make the bastard deny it!”
Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that election by fewer than 100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went on to rule Texas and the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most powerful vice president in the history of the United States. Until now.
Armageddon came early for George Bush this year, and he was not ready for it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry turned into a series of embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised his closest campaign advisers. They knew he would never recover, no matter how many votes they could steal for him in Florida, where the presidential debates were closely watched and widely celebrated by millions of Kerry supporters who suddenly had reason to feel like winners.
Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog with almost no chance of winning three out of three rigged confrontations with a treacherous little freak like George Bush. But the debates are over now, and the victor was John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and left him for roadkill.
Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he talked like a donkey with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in Coral Gables, when Bush went belly up less than halfway through his first bout with Kerry, who hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful… I almost felt sorry for him, until I heard someone call him “Mister President”, and then I felt ashamed.
Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt even worse. There is angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the bowels of the White House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its name is George Bush. The president failed miserably from the instant he got onstage with John Kerry. He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong in Coral Gables, then again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s problem. His candidate is a weak-minded frat boy who cracks under pressure in front of 60 million voters.
Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening round, when he finally had to speak without his teleprompter. It was a Cinderella story brought up to date in Florida that night – except this time, the false prince turned back into a frog.
Immediately after the first debate ended, I called Muhammad Ali at his home in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ was laughing so hard that he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate really cracked him up,” he chuckled. “The champ loves a good ass-whuppin’. He says Bush looked so scared to fight, he finally just quit and laid down.”
This year’s first presidential debate was such a disaster for George Bush that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in the ring with John Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we can only wonder why. But there is no doubt that the president has lost his nerve, and his career in the White House is finished. No mas.
Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this dangerous election. The time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun into politics. That’s exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked like a winner, and it energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting to look like serious fun for everyone except poor George, who now looks like a loser. That is fatal in a presidential election.
I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate gaze of a professional gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on the outcome. Contrary to most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with five points as a recommended risk. Kerry will win this election, if it happens, by a bigger margin than Bush finally gouged out of Florida in 2000. That was about 46 per cent, plus five points for owning the US Supreme Court – which seemed to equal 51 per cent. Nobody really believed that, but George W Bush moved into the White House anyway.
It was the most brutal seizure of power since Hitler burned the Reichstag in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of Germany. Karl Rove is no stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it worked for a while, and it was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran out of oil, the whole world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure crystal biphetamine and stay awake for eight days in a row with his maps and bombers and his dope-addled general staff.
They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug for war, as long as you are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the hill forever. He had created a new master race, and every one of them worshipped him. They were fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not much different today. We still love war.
George Bush certainly does. In four short years he has turned our country from a prosperous nation at peace into a desperately indebted nation at war. But so what? He is the President of the United States, and you’re not. Love it or leave it.
“Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of syphilis,” the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called press conference near his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
“Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like Bush. He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against him in November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie accuracy of his political instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a worthless Judas goat with no moral compass.”
“I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said, “and I will do everything in my power, short of roaming the streets with a meat hammer, to help him be the next president of the United States.”
Which is true. I said all those things, and I will say them again. Of course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him for 30 years as a good man with a brave heart – which is more than even the President’s friends will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an old acquaintance from the white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated all over the world, including large parts of Texas, and he is taking us all down with him. Bush is a natural-born loser with a filthy-rich daddy who pimped his son out to rich oil-mongers. He hates music, football and sex, and he is no fun at all.
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make that mistake again. The joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now he belongs to the dead. Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in November – with the obvious exception of professional Republicans who have paid big money to turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader is so desperate that he’s paying homeless people to gather signatures to get him on the ballot. In Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted contained tens of thousands of phoney signatures, including Fred Flintstone, Mickey Mouse and John Kerry. A judge dumped Ralph from the ballot there, calling it “the most deceitful and fraudulent exercise ever perpetrated upon this court”.
But they will keep his name on the ballot in the long-suffering Hurricane State, which is ruled by the President’s younger brother, Jeb, who also wants to be the next president of the United States. In 2000, when they sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over. In that election, 97,488 people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore lost the state by 537 votes. You don’t have to be from Texas to understand the moral of that story. It’s like being out-coached in the Super Bowl. Only losers play fair, and all winners have blood on their hands.
Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel like a winner, we had a quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen, Colorado, where he was scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign contributors. I told him that Bush’s vicious goons in the White House are perfectly capable of assassinating Nader and blaming it on him. His staff laughed, but the Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry suggested I might make a good running mate, and we reminisced about trying to end the Vietnam War in 1972.
That was the year I first met him, at a riot on that elegant little street in front of the White House. He was yelling into a bullhorn and I was trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence and on to the President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in those days, and there were millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out because they were stupid warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and we stomped on Richard Nixon – which wise people said was impossible, but so what? It was fun. We were warriors then, and our tribe was strong like a river. That river is still running. All we have to do is get out and vote, while it’s still legal, and we will wash those crooked warmongers out of the White House.
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: D H <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] H.S.Thompson [OT]
Date: October 30, 2004 at 5:22:53 PM EDT
He’s been America’s most unorthodox political commentator for more than 30 years. But for Dr Hunter S Thompson the Bush presidency is evil beyond belief – and judgement is nigh
28 October 2004
The genetically vicious nature of presidential campaigns in America is too obvious to argue with, but some people call it fun, and I am one of them. Election day – especially when it’s a presidential election – is always a wild and terrifying time for politics junkies, and I am one of those, too. We look forward to major election days like sex addicts look forward to orgies. We are slaves to them.
Which is not a bad thing, all in all, for the winners. They are not the ones who bitch and whine about slavery when the votes are finally counted and the losers are forced to get down on their knees. No. The slaves who emerge victorious from these drastic public decisions go crazy with joy and plunge each other into deep tubs of chilled Cristal champagne with naked strangers who want to be close to a winner.
That is how it works in the victory business. You see it every time. The weak suck up to the strong, for fear of losing their jobs and money and all the fickle power they wielded only 24 hours ago. It is like suddenly losing your wife and your home in a vagrant poker game, then having to go on the road with whoremongers and beg for your dinner in public. Nobody wants to hire a loser. Right? They stink of doom and defeat.
“What is that horrible smell in the office, Tex? It’s making me sick.”
“That is the smell of a loser, senator. He came in to apply for a job, but we tossed him out immediately. Sgt Sloat took him down to the parking lot and taught him a lesson he will never forget.”
“Good work, Tex. And how are you coming with my new enemies list? I want them all locked up. They are scum.”
“We will punish them brutally. They are terrorist sympathisers, and most of them voted against you. I hate those bastards.”
“Thank you, Sloat. You are a faithful servant. Come over here and kneel down. I want to reward you.”
That is the nature of high-risk politics. Veni, vidi, vici, especially among Republicans. It’s like the ancient Bedouin saying: “As the camel falls to its knees, more knives are drawn.”
Presidential politics is a vicious business, even for rich white men, and anybody who gets into it should be prepared to grapple with the meanest of the mean. The White House has never been seized by timid warriors. There are no rules, and the roadside is littered with wreckage. That is why they call it the passing lane. Just ask any candidate who ever ran against George Bush – Al Gore, Ann Richards, John McCain – all of them ambushed and vanquished by lies and dirty tricks. And all of them still whining about it.
That is why George W Bush is President of the United States, and Al Gore is not. Bush simply wanted it more, and he was willing to demolish anything that got in his way, including the US Supreme Court. It is not by accident that the Bush White House (read: Dick Cheney & Halliburton Inc) controls all three branches of our federal government today. They are powerful thugs who would far rather die than lose the election in November.
The Republican establishment is haunted by painful memories of what happened to Old Man Bush in 1992. He peaked too early, and he had no response to “It’s the economy, stupid.” Which has always been the case. Every GOP administration since 1952 has let the Military-Industrial Complex loot the Treasury and plunge the nation into debt on the excuse of a wartime economic emergency. Richard Nixon comes quickly to mind, along with Ronald Reagan and his ridiculous “trickle-down” theory of US economic policy. If the rich get richer, the theory goes, before long their pots will overflow and somehow “trickle down” to the poor, who would rather eat scraps off the Bush family plates than eat nothing at all. Republicans have never approved of democracy, and they never will. It goes back to pre-industrial America, when only white male property owners could vote.
Things haven’t changed much where George W Bush comes from. Houston is a cruel, crazy town on a filthy river in East Texas with no zoning laws and a culture of sex, money and violence. It’s a shabby, sprawling metropolis ruled by brazen women, crooked cops and super-rich pansexual cowboys who live by the code of the West – which can mean just about anything you need it to mean, in a pinch.
Houston is also the unnatural home of two out of the last three presidents of the United States of America, for good or ill. The other one was a handsome, sex-crazed boy from next-door Arkansas, which has no laws against any deviant practice not specifically forbidden in the New Testament, including anal incest and public cunnilingus with farm animals.
Back in 1948, during his first race for the US Senate, Lyndon Johnson was running about 10 points behind, with only nine days to go. He was desperate. And it was just before noon on a Monday, they say, when he called his equally depressed campaign manager and told him to call a press conference for just before lunch on a slow news day and accuse his high-riding opponent, a pig farmer, of having routine carnal knowledge of his sows, despite the pleas of his wife and children.
His campaign manager was shocked. “We can’t say that, Lyndon,” he supposedly said. “You know that it isn’t true.”
“Of course it’s not!” Johnson barked. “But let’s make the bastard deny it!”
Johnson – a Democrat, like Bill Clinton – won that election by fewer than 100 votes, and after that he was home free. He went on to rule Texas and the US Senate for 20 years and to be the most powerful vice president in the history of the United States. Until now.
Armageddon came early for George Bush this year, and he was not ready for it. His long-awaited showdowns with John Kerry turned into a series of embarrassments that broke his nerve and demoralised his closest campaign advisers. They knew he would never recover, no matter how many votes they could steal for him in Florida, where the presidential debates were closely watched and widely celebrated by millions of Kerry supporters who suddenly had reason to feel like winners.
Kerry came into October as a five-point underdog with almost no chance of winning three out of three rigged confrontations with a treacherous little freak like George Bush. But the debates are over now, and the victor was John Kerry every time. He steamrollered Bush and left him for roadkill.
Did you see Bush on TV, trying to debate? Jesus, he talked like a donkey with no brains at all. The tide turned early, in Coral Gables, when Bush went belly up less than halfway through his first bout with Kerry, who hammered poor George into jelly. It was pitiful… I almost felt sorry for him, until I heard someone call him “Mister President”, and then I felt ashamed.
Karl Rove, the President’s political wizard, felt even worse. There is angst in the heart of Texas today, and panic in the bowels of the White House. Rove has a nasty little problem, and its name is George Bush. The president failed miserably from the instant he got onstage with John Kerry. He looked weak and dumb. Kerry beat him like a gong in Coral Gables, then again in St Louis and Tempe. That is Rove’s problem. His candidate is a weak-minded frat boy who cracks under pressure in front of 60 million voters.
Bush signed his own death warrant in the opening round, when he finally had to speak without his teleprompter. It was a Cinderella story brought up to date in Florida that night – except this time, the false prince turned back into a frog.
Immediately after the first debate ended, I called Muhammad Ali at his home in Michigan, but whoever answered said the champ was laughing so hard that he couldn’t come to the phone. “The debate really cracked him up,” he chuckled. “The champ loves a good ass-whuppin’. He says Bush looked so scared to fight, he finally just quit and laid down.”
This year’s first presidential debate was such a disaster for George Bush that his handlers had to be crazy to let him get in the ring with John Kerry again. Yet Karl Rove let it happen, and we can only wonder why. But there is no doubt that the president has lost his nerve, and his career in the White House is finished. No mas.
Indeed. The numbers are weird today, and so is this dangerous election. The time has come to rumble, to inject a bit of fun into politics. That’s exactly what the debates did. John Kerry looked like a winner, and it energised his troops. Voting for Kerry is starting to look like serious fun for everyone except poor George, who now looks like a loser. That is fatal in a presidential election.
I look at elections with the cool and dispassionate gaze of a professional gambler, especially when I’m betting real money on the outcome. Contrary to most conventional wisdom, I see Kerry with five points as a recommended risk. Kerry will win this election, if it happens, by a bigger margin than Bush finally gouged out of Florida in 2000. That was about 46 per cent, plus five points for owning the US Supreme Court – which seemed to equal 51 per cent. Nobody really believed that, but George W Bush moved into the White House anyway.
It was the most brutal seizure of power since Hitler burned the Reichstag in 1933 and declared himself the new boss of Germany. Karl Rove is no stranger to Nazi strategy, if only because it worked for a while, and it was sure fun for Hitler. But not for long. He ran out of oil, the whole world hated him, and he liked to gobble pure crystal biphetamine and stay awake for eight days in a row with his maps and bombers and his dope-addled general staff.
They all loved the whiff. It is the perfect drug for war, as long as you are winning, and Hitler thought he was king of the hill forever. He had created a new master race, and every one of them worshipped him. They were fanatics. That was 66 years ago, and things are not much different today. We still love war.
George Bush certainly does. In four short years he has turned our country from a prosperous nation at peace into a desperately indebted nation at war. But so what? He is the President of the United States, and you’re not. Love it or leave it.
“Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of syphilis,” the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called press conference near his home in Woody Creek, Colorado.
“Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like Bush. He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against him in November.” Thompson, well known for the eerie accuracy of his political instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as “a worthless Judas goat with no moral compass.”
“I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago,” he said, “and I will do everything in my power, short of roaming the streets with a meat hammer, to help him be the next president of the United States.”
Which is true. I said all those things, and I will say them again. Of course I will vote for John Kerry. I have known him for 30 years as a good man with a brave heart – which is more than even the President’s friends will tell you about George W Bush, who is also an old acquaintance from the white-knuckle days of yesteryear. He is hated all over the world, including large parts of Texas, and he is taking us all down with him. Bush is a natural-born loser with a filthy-rich daddy who pimped his son out to rich oil-mongers. He hates music, football and sex, and he is no fun at all.
I voted for Ralph Nader in 2000, but I won’t make that mistake again. The joke is over for Nader. He was funny once, but now he belongs to the dead. Nader is a fool, as is anybody who votes for him in November – with the obvious exception of professional Republicans who have paid big money to turn him into a world-famous Judas goat. Nader is so desperate that he’s paying homeless people to gather signatures to get him on the ballot. In Pennsylvania, the petitions he submitted contained tens of thousands of phoney signatures, including Fred Flintstone, Mickey Mouse and John Kerry. A judge dumped Ralph from the ballot there, calling it “the most deceitful and fraudulent exercise ever perpetrated upon this court”.
But they will keep his name on the ballot in the long-suffering Hurricane State, which is ruled by the President’s younger brother, Jeb, who also wants to be the next president of the United States. In 2000, when they sent Jim Baker to Florida, I knew it was all over. In that election, 97,488 people voted for Nader in Florida, and Gore lost the state by 537 votes. You don’t have to be from Texas to understand the moral of that story. It’s like being out-coached in the Super Bowl. Only losers play fair, and all winners have blood on their hands.
Back in June, when John Kerry was beginning to feel like a winner, we had a quick rendezvous on a rain-soaked runway in Aspen, Colorado, where he was scheduled to meet a harem of wealthy campaign contributors. I told him that Bush’s vicious goons in the White House are perfectly capable of assassinating Nader and blaming it on him. His staff laughed, but the Secret Service men didn’t. Kerry suggested I might make a good running mate, and we reminisced about trying to end the Vietnam War in 1972.
That was the year I first met him, at a riot on that elegant little street in front of the White House. He was yelling into a bullhorn and I was trying to throw a dead rat over a black-spike fence and on to the President’s lawn. We were angry and righteous in those days, and there were millions of us. We kicked two chief executives out because they were stupid warmongers. We conquered Lyndon Johnson and we stomped on Richard Nixon – which wise people said was impossible, but so what? It was fun. We were warriors then, and our tribe was strong like a river. That river is still running. All we have to do is get out and vote, while it’s still legal, and we will wash those crooked warmongers out of the White House.
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] New Orleans Session is Free!
Date: October 30, 2004 at 4:08:02 PM EDT
I think there’s a ibogaine panel which lasts for 3 hours.
The conference lasts 4 days it looks like. Its harm reduction not only
Its a drug conference 🙂
— wrote:
If I may ask a couple quesions about the upcoming conference in New
Orleans. Is it an Ibogaine info conference, or a lot of things and
subjects rolled into one? How many days? Knowledgeable guest
Lot’s of IBO info, because that’s what i’m most interested in,
personally. Any answers from anyone in the know would be greatly
appreciated. Oh, and most importanrly, the date. Thanks,
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail – Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: IBO and Benzos
Date: October 30, 2004 at 1:47:52 PM EDT
Mustapha, I got your message I’m just real busy. I’m getting ready to travel lots of the eastern US. I’ll be on the computer intermittently I just don’t know when or for how long. I’ll try and answer my E mail at least twice a week. I think I can pull that off. The lower the dose of drugs the better. I ignored that and suffered needlessly. The lower your dose the better the Ibogaine works. But it will work. I had a few minor withdrawals that I wouldn’t have had to worry about if I had listened to sound advice. I found somebody to tell me it didn’t matter about dose and took twice my normal dose for about 3 weeks and boy did I pay.
From: “FakePlacebo” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: IBO and Benzos
Date: October 30, 2004 at 12:54:01 PM EDT
To: <>
Dear Randy,
I sent you an e-mail off the list didn’t you recieve it? I want to ask about dosage of oppitate intake how effect Iboga treatment success? If someone goes to Iboga treatment with higher dose (what is the higher) so what hapens? Priciate for your friendly attidude.
With My Best Regards
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: IBO and Benzos
Ron, ‘aint’ nothing warm or fuzzy about methadone withdrawal. You ever been through it? I watched my wife have a seizure when she ran out of benzo’s and it was not sexy at all. Pretty girl like that having seizures kept me from getting addicted to benzo’s so I have no experience with it but I do know it can be handled. Quit looking for ways out and look for a way in. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] New Orleans Session is Free!
Date: October 30, 2004 at 12:45:54 PM EDT
Thanks a lot. I never could find the site when I looked, so thanks.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: IBO and Benzos
Date: October 30, 2004 at 12:02:29 PM EDT
Ron, ‘aint’ nothing warm or fuzzy about methadone withdrawal. You ever been through it? I watched my wife have a seizure when she ran out of benzo’s and it was not sexy at all. Pretty girl like that having seizures kept me from getting addicted to benzo’s so I have no experience with it but I do know it can be handled. Quit looking for ways out and look for a way in. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] New Orleans Session is Free!
Date: October 30, 2004 at 11:55:42 AM EDT
The Harm Reduction conference covers many subjects. An agenda is available
In a message dated 10/30/04 9:55:34 AM, writes:
If I may ask a couple questions about the upcoming conference in New Orleans.
Is it an Ibogaine info conference, or a lot of things and subjects rolled
one? How many days? Knowledgeable guest speakers? Lot’s of IBO info, because
that’s what i’m most interested in, personally. Any answers from anyone
in the
know would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and most importanrly, the date.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Hanna
Date: October 30, 2004 at 11:54:25 AM EDT
Hanna, I don’t think anyone is looking down at you. I personally just want to help. I really care about most of the people who show up here on the list. People I didn’t even know by sight helped me immensely in my struggles. I’m just trying to pass it on. It’s an AA thing. I’m a raging alcoholic too. I’ve let love completely screw me numerous times. Probably will again but, I’ll walk before I use next time. Or she will. Whoever that may be. Randy
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: sub
Date: October 30, 2004 at 11:48:30 AM EDT
To: <>
Hi Ron,
So far I’ve never been off my Sub apart from when I was using so I can’t
answer that. I’ve been on it 9 months though so I’m not looking forward to
it. My Doctor etc here in the UK all say that Sub is not addictive and that
you should not suffer at all as long as you taper off it. However I’ve
heard plenty of tales that disagree. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.
How long have you been taking it? What’s your dosage? There’s an
opiate-detox forum with a bit all about Buprenorphine so you could go there
and read people’s posts for info. (There’s a Bup forum and an info one that
I think has some details too) But I’ve never got a solid answer out of it.
Look for a guy called ‘Bup4pain’ if he’s still about-he really knows what
he’s talking about.
I’m no Doctor but surely you have to deal with one addiction at a time?
Benzos or Sub? I feel for you with the benzo WD.
Have you read up on Ibogaine? If not definately check out The ibogaine
Dossier for info. The others will know better-can you use Ibo to knock both
Sub and Benzos on the head? I’m hoping to do Ibogaine very very soon so
I’ll let you know how it works with the sub.
Love Hannah
—– Original Message —–
From: “Ron Davis” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 2:47 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: sub
any problem coming off sub?
—– Original Message —–
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had stabilised on 4mg back
before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect to be back down to
by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we just both try
I really could never leave him on th street-then he’d be straight back
it. I have got meaner with him and told him he CANNOT keep doing it at
flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just as bad as he is
though-before its been him that did well and ME who fucked things up for
HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to sort out a place
anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t start working
goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I know it looks simple to
but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life than be responsible
hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing him out would really
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Sorry Hannah, but it is you or your friend. Your call.
What dose of subutex are you taking?
In a message dated 10/29/04 1:04:25 PM, writes:
Hi everyone,
I’m feeling sorry for myself so I thought I’d write. I’ve really messed
I was a H addict for 4yrs doing a bit of evrything else too at times.
tried to detoc lots of times. Then I was put on Subutex and was clean
like a month (the longest I’;ve ever been clean) I keep trying though.
my old partner in crime got chucked out onto the streets so I said he
stay with me. But we’re etrrible influences on each other-if one’s
good then the other always seems to want to be bad. Anyway recenty we
into Snowballs (H&Crack IV) which I’ve done lots before but never
I love that high. I wish I could feel like that all the time! Now
and just staying on my Subbies is even harder. They don’t make me feel
better anymore. I can’t tell anyone cuz they’ll chuck me off my script.
had got my life back a bit and now I’m losing what little I gained cuz
always sick. Todays only Day 2 (again) with just Subbies and I feel so
awful 🙁 I’ve mainly slept for the past 48hrs I can’t stop shaking and
crying. I’m not being sick or needing the loo too much which is a
(I do try to feel grateful for that) but I just feel so CRAP! My friend
being good too though he keeps moaning and begging me to score (does he
think I’m made of cash? I spent over £200 on H and rock on tues and wed
easy) And my dealers won’t stop ringing me. My phones on silent now cuz
don’t feel like talking to anyone. Sorry if my spellings bad but my
won’t stop shaking. Even if I scored I wouldn’t be able to get
hands are so sore and swollen from missing.
Ok That’s my moaning out the way. I guess I’ll just go back to bed. I
wanna feel good. I never did Snowballs in company cuz I like to really
it. My n my friend meditate on it breathing deeply ooooh…… stop
talking. I’ve been clean before though n life was boring.
I’m not really expecting replies I just wanted to vent. Basically just
feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like this will never end. I’ll
feel good again without drugs of one sort or nother.
I’ll stop now. I’m gonna make a hot sweet cup of tea. I’d have a
but I think i’d collapse. Now I think about it I haven’t eaten since
Wednesday anyway n hardly drtunk anything. That’s probably why I feel
weak! I’ll try eat some soup or summat easily digestable.
Thanks for listening.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 30, 2004 at 11:10:28 AM EDT
To: <>
Hey Jasen,
I just wanted to tell you that I’m really excited for you and can’t wait to hear how it goes! You wrote an amazing emial to me once that I still keep. Just remember that we’ll all be thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes your way.
Oh and isn’t the Netherlands part of Europe?
Lota of love Hannah
—– Original Message —–
From: Jasen Chamoun
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Hey Randy,
Yes,to Sara’s,booked flight and paid for.
I am getting rid of the Methadone addiction.
Tell me Randy,after the 10th day,would you say you felt normal,no withdrawals.
I mean if someone that knew withdrawals when they saw them,saw you
after 10 days,could they see any sign of withdrawals?
I am very excited about this,but I tell you what, F..k I’m scared,anxious.
You,Sean,Julie and the others have helped with your experiences and
I thank you all,I’m still scared though. 🙂
Another good thing is that I will be across the other side of the world.
I have not given my clinic enough notice,this worries me a little,
however I am fortunate to have a good counciler and understanding doctors,
I think it will be fine.Either way I have to go.
Do you think after 10 days(after the treatment)that I will be in the
mood to backpack around Europe?
I am thinking since I will only be less than an hours flight from
Europe,I might as well check it out.
Smiles Jasen.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Jasen, I can’t wait till you get back and post. It is a tumultuous journey. I think you will get a lot out of going to Sara’s. You are going to see Sara aren’t you? Just remember. There may be a few little, and I mean little, residual withdrawals but nothing like kicking without Ibo. I was a complete puss about it but, with the right frame of mind it is nothing to worry about. Are you kicking methadone? Maybe you will see the word writing snakes like I did. Way cool. Randy
Subject: [Ibogaine] importantly
Date: October 30, 2004 at 11:02:39 AM EDT
I bet many of you were not aware that “importanrly”, and “importantly” are actually the same word, were you? Neither did I. But eveidently, they are.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] New Orleans Session is Free!
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:54:21 AM EDT
If I may ask a couple quesions about the upcoming conference in New Orleans. Is it an Ibogaine info conference, or a lot of things and subjects rolled into one? How many days? Knowledgeable guest speakers? Lot’s of IBO info, because that’s what i’m most interested in, personally. Any answers from anyone in the know would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and most importanrly, the date. Thanks,
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:58:09 AM EDT
To: <>
Thankyou so much Mark for sharing this. I hope I can be as strong as you.
My friend/ex has also been into his speed for like the past 10yrs though he
doesnt;’t take it when hes doing H. It can be really hard loving someone,
—– Original Message —–
From: “mark connors” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 10:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
I am touched by your post. For years I struggled to get out my speed
addiction but had a partner that was using and had no desire to use. I
eventually moved out of our shared apartment and he eventually ended up on
the street. He developed long term psychosis and we lost contact with each
other for over a year.I used to get fucked up and go out all night looking
for him. I remember going down to where a bunch of homeless people slept,
looking at the shoes sticking out from under the card board blankets (he
distinct tennis shoes). This drove me to distraction and my use increased.
Finally, when I last found him I was in a residential treatment program. I
was not willing to give that up so I moved him into a youth hostel 3
from my program. I paid his bills but made him go to the food bank for
I bought him cigarets and he was so mean to me for the longest time.
I learned alot about psychosis and how too deal with it. At the time I was
clean and had resources to help. AFter being in treatment for 6 months I
moved out and we moved in together. Since then we have shared a small one
bedroom apt (he can’t work full time but he is now working and is even in
treatment himself).
I can imagine how you feel. What I had to do was to find ways to make it
safe for both us. I could not sleep thinking of him being on the street
again, or of him all cracked out all the time.
It may be rough, but I hope you find a way that works for both of you.
BTW: At times I had to get rough, have him hauled off by the police etc.
was the hardest thing I have ever done. But in the long run, he stopped
pulling his pranks and started pulling his weight.
I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had stabilised on 4mg back
before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect to be back down to
by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we just both try
I really could never leave him on th street-then he’d be straight back
it. I have got meaner with him and told him he CANNOT keep doing it at
flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just as bad as he is
though-before its been him that did well and ME who fucked things up
HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to sort out a place
anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t start working
goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I know it looks simple
but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life than be responsible
hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing him out would really
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From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 10:54:31 AM EDT
To: <>
I share mine with him. As I didn’t take it for a while I was left with a
load. I don’t leave myself short though.
Thanks for everyone’s responses. I don’t know what was the matter with me
last night-I just get overwhelmingly depressed sometimes. Todays Day 3 so
far so good. I’m sorry to have dumped all this rubbish on the list. I
really do take on board all that evryone says and I’ll let you know what
happens (and Bill-I’ll watch my back). He’s going away next week for a week
and has agreed to only spend 1 week out of every two at my flat. Problem
is, the guy who he’s staying with the other week is a rock/H addict though I
know he’s trying really hard to quit. I hope he stays clean. He gets bored
being clean though and I see where he’s coming from.
You’re all right. I must not let him hinder my own progress-I must be more
selfish. Oh and Randy-I was given a book on codependency by a counsellor I
used to see, pity I never read it! I will look into it.
Love you all loads and respect you all tonnes. I just hope you don’t all
think less of me,
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 10:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
How about your friend getting on buprenorphine. As for dose, whatever
for you…4…12…or more.
In a message dated 10/29/04 2:24:40 PM, writes:
I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had stabilised on 4mg back
before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect to be back down to
by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we just both try
I really could never leave him on th street-then he’d be straight back
it. I have got meaner with him and told him he CANNOT keep doing it at
flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just as bad as he is
though-before its been him that did well and ME who fucked things up for
HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to sort out a place
anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t start working
goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I know it looks simple to
but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life than be responsible
hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing him out would really
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: sub
Date: October 30, 2004 at 9:47:45 AM EDT
To: <>
any problem coming off sub?
—– Original Message —– From: “Hannah Clay” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had stabilised on 4mg back
before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect to be back down to 4mg
by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we just both try harder?
I really could never leave him on th street-then he’d be straight back into
it. I have got meaner with him and told him he CANNOT keep doing it at my
flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just as bad as he is
though-before its been him that did well and ME who fucked things up for
HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to sort out a place
anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t start working towards a
goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I know it looks simple to you
but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life than be responsible for
hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing him out would really hurt
—– Original Message —– From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Sorry Hannah, but it is you or your friend. Your call.
What dose of subutex are you taking?
In a message dated 10/29/04 1:04:25 PM, writes:
Hi everyone,
I’m feeling sorry for myself so I thought I’d write. I’ve really messed
I was a H addict for 4yrs doing a bit of evrything else too at times.
tried to detoc lots of times. Then I was put on Subutex and was clean
like a month (the longest I’;ve ever been clean) I keep trying though.
my old partner in crime got chucked out onto the streets so I said he could
stay with me. But we’re etrrible influences on each other-if one’s being
good then the other always seems to want to be bad. Anyway recenty we
into Snowballs (H&Crack IV) which I’ve done lots before but never
I love that high. I wish I could feel like that all the time! Now
and just staying on my Subbies is even harder. They don’t make me feel
better anymore. I can’t tell anyone cuz they’ll chuck me off my script.
had got my life back a bit and now I’m losing what little I gained cuz
always sick. Todays only Day 2 (again) with just Subbies and I feel so
awful 🙁 I’ve mainly slept for the past 48hrs I can’t stop shaking and
crying. I’m not being sick or needing the loo too much which is a godsend
(I do try to feel grateful for that) but I just feel so CRAP! My friend
being good too though he keeps moaning and begging me to score (does he
think I’m made of cash? I spent over £200 on H and rock on tues and wed
easy) And my dealers won’t stop ringing me. My phones on silent now cuz
don’t feel like talking to anyone. Sorry if my spellings bad but my hands
won’t stop shaking. Even if I scored I wouldn’t be able to get myself-my
hands are so sore and swollen from missing.
Ok That’s my moaning out the way. I guess I’ll just go back to bed. I
wanna feel good. I never did Snowballs in company cuz I like to really
it. My n my friend meditate on it breathing deeply ooooh…… stop
talking. I’ve been clean before though n life was boring.
I’m not really expecting replies I just wanted to vent. Basically just
feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like this will never end. I’ll
feel good again without drugs of one sort or nother.
I’ll stop now. I’m gonna make a hot sweet cup of tea. I’d have a shower
but I think i’d collapse. Now I think about it I haven’t eaten since
Wednesday anyway n hardly drtunk anything. That’s probably why I feel
weak! I’ll try eat some soup or summat easily digestable.
Thanks for listening.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: Marijuana IS a Dangerous Drug
Date: October 30, 2004 at 9:42:40 AM EDT
To: <>
kind of like the guy who beats the hell out of his wife during a hangover or the m.d. who puts a knee in backwards during a hangoover. alcohol wasn’t a factor but the after effects were. just another angle. rwd
—– Original Message —– From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: Marijuana IS a Dangerous Drug
Cannabis didn’t kill him, he hilled himself. He was probably using drugs to escape some form of pain. Although Cannabis may not have helped him, I guarantee it wasn’t hurting him. Alcohol is a depressant and that is probably what really agrravated his condition. Sorry for her loss, and I know she needs something or someone to blame, but Cannabis is the last thing she should attribute her sons death to, IMO.
I am a Probation/Parole Agent from Wisconsin, and I am fighting my own war
against the very dangerous drug, marijuana. My son was an every day user of
the killer, and at the age of 24 he took his life. Prior, he was so
depressed from using marijuana and alcohol together so the doctor put him
on medication, which only made the situation worse.. He shot himself in
February of 2001.
Adam said to me when he was younger that marijuana was not a dangerous drug
but just prior to his death, he did say to me, “You know, Mom, marijuana is
really dangerous, isn’t it?” If only I would have known.
Adam was extremely intelligent, and in fact, when he took his tests to get
into the tech school, his counselor told him, he didn’t belong there, he
belonged in a four year program, – but he didn’t work to his potential
because of his drug usage, so he didn’t get the grades he needed.
I now go to schools, prisons, churches, recovery groups, just anywhere
anyone asks me to go and I tell “Adam’s Story”. It is extremely powerful,
and I have turned this awful negative into a positive. Just this year alone,
I have done it 47 times, so you can see it is in demand.
From my experience of being a Probation/Parole Agent, I also can speak about
real life situations of my clients and their use of marijuana. They say it
is not addictive, but the number of clients that risk the possibility of
going to jail because they can not NOT use is staggering. The drug has
messed up so many lives.
The message I give is the danger of using marijuana, especially when someone
takes medication, and I foil the idea that it is harmless.
In “Adam’s Story”. I tell his life as he grew up, I talk about his
addiction, his suicide, and my journey through grief. Do you know, they
wouldn’t let me see him, hold him, touch him, they wouldn’t let me say
good-bye? He is JUST gone.
It is SO powerful. You should see the letters I have gotten and what people
say. I went into a treatment center in one of the prisons, and Adam’s
picture is in the display case at the center with the caption “ALCOHOL AND
DRUGS TOOK THIS MAN’S LIFE AT THE AGE OF 24”. The guys don’t know who he
is, and then I come in and tell his story. One time, there was a guy in the
audience who was going to quit the program, and after hearing the story, he
couldn’t get me or Adam out of his mind. On the day he successfully
completed the program, he gave his social worker a big drawing, and it was
of the picture of Adam in the display case. He told his social worker he
couldn’t get me or Adam out of his mind, and he had to do something. He
asked the social worker to send me the picture. I have it framed and
hanging in my living room. I am trying to turn this awful negative into a
Sometimes I wonder, am I making a difference, but I got a letter from a 15
year old boy who was in a treatment center, who wrote and said that he had
been suicidal since the previous July, and hearing my story, he will never
do that to his mother. His counselor, who had been seeing him for some
time, didn’t even know he was suicidal.
Thank you for letting me tell you what I am doing, and hopefully all of us
together can make a difference.
Linda Kroll
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: IBO and Benzos
Date: October 30, 2004 at 9:35:48 AM EDT
To: <>
does IBO treatments work on benzo withdrawals? Different receptors involved. easing offf the buprenex, but the benzos are another story.. a mistake could cause protracted withdrawal syndrome which basically kills you for a year or rwo. any info , especially from anyone familiar with the Ashton Method in the UK would be appreciated. for those who h/n walked the benzo path, oxys and meth w/d’s are warm fuzzies. rhanks , ron
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 4:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Jasen, Will you be by yourself? 10 days later I would think that if your will is good you could do it. I’d take someone along if you can though. You are in exellent hands and by the time you leave Sara’s I’d say you could do just about what you want to. I was a complete wuss about the residuals so don’t go by what I was saying at the time. But you will have a few. FEW. Just a little. Keep your head up, stay busy and it won’t be bad at all. I wish you well and tell Sara to post when she doses you and I not only will burn a candle I’ll burn a big fat one in your honor. Happy trails (which are unGodly wait to you see them) and have a safe journey. Randy
From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 6:35:57 AM EDT
Hi Hannah, I so understand what your going through
right now. When I was on heroin and then even
methadone I don’t know if it was me and I’m sure it
was because of the men I am always attracted to but
whenever I made a effort to get back on track and stop
screwing everything up it was always going back
because of the man I was with and I always felt the
same way you’re feeling. It wasn’t the same man over
the years but it might as well have been. I know I’m
saying something that I couldn’t do for soooo long but
try to think about you first if he’s really not trying
or always the one who drags you back down.
I’ve been clean after doing ibogaine for nearly 2
years right now and have different problems I never
seem to find any man I like who doesn’t want to turn
me into something else and I end up trying to be
someone I’m not for them and months later I go how did
this happen to me, I don’t want to have to pretend to
be some other person why do I want this. I don’t think
I’ve ever found any man who isn’t that way so I know a
lot of it is me and wanting to please someone and then
I become resentful and tired of it.
A big part is that I am really attracted to the broken
apart weirdos 😉 nice guys are very boring but the
broken apart weirdos are never going to be anything
else either so maybe I should try bi, I don’t know!
That last part was a joke but it hasn’t gotten any
less frustrating since I cleaned up if that helps any.
I’m sure it doesn’t 😉
Carla B
— Hannah Clay <> wrote:
I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had
stabilised on 4mg back
before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect
to be back down to 4mg
by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we
just both try harder?
I really could never leave him on th street-then
he’d be straight back into
it. I have got meaner with him and told him he
CANNOT keep doing it at my
flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just
as bad as he is
though-before its been him that did well and ME who
fucked things up for
HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to
sort out a place
anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t
start working towards a
goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I
know it looks simple to you
but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life
than be responsible for
hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing
him out would really hurt
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 30, 2004 at 5:24:59 AM EDT
Jasen, Will you be by yourself? 10 days later I would think that if your will is good you could do it. I’d take someone along if you can though. You are in exellent hands and by the time you leave Sara’s I’d say you could do just about what you want to. I was a complete wuss about the residuals so don’t go by what I was saying at the time. But you will have a few. FEW. Just a little. Keep your head up, stay busy and it won’t be bad at all. I wish you well and tell Sara to post when she doses you and I not only will burn a candle I’ll burn a big fat one in your honor. Happy trails (which are unGodly wait to you see them) and have a safe journey. Randy
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 4:49:59 AM EDT
To: <>
Dear Hannah,
You know what you have to do.
It is hard enough doing this by ourselves
without someone else making it harder.
Yes,the person was a friend in those circumstances
however if you want out,as you know,then the friend
has to go. Rough,..maybe,but these days I don’t think so
The old “scene” friend has to go,otherwise the battle
will be too painfull,as it already sounds like it is.
Smiles Jasen.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 30, 2004 at 4:49:34 AM EDT
To: <>
Dear Hannah,
Please call me at 0031-346-241770
So we can talk, anytime day time.
We are doing an Aya ceremony tonight here. which can be helpful as
aftercare. we sing all kind of songs and each person can sing his/her own
song, each person is welcome with his/her instrument.(no more then 12
people) We have an agreement Of discipline.
To let go of …and to open up for the new… to feel death and rebirth.
it is used in Brazil by some medicine people to treat addiction to cocaine.
The insight and the wellness you can get also with liberty cups, only if you
know the dosage and if you dare to take a big amount, in a ceremony,a
discipline setting, you respect your guide and listen to what He/she ask you
to do during the session. Then not much can go wrong.
Be well,
—–Oorspronkelijk bericht—–
Van: Hannah Clay []
Verzonden: vrijdag 29 oktober 2004 21:30
Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had stabilised on 4mg back
before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect to be back down to 4mg
by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we just both try harder?
I really could never leave him on th street-then he’d be straight back into
it. I have got meaner with him and told him he CANNOT keep doing it at my
flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just as bad as he is
though-before its been him that did well and ME who fucked things up for
HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to sort out a place
anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t start working towards a
goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I know it looks simple to you
but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life than be responsible for
hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing him out would really hurt
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Sorry Hannah, but it is you or your friend. Your call.
What dose of subutex are you taking?
In a message dated 10/29/04 1:04:25 PM, writes:
Hi everyone,
I’m feeling sorry for myself so I thought I’d write. I’ve really messed
I was a H addict for 4yrs doing a bit of evrything else too at times.
tried to detoc lots of times. Then I was put on Subutex and was clean
like a month (the longest I’;ve ever been clean) I keep trying though.
my old partner in crime got chucked out onto the streets so I said he could
stay with me. But we’re etrrible influences on each other-if one’s being
good then the other always seems to want to be bad. Anyway recenty we
into Snowballs (H&Crack IV) which I’ve done lots before but never
I love that high. I wish I could feel like that all the time! Now
and just staying on my Subbies is even harder. They don’t make me feel
better anymore. I can’t tell anyone cuz they’ll chuck me off my script.
had got my life back a bit and now I’m losing what little I gained cuz
always sick. Todays only Day 2 (again) with just Subbies and I feel so
awful 🙁 I’ve mainly slept for the past 48hrs I can’t stop shaking and
crying. I’m not being sick or needing the loo too much which is a godsend
(I do try to feel grateful for that) but I just feel so CRAP! My friend
being good too though he keeps moaning and begging me to score (does he
think I’m made of cash? I spent over £200 on H and rock on tues and wed
easy) And my dealers won’t stop ringing me. My phones on silent now cuz
don’t feel like talking to anyone. Sorry if my spellings bad but my hands
won’t stop shaking. Even if I scored I wouldn’t be able to get myself-my
hands are so sore and swollen from missing.
Ok That’s my moaning out the way. I guess I’ll just go back to bed. I
wanna feel good. I never did Snowballs in company cuz I like to really
it. My n my friend meditate on it breathing deeply ooooh…… stop
talking. I’ve been clean before though n life was boring.
I’m not really expecting replies I just wanted to vent. Basically just
feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like this will never end. I’ll
feel good again without drugs of one sort or nother.
I’ll stop now. I’m gonna make a hot sweet cup of tea. I’d have a shower
but I think i’d collapse. Now I think about it I haven’t eaten since
Wednesday anyway n hardly drtunk anything. That’s probably why I feel
weak! I’ll try eat some soup or summat easily digestable.
Thanks for listening.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 30, 2004 at 4:39:00 AM EDT
To: <>
Hey Randy,
Yes,to Sara’s,booked flight and paid for.
I am getting rid of the Methadone addiction.
Tell me Randy,after the 10th day,would you say you felt normal,no withdrawals.
I mean if someone that knew withdrawals when they saw them,saw you
after 10 days,could they see any sign of withdrawals?
I am very excited about this,but I tell you what, F..k I’m scared,anxious.
You,Sean,Julie and the others have helped with your experiences and
I thank you all,I’m still scared though. 🙂
Another good thing is that I will be across the other side of the world.
I have not given my clinic enough notice,this worries me a little,
however I am fortunate to have a good counciler and understanding doctors,
I think it will be fine.Either way I have to go.
Do you think after 10 days(after the treatment)that I will be in the
mood to backpack around Europe?
I am thinking since I will only be less than an hours flight from
Europe,I might as well check it out.
Smiles Jasen.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Jasen, I can’t wait till you get back and post. It is a tumultuous journey. I think you will get a lot out of going to Sara’s. You are going to see Sara aren’t you? Just remember. There may be a few little, and I mean little, residual withdrawals but nothing like kicking without Ibo. I was a complete puss about it but, with the right frame of mind it is nothing to worry about. Are you kicking methadone? Maybe you will see the word writing snakes like I did. Way cool. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Second Treatment Complete Success!!!
Date: October 30, 2004 at 3:26:00 AM EDT
Julie, I had a candle burning for you thru Wed. When I did my treatment I tried Wellbutrin and it made my residual withdrawals worse. I hope it works for you. I am so glad it went well for you. It sounds like they kinda’ stepped you like for methadone. That was the only thing I worried about in your case. Keep it up and tell us more when you can. Did you see any Pygmies? It seems to be an overriding theme. Randy
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Second Treatment Complete Success!!!
Date: October 29, 2004 at 8:55:20 PM EDT
Oh my God,
I can’t believe it- I have been opiate free since
Tuesday, 10pm. I had to reschedule my treatment for
Wednesday, 12pm, at which time I ingested 350ml of
Ibogaine HCL, and 175ml every hour or so thereafter,
to 1000mg, total. The music therapy aspect was SO
rewarding- it calmed me throughout the whole
treatment, and reduced the freakier parts into mere
Guys/gals, I can’t believe the difference between my
two treatments. Other than lethargy, low energy, and
a few uncomfortable moments(hot/cold flashes,
piloerection, periodic insomnia, aches), the last two
days have been a breeze. I would say the Ibo
treatment reduced my symptoms by 85-90%. I have been
able to grab naps for 2-4 hours in duration, and last
night I was able to sleep for approximately 6 hours!
On the second day after ceasing my opiate intake!
Hot baths and meds really helped too- trazadone and
clonidine together seemed to really tranquilize and
sedate my body, mind and soul, especially throughout
the tougher parts.
I was able to eat a Swiss Chalet quarter chicken
dinner yesterday, and have started on a brief, short
term regiment of light antidepressants(Wellbutrin
100mg/sr) which have worked miracles with my energy
levels. Listening to music is amazing- I have been
digging Air, Talvin Singh, the Clash, and of course,
Radiohead. Return to Brixton is especially blowing my
Howard, thanks for bringing this miracle to the
masses; Patrick, thanks for making this discussion
list possible; And to everyong else: thanks for the
support, and for just being YOU.
love Julie
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Mauro Solorzano <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 29, 2004 at 7:54:34 PM EDT
I want to take Ibogaine as spiritual event. I don’t use drugs. How can I get this experience?
I’ve heard of Sacrament of transition, but that’s in Slovenia. What about in the USA or Canada?
any help appreciated.
Hanna, how do you know you’re not hurting this guy by enabling him. Codependency is a real big issue with us addicts. My ex and I took turns screwing each other up for 12 years. You know as well as I do the easier it is to live the more dope you can do. Think about it. Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] New Orleans Session is Free!
Date: October 29, 2004 at 7:52:55 PM EDT
thanks Dana, i am hoping to bus it down there. should be a time and a half.
just want clairification that this is open to everyone in the public,
i am thinking of grey hounding it unless someone is driving through iowa
and can pick my ass up!?
ok thanks
yeah this is free too right? the whole HRC conference?
I checked with Alan Clear. You have to pay to go to the whole
conference., but admission to our session is definitely open to the
public, because HRC is not even set up to register people and take
money at that time. I’m inviting people from all over the south,
including the U.S. Marijuana Party, who work with Marc Emery.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “mark connors” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 29, 2004 at 5:47:44 PM EDT
I am touched by your post. For years I struggled to get out my speed addiction but had a partner that was using and had no desire to use. I eventually moved out of our shared apartment and he eventually ended up on the street. He developed long term psychosis and we lost contact with each other for over a year.I used to get fucked up and go out all night looking for him. I remember going down to where a bunch of homeless people slept, looking at the shoes sticking out from under the card board blankets (he had distinct tennis shoes). This drove me to distraction and my use increased.
Finally, when I last found him I was in a residential treatment program. I was not willing to give that up so I moved him into a youth hostel 3 blocks from my program. I paid his bills but made him go to the food bank for food. I bought him cigarets and he was so mean to me for the longest time.
I learned alot about psychosis and how too deal with it. At the time I was clean and had resources to help. AFter being in treatment for 6 months I moved out and we moved in together. Since then we have shared a small one bedroom apt (he can’t work full time but he is now working and is even in treatment himself).
I can imagine how you feel. What I had to do was to find ways to make it safe for both us. I could not sleep thinking of him being on the street again, or of him all cracked out all the time.
It may be rough, but I hope you find a way that works for both of you.
BTW: At times I had to get rough, have him hauled off by the police etc. It was the hardest thing I have ever done. But in the long run, he stopped pulling his pranks and started pulling his weight.
>I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had stabilised on 4mg back
>before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect to be back down to
>by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
>I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we just both try harder?
>I really could never leave him on th street-then he’d be straight back
>it. I have got meaner with him and told him he CANNOT keep doing it at
>flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just as bad as he is
>though-before its been him that did well and ME who fucked things up for
>HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to sort out a place
>anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t start working towards
>goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I know it looks simple to
>but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life than be responsible
>hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing him out would really
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
On the road to retirement? Check out MSN Life Events for advice on how to get there!
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 29, 2004 at 5:09:42 PM EDT
How about your friend getting on buprenorphine. As for dose, whatever works
for you…4…12…or more.
In a message dated 10/29/04 2:24:40 PM, writes:
I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had stabilised on 4mg back
before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect to be back down to
by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we just both try harder?
I really could never leave him on th street-then he’d be straight back
it. I have got meaner with him and told him he CANNOT keep doing it at
flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just as bad as he is
though-before its been him that did well and ME who fucked things up for
HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to sort out a place
anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t start working towards
goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I know it looks simple to
but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life than be responsible
hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing him out would really
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 29, 2004 at 3:52:02 PM EDT
Hanna, how do you know you’re not hurting this guy by enabling him. Codependency is a real big issue with us addicts. My ex and I took turns screwing each other up for 12 years. You know as well as I do the easier it is to live the more dope you can do. Think about it. Randy
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] New Orleans Session is Free!
Date: October 29, 2004 at 3:50:52 PM EDT
just want clairification that this is open to everyone in the public,
i am thinking of grey hounding it unless someone is driving through iowa
and can pick my ass up!?
ok thanks
yeah this is free too right? the whole HRC conference?
I checked with Alan Clear. You have to pay to go to the whole
conference., but admission to our session is definitely open to the
public, because HRC is not even set up to register people and take
money at that time. I’m inviting people from all over the south,
including the U.S. Marijuana Party, who work with Marc Emery.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 29, 2004 at 3:30:09 PM EDT
To: <>
I take 4mg when I feel I really need to. I had stabilised on 4mg back
before. Today and yesterday I took 12mg. I expect to be back down to 4mg
by the end of the week but I’ll see how it goes.
I hear what you’re saying about my friend. Can’t we just both try harder?
I really could never leave him on th street-then he’d be straight back into
it. I have got meaner with him and told him he CANNOT keep doing it at my
flat and must have respect for my efforts. I’m just as bad as he is
though-before its been him that did well and ME who fucked things up for
HIM. Give us a couple of weeks an see. He needs to sort out a place
anyway-he will just get more depressed if he doesn’t start working towards a
goal. I will be stronger. I’m sorry everyone-I know it looks simple to you
but I’d rather be a junkie for the rest of my life than be responsible for
hurting anyone else. And I really think throwing him out would really hurt
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Sorry Hannah, but it is you or your friend. Your call.
What dose of subutex are you taking?
In a message dated 10/29/04 1:04:25 PM, writes:
Hi everyone,
I’m feeling sorry for myself so I thought I’d write. I’ve really messed
I was a H addict for 4yrs doing a bit of evrything else too at times.
tried to detoc lots of times. Then I was put on Subutex and was clean
like a month (the longest I’;ve ever been clean) I keep trying though.
my old partner in crime got chucked out onto the streets so I said he could
stay with me. But we’re etrrible influences on each other-if one’s being
good then the other always seems to want to be bad. Anyway recenty we
into Snowballs (H&Crack IV) which I’ve done lots before but never
I love that high. I wish I could feel like that all the time! Now
and just staying on my Subbies is even harder. They don’t make me feel
better anymore. I can’t tell anyone cuz they’ll chuck me off my script.
had got my life back a bit and now I’m losing what little I gained cuz
always sick. Todays only Day 2 (again) with just Subbies and I feel so
awful 🙁 I’ve mainly slept for the past 48hrs I can’t stop shaking and
crying. I’m not being sick or needing the loo too much which is a godsend
(I do try to feel grateful for that) but I just feel so CRAP! My friend
being good too though he keeps moaning and begging me to score (does he
think I’m made of cash? I spent over £200 on H and rock on tues and wed
easy) And my dealers won’t stop ringing me. My phones on silent now cuz
don’t feel like talking to anyone. Sorry if my spellings bad but my hands
won’t stop shaking. Even if I scored I wouldn’t be able to get myself-my
hands are so sore and swollen from missing.
Ok That’s my moaning out the way. I guess I’ll just go back to bed. I
wanna feel good. I never did Snowballs in company cuz I like to really
it. My n my friend meditate on it breathing deeply ooooh…… stop
talking. I’ve been clean before though n life was boring.
I’m not really expecting replies I just wanted to vent. Basically just
feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like this will never end. I’ll
feel good again without drugs of one sort or nother.
I’ll stop now. I’m gonna make a hot sweet cup of tea. I’d have a shower
but I think i’d collapse. Now I think about it I haven’t eaten since
Wednesday anyway n hardly drtunk anything. That’s probably why I feel
weak! I’ll try eat some soup or summat easily digestable.
Thanks for listening.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 29, 2004 at 3:01:53 PM EDT
Sorry Hannah, but it is you or your friend. Your call.
What dose of subutex are you taking?
In a message dated 10/29/04 1:04:25 PM, writes:
Hi everyone,
I’m feeling sorry for myself so I thought I’d write. I’ve really messed
I was a H addict for 4yrs doing a bit of evrything else too at times.
tried to detoc lots of times. Then I was put on Subutex and was clean
like a month (the longest I’;ve ever been clean) I keep trying though.
my old partner in crime got chucked out onto the streets so I said he could
stay with me. But we’re etrrible influences on each other-if one’s being
good then the other always seems to want to be bad. Anyway recenty we
into Snowballs (H&Crack IV) which I’ve done lots before but never regularly.
I love that high. I wish I could feel like that all the time! Now detoxing
and just staying on my Subbies is even harder. They don’t make me feel
better anymore. I can’t tell anyone cuz they’ll chuck me off my script.
had got my life back a bit and now I’m losing what little I gained cuz
always sick. Todays only Day 2 (again) with just Subbies and I feel so
awful 🙁 I’ve mainly slept for the past 48hrs I can’t stop shaking and
crying. I’m not being sick or needing the loo too much which is a godsend
(I do try to feel grateful for that) but I just feel so CRAP! My friend
being good too though he keeps moaning and begging me to score (does he
think I’m made of cash? I spent over £200 on H and rock on tues and wed
easy) And my dealers won’t stop ringing me. My phones on silent now cuz
don’t feel like talking to anyone. Sorry if my spellings bad but my hands
won’t stop shaking. Even if I scored I wouldn’t be able to get myself-my
hands are so sore and swollen from missing.
Ok That’s my moaning out the way. I guess I’ll just go back to bed. I
wanna feel good. I never did Snowballs in company cuz I like to really
it. My n my friend meditate on it breathing deeply ooooh…… stop
talking. I’ve been clean before though n life was boring.
I’m not really expecting replies I just wanted to vent. Basically just
feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like this will never end. I’ll
feel good again without drugs of one sort or nother.
I’ll stop now. I’m gonna make a hot sweet cup of tea. I’d have a shower
but I think i’d collapse. Now I think about it I haven’t eaten since
Wednesday anyway n hardly drtunk anything. That’s probably why I feel
weak! I’ll try eat some soup or summat easily digestable.
Thanks for listening.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 29, 2004 at 2:57:39 PM EDT
To: <>
OK I’m a planker sorry everyone. I wrote a letter to the list very similar
only like a month ago-I’m really glad I kept it so I can see how silly my
behaviour is going round in circles. I want to say thanks again for those
of you who responded last time. I saved your letters and I just read them
and they’re still helping me now. I’m sorry for repeating myself. Since
the last post I had got work with a local horse whisperer-he takes me with
him twice a week to this Rescue Centre where we work with all these gorgeous
babies who’ve never been handled and private clients. I only expected to
watch but he’s actually got me n there doing it and is teaching me loads.
He’s a great bloke and really passionate about it so I’m loving it. I
didn’t go this week though coz of being fucked or sick! I just didn’t want
you all to think that all I do is moan!
Looks like you were all so right about my friend stayiong with me-it did
fuck things up. Now I have a problem with Rock too! I’ve never been sick
without rock tho so I’m hoping I’ll just feel down for a while and get over
it! I do listen to everything you say but I can’t kick him out cuz I’m all
he’s got. I need to know he’s ok. I just need to be stronger.
You are all great people and have inspired me with so much hope. Thankyou
everyone. You’ve cheered me up already!
I will try to be more positive. In 2 weeks I’m going on holiday to a
beautiful part of the Lake Dictrict though its with some of my fmaily. Lots
of family shit has risen up recently and I really don’t know how to deal
with it. They hurt me so much and they think its just a joke. Oh and
Tuesday I’m back with the horses-I really seem to have found something I
love! And the Shaw Trust helps people with mental health and/or substance
abuse problems are paying for me to go on a weekend course (£150) aswell as
maybe paying for driving lessons!
So much good and when I’m sick i forget all about it!
So I’m sorry for filling the list with rubbish but please realie how much
you’ve helped-you don’t have to reply.
One other thing- my friend from ages ago is taking Dan (the guy who’s
staying with me) off to Wales and has invited me. Its to go camping and do
Magic Mushrooms. They say in the absence of Ibo it should help. I’ve done
Mushes before n had an awful trip but my friend Dan saved me. I would feel
safe with them. But do you think it’d help? Can Liberty Caps help with
detox? They think it’ll help us reach…I dunno really. But what do you
all think? I’d be really interested what you think sara?
Sorry this as been so long-I’ll write again when I can actually write
something that will ADD to the list!
Lots of Love Hannah
—– Original Message —–
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Hi everyone,
I’m feeling sorry for myself so I thought I’d write. I’ve really messed
I was a H addict for 4yrs doing a bit of evrything else too at times. I
tried to detoc lots of times. Then I was put on Subutex and was clean for
like a month (the longest I’;ve ever been clean) I keep trying though.
my old partner in crime got chucked out onto the streets so I said he
stay with me. But we’re etrrible influences on each other-if one’s being
good then the other always seems to want to be bad. Anyway recenty we got
into Snowballs (H&Crack IV) which I’ve done lots before but never
I love that high. I wish I could feel like that all the time! Now
and just staying on my Subbies is even harder. They don’t make me feel
better anymore. I can’t tell anyone cuz they’ll chuck me off my script.
had got my life back a bit and now I’m losing what little I gained cuz I’m
always sick. Todays only Day 2 (again) with just Subbies and I feel so
awful 🙁 I’ve mainly slept for the past 48hrs I can’t stop shaking and
crying. I’m not being sick or needing the loo too much which is a godsend
(I do try to feel grateful for that) but I just feel so CRAP! My friend
being good too though he keeps moaning and begging me to score (does he
think I’m made of cash? I spent over £200 on H and rock on tues and wed
easy) And my dealers won’t stop ringing me. My phones on silent now cuz I
don’t feel like talking to anyone. Sorry if my spellings bad but my hands
won’t stop shaking. Even if I scored I wouldn’t be able to get myself-my
hands are so sore and swollen from missing.
Ok That’s my moaning out the way. I guess I’ll just go back to bed. I
wanna feel good. I never did Snowballs in company cuz I like to really
it. My n my friend meditate on it breathing deeply ooooh…… stop
talking. I’ve been clean before though n life was boring.
I’m not really expecting replies I just wanted to vent. Basically just
feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like this will never end. I’ll
feel good again without drugs of one sort or nother.
I’ll stop now. I’m gonna make a hot sweet cup of tea. I’d have a shower
but I think i’d collapse. Now I think about it I haven’t eaten since
Wednesday anyway n hardly drtunk anything. That’s probably why I feel so
weak! I’ll try eat some soup or summat easily digestable.
Thanks for listening.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 5:48 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] opoid research information
The following appeared on methadone watchdog bulletin board.
I thought genetic differences relating to human micro-opioid receptor
have been known for several years, this Norwegian study of 207 cancer
successfully identified, genetically, which patients would require
morphine to achieve the same dose response for pain control. It is a
to translate these findings to other opioids and other individual
I wonder if this genetic difference of the micro-opioid receptors
patients methadone maintenance dosage requirements? Maybe someday we’ll
genetic testing to diagnose potential addicts and their maintenance
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2004 Nov;48(10):1232-9.
The 118 A > G polymorphism in the human micro-opioid receptor gene may
increase morphine requirements in patients with pain caused by malignant
Klepstad P, Rakvag TT, Kaasa S, Holthe M, Dale O, Borchgrevink PC, Baar
Vikan T, Krokan HE, Skorpen F.
Institute of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of
and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
Background: Dispositions for genes encoding opioid receptors may explain
variability in morphine efficacy. Experimental studies show that
morphine-6-glucuronide are less effective in individuals carrying
alleles caused by the 118 A > G polymorphism in the micro-opioid
(OPRM1). The purpose of the study was to investigate whether this and
genetic polymorphisms in OPRM1 influence the efficacy of morphine in
cancer pain
patients. Methods: We screened 207 cancer pain patients on oral morphine
treatment for four frequent OPRM1 gene polymorphisms. The polymorphisms
were the
-172 G > T polymorphism in the 5’untranslated region of exon 1, the 118
polymorphism in exon 1, and the IVS2 + 31 G > A and IVS2 + 691 G > C
polymorphisms, both in intron 2. Ninety-nine patients with adequately
controlled pain were
included in an analysis comparing morphine doses and serum
morphine and morphine metabolites in the different genotypes for the
polymorphisms. Results: No differences related to the -172 G > T, the
+ 31 G
A and the IVS2 + 691 G > C polymorphisms were observed. Patients
for the variant G allele of the 118 A > G polymorphism (n = 4) needed
morphine to achieve pain control, compared to heterozygous (n = 17) and
homozygous wild-type (n = 78) individuals. This difference was not
explained by other
factors such as duration of morphine treatment, performance status, time
diagnosis, time until death, or adverse symptoms. Conclusion: Patients
homozygous for the 118 G allele of the micro-opioid receptor need higher
doses to achieve pain control. Thus, genetic variation at the gene
encoding the
micro-opioid receptor contributes to variability in patients’ responses
The following is yet another study demonstrating the interidividuality
methadone dosage requirements. I have posted extensively on the effects
individual cytochrome P450 variations and how it affects the metabolism
methadone, causing huge dosage variations from patient to patient. This
Italian study
calls into play how the enzymatic pathways are affected by other
and how they can dramatically affect methadone blood concentrations,
symptoms, and ultimately mood. Once again medical research demonstrates
each patient’s dose must be individualized both for amount and
recommend printing this study and adding it to your arsenal of dosage
Pharmacokinetics: The study of the bodily absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and excretion of drugs
Pharmacol Res. 2004 Dec;50(6):551-9.
Methadone-metabolism, pharmacokinetics and interactions.
Ferrari A, Coccia CP, Bertolini A, Sternieri E.
Section of Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Modena
Reggio Emilia, Policlinico, Largo del Pozzo, 71-41100 Modena, Italy.
The pharmacokinetics of methadone varies greatly from person to person;
after the administration of the same dose, considerably different
concentrations are obtained in different subjects, and the
effect may be
too small in some patients, too strong and prolonged in others.
mostly metabolised in the liver; the main step consists in the
N-demethylation by
CYP3A4 to EDDP (2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine), an
inactive metabolite. The activity of CYP3A4 varies considerably among
and such variability is the responsible for the large differences in
bioavailability. CYP2D6 and probably CYP1A2 are also involved in
metabolism. During maintenance treatment with methadone, treatment with
drugs may be necessary due to the frequent comorbidity of drug addicts:
psychotropic drugs, antibiotics, anticonvulsants and antiretroviral
which can
cause pharmacokinetic interactions. In particular, antiretrovirals,
CYP3A4 inducers, can decrease the levels of methadone, so causing
symptoms. Buprenorphine, too, is metabolised by CYP3A4, and may undergo
the same
interactions as methadone. Since it is impossible to foresee the
from the administration of another drug to the appearing of withdrawal
nor how much the daily dose of methadone should be increased in order to
prevent them, patients taking combined drug treatments must be carefully
monitored. The so far known pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions of
methadone do not
have life-threatening consequences for the patients, but they usually
cause a
decrease of the concentrations and of the effects of the drug, which in
can cause symptoms of withdrawal and increase the risk of relapse into
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Little ol’ me
Date: October 29, 2004 at 2:08:49 PM EDT
To: <>
Hi everyone,
I’m feeling sorry for myself so I thought I’d write. I’ve really messed up.
I was a H addict for 4yrs doing a bit of evrything else too at times. I
tried to detoc lots of times. Then I was put on Subutex and was clean for
like a month (the longest I’;ve ever been clean) I keep trying though. Then
my old partner in crime got chucked out onto the streets so I said he could
stay with me. But we’re etrrible influences on each other-if one’s being
good then the other always seems to want to be bad. Anyway recenty we got
into Snowballs (H&Crack IV) which I’ve done lots before but never regularly.
I love that high. I wish I could feel like that all the time! Now detoxing
and just staying on my Subbies is even harder. They don’t make me feel
better anymore. I can’t tell anyone cuz they’ll chuck me off my script. I
had got my life back a bit and now I’m losing what little I gained cuz I’m
always sick. Todays only Day 2 (again) with just Subbies and I feel so
awful 🙁 I’ve mainly slept for the past 48hrs I can’t stop shaking and
crying. I’m not being sick or needing the loo too much which is a godsend
(I do try to feel grateful for that) but I just feel so CRAP! My friend is
being good too though he keeps moaning and begging me to score (does he
think I’m made of cash? I spent over £200 on H and rock on tues and wed
easy) And my dealers won’t stop ringing me. My phones on silent now cuz I
don’t feel like talking to anyone. Sorry if my spellings bad but my hands
won’t stop shaking. Even if I scored I wouldn’t be able to get myself-my
hands are so sore and swollen from missing.
Ok That’s my moaning out the way. I guess I’ll just go back to bed. I just
wanna feel good. I never did Snowballs in company cuz I like to really FEEL
it. My n my friend meditate on it breathing deeply ooooh…… stop
talking. I’ve been clean before though n life was boring.
I’m not really expecting replies I just wanted to vent. Basically just
feeling sorry for myself. I just feel like this will never end. I’ll never
feel good again without drugs of one sort or nother.
I’ll stop now. I’m gonna make a hot sweet cup of tea. I’d have a shower
but I think i’d collapse. Now I think about it I haven’t eaten since
Wednesday anyway n hardly drtunk anything. That’s probably why I feel so
weak! I’ll try eat some soup or summat easily digestable.
Thanks for listening.
—– Original Message —–
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 5:48 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] opoid research information
The following appeared on methadone watchdog bulletin board.
I thought genetic differences relating to human micro-opioid receptor
have been known for several years, this Norwegian study of 207 cancer
successfully identified, genetically, which patients would require
morphine to achieve the same dose response for pain control. It is a small
to translate these findings to other opioids and other individual
I wonder if this genetic difference of the micro-opioid receptors affects
patients methadone maintenance dosage requirements? Maybe someday we’ll
genetic testing to diagnose potential addicts and their maintenance dosage
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2004 Nov;48(10):1232-9.
The 118 A > G polymorphism in the human micro-opioid receptor gene may
increase morphine requirements in patients with pain caused by malignant
Klepstad P, Rakvag TT, Kaasa S, Holthe M, Dale O, Borchgrevink PC, Baar C,
Vikan T, Krokan HE, Skorpen F.
Institute of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of
and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
Background: Dispositions for genes encoding opioid receptors may explain
variability in morphine efficacy. Experimental studies show that morphine
morphine-6-glucuronide are less effective in individuals carrying variant
alleles caused by the 118 A > G polymorphism in the micro-opioid receptor
(OPRM1). The purpose of the study was to investigate whether this and
genetic polymorphisms in OPRM1 influence the efficacy of morphine in
cancer pain
patients. Methods: We screened 207 cancer pain patients on oral morphine
treatment for four frequent OPRM1 gene polymorphisms. The polymorphisms
were the
-172 G > T polymorphism in the 5’untranslated region of exon 1, the 118 A
polymorphism in exon 1, and the IVS2 + 31 G > A and IVS2 + 691 G > C
polymorphisms, both in intron 2. Ninety-nine patients with adequately
controlled pain were
included in an analysis comparing morphine doses and serum concentrations
morphine and morphine metabolites in the different genotypes for the OPRM1
polymorphisms. Results: No differences related to the -172 G > T, the IVS2
+ 31 G
A and the IVS2 + 691 G > C polymorphisms were observed. Patients
for the variant G allele of the 118 A > G polymorphism (n = 4) needed more
morphine to achieve pain control, compared to heterozygous (n = 17) and
homozygous wild-type (n = 78) individuals. This difference was not
explained by other
factors such as duration of morphine treatment, performance status, time
diagnosis, time until death, or adverse symptoms. Conclusion: Patients
homozygous for the 118 G allele of the micro-opioid receptor need higher
doses to achieve pain control. Thus, genetic variation at the gene
encoding the
micro-opioid receptor contributes to variability in patients’ responses to
The following is yet another study demonstrating the interidividuality of
methadone dosage requirements. I have posted extensively on the effects of
individual cytochrome P450 variations and how it affects the metabolism of
methadone, causing huge dosage variations from patient to patient. This
Italian study
calls into play how the enzymatic pathways are affected by other
and how they can dramatically affect methadone blood concentrations,
symptoms, and ultimately mood. Once again medical research demonstrates
each patient’s dose must be individualized both for amount and frequency.
recommend printing this study and adding it to your arsenal of dosage
Pharmacokinetics: The study of the bodily absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and excretion of drugs
Pharmacol Res. 2004 Dec;50(6):551-9.
Methadone-metabolism, pharmacokinetics and interactions.
Ferrari A, Coccia CP, Bertolini A, Sternieri E.
Section of Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia, Policlinico, Largo del Pozzo, 71-41100 Modena, Italy.
The pharmacokinetics of methadone varies greatly from person to person;
after the administration of the same dose, considerably different
concentrations are obtained in different subjects, and the pharmacological
effect may be
too small in some patients, too strong and prolonged in others. Methadone
mostly metabolised in the liver; the main step consists in the
N-demethylation by
CYP3A4 to EDDP (2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine), an
inactive metabolite. The activity of CYP3A4 varies considerably among
and such variability is the responsible for the large differences in
bioavailability. CYP2D6 and probably CYP1A2 are also involved in methadone
metabolism. During maintenance treatment with methadone, treatment with
drugs may be necessary due to the frequent comorbidity of drug addicts:
psychotropic drugs, antibiotics, anticonvulsants and antiretroviral drugs,
which can
cause pharmacokinetic interactions. In particular, antiretrovirals, which
CYP3A4 inducers, can decrease the levels of methadone, so causing
symptoms. Buprenorphine, too, is metabolised by CYP3A4, and may undergo
the same
interactions as methadone. Since it is impossible to foresee the
from the administration of another drug to the appearing of withdrawal
nor how much the daily dose of methadone should be increased in order to
prevent them, patients taking combined drug treatments must be carefully
monitored. The so far known pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions of
methadone do not
have life-threatening consequences for the patients, but they usually
cause a
decrease of the concentrations and of the effects of the drug, which in
can cause symptoms of withdrawal and increase the risk of relapse into
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: [Ibogaine] opoid research information
Date: October 29, 2004 at 12:48:07 PM EDT
The following appeared on methadone watchdog bulletin board.
I thought genetic differences relating to human micro-opioid receptor genes
have been known for several years, this Norwegian study of 207 cancer patients
successfully identified, genetically, which patients would require increased
morphine to achieve the same dose response for pain control. It is a small step
to translate these findings to other opioids and other individual responses.
I wonder if this genetic difference of the micro-opioid receptors affects a
patients methadone maintenance dosage requirements? Maybe someday we’ll see
genetic testing to diagnose potential addicts and their maintenance dosage
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2004 Nov;48(10):1232-9.
The 118 A > G polymorphism in the human micro-opioid receptor gene may
increase morphine requirements in patients with pain caused by malignant disease.
Klepstad P, Rakvag TT, Kaasa S, Holthe M, Dale O, Borchgrevink PC, Baar C,
Vikan T, Krokan HE, Skorpen F.
Institute of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University of Science
and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
Background: Dispositions for genes encoding opioid receptors may explain some
variability in morphine efficacy. Experimental studies show that morphine and
morphine-6-glucuronide are less effective in individuals carrying variant
alleles caused by the 118 A > G polymorphism in the micro-opioid receptor gene
(OPRM1). The purpose of the study was to investigate whether this and other
genetic polymorphisms in OPRM1 influence the efficacy of morphine in cancer pain
patients. Methods: We screened 207 cancer pain patients on oral morphine
treatment for four frequent OPRM1 gene polymorphisms. The polymorphisms were the
-172 G > T polymorphism in the 5’untranslated region of exon 1, the 118 A > G
polymorphism in exon 1, and the IVS2 + 31 G > A and IVS2 + 691 G > C
polymorphisms, both in intron 2. Ninety-nine patients with adequately controlled pain were
included in an analysis comparing morphine doses and serum concentrations of
morphine and morphine metabolites in the different genotypes for the OPRM1
polymorphisms. Results: No differences related to the -172 G > T, the IVS2 + 31 G
A and the IVS2 + 691 G > C polymorphisms were observed. Patients homozygous
for the variant G allele of the 118 A > G polymorphism (n = 4) needed more
morphine to achieve pain control, compared to heterozygous (n = 17) and
homozygous wild-type (n = 78) individuals. This difference was not explained by other
factors such as duration of morphine treatment, performance status, time since
diagnosis, time until death, or adverse symptoms. Conclusion: Patients
homozygous for the 118 G allele of the micro-opioid receptor need higher morphine
doses to achieve pain control. Thus, genetic variation at the gene encoding the
micro-opioid receptor contributes to variability in patients’ responses to
The following is yet another study demonstrating the interidividuality of
methadone dosage requirements. I have posted extensively on the effects of
individual cytochrome P450 variations and how it affects the metabolism of
methadone, causing huge dosage variations from patient to patient. This Italian study
calls into play how the enzymatic pathways are affected by other medications,
and how they can dramatically affect methadone blood concentrations, withdrawal
symptoms, and ultimately mood. Once again medical research demonstrates that
each patient’s dose must be individualized both for amount and frequency. I
recommend printing this study and adding it to your arsenal of dosage research.
Pharmacokinetics: The study of the bodily absorption, distribution,
metabolism, and excretion of drugs
Pharmacol Res. 2004 Dec;50(6):551-9.
Methadone-metabolism, pharmacokinetics and interactions.
Ferrari A, Coccia CP, Bertolini A, Sternieri E.
Section of Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia, Policlinico, Largo del Pozzo, 71-41100 Modena, Italy.
The pharmacokinetics of methadone varies greatly from person to person; so,
after the administration of the same dose, considerably different
concentrations are obtained in different subjects, and the pharmacological effect may be
too small in some patients, too strong and prolonged in others. Methadone is
mostly metabolised in the liver; the main step consists in the N-demethylation by
CYP3A4 to EDDP (2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine), an
inactive metabolite. The activity of CYP3A4 varies considerably among individuals,
and such variability is the responsible for the large differences in methadone
bioavailability. CYP2D6 and probably CYP1A2 are also involved in methadone
metabolism. During maintenance treatment with methadone, treatment with other
drugs may be necessary due to the frequent comorbidity of drug addicts:
psychotropic drugs, antibiotics, anticonvulsants and antiretroviral drugs, which can
cause pharmacokinetic interactions. In particular, antiretrovirals, which are
CYP3A4 inducers, can decrease the levels of methadone, so causing withdrawal
symptoms. Buprenorphine, too, is metabolised by CYP3A4, and may undergo the same
interactions as methadone. Since it is impossible to foresee the time-lapse
from the administration of another drug to the appearing of withdrawal symptoms,
nor how much the daily dose of methadone should be increased in order to
prevent them, patients taking combined drug treatments must be carefully
monitored. The so far known pharmacokinetic drug-drug interactions of methadone do not
have life-threatening consequences for the patients, but they usually cause a
decrease of the concentrations and of the effects of the drug, which in turn
can cause symptoms of withdrawal and increase the risk of relapse into heroin
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] thanks schmoolyboy 🙂
Date: October 29, 2004 at 11:35:52 AM EDT
To: <>
Hi Shelley,
Good to see you too, liv 52 is an Ayurvedic formula to support the liver. You also can go to an Ayurvedic Doctor to check this out before using it.
Good weekend.
Van: shelley krupa []
Verzonden: vrijdag 29 oktober 2004 15:36
Onderwerp: RE: [Ibogaine] thanks schmoolyboy 🙂
Hi Sara, glad to see you again,hey what is liv 52, i have hep c myself,thanks!
Sara Glatt <> wrote:
— wrote:
> Proven to help the liver are Vit C, Vitamin E, Silymarin and Silybin
also liv 52. is proven to help the liver, good before Ibo. Treatment.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: shelley krupa <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] thanks schmoolyboy 🙂
Date: October 29, 2004 at 9:35:30 AM EDT
Hi Sara, glad to see you again,hey what is liv 52, i have hep c myself,thanks!
Sara Glatt <> wrote:
— wrote:
> Proven to help the liver are Vit C, Vitamin E, Silymarin and Silybin
also liv 52. is proven to help the liver, good before Ibo. Treatment.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] thanks schmoolyboy 🙂
Date: October 29, 2004 at 8:44:15 AM EDT
To: <>
— wrote:
Proven to help the liver are Vit C, Vitamin E, Silymarin and Silybin
also liv 52. is proven to help the liver, good before Ibo. Treatment.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 29, 2004 at 5:56:35 AM EDT
Yes, Schmoolyboy you can help me by being informative about things like what to look for on an EKG and what liver problems to look for. I’m studying for future projects. I’m gonna’ run into Aids too and I’m paying big time attention to what you said about that. I have plenty of time to study. They won’t cut me loose for a while. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 29, 2004 at 5:48:54 AM EDT
Jasen, I can’t wait till you get back and post. It is a tumultuous journey. I think you will get a lot out of going to Sara’s. You are going to see Sara aren’t you? Just remember. There may be a few little, and I mean little, residual withdrawals but nothing like kicking without Ibo. I was a complete puss about it but, with the right frame of mind it is nothing to worry about. Are you kicking methadone? Maybe you will see the word writing snakes like I did. Way cool. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Does anyone know if ibogaine is contraindicated in Hepatitis C…
Date: October 29, 2004 at 5:37:48 AM EDT
Faith, I like your name. Hep C isn’t a problem as long as your sons liver enzymes are no more than 2 and a half times higher than normal. (thanx Schmoolyboy) I would ask your son if he really wants to be clean and if he does tell him to read what he can find on the Internet about Ibogaine and quit being ignorant to the facts. When my mother found this I read about Ibogaine and immediately pissed all over it. But it hooked me in and in 2 weeks I was on the computer about 2 or 3 hours a day looking at information. I didn’t think I could ever be clean again and I’m 47 years old. I was ready to go to my grave hooked on methadone. My Dr. gave me a script and said people never get off of this. I told him to wait and see. I have Dr.s from NY to KY who will give me methadone at the asking and for the first time in my life I don’t want it. Really. There is a better way and it is Ibogaine. What is your son hooked on? Does he have any heart problems? You will need liver profiles and an EKG to get treated. I had Hep C and went thru the whole protocol. They tell me I’m cured. We’ll see but I know my liver enzymes are completely normal. I feel for every mother who comes on here because my mother once again saved my life and she is the dearest woman I know. Randy
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Does anyone know if ibogaine is contraindicated in Hepatitis C patients?
Date: October 28, 2004 at 9:55:52 PM EDT
Shmooly posted 3 informative messages in a row about hep c and you
picked Dana’s message about crashing HRC to read and ask what was
answered all day today? 🙂
— Faith Bowling <> wrote:
My son, who’s an addict, confided to me that he’s Hepatitis C
and is afraid to take ibogaine for that reason. If anyone has any
insight into this please post it . Thanks.
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] New Orleans Session is Free!
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:27:50 -0400
just want clairification that this is open to everyone in the
i am thinking of grey hounding it unless someone is driving
and can pick my ass up!?
ok thanks
yeah this is free too right? the whole HRC conference?
I checked with Alan Clear. You have to pay to go to the whole
conference., but admission to our session is definitely open to the
public, because HRC is not even set up to register people and take
money at that time. I’m inviting people from all over the south,
including the U.S. Marijuana Party, who work with Marc Emery.
Do you Yahoo!?
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Faith Bowling” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Does anyone know if ibogaine is contraindicated in Hepatitis C patients?
Date: October 28, 2004 at 9:35:04 PM EDT
My son, who’s an addict, confided to me that he’s Hepatitis C positive, and is afraid to take ibogaine for that reason. If anyone has any insight into this please post it . Thanks.
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] New Orleans Session is Free!
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 19:27:50 -0400
just want clairification that this is open to everyone in the public,
i am thinking of grey hounding it unless someone is driving through iowa
and can pick my ass up!?
ok thanks
yeah this is free too right? the whole HRC conference?
I checked with Alan Clear. You have to pay to go to the whole conference., but admission to our session is definitely open to the public, because HRC is not even set up to register people and take money at that time. I’m inviting people from all over the south, including the U.S. Marijuana Party, who work with Marc Emery.
Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today – it’s FREE!
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re:Thankyou from me too Patrick.
Date: October 28, 2004 at 9:09:20 PM EDT
Patrick thank you from the bottom of my heart too. I
am grateful for you being you and love your writing
but overlooked mindvox and this list and how much time
it must all take. I’ve been here almost from the
beginning and was on the very old calyx list too and
saw it have 4 or 5 messages in a month. Everybody
always accuses you of jamming mindvox into ibogaine
but by taking what you made before you hit bottom and
pulling ibogaine into it you have made it grow like
crazy 🙂 This is also the place I found ibogaine in
the first place!
Thank you and thanks to everyone on this list even the
angry people who always remind me that I’m not doing
that bad 🙂
Thank you Howard very much also!
Love all of you! Damn now I want to go to New Orleans!
Carla B
— Jasen Chamoun <> wrote:
Dear Patrick,
I don’t know you,but whoever you are,
I would like to say ,”Thank YOU” so very
much for this list.
I thanked Howard at one stage for bringing
“Ibogaine” to the western world.
I did not realise at the time that you were also a
very big part of bringing this “gift” to people
all around the world.
You were the one who started this list,
and I cannot thank you and Howard enough.
Because of this list,I now have great hope again.
What greater gift can you give a person in
despair,and utter hopelessness,you gave us,most
definitely me, hope. Thankyou.
I have my flight booked and I will be arriving for
my treatment on the 15th day of November,whoa,
thats only 2 and a half weeks away.I am very excited
and also very scared,but by what the people
who have done this have so generously let us know
is,This is the way to freedom.
With Smiles, Jasen.
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete – You start. We finish.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Carla Barnes <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] thanks schmoolyboy 🙂
Date: October 28, 2004 at 8:57:40 PM EDT
Please don’t cease and desist 🙂
I can’t keep up with the list and only read some of
the messages depending on who posts them. I know
you’re busy patrick but you should start a best of
section of the list, there are zillions of messages
and I know I know it’s this way because people don’t
want to be too out in the open but I think Mindvox
should start a medical section. You could replace the
ibogaine manual in 10 paragraphs 🙂
Patrick I am forever grateful to you for just being
you, when I first cleaned up you were and still are my
role model, because not one person I ever showed
anything you wrote to said you could be clean 🙂 I
listened to you instead of them and finnnnnnnnnaly got
it 🙂 🙂 Dr. Mash I hear so much about and none of
it good but she is the person who replied to my email
and the one time I called the offices there stayed on
the phone for half a hour and gushed about ‘that’s my
son! Patrick is a genius and he hasn’t been arrested
in a long time!’ 🙂 I can’t think of that lady as
being evil 😉 Schmoolyboy I think I know who you are
and thank you, you write short messages that say facts
instead of endlessly long messages that quote links
from everywhere and don’t say anything 🙂
This is new instead of alot of people practicing
medicine without a license I think mindvox has its
first doctor practicing without a name 🙂 🙂 🙂
The three of you should go do talk shows. Even without
ibogaine you’d make a great sitcom 🙂 Very smart
crazy people talking about drugs 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Love to everyone here!
Carla B
— wrote:
Proven to help the liver are Vit C, Vitamin E,
Silymarin and Silybin (the
active ingredients in milk thistle [sorry if these
are not spelled correctly.
Life Extension makes good quality sily stuff. Why
take milk thistle when the
other alkaloids it contains are of no benefit.
The most important variant on ones EKG is the QT
interval and the QTc (QT
corrected for heart rate) If the QTc is prolonged,
Ibo can be a risk. No meds
that are QT prolongers should be on board prior to
taking IBO. Many common
meds and foods are QT prolongers i.e.; grapefruit
and quinine.
Ventricular ectopy on an EKG is also important
(extra irregular beats from
the hearts ventricles-bottom pumps). The best way to
check this is by a 24
hour holter monitor (essentially, a 24 hour
cardiogram) . Atrial ectopy (extra
beats from the hearts atrium or top pumping chambers
is okay ). Ischemia (lack
of blood supply to the coronary arteries) is always
a worry.
Hep c is of no concern, unless the liver is not
healthy and this would show
elevated liver enzymes at least 2 1/2 above normal.
It’s not what disease you
have but what condition your liver is in that is of
I don’t share much and don’t get to check the list
very often as I travel a
lot but I hope this info is of some value to
someone. If it’s not and you guys
want me to shut up-just say so and I will cease
and desist.
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail – Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re:Thankyou from me too Patrick.
Date: October 28, 2004 at 8:54:52 PM EDT
To: <>
Dear Patrick,
I don’t know you,but whoever you are,
I would like to say ,”Thank YOU” so very
much for this list.
I thanked Howard at one stage for bringing
“Ibogaine” to the western world.
I did not realise at the time that you were also a
very big part of bringing this “gift” to people
all around the world.
You were the one who started this list,
and I cannot thank you and Howard enough.
Because of this list,I now have great hope again.
What greater gift can you give a person in
despair,and utter hopelessness,you gave us,most
definitely me, hope. Thankyou.
I have my flight booked and I will be arriving for
my treatment on the 15th day of November,whoa,
thats only 2 and a half weeks away.I am very excited
and also very scared,but by what the people
who have done this have so generously let us know
is,This is the way to freedom.
With Smiles, Jasen.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 28, 2004 at 8:15:33 PM EDT
anything I can do to help,? Randy
From: D H <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] test
Date: October 28, 2004 at 7:44:35 PM EDT
testing 123
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] New Orleans Session is Free!
Date: October 28, 2004 at 7:42:14 PM EDT
Dana, is the Gate going? Randy PS I still have your tape and I’m bringing it back.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 28, 2004 at 7:37:23 PM EDT
Hell no don’t stop I’m going to school here. And I’ll save every tech aspect you can send. Randy
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: ibogaine Digest 28 Oct 2004 22:31:02 -0000 Issue 738
Date: October 28, 2004 at 7:08:18 PM EDT
To: <>
thanks but c/n open. hint’s? ron
—– Original Message —– From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 5:31 PM
Subject: ibogaine Digest 28 Oct 2004 22:31:02 -0000 Issue 738
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 28, 2004 at 6:55:41 PM EDT
To: <>
thanks, i’m having trouble opening digest files, any suggestions besides learning how to use this thing? pinballwizard, pre pacman
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
If your liver enzymes are more then 2.5 X normal, you should get a expert medical opinion from someone who understands the pharmaco kinetics of Ibogaine prior to Ibo treatment.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 28, 2004 at 6:40:31 PM EDT
Proven to help the liver are Vit C, Vitamin E, Silymarin and Silybin (the active ingredients in milk thistle [sorry if these are not spelled correctly.
Life Extension makes good quality sily stuff. Why take milk thistle when the other alkaloids it contains are of no benefit.
The most important variant on ones EKG is the QT interval and the QTc (QT corrected for heart rate) If the QTc is prolonged, Ibo can be a risk. No meds that are QT prolongers should be on board prior to taking IBO. Many common meds and foods are QT prolongers i.e.; grapefruit and quinine.
Ventricular ectopy on an EKG is also important (extra irregular beats from the hearts ventricles-bottom pumps). The best way to check this is by a 24 hour holter monitor (essentially, a 24 hour cardiogram) . Atrial ectopy (extra beats from the hearts atrium or top pumping chambers is okay ). Ischemia (lack of blood supply to the coronary arteries) is always a worry.
Hep c is of no concern, unless the liver is not healthy and this would show elevated liver enzymes at least 2 1/2 above normal. It’s not what disease you have but what condition your liver is in that is of importance.
I don’t share much and don’t get to check the list very often as I travel a lot but I hope this info is of some value to someone. If it’s not and you guys want me to shut up-just say so and I will cease and desist.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 28, 2004 at 6:25:46 PM EDT
If your liver enzymes are more then 2.5 X normal, you should get a expert medical opinion from someone who understands the pharmaco kinetics of Ibogaine prior to Ibo treatment.
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] questions
Date: October 28, 2004 at 4:16:39 PM EDT
To: <>
i tried to find it in the 60’s but d/n have cash for the dark continent
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] questions
Deprogrammed? Probably wont want to after the Ibogaine. It is magical stuff. This is the easiest way that I know of and believe me I checked it out. As long as your liver panel looks OK I don’t think Hep C will be a problem. How is your heart? You jess aint used to the slang yet. You will be if you stay around this list for long. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] questions
Date: October 28, 2004 at 4:06:48 PM EDT
Deprogrammed? Probably wont want to after the Ibogaine. It is magical stuff. This is the easiest way that I know of and believe me I checked it out. As long as your liver panel looks OK I don’t think Hep C will be a problem. How is your heart? You jess aint used to the slang yet. You will be if you stay around this list for long. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 28, 2004 at 3:56:52 PM EDT
Ron, instead of sending the message to the list send it to my address its on the messages I send to the list. I’ll help when I can. Randy
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Date: October 28, 2004 at 2:03:37 PM EDT
To: <>
cliff notes? will do. will i need to be deprogrammed after schmoozing w/ this bunch?
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Ibo is pure C450 2D6- and 3a4 that is how Ibo gets to noribo . read the literature
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Date: October 28, 2004 at 2:31:08 PM EDT
To: <>
for shelley:
what’s the skinny on the liver thing? thanks
—– Original Message —–
From: shelley krupa
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Good Day All, just got back from 9 day vacation in Bermuda! I appreciate the time away as I was gettin kinda squirrely with alcohol & some mild chipping , now I feel back on target & focused on my goal of chemical freedom.Had to delete the messages ,there were over 100! & start all over fresh. Ron ,i also have hep c ,Im told ibogaine is very rough on the liver ,but all that I noticed was longer time with loose stools & fatigue post ibo. However I do alot of herbs & acupuncture to assist my body in its healing process-good luck! And Im glad to be back with my fellow ibonauts!-shell
Ron Davis <> wrote:
cliff notes? will do. will i need to be deprogrammed after schmoozing w/ this bunch?
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Ibo is pure C450 2D6- and 3a4 that is how Ibo gets to noribo . read the literature
From: shelley krupa <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Date: October 28, 2004 at 2:12:28 PM EDT
Good Day All, just got back from 9 day vacation in Bermuda! I appreciate the time away as I was gettin kinda squirrely with alcohol & some mild chipping , now I feel back on target & focused on my goal of chemical freedom.Had to delete the messages ,there were over 100! & start all over fresh. Ron ,i also have hep c ,Im told ibogaine is very rough on the liver ,but all that I noticed was longer time with loose stools & fatigue post ibo. However I do alot of herbs & acupuncture to assist my body in its healing process-good luck! And Im glad to be back with my fellow ibonauts!-shell
Ron Davis <> wrote:
cliff notes? will do. will i need to be deprogrammed after schmoozing w/ this bunch?
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 7:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Ibo is pure C450 2D6- and 3a4 that is how Ibo gets to noribo . read the literature
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Schmoolyboy who & Thanx again Patrick
Date: October 28, 2004 at 12:57:31 PM EDT
To: <>
is it to soon to ask about the list? or do i need to do tricks?
benzos and bup eating me alive, i’ve been the whole route for 40 years. just want to be straight but have a feeling there’s no easy route.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Schmoolyboy who & Thanx again Patrick
Hey, I’ve been on the list for well over a year and I don’t know who Schmoolyboy is. Am I an idiot? Don’t answer that. Its been a month now and I am amazed at the results. I read for a year everything I could get my hands on and I still got a real surprise. A couple of times. I never expected it to affect me musically but it has. In a good way. I’ve been thinking, ( thats some dangerous shit for me), seems for me anyway that the best advertisement we could give Ibogaine is to stay clean. I’ve never ever felt like I could do that before. Even when I was clean for a couple of years I hated it and I wouldn’t have been clean were it not for being on paper. You don’t want to know about that. I’m going back to work in a couple of weeks and I won’t be on the list as much so I must say this again. Thanx again Patrick if it were not for this list I would surely be lost in the fog of addiction. I will owe you for life and somehow I will make it up to you. Please allow me to. O yea, What does anyone think about going public with a song about Ibogaine? Is it time? I think so. I’m aiming at the Alt.blues Alt. country stations. The only ones intelligent enough to handle the subject. Thats not the only song but most of them are pretty twisted so I think thats the market for me. I’ll have tracks down in a couple of weeks. Anybody got a Melatron? Randy
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 28, 2004 at 12:47:24 PM EDT
To: <>
thanks for the response. i’ve got hep c, problem? liver ok but i’ve had it since the 60’s i’m sure. when you say off list, what do you mean? i’d like to hear more w/o compromising you. ron
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 4:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Ron, I don’t want to get in the middle of anything but, I think you said you could travel so here goes. There is Ibogaine available in Mexico, Panama,England,Canada,theUkraine I think, and I’m not sure where Sara is but she is in Europe around Amsterdam I think. I know I left some out. The point is Ibogaine is available if you look for it. Self education is a must if you want Ibogaine treatment so look around, call the people and make a deal. Have you read some of the accounts of peoples experience? If you have a hard time finding the numbers for treatment providers get a hold of me off list and I will help you. Randy
From: “Ann B. Mullikin” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 28, 2004 at 11:04:02 AM EDT
To: <>
Thanks, Howard
—– Original Message —– From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:55 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
In a message dated 10/28/04 12:41:28 AM,
Can you guys please post information about the conference for those of
us in other countries that can’t be there to hear what gets said.Thanks
A copy of the Ibogaine Roundtable brochure containing for original articles
and reprints will be available from the Dora Weiner Foundation web page along
with a report on the ibogaine session and some of the other HRC workshops. The
report will also included reports from the American Association for the
Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD) conference.
I would suggest you check in just before and certainly after the conference.
I also want to thank all of you who contributed to make this possible.
Tax deductible donations are still being accepted. Checks should be written
to Dora Weiner Foundation and sent to:
Dora Weiner Foundation
46 Oxford Place
Staten Island, NY 10301
Howard S. Lotsof
Dora Weiner Foundation
46 Oxford Place
Staten Island, NY 10301
dir tel: 1 718 442-2754
dir fax: 1 718 442-1957
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 28, 2004 at 10:55:02 AM EDT
In a message dated 10/28/04 12:41:28 AM,
Can you guys please post information about the conference for those of
us in other countries that can’t be there to hear what gets said.Thanks
A copy of the Ibogaine Roundtable brochure containing for original articles
and reprints will be available from the Dora Weiner Foundation web page along
with a report on the ibogaine session and some of the other HRC workshops. The
report will also included reports from the American Association for the
Treatment of Opioid Dependence (AATOD) conference.
I would suggest you check in just before and certainly after the conference.
I also want to thank all of you who contributed to make this possible.
Tax deductible donations are still being accepted. Checks should be written
to Dora Weiner Foundation and sent to:
Dora Weiner Foundation
46 Oxford Place
Staten Island, NY 10301
Howard S. Lotsof
Dora Weiner Foundation
46 Oxford Place
Staten Island, NY 10301
dir tel: 1 718 442-2754
dir fax: 1 718 442-1957
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Ann B. Mullikin” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] New Orleans
Date: October 28, 2004 at 9:42:59 AM EDT
To: <>
Bah Humbug!! Patrick. I can’t even print a copy of this.
—– Original Message —– From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 1:59 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] New Orleans
On Oct 28, 2004, at 1:51 AM, Vector Vector wrote:
Could someone also post which line up is the right one? 😉 There is a
different version on HRC, then the one up on Mindvox. Which is right/
This is correct:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Date: October 28, 2004 at 8:52:54 AM EDT
Personally I was trying to joke. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 28, 2004 at 8:36:41 AM EDT
Just write to him on the list.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Date: October 28, 2004 at 8:35:25 AM EDT
Why does it matter who I am as long as I cam provide info that helps? Anyone can contact me personally with private issues. Just send a e-mail address or a #. I always thought this was an anonymous list with DEA paranoid types and alike. Feel free to talk in private to me at anytime. if I can be of any help to you. I don’t want to bore anyone with my private stuff or technical munbu jumbu not asked for.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 28, 2004 at 8:31:25 AM EDT
It seems you did state that . My apologies. you did state it was p450 . too early in the AM to read well –sorry
well done
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Date: October 28, 2004 at 8:29:13 AM EDT
Ibo is pure C450 2D6- and 3a4 that is how Ibo gets to noribo . read the literature
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Schmoolyboy who & Thanx again Patrick
Date: October 28, 2004 at 6:27:30 AM EDT
Hey, I’ve been on the list for well over a year and I don’t know who Schmoolyboy is. Am I an idiot? Don’t answer that. Its been a month now and I am amazed at the results. I read for a year everything I could get my hands on and I still got a real surprise. A couple of times. I never expected it to affect me musically but it has. In a good way. I’ve been thinking, ( thats some dangerous shit for me), seems for me anyway that the best advertisement we could give Ibogaine is to stay clean. I’ve never ever felt like I could do that before. Even when I was clean for a couple of years I hated it and I wouldn’t have been clean were it not for being on paper. You don’t want to know about that. I’m going back to work in a couple of weeks and I won’t be on the list as much so I must say this again. Thanx again Patrick if it were not for this list I would surely be lost in the fog of addiction. I will owe you for life and somehow I will make it up to you. Please allow me to. O yea, What does anyone think about going public with a song about Ibogaine? Is it time? I think so. I’m aiming at the Alt.blues Alt. country stations. The only ones intelligent enough to handle the subject. Thats not the only song but most of them are pretty twisted so I think thats the market for me. I’ll have tracks down in a couple of weeks. Anybody got a Melatron? Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 28, 2004 at 5:54:18 AM EDT
Ron, I don’t want to get in the middle of anything but, I think you said you could travel so here goes. There is Ibogaine available in Mexico, Panama,England,Canada,theUkraine I think, and I’m not sure where Sara is but she is in Europe around Amsterdam I think. I know I left some out. The point is Ibogaine is available if you look for it. Self education is a must if you want Ibogaine treatment so look around, call the people and make a deal. Have you read some of the accounts of peoples experience? If you have a hard time finding the numbers for treatment providers get a hold of me off list and I will help you. Randy
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Date: October 28, 2004 at 2:58:16 AM EDT
Good answers point taken 🙂
Sorry and carry on 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <> wrote:
On Oct 28, 2004, at 1:48 AM, Vector Vector wrote:
You and Patrick cross talk with each other and do male bonding 😉
your doing it in public and on the list, could I ask why you won’t
your real name?
This, coming from someone who has been here for years using the name
“Vector Vector” …? <Insert Emoticon>
You haven’t hidden who you are so why schmoolboy?
?… Why ask whY …?
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Patrick K. Kroupa <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] CYP2D6 HIV and Ibogaine
Date: October 28, 2004 at 2:04:23 AM EDT
On Oct 28, 2004, at 1:48 AM, Vector Vector wrote:
You and Patrick cross talk with each other and do male bonding 😉 Since
your doing it in public and on the list, could I ask why you won’t use
your real name?
This, coming from someone who has been here for years using the name “Vector Vector” …? <Insert Emoticon>
You haven’t hidden who you are so why schmoolboy?
?… Why ask whY …?
— wrote:
Stop all HIV meds for at least 4 half lives of the drug before taking
This message –>
On Oct 25, 2004, at 6:44 AM, Jamilah wrote:
Dear Sean,
Here are my thoughts on the issue, as I managed the care of hundreds of HIV and Hep C folks before I changed jobs. The major side effects we watch for when using HIV meds are lactic acidosis (caused by NRTI’s) and symptoms that result from combining the protease inhibitors with other drugs that are metabolized using the cytocrome P450 pathway.
Ibogaine has been studied to see if it uses this pathway, and it doesn’t seem to :
Sean asked a question, Jamilah gave an answer based upon her opinion. The conclusion she derived from reading that link up there, is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the abstract she is quoting, actually says.
“The primary metabolite arises via O-demethylation at the 12-position to yield 12-hydroxyibogamine. In this report, evidence is presented that the O-demethylation of ibogaine observed in human hepatic microsomes is catalyzed primarily by the polymorphically expressed cytochrome P-4502D6 (CYP2D6).”
“Thus, it is concluded that ibogaine O-demethylase is catalyzed by CYP2D6 and that this isoform is the predominant enzyme of ibogaine O-demethylation in humans.”
CYP2D6 is the PRIMARY pathway by which ibogaine is metabolized, and anything that competes, is not good.
PLEASE keep in mind that this is a discussion list. Many people have conversations, share their opinions, or just hang out, interact, rant, and communicate. This does not necessarily mean that the answers which are given are correct.
Over the years there are a variety of individuals who have actually written the monographs people are quoting — and sometimes misinterpreting — here, who answered questions about their own work, which has appeared in peer-reviewed journals. There have been numerous occasions where someone DID actually ANSWER A QUESTION THAT WAS ASKED. Directly and exactly.
For the most part what happens after that is someone will say sumthin’ like, “But my brother’s, wife’s, cousin’s next-door-neighbor once read a book, which said something completely different. I think…” And then, the person who gave the correct answer will land on, “Well, ya know what, someone asked a question. I know the answer. I gave the answer. Instead of thank you I have half a dozen idiots starting an argument with me, so why don’t I just not bother. I can certainly find something more entertaining to do with my free time.”
This is in reference to Yet Another CYP2D6 conversation which occured a while back, not this one. Everybody has been polite this time. Which is very cool. Thank you.
The answer Mistah schmoolY gave is correct. He does know exactly what he’s talking about. Many of you pretty much know who he is. Probably he has reasons for not wanting to directly attach his name to any statement made here.
And please try to keep in mind, that there are many people here who could easily answer a variety of questions that are posed. For the most part, nearly all of them are M.D.s or Ph.D.s; they are not activists or participants in the Holy Crusade. They are not being compensated for their time. And probably they don’t want to chat — much less argue. So… Just be decent to each other.
p.s., You can obtain further information about Healing Transitions by calling their office at: 1-888-426-4286. They may, or may not, be the right choice for you. A relatively complete list of treatment providers lives here:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Patrick K. Kroupa <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] New Orleans
Date: October 28, 2004 at 1:59:24 AM EDT
On Oct 28, 2004, at 1:51 AM, Vector Vector wrote:
Could someone also post which line up is the right one? 😉 There is a
different version on HRC, then the one up on Mindvox. Which is right/
This is correct:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 28, 2004 at 1:51:00 AM EDT
Could someone also post which line up is the right one? 😉 There is a
different version on HRC, then the one up on Mindvox. Which is right/
— Allison Senepart <> wrote:
Can you guys please post information about the conference for those
us in other countries that can’t be there to hear what gets
——-Original Message——-
Date: Thursday, 28 October 2004 3:41:21 a.m.
Subject: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
The following conference is really pretty important, and accessible
people in the South and mid-west….
5th National Harm Reduction Conference Nov 11-14, 2004
Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
New Orleans, LA.
Our Session is–
November 13, 2004
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Special Session (3 hours)
Moderator: Patrick Kroupa, MindVox, Miami, FL
New Directions for Ibogaine Research
Deborah C. Mash, Ph.D., University of Miami, School of Medicine,
Miami, FL
A Clinician’s View of Ibogaine Detoxification
Jeffrey D. Kamlet, M.D, Florida Society of Addiction Medicine, Miami,
Ibogaine: To Have or Have Not. A Review of the Historical, Legal and
Ethical Implications of Returning Control of Ibogaine to Drug Users.
Howard S. Lotsof, Dora Weiner Foundation, New York, NY
Ibogaine and Harm Reduction for Non-Injection Drug Users
Dana Beal, Cures Not Wars, New York, NY
Ibogaine: the Case of a DEA Agent in Times of Voodoo
Peter Cohen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
18-methoxycoronaridine, a Literature Review
Jonathan Freedlander, Towson University, Baltimore, MD
Developing an Outcome Study of Ibogaine Therapy
Valerie Mojeiko – Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic
Studies, Sarasota, FL
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Vector Vector <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Date: October 28, 2004 at 1:48:36 AM EDT
I’m not saying that what you said is wrong but could someone please
explain which is it? Stop all hiv meds or keep taking them. I don’t
have hiv and I’m not doing ibo but in the last couple days there have
been answers given that don’t coincide at all on any of the points and
I’d like to know the answer!
You and Patrick cross talk with each other and do male bonding 😉 Since
your doing it in public and on the list, could I ask why you won’t use
your real name? You haven’t hidden who you are so why schmoolboy?
— wrote:
Stop all HIV meds for at least 4 half lives of the drug before taking
Do you Yahoo!?
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 28, 2004 at 1:50:41 AM EDT
To: <>
Dear Julie,
I hope all is well,
The candle still burns,
it has been burning for you
for over 24 hours now in
Brisbane Australia.
Smiles Jasen.
From: “Allison Senepart” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 28, 2004 at 1:37:41 AM EDT
To: <>
Can you guys please post information about the conference for those of us in other countries that can’t be there to hear what gets said.Thanks Allison
——-Original Message——-
Date: Thursday, 28 October 2004 3:41:21 a.m.
Subject: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
The following conference is really pretty important, and accessible to people in the South and mid-west….
5th National Harm Reduction Conference Nov 11-14, 2004
Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
New Orleans, LA.
Our Session is–
November 13, 2004
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Special Session (3 hours)
Moderator: Patrick Kroupa, MindVox, Miami, FL
New Directions for Ibogaine Research
Deborah C. Mash, Ph.D., University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, FL
A Clinician’s View of Ibogaine Detoxification
Jeffrey D. Kamlet, M.D, Florida Society of Addiction Medicine, Miami, FL
Ibogaine: To Have or Have Not. A Review of the Historical, Legal and Ethical Implications of Returning Control of Ibogaine to Drug Users.
Howard S. Lotsof, Dora Weiner Foundation, New York, NY
Ibogaine and Harm Reduction for Non-Injection Drug Users
Dana Beal, Cures Not Wars, New York, NY
Ibogaine: the Case of a DEA Agent in Times of Voodoo
Peter Cohen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
18-methoxycoronaridine, a Literature Review
Jonathan Freedlander, Towson University, Baltimore, MD
Developing an Outcome Study of Ibogaine Therapy
Valerie Mojeiko – Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Sarasota, FL
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 27, 2004 at 11:45:06 PM EDT
To: <>
do you knowmhow to get in touch with patrick? i’m new to the experience. ron
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
healing transitions is in florida. Patrick can get their # to you
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: Marijuana IS a Dangerous Drug
Date: October 27, 2004 at 11:02:27 PM EDT
To: <>
i’m so sorry for your loss. ron d.
—– Original Message —– From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: Marijuana IS a Dangerous Drug
Cannabis didn’t kill him, he hilled himself. He was probably using drugs to escape some form of pain. Although Cannabis may not have helped him, I guarantee it wasn’t hurting him. Alcohol is a depressant and that is probably what really agrravated his condition. Sorry for her loss, and I know she needs something or someone to blame, but Cannabis is the last thing she should attribute her sons death to, IMO.
I am a Probation/Parole Agent from Wisconsin, and I am fighting my own war
against the very dangerous drug, marijuana. My son was an every day user of
the killer, and at the age of 24 he took his life. Prior, he was so
depressed from using marijuana and alcohol together so the doctor put him
on medication, which only made the situation worse.. He shot himself in
February of 2001.
Adam said to me when he was younger that marijuana was not a dangerous drug
but just prior to his death, he did say to me, “You know, Mom, marijuana is
really dangerous, isn’t it?” If only I would have known.
Adam was extremely intelligent, and in fact, when he took his tests to get
into the tech school, his counselor told him, he didn’t belong there, he
belonged in a four year program, – but he didn’t work to his potential
because of his drug usage, so he didn’t get the grades he needed.
I now go to schools, prisons, churches, recovery groups, just anywhere
anyone asks me to go and I tell “Adam’s Story”. It is extremely powerful,
and I have turned this awful negative into a positive. Just this year alone,
I have done it 47 times, so you can see it is in demand.
From my experience of being a Probation/Parole Agent, I also can speak about
real life situations of my clients and their use of marijuana. They say it
is not addictive, but the number of clients that risk the possibility of
going to jail because they can not NOT use is staggering. The drug has
messed up so many lives.
The message I give is the danger of using marijuana, especially when someone
takes medication, and I foil the idea that it is harmless.
In “Adam’s Story”. I tell his life as he grew up, I talk about his
addiction, his suicide, and my journey through grief. Do you know, they
wouldn’t let me see him, hold him, touch him, they wouldn’t let me say
good-bye? He is JUST gone.
It is SO powerful. You should see the letters I have gotten and what people
say. I went into a treatment center in one of the prisons, and Adam’s
picture is in the display case at the center with the caption “ALCOHOL AND
DRUGS TOOK THIS MAN’S LIFE AT THE AGE OF 24”. The guys don’t know who he
is, and then I come in and tell his story. One time, there was a guy in the
audience who was going to quit the program, and after hearing the story, he
couldn’t get me or Adam out of his mind. On the day he successfully
completed the program, he gave his social worker a big drawing, and it was
of the picture of Adam in the display case. He told his social worker he
couldn’t get me or Adam out of his mind, and he had to do something. He
asked the social worker to send me the picture. I have it framed and
hanging in my living room. I am trying to turn this awful negative into a
Sometimes I wonder, am I making a difference, but I got a letter from a 15
year old boy who was in a treatment center, who wrote and said that he had
been suicidal since the previous July, and hearing my story, he will never
do that to his mother. His counselor, who had been seeing him for some
time, didn’t even know he was suicidal.
Thank you for letting me tell you what I am doing, and hopefully all of us
together can make a difference.
Linda Kroll
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 27, 2004 at 10:37:28 PM EDT
healing transitions is in florida. Patrick can get their # to you
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Date: October 27, 2004 at 10:30:42 PM EDT
Stop all HIV meds for at least 4 half lives of the drug before taking IBO
From: Patrick K. Kroupa <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Chris Erickson of San Francisco
Date: October 27, 2004 at 8:09:03 PM EDT
A note:
Chris Erickson of San Francisco, who is known to some here,
passed away on Sunday October 11 around midnight local time,
at age 65.
He is survived by two sons, a daughter, three sisters, and his
mother. He was a good friend and I will miss him.
Bill Ross
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 27, 2004 at 6:51:55 PM EDT
just want clairification that this is open to everyone in the public,
i am thinking of grey hounding it unless someone is driving through iowa
and can pick my ass up!?
ok thanks
yeah this is free too right? the whole HRC conference?
—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:41 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
The following conference is really pretty
important, and accessible to people in the South and
5th National Harm Reduction Conference Nov 11-14,
Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
New Orleans, LA.
Our Session is–
November 13, 2004
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Special Session (3 hours)
Moderator: Patrick Kroupa, MindVox, Miami, FL
New Directions for Ibogaine Research
Deborah C. Mash, Ph.D., University of Miami,
School of Medicine, Miami, FL
A Clinician’s View of Ibogaine Detoxification
Jeffrey D. Kamlet, M.D, Florida Society of
Addiction Medicine, Miami, FL
Ibogaine: To Have or Have Not. A Review of the
Historical, Legal and Ethical Implications of
Returning Control of Ibogaine to Drug Users.
Howard S. Lotsof, Dora Weiner Foundation, New
York, NY
Ibogaine and Harm Reduction for Non-Injection Drug
Dana Beal, Cures Not Wars, New York, NY
Ibogaine: the Case of a DEA Agent in Times of
Peter Cohen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
18-methoxycoronaridine, a Literature Review
Jonathan Freedlander, Towson University,
Baltimore, MD
Developing an Outcome Study of Ibogaine Therapy
Valerie Mojeiko – Multidisciplinary Association
for Psychedelic Studies, Sarasota, FL
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] attn MD’s a question pre treatment
Date: October 27, 2004 at 3:00:43 PM EDT
To: <>
Hi Jeff,
From my experience, you will most probably need few booster doses.
I would advise you to take a small booster dose few days after you got some sleep.
All the best wishes on your journey.
Van: [] Verzonden: zondag 24 oktober 2004 21:48 Aan: Onderwerp: [Ibogaine] attn MD’s a question pre treatment
Hello Ibogaine list
I am lucky enough to be able to say that I am scheduled to do an ibogaine treatment in the very very near future.
I have a concern that I hope one of the knowledgeable medical people out there can look at and comment on….perhjaps off list if that is preferred.
I have had an EKG that looks normal and all my blood work pertaining to liver function looks fine as well. The only thing that concerns me and may concern the provider is a very high tryglyceride count… I have been prescribed medication for this as part of an ongoing attempt to reduce this number but i have not started to take it yet as i do not want to introduce any other chemicals into myself before the ibogaine treatment. (not sure how smart that sounds *s*)
The exact level is approximately 600 and the norm is about 120 (sorry not sure of the units) in other words I am about 5X normal.
Is this something that should preclude me doing the treatment?
I am very very motivated now, I am on workers comp from a minor accident at work (I am an electrician on large new construction projects) and have the time. I am doing the treatment to be done with the Methadone that I am on now and have been on for 9 years at about 50 mgs I want to experience life without the opiated haze that I feel is stifling my emotional growth and more.
And please understand I feel very awkward in looking for medical advice on the free ..if I am out of line here just say so. I just figured that here on this list there may be people (DR’s/MD’s??) with medical knowledge along with access and understanding of this very specialized subject.
Thanks again
Freak Free!
Vote Free
From: Richard Harris <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 27, 2004 at 1:42:59 PM EDT
Question about the conference in new orleans would be
the same one I have. I would be interested in what
people say but the only conference reviews I have been
able to find through searches online which were any
good are the Dutch conference
the London conference
Then recordings of the society addiction medicine
conference on puzzlepiece
Otherwise there are only listings but not much else
interesting that happened and mindvox has great photos
but no write ups of what happened after 2001.
Will there be coverege of new orleans?
— Hannah Clay <> wrote:
Our session in New OrleansIts a bit out my way else
I’d be there! (I’m in the UK). Does anyone know of
anything similar over here? Will there be any notes
made or whatever so those of us who can’t make it
can find out what was said?
PS: Thinking of you Julie, sending lots of love your
way! 🙂
—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:41 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
The following conference is really pretty
important, and accessible to people in the South and
5th National Harm Reduction Conference Nov 11-14,
Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
New Orleans, LA.
Our Session is–
November 13, 2004
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Special Session (3 hours)
Moderator: Patrick Kroupa, MindVox, Miami, FL
New Directions for Ibogaine Research
Deborah C. Mash, Ph.D., University of Miami,
School of Medicine, Miami, FL
A Clinician’s View of Ibogaine Detoxification
Jeffrey D. Kamlet, M.D, Florida Society of
Addiction Medicine, Miami, FL
Ibogaine: To Have or Have Not. A Review of the
Historical, Legal and Ethical Implications of
Returning Control of Ibogaine to Drug Users.
Howard S. Lotsof, Dora Weiner Foundation, New
York, NY
Ibogaine and Harm Reduction for Non-Injection Drug
Dana Beal, Cures Not Wars, New York, NY
Ibogaine: the Case of a DEA Agent in Times of
Peter Cohen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
18-methoxycoronaridine, a Literature Review
Jonathan Freedlander, Towson University,
Baltimore, MD
Developing an Outcome Study of Ibogaine Therapy
Valerie Mojeiko – Multidisciplinary Association
for Psychedelic Studies, Sarasota, FL
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Ann B. Mullikin” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 27, 2004 at 1:34:15 PM EDT
To: <>
Is there gonna be any recording done? I can remember seminars from years back when tapes (or
CD’s now) would be sold afterward of the whole proceedings. Surely do wish I could be there and
hear what everyone has to say.
—– Original Message —–
From: Hannah Clay
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Its a bit out my way else I’d be there! (I’m in the UK). Does anyone know of anything similar over here? Will there be any notes made or whatever so those of us who can’t make it can find out what was said?
PS: Thinking of you Julie, sending lots of love your way! 🙂
—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:41 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
The following conference is really pretty important, and accessible to people in the South and mid-west….
5th National Harm Reduction Conference Nov 11-14, 2004
Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
New Orleans, LA.
Our Session is–
November 13, 2004
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Special Session (3 hours)
Moderator: Patrick Kroupa, MindVox, Miami, FL
New Directions for Ibogaine Research
Deborah C. Mash, Ph.D., University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, FL
A Clinician’s View of Ibogaine Detoxification
Jeffrey D. Kamlet, M.D, Florida Society of Addiction Medicine, Miami, FL
Ibogaine: To Have or Have Not. A Review of the Historical, Legal and Ethical Implications of Returning Control of Ibogaine to Drug Users.
Howard S. Lotsof, Dora Weiner Foundation, New York, NY
Ibogaine and Harm Reduction for Non-Injection Drug Users
Dana Beal, Cures Not Wars, New York, NY
Ibogaine: the Case of a DEA Agent in Times of Voodoo
Peter Cohen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
18-methoxycoronaridine, a Literature Review
Jonathan Freedlander, Towson University, Baltimore, MD
Developing an Outcome Study of Ibogaine Therapy
Valerie Mojeiko – Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Sarasota, FL
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 27, 2004 at 1:08:40 PM EDT
To: <>
Its a bit out my way else I’d be there! (I’m in the UK). Does anyone know of anything similar over here? Will there be any notes made or whatever so those of us who can’t make it can find out what was said?
PS: Thinking of you Julie, sending lots of love your way! 🙂
—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:41 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
The following conference is really pretty important, and accessible to people in the South and mid-west….
5th National Harm Reduction Conference Nov 11-14, 2004
Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
New Orleans, LA.
Our Session is–
November 13, 2004
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Special Session (3 hours)
Moderator: Patrick Kroupa, MindVox, Miami, FL
New Directions for Ibogaine Research
Deborah C. Mash, Ph.D., University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, FL
A Clinician’s View of Ibogaine Detoxification
Jeffrey D. Kamlet, M.D, Florida Society of Addiction Medicine, Miami, FL
Ibogaine: To Have or Have Not. A Review of the Historical, Legal and Ethical Implications of Returning Control of Ibogaine to Drug Users.
Howard S. Lotsof, Dora Weiner Foundation, New York, NY
Ibogaine and Harm Reduction for Non-Injection Drug Users
Dana Beal, Cures Not Wars, New York, NY
Ibogaine: the Case of a DEA Agent in Times of Voodoo
Peter Cohen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
18-methoxycoronaridine, a Literature Review
Jonathan Freedlander, Towson University, Baltimore, MD
Developing an Outcome Study of Ibogaine Therapy
Valerie Mojeiko – Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Sarasota, FL
From: Rachel Radhakrishna <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 27, 2004 at 12:33:54 PM EDT
Interestingly, the African Studies Association and the
Canadian African Studies Association are meeting in
New Orleans the same wknd; program is downloadable at if anyone from the Ibo
delegation is interested in buttonholing any of the
anthropologists or forest development policy wonks
about “the African cure.”
That beautiful full moon is going into a full lunar
eclipse ce soir, starting around 9:14 p.m. eastern
U.S. time.
Julie’s red candle is flaming away!!!
– rachel
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: [Ibogaine] anyone local in new orleans
Date: October 27, 2004 at 11:28:59 AM EDT
Hi gang,
Do we have any local list members in New Orleans, media contacts, etc.
Write me via private email if you like.
Looking forward to seeing all of you who can make it.
Howard S. Lotsof
Dora Weiner Foundation
46 Oxford Place
Staten Island, NY 10301
dir tel: 1 718 442-2754
dir fax: 1 718 442-1957
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: Marijuana IS a Dangerous Drug
Date: October 27, 2004 at 10:53:13 AM EDT
Cannabis didn’t kill him, he hilled himself. He was probably using drugs to escape some form of pain. Although Cannabis may not have helped him, I guarantee it wasn’t hurting him. Alcohol is a depressant and that is probably what really agrravated his condition. Sorry for her loss, and I know she needs something or someone to blame, but Cannabis is the last thing she should attribute her sons death to, IMO.
I am a Probation/Parole Agent from Wisconsin, and I am fighting my own war
against the very dangerous drug, marijuana. My son was an every day user of
the killer, and at the age of 24 he took his life. Prior, he was so
depressed from using marijuana and alcohol together so the doctor put him
on medication, which only made the situation worse.. He shot himself in
February of 2001.
Adam said to me when he was younger that marijuana was not a dangerous drug
but just prior to his death, he did say to me, “You know, Mom, marijuana is
really dangerous, isn’t it?” If only I would have known.
Adam was extremely intelligent, and in fact, when he took his tests to get
into the tech school, his counselor told him, he didn’t belong there, he
belonged in a four year program, – but he didn’t work to his potential
because of his drug usage, so he didn’t get the grades he needed.
I now go to schools, prisons, churches, recovery groups, just anywhere
anyone asks me to go and I tell “Adam’s Story”. It is extremely powerful,
and I have turned this awful negative into a positive. Just this year alone,
I have done it 47 times, so you can see it is in demand.
From my experience of being a Probation/Parole Agent, I also can speak about
real life situations of my clients and their use of marijuana. They say it
is not addictive, but the number of clients that risk the possibility of
going to jail because they can not NOT use is staggering. The drug has
messed up so many lives.
The message I give is the danger of using marijuana, especially when someone
takes medication, and I foil the idea that it is harmless.
In “Adam’s Story”. I tell his life as he grew up, I talk about his
addiction, his suicide, and my journey through grief. Do you know, they
wouldn’t let me see him, hold him, touch him, they wouldn’t let me say
good-bye? He is JUST gone.
It is SO powerful. You should see the letters I have gotten and what people
say. I went into a treatment center in one of the prisons, and Adam’s
picture is in the display case at the center with the caption “ALCOHOL AND
DRUGS TOOK THIS MAN’S LIFE AT THE AGE OF 24”. The guys don’t know who he
is, and then I come in and tell his story. One time, there was a guy in the
audience who was going to quit the program, and after hearing the story, he
couldn’t get me or Adam out of his mind. On the day he successfully
completed the program, he gave his social worker a big drawing, and it was
of the picture of Adam in the display case. He told his social worker he
couldn’t get me or Adam out of his mind, and he had to do something. He
asked the social worker to send me the picture. I have it framed and
hanging in my living room. I am trying to turn this awful negative into a
Sometimes I wonder, am I making a difference, but I got a letter from a 15
year old boy who was in a treatment center, who wrote and said that he had
been suicidal since the previous July, and hearing my story, he will never
do that to his mother. His counselor, who had been seeing him for some
time, didn’t even know he was suicidal.
Thank you for letting me tell you what I am doing, and hopefully all of us
together can make a difference.
Linda Kroll
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Dana Beal <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Our session in New Orleans
Date: October 27, 2004 at 10:41:41 AM EDT
The following conference is really pretty important, and accessible to people in the South and mid-west….
5th National Harm Reduction Conference Nov 11-14, 2004
Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel
New Orleans, LA.
Our Session is–
November 13, 2004
5:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Special Session (3 hours)
Moderator: Patrick Kroupa, MindVox, Miami, FL
New Directions for Ibogaine Research
Deborah C. Mash, Ph.D., University of Miami, School of Medicine, Miami, FL
A Clinician’s View of Ibogaine Detoxification
Jeffrey D. Kamlet, M.D, Florida Society of Addiction Medicine, Miami, FL
Ibogaine: To Have or Have Not. A Review of the Historical, Legal and Ethical Implications of Returning Control of Ibogaine to Drug Users.
Howard S. Lotsof, Dora Weiner Foundation, New York, NY
Ibogaine and Harm Reduction for Non-Injection Drug Users
Dana Beal, Cures Not Wars, New York, NY
Ibogaine: the Case of a DEA Agent in Times of Voodoo
Peter Cohen, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
18-methoxycoronaridine, a Literature Review
Jonathan Freedlander, Towson University, Baltimore, MD
Developing an Outcome Study of Ibogaine Therapy
Valerie Mojeiko – Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Sarasota, FL
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 27, 2004 at 8:02:21 AM EDT
Julie, Sorry I missed your message on the 26th. Had to have some tests done, didn’t get a chance to read all emails. Good luck. Talk to you in no time. Have a good experience, and may the goodnesss be with you.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 27, 2004 at 5:17:28 AM EDT
Ron, there ‘ain’t’ no secret handshake. Some of us have met in the city at an Ibogaine aftercare meeting and some of us haven’t. We just know whats up by reading this list and finding out what we have to individually. I felt the same way when I first started seeking out Ibogaine. It is the answer my friend. I never thought I could stop methadone again. I was prepared to take it the rest of my life. However long that would have been, it was starting to do nasty things to my body. Randy PS stick around you’ll see.
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 11:08:33 PM EDT
To: <>
i’m just trying to get straight before i die. just signed up and d/n know secret handshake
—– Original Message —–
From: Mauro Solorzano
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:59 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
I suscribed to this group and Im getting these messages. Is everyone participating in the “Sacrament of Transition”?
I want to participate but I haven’t a clue how to begin.
Any hguidance appreciated
You have a wonderful moon tonight we already see it on this part of the planet, peace on your journey.
Van: [] Verzonden: dinsdag 26 oktober 2004 16:22 Aan: Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Julie, I’m down with you doing this. I’ll light a candle at 8 P.M. Drink water today and I hope you have the journey you had in mind. I think you know but I gotta’ say it. LAY REAL STILL!!!! Peace, and your in my thoughts. Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Mauro Solorzano <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 10:59:09 PM EDT
I suscribed to this group and Im getting these messages. Is everyone participating in the “Sacrament of Transition”?
I want to participate but I haven’t a clue how to begin.
Any hguidance appreciated
You have a wonderful moon tonight we already see it on this part of the planet, peace on your journey.
Van: [] Verzonden: dinsdag 26 oktober 2004 16:22 Aan: Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Julie, I’m down with you doing this. I’ll light a candle at 8 P.M. Drink water today and I hope you have the journey you had in mind. I think you know but I gotta’ say it. LAY REAL STILL!!!! Peace, and your in my thoughts. Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 8:36:55 PM EDT
To: <>
*Dear Julie,
*Candle is lit and burning as I type.
*Happy travels.I hope it is everything
*you want it to be.
Smiles Jasen.
Subject: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Hi list,
Just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you
amazing people…I feel fortunate to have met each and
every one of you.
I am to be treated today. I will begin my ascent at
approximately 8pm, and Andrea will be my ‘shaman-ess’.
I am REALLY looking forward to this- today is lucky
day 13 post methadone, and I have stabilized(more or
less) on approximately 35mg Morphine/day. I think it
will be a breeze to detox off this amount, and am
looking forward to finally being free. Emancipation,
my brothas and sistahs…
Please keep me in your thoughts. I will post as soon
as I am able to..
love Julie
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Paula <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 7:49:26 PM EDT
Hi I am in Vancouver B.c will light a candle for you, Good thoughts from
—– Original Message —–
From: “Ms Iboga” <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 5:46 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Hi list,
Just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you
amazing people…I feel fortunate to have met each and
every one of you.
I am to be treated today. I will begin my ascent at
approximately 8pm, and Andrea will be my ‘shaman-ess’.
I am REALLY looking forward to this- today is lucky
day 13 post methadone, and I have stabilized(more or
less) on approximately 35mg Morphine/day. I think it
will be a breeze to detox off this amount, and am
looking forward to finally being free. Emancipation,
my brothas and sistahs…
Please keep me in your thoughts. I will post as soon
as I am able to..
love Julie
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 4:06:10 PM EDT
Yea I know Martee I’m hip to the village had been dreaming of going there a long time. Now all I have to do is play there. I’m just sayin’ another guy in the South and I’m not like the rest of them in the South. South is south for my project. I have few things in mind. Music being one. I will be in Nashville at some point, I have a lot friends there. Randy
From: “booker w” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] but then I hear…
Date: October 26, 2004 at 3:54:00 PM EDT
Hi Preston- I understand your dilemma.. I’ve long ago given up on the fact that a candidate who truly represented most of my ideals is unlikely to ever get elected, but I look at it the same way as addiction. It’s really about harm reduction. Who will reduce harm the most – and then you can only play the hand we’re dealt. Sorry to be off topic, but I would vote for my dad (who’s old and senile) if it would get Bush out.
Best to all who are receiving ibo. I’m interested in the low dose therapy and saw someone refer to it a while ago. Can anyone with any info contact me privately? It would be greatly appreciated!!
Sandy Watson
From: “Preston Peet” <>
>To: “Newsroom-L” <>, <>, <>
>Subject: [Ibogaine] but then I hear…
>Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 08:59:12 -0400
>I wrote that I’m thinking I might actually cast a vote for Kerry,
> But then I hear people like Norman Soloman, who is debating
>Zeese now on Democracy Now,
> “Progressives” who simply come across, to me, sounding shrill
>and anti-democratic to the extreme. The reasoning on the part of
>Soloman is that people who say they are voting for Nader would be
>voting more for Kerry than for Bush, and that Nader is having the
>gall to campaign in states where the race is close, those infamous
>”swing” states, and he should stop. But Nader is running a campaign
>too, and has every right to draw attention to the glaring fact that
>Kerry is leaning far to the right too, “leaving the base behind,” to
>quote Zeese.
> Seems to me that if people are voting for a candidate, it’s
>because they like what s/he is saying and what they think that
>candidate stands for- hence giving their vote to that candidate. If
>a candidate isn’t able to convince a voter of the merit of their
>position, it isn’t even slightly the fault of a third-party
>candidate, it’s the fault of the candidate, like Kerry, who isn’t
>saying or doing the things those third-party supporters are
>waiting/wanting to see and hear.
> So once again I find myself feeling completely ill when thinking
>I might actually cast my vote for Kerry. I’m saddened that I have to
>make this awful decision, one that isn’t going to be a “win” no
>matter who I vote for, the person I really want as President or one
>I think is less bad. (And please, don’t tell me that I should just
>vote for Kerry then if I think that because that’s not the point, or
>at least, I don’t want to read it.)
> I understand the point that Bush has to be ejected, which is why
>I’m leaning in that horrid fashion towards giving Kerry my vote, but
>I still find the reasoning that Nader doesn’t have the right to run
>and should just drop out to be disgusting and wrongheaded. It’s not
>American, or not the American I want anyway. There are so many
>people who didn’t vote last time around, people Kerry should be
>focusing on- but Kerry is trying to “fight the war to win” when the
>war is totally wrong to begin with and we need to end it no matter
>what- leave and try a totally different tact than what we’re doing
>now. (I’m not saying abandon Iraq, since we screwed it up, but we
>have to get the troops out and rebuild it a different way, like say
>for instance paying Iraqis from afar to rebuild and if they don’t
>it’s not our fault then.)
> Grrr. what to do, what to do. I see the merits of both sides,
>and I’m usually pretty good at weighing others’ arguments before
>making my decisions on this and that, but this has me in knots.
>Peace and love,
>Preston Peet
>”Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is
>often mistaken for madness”
>Richard Davenport-Hines
>Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
>Cont. High Times mag/.com
>Cont. Editor
>Columnist New York Waste
>[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
> [%]
/]=———————————————————————=[\ [%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%] \]=———————————————————————=[/
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 3:45:19 PM EDT
In a message dated 10/26/04 9:57:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
someone educate me in not so metaphysical terms as to what
this stuff is all about?
Ibogaine is an ancient natural tribal remedy which was discovered in the Tabernanthe Iboga shrub native to Gabon and other nations in West Central Africa. It has long been used in shamanic rituals of initiation and spiritual quests.
In more recent times Ibogaine has been discovered to interrupt addiction, usually with minimal withdrawal, and a “true full physiological release from chemical dependency.
It seems to work by neurochemically transporting the addict to a physically and psychologically pre addicted state. Pre clinical trials have shown ibogaine to reduce self administration of cocaine, opiates, and amphetamines. Ibogaine seems to reduce dopamine concentrations in the body. Ibo seems to reverse the dopamine stimulating action of certain highly abusive and addictive drugs by acting as an antagonist. Ibogaine is also thought to affect serotongeric transmission in the brain as well.
At high doses, ibogaine is capable of producing vision and hallucinations. The visions subside usually after 24 hours into a state of relaxation. The visions sometimes cause a dramatic resurgence of repressed memory; for some this a key in discovering why addiction occurred in the first place.
Hope this helps. I tired to be brief. There are many on this list who can further flesh this out for you. Just ask questions as you have been.
Ibogaine treatment helped end a 20 year crack habit and more recnetly dope habilt for me. The oppertunity to have addiction interrupted has been nothing short of glorious for me. I am living life free form the chains of needle and crack pipe. It did take two treatments for me. After the second, I really made some major changes which really seem to be helping. In this case the old rule of removing using people from my life has been essential.
Best of luck in your search for ibogaine treatment. There are many here who can attest to ibogaine’s efficacy and worth.:)
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 2:43:36 PM EDT
hi Julie,
I am really very happy for you. I know you might not get this until after, but have a beautiful journey.
Peace and light,
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 2:39:59 PM EDT
He’s not from the south, (i’m guessing) he’s living in the south. I always heard southerners didn’t consider florida south because it’s too full of newyorkers! Have you ever heard that? St.Marks and the Filmore are (were) in the east village. The very same streets we walked on to get to the park. My paternal family is from Fla. I find it refreshing that you have pride in your roots. Martee
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Well, I’ve been called a red neck but never metaphysically inclined. It is a new day in the world. It works, I’ve been doing dope almost as long as you, I started in 72. I kicked a real nasty methadone habit 3 weeks ago. Total today I slept for about 9 and a half hours. No way when I kicked before without Ibo could I sleep for 9 hours after 3 weeks. I couldn’t sleep for three months. No kidding. There is a ton of info out there on Ibogaine. Do a google or just look around. I studied up for a year before the current situation created an opportunity for me. Be specific with any questions and I’m sure I or someone else will answer them. There is so much I don’t know what to tell you. But guy, I can tell you, it works. Randy PS I’m losing track of all the new people so excuse me if I repeat myself. O yea some one else from the south. Are yall paying attention to this?
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 2:11:54 PM EDT
To: <>
You have a wonderful moon tonight we already see it on this part of the planet, peace on your journey.
Van: [] Verzonden: dinsdag 26 oktober 2004 16:22 Aan: Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Julie, I’m down with you doing this. I’ll light a candle at 8 P.M. Drink water today and I hope you have the journey you had in mind. I think you know but I gotta’ say it. LAY REAL STILL!!!! Peace, and your in my thoughts. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 12:14:45 PM EDT
Guy, if you have a good EKG and decent liver function your pretty much in. Who ever does you will want to see reports. I haven’t had good sleep in years either till now. I was pretty cooked too. Just got thru with the Hep C protocol but my liver functions were exellent for my condition. I had been on methadone and heroin or oxy’s for about 20 years. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 12:13:59 PM EDT
In a message dated 10/26/04 9:49:42 AM, writes:
so w/o sounding like the “man’ how do i fall into this stuff before i die?
or is it too soon to ask? i’m cooked, got a professional license on
the line and may lose it all. rd thought metaphysical would impress the
unimpressible, whoops.. i w/n know a good night’s sleep if it bit me on
the tail. h/n had rem sleep in yrs. thanks for the responses.
I would suggest your first line of inquiry be to the international ibogaine
provider list that can be found at:
And then you have to made a knowledgeable decision.
The Ibogaine Bill of Rights will give you an idea of your rights as an
ibogaine patient and questions you should be asking of any provider.
I am one of the few people who fell into ibogaine. Most people have to seek
it out.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Julie Smith <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 11:19:46 AM EDT
Hi Ron, You might want to do some more research online. For example re:offshore FL.
Be well, Julie
Ron Davis <> wrote:
so w/o sounding like the “man’ how do i fall into this stuff before i die? or is it too soon to ask? i’m cooked, got a professional license on the line and may lose it all. rd thought metaphysical would impress the unimpressible, whoops.. i w/n know a good night’s sleep if it bit me on the tail. h/n had rem sleep in yrs. thanks for the responses.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Well, I’ve been called a red neck but never metaphysically inclined. It is a new day in the world. It works, I’ve been doing dope almost as long as you, I started in 72. I kicked a real nasty methadone habit 3 weeks ago. Total today I slept for about 9 and a half hours. No way when I kicked before without Ibo could I sleep for 9 hours after 3 weeks. I couldn’t sleep for three months. No kidding. There is a ton of info out there on Ibogaine. Do a google or just look around. I studied up for a year before the current situation created an opportunity for me. Be specific with any questions and I’m sure I or someone else will answer them. There is so much I don’t know what to tell you. But guy, I can tell you, it works. Randy PS I’m losing track of all the new people so excuse me if I repeat myself. O yea some one else from the south. Are yall paying attention to this?
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete – You start. We finish.
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 10:39:22 AM EDT
To: <>
so w/o sounding like the “man’ how do i fall into this stuff before i die? or is it too soon to ask? i’m cooked, got a professional license on the line and may lose it all. rd thought metaphysical would impress the unimpressible, whoops.. i w/n know a good night’s sleep if it bit me on the tail. h/n had rem sleep in yrs. thanks for the responses.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Well, I’ve been called a red neck but never metaphysically inclined. It is a new day in the world. It works, I’ve been doing dope almost as long as you, I started in 72. I kicked a real nasty methadone habit 3 weeks ago. Total today I slept for about 9 and a half hours. No way when I kicked before without Ibo could I sleep for 9 hours after 3 weeks. I couldn’t sleep for three months. No kidding. There is a ton of info out there on Ibogaine. Do a google or just look around. I studied up for a year before the current situation created an opportunity for me. Be specific with any questions and I’m sure I or someone else will answer them. There is so much I don’t know what to tell you. But guy, I can tell you, it works. Randy PS I’m losing track of all the new people so excuse me if I repeat myself. O yea some one else from the south. Are yall paying attention to this?
From: Jaden Shaw <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 10:26:45 AM EDT
I dont know you. You dont know me. But you know what I do know? That jump from Meth to Morph was something to be proud of. It shows strength. It shows wisdom. Taking the Ibo shows surrender and determination at the same time and I just want to say. Julie. Here in Winnipeg Manitoba youve got me lit. And my little candle. We are both inspired and sending you our best energies. A toast to no more fear.
Ms Iboga <> wrote:
Hi list,
Just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you
amazing people…I feel fortunate to have met each and
every one of you.
I am to be treated today. I will begin my ascent at
approximately 8pm, and Andrea will be my ‘shaman-ess’.
I am REALLY looking forward to this- today is lucky
day 13 post methadone, and I have stabilized(more or
less) on approximately 35mg Morphine/day. I think it
will be a breeze to detox off this amount, and am
looking forward to finally being free. Emancipation,
my brothas and sistahs…
Please keep me in your thoughts. I will post as soon
as I am able to..
love Julie
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 10:22:24 AM EDT
Julie, I’m down with you doing this. I’ll light a candle at 8 P.M. Drink water today and I hope you have the journey you had in mind. I think you know but I gotta’ say it. LAY REAL STILL!!!! Peace, and your in my thoughts. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 10:18:18 AM EDT
Well, I’ve been called a red neck but never metaphysically inclined. It is a new day in the world. It works, I’ve been doing dope almost as long as you, I started in 72. I kicked a real nasty methadone habit 3 weeks ago. Total today I slept for about 9 and a half hours. No way when I kicked before without Ibo could I sleep for 9 hours after 3 weeks. I couldn’t sleep for three months. No kidding. There is a ton of info out there on Ibogaine. Do a google or just look around. I studied up for a year before the current situation created an opportunity for me. Be specific with any questions and I’m sure I or someone else will answer them. There is so much I don’t know what to tell you. But guy, I can tell you, it works. Randy PS I’m losing track of all the new people so excuse me if I repeat myself. O yea some one else from the south. Are yall paying attention to this?
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 10:14:11 AM EDT
To: <>
best wishes and thoughts your direction- good luck and relax.
Peace and love and respect in your direction,
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
—– Original Message —– From: “Ms Iboga” <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 8:46 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Hi list,
Just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you
amazing people…I feel fortunate to have met each and
every one of you.
I am to be treated today. I will begin my ascent at
approximately 8pm, and Andrea will be my ‘shaman-ess’.
I am REALLY looking forward to this- today is lucky
day 13 post methadone, and I have stabilized(more or
less) on approximately 35mg Morphine/day. I think it
will be a breeze to detox off this amount, and am
looking forward to finally being free. Emancipation,
my brothas and sistahs…
Please keep me in your thoughts. I will post as soon
as I am able to..
love Julie
Do you Yahoo!?
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 9:33:01 AM EDT
To: <>
i live in small fl town, addicted to buprenenx and benzos. this is new stuff for me. can someone educate me in not so metaphysical terms as to what this stuff is all about? i can travel freely. thanks, my goal is to be comfortably chemically free after 40 yrs. started in the village back in ’66 around st. marks and the fillmore east. i’m not as old as alan watts but getting there unless i stay on my present course of destruction. thanks rwd
—– Original Message —– From: “Ms Iboga” <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 7:46 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Hi list,
Just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you
amazing people…I feel fortunate to have met each and
every one of you.
I am to be treated today. I will begin my ascent at
approximately 8pm, and Andrea will be my ‘shaman-ess’.
I am REALLY looking forward to this- today is lucky
day 13 post methadone, and I have stabilized(more or
less) on approximately 35mg Morphine/day. I think it
will be a breeze to detox off this amount, and am
looking forward to finally being free. Emancipation,
my brothas and sistahs…
Please keep me in your thoughts. I will post as soon
as I am able to..
love Julie
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Vigilius Haufniensis” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Rat Link: go online for a list of snitches.
Date: October 26, 2004 at 11:43:35 AM EDT
To: <>
Cc: <>, <>, “new patriots” <>, “a political debate” <>, “global humanity” <>, <>, <>
—– Original Message —–
From: “Attorney Douglas Palaschak” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 9:58 PM
Subject: [The_Lawyerdude] Rat Link: go online for a list of snitches.
Rat Link
A new Web site exposes stoolies and undercover agents. Legal?
Apparently. Ethical? In the eye of the beholder.
Think somebody’s a rat? That a partner in crime may be grabbing a
get-out of-jail free card for diming you out to UncleSam? Well, life
in the underworld just got a little bit easier for paranoid
criminals everywhere.
A new Web site,, is taking the guesswork out of
figuring out who the family’s Ralph Natale or Phil Leonetti might be
before it’s too late. Rather than waiting for a shifty look, all a
crook has to do now to investigate his fellow criminals – or dem
damn gumshoes – is figure out how to use a Web browser. From there,
they can click on the site’s “informants” or “government agents”
sections to see who may be investigating him, her or youse. Suffice
it to say, the Web site has the local crime world in a tizzy.
“It’s intimidation,” complains a local organized-crime
investigator. “If some low-life drug dealer or hot-head gangster
finds me on that Internet site, sees my photo, it endangers my life.
It makes me and my family unsafe. Makes it damn hard for me to do my
Understandably, the criminals feel quite differently.
“It’s about time there was something like this for us to use,” one
longtime Philly mob associate tells City Paper. “Now we can figure
who’s ratting us out to the FBI. This Internet thing is crazy, ain’t
it? It evens out our odds!”
This Internet thing, which went online last week, is the creation of
Sean Bucci, a 31-year-old wedding reception/nightclub disc jockey
from suburban Boston who was busted last summer on the word of a
longtime heroin addict turned paid informant. He says the addict was
a Drug Enforcement Administration informant who allegedly admitted
to lying to agents in another narcotics investigation. This same
snitch once reportedly described his technique as “sitting in a bar,
listening to other people talk about drugs” and then feeding second-
hand information to eager narcotics agents.
Bucci went to high school with the snitch but lost touch until a
chance encounter at a nightclub six years ago. According to Bucci,
the informant bragged to the feds that he had sold grass to Bucci.
Bucci had no arrest record; the snitch grabbed $7,000 for the info.
Based on the snitch’s word, DEA agents set up a pole camera outside
Bucci’s house for nine months. They found nothing, but a source
close to the investigation says that when they finally arrested
Bucci, the DEA seized more than 100 kilos of marijuana from Bucci’s
house. Bucci did not make bail for 11 months and spent the
time “listening to the horror stories of out-of-control informants
making stuff up for money and putting people in jail who had no
business being there,” he says.
While reading the DEA debriefing reports in his case, Bucci says he
discovered that the snitch offered up the name of a Bucci drug
customer to DEA agents only to admit, a month later, that the very
same customer really was a customer of the snitch and had nothing to
do with Bucci. But even after the snitch admitted he lied, Bucci
says, the DEA continued its investigation.
Bucci was furious to discover that law enforcement investigators
routinely “recruit junkies and other criminals as informants. These
people have long criminal records, but the police just make their
charges go away.”
Bucci tells City Paper he established the site to “snitch on the
snitches.” And when it comes to legality, he says he’s in the clear
because a federal judge in Alabama allowed a drug defendant to post
online “wanted” posters seeking information about witnesses. is “a Web site for attorneys and defendants with few
resources to post and share information on snitches and
investigators,” he adds. “It’s about free speech and fair trials. It
doesn’t matter how bad these people are, the government takes them
The site also carries snitch-related news, including the case of a
drug dealer turned paid informant who allegedly murdered five people
while U.S. Customs agents listened over a telephone.
In its first week of existence, culled information
about more than 50 snitches and law-enforcement agents, some of whom
get “rat of the week” billing. As for assertions that he’s
endangering investigators, Bucci says, “It’s not about intimidation
or putting people in harm’s way. It’s about exposing law
enforcement’s dirty little secret. It’s about the police giving
criminals a badge and telling them, “Go around, find something on
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] but then I hear…
Date: October 26, 2004 at 8:59:12 AM EDT
To: “Newsroom-L” <>, <>, <>
I wrote that I’m thinking I might actually cast a vote for Kerry,
But then I hear people like Norman Soloman, who is debating Zeese now on Democracy Now,
“Progressives” who simply come across, to me, sounding shrill and anti-democratic to the extreme. The reasoning on the part of Soloman is that people who say they are voting for Nader would be voting more for Kerry than for Bush, and that Nader is having the gall to campaign in states where the race is close, those infamous “swing” states, and he should stop. But Nader is running a campaign too, and has every right to draw attention to the glaring fact that Kerry is leaning far to the right too, “leaving the base behind,” to quote Zeese.
Seems to me that if people are voting for a candidate, it’s because they like what s/he is saying and what they think that candidate stands for- hence giving their vote to that candidate. If a candidate isn’t able to convince a voter of the merit of their position, it isn’t even slightly the fault of a third-party candidate, it’s the fault of the candidate, like Kerry, who isn’t saying or doing the things those third-party supporters are waiting/wanting to see and hear.
So once again I find myself feeling completely ill when thinking I might actually cast my vote for Kerry. I’m saddened that I have to make this awful decision, one that isn’t going to be a “win” no matter who I vote for, the person I really want as President or one I think is less bad. (And please, don’t tell me that I should just vote for Kerry then if I think that because that’s not the point, or at least, I don’t want to read it.)
I understand the point that Bush has to be ejected, which is why I’m leaning in that horrid fashion towards giving Kerry my vote, but I still find the reasoning that Nader doesn’t have the right to run and should just drop out to be disgusting and wrongheaded. It’s not American, or not the American I want anyway. There are so many people who didn’t vote last time around, people Kerry should be focusing on- but Kerry is trying to “fight the war to win” when the war is totally wrong to begin with and we need to end it no matter what- leave and try a totally different tact than what we’re doing now. (I’m not saying abandon Iraq, since we screwed it up, but we have to get the troops out and rebuild it a different way, like say for instance paying Iraqis from afar to rebuild and if they don’t it’s not our fault then.)
Grrr. what to do, what to do. I see the merits of both sides, and I’m usually pretty good at weighing others’ arguments before making my decisions on this and that, but this has me in knots.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Please light a candle- Treatment tonight
Date: October 26, 2004 at 8:46:06 AM EDT
Hi list,
Just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you
amazing people…I feel fortunate to have met each and
every one of you.
I am to be treated today. I will begin my ascent at
approximately 8pm, and Andrea will be my ‘shaman-ess’.
I am REALLY looking forward to this- today is lucky
day 13 post methadone, and I have stabilized(more or
less) on approximately 35mg Morphine/day. I think it
will be a breeze to detox off this amount, and am
looking forward to finally being free. Emancipation,
my brothas and sistahs…
Please keep me in your thoughts. I will post as soon
as I am able to..
love Julie
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Jamilah
Date: October 26, 2004 at 8:31:45 AM EDT
To: <>, <>
Thanks Jamilah,
It might go up at sometimes soon too, but I’m not yet sure. I feel kinda funny writing up my own event, but no one else seems to be, so why not?
The photo is attached- for those not at the party, this is Jamilah, a subscriber to the ibogaine list, giving me the honor of signing her copy of “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs,” at the book release party at Uncle Ming’s in the Lower East Side of Manhattan last Thursday night.
(My Dad sent me some photos, and in most all of them there this big pinkish/peach colored thing in the lower right corner- I think it’s his bent pinky. Coincidentally enough, though we aren’t related by blood, my Dad and I have both damaged out right pinkies, leaving them bent and off-centered- but they look cool when I’m drinking something, as they give me and he both that sophisticated air, leaving our bent pinkies in the air as we sip demurely from our beverages. It also apparently makes him leave it somewhat in the picture when he takes photographs. (He injured it in that car accident I’ve mentioned once or twice, the one that introduced me to opiates way back when, and he can’t feel his right hand at all, so I’m guessing he simply isn’t aware that it’s in the way like it is here somewhat.)
On a completely unrelated topic, Amy Goodman just reported on Democracy Now that marijuana arrests have more than doubled in the US since 1993, and now total more than all arrests for all violent crimes put together. (So that puts this note squarely on topic, as does the next tid-bit too.)
My friend Kevin Zeese, who was heading up Common Sense for Drug Policy (and might still but I think they’re closed as an active org at the moment- just maintaining a website at most for now I think, but please don’t hold me to that) is Ralph Nader’s spokesperson during this campaign, and Zeese will be on Goodman’s show in a little while this morning- not sure exactly what time though, just during this episode anyway- so if anyone else is interested in hearing the reasons why someone so intelligent and friendly and flat out cool would choose to not only vote for but represent Nader to the press this time ’round, please tune in. I myself am still totally undecided. That said, V and I were discussing this last night, both of us voicing our fears that things are just so freakin’ bad right now that we both very well might find ourselves violating our principles and voting for Kerry anyway. I mean, he was the lead and almost only one too, pushing for the Iran-Contra investigations, and he did voice strong opposition to the Vietnam War, after actually serving there too, and hell, he does leave me feeling less icky than Bush does- I just don’t know yet. I’d hate to do it actually, and I think everyone here knows how I feel about our current “choices” for President, but things really, really suck right now, and I’m having some trouble believing that Kerry is going to do things in the Bush fashion, like for instance insisting that protestors showing up to see him speak be arrested for wearing t-shirts he doesn’t like or appreciate, as the Bush crew is and has been already doing.
Hell, I probabably won’t make up my mind for sure until that morning. The polling booth is right across the street at the elementary school outside and below my window, and the screaming, out of control children/students will do their usual best in waking me up bright and early (if I’m not already awake when they arrive) so I’ll probably be there with the rising sun to throw the lever for whomever it is I do end up voting for. Kerry did just come out with a somewhat positive statement about Oregon’s medical marijuana patients too didn’t he, saying he’d keep the feds from raiding and arresting them as they are now? Yes, apparently he did:
So while I personally feel that Kerry isn’t really much better (keeping fellow Democrat Bill Clinton’s record when it comes to the War on Some Drugs and Users in mind) in many areas, and will probably keep up the killing and destruction for a while, he very well might turn around on Nov. 3 and shed his “I’m kissing corporate/warmongering butt” image and put back on his honorable, “I’m my own man” mantle again. I’ve been a dreamer for a long time now, so perhaps this is the dream I might be dreaming come Nov. 2. I might still go with the Green candidate, or even Nader, but I’m leaning towards Kerry at the moment, just because I’m so damned frightended of the Bush people.
I hate this feeling, and I suspect that those in charge of things like that, that I and so many others are getting so worked up over something that really, in the end of the day, isn’t that important to the day to day operation of my life, that is really mainly a puppet show no matter how I cut it. Still, I will participate. Am I brainwashed too, regardless of how awake I consider myself?
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “Jamilah” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Jamilah
Sure, and thanks for askin’ Preston. I’m lovin’ the book, btw. A great case
is eloquently made…
Peace, OOO
—– Original Message —– From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 12:01 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: Jamilah
HI all and particularly Jamilah,
May I post a photo from the party of you and I Jamilah here on-list? I
don’t know how you feel about your photo going out publicly, so I’m asking
first. It’s a good photo, and not at all unflatering if that is a worry
Let me know please.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: Jamilah
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Dear Sean,
Here are my thoughts on the issue, as I managed the care of hundreds of
and Hep C folks before I changed jobs. The major side effects we watch for
when using HIV meds are lactic acidosis (caused by NRTI’s) and symptoms
result from combining the protease inhibitors with other drugs that are
metabolized using the cytocrome P450 pathway.
Ibogaine has been studied to see if it uses this pathway, and it doesn’t
seem to :
nor does 18-methoxycoronaridine, an ibogaine analog:
The main drug interaction from Ibogaine, from what I understand, is the
of Torsades do Pointes (TdP). Here is a list of meds that do have that
and only one HIV meds (foscarnate) is listed on the “possible” TdP list. I
was surprised methadone is on this list, as a definite inducer, and it’s
well known that persons getting Ibogaine are often on methadone, and I
haven’t heard of the incidence of TdP being higher in those folks. But
maybe Howard could speak to that.
Anyway, as I remember HIV infection was listed as a contraindication, but
Sara says she treats (if I recall) and i don’t see a special reason why
if the CD4 is decent (over 300) and a low viral load. Risk of staying
dependant versus benefit of getting clean would have to be weighed…
I would be interested in knowing how your CD4 and viral load compare to
before your Ibogaine treatment, although changes may or may not be related
to the Ibogaine.
Hope this info is helpful…
It was nice getting to meet you briefly at Preston’s…
—- Original Message —– From:
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:15 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Hi again list,
While I was fortunate to be on a drug holiday during treatment, many who
ibo tx who have HIV/AIDS will still be on meds. Is there anything I should
tell such a person about ibo and the cocktail? Is it necessary to come off
HIV cocktails during ibo tx? Any known interactions with any particular
I know there is wide difference of opinion about HIV meds on this list. I
am really interested in being to answer these questions as I approach
addicts who have HIV.
Anyone who knows anything about the question of HIV drugs and ibo, help
would be greatly appreciated.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey Randy (really cool news fake P!
Date: October 26, 2004 at 7:47:55 AM EDT
To: <>
Over the last three weeks the glow has diminished some, but regular contact with ibonoughts in NYC has been a life saver.<
Someone PLEASE remember to call and remind me this week. Thanks. (Not that people haven’t been reminding me, but I haven’t been making many of the meets so might not remember when Thursday rolls around this time.) Thanks.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From:
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 7:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey Randy (really cool news fake P!
So fucking happy that your time is coming soon Fake P!!!! My addiction as you know was crack and H. Was not physically addicted at time of treatment. I was off the wall happy several days after treatment. Full of light, love and energy for the world.
Over the last three weeks the glow has diminished some, but regular contact with ibonoughts in NYC has been a life saver. I really feel community is crucial. I have had really minimal thoughts to use, and no craving this time out. (second treatment as you know).
Really glad to see that so many are continuing the trend of finding the list and then seeking treatment. While ibo is still understandably inaccessible for many on the list, it is really heartening to see so many ready to take their journey.
Rock on!
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: 90 day follow upLoriNorris
Date: October 26, 2004 at 3:17:15 AM EDT
I am referring to my ibogaine session, 75 days ago. As some of the others are weaning of the methedone with other substances, I did the same. However I went back on H., I should say full time as I never really stopped. In two weeks time I believe it made a possible difference. Someone else I know reduced their meth intake to a lower dose and has also been clean for over 2 mos since ibogaine although they choose not to post on the list. I have tried to quit drugs a thousand times in the past 22 years. The only success was with the ibogaine. In my mind there is no other way. I am horrified to hear pain specialists are putting people on methedone for pain management. It’s at a time like this I think it would be good if Dantes Inferno was a reality.
About quitting in the past. It was always about if I could just get this out of my body I’ll be ok. I reduced my dose down to 11 mg. once. I was on a liquid so I could go all the way down to 1 mg., which was the plan. As much strength and conviction I thought existed ,the physical, raw nerves and emotional stuff all surfaces once I got below 20mg. I was never higher than 60mgs. ever. I realized early on that no matter how high you go your body adapts and it’s all the same. The ibogaine, a gift from the Gods, is the complete opposite and equal action your brain needs to get it all out. There was still physical, and emotional stuff but it doesn’t have that raw suffering quality like before. I feel at peace.
My impression is if its on the list its open info, so no you are in no way being nosey. I thank you for your reply.
I wish for you the peace of a grounded decision. Be well,
—- Original Message —–
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 12:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: 90 day follow upLori
Excuse me for asking if i’m being nosy, but are you talking about since August 12 (75 days) since an Ibo tratment, or another way of detox? Or something totally different?
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: 90 day follow upLori
Date: October 26, 2004 at 1:09:23 AM EDT
No success?
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] what are you looking for>
Date: October 26, 2004 at 1:09:06 AM EDT
To: <>
From: “Ron Davis” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: 90 day follow upLori
Date: October 26, 2004 at 12:21:37 AM EDT
To: <>
just fishing fornew ways to detox. did ibogaine in im SA in 60’s. hard to remember those days.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: 90 day follow upLori
Excuse me for asking if i’m being nosy, but are you talking about since August 12 (75 days) since an Ibo tratment, or another way of detox? Or something totally different?
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: 90 day follow upLori
Date: October 26, 2004 at 12:09:00 AM EDT
Excuse me for asking if i’m being nosy, but are you talking about since August 12 (75 days) since an Ibo tratment, or another way of detox? Or something totally different?
From: “Jamilah” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Jamilah
Date: October 25, 2004 at 9:24:05 PM EDT
To: <>
Sure, and thanks for askin’ Preston. I’m lovin’ the book, btw. A great case
is eloquently made…
Peace, OOO
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 12:01 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: Jamilah
HI all and particularly Jamilah,
May I post a photo from the party of you and I Jamilah here on-list? I
don’t know how you feel about your photo going out publicly, so I’m asking
first. It’s a good photo, and not at all unflatering if that is a worry
Let me know please.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: Jamilah
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Dear Sean,
Here are my thoughts on the issue, as I managed the care of hundreds of
and Hep C folks before I changed jobs. The major side effects we watch for
when using HIV meds are lactic acidosis (caused by NRTI’s) and symptoms
result from combining the protease inhibitors with other drugs that are
metabolized using the cytocrome P450 pathway.
Ibogaine has been studied to see if it uses this pathway, and it doesn’t
seem to :
nor does 18-methoxycoronaridine, an ibogaine analog:
The main drug interaction from Ibogaine, from what I understand, is the
of Torsades do Pointes (TdP). Here is a list of meds that do have that
and only one HIV meds (foscarnate) is listed on the “possible” TdP list. I
was surprised methadone is on this list, as a definite inducer, and it’s
well known that persons getting Ibogaine are often on methadone, and I
haven’t heard of the incidence of TdP being higher in those folks. But
maybe Howard could speak to that.
Anyway, as I remember HIV infection was listed as a contraindication, but
Sara says she treats (if I recall) and i don’t see a special reason why
if the CD4 is decent (over 300) and a low viral load. Risk of staying
dependant versus benefit of getting clean would have to be weighed…
I would be interested in knowing how your CD4 and viral load compare to
before your Ibogaine treatment, although changes may or may not be related
to the Ibogaine.
Hope this info is helpful…
It was nice getting to meet you briefly at Preston’s…
—- Original Message —–
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:15 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Hi again list,
While I was fortunate to be on a drug holiday during treatment, many who
ibo tx who have HIV/AIDS will still be on meds. Is there anything I should
tell such a person about ibo and the cocktail? Is it necessary to come off
HIV cocktails during ibo tx? Any known interactions with any particular
I know there is wide difference of opinion about HIV meds on this list. I
am really interested in being to answer these questions as I approach
addicts who have HIV.
Anyone who knows anything about the question of HIV drugs and ibo, help
would be greatly appreciated.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Date: October 25, 2004 at 8:15:39 PM EDT
To: <>
You are beautiful.
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: to fakeplacebo
Date: October 25, 2004 at 7:57:54 PM EDT
To: ibo <>
I can tell you what was best for me before ibogaine. I learned a little not a lot before my session. Even before I learned the information, I JUST KNEW THIS WAS THE RIGHT THING. I KNEW IN MY HEART AND WENT IN WITH BLIND FAITH,that I had been guided to where I needed to be.
My only advise is to post your date beforehand and know that there will be good thoughts, prayers, blessings ,support and love being sent your way to help you through your session and after.
Instead of being so much in your head, try your heart. Also deep slow breaths can help soooo much!
Hope I don’t offend.
Let the light in,
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] Hey intrepid party goers
Date: October 25, 2004 at 7:42:24 PM EDT
Hi Norris,
I am really glad you found this place too. Without sounding too damn corny, this list helped save and change my life. Please keep posting mahn! Great to see the tribe growing.:)
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] benevolence
Date: October 25, 2004 at 7:40:03 PM EDT
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for the post. Hope to meet you at some NYC ibonought gathering soon!
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hi marijka
Date: October 25, 2004 at 7:37:02 PM EDT
In a message dated 10/25/04 1:43:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Hi L,
What a very pleasant suprise hearing from you. Hope you’re having the adventure of a lifetime. Your presence was missed on my last visit to the city.
I second that. Really nice to read you post!
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey Randy (really cool news fake P!
Date: October 25, 2004 at 7:33:02 PM EDT
So fucking happy that your time is coming soon Fake P!!!! My addiction as you know was crack and H. Was not physically addicted at time of treatment. I was off the wall happy several days after treatment. Full of light, love and energy for the world.
Over the last three weeks the glow has diminished some, but regular contact with ibonoughts in NYC has been a life saver. I really feel community is crucial. I have had really minimal thoughts to use, and no craving this time out. (second treatment as you know).
Really glad to see that so many are continuing the trend of finding the list and then seeking treatment. While ibo is still understandably inaccessible for many on the list, it is really heartening to see so many ready to take their journey.
Rock on!
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Date: October 25, 2004 at 7:20:55 PM EDT
Hi Jamilah,
It was really nice meeting you at Preston’s party. BTW I had a great time, unfortunately I had to leave early as I had work early the next day, and was having transportation concerns. Thanks so much for the info on HIV and ibo. These questions are cropping up regularly in the NY metro area so it is great to have some science behind one in attempting to answer them. Yes, for me the risk of continuing my crack and H use certainly did not compare with ibogaine risk.
My t cell did go up substantially post ibo (570-675), my liver enzymes dropped from 400-15. So my doctor and I were really happy with the numbers. As you said, there is no definitive way to correlate ibo and good numbers, although I am certain that interrupting addiction (crack, dope and booze) is certainly going to lead to a healthier immune system in any case, so in this way the ibo TX was certainly part of my healing. Viral load stayed the same at about 1900.
Am so damn pleased that Jasen and Jeff are getting treatment soon, please continue to keep posting as the hour draws near. And I do have candles ready. Thanks to all who lit candles for me. It was so wonderful to feel that worldwide love as I was being treated.
Been so busy living life after crack/H slavery that I do not get post as often as I used too, but it sure is nice to back with you Mindvoxians. Perhaps some of you can get to New Orleans for the harm Reduction conference. Ibogaine is a main feature.
Take care all for now. To those in the trenched, be strong. No matter where you are in the struggle whether waiting for treatment or having just shot up, don’t let any one tell you are any less a human being deserving of love and compassion just cause you have an addiction. A sane world would be sending more light your way instead of the shit that so many of us are handed. On the one hand in the US, for example they way we have a disease, then they lock us up in huge numbers for supposedly being sick. Makes me sick any way.:)
I’m out.
Stay strong.
Peace y’all,
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: 90 day follow upLori
Date: October 25, 2004 at 7:14:56 PM EDT
To: ibo <>
Hi Lori,
My date was Thursday, August 12th. I was never really aware of the number of days that have elapsed since then. However, checking my calendar today is 75 days and Nov. 9th is my 90th. I don’t necesarily think there’s anything productive in the day counting like they do in na/aa. Although there’s always a possibility it serves a purpose for some. Sometimes I hear responses from my brain that I recognize as not originating from me, stuff that was drilled in over the years that I can immediatley realize I don’t want to own. Makes me wonder how much of my behavior and reaction and social skills or lack thereof still fall into that catagory. It’s just an observation, not an obsession. That rebirth thing keeps surfacing.
When you get a chance ,call me to set up a day to talk for an hour where I won’t be in the middle of something or just leaving work. As always, so nice to hear from you again.
Be well,
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] hi marijka
Date: October 25, 2004 at 1:42:24 PM EDT
To: ibo <>
Hi L,
What a very pleasant suprise hearing from you. Hope you’re having the adventure of a lifetime. Your presence was missed on my last visit to the city.
It’s getting cold, you got out in time. Using the list has helped me a lot in that it helps me formulate and organize thoughts out of my scattered brain and onto a concrete visual form I can read for myself. Personally it’s stuff I need to see.
My Brother-in-law gave me a blank journal after my session to write in. I put some stuff in there but a lot of time it was stareing at a blank page with my brain feeling just as blank. Not thinking, not feeling anything to write. My Buddhist practicing brother told me to write about the emptiness! All that brought to mind was an old song which I originally thought was sung by theFugs and have recently heard it on a Moby Grape Studio Session cd. It goes” Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing nothing. So I guess I was incorect about the fugs. It just seemed up their alley from what I can recall of my younger years. I had to chuckle when after a month my brother in law asked me if I was ready for another journal. God love him. He only wants the best for me. He writes a lot.
The list seems to supply a topic or question which is kind of inspirational, and gets things going.
View a sunset for me,
From: Rachel Radhakrishna <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] merried women
Date: October 25, 2004 at 12:11:14 PM EDT
Thanks, Randy. He is a keeper. Loved him so much I
married him twice – in a sari, and under the chuppah.
Go Red Sox!
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: Jamilah
Date: October 25, 2004 at 12:01:49 PM EDT
To: <>
HI all and particularly Jamilah,
May I post a photo from the party of you and I Jamilah here on-list? I don’t know how you feel about your photo going out publicly, so I’m asking first. It’s a good photo, and not at all unflatering if that is a worry for you.
Let me know please.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: Jamilah
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Dear Sean,
Here are my thoughts on the issue, as I managed the care of hundreds of HIV and Hep C folks before I changed jobs. The major side effects we watch for when using HIV meds are lactic acidosis (caused by NRTI’s) and symptoms that result from combining the protease inhibitors with other drugs that are metabolized using the cytocrome P450 pathway.
Ibogaine has been studied to see if it uses this pathway, and it doesn’t seem to :
nor does 18-methoxycoronaridine, an ibogaine analog:
The main drug interaction from Ibogaine, from what I understand, is the risk of Torsades do Pointes (TdP). Here is a list of meds that do have that side effect,
and only one HIV meds (foscarnate) is listed on the “possible” TdP list. I was surprised methadone is on this list, as a definite inducer, and it’s well known that persons getting Ibogaine are often on methadone, and I haven’t heard of the incidence of TdP being higher in those folks. But maybe Howard could speak to that.
Anyway, as I remember HIV infection was listed as a contraindication, but Sara says she treats (if I recall) and i don’t see a special reason why not, if the CD4 is decent (over 300) and a low viral load. Risk of staying drug dependant versus benefit of getting clean would have to be weighed…
I would be interested in knowing how your CD4 and viral load compare to before your Ibogaine treatment, although changes may or may not be related to the Ibogaine.
Hope this info is helpful…
It was nice getting to meet you briefly at Preston’s…
—- Original Message —– From:
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:15 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Hi again list,
While I was fortunate to be on a drug holiday during treatment, many who get ibo tx who have HIV/AIDS will still be on meds. Is there anything I should tell such a person about ibo and the cocktail? Is it necessary to come off HIV cocktails during ibo tx? Any known interactions with any particular HIV drugs?
I know there is wide difference of opinion about HIV meds on this list. I am really interested in being to answer these questions as I approach other addicts who have HIV.
Anyone who knows anything about the question of HIV drugs and ibo, help would be greatly appreciated.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read t…
Date: October 25, 2004 at 10:17:34 AM EDT
Your right. Enough about that subject. Sometimes it’s nice though to get opinions about other aspects of life in general from folks. Very interesting sometimes, but not to Drag it out.
I sincerely apologize if I was the culprit.
PR I hope when I retire to get into a Winnebago a see it all. Especially out west. Also would like to see the Big Apple. Julie, you’re from Canada (or anyone else from on the board from there) right? Have you seen those two goof balls Spenny and Kenny? What a hoot. Love them guys.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 25, 2004 at 10:05:59 AM EDT
Thank you very, very much.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine]…
Date: October 25, 2004 at 9:58:24 AM EDT
Be glad to have you, and oh how I pray it works. If not for everyone, then at least as many as possible. I’m telling you, I was never really, really bigtime into drugs, ( ‘caine for a while, s’hrooms, LSD, pot, downers, like I said before, around these parts I swear to God i’ve never so much as seen any “H” in 35 years, but I know folks who were into drugs worse than me, and I’ve talked to NO ONE who’s heard of Ibogaine. No kidding.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] How Needle Exchange Programs Fight the AIDS Epidemic
Date: October 25, 2004 at 9:55:28 AM EDT
To: <>, <>
How Needle Exchange Programs Fight the AIDS Epidemic
How Needle Exchange Programs Fight the AIDS Epidemic
Published: October 25, 2004
Gentrification has sent middle-class pioneers streaming into New York City neighborhoods once known for abandoned buildings and open-air drug markets. This has done wonders for property values and improved police protection. But it has a downside for Daliah Heller, who directs an AIDS prevention program called CitiWide Harm Reduction in the Bronx.
Ms. Heller, an early advocate of syringe exchange programs as a method of preventing AIDS among drug users, has seen tolerance for drug programs decline as neighborhoods get fancier. Local police officers who once viewed addicts as a low priority come down hard, herding them to distant neighborhoods where they quickly lose touch with caseworkers.
CitiWide Harm Reduction is one of nine city syringe exchange programs sanctioned by the state under a law passed in 1992. The New York City program is the largest and most successful in the country. When New York passed its law, about half the city’s addicts were infected with H.I.V., and were regularly passing on those infections to others. Since the syringe exchanges were legalized and expanded, however, the infection rate among addicts has dropped from about 50 percent to a little more than 15 percent.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Ann B. Mullikin” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Date: October 25, 2004 at 9:41:57 AM EDT
To: <>
Thanks for this info, Grist for my mill.
ann (aka BiscuitBoy’s mama)
—– Original Message —–
From: Jamilah
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Dear Sean,
Here are my thoughts on the issue, as I managed the care of hundreds of HIV and Hep C folks before I changed jobs. The major side effects we watch for when using HIV meds are lactic acidosis (caused by NRTI’s) and symptoms that result from combining the protease inhibitors with other drugs that are metabolized using the cytocrome P450 pathway.
Ibogaine has been studied to see if it uses this pathway, and it doesn’t seem to :
nor does 18-methoxycoronaridine, an ibogaine analog:
The main drug interaction from Ibogaine, from what I understand, is the risk of Torsades do Pointes (TdP). Here is a list of meds that do have that side effect,
and only one HIV meds (foscarnate) is listed on the “possible” TdP list. I was surprised methadone is on this list, as a definite inducer, and it’s well known that persons getting Ibogaine are often on methadone, and I haven’t heard of the incidence of TdP being higher in those folks. But maybe Howard could speak to that.
Anyway, as I remember HIV infection was listed as a contraindication, but Sara says she treats (if I recall) and i don’t see a special reason why not, if the CD4 is decent (over 300) and a low viral load. Risk of staying drug dependant versus benefit of getting clean would have to be weighed…
I would be interested in knowing how your CD4 and viral load compare to before your Ibogaine treatment, although changes may or may not be related to the Ibogaine.
Hope this info is helpful…
It was nice getting to meet you briefly at Preston’s…
—- Original Message —–
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:15 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Hi again list,
While I was fortunate to be on a drug holiday during treatment, many who get ibo tx who have HIV/AIDS will still be on meds. Is there anything I should tell such a person about ibo and the cocktail? Is it necessary to come off HIV cocktails during ibo tx? Any known interactions with any particular HIV drugs?
I know there is wide difference of opinion about HIV meds on this list. I am really interested in being to answer these questions as I approach other addicts who have HIV.
Anyone who knows anything about the question of HIV drugs and ibo, help would be greatly appreciated.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey FakePlacebo
Date: October 25, 2004 at 8:53:41 AM EDT
FakePlacebo, I’m probably not a good judge of normal. I’ve got some issues but who doesn’t. I got treated for a methadone addiction 3 weeks ago last Friday. You’re not on methadone are you? I hope not. Methadone seems to be the hardest to kick. I was on 60 mgs. a day. I have a lot more energy than when I kicked meth without Ibogaine. I don’t quite feel normal but I’m not sure what normal is. I couldn’t sleep well for at least 3 months last time. If sleep pattern is any indicator I’d say I am doing pretty good considering. I know one thing. I have never felt comfortable straight and I have had two 2 year periods of sobriety (one forced) and I hated every minute of it. I don’t feel that way now. I think I can make. I want to make it. I have entirely too much to do. But, as Frank said, there is much work still to be done. I highly recommend Ibogaine treatment. I’ll answer any questions. Off list or on. Randy
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: a little furthur
Date: October 25, 2004 at 8:12:27 AM EDT
To: ibo <>
Yes, I was introduced to you before you went for a stroll to talk. Long dark hair, female and lots of height! I had to be somewhere, as I would have definitley liked to have stayed to talk with yet another ibo person. Yes I was aware you are not yet taking the meds. In my work it is not legal(or safe) for me to tell people not to follow drs orders. I was just making a few suggestions re: proper research and possible application of such info to ones personal situation. My main thing in most areas is to go with your intuition, gut or whatever you want to call it. There is a therapist in nyc that is ibogaine saavy. I’m not sure if she’s a psychologist or psychiatrist. But if I can’t find her # in a timely fashion you can get it from one of the guys. She has 12 years experience , I believe, with ibo people. As far as a dr goes I’m not exactly sure what your needs are. I would hope if one could be found that knew ibogaine (wouldn’t that be a plus) they would be open to getting results in ways other than pharmaceuticals. Maybe the person who answered your tryglyceride inquiry would be or know someone.
Just curious, what was your workmans comp injury.
Anything you feel is best not in print can wait for a response. Believe it or not there is a lot I refrain from commenting on here.
Stay positive,
From: “FakePlacebo” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Hey Randy
Date: October 25, 2004 at 8:06:36 AM EDT
To: “Summary” <>
Hi Randy,
How are you? It’s very nice to hear that You can be able to sleep as you want.
I’m preparing for my treatment. It will be around two weeks alter so I want to learn that how you feel after Iboga treatment? Do you feel happy and energic? I wonder about “after Iboga Psikology”. Do you feel totaly normal? Please give me some information.
Best Regards
From: “Jamilah” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Date: October 25, 2004 at 6:44:40 AM EDT
To: <>
Dear Sean,
Here are my thoughts on the issue, as I managed the care of hundreds of HIV and Hep C folks before I changed jobs. The major side effects we watch for when using HIV meds are lactic acidosis (caused by NRTI’s) and symptoms that result from combining the protease inhibitors with other drugs that are metabolized using the cytocrome P450 pathway.
Ibogaine has been studied to see if it uses this pathway, and it doesn’t seem to :
nor does 18-methoxycoronaridine, an ibogaine analog:
The main drug interaction from Ibogaine, from what I understand, is the risk of Torsades do Pointes (TdP). Here is a list of meds that do have that side effect,
and only one HIV meds (foscarnate) is listed on the “possible” TdP list. I was surprised methadone is on this list, as a definite inducer, and it’s well known that persons getting Ibogaine are often on methadone, and I haven’t heard of the incidence of TdP being higher in those folks. But maybe Howard could speak to that.
Anyway, as I remember HIV infection was listed as a contraindication, but Sara says she treats (if I recall) and i don’t see a special reason why not, if the CD4 is decent (over 300) and a low viral load. Risk of staying drug dependant versus benefit of getting clean would have to be weighed…
I would be interested in knowing how your CD4 and viral load compare to before your Ibogaine treatment, although changes may or may not be related to the Ibogaine.
Hope this info is helpful…
It was nice getting to meet you briefly at Preston’s…
—- Original Message —–
Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 1:15 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] hiv and ibo
Hi again list,
While I was fortunate to be on a drug holiday during treatment, many who get ibo tx who have HIV/AIDS will still be on meds. Is there anything I should tell such a person about ibo and the cocktail? Is it necessary to come off HIV cocktails during ibo tx? Any known interactions with any particular HIV drugs?
I know there is wide difference of opinion about HIV meds on this list. I am really interested in being to answer these questions as I approach other addicts who have HIV.
Anyone who knows anything about the question of HIV drugs and ibo, help would be greatly appreciated.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine] and Me
Date: October 25, 2004 at 6:02:14 AM EDT
New Day! Sorry for the verbal abuse I doled out yesterday. My emotions are RAW!!! I just don’t understand why the most powerful in the Ibo community don’t ever say anything. Is there any wonder that we have taken things in our own nads, I mean hands? I’m sleeping more and more. Just about had a normal nights sleep. Whatever that is. I saw too much of the 60’s (which lookin’ back kinda rules) to just sit and say nothing. I was there when they burnt the ROTC building at UK. My brother was a (albeit young) but just about a full blown anarchist. We watched. I was 9 or 10. Stuck with me the rest of my life. I learned young that if you don’t like what is going on make some fucking noise. I do this with the addicts on the list in mine. I don’t really give much of a damn about anyone else there is not enough room for the Elite right now. Ain’t nobody lookin’ out for us junkies but us. I think we need all the help we can get. But wo to those who forget the power of a bunch of intelligent, reformed and ORGANIZED addict and alcoholics (in my case). Remember what Richard Pryor said? And I quote “you come down here lookin’ for justice, that what you find, JUST US!” Randy
From: “FakePlacebo” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] To Fake Placebo
Date: October 25, 2004 at 5:02:46 AM EDT
To: <>
Hey Jim,
How are you; I totaly agreed what your saying about seccond limited credit card and once I was had to canceled one of my credit card to stop biling to AOL service improperly.
By the way; around 20 days later I will try Ibo with the valuable assistance of Sara and her friend. I left methadon to clean my system with morph Like Julie does.
If you could; give me some hints because I need every information about Iboga. I don’t know why but I’m fright while days are comes to treatment day.
I read many things on Ibo issues but I suppose I need to learn more. Would you offer me sources that I need to know on net?
How are you? Are you okey? I hope everything goes better for you.
With My Best Regards
—– Original Message —–
From: Jim Hadey
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 4:41 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] To Fake Placebo
Hi FakePlacebo,
Everyone seems to have the same story. One trick is to keep them waiting, like 45 minutes and long distance. Hey, here in America one bank is coming out with MasterCharge gift cards. It cost $5 and you can put them at any amount and maybe even add money to them. I am going to look into it. Then when the assholes will not quit taking money out you just do not add money. Then they will send you letters saying we are going to close you account etc. etc. After they close your account you can put more money on the card. I think I will keep a card just for the internet. There is only one internet site that I pay for but who know if that will be hacked. I will be looking into it in a few days. They should of had that years ago. Also, when you buy something from e-bay you can get spammed to death.
Yea, I have had a problem with pay pal, I spent time writing what the problem is and get the same old form letter back. It is sooooo hard now a days to get a Real Live Person. The form letter say it should work. Duh – well if it worked like it should why in the hell would I be writing. And they want soooo damn much information, it’s none of their business. Hell, I could buy a car with less hassle.
Good to see you back on line, try Ibo yet?
FakePlacebo <> wrote:
Hey Charli,
There is no AOL here in Turkey but some of my companies customer connecting internet by AOL from Turkey. You are lucky because you can rich AOL easily but here it’s impossible. AOL taking money automaticly from credit card and some of my customer can not stop auto billing in spite of billion times asked to stop service from AOL. I know them AOL is the international swindling organization.
Best Regards
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Best Lawyer story
That’s a really cool story, and have a gut feeling it might be true. Fact is often stranger than fiction, and who could make something like this up? On a different note, AOL ripped me off for $99, (long, long story) but y’all would not believe it if I told you. Unreal. Finally got our Free Legal Service Lawyer (GM/UAW) to tell them to pay the $99 they “stole” from me for service NEVER rendered by the 15th of November, or come to “Sweet Home Alabama” small claims court and defend their actions. Dear God, if you are listening, PLEASE, PLEASE, let them ignore the letter, (like the last 200 they have). This is a 2 year battle by just me, taken probably 100 or 200 hours of my time writing letter after letter, email after email, begging that the last thing I wanted was to go to court. It’s the principle now, Has been. This story is just so unreal, people at work say it defies logic. Now they (AOL) have those commercials where there’s a line of people (every member they have) lined up to ask questions. (“OK, Let ’em in.”) Makes me puke every time I see it. I actually had one girl, I swear to God, asked me why I didn’t call their “help line.” When I told her I did, 3 times in 3 days and waited 45 minutes each time before giving up, she actually said to me,” Everybody has to wait that long.” You should have waited an hour and you might have gotten someone.” You would not believe the rest of this story. But I have a 6 inch folder full if 90% of what went on. Sorry to digress, but Internet companies now (most) do what hey want and know 99.9% of the good, honest customers won’t challenge them. This 001% is going to. Wish me luck. Again, sorry to ramble off subject, but it’s caused me much, much distress. Norris
PS Sorry if I offend anyone who may work at AOL, but this is a true story that’s just really no excuse for it going this far. Also everyone watch out for PAYPAL, owned by Ebay. Love Ebay, PAYPAL clipped me for $89. Should have sued them, too, but AOL is in my sights now too much to worry about PAYPAL.
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From: marijka <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: ibogaine Digest 23 Oct 2004 16:44:41 -0000 Issue 732
Date: October 25, 2004 at 2:03:12 AM EDT
Preston: congradulations on the success of your party. I hope you sell a million books-and that even the less thin of your dancers achieves success (ha, ha). I really wanted to attend, and I got quite cranky about having to leave, but had worn time constraints into the ground.
Martee, I’m so happy you got hooked up technologically. Your posts have been great. You, too, Sean and Marc. Thank you all.
I’m greatful for this list. Peer support is #1, especially if it’s all you can get, but even if it’s not. I wish I’d known about this list when I did mine:
Probably had 1 hour of sleep in 10 days (not much after that for a while) and almost too weak to walk, had to retrain myself. Left my session to go back to a very unstable situation-staying with a woman w/ 7 yr old twins, no money, plus her boyfriend and a friend, plus my friend (massive props for sticking with me), windows open 24/7 in October, in the north. Almost forgot to mention that “Billie Jean/Beat It” was played at top volume for a few hours a day (not the world’s greatest prescription).
I’m too sensitive to reality to call it a worst case scenario! but it was pretty bad (got into a better place and grass and mushrooms helped, eventually). I’m only putting this forward to say that it was all worth it. I can’t stress that enough. For anyone who’s about to take the plunge, or who has just done it and has to go home to some form of shit and crap-it’s worth it. Please wait it out (be it residuals, insomina, bullshit ‘friends’, family, whatever) and give yourself the chance you’ve worked so fucking hard for, don’t waste your effort!
Good luck, everyone!
Thanks to everyone I’ve met and spoken to. I’ve been inspired by you all a hundred different ways.
love and see you next year,
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From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read t…
Date: October 24, 2004 at 11:36:35 PM EDT
To: <>
MY very slight Southern accent comes to the fore when I’m hanging out with other Southern accented folk, or when I’m very tired sometimes. But it’s very slight, almost unnoticable I’m pretty sure.
I’ve always been facinated by accents, but this is getting waaaaay off topic, so I’ll cut this short.
Have a nice Monday all, or a great one, or a stress free one, or simply an enjoyable one.
Peace and love,
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From:
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read t…
Preston, I purposely try to hide it. It comes out when I’m drunk or mad or around a lot of southerners. None of those things have happened in a while. I kin show ye if’n ya won’t me to. Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 24, 2004 at 9:23:44 PM EDT
Roxicet has acetominophen (tylenol) in it. Tylenol should be avoided before taking Ibo and by any one with hep c, or other liver problems. it is very hepato toxic. oxycodone come in 5 and 15 and 30 mg dosages and has nothing in it but oxycodone. Oxy-IR (Instant release) is also pure oxycodone, kinda like short acting oxycontin.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] attn MD’s a question pre treatment
Date: October 24, 2004 at 9:19:43 PM EDT
Having a very high triglyceride level (and yours is not all that high) has no bearing on being treated with ibogaine. Cholesterol lowering drugs should be stoped at leat 10 days prior to takinng Ibogaine as they are metabilized by the liver and can effect the conversion of Ibogaine to Noribogaine. Hope this helps and good luck.
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Jasen: M & ‘done
Date: October 24, 2004 at 9:13:17 PM EDT
To: <>
Hello Dear Julie,
Love a late breakfeast,I suppose we all do.
I would like very much to reduce my done
however it is far to dangerous for me to
do so at the moment with where I’m at.
I can’t wait to do this,at the same time
I am quite nervous about it.
How am I going to feel after 23 years of my emotoins being anethetised.
I am afraid that the world will probably be to loud.
Don’t get me wrong,I am also very excited
about being a person with NO addictions.
To be able to get up in the morning feeling
good,to get up as early as I want and not
have to wait untill the chemist opens.
Thanks Julie.
Smiles Jasen.:)
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine]…
Date: October 24, 2004 at 8:10:41 PM EDT
Does anyone see why I want to go south? I said that if this stuff works I won’t shut up about it till it’s in the south. I meant what I said. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read t…
Date: October 24, 2004 at 6:20:52 PM EDT
Never forget your roots. Hell,everybody’s got an accent. From Boston, to New York, to California, to Texas,.to Minnesota. But’ Have you ever heard the difference between a northern Georgian and a southern Georgian accent? Day and Night. And 2 of my aunts from S.C. (where i’m originally from,) have the prettiest Southern Belle accents you’ve ever laid your ears on. Beautiful. I’ve lived in about 7 southern states, so mines all screwed up. But t’s mine, and I aim to keep it.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read t…
Date: October 24, 2004 at 5:38:50 PM EDT
Preston, I purposely try to hide it. It comes out when I’m drunk or mad or around a lot of southerners. None of those things have happened in a while. I kin show ye if’n ya won’t me to. Randy
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT) Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
Date: October 24, 2004 at 4:42:45 PM EDT
To: <>
accent? You have an accent Randy? I didn’t notice.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From:
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
Norris, I’m sorry I started this I really didn’t mean to. I’ve been up north for 12 years now. When I first got to Erie, PA I got a lot of off color remarks but I was in NYC the other day and not a word or funny look. I think the ones that can’t make money from it are over it, thats just about everybody. And I have pretty good accent. Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: [Ibogaine] attn MD’s a question pre treatment
Date: October 24, 2004 at 3:48:27 PM EDT
Hello Ibogaine list
I am lucky enough to be able to say that I am scheduled to do an ibogaine treatment in the very very near future.
I have a concern that I hope one of the knowledgeable medical people out there can look at and comment on….perhjaps off list if that is preferred.
I have had an EKG that looks normal and all my blood work pertaining to liver function looks fine as well. The only thing that concerns me and may concern the provider is a very high tryglyceride count… I have been prescribed medication for this as part of an ongoing attempt to reduce this number but i have not started to take it yet as i do not want to introduce any other chemicals into myself before the ibogaine treatment. (not sure how smart that sounds *s*)
The exact level is approximately 600 and the norm is about 120 (sorry not sure of the units) in other words I am about 5X normal.
Is this something that should preclude me doing the treatment?
I am very very motivated now, I am on workers comp from a minor accident at work (I am an electrician on large new construction projects) and have the time. I am doing the treatment to be done with the Methadone that I am on now and have been on for 9 years at about 50 mgs I want to experience life without the opiated haze that I feel is stifling my emotional growth and more.
And please understand I feel very awkward in looking for medical advice on the free ..if I am out of line here just say so. I just figured that here on this list there may be people (DR’s/MD’s??) with medical knowledge along with access and understanding of this very specialized subject.
Thanks again
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
Date: October 24, 2004 at 3:19:26 PM EDT
Thanks. End of subject. Just letting off a little steam. Helps sometimes. I’ll just end with a quote from the infamous Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?”
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
Date: October 24, 2004 at 3:14:44 PM EDT
Norris, I’m sorry I started this I really didn’t mean to. I’ve been up north for 12 years now. When I first got to Erie, PA I got a lot of off color remarks but I was in NYC the other day and not a word or funny look. I think the ones that can’t make money from it are over it, thats just about everybody. And I have pretty good accent. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
Date: October 24, 2004 at 2:33:10 PM EDT
Really though, how many times do you hear comics straight out making “fun” of drug abuse, except the liberal press about Rush. It’s not politically correct anymore. Especially with all the famous actors throwing thier weight around, starting with Betty Ford. It’s the same thing as making fun of someone with diabetes or cancer, now. A disease. Sure, you may feel slighted at he clinic or doctor, but it’s mostly the ones (patients) who aren’t serious about healing themselves or their recovery, though I can vouch this is not always the case. But there is not really a fair comparision. Somebody famous checks out of Betty Ford and their a hero. Or just admits their problem, their a hero. Go up north someplaces and order iced tea, and your one of the Beverly Hillbillies. Now some of the really bad drug addicts, i.e. theifs, shared needles,pan handling to get money for more dope, gets the rap they deserve. Don’t want help. Same as a dumb ass KKK redneck who preaches hate will hopefully get what he deserves. But now ones a disease, one just amounts to some people being as biased and ignorant as the KKK guy, and justifies it as being “comedy” If people who live down around these parts wold just quit watching thrash such as “Family Guy”, the sponsers would get the message. Quick. I for one do turn it off.
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
Date: October 24, 2004 at 1:38:57 PM EDT
To: <>
Although we are the only group of people where it’s still allright (especialy the “the white southern male”) to taunt and aggravate and say nasy things about and no body gives a rats ass.<
LOL, true, the “Southern White male” gets his share of being the butt of taunting and aggravating, but please do remember, it’s not the “only” group of people left that it’s ok to act like this towards- there’s always us druggies too who get taunted, aggravated and have nasty things said about us, endlessly unfortunately.
Just thought I’d point that out.
Good day to all, one for sure to be lacking in taunts and aggravation too.
Peace and love,
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From:
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
No, were not all hicks. Although we are the only group of people where it’s still allright (especialy the “the white southern male”) to taunt and aggravate and say nasy things about and no body gives a rats ass. The south today is no more racist, stupid, or crimial than any other part of the country. Less so than a lot of parts I can think of. We have had a bad history, but people forget for every stupid, racist redneck that was the root of evil in the 60’s, there were wonderful white people working just as hard for equality for all. It justs gets so old hearing suposedly educated people making fun of us “poor white trailor trash.” And everyone in the audience laughing their asses off because were the only one’s who are still fair game. Hell, the Nazis and Japanese soldiers slaughtered millions (especially the Nazi’s), and people forgave them enough to drive Mercedes and Toyota’s like nothing ever happened. I was not raised a rasist, no one I know was. Now I know some at work, but they are all diffeent.colors. Of all the people who transferred down from the north to work in my factory (GM), no one has gone back.Where do the Northern retirees come when they do retire, usually Georgia, Florida, S.C., N.C., Alabama, or another southern state, and love it. Black socks with sandals and all. Anyone who has visited “down here” from up north or anywhere else, will be treated with “Southern Hospitality” and kindness, and a big “y’all come back and see us, ya’ here”? Just wish the comedians and such would cut us some slack. Like I said, say some of the things famous people, or even unfamous people say about our region, culture, or way of life and they’d be sued by just about any other religion, race, or group of people in a heart beat. We are still the “whipping boys”, I guess because it’s “politically correct” to bash us. Were the only ones left ignorant people can do it to and still get a chuckle how backwards they think we are. Makes me sick. I just change the channel and hope these dopes that say these things never find out what they are missing so they won’t move here. Sorry to get off the subject matter, but it’s a pet peave of mine.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
Date: October 24, 2004 at 12:43:03 PM EDT
Yew better quit it, mite’n piss som bidy offt. Yeeeeeeeeeeeee f****in’ Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa Randy
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Jasen: M & ‘done
Date: October 24, 2004 at 12:07:50 PM EDT
Dear Jasen,
I’m very happy for you. Ibogaine is going to rock
your world-just try to reduce your dose as much as you
When I first started substituting the M for the ‘done,
I felt a little, well, “off”-it was weird; even though
I wasn’t in any traditional withdrawal pain, I could
feel the chemical difference. After day 5, it’s been
pretty smooth sailing. I only take the M when I feel
I absolutely need it. I have never exceeded 45mg/day.
Usually I take one every 10-12 hours, but sometimes I
can stretch it out to every 15-16 hours.
I’ve been having the most amazing, vivid dreams ever:
dreams of great, vast journeys, with amazing scenery,
interesting strangers, and sometimes pursuing villans.
I wish I knew more about dream analysis, cuz there
has to be a correlation.
Nov. 12, huh? I will DEFINITELY light a candle for
you on your day of sojourning…It’s going to blow
your mind, Jasen…be prepared…
Time for a late to you soon!
love Julie
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
Date: October 24, 2004 at 12:05:40 PM EDT
No, were not all hicks. Although we are the only group of people where it’s still allright (especialy the “the white southern male”) to taunt and aggravate and say nasy things about and no body gives a rats ass. The south today is no more racist, stupid, or crimial than any other part of the country. Less so than a lot of parts I can think of. We have had a bad history, but people forget for every stupid, racist redneck that was the root of evil in the 60’s, there were wonderful white people working just as hard for equality for all. It justs gets so old hearing suposedly educated people making fun of us “poor white trailor trash.” And everyone in the audience laughing their asses off because were the only one’s who are still fair game. Hell, the Nazis and Japanese soldiers slaughtered millions (especially the Nazi’s), and people forgave them enough to drive Mercedes and Toyota’s like nothing ever happened. I was not raised a rasist, no one I know was. Now I know some at work, but they are all diffeent.colors. Of all the people who transferred down from the north to work in my factory (GM), no one has gone back.Where do the Northern retirees come when they do retire, usually Georgia, Florida, S.C., N.C., Alabama, or another southern state, and love it. Black socks with sandals and all. Anyone who has visited “down here” from up north or anywhere else, will be treated with “Southern Hospitality” and kindness, and a big “y’all come back and see us, ya’ here”? Just wish the comedians and such would cut us some slack. Like I said, say some of the things famous people, or even unfamous people say about our region, culture, or way of life and they’d be sued by just about any other religion, race, or group of people in a heart beat. We are still the “whipping boys”, I guess because it’s “politically correct” to bash us. Were the only ones left ignorant people can do it to and still get a chuckle how backwards they think we are. Makes me sick. I just change the channel and hope these dopes that say these things never find out what they are missing so they won’t move here. Sorry to get off the subject matter, but it’s a pet peave of mine.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie – Ibuprofin
Date: October 24, 2004 at 11:28:24 AM EDT
Thanks, JIM. I can use all the help anyone is kind enough to offer. Very appreciative.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714 Hi Stanley I hope you read this.
Date: October 24, 2004 at 10:48:53 AM EDT
Norris thanx for helping me prove that all Southerners are not hicks. I sing and play harmonica and sax the best but I learned how to play guitar to write and do solo stuff. I’m almost good enough to call myself a guitar player but, not quite. I know some killer guitar players down in Nashville so its hard to say I can play. One was extremely ROCK and the other was the best blues guitar player I ever played wth. I know some other guys who made it down there too but who can’t compare with those two. I feel like everyone of them gave in to the system. I have got to know at least 15 guys who made it in country that had nothing to do with it till it got hot. Yea I’m talkin’ bout ludes you are the first to see it. I think if I do anything solo I’ll call it MC714. Think that would piss ‘ole Stanley off? Shut up and pass on the Ibogaine or the knowledge of there in. We might could use it for some good. By the time you figure out how to make money on it it will be too late. Just sayin’ (no shrug). God I love Patrick and I don’t even know him. Yet. Sorry if I pissed anyone off I just think we ALL ought to be doing what we can. Randy I didn’t even mention you know who, she,’er’ they, have too much power. What patch?
From: Jim Hadey <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 24, 2004 at 10:02:04 AM EDT
Hi all,
There is also somethig called Rockecet (SP) which is 5 mg of oxycodone all by itself without the aspirin or tylenol. They are sometime kinda hard to get.
– JIM wrote:
My friend, you can obtain OXY IR, which essentially is percodan or vicodin with out aspirin, tylenol or advil. It’s just oxycodone in varying milligrams. See if you can get a script from a doctor.
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From: Jim Hadey <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie – Ibuprofin
Date: October 24, 2004 at 9:58:37 AM EDT
Hi Charlie,
FYI, they have Ibuprofin with hydrocodone. 7.5 mg or hydrocodone and I forget how much Ibuprofin. But they are VERY expensive. You can maybe check tham out on
Hope it helps.
– JIM wrote:
Not in these parts. Like I mentioned before, i’m 47 and have never even seen any “H”, which really was definately a good thing. It would definately have to be something less potent, hence my problem taking anything with acetaminophen . If I took like 10 LT”s (or something similar) that would be 6500 mg. of acetaminophen, not too good for the old liver, perhaps even deadly. The strongest thing I could probaby find would be oxy’s. Don’t know if they’d work or not???
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Subject: [Ibogaine] BiscuitBoy714
Date: October 24, 2004 at 9:44:34 AM EDT
I used to have a email name that ended in 714. Hummm!!! Could it be yo like Royers 25 years ago, too? Anyway, that was not my question. I’m new, so if this is a stupid qustion, excuse um wah. You play music professionally? Guitar? Just curious. I play, just as a hobby, but have a brother who’s played in bands all his life. He’s got a day job too, and kids in college, so the rock dream never worked out for him, but it brings both of us much enjoyment nonetheless. I play mostly acoustic, lot of Beatles, and Todd Rundgren is my hero. Nothing really in the last few years, and I do mean a FEW, has really crankrd my tractor, so to speak. Recently bought The Bears (Adrian Belew) live DVD at Club Cafe, and it’s really good. I can stand any type of music really as long as there is talent involved. I even like Allison Kraus and Union Station. Good songwriting,superb players, and an angel voice. Saw them on PBS. Missed YES the other night on PBS. Pissed me off. Anywho, just curious. Sounds like your a true music lover/player. I’ll tell you one a couple of my all time favorite albums. Lou Reed “Rock and Roll Animal”, with Hunter and Wagner on the guitars(and i’m not really a big L.R. fan, but that album kicks serious ass.) And “Buckingham Nicks, just those two before they got with Fleetwood Mac. Wonderful laid back album. It’s kind of weird too, because although i’m not a huge F.M. fan, they had an album called “Hero’s are Hard To Find,” close to their last album before they hooked up with Buckinham Nicks, and it’s a great albun, too. Lot of Christine McVies voice on it. She’s got an underestimated voive, in my opnion. There’s a song called “Come a Little Bit Closer” on it. She does a fantastic job on piano and vocals, and also I think she wrote it. Anyway, jst wondering. Sounds like just what little i’ve read you do a lot of gigs.
From: Jim Hadey <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] To Fake Placebo
Date: October 24, 2004 at 9:41:27 AM EDT
Hi FakePlacebo,
Everyone seems to have the same story. One trick is to keep them waiting, like 45 minutes and long distance. Hey, here in America one bank is coming out with MasterCharge gift cards. It cost $5 and you can put them at any amount and maybe even add money to them. I am going to look into it. Then when the assholes will not quit taking money out you just do not add money. Then they will send you letters saying we are going to close you account etc. etc. After they close your account you can put more money on the card. I think I will keep a card just for the internet. There is only one internet site that I pay for but who know if that will be hacked. I will be looking into it in a few days. They should of had that years ago. Also, when you buy something from e-bay you can get spammed to death.
Yea, I have had a problem with pay pal, I spent time writing what the problem is and get the same old form letter back. It is sooooo hard now a days to get a Real Live Person. The form letter say it should work. Duh – well if it worked like it should why in the hell would I be writing. And they want soooo damn much information, it’s none of their business. Hell, I could buy a car with less hassle.
Good to see you back on line, try Ibo yet?
FakePlacebo <> wrote:
Hey Charli,
There is no AOL here in Turkey but some of my companies customer connecting internet by AOL from Turkey. You are lucky because you can rich AOL easily but here it’s impossible. AOL taking money automaticly from credit card and some of my customer can not stop auto billing in spite of billion times asked to stop service from AOL. I know them AOL is the international swindling organization.
Best Regards
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Best Lawyer story
That’s a really cool story, and have a gut feeling it might be true. Fact is often stranger than fiction, and who could make something like this up? On a different note, AOL ripped me off for $99, (long, long story) but y’all would not believe it if I told you. Unreal. Finally got our Free Legal Service Lawyer (GM/UAW) to tell them to pay the $99 they “stole” from me for service NEVER rendered by the 15th of November, or come to “Sweet Home Alabama” small claims court and defend their actions. Dear God, if you are listening, PLEASE, PLEASE, let them ignore the letter, (like the last 200 they have). This is a 2 year battle by just me, taken probably 100 or 200 hours of my time writing letter after letter, email after email, begging that the last thing I wanted was to go to court. It’s the principle now, Has been. This story is just so unreal, people at work say it defies logic. Now they (AOL) have those commercials where there’s a line of people (every member they have) lined up to ask questions. (“OK, Let ’em in.”) Makes me puke every time I see it. I actually had one girl, I swear to God, asked me why I didn’t call their “help line.” When I told her I did, 3 times in 3 days and waited 45 minutes each time before giving up, she actually said to me,” Everybody has to wait that long.” You should have waited an hour and you might have gotten someone.” You would not believe the rest of this story. But I have a 6 inch folder full if 90% of what went on. Sorry to digress, but Internet companies now (most) do what hey want and know 99.9% of the good, honest customers won’t challenge them. This 001% is going to. Wish me luck. Again, sorry to ramble off subject, but it’s caused me much, much distress. Norris
PS Sorry if I offend anyone who may work at AOL, but this is a true story that’s just really no excuse for it going this far. Also everyone watch out for PAYPAL, owned by Ebay. Love Ebay, PAYPAL clipped me for $89. Should have sued them, too, but AOL is in my sights now too much to worry about PAYPAL.
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey List
Date: October 24, 2004 at 8:28:29 AM EDT
O yea, Martee the 4th step in AA is where you write down all the things you have done that you feel bad about or have resentment for and the 5th is where you tell someone else the whole thing. I think I talked with C about everything I hadn’t dealt with in AA. Without a tear I might add. That really surprised me. Don’t think I haven’t shed a lot of tears mostly in gratitude. PS I finalie rote a knote thaht tha spel chigger din’t hav two fics
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey List
Date: October 24, 2004 at 7:08:27 AM EDT
Yea Martee your right. I have more strength than I give myself credit for. I woke up this morning after some way cool dreams and immediately thought of you and your post to me. 6 hours this time, it’s getting better all the time. Seems that the 2 week point was the peak for me. I really appreciate your intelligence, you know I haven’t met a dumb ass yet in the Ibogaine community. But I’m hopeful. Seems to me that that is one sign of success. I don’t think that precludes anyone, say example myself. If I didn’t have a spell checker you might not be able to read this. LOL Well, it is the 3 week point now and I’m high steppin’.
Got a gig today. It’s a freebie but I like doing benefits for a good cause. The last one I did was with a former Navy Seal guy for 9/11. Probably the best one I ever did. That guy could rip but he was another guitar player who felt he had to put a leash on me to keep me from blowin’ his head off I guess. He was better than most about it but he had to put his control on things and in my humble opinion when you control what someone else is playin’ you ain’t thinkin’ ’bout your own ax enough. If the dude sucks fire him period. I ain’t got time to teach the guys I play with no ‘mo. But if a guy can truly play let his ass play and shut up. The day someone can play my ax as well as I can play there’s, I will let that guy tell me anything he wants. Sorry but it’s true. I’ve been struggling with a drummer this time. One of those who takes their cymbals home so no one can play their drums. Good thing ’cause if I could practice for a week I could put her out of a job if I wanted to. “Lord it’s hard to be humble but I try all the time.”( A song by I can’t remember who.) Ain’t I a mess? Randy PS but I’m lovin’ every minute of it.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey List
Date: October 24, 2004 at 6:47:28 AM EDT
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Zappa-Jasen
Date: October 23, 2004 at 10:24:04 PM EDT
To: <>
—– Original Message —– From: “Ms Iboga” <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 1:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Zappa-Jasen
How are you? I feel surprisingly good, all things
considered. Have been taking between 15-45mg per day,
and I think I’m pretty much in the clear now- even
went and partied my ass off last night! Day 4&5 were
the worst, I’m now on day 9, and pretty much loving
it! It’s great to be off methadone; I no longer feel
‘doped to the gills’.
There is such a difference between methadone and
morphine, IMHO…morphine, I find, doesn’t space me
out the same way as ‘done, and I generally feel more
productive and content. I’m to be treated with
Ibogaine next week, and looking forward to it.
What’s up in the Land of Oz? When are you going to
see Sara? I’m so happy for you…
*Hello Dear Julie,
*Sounds like your well,good to hear girl.
*I will be going to see Sara on the 12th of November,WOW.
*I can’t believe I am finally doing this.
*How often do you have to take the slow release morphine?
*Every 4 hours?
*Did you feel sick at all,or did you just feel brighter?
*Good to here you will be getting your treatment next week.
*Please let us know your every experience and feelings
whilst being treated.
*Are you doing it in the states,offshore,or Mexico,
*ooor areyou going to do it yourself,only this time with much more knowledge?
*Either way Julie,I wish you all the very best,and let me know exactly
*which day so I can light a candle and say a prayer of extra guidance
*for you,it all helps,even if only a little.I will picture you succeeding
*in my mind,and smiling and then finally freeeeeeeeee.
Smiles Jasen.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey List
Date: October 23, 2004 at 10:20:22 PM EDT
Hey Randy,
Don’t think that at some point that issue hadn’t been a concern. If you want a number of months to mark on your calendar as “Day of Hoplesness, noribogaine leaves brain!, I may be able to give you one, however considering the variables in the human body on a case to case basis you may very well be cheating yourself out of some good days!! Another example I noticed of what’s your strength vs. the noribogaine. Not too many days ago in a matter of MINUTES you went from bouncing off of walls(one of my favorite expressions) feeling like you HAD TO HAVE medication or relief from what the physicall discomfort you were in, to appearing to be completely calm and grounded. Talking about your music and the realization that you now possessed a future to once again take it on. You made references to what your capabilities and intentions were for your future. You also mentioned quite a few more possibilities when you were in NYC. You exhibited great strength. You were also surrounded by a network of support.
I believe words, thoughts and deeds are the same as prayers. It’s all about intention. If your intention is to go back to being addicted in a certain week in a certain month, you could very well manifest it. I believe we can attract our fears and give them life. So why not use your powers for good.
Like myself you have a supportive family, talents, possibilities and a shit load of hope. I think the idea is to take this gift and get into a mental, emotional and spiritual position where going back is not an option! Just as in the past my intention was to have the ability,creativity, drive, persistance,money, luck and skill to maintain the life of a professional, functional addict, I feel I can use all these same qualitites to be productive. My point being is if you can do the things it took to be an addict, you also have what it takes to succeed. Fuck statistics, other peoples fears and all the what if’s in the world that won’t manifest if you ignore them.
All I know is all those qualities I mentioned made me a very successfull, safe and lucky functional addict. So I believe my intentions worked then,they will also work from here on out. The formula is the same.
What is the 4th step anyway?
With all respect and sincerity,
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey List
Has anyone got any new information on noribogaine and how long it stays in your body? Post Ibogaine is looking pretty good to me now. I don’t want this to stop. Now I’m thinking of that. I’m neurotic and an addict or I wouldn’t be here. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]????????????????
Date: October 23, 2004 at 6:02:26 PM EDT
Anybody else seen the parellel between Ibogaine and doing the 4th step in AA? I feel like that is what I have done. I mean I have gone thru everything in my life I think. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] benevolence
Date: October 23, 2004 at 2:17:58 PM EDT
Rachel, it was tantamount to my journey to have someone behind me. You got a good man he’s worth it. Tell Jeff I said hey and to get a hold of me if he needs to, he knows how I’d say. He is a very wise New Yorker. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Norris
Date: October 23, 2004 at 1:07:52 PM EDT
Nope. Never did. Most of that is highly classified stuff. Did get thrown in the pokey on the Arsenal back in about ’82 or so, when I still drank, took a wrong turn (which is damn near impossible to do with all the gates and MP jeeps everywhere. Went right on by them and made it about 5 feet.) It was about 10 miles way back into the Arsenal where the jail was (that arsenal is huge), and remember the MP’s asking me what kind of car my buddy was in coming to bail me out. They had him on video from the time he hit the main gate until he got back to where I was. They told me every turn he made. And that was 22 years ago. The Concorde made a landing in Huntsville a few years ago before they moth balled it. I would have loved to see it. A buddy of mine I work with builds airplanes in his shop. He’s probably built 3 or 4, the last one for a rich client. There’s a small airfield (Pryor Field) right across the road from him. A judge here about 20-25 or so years ago( Judge Coggins) got caught bringing in pot or cocaine one, think it was pot, at that airfield. Got away with it for a long time, too. Also, it was a training field for the Army going into WW2 and there was a very, very bad crash there. Seems like it was the first stateside deaths of WW2 or something like that. I went to high school with a guy whose families still own a funeral parlor here, and he remembers his granddad saying it was the worst crash he’d ever seen. Had to use 5 gallon buckets to get the victims. Just awful. Did you see that special on the “Battle of the X Plane” on PBS about a month ago? The government is going to use an all purpose jet for all the services instead of each having their own, and PBS had FULL ACCESS to the 2 year contest between Boeing and Lockhead Martin for the 200 billion dollar contract. Fascinating. Check your local PBS staton for another airdate. This plane does it all, including hovering and doing 360 degree hovers. I won’t tell you who won in case you have not seen it. I’ve got it on tape and will be glad to make you a copy of it if you like. No problem.
From: Rachel Radhakrishna <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] benevolence
Date: October 23, 2004 at 12:54:02 PM EDT
Alas, sometimes the journey from our spot in Queens to
the lower east side is much longer than the 12.6 miles
would seem. Especially with a Game Seven baseball
championship on the telly! So when I finally started
rolling out the door at 11 p.m. to join the book party
and Jeff called and found that out, he decided to just
head home to the nest. I’m sorry I missed the fiesta
presta and meeting some of you.
But thought maybe “male-bonding” among the ibonauts
might be a little different without the wife in tow,
so to speak, and had decided for the earlier half of
the night to have a dinner with a relatively new
friend, who is a grad student in psychology and a
spiritual seeker. I started explaining that Jeff was
gonna be taking an “experimental” treatment and it was
this psychotropic bush from central Africa and she
inquires, “ibogaine?” And I was floored. It came up
in their psychopharmacology class a few yrs back, but
she also knew about it from Erowid. As we talked
about her and her husband’s psychedelic journeys she
mentioned someone calling her “the most benevolent
tripper.” Imagine my surpise six hours later when
Jeff comes home talking about the “benevolent plant”
with love,
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] (OT!) Re: [Ibogaine] Prestons Release
Date: October 23, 2004 at 12:46:10 PM EDT
Preston, works for me guy. I will be back, I won’t be denied. Comes from havin’ to fight some guitar player who is too loud and screwing up the mix. I love NY, so far anyway. I don’t care if I did have to break my own window out. At least it was me and the cops didn’t hassle me thinking I stole the car or something. Dana hooked me up with tape and plastic, thanx Dana. If you read this I appreciate the help. I got The Beautiful People playing right now how appropriate for talking about your party. You have another one I’m there. I want to play. Give me a few months I’ll get something together. I’ll play for you for free. “Were all stars now in the dope show.” (Marilyn) Randy
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] (OT!) Re: [Ibogaine] Prestons Release
Date: October 23, 2004 at 11:54:24 AM EDT
To: <>
The 9 inch Nails rocked and when you played Hot for Teacher it almost took my head off, not to mention Marc.<
First time I ever played Hot For Teacher while dj’ing, at Slipper Room for one of the dancers (for Sara, the thinner of the two dancers at the release party, the one with the Betty Page haircut and amazingly flawless skin), her boyfriendcame up to me with a great big smile and thanked me from the bottom of his heart, telling me I’d finally allowed him to fulfill a fantasy, which was seeing his girlfriend dance to HFT. I had to agree with him, that it was a sight, acommpanied by a sound, I wouldn’t want to have missed for anything, as she is hotter than hot and too cool besides. Who wouldn’t want to see their girlfriend dancing up a storm to HFT?
Also, I Hadn’t realized it was your first trip to the Apple, so I’m honored it my party which drew you here. How cool is that? Very, I think anyway.
Peace and love and glad you got high anyways Randy. I’ll be sure to send the pretty ones your way next time.
—– Original Message —– From:
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 2:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Prestons Release
Preston don’t assume I didn’t”get high at the party”. I came prepared. I love mother nature. And yea next time we will share a bowl if I got anything to do with it. Unless of course your too busy, I saw how swamped you were. Man I had a great time. KY boy first night in NYC. It was way cool. I’ll be back. The 9 inch Nails rocked and when you played Hot for Teacher it almost took my head off, not to mention Marc. Randy
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Jasen
Date: October 23, 2004 at 11:50:54 AM EDT
I’m very happy for you. I have only one suggestion
for you: try to get your meth down to the lowest point
possible, before your treatment. What’s your current
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Zappa-Jasen
Date: October 23, 2004 at 11:43:14 AM EDT
How are you? I feel surprisingly good, all things
considered. Have been taking between 15-45mg per day,
and I think I’m pretty much in the clear now- even
went and partied my ass off last night! Day 4&5 were
the worst, I’m now on day 9, and pretty much loving
it! It’s great to be off methadone; I no longer feel
‘doped to the gills’.
There is such a difference between methadone and
morphine, IMHO…morphine, I find, doesn’t space me
out the same way as ‘done, and I generally feel more
productive and content. I’m to be treated with
Ibogaine next week, and looking forward to it.
What’s up in the Land of Oz? When are you going to
see Sara? I’m so happy for you…
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey List
Date: October 23, 2004 at 11:35:25 AM EDT
Has anyone got any new information on noribogaine and how long it stays in your body? Post Ibogaine is looking pretty good to me now. I don’t want this to stop. Now I’m thinking of that. I’m neurotic and an addict or I wouldn’t be here. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Norris
Date: October 23, 2004 at 11:29:04 AM EDT
Norris, ain’t nothin’ wrong with being from the South. I’m from KY and proud of it. I tell people all the time we aren’t all barefoot with a straw in our mouth. That is fractionating that you live that close to where Verner Von Braun did his thing. That and Jets are one of my biggest fascinations. Did you ever get to see any test rocket fires or any thing? Randy PS I mean did you see them test them to see if they would work.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] Hey intrepid party goers
Date: October 23, 2004 at 10:09:08 AM EDT
Sounds like this ole’ Alabama boy has a lot of catching up to do, what with the book parties, personalities, and just general well being for each other y’all (that means “you all” down here in the country) seem to share. Actually, i’m just kind of making fun of myself and location. Wouldn’t live anywhere else, except maybe where I was originally from, S.C. Love Myrtle Beach and surrounding areas like Bald Head Island, N.C. Beautiful place to visit and tour, but way, way, way, to pricey for me to live there (come on Lotto.) But a beautiful site seeing place. And you can stay at one of the lodges and fish or whatever pretty cheap. No cars allowed. All golf carts. Here in N. Alabama, i’m only 20 miles from the Marshall Space Flight Center, so lots of hig tech stuff going on around these parts. The “Arsenal” as it’s called, is a very, very high security, high tech area. You might call it Alabama’s “area 51.” Wernher Von Braun’s old stompimg grounds. Glad I found the site, and once I see what the new Pain Specialist Doctor Monday has in store for me, i’ll be making a decision in the next month or so, so i’ll need all the help from you nice people as I can get. You all sound like people who really care and are concerned about the welfare of folks who have shared your anguish and hopelessness. Especially for people like me who have seen some of the most uncaring, inconsiderate, uncompassionate doctors in the world. Praying this new one will at least listen, which would be more than the other one’s i’ve seen have done. Not that all MD’s are all that way, by any means. There are some very, very good healers out there. I just can’t seem to ever get lucky and get one. I have a wonderful family doctor, who is also a good, caring, human being, who i’m sure would help if he could, but even he admits this is a little out of his expertise, even though he is willing to learn, he told me he would be gald to, if he had to. He said when he went to Med School in the late 70’s-mid 80’s, they didn’t have hardly anything they taught that dealt with pain/addiction problems. They say at the urging of the AMA and others, this has changed, I hope. He said if push come’s to shove, WE would do what WE could TOGETHER. I love a doc that actually lets you have at least some say in your care and treatment, as much as they can, from a medical perspective, anyway. He’s great. Anyway, lucky to have found this place. I was losing hope. Since i’ve found this site it has really helped my psyche, kind of like, “the calvary’s on the way,” kind of feeling. If I do this, i’m going to start reading up on ways to get my mind, body, soul, spirit, etc. ready, and get this show on the road (depending on if more surgeries are needed, etc. I pray not.) This site has been a huge boost to my hope, and truely am glad I was lucky enough to find it. I plan on taking what clinical trials, stories, (names and such left out of course,) and some info on places such as St. Kitt’s offering the treatments to my family doc and getting his opinion, too. I think he willl be fascinated by it. He’s around my age (46), and is always willing to learn new methods or treatments, conventional or otherwise. Thanks to all for the help and encouragement, and wish me luck. May God’s light or “your higher being’s light” shine on all of you. Thank you all. HOPE shows it’s face after hiding from me for a while, and it’s feels good.
From: “Jamilah” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] Hey intrepid party goers
Date: October 23, 2004 at 6:36:07 AM EDT
To: <>
I must say the party was beautiful, and Preston was the best, very cute,
charming and gracious. Preston, your social skills are well developed! The
music was great, and I loved the fusion w/ like Jefferson Airplane, which
was great for us “old hippie” types. Thank you, Preston for the beautiful
inscription in my book, and I’m really loving the book, which is bound to
become a classic. My only regret was not having time to really talk to Marc
and Sean, as I’ve admired both your thoughtfulness in your posts regarding
both Ibogaine and Recovery.
So Preston, many thanks. Kent had a good time, also. We had a chance to talk
to your Dad a bit, and he was very sweet. I will come to any future events,
(if God permits me to).
I would like to speak w/ V at some point regarding her experience as a
“sitter”. She’s a great dj as well…
Peace out,
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 12:24 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] Hey intrepid party goers
—– Original Message —–
From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: [DrugWar] Hey intrepid party goers
Hi Libby and all,
I got way early on Thursday due mainly to the fact my Dad flew in
Wednesday afternoon and wanted to go to the Natural History Museum up by
Central Park to see the planetarium show. As I am in the middle of
Cosmic Debris, a book about metors and metorites, I was enthusiastic
the idea.
Anyway, so I got up around 7AM Thursday, so I could be up and about
before he and V were, then the three of us went to breakfast, then Dad
I took the subway up to 72nd Street and walked through the edge of
Park to the museum, where we spent the next 5 hours undergoing sensory
overload of the best but very exhausting kind.
We managed to get back to my apartment with enough time for me to
an hour nap before I began to prepare for the party. V took at the music
over at 7PM as Dad and I prepared to go out, then Dad and I got to Uncle
Ming’s the bar hosting the event, by about 8:45PM.
By 9:30PM, the bar had already begun to fill up, and by 10:30PM, the
party was going full tilt. I mean, this has to be one of the biggest,
parties, if not the bigest and best parties I’ve ever put together ever.
John Sinclair and Larry Ratos Sloman both showed up as guests of Michael
Simmons, one of the contributors. Contributors Jack Cole, founder of Law
Enforcement Against Prohibition, Jack Liebowitz, Steve Wishnia, Ryan
Daniel Pinchbeck, Valerie Vande Panne, and interview subject Anthony
all showed up to help celebrate, as did contributor and amazingly
additional party invite writer/distributor Daniel Forbes as well. We had
few hundred people throughout the night, and at around midnight, we had
over a hundred people in the room, a fairly large, beautiful bar which
to be the best choice I could have made to host the event. Everyone
to have a great time, or at least, everyone told me and V they were
a ball at the ball, and the two of us most certainly had a very, very
To everyone here on the DrugWar and Ibogaine lists who came out to
share my excitement and joy I extend my heartfelt thank you. You all
the evening that much more meaningful to me, and I hope we can get even
more of you all together next event I plan to hold at some point in the
I also hope to gather together some photos from a few who actually
thought to bring cameras- mine are all broken and I didn’t get around to
buying any disposable ones- I must try to locate some to post)
To Jules again a very happy b-day too, and I was toasting you once or
thrice during the evenings proceedings.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often
mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —–
From: “Libby” <>
To: “drugwar” <>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 1:41 PM
Subject: [DrugWar] Hey intrepid party goers
I’m assuming those who made it to Preston’s party are
probably just getting out of bed around now. When
you’re up to it, those of us who are out here crying
cause we didn’t get to go, would love some details.
Hope everybody had a great time and you sold lots of
books Preston.
Libby Spencer
Northampton, MA 01060
Publisher: Last One Speaks
Detroit News blogger
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Prestons Release
Date: October 23, 2004 at 2:07:56 AM EDT
Preston don’t assume I didn’t”get high at the party”. I came prepared. I love mother nature. And yea next time we will share a bowl if I got anything to do with it. Unless of course your too busy, I saw how swamped you were. Man I had a great time. KY boy first night in NYC. It was way cool. I’ll be back. The 9 inch Nails rocked and when you played Hot for Teacher it almost took my head off, not to mention Marc. Randy
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Zappa & Prestons Release
Date: October 23, 2004 at 12:35:23 AM EDT
To: <>
Ps there were lots of pretty ones there but none of them wanted to get me high. Shut up Marilyn and eat your chitlins'<
I’m sorry Randy,
I do agree that there were quite a few very pretty and beautiful young women, not to mention men too (not my particular swing, but there were a few in attendence that swing that way, so I hope they enjoyed the view as well is my point I guess), but on the second half of this sentence, I tried to get to all my friends and acquaintences, but I just couldn’t possibly get to everyone (if you didn’t notice, I Had to escape to the dj booth a couple of times as I was being overwhelmed by all the very nice, happy people who kept innundating me with love- it was great but overwhelming, even though I already said that- LOL). I thought you would be hooked up by others in the group you came with too considering those you came with, so it didn’t occur to me that you might be missing out on the “get high at Preston’s drug book party” part of the party.
Or maybe that should actually be ;-((
Whatever, it sounds like you had fun and I was very glad to finally meet you face to face.
And yeah, the two dancers, both very good friends of ours, are professional dancers, in that they both make a living doing burlesque performances around NY and the country too actually. They’re used to dancing to V’s dj’ing (mine not quite as much but they both have many times danced to my spinning too), which reminds me- if yer in NYC some Saturday, stop by Slipper Room in the LES, as that’s where V dj’s each week.
So yeah, again, glad you were there, and I’m sorry we didn’t share a bowl. Next time perhaps.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From:
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Zappa & Prestons Release
Julie, thanx for askin’. I loved everything he did right off the bat but, Joe’s Garage was one of his best. I didn’t have a copy when I was young but, I always loved it. Frank was at his beat being sarcastic, of course he was a Hell-O-fied guitar player. He put everything he did on charts, even those fart noises and stuff were all written out in score. Back in the day you had to play with Zappa to have any credence if you were an American musician. He has had some great players with him but, I don’t think a one would say they didn’t learn from him. You have to respect that. He had the best drummer I ever saw. That guy was with him probably longer than just about anyone else and I can’t remember his name. He was killer. Still is I’d say. As much as I love Zappa I got to say something Ibogaine related. LAST NIGHT AT PRESTON’S RELEASE ROCKED!!!!! Got ya. No really, Ibogaine has changed me in ways I never expected. Last night was the first time I ever had a good time in a bar if I wasn’t playing since I quit drinking. I don’t know how to explain it. I was completely at ease. Its been damn near 10 years, it’s about time I’d say. Because I spend a lot of times in bars not playin’ it has come as a great relief to find this out. You can’t play the whole time or everyone would go deaf. I’m fine on stage’ off stage on break I was wreck. I was either pissed or jealous that everyone was drunk but me. That was whats the scag was for. I can’t drink at all. I’m a raging alcoholic too. But I could semi-functionally do what I had to on heroin. As long as I had enough money. It was a tough gig. I much prefer this and opiates killed my voice. I can’t wait to get out and play I ain’t been able to sing like this in years. If you read this and you could have went and didn’t, YOU MISSED IT!!! Preston I had a great time if you can’t tell. Thanx to you and V for the jams. Great mix of back beat and rock for me and the dancers.LOL Who cares about anyone else. The dancers never stopped moving even on the rock stuff. Real pro dancers. I am as disturbed as the band Disturbed. Stupefied as they say. I am down with the sickness. I know this is long shoot me or delete it. The fact of the matter is Ibogaine has given me a new life if I want it. I want it. F*** you I won’t do what ya tell me. Rage against The Machine talking to the establishment. I feel the same way knowing how they feel about Ibogaine. Randy Ps there were lots of pretty ones there but none of them wanted to get me high. Shut up Marilyn and eat your chitlins’
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Fw: [DrugWar] Hey intrepid party goers
Date: October 23, 2004 at 12:24:57 AM EDT
To: <>
—– Original Message —– From: “Preston Peet” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: [DrugWar] Hey intrepid party goers
Hi Libby and all,
I got way early on Thursday due mainly to the fact my Dad flew in Wednesday afternoon and wanted to go to the Natural History Museum up by Central Park to see the planetarium show. As I am in the middle of reading Cosmic Debris, a book about metors and metorites, I was enthusiastic about the idea.
Anyway, so I got up around 7AM Thursday, so I could be up and about before he and V were, then the three of us went to breakfast, then Dad and I took the subway up to 72nd Street and walked through the edge of Central Park to the museum, where we spent the next 5 hours undergoing sensory overload of the best but very exhausting kind.
We managed to get back to my apartment with enough time for me to catch an hour nap before I began to prepare for the party. V took at the music over at 7PM as Dad and I prepared to go out, then Dad and I got to Uncle Ming’s the bar hosting the event, by about 8:45PM.
By 9:30PM, the bar had already begun to fill up, and by 10:30PM, the party was going full tilt. I mean, this has to be one of the biggest, best parties, if not the bigest and best parties I’ve ever put together ever. John Sinclair and Larry Ratos Sloman both showed up as guests of Michael Simmons, one of the contributors. Contributors Jack Cole, founder of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Jack Liebowitz, Steve Wishnia, Ryan Grim, Daniel Pinchbeck, Valerie Vande Panne, and interview subject Anthony Papa all showed up to help celebrate, as did contributor and amazingly helpful additional party invite writer/distributor Daniel Forbes as well. We had a few hundred people throughout the night, and at around midnight, we had over a hundred people in the room, a fairly large, beautiful bar which has to be the best choice I could have made to host the event. Everyone seemed to have a great time, or at least, everyone told me and V they were having a ball at the ball, and the two of us most certainly had a very, very good time.
To everyone here on the DrugWar and Ibogaine lists who came out to help share my excitement and joy I extend my heartfelt thank you. You all made the evening that much more meaningful to me, and I hope we can get even more of you all together next event I plan to hold at some point in the future.
I also hope to gather together some photos from a few who actually thought to bring cameras- mine are all broken and I didn’t get around to buying any disposable ones- I must try to locate some to post)
To Jules again a very happy b-day too, and I was toasting you once or thrice during the evenings proceedings.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: “Libby” <>
To: “drugwar” <>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 1:41 PM
Subject: [DrugWar] Hey intrepid party goers
I’m assuming those who made it to Preston’s party are
probably just getting out of bed around now. When
you’re up to it, those of us who are out here crying
cause we didn’t get to go, would love some details.
Hope everybody had a great time and you sold lots of
books Preston.
Libby Spencer
Northampton, MA 01060
Publisher: Last One Speaks
Detroit News blogger
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Zappa
Date: October 22, 2004 at 8:28:49 PM EDT
To: <>
Hello dear group,
I am happy to say that I will be going to get treatment in Holland mid november.Yee Ha.
FINALLY,although I am very nervous,anxious,when I think about it I panick a little.
All you guys and girls have helped so so much,more than you realise.
I am very gratefull,THANKYOU ALL.
WOW,I can’t wait.The thought of being free after 23 years is so … so freeing 🙂
I am going to try to stay abroad for at least 6 weeks maybe more,..before returning home.
Mmmm anxious anxious,but a good anxious.
It’s finally happening.I will be trying to document as much of it as I can.
BIG smiles Jasen.
—– Original Message —– From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 9:52 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Zappa
Hey Julie,
How are you feeling and how is the slow release treating you?
Smiles Jasen.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Zappa
Date: October 22, 2004 at 7:52:31 PM EDT
To: <>
Hey Julie,
How are you feeling and how is the slow release treating you?
Smiles Jasen.
—– Original Message —– From: “Ms Iboga” <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 2:08 AM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Zappa
Hi there… whatcha think of Joe’s Garage? The first
time I heard it, I couldn’t figure out whether to
laugh or be in awe!
how ya feelin, now?
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Julie
Date: October 22, 2004 at 5:47:34 PM EDT
O yea, Julie I feel pretty good. I’m tired but it’s a good tired. Thanx for asking. If you don’t want me to ramble don’t bring up Zappa LOL or the Rolling Stones. Or music for that matter. I gotta quit obsessing on music but I can’t help it, it’s all I think of. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Zappa & Prestons Release
Date: October 22, 2004 at 3:44:20 PM EDT
Julie, thanx for askin’. I loved everything he did right off the bat but, Joe’s Garage was one of his best. I didn’t have a copy when I was young but, I always loved it. Frank was at his beat being sarcastic, of course he was a Hell-O-fied guitar player. He put everything he did on charts, even those fart noises and stuff were all written out in score. Back in the day you had to play with Zappa to have any credence if you were an American musician. He has had some great players with him but, I don’t think a one would say they didn’t learn from him. You have to respect that. He had the best drummer I ever saw. That guy was with him probably longer than just about anyone else and I can’t remember his name. He was killer. Still is I’d say. As much as I love Zappa I got to say something Ibogaine related. LAST NIGHT AT PRESTON’S RELEASE ROCKED!!!!! Got ya. No really, Ibogaine has changed me in ways I never expected. Last night was the first time I ever had a good time in a bar if I wasn’t playing since I quit drinking. I don’t know how to explain it. I was completely at ease. Its been damn near 10 years, it’s about time I’d say. Because I spend a lot of times in bars not playin’ it has come as a great relief to find this out. You can’t play the whole time or everyone would go deaf. I’m fine on stage’ off stage on break I was wreck. I was either pissed or jealous that everyone was drunk but me. That was whats the scag was for. I can’t drink at all. I’m a raging alcoholic too. But I could semi-functionally do what I had to on heroin. As long as I had enough money. It was a tough gig. I much prefer this and opiates killed my voice. I can’t wait to get out and play I ain’t been able to sing like this in years. If you read this and you could have went and didn’t, YOU MISSED IT!!! Preston I had a great time if you can’t tell. Thanx to you and V for the jams. Great mix of back beat and rock for me and the dancers.LOL Who cares about anyone else. The dancers never stopped moving even on the rock stuff. Real pro dancers. I am as disturbed as the band Disturbed. Stupefied as they say. I am down with the sickness. I know this is long shoot me or delete it. The fact of the matter is Ibogaine has given me a new life if I want it. I want it. F*** you I won’t do what ya tell me. Rage against The Machine talking to the establishment. I feel the same way knowing how they feel about Ibogaine. Randy Ps there were lots of pretty ones there but none of them wanted to get me high. Shut up Marilyn and eat your chitlins’
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Zappa
Date: October 22, 2004 at 12:08:56 PM EDT
Hi there… whatcha think of Joe’s Garage? The first
time I heard it, I couldn’t figure out whether to
laugh or be in awe!
how ya feelin, now?
Do you Yahoo!?
Declare Yourself – Register online to vote today!
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Date: October 22, 2004 at 11:12:11 AM EDT
Martee, it was so cool to meet you. You saw Zappa from 2nd row at the Fillmore East trippin’ ? That had to be great. He is one of my biggest influences. Even more than Hendrix or maybe even the Stone’s. You either loved him or hated him and I’ve loved him from 67 on. I still know the words to Ask Any Vegetable and Brow Shoe’s Don’t Make It. Suzi, Suzi cream cheese. I could talk about Zappa all day and don’t ever get me started about Over Night Sensation. Randy PS Watch out where the huskies go and don’t you eat that yellow snow.
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Date: October 22, 2004 at 10:05:32 AM EDT
Randy, I’m not sure of the exact reference of which you speak,however one of my fondest teenage memories is going to the Filmore East with my brother, to see Frank and the “Mothers of Invention”, sitting 2nd row center on acid. What a night! My handle as you call it is nothing so glamorous, its my name.
Peace out,
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Martee, I meant to ask. Is your net handle a reference to the Frank Zappa tune with Captain Beefheart in it? I think if Zappa was alive he would be completely behind Ibogaine. Maybe we ought to try and get hold of Dwezel. Boy that guy can rock. I love Zappa. Been listening to him since the Absolutely Free album and Freak Out. Randy
From: “FakePlacebo” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Best Lawyer story
Date: October 22, 2004 at 4:38:10 AM EDT
To: <>
Hey Charli,
There is no AOL here in Turkey but some of my companies customer connecting internet by AOL from Turkey. You are lucky because you can rich AOL easily but here it’s impossible. AOL taking money automaticly from credit card and some of my customer can not stop auto billing in spite of billion times asked to stop service from AOL. I know them AOL is the international swindling organization.
Best Regards
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Best Lawyer story
That’s a really cool story, and have a gut feeling it might be true. Fact is often stranger than fiction, and who could make something like this up? On a different note, AOL ripped me off for $99, (long, long story) but y’all would not believe it if I told you. Unreal. Finally got our Free Legal Service Lawyer (GM/UAW) to tell them to pay the $99 they “stole” from me for service NEVER rendered by the 15th of November, or come to “Sweet Home Alabama” small claims court and defend their actions. Dear God, if you are listening, PLEASE, PLEASE, let them ignore the letter, (like the last 200 they have). This is a 2 year battle by just me, taken probably 100 or 200 hours of my time writing letter after letter, email after email, begging that the last thing I wanted was to go to court. It’s the principle now, Has been. This story is just so unreal, people at work say it defies logic. Now they (AOL) have those commercials where there’s a line of people (every member they have) lined up to ask questions. (“OK, Let ’em in.”) Makes me puke every time I see it. I actually had one girl, I swear to God, asked me why I didn’t call their “help line.” When I told her I did, 3 times in 3 days and waited 45 minutes each time before giving up, she actually said to me,” Everybody has to wait that long.” You should have waited an hour and you might have gotten someone.” You would not believe the rest of this story. But I have a 6 inch folder full if 90% of what went on. Sorry to digress, but Internet companies now (most) do what hey want and know 99.9% of the good, honest customers won’t challenge them. This 001% is going to. Wish me luck. Again, sorry to ramble off subject, but it’s caused me much, much distress. Norris
PS Sorry if I offend anyone who may work at AOL, but this is a true story that’s just really no excuse for it going this far. Also everyone watch out for PAYPAL, owned by Ebay. Love Ebay, PAYPAL clipped me for $89. Should have sued them, too, but AOL is in my sights now too much to worry about PAYPAL.
From: “Jasen Chamoun” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] howard the man
Date: October 21, 2004 at 9:02:47 PM EDT
To: <>
Here Here!
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] howard the man
Howard, thanx a bunch but, I kinda’ got over it a little bit. Matter of fact in the past 24 hours I have slept twice for about 8 hours total. Not much to bitch about I’d say. Ibogaine is truly a miracle and if it hadn’t been for you and your efforts Ibogaine would still be unknown. I really hold you in high regard for working for your fellow man. Thanx for helping me thru this. Randy
From: lori m <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] lori:Re:aftercare
Date: October 21, 2004 at 1:46:39 PM EDT
Thanks for the awesome response, it so nice to hear from you. It is also nice to be online again and to have access to the list.
Yes, we will talk more in-depth soon!
“m.finman” <> wrote:
I got my computer about 2 weeks ago. Still stumbling. One day soon I’ll have to see if I can trade someone computer saavy for a nutritional consult. I learn something new everyday.
I am really happy to hear you are pursuing organizing data and such. I will be more forthcoming on that later. It’s 4:30am and I’m just taking a not sleep break. I have a lot to do today as I have to put in some time at work before I can go to the city.
One thing is different and crucial for me re: work. I’m only working a little more than half of what I used to. My whole focus before was making money on a daily, weekly basis to maintain a very expensive habit. Bills got paid at the last possible moment. I worked 10 hour days and in 10 years didn’t take more than 2 five day breaks. Thankfully I have the luxury of setting my own schedule and work hours. However if I don’t work, I don’t earn. But for now the bills are paid and when I need or want something the moneys there and it all works out. After taking a month off of work to do the ibogaine and being mellow, relaxed and in slow mode(even more than my norm) it wasn’t easy to get back into the work groove. Even though I am passionate about what I do and have longstanding caring relationships with the majority of my clients. I’m also putting my needs first and understanding exactly where my boundaries are, learning to say no, so as not to get the life sucked out of me at work.
It’s time for me to morph once again. Ten years is a long time for me to be doing one thing in one place. Even if there has been growth. I’m open to change and open to what the universe sends my way. That whole manifest destiny thing.
What has been of major importance for me is to have everything different that possibly can be different to signify a new life. Throwing things out that are embedded with junkie energy and rearranging my place so I came back to something different, new and fresh. Vibrancy instead of death.
I’ve learned when you put up a topic on this list, there’s a definite response. Aftercare is hugh. I’m sure so will be the response.
Lori, once again I’m thrilled to hear from you. I have that phone number to the energy and body work people my chiro learned from. I just have to find it.
More to come(undoubltedly),
Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Best Lawyer story
Date: October 21, 2004 at 1:42:00 PM EDT
That’s a really cool story, and have a gut feeling it might be true. Fact is often stranger than fiction, and who could make something like this up? On a different note, AOL ripped me off for $99, (long, long story) but y’all would not believe it if I told you. Unreal. Finally got our Free Legal Service Lawyer (GM/UAW) to tell them to pay the $99 they “stole” from me for service NEVER rendered by the 15th of November, or come to “Sweet Home Alabama” small claims court and defend their actions. Dear God, if you are listening, PLEASE, PLEASE, let them ignore the letter, (like the last 200 they have). This is a 2 year battle by just me, taken probably 100 or 200 hours of my time writing letter after letter, email after email, begging that the last thing I wanted was to go to court. It’s the principle now, Has been. This story is just so unreal, people at work say it defies logic. Now they (AOL) have those commercials where there’s a line of people (every member they have) lined up to ask questions. (“OK, Let ’em in.”) Makes me puke every time I see it. I actually had one girl, I swear to God, asked me why I didn’t call their “help line.” When I told her I did, 3 times in 3 days and waited 45 minutes each time before giving up, she actually said to me,” Everybody has to wait that long.” You should have waited an hour and you might have gotten someone.” You would not believe the rest of this story. But I have a 6 inch folder full if 90% of what went on. Sorry to digress, but Internet companies now (most) do what hey want and know 99.9% of the good, honest customers won’t challenge them. This 001% is going to. Wish me luck. Again, sorry to ramble off subject, but it’s caused me much, much distress. Norris
PS Sorry if I offend anyone who may work at AOL, but this is a true story that’s just really no excuse for it going this far. Also everyone watch out for PAYPAL, owned by Ebay. Love Ebay, PAYPAL clipped me for $89. Should have sued them, too, but AOL is in my sights now too much to worry about PAYPAL.
From: “FakePlacebo” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Best Lawyer story
Date: October 21, 2004 at 11:56:55 AM EDT
To: “Summary” <>
Dear List,
I saw this in web I don’t know if it’s true or not but so interesting
This is the best lawyer story of the year, decade and probably the century.
A Charlotte, NC, lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars then insured them against fire among other things.
Within a month having smoked his entire stockpile of these great cigars and without yet having made even his first premium payment on the policy, the
lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company. In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost “in a series of small fires.”
The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason: that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion. The lawyer sued….and won!
In delivering the ruling the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. The Judge stated nevertheless,
that the lawyer held a policy from the company in which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would
insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be unacceptable fire,” and was obligated to pay the claim.
Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance Company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000.00 to the lawyer for
his loss of the rare cigars lost in the “fires.”
After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON!!!!
With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted
of intentionally burning his Insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000.00 fine.
This is a true story and was the 1st place winner in the recent Criminal Lawyers Award Contest.
From: “FakePlacebo” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Date: October 21, 2004 at 11:43:58 AM EDT
To: <>
Dear Randy,
Zappa is the one another best musician for me. I love Zappa’s sound very very much.
Best Regards
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Martee, I meant to ask. Is your net handle a reference to the Frank Zappa tune with Captain Beefheart in it? I think if Zappa was alive he would be completely behind Ibogaine. Maybe we ought to try and get hold of Dwezel. Boy that guy can rock. I love Zappa. Been listening to him since the Absolutely Free album and Freak Out. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Date: October 21, 2004 at 9:21:56 AM EDT
I went and saw Adrian belew and The Bears In Nashville a couple years ago. Got to talk with him (Adrian) before the concert for over an hour while they set up. On their new DVD he shows off some guitars, especially one from when he played with Zappa and some signed Zappa artwork, I think. Zappa was definately in his own little world. Cool world, though.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Date: October 21, 2004 at 6:58:24 AM EDT
Martee, I meant to ask. Is your net handle a reference to the Frank Zappa tune with Captain Beefheart in it? I think if Zappa was alive he would be completely behind Ibogaine. Maybe we ought to try and get hold of Dwezel. Boy that guy can rock. I love Zappa. Been listening to him since the Absolutely Free album and Freak Out. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]Martee
Date: October 21, 2004 at 6:42:00 AM EDT
Martee, yea see you soon. I plan on leavin’ about 9 or 10 so I should be there around 1 this afternoon. Are you going to Preston’s opening? It ought to be pretty cool. I wish I could play. Its all coming back in a way I never imagined. Randy
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Date: October 21, 2004 at 5:18:58 AM EDT
Looking forward to the day. See you later. Martee
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 3:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Its 3 AM and I woke up with Captain Beyond playing Dancing Madly backwards in my head. I love Ibogaine. Its probably cause I was talking about the album with a friend a while back but, I don’t care that song was cool. The Ibo seems to have woke up a part of my brain I haven’t used in a while. I’ve had enough sleep, I’m goin’ to NYC today. Be there or be square at Uncle Ming’s. I hope I see some of you at the Ibonaut group. To quote Animal House, Is this cool or what? Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] list
Date: October 21, 2004 at 5:29:33 AM EDT
Sure thing Sara, I’m really looking forward to it. I’d say I’ll see him and I will do my best to remember that name. Sometime I am going on a spiritual journey, maybe I can come do it with you. I’d really like to see a little of Europe. I definitely want to be way clean before I get on the same continent as Amsterdam, so it will be a little while. Randy
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] lori:Re:aftercare
Date: October 21, 2004 at 5:16:14 AM EDT
To: ibo <>
I got my computer about 2 weeks ago. Still stumbling. One day soon I’ll have to see if I can trade someone computer saavy for a nutritional consult. I learn something new everyday.
I am really happy to hear you are pursuing organizing data and such. I will be more forthcoming on that later. It’s 4:30am and I’m just taking a not sleep break. I have a lot to do today as I have to put in some time at work before I can go to the city.
One thing is different and crucial for me re: work. I’m only working a little more than half of what I used to. My whole focus before was making money on a daily, weekly basis to maintain a very expensive habit. Bills got paid at the last possible moment. I worked 10 hour days and in 10 years didn’t take more than 2 five day breaks. Thankfully I have the luxury of setting my own schedule and work hours. However if I don’t work, I don’t earn. But for now the bills are paid and when I need or want something the moneys there and it all works out. After taking a month off of work to do the ibogaine and being mellow, relaxed and in slow mode(even more than my norm) it wasn’t easy to get back into the work groove. Even though I am passionate about what I do and have longstanding caring relationships with the majority of my clients. I’m also putting my needs first and understanding exactly where my boundaries are, learning to say no, so as not to get the life sucked out of me at work.
It’s time for me to morph once again. Ten years is a long time for me to be doing one thing in one place. Even if there has been growth. I’m open to change and open to what the universe sends my way. That whole manifest destiny thing.
What has been of major importance for me is to have everything different that possibly can be different to signify a new life. Throwing things out that are embedded with junkie energy and rearranging my place so I came back to something different, new and fresh. Vibrancy instead of death.
I’ve learned when you put up a topic on this list, there’s a definite response. Aftercare is hugh. I’m sure so will be the response.
Lori, once again I’m thrilled to hear from you. I have that phone number to the energy and body work people my chiro learned from. I just have to find it.
More to come(undoubltedly),
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] list
Date: October 21, 2004 at 4:50:24 AM EDT
To: <>
Randy, if you meet with Dimitri today, send him my love back, and tell him K.C. is doing fine. We talk soon.
Van: []
Verzonden: donderdag 21 oktober 2004 2:11
Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] list
Sean, I am finally going to meet you. Unless I have an aneurysm or sumpin’ I ain’t missin’ this. After I finally make it there it will be easier to go every week or so. It is amazing how much better I feel after freaking totally out 2 days ago. I kinda just quit obsessing about my problems and started to concentrate on my songs and everything fell together so far. I think I’m over the bad part. I don’t want anyone to think that Ibo doesn’t work cause it does. I’m just a wuss. I don’t know who said it but they are right, screw Dr.’s, that care nothing about your soul, your shaman will. In my opinion thats what its all about. Your soul, funk, rock blues, country, whatever but I digress. I’m feeling great tonight and I can’t wait to hit the road tomorrow. See who ever makes the Ibo meeting, and who ever remembers Preston’s opening. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Hey list
Date: October 21, 2004 at 3:49:36 AM EDT
Its 3 AM and I woke up with Captain Beyond playing Dancing Madly backwards in my head. I love Ibogaine. Its probably cause I was talking about the album with a friend a while back but, I don’t care that song was cool. The Ibo seems to have woke up a part of my brain I haven’t used in a while. I’ve had enough sleep, I’m goin’ to NYC today. Be there or be square at Uncle Ming’s. I hope I see some of you at the Ibonaut group. To quote Animal House, Is this cool or what? Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] howard the man
Date: October 21, 2004 at 3:38:32 AM EDT
Howard, thanx a bunch but, I kinda’ got over it a little bit. Matter of fact in the past 24 hours I have slept twice for about 8 hours total. Not much to bitch about I’d say. Ibogaine is truly a miracle and if it hadn’t been for you and your efforts Ibogaine would still be unknown. I really hold you in high regard for working for your fellow man. Thanx for helping me thru this. Randy
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] howard the man
Date: October 21, 2004 at 12:57:55 AM EDT
To: <>
You are a particular person I would really be happy to see show up even for just a few minutes if that’s all you could handle, at the party tomorr…errr, I mean, tonight.
It’s on Ave. B, between 13th and 14th St, from 9PM to 4AM, so that’s a nice wide timeslot to fit into if you’re still up at that hour(s). But you are one of those inspirations to me and it would mean a lot to me if you made an appearance.
If not, I’ll survive, but I won’t be as happy as I will be if (oh, I mean obviously “when”) I see your smiling face having a good time at the release party.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Residual withdrawl-Dear Randy
In a message dated 10/16/04 2:26:33 AM, writes:
That is not an uncommon effect of ibogiane whether you are opioid dependent
or not. As far as I am concerned take a heavy sedative and catch some sleep if
you don’t like spending 21 hours a day doing things. Of course take it up
with a doctor and get a prescription.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Residual withdrawl-Dear Randy
Date: October 20, 2004 at 10:36:39 PM EDT
In a message dated 10/16/04 2:26:33 AM, writes:
That is not an uncommon effect of ibogiane whether you are opioid dependent
or not. As far as I am concerned take a heavy sedative and catch some sleep if
you don’t like spending 21 hours a day doing things. Of course take it up
with a doctor and get a prescription.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] list
Date: October 20, 2004 at 8:11:17 PM EDT
Sean, I am finally going to meet you. Unless I have an aneurysm or sumpin’ I ain’t missin’ this. After I finally make it there it will be easier to go every week or so. It is amazing how much better I feel after freaking totally out 2 days ago. I kinda just quit obsessing about my problems and started to concentrate on my songs and everything fell together so far. I think I’m over the bad part. I don’t want anyone to think that Ibo doesn’t work cause it does. I’m just a wuss. I don’t know who said it but they are right, screw Dr.’s, that care nothing about your soul, your shaman will. In my opinion thats what its all about. Your soul, funk, rock blues, country, whatever but I digress. I’m feeling great tonight and I can’t wait to hit the road tomorrow. See who ever makes the Ibo meeting, and who ever remembers Preston’s opening. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] list
Date: October 20, 2004 at 6:17:06 PM EDT
Hi Randy,
Yeah, hang in there mahn. Benzos or opiates sound like a real bad idea. I know it is rough, but you are a survivor mahn! Keep on postin though, I know it always got me though times..and you are one of the people who helped me get though.
I have not had a chance to post on a couple of days, but I read everything. To anyone considering ibogaine, I know it interrupted my twenty year crack (and more recently dope) habit, I really think it worth the leap of faith. In fact, for myself, I know from experience. Three weeks, no crack thoughts or urges. Minimal thoughts of dope use which have easily been put out of mind.
Changing friends was key for though. And therapy. I strongly recommend both, but if only one is possible, change friends, habits, anything associated with using. There is a whole world out there beyond needles and crack pipes I am rediscovering.
To all struggling, much strength. Hope to see anyone who can make it at the weekly Big Apple get together of ibonoughts and ibo curious. For those who can make it, Preston’s party sounds like a blast!
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] vv and nypress on book bash
Date: October 20, 2004 at 1:30:15 PM EDT
To: “Newsroom-L” <>, <>
Dear Comrades:
Whoever thought of the DJs and Go-Go dancers — as opposed to readers droning on — angle is a marketing genius. Preston I believe you take a bow here?
Don’t know what happened with the New York Observer “Eight-Day Week” page (it’s always towards the end of the second section) that I pitched. Since this Observer feature is not online, you might want to check a newsstand copy as I will when I get out later today. But collectively we hit two solid home runs with NY Press and the Village Voice. (I like some of the familiar verbiage in the NY Press item.) The NYP & VV items are not just in the books listings, but in the Editors’ picks listings that a lot of folks see. Given that, plus the Salon blog we got (DrugWarRant) — fasten your seat belts for tmw night.
All that is to urge you: I really hope Uncle Ming is prepared with enough booze, including enough of that discounted vodka that Preston scoured up, and you guys with enough books. You might want to alert the vodka company to these two home runs. Given that they’re doing it to introduce the stuff to the opinion-leading slicksters who’ll be dangling from the chandeliers, they should be willing to boost their supply given the NYP & VV listings. How many attendees will actually buy books remains to be seen, but we can hope.
Me and Herself? We plan to get there early, stay late.
Talk to you,
Dan Forbes
from New York Press “Picks” page — their highlights of the week — leading off Thursday’s listings:
This is our kind of literary jam. A drug-book party (meaning, a party celebrating a book about drugs) with go-go dancers instead of books. Oh, we’re sure there will be some books lying around, but that’s not what tonight is about. Boasting no stuffy readings, the Book Bash urges you to go buy the book and read it on your own damn time. Meanwhile, enjoy DJs, dancers, groovers, shakers and touchdown-makers, all in celebration of Disinformation’s “latest well-schooled rant,” The Disinformation Guide to Drugs. Uncle Ming’s, 225 Ave. B (betw. 13th & 14th Sts.), 212-979-8506; 9, free.
This the sole “Events” Editors’ choice on the Village Voice “Choices” Web page: The green asterisk indicates it’s an editors’ recommendation.
‘The Disinformation Company Presents: “Under the Influence: The Disinformation Guide to Drugs” Book Release Party’
The folks at Disinfo ask: “Do you believe that the war on drugs is a success?” In their new book, they delve into it, but tonight they celebrate with music by DJ Ness and the book’s editor Preston Peet, performances by Go-Go Girls, Delirium Uncle Ming’s 225 Ave. B,
Thu at 9
Thu 10/21 9:00 PM
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
From: “Preston Peet” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Thanx list
Date: October 20, 2004 at 10:39:10 AM EDT
To: <>
If I can keep this up I’ll be in NYC Thursday and I hope to see some yall’ <
hope so.
Peace and love,
Preston Peet
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for enlightenment is often mistaken for madness”
Richard Davenport-Hines
Editor “Under the Influence- the Disinformation Guide to Drugs”
Cont. High Times mag/.com
Cont. Editor
Columnist New York Waste
—– Original Message —– From:
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Thanx list
I want to apologize for being such an ass. Thank God for this list and Ibogaine for any of the sanity I have. This list and the people on it who seem like they actually care about me are what keeps me going. Thanx to Patrick for being the odd genus that he is. I like odd people, I’d say I’m rather odd myself. I will try and refrain from the inane bitching from now on. Gets me nowhere but exaggerates my feelings to the point of absurdity. I’m kinda gettin’ used to being up at 3 or 4 in the morning, its cool, I just keep breakin’ strings and my harps are goin’ flat but, wait, I aint bitchin,’ as Patrick would say, I’m just sayin’ (no shrug). I hope I feel this good till I sleep again. If I can keep this up I’ll be in NYC Thursday and I hope to see some yall’ yeeeeeeeee fuckin’ haaaaa Randy PS thank God for mother nature, she grows some beutimus things.
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] just a thought
Date: October 20, 2004 at 9:10:44 AM EDT
That’s where I got my internet name from. A beautiful Border Collie who I swear feels my pain (as most (all) of our four legged friends do) One night with the shakes a bit, he laid on top of me until they passed a bit. Scared the hell out of him, but he was there for me. Helped more than he’ll ever know. Would highly recommend a pet to anyone going through ant type of pain pain who has that space to keep one. But i’m sure out of this group, all probably already either own one or know their special gifts.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine]aftercare
Date: October 20, 2004 at 8:12:15 AM EDT
Don’t get me stated about aftercare. We need to pass on what we learn and establish real protocol on aftercare esp. for Methadone. And I want in on it. I got plans that won’t be stopped. I’ve stopped once for 10 years without Ibo and once just now with Ibo and there is truly no comparison. Of course 6 of those years I was addicted to Oxy’s and heroin. I started methadone this time when I found out I had Hep C and I truly thought I was going to die because some of my friends had and I don’t see how they could have shot more dope and drank as much alcohol as me. I’m lucky, I went thru the Hep C protocol and my liver is checking out completely normal. No sign of Hep C. So when I knew I wasn’t gonna die I knew I had to get off methadone. Took a year to get the Ibogaine. I wasn’t gonna even try without it. It was way too much last time. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: RELAX
Date: October 20, 2004 at 7:56:36 AM EDT
Martee, thanx so muck for your kindness. I kinda got over bein’ pissed seemed like such a waste of time. Your mention of music took me back to the fist time I listened after Ibo. Music pretty much drives me to live and the inspiration I have found since is incredible. I have left out all the really cool stuff that is happening and taken too much time worrying about getting thru this. I have written two really cool ones (at least thats what I think) in the past two days.LOL I just wish I could get Trent Rezner to play keys on my Ibo song. The kindness on this list is almost overwhelming. Who would have thought a bunch of junkies and ex junkies could treat each other this way? The Ibo song is a drop D tuning play on a D diminished on the 5th fret that sounds kinda erie but rocks loudly if I have anything to do with it. I’ll be around a while so you will probably here it. I’m getting a digital recorder in two weeks. Thanx again to you and everyone else for your kind words of encouragement and Marc thank you for your blunt honesty. I needed that. So far so good for today and I’m going to try real hard to make it to the city tomorrow. Randy
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Hey lori
Date: October 20, 2004 at 6:40:23 AM EDT
To: ibo <>
Good to see you on the list. So where are you in the thought process of aftercare? There’s a definite need. Two heads are better than one.
If you want you can write me direct.
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re font too small
Date: October 20, 2004 at 6:33:05 AM EDT
To: ibo <>
I am really thrilled for any computer tip I can get, However I really am unaware of the faux pas I’m committing here. I am now in 10 font. Before I was doing 8 font because when I wrote really long stuff it would be disguised as not so long. I had 3 computer courses all pre windows. Some of the stuff is coming back to me. Those that know me are aware that I have no problem having things pointed out to me. As long as it’s done with love. These days those are the only ones I surround myself with.
I’m using reading glasses so I may not realize how small things are looking. Thanks for the heads up. Sorry I just sent off a long letter in8 font.
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: RELAX
Date: October 20, 2004 at 6:16:31 AM EDT
To: ibo <>
It’s 4:00 am, I had 4 hours sleep, I’ll be up for 2 hours and then get another 2 or 3 if I’m lucky. After 2 +mos. this is normal. I can literally count on one hand how many times I’ve slept through the night since my treatment. In the beginning(sounds like genesis and I do consider it a rebirth) I got two hours 2-3x per 24 hours. I only did valium right after and noticed I woke up feeling “sick” when I took chemicals to sleep. The same thing would happen to me when I used to do dope. It would eat up the methadone in my system. I went with homeopathics. But mostly I observed that my waking hours were extremely functional. Not that toss and turn bullshit. And when I did sleep, the dreams were intense.
I don’t know how long ago you did your session, however I had a fatique after that kicked my ass. After 10 days I barely had the strength to move to the other side of the bed to change the cds! I would go to the kitchen, take the eggs out of the fridge,and have to sit down and rest. The first week sitting in a chair as oppossed to relaxing in the bed was a feat. I took a lot of showers, drank a lot of water and oh yeah the nutritional bullshit that everyone likes to discount was HUGH!!
Did I feel I was properly informed when I was told low level flu symptoms for 10 days because of my age and length of usage? Was I emotionally bouncing off of the walls when I felt uncomfortable at first? Well to sum it up, I wanted to give a royal ass kicking to my provider for what I felt was being flighty about specifics that I thought intellectually I should have been told.
This is coming from a pacifist who believes no one person EVER has the right to put their hands in violence on another human. Except in self defense, then anything goes! And truth be told, I love that man! What he did for me and brought to me, at this moment in my life is unparalleled. Tools and teachers are all over the place. Again it’s ones perception, and what you’re ready for. When I stopped taking the path of most resistance, and stopped freaking out that every chill, sneeze, twitch, was the onset of a full blown withdrawl, things got better.
I pushed myself to see physical progress. I used the time to read. It was nice being able to turn the page! I listened to music nonstop,which is something I had not been doing. I had become a tv addict. Something else the Ibo washed out of my brain. It washed out everything I was doing to excess. I also stopped cigarettes at the same time. For the last 2 weeks I have been wanting a cigarette in the worst way. A lot. Did I give in and smoke one cigarette or 2 since then? Yes. Will I buy a pack. No. Would I like to believe people when they say you have kicked opiates among other things. Do the cigarette thing later. I know myself. Do I wish cigarettes were immune boosting and good for you. Yes. I am not panicing because I am now watching 1 hour of tv per day instead of one per week. All things in perspective.
I also believe aftercare and beforecare is something that would raise the odds in a higher success rate for people doing sessions. The tough times were nothing compared to the insanity of the mission I was on for all those years.
Just an observation. But if you’re functional enough to come into the city from where you are, I’d say you’re doing outstanding. Again I don’t know the particulars of your history, but marc pointing out to me over and over that hey you haven’t had meth or drugs in a week or 2 weeks or 3 weeks, was really an eyeopener. The last time I could say that was in 1982!!!!!
If being pissed off helps get you through, fine. We should all be upset with the medical industry. There’s nothing new or original about what they did to you. I believe it’s up to me to take care of me and educate myself. Self reliance is a rush when you get it right. But I feel for you. I really do.
Before my session It was suggested to me to write as many reasons as I could, to reflect on how fucked up things were living as an addict. It’s a reminder and inspiration to think if self defeating thoughts come back in. I believe I got to 35 reasons.
Is’s now been 1and a half hours on this. As much as it sounds like rambling I tried to give it thought. I’ve been working on that rambling thing.
I wish for you ; understanding, acceptance, peace, calm and above all love.
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] just a thought
Date: October 20, 2004 at 5:40:07 AM EDT
To: <>
We have a new Dog and it’s name is Charlie. What a coincident?
Van: []
Verzonden: woensdag 20 oktober 2004 2:56
Onderwerp: [Ibogaine] just a thought
someone resides in one of those house’s but in reality, no one really lives there, a shattered life that off the walls bounce’s and bounce’s, from one to another, not knowing where to turn, and knowing there’s no going back, watching the midnight oil burn, and waiting for the sleepless nightmares, to attack
in the bowels of hell, will the devil ever spew me out the shakes, the pains, agony, the total despair i feel please help me to believe what i always doubt, that there is a way to get out of this hell,
but to get out, you begin to wish you were dead, and you can come back to life with just a call, a dose then your weakness makes you wish you were instead oh the sheer hell of it all, and the hell to those close
I hope i’m right what i’ve read, the letters I see I Believe Our Gods Antidote (Answer) Is Natures Energy I B O G A I N E
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re:innate attraction
Date: October 20, 2004 at 5:18:43 AM EDT
To: <>
If you find Martee’s font too small to read then hit reply and then select all and just change the font there and read it. That’s what I did anyway cuz theres no way I could read it otherwise with my rubbish eye sight!
—– Original Message —–
From: m.finman
To: ibo
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re:innate attraction
Docil may not have been the correct word. No matter how functinal, productive or creative I was on drugs, I always felt I was giving up something for it. I thought I appeared functional but was not. Now I see how much there is to do in the course of an hour, day or week that I don’t know where I found the time to do all those drugs! Now if I had some serious funds & was able to pay others to do my menial stuff & appear there was no financial grief, I could have convinced myself & others I was doing just fine.
It’s possible that innate attraction to get high may be the desire to have things better or different NOW in those that can be predisposed to that sort of thing. Instant gratification. If it feels good, do it. This is just a quick reflection. This could definitly be a round table discussion. I actually had to think a while on this one. You had me speechless. That makes you talented!
As well as I feel lately, I am no monument to sobriety. I still have a lot of stuff to work out . Who doesn’t? As I look back I am HORRIFIED at my behavior & maybe that and other things in my make-up form my perception. It’s all individual perception anyway.
Sensory Deprivation. I never found the corner they sold that one at.
Be well,
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] eye opener
Date: October 20, 2004 at 5:09:37 AM EDT
To: <>
—– Original Message —–
From: Sjonnygee .
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 6:12 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] eye opener
I’m glad you posted this. As Herman says;’It works the same in every country’ – but the Bush/Goering/Cheney thread is stinging me right now. Lenny Bruce also drew parallels between the rhetoric of Conservative American politicians and quotes from the Nuremburg trials……..incredible! – Cheers, Jonny.
>From: “m.finman” <>
>Subject: [Ibogaine] eye opener
>Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 22:11:58 -0400
>”Naturally, the common people don’t want war, but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a facist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.”
>Herman Goering speaking at the Nuremberg trials after W WII
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From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 20, 2004 at 5:07:04 AM EDT
To: <>
At least you got into H AFTER you finished Uni. I got into it at 19 just as
I started Uni so there went all my student loans etc and 3 universities
later and 5yrs of wasted lifelessness and I’m still no further on! So don’t
feel bad girl-you still did better than me! (not that it takes much! 😉
Love Hannah
—– Original Message —–
From: “Ms Iboga” <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
I feel for you. I got myself into this mess by doing
H- started 4 years ago, when I was 22, and just outta
university. Hey, it was cool, and felt good.
Four years of my life slipped by, and I was in a
complete daze. I accomplished very little, and
certainly did NOT enrich my life, mind, or soul…not
to mention the body part- I’m so afraid my
neurochemicals will never straighten out.
Charlie, methadone DOES work for pain- it’s commonly
prescribed to people post-chemotherapy, or to
chronically ill, hospice patients. While I was on it,
it very effectively masked a severe tooth problem I
had; in fact, it was the tooth pain MORE than the
residual withdrawal that drove me back into the arms
of methadone after my first Ibo detox.
What’s your daily dosage of methadone? Why did they
(the docs) decide to give you methadone? Methadone is
super long lasting, with only LAAM, and I think one
other opiate, beating it out. So, in a sense, it does
make sense, but only if they warned you about the
hazards of long term methadone use. DID they warn
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands:
[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Thanx list
Date: October 20, 2004 at 4:10:50 AM EDT
I want to apologize for being such an ass. Thank God for this list and Ibogaine for any of the sanity I have. This list and the people on it who seem like they actually care about me are what keeps me going. Thanx to Patrick for being the odd genus that he is. I like odd people, I’d say I’m rather odd myself. I will try and refrain from the inane bitching from now on. Gets me nowhere but exaggerates my feelings to the point of absurdity. I’m kinda gettin’ used to being up at 3 or 4 in the morning, its cool, I just keep breakin’ strings and my harps are goin’ flat but, wait, I aint bitchin,’ as Patrick would say, I’m just sayin’ (no shrug). I hope I feel this good till I sleep again. If I can keep this up I’ll be in NYC Thursday and I hope to see some yall’ yeeeeeeeee fuckin’ haaaaa Randy PS thank God for mother nature, she grows some beutimus things.
From: “Hannah Clay” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] ibogaine experience
Date: October 20, 2004 at 3:37:46 AM EDT
To: <>
Sara 🙂
Is this a recipe for cannabis tea? I’d really like to try it myself. What’s this- ‘cannabis anis ginger’? And where can I get it? And do you mean put 5g or more for every pot of tea you make? Is any actual tea involved?
Sorry if I sound like a complete idiot but I just wanted to make sure I get it right cuz if you say this is good then I really respect your opinion. We have some very nice weed at the moment and I bet it’d make a very nice ingredient!
I hope you’re ok.
Love Hannah
—– Original Message —–
From: Sara Glatt
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 12:52 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] ibogaine experience
Hi Randy,What I normally do is a strong pot of tea, cannabis anis ginger and one tables spoon of olive oil .you cook the ginger with anis seeds first, then
You set it on simmer heat , you put about 5grams or more per pot tea you add the olive oil and keep on this low heat for about 15 minutes.
You put some honey in your cup and drink as much as you need some people start tripping on this tea, so stay at home when you do it, don’t forget to take hot baths. Tell me how it works for you, It takes two weeks to feel the energy coming back.
Good luck, Randy!
Van: [] Verzonden: zaterdag 9 oktober 2004 11:20 Aan: Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] ibogaine experience
Hey all, I’m having a real problem with residual withdrawals. Nothing major just little twinges but its bugging the hell out of me. They come back about 48 hours after a booster. I’m blessed with a very good source for cannabis but that just doesn’t cut it. Maybe Sara can help me. Is it better to make butter and eat it as opposed to smoking it?I would appreciate any suggestions. Randy PS This still is the best I’ve ever felt in 25 years.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Thanx-
Date: October 20, 2004 at 2:07:57 AM EDT
Marc, I spent about half an hour writing you and got knocked off the Internet and lost the note. The short of it is, your right, your so right it made me cry. I’m just to much of a fighter to let someone fuck me without a fight. I was specific about Restorils for post Ibo sleep and he agreed with me at the time. Now he acts like we never had the conversation. In my opinion he fucked me around and I don’t take getting fucked around lightly, thats a serious infraction in the dope world but I’m trying to claw my way out of the dope world so I won’t kick his ass but I will do what I can to proclaim this guy for the idiot that he is. Thanx so much for your advice, I really needed to read what you said. Ibogaine rocks like an ox, wrote a song about it, like to hear it, here it goes. Randy
From: lori m <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: mcorcoran
Date: October 20, 2004 at 12:38:44 AM EDT
Nice to see you on the list!
lots of love
“m.finman” <> wrote:
Hey Hey,
And I thought the day couldn’t get any better. So very nice to hear from you, my friend. You know how much I just LOVE constructive criticism. I see it as you looking out for me.
The only thing that would make this day better is if that Gemini dude (you know who you are) would come out from under his rock and write or call me.
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From: mcorcoran <>
Subject: Fwd: Re: [Ibogaine] Help – Randy
Date: October 19, 2004 at 11:13:58 PM EDT
Note: forwarded message attached.
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From: mcorcoran <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Help – Randy
Date: October 19, 2004 at 4:48:41 PM EDT
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RELAX. As you know I had some very difficult residual withdrawals for the first couple of weeks and just like you I felt fine for the first few days and then it started to kick my ass. But I was determined to change my behavior and for me that started with not looking for a pill or a doctor to fix it for me. You’ve been on a shit load of meth for a long fuckin time and you are not going to feel 100% for a little while. You need to commit to riding it out without taking shit for sleep or to calm you down- thats what got us all here in the first place.
They told me in Mexico that I would probably have about a 10% residual withdrawal afterwards and that was just about right. Those first couple of weeks were not easy and In don’t think there supposed to be. Not a magic pill.
Knowing what I do of your case, I can promise you that you are over the hump and in the coming days you are going to feel better and better but its not an overnight thing.
Hold onto everything you said and felt immediately post Ibo and maybe a few boosters could help but you will sleep even less so weigh the pros and cons of that one too but please call me if you need to talk. -M.
Its time for Randy to help Randy get over these residual withdrawals. once you commit to that everything will get a whole lot easier.
And oh yeah, one last thing…. fuck doctors. Unless of course there Mexican or Revolutionary witch doctors in NYC. ;o) wrote:
Does anybody know of a Dr. in the Catskills area or even NYC that doesn’t have his head up his ass and is willing to learn something and help me get over these residual withdrawals? My Dr. assured me he would help me with the residuals and then told me to take fucking diphenhydramine. These assholes offered me methadone but would not give me anything effective for sleep. Seems like medical malpractice to me. Here I’ll keep you hooked cause you have to pay me monthly but since you won’t be seeing me very often fuck you and your withdrawals. Where is the logic in this? I gave this asshole information on Ibogaine which he obviously ignored. The data is being compiled as we speak. All you have to do is read it. This guy blindly treated me with no information obviously because if he had read what I had given him this would not be a problem. He thinks or he acts like he thinks I’m trying to con him. If I was after drugs I would have kept the methadone now wouldn’t I. I think he doesn’t give a damn cause I won’t see him but once a year if I’m clean. If I was still a drunk his ass would already be kicked. I am seriously going to look into a law suit, probably to no avail but, I gotta try. What a fucking idiot. I can’t believe this he will keep me hooked but not help me get clean. Randy
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[%] Ibogaine List Commands: [%]
Subject: [Ibogaine] just a thought
Date: October 19, 2004 at 8:55:39 PM EDT
someone resides in one of those house’s
but in reality, no one really lives there,
a shattered life that off the walls bounce’s
and bounce’s, from one to another,
not knowing where to turn,
and knowing there’s no going back,
watching the midnight oil burn,
and waiting for the sleepless nightmares,
to attack
in the bowels of hell, will the devil ever spew me out
the shakes, the pains, agony, the total despair i feel
please help me to believe what i always doubt,
that there is a way to get out of this hell,
but to get out, you begin to wish you were dead,
and you can come back to life with just a call, a dose
then your weakness makes you wish you were instead
oh the sheer hell of it all, and the hell to those close
I hope i’m right what i’ve read, the letters I see
I Believe Our Gods Antidote (Answer) Is Natures Energy
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: mcorcoran
Date: October 19, 2004 at 8:01:12 PM EDT
To: ibo <>
Hey Hey,
And I thought the day couldn’t get any better. So very nice to hear from you, my friend. You know how much I just LOVE constructive criticism. I see it as you looking out for me.
The only thing that would make this day better is if that Gemini dude (you know who you are) would come out from under his rock and write or call me.
From: “Ann B. Mullikin” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Help
Date: October 19, 2004 at 6:54:01 PM EDT
To: <>
Thanks again, Sara. Looks to me like there has to be some things done in the area
of Aftercare. True, the John Q average doctor is pretty stupid. I guess there just
aren’t very many doctors who know what the hell is going on. I’m finding our just how
many doctors are given permission to pass out methadone at whatever dose they choose.
but can’t cope with symptoms. They don’t know what to do other than put a person back on
I keep thinking about what I can do. Without any money its really tough. I know one neurologist
that I plan to consult – maybe she can tell me of a professional person who may pass on some
suggestions. I plan to set up a consultation with her tomorrow. I know her a little bit on a personal
level. She and her husband are neighbors. She got her medical degree on one of the islands
near Jamaica. I’m sure she has heard of St. Kitts and I plan to educate her of the doings of Miz
Deborah Mash. She needs to know.
It’s a rough road…………….but, dumb me, I just keep on hoping that those good ole endorphins and
encapholans start doing their thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
—– Original Message —–
From: Sara Glatt
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:43 PM
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Help
Thats how it is , even in The Netherlands.
Van: []
Verzonden: dinsdag 19 oktober 2004 21:47
Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] Help
Does anybody know of a Dr. in the Catskills area or even NYC that doesn’t have his head up his ass and is willing to learn something and help me get over these residual withdrawals? My Dr. assured me he would help me with the residuals and then told me to take fucking diphenhydramine. These assholes offered me methadone but would not give me anything effective for sleep. Seems like medical malpractice to me. Here I’ll keep you hooked cause you have to pay me monthly but since you won’t be seeing me very often fuck you and your withdrawals. Where is the logic in this? I gave this asshole information on Ibogaine which he obviously ignored. The data is being compiled as we speak. All you have to do is read it. This guy blindly treated me with no information obviously because if he had read what I had given him this would not be a problem. He thinks or he acts like he thinks I’m trying to con him. If I was after drugs I would have kept the methadone now wouldn’t I. I think he doesn’t give a damn cause I won’t see him but once a year if I’m clean. If I was still a drunk his ass would already be kicked. I am seriously going to look into a law suit, probably to no avail but, I gotta try. What a fucking idiot. I can’t believe this he will keep me hooked but not help me get clean. Randy
From: “Sara Glatt” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Help
Date: October 19, 2004 at 5:43:57 PM EDT
To: <>
That’s how it is , even in The Netherlands.
Van: []
Verzonden: dinsdag 19 oktober 2004 21:47
Onderwerp: Re: [Ibogaine] Help
Does anybody know of a Dr. in the Catskills area or even NYC that doesn’t have his head up his ass and is willing to learn something and help me get over these residual withdrawals? My Dr. assured me he would help me with the residuals and then told me to take fucking diphenhydramine. These assholes offered me methadone but would not give me anything effective for sleep. Seems like medical malpractice to me. Here I’ll keep you hooked cause you have to pay me monthly but since you won’t be seeing me very often fuck you and your withdrawals. Where is the logic in this? I gave this asshole information on Ibogaine which he obviously ignored. The data is being compiled as we speak. All you have to do is read it. This guy blindly treated me with no information obviously because if he had read what I had given him this would not be a problem. He thinks or he acts like he thinks I’m trying to con him. If I was after drugs I would have kept the methadone now wouldn’t I. I think he doesn’t give a damn cause I won’t see him but once a year if I’m clean. If I was still a drunk his ass would already be kicked. I am seriously going to look into a law suit, probably to no avail but, I gotta try. What a fucking idiot. I can’t believe this he will keep me hooked but not help me get clean. Randy
From: mcorcoran <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Help – Randy
Date: October 19, 2004 at 4:48:41 PM EDT
DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RELAX. As you know I had some very difficult residual withdrawals for the first couple of weeks and just like you I felt fine for the first few days and then it started to kick my ass. But I was determined to change my behavior and for me that started with not looking for a pill or a doctor to fix it for me. You’ve been on a shit load of meth for a long fuckin time and you are not going to feel 100% for a little while. You need to commit to riding it out without taking shit for sleep or to calm you down- thats what got us all here in the first place.
They told me in Mexico that I would probably have about a 10% residual withdrawal afterwards and that was just about right. Those first couple of weeks were not easy and In don’t think there supposed to be. Not a magic pill.
Knowing what I do of your case, I can promise you that you are over the hump and in the coming days you are going to feel better and better but its not an overnight thing.
Hold onto everything you said and felt immediately post Ibo and maybe a few boosters could help but you will sleep even less so weigh the pros and cons of that one too but please call me if you need to talk. -M.
Its time for Randy to help Randy get over these residual withdrawals. once you commit to that everything will get a whole lot easier.
And oh yeah, one last thing…. fuck doctors. Unless of course there Mexican or Revolutionary witch doctors in NYC. ;o) wrote:
Does anybody know of a Dr. in the Catskills area or even NYC that doesn’t have his head up his ass and is willing to learn something and help me get over these residual withdrawals? My Dr. assured me he would help me with the residuals and then told me to take fucking diphenhydramine. These assholes offered me methadone but would not give me anything effective for sleep. Seems like medical malpractice to me. Here I’ll keep you hooked cause you have to pay me monthly but since you won’t be seeing me very often fuck you and your withdrawals. Where is the logic in this? I gave this asshole information on Ibogaine which he obviously ignored. The data is being compiled as we speak. All you have to do is read it. This guy blindly treated me with no information obviously because if he had read what I had given him this would not be a problem. He thinks or he acts like he thinks I’m trying to con him. If I was after drugs I would have kept the methadone now wouldn’t I. I think he doesn’t give a damn cause I won’t see him but once a year if I’m clean. If I was still a drunk his ass would already be kicked. I am seriously going to look into a law suit, probably to no avail but, I gotta try. What a fucking idiot. I can’t believe this he will keep me hooked but not help me get clean. Randy
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From: mcorcoran <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re:innate attraction
Date: October 19, 2004 at 4:33:29 PM EDT
Hey Martee
So glad you seem to be getting so much out of the list. Now if you could only figure out how to enlarge your font you’d be golden. ;o) It wouldn’t be me if I didn’t throw that one in there.
I was thinking last night about our meeting a few days after I got back to NY and I’m just so pleased how things worked out for both you and Joe. Three down… one to go.
Keep up the good work and I will do the same and don’t beat yourself up… your doing fuckin great.
I’ll see you on Thursday at somepoint. -M.
“m.finman” <> wrote:
Docil may not have been the correct word. No matter how functinal, productive or creative I was on drugs, I always felt I was giving up something for it. I thought I appeared functional but was not. Now I see how much there is to do in the course of an hour, day or week that I don’t know where I found the time to do all those drugs! Now if I had some serious funds & was able to pay others to do my menial stuff & appear there was no financial grief, I could have convinced myself & others I was doing just fine.
It’s possible that innate attraction to get high may be the desire to have things better or different NOW in those that can be predisposed to that sort of thing. Instant gratification. If it feels good, do it. This is just a quick reflection. This could definitly be a round table discussion. I actually had to think a while on this one. You had me speechless. That makes you talented!
As well as I feel lately, I am no monument to sobriety. I still have a lot of stuff to work out . Who doesn’t? As I look back I am HORRIFIED at my behavior & maybe that and other things in my make-up form my perception. It’s all individual perception anyway.
Sensory Deprivation. I never found the corner they sold that one at.
Be well,
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From: mcorcoran <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Re: Martee
Date: October 19, 2004 at 4:19:54 PM EDT
call me.
“m.finman” <> wrote:
Hi Randy,
Thank you for your acknowledgment. Few words can say a lot.
My experience directly after ibogaine also included discomfort at times coupled with the inability to sleep. I’m told the after affects of the ibogaine can mimic withdrawl but it came and went really fast (per episode) and it was some twitches, chills, anxiety. For me it was nothing compared to the real deal. I am also in your age group. When I realized what I was going through would pass in a minute and I had a lot of moments of being still, I was ok.
Another BIG revelation was that it’s all about immune response. I noticed when I ate sugar or white refined (what’s sold and marketed as food) garbage, I would without a doubt feel worse. Being supportive of my immune system with enzyme rich foods definitly helped me come out the other side of this. A balanced intake of protein, fats,and carbs which should include tons of vegetables. They are like the medicine. Sugar is the devil.
I am also in NYC. I’m not sure I will be available for Prestons party, however I am planning on being around prior to that hanging with the group on the lower east side.
I have chosen to be totally abstinent of all substances. I believe if you had a moment (I call it intuition,which is never wrong) of doubting the drug mentality that has been a way of life, I’d call it clarity and thank the Iboga Gods. Just my view.
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From: mcorcoran <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] list
Date: October 19, 2004 at 4:17:20 PM EDT
CHARLIE- I was treated in Mexico and I would tell you that if you have the opportunity GO! I had the option of doing my session in my home town (NYC) or going down to Rosarito and I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am that I chose Mexico. Its a wonderful place.
Call Randy at 619 225 8000 . You’ll be very happy you did. -M. wrote:
Hey Sean,
I live in N. Alabama. I feel OK. I’m still going to a clinic, although I have an appointment with a pain specialist later this month. I’m not going to rush into anything until I talk with them. But they all say how easy it is to taper off, but I have not talked to anyone who has had much success that way, especially after years on it. I found out about Ibogaine just by doing a search on treatments for opiods. No one around these parts i’ve talked to had ever heard of it. After reading about the place in Mexico again, Rosarito, it does not sound that bad. Sounds like they are competent, and cheaper than St. Kitts. Know anyone who’s had it done at the Ibogaine Association in Rosarito? I’ve heard age can be a minus at over 40, and i’m pushing 47. Anything to that? I’m in good general health besides the obvious neck/back disk troubles. No major health problems, just a little high cholesterol.
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Help
Date: October 19, 2004 at 3:47:13 PM EDT
Does anybody know of a Dr. in the Catskills area or even NYC that doesn’t have his head up his ass and is willing to learn something and help me get over these residual withdrawals? My Dr. assured me he would help me with the residuals and then told me to take fucking diphenhydramine. These assholes offered me methadone but would not give me anything effective for sleep. Seems like medical malpractice to me. Here I’ll keep you hooked cause you have to pay me monthly but since you won’t be seeing me very often fuck you and your withdrawals. Where is the logic in this? I gave this asshole information on Ibogaine which he obviously ignored. The data is being compiled as we speak. All you have to do is read it. This guy blindly treated me with no information obviously because if he had read what I had given him this would not be a problem. He thinks or he acts like he thinks I’m trying to con him. If I was after drugs I would have kept the methadone now wouldn’t I. I think he doesn’t give a damn cause I won’t see him but once a year if I’m clean. If I was still a drunk his ass would already be kicked. I am seriously going to look into a law suit, probably to no avail but, I gotta try. What a fucking idiot. I can’t believe this he will keep me hooked but not help me get clean. Randy
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 19, 2004 at 2:59:52 PM EDT
General question. How long would a person have to be off ‘done before he would feel the effects of other opioids (anything synthetic or otherwise, besides ‘done) like before. 3 day’s, 4, 5, week, longer? Just curious. Thanks.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 19, 2004 at 2:21:17 PM EDT
Thanks Ann, I will. I know my mom has terrible back problems, so maybe something to it.
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 19, 2004 at 2:19:46 PM EDT
No Julie, I started at the clinic. I’m fully aware that they use it as an analgesic pain tool, a lot of times for “breakthrough pain” at maybe 10 or 15mg. doses along with oxy’s or something else. I’m at 120mg., but at the pain level i’m at, it has no great effect on my pain, especially my headaches. That’s why I just want off for now, and worry about some other drug, method, whatever to use for the pain levels i’m at. I could go up to as many as 200mg., but would never think of it. Even at the pain i’m in. I worked up to 100mg. over several years as the pain increased, until I got to 120 and saw that it was not giving me anymore relief than the 100 mg. That’s the boat i’m in. Like I mentioned before, even if I could get 50% pain relief on something that would be easier to come off and not be a slave to it, i’d be happy. I guess it’s possible some more surgeries would help aleviate some of the pain, but after 2 neck surgeries, most doc’s are very hesitant to go for the “hat trick.” Can’t blame them when your dealing with possibly more nerve damage than before. You know they say that true “chronic pain patients” have about a 1% chance of becoming physically dependent, although I find that number hard to believe. I do think if I could take something time released or patch or something that would give the 50% or so pain reduction I so need, I honestly think I could take it as prescribed with no problems since i’ve done so well over the last 8 years of not using at the clinic. Thanks,
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re:innate attraction
Date: October 19, 2004 at 1:57:26 PM EDT
To: ibo <>
Docil may not have been the correct word. No matter how functinal, productive or creative I was on drugs, I always felt I was giving up something for it. I thought I appeared functional but was not. Now I see how much there is to do in the course of an hour, day or week that I don’t know where I found the time to do all those drugs! Now if I had some serious funds & was able to pay others to do my menial stuff & appear there was no financial grief, I could have convinced myself & others I was doing just fine.
It’s possible that innate attraction to get high may be the desire to have things better or different NOW in those that can be predisposed to that sort of thing. Instant gratification. If it feels good, do it. This is just a quick reflection. This could definitly be a round table discussion. I actually had to think a while on this one. You had me speechless. That makes you talented!
As well as I feel lately, I am no monument to sobriety. I still have a lot of stuff to work out . Who doesn’t? As I look back I am HORRIFIED at my behavior & maybe that and other things in my make-up form my perception. It’s all individual perception anyway.
Sensory Deprivation. I never found the corner they sold that one at.
Be well,
From: “Sjonnygee .” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] eye opener
Date: October 19, 2004 at 1:12:06 PM EDT
I’m glad you posted this. As Herman says;’It works the same in every country’ – but the Bush/Goering/Cheney thread is stinging me right now. Lenny Bruce also drew parallels between the rhetoric of Conservative American politicians and quotes from the Nuremburg trials……..incredible! – Cheers, Jonny.
>From: “m.finman” <>
>Subject: [Ibogaine] eye opener
>Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 22:11:58 -0400
>”Naturally, the common people don’t want war, but after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a facist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.”
>Herman Goering speaking at the Nuremberg trials after W WII
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From: “Ann B. Mullikin” <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 19, 2004 at 12:42:45 PM EDT
To: <>
Hi; BiscuitBoy mama here. I have Degenerative Spondylothesis Stenoisis and have done everything but
surgery. There is an underlying cause, “Ehlars-Danlos Syndrome” which runs in my family along with quite
a few other unpleasant genetic problems. If you are curious, there is a lot on the ‘net about EDS.
Have you heard about or tried Prolotherapy? You might want to look into it.
—– Original Message —–
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Hey Julie, I thought of something after I sent you the last email. Being that my situation is a little different than some ( chronic pain, 2 neck fusions already, 2 more herniated disk in neck now, one in mid back now, probably one or more in lumbar region.) Right now all’s i take for the pain is “done, which does nothing ( I say nothing. Take that away and I might be a lot worse. Won’t know until then.) Bad head/neck/back aches that reach close to about 8 or so, 10 being worst. I know that if more surgeries are in my future, the methadone would surely complicate matters much worse than some other pain meds. Being that as it may, I pray he might try something like we (you and I) talked about. I see him next week. He is a pain specialist, but will more than likely want me to see a neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon if it requires surgery (which I pray will NOT.) Maybe if I pray hard enough, my only option with them won’t be detox, rapid or otherwise.
Thanks for your input,
From: Ms Iboga <>
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 19, 2004 at 12:09:00 PM EDT
I feel for you. I got myself into this mess by doing
H- started 4 years ago, when I was 22, and just outta
university. Hey, it was cool, and felt good.
Four years of my life slipped by, and I was in a
complete daze. I accomplished very little, and
certainly did NOT enrich my life, mind, or soul…not
to mention the body part- I’m so afraid my
neurochemicals will never straighten out.
Charlie, methadone DOES work for pain- it’s commonly
prescribed to people post-chemotherapy, or to
chronically ill, hospice patients. While I was on it,
it very effectively masked a severe tooth problem I
had; in fact, it was the tooth pain MORE than the
residual withdrawal that drove me back into the arms
of methadone after my first Ibo detox.
What’s your daily dosage of methadone? Why did they
(the docs) decide to give you methadone? Methadone is
super long lasting, with only LAAM, and I think one
other opiate, beating it out. So, in a sense, it does
make sense, but only if they warned you about the
hazards of long term methadone use. DID they warn
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From: “Sjonnygee .” <>
Subject: RE: [Ibogaine] Re: no change soon?
Date: October 19, 2004 at 12:07:21 PM EDT
Hi Martee,
I also believe in cause and effect, I’ve seen it affect my whole life for good and bad . But as humans being led or as individuals leading themselves, I still think there is an innate attraction to basically ‘get high’ chemically or otherwise. The point I’m also making is that dysfunction is subjective and using drugs does not have to render you docile. Drug-free altered states of mind are something I’ve had great and healing fun with – visuals, meditation and sensorary deprivation can all have dramatic effect, especially the latter ! – Basically I agree with you on everything else Martee, although 3 make an organization, 50 make a movement I think ! …..Cheers Jonny.
>From: “m.finman” <>
>To: ibo <>
>Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: no change soon?
>Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 09:04:15 -0400
> It depends on if people want to stay with what they know and are comfortable with, such as dysfunction and chemically sustaining ones mind and body to be kept docile under the thumbs of the $ machine. If it wasn’t for the ibogaine I don’t know that I could have ever stopped. I was a lunatic, nonstop. What we are as a race and what we are at our core are two different things. I’m going for altered state of mind without chemicals. It’s possible.
> As far as change goes, what did Arlo Guthrie say in Alices Restaurant? If one person does it, or 2 people, by the time 3 people do it ,it’s a god damn movement. That’s definitly not an exact quote. It’s a wonder I have any recall or brain cells left.
> Once again I believe in equal and opposite reaction. What you put out you get back. What comes around goes around , etc. etc.
> I appreciate your response and invite you to consider the possibilities.
> Martee
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Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 19, 2004 at 10:57:29 AM EDT
Hey Julie, I thought of something after I sent you the last email. Being that my situation is a little different than some ( chronic pain, 2 neck fusions already, 2 more herniated disk in neck now, one in mid back now, probably one or more in lumbar region.) Right now all’s i take for the pain is “done, which does nothing ( I say nothing. Take that away and I might be a lot worse. Won’t know until then.) Bad head/neck/back aches that reach close to about 8 or so, 10 being worst. I know that if more surgeries are in my future, the methadone would surely complicate matters much worse than some other pain meds. Being that as it may, I pray he might try something like we (you and I) talked about. I see him next week. He is a pain specialist, but will more than likely want me to see a neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon if it requires surgery (which I pray will NOT.) Maybe if I pray hard enough, my only option with them won’t be detox, rapid or otherwise.
Thanks for your input,
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 19, 2004 at 10:25:52 AM EDT
Thanks for that info. I wrote a leter about that before I read this email.
Thanks a lot,
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] for Methadone
Date: October 19, 2004 at 10:24:43 AM EDT
I hope your’s is an isolated case as far as still having such urges even after the Ibogaine. That’s the main reason I would choose that route, to not have to live in the “bowels of hell” with the withdrawals. Like I mentioned before,at the clinic, i’ve been a model client. Quit alcohol 8 years ago, completely (and I was, am, an alcoholic) Quit smoking for 7, just recently started back, but can quit again,(family doc says that with so much on my plate, don’t rush that, yet.) Relationship with parents who are in their 70’s could not be better. The pain meds just had me like a zombie. Never communicated with them.(Never mentioned this before, but my main problem was the “soma’s”, on top of the LT’s. Bad, bad mistake) Never want to see another one. See parents every day now, and they are supportive in my quest for treatment and have been since I started at the clinic some 8 years ago. They have had “their son” back for the last 8 years,(which I can’t say how much it has meant to them and me) so I can’t say that everyting about the ‘done was bad. Just after your ready to move on with the next step of your life, that’s the bad part. It would have just always bothered me beyond words had I not got some sort of help 8 years ago and something had happened to my folks before they saw their “old son” again before they died. Like I said, it’s the “moving on” part now that has got me. My life is ready. I made sure I didn’t rush my ‘done treatment. Have not had any urges, dreams, etc. for a long time. I’m ready. Like I said, i’ll worry about the chronic pain factor after the ‘done releases it’s hold. I’m glad I found this support group. I feel hope there’s hope, now.
Thanks to all,
Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Dear Charlie
Date: October 19, 2004 at 10:00:03 AM EDT
Not in these parts. Like I mentioned before, i’m 47 and have never even seen any “H”, which really was definately a good thing. It would definately have to be something less potent, hence my problem taking anything with acetaminophen . If I took like 10 LT”s (or something similar) that would be 6500 mg. of acetaminophen, not too good for the old liver, perhaps even deadly. The strongest thing I could probaby find would be oxy’s. Don’t know if they’d work or not???
From: “m.finman” <>
Subject: [Ibogaine] Re: no change soon?
Date: October 19, 2004 at 9:04:15 AM EDT
To: ibo <>
It depends on if people want to stay with what they know and are comfortable with, such as dysfunction and chemically sustaining ones mind and body to be kept docile under the thumbs of the $ machine. If it wasn’t for the ibogaine I don’t know that I could have ever stopped. I was a lunatic, nonstop. What we are as a race and what we are at our core are two different things. I’m going for altered state of mind without chemicals. It’s possible.
As far as change goes, what did Arlo Guthrie say in Alices Restaurant? If one person does it, or 2 people, by the time 3 people do it ,it’s a god damn movement. That’s definitly not an exact quote. It’s a wonder I have any recall or brain cells left.
Once again I believe in equal and opposite reaction. What you put out you get back. What comes around goes around , etc. etc.
I appreciate your response and invite you to consider the possibilities.
From: ̶