Ibogaine List Archives – 2002-07

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 31, 2002 at 10:00:01 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Joshua wrote, “The US
comprises 5% of the world’s population and uses 25% of its resources. Our
population in the US is not the problem – that is a red herring.

- jt
Yes, this has always fascinated me, that even though already having more, we humans want more again.  It’s not good for the psyche, or society, or other people, or the environment.  But I don’t think it’s peculiar to America, except that, of course, we’re high on the food chain of it all.  I recently read about a study that said that beyond basic water, food, and shelter, more stuff tends to make people more unhappy.  What a notion!  Is all of our addiction to “getting and spending” causing more pain, even individually, than if we had to work harder physically for our grub, for instance?  Is the pressure to strive for more a given of capitalism or an inherent human kind of thing?  Is it patriarchal?  Etc.  And in what way is an addiction to ONE substance  (the Ring) an acting out of the whole societal mess?  Well, sorry to give more questions than answers.  I’m sure there are those here who have MANY answers for me!  Blessings, Jane  P.S. In another sense, i would take this to romantic love, the craving for another to love, be with, and support ONLY ME!  Is this a part of it?  Does this nuclear family stuff, i.e. “family values” contribute to our anxiety and distress?  I think so.
Do You Yahoo!?
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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] [Fwd: Bishop Pike and the Transmigration]
Date: July 31, 2002 at 7:53:00 PM EDT
To: philipkdick@yahoogroups.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Delivered-To: dana@cures-not-wars.org
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 17:10:43 -0600
From: “Gary G. Ford” <swimp@shaw.ca>
Subject: [Fwd: Bishop Pike and the Transmigration]
Sender: ggford@prod.shaw.ca
To: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Cc: stephen@goodfelloweb.com, MT <mthorn@ix.netcom.com>,
Brad Smith <chair@thule.org>, tsmith@innerx.net, stephen@goodfelloweb.com,
greglunt@aol.com, arjan.stam@hccnet.nl, luxefaire@earthlink.net,
taoss@worldnet.att.net, bidoche@bluewin.ch, watcher@mt.net
Reply-to: swimp@shaw.ca
Organization: SWIMP
X-Accept-Language: en

Dana, for the Innocents amongst us …

Innocents! –

Context –  Pike was an Episcopol Bishop based in
San Francisco (ex-Buena Yerba) California, whose
Son suicided and who felt clocks and things in his
room were moved overnight by his Son’s ‘Spirit’.

What basis? – Time!
The Thing which creeps upon us
Crouched on all fours
And pounces at the Momenmt of Despair,
Sweeping all Purpose and Power aside
At one debilitating lunge!

What FATE!  I am done …

Great Green Frog swimp@shaw.ca
ps: Who says Dick didn’t get mind-link
done in, by the way – how swift and
how attributable his mortal fall?

Dana Beal wrote:

BTW, the one book that has surfaced at the Ibogaine working group
recently is TRANSMIGRATION– discussion of the anoke mushroom. That
brought up the subject of Bishop Pike, who was Phil’s friend and
perished in the Dead Sea desert looking for the anoke mushroom (flesh
of God)– thought to be the lost Gnostic sacrament and present in in
the tincture in the wine served at the last supper. This tincture is
also thought to have contained Syrian Rue, and possibly iboga

One of the properties of flesh of God, presumably, was that it would
confer invulnerability to Death.

He could be crucified, but not killed while under the influence.

Arch-Bishop James Pike marched with Martin Luther King at Selma. Does
anyone on any of these lists have any good sources on Pike?


Gary Gene “Far Too Stupid to put Theory over Experience!” Ford
Iowan Idiot Extraordinaire – swimp@shaw.ca
click links for poems/last for 1972 UAFx ArcJet photos

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Bishop Pike and the Transmigration
Date: July 31, 2002 at 5:59:11 PM EDT
To: philipkdick@yahoogroups.com
Cc: MagickMirr@aol.com, dansmith@clark.net, lensman@stardrive.org, hward@wineshopper.com, Mark@k-dunn.freeserve.co.uk, IMDJam@cs.com, gbekkum@mediaone.net, Gary@osborn-day.freeserve.co.uk, gschwart@u.arizona.edu, e-merrill2@ti.com, “Bob Ezergailis” <morpheal@bserv.com>, “cynthia ford” <maruta@wco.com>, “G. G. Ford” <swimp@shaw.ca>, <brumac@compuserve.com>, <yokatta@oxy.edu>, <kklingon@cwcom.net>, <cyrano@aqua.ocn.ne.jp>, “Adrian” <afme@ihug.co.nz>, dewatson@sunflower.com, CloudRider@aol.com, JagdishM@aol.com, phylegyas@hotmail.com, schwann@webtrance.co.za, ibogalab@hotmail.com, zentarot@hotmail.com, Paul DeRienzo <pdr@echonyc.com>, Stews@radiks.net, foozleman@worldnet.att.net, bmasel@tds.net, heff01@email.msn.com, kingfelix@mediaone.net, PTPEET@cs.com, luxefair@bellsouth.net, cardboard_dada@yahoo.com, prophets@maui.net, m.pilkington@virgin.net, PCLARK@JJHILL.ORG, delaneyw@shasta.com, Edward Jahn <ejahn@barnard.edu>, derlock@mailexcite.com, “Andre Welling” <andre.welling@db.com>, Mitchel Cohen <mitchelcohen@mindspring.com>, “MUTANEX Command HAWAI’I” <mutanex@aloha.net>, miriamwhite420@hotmail.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, Nick Sandberg <nick.sandberg@virgin.net>, George Clayton Johnson <hempjack@earthlink.net>, axiom@greatmystery.org, dancegroove@nyc.rr.com, “warcry@indymedia.org” <warcrycinema@yahoo.com>, “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net>, “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

BTW, the one book that has surfaced at the Ibogaine working group
recently is TRANSMIGRATION– discussion of the anoke mushroom. That
brought up the subject of Bishop Pike, who was Phil’s friend and
perished in the Dead Sea desert looking for the anoke mushroom (flesh
of God)– thought to be the lost Gnostic sacrament and present in in
the tincture in the wine served at the last supper. This tincture is
also thought to have contained Syrian Rue, and possibly iboga

One of the properties of flesh of God, presumably, was that it would
confer invulnerability to Death.

He could be crucified, but not killed while under the influence.

Arch-Bishop James Pike marched with Martin Luther King at Selma. Does
anyone on any of these lists have any good sources on Pike?


From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Karina ??
Date: July 31, 2002 at 5:42:40 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

i’m just takinng amben for sleep and clonopin for my nerves i allways have been hyper 19 days no  methadone i am gonna chex when i cam do the ibo again thanks for your advice karina

From: “sara glatt” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Karina ??
Date: July 31, 2002 at 5:27:19 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi ,

The only thing I would give is another dose of Iboga instead of all that many medication ,

—– Original Message —–
From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Karina ??

hi this is kjarina i went to the ER 7/167/18 7/20 7/21 7/23   they gaveme toradilol.  valium,amben clonoddine mvicodin andphenagen for nauea
i feel better know the physaocal part is over thank god no more mthadone


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] re: Washington Post error.
Date: July 31, 2002 at 5:16:41 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Cc: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

At 11:13 AM -0700 7/31/02, vector6@space.com wrote:
A man wildly more popular postmortem, shaping
our visions of the future from his grave, is just the
kind of paradox Dick would have relished. (In
“Valis,” a character named Phil Dick is told that the
government plans to write and publish novels in
his name after his death.)

This is not actually in VALIS, but at the climax of RADIO FREE
ALBEMUTH, which may be thought of as the screenplay for the movie
“VALIS” in the book VALIS.

RADIO FREE ALBEMUTH was a first attempt that was turned down by
Dick’s publisher (too born-again Christian), and was published only
after he died and his fans were jonesing for new Dick books. VALIS
was his second attempt, and just made the cut–even though it’s
considered to be a very difficult read. But the story line for RADIO
FREE ALBEMUTH survived and made it into VALIS thru an author’s ruse.
In the book, the VALIS entity is first encountered as movie roughly
modeled on “The Man Who Fell to Earth”–but with the story line of

are often referred to as “the VALIS Trilogy”–but in reality it’s a
quartet, since you’re really missing something unless you read
ALBEMUTH. For one thing, it’s much closer in time to Phil’s religious
experience, and conveys the flavor of that.

Other must-reads in this connection are NOW WAIT FOR LAST YEAR, TIME
OF DEATH (1968), which foreshadows many themes of the quartet. This
was based on a story idea by Bill Sarrill, who lived with Phil in
1968 and is still alive in Boston. Best books written on VALIS are IN
PURSUIT OF VALIS & the “Report on the Staten Island Project”:

Interesting, drug abuse, addiction, the Grail myth and the lost
entheogen of the early Gnostics are an important sub-theme in VALIS.
Christ stopped at Eboga.


From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 31, 2002 at 3:32:55 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

NeuroSkull:  Why are you arguing religion?  There are many kinds of religious sects.  What do you think about the Jehovah Witnesses?  Latter day saints?  Islamic and Jewish religions?
Don’t we pretty much all believe in the same higher power?  Why must there be off shoots of the Catholic Religion? But then again look where the priests have took that religion. Because each sect thinks that they have it right..when all of us who are kidding ourselves and hiding behind the Lord each Sunday will be the first to be sent to hell for their hypocrisy.  JUST WORSHIP WHO YOU WERE TAUGHT TO WORSHIP AND STOP PUTTING DOWN ALL OF GOD’S SEPARATE ENTITIES.

Renee Boudreaux

From: vector6@space.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Philip K. Dick’s Future Is Now
Date: July 31, 2002 at 2:13:05 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Philip K. Dick’s Future Is Now
Long After the Sci-Fi Writer’s
Death, Hollywood
Embraces His Dark World

By Vincent P. Bzdek
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, July 28, 2002; Page G01

If someone were to write a
history of the
future as it has been dreamed
up by
Hollywood over the years, the
chapter on
today’s tomorrow would belong
in large part to
Philip K. Dick.

The pulp sci-fi writer’s
mind-bending ideas
hold a commanding spot in popular culture. Half a
dozen movies have been made
from his affably
dystopian short stories and novels, including Steven
Spielberg’s well-received
“Minority Report,” in
theaters now; Ridley Scott’s landmark “Blade
Runner” in 1982; and the
big-budget Arnold
Schwarzenegger hit “Total Recall” in 1990.

Three more adaptations are in
the works,
according to Variety: “A Scanner Darkly,” which Richard
Linklater is directing for
executive producers
Steven Soderbergh and George Clooney; “Paycheck,”
in development at Paramount;
and “King of the
Elves,” which is in the budgeting stage at Disney.
“Paycheck” has lived up to its
title: The short
story Dick originally sold for $195 was optioned for
close to $2 million, his agent
confirmed. If he
were still alive, that would make Dick, word for word,
one of the highest-paid
authors in Hollywood.

Dick’s influence through
inspiration may be
even more pronounced. Several film critics have noted
that “The Matrix,” “Dark City”
and other
alternate-reality-gone-horribly-wrong films feel a lot
Dick’s novels, especially
“Ubik” (1969), which
envisions a world of nonstop, ubiquitous,
personalized advertising. (In
one of the book’s
more memorable scenes, the hero, Joe Chip, is
threatened with a lawsuit by
his door.)

The central conceit of “The
Truman Show” is the
same as Dick’s “Time Out of Joint” (1959): A
fake town has been constructed
around the hero
without his knowing it. The technological paranoia
at the heart of “The X-Files”
and “Enemy of the
State” are vintage Dick. Even 2000’s “Memento”
owes something to Dick, who
played around with
similar backward-traveling narratives more than
30 years ago.

Sundance has fallen in love
with Dick, too. Art
house film director Darren Aronofsky said his
off-kilter 1998 hit “Pi” was
inspired by Dick’s
novels, as was Linklater’s animated “Waking Life”
last year.

In literature, some scholars
have given Dick
credit for godfathering the cyberpunk movement, the
noirish wave of sci-fi writing
in the late ’80s
and early ’90s that anticipated and chronicled the
crannies of cyberspace and
computing. “The Man
in the High Castle,” which won science fiction’s
top honor, the Hugo Award, in
1963, has been
called a classic of the genre. His novels are required
reading in many college lit
classes and Dick
has developed a cult following on campuses.

Seventeen of Dick’s books are
in print, some of
them for the first time. Vintage has accelerated
plans to put 13 others into
circulation, hoping
to have his entire oeuvre in bookstores within two
years. In the United States
alone, Dick’s books
sold 500,000 copies last year; worldwide, the
number is two to three times
that, his agent

And to top it off, his
autobiographical novel
“Valis” has been made into an opera.

“What Franz Kafka was to the
first half of the
20th Century, Philip K. Dick is to the second half,”
wrote “Maus” author Art

Alas, such reverence and its
rewards utterly
eluded Dick while he was alive. He wrote 36 novels and
more than 100 short stories
without making much
money or gaining much notice. He liked to tell
people he survived on dog food
during one hard
stretch, and he often wrote at breakneck speed,
while chomping amphetamines,
just to stay ahead
of bill collectors. Dick succumbed to a stroke 20
years ago at the age of 53,
just before the
first of the films based on his work, “Blade Runner,”

If you’ve read any of Dick’s
stories, though,
you have to assume that somewhere in an alternate
universe he’s wearing a
lopsided grin.

“Actually, I think he would be
amused by his
celebrity,” says Isa Hackett, one of his three children.

A man wildly more popular
postmortem, shaping
our visions of the future from his grave, is just the
kind of paradox Dick would
have relished. (In
“Valis,” a character named Phil Dick is told that the
government plans to write and
publish novels in
his name after his death.)

Though he wrote pulp fiction,
Dick was foremost
an intellectual puzzlemaker. Using a weird
algebra of shifting realities,
paranoia and slam-bang plots, he constructed wildly
original mind games that call
into question the
nature of reality itself. Like all good puzzles, though,
Dick’s stories often have
gasp-inducing solutions: Think O. Henry with a zap gun.

His own life story, however,
may have been the
most tangled brainteaser he ever concocted, with an
ending as surprising as any in
his books.

Philip Kindred Dick and his
twin sister, Jane,
were born Dec. 16, 1928, in Chicago. Jane, however,
survived only 40 days. It was
a loss that
haunted Dick and his work, leaving him with a lifelong
sense of culpability for the
death and
surfacing in his novels repeatedly as a fixation on
identities and a search for

In 1930, Dick and his mother
settled in
Berkeley, Calif., the city that was to shape his
anti-authoritarian world view.
He wrote his
first novel at 14 and never stopped. In one five-year
period, he wrote 16 novels,
churning out as
many as 68 pages a day.

He briefly attended
UC-Berkeley but dropped out
rather than fulfill the ROTC requirement. During
the ’60s, Dick became a bona
fide hippie,
immersing himself in the counterculture and in antiwar
activities, as well as drugs.
His house was
broken into during the period, and his belongings and
papers were destroyed by a
bomb planted inside,
feeding his already lush paranoia. He said Marin
County officials warned him to
leave the area
or he’d be shot in the back.

He moved to the burbs and
spent much of his
writing life exploring the rough edges of psychosis,
intoxication and hallucinated

“He wasn’t remotely
schizophrenic,” says Dick’s
longtime friend and agent Russell Galen. “There
was never any diagnosis of
mental illness, no
medical evidence for that whatsoever.”

His life was certainly
troubled, though. He
burned through five marriages, lived with street people
for a time, wore threadbare
clothes most of his
life, wrote to the FBI about suspected neo-Nazi plots
and suffered what he thought
was a nervous
breakdown. Toward the end of his life, he claimed to
have had a vision in which he
was contacted by
an alien being he called Valis, for Vast Active Living
Intelligence System. He spent
the rest of his
life writing about the experience.

“He was very gifted
intellectually, and yet so
emotionally fragile,” says Hackett, who was a teenager
when her father died. “He was
often not
comfortable in his own skin, as he suffered from
bouts of anxiety and

At the same time, Hackett
says, “he had a
fantastic sense of humor, and he could be very charming
and charismatic. His
sensitivities gave him
great empathy for the suffering of others.”

John Simons, professor of
literature at
Colorado College and an expert on Dick’s works, says
what made Dick’s writing
worthy made his life

“Dick was a strange
wonderful/terrible man,”
Simons argues. “Crazy and compassionate, violent
and gentle, mesmerizing and

He was his own puzzle, in
other words, and
remained so even in death. When his heart failed after a
stroke in 1982, Dick finally
fulfilled his
lifelong desire to be reunited with his twin sister. At
request, Dick was buried in a
cemetery plot in
Fort Morgan, Colo. — the state where his parents
courted — alongside the tiny
body of Jane.

Why, a rational metroplex-goer
must ask, has
mainstream Hollywood — Spielberg and Tom Cruise,
no less, the mainest of
streams — embraced
such a countercultural tributary of loopiness and
paranoia? It’s as if Frank
Capra had teamed up
with Hunter S. Thompson for a five-pic deal.

“You would have to kill me and
prop me up in
the seat of my car with a smile painted on my face to
get me to go near Hollywood,”
Dick once told an

“There is probably more than
one answer to this
question,” Hackett says. His “wow” factor is how
recognizable the future he
imagined is now, she
says, because he was one of the first writers to
focus on the many downsides of

Others agree. “Dick’s concerns
are in sync with
our times, with the real future we are facing, the one
dominated by media, computers
and virtual
reality, and by commerciality rather than by rocket
and ray guns and Orwellian
says Gary Goldman, who helped write the screenplay
for “Total Recall” and was one
of the first
writers on the “Minority Report” script, as well as the
movie’s executive producer.

Dick himself wrote: “We live
in a society in
which spurious realities are manufactured by the media,
by governments, by big
corporations. We are
bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by
very sophisticated people
using very
sophisticated electronic mechanisms. I do not distrust
motives. I distrust their

“Minority Report” the movie,
which actually
taps several Dickian ideas, is Exhibit A for the case.
Omnipresent, electronic
billboards scan your
retinas for ID so they can personalize their spiel as
you pass by. Think
Amazon.com’s automatic lists
of book suggestions gone nuclear.

And the plot is, among many
other things, an
argument about safety vs. liberty, creepily relevant at
the moment as Washington
debates which civil
liberties it’s willing to surrender to crack down on
terrorism. The conundrum Dick
posits: In the
interest of a crime-free city, would you be willing to
arrest people before they
commit crimes if
psychics could predict accurately that they were going

Spielberg’s ending sides with
the view of
Benjamin Franklin, who famously warned that those who
give up essential liberty to
obtain a little
temporary safety deserve neither.

The short story is more
paradoxical. The system
of arresting people who haven’t done anything yet
remains intact in Dick’s
ending. And his last
sentence suggests that the flaw in the system — that
psychics are not infallible —
will probably
recur as well. In many of his stories, Dick concludes
new technology often creates
new problems of
its own rather than solving the ones it was designed
to fix.

But Galen doesn’t buy the
argument that Dick
was ahead of his time. Dick wrote about issues that
were just as relevant in the
’50s and ’60s, he

“The difference is that the
prejudice against
him during his life because he wrote science fiction
stories has slowly melted
away,” Galen says.
“Science fiction is more accepted now.”

Thanks, once again, to the
movies. “Star Wars,”
“Star Trek,” “E.T.,” “Close Encounters of the Third
Kind,” “2001: A Space Odyssey”
and “Blade
Runner” have broken through to mass audiences,
making the galaxy safe for
science fiction of
all sorts, even the outrageous books of Philip K. Dick.

Part of the reason that Dick’s
work — and
science fiction in general — translate so well to the
screen is that movies
themselves are a kind of
science fiction.

J.P. Telotte, professor of
communication and culture at Georgia Tech, calls cinema
“fundamentally a kind of time
machine, a device
that effectively freed both its audience and its early
users from a conventional
sense of place and
time.” You walk into a theater and you are essentially
transported, visually and
emotionally, to an
alternative reality. Such transportations are Dick’s

Others say his appeal is
simpler, and more

“The Dick projects that have
become big-budget
movies all have a simple but fascinating premise
that gets expressed in a
chase,” says Goldman.

Hollywood loves Dick, the
argument goes,
because he was a master at creating “high concept”
hooks that grab your attention
in 10 seconds,
Galen said. These one-line ideas can be fully
developed in the very short
space that a movie

For example:

• An android hunter starts to
wonder if he’s an
android himself. (“Do Androids Dream of Electric
Sheep?,” aka “Blade Runner”)

• The Germans and the Japanese
have won World
War II and divided America in two. Or have
they? (“The Man in the High

• A detective whose two brain
hemispheres have
stopped talking to each other ends up spying on
himself. (“A Scanner Darkly”)

“Hollywood is interested in
Dick for all the
wrong reasons,” Galen says. “It’s as if a brain surgeon
who also happens to be a
gorgeous supermodel
walked into a party and everyone said, ‘Show us
your breasts!’ ”

“Dick is fearless in pursuing
the ramifications
of his ideas,” Goldman says. Hollywood is more
squeamish. Movies made from
his books miss most
of his searching and philosophizing, the real
art he made out of pulp.

But movies haven’t hurt Dick’s
career, or his
storytelling. Dick wrote so fast, sampling so many
ideas, it was more like
riffing, like jazz
solos with words. Directors have taken some of these
riffs and added bass and
drums, developing
ideas and characters that Dick dropped before they
were fully realized.

Dick acknowledged, sort of,
that a rough cut of
“Blade Runner” he saw just before he died had its

“It was terrific,” he wrote.
“It bore no
relation to the book. Oddly, in some ways it was
better. What
my story will become is one
titanic, lurid
collision of androids being blown up, androids killing
humans, general confusion and
murder, all very
exciting to watch.

“As a writer, though, I’d like
to see some of
my ideas, not just the special effects of my ideas,

Dick seems to be getting his

“Hollywood has embraced Dick’s
work because the
language of cinema is changing,” says Jason
Koornick, creator of
PhilipKDick.com. Goldman
concurs, arguing that an era of simplification in
the movies is over, and now,
as in the ’60s,
moviegoers are more open to unusual approaches to
storytelling and narrative

“It is no accident that a ’60s
writer like Dick
is part of a revival of ’60s cinema style,” Goldman

Simons argues that Dick’s
lasting appeal is
similar to Alfred Hitchcock’s in that his heroes are
average Joes and Jolenes
confronting a
confusing, often incomprehensible world. “Dick’s basic
question is: What’s real or
not real? What is
human and what is not?” Those are questions that
resonate right now, Simons
says, and always

Dick had some answers to his
questions, too, a
method behind the madnesses he spun. What is
most human is empathy, he
believed, and acts of
kindness, especially in worlds in which people
behave more like the machines
that surround
them than humans. The test to tell the difference
between a replicant and a
human in “Androids”
was a test for empathy.

“I like to build universes
that do fall apart,”
Dick wrote, because “objects, customs, habits, and ways
of life must perish so that
the authentic human
being can live. And it is the authentic human being
who matters most, the viable,
elastic organism
that can bounce back, absorb, and deal with the new.”

© 2002
The Washington
Post Company

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From: vector6@space.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Brain Receptor May Be Key to Non-Addictive Morphine
Date: July 31, 2002 at 2:11:04 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Brain Receptor May Be Key to Non-Addictive Morphine
Tue Jul 30, 5:30 PM ET

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Blocking a particular brain
receptor may minimize the addictive nature of morphine
without diminishing the drug’s pain-killing effects,
new research suggests.

Morphine is widely used to treat severe pain, but one
of its drawbacks is that patients can become addicted
to the drug. A structure in the brain called the M5
muscarinic acetylcholine receptor is a component of the
brain system involved in the pleasurable effects of
morphine. Researchers set out to see whether blocking
the receptor would minimize the risk of morphine

The investigators first genetically engineered mice to
deactivate the gene for the M5 receptor. Switching off
the M5 receptor substantially reduced the desire for
morphine in these mice.

When normal mice were given morphine, the animals,
presumably in search of another fix, spent extra time
hanging around the part of the cage where they had
received the drug. In contrast, mice that had the
receptor turned off did not linger in this part of the
cage unless they were given a very high dose of the

Dr. Anthony S. Basile, formerly of the National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
in Bethesda, Maryland, is the lead author of a report
on the findings published in the Early Edition of the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( news
– web sites). Basile is now at Alkermes, Inc. in
Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The researchers wanted to make sure that blocking the
receptor did not affect the pain-killing powers of
morphine. Even though switching off the receptor seemed
to make morphine less addictive, the engineered mice
experienced the same level of pain relief as normal
mice, the report indicates. And the investigators also
found that the genetically engineered mice experienced
fewer withdrawal symptoms after being taken off

The findings suggest that a drug that blocks the M5
receptor may be an effective way to reduce the risk of
addiction to morphine without sacrificing pain relief,
according to Basile and his colleagues. They note that
the receptor is present mainly in the brain, so a drug
that blocks the receptor is unlikely to cause serious
side effects.

Because nicotine, alcohol, cocaine and other drugs all
affect similar brain circuitry as morphine, the M5
receptor may also be involved in other types of
addiction, the researchers report.

Eli Lilly Research Laboratories provided some of the
funding for the research.

SOURCE: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Karina ??
Date: July 31, 2002 at 1:25:24 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

i went to different hospital  and told them i wa s in withdrawl and they gave me prescriptios, i am taking amben clonopi, seraquil  the ibogaine was great the 1st day ihad taken my methadone so for 2 gays they gave me k morphine and valim or xanax then  i woke up sick and they gave me 2 ibogaine pill i loved it i don’t remember  everythinh i saw i had aq good trip i would do  it again karina

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Karina ??
Date: July 31, 2002 at 1:14:07 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/31/02 12:50:35 PM, Mzzthangg13@aol.com writes:

hi this is kjarina i went to the ER 7/16, 7/18,  7/20, 7/21,  7/23   they
gave me
toradol, valium, ambien, clonodine, vicodan and phenergan for nausea


Where you given all of the drugs above each time you went to the ER or how
and when were they administered.

Also, are you currently taking any medications?

And, can you describe what you ibogaine experience was like during the peak
effects stages?



From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Karina ??
Date: July 31, 2002 at 12:50:13 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

hi this is kjarina i went to the ER 7/167/18 7/20 7/21 7/23   they gaveme toradilol.  valium,amben clonoddine mvicodin andphenagen for nauea
i feel better know the physaocal part is over thank god no more mthadone


From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Karina ??
Date: July 31, 2002 at 12:42:32 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Karina ??
Date: July 31, 2002 at 11:54:24 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/31/02 12:02:40 AM, Mzzthangg13@aol.com writes:

hi i just did ibogaine i loved it……..the only problem i did not stay
enough i felt fine the day i left but the 2nd day i went into methadone
withdrawals i wanted to cut my legs off the pain was so severe i went to
the  ER 6 times but now  i have no withdrawals jut insomnia      i  can
it…………the people that are on crack, cocaine speed do not do through
physical withdrawal  and the have an easier time of OT  any more questions
email me Karin


How far apart where you ER visits and what did they do for you.  If they gave
you any medications could you tell us what they were.  Anything you can tell
us will be valuable to anyone who is involved with ibogaine therapy.


From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] the CRACK incentive
Date: August 31, 2002 at 6:23:49 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In reply to Rebecca I just wanted to say that women who chose to have
abortions do so for a variety of reasons known mainly only to themselves.
Hopefully they are making a responsible descision and have considered any
alternatives.  Its a bit harder for someone craving and at rock bottom to
make those sort of descisions.  Anyone who has been in that position, which
I think most of us would have seeing we are all reading this list, knows how
desperate you can get when needy.  I do agree that most would certainly find
an easier and quicker way to score if desperate but that doesn’t explain the
moral attitude of the people behind this sort of compaign.  And as I said in
my last posting why not target all sorts of other groups of women,   the
list could go on and on ;   alcoholics, depression sufferers, any women with
physciatric problems,   What about incentives for men as well if they have
problems with drugs, alcohol, anger management etc. etc. etc.
Also $200 in this day and age is a piffling amount for an operation such as
this.  It would be lucky to cover a weeks groceries which I see as a bit of
an insult really.
When we talk about sterialisation do they mean tying tubes or a hysterectomy
or what.  ?????  I know there are a lot of people who reckon its no big deal
but I would like to hear them say that after they have had the operation cos
personally I don’t reckon its very pleasant at all.
—–Original Message—–
From: Rebecca Silverman <becca_vail@hotmail.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Wednesday, 31 July 2002 15:05
Subject: [ibogaine] the CRACK incentive

I’m just now reading my ibogaine folder so I don’t mean to restart a convo
that made so many people jump down each others throats but to give one more
woman’s opinion I don’t get the problem. Or yes I do, but not like why it’s
the end of the world.

Offering $200 to someone who has no money and is on drugs will probably
motivate them to get that money so they can do more drugs. I’m sure that
CRACK knows that and that’s the whole point of offering it.

I think patrick and preston agreed that it’s not a lot of money and for
someone to sit around and wait for that while they are sterilized, they
would find some other way to get money instead, which I also agree with.

Someone else brought up how what should happen is that person should be
offered treatment. Which made me laugh a little because when I was out
I think one thing I learned is that not all of them, but most of the people
who are out there, want to be. They don’t want treatment they want more
drugs. Should they be forcibly helped against their will??

To all the people who got so upset about the potential of killing babies
that don’t exist, how do you feel about abortion? I don’t get the problem
all. Sorry.

I don’t see the big problem with the incentive and I don’t see any simple
solution either because I don’t completely side with Patrick and all the
other legalise everything people because I think that would surely increase
drug use at the same time I do think everyone has the right to make their
own choices.

Have a great day all.

Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 31, 2002 at 1:38:02 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—– Original Message —–
From: <ascending@hushmail.com>

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if these future moms are
being herded into the sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had their share of drug
problems I don’t have any interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids
being taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent that. If you want
to have kids and ruin their lives and don’t have enough common sense to know
your a mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the kids but it
shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for all that. <<

Paying for all what? How much of your tax money goes towards paying for “all
that,” whatever that means? Do you even know?

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read anything except drug
lists there is this over population problem with the world, there is no
shortage of babies. None at all.<<

The world population was estimated at somewhere around 1-1.6 billion at the
beginning of the 20th century. At the end of the century, there were about 6
billion. Current projections estimate a 9 billion population in 2050. That
means that we are reaching the apex of the curve. US population would be
declining were it not for immigration.

Again, if you start with 2 people and give a 2% growth rate, then in 1500
years the population would be 16 billion.

Yes, smart growth and using resources wisely is key, but the number of
people on the earth is a small element in a complex problem. The US
comprises 5% of the world’s population and uses 25% of its resources. Our
population in the US is not the problem – that is a red herring.

– jt

From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] the CRACK incentive
Date: July 31, 2002 at 12:45:41 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—– Original Message —–
From: “Rebecca Silverman” <becca_vail@hotmail.com>

I’m just now reading my ibogaine folder so I don’t mean to restart a convo
that made so many people jump down each others throats but to give one
woman’s opinion I don’t get the problem. Or yes I do, but not like why
the end of the world.

Offering $200 to someone who has no money and is on drugs will probably
motivate them to get that money so they can do more drugs. I’m sure that
CRACK knows that and that’s the whole point of offering it.

Yes, which is exactly why they would make the rash decision of sterilizing
themselves for $200.

I think patrick and preston agreed that it’s not a lot of money and for
someone to sit around and wait for that while they are sterilized, they
would find some other way to get money instead, which I also agree with.

Someone else brought up how what should happen is that person should be
offered treatment. Which made me laugh a little because when I was out
I think one thing I learned is that not all of them, but most of the
who are out there, want to be. They don’t want treatment they want more
drugs. Should they be forcibly helped against their will??

Again, it would be a personal choice, not forced. Incidentally, CRACK does
offer treatment, or it does refer people to it who want it.

To all the people who got so upset about the potential of killing babies
that don’t exist, how do you feel about abortion? I don’t get the problem
all. Sorry.

Abortion != (does not equal) sterilization. Sterilization is a permanent
condition, whereas abortion terminates one pregnancy.

I don’t see the big problem with the incentive and I don’t see any simple
solution either because I don’t completely side with Patrick and all the
other legalise everything people because I think that would surely
drug use at the same time I do think everyone has the right to make their
own choices.

I think the best option would be to legalize cannabis, period. And I would
also favor the legalization of LSD, MDMA, psilocybin, fly agaric, and most
other psychedelics, and with that to encourage responsibility and set and
setting in their use. Many of these substances can have benefits, especially
when used in therapeutic settings. The underground use and distribution of
psychedelics does anything but encourage responsible use, except when
friends give good advice and so forth.

But, as far as highly addictive substances, harm reduction should be the
key. Keeping heroin and cocaine in the black market isn’t helping anyone. If
pure and known quantities of these drugs were available to addicts free of
charge, in observed settings, with addicts encouraged, but not forced, to
get treatment (with options such as ibogaine available), then, at the very
least, the number of OD deaths would drop dramatically. The truth is that
most people won’t do heroin, period, even if it is legal, due to its stigma,
and because of the obvious vicious cycle it engenders. But think of the drop
in crime if addicts didn’t have to pay for their drugs anymore. Think of the
positive repercussions if addicts were treated under the umbrella of health
and social issues rather than as criminals. I’m not talking about
decriminalization of highly addictive drugs, as then those drugs would still
be in the balck market, and the problems with purity and money would still
exist. Pharmacologically, heroin is very safe – it’s when the unknowns in
purity and processing get involved that the real problems arise. I’m talking
about legalization for addicts, with the product supplied free of charge,
rather than allowing the service for those who are “just curious,” and who
want to try it for the first time. I suppose the black market would still
exist for those people, but it would be much, much smaller.

Anyway, just a thought. I tend to favor the most compassionate approach over
those which emphasize unrealistic fears, and also over those which
criminalize something which, at its core, is a health and social issue.

As an aside, cannabis use is lower in Amsterdam among residents than in the

– jt

From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] the CRACK incentive
Date: July 31, 2002 at 12:02:06 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

hi i just did obogaine i loved it……..the only problem i did not stay long enough i felt fine the day i left but the 2nd day i went into methadone withdrawals i wanted to cut my legs off the pain was so severe i went to the ER 6 times but now  i have no withdrawals jut insomnia      i  can handle it…………the people that are on crack, cocaine speed do not do through  physical withdrawal  and the have an easier time of OT  any more questions email me Karin

From: “Rebecca Silverman” <becca_vail@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] the CRACK incentive
Date: July 30, 2002 at 11:05:37 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’m just now reading my ibogaine folder so I don’t mean to restart a convo that made so many people jump down each others throats but to give one more woman’s opinion I don’t get the problem. Or yes I do, but not like why it’s the end of the world.

Offering $200 to someone who has no money and is on drugs will probably motivate them to get that money so they can do more drugs. I’m sure that CRACK knows that and that’s the whole point of offering it.

I think patrick and preston agreed that it’s not a lot of money and for someone to sit around and wait for that while they are sterilized, they would find some other way to get money instead, which I also agree with.

Someone else brought up how what should happen is that person should be offered treatment. Which made me laugh a little because when I was out there I think one thing I learned is that not all of them, but most of the people who are out there, want to be. They don’t want treatment they want more drugs. Should they be forcibly helped against their will??

To all the people who got so upset about the potential of killing babies that don’t exist, how do you feel about abortion? I don’t get the problem at all. Sorry.

I don’t see the big problem with the incentive and I don’t see any simple solution either because I don’t completely side with Patrick and all the other legalise everything people because I think that would surely increase drug use at the same time I do think everyone has the right to make their own choices.

Have a great day all.

Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. http://www.hotmail.com

From: “paul harvey” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] helping or killing, or going round in circles….
Date: July 30, 2002 at 9:58:04 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/29/2002 6:50:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

> Breeding addicts: as far as I am aware Brett, there is no gene that
> hold on there, are you really certain theres no `gene` or anything that
> addicts pass to their children?? I know an awful lot of families of
> smack-heads.
>                    regards,  larryt.

the ease at which we many of us invoke the “explanatory” principle, when faced with such a multi-dimensional and complex process as addiction, is incredible.
we seek answers that soothe: addiction has a genetic root /addiction is an effect of macro socio-economic forces/ addiction is a result of low
self-esteem and childhood imprint vulnerability …pick a card, any card…
its seems to be a throw back to the illusion that we somehow inhabit a clockwork universe of cause and effect, a newtonian-cartesian space that contains all the answers,(if only we knew how to ask the right questions…)
addiction, like the universe itself has at its heart a deeply irrational streak – ask any former or current addict.
i doubt if there is a “hidden variable” of addiction, a single cause that will magically “explain” the totality of process and phenomena
that label itself addiction.
most physicists have given up the grand narrative of a unified field theory of the universe that will explain everything. likewise, its
a pointless exercise debating the tired nature/nuture dichotomy of addiction.
its perhaps more helpful to understand addiction as a process where cause and effect are of a quantum nature : a causes b causes c, but also b causes a causes c….
yes it is genetic,but also cultural,also psychological, also behavioural..it is all these things and more..and each is both a cause and effect of the other.
the more interesting question is why we seek these answers in the first place…its easier to negate any responsibility for who we are, right here, right now..if we can somehow explain and justify our thoughts,
feelings and actions with reference to some external causal agent : our genes, our parents, society, the man who reads the news, is to blame for our addicted states of being…
where does it leave us, IF and WHEN we choose to seek freedom beyond
physical addiction and dependancy if we can say “yeah, i failed, but it wasn’t my fault, it was…(insert your object of blame), it wasn’t me”.
knowing WHY some of us became addicts is less important than knowing
HOW to live without the monkey on your back…knowing that a “gene” was responsible for me living on the streets,begging outside the tubestations in london to support a heavy opiate habit would not have made the slightest difference to my state of mind or behaviour at the time.
knowing however, that there was a way out, a doorway beyond my present self at the time, did make a difference, for me that difference was ibogaine, but anything that allows you to look beyond your present state of being, that doesn’t trap you in repeating closed loops of thought, feeling and action is worth it and ultimately, seeking a single cause that explains the totality of who you were, who you are and who you will be is not the answer, however seductive it seems at the time.
having said that, if it is genetic, will we get gene therapy to cure us of our addictions, behavioural pathologies and those weird thoughts i often have 😉


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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] show this to Aivia
Date: July 30, 2002 at 6:48:21 PM EDT
To: farid@no-log.org
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Pubdate: Sat, 27 Jul 2002
Source: Guardian, The (UK)
Copyright: 2002 Guardian Newspapers Limited
Contact: letters@guardian.co.uk
Website: http://www.guardian.co.uk/guardian/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/175
Author: Andrew Osborn of the Guardian


In a Country Where Drugs Cost Less Than Alcohol, Heroin Addiction Is
Causing Growing Alarm To Norwegian Authorities

Oslo- Its standard of living was officially recognised this week as the
best money can buy but oil-rich Norway has a darker, less publicised claim
to fame: Oslo has become Europe’s drug overdose capital and is awash with

The city is infamously expensive. A pint of beer will set you back UKP 5, a
pack of cigarettes UKP 5.50 and even a Big Mac costs close to UKP 3.
Heroin, however, is relatively cheap-one tenth of a gram costs about the
same as 20 Marlboro.

The drug’s relative affordability – it has halved in price in the last
decade – has seen thousands of ordinary Norwegians develop a habit with
fatal consequences.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02.n1412.a05.html


From: outofprint <outofprint@barnesandnoble.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] A new website
Date: July 30, 2002 at 11:49:01 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] from another list
Date: July 29, 2002 at 10:57:09 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

original message below:

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human
– George Orwell (1903 – 1950


SIOUX FALLS, South Dakota (AP) — Officials at a South Dakota school
confined students to their classrooms for several hours while a police dog
toured the rooms, sniffing children as young as 6 to check for drugs,
according to a lawsuit filed against the school.

The German shepherd got off its leash in a kindergarten classroom at the
Wagner Community School and chased students during the May search, the
court papers allege. They claim some students started crying and at least
one urinated involuntarily.

The lawsuit, filed Thursday in U.S. District Court in Sioux Falls by the
parents of 17 elementary and high school students, wants such activity
declared a violation of the constitutional right against unreasonable
searches. It also seeks unspecified damages and an order stopping the

Repeated attempts by The Associated Press to reach Wagner Principal Neil
Goter and school board officials were unsuccessful Thursday. Kenneth
Cotton, the school district’s lawyer, told The New York Times he could not
comment on the allegations specifically, but he said he had talked to two
students who told him the dog visited their classrooms only briefly and “in
an orderly way.”

The American Civil Liberties Union, which is involved in the class-action
lawsuit, alleged that the Wagner School Board approved the search. The
school board is named as a defendant, along with former Wagner Police Chief
Richard Volk and Neil McCaleb, assistant secretary of Indian Affairs in the
Interior Department.

The lawsuit alleges that a similar drug-dog search was conducted a few days
after the first one.

Some students experienced physical discomfort when they were not allowed to
go to the bathroom for several hours during the searches, according to the
lawsuit. It says students were told not to pet the dog, not to look at it
or make any sudden movements, and some students feared the dog would bite

In a news release, Jennifer Ring, executive director of the Dakotas chapter
of the ACLU, said, “The very notion of there being a drug problem in
kindergarten is ridiculous.”

The lawsuit is the latest episode in a dispute between the ACLU and the
school board in Wagner, 85 miles southwest of Sioux Falls. In March, the
ACLU sued the board, alleging the school system’s method of selecting board
members discriminates against American Indians.
The 17 students filing the latest lawsuit are Indian, the ACLU said.

From: “paul harvey” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] re : in valis we trust
Date: July 29, 2002 at 9:31:59 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

dana – “in valis we trust” – i should explain – whilst on my last ibogaine trip, these words fell across the screen –
ive no idea who “don” is and whilst it may indeed be another version of his belief system, i am not qualified to comment.

as for all belief systems :

“in the province of the mind, what is believed true is true, or becomes true within limits to be learned by experience and experiment. In the province of the mind, there are no limits.”

j.c.lilly – “programming and meta-programming the human bio-computer”.

it was a throw away line and/or a message from our cosmic sponsers –
no offence meant.

other things – has anyone mapped the chapter in “the invisible landscape” by the late terrence mckenna and his brother dennis, on the ability of harmaline to transform our rna/dna into a transciever of hyperdimensional knowledge and entity contact – over the years i’ve
dipped into this particular text, but its only recently ive made any connection to ibogaine.
Its a pretty dense text so I’ll summarise its main points in the next few days and post it up for anyone whos interested – im new to the mailing list so i dont want to go over old ground if the text has already been discused.


Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. http://www.hotmail.com

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [digital@phantom.com: [vox] Test Subjects]
Date: July 29, 2002 at 9:05:20 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Not to leave anyone out.  Since it’s now been on all the other lists here.

Plus, also if anyone wants st1ckUrz:


Catch All:  I cannot read my mail right now.  The answer to everything is:


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [vox] Test Subjects
Date: July 29, 2002 at 2:05:57 PM EDT
To: vox@mindvox.com
Reply-To: vox@mindvox.com

We need ’bout 20 people — at most.  Spanning the range from 3l33t h3x0r
people, to Complete Idiots — I meant to say, those who are not uhm,
computer eXperts…

The beta is pretty much done, ’bout 500 bugs have been fixed, the mail is
no longer all going out from bruce or myself — which perhaps, is too bad.

We can’t open it, have 1,000 people all hit it at once and say, “it’s

Message bases are, uhm, extremely full-featured, since they’ve been in
development for ’bout 7 years now.  It has all OldVox commands, plus a
buncha other stuff.  Webmail and POP is next.  Bios, Editors, Blogs,
publishing, etc, is all Right After That.

Most of this is not hard to do.  It takes some time to set it up so that
it LOOKS beautiful and automagically works with our interface, so, well,
it’ll take some time.  We will not turn Vox into Yet Another Ugly Piece of
Shit, littering up the internet.

I’m calm now.

Send male if you want to be an 3l33t b3t4 test type person/thing.

Thanks a bunch,


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: July 29, 2002 at 12:15:12 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

And what are these families social and economic circumstances as a matter of interest. AND as far as I’m aware, there is no PROVEN case for the genetic ‘transmission’ if u will of addiction, but it is an idea that I think Minnessotta Method treatmenters are fond of, not to mention a few wild biochemists and brain scientists

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Rhafner77@cs.com [mailto:Rhafner77@cs.com]
Sent: 29 July 2002 17:02
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing

In a message dated 7/29/2002 6:50:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time, AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

Breeding addicts: as far as I am aware Brett, there is no gene that

hold on there, are you really certain theres no `gene` or anything that addicts pass to their children?? I know an awful lot of families of smack-heads.
regards,  larryt.

From: Rhafner77@cs.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: July 29, 2002 at 12:01:39 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/29/2002 6:50:49 AM Pacific Daylight Time, AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

Breeding addicts: as far as I am aware Brett, there is no gene that

hold on there, are you really certain theres no `gene` or anything that addicts pass to their children?? I know an awful lot of families of smack-heads.
regards,  larryt.

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: July 29, 2002 at 9:47:56 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>PS  I’m an addict of about 20 years and my partner for way longer than me.  My daughter is now 21, a really good person working with children and doing very well in life.  She has seen a lot of bad things with our addicition and there has been a lot of guilt with the situation but she has also had loads of love and attention and honest discussions when old enough to do so, and seen what drugs can do to people.  It will probably be one thing she will not do with her life.  I know we love our daughter to bits and she loves us.  What can be so wrong with that???   We all make mistakes but I thought the idea of life was to learn from them and go forwards .     Allison<

THIS is what I was waiting to see posted. Beautiful Allison. Great points.
Of course, we aren’t talking about FORCED sterlization, but still, seems more than a bit extreme, even when voluntary, when the stated reason money is availible for said sterlization is over certain drugs use.
—– Original Message —–
From: Alison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing

Thanks to Preston for putting words to so many thoughts.  I would like to know why its OK to focus on drug addicts for sterialisation etc.  Why not go a few steps forward and include alcoholics, mothers on pharmacy medications, athletes on steroids, women with depression or other mental conditions,  or perhaps any other people who are judged incompetent to have children, but by whose decision.??  Would be interesting to know who is going to be the judge and jury of the decision making in this sort of process.   Perhaps those in favour of this idea could explain to me how they think it would work.
PS  I’m an addict of about 20 years and my partner for way longer than me.  My daughter is now 21, a really good person working with children and doing very well in life.  She has seen a lot of bad things with our addicition and there has been a lot of guilt with the situation but she has also had loads of love and attention and honest discussions when old enough to do so, and seen what drugs can do to people.  It will probably be one thing she will not do with her life.  I know we love our daughter to bits and she loves us.  What can be so wrong with that???   We all make mistakes but I thought the idea of life was to learn from them and go forwards .     Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Monday, 29 July 2002 01:32
Subject: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing

and my prior comments still stand, even though I do find myself, as I believe I’ve noted very recently, shaking my head when I see news clips of all these starving people around the world, people surrounded by 2, 5, 25 children, all theirs. What are they thinking?
But personally, I’d rather help feed them and give them health care, (and myself too) than pay to subsidize Bush and friends’ drilling for oil, or building death machines, or killing off the parts of the environment that we humans need to survive.
—– Original Message —–
From: ascending@hushmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if these future moms are being herded into the sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had their share of drug problems I don’t have any interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives and don’t have enough common sense to know your a mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read anything except drug lists there is this over population problem with the world, there is no shortage of babies. None at all.

>> Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is not?
>The person getting sterilized, seems very reasonable
>to me. And for the money that they are likely to use
>for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
>pay-check or any other check they get their hands on.
>This is not forced sterilization, it is $200 (rebate)
>should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and you
>seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long term
>birth control.
>> When does simple drug use become reason enough to
>> sterilize mothers?
>I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such thing,
>no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
>personally think there are cases where a person should
>be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS 17
>year old but you had a child at 12, another at 14,
>another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried, had
>all 4 children taken away because of abuse and your
>drug addiction and you are pregnant again…). But
>that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it like
>MOM made her decisions about her life and shouldn’t be
>allowed (at some point) to have her children suffer
>for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a problem
>with someone taking the choice to be sterilized or use
>specific birth control methods as some violation of

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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: July 29, 2002 at 9:53:28 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Breeding addicts: as far as I am aware Brett, there is no gene that
indubitable causes drug/opiate addiction. But there is ample evidence that
people who se lives are socially, emotionally, economically and other which
ways resort to drugs, in order to fill the void/hole inside.
Brett, perhaps, u didn’t mean to use that expression, but if you did, can u
say exactly what u mean? Breeding addicts??

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Brett Calabrese [mailto:bcalabrese@yahoo.com]
Sent: 28 July 2002 17:59
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing

— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
and my prior comments still stand, even though I do
find myself, as I believe I’ve noted very recently,
shaking my head when I see news clips of all these
starving people around the world, people surrounded
by 2, 5, 25 children, all theirs. What are they
But personally, I’d rather help feed them and give
them health care, (and myself too) than pay to

But birth control isn’t health care??? The only
choices are birth control vs drilling for oil,
building death machines and killing the environment???

Problem with your theory (IMO) is more people use more
fuel/food/land/resources and strain the environment.
There is a simple fact we all live on the same petri
dish called earth, there is only so much to go around
and YES the death machines/killing environment (yadda,
yadda, yadda) need to stop. It might be a good idea to
help with the limited resources (not that they should
be limited, just that they are) to not breed new
addicts and focus those resources on the adults and
little ones that we already have.

rebate), no killing and you keep going off on KILLING
and sterilization as if it is being forced. You seem
to want to limit the choices addicts have in their
lives because of your beliefs – if someone wants an
abortion, birth control or sterilization, that is
their choice and CRACK is helping them with choices,
they are NOT making choices for the addict.

subsidize Bush and friends’ drilling for oil, or
building death machines, or killing off the parts of
the environment that we humans need to survive.
—– Original Message —–
From: ascending@hushmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original
statement and more comments

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if
these future moms are being herded into the
sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had
their share of drug problems I don’t have any
interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being
taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent
that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives
and don’t have enough common sense to know your a
mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the
kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for
all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read
anything except drug lists there is this over
population problem with the world, there is no
shortage of babies. None at all.

Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is

The person getting sterilized, seems very
to me. And for the money that they are likely to
for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
pay-check or any other check they get their hands
This is not forced sterilization, it is $200
should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and
seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long
birth control.

When does simple drug use become reason enough
sterilize mothers?

I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such
no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
personally think there are cases where a person
be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS
year old but you had a child at 12, another at
another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried,
all 4 children taken away because of abuse and
drug addiction and you are pregnant again…).
that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it
MOM made her decisions about her life and
shouldn’t be
allowed (at some point) to have her children
for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a
with someone taking the choice to be sterilized
or use
specific birth control methods as some violation


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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 29, 2002 at 9:47:12 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

yES bRETT, if THEY CHOOSE IT. I think a point PK made was that these women
are being offered a sizeable sum to agree to it, which is kinda immoral
given what we know about the craving needs of aCTIVE ADDICTS, NO?  In other
words, how much CHOICE is she making

When I was a21 yr old woman, strung-out to F, I suddenly found myself on the
street with the most monstrous man, giving a hand job for enough money to
buy a bag of dope. Is that the kind of CHOICE u r referring to?

Wouldn’t a better way to deal with this to persuade a young woman into some
kind of treatment by providing low-threshold care, thereby having the
opportunity to persuade her against having more kids given the state of her
health etc?

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: ascending@hushmail.com [mailto:ascending@hushmail.com]
Sent: 28 July 2002 07:17
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if these future moms are
being herded into the sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had their share of drug problems
I don’t have any interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being taken
care of when she keeps having them. I resent that. If you want to have kids
and ruin their lives and don’t have enough common sense to know your a mess
that’s your business and I feel sorry for the kids but it shouldn’t be my
tax dollars paying for all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read anything except drug
lists there is this over population problem with the world, there is no
shortage of babies. None at all.

Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is not?

The person getting sterilized, seems very reasonable
to me. And for the money that they are likely to use
for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
pay-check or any other check they get their hands on.
This is not forced sterilization, it is $200 (rebate)
should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and you
seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long term
birth control.

When does simple drug use become reason enough to
sterilize mothers?

I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such thing,
no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
personally think there are cases where a person should
be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS 17
year old but you had a child at 12, another at 14,
another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried, had
all 4 children taken away because of abuse and your
drug addiction and you are pregnant again…). But
that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it like
MOM made her decisions about her life and shouldn’t be
allowed (at some point) to have her children suffer
for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a problem
with someone taking the choice to be sterilized or use
specific birth control methods as some violation of


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From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: August 29, 2002 at 6:45:32 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks to Preston for putting words to so many thoughts.  I would like to know why its OK to focus on drug addicts for sterialisation etc.  Why not go a few steps forward and include alcoholics, mothers on pharmacy medications, athletes on steroids, women with depression or other mental conditions,  or perhaps any other people who are judged incompetent to have children, but by whose decision.??  Would be interesting to know who is going to be the judge and jury of the decision making in this sort of process.   Perhaps those in favour of this idea could explain to me how they think it would work.
PS  I’m an addict of about 20 years and my partner for way longer than me.  My daughter is now 21, a really good person working with children and doing very well in life.  She has seen a lot of bad things with our addicition and there has been a lot of guilt with the situation but she has also had loads of love and attention and honest discussions when old enough to do so, and seen what drugs can do to people.  It will probably be one thing she will not do with her life.  I know we love our daughter to bits and she loves us.  What can be so wrong with that???   We all make mistakes but I thought the idea of life was to learn from them and go forwards .     Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Monday, 29 July 2002 01:32
Subject: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing

and my prior comments still stand, even though I do find myself, as I believe I’ve noted very recently, shaking my head when I see news clips of all these starving people around the world, people surrounded by 2, 5, 25 children, all theirs. What are they thinking?
But personally, I’d rather help feed them and give them health care, (and myself too) than pay to subsidize Bush and friends’ drilling for oil, or building death machines, or killing off the parts of the environment that we humans need to survive.
—– Original Message —–
From: ascending@hushmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if these future moms are being herded into the sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had their share of drug problems I don’t have any interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives and don’t have enough common sense to know your a mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read anything except drug lists there is this over population problem with the world, there is no shortage of babies. None at all.

>> Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is not?
>The person getting sterilized, seems very reasonable
>to me. And for the money that they are likely to use
>for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
>pay-check or any other check they get their hands on.
>This is not forced sterilization, it is $200 (rebate)
>should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and you
>seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long term
>birth control.
>> When does simple drug use become reason enough to
>> sterilize mothers?
>I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such thing,
>no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
>personally think there are cases where a person should
>be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS 17
>year old but you had a child at 12, another at 14,
>another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried, had
>all 4 children taken away because of abuse and your
>drug addiction and you are pregnant again…). But
>that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it like
>MOM made her decisions about her life and shouldn’t be
>allowed (at some point) to have her children suffer
>for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a problem
>with someone taking the choice to be sterilized or use
>specific birth control methods as some violation of

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From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Date: August 29, 2002 at 6:18:03 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This might be a bit out of order & nought to do with ibogaine.  Your comments re Yahoo made me write.  I personally think Yahoo need to sort out their shit.  They don’t sound very efficient >from what your saying and I also know that they are responsible for a lot of pornographic and especially child pornography sites on their network which really gets up my nose.
It seems that even if you make a written complaint they don’t bother too much about the material on their network.  Not a good recommendation I reckon… Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Monday, 29 July 2002 06:25
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I pay Yahoo $20 a year for storage, and I am about to go find another service.  Everytime I try to send emails I am told that my account is inaccessible, etc.  I have decided they are busy reading our mail for the feds! (Paranoid, I know, but really!).  It truly sucks, and there ya have it!  Jane
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: July 28, 2002 at 7:14:08 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’m off this thread.

— Joshua Tinnin <jtinnin@pacbell.net> wrote:
—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
and my prior comments still stand, even though I
find myself, as I believe I’ve noted very
shaking my head when I see news clips of all
starving people around the world, people
by 2, 5, 25 children, all theirs. What are they
But personally, I’d rather help feed them and
them health care, (and myself too) than pay to

But birth control isn’t health care??? The only
choices are birth control vs drilling for oil,
building death machines and killing the

Problem with your theory (IMO) is more people use
fuel/food/land/resources and strain the
There is a simple fact we all live on the same
dish called earth, there is only so much to go
and YES the death machines/killing environment
yadda, yadda) need to stop. It might be a good
idea to
help with the limited resources (not that they
be limited, just that they are) to not breed new
addicts and focus those resources on the adults
little ones that we already have.

Well, with that in mind, let’s just round up all the
addicts and sterilize
every one of them.

BTW, starting with 2 people and assuming a 2% annual
growth rate over only a
1,500 year period the population of the planet shuld
be almost 16 billion.
The truth is that the fertility rate of men in the
US has dropped
dramatically since the 1950s. This petri dish is
rather like a fishbowl – we
only reproduce to the point of sustainability. The
“sky is falling”
population explosion theory is a fallacy. Moreover,
people in the US and
other highly developed nations have *far less*
children per capita than in
less developed nations. Barring growth due to
immigration, the US might even
soon begin to see a decline in population growth
very soon. Most predictions
allow about 9 billion people by 2050. That would
mean that the curve of the
hyperbola of population is starting to apex and from
there, fall.

Compassion must outweigh the “one less addict” or
“one less child of an
addict” thinking. It’s a half step away from
outright killing addicts.

Ridding the US of potential children of crack
addicted mothers is a *very*
small drop in the bucket. Sterilization for $200
seems to be an extreme way
to accomplish this goal.

Smart growth and fostering sustainability would
alleviate far more problems
due to limited resources than sterilizing
crack-addicted mothers. Finally
realizing and accepting our huge consumption rate in
the US and doing
something to change *that* will mean much, much more
than the CRACK program
could ever hope to accomplish, and nobody would have
to be sterilized.

rebate), no killing and you keep going off on
and sterilization as if it is being forced. You
to want to limit the choices addicts have in their
lives because of your beliefs – if someone wants
abortion, birth control or sterilization, that is
their choice and CRACK is helping them with
they are NOT making choices for the addict.

Offering them $200 is ridiculous. How about a home
and a recovery program in
exchange? $200 is a carrot.

– jt

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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: July 28, 2002 at 3:05:07 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

never said I wanted to limit anyone’s choices.
—– Original Message —–
From: Brett Calabrese
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing

— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
> and my prior comments still stand, even though I do
> find myself, as I believe I’ve noted very recently,
> shaking my head when I see news clips of all these
> starving people around the world, people surrounded
> by 2, 5, 25 children, all theirs. What are they
> thinking?
> But personally, I’d rather help feed them and give
> them health care, (and myself too) than pay to

But birth control isn’t health care??? The only
choices are birth control vs drilling for oil,
building death machines and killing the environment???

Problem with your theory (IMO) is more people use more
fuel/food/land/resources and strain the environment.
There is a simple fact we all live on the same petri
dish called earth, there is only so much to go around
and YES the death machines/killing environment (yadda,
yadda, yadda) need to stop. It might be a good idea to
help with the limited resources (not that they should
be limited, just that they are) to not breed new
addicts and focus those resources on the adults and
little ones that we already have.

rebate), no killing and you keep going off on KILLING
and sterilization as if it is being forced. You seem
to want to limit the choices addicts have in their
lives because of your beliefs – if someone wants an
abortion, birth control or sterilization, that is
their choice and CRACK is helping them with choices,
they are NOT making choices for the addict.

> subsidize Bush and friends’ drilling for oil, or
> building death machines, or killing off the parts of
> the environment that we humans need to survive.
> Peace,
> Preston
>   —– Original Message —–
>   From: ascending@hushmail.com
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
>   Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original
> statement and more comments
>   I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if
> these future moms are being herded into the
> sterilization pens.
>   As somebody who works for a living and has had
> their share of drug problems I don’t have any
> interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being
> taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent
> that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives
> and don’t have enough common sense to know your a
> mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the
> kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for
> all that.
>   Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read
> anything except drug lists there is this over
> population problem with the world, there is no
> shortage of babies. None at all.
>   >> Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is
> not?
>   >
>   >The person getting sterilized, seems very
> reasonable
>   >to me. And for the money that they are likely to
> use
>   >for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
>   >pay-check or any other check they get their hands
> on.
>   >This is not forced sterilization, it is $200
> (rebate)
>   >should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and
> you
>   >seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long
> term
>   >birth control.
>   >
>   >> When does simple drug use become reason enough
> to
>   >> sterilize mothers?
>   >
>   >I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such
> thing,
>   >no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
>   >personally think there are cases where a person
> should
>   >be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS
> 17
>   >year old but you had a child at 12, another at
> 14,
>   >another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried,
> had
>   >all 4 children taken away because of abuse and
> your
>   >drug addiction and you are pregnant again…).
> But
>   >that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it
> like
>   >MOM made her decisions about her life and
> shouldn’t be
>   >allowed (at some point) to have her children
> suffer
>   >for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a
> problem
>   >with someone taking the choice to be sterilized
> or use
>   >specific birth control methods as some violation
> of
>   >morality.
>   >
>   >
>   >Brett
>   Communicate in total privacy.
>   Get your free encrypted email at
> https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2
>   Looking for a good deal on a domain name?

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] health care for all or military killing machines…hmmm
Date: July 28, 2002 at 3:04:08 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

My pissed-offedness was derived >from the “If you want to have kids and ruin their lives and don’t have enough common sense to know your a mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for all that” comment. And it’s fair enough actually, I suppose we should get to choose what our taxes are spent on, (except who’d pay for things like roads nstuff?). My ire is from hearing said view expressed over and over in the US, but rarely do I hear the same kind of comments about our taxes subsidizing the War machines. That’s all.
Birth control is great btw. And if some mother want to choose to sterilize themselves for $200 bucks after sitting in a rooms for hours, as Patrick pointed out is probably not going to be undertaken by many junkies anyway, more power to them. I wonder if the same group would be willing to give that same $200 bucks to the women who could then buy food for the kids they already have.
—– Original Message —–
From: Brett Calabrese
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] health care for all or military killing machines…hmmm

Preston  “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God, I’m actually a bit pissed off at this post. I
can’t stand this attitude. Where does this come from?
When did people become so dumbed down and willing to
pay for death, but not life?”

NO ONE was talking about killing anyone, not even an
abortion. What is this, we are going to mourn for
every sperm and egg that “got spilt” and never made a
baby, better put those people who use condoms in jail.
The issue was a rebate of sorts for those who wished
to get steralized OR (and some keep ignoring this)
long term birth control – you keep focusing on DEATH,
lost opportunities, the what-ifs (baby) that never
happened (not even a fertilized egg). It is (IMO) not
like someone killed a child, geez, what “killing” are
you talking about (NONE IMO). There is a difference
between being fruitful and multiplying and growing
like weeds.

No one is talking about forcing anyone into anything
or killing anything. Doesn’t it come down to some
religious belief that birth control is bad and this is
birth control? So, (specifically talking about the
CRACK $200 rebate for LT birth control/sterilization)
what death is it you are talking about that is being
offered – and yes, the Gov’t has their military
killing machines, the US imprisons more people than
any other country per capita and a zillion other
issues – those are OTHER ISSUES (IMO) and Yes there
should be treatment that is far better than it is
today, the DRUG wars are bad and there are a thousand
evils out there – we are talking about one tiny issue
and without solving all the other problems with drug
abuse, this is CRACK’s issue that they choose to deal
with, just like you or anyone else has their causes.


— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
> >As somebody who works for a living and has had
> their share of drug problems I don’t have any
> interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being
> taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent
> that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives
> and don’t have enough common sense to know your a
> mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the
> kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for
> all that. <
> This is brilliant (stupidity), and as a former hard
> core drug abuser and works very hard for a living,
> I’m very glad you posted this opinion here.
> Out of curiosity, do you like, (or not resent), your
> tax dollars going to build nifty neato military
> killing machines? How about bombs dropped on
> innocent Afghans? Do support the outrageous military
> spending by the US, and the outrageous amounts
> already being spent to lock up the druggies in the
> name of a War on Drugs? If you are, but aren’t
> willing to help pay for health costs of drug addicts
> and other fellow Americans, I am stumped at this
> attitude.
>     Where does the attitude come from that “we don’t
> want to pay for druggies’ health costs” when that is
> already EXACTLY WHAT WE’RE DOING NOW by locking them
> all up, THEN paying their health costs. Why add that
> imprisonment cost to the total? Why is it better to
> pay taxes for killing people and imprisoning them,
> (and propping up foreign corrupt government growing
> drugs), but not for helping American citizens, real
> honest to goodness people, even druggies who “don’t
> have enough common sense to know” they’re a mess to
> use your phrase.
>     This simply strikes me as blindly following
> along behind prohibition hatered, ignorance, and
> dogma. Those Dirty Druggies (of whom you were one
> once apparently) don’t deserve my help….but by god
> we need a STRONG MILITARY so we can go in and prop
> up some more drug producing tin-pot didctators
> around the world so they can produce tons of drugs
> so the DEA can ship them across our borders by the
> TON in so-called “controlled” shippments they
> themselves cannot account for tons of RIGHT NOW!
>     Of course, I could be wrong and this might not
> be your position at all, as you haven’t actually
> mentioned the military spending, or for that matter,
> the incredibley shoddy accounting the government
> actually does to keep track of your, and my, taxes.
>     But I hear and read this king of thinking all
> the time in the US, and it drives me CRAZY! Who are
> these heartless people who are silent about the
> trillions spent by our military for NOTHING but
> killing, death, and propping up drug producing
> cartels, (KLA, Northern Alliance, Vladamir
> Montesinos to name but a few usual US-allies), but
> can’t find it in their hearts to pay taxes towards a
> universal health care system, as that would be
>     BAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>     God, I’m actually a bit pissed off at this post.
> I can’t stand this attitude. Where does this come
> from? When did people become so dumbed down and
> willing to pay for death, but not life?
> Peace,
> Preston
>   —– Original Message —–
>   From: ascending@hushmail.com
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
>   Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original
> statement and more comments
>   I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if
> these future moms are being herded into the
> sterilization pens.
>   As somebody who works for a living and has had
> their share of drug problems I don’t have any
> interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being
> taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent
> that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives
> and don’t have enough common sense to know your a
> mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the
> kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for
> all that.
>   Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read
> anything except drug lists there is this over
> population problem with the world, there is no
> shortage of babies. None at all.
>   >> Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is
> not?
>   >
>   >The person getting sterilized, seems very
> reasonable
>   >to me. And for the money that they are likely to
> use
>   >for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
>   >pay-check or any other check they get their hands
> on.
>   >This is not forced sterilization, it is $200
> (rebate)
>   >should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and
> you
>   >seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long
> term
>   >birth control.
>   >
>   >> When does simple drug use become reason enough
> to
>   >> sterilize mothers?
>   >
>   >I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such
> thing,
>   >no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
>   >personally think there are cases where a person
> should
>   >be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS
> 17
>   >year old but you had a child at 12, another at
> 14,
>   >another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried,
> had
>   >all 4 children taken away because of abuse and
> your
>   >drug addiction and you are pregnant again…).
> But
>   >that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it
> like
>   >MOM made her decisions about her life and
> shouldn’t be
>   >allowed (at some point) to have her children
> suffer
>   >for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a
> problem
>   >with someone taking the choice to be sterilized
> or use
>   >specific birth control methods as some violation
> of
>   >morality.
>   >
>   >
>   >Brett
>   Communicate in total privacy.
>   Get your free encrypted email at
> https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2
>   Looking for a good deal on a domain name?

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Date: July 28, 2002 at 2:25:07 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I pay Yahoo $20 a year for storage, and I am about to go find another service.  Everytime I try to send emails I am told that my account is inaccessible, etc.  I have decided they are busy reading our mail for the feds! (Paranoid, I know, but really!).  It truly sucks, and there ya have it!  Jane
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Joshua Tinnin <jtinnin@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: July 28, 2002 at 1:23:55 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
and my prior comments still stand, even though I do
find myself, as I believe I’ve noted very recently,
shaking my head when I see news clips of all these
starving people around the world, people surrounded
by 2, 5, 25 children, all theirs. What are they
But personally, I’d rather help feed them and give
them health care, (and myself too) than pay to

But birth control isn’t health care??? The only
choices are birth control vs drilling for oil,
building death machines and killing the environment???

Problem with your theory (IMO) is more people use more
fuel/food/land/resources and strain the environment.
There is a simple fact we all live on the same petri
dish called earth, there is only so much to go around
and YES the death machines/killing environment (yadda,
yadda, yadda) need to stop. It might be a good idea to
help with the limited resources (not that they should
be limited, just that they are) to not breed new
addicts and focus those resources on the adults and
little ones that we already have.

Well, with that in mind, let’s just round up all the addicts and sterilize
every one of them.

BTW, starting with 2 people and assuming a 2% annual growth rate over only a
1,500 year period the population of the planet shuld be almost 16 billion.
The truth is that the fertility rate of men in the US has dropped
dramatically since the 1950s. This petri dish is rather like a fishbowl – we
only reproduce to the point of sustainability. The “sky is falling”
population explosion theory is a fallacy. Moreover, people in the US and
other highly developed nations have *far less* children per capita than in
less developed nations. Barring growth due to immigration, the US might even
soon begin to see a decline in population growth very soon. Most predictions
allow about 9 billion people by 2050. That would mean that the curve of the
hyperbola of population is starting to apex and from there, fall.

Compassion must outweigh the “one less addict” or “one less child of an
addict” thinking. It’s a half step away from outright killing addicts.

Ridding the US of potential children of crack addicted mothers is a *very*
small drop in the bucket. Sterilization for $200 seems to be an extreme way
to accomplish this goal.

Smart growth and fostering sustainability would alleviate far more problems
due to limited resources than sterilizing crack-addicted mothers. Finally
realizing and accepting our huge consumption rate in the US and doing
something to change *that* will mean much, much more than the CRACK program
could ever hope to accomplish, and nobody would have to be sterilized.

rebate), no killing and you keep going off on KILLING
and sterilization as if it is being forced. You seem
to want to limit the choices addicts have in their
lives because of your beliefs – if someone wants an
abortion, birth control or sterilization, that is
their choice and CRACK is helping them with choices,
they are NOT making choices for the addict.

Offering them $200 is ridiculous. How about a home and a recovery program in
exchange? $200 is a carrot.

– jt

From: Joshua Tinnin <jtinnin@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] health care for all or military killing machines…hmmm
Date: July 28, 2002 at 1:09:03 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

$200 is pathetic and insulting. It’s, what, less than one day’s worth of
drugs for many addicts? How can one trade a lifetime of sterility for $200?
That’s a week’s rent in a residential hotel in the bad part of town. It’s
been proven that the CIA moves addictive drugs into this country, and even
profits by it. This CRACK program smacks of eugenics with a stick and carrot
dangled in front of the undesirables for incentive not to reproduce ever
again. It does *nothing* to address the real problem of addiction – it
doesn’t even attempt to deal with the real problems. It’s a cry, once again,
for “the children.” The crack baby propaganda, btw, was just that –
propaganda. It was fabricated.

Yes, addicts, like everyone else, must be held responsible for their
decisions. So, in a sense, it can be said that it is the addict’s decision
to get sterilized for the small amount of fast cash. But how wise is that
decision when made by an active crack addict, one which will affect that
person for the rest of their lives? How will that $200 be seen later by a
recovering addict who can no longer have children? Do you think there will
be regret? Can you envision the lawsuits to come years later?

Will this program be available for alcoholics or smokers? How many children
of alcoholics are affected adversely compared to those with parents addicted
to crack? How severe are birth defects caused by those substances?

More than 140,000 people die in the US every year due to alcohol. How many
die due to crack cocaine? Take a guess …

Not to dwell too much on conspiracy theory, but I wouldn’t be at all
surprised if, 30 years from now, this program is revealed to be an
intelligence operation in eugenics. If MKULTRA, COINTELPRO, Project
MOCKINGBIRD, etc., revealed anything, it’s that the government has no moral
scruples whatsoever when dealing with covert operations.

However, to the program’s credit, it does offer cash (though a smaller
amount) to women who provide proof that they are using birth control.
Norplant is offered as one method, with a $100 incentive.

This is harm reduction to the wrong extreme, if anything.

– jt

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Preston  “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God, I’m actually a bit pissed off at this post. I
can’t stand this attitude. Where does this come from?
When did people become so dumbed down and willing to
pay for death, but not life?”

NO ONE was talking about killing anyone, not even an
abortion. What is this, we are going to mourn for
every sperm and egg that “got spilt” and never made a
baby, better put those people who use condoms in jail.
The issue was a rebate of sorts for those who wished
to get steralized OR (and some keep ignoring this)
long term birth control – you keep focusing on DEATH,
lost opportunities, the what-ifs (baby) that never
happened (not even a fertilized egg). It is (IMO) not
like someone killed a child, geez, what “killing” are
you talking about (NONE IMO). There is a difference
between being fruitful and multiplying and growing
like weeds.

No one is talking about forcing anyone into anything
or killing anything. Doesn’t it come down to some
religious belief that birth control is bad and this is
birth control? So, (specifically talking about the
CRACK $200 rebate for LT birth control/sterilization)
what death is it you are talking about that is being
offered – and yes, the Gov’t has their military
killing machines, the US imprisons more people than
any other country per capita and a zillion other
issues – those are OTHER ISSUES (IMO) and Yes there
should be treatment that is far better than it is
today, the DRUG wars are bad and there are a thousand
evils out there – we are talking about one tiny issue
and without solving all the other problems with drug
abuse, this is CRACK’s issue that they choose to deal
with, just like you or anyone else has their causes.


— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
As somebody who works for a living and has had
their share of drug problems I don’t have any
interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being
taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent
that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives
and don’t have enough common sense to know your a
mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the
kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for
all that. <

This is brilliant (stupidity), and as a former hard
core drug abuser and works very hard for a living,
I’m very glad you posted this opinion here.
Out of curiosity, do you like, (or not resent), your
tax dollars going to build nifty neato military
killing machines? How about bombs dropped on
innocent Afghans? Do support the outrageous military
spending by the US, and the outrageous amounts
already being spent to lock up the druggies in the
name of a War on Drugs? If you are, but aren’t
willing to help pay for health costs of drug addicts
and other fellow Americans, I am stumped at this
Where does the attitude come from that “we don’t
want to pay for druggies’ health costs” when that is
already EXACTLY WHAT WE’RE DOING NOW by locking them
all up, THEN paying their health costs. Why add that
imprisonment cost to the total? Why is it better to
pay taxes for killing people and imprisoning them,
(and propping up foreign corrupt government growing
drugs), but not for helping American citizens, real
honest to goodness people, even druggies who “don’t
have enough common sense to know” they’re a mess to
use your phrase.
This simply strikes me as blindly following
along behind prohibition hatered, ignorance, and
dogma. Those Dirty Druggies (of whom you were one
once apparently) don’t deserve my help….but by god
we need a STRONG MILITARY so we can go in and prop
up some more drug producing tin-pot didctators
around the world so they can produce tons of drugs
so the DEA can ship them across our borders by the
TON in so-called “controlled” shippments they
themselves cannot account for tons of RIGHT NOW!
Of course, I could be wrong and this might not
be your position at all, as you haven’t actually
mentioned the military spending, or for that matter,
the incredibley shoddy accounting the government
actually does to keep track of your, and my, taxes.
But I hear and read this king of thinking all
the time in the US, and it drives me CRAZY! Who are
these heartless people who are silent about the
trillions spent by our military for NOTHING but
killing, death, and propping up drug producing
cartels, (KLA, Northern Alliance, Vladamir
Montesinos to name but a few usual US-allies), but
can’t find it in their hearts to pay taxes towards a
universal health care system, as that would be
God, I’m actually a bit pissed off at this post.
I can’t stand this attitude. Where does this come
from? When did people become so dumbed down and
willing to pay for death, but not life?

—– Original Message —–
From: ascending@hushmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original
statement and more comments

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if
these future moms are being herded into the
sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had
their share of drug problems I don’t have any
interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being
taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent
that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives
and don’t have enough common sense to know your a
mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the
kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for
all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read
anything except drug lists there is this over
population problem with the world, there is no
shortage of babies. None at all.

Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is

The person getting sterilized, seems very
to me. And for the money that they are likely to
for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
pay-check or any other check they get their hands
This is not forced sterilization, it is $200
should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and
seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long
birth control.

When does simple drug use become reason enough
sterilize mothers?

I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such
no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
personally think there are cases where a person
be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS
year old but you had a child at 12, another at
another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried,
all 4 children taken away because of abuse and
drug addiction and you are pregnant again…).
that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it
MOM made her decisions about her life and
shouldn’t be
allowed (at some point) to have her children
for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a
with someone taking the choice to be sterilized
or use
specific birth control methods as some violation


From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: July 28, 2002 at 12:59:14 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
and my prior comments still stand, even though I do
find myself, as I believe I’ve noted very recently,
shaking my head when I see news clips of all these
starving people around the world, people surrounded
by 2, 5, 25 children, all theirs. What are they
But personally, I’d rather help feed them and give
them health care, (and myself too) than pay to

But birth control isn’t health care??? The only
choices are birth control vs drilling for oil,
building death machines and killing the environment???

Problem with your theory (IMO) is more people use more
fuel/food/land/resources and strain the environment.
There is a simple fact we all live on the same petri
dish called earth, there is only so much to go around
and YES the death machines/killing environment (yadda,
yadda, yadda) need to stop. It might be a good idea to
help with the limited resources (not that they should
be limited, just that they are) to not breed new
addicts and focus those resources on the adults and
little ones that we already have.

rebate), no killing and you keep going off on KILLING
and sterilization as if it is being forced. You seem
to want to limit the choices addicts have in their
lives because of your beliefs – if someone wants an
abortion, birth control or sterilization, that is
their choice and CRACK is helping them with choices,
they are NOT making choices for the addict.

subsidize Bush and friends’ drilling for oil, or
building death machines, or killing off the parts of
the environment that we humans need to survive.
—– Original Message —–
From: ascending@hushmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original
statement and more comments

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if
these future moms are being herded into the
sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had
their share of drug problems I don’t have any
interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being
taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent
that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives
and don’t have enough common sense to know your a
mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the
kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for
all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read
anything except drug lists there is this over
population problem with the world, there is no
shortage of babies. None at all.

Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is

The person getting sterilized, seems very
to me. And for the money that they are likely to
for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
pay-check or any other check they get their hands
This is not forced sterilization, it is $200
should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and
seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long
birth control.

When does simple drug use become reason enough
sterilize mothers?

I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such
no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
personally think there are cases where a person
be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS
year old but you had a child at 12, another at
another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried,
all 4 children taken away because of abuse and
drug addiction and you are pregnant again…).
that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it
MOM made her decisions about her life and
shouldn’t be
allowed (at some point) to have her children
for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a
with someone taking the choice to be sterilized
or use
specific birth control methods as some violation


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Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] health care for all or military killing machines…hmmm
Date: July 28, 2002 at 12:40:33 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Preston  “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God, I’m actually a bit pissed off at this post. I
can’t stand this attitude. Where does this come from?
When did people become so dumbed down and willing to
pay for death, but not life?”

NO ONE was talking about killing anyone, not even an
abortion. What is this, we are going to mourn for
every sperm and egg that “got spilt” and never made a
baby, better put those people who use condoms in jail.
The issue was a rebate of sorts for those who wished
to get steralized OR (and some keep ignoring this)
long term birth control – you keep focusing on DEATH,
lost opportunities, the what-ifs (baby) that never
happened (not even a fertilized egg). It is (IMO) not
like someone killed a child, geez, what “killing” are
you talking about (NONE IMO). There is a difference
between being fruitful and multiplying and growing
like weeds.

No one is talking about forcing anyone into anything
or killing anything. Doesn’t it come down to some
religious belief that birth control is bad and this is
birth control? So, (specifically talking about the
CRACK $200 rebate for LT birth control/sterilization)
what death is it you are talking about that is being
offered – and yes, the Gov’t has their military
killing machines, the US imprisons more people than
any other country per capita and a zillion other
issues – those are OTHER ISSUES (IMO) and Yes there
should be treatment that is far better than it is
today, the DRUG wars are bad and there are a thousand
evils out there – we are talking about one tiny issue
and without solving all the other problems with drug
abuse, this is CRACK’s issue that they choose to deal
with, just like you or anyone else has their causes.


— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
As somebody who works for a living and has had
their share of drug problems I don’t have any
interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being
taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent
that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives
and don’t have enough common sense to know your a
mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the
kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for
all that. <

This is brilliant (stupidity), and as a former hard
core drug abuser and works very hard for a living,
I’m very glad you posted this opinion here.
Out of curiosity, do you like, (or not resent), your
tax dollars going to build nifty neato military
killing machines? How about bombs dropped on
innocent Afghans? Do support the outrageous military
spending by the US, and the outrageous amounts
already being spent to lock up the druggies in the
name of a War on Drugs? If you are, but aren’t
willing to help pay for health costs of drug addicts
and other fellow Americans, I am stumped at this
Where does the attitude come from that “we don’t
want to pay for druggies’ health costs” when that is
already EXACTLY WHAT WE’RE DOING NOW by locking them
all up, THEN paying their health costs. Why add that
imprisonment cost to the total? Why is it better to
pay taxes for killing people and imprisoning them,
(and propping up foreign corrupt government growing
drugs), but not for helping American citizens, real
honest to goodness people, even druggies who “don’t
have enough common sense to know” they’re a mess to
use your phrase.
This simply strikes me as blindly following
along behind prohibition hatered, ignorance, and
dogma. Those Dirty Druggies (of whom you were one
once apparently) don’t deserve my help….but by god
we need a STRONG MILITARY so we can go in and prop
up some more drug producing tin-pot didctators
around the world so they can produce tons of drugs
so the DEA can ship them across our borders by the
TON in so-called “controlled” shippments they
themselves cannot account for tons of RIGHT NOW!
Of course, I could be wrong and this might not
be your position at all, as you haven’t actually
mentioned the military spending, or for that matter,
the incredibley shoddy accounting the government
actually does to keep track of your, and my, taxes.
But I hear and read this king of thinking all
the time in the US, and it drives me CRAZY! Who are
these heartless people who are silent about the
trillions spent by our military for NOTHING but
killing, death, and propping up drug producing
cartels, (KLA, Northern Alliance, Vladamir
Montesinos to name but a few usual US-allies), but
can’t find it in their hearts to pay taxes towards a
universal health care system, as that would be
God, I’m actually a bit pissed off at this post.
I can’t stand this attitude. Where does this come
from? When did people become so dumbed down and
willing to pay for death, but not life?

—– Original Message —–
From: ascending@hushmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original
statement and more comments

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if
these future moms are being herded into the
sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had
their share of drug problems I don’t have any
interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being
taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent
that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives
and don’t have enough common sense to know your a
mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the
kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for
all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read
anything except drug lists there is this over
population problem with the world, there is no
shortage of babies. None at all.

Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is

The person getting sterilized, seems very
to me. And for the money that they are likely to
for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
pay-check or any other check they get their hands
This is not forced sterilization, it is $200
should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and
seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long
birth control.

When does simple drug use become reason enough
sterilize mothers?

I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such
no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
personally think there are cases where a person
be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS
year old but you had a child at 12, another at
another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried,
all 4 children taken away because of abuse and
drug addiction and you are pregnant again…).
that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it
MOM made her decisions about her life and
shouldn’t be
allowed (at some point) to have her children
for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a
with someone taking the choice to be sterilized
or use
specific birth control methods as some violation


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From: “Demir” <ddemir@telus.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] find it
Date: July 28, 2002 at 11:47:19 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The UK supplier for ibogaine hcl is no longer filling orders at this time.
You can order the herb extract 5X from Indra in Denmark . It costs about
$120 USD for 4 grams which will get you started . I’ve got some on order
now. Hope this helps. 3rd place  World Cup finish for the boys from
Galatasaray- jolly good!
—– Original Message —–
From: <stonedhead@popmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 7:37 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] find it

i need some help on finding some ibogaine somewhere for a fair price and
whom i can trust. thanks from turkey.

Get your own free email account from

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine source to mexico
Date: July 28, 2002 at 10:26:19 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I live in southern california, I’ve read the list of ibogaine
sources on co.uk and wanted to know if anyone has experience with
the people who are selling it. I want to buy 5-10 grams of HCL for
my personal use, I can easily drive across the border and have
places where I could receive it.

I would do it in Mexico of course and not bring it into California.

Any suggestions?



The extract (Indra) may be safer.


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] more on helping or killing
Date: July 28, 2002 at 9:24:02 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

and my prior comments still stand, even though I do find myself, as I believe I’ve noted very recently, shaking my head when I see news clips of all these starving people around the world, people surrounded by 2, 5, 25 children, all theirs. What are they thinking?
But personally, I’d rather help feed them and give them health care, (and myself too) than pay to subsidize Bush and friends’ drilling for oil, or building death machines, or killing off the parts of the environment that we humans need to survive.
—– Original Message —–
From: ascending@hushmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if these future moms are being herded into the sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had their share of drug problems I don’t have any interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives and don’t have enough common sense to know your a mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read anything except drug lists there is this over population problem with the world, there is no shortage of babies. None at all.

>> Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is not?
>The person getting sterilized, seems very reasonable
>to me. And for the money that they are likely to use
>for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
>pay-check or any other check they get their hands on.
>This is not forced sterilization, it is $200 (rebate)
>should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and you
>seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long term
>birth control.
>> When does simple drug use become reason enough to
>> sterilize mothers?
>I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such thing,
>no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
>personally think there are cases where a person should
>be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS 17
>year old but you had a child at 12, another at 14,
>another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried, had
>all 4 children taken away because of abuse and your
>drug addiction and you are pregnant again…). But
>that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it like
>MOM made her decisions about her life and shouldn’t be
>allowed (at some point) to have her children suffer
>for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a problem
>with someone taking the choice to be sterilized or use
>specific birth control methods as some violation of

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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] health care for all or military killing machines…hmmm
Date: July 28, 2002 at 8:55:19 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>As somebody who works for a living and has had their share of drug problems I don’t have any interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives and don’t have enough common sense to know your a mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for all that. <

This is brilliant (stupidity), and as a former hard core drug abuser and works very hard for a living, I’m very glad you posted this opinion here.
Out of curiosity, do you like, (or not resent), your tax dollars going to build nifty neato military killing machines? How about bombs dropped on innocent Afghans? Do support the outrageous military spending by the US, and the outrageous amounts already being spent to lock up the druggies in the name of a War on Drugs? If you are, but aren’t willing to help pay for health costs of drug addicts and other fellow Americans, I am stumped at this attitude.
Where does the attitude come >from that “we don’t want to pay for druggies’ health costs” when that is already EXACTLY WHAT WE’RE DOING NOW by locking them all up, THEN paying their health costs. Why add that imprisonment cost to the total? Why is it better to pay taxes for killing people and imprisoning them, (and propping up foreign corrupt government growing drugs), but not for helping American citizens, real honest to goodness people, even druggies who “don’t have enough common sense to know” they’re a mess to use your phrase.
This simply strikes me as blindly following along behind prohibition hatered, ignorance, and dogma. Those Dirty Druggies (of whom you were one once apparently) don’t deserve my help….but by god we need a STRONG MILITARY so we can go in and prop up some more drug producing tin-pot didctators around the world so they can produce tons of drugs so the DEA can ship them across our borders by the TON in so-called “controlled” shippments they themselves cannot account for tons of RIGHT NOW!
Of course, I could be wrong and this might not be your position at all, as you haven’t actually mentioned the military spending, or for that matter, the incredibley shoddy accounting the government actually does to keep track of your, and my, taxes.
But I hear and read this king of thinking all the time in the US, and it drives me CRAZY! Who are these heartless people who are silent about the trillions spent by our military for NOTHING but killing, death, and propping up drug producing cartels, (KLA, Northern Alliance, Vladamir Montesinos to name but a few usual US-allies), but can’t find it in their hearts to pay taxes towards a universal health care system, as that would be SOCIALISM.
God, I’m actually a bit pissed off at this post. I can’t stand this attitude. Where does this come from? When did people become so dumbed down and willing to pay for death, but not life?

—– Original Message —–
From: ascending@hushmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 28, 2002 2:16 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if these future moms are being herded into the sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had their share of drug problems I don’t have any interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives and don’t have enough common sense to know your a mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read anything except drug lists there is this over population problem with the world, there is no shortage of babies. None at all.

>> Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is not?
>The person getting sterilized, seems very reasonable
>to me. And for the money that they are likely to use
>for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
>pay-check or any other check they get their hands on.
>This is not forced sterilization, it is $200 (rebate)
>should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and you
>seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long term
>birth control.
>> When does simple drug use become reason enough to
>> sterilize mothers?
>I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such thing,
>no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
>personally think there are cases where a person should
>be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS 17
>year old but you had a child at 12, another at 14,
>another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried, had
>all 4 children taken away because of abuse and your
>drug addiction and you are pregnant again…). But
>that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it like
>MOM made her decisions about her life and shouldn’t be
>allowed (at some point) to have her children suffer
>for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a problem
>with someone taking the choice to be sterilized or use
>specific birth control methods as some violation of

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From: ascending@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Are the Hmoung Heading for Certain DOOM!?!?!!111!!!
Date: July 28, 2002 at 2:22:00 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dude you are really funny and really sick. You know both already I think.

Ibogaine or not I do not see how any person who was a junkie can go to that place right after detoxing and stay off heroin. That is heroin central there is nothing there except heroin. It’s junkieland. You’re crazy.

I mean that with the highest respect, you really are. Or as Curtis would say ‘right on man, right on!’

How’s the mother love bone link coming> 😉

Hum . . .

THAILAND sez: Get The Hell Out!

I wonder if this will actually happen; possibly not, since it has been in
the perpetual process of happening since roughly the dawn of time, or 40
years ago when a few hundred hmoung arrived and started to reproduce a lot
— having not much else to do besides learn cultivation techniques for
preTty PopPies in southern Thailand, and that birth control thing not
having made a major inroads into the whole entire southeast Asia — which
by the way, prolly causes MOST of the AIDS splattered all over those
countries, NOT bangin’ up, condoms not birth control pills I meant to
say, I think, yeah that was it …  Where was I, oh yes, still in Miami,
but as I was saying, the army rolls in, LOOKS AROUND a lot, makes a Stern
Announcement in the Bangkok Post that SOME Sort of Severe Action will take
place, real soon now; and then goes back to sleep.  Since, mostly, they
all arrived in this mountain range ‘cuz there’s an ashram there, and it’d
be Bad Karma to nuke an ashram in Thailand; although it might be okay if
it were located in Utah instead for instance.  Now then, as I was saying
Will the BAD PEOPLE destroy a perfect, beautiful, happy little society for
tHe HeadLines, or will the whole entire Hmoung make their saving throw,
thus avoiding CERTAIN DOOM!?!??!?

Who can say.  But I just felt strongly ALL OF YOU should be aware of this.

It’s a bummer all of them are so fixated on Buddha, if they looked up a
lil’ further, they’d find Shiva, who would just DESTROY the whole entire
situation (inside his mind) and they could get back to resonating, bangin’
up’, or buying shiny things, depending on what vibrational range they were
in at that particular time.  They’re very mellow and accepting there,
which I appreciated a lot, I have never met any group of persons who were
so cheerfully corrupt before, it was neat, and made me feel good about
myself, because everything was always all-good, unlike Mexico, which is
mostly not so cheerfully corrupt, it experiences a lot of guilt about all
that and HIDES the drugs inside Jesus statues and religious altars and
things, but still firmly believes that chiva negra is one of the Two Great
Demons (the other being blanco of course, most especially when you SMOKE
the demon, much like crack, only non-culture centric…  Belize is very
professional in its corruption, it’s shiny and glossy and Right Out There,
whereas the Caribbean is more like Thailand, it’s mellow and accepting and
easy-going mon, which I s’pose is not surprising.  America as whole is
completely inconsistent, and vibrations vary widely, sometimes even from
block to block, or time of day and phase of moon, when it is possible to
absolutely resonate with your molecules and radiate within and through
them, while at others no matter what you do, you seem to wind up in these
spirals made out of barbed wire which is shredding you as you sink through
bleeding quicksand, hmm, oh yeah, duh, i forgot to Go into The Light.  But
I suppose that is just the Way of the World.  That is my opinion at this
very moment anyway, but it could change at any time.

Mostly, as a whole, this is THAILAND’s fault and the Hmoung cannot be held
responsible for the whole entire situation.  Since the laws there change
every 3 hours or so, depending on how moody the King is feeling that day,
and the only part of the laws that ever remains consistent is that it is
okay for them to cultivate opium poppies and USE them, because that is
their cultural heritage, but they’re never, ever, at all, not even
supposed to THINK ABOUT breaking it down into heroin and exporting it.
That would be Very Naughty.

That’s it then,


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From: ascending@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 28, 2002 at 2:16:31 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I see no problem with this at all. It’s not as if these future moms are being herded into the sterilization pens.

As somebody who works for a living and has had their share of drug problems I don’t have any interest in paying for some crackwhore’s kids being taken care of when she keeps having them. I resent that. If you want to have kids and ruin their lives and don’t have enough common sense to know your a mess that’s your business and I feel sorry for the kids but it shouldn’t be my tax dollars paying for all that.

Sorry but that’s reality. In case none of you read anything except drug lists there is this over population problem with the world, there is no shortage of babies. None at all.

Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is not?

The person getting sterilized, seems very reasonable
to me. And for the money that they are likely to use
for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
pay-check or any other check they get their hands on.
This is not forced sterilization, it is $200 (rebate)
should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and you
seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long term
birth control.

When does simple drug use become reason enough to
sterilize mothers?

I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such thing,
no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
personally think there are cases where a person should
be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS 17
year old but you had a child at 12, another at 14,
another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried, had
all 4 children taken away because of abuse and your
drug addiction and you are pregnant again…). But
that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it like
MOM made her decisions about her life and shouldn’t be
allowed (at some point) to have her children suffer
for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a problem
with someone taking the choice to be sterilized or use
specific birth control methods as some violation of


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From: ascending@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Date: July 28, 2002 at 2:09:36 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The problem with yahoo is they want you to get so frustrated with their free service that you upgrade to paid. Same problem as hotmail.

You get what you pay for. How do you connect to the internet? That should come with some kind of inbox that works.

Most services that charge you something work and kill the ads and pop ups, you get what you pay for.

All the online heroin sites are real flaky this month or 6 weeks.

Calming down.

Does anyone know what is the problem with yahoo? My
mail is completely screwed up, my groups don’t work
anymore I have downloaded and deleted alllllll the
things in my inbox I go to trash and click delete and
it gives that stupid message that trash is
automatically deleted.

Great except every time I log in it tells me I am
using more then my storage quota and I have 5 msgs
left in my mailbox! All my folders are downloaded and
none of those 5 have attachments!!

Nothing works and nobody cares.

Sorry, this was going to be a ibogaine related msg.

What has happened with heroin everything, Patrick,
Francis, either one of you know? Your site is off line
almost always Francis, it keeps loading the front page
and doesn’t let you go into the magazine anymore, this
is heroinhelper or course and Heroin Times did not
manage to come out with a July issue at all and it’s
nearly August, Patrick you write for all the issues,
is it dead?

Is everything on the entire internet broken tonight?

Time to get off the computer 🙂

Carla B

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From: “Mike Zeiss” <drfeelgood@chemist.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] ibogaine source to mexico
Date: July 28, 2002 at 2:00:48 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I live in southern california, I’ve read the list of ibogaine sources on co.uk and wanted to know if anyone has experience with the people who are selling it. I want to buy 5-10 grams of HCL for my personal use, I can easily drive across the border and have places where I could receive it.

I would do it in Mexico of course and not bring it into California.

Any suggestions?



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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Date: July 28, 2002 at 1:06:34 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Calming down.

Does anyone know what is the problem with yahoo? My
mail is completely screwed up, my groups don’t work
anymore I have downloaded and deleted alllllll the
things in my inbox I go to trash and click delete and
it gives that stupid message that trash is
automatically deleted.

Great except every time I log in it tells me I am
using more then my storage quota and I have 5 msgs
left in my mailbox! All my folders are downloaded and
none of those 5 have attachments!!

Nothing works and nobody cares.

Sorry, this was going to be a ibogaine related msg.

What has happened with heroin everything, Patrick,
Francis, either one of you know? Your site is off line
almost always Francis, it keeps loading the front page
and doesn’t let you go into the magazine anymore, this
is heroinhelper or course and Heroin Times did not
manage to come out with a July issue at all and it’s
nearly August, Patrick you write for all the issues,
is it dead?

Is everything on the entire internet broken tonight?

Time to get off the computer 🙂

Carla B

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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: ibogaine and hep c
Date: July 27, 2002 at 9:53:50 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— Joatammmo23@aol.com wrote:
Why don’t we intelligently talk about the scurge of
Hep C and what ibogaine
MAY do to the liver?

Sure, Ibogaine will do absolutely nothing to the liver
in hep C or any other patient.

That is not the problem with giving ibogaine to
patients with liver damage (any liver damage), it is
that ibogaine levels can get too high if ibogaine
cannot be metabolized into nor-ibogaine. Some patients
without any liver damage are unable to process
ibogaine the way the rest of us do, they are slow
metabolizers. A test dose is one way to help determine
how someone will react to ibo and the dosage may be
adjusted or treatment terminated/put off.


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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 27, 2002 at 4:35:58 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

There’s  supposed to be an Ibogaine forum in the fall in the Bay
area. Anyone want to work on it?

Who is organizing it? Is there a location yet? (I’m pretty
booked, but may be able to help in small ways.)


We need ideas for a location, I think. Lots of people in S.F. are
already in the loop. Steve at 415-752-7429. Nelson at 415567-0873. Or
Julia at 707-987-8315/8303.


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: ibogaine and hep c
Date: July 27, 2002 at 4:32:54 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/27/02 3:46:38 PM, Joatammmo23@aol.com writes:

Why don’t we intelligently talk about the scourge of Hep C and what ibogaine
MAY do to the liver?


Ibogaine is metabolized by the liver as are most drugs known to me.  I have
not read any reports on ibogaine injuring the liver but, then ibogaine is not
often used.  There have been a few undocumented reports of ibogaine placing
hep C in remission.  HOWEVER, both Mash in the case of ibogaine and
noribogaine and Glick et al. in the case of 18-mc and its meabolite 18-hc,
indicate concern for ibogaine and ibogaine like drugs having adverse affects
that may include toxicity due to existing liver damage or concurrent use of
drugs/medications making use of the same liver enzyme pathways as do the
iboga alkaloids.

Any person considering ibogaine therapy who is not in good health or has
perceived health concerns should consider taking ibogaine only on the
authorization of a medical doctor providing the drug.

Ibogaine is an experimental medication.  There are known fatalities.


From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Denny Lane New Vermont contact
Date: July 27, 2002 at 3:54:18 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Will ibogaine take the need for benzodiazapenes away?  I have a 20 year habit on ativan use given to me after a complete hysterectomy.
I want this cure so bad for methadone, but if it doesn’t work for benzo’s would it be all for nothing?

From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: ibogaine and hep c
Date: July 27, 2002 at 3:37:54 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Why don’t we intelligently talk about the scurge of Hep C and what ibogaine MAY do to the liver?

From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] find it
Date: July 27, 2002 at 1:19:31 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

go to rosorito beach  mexico 2.800 but except payments

From: stonedhead@popmail.com
Subject: [ibogaine] find it
Date: July 27, 2002 at 10:37:36 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

i need some help on finding some ibogaine somewhere for a fair price and whom i can trust. thanks from turkey.

Get your own free email account from

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 26, 2002 at 6:38:53 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

There’s  supposed to be an Ibogaine forum in the fall in the Bay
area. Anyone want to work on it?

Who is organizing it? Is there a location yet? (I’m pretty
booked, but may be able to help in small ways.)


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 26, 2002 at 5:07:20 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“Wonderful place, especially San Francisco,”

“now live in the SF Bay.”

How about a get-together of SF/nearby members of this list?


There’s  supposed to be an Ibogaine forum in the fall in the Bay
area. Anyone want to work on it?


From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 26, 2002 at 3:55:20 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“Wonderful place, especially San Francisco,”

“now live in the SF Bay.”

How about a get-together of SF/nearby members of this list?


From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Thanks!
Date: July 26, 2002 at 2:42:27 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dana all right!!

If I was near NY I would be there, any events in CA?

I also wanted to say thanks! Patrick and whoever else
is doing all this I’ve just realised I take all the
lists and Mindvox for granted because they’ve become
part of my day and it’s all just worked ever since I
got here. It’s never gone down or broken and that’s a
lot I guess.

I’m realising all this because yahoo has started
driving me crazy, I moved to yahoo from hotmail when
they started turning everything into a mess and now
I’m wondering where to move to. If you people ever
open email accounts I’d pay $20 or $30 a year to you
instead of hotmail to have mail that works. This isn’t
pressuring you I know people have asked 50 times
already I’m just saying thank you!

Just as a question, when are you opening? useless
account and all the other people on the other list are
busy talking about whatever it is that is upsetting
hackers, but some of the people on the other list act
like they’re using it, is it open?


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!
Date: July 26, 2002 at 1:06:46 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey this is worth practising the art opf impulse (& flying over)
Dana – WELL Funking Done and not a moment too late

Love/appreciation andria

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: 26 July 2002 16:43
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!

Hey Howard,
Thanks for posting this. You are right, he should be CROWING, saying, Come on out and help me CELEBRATE! any excuse right?;-))
anyway, I put a little link to this news up, so again, thanks.
—– Original Message —–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!

Am I pissed.  Dana is getting a Lifetime Achievement Award for medical
marijuana activism and he is hardly telling anyone.  Beal really deserves
this award.

Along with the award comes a NYC party!!

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge restaurant
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball city,
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

This gathering will benefit the Marijuana Reform Party
$8$ bucks to get in.

PERFORMERS in addition to Beal 😉

CHARITY [the flame within externalized through non-ordinary means]

VEGAN AND NON-VEGAN PASTRIES (edible entertainment) aka food

Tom Leighton of MRP and/or Howard Lotsof will present the award which is the

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge restaurant
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball city,
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!
Date: July 26, 2002 at 11:43:19 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey Howard,
Thanks for posting this. You are right, he should be CROWING, saying, Come on out and help me CELEBRATE! any excuse right?;-))
anyway, I put a little link to this news up, so again, thanks.
—– Original Message —–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 10:21 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!

Am I pissed.  Dana is getting a Lifetime Achievement Award for medical
marijuana activism and he is hardly telling anyone.  Beal really deserves
this award.

Along with the award comes a NYC party!!

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge restaurant
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball city,
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

This gathering will benefit the Marijuana Reform Party
$8$ bucks to get in.

PERFORMERS in addition to Beal 😉

CHARITY [the flame within externalized through non-ordinary means]

VEGAN AND NON-VEGAN PASTRIES (edible entertainment) aka food

Tom Leighton of MRP and/or Howard Lotsof will present the award which is the

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge restaurant
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball city,
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 26, 2002 at 11:21:01 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

or it means that you are a stickler for the “rules” (which got us all here for good or ill in the first place, didn’t they?) and has absolutely nothing to do with someone’s grammar skills. I take it you understood what was meant by “prolly” therefore why should it be spelled differently? Are you grading someone?
Why would you bother posting such drivel?
For that matter, why am I?
—– Original Message —–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)

That word prolly instead of probably shows your grammar needs some work.

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!
Date: July 26, 2002 at 11:05:08 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Try unsubscribing (see message header snip – looks
like to unsubscribe you send mail to
ibogaine-unsubscribe@mindvox.com from the account)


List-Help: <mailto:ibogaine-help@mindvox.com>
Delivered-To: mailing list ibogaine@mindvox.com

— betty doyle <bdoyle2@neo.rr.com> wrote:
I would like to be taken off of this list as soon as
—– Original Message —–
From: “ARON KAY” <pieman@pieman.org>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!

howard already got an award….now its dana’s turn
which is long
i can confirm this for sure since i am security
coordinator for
cures-not-wars which ridded the world of a nazi
blight named hank
(see http://mojo.calyx.net/~pieman/skank)

ARON KAY-http://www.pieman.org
—– Original Message —–
From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!

Congratulations Dana!!!  Wish I could be in
attendance in order to meet
you, Howard, and others.

The “HOWARD SHOULD GET AN AWARD” award is hereby
officially given by me
to Howard Lotsof for all of his work with

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

HSLotsof@aol.com 07/25/02 10:21AM >>>
Am I pissed.  Dana is getting a Lifetime
Achievement Award for medical

marijuana activism and he is hardly telling
anyone.  Beal really
this award.

Along with the award comes a NYC party!!

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the
notorious NY barge
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.
(docked behind basketball
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

This gathering will benefit the Marijuana Reform
$8$ bucks to get in.

PERFORMERS in addition to Beal 😉

CHARITY [the flame within externalized through
non-ordinary means]

entertainment) aka food

Tom Leighton of MRP and/or Howard Lotsof will
present the award which
is the

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the
notorious NY barge
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.
(docked behind basketball
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 26, 2002 at 9:20:12 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Nobody is rejecting YOU. But honey, it is a little selfish to carry on ignoring the needs of folk on this list who need/want to talk about drug treatment through Ibogaine.

Enjoy t’other list; I might just join it if I find the time

Take care of YOU, and take your meds regular (I say this to you, in order to reach both of us!!! If/when you decide to come off, I’d be delighted to hear how u didi it)

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com [mailto:NeuroSkull@aol.com]
Sent: 24 July 2002 22:15
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???

HOW DO I GET OFF THIS LIST!?   what IS THIS?  Bunch of weirdo pseudo intellectuals!

Sorry, I just couldn’t resist saying that before I go!

I’m no longer allowed to respond to such questions on this list.  I’m going to remove myself from this list ’cause it’s too much of a temptation for me to respond when you people ask me questions that are off topic from ibogaine.   And if I continue talking about the Lord on this list, MindVox has threatened me with a lawsuit and a butt kicking.  Since I’m tired of having my butt kicked, I’m going to go hang out on the kotas4christ list.  Also, Patrick is the closest I’ve got to an actual friend, and he’s starting to get upset with me.  Any religious questions should be posted over there, which is actually right here in reality, see, I know what reality is!

I’m going to go out onto USENET now and advertise the List.   Hey, usenet is right here as well… Ain’t it a trip!

Bye all, hope you all feel better.  As for me, I feel with my fingers.  If you want to write to me, send me email <neuroskull@aol.com>, or send it to the kotas4christ List, I’m not on this one anymore.

I don’t have an addiction… I can quit any time I want, really.  😉

In a message dated 7/24/2002 1:56:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, dana@cures-not-wars.org writes:

Besides, Don, don’t you have some kind of pharmaceutical addiction
that renders your decision-making faculties kind of suspect as far as
determination of ultimate reality  is concerned? Standard issue
Christianity is a panacea for people with a weak reality sense. Would
you try Ibogaine instead?



From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 26, 2002 at 5:51:41 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—– Original Message —–
From: “Jellking” <jellking@yahoo.com>

Andria wrote, “Nice one Jane Whomever you are!  Celebrate our diversity
and differences; that’s what I say sis. Which state are you in?”

Thanks for the kind words, Andria.  I’m in California. Born here, 4th
generation. Wonderful place, especially San Francisco,  But too many cars
and too much smog, and I adore London, really feel alive there.  Jane<<

Hey, Cali here, too! Born and raised in NM, but now live in the SF Bay. I
love London, too – been there twice, but it’s been a long time …

– jt

From: <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Please unsubscribe me from your group. Thanks
Date: July 26, 2002 at 5:50:33 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Cc: <pmzeres@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

ctrlaltdel the digital vortex

Please unsubscribe me from your group.  Thanks

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Philip mazieres <pmzeres@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Please unsubscribe me from your group. Thanks
Date: July 26, 2002 at 5:44:20 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Please unsubscribe me from your group.  Thanks

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 25, 2002 at 10:28:51 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That word prolly instead of probably shows your grammar needs some work.

From: “betty doyle” <bdoyle2@neo.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!
Date: July 25, 2002 at 9:57:57 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I would like to be taken off of this list as soon as possible.
—– Original Message —–
From: “ARON KAY” <pieman@pieman.org>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!

howard already got an award….now its dana’s turn which is long
i can confirm this for sure since i am security coordinator for
cures-not-wars which ridded the world of a nazi blight named hank
(see http://mojo.calyx.net/~pieman/skank)

ARON KAY-http://www.pieman.org
—– Original Message —–
From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!

Congratulations Dana!!!  Wish I could be in attendance in order to meet
you, Howard, and others.

The “HOWARD SHOULD GET AN AWARD” award is hereby officially given by me
to Howard Lotsof for all of his work with Ibogaine.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

HSLotsof@aol.com 07/25/02 10:21AM >>>
Am I pissed.  Dana is getting a Lifetime Achievement Award for medical

marijuana activism and he is hardly telling anyone.  Beal really
this award.

Along with the award comes a NYC party!!

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

This gathering will benefit the Marijuana Reform Party
$8$ bucks to get in.

PERFORMERS in addition to Beal 😉

CHARITY [the flame within externalized through non-ordinary means]

VEGAN AND NON-VEGAN PASTRIES (edible entertainment) aka food

Tom Leighton of MRP and/or Howard Lotsof will present the award which
is the

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 25, 2002 at 9:37:07 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Andria wrote, ”
Nice one Jane

Whomever you are!  Celebrate our diversity and differences; that’s what I say sis. Which state are you in?”

Thanks for the kind words, Andria.  I’m in California. Born here, 4th generation. Wonderful place, especially San Francisco,  But too many cars and too much smog, and I adore London, really feel alive there.  Jane
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, …
Date: July 25, 2002 at 9:21:11 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I suppose that the two are not a good mixture……higher power and a treatment.
Many don’t care to compromise their principles.

From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!
Date: July 25, 2002 at 7:06:55 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Congrats Dana!

Carla B

— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:
Am I pissed.  Dana is getting a Lifetime Achievement
Award for medical
marijuana activism and he is hardly telling anyone.
Beal really deserves
this award.

Along with the award comes a NYC party!!

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the
notorious NY barge restaurant
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked
behind basketball city,
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

This gathering will benefit the Marijuana Reform
$8$ bucks to get in.

PERFORMERS in addition to Beal 😉

CHARITY [the flame within externalized through
non-ordinary means]

VEGAN AND NON-VEGAN PASTRIES (edible entertainment)
aka food

Tom Leighton of MRP and/or Howard Lotsof will
present the award which is the

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the
notorious NY barge restaurant
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked
behind basketball city,
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: “ARON KAY” <pieman@pieman.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!
Date: July 25, 2002 at 2:25:47 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

howard already got an award….now its dana’s turn which is long
i can confirm this for sure since i am security coordinator for
cures-not-wars which ridded the world of a nazi blight named hank nuesslein
(see http://mojo.calyx.net/~pieman/skank)

ARON KAY-http://www.pieman.org
—– Original Message —–
From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!

Congratulations Dana!!!  Wish I could be in attendance in order to meet
you, Howard, and others.

The “HOWARD SHOULD GET AN AWARD” award is hereby officially given by me
to Howard Lotsof for all of his work with Ibogaine.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

HSLotsof@aol.com 07/25/02 10:21AM >>>
Am I pissed.  Dana is getting a Lifetime Achievement Award for medical

marijuana activism and he is hardly telling anyone.  Beal really
this award.

Along with the award comes a NYC party!!

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

This gathering will benefit the Marijuana Reform Party
$8$ bucks to get in.

PERFORMERS in addition to Beal 😉

CHARITY [the flame within externalized through non-ordinary means]

VEGAN AND NON-VEGAN PASTRIES (edible entertainment) aka food

Tom Leighton of MRP and/or Howard Lotsof will present the award which
is the

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] movie review, news stories, links, photos, and more at drugwar.com
Date: July 25, 2002 at 1:10:50 PM EDT
To: <drugwar@mindvox.com>
Cc: “cia-drugs” <cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com>, “CRRH” <restore@crrh.org>, “DRCNet” <drcnet@drcnet.org>, “efficacy” <efficacy@email.msn.com>, <FreedomNewsNet@aol.com>, <ibogaine@mindvox.com>, “rootsofteror” <rootsofterror@yahoogroups.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi all,
Long time since I’ve sent one of these notices out, but as everyone I’m sure is aware, life itself seems to be careening along at break-neck speed with all sorts of nefarious actions on the part of the US feds putting brainless fire to the coals inflaming the War, while so much of the rest of the world comes to its senses.
That all said, we have a few new stories headlined at our homepage at http://www.drugwar.com.

First, there’s a much needed, at least in the opinion of me, the editor, of a lighter (and to be quite honest a darker too) look at drug use as a simple and small fact of life as a whole in “A Smoking ‘Scarlet Diva” Storms NYC” by Preston Peet.

Then we have a much more serious Op-Ed piece by Doug McVay of Common Sense for Drug Policy (http://www.csdp.org)

The Symbolism of Mandatory Drug Testing Teens in School

And we have a first hand report on the acquittal of James Souder by Anthony Lorenzo of the Florida Cannabis Action Network.

James Souder Found Not Guilty by Jury of His Peers

We also have some discussions about whether or not drug war reformers need to cut their hair and fit in with mainstream America to have real effects on change, or if this idea stems from the very fears and propaganda driving the whole entire War on Some Drugs and Users in the first place, beginning Way Back When.

Liquid Light- by Christopher Cadden

a reply/addiction to the thread of Liquid Light

Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll, 1000 BC – 200 AD – by Elmer Elevator
For more hard news, we have links to the now back online Akha journal by Matthew McDaniel in Thailand, the House giving a “stinging slap” by barring Ogilvy from getting paid for their work on the ONDCP Anti-Youth…Uh, that’s Anti-Drug National Media Campaign, not only because they committed fraud by overbilling the government and hence the taxpayers, but also seem have lead more kids to try out marijuana, NOT their stated goal by any means, leaving a very pissed off Appropriations committee. There are multiple news and press releases giving up-to-date commentary on various pro-marijuana, medical and non currently underway across the US, reports on San Francisco deciding to looking into growing their own medical marijuana since they’re sick of the feds coming in and raiding clubs, stories about Colorado police not destroying files they gathered by unusual means on “subversives’ and incidentally all sorts of other people, the blatant smear campaign by “someone” against Rev. Al Sharpton, (I mean, geez, how obvious can “they” get?)
We also have a new list to which you can subscribe at the top of the homepage at http://www.drugwar.com, and rant, rave, formulate good idea, post ad ones too, and generally try to figure out ways to educate others as to the damages caused by the War itself, and all kinds of other things too, pertaining to the War.

Preston Peet
Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor at Large High Times mag/.com

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!
Date: July 25, 2002 at 11:39:18 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/25/02 11:03:56 AM, RickV@hnncsb.org writes:

Congratulations Dana!!!  Wish I could be in attendance in order to meet
you, Howard, and others.

The “HOWARD SHOULD GET AN AWARD” award is hereby officially given by me
to Howard Lotsof for all of his work with Ibogaine.


I received the first lifetime achievement award from the Big Apple Buyers’
Club for my ibogaine work two years ago.  This occurred while I was in the
hospital being treated for leukemia.  When my wife brought the award to the
hospital I was pleased to share it with the nursing staff and doctors.  It
was well received by all.


From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!
Date: July 25, 2002 at 11:01:51 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Congratulations Dana!!!  Wish I could be in attendance in order to meet
you, Howard, and others.

The “HOWARD SHOULD GET AN AWARD” award is hereby officially given by me
to Howard Lotsof for all of his work with Ibogaine.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

HSLotsof@aol.com 07/25/02 10:21AM >>>
Am I pissed.  Dana is getting a Lifetime Achievement Award for medical

marijuana activism and he is hardly telling anyone.  Beal really
this award.

Along with the award comes a NYC party!!

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

This gathering will benefit the Marijuana Reform Party
$8$ bucks to get in.

PERFORMERS in addition to Beal 😉

CHARITY [the flame within externalized through non-ordinary means]

VEGAN AND NON-VEGAN PASTRIES (edible entertainment) aka food

Tom Leighton of MRP and/or Howard Lotsof will present the award which
is the

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Dana gets award!!!!
Date: July 25, 2002 at 10:21:51 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Am I pissed.  Dana is getting a Lifetime Achievement Award for medical
marijuana activism and he is hardly telling anyone.  Beal really deserves
this award.

Along with the award comes a NYC party!!

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge restaurant
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball city,
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

This gathering will benefit the Marijuana Reform Party
$8$ bucks to get in.

PERFORMERS in addition to Beal 😉

CHARITY [the flame within externalized through non-ordinary means]

VEGAN AND NON-VEGAN PASTRIES (edible entertainment) aka food

Tom Leighton of MRP and/or Howard Lotsof will present the award which is the

Sunday, July 28, 2002
8:00 PM – ?
The party/award celebration will be held at the notorious NY barge restaurant
whatever, better known as The Frying Pan.  (docked behind basketball city,
west 23rd St. and west side highway).

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 5:14:50 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

HOW DO I GET OFF THIS LIST!?   what IS THIS?  Bunch of weirdo pseudo intellectuals!

Sorry, I just couldn’t resist saying that before I go!

I’m no longer allowed to respond to such questions on this list.  I’m going to remove myself from this list ’cause it’s too much of a temptation for me to respond when you people ask me questions that are off topic from ibogaine.   And if I continue talking about the Lord on this list, MindVox has threatened me with a lawsuit and a butt kicking.  Since I’m tired of having my butt kicked, I’m going to go hang out on the kotas4christ list.  Also, Patrick is the closest I’ve got to an actual friend, and he’s starting to get upset with me.  Any religious questions should be posted over there, which is actually right here in reality, see, I know what reality is!

I’m going to go out onto USENET now and advertise the List.   Hey, usenet is right here as well… Ain’t it a trip!

Bye all, hope you all feel better.  As for me, I feel with my fingers.  If you want to write to me, send me email <neuroskull@aol.com>, or send it to the kotas4christ List, I’m not on this one anymore.

I don’t have an addiction… I can quit any time I want, really.  😉

In a message dated 7/24/2002 1:56:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, dana@cures-not-wars.org writes:

Besides, Don, don’t you have some kind of pharmaceutical addiction
that renders your decision-making faculties kind of suspect as far as
determination of ultimate reality  is concerned? Standard issue
Christianity is a panacea for people with a weak reality sense. Would
you try Ibogaine instead?



From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 5:00:09 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 04:43:41PM -0400], [Dana Beal] wrote:

| But did you send it to Dave Michon? I never saw a reply. Interesting
| that you paired it to a response to Richard Lake.

Yeah, read the headers, it went to You, Howard, Richard, and Dave.  Dave
has replied to me several times, he does not CC you back into it, because
it apparently upsets him that you reprint his mail without his permission.

Basically, I get the feeling he does not want his email in your
newsletter.  This may be an incorrect assumption on my part, but you
should ask him that.


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 4:57:37 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 04:56:14PM -0400], [Dana Beal] wrote:

| No I don’t want to join another list. I do, however, think some
| discussion of Bwiti is appropriate, Patrick, even as to its
| connection w. other religions. But I am not interested in receiving
| anyone’s finished Gospel– only in studying how it incorporates
| elements of older faiths, a la the Passover Plot.

Yes, absolutely.  The Bwiti and Ibogaine sure are related, no problem, my
intent was merely to cut down on the Find Jesus [HERE] messages.  Unless
you want all of them, which is equally okay with me.


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 4:56:14 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 03:37:53PM -0400], [NeuroSkull@aol.com] wrote:

| If you come over to this List:  <kotas4christ-subscribe@mindvox.com> ÝI’m
| talking about something I know you’ll understand and I promise not
to get mad
| at you.  I talk about Jesus over there on that List.  Ummm…..  speaking of
| stabbings..  I was stabbed once, actually several times, but it happened on
| two or three different occassions.    Come learn about the Love and Light
| that is Jesus Christ, come to the kotas4christ List… Kotas, that’s me.
| It’s a name, it’s Greek, but I’m a mutt.  Sorta Greek, Czech mix..
| But does that really matter?  Naaah.  COME ON OVER!  WHEW!

Don, just a gentle reminder.  Your World Ministries, are now Fully
Operational.  It might be a great idea to promote awareness of this in
Other Places.  Such as, fer instance, wherever it is that Persons who Wish
to Receive Christ, like to hang out.  You would know where that is, much
better than I.

This list in particular, prolly contains a large majority who are not —
right at this moment — interested in hearing The Gospel.  Which is one
of the reasons I gave you the list in the first place.  In the event
anyone feels the need to Be Saved, they *know* where to go.  You’ve told

Please don’t keep reposting it, to THIS list.  It will not generate an
avalanche of new subscriptions.



No I don’t want to join another list. I do, however, think some
discussion of Bwiti is appropriate, Patrick, even as to its
connection w. other religions. But I am not interested in receiving
anyone’s finished Gospel– only in studying how it incorporates
elements of older faiths, a la the Passover Plot.

Besides, Don, don’t you have some kind of pharmaceutical addiction
that renders your decision-making faculties kind of suspect as far as
determination of ultimate reality  is concerned? Standard issue
Christianity is a panacea for people with a weak reality sense. Would
you try Ibogaine instead?



From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 4:43:41 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 12:29:01PM -0700], [Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| Who is this and where is this from? That attached is
| from greenparty groups I’m reading and I find this in
| the middle of it, which was never on this list in the
| first place. Did I miss it or what is this about?

That was private email between a couple of people, which Dana reprinted in
his MMM newsletter, since he was one of the people involved.

But did you send it to Dave Michon? I never saw a reply. Interesting
that you paired it to a response to Richard Lake.


From: “Les Smith” <leesmithjr@prodigy.net>
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: [12-step-free] Re: Cure for Alcoholism Suppressed / Ibogaine
Date: July 24, 2002 at 4:27:50 PM EDT
To: “ibogaine@mindvox.com” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

——-Original Message——-

From: 12-step-free@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 01:51:22 PM
To: 12-step-free@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [12-step-free] Re: Cure for Alcoholism Suppressed / Ibogaine

Hi again, Les.

Yes, now you’ve jogged my memory — I have read about this.

Here’s my take on this type of approach. I have no doubt it could work. I know firsthand how powerful psychic housecleaning can be.

I’m still convinced that drug use has a bio-chemical component. It’s a chicken and egg question. If you undergo an “enlightenment” experience that instantaneously removes a source of psychological stress, yup, that could do it, partly because it will cause a re-regulation of neurotransmitter levels.

Or you could rebalance your brain chemistry and suddenly find out that those old childhood traumas somehow don’t affect you quite like they used to.

Or better yet, do both.

What you’re saying about the battle to have a non-mainstream therapy accepted — that, I can relate to! Dr. Gant has the independently-conducted clinical outcome study showing success rates of up to 83 percent, and the mainstream media ignores it, because if you admit there’s some validity there you have to throw so much out of the window, including AA and an entire industry based on drugging people for psychological conditions.

I’m afraid the media, FDA and pharmacueticals wield so much institutional control that it takes miracles any more to get around them.

I will visit the website. Thanks.


Hi Kirsten:  Ibogaine Therapy really helps people get to the “root” causes of substance
abuse (in fact, it is even made out of a “root”).
The client undergoes a self-reflective and introspective “vision quest”
(that often involves a vivid regression to childhood memories) and discovers
the underlying causes for otherwise  seemingly irrational behavior
(such as cravings for alcohol and other drugs)
The treatment is not “substituting one drug dependency for another”, because
once is usually enough. This is also why the pharmaceutical industry is not
interested in funding the clinical trials for FDA approval… the product is
inexpensive and there is no recurring income (such as with methadone
maintenance).  For additional information, please go to the Ibogaine Dossier website at
http://www.ibogaine.org/  We have connections to a M.D. in Brazil with
permission to conduct therapeutic research with Ibogaine under a controlled
clinical setting. I look forward to your comments and questions.  >>
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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 4:20:01 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

thanks moderator helper elf.;-))
—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???

On [Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 03:37:53PM -0400], [NeuroSkull@aol.com] wrote:

| If you come over to this List:  <kotas4christ-subscribe@mindvox.com> I’m
| talking about something I know you’ll understand and I promise not to get mad
| at you.  I talk about Jesus over there on that List.  Ummm…..  speaking of
| stabbings..  I was stabbed once, actually several times, but it happened on
| two or three different occassions.    Come learn about the Love and Light
| that is Jesus Christ, come to the kotas4christ List… Kotas, that’s me.
| It’s a name, it’s Greek, but I’m a mutt.  Sorta Greek, Czech mix.. Bohemian.
| But does that really matter?  Naaah.  COME ON OVER!  WHEW!

Don, just a gentle reminder.  Your World Ministries, are now Fully
Operational.  It might be a great idea to promote awareness of this in
Other Places.  Such as, fer instance, wherever it is that Persons who Wish
to Receive Christ, like to hang out.  You would know where that is, much
better than I.

This list in particular, prolly contains a large majority who are not —
right at this moment — interested in hearing The Gospel.  Which is one
of the reasons I gave you the list in the first place.  In the event
anyone feels the need to Be Saved, they *know* where to go.  You’ve told

Please don’t keep reposting it, to THIS list.  It will not generate an
avalanche of new subscriptions.



From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 3:47:36 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 03:37:53PM -0400], [NeuroSkull@aol.com] wrote:

| If you come over to this List:  <kotas4christ-subscribe@mindvox.com> 營’m
| talking about something I know you’ll understand and I promise not to get mad
| at you.  I talk about Jesus over there on that List.  Ummm…..  speaking of
| stabbings..  I was stabbed once, actually several times, but it happened on
| two or three different occassions.    Come learn about the Love and Light
| that is Jesus Christ, come to the kotas4christ List… Kotas, that’s me.
| It’s a name, it’s Greek, but I’m a mutt.  Sorta Greek, Czech mix.. Bohemian.
| But does that really matter?  Naaah.  COME ON OVER!  WHEW!

Don, just a gentle reminder.  Your World Ministries, are now Fully
Operational.  It might be a great idea to promote awareness of this in
Other Places.  Such as, fer instance, wherever it is that Persons who Wish
to Receive Christ, like to hang out.  You would know where that is, much
better than I.

This list in particular, prolly contains a large majority who are not —
right at this moment — interested in hearing The Gospel.  Which is one
of the reasons I gave you the list in the first place.  In the event
anyone feels the need to Be Saved, they *know* where to go.  You’ve told

Please don’t keep reposting it, to THIS list.  It will not generate an
avalanche of new subscriptions.



From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 3:43:36 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 12:29:01PM -0700], [Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| Who is this and where is this from? That attached is
| from greenparty groups I’m reading and I find this in
| the middle of it, which was never on this list in the
| first place. Did I miss it or what is this about?

That was private email between a couple of people, which Dana reprinted in
his MMM newsletter, since he was one of the people involved.

| The other question I have is what exactly is the deal
| on the other list with all of you, that british paper
| is now on 5 or 6 articles and that latest one says
| that guy who worked for Mindvox is some sociopath who
| has restraining orders on him and tried to kill his
| girlfriend with a knife. I know you made jokes about
| this but it’s for real? Who are all these people,
| gweeds, ruy, useless account, sir dystic, what is cdc,
| lopht, @stake? It also says that he is the reason you
| guys went offline in 1997?

Look, please keep all that on the other list, if you wanna know who they
all are, then ask them.  Mostly they are all Other People using an Alias.

All of it pertains to the 3l33t h3x0r world, and *not* ibogaine.


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 3:30:53 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You’re in Camden town? Great place. I saw Monster Magnet there once, (nod to Patrick here), at I think the Underworld, or the World, something like that. That was also the first place I ever experienced methadone, drinking about 80 mils after never having done it ever in my life, but having a slight dope chippy habit at that point figured that I’d just “get high” off the stuff, since I’d gotten it cheap.
I spent a good half an hour trying to make myself throw up into the canal in Camden Town.
Sorry, here I go again, diverging from ibogaine. hmmmm, how to tie it in here.
Ah well, I can’t so never mind.
—– Original Message —–
From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
To: ‘ibogaine@mindvox.com’
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 12:45 PM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!

Camden Town. When are you coming , what for, how long and how are u?!!

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Philip mazieres [mailto:pmzeres@yahoo.com]
Sent: 24 July 2002 17:31
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!

i am coming to london
at which metro station are you ?

> Andria E-Mordaunt
> Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
> MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London,
> SE1 OEE, U.K
> 0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
> 0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
> andriaem@drugscope.org.uk
> or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
> <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>
> —–Original Message—–
> From: NeuroSkull@aol.com [mailto:NeuroSkull@aol.com]
> Sent: 23 July 2002 19:20
> To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
> Heck no!  The biggest struggle I’m having right now
> is to find a way to get
> off Effexor.
> Don
> In a message dated 7/23/2002 11:12:26 AM Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:
> You don’t experiment anymore right?
>                            _,.——-.,_
>                        ,;-‘                    ‘-;,
>                      ,;
> ;,
>                    ,;
>   ;,
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>                   |  `/~”    ~” . “~    “~    \’  |
>                   |  ~  ,-~~~^~, | ,~^~~~-, ~|
>                    |  |              }:{
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>                    |  |              / | \
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>                    .   (__,.– ” .^. “–.,___)  .
>                    |          —;’ / | \ `;—
> |  .
>                     \__.          \/^\/       .__/
>                       | \                         /
> |
>                       | | ~\___|___|___/~ | |
>                       | |     `[][][][][][][] | |
>                       |  \,     [][][][][][] /  |
>                        \   `~~~~~~~~~~’  /
>                          \        .       .      /
>                              ^~~~^~~~^

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 3:37:53 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

If you come over to this List:  <kotas4christ-subscribe@mindvox.com>  I’m talking about something I know you’ll understand and I promise not to get mad at you.  I talk about Jesus over there on that List.  Ummm…..  speaking of stabbings..  I was stabbed once, actually several times, but it happened on two or three different occassions.    Come learn about the Love and Light that is Jesus Christ, come to the kotas4christ List… Kotas, that’s me.  It’s a name, it’s Greek, but I’m a mutt.  Sorta Greek, Czech mix.. Bohemian.  But does that really matter?  Naaah.  COME ON OVER!  WHEW!


In a message dated 7/24/2002 12:29:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, carrierollins@yahoo.com writes:

What I’m trying to ask is what is all this? I don’t
understand any of it, the people who post to the other
list are talking about nothing I understand, ever. The
only part I understand is that a lot of you are
getting madder and madder at each other and I don’t
get what it’s all about.

From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Where is this from???
Date: July 24, 2002 at 3:29:01 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi all, some questions which are not completely
ibogaine related 🙂

Who is this and where is this from? That attached is
from greenparty groups I’m reading and I find this in
the middle of it, which was never on this list in the
first place. Did I miss it or what is this about?

The other question I have is what exactly is the deal
on the other list with all of you, that british paper
is now on 5 or 6 articles and that latest one says
that guy who worked for Mindvox is some sociopath who
has restraining orders on him and tried to kill his
girlfriend with a knife. I know you made jokes about
this but it’s for real? Who are all these people,
gweeds, ruy, useless account, sir dystic, what is cdc,
lopht, @stake? It also says that he is the reason you
guys went offline in 1997?


What I’m trying to ask is what is all this? I don’t
understand any of it, the people who post to the other
list are talking about nothing I understand, ever. The
only part I understand is that a lot of you are
getting madder and madder at each other and I don’t
get what it’s all about.


— Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org> wrote:


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
To: “Dave Michon” <dajalyn@charter.net>
Subject: [Response To]: Re: Fwd: Re: yr email


This is a somewhat brief, point-by-point response to
some of the topics
which were raised in a letter Dana cc’d to me, and
asked my input on.

Please try to bear in mind the following things.

[01]: I do not know who some of you are (I know Dana
and Howard); who and
what exactly you represent, what the goals of your
happen to be, whether you like the Democrats,
Republicans, or
are guided by the Illuminanti.  Whatever.  I dunno.

[02]: Along those same lines, I have no way of
knowing what exactly all
your inter-organizational conflicts happen to be.
Or even if
you have these; but I’m gonna guess that’d be YES,
since every
group of people loves to disagree with some other
set of
individuals.  Life’s just like that.

[03]: Brief summary of ME: I don’t smoke pot, I’ve
done heroin since the age
of 14, I LOVE heroin, think it’s simply magical;
I’ve usually
had money, gone to every Dr. Feelgood who holds
This Week’s
Answers! to opiate/opioid detox; done all
maintenance (methadone
and burpinex, never had the chance to do heroin
total bummer).  Whatever.  When I got unsprung my
daily intake
to get straight was 200mg methadone + 2 grams of
heroin + 12mg
Xanax, a day.

Do I have the super-exciting “heroin gene” Ernest
Noble is all giddy and
excited ’bout?  You BET!  Have a variety of
interesting neuroadaptions
taken place due to chronic, long-term administration
of exogenous opiates?
Sure thing mahn!  Dope ro0lz!  It’s the only time I
ever felt “normal.”
What’s not to like?  It FIXES everything!

Brief Media Kit is here:  (Resume`  Criminal Record
& MANY Long Letters
from shrinks, addictionologists, and “treatment
professionals!” <giggle>
available upon request!)


And off we go!

(Please understand that I am replying to THIS.  I am
unclear WHO exactly
wrote this though…)

| >If you have had bad experience with addicts I can
understand your ideas a
| >bit better. This is, however, like painting any
group with a broad brush.
| >Opioid dependent people are not universally
predatory and those that were,
| >or are, were, or are, that way because of
Prohibition. Addicts without the
| >horrifying threat of withdrawal are generally
very good people.

I agree, absolutely.  The actions people take,
usually fall under that
very broad heading: “desperation.”  If drug
prohibition were repealed,
that’d be groovy.  It would no longer be necessary
to live like an animal
or a slave, in order to support your “habit” if you
happen to have made
the choice to be drug-dependent.

| >And all of this ignores the very real biological
factors involved. We all
| >know folks who, back in the day, experimented
with opiates and gave it up
| >fairly easily. Others couldn’t. They possess this
disorder – whatever it
| >is.

I am highly up on the latest science, specifically
as it pertains to
addiction.  All of which ain’t saying too much.  In
the last 10 years we
have learned more about how the brain functions,
then in all of recorded
history up to that date.  And…  We still don’t
know very much.

The entire concept of “addiction” for that matter is
very ambigious and

What appears to be relatively clear is that a
certain subset of the
population has a specific genetic predisposition for
drug-dependent; in this case I’m talking about
opiates in particular,
although alcoholism, and probably all “addictions,”
have a similar basis.

Essentially; positing that you have this genetic
predisposition to begin
with.  Then you experiment with opiates/opioids and
discover they do
something SIMPLY WONDERFUL for you.  Which is
usually followed by a period
of nurturing your newfound “solution,” into a
full-fledged problem, which
appears to be pseudoirreversible.

EXCEPT . . .

That isn’t exactly true (covered a little further
down, when I reply to

I absolutely believe that everyone has the basic
human right to select
their own state of consciousness.  A government that
believes it should
imprison me — for my own good — because I have
made the choice to alter
my state of mind; amounts to fascism.

Even further, aside from concept of drug-dependence
itself, there are a
variety of other factors involved, such as; MANY
people who are strung
out, are self-medicating a variety of underlying
disorders.  And, God
bless, because opiates/opioids are a damn good
answer, which WORKS; as
opposed to garbage like neuroleptics.

– – – – – – – – –

This is a long way of saying: I absolutely believe
that each individual
has the right to select what works best for THEM.
People should have the
right to MAKE CHOICES; not be treated as children,
residents of a prison,
or cattle.

– – – – – – – – –

| >
| >But all this can get fairly boring and I’m sure
you have your own strong
| >ideas on the matter. All I ask is that you keep
an open mind. I will do the
| >same – to the best of my ability. It is my hope
we can thereby establish a
| >rapproachment. I am at your service…

I have no clue what you’re talking about, skipping

| >Regarding ibogaine, and mj maintenance (which, I
must confess, I have not
| >heard mentioned before now) I would like to
clarify my position. It is the
| >same I gave to Howard Lotsof who contacted me
following the last time I
| >responded in this fashion to a similar post of
yours. My view is that the
| >options available to opioid addicts must be
expanded. I feel this very
| >strongly because 30 years of addiction have shown
me that individual
| >idiosyncrasy figures heavily . Some people do not
respond well at all to
| >methadone (I count myself among that number).
Stories of ibogaine’s effects

Okay, I agree with all of this — except I have no
clue what “mj
maintenance” is exactly…?  Methadone maintenance
never did a thing for
me, except drive my habit into the stratosphere.
Roughly 2 years of MMTP,
gave me perhaps 3 days “clean.”  Off heroin anyway.
Woo hoo!

Of course, much of that is due to who I am and my
own response to being
“treated” with methadone.  I have many friends who
thrive on MMTP, and
prolly an equal number who used it for a while, then
continued to use it
in smaller doses and eventually stepped off.

I think MMTP, buprenorphine, and heroin maintenance,
should all be
available as options.

If there is an argument here, I do not understand

| >on some people but not others squares well with
this concept. Accordingly,
| >I
| >believe an addict, probably along with their
physician, should have easy
| >access to (have CSA and regulatory barriers to –
removed) whatever, within
| >reason, they feel may be most likely to help
them. It is crucial to
| >understand that the consensus in our community is
that there is currently
| >no
| >”cure” for opioid addiction and the simple
withdrawal from opioid drugs –
| >no
| >matter how painless it may be made to be – simply
leaves the chronic
| >condition behind – and now untreated. We can get
through a jones – most of
| >us have done it many times. Note how we see
opioid use as simple
| >medicating,
| >self or otherwise, of a painful condition that is
only dimly understood at
| >this time and that condition remains after
withdrawal is over. That is why
| >the pharmacoepia should be open.

– – – – – – – – –

-=/[The IBOGAINE Part — If you skim the
rest, READ THIS]/=-

This is the part where some of the statements you
are making are not
correct.  In particular as they apply to ibogaine.

After many years of heavy opiate addiction, I had
tried pretty much every
available detox on the planet, ranging from UROD
(Ultra Rapid Opiate
Detox), Dr. Richard Resnick’s “black box”
(electronic acupuncture),
methadone, buprinex, tapering down to clonidine and
valium, the home
version of UROD (naltrexone with a handful of Xanax
and clonidine), and of
course the various unplanned detox’s in hotel rooms
with Bacardi 151 and
whatever I could get my hands on at the time.

Any or all of these methods “work.”  In the final
analysis all you really
need in order to get off of opiates is an empty room
and some time. In the
end you wind up feeling the same anyway.  Which is
to say, physically
unwell – to put it mildly.  Personally, this is also
right around the time
I always remember that heroin addiction isn’t really
my problem, it’s my

Ibogaine is NOT a “cure” for drug addiction,
although it very well may be
the greatest solution for drug-dependence.  It will
NOT magically rewrite
everything inside your head, it will not hand you a
brand new life, and it
will never make all your memories of how great
heroin is; go away.

HOWEVER:  It *DOES* bring you back to the point
where you are making
CHOICES and NOT following compulsions.

Yeah, I’m way-fucked, I light up half the DSM, I’m
manic-depressive as
hell, dysfunctional, and I LOVE heroin…  However,
after a lifetime of
using the shit…  I have 3 years completely clear
off ALL
opiates/opioids.  If I ever make the CHOICE to use
heroin again, it will
be just that; a CHOICE that I make.

Heroin rocks.  I will always know that, I have
learned it, I cannot unlearn
it.  But it is no longer this force beyond my
control which is compelling
me to keep chasing the shit, no matter what the
consequences happen to be
(and with our wonderful “War on Drugs,” they can be
pretty fucking

I have done EVERY opiate detox that exists, tried
all the available
treatment modalities.  None of them worked.  Okay,
sure, MOST of them
“work,” inasmuch as when I finish them, I’m “clean.”
I’m also — usually — sick as fuck, and if not, I
am STILL overwhelmed
with the need to use heroin.  Big wow.  Why even
bother putting myself
through this crap, how much do I hate myself?

What ibogaine appears to do is his a <RESET> on your
brain.  Saying that
“addiction” (by which I mean drug-dependence.  I am
talking about the
changes that take place on a neurological basis, in
response to chronic,
long-term self-administration of dope) is
reversible, isn’t exactly
correct either.

What it appears to do is reset your brain to a point
BEFORE you ever
became drug-dependent in the first place.
Addiction, what addiction?

Your drug-dependence is non-existed.

It is far beyond a detoxification.  And far less
than a complete rewrite
of your psychology.  Although you DO enter a
headspace wherein you may
experience waking visions, in an oneiric state,
replete with hypnagogic
imagery, which is TOTALLY UNLIKE Tripping the Fuck

That part can be a tremendous boost with regards to
that whole
reintergation scenario.  It CAN make lasting and
profound psychological
changes take place as well…  But that part is…
Well, it’s all over
the map, and depends a lot upon the individual.  And
nope, it sure doesn’t
work for everyone.

– – – – – – – – –

Being drug-dependent is a CHOICE.  Drug dependence
is NOT an irreversible,
chronic, progressive disease (you’re thinking of the
12-steps, which ARE
a pseudoirreversible, chronic, progressive mindcult
that convinces you of

Drug-dependence may well be the BEST possible
answer, to a variety of
questions and/or problems.

But it is NOT a life sentence.  It all amounts to
being a series of

And each individual who is in the position of being
strung out, should at
the very least have the OPTION of making those

– – – – – – – – –

| >As an example, I abhor the idea of UROD – the
“Ultrafast Detox”, but I
| >think

UROD blows dead goats dude.  Done it twice, same
results both times.  Lot
of dollars for a lot of pain, followed by a lot more
dollars to bang up
enough heroin to overload the receptor blockade of
those annoying
naltrexone implants designed to “help me.”  Which
was another annoying
detour of having to cut that shit out of myself.
What fun.

| >it should be available – same with Naltrex and
the like. Blowfish toxin? Go
| >for it. And, of course, ibogaine. Have you seen
the Chinese work done on
| >Etorphine (yes, that’s right, the most powerful
of the Bentley Compounds
| >and
| >the most powerful narcotic on Earth)? *No*
withdrawal symptoms!
| >Methocloccinamox, NMDA antagonists, proglumide,
and on and on. Most
| >important, and for disparate reasons, is that
heroin maintenance, and other
| >adjuvant opioid therapies like Palfium, should be
available with, or
| >without, cocurrent methadone. The Swiss and Dutch
studies speak for
| >themselves.


|  One of my biggest concerns is that of all those
stupid kids out
| >there: heroin maintenance would get them “in”
from the cold. It would also
| >strike a real blow to the black market filth.

Fuck yeah mahn.  Agreed 100%

| >So that’s my position vis a` vis ibogaine and
where I think it should fit
| >in
| >our community’s spectrum. If marijuana
maintenance is what I think it is, I
| >would have no objection whatever to it,
naturally. But that wasn’t the crux
| >of my post, of course. I wrote out in response to
what I saw as a
| >patronizing tone in your writing concerning
opioid addicts in general.
| >If you’ve known one addict – or fifty – you don’t
know them all. More
| >importantly, consider that there are almost two
hundred thousand methadone
| >maintained people in the US and most have put
heroin and painkiller use
| >behind them to try to take their rightful place
in society – not an easy
| >task. Many of us are growing old and have a
lifetime of achievement we can
| >point to and I’m sure you know there are
professors, lawyers, engineers,
| >etc. on methadone continuing exemplary careers.

Yeah, that’s great.  How does this conflict with

| >We are a developing community – developing thanks
mainly to the Internet.
| >We
| >are indistinguishable from others unless you know
we’re on methadone. We’re
| >proud we’ve been able to come back from active
addiction. We are “coming
| >out
| >of the closet”. We are beginning to speak up.
Imagine how we feel when we
| >are talked down to or lumped into a stereotype.
It is so much worse when it
| >comes from an activist of your credentials.
| >
| >I know who you are and admire your career. I’m
sure we agree on most other
| >issues. What you say has impact.

< — No idea what you’re talking/arguing(?) about
here.  Skipping –>

| >Perhaps you might even consider whether the
plight of American addicts –
| >what I consider the last great civil rights
battle to be fought – might not
| >be an excellent subject for your skills. Talk
about fighting for the
| >oppressed!

Yup.  Those who make the choice to use drugs, or are
drug-dependent, are
effectively the last tribe of niggers on the planet.
An entire strata of
society it is alright to hate, disrespect, imprison,
and strip of their
rights.  All because I am guilty of the “crime” of
choosing my state of

Bummer mahn.

| >I understand the cannabis cognoscenti does not
want to be herded onto the
| >same cattle cars as the addicts. Marijuana
shouldn’t be treated the same as
| >heroin. That is ridiculous. But I think the
public knows that already.

<The rest of this I have skipped, because it’s
reiterating many of the
same points again, and mentions others which I am
simply unaware of, so
what’s to say…>

– – – – – – – – –

On [Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 10:52:53PM -0400], [Richard
Lake] wrote:

| I was a little bothered by some of the other drugs
being tested. It is one
| thing for a person to seek treatment using some
drug with a full
| understanding.
| But I worry that some of these drugs could be used
against the will of
| folks in forced treatment, both here in the U.S.
and elsewhere around the
| world where the rights of folks are not respected.
| Richard

Yeah, no kidding…  Drugabusesciences and their
spin control in
particular…  Are, uhm, somewhat disturbing with
their vision of a
drug-free utopia just over yonder horizon…

“And next, by 2007 we will have inoculations that
prevent orgasm!”

Woo Hoo


*****!!! May 4, 2002 Cannabis Liberation Day:
Updates,  Reports!!!******

Pubdate: Wed, 17 Jul 2002

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 3:25:54 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

is there somebody on this list based in paris, france


No but we have some one going to Paris in the next couple of days. My
daughter, who is working on an Ibogaine forum in Paris. Sorry she
missed you, Andrea.


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] hcl availability
Date: July 24, 2002 at 3:17:18 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Am I allowed to respond to this here?  Patrick was so kind to give me the use of a new List <kotas4christ-subscribe@mindvox.com>  so that I can share the Good News of Christ with all the world.  I can talk about this over on that list if you all are interested in hearing what I have to say about it.

I got into some trouble on the original Ibogaine list (calyx) for talking about VALIS. I would think you could speculate about the role of lost gnostic sacraments in the Grail story. You would like these books, I think. Have you read the Ibogaine story?

Read Chapter 12, the part about Parsifal. http://www.cures-not-wars.org/ibogaine/iboga.html And tell me if it doesn’t remind you of Ibogaine.

Apologies from the errors of grammar in my original post.


From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] hcl availability
Date: July 24, 2002 at 2:54:40 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Am I allowed to respond to this here?  Patrick was so kind to give me the use of a new List <kotas4christ-subscribe@mindvox.com>  so that I can share the Good News of Christ with all the world.  I can talk about this over on that list if you all are interested in hearing what I have to say about it.


In a message dated 7/24/2002 11:43:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time, dana@cures-not-wars.org writes:

Isn’t this another version of Don’s belief-system? Isn’t the original
bwiti religion of Egypt and the harmala religion of Persia behind the
Christian belief system? In fact, doesn’t the savior who dies and
comes back to life emulating the life cycle of the Tree of Life?


,;-‘                    ‘-;,
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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] hcl availability
Date: July 24, 2002 at 2:42:28 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

in valis we trust


Isn’t this another version of Don’s belief-system? Isn’t the original
bwiti religion of Egypt and the harmala religion of Persia behind the
Christian belief system? In fact, doesn’t the savior who dies and
comes back to life emulating the life cycle of the Tree of Life?


From: Philip mazieres <pmzeres@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 12:49:24 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

dont’t worry i will call yu before !

— Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
<AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk> wrote:
Camden Town. When are you coming , what for, how
long and how are u?!!

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London,
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Philip mazieres [mailto:pmzeres@yahoo.com]
Sent: 24 July 2002 17:31
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!

i am coming to london
at which metro station are you ?

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London,
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Sent: 23 July 2002 19:20
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Heck no!  The biggest struggle I’m having right
is to find a way to get
off Effexor.


In a message dated 7/23/2002 11:12:26 AM Pacific
Daylight Time,
AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

You don’t experiment anymore right?


; ;          .           .

; ;
| ;   ___          ____      ; |

|  `/~”    ~” . “~    “~    \’
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|  \,     [][][][][][] /  |

\   `~~~~~~~~~~’  /
\        .       .      /


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 12:45:16 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Camden Town. When are you coming , what for, how long and how are u?!!

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Philip mazieres [mailto:pmzeres@yahoo.com]
Sent: 24 July 2002 17:31
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!

i am coming to london
at which metro station are you ?

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London,
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com [mailto:NeuroSkull@aol.com]
Sent: 23 July 2002 19:20
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Heck no!  The biggest struggle I’m having right now
is to find a way to get
off Effexor.


In a message dated 7/23/2002 11:12:26 AM Pacific
Daylight Time,
AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

You don’t experiment anymore right?

,;-‘                    ‘-;,
; ;          .           .
; ;
| ;   ___          ____      ; |
|  `/~”    ~” . “~    “~    \’  |
|  ~  ,-~~~^~, | ,~^~~~-, ~|
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\   `~~~~~~~~~~’  /
\        .       .      /


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Philip mazieres <pmzeres@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 12:32:41 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

is there somebody on this list based in paris, france


— Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
<AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk> wrote:
dear Jane, Don, all

I was in Jerusalem in 1999 for a drug treatment
conference which i spoke at.
I won’t go to deeply into this one as it is the
IBOGAINE list but just to
say that I went to an NA meeting down there (back in
the days when I still
did) and there was a man there who had been born
into liberal Judaism, who
converted to Hassidism. He was kidding me about this
as I was expressing
fear of some of the Hassidic men (but hey I express
fear of most men; they
tend to have the ‘power’ that certainly has been
weilded against me since
childhood.) Anyway, he was a healing force; after
speaking to him for 5/10
mins about his decision to convert and what it all
meant for him, I felt
less fear of the guys at the wailing wall.

And I must admit, I have been HUMOUNGOUSLY impressed
with the way you’ve all
come to resolve the religious/spiritual debate on
this list. So big thanx,
and can I apologise if I’ve said anything untoward
in this discussion

Solidarity and love from warmer London

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London,
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Jellking [mailto:jellking@yahoo.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 04:39
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Funny that you should say that!  Earlier I toyed
with the idea of saying
that we should send Patrick over to negotiate
between the Palestinians and
the Jews..  Sure couldn’t hurt!  Jane, I LOVE YOU!
And I’m sorry for
mounting a mini-crusade yesterday.  Sometimes my
mouth gets ahead of my

In Christ,


Thanks.  You know, on ibo2, as I call it, I SAW in
panoramic precognition
(many of you know about stuff like this) my visit to
the rainforest
(ayahuasca, yes, but mostly environmentalism for the
Bolivian rainforest)
AND Jerusalem.  I lived in the heart of the old city
for 3 weeks (awesome).
The Academy of Jerusalem, who graciously had me as a
guest in their Old City
apartment, had one window overlooking the
palestinian souks and the other
overlooking the Wailing Wall and Dome of the Rock.
Talk about a place where
people live their religions…..the chanting (in 3
religions, at least, and
don’t forget the Canaanite) begins at about 3:30 a.m
and goes on.  Of course
I was there during Ramadan and Christmas.  Bethlehem
was disgustingly
commercial, even while Yassar Arafat attended
midnight mass in the Church of
the Nativity (this was the millenium, and everyone
was trying hard, I guess,
to capitalize on the moment).  Anyway, I’m pretty
interested in peace, like
every sane person alive, and believe we have to
start with ourselves!  Jane


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From: Philip mazieres <pmzeres@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 12:30:39 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

i am coming to london
at which metro station are you ?

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London,
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com [mailto:NeuroSkull@aol.com]
Sent: 23 July 2002 19:20
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Heck no!  The biggest struggle I’m having right now
is to find a way to get
off Effexor.


In a message dated 7/23/2002 11:12:26 AM Pacific
Daylight Time,
AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

You don’t experiment anymore right?

,;-‘                    ‘-;,
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Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 12:04:11 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

when ever I see this question I always wish people had asked me so I can answer “Flux”.  ::pats self on back, rubs my crippled weiner dog’s belly::


In a message dated 7/24/2002 6:32:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time, AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

Which state are you in?

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 12:00:33 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Effexor is a new kind of serotonin reuptake inhibitor used to treat depression.  Taking it for too long causes me to have bad reactions but then also, when ever I decrease my dosage I get really bad reactions too.  So I have to play this little game of increase/decrease dosage in order to trick my body or I should probably say my brain ’cause that’s what it affects.  Take it for too long and my involuntary muscles start to contract spasmodically, it mimicks ALS “Lou Gehrigs disease”.   Go off from it and my brain starts to vibrate….  I don’t know how else to describe it, but it feels like my brain is rattling around inside my head.  I get nauseous, extremely dizzy to the point that I can’t stand without having to hold onto something, and also I experience extremem fatigued.

Some people have complained about their dreams being too intense when on Effexor, but this is one side-affect that I sort of like.  Last night I dreamt that some zombies with hypodermic needles were chasing me!  I guess that would be a nightmare, but it was interesting.  I watched Night of the Living Dead before I went to sleep last night so that’s probably why.


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 24, 2002 at 11:50:08 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The reason I’m stalling slightly is simply because I only personally know one person whose ongoing recovery process included Ibogaine.

I have taken Ibogaine in an effort to see if I could stop taking SSRI’s, nicotine +++ but truth is I was not commited or fearless enough to drop either for good, (even 1 day at a time!)
However, I had an extraordinary experience with it, where I learnt a lot more about crazy/amazing ol’ me! Sometyhing to do with the fact that I can b a f of a stern woman, and especially hard on myself. That in itself is good info. to try and use in life daily – that is to be more compassionate towards myself. Indeed that attitude (when I remember it) has stopped many a heroin lapse from occuring.

I was also involved with guiding two people who were coming off heroin and/or methadone. One since died from Anorexia (long time coming) and the other is doing well. Last thing I heard was that he was in a new relationship and stabilised on meth, which is a hellava improvement from where he was.

As for HCV and Ibogaine; this issue raised a huge discussion some time ago; in short, if your liver is very damaged it may not be a great idea. On the other hand, if you are DESPERATE to get off meth and your liver is averagely damaged, I would probably say Go for it!

My Liver isn’t the greatest, but I didn’t notice any probs after, certainly do when I dare to drink Whisky though!
Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com [mailto:Joatammmo23@aol.com]
Sent: 23 July 2002 21:35
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] to be more clear


I have been getting anecdotal testimonies from those that have taken igo.  I just feel driven to find out as much as I can of the experience.  I want to be able to stay off of methadone, is it too late in life for it (should I stay with methadone)???   Is it safe when you already are infected with HCV?….questions like that.
I received a very good testimony from B.Calabrese.  It has been the best so far as testonies go.
If you have any thoughts to add, please feel free to write.  It will be so appreciated.

Judith Ostergard…AMMO…

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: [ibogaine] Recall: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 24, 2002 at 11:47:52 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt would like to recall the message, “[ibogaine] to
be more clear”.

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 24, 2002 at 11:39:36 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The reason I’m stalling slightly is simply because I only personally know one person whose ongoing recovery process included Ibogaine.

I have taken Ibogaine in an effort to see if I could stop taking SSRI’s, nicotine +++ but truth is I was not commited or fearless enough to drop either for good, (even 1 day at a time!)
However, I had an extraordinary experience with it, where I learnt a lot more about crazy/amazing ol’ me! Sometyhing to do with the fact that I can b a f of a stern woman, and especially hard on myself. That in itself is good info. to try and use in life daily – that is to be more compassionate towards myself. Indeed that attitude (when I remember it) has stopped many a heroin lapse from occuring.

I was also involved with guiding two people who were coming off heroin and/or methadone. One since died from Anorexia (long time coming) and the other is doing well. Last thing I heard was that he was in a new relationship and stabilised on meth, which is a hellava improvement from where he was.

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com [mailto:Joatammmo23@aol.com]
Sent: 23 July 2002 21:35
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] to be more clear


I have been getting anecdotal testimonies from those that have taken igo.  I just feel driven to find out as much as I can of the experience.  I want to be able to stay off of methadone, is it too late in life for it (should I stay with methadone)???   Is it safe when you already are infected with HCV?….questions like that.
I received a very good testimony from B.Calabrese.  It has been the best so far as testonies go.
If you have any thoughts to add, please feel free to write.  It will be so appreciated.

Judith Ostergard…AMMO…

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 24, 2002 at 10:57:59 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The International Coalition is administrated through ENCOD in Antwerp/Belgium. I am on the steering group of an 8-person group organising some conferences; 1st one hopefully next March

If you wanna get involved, another reason to call me so we can chat properly about it.

I may be in the U.S in September, but certainly by World AIDS Day for the HRC Conference.

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com [mailto:Joatammmo23@aol.com]
Sent: 23 July 2002 21:44
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs


Yes, I feel that it’s time for a party.  When will you be in the US?
I’m still a learner on this site so what is , or who is PP, or PK?  How does a patient from the US join you with the international coalition of reformers?

Judith Ostergard…AMMO…

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 24, 2002 at 10:46:09 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Have you got a phone I can call you on? send it me off line privately if u want, and I can call you from office

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com [mailto:Joatammmo23@aol.com]
Sent: 23 July 2002 21:35
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] to be more clear


I have been getting anecdotal testimonies from those that have taken igo.  I just feel driven to find out as much as I can of the experience.  I want to be able to stay off of methadone, is it too late in life for it (should I stay with methadone)???   Is it safe when you already are infected with HCV?….questions like that.
I received a very good testimony from B.Calabrese.  It has been the best so far as testonies go.
If you have any thoughts to add, please feel free to write.  It will be so appreciated.

Judith Ostergard…AMMO…

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] relaps ,
Date: July 24, 2002 at 10:40:58 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Come and see us in England if u can!

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com [mailto:Joatammmo23@aol.com]
Sent: 23 July 2002 19:49
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] relaps ,


So, you are saying that some will spend a couple of thousand just to get clean enough to start shooting dope again?  I’m sorry, but I don’t understand that.  How many treatments are necessary, or does it vary from person to person?
I’m getting closer and closer to possibly leaving the country for the real thing (too bad that we have to run circles around the FDA) to find our own treatment.
I really don’t think that the methadone clinics would appreciate ibogaine becoming legal.

Judith Ostergard

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 10:06:50 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

What’s Effexor Don?

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com [mailto:NeuroSkull@aol.com]
Sent: 23 July 2002 19:20
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Heck no!  The biggest struggle I’m having right now is to find a way to get off Effexor.


In a message dated 7/23/2002 11:12:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

You don’t experiment anymore right?

,;-‘                    ‘-;,
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\        .       .      /

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K.
Date: July 24, 2002 at 10:06:03 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

So Randy,
would you also encourage Asthmatics, people living with mental illness, AIDS
and many other ‘dis-eases’ to go for sterilisation?

I am born and raised in London/U.K: we tend to have a very different
approach to the issue of addiction/addicts and the whole drug ‘problem’ –
children are taken into care, but as far as I’m aware, nobopdy over here yet
is advocating the sterilisation of addict women, and i pray/hope they never

It is bold and possibly dangerous road to go down – I’m not ready to even
think about further marginalising one of society’s most hated, and
stigmatised groups, not to mention criminalised

I’d be interested in any thoughts/responses u have to this


Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice Ed/John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Randy Hencken [mailto:randyhencken@hotmail.com]
Sent: 23 July 2002 17:28
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K.

Good morning everyone,

Geez, it seems I’ve stirred up some emotion with my last letter agreeing
with C.R.A.C.K.  Sometimes I find it hard to get across what I truly think
or fill in a little e-note like this.  I don’t blame those of you who
responded to me for thinking that I am “judging” “hating” “a pretentious
dork” etc.  I am only writing from my life experience and from what I’ve
seen in the 4 methadone clinics that I attended and the dozen or more that I

have gone to work at and the hundreds of people on methadone whom I’ve
spoken with.  And I still feel the same.  [Preston] I never said that I
would “tell someone else they can’t have a child”.  I simply said that I
agree with the monetary incentive to stop desperate people from having
children.  Can we agree that if someone is willing to trade in their ability

to have a child for two hundred bucks than at least for that moment in time
we (society) are better off without them having children.  Yes there would
be casualties from a program like this(as I admitted earlier I might have
had a vasectomy).  What would be better? – most people who are unfit to
raise children don’t or the few that become fit can’t.

Carla- in the dog eat dog world that we live in – “caring for someone” is
not always enough.  Parents need to be able to provide…

What experiences have I had that make me so “judging”?:
Girl #1 Ran away from her court ordered rehab to live with me and my
girlfriend in colorado 1n 1999.  She had been on and off with this asshole
junkie boyfriend.  While she was with us she had lots of unprotected sex
with one of our friend who we all knew had hep c. Eventually she returned to

her ex in michigan got back on methadone, got pregnant and got put in jail.

The ex-boyfriend is serving some 15 years in the penn.  I know this girl and

I really feel bad for her child.  He just is not going to have the shining
opportunities that a well-balanced mom could give him.

Girl #2.  this girl is brilliant, graduated valedictorian of her high
school.  Unfortunately that was her last great accomplishment.  Anorexia,
speed addiction, crack addiction, morphine addiction and now methadone
dependence have ruled her life for the last 10 years.  At 28 she just gave
birth to a beautiful baby girl.  The dad used to beat her so he is not
involved in her life.  Mom lives at home with her parents.  The babies first

week in this world was spent in withdrawal.  Girl #2 hasn’t been able to
make a good decision in 10 years. Do you think her having a child (she
really cares about) was a good decision?

Girl #3.  My ex-girlfriend.  We spent years shooting dope together.  I got
her pregnant twice.  Fortunately she had a miscarriage and an abortion.  She

spent last year living on the streets of denver stealing and shooting
cocaine and going to a methadone clinic.  she spent six weeks in the I.C.U.
from an infection in her arm that spread to her heart.  This did not stop
her from using. eventually the law caught up with her and she was sent to
the state hospital.  she only stayed there for three months, she was
supposed to stay for 6 months.  She got out moved into a YMCA, continues to
be on methadone and started dating Leroy.  Leroy is on parole for violent
behavior and already has two other children from two different women, now he

is about to have a third.  Maybe I shouldn’t judge who is smart and who is
dumb, BUT I was smart enough not to have a kid with this girl.  She has a
truck load of problems.

Girl #4.  32 years old been on methadone for over ten years.  she lives at
home with her parents. she can’t even raise her Pug properly.  Now she got
pregnant one drunk night by a guy who doesn’t even know she is pregnant.
But she is so selfish that she is going to keep the child.

None of these 4 babies are going to have the opportunities that the average
american child will have.  I’m sure all these moms will “care” about their
babies but none of them are fit to have one. THEY CAN’T EVEN TAKE CARE OF

I never said that we should force sterilization on anyone, but what is wrong

with encouraging it?  Society will be better off with less children,
especially in america.  What did someone say an american use  %80(?) of the
worlds resources.

I believe that we should offer every living person the best quality of life
they can have.  For some people it is methadone for others it is crack. and
that is all fine with me I really want them to have a great life, just don’t

raise children.

Rick, I would really like to see the figures you refer to.

Until I get inspired to write more,

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 24, 2002 at 9:55:03 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Karina Hey, u heroine u!
As soon as do feel better, would love to hear how you are doing, and anything else u want to share on this list

Giant lorry-loads of strength in the meantime

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com [mailto:Mzzthangg13@aol.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 11:19
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions

hello i just did ibo  on 7/12/02  to get offf 100mgs of dfamm meth i hate methadon  i stayed at the center for 5 days  i fgeel better  now i got home on  7/16 i had to go yesterday to the hospotal cause of thr pain like kicking  in my legs but i slept all day weds sorry i can’y write anymore wehn i fell better i wil karina


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 9:51:00 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

dear Jane, Don, all

I was in Jerusalem in 1999 for a drug treatment conference which i spoke at. I won’t go to deeply into this one as it is the IBOGAINE list but just to say that I went to an NA meeting down there (back in the days when I still did) and there was a man there who had been born into liberal Judaism, who converted to Hassidism. He was kidding me about this as I was expressing fear of some of the Hassidic men (but hey I express fear of most men; they tend to have the ‘power’ that certainly has been weilded against me since childhood.) Anyway, he was a healing force; after speaking to him for 5/10 mins about his decision to convert and what it all meant for him, I felt less fear of the guys at the wailing wall.

And I must admit, I have been HUMOUNGOUSLY impressed with the way you’ve all come to resolve the religious/spiritual debate on this list. So big thanx, and can I apologise if I’ve said anything untoward in this discussion

Solidarity and love from warmer London

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Jellking [mailto:jellking@yahoo.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 04:39
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Funny that you should say that!  Earlier I toyed with the idea of saying that we should send Patrick over to negotiate between the Palestinians and the Jews..  Sure couldn’t hurt!  Jane, I LOVE YOU!  And I’m sorry for mounting a mini-crusade yesterday.  Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain. 

In Christ, 

Thanks.  You know, on ibo2, as I call it, I SAW in panoramic precognition (many of you know about stuff like this) my visit to the rainforest (ayahuasca, yes, but mostly environmentalism for the Bolivian rainforest) AND Jerusalem.  I lived in the heart of the old city for 3 weeks (awesome).  The Academy of Jerusalem, who graciously had me as a guest in their Old City apartment, had one window overlooking the palestinian souks and the other overlooking the Wailing Wall and Dome of the Rock.  Talk about a place where people live their religions…..the chanting (in 3 religions, at least, and don’t forget the Canaanite) begins at about 3:30 a.m and goes on.  Of course I was there during Ramadan and Christmas.  Bethlehem was disgustingly commercial, even while Yassar Arafat attended midnight mass in the Church of the Nativity (this was the millenium, and everyone was trying hard, I guess, to capitalize on the moment).  Anyway, I’m pretty interested in peace, like every sane person alive, and believe we have to start with ourselves!  Jane
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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] what’s changed since 2001?
Date: July 24, 2002 at 9:38:34 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I was wondering if you could tell us what u do to get out of the ‘superman
spiral’ when you get into it, as I have a girlfriend who lives with MD, and
I’m never sure how, if at all, I can help.

All ideas from you will be most welcomed. meanwhile, peace and tranquility
to ya

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa [mailto:digital@phantom.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 04:25
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] what’s changed since 2001?

On [Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 02:14:43AM -0000], [Curtis  Hersch] wrote:
| On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 ascending@hushmail.com wrote :

| I’m sending mail off list, need to ask you something. Will
| hushmail accept mail without PGP? It must if you’re writing to
| list right?
| Curtis

Curtis.  While you have wonderful taste in fine music, and seem to
generally be a thoughtful and interesting person.  There is this word you
should look up, it’s called: subtle.  Pronounced  Sub-Tul.  Meaning: Learn
to shut the fuck up and think about what you’re about to say, before doing
so (I paraphrase here from Webster’s New Edition).  This message will be
the EXACT OPPOSITE of subtle.

You couldn’t possibly have INTENT to SOLICIT the purchase of SCHEDULE 1
SUBSTANCES, and plans to CONSPIRE to commit a FELONY right…?  Gosh I
hope not.  It’s great that we don’t log any IP’s and delete all the logs
every 5 minutes or so, like right now for instance.  Because saying all
that at a list of several hundred people you don’t know, may not be the
most brilliant thing you could possibly do.  Even though I know all you’re
gonna talk about is the weather, or possibly some legal location to
experience the wonder of ibogaine.  Using PGP.

“Hello Occifer!  I have heard this is a drug-infested hellhole.  Sounds
great to me!  Could you please tell me the nearest street corner where I
may purchase some Heroin and an 8ball!?!?11!!@!”

Just like do whatever, but please don’t run an announcement.  I realize I
have just added flashing neon to your sign, but it’d be groovy if people
did not repeat whatcha just did.  We fully intend to start the WorldWide
Access Database, but in my old age I have grown wary of taking any action
whatsoever, without having at least 4 lawyers surround me in a huddle and
whisper sweet nothings into my ear.  And do a good job at the delivery
too, I mean I WANT them to work at making me truly BELIEVE what they say,
or it’s just No Good.

Possibly, this too may be — and prolly is — an overreaction to all the,
“Where do I buy DrugZ!?!!!!!” mail I keep getting.  How should I know…?
I’m not a drug dealer, go to your nearest NA meeting, and you’ll find
lots of helpful people there.  Or look up “escort” in the yellow pages;
find the ho’s, they’ll help you find DRugZ.  Plus, also, in the worst
case, you can go to any Greyhound station.  It is U.S. Federal Law that
all Greyhound stations must be located within 2 blocks of at least half a
dozen pitchers.  Failing all that just find the street called, “Martin
Luther King Jr. Blvd” in whatever city you live in, and at least one end
will contain many helpful youths who may give the illusion of
aimlessly loitering, but are in actuality working super hard, selling

If the healing molecule you wanna locate is ibogaine, well then whut Carla
sed’ is absolutely correct:

Ibogaine Treatment Centres and supply options

| >Shout outs to Patrick and Dave, like yer recovery anti-recovery
| >rap in HT.

Thank ewe.

p.s., pardon me, I seem to have misplaced my tinfoil hat today, the
weather is extremely paranoid.  This usually indicates a SpiraL into the
depressive part of manic depression is about to begin, thus — checking
watch — I should be Superman again in about 48 hours.

Until then, I remain very truly yours, curled in a fetal position under my
bed.  Aha, I have just realized that this time I will BEAT the depressive
part, by simply NEVER GOING TO SLEEP AGAIN!  Why haven’t I thought of this
before, it’s brilliant!  No wait, I have thought of it, d’oh.


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 9:34:08 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Nice one Jane

Whomever you are!  Celebrate our diversity and differences; that’s what I say sis. Which state are you in?

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Jellking [mailto:jellking@yahoo.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 04:16
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Don (Neuroskull) writes, “I’ve stopped.  And I apologize if my postings created a bit of a stir.  That wasn’t my intention.  In my ignorance and enthusiasm I mistook the ibogaine list as being similar to the vox list.. And well, as they say in modern parlance “My bad”.  I’ve never been accused of brilliance”
No harm done, though lots of venting. I (remember me?  sorry, folks, I try hard not to debate about religion with people, makes me too crazy) was offering Eric a book suggestion, one that helps me a lot.  Especially with MY manic phases.  It worries me though when people seeking help end up signing off  an ibo list because they can’t deal with the judgmental ranting.  It’s nice to see a reconciliation of sorts.  And, I must say, its rather exciting to see the change from judgment (on both sides) to a kind of acceptance of difference.  Let’s take it to Jerusalem!  Love, Jane
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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 24, 2002 at 9:27:38 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

What country are you in Hal? And what exactly do u mean by u are looking 4 a way to get back into yourself

I guided a couple of people through the Iboga experience in England, and took it myself once.

Anyway, let us know what u mean

Take care

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Hal5943@aol.com [mailto:Hal5943@aol.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 02:17
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Who are you misinformed people. I am looking for a way to ibogaine myself into myself once again as I was about ten years ago before those nasty drugs.

From: “sara glatt” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: [ibogaine] if you like to have a baby ?
Date: July 24, 2002 at 2:21:37 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi all ,

There is a new opportunity to people who would like to have  babies drug users

but also women who can’t get pregnant because of a physical problems ,
to get clean (with Ibo) , Then go to a health resort  with wild life  ,water falls

herbal healing  , craft , yoga, walks with guides, organic food clean rivers and for the people who

like cannabis it grows outside in sunlight as well as magic shrooms therapy . in south africa fare from a city .

all is done by a great african herbal healer,  with ceramony and a lot of positive

energy .

if people would like to have a healthy baby I think they should think about getting off any drugs

before and think about their own health to create a better start to a new spirit  .

with love ,


From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] sterilization thoughts
Date: July 23, 2002 at 11:03:55 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi, these remarks are a bit “off-topic” for ibogaine, but I want to say that sterilization is a whole different ballgame for women than for men (no pun intended).  Women have a huge biological “investment” in reproduction – an adult life of menstruation, pregnancy, giving birth….that men usually can’t fathom.  (No offense to fathers intended, whether “good” or “bad” fathers; just saying it’s a difference).  While the topic of C.R.A.C.K. was about voluntary sterilization (for an insulting and i think immoral $200), I can’t imagine that the solution to the problem of addiction need be so drastic.  The letter was signed by a multitude of doctors who were against this idea, because yikes,even.  In the 20’s black teenage girls were paid to be sterilized; it was an outrage.
And I admit I was sort of offended by the author who kept referring to the “girls” he knew, (apparently he doesn’t know any women)at least one of whom he’d “gotten pregnant,” and then was off on what bad moms they were/would be.  What kind of nightmare partner and father would, after all that, decide sterilizing the women was the solution?  Dr. Strangelove?  I wonder what people would say if the plan were to sterilize all parents who had a DUI or two?  Plus, just to be sort of feminist here, the equivalent for males of female sterilization is NOT a vasectomy, but some kind of major surgery or removal.  Hmmmmm……how many would go for that?
I concur that there is a problem when addicted parents (male and female) bring children here that they can’t care for.  This is also true of many kinds of parents. Preston wrote movingly about that, however, and I agree that such babies can still thrive.  I have a friend who adopted two children of an addicted mom, when they were 4 and 6, and they are lovely kids with a very troubled mom-of-birth, but a fair chance of a good life.
I guess my main point though is that fertility is the nature of the planet we live on, and to end it, either by chopping out rainforest old growth or by tying the tubes of “unhealthy” women is not really a very strong solution.  It IS judgmental, and the judgment is made by people who think they are “better.”  Just musing, IMHO, as Nick used to say, and my 2 cents.  Jane
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From: “paul harvey” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] methadone and ibogaine treatment (a few thoughts)
Date: July 23, 2002 at 10:16:51 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

just to add a few thoughts to bretts reply to judith,regarding ibogaine and methadone.
this is my personal experience and is in no way intended to offer any generalised account concerning treatment of methadone addiction with ibogaine.as brett said, before you consider ibogaine treatment,get checked out medically and research the literature:its all there on the net.
I was on methadone and heroin ten years.(80mg/methadone and 0.5-1.0gr heroin daily) in this period i quit twice.the first time took place in a specialist hospital detox wing:it took one month and at the end of that month i was discharged straight into a drug rehabilitation unit.
subjectively,i would say it took three months before i felt i was approaching any base line of <normality> both physically/mentally.
the second time i quit was six months ago,from a similar ammount of methadone and opiates using ibogaine hcl at 14mg/kg. I quit methadone completely with moderate to mild withdrawals when compared to the three months of hell i experienced first time around.(i took the ibogaine saturday night and on the monday,two days later i was able to walk two miles to collect my methadone script, which i gave away to a friend and have not touched it since.(for long term methadonians, such action sounds unreal, believe me, at the time i found my actions hard to believe and i was the one engaged in those actions)
in the intervening months i got myself lightly readdicted to heroin but quit two weeks ago,old school style and i am waiting to undergo ibogaine retreatment.

things i have learnt :

1>ibogaine is not a “cure”,it is a door of opportunity, which greatly allieviates opiate/opioid withdrawals and reduces cravings(compare three months to several days) : whether one chooses post-ibogaine to walk through that door and never look back or chooses to return to those closed repeating loops of thought, feeling and action, is down to the individual.

2> with ibogaine, you always need more than you think.i wished to god during my initial treatment i had at least another 500mg, which would have tallied with the suggested range of 20-25mg/kg for methadone/opiate addiction in order to generate the required subjective phase shift.- or in the days/weeks/months ahead – keep some handy – i wont let myself be without it again if the desire to use re-emerges after the next re-treatment

3>ibogaine has a strange fractal quality that self organises across all planes.its not a one shot deal,hence my desire for retreatment,it has many more stories to tell

to paraphrase neitzche :


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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: The Whole Sterilization Thing
Date: July 23, 2002 at 6:30:07 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Just as a passing thought … thinking through what would happen.  I’m not
entirely sure that offering a cash incentive to people for not having
kids, appeals THAT STRONGLY to desperation.

Okay, it’s $200 bucks.  Which is nice, if you have say, nothing.  However,
they are not gonna hand you the cash the moment you walk through the door,
it will be a PROCESS that takes MANY HOURS before you have that money in
your hand.

Many Hours during which you could go do SOMETHING ELSE to generate some
bux a LOT faster; such as sell your ass, boost something, or do whatever
your hustle(s) are/is, and be nice and straight, quite a while before that
whole entire $200 dollar scenario pans out.

This is my opinion anyway.  The only times I’ve ever had the patience to
put up with lines, and waiting, and all that bullshit, while sprung, is
when I’m already nice to begin with.  Otherwise, it’s like fuck that
noise, I’m gonna generate some flow right away, if not sooner, I do not
have the time to be sitting in waiting rooms, I have a very full time
career being a junkie, and WAITING is simply not part of the day’s plan.


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 23, 2002 at 6:36:58 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I have been getting anecdotal testimonies from those that have taken
igo.  I just feel driven to find out as much as I can of the
experience.  I want to be able to stay off of methadone, is it too
late in life for it (should I stay with methadone)???   Is it safe
when you already are infected with HCV?….questions like that.
I received a very good testimony from B.Calabrese.  It has been the
best so far as testonies go.
If you have any thoughts to add, please feel free to write.  It will
be so appreciated.

Judith Ostergard…AMMO…

Do you know anyone who would want to put on an Ibogaine forum in K.C. or Omaha?


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] relaps ,
Date: July 23, 2002 at 6:09:10 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 02:48:41PM -0400], [Joatammmo23@aol.com] wrote:

| Sara
| So, you are saying that some will spend a couple of thousand just to get
| clean enough to start shooting dope again?  I’m sorry, but I don’t understand
| that.  How many treatments are necessary, or does it vary from person to
| person?

I spent, lessee, roughly $17k total (when you add up airfare, extras, all
that shit), and blew it out as soon as I got to the airport at San Juan.

Which is to say, post ibogaine [1] for me, left to my own devices, I
lasted roughly 18 minutes.

It was beautiful too, fucking AWESOME.  Truly a religious experience.

Money doesn’t have a lot to do with bangin’ up.  I mean, who cares.  It’s
only money, drugz are much better.

Having said all that, in Oct I have 3 years clear off heroin, or any other


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] sterilization
Date: July 23, 2002 at 5:34:53 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 05:29:22PM -0400], [preston peet] wrote:

I just read this, ‘cuz Preston wrote it, I’m doing 25 things at once,
reading this list would be the 26th, and I’ll do that sometime soon, but
just to mention; you can pick up an awful lot of extra cash by Taking Part
in Bold Medical Experiments.

I myself have made hunnets of dollahs, chain smoking for science, being
interviewed about my sex life while strung out, taking AIDS and Hep tests,
and playing Connect the Dots on questionnaires.

Usually any decent sized needle exchange, in any city with a population
greater than a few million, will have all kinds of MONEY MAKING
OPPORTUNITIES available — other than just steering the patrons to the
latest Hot Stamp I mean.

You can work the system for quite a while before the need arises to sell
you imaginery kids.

Just saying,


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] sterilization
Date: July 23, 2002 at 5:29:22 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

gosh, if my teenaged birth-mother (who I never met and have no idea if she did drugs or not- nor much of anything else about her either for that matter- including the father’s name) had been sterilized instead of giving me up for adoption, I’d not have gotten “screwed up” on drugs, nor would I have had the opportunity to make my little part of the world a little better place. At my most depressed stages, I curse her and wonder why she didn’t simply abort, but in my better moments, I am pretty happy she didn’t, even more happy she wasn’t sterilized to begin with.
Of course, as noted, no one is discussing forced sterilizations now are we? OF course not- we’re talking about offering desperate junkies money for drugs to help cull the populace of those pesky poor stupid people, right?
Well, personally, I can’t help but think- what a fucked up idea. Then of course it occurs to me, I’m not planning on having kids, nor am I a junky. Can I get $200 to sterilize myself?
How far is it from offering $200 bucks, and forced sterilization making a COMEBACK in the US?

Forced Sterilizations

The philosophy behind the eugenics movement is that intelligence, health, and social behavior are determined solely by genetic makeup. Popular in the United States, Britain, and Germany from early in the 20th century until World War II (1939-1945), eugenics dismisses the influence of social and economic factors on human behavior and advocates policies aimed at maintaining the “fitness” of a “superior” racial stock—that of white Anglo-Saxons.

—– Original Message —–
From: Randy Hencken
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] hi

No, It would be a better world if George senior had had a vasectomy many
many years ago…

>From: “sara glatt” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>Subject: [ibogaine] hi
>Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 07:00:00 +0200
>randy wrote ; A child who doesn’t get screwed up on drugs, a
>child who is able to contribute to the betterment of humankind .
>do you mean like Mr. Bush and his daughters ?

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From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 23, 2002 at 4:44:15 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Yes, I feel that it’s time for a party.  When will you be in the US?
I’m still a learner on this site so what is , or who is PP, or PK?  How does a patient from the US join you with the international coalition of reformers?

Judith Ostergard…AMMO…

From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 23, 2002 at 4:34:41 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I have been getting anecdotal testimonies from those that have taken igo.  I just feel driven to find out as much as I can of the experience.  I want to be able to stay off of methadone, is it too late in life for it (should I stay with methadone)???   Is it safe when you already are infected with HCV?….questions like that.
I received a very good testimony from B.Calabrese.  It has been the best so far as testonies go.
If you have any thoughts to add, please feel free to write.  It will be so appreciated.

Judith Ostergard…AMMO…

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] relaps , OFF LIST
Date: July 23, 2002 at 3:50:39 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


How many treatments are necessary, or does it
vary from person to

Speaking for addiction usually the physical addiction
is done in a 1 shot deal, in some patients,
particularly high dose methadone patients a 2nd dose
is necessary for the physical addiction. Some people
(rats too) are resistant to ibogaine, that is just how
it is but even these people (rats, dogs, cats, mice,
monkeys…) with repeated doses the success increases.
I would however suggest (IMO of course) that EVERYONE
being treated with ibogaine consider that they may
need more than one treatment or a booster
(particularly for opiate addicts), don’t get caught
short, it takes what it takes and often enough it
takes more than once.

I’m getting closer and closer to possibly leaving
the country for the real
thing (too bad that we have to run circles around
the FDA) to find our own

Good luck – any questions/suggestions on that feel
free to ask. Whatever you do, FOLLOW PROTOCOL (I can’t
say this enough), get a physical/EKG/blood
chemistry/liver enzymes. OH, and don’t “move”. If you
are doing it yourself, consider a small booster or
tapering doses (I think you said you were on meth)
over the next few days if you need it, if not, maybe
just 1g a week later. If you are on a high dose of
meth, you may be able to cut it down but not eliminate
it, just cut the dose of meth way down (way, WAY down)
and bring it up just enough so you don’t get sick for
a week or so and do it again, you won’t need as much
the 2nd time even though someone else on the same
amount of methadone would require more ibo. It is
because you already did  some ibo and have your body
somewhat repaired and nor-ibogaine has already
saturated your system. Sorry for the babble, thinking
out loud, if you have questions you can ask.

I really don’t think that the methadone clinics
would appreciate ibogaine
becoming legal.

No, that is one reason ibogaine was made illegal in
the first place (don’t know if you knew this). I think
it was some BS story in NY about some people getting
busted cutting heroin with ibogaine – in ’69/70, you
have to be kidding, ibogaine was so rare and expensive
why in the world would anyone cut H with it? – unless
of course you are Nelson Rockafeller, happen to be
Governor of NY at the time and the Rockafeller
foundation just happens to own the rights to – oh, you
guessed it METHADONE!, then maybe you make a bust
happen and help make ibo illegal…


Judith Ostergard

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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 23, 2002 at 3:28:20 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


We do know that exercise is usually good at
stabilsing moods. many of us
know what kinds of foods to eat, or not
Others of us know about meditation, sleeping enough,
writing journals,
having something meaningful in our lives and a
relationship with our HPower,
best friend or whatever

Maybe “we” do but most people still deep in addiction
do not (they may have snips here and there). It is
something I often bring up but even “addiction
treatment professionals” usually focus on THE PROBLEM
and THE TREATMENT while they miss some obvious (and
really easy) solutions like diet, natural products,
meditation, sleep, HP/Spirituality, exercise… These
are some things addicts simply do not know how and
don’t usually get help sometimes because they are too
busy with important stuff like getting clean,
sometimes because they just refuse. I have even had AA
members (who should know better) say “NO” when I
suggest to the newcomer to get some exercise to burn
off that “negative energy” or deep breathing
exercises, instead it’s “lets keep em busy with Step
1… then on to step 2, that meditation stuff isn’t
till step 11 you know”.


That should keep your mood together well beyond
Friday – moderation in all
things Yoh!


Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London,
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Jellking [mailto:jellking@yahoo.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 05:20
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Carrie says, “It’s too bad but ditto.

Short of that I don’t see anything changing except
everything getting worse and worse.


I know, and it does seem, especially in the U.S.
that humanity grows more
ignorant day by day.  I think, however, that if we
all who felt this way
could find some basic kind of self-responsibility
and fellowship, we could
begin to make a difference.  Since the people on
this list all seem to be
trying, it’s hard to know what else to do, but bit
by bit, I think we can
collectively “get our act together.”  At least I
think that on Wednesdays,
by Friday I may be all weirded out again!  Jane


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From: “sara glatt” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] relaps ,
Date: July 23, 2002 at 3:02:02 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

yes, because they are not ready to quite ,

it is all up to the person’s will , if you have a strong will to stop you will have it easy to stay clean , if not  you’ll fall back,

then the only thing is to try again when you are ripe for it ,I wish you well , just be strong try to find a nice hobby

or a study  , keep yourself focused on finding your balance , like accupunture or yoga or tai-chi  or

other methodes you can find around where you live .

take care , be  well .

—– Original Message —–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] relaps ,


So, you are saying that some will spend a couple of thousand just to get clean enough to start shooting dope again?  I’m sorry, but I don’t understand that.  How many treatments are necessary, or does it vary from person to person?
I’m getting closer and closer to possibly leaving the country for the real thing (too bad that we have to run circles around the FDA) to find our own treatment.
I really don’t think that the methadone clinics would appreciate ibogaine becoming legal.

Judith Ostergard

From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] relaps ,
Date: July 23, 2002 at 2:48:41 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


So, you are saying that some will spend a couple of thousand just to get clean enough to start shooting dope again?  I’m sorry, but I don’t understand that.  How many treatments are necessary, or does it vary from person to person?
I’m getting closer and closer to possibly leaving the country for the real thing (too bad that we have to run circles around the FDA) to find our own treatment.
I really don’t think that the methadone clinics would appreciate ibogaine becoming legal.

Judith Ostergard

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 23, 2002 at 2:19:33 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Heck no!  The biggest struggle I’m having right now is to find a way to get off Effexor.


In a message dated 7/23/2002 11:12:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

You don’t experiment anymore right?

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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 23, 2002 at 2:20:56 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

When I get depressed, I think of throwing myself down the well; you are probably more into yourself than thank God.

But LSD down a well I have to say is NOT a harm-reduction idea that I would support; for some it could be chaos and semi-psychosis, or did I take that too seriously

Ibogaine & chips PLEASE!

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com [mailto:NeuroSkull@aol.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 05:25
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

What does throwing Mormons down wells got to do with anything?

In a message dated 7/17/2002 8:52:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jellking@yahoo.com writes:

That’s funny (or not)!  When I get really depressed about the world, I think, “LSD in the wells, only solution.”  Jane

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 23, 2002 at 2:18:56 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Jane others

We do know that exercise is usually good at stabilsing moods. many of us know what kinds of foods to eat, or not
Others of us know about meditation, sleeping enough, writing journals, having something meaningful in our lives and a relationship with our HPower, best friend or whatever

That should keep your mood together well beyond Friday – moderation in all things Yoh!


Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Jellking [mailto:jellking@yahoo.com]
Sent: 18 July 2002 05:20
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Carrie says, “It’s too bad but ditto.

Short of that I don’t see anything changing except
everything getting worse and worse.

I know, and it does seem, especially in the U.S. that humanity grows more ignorant day by day.  I think, however, that if we all who felt this way could find some basic kind of self-responsibility and fellowship, we could begin to make a difference.  Since the people on this list all seem to be trying, it’s hard to know what else to do, but bit by bit, I think we can collectively “get our act together.”  At least I think that on Wednesdays, by Friday I may be all weirded out again!  Jane
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Autos – Get free new car price quotes

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 23, 2002 at 2:14:18 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Mmh, c what happens DEon when we let gangsters take over the marketing of plants; very dangerous indeed. AND of course, we on this list (as far as I know) most of us ANYWAY ARE EX/CURRENT ADDICTS WHICH INDICATES (OFTEN) that we may be vulnerable in other ways too

Plus, setting/set of the way one uses a drug is crucial; but hey that’s irrelevant to you? You don’t experiment anymore right?

Glad you’re feeling calmer


Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com [mailto:NeuroSkull@aol.com]
Sent: 17 July 2002 20:41
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!

Thanks for the kind words.

Yeah, I was going through an aggressive stage (probably because of the medication I’m on) when I read the thing about…….  Oh the heck with it.  I’m in too good of a mood now to think about the last couple of days.  Man, it’s never my intention to anger anyone with the Good News of Christ….  Bottom line:  I love you guys (even the heathens) 😉  I want everyone to have the salvation that God has offered us through Christ… Okay, I won’t say any more about that since this is about ibogaine.  That’s some kind of a plant isn’t it?  I can tell you all a funny story about plants.

Back in 1980 a friend and I went to the drive in to watch the movies “Fiendish Plot of Doctor Fu Man Chu” along with “Close Encounters of the Third Kind, special edition”.  We bought some weed from some people we didn’t know…  Hooray, we didn’t know at the time, but it was laced with PCP!  We were parked up front and center.  Toking away.  About mid way through Close Encounters, the PCP began to take effect… My eyeballs cracked!  I began to see things as if I was looking through broken glass.  Red flashes of light were exploding in my head.  I got out of my truck and stared up at the big screen…. The ship was coming down to devils tower….  BAM!  Next thing I know, I’m flat on my back.  There is a group of people around me..  Their noses are acting weird.  I’m still seeing explosions and flashes of light, and their noses are moving around on their faces.  I stand up and stagger to the bed of my pickup.  I fall again, but gr ab hold of the side.  Now the horns are honking in the theater as I’ve become the center of attention!  Next thing I know, we’re on the freeway.. My friend is driving like mad..  I end up in the hospital, strapped down to a bed… They are pumping something into me?  I overhear the nurses laughing.. “That’s what he gets for smoking marijuana”…. Yeah, that’s what I get.  I don’t smoke grass any more.  That experience  kinda ruined it for me.

In a message dated 7/17/2002 11:39:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, vector6@space.com writes:

He does go on usenet and talk about videogames a lot.
And sign his text with

Minister of Disinformation at the First Church of
MindVox/Escort Agency

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 23, 2002 at 2:03:53 PM EDT
To: “‘digital@phantom.com'” <digital@phantom.com>


Loved reading this e-mail but honey we must stay focused. This is the
Ibogaine list, no?

PLEASE get Don to set up his own thing.

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa [mailto:digital@phantom.com]
Sent: 17 July 2002 18:30
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)

On [Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 12:12:33AM -0400], [preston peet] wrote:

| Don wrote
| >I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I never will nor am I
| against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend invited me onto this
| list and that’s why you see me here….P.S.S To my friend that invited
| me onto this list.  If you think I’m being too much of a nuisance, you
| can zap me off of here if you want.  I’d like to stay, but I leave it up
| to you. <

Hey Don,

That’d be me.  Fully guilty.  Don has been on some of the other lists for
quite a while, he appears to be similar to many of us — the US that I
know, I can’t speak for everybody — he has some issues n things, he’s
somewhat crazy, and he loves his understanding of God a great deal.

For what it’s worth, people are people, Don loves Jesus, but then, on the
flipside of all that, he also signed himself into MindVox and stuck
around.  While we get a tremendous volume of hate mail and death threats,
from those who want to share God’s love, and have problems with our
existence, thoughts, and those JesusCrackHead banners Drew has running;
most of them don’t stick around after venting and explaining how God will
kill us all.  <shrug>

Go figure.  I’m not sure I understand that, but prolly I don’t need to,
and I have no problem accepting it.

Don, you are certainly as welcome to hang out as anyone, my only request
would echo whut Carrie asked, which is PLEASE don’t turn this into a
Jesus Or Else discussion that never ends.  There are many people present
here, who have all found different paths that lead to God.  One of them
would be me.  I’m not a Christian, a long time ago, in a universe far, far
away, I was raised a Roman Catholic Atheist, “forgiv me fadduh, for eye
haz sinned.  Prolly I shall do so again, but ahm doinz my very best heah.”
I presently belong to no organized religious faith, but many of my beliefs
find expression and a lotta resonance with Buddhism.

I am not a Buddhist.  I am a member of no organized religion.

None of this changes the fact that I like you (Don), and you are more than
welcome to hang around.  I have absolutely no problem with Christian
Fundamentalists, or anybody really.  For that matter you seem to do just
super-fine on the Vox list, where the only organized religion present is
either paganism or full-blown psychosis.  And, the psychotic pagans were
completely accepting of your two Great Works: Pre-Adamic Star Wars and
Abominable Hybrid Offspring of the Nephilim.  So, whatsa mattuh wid ewe?

I know you are VERY prolific, and could argue faith back and forth all day
and every day, but the reason I thought you might find this list of
interest was, see, okay, here are a lot of people, many of them with
severe problems they are overcoming, these are some of the things that
ibogaine does, some it doesn’t do, etcetera…

If you like I am more than happy to give you a JESUS list!  You can make
MindVox start radiating Jesus, because, well, why not.  I like the J man.

So, to conclude.  You’re not the only one with your beliefs on this list,
there is some lhuterson or lhutcherson (?) person who also likes to pop up
every so often, express her faith that JESUS is the answer to everything.
‘Cept, then she goes away for a while.  She doesn’t keep up a constant
barrage of this, which completely defocuses the purpose of this list.
Which is to talk about ibogaine, addiction, and then, everything on the
whole entire planet, most especially GOSSIP!  But not constantly.

Thusly: please chill a bit.  If you have any questions ’bout what ibogaine
does, well hey, you can ask.  If you have any insights about maintaining,
I agree with ya ’bout the hittin’ the gym part; just please do not try to
convert everyone — even if it’s fun or provides one helluva emotional
rush — because prolly, it won’t work, and just annoys people.

Thank yooz,


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 23, 2002 at 1:40:43 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Come on guys; the only very vague connection between JC and Iboga is that there is a similar inner/deep/spiritual thing going on with both of them, but this is a drug treatment list

Moreover, I have been through the born-again thing; in deed, i can’t think of too many crutches, leads, potions, rehabs etc I haven’t tried. LIFE experience has shown me that my praying when I need to but NOT PROSELYTISING is the best way. Don, your knowledge of the bible is impressive, but PLEASE recognise that this is a drug treatment list: PLEASE go somewhere else to save lives the way you think is best.

This is the (foetal stage) stuff of what happened in NYC last september; a so-called religious war. PLEASE take some deep breaths and think on this

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: 17 July 2002 05:13
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)

Don wrote
>I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I never will nor am I against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend invited me onto this list and that’s why you see me here….P.S.S To my friend that invited me onto this list.  If you think I’m being too much of a nuisance, you can zap me off of here if you want.  I’d like to stay, but I leave it up to you. <

Uh-oh. Was someone bored and decided to see what would happen if a totally off-topic thread to ibogaine, (certainly not the first here, I myself being pretty guilty of said sin myself on occasion) were introduced onto the list? I can’t help now but suspect this is a jest, a prank of some sick twisted (and funny if so, and heck if not as well to be honest) sort designed to push buttons and inspire a whole lot of replies from passionate people also faintly bored.;-))
Has anyone on this list who HAS done ibogaine feel the same “Jesus is the only way” vibes? Does anyone here know anyone who converted to fundamentalist Christianity AFTER taking ibogaine?
Oh shit, I’m up past my bedtime again.

—– Original Message —–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] was Eric…is now Jesus and Ibogaine.

I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I never will nor am I against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend invited me onto this list and that’s why you see me here.  I wholeheartedly believe in the Lord Jesus and that salvation is found only through Him.  With my apologies to Carrie, it’s not my intention to “spam” this list, offend anyone just for kicks or argue with the sole purpose of “proving myself right and everyone else wrong”.  Sincerely I tell you, I weep over those that are lost without Christ.  God/Christ are my life.  I have no life outside of Christ.  To some that may seem dismal, maybe even a bit sad.  But I voluntarily left the “world” so that I can more readily live for Christ.  I strive daily to have a faith that is pro-active…  Well, so much so that the line is blurred between what I strive for and! what I have become.  So, what I see, what Christ tells me through His Word the Bible.  Is that there are two choices in life.  God’s way, through Christ which leads to eternal life with God.  Or death and destruction in Hell.  I’m not forcing this on anyone.  I simply point to the way that leads to eternal life.  The way is Jesus Christ.  Those are His words, I only speak them because He commanded us believers to do so.  I know this causes some angry responses, Jesus said that it would.  But it must be done for there are those that desire to be saved, but just don’t know the way of escape yet.

You all don’t have to refer to me as Neuroskull (but ain’t it cool…!)  My name is Don.

P.S.  Oh.. my views… I wasn’t brought up in a “religious” household or anything like that.  It was quite bohemian actually.  I’d love to tell you more.. but, that would just end up changing the WHOLE focus of this thread… Some other time perhaps.

P.S.S To my friend that invited me onto this list.  If you think I’m being too much of a nuisance, you can zap me off of here if you want.  I’d like to stay, but I leave it up to you.

In a message dated 7/16/2002 8:12:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

Have you actually done ibogaine? Did you hold your current religious view before you took ibogaine if you have actually taken ibogaine?

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this thro ugh, have 1…
Date: July 23, 2002 at 12:48:46 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That’s because Jesus is the I-Ching, the sum of all knowledge.  😉  the way, the truth and the life.

(Just itching for the opportunity to speak of the Lord again..  I was going to say “pipe up for the Lord” but in these circles that takes on an entirely new meaning and offers a plethora of visual images best left in a Cheech & Chong movie)

In a message dated 7/23/2002 9:19:27 AM Pacific Daylight Time, AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk writes:

Can I ask u guys to remember that this is the IBOGAINE list, and get Jesus
discussed on a religion/spirituality site

I’m starting to notice a pattern here. No matter what
the question is the answer is jesus?

Carla B

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From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K.
Date: July 23, 2002 at 12:27:35 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Good morning everyone,

Geez, it seems I’ve stirred up some emotion with my last letter agreeing with C.R.A.C.K.  Sometimes I find it hard to get across what I truly think or fill in a little e-note like this.  I don’t blame those of you who responded to me for thinking that I am “judging” “hating” “a pretentious dork” etc.  I am only writing from my life experience and from what I’ve seen in the 4 methadone clinics that I attended and the dozen or more that I have gone to work at and the hundreds of people on methadone whom I’ve spoken with.  And I still feel the same.  [Preston] I never said that I would “tell someone else they can’t have a child”.  I simply said that I agree with the monetary incentive to stop desperate people from having children.  Can we agree that if someone is willing to trade in their ability to have a child for two hundred bucks than at least for that moment in time we (society) are better off without them having children.  Yes there would be casualties from a program like this(as I admitted earlier I might have had a vasectomy).  What would be better? – most people who are unfit to raise children don’t or the few that become fit can’t.

Carla- in the dog eat dog world that we live in – “caring for someone” is not always enough.  Parents need to be able to provide…

What experiences have I had that make me so “judging”?:
Girl #1 Ran away from her court ordered rehab to live with me and my girlfriend in colorado 1n 1999.  She had been on and off with this asshole junkie boyfriend.  While she was with us she had lots of unprotected sex with one of our friend who we all knew had hep c. Eventually she returned to her ex in michigan got back on methadone, got pregnant and got put in jail.  The ex-boyfriend is serving some 15 years in the penn.  I know this girl and I really feel bad for her child.  He just is not going to have the shining opportunities that a well-balanced mom could give him.

Girl #2.  this girl is brilliant, graduated valedictorian of her high school.  Unfortunately that was her last great accomplishment.  Anorexia, speed addiction, crack addiction, morphine addiction and now methadone dependence have ruled her life for the last 10 years.  At 28 she just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.  The dad used to beat her so he is not involved in her life.  Mom lives at home with her parents.  The babies first week in this world was spent in withdrawal.  Girl #2 hasn’t been able to make a good decision in 10 years. Do you think her having a child (she really cares about) was a good decision?

Girl #3.  My ex-girlfriend.  We spent years shooting dope together.  I got her pregnant twice.  Fortunately she had a miscarriage and an abortion.  She spent last year living on the streets of denver stealing and shooting cocaine and going to a methadone clinic.  she spent six weeks in the I.C.U.
from an infection in her arm that spread to her heart.  This did not stop
her from using. eventually the law caught up with her and she was sent to the state hospital.  she only stayed there for three months, she was supposed to stay for 6 months.  She got out moved into a YMCA, continues to be on methadone and started dating Leroy.  Leroy is on parole for violent behavior and already has two other children from two different women, now he is about to have a third.  Maybe I shouldn’t judge who is smart and who is dumb, BUT I was smart enough not to have a kid with this girl.  She has a truck load of problems.

Girl #4.  32 years old been on methadone for over ten years.  she lives at home with her parents. she can’t even raise her Pug properly.  Now she got pregnant one drunk night by a guy who doesn’t even know she is pregnant.  But she is so selfish that she is going to keep the child.

None of these 4 babies are going to have the opportunities that the average american child will have.  I’m sure all these moms will “care” about their babies but none of them are fit to have one. THEY CAN’T EVEN TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES.

I never said that we should force sterilization on anyone, but what is wrong with encouraging it?  Society will be better off with less children, especially in america.  What did someone say an american use  %80(?) of the worlds resources.

I believe that we should offer every living person the best quality of life they can have.  For some people it is methadone for others it is crack. and that is all fine with me I really want them to have a great life, just don’t raise children.

Rick, I would really like to see the figures you refer to.

Until I get inspired to write more,

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this thro ugh, have 10…
Date: July 23, 2002 at 12:21:29 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Can I ask u guys to remember that this is the IBOGAINE list, and get Jesus
discussed on a religion/spirituality site
I love u Americans; u have som many ideas, passions, feelings of generosity.
As soon as u’ve benefitted from something u wanna give it to somebody else
On this list, can we have more Ibogaine please?

(Back from Dublin/Ireland) and a conference about Drugs & Homelessness, with
a New Yorker key-speaker

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Carla Barnes [mailto:carlambarnes@yahoo.com]
Sent: 16 July 2002 23:34
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

I’m starting to notice a pattern here. No matter what
the question is the answer is jesus?

Carla B

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
Then you my friend want Jesus Christ!  For Jesus
Christ said:

John 10:10
I have come that they may have life, and that they
may have it more

In a message dated 7/16/2002 1:22:06 PM Pacific
Daylight Time,
digital@phantom.com writes:

I personally found much
greater resonance with “I am a Nexus One, I want
more Life Fucker I ain’t
done,” which in actuality is a lyric by Rob
Zombie, and not authorized for
spiritual reintegration, religious use, and
repeating it without written

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From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] hi
Date: July 23, 2002 at 11:06:42 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

No, It would be a better world if George senior had had a vasectomy many many years ago…

From: “sara glatt” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] hi
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 07:00:00 +0200

randy wrote ; A child who doesn’t get screwed up on drugs, a
child who is able to contribute to the betterment of humankind .

do you mean like Mr. Bush and his daughters ?


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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 23, 2002 at 10:26:34 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is not?

The person getting sterilized, seems very reasonable
to me. And for the money that they are likely to use
for drugs, well that goes for the welfare check,
pay-check or any other check they get their hands on.
This is not forced sterilization, it is $200 (rebate)
should someone choose to get sterilized OR (and you
seemed to focus on the sterilization part) long term
birth control.

When does simple drug use become reason enough to
sterilize mothers?

I don’t see anyone being forced to do any such thing,
no suggestion or hint of such – though really, I
personally think there are cases where a person should
be forcibly sterilized, at any age (eg, sorry MS 17
year old but you had a child at 12, another at 14,
another at 15, another at 17, you are unmarried, had
all 4 children taken away because of abuse and your
drug addiction and you are pregnant again…). But
that is my “opinion” but maybe I am looking at it like
MOM made her decisions about her life and shouldn’t be
allowed (at some point) to have her children suffer
for her disease. Sorry but I just don’t see a problem
with someone taking the choice to be sterilized or use
specific birth control methods as some violation of


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From: “G. Ratte'” <z3kpw@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 23, 2002 at 10:18:47 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com> wrote:
Which is what that CRACK paper is all about,
controlling blacks and other minorities who are
already in trouble and offering the chance to go get
high with a quick $200 which they will take and then
never have the chance to have a child even if they
ever do get their lives together.

How is this controlling anybody, where are you guys coming up with that?
They’re offering 200 bucks to get sterilized.  Nobody’s forced to do
anything.  There’ve been times when I’m more broke than now that I’d jump at
that, sounds like a good deal.  There are plenty of kids to adopt anyways; no
shortage of orphan kids in the world if you wanna be a parent.

I’m looking at this as population control.  I think China’s birth policy is
ballsy, at least they’re willing to deal with their problem instead of the
west’s ‘plan’ of “Hmm, well, maybe you shouldn’t have sex!”  Duh.

Man.  The vast majority of white folks don’t live Lizzie Grubman existences,
no matter how you grew up.  I’ve spent a lot of my life as poor white
southern t… I don’t like to say it, anyhow- to paint this as “the rich
white people are trying to exterminate the poor blacks & other minorities” is

take care-

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From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 23, 2002 at 6:49:26 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

With all due respect, you may feel as though you “understand” the
opposing viewpoint, but your position reflects no small amt. of
ignorance.  You are anot an exception.  The majority on methadone DO end
up clean and successful.  At least that’s what all the research
indicates.  Likewise, it seems to be reflected at this clinic as well.
85% of our patients are consistently drug-free and have jobs.

Those “godforsaken methadone clinics” save a lot of lives, decrease
crime, the spread of disease, etc.  In addition, those “godforsaken
addicts” are called people. People with mothers, fathers, wives,
husbands, and the same hopes and dreams as you.  I’m not sure how you
can call yourself an “advocate of methadone maintenance” and hold this
kind of perspective.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

randyhencken@hotmail.com 07/22/02 07:07PM >>>
Also I am an advocate of methadone maintenance and I
believe in many circumstances that methadone is a good program.

Also, I am the exception most people who get on methadone don’t end
up clean and successful.

They live the rest of their lives going to those godforsaken methadone
being surrounded by godforsaken addicts.

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 23, 2002 at 5:47:07 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Bottom line- who the hell is anyone to tell someone else they can’t have a child because they do drugs? (and NO, I myself do NOT have kids, and do not plan to either, ever.)
Yes, there are parents who I too think when I see them surrounded by kids, on welfare and struggling and complaining they can’t feed them all, “hey lady/man, ever heard of birth control?” but sterilizing these mothers? Jesus fucking christ, (excuse my plain english) what is wrong with people? Who gets to decide who is worthy and who is not? When does simple drug use become reason enough to sterilize mothers? I got an idea, let’s just sterilize all alcohol drinking and cigarette smoking mothers too, while we citizens gladly shell out tons of our money to fund wars, prisons, corporate criminality, but god forbid we take care of each other. Naw, forget that, let’s fucking sterilize those pesky lower-class druggies.
Does anyone really think someone in Noelle Bush’s social stratum would face sterilization?
Just my two cents. This is really truly fascist folks. I’m sure some are not going to like my saying that too, and I don’t fucking care. I am gobbsmacked that there are people seriously thinking and worse saying and writing, “hey, what a great idea! THOSE people aren’t fit to raise kids.”
—– Original Message —–
From: Randy Hencken
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments

Well, I’m guessing that most of you won’t like what I’m about to say, but I
agree with what CRACK is doing.  I am not a racist nor do I wish to target
low income families.  Also I am an advocate of methadone maintenance and I
believe in many circumstances that methadone is a good program.  “Why do you
agree with Crack” you ask.  Because the other day I learned of another
female friend of mine who has been strung out on methadone for over 10 years
(she is only 32) is pregnant.  Bringing the grand total of my female friends
on methadone who get pregnant and keep their babies to four. Now I know each
one of these four girls very well and I assure you that none of them are fit
to raise a child.  You all know girls like this, so I don’t think I need to
go into the details as to how troubled these girls are.

Let’s look at the big picture.  What is more important protecting the few
women who someday might be responsible enough while on methadone to have a
child or protecting society from having children grow up in less then
adequate environments (protecting children from bad parents).  There are
over 6 billion people on the planet.  Over population is one of the biggest
threats to human existence.  Another great threat is stupid people.  Where
do stupid people come from? Stupid parents.

Before someone gives me a rebuttal, let me say that I fully understand the
opposing position.  I simply do not agree with it.  Yes, maybe a couple
years ago I may have had a vasectomy to get two hundred dollars to score
dope.  And now I wouldn’t be able to have my own child, even though I put
the past behind me and I am a responsible successful young man. Oh Well.  I
would have to adopt a kid if I really wanted one.  Also, I am the exception
most people who get on methadone don’t end up clean and successful.  They
live the rest of their lives going to those godforsaken methadone clinics
being surrounded by godforsaken addicts.

I have frequented many methadone clinics, and this is just a guess, but I
would think that less then %4 of the people in the clinics will be fit to
raise a child some day.  A child who doesn’t get screwed up on drugs, a
child who is able to contribute to the betterment of humankind.

I wish I had more time to try and articulate my thoughts on this, but I have
to much to do now.  Please take the time to really think if CRACK is a group
of villains or maybe they are a group that is moving one thing in the right
direction.  Maybe someday there won’t be kids raised by junkie-crackhead

>From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
>Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 12:35:43 -0700 (PDT)
>OOPS, sorry bout that, finger slipped.
>C.R.A.C.K. targets Methadone Maintenance Patients
>An organization called C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
>patients on methadone maintenance with their offer of
>$200 to submit to sterilization or limited birth
>control methods. Form letters are being sent to
>clinics across the U.S.
>C.R.A.C.K.- Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity
>otherwise known as is mailing form letters to U.S.
>Opiate Treatment Programs. C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
>methadone maintenance patients for coercive
>sterilization or limited birth control options. Please
>help prevent this violation of human and civil rights
>that threatens reproduction freedom.
>The form letter being sent to clinic reads:
>To Whom It May Concern:
>Our organization offers cash incentives to both men
>and women that are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to
>use long-term or permanent birth control.
>We are currently working with several methadone
>clinics that make our offer known, and available to
>the women and men who come through their program. I’m
>sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
>important for those using methadone or other drugs to
>refrain from getting pregnant.
>Please call (888) 30-CRACK if you would like more
>information, or more of the items that have been
>Our program is currently in over 20 cities nationwide,
>and has paid over 600 men and women to obtain
>long-term birth control. Thank you for the time , and
>we hope to establish a working relationship with you,
>for both the benefit of the woman, and potential
>Barbara Harris
>Founder and Director
>11642 Knott Ave. Suite 8
>Garden Grove, CA 92841
>Phone: 714-901-9862
>FAX: 714-901-9832
>By offering patients $200 to entice them to undergo
>sterilization or use selected birth control methods,
>C.R.A.C.K. is sending the message that methadone is
>’just another drug’ and patients are using it as a
>substitute for illicit opiates. By supporting
>C.R.A.C.K., programs are sending the same message to
>their patients.
>Please support and respect your patients and your
>program by mailing the form letters back to C.R.A.C.K.
>with a loud ‘NO!’.
>- CRACK’s Washington, DC Chapter placed ads in DC
>Metrobuses that targeted primarily low-income and
>predominately African-American communities in DC. Ads
>are targeting low-income, African -Americans. One of
>CRACK’s supporters and financial contributors is Chris
>Brand, a British psychologist – Brand, a
>self-proclaimed “race realist,” claims that blacks are
>intellectually inferior to whites, and advocates
>taking a “eugenic” approach to “wanton and criminal
>females.” see
>- CRACK violates civil and human rights, and
>reproductive freedoms by targeting minorities and
>low-income people. This small amount of cash is
>offered for sterilization or birth control without
>regard to the individual’s circumstances or future.
>- CRACK limits birth control options. CRACK LIMITS
>BIRTH CONTROL OPTIONS. CRACK irresponsibly limits
>birth control options by compensating only for
>long-term, provider-controlled methods: tubal
>ligation, Norplant, Depo-Provera and IUDs. Barrier
>methods and methods which protect against HIV
>infection and other sexually transmitted diseases are
>not compensated. CRACK may actually increase a woman’s
>risk of contracting HIV or other STDs, since it
>exclusively advances birth control methods which
>provide no protection against these infections.
>- CRACK’s founder admits that the money given to these
>individuals is probably used to buy more drugs, and
>says that is their choice.
>- If CRACK was really concerned about infants born to
>drug-addicted parents, they should spend the $200 on
>treatment for the parents, not sterilization or birth
>- CRACK is offering a ‘bribe’ to drug addicted women.
>They are being coerced because of their desperate need
>for money to buy drugs. Their drug addiction is being
>used to exploit them. CRACK targets vulnerable women
>with few options.
>- Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a supporter. Need I say
>- Harris says. “People say it is a disease, fine. But
>it is a disease of choice — however they got there
>and whatever their background and however screwed up
>their life is….”
>- “Harris’ critics also warn about the slippery slope.
>”Today it is targeting and criminalizing drug abuse,
>but what will it be tomorrow?” asks the ACLU’s
>Cordoba. “If you take it to its logical conclusion,
>you could have a program or policy that monitors the
>kind of food a woman eats while she is pregnant, or
>whether she exercises enough, or whether she has a
>glass of wine or a cup of coffee.” Blum voices similar
>concerns. “Where does it stop? Next do we start
>sterilizing people who don’t take their
>-CRACK’s disregard for the women it targets is
>evidenced in Barbara Harris’ statement: “We don’t
>allow dogs to breed. We spay them. We neuter them. We
>try to keep them from having unwanted puppies, and yet
>these women are literally having litters of
>- CRACK denies poor, marginalized women with substance
>abuse problems their procreative ability, and this is
>a human rights violation.
>See Family Watch letter to CRACK
>Mother Jones
>Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment
>American Public Health Association
>Who’s next? Where will this end? Which group of people
>will be next on C.R.A.C.K.’s list of victims?
>— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 7/21/02 1:38:23 PM,
> > ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:
> >
> > >Hey Howard,
> > >Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can
> > link to it at Drugwar.com?
> > >Thanks.
> > >peace,
> > >Preston
> >
> > Preston,
> >
> > The letter originated with
> > http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org/  but, I
> > didn’t see it on their web page.  I just felt that
> > Barbara Harris and
> > C.R.A.C.K were getting into dangerous areas.
> >
> > Howard
> > *********
> >  —– Original Message —–
> >
> >   From: HSLotsof@aol.com
> >
> >   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >
> >   Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM
> >
> >   Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
> >
> >
> >
> >   Barbara Harris
> >
> >   Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s
> >
> >   “Project Prevention”
> >
> >   P.O. Box 74
> >
> >   Stanton, CA 90680
> >
> >
> >   Dear Ms. Harris:
> >
> >
> >   We are writing to express our strong objections to
> > your distribution of
> >
> >   highly misleading and completely inaccurate
> > information regarding pregnant
> >
> >   women and methadone treatment. In a letter date
> > February 22, 2002, you
> > state,
> >
> >   in part:
> >
> >
> >   “We are currently working with several methadone
> > clinics that make our
> > offer
> >
> >   known, and available, to the women and men who
> > come through their program.
> >
> >   I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
> > important for those
> > using
> >
> >   methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting
> > pregnant.”
> >
> >
> >   We most certainly do not agree. Your statement,
> > suggesting that it is
> >
> >   dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically
> > prescribed methadone
> >
> >   treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong.
> > Methadone is a highly
> >
> >   effective treatment for all opiate dependent
> > patients and, most
> > specifically,
> >
> >   for women – both before and after they may become
> > pregnant. In fact,
> > methadone
> >
> >    treatment during pregnancy has not been
> > associated with congenital
> >
> >   abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases
> > where neonatal withdrawal
> >
> >   symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these
> > symptoms can be treated
> >
> >   readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on
> > physical or cognitive
> >
> >   development. In short, there is simply no medical
> > basis for your suggestion
> >
> >   that methadone patients should “refrain from
> > getting pregnant.”
> >
> >
> >   For over 30 years, in countries throughout the
> > world, methadone maintenance
> >
> >   treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially
> > reduce illegal opiate use
> > and
> >
> >   the crime, illness, suffering, and death with
> > which it is associated. The
> >
> >   benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to
> > the individual patient, but
> >
> >   to his/her family and the community, as well. The
> > most credible and
> > objective
> >
> >   governmental and non-governmental organizations in
> > America and abroad have
> >
> >   recognized these positive results with MMT. For
> > example, the US Department
> > of
> >
> >   Health and Human Services joins the scientific
> > community in recognizing
> > that
> >
> >   MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the
> > general community. It is
> >
> >   specifically recommended for pregnant and
> > breast-feeding patients, which
> >
> >   further demonstrates the strong medical consensus
> > supporting methadone
> >
> >   treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.
> >
> >
> >   Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many
> > benefits, it is available
> >
> >   to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it.
> > Women, in particular,
> > face
> >
> >   numerous barriers to obtaining this important
> > medical intervention. Your
> >
> >   letter and activities, which spread false
> > information and stigmatize
> > current
> >
> >   and future mothers who receive this treatment,
> > will make it even more
> >
> >   difficult for women who need methadone treatment
> > to receive it.
> >
> >
> >   We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter
> > immediately and to advise
> > each
> >
> >   of those individuals and clinics who received it
> > that it was based on
> >
> >   misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that
> > you publicly repudiate
> > the
> >
> >   inaccurate message you conveyed on your
> > organization’s website and in other
> >
> >   public and media context. Not to do so would be
> > irresponsible and a great
> >
> >   disservice to those whose interests you claim to
> > have at heart.
> >
> >
> >   Signed,
> >
> >
> >
> >   Signatories
> >
> >
> >   1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and
> > Psychiatry, Case Western
> >
> >   Reserve University, School of Medicine
> >
> >   2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of
> > Pediatrics, Albert Einstein
> >
> >   College of Medicine
> >
> >   3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of
> > Pediatrics, Beth Israel
> >
> >   Medical Center
> >
> >   4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de
> > Rothschild Chemical
> >
> >   Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center
> >
> >
> >   5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant
> > Development Center, Women and
> >
> >   Infants’ Hospital
> >
> >   6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of
> > Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas
> >
> >   University Medical Center
> >
> >   7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston
> > University School of Social
> > Work,
> >
> >   Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research
> > and Training
> >
> >   8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training
> > Consultant, Former
> > Assistant
> >
> >   Director of Research, Chemical Dependency
> > Institute, Beth Israel Medical
> >
> >   Center
> >
> >   9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal
> > Medicine, Penn State Hershey
> >
> >   Medical Center
> >
> >   10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of
> > OB/GYN, University of Chicago
> >
> >   11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor,
> > Department of OB/GYN, NYU
> > School
> >
> >   of Medicine
> >
> >   12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of
> > Public Health and OB/GYN,
> >
> >   Columbia University, Mailman School of Public
> > Health
> >
> >   13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of
> > OB/GYN, University
> >
> >   Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve
> > University School of Medicine
> >
> >   14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health
> > Education Center, Dept. of
> > OB/GYN
> >
> >   15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of
> > Medicine, University of New
> > Mexico
> >
> >   16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary
> > Care, NYU School of Medicine
> >
> >   17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of
> > Epidemiology and Social Medicine,
> >
> >   Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School
> > of Medicine
> >
> >   18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the
> > Practice of Medical Ethics,
> >
> >   Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and
> > Humanities, Duke University
> >
> >   Medical Center
> >
> >   19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate
> > Professor, Department of
> >
> >   Psychiatry, University of Chicago
> >
> >   20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor,
> > Dept. of Sociology, UC
> > Santa
> >
> >   Cruz
> >
> >   21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
> > Washington University
> >
> >   22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor
> > of Sociology, UC Santa
> > Cruz
> >
> >   23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health
> > Policy and Management,
> >
> >   Wagner/NYU
> >
> >   24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor
> > of Nursing,
> > Women’s
> >
> >   Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction,
> > Dominican University of
> >
> >   California
> >
> >   25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director
> > of the Chemical
> > Dependency
> >
> >   Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center
> >
> >   26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild
> > Chemical Dependency Institute
> >
> >   of Beth Israel Medical Center
> >
> >   27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
> > Rensselaer Polytechnic
> >
> >   Institute
> >
> >   28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor,
> > University of Illinois at
> > Chicago
> >
> >   29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of
> > Public Health & Health
> >
> >   Services
> >
> >   30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate
> > Professor, Rutgers University
> >
> >   31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
> > Rutgers University
> >
> >   32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of
> > Sociology, Anthropology and
> > Criminal
> >
> >   Justice,
> >
> >   Rutgers University
> >
> >   33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant
> > Professor, Princeton University
> >
> >   34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor,
> > University of Iowa
> >
> >   35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
> > Fordham University
> >
> >   36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate
> > Professor, University of Chicago
> >
> >   37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College
> >
> >   38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor,
> > Evergreen State College
> >
> >   39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center
> > for Urban Epidemiologic
> >
> >   Studies, New York Academy of Medicine
> >
> >   40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for
> > Scientific Analysis
> >
> >   41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health
> > Partners
> >
> >   42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN,
> > Mountain Area Health Education
> >
> >   Center
> >
> >   43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants
> > Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,
> >
> >   Mountain Area Health Education Center
> >
> >   44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women’s Health,
> > Mountain Area Health Education
> >
> >   Center
> >
> >   45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator,
> > Mountain Area Perinatal
> >
> >   Substance Abuse Program
> >
> >   46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain
> > Area Perinatal Substance
> >
> >   Abuse Program
> >
> >   47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior
> > Medicine, Mountain Area
> >
> >   Health Education Center
> >
> >   48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area
> > Health Education Center
> >
> >   49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area
> > Health Education Center
> >
> >   50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction
> > Specialist, Mountain Area
> >
> >   Health Education Center
> >
> >   51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal
> > Substance Abuse Program
> >
> >   52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE
> >
> >   53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm
> > Reduction Project
> >
> >   54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D
> >
> >   55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.
> >
> >   56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian
> >
> >   57. National Women’s Health Network
> >
> >   58. National Black Women’s Health Project
> >
> >   59. National Association for Public Health Policy
> > Council on Illicit Drugs
> >
> >   60. Institute for Health and Recovery
> >
> >   61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
> >
> >   62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
> > of Arkansas & Oklahoma
> >
> >   63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
> > of DC
> >
> >   64. Connecticut Women’s Consortium
> >
> >   65. Casa Segura
> >
> >   66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center
> >
> >   67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog
> >
> >   68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic
> >
> >   69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates
> >
> >   70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition
> >
> >   71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention
> > Project
> >
> >   72. AIDS Project New Haven
> >
> >   73. HIV Law Project
> >
> >   74. ASPIRE
> >
> >   75. Drug Policy Alliance
> >
> >   76. Urban Justice Center
> >
> >   77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute
> >
> >   78. Center for Human Rights Education
> >
> >   79. Family Watch
> >
> >   80. Committee on Women, Population, and the
> > Environment
> >
> >   81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS
> >
> >   82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners
> >
> >   83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children
> >
> >   84. NORML Foundation
> >
> >   85. Common Sense for Drug Policy
> >
> >   86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii
> >
> >   87. ReconsiDer
> >
> >   88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse
> >
> >   89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War
> >
> >   90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm
> > Reduction Coalition
> >
> >   91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense
> > for Drug Policy
> >
> >   92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML
> >
> >   93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont
> > Harm Reduction Coalition
> >
> >   94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care
> > Methadone Clinic
> >
> >   95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services
> > for Prisoners with
> >
> >   Children
> >
> >   96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction
> > Services, Cambridge Cares
> > About
> >
> >   AIDS
> >
> >   97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program
> > Coordinator, Cambridge Cares
> > About
> >
> >   AIDS
> >
> >   98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport
> > Health Department
> >
> >   99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and
> > Recovery
> >
> >   100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population,
> > and the Environment
> >
> >   101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside
> >
> >   102. Stephanie Manfre, Children’s Case
> > Manager, Riley Center
> >
> >   103. Ann Beck, Riley Center
> >
> >   104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center
> >
> >   105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center
> >
> >   106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House
> >
> >   107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center
> >
> >   108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center
> >
> >   109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center
> >
> >   110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center
> >
> >   111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center
> >
> >   112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center
> >
> >   113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of
> > Public Health
> >
> >   114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of
> > Public Health
> >
> >   115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of
> > Public Health
> >
> >   116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and
> > Abuse
> >
> >   117. Theryn Kigvamasud’Vashti, Communities
> > Against Rape and Abuse
> >
> >   118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator,
> > Communities Against Rape and Abuse
> >
> >   119. Shane Felles
> >
> >   120. Brion Roberts
> >
> >   121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access
> > Project
> >
> >   122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director,
> > NARAL – NH
> >
> >   123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
> >
> >   124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety
> > First Project, Drug Policy
> >
> >   Alliance
> >
> >   125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical
> > Center
> >
> >   126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive
> > Director, Neighborhood Youth &
> >
> >   Family Services
> >
> >   127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System
> >
> >   128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico
> > Prenatal Care Network,
> >
> >   University of New Mexico
> >
> >   129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug
> > Dependence
> >
> >   130. Gloria Knighton
> >
> >   131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions
> >
> >   132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates
> >
> >   133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women
> >
> >
> >
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

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From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 23, 2002 at 4:05:49 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Garden Grove!  Hey, that’s a nice part of town.  I drive through there on the 22 when going to the Block Shopping mall.


In a message dated 7/22/2002 11:21:27 PM Pacific Daylight Time, carlambarnes@yahoo.com writes:

> >Barbara Harris
> >Founder and Director
> >C.R.A.C.K.
> >11642 Knott Ave. Suite 8
> >Garden Grove, CA 92841
> >Phone: 714-901-9862
> >FAX: 714-901-9832

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From: “sara glatt” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: [ibogaine] who is stupid ?
Date: July 23, 2002 at 3:41:38 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Carla wrote : “That’s such a great memory to have, when I was younger
I needed $200 so bad I sold any children I might ever
in India they got a small radio that was about 25 years ago in the time of Indira Gandi ,
that was a lot for an untouchables ,

so some men came twice for sterilization .
they didn’t care if they could get childeren or not they were happy to get a radio twice.

randy wrote:
There are
“over 6 billion people on the planet.  Over population is one of the biggest
threats to human existence.  Another great threat is stupid people.  Where
do stupid people come from? Stupid parents.”

the last news from Africa over population is that 70 million people will die

with in 20years from HIV  ,that only  Africe I don’t know what numbers they have got  about Asia ,

I think that if the U.S.A ( %5 of the world  population) wouldn’t be using 75% of the world energy and if they wouldn’t

spend so much money for wapens that money could be used for education and better homes and welfare for those

“STUPID ”  people .


From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 23, 2002 at 2:20:55 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This is so like a charged thing. And what you made is
the total guy response. It is not the best thing to
have children and bring them up into that. But what
does that have to do with caring for someone? You were
also totally offensive to people on methadone
maintence and just dismissed them all as drug addicts.
Patrick pulls that too but I let it go because either
he’s very diplomatic which in his case is so doubtful
or because he goes off about why it was awful for him
and admits it does work for people. You just dissed
out everyone who is on methadone and has gotten it
together. Methadone helps a lot of people and I know
so many women who say the most important thing in
their life is their baby and it makes it worth it to
try and keep it together.

I know there’s totally being negligent and there’s
being a bad parent, but even this place I mean looking
at it is awesome Mindvox is cool, but reading some of
what at least Patrick is writing it is full of sarcasm
and irony and a big fuck you to his parents, Bruce
does the same thing. And I am not dissing either one
of them ok? two smart guys who are all that and have
parents who are rich and they hate them. This is so
common with almost anyone I know who has any money
it’s like my parents, who are they these assholes who
hired other people to raise me and don’t want me to
embarrass them, so I’m going to do everything I can do
make their nightmares come true. You maybe should run
your theory by some of the people who detox at St.
Kitts and no offense I’m sure there are a lot of nice
ones but almost the only ones who ever say anything on
this list dump a huge list of problems insult people
and then leave.

I haven’t seen any kind of relation to what people are
like depending on whether or not people have money.
Which is what that CRACK paper is all about,
controlling blacks and other minorities who are
already in trouble and offering the chance to go get
high with a quick $200 which they will take and then
never have the chance to have a child even if they
ever do get their lives together.

That’s such a great memory to have, when I was younger
I needed $200 so bad I sold any children I might ever

And that’s just the start, your message is so totally
aggravating in so many places I could keep going, you
dismiss stupid people which means what? You’re a smart
person to make all those judgments, what is it that
you’ve ever done which is so great, to look down on
everyone and judge them? Which is what your letter is
filled with.

Maybe you’re having a bad day and sure I can accept
that, but most of what came through in your message is
a lot of anger and resentment at people.

Maybe someday there won’t be kids raised
by junkie-crackhead

What is it that you were to make you hate so much? All
that you’ve got there is you’re a middle class white
guy and very proud of being a middle class white guy
who looks down on I could make a list but from what I
remember junkies, crackheads, people on methadone,
poor people, people who are not productive according
to whatever standard you have and people you judge as

By the way I’m white, 28, had a few abortions, having
a fucked up life and really not interested in having
some pretentious dork map out his version of a future
for everyone.

Carla B

— Randy Hencken <randyhencken@hotmail.com> wrote:
Well, I’m guessing that most of you won’t like what
I’m about to say, but I
agree with what CRACK is doing.  I am not a racist
nor do I wish to target
low income families.  Also I am an advocate of
methadone maintenance and I
believe in many circumstances that methadone is a
good program.  “Why do you
agree with Crack” you ask.  Because the other day I
learned of another
female friend of mine who has been strung out on
methadone for over 10 years
(she is only 32) is pregnant.  Bringing the grand
total of my female friends
on methadone who get pregnant and keep their babies
to four. Now I know each
one of these four girls very well and I assure you
that none of them are fit
to raise a child.  You all know girls like this, so
I don’t think I need to
go into the details as to how troubled these girls

Let’s look at the big picture.  What is more
important protecting the few
women who someday might be responsible enough while
on methadone to have a
child or protecting society from having children
grow up in less then
adequate environments (protecting children from bad
parents).  There are
over 6 billion people on the planet.  Over
population is one of the biggest
threats to human existence.  Another great threat is
stupid people.  Where
do stupid people come from? Stupid parents.

Before someone gives me a rebuttal, let me say that
I fully understand the
opposing position.  I simply do not agree with it.
Yes, maybe a couple
years ago I may have had a vasectomy to get two
hundred dollars to score
dope.  And now I wouldn’t be able to have my own
child, even though I put
the past behind me and I am a responsible successful
young man. Oh Well.  I
would have to adopt a kid if I really wanted one.
Also, I am the exception
most people who get on methadone don’t end up clean
and successful.  They
live the rest of their lives going to those
godforsaken methadone clinics
being surrounded by godforsaken addicts.

I have frequented many methadone clinics, and this
is just a guess, but I
would think that less then %4 of the people in the
clinics will be fit to
raise a child some day.  A child who doesn’t get
screwed up on drugs, a
child who is able to contribute to the betterment of

I wish I had more time to try and articulate my
thoughts on this, but I have
to much to do now.  Please take the time to really
think if CRACK is a group
of villains or maybe they are a group that is moving
one thing in the right
direction.  Maybe someday there won’t be kids raised
by junkie-crackhead

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original
statement and more comments
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 12:35:43 -0700 (PDT)

OOPS, sorry bout that, finger slipped.


C.R.A.C.K. targets Methadone Maintenance Patients
An organization called C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
patients on methadone maintenance with their offer
$200 to submit to sterilization or limited birth
control methods. Form letters are being sent to
clinics across the U.S.

C.R.A.C.K.- Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity
otherwise known as is mailing form letters to U.S.
Opiate Treatment Programs. C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
methadone maintenance patients for coercive
sterilization or limited birth control options.
help prevent this violation of human and civil
that threatens reproduction freedom.


The form letter being sent to clinic reads:

To Whom It May Concern:

Our organization offers cash incentives to both men
and women that are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol
use long-term or permanent birth control.

We are currently working with several methadone
clinics that make our offer known, and available to
the women and men who come through their program.
sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
important for those using methadone or other drugs
refrain from getting pregnant.

Please call (888) 30-CRACK if you would like more
information, or more of the items that have been

Our program is currently in over 20 cities
and has paid over 600 men and women to obtain
long-term birth control. Thank you for the time ,
we hope to establish a working relationship with
for both the benefit of the woman, and potential


Barbara Harris
Founder and Director
11642 Knott Ave. Suite 8
Garden Grove, CA 92841
Phone: 714-901-9862
FAX: 714-901-9832


By offering patients $200 to entice them to undergo
sterilization or use selected birth control
C.R.A.C.K. is sending the message that methadone is
‘just another drug’ and patients are using it as a
substitute for illicit opiates. By supporting
C.R.A.C.K., programs are sending the same message
their patients.
Please support and respect your patients and your
program by mailing the form letters back to
with a loud ‘NO!’.


– CRACK’s Washington, DC Chapter placed ads in DC
Metrobuses that targeted primarily low-income and
predominately African-American communities in DC.
are targeting low-income, African -Americans. One
CRACK’s supporters and financial contributors is
Brand, a British psychologist – Brand, a
self-proclaimed “race realist,” claims that blacks
intellectually inferior to whites, and advocates
taking a “eugenic” approach to “wanton and criminal
females.” see


– CRACK violates civil and human rights, and
reproductive freedoms by targeting minorities and
low-income people. This small amount of cash is
offered for sterilization or birth control without
regard to the individual’s circumstances or future.

– CRACK limits birth control options. CRACK LIMITS
BIRTH CONTROL OPTIONS. CRACK irresponsibly limits
birth control options by compensating only for
long-term, provider-controlled methods: tubal
ligation, Norplant, Depo-Provera and IUDs. Barrier
methods and methods which protect against HIV
infection and other sexually transmitted diseases

=== message truncated ===

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eating the Patch…
Date: July 23, 2002 at 1:51:16 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This is one of those things that happens to many
times, I know soooooooooooo many people who sell their
pain meds. Whatever happens is going to be so awful
for that lady. Her nephew is already dead and I’m sure
the media will have so much fun turning her into some
kind of evil drug dealing monster.

Carla B

— Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org> wrote:
So how can you expect some one on a fixed income NOT
to sell a bit of
their medicine?


Pubdate: Wed, 17 Jul 2002
Source: Baltimore Sun (MD)
Copyright: 2002 The Baltimore Sun, a Times Mirror
Contact: letters@baltsun.com
Website: http://www.sunspot.net/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/37
Authors: Sheridan Lyons and Athima Chansanchai


Man Overdosed Abusing Pain Patch Medication

A Carroll County woman has been charged with
involuntary manslaughter in
the death of her 27-year-old nephew, who overdosed
after eating the gel
from a pain medication patch that is sometimes
abused for its heroin-like high.

Regina Raye Kesselring, 47, of New Windsor also was
charged with drug
distribution and reckless endangerment in the death
Feb. 4 of Steven E.
Spivey, a heroin user who had been “begging” her for
one of the Duragesic
patches she had been prescribed, court records show.

Kesselring, who lives on disability payments of less
than $600 a month,
told police she sold her nephew the patch for $50 –
and also said she had
sold him patches two other times to supplement her
$545-a-month disability
income, according to the charging documents.



Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: “sara glatt” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: [ibogaine] hi
Date: July 23, 2002 at 1:00:00 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

randy wrote ; A child who doesn’t get screwed up on drugs, a
child who is able to contribute to the betterment of humankind .

do you mean like Mr. Bush and his daughters ?


From: “Angelo Marotta” <marottaa@netzero.net>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 22, 2002 at 11:32:14 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Where do I sign?

—–Original Message—–
From: Randy Hencken [mailto:randyhencken@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 7:08 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and
more comments

Well, I’m guessing that most of you won’t like what I’m
about to say, but I
agree with what CRACK is doing.  I am not a racist nor do I
wish to target
low income families.  Also I am an advocate of methadone
maintenance and I
believe in many circumstances that methadone is a good
program.  “Why do you
agree with Crack” you ask.  Because the other day I learned
of another
female friend of mine who has been strung out on methadone
for over 10 years
(she is only 32) is pregnant.  Bringing the grand total of
my female friends
on methadone who get pregnant and keep their babies to four.
Now I know each
one of these four girls very well and I assure you that none
of them are fit
to raise a child.  You all know girls like this, so I don’t
think I need to
go into the details as to how troubled these girls are.

Let’s look at the big picture.  What is more important
protecting the few
women who someday might be responsible enough while on
methadone to have a
child or protecting society from having children grow up in
less then
adequate environments (protecting children from bad
parents).  There are
over 6 billion people on the planet.  Over population is one
of the biggest
threats to human existence.  Another great threat is stupid
people.  Where
do stupid people come from? Stupid parents.

Before someone gives me a rebuttal, let me say that I fully
understand the
opposing position.  I simply do not agree with it.  Yes,
maybe a couple
years ago I may have had a vasectomy to get two hundred
dollars to score
dope.  And now I wouldn’t be able to have my own child, even
though I put
the past behind me and I am a responsible successful young
man. Oh Well.  I
would have to adopt a kid if I really wanted one.  Also, I
am the exception
most people who get on methadone don’t end up clean and
successful.  They
live the rest of their lives going to those godforsaken
methadone clinics
being surrounded by godforsaken addicts.

I have frequented many methadone clinics, and this is just a
guess, but I
would think that less then %4 of the people in the clinics
will be fit to
raise a child some day.  A child who doesn’t get screwed up
on drugs, a
child who is able to contribute to the betterment of

I wish I had more time to try and articulate my thoughts on
this, but I have
to much to do now.  Please take the time to really think if
CRACK is a group
of villains or maybe they are a group that is moving one
thing in the right
direction.  Maybe someday there won’t be kids raised by

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and
more comments
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 12:35:43 -0700 (PDT)

OOPS, sorry bout that, finger slipped.


C.R.A.C.K. targets Methadone Maintenance Patients
An organization called C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
patients on methadone maintenance with their offer of
$200 to submit to sterilization or limited birth
control methods. Form letters are being sent to
clinics across the U.S.

C.R.A.C.K.- Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity
otherwise known as is mailing form letters to U.S.
Opiate Treatment Programs. C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
methadone maintenance patients for coercive
sterilization or limited birth control options. Please
help prevent this violation of human and civil rights
that threatens reproduction freedom.


The form letter being sent to clinic reads:

To Whom It May Concern:

Our organization offers cash incentives to both men
and women that are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to
use long-term or permanent birth control.

We are currently working with several methadone
clinics that make our offer known, and available to
the women and men who come through their program. I’m
sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
important for those using methadone or other drugs to
refrain from getting pregnant.

Please call (888) 30-CRACK if you would like more
information, or more of the items that have been

Our program is currently in over 20 cities nationwide,
and has paid over 600 men and women to obtain
long-term birth control. Thank you for the time , and
we hope to establish a working relationship with you,
for both the benefit of the woman, and potential


Barbara Harris
Founder and Director
11642 Knott Ave. Suite 8
Garden Grove, CA 92841
Phone: 714-901-9862
FAX: 714-901-9832


By offering patients $200 to entice them to undergo
sterilization or use selected birth control methods,
C.R.A.C.K. is sending the message that methadone is
‘just another drug’ and patients are using it as a
substitute for illicit opiates. By supporting
C.R.A.C.K., programs are sending the same message to
their patients.
Please support and respect your patients and your
program by mailing the form letters back to C.R.A.C.K.
with a loud ‘NO!’.


– CRACK’s Washington, DC Chapter placed ads in DC
Metrobuses that targeted primarily low-income and
predominately African-American communities in DC. Ads
are targeting low-income, African -Americans. One of
CRACK’s supporters and financial contributors is Chris
Brand, a British psychologist – Brand, a
self-proclaimed “race realist,” claims that blacks are
intellectually inferior to whites, and advocates
taking a “eugenic” approach to “wanton and criminal
females.” see

– CRACK violates civil and human rights, and
reproductive freedoms by targeting minorities and
low-income people. This small amount of cash is
offered for sterilization or birth control without
regard to the individual’s circumstances or future.

– CRACK limits birth control options. CRACK LIMITS
BIRTH CONTROL OPTIONS. CRACK irresponsibly limits
birth control options by compensating only for
long-term, provider-controlled methods: tubal
ligation, Norplant, Depo-Provera and IUDs. Barrier
methods and methods which protect against HIV
infection and other sexually transmitted diseases are
not compensated. CRACK may actually increase a woman’s
risk of contracting HIV or other STDs, since it
exclusively advances birth control methods which
provide no protection against these infections.

– CRACK’s founder admits that the money given to these
individuals is probably used to buy more drugs, and
says that is their choice.

– If CRACK was really concerned about infants born to
drug-addicted parents, they should spend the $200 on
treatment for the parents, not sterilization or birth

– CRACK is offering a ‘bribe’ to drug addicted women.
They are being coerced because of their desperate need
for money to buy drugs. Their drug addiction is being
used to exploit them. CRACK targets vulnerable women
with few options.

– Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a supporter. Need I say

– Harris says. “People say it is a disease, fine. But
it is a disease of choice — however they got there
and whatever their background and however screwed up
their life is….”

– “Harris’ critics also warn about the slippery slope.
“Today it is targeting and criminalizing drug abuse,
but what will it be tomorrow?” asks the ACLU’s
Cordoba. “If you take it to its logical conclusion,
you could have a program or policy that monitors the
kind of food a woman eats while she is pregnant, or
whether she exercises enough, or whether she has a
glass of wine or a cup of coffee.” Blum voices similar
concerns. “Where does it stop? Next do we start
sterilizing people who don’t take their

-CRACK’s disregard for the women it targets is
evidenced in Barbara Harris’ statement: “We don’t
allow dogs to breed. We spay them. We neuter them. We
try to keep them from having unwanted puppies, and yet
these women are literally having litters of

– CRACK denies poor, marginalized women with substance
abuse problems their procreative ability, and this is
a human rights violation.

See Family Watch letter to CRACK



Mother Jones

Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment

American Public Health Association

Who’s next? Where will this end? Which group of people
will be next on C.R.A.C.K.’s list of victims?

— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 7/21/02 1:38:23 PM,
ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

Hey Howard,
Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can
link to it at Drugwar.com?


The letter originated with
http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org/  but, I
didn’t see it on their web page.  I just felt that
Barbara Harris and
C.R.A.C.K were getting into dangerous areas.

—– Original Message —–

From: HSLotsof@aol.com

To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM

Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K

Barbara Harris

Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s

“Project Prevention”

P.O. Box 74

Stanton, CA 90680

Dear Ms. Harris:

We are writing to express our strong objections to
your distribution of

highly misleading and completely inaccurate
information regarding pregnant

women and methadone treatment. In a letter date
February 22, 2002, you

in part:

“We are currently working with several methadone
clinics that make our

known, and available, to the women and men who
come through their program.

I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
important for those

methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting

We most certainly do not agree. Your statement,
suggesting that it is

dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically
prescribed methadone

treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong.
Methadone is a highly

effective treatment for all opiate dependent
patients and, most

for women – both before and after they may become
pregnant. In fact,

treatment during pregnancy has not been
associated with congenital

abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases
where neonatal withdrawal

symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these
symptoms can be treated

readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on
physical or cognitive

development. In short, there is simply no medical
basis for your suggestion

that methadone patients should “refrain from
getting pregnant.”

For over 30 years, in countries throughout the
world, methadone maintenance

treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially
reduce illegal opiate use

the crime, illness, suffering, and death with
which it is associated. The

benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to
the individual patient, but

to his/her family and the community, as well. The
most credible and

governmental and non-governmental organizations in
America and abroad have

recognized these positive results with MMT. For
example, the US Department

Health and Human Services joins the scientific
community in recognizing

MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the
general community. It is

specifically recommended for pregnant and
breast-feeding patients, which

further demonstrates the strong medical consensus
supporting methadone

treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many
benefits, it is available

to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it.
Women, in particular,

numerous barriers to obtaining this important
medical intervention. Your

letter and activities, which spread false
information and stigmatize

and future mothers who receive this treatment,
will make it even more

difficult for women who need methadone treatment
to receive it.

We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter
immediately and to advise

of those individuals and clinics who received it
that it was based on

misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that
you publicly repudiate

inaccurate message you conveyed on your
organization’s website and in other

public and media context. Not to do so would be
irresponsible and a great

disservice to those whose interests you claim to
have at heart.



1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and
Psychiatry, Case Western

Reserve University, School of Medicine

2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of
Pediatrics, Albert Einstein

College of Medicine

3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of
Pediatrics, Beth Israel

Medical Center

4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de
Rothschild Chemical

Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center

5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant
Development Center, Women and

Infants’ Hospital

6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of
Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas

University Medical Center

7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston
University School of Social

Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research
and Training

8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training
Consultant, Former

Director of Research, Chemical Dependency
Institute, Beth Israel Medical


9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal
Medicine, Penn State Hershey

Medical Center

10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of
OB/GYN, University of Chicago

11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor,
Department of OB/GYN, NYU

of Medicine

12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of
Public Health and OB/GYN,

Columbia University, Mailman School of Public

13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of
OB/GYN, University

Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve
University School of Medicine

14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health
Education Center, Dept. of

15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of New

16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary
Care, NYU School of Medicine

17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of
Epidemiology and Social Medicine,

Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School
of Medicine

18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the
Practice of Medical Ethics,

Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and
Humanities, Duke University

Medical Center

19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate
Professor, Department of

Psychiatry, University of Chicago

20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor,
Dept. of Sociology, UC


21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
Washington University

22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor
of Sociology, UC Santa

23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health
Policy and Management,


24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor
of Nursing,

Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction,
Dominican University of


25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director
of the Chemical

Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center

26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild
Chemical Dependency Institute

of Beth Israel Medical Center

27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
Rensselaer Polytechnic


28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor,
University of Illinois at

29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of
Public Health & Health


30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate
Professor, Rutgers University

31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Rutgers University

32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of
Sociology, Anthropology and


Rutgers University

33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant
Professor, Princeton University

34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor,
University of Iowa

35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Fordham University

36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate
Professor, University of Chicago

37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College

38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor,
Evergreen State College

39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center
for Urban Epidemiologic

Studies, New York Academy of Medicine

40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for
Scientific Analysis

41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health

42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN,
Mountain Area Health Education


43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants
Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,

Mountain Area Health Education Center

44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women’s Health,
Mountain Area Health Education


45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator,
Mountain Area Perinatal

Substance Abuse Program

46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain
Area Perinatal Substance

Abuse Program

47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior
Medicine, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area
Health Education Center

49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area
Health Education Center

50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction
Specialist, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal
Substance Abuse Program

52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE

53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm
Reduction Project

54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D

55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.

56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian

57. National Women’s Health Network

58. National Black Women’s Health Project

59. National Association for Public Health Policy
Council on Illicit Drugs

60. Institute for Health and Recovery

61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)

62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
of Arkansas & Oklahoma

63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
of DC

64. Connecticut Women’s Consortium

65. Casa Segura

66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center

67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog

68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic

69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates

70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention

72. AIDS Project New Haven

73. HIV Law Project


75. Drug Policy Alliance

76. Urban Justice Center

77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute

78. Center for Human Rights Education

79. Family Watch

80. Committee on Women, Population, and the

81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS

82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners

83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children

84. NORML Foundation

85. Common Sense for Drug Policy

86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii

87. ReconsiDer

88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse

89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War

90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm
Reduction Coalition

91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense
for Drug Policy

92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML

93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont
Harm Reduction Coalition

94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care
Methadone Clinic

95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services
for Prisoners with


96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction
Services, Cambridge Cares


97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program
Coordinator, Cambridge Cares


98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport
Health Department

99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and

100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population,
and the Environment

101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside

102. Stephanie Manfre, Children’s Case
Manager, Riley Center

103. Ann Beck, Riley Center

104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center

105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center

106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House

107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center

108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center

109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center

110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center

111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center

112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center

113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and

117. Theryn Kigvamasud’Vashti, Communities
Against Rape and Abuse

118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator,
Communities Against Rape and Abuse

119. Shane Felles

120. Brion Roberts

121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access

122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director,

123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund

124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety
First Project, Drug Policy


125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical

126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive
Director, Neighborhood Youth &

Family Services

127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System

128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico
Prenatal Care Network,

University of New Mexico

129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug

130. Gloria Knighton

131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions

132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates

133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women

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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Eating the Patch…
Date: July 22, 2002 at 7:08:38 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

So how can you expect some one on a fixed income NOT to sell a bit of
their medicine?


Pubdate: Wed, 17 Jul 2002
Source: Baltimore Sun (MD)
Copyright: 2002 The Baltimore Sun, a Times Mirror Newspaper.
Contact: letters@baltsun.com
Website: http://www.sunspot.net/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/37
Authors: Sheridan Lyons and Athima Chansanchai


Man Overdosed Abusing Pain Patch Medication

A Carroll County woman has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in
the death of her 27-year-old nephew, who overdosed after eating the gel
from a pain medication patch that is sometimes abused for its heroin-like high.

Regina Raye Kesselring, 47, of New Windsor also was charged with drug
distribution and reckless endangerment in the death Feb. 4 of Steven E.
Spivey, a heroin user who had been “begging” her for one of the Duragesic
patches she had been prescribed, court records show.

Kesselring, who lives on disability payments of less than $600 a month,
told police she sold her nephew the patch for $50 – and also said she had
sold him patches two other times to supplement her $545-a-month disability
income, according to the charging documents.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02.n1344.a11.html


From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 22, 2002 at 7:07:55 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Well, I’m guessing that most of you won’t like what I’m about to say, but I agree with what CRACK is doing.  I am not a racist nor do I wish to target low income families.  Also I am an advocate of methadone maintenance and I believe in many circumstances that methadone is a good program.  “Why do you agree with Crack” you ask.  Because the other day I learned of another female friend of mine who has been strung out on methadone for over 10 years (she is only 32) is pregnant.  Bringing the grand total of my female friends on methadone who get pregnant and keep their babies to four. Now I know each one of these four girls very well and I assure you that none of them are fit to raise a child.  You all know girls like this, so I don’t think I need to go into the details as to how troubled these girls are.

Let’s look at the big picture.  What is more important protecting the few women who someday might be responsible enough while on methadone to have a child or protecting society from having children grow up in less then adequate environments (protecting children from bad parents).  There are over 6 billion people on the planet.  Over population is one of the biggest threats to human existence.  Another great threat is stupid people.  Where do stupid people come from? Stupid parents.

Before someone gives me a rebuttal, let me say that I fully understand the opposing position.  I simply do not agree with it.  Yes, maybe a couple years ago I may have had a vasectomy to get two hundred dollars to score dope.  And now I wouldn’t be able to have my own child, even though I put the past behind me and I am a responsible successful young man. Oh Well.  I would have to adopt a kid if I really wanted one.  Also, I am the exception most people who get on methadone don’t end up clean and successful.  They live the rest of their lives going to those godforsaken methadone clinics being surrounded by godforsaken addicts.

I have frequented many methadone clinics, and this is just a guess, but I would think that less then %4 of the people in the clinics will be fit to raise a child some day.  A child who doesn’t get screwed up on drugs, a child who is able to contribute to the betterment of humankind.

I wish I had more time to try and articulate my thoughts on this, but I have to much to do now.  Please take the time to really think if CRACK is a group of villains or maybe they are a group that is moving one thing in the right direction.  Maybe someday there won’t be kids raised by junkie-crackhead parents.

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2002 12:35:43 -0700 (PDT)

OOPS, sorry bout that, finger slipped.


C.R.A.C.K. targets Methadone Maintenance Patients
An organization called C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
patients on methadone maintenance with their offer of
$200 to submit to sterilization or limited birth
control methods. Form letters are being sent to
clinics across the U.S.

C.R.A.C.K.- Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity
otherwise known as is mailing form letters to U.S.
Opiate Treatment Programs. C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
methadone maintenance patients for coercive
sterilization or limited birth control options. Please
help prevent this violation of human and civil rights
that threatens reproduction freedom.


The form letter being sent to clinic reads:

To Whom It May Concern:

Our organization offers cash incentives to both men
and women that are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to
use long-term or permanent birth control.

We are currently working with several methadone
clinics that make our offer known, and available to
the women and men who come through their program. I’m
sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
important for those using methadone or other drugs to
refrain from getting pregnant.

Please call (888) 30-CRACK if you would like more
information, or more of the items that have been

Our program is currently in over 20 cities nationwide,
and has paid over 600 men and women to obtain
long-term birth control. Thank you for the time , and
we hope to establish a working relationship with you,
for both the benefit of the woman, and potential


Barbara Harris
Founder and Director
11642 Knott Ave. Suite 8
Garden Grove, CA 92841
Phone: 714-901-9862
FAX: 714-901-9832


By offering patients $200 to entice them to undergo
sterilization or use selected birth control methods,
C.R.A.C.K. is sending the message that methadone is
‘just another drug’ and patients are using it as a
substitute for illicit opiates. By supporting
C.R.A.C.K., programs are sending the same message to
their patients.
Please support and respect your patients and your
program by mailing the form letters back to C.R.A.C.K.
with a loud ‘NO!’.


– CRACK’s Washington, DC Chapter placed ads in DC
Metrobuses that targeted primarily low-income and
predominately African-American communities in DC. Ads
are targeting low-income, African -Americans. One of
CRACK’s supporters and financial contributors is Chris
Brand, a British psychologist – Brand, a
self-proclaimed “race realist,” claims that blacks are
intellectually inferior to whites, and advocates
taking a “eugenic” approach to “wanton and criminal
females.” see

– CRACK violates civil and human rights, and
reproductive freedoms by targeting minorities and
low-income people. This small amount of cash is
offered for sterilization or birth control without
regard to the individual’s circumstances or future.

– CRACK limits birth control options. CRACK LIMITS
BIRTH CONTROL OPTIONS. CRACK irresponsibly limits
birth control options by compensating only for
long-term, provider-controlled methods: tubal
ligation, Norplant, Depo-Provera and IUDs. Barrier
methods and methods which protect against HIV
infection and other sexually transmitted diseases are
not compensated. CRACK may actually increase a woman’s
risk of contracting HIV or other STDs, since it
exclusively advances birth control methods which
provide no protection against these infections.

– CRACK’s founder admits that the money given to these
individuals is probably used to buy more drugs, and
says that is their choice.

– If CRACK was really concerned about infants born to
drug-addicted parents, they should spend the $200 on
treatment for the parents, not sterilization or birth

– CRACK is offering a ‘bribe’ to drug addicted women.
They are being coerced because of their desperate need
for money to buy drugs. Their drug addiction is being
used to exploit them. CRACK targets vulnerable women
with few options.

– Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a supporter. Need I say

– Harris says. “People say it is a disease, fine. But
it is a disease of choice — however they got there
and whatever their background and however screwed up
their life is….”

– “Harris’ critics also warn about the slippery slope.
“Today it is targeting and criminalizing drug abuse,
but what will it be tomorrow?” asks the ACLU’s
Cordoba. “If you take it to its logical conclusion,
you could have a program or policy that monitors the
kind of food a woman eats while she is pregnant, or
whether she exercises enough, or whether she has a
glass of wine or a cup of coffee.” Blum voices similar
concerns. “Where does it stop? Next do we start
sterilizing people who don’t take their

-CRACK’s disregard for the women it targets is
evidenced in Barbara Harris’ statement: “We don’t
allow dogs to breed. We spay them. We neuter them. We
try to keep them from having unwanted puppies, and yet
these women are literally having litters of

– CRACK denies poor, marginalized women with substance
abuse problems their procreative ability, and this is
a human rights violation.

See Family Watch letter to CRACK



Mother Jones

Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment

American Public Health Association

Who’s next? Where will this end? Which group of people
will be next on C.R.A.C.K.’s list of victims?

— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 7/21/02 1:38:23 PM,
> ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:
> >Hey Howard,
> >Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can
> link to it at Drugwar.com?
> >Thanks.
> >peace,
> >Preston
> Preston,
> The letter originated with
> http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org/  but, I
> didn’t see it on their web page.  I just felt that
> Barbara Harris and
> C.R.A.C.K were getting into dangerous areas.
> Howard
> *********
>  —– Original Message —–
>   From: HSLotsof@aol.com
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM
>   Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
>   Barbara Harris
>   Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s
>   “Project Prevention”
>   P.O. Box 74
>   Stanton, CA 90680
>   Dear Ms. Harris:
>   We are writing to express our strong objections to
> your distribution of
>   highly misleading and completely inaccurate
> information regarding pregnant
>   women and methadone treatment. In a letter date
> February 22, 2002, you
> state,
>   in part:
>   “We are currently working with several methadone
> clinics that make our
> offer
>   known, and available, to the women and men who
> come through their program.
>   I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
> important for those
> using
>   methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting
> pregnant.”
>   We most certainly do not agree. Your statement,
> suggesting that it is
>   dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically
> prescribed methadone
>   treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong.
> Methadone is a highly
>   effective treatment for all opiate dependent
> patients and, most
> specifically,
>   for women – both before and after they may become
> pregnant. In fact,
> methadone
>    treatment during pregnancy has not been
> associated with congenital
>   abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases
> where neonatal withdrawal
>   symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these
> symptoms can be treated
>   readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on
> physical or cognitive
>   development. In short, there is simply no medical
> basis for your suggestion
>   that methadone patients should “refrain from
> getting pregnant.”
>   For over 30 years, in countries throughout the
> world, methadone maintenance
>   treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially
> reduce illegal opiate use
> and
>   the crime, illness, suffering, and death with
> which it is associated. The
>   benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to
> the individual patient, but
>   to his/her family and the community, as well. The
> most credible and
> objective
>   governmental and non-governmental organizations in
> America and abroad have
>   recognized these positive results with MMT. For
> example, the US Department
> of
>   Health and Human Services joins the scientific
> community in recognizing
> that
>   MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the
> general community. It is
>   specifically recommended for pregnant and
> breast-feeding patients, which
>   further demonstrates the strong medical consensus
> supporting methadone
>   treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.
>   Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many
> benefits, it is available
>   to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it.
> Women, in particular,
> face
>   numerous barriers to obtaining this important
> medical intervention. Your
>   letter and activities, which spread false
> information and stigmatize
> current
>   and future mothers who receive this treatment,
> will make it even more
>   difficult for women who need methadone treatment
> to receive it.
>   We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter
> immediately and to advise
> each
>   of those individuals and clinics who received it
> that it was based on
>   misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that
> you publicly repudiate
> the
>   inaccurate message you conveyed on your
> organization’s website and in other
>   public and media context. Not to do so would be
> irresponsible and a great
>   disservice to those whose interests you claim to
> have at heart.
>   Signed,
>   Signatories
>   1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and
> Psychiatry, Case Western
>   Reserve University, School of Medicine
>   2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of
> Pediatrics, Albert Einstein
>   College of Medicine
>   3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of
> Pediatrics, Beth Israel
>   Medical Center
>   4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de
> Rothschild Chemical
>   Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center
>   5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant
> Development Center, Women and
>   Infants’ Hospital
>   6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of
> Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas
>   University Medical Center
>   7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston
> University School of Social
> Work,
>   Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research
> and Training
>   8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training
> Consultant, Former
> Assistant
>   Director of Research, Chemical Dependency
> Institute, Beth Israel Medical
>   Center
>   9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal
> Medicine, Penn State Hershey
>   Medical Center
>   10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of
> OB/GYN, University of Chicago
>   11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor,
> Department of OB/GYN, NYU
> School
>   of Medicine
>   12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of
> Public Health and OB/GYN,
>   Columbia University, Mailman School of Public
> Health
>   13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of
> OB/GYN, University
>   Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve
> University School of Medicine
>   14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health
> Education Center, Dept. of
>   15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of
> Medicine, University of New
> Mexico
>   16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary
> Care, NYU School of Medicine
>   17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of
> Epidemiology and Social Medicine,
>   Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School
> of Medicine
>   18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the
> Practice of Medical Ethics,
>   Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and
> Humanities, Duke University
>   Medical Center
>   19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate
> Professor, Department of
>   Psychiatry, University of Chicago
>   20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor,
> Dept. of Sociology, UC
> Santa
>   Cruz
>   21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
> Washington University
>   22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor
> of Sociology, UC Santa
> Cruz
>   23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health
> Policy and Management,
>   Wagner/NYU
>   24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor
> of Nursing,
> Women’s
>   Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction,
> Dominican University of
>   California
>   25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director
> of the Chemical
> Dependency
>   Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center
>   26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild
> Chemical Dependency Institute
>   of Beth Israel Medical Center
>   27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
> Rensselaer Polytechnic
>   Institute
>   28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor,
> University of Illinois at
> Chicago
>   29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of
> Public Health & Health
>   Services
>   30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate
> Professor, Rutgers University
>   31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
> Rutgers University
>   32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of
> Sociology, Anthropology and
> Criminal
>   Justice,
>   Rutgers University
>   33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant
> Professor, Princeton University
>   34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor,
> University of Iowa
>   35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
> Fordham University
>   36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate
> Professor, University of Chicago
>   37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College
>   38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor,
> Evergreen State College
>   39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center
> for Urban Epidemiologic
>   Studies, New York Academy of Medicine
>   40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for
> Scientific Analysis
>   41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health
> Partners
>   42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN,
> Mountain Area Health Education
>   Center
>   43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants
> Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,
>   Mountain Area Health Education Center
>   44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women’s Health,
> Mountain Area Health Education
>   Center
>   45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator,
> Mountain Area Perinatal
>   Substance Abuse Program
>   46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain
> Area Perinatal Substance
>   Abuse Program
>   47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior
> Medicine, Mountain Area
>   Health Education Center
>   48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area
> Health Education Center
>   49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area
> Health Education Center
>   50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction
> Specialist, Mountain Area
>   Health Education Center
>   51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal
> Substance Abuse Program
>   52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE
>   53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm
> Reduction Project
>   54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D
>   55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.
>   56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian
>   57. National Women’s Health Network
>   58. National Black Women’s Health Project
>   59. National Association for Public Health Policy
> Council on Illicit Drugs
>   60. Institute for Health and Recovery
>   61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
>   62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
> of Arkansas & Oklahoma
>   63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
> of DC
>   64. Connecticut Women’s Consortium
>   65. Casa Segura
>   66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center
>   67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog
>   68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic
>   69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates
>   70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition
>   71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention
> Project
>   72. AIDS Project New Haven
>   73. HIV Law Project
>   74. ASPIRE
>   75. Drug Policy Alliance
>   76. Urban Justice Center
>   77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute
>   78. Center for Human Rights Education
>   79. Family Watch
>   80. Committee on Women, Population, and the
> Environment
>   81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS
>   82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners
>   83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children
>   84. NORML Foundation
>   85. Common Sense for Drug Policy
>   86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii
>   87. ReconsiDer
>   88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse
>   89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War
>   90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm
> Reduction Coalition
>   91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense
> for Drug Policy
>   92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML
>   93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont
> Harm Reduction Coalition
>   94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care
> Methadone Clinic
>   95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services
> for Prisoners with
>   Children
>   96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction
> Services, Cambridge Cares
> About
>   AIDS
>   97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program
> Coordinator, Cambridge Cares
> About
>   AIDS
>   98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport
> Health Department
>   99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and
> Recovery
>   100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population,
> and the Environment
>   101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside
>   102. Stephanie Manfre, Children’s Case
> Manager, Riley Center
>   103. Ann Beck, Riley Center
>   104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center
>   105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center
>   106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House
>   107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center
>   108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center
>   109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center
>   110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center
>   111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center
>   112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center
>   113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of
> Public Health
>   114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of
> Public Health
>   115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of
> Public Health
>   116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and
> Abuse
>   117. Theryn Kigvamasud’Vashti, Communities
> Against Rape and Abuse
>   118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator,
> Communities Against Rape and Abuse
>   119. Shane Felles
>   120. Brion Roberts
>   121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access
> Project
>   122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director,
>   123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
>   124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety
> First Project, Drug Policy
>   Alliance
>   125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical
> Center
>   126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive
> Director, Neighborhood Youth &
>   Family Services
>   127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System
>   128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico
> Prenatal Care Network,
>   University of New Mexico
>   129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug
> Dependence
>   130. Gloria Knighton
>   131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions
>   132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates
>   133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women

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From: vector6@space.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
Date: July 22, 2002 at 3:27:06 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On Mon, 22 July 2002, “G. Ratte'” wrote

— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
very cool, good find.
hope no one minds my taking up bandwidth with my
list. IF so, use delete

Am I supposed to be angry about all this?  Why?

I didn’t want to offend anyone by asking the same
question. But

I care about this why?

They are offering women who are low income and drug
addicted money so they can go buy drugs with that in
exchange for no longer being able to have kids.

This damages society, the lucky kids who aren’t born
into that and the mothers in what way?

I’m not making declarations I’m asking questions, it
isn’t that my mind is made up it’s more like I don’t
understand why I’m supposed to care or what’s wrong
with this idea.


Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Musings on the Pharmaceutical industry
Date: July 22, 2002 at 2:03:56 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Speaking of orgasms.  A few months, a year, or a lifetime ago, I recall
reading that doctors had found the “orgasm nerve” and can now implant a
small cigarette-pack sized device to enable a person to go-O at the
press of a button.  How long before such a device, and other related
technological innovations, are outlawed?

…Hey, I’ve shrunk this thing to the size of a dime, and for a few
grand you can turn your high on or off anytime you like; of course,
we’re having problems with people just keeping the things on all the
time…Authorities have siezed the holdings of Mindvox Intl., and
arrested its CEO for Wetware trafficking…I’m powerless over my
implanted disease…and in the airports, Beware of the Wetware sniffing
attack dogs…

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

digital@phantom.com 07/22/02 01:11PM >>>

“And by 2007 we will have an inoculation that prevents orgasm!  Unless
STATE, your Parole Ossifah and The Government Approve!” <Applause>
<clapping> <woo hoo!  YEAH!>

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Musings on the Pharmaceutical industry
Date: July 22, 2002 at 1:11:33 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 11:50:12AM -0400], [Rick Venglarcik] wrote:

| -It reportedly costs $500 million to bring a pharmaceutical product to
| market (other literature indicates this an exaggerated figure).

Ehhhhh…  Depends an awful lot.  From what I have actually seen anywaze.

| -Pharmaceutical companies are always looking to “knock it out of the
| ballpark;” they are very satisfied with a pharmacotherapy that brings in
| $1 million per day.
| -Pharmacological treatment of addiction, and numerous other
| statistically insignificant diseases, won’t result in an “out of the
| ballpark” product.
| -MAINTENANCE drugs for the treatment (alleviation of symptoms) of
| various diseases, are very profitable.
| The foregoing brings to mind this question:
| What possible motive would there be for any pharmaceutical company to
| research and develop medications that would actually “cure”
| insignificant diseases?  Or significant ones for that matter.  What if,

<drum roll>  None whatsoever.  Who cares!  Where’s the Money!!?@1!!!!?????

| as a result of unraveling the human genome, pharmaceutical companies
| could develop medications that would alleviate the need for any kind of
| maintenance drugs, but, instead, would cure the disease in only a few
| applications?   Would they be pursued?

Why sure.  Every time I read the spin control for drugabusesciences it
gets creepier and more out there…  It ChAnGeS a lot…  Not in a good
way either.


“And by 2007 we will have an inoculation that prevents orgasm!  Unless THE
STATE, your Parole Ossifah and The Government Approve!” <Applause>
<clapping> <woo hoo!  YEAH!>

Hooray Science!


From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Musings on the Pharmaceutical industry
Date: July 22, 2002 at 11:50:12 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

-It reportedly costs $500 million to bring a pharmaceutical product to
market (other literature indicates this an exaggerated figure).

-Pharmaceutical companies are always looking to “knock it out of the
ballpark;” they are very satisfied with a pharmacotherapy that brings in
$1 million per day.

-Pharmacological treatment of addiction, and numerous other
statistically insignificant diseases, won’t result in an “out of the
ballpark” product.

-MAINTENANCE drugs for the treatment (alleviation of symptoms) of
various diseases, are very profitable.

The foregoing brings to mind this question:
What possible motive would there be for any pharmaceutical company to
research and develop medications that would actually “cure”
insignificant diseases?  Or significant ones for that matter.  What if,
as a result of unraveling the human genome, pharmaceutical companies
could develop medications that would alleviate the need for any kind of
maintenance drugs, but, instead, would cure the disease in only a few
applications?   Would they be pursued?

Just wondering.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

From: “G. Ratte'” <z3kpw@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
Date: July 22, 2002 at 11:10:20 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
very cool, good find.
hope no one minds my taking up bandwidth with my list. IF so, use delete

Am I supposed to be angry about all this?  Why?

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Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Dutch banks fear to fund sex and drug businesses
Date: July 21, 2002 at 8:53:59 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dang!  I must say I consider amsterdam to be the most tolerant caucasian place on earth…..Not so clear re the prostitution, but the mushroom/weed tolerance seemed pretty universal to me.  Sittin in our little red British van outside a very posh restaurant, and just sort of phased from our evening’s fun, when several well-dressed, quite posh middle aged people (as am I, was 47 at the time) exiting the restaurant knocked on the window and did a “thumbs-up to me and Chris.  The straightest looking woman in the world, in a fur, for god’s sake, with a huge smile and wink said, “right on!  Enjoy yourselves.”
Chris and I said, “god, we’re so stoned even the straights notice.”
I thought, wow, I could live here.  Love, jane

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Dutch banks fear to fund sex and drug businesses
Date: July 21, 2002 at 8:25:07 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

From another list.

Dutch banks fear to fund sex and drug businesses

By Melanie Cheary

AMSTERDAM, July 18 (Reuters) – In the Netherlands prostitutes pay tax and
brothels are legal. Marijuana can be sold and you can smoke it in a trendy
coffee shop.

Sex and drug industries, banned and punished around the world, make millions
every year as tourists rush to savour the pleasures. Brothels and cannabis
coffee shops are an integral part of the Dutch small business sector.

Like every entrepreneur, prostitutes and soft drug retailers need financing.
The country’s big banks could reap healthy proceeds from these industries
that have a combined annual turnover of one billion euros ($1.01 billion).

But banks are still afraid of risking their reputations by associating with
businesses whose legal status is either still too new or too dubious, coffee
shop owners say.

Shaking his head in frustration, the proprietor of a popular coffee shop on
one of Amsterdam’s busy canals says: “No way. Not possible,” when asked if
his bank would give him a loan.

Asking to remain anonymous, he says business is flourishing and his shop is
certainly packed. An elderly man sits in the corner, flicking through a
newspaper, joint in hand. A crowd at a table erupt into laughter. The room is
heavy with the fragrant smoke from cannabis.

Regulars and dreadlocked backpackers alike enjoy his menu from Mother’s
Finest Marijuana that gives you a “silly, laughing feeling” to Sky High Hash
that is likely to put you to sleep.


About 900 licensed coffee shops are regulated in the Netherlands and each
generates on average an annual turnover of about 400,000 euros. Those near
the borders with Germany and Belgium rake in as much in just a month.

But the status of the sector is complicated.

Cannabis is illegal but is tolerated and decriminalised. Coffee shops can
sell cannabis and you can buy it, smoke it or take it away without fear of
arrest or prosecution.

But there are certain limits. Coffee shops are not allowed to advertise, no
transaction is allowed to be more than five grammes and the drug cannot be
sold to minors.

It is punishable to produce cannabis in large quantities or supply coffee
shops, creating a double-standard.

These fuzzy areas are why banks say they don’t do business with cannabis
shops. On the other hand, banks are forced by law to offer the same financial
services to prostitutes and brothel owners as to any other small business

“Anyone can apply for a business account and we check whether they’re legal
or illegal. Prostitution is legal and at ABN AMRO prostitutes can get an
account. Where coffee shops are concerned, we’re entering an area where
nothing is black or white,” said ABN AMRO spokesman Geert Pielage.

“By law, coffee shops are tolerated but they are formally illegal. We just
don’t deal with coffee shops,” he added.

Coffee shop owners doubt banks’ reasons and say they are simply too afraid of
offending overseas clients in countries like the United States, which has
tough laws on soft drugs.

“Most of the banks don’t want anything to do with coffee shops. You get
absolutely no credit. You can be one euro in the red and they’re knocking at
your door,” said Nol van Schaik, founder and owner of numerous coffee shops.

“Banks like ING and ABN AMRO have such big business in the United States and
they don’t want to risk what people will think if they know they’re doing
business with coffee shops,” he said.


Nowhere is the sex industry more legal than in the Netherlands, where the
world’s oldest profession has been protected by law for almost 200 years.

In 1988 it was officially defined as a legal profession and prostitutes
joined the service sector union. They have paid income tax since 1996. But
brothels held the same status as coffee shops until they were legalised last

Until recently prostitutes struggled to open business bank accounts which
they wanted in order to show that their income was not personal and that
expenses — like condoms and sex toys — could be tax-free and tax-deductible.

But last year the Rode Draad (Red Thread), which represents the 30,000 Dutch
prostitutes, challenged banks who wouldn’t give commercial accounts, on the
grounds of discrimination.

The group laid a charge against ING with the Office of Fair Treatment. ING,
which said at the time it didn’t want its name tied to sex because it might
offend other clients in the 65 countries it operates, capitulated before the

The Rode Draad says that now prostitutes are entitled to all the commercial
services on offer to any other entrepreneur but prostitutes in Amsterdam’s
thriving Red Light district say the reality is far from fair.

“The women tell me that what banks are told they must do and what they do is
completely different. They say the banks are happy to take their money but
they won’t give them money for the things they must buy,” said a former

($1-.9906 Euro)

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
Date: July 21, 2002 at 4:15:15 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

very cool, good find.
hope no one minds my taking up bandwidth with my list. IF so, use delete button.;-))
—– Original Message —–
From: Brett Calabrese
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K

It is here with some additional text;


I am looking for the original CRACK statement and
didn’t read it yet however this looks like sound
common sense;

Ms. Harris stated “I’m sure one thing most can agree
on is that it is important for those using methadone
or other drugs to refrain from getting pregnant.”


— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 7/21/02 1:38:23 PM,
> ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:
> >Hey Howard,
> >Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can
> link to it at Drugwar.com?
> >Thanks.
> >peace,
> >Preston
> Preston,
> The letter originated with
> http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org/  but, I
> didn’t see it on their web page.  I just felt that
> Barbara Harris and
> C.R.A.C.K were getting into dangerous areas.
> Howard
> *********
>  —– Original Message —–
>   From: HSLotsof@aol.com
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM
>   Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
>   Barbara Harris
>   Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s
>   “Project Prevention”
>   P.O. Box 74
>   Stanton, CA 90680
>   Dear Ms. Harris:
>   We are writing to express our strong objections to
> your distribution of
>   highly misleading and completely inaccurate
> information regarding pregnant
>   women and methadone treatment. In a letter date
> February 22, 2002, you
> state,
>   in part:
>   “We are currently working with several methadone
> clinics that make our
> offer
>   known, and available, to the women and men who
> come through their program.
>   I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
> important for those
> using
>   methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting
> pregnant.”
>   We most certainly do not agree. Your statement,
> suggesting that it is
>   dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically
> prescribed methadone
>   treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong.
> Methadone is a highly
>   effective treatment for all opiate dependent
> patients and, most
> specifically,
>   for women – both before and after they may become
> pregnant. In fact,
> methadone
>    treatment during pregnancy has not been
> associated with congenital
>   abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases
> where neonatal withdrawal
>   symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these
> symptoms can be treated
>   readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on
> physical or cognitive
>   development. In short, there is simply no medical
> basis for your suggestion
>   that methadone patients should “refrain from
> getting pregnant.”
>   For over 30 years, in countries throughout the
> world, methadone maintenance
>   treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially
> reduce illegal opiate use
> and
>   the crime, illness, suffering, and death with
> which it is associated. The
>   benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to
> the individual patient, but
>   to his/her family and the community, as well. The
> most credible and
> objective
>   governmental and non-governmental organizations in
> America and abroad have
>   recognized these positive results with MMT. For
> example, the US Department
> of
>   Health and Human Services joins the scientific
> community in recognizing
> that
>   MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the
> general community. It is
>   specifically recommended for pregnant and
> breast-feeding patients, which
>   further demonstrates the strong medical consensus
> supporting methadone
>   treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.
>   Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many
> benefits, it is available
>   to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it.
> Women, in particular,
> face
>   numerous barriers to obtaining this important
> medical intervention. Your
>   letter and activities, which spread false
> information and stigmatize
> current
>   and future mothers who receive this treatment,
> will make it even more
>   difficult for women who need methadone treatment
> to receive it.
>   We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter
> immediately and to advise
> each
>   of those individuals and clinics who received it
> that it was based on
>   misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that
> you publicly repudiate
> the
>   inaccurate message you conveyed on your
> organization’s website and in other
>   public and media context. Not to do so would be
> irresponsible and a great
>   disservice to those whose interests you claim to
> have at heart.
>   Signed,
>   Signatories
>   1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and
> Psychiatry, Case Western
>   Reserve University, School of Medicine
>   2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of
> Pediatrics, Albert Einstein
>   College of Medicine
>   3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of
> Pediatrics, Beth Israel
>   Medical Center
>   4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de
> Rothschild Chemical
>   Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center
>   5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant
> Development Center, Women and
>   Infants’ Hospital
>   6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of
> Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas
>   University Medical Center
>   7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston
> University School of Social
> Work,
>   Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research
> and Training
>   8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training
> Consultant, Former
> Assistant
>   Director of Research, Chemical Dependency
> Institute, Beth Israel Medical
>   Center
>   9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal
> Medicine, Penn State Hershey
>   Medical Center
>   10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of
> OB/GYN, University of Chicago
>   11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor,
> Department of OB/GYN, NYU
> School
>   of Medicine
>   12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of
> Public Health and OB/GYN,
>   Columbia University, Mailman School of Public
> Health
>   13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of
> OB/GYN, University
>   Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve
> University School of Medicine
>   14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health
> Education Center, Dept. of
>   15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of
> Medicine, University of New
> Mexico
>   16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary
> Care, NYU School of Medicine
>   17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of
> Epidemiology and Social Medicine,
>   Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School
> of Medicine
>   18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the
> Practice of Medical Ethics,
>   Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and
> Humanities, Duke University
>   Medical Center
>   19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate
> Professor, Department of
>   Psychiatry, University of Chicago
>   20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor,
> Dept. of Sociology, UC
> Santa
>   Cruz
>   21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
> Washington University
>   22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor
> of Sociology, UC Santa
> Cruz
>   23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health
> Policy and Management,
>   Wagner/NYU
>   24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor
> of Nursing,
> Women’s
>   Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction,
> Dominican University of
>   California
>   25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director
> of the Chemical
> Dependency
>   Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center
>   26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild
> Chemical Dependency Institute
>   of Beth Israel Medical Center
>   27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
> Rensselaer Polytechnic
>   Institute
>   28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor,
> University of Illinois at
> Chicago
>   29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of
> Public Health & Health
>   Services
>   30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate
> Professor, Rutgers University
>   31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
> Rutgers University
>   32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of
> Sociology, Anthropology and
> Criminal
>   Justice,
>   Rutgers University
>   33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant
> Professor, Princeton University
>   34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor,
> University of Iowa
>   35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
> Fordham University
>   36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate
> Professor, University of Chicago
>   37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College
>   38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor,
> Evergreen State College
>   39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center
> for Urban Epidemiologic
>   Studies, New York Academy of Medicine
>   40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for
> Scientific Analysis
>   41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health
> Partners
>   42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN,
> Mountain Area Health Education
>   Center
>   43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants
> Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,
>   Mountain Area Health Education Center
>   44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women’s Health,
> Mountain Area Health Education
>   Center
>   45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator,
> Mountain Area Perinatal
>   Substance Abuse Program
>   46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain
> Area Perinatal Substance
>   Abuse Program
>   47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior
> Medicine, Mountain Area
>   Health Education Center
>   48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area
> Health Education Center
>   49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area
> Health Education Center
>   50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction
> Specialist, Mountain Area
>   Health Education Center
>   51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal
> Substance Abuse Program
>   52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE
>   53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm
> Reduction Project
>   54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D
>   55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.
>   56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian
>   57. National Women’s Health Network
>   58. National Black Women’s Health Project
>   59. National Association for Public Health Policy
> Council on Illicit Drugs
>   60. Institute for Health and Recovery
>   61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
>   62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
> of Arkansas & Oklahoma
>   63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
> of DC
>   64. Connecticut Women’s Consortium
>   65. Casa Segura
>   66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center
>   67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog
>   68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic
>   69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates
>   70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition
>   71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention
> Project
>   72. AIDS Project New Haven
>   73. HIV Law Project
>   74. ASPIRE
>   75. Drug Policy Alliance
>   76. Urban Justice Center
>   77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute
>   78. Center for Human Rights Education
>   79. Family Watch
>   80. Committee on Women, Population, and the
> Environment
>   81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS
>   82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners
>   83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children
>   84. NORML Foundation
>   85. Common Sense for Drug Policy
>   86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii
>   87. ReconsiDer
>   88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse
>   89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War
>   90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm
> Reduction Coalition
>   91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense
> for Drug Policy
>   92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML
>   93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont
> Harm Reduction Coalition
>   94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care
> Methadone Clinic
>   95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services
> for Prisoners with
>   Children
>   96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction
> Services, Cambridge Cares
> About
>   AIDS
>   97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program
> Coordinator, Cambridge Cares
> About
>   AIDS
>   98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport
> Health Department
>   99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and
> Recovery
>   100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population,
> and the Environment
>   101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside
>   102. Stephanie Manfre, Children’s Case
> Manager, Riley Center
>   103. Ann Beck, Riley Center
>   104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center
>   105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center
>   106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House
>   107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center
>   108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center
>   109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center
>   110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center
>   111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center
>   112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center
>   113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of
> Public Health
>   114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of
> Public Health
>   115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of
> Public Health
>   116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and
> Abuse
>   117. Theryn Kigvamasud’Vashti, Communities
> Against Rape and Abuse
>   118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator,
> Communities Against Rape and Abuse
>   119. Shane Felles
>   120. Brion Roberts
>   121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access
> Project
>   122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director,
>   123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
>   124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety
> First Project, Drug Policy
>   Alliance
>   125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical
> Center
>   126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive
> Director, Neighborhood Youth &
>   Family Services
>   127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System
>   128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico
> Prenatal Care Network,
>   University of New Mexico
>   129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug
> Dependence
>   130. Gloria Knighton
>   131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions
>   132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates
>   133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 21, 2002 at 3:35:43 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

OOPS, sorry bout that, finger slipped.


C.R.A.C.K. targets Methadone Maintenance Patients
An organization called C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
patients on methadone maintenance with their offer of
$200 to submit to sterilization or limited birth
control methods. Form letters are being sent to
clinics across the U.S.

C.R.A.C.K.- Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity
otherwise known as is mailing form letters to U.S.
Opiate Treatment Programs. C.R.A.C.K. is targeting
methadone maintenance patients for coercive
sterilization or limited birth control options. Please
help prevent this violation of human and civil rights
that threatens reproduction freedom.


The form letter being sent to clinic reads:

To Whom It May Concern:

Our organization offers cash incentives to both men
and women that are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol to
use long-term or permanent birth control.

We are currently working with several methadone
clinics that make our offer known, and available to
the women and men who come through their program. I’m
sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
important for those using methadone or other drugs to
refrain from getting pregnant.

Please call (888) 30-CRACK if you would like more
information, or more of the items that have been

Our program is currently in over 20 cities nationwide,
and has paid over 600 men and women to obtain
long-term birth control. Thank you for the time , and
we hope to establish a working relationship with you,
for both the benefit of the woman, and potential


Barbara Harris
Founder and Director
11642 Knott Ave. Suite 8
Garden Grove, CA 92841
Phone: 714-901-9862
FAX: 714-901-9832


By offering patients $200 to entice them to undergo
sterilization or use selected birth control methods,
C.R.A.C.K. is sending the message that methadone is
‘just another drug’ and patients are using it as a
substitute for illicit opiates. By supporting
C.R.A.C.K., programs are sending the same message to
their patients.
Please support and respect your patients and your
program by mailing the form letters back to C.R.A.C.K.
with a loud ‘NO!’.


– CRACK’s Washington, DC Chapter placed ads in DC
Metrobuses that targeted primarily low-income and
predominately African-American communities in DC. Ads
are targeting low-income, African -Americans. One of
CRACK’s supporters and financial contributors is Chris
Brand, a British psychologist – Brand, a
self-proclaimed “race realist,” claims that blacks are
intellectually inferior to whites, and advocates
taking a “eugenic” approach to “wanton and criminal
females.” see

– CRACK violates civil and human rights, and
reproductive freedoms by targeting minorities and
low-income people. This small amount of cash is
offered for sterilization or birth control without
regard to the individual’s circumstances or future.

– CRACK limits birth control options. CRACK LIMITS
BIRTH CONTROL OPTIONS. CRACK irresponsibly limits
birth control options by compensating only for
long-term, provider-controlled methods: tubal
ligation, Norplant, Depo-Provera and IUDs. Barrier
methods and methods which protect against HIV
infection and other sexually transmitted diseases are
not compensated. CRACK may actually increase a woman’s
risk of contracting HIV or other STDs, since it
exclusively advances birth control methods which
provide no protection against these infections.

– CRACK’s founder admits that the money given to these
individuals is probably used to buy more drugs, and
says that is their choice.

– If CRACK was really concerned about infants born to
drug-addicted parents, they should spend the $200 on
treatment for the parents, not sterilization or birth

– CRACK is offering a ‘bribe’ to drug addicted women.
They are being coerced because of their desperate need
for money to buy drugs. Their drug addiction is being
used to exploit them. CRACK targets vulnerable women
with few options.

– Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a supporter. Need I say

– Harris says. “People say it is a disease, fine. But
it is a disease of choice — however they got there
and whatever their background and however screwed up
their life is….”

– “Harris’ critics also warn about the slippery slope.
“Today it is targeting and criminalizing drug abuse,
but what will it be tomorrow?” asks the ACLU’s
Cordoba. “If you take it to its logical conclusion,
you could have a program or policy that monitors the
kind of food a woman eats while she is pregnant, or
whether she exercises enough, or whether she has a
glass of wine or a cup of coffee.” Blum voices similar
concerns. “Where does it stop? Next do we start
sterilizing people who don’t take their

-CRACK’s disregard for the women it targets is
evidenced in Barbara Harris’ statement: “We don’t
allow dogs to breed. We spay them. We neuter them. We
try to keep them from having unwanted puppies, and yet
these women are literally having litters of

– CRACK denies poor, marginalized women with substance
abuse problems their procreative ability, and this is
a human rights violation.

See Family Watch letter to CRACK



Mother Jones

Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment

American Public Health Association

Who’s next? Where will this end? Which group of people
will be next on C.R.A.C.K.’s list of victims?

— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 7/21/02 1:38:23 PM,
ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

Hey Howard,
Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can
link to it at Drugwar.com?


The letter originated with
http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org/  but, I
didn’t see it on their web page.  I just felt that
Barbara Harris and
C.R.A.C.K were getting into dangerous areas.

—– Original Message —–

From: HSLotsof@aol.com

To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM

Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K

Barbara Harris

Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s

“Project Prevention”

P.O. Box 74

Stanton, CA 90680

Dear Ms. Harris:

We are writing to express our strong objections to
your distribution of

highly misleading and completely inaccurate
information regarding pregnant

women and methadone treatment. In a letter date
February 22, 2002, you

in part:

“We are currently working with several methadone
clinics that make our

known, and available, to the women and men who
come through their program.

I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
important for those

methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting

We most certainly do not agree. Your statement,
suggesting that it is

dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically
prescribed methadone

treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong.
Methadone is a highly

effective treatment for all opiate dependent
patients and, most

for women – both before and after they may become
pregnant. In fact,

treatment during pregnancy has not been
associated with congenital

abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases
where neonatal withdrawal

symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these
symptoms can be treated

readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on
physical or cognitive

development. In short, there is simply no medical
basis for your suggestion

that methadone patients should “refrain from
getting pregnant.”

For over 30 years, in countries throughout the
world, methadone maintenance

treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially
reduce illegal opiate use

the crime, illness, suffering, and death with
which it is associated. The

benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to
the individual patient, but

to his/her family and the community, as well. The
most credible and

governmental and non-governmental organizations in
America and abroad have

recognized these positive results with MMT. For
example, the US Department

Health and Human Services joins the scientific
community in recognizing

MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the
general community. It is

specifically recommended for pregnant and
breast-feeding patients, which

further demonstrates the strong medical consensus
supporting methadone

treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many
benefits, it is available

to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it.
Women, in particular,

numerous barriers to obtaining this important
medical intervention. Your

letter and activities, which spread false
information and stigmatize

and future mothers who receive this treatment,
will make it even more

difficult for women who need methadone treatment
to receive it.

We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter
immediately and to advise

of those individuals and clinics who received it
that it was based on

misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that
you publicly repudiate

inaccurate message you conveyed on your
organization’s website and in other

public and media context. Not to do so would be
irresponsible and a great

disservice to those whose interests you claim to
have at heart.



1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and
Psychiatry, Case Western

Reserve University, School of Medicine

2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of
Pediatrics, Albert Einstein

College of Medicine

3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of
Pediatrics, Beth Israel

Medical Center

4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de
Rothschild Chemical

Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center

5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant
Development Center, Women and

Infants’ Hospital

6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of
Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas

University Medical Center

7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston
University School of Social

Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research
and Training

8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training
Consultant, Former

Director of Research, Chemical Dependency
Institute, Beth Israel Medical


9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal
Medicine, Penn State Hershey

Medical Center

10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of
OB/GYN, University of Chicago

11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor,
Department of OB/GYN, NYU

of Medicine

12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of
Public Health and OB/GYN,

Columbia University, Mailman School of Public

13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of
OB/GYN, University

Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve
University School of Medicine

14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health
Education Center, Dept. of

15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of New

16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary
Care, NYU School of Medicine

17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of
Epidemiology and Social Medicine,

Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School
of Medicine

18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the
Practice of Medical Ethics,

Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and
Humanities, Duke University

Medical Center

19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate
Professor, Department of

Psychiatry, University of Chicago

20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor,
Dept. of Sociology, UC


21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
Washington University

22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor
of Sociology, UC Santa

23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health
Policy and Management,


24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor
of Nursing,

Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction,
Dominican University of


25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director
of the Chemical

Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center

26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild
Chemical Dependency Institute

of Beth Israel Medical Center

27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
Rensselaer Polytechnic


28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor,
University of Illinois at

29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of
Public Health & Health


30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate
Professor, Rutgers University

31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Rutgers University

32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of
Sociology, Anthropology and


Rutgers University

33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant
Professor, Princeton University

34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor,
University of Iowa

35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Fordham University

36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate
Professor, University of Chicago

37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College

38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor,
Evergreen State College

39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center
for Urban Epidemiologic

Studies, New York Academy of Medicine

40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for
Scientific Analysis

41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health

42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN,
Mountain Area Health Education


43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants
Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,

Mountain Area Health Education Center

44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women’s Health,
Mountain Area Health Education


45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator,
Mountain Area Perinatal

Substance Abuse Program

46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain
Area Perinatal Substance

Abuse Program

47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior
Medicine, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area
Health Education Center

49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area
Health Education Center

50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction
Specialist, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal
Substance Abuse Program

52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE

53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm
Reduction Project

54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D

55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.

56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian

57. National Women’s Health Network

58. National Black Women’s Health Project

59. National Association for Public Health Policy
Council on Illicit Drugs

60. Institute for Health and Recovery

61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)

62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
of Arkansas & Oklahoma

63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
of DC

64. Connecticut Women’s Consortium

65. Casa Segura

66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center

67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog

68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic

69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates

70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention

72. AIDS Project New Haven

73. HIV Law Project


75. Drug Policy Alliance

76. Urban Justice Center

77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute

78. Center for Human Rights Education

79. Family Watch

80. Committee on Women, Population, and the

81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS

82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners

83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children

84. NORML Foundation

85. Common Sense for Drug Policy

86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii

87. ReconsiDer

88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse

89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War

90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm
Reduction Coalition

91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense
for Drug Policy

92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML

93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont
Harm Reduction Coalition

94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care
Methadone Clinic

95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services
for Prisoners with


96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction
Services, Cambridge Cares


97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program
Coordinator, Cambridge Cares


98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport
Health Department

99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and

100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population,
and the Environment

101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside

102. Stephanie Manfre, Children’s Case
Manager, Riley Center

103. Ann Beck, Riley Center

104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center

105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center

106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House

107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center

108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center

109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center

110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center

111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center

112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center

113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and

117. Theryn Kigvamasud’Vashti, Communities
Against Rape and Abuse

118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator,
Communities Against Rape and Abuse

119. Shane Felles

120. Brion Roberts

121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access

122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director,

123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund

124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety
First Project, Drug Policy


125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical

126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive
Director, Neighborhood Youth &

Family Services

127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System

128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico
Prenatal Care Network,

University of New Mexico

129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug

130. Gloria Knighton

131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions

132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates

133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K Original statement and more comments
Date: July 21, 2002 at 3:33:54 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 7/21/02 1:38:23 PM,
ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

Hey Howard,
Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can
link to it at Drugwar.com?


The letter originated with
http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org/  but, I
didn’t see it on their web page.  I just felt that
Barbara Harris and
C.R.A.C.K were getting into dangerous areas.

—– Original Message —–

From: HSLotsof@aol.com

To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM

Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K

Barbara Harris

Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s

“Project Prevention”

P.O. Box 74

Stanton, CA 90680

Dear Ms. Harris:

We are writing to express our strong objections to
your distribution of

highly misleading and completely inaccurate
information regarding pregnant

women and methadone treatment. In a letter date
February 22, 2002, you

in part:

“We are currently working with several methadone
clinics that make our

known, and available, to the women and men who
come through their program.

I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
important for those

methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting

We most certainly do not agree. Your statement,
suggesting that it is

dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically
prescribed methadone

treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong.
Methadone is a highly

effective treatment for all opiate dependent
patients and, most

for women – both before and after they may become
pregnant. In fact,

treatment during pregnancy has not been
associated with congenital

abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases
where neonatal withdrawal

symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these
symptoms can be treated

readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on
physical or cognitive

development. In short, there is simply no medical
basis for your suggestion

that methadone patients should “refrain from
getting pregnant.”

For over 30 years, in countries throughout the
world, methadone maintenance

treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially
reduce illegal opiate use

the crime, illness, suffering, and death with
which it is associated. The

benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to
the individual patient, but

to his/her family and the community, as well. The
most credible and

governmental and non-governmental organizations in
America and abroad have

recognized these positive results with MMT. For
example, the US Department

Health and Human Services joins the scientific
community in recognizing

MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the
general community. It is

specifically recommended for pregnant and
breast-feeding patients, which

further demonstrates the strong medical consensus
supporting methadone

treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many
benefits, it is available

to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it.
Women, in particular,

numerous barriers to obtaining this important
medical intervention. Your

letter and activities, which spread false
information and stigmatize

and future mothers who receive this treatment,
will make it even more

difficult for women who need methadone treatment
to receive it.

We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter
immediately and to advise

of those individuals and clinics who received it
that it was based on

misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that
you publicly repudiate

inaccurate message you conveyed on your
organization’s website and in other

public and media context. Not to do so would be
irresponsible and a great

disservice to those whose interests you claim to
have at heart.



1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and
Psychiatry, Case Western

Reserve University, School of Medicine

2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of
Pediatrics, Albert Einstein

College of Medicine

3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of
Pediatrics, Beth Israel

Medical Center

4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de
Rothschild Chemical

Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center

5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant
Development Center, Women and

Infants’ Hospital

6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of
Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas

University Medical Center

7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston
University School of Social

Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research
and Training

8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training
Consultant, Former

Director of Research, Chemical Dependency
Institute, Beth Israel Medical


9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal
Medicine, Penn State Hershey

Medical Center

10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of
OB/GYN, University of Chicago

11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor,
Department of OB/GYN, NYU

of Medicine

12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of
Public Health and OB/GYN,

Columbia University, Mailman School of Public

13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of
OB/GYN, University

Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve
University School of Medicine

14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health
Education Center, Dept. of

15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of New

16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary
Care, NYU School of Medicine

17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of
Epidemiology and Social Medicine,

Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School
of Medicine

18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the
Practice of Medical Ethics,

Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and
Humanities, Duke University

Medical Center

19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate
Professor, Department of

Psychiatry, University of Chicago

20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor,
Dept. of Sociology, UC


21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
Washington University

22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor
of Sociology, UC Santa

23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health
Policy and Management,


24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor
of Nursing,

Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction,
Dominican University of


25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director
of the Chemical

Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center

26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild
Chemical Dependency Institute

of Beth Israel Medical Center

27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
Rensselaer Polytechnic


28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor,
University of Illinois at

29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of
Public Health & Health


30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate
Professor, Rutgers University

31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Rutgers University

32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of
Sociology, Anthropology and


Rutgers University

33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant
Professor, Princeton University

34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor,
University of Iowa

35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Fordham University

36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate
Professor, University of Chicago

37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College

38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor,
Evergreen State College

39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center
for Urban Epidemiologic

Studies, New York Academy of Medicine

40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for
Scientific Analysis

41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health

42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN,
Mountain Area Health Education


43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants
Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,

Mountain Area Health Education Center

44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women’s Health,
Mountain Area Health Education


45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator,
Mountain Area Perinatal

Substance Abuse Program

46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain
Area Perinatal Substance

Abuse Program

47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior
Medicine, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area
Health Education Center

49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area
Health Education Center

50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction
Specialist, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal
Substance Abuse Program

52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE

53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm
Reduction Project

54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D

55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.

56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian

57. National Women’s Health Network

58. National Black Women’s Health Project

59. National Association for Public Health Policy
Council on Illicit Drugs

60. Institute for Health and Recovery

61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)

62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
of Arkansas & Oklahoma

63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
of DC

64. Connecticut Women’s Consortium

65. Casa Segura

66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center

67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog

68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic

69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates

70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention

72. AIDS Project New Haven

73. HIV Law Project


75. Drug Policy Alliance

76. Urban Justice Center

77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute

78. Center for Human Rights Education

79. Family Watch

80. Committee on Women, Population, and the

81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS

82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners

83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children

84. NORML Foundation

85. Common Sense for Drug Policy

86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii

87. ReconsiDer

88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse

89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War

90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm
Reduction Coalition

91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense
for Drug Policy

92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML

93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont
Harm Reduction Coalition

94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care
Methadone Clinic

95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services
for Prisoners with


96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction
Services, Cambridge Cares


97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program
Coordinator, Cambridge Cares


98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport
Health Department

99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and

100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population,
and the Environment

101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside

102. Stephanie Manfre, Children’s Case
Manager, Riley Center

103. Ann Beck, Riley Center

104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center

105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center

106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House

107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center

108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center

109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center

110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center

111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center

112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center

113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and

117. Theryn Kigvamasud’Vashti, Communities
Against Rape and Abuse

118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator,
Communities Against Rape and Abuse

119. Shane Felles

120. Brion Roberts

121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access

122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director,

123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund

124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety
First Project, Drug Policy


125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical

126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive
Director, Neighborhood Youth &

Family Services

127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System

128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico
Prenatal Care Network,

University of New Mexico

129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug

130. Gloria Knighton

131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions

132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates

133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Are the Hmoung Heading for Certain DOOM!?!?!!111!!!
Date: July 21, 2002 at 3:33:39 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

My wife is from Thailand.  She got the hell out.

,;-‘                    ‘-;,
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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
Date: July 21, 2002 at 3:10:49 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

thanks howard
—– Original Message —–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, July 21, 2002 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K

In a message dated 7/21/02 1:38:23 PM, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

>Hey Howard,
>Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can link to it at Drugwar.com?


The letter originated with http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org/  but, I
didn’t see it on their web page.  I just felt that Barbara Harris and
C.R.A.C.K were getting into dangerous areas.

—– Original Message —–

From: HSLotsof@aol.com

To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM

Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K

Barbara Harris

Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s

“Project Prevention”

P.O. Box 74

Stanton, CA 90680

Dear Ms. Harris:

We are writing to express our strong objections to your distribution of

highly misleading and completely inaccurate information regarding pregnant

women and methadone treatment. In a letter date February 22, 2002, you

in part:

“We are currently working with several methadone clinics that make our

known, and available, to the women and men who come through their program.

I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is important for those

methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting pregnant.”

We most certainly do not agree. Your statement, suggesting that it is

dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically prescribed methadone

treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong. Methadone is a highly

effective treatment for all opiate dependent patients and, most

for women – both before and after they may become pregnant. In fact,

treatment during pregnancy has not been associated with congenital

abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases where neonatal withdrawal

symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these symptoms can be treated

readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on physical or cognitive

development. In short, there is simply no medical basis for your suggestion

that methadone patients should “refrain from getting pregnant.”

For over 30 years, in countries throughout the world, methadone maintenance

treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially reduce illegal opiate use

the crime, illness, suffering, and death with which it is associated. The

benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to the individual patient, but

to his/her family and the community, as well. The most credible and

governmental and non-governmental organizations in America and abroad have

recognized these positive results with MMT. For example, the US Department

Health and Human Services joins the scientific community in recognizing

MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the general community. It is

specifically recommended for pregnant and breast-feeding patients, which

further demonstrates the strong medical consensus supporting methadone

treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many benefits, it is available

to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it. Women, in particular,

numerous barriers to obtaining this important medical intervention. Your

letter and activities, which spread false information and stigmatize

and future mothers who receive this treatment, will make it even more

difficult for women who need methadone treatment to receive it.

We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter immediately and to advise

of those individuals and clinics who received it that it was based on

misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that you publicly repudiate

inaccurate message you conveyed on your organization’s website and in other

public and media context. Not to do so would be irresponsible and a great

disservice to those whose interests you claim to have at heart.



1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Case Western

Reserve University, School of Medicine

2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein

College of Medicine

3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of Pediatrics, Beth Israel

Medical Center

4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical

Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center

5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant Development Center, Women and

Infants&#8217; Hospital

6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas

University Medical Center

7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston University School of Social

Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research and Training

8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training Consultant, Former

Director of Research, Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel Medical


9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Penn State Hershey

Medical Center

10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of OB/GYN, University of Chicago

11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of OB/GYN, NYU

of Medicine

12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of Public Health and OB/GYN,

Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health

13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of OB/GYN, University

Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health Education Center, Dept. of

15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of New

16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary Care, NYU School of Medicine

17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of Epidemiology and Social Medicine,

Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School of Medicine

18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the Practice of Medical Ethics,

Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and Humanities, Duke University

Medical Center

19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Department of

Psychiatry, University of Chicago

20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor, Dept. of Sociology, UC


21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Washington University

22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology, UC Santa

23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health Policy and Management,


24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor of Nursing,

Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction, Dominican University of


25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director of the Chemical

Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center

26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute

of Beth Israel Medical Center

27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic


28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at

29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of Public Health & Health


30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rutgers University

31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rutgers University

32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Anthropology and


Rutgers University

33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Princeton University

34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor, University of Iowa

35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Fordham University

36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Chicago

37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College

38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor, Evergreen State College

39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center for Urban Epidemiologic

Studies, New York Academy of Medicine

40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for Scientific Analysis

41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health Partners

42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area Health Education


43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,

Mountain Area Health Education Center

44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women&#8217;s Health, Mountain Area Health Education


45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator, Mountain Area Perinatal

Substance Abuse Program

46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain Area Perinatal Substance

Abuse Program

47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior Medicine, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area Health Education Center

49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area Health Education Center

50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction Specialist, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal Substance Abuse Program

52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE

53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm Reduction Project

54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D

55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.

56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian

57. National Women’s Health Network

58. National Black Women&#8217;s Health Project

59. National Association for Public Health Policy Council on Illicit Drugs

60. Institute for Health and Recovery

61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)

62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM) of Arkansas & Oklahoma

63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM) of DC

64. Connecticut Women&#8217;s Consortium

65. Casa Segura

66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center

67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog

68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic

69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates

70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention Project

72. AIDS Project New Haven

73. HIV Law Project


75. Drug Policy Alliance

76. Urban Justice Center

77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute

78. Center for Human Rights Education

79. Family Watch

80. Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment

81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS

82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners

83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children

84. NORML Foundation

85. Common Sense for Drug Policy

86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii

87. ReconsiDer

88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse

89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War

90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense for Drug Policy

92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML

93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic

95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services for Prisoners with


96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction Services, Cambridge Cares


97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program Coordinator, Cambridge Cares


98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport Health Department

99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and Recovery

100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment

101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside

102. Stephanie Manfre, Children&#8217;s Case Manager, Riley Center

103. Ann Beck, Riley Center

104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center

105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center

106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House

107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center

108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center

109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center

110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center

111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center

112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center

113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of Public Health

114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of Public Health

115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of Public Health

116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and Abuse

117. Theryn Kigvamasud&#8217;Vashti, Communities Against Rape and Abuse

118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator, Communities Against Rape and Abuse

119. Shane Felles

120. Brion Roberts

121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access Project

122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director, NARAL &#8211; NH

123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund

124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety First Project, Drug Policy


125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical Center

126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive Director, Neighborhood Youth &

Family Services

127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System

128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico Prenatal Care Network,

University of New Mexico

129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

130. Gloria Knighton

131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions

132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates

133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women


From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
Date: July 21, 2002 at 3:16:42 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

It is here with some additional text;


I am looking for the original CRACK statement and
didn’t read it yet however this looks like sound
common sense;

Ms. Harris stated “I’m sure one thing most can agree
on is that it is important for those using methadone
or other drugs to refrain from getting pregnant.”


— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 7/21/02 1:38:23 PM,
ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

Hey Howard,
Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can
link to it at Drugwar.com?


The letter originated with
http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org/  but, I
didn’t see it on their web page.  I just felt that
Barbara Harris and
C.R.A.C.K were getting into dangerous areas.

—– Original Message —–

From: HSLotsof@aol.com

To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM

Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K

Barbara Harris

Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s

“Project Prevention”

P.O. Box 74

Stanton, CA 90680

Dear Ms. Harris:

We are writing to express our strong objections to
your distribution of

highly misleading and completely inaccurate
information regarding pregnant

women and methadone treatment. In a letter date
February 22, 2002, you

in part:

“We are currently working with several methadone
clinics that make our

known, and available, to the women and men who
come through their program.

I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is
important for those

methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting

We most certainly do not agree. Your statement,
suggesting that it is

dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically
prescribed methadone

treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong.
Methadone is a highly

effective treatment for all opiate dependent
patients and, most

for women – both before and after they may become
pregnant. In fact,

treatment during pregnancy has not been
associated with congenital

abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases
where neonatal withdrawal

symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these
symptoms can be treated

readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on
physical or cognitive

development. In short, there is simply no medical
basis for your suggestion

that methadone patients should “refrain from
getting pregnant.”

For over 30 years, in countries throughout the
world, methadone maintenance

treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially
reduce illegal opiate use

the crime, illness, suffering, and death with
which it is associated. The

benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to
the individual patient, but

to his/her family and the community, as well. The
most credible and

governmental and non-governmental organizations in
America and abroad have

recognized these positive results with MMT. For
example, the US Department

Health and Human Services joins the scientific
community in recognizing

MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the
general community. It is

specifically recommended for pregnant and
breast-feeding patients, which

further demonstrates the strong medical consensus
supporting methadone

treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many
benefits, it is available

to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it.
Women, in particular,

numerous barriers to obtaining this important
medical intervention. Your

letter and activities, which spread false
information and stigmatize

and future mothers who receive this treatment,
will make it even more

difficult for women who need methadone treatment
to receive it.

We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter
immediately and to advise

of those individuals and clinics who received it
that it was based on

misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that
you publicly repudiate

inaccurate message you conveyed on your
organization’s website and in other

public and media context. Not to do so would be
irresponsible and a great

disservice to those whose interests you claim to
have at heart.



1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and
Psychiatry, Case Western

Reserve University, School of Medicine

2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of
Pediatrics, Albert Einstein

College of Medicine

3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of
Pediatrics, Beth Israel

Medical Center

4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de
Rothschild Chemical

Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center

5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant
Development Center, Women and

Infants’ Hospital

6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of
Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas

University Medical Center

7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston
University School of Social

Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research
and Training

8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training
Consultant, Former

Director of Research, Chemical Dependency
Institute, Beth Israel Medical


9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal
Medicine, Penn State Hershey

Medical Center

10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of
OB/GYN, University of Chicago

11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor,
Department of OB/GYN, NYU

of Medicine

12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of
Public Health and OB/GYN,

Columbia University, Mailman School of Public

13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of
OB/GYN, University

Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve
University School of Medicine

14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health
Education Center, Dept. of

15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of
Medicine, University of New

16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary
Care, NYU School of Medicine

17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of
Epidemiology and Social Medicine,

Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School
of Medicine

18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the
Practice of Medical Ethics,

Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and
Humanities, Duke University

Medical Center

19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate
Professor, Department of

Psychiatry, University of Chicago

20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor,
Dept. of Sociology, UC


21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
Washington University

22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor
of Sociology, UC Santa

23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health
Policy and Management,


24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor
of Nursing,

Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction,
Dominican University of


25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director
of the Chemical

Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center

26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild
Chemical Dependency Institute

of Beth Israel Medical Center

27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
Rensselaer Polytechnic


28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor,
University of Illinois at

29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of
Public Health & Health


30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate
Professor, Rutgers University

31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Rutgers University

32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of
Sociology, Anthropology and


Rutgers University

33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant
Professor, Princeton University

34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor,
University of Iowa

35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Fordham University

36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate
Professor, University of Chicago

37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College

38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor,
Evergreen State College

39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center
for Urban Epidemiologic

Studies, New York Academy of Medicine

40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for
Scientific Analysis

41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health

42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN,
Mountain Area Health Education


43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants
Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,

Mountain Area Health Education Center

44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women’s Health,
Mountain Area Health Education


45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator,
Mountain Area Perinatal

Substance Abuse Program

46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain
Area Perinatal Substance

Abuse Program

47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior
Medicine, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area
Health Education Center

49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area
Health Education Center

50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction
Specialist, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal
Substance Abuse Program

52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE

53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm
Reduction Project

54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D

55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.

56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian

57. National Women’s Health Network

58. National Black Women’s Health Project

59. National Association for Public Health Policy
Council on Illicit Drugs

60. Institute for Health and Recovery

61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)

62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
of Arkansas & Oklahoma

63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
of DC

64. Connecticut Women’s Consortium

65. Casa Segura

66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center

67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog

68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic

69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates

70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention

72. AIDS Project New Haven

73. HIV Law Project


75. Drug Policy Alliance

76. Urban Justice Center

77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute

78. Center for Human Rights Education

79. Family Watch

80. Committee on Women, Population, and the

81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS

82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners

83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children

84. NORML Foundation

85. Common Sense for Drug Policy

86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii

87. ReconsiDer

88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse

89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War

90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm
Reduction Coalition

91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense
for Drug Policy

92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML

93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont
Harm Reduction Coalition

94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care
Methadone Clinic

95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services
for Prisoners with


96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction
Services, Cambridge Cares


97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program
Coordinator, Cambridge Cares


98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport
Health Department

99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and

100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population,
and the Environment

101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside

102. Stephanie Manfre, Children’s Case
Manager, Riley Center

103. Ann Beck, Riley Center

104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center

105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center

106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House

107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center

108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center

109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center

110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center

111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center

112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center

113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of
Public Health

116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and

117. Theryn Kigvamasud’Vashti, Communities
Against Rape and Abuse

118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator,
Communities Against Rape and Abuse

119. Shane Felles

120. Brion Roberts

121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access

122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director,

123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund

124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety
First Project, Drug Policy


125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical

126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive
Director, Neighborhood Youth &

Family Services

127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System

128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico
Prenatal Care Network,

University of New Mexico

129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug

130. Gloria Knighton

131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions

132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates

133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health – Feel better, live better

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
Date: July 21, 2002 at 2:02:01 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/21/02 1:38:23 PM, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

Hey Howard,
Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can link to it at Drugwar.com?


The letter originated with http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org/  but, I
didn’t see it on their web page.  I just felt that Barbara Harris and
C.R.A.C.K were getting into dangerous areas.

—– Original Message —–

From: HSLotsof@aol.com

To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM

Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K

Barbara Harris

Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s

“Project Prevention”

P.O. Box 74

Stanton, CA 90680

Dear Ms. Harris:

We are writing to express our strong objections to your distribution of

highly misleading and completely inaccurate information regarding pregnant

women and methadone treatment. In a letter date February 22, 2002, you

in part:

“We are currently working with several methadone clinics that make our

known, and available, to the women and men who come through their program.

I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is important for those

methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting pregnant.”

We most certainly do not agree. Your statement, suggesting that it is

dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically prescribed methadone

treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong. Methadone is a highly

effective treatment for all opiate dependent patients and, most

for women – both before and after they may become pregnant. In fact,

treatment during pregnancy has not been associated with congenital

abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases where neonatal withdrawal

symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these symptoms can be treated

readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on physical or cognitive

development. In short, there is simply no medical basis for your suggestion

that methadone patients should “refrain from getting pregnant.”

For over 30 years, in countries throughout the world, methadone maintenance

treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially reduce illegal opiate use

the crime, illness, suffering, and death with which it is associated. The

benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to the individual patient, but

to his/her family and the community, as well. The most credible and

governmental and non-governmental organizations in America and abroad have

recognized these positive results with MMT. For example, the US Department

Health and Human Services joins the scientific community in recognizing

MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the general community. It is

specifically recommended for pregnant and breast-feeding patients, which

further demonstrates the strong medical consensus supporting methadone

treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many benefits, it is available

to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it. Women, in particular,

numerous barriers to obtaining this important medical intervention. Your

letter and activities, which spread false information and stigmatize

and future mothers who receive this treatment, will make it even more

difficult for women who need methadone treatment to receive it.

We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter immediately and to advise

of those individuals and clinics who received it that it was based on

misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that you publicly repudiate

inaccurate message you conveyed on your organization’s website and in other

public and media context. Not to do so would be irresponsible and a great

disservice to those whose interests you claim to have at heart.



1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Case Western

Reserve University, School of Medicine

2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein

College of Medicine

3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of Pediatrics, Beth Israel

Medical Center

4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical

Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center

5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant Development Center, Women and

Infants&#8217; Hospital

6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas

University Medical Center

7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston University School of Social

Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research and Training

8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training Consultant, Former

Director of Research, Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel Medical


9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Penn State Hershey

Medical Center

10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of OB/GYN, University of Chicago

11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of OB/GYN, NYU

of Medicine

12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of Public Health and OB/GYN,

Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health

13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of OB/GYN, University

Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health Education Center, Dept. of

15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of New

16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary Care, NYU School of Medicine

17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of Epidemiology and Social Medicine,

Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School of Medicine

18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the Practice of Medical Ethics,

Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and Humanities, Duke University

Medical Center

19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Department of

Psychiatry, University of Chicago

20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor, Dept. of Sociology, UC


21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Washington University

22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology, UC Santa

23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health Policy and Management,


24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor of Nursing,

Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction, Dominican University of


25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director of the Chemical

Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center

26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute

of Beth Israel Medical Center

27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic


28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at

29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of Public Health & Health


30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rutgers University

31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rutgers University

32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Anthropology and


Rutgers University

33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Princeton University

34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor, University of Iowa

35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Fordham University

36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Chicago

37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College

38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor, Evergreen State College

39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center for Urban Epidemiologic

Studies, New York Academy of Medicine

40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for Scientific Analysis

41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health Partners

42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area Health Education


43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,

Mountain Area Health Education Center

44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women&#8217;s Health, Mountain Area Health Education


45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator, Mountain Area Perinatal

Substance Abuse Program

46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain Area Perinatal Substance

Abuse Program

47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior Medicine, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area Health Education Center

49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area Health Education Center

50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction Specialist, Mountain Area

Health Education Center

51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal Substance Abuse Program

52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE

53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm Reduction Project

54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D

55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.

56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian

57. National Women’s Health Network

58. National Black Women&#8217;s Health Project

59. National Association for Public Health Policy Council on Illicit Drugs

60. Institute for Health and Recovery

61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)

62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM) of Arkansas & Oklahoma

63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM) of DC

64. Connecticut Women&#8217;s Consortium

65. Casa Segura

66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center

67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog

68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic

69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates

70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention Project

72. AIDS Project New Haven

73. HIV Law Project


75. Drug Policy Alliance

76. Urban Justice Center

77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute

78. Center for Human Rights Education

79. Family Watch

80. Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment

81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS

82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners

83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children

84. NORML Foundation

85. Common Sense for Drug Policy

86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii

87. ReconsiDer

88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse

89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War

90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense for Drug Policy

92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML

93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition

94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic

95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services for Prisoners with


96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction Services, Cambridge Cares


97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program Coordinator, Cambridge Cares


98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport Health Department

99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and Recovery

100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment

101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside

102. Stephanie Manfre, Children&#8217;s Case Manager, Riley Center

103. Ann Beck, Riley Center

104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center

105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center

106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House

107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center

108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center

109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center

110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center

111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center

112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center

113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of Public Health

114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of Public Health

115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of Public Health

116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and Abuse

117. Theryn Kigvamasud&#8217;Vashti, Communities Against Rape and Abuse

118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator, Communities Against Rape and Abuse

119. Shane Felles

120. Brion Roberts

121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access Project

122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director, NARAL &#8211; NH

123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund

124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety First Project, Drug Policy


125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical Center

126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive Director, Neighborhood Youth &

Family Services

127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System

128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico Prenatal Care Network,

University of New Mexico

129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

130. Gloria Knighton

131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions

132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates

133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
Date: July 21, 2002 at 1:30:11 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey Howard,
Is this up online somewhere, with a link, so I can link to it at Drugwar.com?
—– Original Message —–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 10:54 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K

Barbara Harris
Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s
“Project Prevention”
P.O. Box 74
Stanton, CA 90680

Dear Ms. Harris:

We are writing to express our strong objections to your distribution of
highly misleading and completely inaccurate information regarding pregnant
women and methadone treatment. In a letter date February 22, 2002, you state,
in part:

“We are currently working with several methadone clinics that make our offer
known, and available, to the women and men who come through their program.
I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is important for those using
methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting pregnant.”

We most certainly do not agree. Your statement, suggesting that it is
dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically prescribed methadone
treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong. Methadone is a highly
effective treatment for all opiate dependent patients and, most specifically,
for women – both before and after they may become pregnant. In fact, methadone
treatment during pregnancy has not been associated with congenital
abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases where neonatal withdrawal
symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these symptoms can be treated
readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on physical or cognitive
development. In short, there is simply no medical basis for your suggestion
that methadone patients should “refrain from getting pregnant.”

For over 30 years, in countries throughout the world, methadone maintenance
treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially reduce illegal opiate use and
the crime, illness, suffering, and death with which it is associated. The
benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to the individual patient, but
to his/her family and the community, as well. The most credible and objective
governmental and non-governmental organizations in America and abroad have
recognized these positive results with MMT. For example, the US Department of
Health and Human Services joins the scientific community in recognizing that
MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the general community. It is
specifically recommended for pregnant and breast-feeding patients, which
further demonstrates the strong medical consensus supporting methadone
treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many benefits, it is available
to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it. Women, in particular, face
numerous barriers to obtaining this important medical intervention. Your
letter and activities, which spread false information and stigmatize current
and future mothers who receive this treatment, will make it even more
difficult for women who need methadone treatment to receive it.

We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter immediately and to advise each
of those individuals and clinics who received it that it was based on
misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that you publicly repudiate the
inaccurate message you conveyed on your organization’s website and in other
public and media context. Not to do so would be irresponsible and a great
disservice to those whose interests you claim to have at heart.



1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Case Western
Reserve University, School of Medicine
2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine
3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of Pediatrics, Beth Israel
Medical Center
4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical
Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center
5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant Development Center, Women and
Infants&#8217; Hospital
6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas
University Medical Center
7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston University School of Social Work,
Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research and Training
8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training Consultant, Former Assistant
Director of Research, Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel Medical
9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Penn State Hershey
Medical Center
10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of OB/GYN, University of Chicago
11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of OB/GYN, NYU School
of Medicine
12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of Public Health and OB/GYN,
Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health
13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of OB/GYN, University
Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health Education Center, Dept. of OB/GYN
15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of New Mexico
16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary Care, NYU School of Medicine
17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of Epidemiology and Social Medicine,
Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School of Medicine
18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the Practice of Medical Ethics,
Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and Humanities, Duke University
Medical Center
19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Department of
Psychiatry, University of Chicago
20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor, Dept. of Sociology, UC Santa
21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Washington University
22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology, UC Santa Cruz
23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health Policy and Management,
24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor of Nursing, Women&#8217;s
Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction, Dominican University of
25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director of the Chemical Dependency
Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center
26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute
of Beth Israel Medical Center
27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic
28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of Public Health & Health
30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rutgers University
31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rutgers University
32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal
Rutgers University
33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Princeton University
34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor, University of Iowa
35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Fordham University
36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Chicago
37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College
38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor, Evergreen State College
39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center for Urban Epidemiologic
Studies, New York Academy of Medicine
40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for Scientific Analysis
41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health Partners
42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area Health Education
43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,
Mountain Area Health Education Center
44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women&#8217;s Health, Mountain Area Health Education
45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator, Mountain Area Perinatal
Substance Abuse Program
46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain Area Perinatal Substance
Abuse Program
47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior Medicine, Mountain Area
Health Education Center
48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area Health Education Center
49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area Health Education Center
50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction Specialist, Mountain Area
Health Education Center
51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal Substance Abuse Program
52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE
53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm Reduction Project
54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D
55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.
56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian
57. National Women’s Health Network
58. National Black Women&#8217;s Health Project
59. National Association for Public Health Policy Council on Illicit Drugs
60. Institute for Health and Recovery
61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM) of Arkansas & Oklahoma
63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM) of DC
64. Connecticut Women&#8217;s Consortium
65. Casa Segura
66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center
67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog
68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic
69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates
70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition
71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention Project
72. AIDS Project New Haven
73. HIV Law Project
75. Drug Policy Alliance
76. Urban Justice Center
77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute
78. Center for Human Rights Education
79. Family Watch
80. Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment
81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS
82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners
83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children
84. NORML Foundation
85. Common Sense for Drug Policy
86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii
87. ReconsiDer
88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse
89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War
90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition
91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense for Drug Policy
92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML
93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition
94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic
95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services for Prisoners with
96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction Services, Cambridge Cares About
97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program Coordinator, Cambridge Cares About
98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport Health Department
99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and Recovery
100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment
101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside
102. Stephanie Manfre, Children&#8217;s Case Manager, Riley Center
103. Ann Beck, Riley Center
104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center
105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center
106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House
107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center
108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center
109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center
110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center
111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center
112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center
113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of Public Health
114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of Public Health
115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of Public Health
116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and Abuse
117. Theryn Kigvamasud&#8217;Vashti, Communities Against Rape and Abuse
118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator, Communities Against Rape and Abuse
119. Shane Felles
120. Brion Roberts
121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access Project
122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director, NARAL &#8211; NH
123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety First Project, Drug Policy
125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical Center
126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive Director, Neighborhood Youth &
Family Services
127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System
128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico Prenatal Care Network,
University of New Mexico
129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
130. Gloria Knighton
131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions
132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates
133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] this generation needs a vast active living information system
Date: July 21, 2002 at 12:36:58 PM EDT
To: philipkdick@yahoogroups.com
Cc: MagickMirr@aol.com, dansmith@clark.net, lensman@stardrive.org, hward@wineshopper.com, Mark@k-dunn.freeserve.co.uk, IMDJam@cs.com, gbekkum@mediaone.net, Gary@osborn-day.freeserve.co.uk, gschwart@u.arizona.edu, e-merrill2@ti.com, “Bob Ezergailis” <morpheal@bserv.com>, “cynthia ford” <maruta@wco.com>, “G. G. Ford” <swimp@shaw.ca>, <brumac@compuserve.com>, <yokatta@oxy.edu>, <kklingon@cwcom.net>, <cyrano@aqua.ocn.ne.jp>, “Adrian” <afme@ihug.co.nz>, dewatson@sunflower.com, CloudRider@aol.com, JagdishM@aol.com, phylegyas@hotmail.com, schwann@webtrance.co.za, ibogalab@hotmail.com, JhanDavis@aol.com, zentarot@hotmail.com, Paul DeRienzo <pdr@echonyc.com>, Stews@radiks.net, foozleman@worldnet.att.net, bmasel@tds.net, heff01@email.msn.com, kingfelix@mediaone.net, PTPEET@cs.com, luxefair@bellsouth.net, cardboard_dada@yahoo.com, prophets@maui.net, m.pilkington@virgin.net, PCLARK@JJHILL.ORG, delaneyw@shasta.com, Edward Jahn <ejahn@barnard.edu>, derlock@mailexcite.com, “Andre Welling” <andre.welling@db.com>, Mitchel Cohen <mitchelcohen@mindspring.com>, “MUTANEX Command HAWAI’I” <mutanex@aloha.net>, miriamwhite420@hotmail.com, Nick Sandberg <nick.sandberg@virgin.net>, George Clayton Johnson <hempjack@earthlink.net>, axiom@greatmystery.org, dancegroove@nyc.rr.com, “warcry@indymedia.org” <warcrycinema@yahoo.com>, “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net>, “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>, ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

From: “paul harvey” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2002 18:34:45 +0000
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 20 Jul 2002 18:34:46.0059 (UTC)
Subject: [ibogaine] this generation needs a vast active living
information system

Everyone gets accepted into the academy eventually, even Burroughs in
his old age proudly wore his button badge of acceptance on his lapel.
Hollywood likes Philip K Dick because he is dead, plain and simple.
They can appropriate,distort and fuck with his message to its hearts
content.(check out PKD ‘s description of his treatment by Hollywood
over Bladerunner)

The one set of his books they will never turn into a screenplay is
the VALIS trilogy.(imagine: Tom Hanks as the intrepid Bishop Pike and
introducing Maddona’s brat Lourdes as the kid saviour St.Sophia 😉 )

However, you don’t need to wait to see if they do finally manage it,
all you have to do is take ibogaine and watch VALIS unfold all around
you in real time.

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] This Generation Needs a Paranoid’s Paranoid
Date: July 21, 2002 at 12:28:18 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

yer getting there nuero. At least it looks like a skull now, if just a bit…oh…odd? Ahhh, it’s a warped out skull, that’s the ticket!
—– Original Message —–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] This Generation Needs a Paranoid’s Paranoid

Paranoia and speed… Hey… That explains it.  Talking about myelf.  Actually that was Ephedrine… is that speed?  I lived on that stuff for like 3 years.

btw, i’m working on a skull signature, the people on vox seem reluctant to help. anyone here feel like helping me out with my skull?  Oh, and last night was rough.  Had the restless leg syndrome operating in high gear.. RLS… anyone here ever get that?  you feel like you have to move constantly.  Even if you’re dead tired, you just have to move move move.

In a message dated 7/20/2002 9:53:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

He became addicted to amphetamines, which lifted his depression but deepened his paranoia.

,;-‘                    ‘-;,
,;                            ;,
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|  `/~”    ~” . “~    “~    \’  |
|  ~  ,-~~~^~, | ,~^~~~-, ~|
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|  |              / | \             |  |
.   (__,.– ” .^. “–.,___)  .
|          —;’ / | \ `;—     |  .
\__.          \/^\/       .__/
| \                         / |
| | ~\___|___|___/~ | |
| |     `[][][][][][][] | |
|  \,     [][][][][][] /  |
\   `~~~~~~~~~~’  /
\        .       .      /
This skull just doesn’t look right… i want a cool looking skull for my permanent signature…

From: vector6@space.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Are the Hmoung Heading for Certain DOOM!?!?!!111!!!
Date: July 21, 2002 at 10:26:14 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com, drugwar@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I don’t want to disturb your art or your rant but as I
think you said the hmong have been in the process of
being thrown out for 30 or 40 years. Every article you
look up is the army going there and killing some hmong,
americans and then saying it will be closed down.
Here’s one that says it from 2000


There are no more recent stories from that newspaper
and they dont have the back issues.


On Sun, 21 July 2002, “Patrick K. Kroupa” wrote

Hum . . .

THAILAND sez: Get The Hell Out!

I wonder if this will actually happen; possibly not,
since it has been in
the perpetual process of happening since roughly the
dawn of time, or 40
years ago when a few hundred hmoung arrived and
started to reproduce a lot
— having not much else to do besides learn
cultivation techniques for
preTty PopPies in southern Thailand, and that birth
control thing not
having made a major inroads into the whole entire
southeast Asia — which
by the way, prolly causes MOST of the AIDS splattered
all over those
countries, NOT bangin’ up, condoms not birth control
pills I meant to
say, I think, yeah that was it …  Where was I, oh
yes, still in Miami,
but as I was saying, the army rolls in, LOOKS AROUND
a lot, makes a Stern
Announcement in the Bangkok Post that SOME Sort of
Severe Action will take
place, real soon now; and then goes back to sleep.
Since, mostly, they
all arrived in this mountain range ‘cuz there’s an
ashram there, and it’d
be Bad Karma to nuke an ashram in Thailand; although
it might be okay if
it were located in Utah instead for instance.  Now
then, as I was saying
Will the BAD PEOPLE destroy a perfect, beautiful,
happy little society for
tHe HeadLines, or will the whole entire Hmoung make
their saving throw,
thus avoiding CERTAIN DOOM!?!??!?

Who can say.  But I just felt strongly ALL OF YOU
should be aware of this.

It’s a bummer all of them are so fixated on Buddha,
if they looked up a
lil’ further, they’d find Shiva, who would just
DESTROY the whole entire
situation (inside his mind) and they could get back
to resonating, bangin’
up’, or buying shiny things, depending on what
vibrational range they were
in at that particular time.  They’re very mellow and
accepting there,
which I appreciated a lot, I have never met any group
of persons who were
so cheerfully corrupt before, it was neat, and made
me feel good about
myself, because everything was always all-good,
unlike Mexico, which is
mostly not so cheerfully corrupt, it experiences a
lot of guilt about all
that and HIDES the drugs inside Jesus statues and
religious altars and
things, but still firmly believes that chiva negra is
one of the Two Great
Demons (the other being blanco of course, most
especially when you SMOKE
the demon, much like crack, only non-culture
centric…  Belize is very
professional in its corruption, it’s shiny and glossy
and Right Out There,
whereas the Caribbean is more like Thailand, it’s
mellow and accepting and
easy-going mon, which I s’pose is not surprising.
America as whole is
completely inconsistent, and vibrations vary widely,
sometimes even from
block to block, or time of day and phase of moon,
when it is possible to
absolutely resonate with your molecules and radiate
within and through
them, while at others no matter what you do, you seem
to wind up in these
spirals made out of barbed wire which is shredding
you as you sink through
bleeding quicksand, hmm, oh yeah, duh, i forgot to Go
into The Light.  But
I suppose that is just the Way of the World.  That is
my opinion at this
very moment anyway, but it could change at any time.

Mostly, as a whole, this is THAILAND’s fault and the
Hmoung cannot be held
responsible for the whole entire situation.  Since
the laws there change
every 3 hours or so, depending on how moody the King
is feeling that day,
and the only part of the laws that ever remains
consistent is that it is
okay for them to cultivate opium poppies and USE
them, because that is
their cultural heritage, but they’re never, ever, at
all, not even
supposed to THINK ABOUT breaking it down into heroin
and exporting it.
That would be Very Naughty.

That’s it then,


Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Are the Hmoung Heading for Certain DOOM!?!?!!111!!!
Date: July 21, 2002 at 5:30:22 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com, drugwar@mindvox.com
Cc: actupny@panix.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hum . . .

THAILAND sez: Get The Hell Out!

I wonder if this will actually happen; possibly not, since it has been in
the perpetual process of happening since roughly the dawn of time, or 40
years ago when a few hundred hmoung arrived and started to reproduce a lot
— having not much else to do besides learn cultivation techniques for
preTty PopPies in southern Thailand, and that birth control thing not
having made a major inroads into the whole entire southeast Asia — which
by the way, prolly causes MOST of the AIDS splattered all over those
countries, NOT bangin’ up, condoms not birth control pills I meant to
say, I think, yeah that was it …  Where was I, oh yes, still in Miami,
but as I was saying, the army rolls in, LOOKS AROUND a lot, makes a Stern
Announcement in the Bangkok Post that SOME Sort of Severe Action will take
place, real soon now; and then goes back to sleep.  Since, mostly, they
all arrived in this mountain range ‘cuz there’s an ashram there, and it’d
be Bad Karma to nuke an ashram in Thailand; although it might be okay if
it were located in Utah instead for instance.  Now then, as I was saying
Will the BAD PEOPLE destroy a perfect, beautiful, happy little society for
tHe HeadLines, or will the whole entire Hmoung make their saving throw,
thus avoiding CERTAIN DOOM!?!??!?

Who can say.  But I just felt strongly ALL OF YOU should be aware of this.

It’s a bummer all of them are so fixated on Buddha, if they looked up a
lil’ further, they’d find Shiva, who would just DESTROY the whole entire
situation (inside his mind) and they could get back to resonating, bangin’
up’, or buying shiny things, depending on what vibrational range they were
in at that particular time.  They’re very mellow and accepting there,
which I appreciated a lot, I have never met any group of persons who were
so cheerfully corrupt before, it was neat, and made me feel good about
myself, because everything was always all-good, unlike Mexico, which is
mostly not so cheerfully corrupt, it experiences a lot of guilt about all
that and HIDES the drugs inside Jesus statues and religious altars and
things, but still firmly believes that chiva negra is one of the Two Great
Demons (the other being blanco of course, most especially when you SMOKE
the demon, much like crack, only non-culture centric…  Belize is very
professional in its corruption, it’s shiny and glossy and Right Out There,
whereas the Caribbean is more like Thailand, it’s mellow and accepting and
easy-going mon, which I s’pose is not surprising.  America as whole is
completely inconsistent, and vibrations vary widely, sometimes even from
block to block, or time of day and phase of moon, when it is possible to
absolutely resonate with your molecules and radiate within and through
them, while at others no matter what you do, you seem to wind up in these
spirals made out of barbed wire which is shredding you as you sink through
bleeding quicksand, hmm, oh yeah, duh, i forgot to Go into The Light.  But
I suppose that is just the Way of the World.  That is my opinion at this
very moment anyway, but it could change at any time.

Mostly, as a whole, this is THAILAND’s fault and the Hmoung cannot be held
responsible for the whole entire situation.  Since the laws there change
every 3 hours or so, depending on how moody the King is feeling that day,
and the only part of the laws that ever remains consistent is that it is
okay for them to cultivate opium poppies and USE them, because that is
their cultural heritage, but they’re never, ever, at all, not even
supposed to THINK ABOUT breaking it down into heroin and exporting it.
That would be Very Naughty.

That’s it then,


From: <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] iboga on usenet
Date: July 20, 2002 at 11:46:52 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

being that google has archived like the
past 25 years of usenet postings, they
have a page of a bunch of “firsts” – like
the first mention of  microshaft, mtv and
even the first “me too” post.

well check this out for all you frizneaks – the first iboga mentioning –


boom for real

– nruhtra

ps – _kinda_ as of late there has been
some talk of ibogaine in the newsgroups.
not many people are informed and know
of its true powers.  i post about it every
once in a while but i was thinking you
fooliozz should check it out. get the
word out and shiz  –
alt.drugs — alt.drugs.psychedelics


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] C.R.A.C.K
Date: July 20, 2002 at 10:54:18 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Barbara Harris
Children Requiring A Caring Kommunity’s
“Project Prevention”
P.O. Box 74
Stanton, CA 90680

Dear Ms. Harris:

We are writing to express our strong objections to your distribution of
highly misleading and completely inaccurate information regarding pregnant
women and methadone treatment. In a letter date February 22, 2002, you state,
in part:

“We are currently working with several methadone clinics that make our offer
known, and available, to the women and men who come through their program.
I’m sure one thing most can agree on is that it is important for those using
methadone or other drugs to refrain from getting pregnant.”

We most certainly do not agree. Your statement, suggesting that it is
dangerous for a woman who is receiving clinically prescribed methadone
treatment to become pregnant, is simply wrong. Methadone is a highly
effective treatment for all opiate dependent patients and, most specifically,
for women – both before and after they may become pregnant. In fact, methadone
treatment during pregnancy has not been associated with congenital
abnormalities or fetal demise. In those cases where neonatal withdrawal
symptoms occur (and they frequently do not), these symptoms can be treated
readily, with no evidence of any adverse impact on physical or cognitive
development. In short, there is simply no medical basis for your suggestion
that methadone patients should “refrain from getting pregnant.”

For over 30 years, in countries throughout the world, methadone maintenance
treatment (MMT) has been shown to substantially reduce illegal opiate use and
the crime, illness, suffering, and death with which it is associated. The
benefits have been shown to accrue, not only to the individual patient, but
to his/her family and the community, as well. The most credible and objective
governmental and non-governmental organizations in America and abroad have
recognized these positive results with MMT. For example, the US Department of
Health and Human Services joins the scientific community in recognizing that
MMT greatly benefits the patients as well as the general community. It is
specifically recommended for pregnant and breast-feeding patients, which
further demonstrates the strong medical consensus supporting methadone
treatment, both in general and during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, despite methadone treatment’s many benefits, it is available
to fewer than 20% of the people who most need it. Women, in particular, face
numerous barriers to obtaining this important medical intervention. Your
letter and activities, which spread false information and stigmatize current
and future mothers who receive this treatment, will make it even more
difficult for women who need methadone treatment to receive it.

We therefore urge you to withdraw this letter immediately and to advise each
of those individuals and clinics who received it that it was based on
misinformation. Furthermore, it is essential that you publicly repudiate the
inaccurate message you conveyed on your organization’s website and in other
public and media context. Not to do so would be irresponsible and a great
disservice to those whose interests you claim to have at heart.



1. Lynn Singer, Ph.D, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Case Western
Reserve University, School of Medicine
2. Stephen Kandall, MD, Retired Professor of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein
College of Medicine
3. Daniel Neuspiel, MD, MPH, Associate Chairman of Pediatrics, Beth Israel
Medical Center
4. Robert Newman, MD, Director, Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical
Dependency Institute of Beth Israel Medical Center
5. Barry Lester, Ph.D., Director, Infant Development Center, Women and
Infants&#8217; Hospital
6. Mary Faith Marshall, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine and Bioethics, Kansas
University Medical Center
7. Maryann Amodeo, Ph.D., Professor, Boston University School of Social Work,
Alcohol and Drug Institute for Policy, Research and Training
8. Denise Paone, Ph.D., Evaluation and Training Consultant, Former Assistant
Director of Research, Chemical Dependency Institute, Beth Israel Medical
9. John J. Botti, MD, Director, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Penn State Hershey
Medical Center
10. Mary Mahowald, Ph.D., Professor, Dept. of OB/GYN, University of Chicago
11. Machelle Allen, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of OB/GYN, NYU School
of Medicine
12. Wendy Chavkin, MD, MPH, Clinical Professor of Public Health and OB/GYN,
Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health
13. Marjorie Greenfield MD, Associate Professor of OB/GYN, University
Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
14. Hytham Imseis, MD, Mountain Area Health Education Center, Dept. of OB/GYN
15. Dona Upson, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, University of New Mexico
16. Mack Lipkin, Jr., MD, Director of Primary Care, NYU School of Medicine
17. Ernest Drucker, Ph.D., Professor of Epidemiology and Social Medicine,
Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein School of Medicine
18. Angela R. Holder, LLM, Professor of the Practice of Medical Ethics,
Center for the Study of Medical Ethics and Humanities, Duke University
Medical Center
19. Sydney L. Hans, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Department of
Psychiatry, University of Chicago
20. Craig Reinarman, Ph.D., Chair and Professor, Dept. of Sociology, UC Santa
21. Rachel Roth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Washington University
22. Monica J. Casper, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sociology, UC Santa Cruz
23. Anthony R. Kovner, Ph.D., Professor of Health Policy and Management,
24. Susan L. Adams, Ph.D., RN, Associate Professor of Nursing, Women&#8217;s
Health Nurse Practitioner, Perinatal Addiction, Dominican University of
25. Nina Peskoe Peyser, Former Executive Director of the Chemical Dependency
Institute at Beth Israel Medical Center
26. Holly Catania, Baron Edmond de Rothschild Chemical Dependency Institute
of Beth Israel Medical Center
27. Nancy D. Campbell, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic
28. Jerome Richardson, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
29. Karyn L. Pomerantz, MLS, MPH, GW School of Public Health & Health
30. Janet Lynne Golden, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rutgers University
31. Cynthia Daniels, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rutgers University
32. Drew Humphries, Ph.D., Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal
Rutgers University
33. Elizabeth M. Armstong, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Princeton University
34. Jael Silliman, Ed.D., Associate Professor, University of Iowa
35. Jeanne Flavin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Fordham University
36. Victor J. Bernstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Chicago
37. Grace Chang, Ph.D., Evergreen State College
38. Mario A. Caro, Ph.D. Candidate, Professor, Evergreen State College
39. Phillip Coffin, MIA, Project Director, Center for Urban Epidemiologic
Studies, New York Academy of Medicine
40. Sheigla Murphy, Ph.D., Institute for Scientific Analysis
41. Leslie D. McCrory, Clinical Supervisor, Health Partners
42. Ann D. Brown, CNM, MSN, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area Health Education
43. Shelley Galvin, MA, Research & Grants Coordinator, Dept. of OB/GYN,
Mountain Area Health Education Center
44. Susan Shinn, RNC, Women&#8217;s Health, Mountain Area Health Education
45. Melissa McClure, Medical Records Coordinator, Mountain Area Perinatal
Substance Abuse Program
46. Cheryl Timbs, Clinical Supervisor, Mountain Area Perinatal Substance
Abuse Program
47. Elizabeth Finger, LWW, Director of Behavior Medicine, Mountain Area
Health Education Center
48. Terry Sutton, Program Assistant, Mountain Area Health Education Center
49. Jean Cassidy, Dept. of OB/GYN, Mountain Area Health Education Center
50. Steve Allison, Certified Clinical Addiction Specialist, Mountain Area
Health Education Center
51. Gregory McCoy, Mountain Area Perinatal Substance Abuse Program
52. Michael Eisenberg, MD, MPH, President, ASPIRE
53. Luciano Colonna, Executive Director, Harm Reduction Project
54. Michael R. Aldrich, Ph.D
55. Ivan Zimmerman, J.D.
56. Rickie Solinger, Ph.D., Historian
57. National Women’s Health Network
58. National Black Women&#8217;s Health Project
59. National Association for Public Health Policy Council on Illicit Drugs
60. Institute for Health and Recovery
61. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM)
62. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM) of Arkansas & Oklahoma
63. Advocates for Recovery through Medicine (ARM) of DC
64. Connecticut Women&#8217;s Consortium
65. Casa Segura
66. Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center
67. Addiction Treatment Watchdog
68. CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic
69. Virginia Alliance of Methadone Advocates
70. Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition
71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation HIV Prevention Project
72. AIDS Project New Haven
73. HIV Law Project
75. Drug Policy Alliance
76. Urban Justice Center
77. Criminal Justice Policy Institute
78. Center for Human Rights Education
79. Family Watch
80. Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment
81. Cambridge Cares About AIDS
82. California Coalition for Women Prisoners
83. Legal Services for Prisoners With Children
84. NORML Foundation
85. Common Sense for Drug Policy
86. Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii
87. ReconsiDer
88. Communities Against Rape and Abuse
89. Mikki Norris, Human Rights and the Drug War
90. Alice Diorio, President, Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition
91. Kevin Zeese, Executive Director, Common Sense for Drug Policy
92. Donna M. Shea, Legal Director, NORML
93. Mark Beresky, Secretary/Treasurer, Vermont Harm Reduction Coalition
94. Marc Shinderman, MD, CAP Quality Care Methadone Clinic
95. Cassie Pierson, Staff Attorney, Legal Services for Prisoners with
96. Monique Tula, Director of Harm Reduction Services, Cambridge Cares About
97. Eliza Wheeler, Needle Exchange Program Coordinator, Cambridge Cares About
98. Robin Clark-Smith, AIDS Program, Bridgeport Health Department
99. Terri Bogage, Institute for Health and Recovery
100. Syd Lindsley, Committee on Women, Population, and the Environment
101. Jacqueline Robarge, Power Inside
102. Stephanie Manfre, Children&#8217;s Case Manager, Riley Center
103. Ann Beck, Riley Center
104. Jennifer Grant, Director, Riley Center
105. Teresa Martyny, Riley Center
106. Kylie Chow, Brennan House
107. JoAnn Yang, Riley Center
108. Michelle Rivera, Riley Center
109. Carolina Alaniz, Riley Center
110. Idoia Irastorza, Riley Center
111. Megan Koroshetz, Riley Center
112. Stacy Benedict, Riley Center
113. Liliana Diaz, San Francisco Department of Public Health
114. Ellenie Tuazon, San Francisco Department of Public Health
115. Elba Warner, San Francisco Department of Public Health
116. Ebone Colbert, Communities Against Rape and Abuse
117. Theryn Kigvamasud&#8217;Vashti, Communities Against Rape and Abuse
118. Alisa Bierria, Program Coordinator, Communities Against Rape and Abuse
119. Shane Felles
120. Brion Roberts
121. Susan Yanow, Director, Abortion Access Project
122. Shiela VanDerveer, Development Director, NARAL &#8211; NH
123. NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
124. Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Director, Safety First Project, Drug Policy
125. Ann M. Boyer, MD, MS, Mt. Sinai Medical Center
126. Nancy Mamis-King, Associate Executive Director, Neighborhood Youth &
Family Services
127. Maureen Denman, Atlantic Health System
128. Shelly Carter, Health Educator, New Mexico Prenatal Care Network,
University of New Mexico
129. National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
130. Gloria Knighton
131. Virginia Nurses Society on Addictions
132. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates
133. National Advocates for Pregnant Women

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] This Generation Needs a Paranoid’s Paranoid
Date: July 20, 2002 at 6:59:28 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Paranoia and speed… Hey… That explains it.  Talking about myelf.  Actually that was Ephedrine… is that speed?  I lived on that stuff for like 3 years.

btw, i’m working on a skull signature, the people on vox seem reluctant to help. anyone here feel like helping me out with my skull?  Oh, and last night was rough.  Had the restless leg syndrome operating in high gear.. RLS… anyone here ever get that?  you feel like you have to move constantly.  Even if you’re dead tired, you just have to move move move.

In a message dated 7/20/2002 9:53:09 AM Pacific Daylight Time, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

He became addicted to amphetamines, which lifted his depression but deepened his paranoia.

,;-‘                    ‘-;,
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This skull just doesn’t look right… i want a cool looking skull for my permanent signature…

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] not paranoid–synchronistic.
Date: July 20, 2002 at 6:34:43 PM EDT
To: philipkdick@yahoogroups.com
Cc: MagickMirr@aol.com, dansmith@clark.net, lensman@stardrive.org, hward@wineshopper.com, Mark@k-dunn.freeserve.co.uk, IMDJam@cs.com, gbekkum@mediaone.net, Gary@osborn-day.freeserve.co.uk, gschwart@u.arizona.edu, e-merrill2@ti.com, “Bob Ezergailis” <morpheal@bserv.com>, “cynthia ford” <maruta@wco.com>, “G. G. Ford” <swimp@shaw.ca>, <brumac@compuserve.com>, <yokatta@oxy.edu>, <kklingon@cwcom.net>, <cyrano@aqua.ocn.ne.jp>, “Adrian” <afme@ihug.co.nz>, dewatson@sunflower.com, CloudRider@aol.com, JagdishM@aol.com, phylegyas@hotmail.com, schwann@webtrance.co.za, ibogalab@hotmail.com, JhanDavis@aol.com, zentarot@hotmail.com, Paul DeRienzo <pdr@echonyc.com>, Stews@radiks.net, foozleman@worldnet.att.net, bmasel@tds.net, heff01@email.msn.com, kingfelix@mediaone.net, PTPEET@cs.com, luxefair@bellsouth.net, cardboard_dada@yahoo.com, prophets@maui.net, m.pilkington@virgin.net, PCLARK@JJHILL.ORG, delaneyw@shasta.com, Edward Jahn <ejahn@barnard.edu>, derlock@mailexcite.com, “Andre Welling” <andre.welling@db.com>, Mitchel Cohen <mitchelcohen@mindspring.com>, “MUTANEX Command HAWAI’I” <mutanex@aloha.net>, miriamwhite420@hotmail.com, Nick Sandberg <nick.sandberg@virgin.net>, George Clayton Johnson <hempjack@earthlink.net>, axiom@greatmystery.org, dancegroove@nyc.rr.com, “warcry@indymedia.org” <warcrycinema@yahoo.com>, “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net>, “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>, ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This Generation Needs a Paranoid’s Paranoid

The distance between the world we live in and the world depicted in
science fiction has narrowed dramatically in recent years. Novels
that once seemed futuristic because they featured pocket computers,
palm-sized phones and genetically enhanced people have become dated –
artifacts from a recent past. Minuscule by tradition, the science
fiction market has contracted further, making it even more difficult
for writers to find an audience.

The most dramatic exception is Philip K. Dick, a wildly original,
amphetamine-addled genius who was married five times and found time
to write 36 novels and 130 short stories in a 30-year career that,
despite his productivity, kept him nearly broke for most of his life.
Twenty years after his death, Mr. Dick has gained literary
respectability and is one of the hottest properties in Hollywood.

Mr. Dick’s books and stories were mainly out of print and seemed
destined for oblivion when he died in 1982. Now his short stories
have been collected in a five-volume set published by Citadel Press
that shows the evolution of his ideas. Vintage Books is embarked on a
mammoth effort that will bring more than 30 of his books into print,
slickly packaged to appeal to readers who would never be caught dead
with an old-fashioned pulp novel.

Mr. Dick’s fortunes began to change just after his death when one of
his more popular books appeared as the cult film “Blade Runner,” a
classically Dickian tale of a cold-blooded police state that enslaves
man-made human beings – called “replicants” – and murders them when
they attempt to go free. Since “Blade Runner,” Mr. Dick’s work has
been the basis of five movies, with three others in development.

His writing stands apart from much of science fiction because it is
driven more by characters and ideas than by technology. His best work
recalls the intellectual puzzles of Jorge Luis Borges, particularly
“The Circular Ruins,” in which Borges’s central character discovers
that he is a figment of someone’s imagination.

The engine that makes Mr. Dick’s stories go is a pervasive and finely
articulated paranoia about government, technology, personal
relationships – and the nature of reality itself. His books are often
based on the eerie premise that workaday reality is actually a
projection, produced by drug-induced hallucinations or manipulated by
omnipresent and sinister powers-that-be. It’s a generous,
all-encompassing paranoia for a post-“X-Files” America in which
institutions like the C.I.A. and F.B.I. seem too inept to oppose the
kind of threat we feel around us. In Philip Dick’s world, reality
itself can be the culprit, and his current popularity suggests a
willingness by readers to embrace the premise that nothing is ever
what it seems to be – and that free will matters little as we make
our way through life.

Mr. Dick’s paranoid style is displayed quite nicely in the two films
based on his work that were released this year. In “Minority Report,”
Tom Cruise plays a cop who works for a crooked “precrime” bureau that
uses clairvoyants to anticipate murders, then arrests the would-be
criminals before they commit them. The movie ends with the guilty
fingered and the innocent exonerated, and everyone living happily
ever after. In the Dick story, however, the corrupt precrime
enterprise grinds on and on with its wrongs undetected.

Hollywood is crazy for Mr. Dick’s plots, but much less fond of his
bleak conclusions. The most faithful film rendering of a Dick story
to date, which also appeared this year, is “Impostor,” which stars
Gary Sinise as a government scientist who is charged with being an
alien, replicant suicide bomber who has killed the real scientist and
taken his place. The good doctor is firmly convinced of his innocence
until reality undergoes a violent, Dickian shift, and the world comes
apart. The studio is said to have been quite upset about the dark

Philip K. Dick came by his paranoia and suspicion quite naturally.
His parents were an unhappy, mismatched couple who somehow allowed
his twin sister, Jane, to starve to death shortly after birth. Baby
Philip would clearly have followed suit had not a visiting doctor
rescued him at the last minute. The constant references to doubles in
Mr. Dick’s stories flow from his self-confessed fixation on his
missing twin, who wasted away in a “normal” middle-class home where
neither parent seemed to notice that something was terribly wrong
with the children.

The soulless androids that populate many of his stories are the
fictional replicants of his distant, government-issue parents – a
disengaged mother and a germ-phobic father whose fear of disease kept
young Philip imprisoned in his crib at a time when most small
children are crawling and learning to walk.

A bizarre childhood produced a peculiar adult. Mr. Dick suffered
depression and agoraphobia, a fear of public places. He became
addicted to amphetamines, which lifted his depression but deepened
his paranoia. Stoked up on drugs, he would write for days on end,
projecting his phobias and fixations onto paper.

The deepening interest in Mr. Dick makes it inevitable that there
will be a movie about his life – pitchmen are probably describing it
as “A Beautiful Mind on Speed.” He expected posthumous fame and was
suspicious of it. In one of his novels a character named Philip Dick
is imprisoned by a sinister government agency and told that his books
will be written and published under his name even in the event of his
death. Philip K. Dick craved literary recognition. But had fame
arrived in his lifetime, one gets the feeling that he would have seen
it, as he saw just about everything, as part of some sinister plot.

Forum: Join a Discussion on Today’s Editorials

So what do you think of that Stock Market? Are we re-living 1930, or
what? Gotta turn this Staples fella onto  VALIS, TRANSMIGRATION OF


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Heroin Epidemic Fuels World AIDS Crisis
Date: July 20, 2002 at 5:23:01 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Anyone have Bill Clinton’s email?


Pubdate: Fri, 12 Jul 2002
Source: Honolulu Star-Bulletin (HI)
Copyright: 2002 Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Contact: letters@starbulletin.com
Website: http://www.starbulletin.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/196
Author: Sabin Russell
Note: Sabin Russell is the Medical Writer for the San Francisco Chronicle
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/heroin.htm (Heroin)


BARCELONA, Spain — From the jungles of southeast Asia to the streets of
Moscow, the AIDS virus is riding on the back of a global heroin epidemic
and taking root among the most populous nations on Earth.

The link between HIV infection and injection drug use was one of the
earliest discoveries of the epidemic. But it is only recently that disease
trackers have detected signs of a rapidly spreading drug-related outbreak
in Eastern Europe and Asia that threatens to reach into the general population.

“Central Asia is a bomb waiting to explode,” said Kasia
Malinowska-Sempruch, a native of Poland who directs a drug-related AIDS
program for the Open Society Institute, which urges that the world adopt
“harm reduction” tactics such as needle exchange programs that are credited
with rolling back an outbreak of HIV among drug users in San Francisco.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02.n1304.a12.html


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] This Generation Needs a Paranoid’s Paranoid
Date: July 20, 2002 at 3:19:07 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/20/02 12:52:51 PM, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:


July 19, 2002
This Generation Needs a Paranoid’s Paranoid

he distance between the world we live in and the world depicted in
science fiction has narrowed dramatically in recent years. Novels that
once seemed futuristic because they featured pocket computers, palm-sized
phones and genetically enhanced people have become dated — artifacts from
a recent past. Minuscule by tradition, the science fiction market has
further, making it even more difficult for writers to find an audience.

The most dramatic exception is Philip K. Dick, a wildly original,
amphetamine-addled genius who was married five times and found time to
write 36 novels and 130 short stories in a 30-year career that, despite
his productivity, kept him nearly broke for most of his life. Twenty years
after his death, Mr. Dick has gained literary respectability and is one
of the hottest properties in Hollywood.

Mr. Dick’s books and stories were mainly out of print and seemed
destined for oblivion when he died in 1982. Now his short stories have
been collected in a five-volume set published by Citadel Press that shows
the evolution of his ideas. Vintage Books is embarked on a mammoth effort
that will bring more than 30 of his books into print, slickly packaged
to appeal to readers who would never be caught dead with an old-fashioned
pulp novel.

Mr. Dick’s fortunes began to change just after his death when one
of his more popular books appeared as the cult film “Blade Runner,” a
Dickian tale of a cold-blooded police state that enslaves man-made human
beings — called “replicants” — and murders them when they attempt to go
free. Since “Blade Runner,” Mr. Dick’s work has been the basis of five
movies, with three others in development.

Hi Preston,

The following article came through on another list.



From: “paul harvey” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] this generation needs a vast active living information system
Date: July 20, 2002 at 2:34:45 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Everyone gets accepted into the academy eventually, even Burroughs in his old age proudly wore his button badge of acceptance on his lapel.
Hollywood likes Philip K Dick because he is dead, plain and simple. They can appropriate,distort and fuck with his message to its hearts
content.(check out PKD ‘s description of his treatment by Hollywood
over Bladerunner)

The one set of his books they will never turn into a screenplay is the VALIS trilogy.(imagine: Tom Hanks as the intrepid Bishop Pike and introducing Maddona’s brat Lourdes as the kid saviour St.Sophia 😉 )

However, you don’t need to wait to see if they do finally manage it,
all you have to do is take ibogaine and watch VALIS unfold all around you in real time.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: http://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] This Generation Needs a Paranoid’s Paranoid
Date: July 20, 2002 at 12:43:40 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—– Original Message —–
From: Sean McBride
To: cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 9:01 PM
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] This Generation Needs a Paranoid’s Paranoid

July 19, 2002
This Generation Needs a Paranoid’s Paranoid

he distance between the world we live in and the world depicted in science fiction has narrowed dramatically in recent years. Novels that once seemed futuristic because they featured pocket computers, palm-sized phones and genetically enhanced people have become dated — artifacts from a recent past. Minuscule by tradition, the science fiction market has contracted further, making it even more difficult for writers to find an audience.
The most dramatic exception is Philip K. Dick, a wildly original, amphetamine-addled genius who was married five times and found time to write 36 novels and 130 short stories in a 30-year career that, despite his productivity, kept him nearly broke for most of his life. Twenty years after his death, Mr. Dick has gained literary respectability and is one of the hottest properties in Hollywood.
Mr. Dick’s books and stories were mainly out of print and seemed destined for oblivion when he died in 1982. Now his short stories have been collected in a five-volume set published by Citadel Press that shows the evolution of his ideas. Vintage Books is embarked on a mammoth effort that will bring more than 30 of his books into print, slickly packaged to appeal to readers who would never be caught dead with an old-fashioned pulp novel.
Mr. Dick’s fortunes began to change just after his death when one of his more popular books appeared as the cult film “Blade Runner,” a classically Dickian tale of a cold-blooded police state that enslaves man-made human beings — called “replicants” — and murders them when they attempt to go free. Since “Blade Runner,” Mr. Dick’s work has been the basis of five movies, with three others in development.
His writing stands apart from much of science fiction because it is driven more by characters and ideas than by technology. His best work recalls the intellectual puzzles of Jorge Luis Borges, particularly “The Circular Ruins,” in which Borges’s central character discovers that he is a figment of someone’s imagination.
The engine that makes Mr. Dick’s stories go is a pervasive and finely articulated paranoia about government, technology, personal relationships — and the nature of reality itself. His books are often based on the eerie premise that workaday reality is actually a projection, produced by drug-induced hallucinations or manipulated by omnipresent and sinister powers-that-be. It’s a generous, all-encompassing paranoia for a post-“X-Files” America in which institutions like the C.I.A. and F.B.I. seem too inept to oppose the kind of threat we feel around us. In Philip Dick’s world, reality itself can be the culprit, and his current popularity suggests a willingness by readers to embrace the premise that nothing is ever what it seems to be — and that free will matters little as we make our way through life.
Mr. Dick’s paranoid style is displayed quite nicely in the two films based on his work that were released this year. In “Minority Report,” Tom Cruise plays a cop who works for a crooked “precrime” bureau that uses clairvoyants to anticipate murders, then arrests the would-be criminals before they commit them. The movie ends with the guilty fingered and the innocent exonerated, and everyone living happily ever after. In the Dick story, however, the corrupt precrime enterprise grinds on and on with its wrongs undetected.
Hollywood is crazy for Mr. Dick’s plots, but much less fond of his bleak conclusions. The most faithful film rendering of a Dick story to date, which also appeared this year, is “Impostor,” which stars Gary Sinise as a government scientist who is charged with being an alien, replicant suicide bomber who has killed the real scientist and taken his place. The good doctor is firmly convinced of his innocence until reality undergoes a violent, Dickian shift, and the world comes apart. The studio is said to have been quite upset about the dark ending.
Philip K. Dick came by his paranoia and suspicion quite naturally. His parents were an unhappy, mismatched couple who somehow allowed his twin sister, Jane, to starve to death shortly after birth. Baby Philip would clearly have followed suit had not a visiting doctor rescued him at the last minute. The constant references to doubles in Mr. Dick’s stories flow from his self-confessed fixation on his missing twin, who wasted away in a “normal” middle-class home where neither parent seemed to notice that something was terribly wrong with the children.
The soulless androids that populate many of his stories are the fictional replicants of his distant, government-issue parents — a disengaged mother and a germ-phobic father whose fear of disease kept young Philip imprisoned in his crib at a time when most small children are crawling and learning to walk.
A bizarre childhood produced a peculiar adult. Mr. Dick suffered depression and agoraphobia, a fear of public places. He became addicted to amphetamines, which lifted his depression but deepened his paranoia. Stoked up on drugs, he would write for days on end, projecting his phobias and fixations onto paper.
The deepening interest in Mr. Dick makes it inevitable that there will be a movie about his life — pitchmen are probably describing it as “A Beautiful Mind on Speed.” He expected posthumous fame and was suspicious of it. In one of his novels a character named Philip Dick is imprisoned by a sinister government agency and told that his books will be written and published under his name even in the event of his death. Philip K. Dick craved literary recognition. But had fame arrived in his lifetime, one gets the feeling that he would have seen it, as he saw just about everything, as part of some sinister plot.

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From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] toxicological management of ibogaine
Date: July 20, 2002 at 11:22:54 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/20/02 11:19:35 AM, HSLotsof@aol.com writes:


Forwhaterverreason, the address above was split into separate lines.  That
was not correct.

It is a single url


Hope it works this time.


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] toxicological management of ibogaine
Date: July 20, 2002 at 11:19:08 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

A recent google.com search found this review of toxicological management of



From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 20, 2002 at 12:50:10 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Karina, congratulaitions 🙂

Carla B

— Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com> wrote:
Congrats, Karina, you brave woman!  HOpe you’re
feeling great soon.  Jane

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From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 19, 2002 at 8:17:29 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Congrats, Karina, you brave woman!  HOpe you’re feeling great soon.  Jane
Do You Yahoo!?
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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] SMART link
Date: July 19, 2002 at 9:39:16 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

yer welcome.
—– Original Message —–
From: Rebecca Silverman
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 1:56 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] SMART link

Preston thank you, it’s

Self-Help Addiction Recovery – SMART Recovery 4-Point Program – Alternative to AA

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

From: “D B” <facobly@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] BWITI PICTURES
Date: July 19, 2002 at 5:39:53 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

If one is interested with pictures of the Bwiti in Gabon one can visit :

Affichez, modifiez et partagez gratuitement vos photos en ligne: Cliquez ici.

From: Richard Lake <rlake@mapinc.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: wsj article
Date: July 18, 2002 at 10:52:53 PM EDT
To: Richard Lake <rlake@mapinc.org>
Cc: HSL123@aol.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, “Dave Michon” <dajalyn@charter.net>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Woops, just found that this had not gone out from my computer Monday evening, for some reason I am getting a bad address response from Dana’s address, so if someone could fwd it, thanks!

Hi, Dana and Friends

It got into the MAP archives at about 6:30 p.m. Pacific today, Monday and is at http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02/n1322/a06.html

But thanks much anyway for the heads up.

To newshawk WSJ articles we have to have a hawk who has paid for the online WSJ subscription.

We have two, but from time to time they miss things so it is good to get a note so I can double check and let them know if one of them didn’t send it in.

I guess this is good news, for ibogaine, at least?

I was a little bothered by some of the other drugs being tested. It is one thing for a person to seek treatment using some drug with a full understanding.

But I worry that some of these drugs could be used against the will of folks in forced treatment, both here in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world where the rights of folks are not respected.


At 09:42 PM 7/15/02 -0400, Dana Beal wrote:
are you going to run the wsj article on new pharmacotherapies for addiction?

it’s top of the front page,  “b” section.


From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: [vox] H2K2
Date: July 18, 2002 at 6:56:05 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com, drugwar@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Vector that’s all interesting. And I mean that it is.
I see how it might relate to the war on drugs because
you’re people who are in everybodies computers but why
did you need to send it to every list on mindvox
except the one where the conversation is happening?

Please stop that, I am already signed on to nearly all
the lists here and don’t need to see the same message
4 times.

I don’t understand why all of you are having this hate
session all over the pages of some british magazine
which is reporting on events in NYC which nobody in
the US is covering.


— vector6@space.com wrote:
This is excellent.

Go Gweeds!



On Tue, 16 July 2002, “Patrick K. Kroupa” wrote

On [Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 01:23:09AM -0700],
Wilen] wrote:

| apparently the biggest asshole ever to work at
| gweeds, made his typical ignorant and
| known – a crime unique in its flatulence
| >>>
| Gweeds gets killed
| By Thomas C Greene in Washington
| Posted: 16/07/2002 at 07:30 GMT

Dennis, Dennis, Dennis . . .

Gweeds is simply MISUNDERSTOOD.  He’s a beautiful
person inside, just
filled with pretty things he wants to radiate, and
share with the world.
I can think of no finer person to place in charge
the new Welcome
conference, when the planets align and MindVox

Everything Gweeds ever did, was meant with LOVE.
just wanted to share;
he needs to be around people — and if at all
possible, small children.
He’s doing GREAT!  Why he hasn’t been under
investigation by ANYONE in
over 3 months, and it’s been WEEKS, *many* long
weeks, since anybody filed
a restraining order against him.

Obviously you just don’t understand.   But please
don’t hurt his feelings,
Gweeds is a sensitive person.  All those minor
problems with his behavior
can be attributed to his parents, drugs; no wait,
he’s not an addict,
nevermind that; but SOCIETY as a WHOLE is at
Blaming Gweeds for
his own actions, is totally immature.

Thank you,  Love, Light, and God Bless,


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From: vector6@space.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [vox] H2K2
Date: July 18, 2002 at 6:39:10 PM EDT
To: drugwar@mindvox.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This is excellent.

Go Gweeds!



On Tue, 16 July 2002, “Patrick K. Kroupa” wrote

On [Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 01:23:09AM -0700], [Dennis
Wilen] wrote:

| apparently the biggest asshole ever to work at
| gweeds, made his typical ignorant and loudmouthed
| known – a crime unique in its flatulence
| >>>
| Gweeds gets killed
| By Thomas C Greene in Washington
| Posted: 16/07/2002 at 07:30 GMT

Dennis, Dennis, Dennis . . .

Gweeds is simply MISUNDERSTOOD.  He’s a beautiful
person inside, just
filled with pretty things he wants to radiate, and
share with the world.
I can think of no finer person to place in charge of
the new Welcome
conference, when the planets align and MindVox

Everything Gweeds ever did, was meant with LOVE.  He
just wanted to share;
he needs to be around people — and if at all
possible, small children.
He’s doing GREAT!  Why he hasn’t been under
investigation by ANYONE in
over 3 months, and it’s been WEEKS, *many* long
weeks, since anybody filed
a restraining order against him.

Obviously you just don’t understand.   But please
don’t hurt his feelings,
Gweeds is a sensitive person.  All those minor
problems with his behavior
can be attributed to his parents, drugs; no wait,
he’s not an addict,
nevermind that; but SOCIETY as a WHOLE is at fault.
Blaming Gweeds for
his own actions, is totally immature.

Thank you,  Love, Light, and God Bless,


Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: Wake N Bake <wakeandbake02@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [drugwar] Apple ro0lz!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 5:28:32 PM EDT
To: drugwar@mindvox.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I don’t see the problem. They just needed to give her
a few bottles of visine so her eyes weren’t glowing in
the dark.


Brilliant ad. If I wasn’t already switched I’d give it
a lot more thought. I enjoyed Steve Jobs comments to
the press too.

— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
Do not repost this to Other Lists, places, or the
whole entire usenet.
Doing so will just make us take it offline.

This is a cute spot Apple made, which mysteriously
fell out of Akamai when
someone who works at Apple and isn’t baked 24/7,
noticed a Slight Problem
with the whole entire presentation.

It’s really cute tho =)


This is also neat.  Steve Jobs answering a question
at a press conference
he didn’t particularily feel in the mood to deal
with … so he adjusted
his glasses a lot.



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From: “paul harvey” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] hcl availability
Date: July 18, 2002 at 4:44:46 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

ive already posted a similar request on the calyx.list so apologies
to anyone who has to read it twice and a thankyou to brett and eric who have taken the trouble to correspond with me.
to get straight to the point,the supplier who i have used in the past for ibogaine hcl is no longer able to do so – so i need to look elsewhere, as do a number of friends who were hoping to get treated soon. (dont worry,we are based in the UK – where a legal window of opportunity still exists to treat people for opiate addiction) – so its not a thought crime to help .
so – can anyone help or at least point us in the right direction of someone willing to provide ibogaine hcl at reasonable prices ( we were paying 」85 per gram but that was an incredibly good rate)
If we had the economic resources then we would be straight on the plane
to a treatment centre in a sunny climate. The reality is we are at the bottom level of the junk pyramid, either on or just off the street.
Its a fucking joke really. a white paper has just been released by our government with no sense of irony, called “justice for all” where anyone arrested for “any” crime who happens to be a heroin/cocaine addict will only be released on bail on condition they receive mandatory treatment.
No agreement to treatment = No bail and no bail equals a grim withdrawal on the concrete floor, so who isn’t going to agree to treatment?. And heres a further irony,if you fuck up your attendance at a day centre or find the drug agencies/rehabilitation centre is not for you, you can then get taken back to court for the original prison sentence to be imposed because you have broken whats termed your “DTTO”
(drug testing and treatment order) – and at what cost ?
In terms of my own addiction to opiates/crack/methadone, it has cost the state a considerable ammount to keep me in between 40-80ml of methadone daily for all those years plus 」4000 to put me into a detox unit for a month plus 」15,000 for a six month stay in rehab where upon leaving I relapsed at the first opportunity.
Contrast that with my first self-administered ibogaine treatment six months ago which for 」85 (of my own money,not the state’s) i came off methadone in two days, not one month of expensive detox and havent touched it since. Yes, i did return to heroin eventually but kicked it myself 8 days ago.Which is why Im seeking retreatment with ibogaine as the cravings are still strong. That i could walk in tomorrow and get prescribed methadone and yet have to jump through hoops to find some ibogaine is so indicative of the fucked up UK drug policy its untrue.
Anyway – if you can help, please email me.

in valis we trust


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From: “janine andrews” <janineandrews@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] request for end to mail
Date: July 18, 2002 at 4:09:53 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Please take me off this list.  I’ve already asked twice.  Please take my address off this mailing list now,  I don’t have the space for it.  Thank you

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: http://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Apple ro0lz!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 3:23:13 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com, drugwar@mindvox.com

Do not repost this to Other Lists, places, or the whole entire usenet.
Doing so will just make us take it offline.

This is a cute spot Apple made, which mysteriously fell out of Akamai when
someone who works at Apple and isn’t baked 24/7, noticed a Slight Problem
with the whole entire presentation.

It’s really cute tho =)


This is also neat.  Steve Jobs answering a question at a press conference
he didn’t particularily feel in the mood to deal with … so he adjusted
his glasses a lot.



From: “Evan D. Baer” <evan@wiretap.com>
Subject: Re: [voxadm] Re: Stoned or not ? (fwd)
Date: July 18, 2002 at 10:28:20 AM EDT
To: voxadm@mindvox.com
Reply-To: voxadm@mindvox.com

they shouldn’t have pulled it – showing cute stoned girls with macs is a
bright spot in the latest ad campaign.

i like the ‘ba-de-po-de-pa-do” sound effect she makes when she talks about
the lost paper.

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002, Steve Quirk (squirk@ieee.org) wrote:

Seems apple pulled this ad after it became apparant that there’s a massive
amount of underage drug taking involved (or so it seems).

Using my mad skillz (ok, I just looked inside the movie for the source
reference), I pulled the movie from akamai and stored it on mindvox.


– sq

From: Hal5943@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 18, 2002 at 2:13:11 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That is what I have been trying to be like Karina like myself 5 years on90 Mg. Methadone it ws easier to cold turkey heroin

From: Hal5943@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Now I know who is Misinformed (ME)
Date: July 18, 2002 at 2:10:50 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

It looks like I was searching the wrong place for the right answers Thanks.
I have learned lots of useless information for myself to keep in mind

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro! Misinformed
Date: July 18, 2002 at 11:00:24 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Who are you misinformed people.

What is it you think we are misinformed about? Maybe
you could enlighten us,

I am looking for a
way to ibogaine myself
into myself once again as I was about ten years ago
before those nasty drugs.

OK, how about a little more info, like who you are,
what kinds of “nasty drugs” you take/are addicted to,
your health (any health issues, HEP C, heart problems,
HIV, Other???).  How were you looking to ibogaine
yourself??? Do you know anything about ibogaine, did
you go to ibogaine.org and read the info and follow
the links to other sites??? At ibogaine.co.uk there
are is a list of treatment options.

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From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugnews] !!! ADDICTION: Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs
Date: July 18, 2002 at 10:15:15 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I don’t have a link – perhaps contact Peter Webster vignes@monaco.mc at
drugnews, or better, contact the sender Andrew Byrne –

I recommend the latter, as Peter is just a packet pusher in this sense, as I

– jt

—– Original Message —–
From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 6:21 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugnews] !!! ADDICTION: Informing America’s
policy on illegal drugs

Where’d you get this please? I’d love a link.
For that matter,
If at all possible, when people are posting stuff, could you all please
supply a link to go with the articles, commentary, etc, if one (or more)
exist? Thanks. I can always use more links to go up at drugwar.com and
HighTimes.com, so please, again, if at all possible, please post links with
articles etc.
Thank you.
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: Ibogaine
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 1:42 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugnews] !!! ADDICTION: Informing America’s
policy on illegal drugs

Not *totally* on-topic (no specific ibo content), but worthy of note.

– jt

—– Original Message —–
From: “Peter Webster” <vignes@monaco.mc>

Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:50:20 +1000
From: Andrew Byrne <ajbyrne@ozemail.com.au
Subject: “Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs: what we don’t know
hurting us”. US wisdom then commentaries in British journal.

For debate: Executive summary of the National Research Council’s
report “Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs: what we don’t
know keeps hurting us”.  Addiction (2002) 97: 647-652

Dear Colleagues,

Griffith Edwards, long-time editor-in-chief of the Addiction journal,
has written a lead piece explaining why he published this executive
report from the ‘US National Research Council’.  ‘Addiction’ and most
of its seven commentators seem to have missed the point that this is
an unscientific report of little relevance to the dependency field
beyond the US.  It represents the illogical and ineffective approach
taken by America for fifty years which is so clearly contrary to the
interests of its own citizens, not to mention some of its close

In short, Addiction seems to have found one of many American
reports saying that ‘we need more research on drug use in young
Americans before we dare make any changes to drugs policy”.  As
if to justify this, Edwards seeks comments from Reuter, Maynard,
Kandel, Weatherburn, Bammer, Kleber and Klingemann, mostly
prominent researchers!  It is hardly surprising that researchers
approve of more research!  But where are the comments from coal-
face clinicians, drug user representatives, administrators, police or
advocates for drug law reform, many of whom come from
impeccable conservative backgrounds.  Even a serious scientific
journal might consider such important interest groups occasionally.

Drug policy clearly should not remain frozen until more research is
done.  Even in England things are happening steadily, with cannabis
decriminalization, heroin prescription, improved methadone
treatment and needle services.  But the medical and research
experts seem to be the last to find out!  To Maynard’s credit, he
states in his commentary that research should be done AFTER
certain policy changes are made, to see if they are beneficial.  This
is ‘harm reduction’ by definition.  However, he seeks more ‘placebo
controlled studies’, especially in prisoners denied treatment.  This
curious view may be partly due to the poor standard of methadone
treatment in the UK and doubts by some whether it actually
‘works’.  He says that “UK reform cannot proceed without logic
and evidence . [changing the US] . current myopic and corrupting
policy framework”.  But US policy rarely follows ‘logic’, being
largely based on punishment or a ‘zero tolerance’ approach.

Reuter points out that measuring the true cost of drug use is more
complex than just estimating gross quantities of drugs used, as
seems to be the current US policy aim.  Indeed, he goes on, neither
quantities nor prevalence of drug use can account for the ‘violence,
corruption and disorder’ associated with drug use and drug control.

Weatherburn intriguingly straddles the fence, saying ‘it is
fashionable to decry America’s [punitive] drug policy’ but not
saying if he is part of the ‘fashion’.  And this is a field which he
knows much better than most, or than he chooses to reveal.  I
cannot fathom why he calls inadvertent collateral damage from
policing “iatrogenic” (doctor-induced).

Bammer, Kleber and Kandel make various astute observations,
comments and suggestions.  Kleber’s ‘kernel’ message is contained
in his final para, in a sentence with over eighty words and eight
commas!  To paraphrase his ‘de Quincey’-style: ‘nothing happens at
the top since so many still wrongly consider addiction self-inflicted’
(14 words!).  Only Klingemann, published last, points to the
profound myopia of the report and its lack of consideration of a
broader perspective beyond America such as heroin trials, criminal
nature of certain drugs and harm reduction as a policy.  These were
specifically excluded from consideration in this report.  The web
address is given as: www.nap.edu/catalog/10021.html  .

The reports authors are not given, nor its date.  However, three of
their number from the Department of Economics, Iowa University,
have replied to Reuter and Kleber while ignoring Klingemann and
Maynard.  Perhaps this is because the latter’s arguments were
cogent and ‘unanswerable’.

While the American government has resumed shooting down planes
suspected of being involved in drug importation, their own doctors
are prescribing amphetamine for children … and Swiss, English and
other doctors are using heroin successfully for addiction treatment.

Edwards states: “Although American in origin, we believe that this
thoughtful statement is likely to be of wide international interest”.
‘Thoughtful’?  Can he be serious?  Coming from the country with
such a poor record of drugs policy!  And a report which apparently
does not espouse one single ‘courageous’ departure from the
ubiquitous policy of ‘zero tolerance’ in that country!

This whole exercise seems to ignore the major advances many
countries have made in the area of drug related harm.  In some
cases these problems have almost been wiped out at very little cost
(eg. overdoses in Switzerland; HIV transmission in Australia;
cannabis prosecutions in Holland).  And the report’s’ exclusions’
remove any hope of useful ways to improve the current American
approach.  Maynard eloquently calls it a “welfare system for
present-day criminals” just as “alcohol prohibition in the 1920s was
a social security system which supported Capone and the US

Editor Edwards asks readers to ‘take the debate further ‘ by
submitting letters.  But Addiction appears to publish very little
correspondence arising from previously published articles – this
June edition contains none.  But under heading of letters, there are
3 apparently solicited but ‘unannounced’ commentaries (on cannabis
withdrawal review of Smith) plus a letter “from” the editor!  This
rambling apologia does everything but actually apologise, as it
possibly should, for “un-publishing” (!) an item from a decade ago
due to supposed undeclared tobacco sponsorship involving a
conference air-fare for a respected (and now deceased) Danish

Comments by Andrew Byrne ..

Dr Andrew Byrne,
Medical Practitioner, Drug and Alcohol,
75 Redfern Street, Redfern,
New South Wales, 2016,
Tel (61 – 2) 9319 5524  Fax 9318 0631

“What was it that did in reality make me an opium-eater?
…. Pain was it? No, but misery. Casual overcasting of sunshine
was it? No, but blank desolation. Gloom was it that might have
departed?  No, but settled and abiding darkness. Total eclipse,
Without all hope of day!”

Thomas De Quincey. Confessions of an English Opium Eater.
The London Magazine, 1821.

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] what’s changed since 2001?
Date: July 18, 2002 at 9:25:11 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>I would suggest it might be great to start a psychonauts list and
maybe even some more lists. This is cool.<

Hey Curtis,
Even more weirdness, and some hard news, and debate, discussions, all dealing with drugs and the War, can be found here:

>On another note, in cooperation with Andria at Drug Scope UK, and publisher of Users Voice in London, and with a ton of help both spiritual and technical from the brilliant, and thus as expected crazy folk at Mindvox.com, Drugwar has a new email list. We’d like to invite you all, and all your friends, relatives, enemies, pets, politicians, and anyone else who might not fit one of these catagories, to join us as we discuss, plot, plan, ramble and more, attempting to figure out how we got this far into such a pointless and destructive war, how it’s possible that we remain embroiled in aforementioned war, and how in the heck do we get ourselves out.

As our calm, rational, and utterly brilliant tech design guy/friend Patrick put it last night:
“if you wanna subscribe to drugwar, the address is:
This just opened roughly 3 minutes ago, the list will go wherever whomever
takes it, but primarily it is being run by Preston & Andria, and/or Andria
and Preston.  Although I’m sure I’ll provide occasional thoughtful
insights, and brief introspective moments of reasonable discourse.

Its purpose is to provide you with an up to the minute hotlist of the
best spots to cop on planet earth.  No wait, that’s the Drug Database &
Beeper/Cellphone eXchange, coming Any Minute Now.
Mostly the purpose of the list is to move the more Drug War related
conversations and materials…”<


—– Original Message —–
From: Curtis Hersch
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 12:37 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] what’s changed since 2001?

Understood, I am only writing with him because I’m interested in
how his experience was. That is all.

Whatever phase you’re in, you are truly bent and really funny.

This is the freakiest list I have ever read in my life and without
knowing a lot of you I like this space. I even liked Brett and
Neuroskull going at it, Brett obviously has some bad experiences
with having religion forced on him, I can relate to that bro.

Peace out,

I would suggest it might be great to start a psychonauts list and
maybe even some more lists. This is cool.


On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 Patrick K. Kroupa wrote :
>On [Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 02:14:43AM -0000], [Curtis  Hersch]
>| On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 ascending@hushmail.com wrote :
>| I’m sending mail off list, need to ask you something. Will
>| hushmail accept mail without PGP? It must if you’re writing
>| list right?
>| Curtis
>Curtis.  While you have wonderful taste in fine music, and seem
>generally be a thoughtful and interesting person.  There is this
>word you
>should look up, it’s called: subtle.  Pronounced  Sub-Tul.
>Meaning: Learn
>to shut the fuck up and think about what you’re about to say,
>before doing
>so (I paraphrase here from Webster’s New Edition).  This message
>will be
>the EXACT OPPOSITE of subtle.

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugnews] !!! ADDICTION: Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs
Date: July 18, 2002 at 9:21:32 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Where’d you get this please? I’d love a link.
For that matter,
If at all possible, when people are posting stuff, could you all please supply a link to go with the articles, commentary, etc, if one (or more) exist? Thanks. I can always use more links to go up at drugwar.com and HighTimes.com, so please, again, if at all possible, please post links with articles etc.
Thank you.
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: Ibogaine
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 1:42 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugnews] !!! ADDICTION: Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs

Not *totally* on-topic (no specific ibo content), but worthy of note.

– jt

—– Original Message —–
From: “Peter Webster” <vignes@monaco.mc>

Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:50:20 +1000
From: Andrew Byrne <ajbyrne@ozemail.com.au
Subject: “Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs: what we don’t know
hurting us”. US wisdom then commentaries in British journal.

For debate: Executive summary of the National Research Council’s
report “Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs: what we don’t
know keeps hurting us”.  Addiction (2002) 97: 647-652

Dear Colleagues,

Griffith Edwards, long-time editor-in-chief of the Addiction journal,
has written a lead piece explaining why he published this executive
report from the ‘US National Research Council’.  ‘Addiction’ and most
of its seven commentators seem to have missed the point that this is
an unscientific report of little relevance to the dependency field
beyond the US.  It represents the illogical and ineffective approach
taken by America for fifty years which is so clearly contrary to the
interests of its own citizens, not to mention some of its close

In short, Addiction seems to have found one of many American
reports saying that ‘we need more research on drug use in young
Americans before we dare make any changes to drugs policy”.  As
if to justify this, Edwards seeks comments from Reuter, Maynard,
Kandel, Weatherburn, Bammer, Kleber and Klingemann, mostly
prominent researchers!  It is hardly surprising that researchers
approve of more research!  But where are the comments from coal-
face clinicians, drug user representatives, administrators, police or
advocates for drug law reform, many of whom come from
impeccable conservative backgrounds.  Even a serious scientific
journal might consider such important interest groups occasionally.

Drug policy clearly should not remain frozen until more research is
done.  Even in England things are happening steadily, with cannabis
decriminalization, heroin prescription, improved methadone
treatment and needle services.  But the medical and research
experts seem to be the last to find out!  To Maynard’s credit, he
states in his commentary that research should be done AFTER
certain policy changes are made, to see if they are beneficial.  This
is ‘harm reduction’ by definition.  However, he seeks more ‘placebo
controlled studies’, especially in prisoners denied treatment.  This
curious view may be partly due to the poor standard of methadone
treatment in the UK and doubts by some whether it actually
‘works’.  He says that “UK reform cannot proceed without logic
and evidence . [changing the US] . current myopic and corrupting
policy framework”.  But US policy rarely follows ‘logic’, being
largely based on punishment or a ‘zero tolerance’ approach.

Reuter points out that measuring the true cost of drug use is more
complex than just estimating gross quantities of drugs used, as
seems to be the current US policy aim.  Indeed, he goes on, neither
quantities nor prevalence of drug use can account for the ‘violence,
corruption and disorder’ associated with drug use and drug control.

Weatherburn intriguingly straddles the fence, saying ‘it is
fashionable to decry America’s [punitive] drug policy’ but not
saying if he is part of the ‘fashion’.  And this is a field which he
knows much better than most, or than he chooses to reveal.  I
cannot fathom why he calls inadvertent collateral damage from
policing “iatrogenic” (doctor-induced).

Bammer, Kleber and Kandel make various astute observations,
comments and suggestions.  Kleber’s ‘kernel’ message is contained
in his final para, in a sentence with over eighty words and eight
commas!  To paraphrase his ‘de Quincey’-style: ‘nothing happens at
the top since so many still wrongly consider addiction self-inflicted’
(14 words!).  Only Klingemann, published last, points to the
profound myopia of the report and its lack of consideration of a
broader perspective beyond America such as heroin trials, criminal
nature of certain drugs and harm reduction as a policy.  These were
specifically excluded from consideration in this report.  The web
address is given as: www.nap.edu/catalog/10021.html  .

The reports authors are not given, nor its date.  However, three of
their number from the Department of Economics, Iowa University,
have replied to Reuter and Kleber while ignoring Klingemann and
Maynard.  Perhaps this is because the latter’s arguments were
cogent and ‘unanswerable’.

While the American government has resumed shooting down planes
suspected of being involved in drug importation, their own doctors
are prescribing amphetamine for children … and Swiss, English and
other doctors are using heroin successfully for addiction treatment.

Edwards states: “Although American in origin, we believe that this
thoughtful statement is likely to be of wide international interest”.
‘Thoughtful’?  Can he be serious?  Coming from the country with
such a poor record of drugs policy!  And a report which apparently
does not espouse one single ‘courageous’ departure from the
ubiquitous policy of ‘zero tolerance’ in that country!

This whole exercise seems to ignore the major advances many
countries have made in the area of drug related harm.  In some
cases these problems have almost been wiped out at very little cost
(eg. overdoses in Switzerland; HIV transmission in Australia;
cannabis prosecutions in Holland).  And the report’s’ exclusions’
remove any hope of useful ways to improve the current American
approach.  Maynard eloquently calls it a “welfare system for
present-day criminals” just as “alcohol prohibition in the 1920s was
a social security system which supported Capone and the US

Editor Edwards asks readers to ‘take the debate further ‘ by
submitting letters.  But Addiction appears to publish very little
correspondence arising from previously published articles – this
June edition contains none.  But under heading of letters, there are
3 apparently solicited but ‘unannounced’ commentaries (on cannabis
withdrawal review of Smith) plus a letter “from” the editor!  This
rambling apologia does everything but actually apologise, as it
possibly should, for “un-publishing” (!) an item from a decade ago
due to supposed undeclared tobacco sponsorship involving a
conference air-fare for a respected (and now deceased) Danish

Comments by Andrew Byrne ..

Dr Andrew Byrne,
Medical Practitioner, Drug and Alcohol,
75 Redfern Street, Redfern,
New South Wales, 2016,
Tel (61 – 2) 9319 5524  Fax 9318 0631

“What was it that did in reality make me an opium-eater?
…. Pain was it? No, but misery. Casual overcasting of sunshine
was it? No, but blank desolation. Gloom was it that might have
departed?  No, but settled and abiding darkness. Total eclipse,
Without all hope of day!”

Thomas De Quincey. Confessions of an English Opium Eater.
The London Magazine, 1821.

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 8:33:37 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


My “stance” is simple and has nothing to do with JC vs
Buddah, it is nothing “like that”, there are no sides,
my belief is better than yours (yeah man my JC can
kick your Buddahs ass any day…. what is this the 3rd
grade?) THAT IS THE POINT and yes I am intolerant of
intolerant people, people who spread fear and hate,
that put people down for any reason,  there is no
“stance” on what side of religion I stand on – it
doesn’t matter, that is not the point. And I am NOT
anti-religious/against beliefs – unless those beliefs
are that I should believe in
whateverthefuckitisthatyoubelievein. I don’t care if
it is Amway, JC, women, cars, politics, religion, god,
not god, gardening, painting, training pets, sexuality
– ANYTHING. I hate it when people tell me what to do
and am very quick to throw it right back, and it don’t
matter what it is about – the operative word is
“tell”, as in command someone, as in I am stupid if I
do anything but what they tell me… not exchanging
ideas, giving advice or an observation, that is fine.

— Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com> wrote:

I think Brett and Neuroskull are having some sort of
most religious or anti religious contest to see who
can keep writing the most about their opposing views
on jesus over buddha or something like that, Brett
never been clear about his stance except he is
intolerant of intolerance.

They may have stopped I’m not sure.

Ibogaine treatment and supply is usually listed here

Ibogaine Treatment Centres and supply options

Carla B

— Hal5943@aol.com wrote:
Who are you misinformed people. I am looking for a
way to ibogaine myself
into myself once again as I was about ten years
before those nasty drugs.

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From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 18, 2002 at 6:29:43 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—– Original Message —–
From: <Mzzthangg13@aol.com>

hello i just did ibo  on 7/12/02  to get offf 100mgs of dfamm meth i hate
methadon  i stayed at the center for 5 days  i fgeel better  now i got
on  7/16 i had to go yesterday to the hospotal cause of thr pain like
in my legs but i slept all day weds sorry i can’y write anymore wehn i
better i wil karina

Wow, now that’s what I call an answer – first good one so far. Thank you so
much, definitely, Karina. I hope you do well, sincerely, and I hope that you
get better. It’s probabhly too early right now for you to be fully down,
from what I understand. Please let me and/or the list know how things
progress, if you feel comfortable doing so.

– jt

From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 18, 2002 at 6:19:25 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

hello i just did ibo  on 7/12/02  to get offf 100mgs of dfamm meth i hate methadon  i stayed at the center for 5 days  i fgeel better  now i got home on  7/16 i had to go yesterday to the hospotal cause of thr pain like kicking  in my legs but i slept all day weds sorry i can’y write anymore wehn i fell better i wil karina


From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 2:39:26 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


You’re welcome, I sorta surprised myself too.  I guess after having to live with myself for nearly 40 years I’m finally starting to get a clue.. And people like you are a big help to that end as well.

God bless,


In a message dated 7/17/2002 9:16:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, carrierollins@yahoo.com writes:

That was different and thanks 🙂


From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: [drugnews] !!! ADDICTION: Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs
Date: July 18, 2002 at 1:42:22 AM EDT
To: “Ibogaine” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Not *totally* on-topic (no specific ibo content), but worthy of note.

– jt

—– Original Message —–
From: “Peter Webster” <vignes@monaco.mc>

Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 09:50:20 +1000
From: Andrew Byrne <ajbyrne@ozemail.com.au
Subject: “Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs: what we don’t know
hurting us”. US wisdom then commentaries in British journal.

For debate: Executive summary of the National Research Council’s
report “Informing America’s policy on illegal drugs: what we don’t
know keeps hurting us”.  Addiction (2002) 97: 647-652

Dear Colleagues,

Griffith Edwards, long-time editor-in-chief of the Addiction journal,
has written a lead piece explaining why he published this executive
report from the ‘US National Research Council’.  ‘Addiction’ and most
of its seven commentators seem to have missed the point that this is
an unscientific report of little relevance to the dependency field
beyond the US.  It represents the illogical and ineffective approach
taken by America for fifty years which is so clearly contrary to the
interests of its own citizens, not to mention some of its close

In short, Addiction seems to have found one of many American
reports saying that ‘we need more research on drug use in young
Americans before we dare make any changes to drugs policy”.  As
if to justify this, Edwards seeks comments from Reuter, Maynard,
Kandel, Weatherburn, Bammer, Kleber and Klingemann, mostly
prominent researchers!  It is hardly surprising that researchers
approve of more research!  But where are the comments from coal-
face clinicians, drug user representatives, administrators, police or
advocates for drug law reform, many of whom come from
impeccable conservative backgrounds.  Even a serious scientific
journal might consider such important interest groups occasionally.

Drug policy clearly should not remain frozen until more research is
done.  Even in England things are happening steadily, with cannabis
decriminalization, heroin prescription, improved methadone
treatment and needle services.  But the medical and research
experts seem to be the last to find out!  To Maynard’s credit, he
states in his commentary that research should be done AFTER
certain policy changes are made, to see if they are beneficial.  This
is ‘harm reduction’ by definition.  However, he seeks more ‘placebo
controlled studies’, especially in prisoners denied treatment.  This
curious view may be partly due to the poor standard of methadone
treatment in the UK and doubts by some whether it actually
‘works’.  He says that “UK reform cannot proceed without logic
and evidence . [changing the US] . current myopic and corrupting
policy framework”.  But US policy rarely follows ‘logic’, being
largely based on punishment or a ‘zero tolerance’ approach.

Reuter points out that measuring the true cost of drug use is more
complex than just estimating gross quantities of drugs used, as
seems to be the current US policy aim.  Indeed, he goes on, neither
quantities nor prevalence of drug use can account for the ‘violence,
corruption and disorder’ associated with drug use and drug control.

Weatherburn intriguingly straddles the fence, saying ‘it is
fashionable to decry America’s [punitive] drug policy’ but not
saying if he is part of the ‘fashion’.  And this is a field which he
knows much better than most, or than he chooses to reveal.  I
cannot fathom why he calls inadvertent collateral damage from
policing “iatrogenic” (doctor-induced).

Bammer, Kleber and Kandel make various astute observations,
comments and suggestions.  Kleber’s ‘kernel’ message is contained
in his final para, in a sentence with over eighty words and eight
commas!  To paraphrase his ‘de Quincey’-style: ‘nothing happens at
the top since so many still wrongly consider addiction self-inflicted’
(14 words!).  Only Klingemann, published last, points to the
profound myopia of the report and its lack of consideration of a
broader perspective beyond America such as heroin trials, criminal
nature of certain drugs and harm reduction as a policy.  These were
specifically excluded from consideration in this report.  The web
address is given as: www.nap.edu/catalog/10021.html  .

The reports authors are not given, nor its date.  However, three of
their number from the Department of Economics, Iowa University,
have replied to Reuter and Kleber while ignoring Klingemann and
Maynard.  Perhaps this is because the latter’s arguments were
cogent and ‘unanswerable’.

While the American government has resumed shooting down planes
suspected of being involved in drug importation, their own doctors
are prescribing amphetamine for children … and Swiss, English and
other doctors are using heroin successfully for addiction treatment.

Edwards states: “Although American in origin, we believe that this
thoughtful statement is likely to be of wide international interest”.
‘Thoughtful’?  Can he be serious?  Coming from the country with
such a poor record of drugs policy!  And a report which apparently
does not espouse one single ‘courageous’ departure from the
ubiquitous policy of ‘zero tolerance’ in that country!

This whole exercise seems to ignore the major advances many
countries have made in the area of drug related harm.  In some
cases these problems have almost been wiped out at very little cost
(eg. overdoses in Switzerland; HIV transmission in Australia;
cannabis prosecutions in Holland).  And the report’s’ exclusions’
remove any hope of useful ways to improve the current American
approach.  Maynard eloquently calls it a “welfare system for
present-day criminals” just as “alcohol prohibition in the 1920s was
a social security system which supported Capone and the US

Editor Edwards asks readers to ‘take the debate further ‘ by
submitting letters.  But Addiction appears to publish very little
correspondence arising from previously published articles – this
June edition contains none.  But under heading of letters, there are
3 apparently solicited but ‘unannounced’ commentaries (on cannabis
withdrawal review of Smith) plus a letter “from” the editor!  This
rambling apologia does everything but actually apologise, as it
possibly should, for “un-publishing” (!) an item from a decade ago
due to supposed undeclared tobacco sponsorship involving a
conference air-fare for a respected (and now deceased) Danish

Comments by Andrew Byrne ..

Dr Andrew Byrne,
Medical Practitioner, Drug and Alcohol,
75 Redfern Street, Redfern,
New South Wales, 2016,
Tel (61 – 2) 9319 5524  Fax 9318 0631

“What was it that did in reality make me an opium-eater?
…. Pain was it? No, but misery. Casual overcasting of sunshine
was it? No, but blank desolation. Gloom was it that might have
departed?  No, but settled and abiding darkness. Total eclipse,
Without all hope of day!”

Thomas De Quincey. Confessions of an English Opium Eater.
The London Magazine, 1821.

From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] what’s changed since 2001?
Date: July 18, 2002 at 12:37:38 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Understood, I am only writing with him because I’m interested in how his experience was. That is all.

Whatever phase you’re in, you are truly bent and really funny.

This is the freakiest list I have ever read in my life and without knowing a lot of you I like this space. I even liked Brett and Neuroskull going at it, Brett obviously has some bad experiences with having religion forced on him, I can relate to that bro.

Peace out,

I would suggest it might be great to start a psychonauts list and maybe even some more lists. This is cool.


On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 Patrick K. Kroupa wrote :
On [Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 02:14:43AM -0000], [Curtis  Hersch] wrote:
| On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 ascending@hushmail.com wrote :

| I’m sending mail off list, need to ask you something. Will
| hushmail accept mail without PGP? It must if you’re writing to
| list right?
| Curtis

Curtis.  While you have wonderful taste in fine music, and seem to
generally be a thoughtful and interesting person.  There is this word you
should look up, it’s called: subtle.  Pronounced  Sub-Tul.  Meaning: Learn
to shut the fuck up and think about what you’re about to say, before doing
so (I paraphrase here from Webster’s New Edition).  This message will be
the EXACT OPPOSITE of subtle.

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 12:25:10 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

What does throwing Mormons down wells got to do with anything?

In a message dated 7/17/2002 8:52:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jellking@yahoo.com writes:

That’s funny (or not)!  When I get really depressed about the world, I think, “LSD in the wells, only solution.”  Jane

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 12:23:56 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey, Hal, (before I sign off here) you remind me of something Yoda said in “the Empire strkes back”: Don’t try, DO!  Jane
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From: Rhafner77@cs.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 12:20:42 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/17/2002 7:17:12 PM Mountain Daylight Time, Hal5943@aol.com writes:

Who are you misinformed people. I am looking for a way to ibogaine myself into myself once again as I was about ten years ago before those nasty drugs.

Who are the mis-informed here??
not that I post here often myself, but from what I`ve seen <read> U seem to be either mis, or perhaps un informed. Its
getting a bit boring to keep hearing from those like you who want ibogaine, yet come here to babble   instead of just going & getting dosed.. & hey, I know it ain`t easy, either. I`ve been trying for some ibogaine for years, & some who I`ve told about it have been `unsprung` for some time now….too bad there aren`t  any Dr. Learys around anymore, to deal with ibogaine as he did w/ acid.  -mirror-

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 12:19:44 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Carrie says, “It’s too bad but ditto.

Short of that I don’t see anything changing except
everything getting worse and worse.

I know, and it does seem, especially in the U.S. that humanity grows more ignorant day by day.  I think, however, that if we all who felt this way could find some basic kind of self-responsibility and fellowship, we could begin to make a difference.  Since the people on this list all seem to be trying, it’s hard to know what else to do, but bit by bit, I think we can collectively “get our act together.”  At least I think that on Wednesdays, by Friday I may be all weirded out again!  Jane
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From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 12:16:26 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Neuroskull I wanted to say I appreciate what you just
did. You are the first hardcore Christian person I
have ever met who has listened when anyone asked them
to calm down.

It makes me and I think others much more likely to
listen to what you might have to say in the future.

That was different and thanks 🙂


On [Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 11:20:32PM -0400],
[NeuroSkull@aol.com] wrote:

| Jane, I LOVE YOU!  And I’m sorry for mounting a
| yesterday.  Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my
| In Christ,
| Don

See…?  Everything’s all-good and just super-fine.
<Group Hug>


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From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 18, 2002 at 12:12:36 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

It’s too bad but ditto.

Short of that I don’t see anything changing except
everything getting worse and worse.


— Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com> wrote:

Patrick: I’m glad you asked me that, because
personally I feel that everything
Over There — and Over Here for that matter — could
reach some sort of
settlement, agreement type of situation, several
hundred lifetimes faster,
if we simply sprayed LSD and MDMA over the whole
entire situation.”

That’s funny (or not)!  When I get really depressed
about the world, I think, “LSD in the wells, only
solution.”  Jane

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From: “Angelo Marotta” <marottaa@netzero.net>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:52:31 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I thought I signed onto an Ibogaine list.
I seemed to be lost.
Can anyone tell me the address of the Ibogaine list?


—–Original Message—–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa [mailto:digital@phantom.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 1:30 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and
ibogaine too)

On [Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 12:12:33AM -0400], [preston peet]

| Don wrote
| >I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I never
will nor am I
| against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend
invited me onto this
| list and that’s why you see me here….P.S.S To my friend
that invited
| me onto this list.  If you think I’m being too much of a
nuisance, you
| can zap me off of here if you want.  I’d like to stay, but
I leave it up
| to you. <

Hey Don,

That’d be me.  Fully guilty.  Don has been on some of the
other lists for
quite a while, he appears to be similar to many of us — the
US that I
know, I can’t speak for everybody — he has some issues n
things, he’s
somewhat crazy, and he loves his understanding of God a
great deal.

For what it’s worth, people are people, Don loves Jesus, but
then, on the
flipside of all that, he also signed himself into MindVox
and stuck
around.  While we get a tremendous volume of hate mail and
death threats,
from those who want to share God’s love, and have problems
with our
existence, thoughts, and those JesusCrackHead banners Drew
has running;
most of them don’t stick around after venting and explaining
how God will
kill us all.  <shrug>

Go figure.  I’m not sure I understand that, but prolly I
don’t need to,
and I have no problem accepting it.

Don, you are certainly as welcome to hang out as anyone, my
only request
would echo whut Carrie asked, which is PLEASE don’t turn
this into a
Jesus Or Else discussion that never ends.  There are many
people present
here, who have all found different paths that lead to God.
One of them
would be me.  I’m not a Christian, a long time ago, in a
universe far, far
away, I was raised a Roman Catholic Atheist, “forgiv me
fadduh, for eye
haz sinned.  Prolly I shall do so again, but ahm doinz my
very best heah.”
I presently belong to no organized religious faith, but many
of my beliefs
find expression and a lotta resonance with Buddhism.

I am not a Buddhist.  I am a member of no organized

None of this changes the fact that I like you (Don), and you
are more than
welcome to hang around.  I have absolutely no problem with
Fundamentalists, or anybody really.  For that matter you
seem to do just
super-fine on the Vox list, where the only organized
religion present is
either paganism or full-blown psychosis.  And, the psychotic
pagans were
completely accepting of your two Great Works: Pre-Adamic
Star Wars and
Abominable Hybrid Offspring of the Nephilim.  So, whatsa
mattuh wid ewe?

I know you are VERY prolific, and could argue faith back and
forth all day
and every day, but the reason I thought you might find this
list of
interest was, see, okay, here are a lot of people, many of
them with
severe problems they are overcoming, these are some of the
things that
ibogaine does, some it doesn’t do, etcetera…

If you like I am more than happy to give you a JESUS list!
You can make
MindVox start radiating Jesus, because, well, why not.  I
like the J man.

So, to conclude.  You’re not the only one with your beliefs
on this list,
there is some lhuterson or lhutcherson (?) person who also
likes to pop up
every so often, express her faith that JESUS is the answer
to everything.
‘Cept, then she goes away for a while.  She doesn’t keep up
a constant
barrage of this, which completely defocuses the purpose of
this list.
Which is to talk about ibogaine, addiction, and then,
everything on the
whole entire planet, most especially GOSSIP!  But not

Thusly: please chill a bit.  If you have any questions ’bout
what ibogaine
does, well hey, you can ask.  If you have any insights about
I agree with ya ’bout the hittin’ the gym part; just please
do not try to
convert everyone — even if it’s fun or provides one helluva
rush — because prolly, it won’t work, and just annoys

Thank yooz,


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From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:52:03 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Patrick: I’m glad you asked me that, because personally I feel that everything
Over There — and Over Here for that matter — could reach some sort of
settlement, agreement type of situation, several hundred lifetimes faster,
if we simply sprayed LSD and MDMA over the whole entire situation.”
That’s funny (or not)!  When I get really depressed about the world, I think, “LSD in the wells, only solution.”  Jane
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From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:39:12 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Funny that you should say that!  Earlier I toyed with the idea of saying that we should send Patrick over to negotiate between the Palestinians and the Jews..  Sure couldn’t hurt!  Jane, I LOVE YOU!  And I’m sorry for mounting a mini-crusade yesterday.  Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain. 

In Christ, 

Thanks.  You know, on ibo2, as I call it, I SAW in panoramic precognition (many of you know about stuff like this) my visit to the rainforest (ayahuasca, yes, but mostly environmentalism for the Bolivian rainforest) AND Jerusalem.  I lived in the heart of the old city for 3 weeks (awesome).  The Academy of Jerusalem, who graciously had me as a guest in their Old City apartment, had one window overlooking the palestinian souks and the other overlooking the Wailing Wall and Dome of the Rock.  Talk about a place where people live their religions…..the chanting (in 3 religions, at least, and don’t forget the Canaanite) begins at about 3:30 a.m and goes on.  Of course I was there during Ramadan and Christmas.  Bethlehem was disgustingly commercial, even while Yassar Arafat attended midnight mass in the Church of the Nativity (this was the millenium, and everyone was trying hard, I guess, to capitalize on the moment).  Anyway, I’m pretty interested in peace, like every sane person alive, and believe we have to start with ourselves!  Jane
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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:29:53 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 11:20:32PM -0400], [NeuroSkull@aol.com] wrote:

| Funny that you should say that!  Earlier I toyed with the idea of saying that
| we should send Patrick over to negotiate between the Palestinians and the
| Jews..  Sure couldn’t hurt!

I’m glad you asked me that, because personally I feel that everything
Over There — and Over Here for that matter — could reach some sort of
settlement, agreement type of situation, several hundred lifetimes faster,
if we simply sprayed LSD and MDMA over the whole entire situation.

Of course this is merely my opinion; others may disagree and possibly even
put forth DIFFERENT concepts and ideas.  Life’s just like that sometimes.

| Jane, I LOVE YOU!  And I’m sorry for mounting a  mini-crusade
| yesterday.  Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain.
| In Christ,
| Don

See…?  Everything’s all-good and just super-fine.  <Group Hug>


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] what’s changed since 2001?
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:24:52 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 02:14:43AM -0000], [Curtis  Hersch] wrote:
| On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 ascending@hushmail.com wrote :

| I’m sending mail off list, need to ask you something. Will
| hushmail accept mail without PGP? It must if you’re writing to
| list right?
| Curtis

Curtis.  While you have wonderful taste in fine music, and seem to
generally be a thoughtful and interesting person.  There is this word you
should look up, it’s called: subtle.  Pronounced  Sub-Tul.  Meaning: Learn
to shut the fuck up and think about what you’re about to say, before doing
so (I paraphrase here from Webster’s New Edition).  This message will be
the EXACT OPPOSITE of subtle.

You couldn’t possibly have INTENT to SOLICIT the purchase of SCHEDULE 1
SUBSTANCES, and plans to CONSPIRE to commit a FELONY right…?  Gosh I
hope not.  It’s great that we don’t log any IP’s and delete all the logs
every 5 minutes or so, like right now for instance.  Because saying all
that at a list of several hundred people you don’t know, may not be the
most brilliant thing you could possibly do.  Even though I know all you’re
gonna talk about is the weather, or possibly some legal location to
experience the wonder of ibogaine.  Using PGP.

“Hello Occifer!  I have heard this is a drug-infested hellhole.  Sounds
great to me!  Could you please tell me the nearest street corner where I
may purchase some Heroin and an 8ball!?!?11!!@!”

Just like do whatever, but please don’t run an announcement.  I realize I
have just added flashing neon to your sign, but it’d be groovy if people
did not repeat whatcha just did.  We fully intend to start the WorldWide
Access Database, but in my old age I have grown wary of taking any action
whatsoever, without having at least 4 lawyers surround me in a huddle and
whisper sweet nothings into my ear.  And do a good job at the delivery
too, I mean I WANT them to work at making me truly BELIEVE what they say,
or it’s just No Good.

Possibly, this too may be — and prolly is — an overreaction to all the,
“Where do I buy DrugZ!?!!!!!” mail I keep getting.  How should I know…?
I’m not a drug dealer, go to your nearest NA meeting, and you’ll find
lots of helpful people there.  Or look up “escort” in the yellow pages;
find the ho’s, they’ll help you find DRugZ.  Plus, also, in the worst
case, you can go to any Greyhound station.  It is U.S. Federal Law that
all Greyhound stations must be located within 2 blocks of at least half a
dozen pitchers.  Failing all that just find the street called, “Martin
Luther King Jr. Blvd” in whatever city you live in, and at least one end
will contain many helpful youths who may give the illusion of
aimlessly loitering, but are in actuality working super hard, selling

If the healing molecule you wanna locate is ibogaine, well then whut Carla
sed’ is absolutely correct:

Ibogaine Treatment Centres and supply options

| >Shout outs to Patrick and Dave, like yer recovery anti-recovery
| >rap in HT.

Thank ewe.

p.s., pardon me, I seem to have misplaced my tinfoil hat today, the
weather is extremely paranoid.  This usually indicates a SpiraL into the
depressive part of manic depression is about to begin, thus — checking
watch — I should be Superman again in about 48 hours.

Until then, I remain very truly yours, curled in a fetal position under my
bed.  Aha, I have just realized that this time I will BEAT the depressive
part, by simply NEVER GOING TO SLEEP AGAIN!  Why haven’t I thought of this
before, it’s brilliant!  No wait, I have thought of it, d’oh.


From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:20:32 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Funny that you should say that!  Earlier I toyed with the idea of saying that we should send Patrick over to negotiate between the Palestinians and the Jews..  Sure couldn’t hurt!  Jane, I LOVE YOU!  And I’m sorry for mounting a mini-crusade yesterday.  Sometimes my mouth gets ahead of my brain.

In Christ,


In a message dated 7/17/2002 8:16:38 PM Pacific Daylight Time, jellking@yahoo.com writes:

Let’s take it to Jerusalem!  Love, Jane

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:16:23 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Don (Neuroskull) writes, “I’ve stopped.  And I apologize if my postings created a bit of a stir.  That wasn’t my intention.  In my ignorance and enthusiasm I mistook the ibogaine list as being similar to the vox list.. And well, as they say in modern parlance “My bad”.  I’ve never been accused of brilliance”
No harm done, though lots of venting. I (remember me?  sorry, folks, I try hard not to debate about religion with people, makes me too crazy) was offering Eric a book suggestion, one that helps me a lot.  Especially with MY manic phases.  It worries me though when people seeking help end up signing off  an ibo list because they can’t deal with the judgmental ranting.  It’s nice to see a reconciliation of sorts.  And, I must say, its rather exciting to see the change from judgment (on both sides) to a kind of acceptance of difference.  Let’s take it to Jerusalem!  Love, Jane
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From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 10:21:35 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I’ve stopped.  And I apologize if my postings created a bit of a stir.  That wasn’t my intention.  In my ignorance and enthusiasm I mistook the ibogaine list as being similar to the vox list.. And well, as they say in modern parlance “My bad”.  I’ve never been accused of brilliance.

God bless,

(Always accepting emails regarding salvation through Christ)

From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] what’s changed since 2001?
Date: July 17, 2002 at 10:14:43 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 ascending@hushmail.com wrote :

Out of the loop for a while. What’s happening with ibo and moving it off schedule I? I am guessing nothing.

Picked up the WSJ which is why I ask. Dr. Mash has some words but like so many of her words they don’t really say anything. I don’t see noribogaine or MC-18 or anything else out there. Same story, years later, no changes.

I don’t have any idea I just got here bro. But it looks like a fun soap opera.

I also don’t see ibogaine anywhere except out of the country.

I must ask you that.

I’ve read the sites, if there is any progress I must have missed it. ibogaine org, net, uk.

This thing kicks ass, whatever it is. Thought Mindvox was hackerland back in the day. Welcome back from the dead.

No shit man, that’s how I found this place except by just wondering where phantom went to, it went to dope and then psychedelics and it’s changed some. Too cool bro.

Clean off methadone for 9 months here. Treated by the wise in the beautiful city of San Francisco.

Life is good.

I’m sending mail off list, need to ask you something. Will hushmail accept mail without PGP? It must if you’re writing to list right?


Shout outs to Patrick and Dave, like yer recovery anti-recovery rap in HT.

Communicate in total privacy.
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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 9:47:08 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I think Brett and Neuroskull are having some sort of
most religious or anti religious contest to see who
can keep writing the most about their opposing views
on jesus over buddha or something like that, Brett has
never been clear about his stance except he is
intolerant of intolerance.

They may have stopped I’m not sure.

Ibogaine treatment and supply is usually listed here

Ibogaine Treatment Centres and supply options

Carla B

— Hal5943@aol.com wrote:
Who are you misinformed people. I am looking for a
way to ibogaine myself
into myself once again as I was about ten years ago
before those nasty drugs.

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From: Hal5943@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 9:16:54 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Who are you misinformed people. I am looking for a way to ibogaine myself into myself once again as I was about ten years ago before those nasty drugs.

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 9:05:34 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Minister of Disinformation at the First Church of MindVox/Escort Agency

That is an honorary title bestowed upon me by the Uber Doom Meister himself.  Words can’t express how honored and loved that simple gesture made me feel.  Really.  God bless his soul.


In a message dated 7/17/2002 11:39:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, vector6@space.com writes:

Neuroskull is ok. Like Patrick said he has been on the
vox list forever, he has some kind of christian thing
but he’s ok. This is the only place I’ve ever seen him
preach before, besides his web pages and books.

He does go on usenet and talk about videogames a lot.
And sign his text with

Minister of Disinformation at the First Church of
MindVox/Escort Agency

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 17, 2002 at 8:57:07 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey Carrie,

You saw my future self eh?  Made that page during one of my manic periods.  Yeah, I’m a real happy fella in that pic, a bit oblivious, yet happy.  Wonder if I’ll have any friends during that time in the future… Well, somebody had to take that pic.


In a message dated 7/17/2002 2:13:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time, carrierollins@yahoo.com writes:

Like the future you on your home page don 🙂


From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 17, 2002 at 6:21:35 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I messed up with my
effexor dosage 3 days ago…


I have a feeling that ibogaine would do you a lot of
good, so would getting laid but that would be a topic
for another list. Right, have a nice long ibo trip,
you would not be the first to see “GOD” (JC or
whatever your diety of choice is – well, sometimes
“other” dieties…).


perhaps that’s why I went off on a rant.  My
apologies.  I like you too


In a message dated 7/17/2002 10:38:44 AM Pacific
Daylight Time,
digital@phantom.com writes:

Thusly: please chill a bit.  If you have any
questions ’bout what ibogaine
does, well hey, you can ask.  If you have any
insights about maintaining,
I agree with ya ’bout the hittin’ the gym part;
just please do not try to
convert everyone — even if it’s fun or provides
one helluva emotional
rush — because prolly, it won’t work, and just
annoys people.

Thank yooz,


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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 6:16:03 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

it’s never my intention to anger anyone with the
Good News of Christ….

Well, gee you might try a different tact. You know, do
unto others as you would have them do unto you… You
wouldn’t like to be told you are an ignorant, that JC
is evil (and I said I have my own “stories”…), that
you should cchange your religion, HI, I am NEURO and
YOU should change your beliefs cause I said so… From
your logic, maybe I should hate black people cause I
had an early bad experience when I was mugged or the
VERY MANY times people do stuff (like LITERALLY KILL
MILLIONS OF PEOPLE) in the name of GOD or JC – does
that make believing in JC/GOD of the bible bad??? No,
so I hear you had a bad experience, so what, we have
all had them, so YOU go be a Christian but don’t
expect me to be one because of YOUR experiences and I
don’t expect you to believe in what I believe in
because of mine. Maybe if I didn’t hear those
obnoxious statements (and a lot of other maybes) I
would take more interest. I have no problem with JC,
none at all, in fact it is part of truth. As for your
JC, YOUR god, YOUR church – the way it is put to me –
listening. Want to chat about GOD, JC, being Muslum,
crystals (not my “thing” but may be someone elses),
Jewish teachings, Vidanta – (equally, you want to call
it differently fine but I will have nothing to do with
anyone selling me something that THEY just know I must
have…), you may be surprised at the similarities,
especially in some early (and not what they teach you
in Sunday School) text.


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From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] what’s changed since 2001?
Date: July 17, 2002 at 5:18:41 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— ascending@hushmail.com wrote:

Out of the loop for a while. What’s happening with
ibo and moving it off schedule I? I am guessing

Good guess!


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From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 17, 2002 at 5:13:24 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Don and thanks for stopping the spamming with jesus
🙂 Welcome to the list too.

The world gets even stranger. A satanic cult likes
mindvox, sure I can see that. The illuminanti are
online, of course they are where else would they be.
Fundementalist Christians like Mindvox. I would not
have seen that one coming.

Like the future you on your home page don 🙂


— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
Message received, understood, will comply.  The
Jesus list sounds great, I’d
really enjoy having something like that to post on.
I don’t mind hanging out
here on ibogaine either.  I messed up with my
effexor dosage 3 days ago…
perhaps that’s why I went off on a rant.  My
apologies.  I like you too


In a message dated 7/17/2002 10:38:44 AM Pacific
Daylight Time,
digital@phantom.com writes:

Thusly: please chill a bit.  If you have any
questions ’bout what ibogaine
does, well hey, you can ask.  If you have any
insights about maintaining,
I agree with ya ’bout the hittin’ the gym part;
just please do not try to
convert everyone — even if it’s fun or provides
one helluva emotional
rush — because prolly, it won’t work, and just
annoys people.

Thank yooz,


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From: ascending@hushmail.com
Subject: [ibogaine] what’s changed since 2001?
Date: July 17, 2002 at 4:25:22 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Out of the loop for a while. What’s happening with ibo and moving it off schedule I? I am guessing nothing.

Picked up the WSJ which is why I ask. Dr. Mash has some words but like so many of her words they don’t really say anything. I don’t see noribogaine or MC-18 or anything else out there. Same story, years later, no changes.

I also don’t see ibogaine anywhere except out of the country.

I’ve read the sites, if there is any progress I must have missed it. ibogaine org, net, uk.

This thing kicks ass, whatever it is. Thought Mindvox was hackerland back in the day. Welcome back from the dead.

Clean off methadone for 9 months here. Treated by the wise in the beautiful city of San Francisco.

Life is good.

Shout outs to Patrick and Dave, like yer recovery anti-recovery rap in HT.

Communicate in total privacy.
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Looking for a good deal on a domain name? http://www.hush.com/partners/offers.cgi?id=domainpeople

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 3:41:26 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks for the kind words.

Yeah, I was going through an aggressive stage (probably because of the medication I’m on) when I read the thing about…….  Oh the heck with it.  I’m in too good of a mood now to think about the last couple of days.  Man, it’s never my intention to anger anyone with the Good News of Christ….  Bottom line:  I love you guys (even the heathens) 😉  I want everyone to have the salvation that God has offered us through Christ… Okay, I won’t say any more about that since this is about ibogaine.  That’s some kind of a plant isn’t it?  I can tell you all a funny story about plants.

Back in 1980 a friend and I went to the drive in to watch the movies “Fiendish Plot of Doctor Fu Man Chu” along with “Close Encounters of the Third Kind, special edition”.  We bought some weed from some people we didn’t know…  Hooray, we didn’t know at the time, but it was laced with PCP!  We were parked up front and center.  Toking away.  About mid way through Close Encounters, the PCP began to take effect… My eyeballs cracked!  I began to see things as if I was looking through broken glass.  Red flashes of light were exploding in my head.  I got out of my truck and stared up at the big screen…. The ship was coming down to devils tower….  BAM!  Next thing I know, I’m flat on my back.  There is a group of people around me..  Their noses are acting weird.  I’m still seeing explosions and flashes of light, and their noses are moving around on their faces.  I stand up and stagger to the bed of my pickup.  I fall again, but grab hold of the side.  Now the horns are honking in the theater as I’ve become the center of attention!  Next thing I know, we’re on the freeway.. My friend is driving like mad..  I end up in the hospital, strapped down to a bed… They are pumping something into me?  I overhear the nurses laughing.. “That’s what he gets for smoking marijuana”…. Yeah, that’s what I get.  I don’t smoke grass any more.  That experience  kinda ruined it for me.

In a message dated 7/17/2002 11:39:26 AM Pacific Daylight Time, vector6@space.com writes:

He does go on usenet and talk about videogames a lot.
And sign his text with

Minister of Disinformation at the First Church of
MindVox/Escort Agency

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 17, 2002 at 3:18:25 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Message received, understood, will comply.  The Jesus list sounds great, I’d really enjoy having something like that to post on.  I don’t mind hanging out here on ibogaine either.  I messed up with my effexor dosage 3 days ago… perhaps that’s why I went off on a rant.  My apologies.  I like you too Patrick!


In a message dated 7/17/2002 10:38:44 AM Pacific Daylight Time, digital@phantom.com writes:

Thusly: please chill a bit.  If you have any questions ’bout what ibogaine
does, well hey, you can ask.  If you have any insights about maintaining,
I agree with ya ’bout the hittin’ the gym part; just please do not try to
convert everyone — even if it’s fun or provides one helluva emotional
rush — because prolly, it won’t work, and just annoys people.

Thank yooz,


From: vector6@space.com
Subject: [ibogaine] neuro!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 2:39:12 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Neuroskull is ok. Like Patrick said he has been on the
vox list forever, he has some kind of christian thing
but he’s ok. This is the only place I’ve ever seen him
preach before, besides his web pages and books.

He does go on usenet and talk about videogames a lot.
And sign his text with

Minister of Disinformation at the First Church of
MindVox/Escort Agency


He’s funny and has a sense of humor.

Maybe he’s just having a bad time and doing too much
crack, he sent photos of his crackpipe, his dog and
some of his guns to the Vox list a few months ago. His
novel too.

Unsaved Pagan

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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 17, 2002 at 1:30:04 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 12:12:33AM -0400], [preston peet] wrote:

| Don wrote
| >I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I never will nor am I
| against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend invited me onto this
| list and that’s why you see me here….P.S.S To my friend that invited
| me onto this list.  If you think I’m being too much of a nuisance, you
| can zap me off of here if you want.  I’d like to stay, but I leave it up
| to you. <

Hey Don,

That’d be me.  Fully guilty.  Don has been on some of the other lists for
quite a while, he appears to be similar to many of us — the US that I
know, I can’t speak for everybody — he has some issues n things, he’s
somewhat crazy, and he loves his understanding of God a great deal.

For what it’s worth, people are people, Don loves Jesus, but then, on the
flipside of all that, he also signed himself into MindVox and stuck
around.  While we get a tremendous volume of hate mail and death threats,
from those who want to share God’s love, and have problems with our
existence, thoughts, and those JesusCrackHead banners Drew has running;
most of them don’t stick around after venting and explaining how God will
kill us all.  <shrug>

Go figure.  I’m not sure I understand that, but prolly I don’t need to,
and I have no problem accepting it.

Don, you are certainly as welcome to hang out as anyone, my only request
would echo whut Carrie asked, which is PLEASE don’t turn this into a
Jesus Or Else discussion that never ends.  There are many people present
here, who have all found different paths that lead to God.  One of them
would be me.  I’m not a Christian, a long time ago, in a universe far, far
away, I was raised a Roman Catholic Atheist, “forgiv me fadduh, for eye
haz sinned.  Prolly I shall do so again, but ahm doinz my very best heah.”
I presently belong to no organized religious faith, but many of my beliefs
find expression and a lotta resonance with Buddhism.

I am not a Buddhist.  I am a member of no organized religion.

None of this changes the fact that I like you (Don), and you are more than
welcome to hang around.  I have absolutely no problem with Christian
Fundamentalists, or anybody really.  For that matter you seem to do just
super-fine on the Vox list, where the only organized religion present is
either paganism or full-blown psychosis.  And, the psychotic pagans were
completely accepting of your two Great Works: Pre-Adamic Star Wars and
Abominable Hybrid Offspring of the Nephilim.  So, whatsa mattuh wid ewe?

I know you are VERY prolific, and could argue faith back and forth all day
and every day, but the reason I thought you might find this list of
interest was, see, okay, here are a lot of people, many of them with
severe problems they are overcoming, these are some of the things that
ibogaine does, some it doesn’t do, etcetera…

If you like I am more than happy to give you a JESUS list!  You can make
MindVox start radiating Jesus, because, well, why not.  I like the J man.

So, to conclude.  You’re not the only one with your beliefs on this list,
there is some lhuterson or lhutcherson (?) person who also likes to pop up
every so often, express her faith that JESUS is the answer to everything.
‘Cept, then she goes away for a while.  She doesn’t keep up a constant
barrage of this, which completely defocuses the purpose of this list.
Which is to talk about ibogaine, addiction, and then, everything on the
whole entire planet, most especially GOSSIP!  But not constantly.

Thusly: please chill a bit.  If you have any questions ’bout what ibogaine
does, well hey, you can ask.  If you have any insights about maintaining,
I agree with ya ’bout the hittin’ the gym part; just please do not try to
convert everyone — even if it’s fun or provides one helluva emotional
rush — because prolly, it won’t work, and just annoys people.

Thank yooz,


From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] HELP!!!!!!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:55:05 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

It’s all listed at the bottom of each email:

List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:ibogaine-unsubscribe@mindvox.com>
List-Subscribe: <mailto:ibogaine-subscribe@mindvox.com>

In a message dated 7/17/2002 8:34:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Vittivatti@cs.com writes:

List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:ibogaine-unsubscribe@mindvox.com>
List-Subscribe: <mailto:ibogaine-subscribe@mindvox.com>

From: Vittivatti@cs.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] HELP!!!!!!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:33:39 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Me too. Can you remove me? I can’t handle all the mail. Alison

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] turned into a snarling animal
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:26:53 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I wanted slimeskull but it was already taken.  Got the idea of using some sort of skull after reading the cyberpunk handbook.  Just thought anything with the word “skull” in it sounded really cool.

In a message dated 7/17/2002 1:48:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time, ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU writes:

> Would you like to hear this entire story from beginning to end?

I’m more curious why you picked ‘NeuroSkull’. To me it sounds
kind of pagan.

Bill Ross

From: “rbapark” <rbapark@netactive.co.za>
Subject: [ibogaine] HELP!!!!!!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:08:07 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Could someone, anyone please tell me how the hell to unsubscribe to this mailing list. I really appreciate all the stories, point of views and responses but my mail box has limited inbox space thus filling my inbox up and I am missing out on business orders emailed to me.
Please, I beg anyone to help me with this dilemma.
Thanking you in advance.

From: “rbapark” <rbapark@netactive.co.za>
Subject: [ibogaine] Take me off this mailing list PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: July 17, 2002 at 10:48:01 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Please take me of this mailing list seeing that it fills up my limited spaced inbox and thus I am missing out on orders being mailed to me. PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] was Eric…is now Jesus and Ibogaine.
Date: July 17, 2002 at 10:39:08 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


In “my opinion” ibogaine does not change a persons religious belief system
unless the person themself possibly considers their belief system as death
oriented and I am not sure it would even change it then.  Ibogaine appears to
support a philosophy of life regardless of the religious context it is taken
within.  It is sometimes called the tree of life. It is a powerful substance.
If you have to work out religious issues within your own belief system that
may prove to be arduous, or not, depending on you, your learning abilities
and your fears or your courage.


In a message dated 7/16/02 11:45:10 PM, NeuroSkull@aol.com writes:

I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I never will nor am I
against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend invited me onto this
list and that’s why you see me here.  I wholeheartedly believe in the Lord
and that salvation is found only through Him.  With my apologies to Carrie,
it’s not my intention to “spam” this list, offend anyone just for kicks
or argue with the sole purpose of “proving myself right and everyone else
wrong”.  Sincerely I tell you, I weep over those that are lost without
Christ.  God/Christ are my life.  I have no life outside of Christ.  To
some that may seem dismal, maybe even a bit sad.  But I voluntarily left the
“world” so that I can more readily live for Christ.  I strive daily to
have a faith that is pro-active…  Well, so much so that the line is blurred
between what I strive for and what I have become.  So, what I see, what
Christ tells me through His Word the Bible.  Is that there are two choices
in life.  God’s way, through Christ which leads to eternal life with God.
Or death and destruction in Hell.  I’m not forcing this on anyone.  I simply
point to the way that leads to eternal life.  The way is Jesus Christ.
Those are His words, I only speak them because He commanded us believers to
so.  I know this causes some angry responses, Jesus said that it would.  But
it must be done for there are those that desire to be saved, but just don’t
know the way of escape yet.
You all don’t have to refer to me as Neuroskull (but ain’t it cool…!)
My name is Don.

P.S.  Oh.. my views… I wasn’t brought up in a “religious” household or
anything like that.  It was quite bohemian actually.  I’d love to tell
you more.. but, that would just end up changing the WHOLE focus of this
Some other time perhaps.
P.S.S To my friend that invited me onto this list.  If you think I’m being
too much of a nuisance, you can zap me off of here if you want.  I’d like
to stay, but I leave it up to you.

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] turned into a snarling animal
Date: July 17, 2002 at 4:48:13 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Would you like to hear this entire story from beginning to end?

I’m more curious why you picked ‘NeuroSkull’. To me it sounds
kind of pagan.

Bill Ross

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] entire story?
Date: July 17, 2002 at 12:44:16 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>Would you like to hear this entire story from beginning to end? <

NO, Please.
—– Original Message —–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:55 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] turned into a snarling animal

Ha ha.. That’s a good question you ask.  But the way to tell the difference if it’s from God or not is by whether or not the words being spoken edify Christ.  She was saying things like “Christ is nothing”, “Buddha is much stronger” etc.

1 John 4:2-3
Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God,
and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

Since it is the Holy Spirit which speaks through Christians when they speak in “Tongues” I could tell that this wasn’t the Holy Spirit speaking through her by the way she verbally attacked the person of Christ.  I was the only person that remained in the area once she began to bounce off the floor, everyone else fled outside in fear.  (It began in a restaurant and ended in a parking lot).

Would you like to hear this entire story from beginning to end?


In a message dated 7/16/2002 8:22:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] jesus the prankster? (oh, and ibogaine too)
Date: July 17, 2002 at 12:12:33 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Don wrote
>I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I never will nor am I against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend invited me onto this list and that’s why you see me here….P.S.S To my friend that invited me onto this list.  If you think I’m being too much of a nuisance, you can zap me off of here if you want.  I’d like to stay, but I leave it up to you. <

Uh-oh. Was someone bored and decided to see what would happen if a totally off-topic thread to ibogaine, (certainly not the first here, I myself being pretty guilty of said sin myself on occasion) were introduced onto the list? I can’t help now but suspect this is a jest, a prank of some sick twisted (and funny if so, and heck if not as well to be honest) sort designed to push buttons and inspire a whole lot of replies from passionate people also faintly bored.;-))
Has anyone on this list who HAS done ibogaine feel the same “Jesus is the only way” vibes? Does anyone here know anyone who converted to fundamentalist Christianity AFTER taking ibogaine?
Oh shit, I’m up past my bedtime again.

—– Original Message —–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] was Eric…is now Jesus and Ibogaine.

I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I never will nor am I against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend invited me onto this list and that’s why you see me here.  I wholeheartedly believe in the Lord Jesus and that salvation is found only through Him.  With my apologies to Carrie, it’s not my intention to “spam” this list, offend anyone just for kicks or argue with the sole purpose of “proving myself right and everyone else wrong”.  Sincerely I tell you, I weep over those that are lost without Christ.  God/Christ are my life.  I have no life outside of Christ.  To some that may seem dismal, maybe even a bit sad.  But I voluntarily left the “world” so that I can more readily live for Christ.  I strive daily to have a faith that is pro-active…  Well, so much so that the line is blurred between what I strive for and! what I have become.  So, what I see, what Christ tells me through His Word the Bible.  Is that there are two choices in life.  God’s way, through Christ which leads to eternal life with God.  Or death and destruction in Hell.  I’m not forcing this on anyone.  I simply point to the way that leads to eternal life.  The way is Jesus Christ.  Those are His words, I only speak them because He commanded us believers to do so.  I know this causes some angry responses, Jesus said that it would.  But it must be done for there are those that desire to be saved, but just don’t know the way of escape yet.

You all don’t have to refer to me as Neuroskull (but ain’t it cool…!)  My name is Don.

P.S.  Oh.. my views… I wasn’t brought up in a “religious” household or anything like that.  It was quite bohemian actually.  I’d love to tell you more.. but, that would just end up changing the WHOLE focus of this thread… Some other time perhaps.

P.S.S To my friend that invited me onto this list.  If you think I’m being too much of a nuisance, you can zap me off of here if you want.  I’d like to stay, but I leave it up to you.

In a message dated 7/16/2002 8:12:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

Have you actually done ibogaine? Did you hold your current religious view before you took ibogaine if you have actually taken ibogaine?

From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Zappa on Christianity
Date: July 17, 2002 at 12:17:28 AM EDT
To: “Ibogaine” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Note – there are many Christians in my family. None of them are hateful, nor
do they preach at the drop of a hat, or the mention of another religion.

This is a good thing, because otherwise we’d have a difficult time getting

– jt

“There is no Hell, there is only France” – Frank Zappa

Dumb All Over – Frank Zappa

Whoever we are
Wherever we’re from
We shoulda noticed by now
Our behavior is dumb
And if our chances
Expect to improve
It’s gonna take a lot more
Than tryin’ to remove
The other race
Or the other whatever
From the face
Of the planet altogether

They call it THE EARTH
Which is a dumb kinda name
But they named it right
‘Cause we behave the same . . .
We are dumb all over
Dumb all over,
Yes we are
Dumb all over,
Near ‘n far
Dumb all over,
Black ‘n white
People, we is not wrapped tight

Nurds on the left
Nurds on the right
Religious fanatics
On the air every night
Sayin’ the Bible
Tells the story
‘N makes the details
Sound real gory
‘Bout what to do
If the geeks over there
Don’t believe in the book
We got over here

You can’t run a race
Without no feet
‘N pretty soon
There won’t be no street
For dummies to jog on
Or doggies to dog on
Religious fanatics
Can make it be all gone
(I mean it won’t blow up
‘N disappear
It’ll just look ugly
For a thousand years . . . )

You can’t run a country
By a book of religion
Not by a heap
Or a lump or a smidgeon
Of foolish rules
Of ancient date
Designed to make
You all feel great
While you fold, spindle
And mutilate
Those unbelievers
From a neighboring state

Hooray! That’s great
Two legs ain’t bad
Unless there’s a crate
They ship the parts
To mama in
For souvenirs: two ears (Get Down!)
Not his, not hers (but what the hey?)
The Good Book says:
“It gotta be that way!”
But their book says:
With whips ‘n chains
‘N hand grenades . . . ”
Have another and another
Our God says:
“There ain’t no other!”
Our God says
“It’s all okay!”
Our God says
“This is the way!”

It says in the book:
“Burn ‘n destroy . . .
‘N repent, ‘n redeem
‘N revenge, ‘n deploy
‘N rumble thee forth
To the land of the unbelieving scum on the other side
‘Cause they don’t go for what’s in the book
‘N that makes ’em BAD
So verily we must choppeth them up
And stompeth them down
Or rent a nice French bomb
To poof them out of existance
While leaving their real estate just where we need it
To use again
For temples in which to praise
(“Cause he can really take care of business!”)

And when his humble TV servant
With humble white hair
And humble glasses
And a nice brown suit
And maybe a blonde wife who takes phone calls
Tells us our God says
It’s okay to do this stuff
Then we gotta do it,
‘Cause if we don’t do it,
We ain’t gwine up to hebbin!
(Depending on which book you’re using at the time . . . Can’t use theirs . .
. it don’t work . . . it’s all lies . . . Gotta use mine . . . )
Ain’t that right?
That’s what they say
Every night . . .
Every day . . .
Hey, we can’t really be dumb
If we’re just following God’s Orders
Hey, Let’s get serious . . .
God knows what he’s doin’ . . .
He wrote this book here
An’ the book says:
“He made us all to be just like Him,” so . . .
If we’re dumb . . .
Then God is dumb . . .
(An’ maybe even a little ugly on the side)


Heavenly Bank Account – Frank Zappa

And if these words you do not heed
Your pocketbook just kinda might recede
When some man comes along and claims a godly need
He will clean you out right through your tweed

That’s right, you asked for it, remember there is a big difference between
kneeling down and bending over . . .

He’s got twenty million dollars
In his Heavenly Bank Account . . .
All from those chumps who was
Born again
Oh yeah, oh yeah

He’s got seven limousines
And a private plane . . .
All for the use of his
Special Friends
Oh yeah, oh yeah

He’s got thousand-dollar suits
And a Wembley Tie . . .
Girls love to stroke it
While he’s on the phone
Oh yeah, oh yeah

At the House of Representatives
He’s a groovy guy . . .
When he Gives Thanks
He is not alone . . .

He is dealin’
He is really dealin’
IRS can’t determine
Where The Hook is

It is easy with the Bible
To pretend that
You’re in Show Biz
(And a-one, and a-two, and a . . . )

They won’t get him
They will never get him
For the naughty stuff
That he did

It is best in cases like this
To pretend that
You are stupid
(DOH . . . )

He’s got Presidential Help
All along the way
He says the grace
While the lawyers chew
Oh yeah
They sure do

And the Governors agree to say:
“He’s a lovely man!”
He makes it easier for
Them to screw
All of you . . .
Yes, that’s true!

‘Cause he helps put The Fear of God
In the Common Man
Snatchin’ up money
Everywhere he can
Oh yeah
Oh yeah

He’s got twenty million dollars
In his Heavenly Bank Account
You ain’t got nothin’, people
You ain’t got nothin’, people
You ain’t got nothin’, people
Thank the man . . . oh yeah

The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing – Frank Zappa

Some take the bible
For what it’s worth
When it says that the meek
Shall inherit the Earth
Well, I heard that some sheik
Has bought New Jersey last week
‘N you suckers ain’t gettin’ nothin’

Is Hare Rama really wrong
If you wander around
With a napkin on
With a bell on a stick
An’ your hair is all gone . . .
(The geek shall inherit nothin’)

You say yer life’s a bum deal
‘N yer up against the wall . . .
Well, people, you ain’t even got no kinda
Deal at all
‘Cause what they do
In Washington
They just takes care of NUMBER ONE
You ain’t even NUMBER TWO

Those Jesus Freaks
Well, they’re friendly but
The shit they believe
Has got their minds all shut
An’ they don’t even care
When the church takes a cut
Ain’t it bleak when you got so much nothin’
(So whaddya do? Hey!)
Eat that pork
Eat that ham
Laugh till ya choke
On Billy Graham
Moses, Aaron ‘n Abraham . . .
They’re all a waste of time
‘N it’s your ass that’s on the line

Do what you wanna
Do what you will
Just don’t mess up
Your neighbor’s thrill
‘N when you pay the bill
Kindly leave a little tip
And help the next poor sucker
On his one way trip . . .
(Aw gimme a half a dozen for the hotel room!)

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] was Eric…is now Jesus and Ibogaine.
Date: July 17, 2002 at 12:10:45 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey Neuro,

I hear you and I am so sorry I misunderstood you.
There is a person in need you may be able to help,
just call your local suicide hotline or crisis
intervention hotline and the person who picks up the
phone will need to be saved (make sure you do this at
a public payphone – this way all the non-belivers can
see a miracle at work). You just talk for a while and
someone will be there shortly to pick you up so you
can go save them. Be patient, you may have to preach a
little louder than usual but I have faith in you,
don’t forget to tell them they are evil heathens. If
you get a Christian, tell they you got the wrong
number (well, you did) call back and get another
person, keep calling, eventually you will get the
“right” one.

Let us know how it works out.


— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I
never will nor am I
against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend
invited me onto this list
and that’s why you see me here.  I wholeheartedly
believe in the Lord Jesus
and that salvation is found only through Him.  With
my apologies to Carrie,
it’s not my intention to “spam” this list, offend
anyone just for kicks or
argue with the sole purpose of “proving myself right
and everyone else
wrong”.  Sincerely I tell you, I weep over those
that are lost without
Christ.  God/Christ are my life.  I have no life
outside of Christ.  To some
that may seem dismal, maybe even a bit sad.  But I
voluntarily left the
“world” so that I can more readily live for Christ.
I strive daily to have a
faith that is pro-active…  Well, so much so that
the line is blurred
between what I strive for and what I have become.
So, what I see, what
Christ tells me through His Word the Bible.  Is that
there are two choices in
life.  God’s way, through Christ which leads to
eternal life with God.  Or
death and destruction in Hell.  I’m not forcing this
on anyone.  I simply
point to the way that leads to eternal life.  The
way is Jesus Christ.  Those
are His words, I only speak them because He
commanded us believers to do so.
I know this causes some angry responses, Jesus said
that it would.  But it
must be done for there are those that desire to be
saved, but just don’t know
the way of escape yet.

You all don’t have to refer to me as Neuroskull (but
ain’t it cool…!)  My
name is Don.

P.S.  Oh.. my views… I wasn’t brought up in a
“religious” household or
anything like that.  It was quite bohemian actually.
I’d love to tell you
more.. but, that would just end up changing the
WHOLE focus of this thread…
Some other time perhaps.

P.S.S To my friend that invited me onto this list.
If you think I’m being
too much of a nuisance, you can zap me off of here
if you want.  I’d like to
stay, but I leave it up to you.

In a message dated 7/16/2002 8:12:20 PM Pacific
Daylight Time,
ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

Have you actually done ibogaine? Did you hold
your current religious
view before you took ibogaine if you have actually
taken ibogaine?

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From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] turned into a snarling animal
Date: July 16, 2002 at 11:55:50 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Ha ha.. That’s a good question you ask.  But the way to tell the difference if it’s from God or not is by whether or not the words being spoken edify Christ.  She was saying things like “Christ is nothing”, “Buddha is much stronger” etc.

1 John 4:2-3
Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God,
and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.

Since it is the Holy Spirit which speaks through Christians when they speak in “Tongues” I could tell that this wasn’t the Holy Spirit speaking through her by the way she verbally attacked the person of Christ.  I was the only person that remained in the area once she began to bounce off the floor, everyone else fled outside in fear.  (It began in a restaurant and ended in a parking lot).

Would you like to hear this entire story from beginning to end?


In a message dated 7/16/2002 8:22:50 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:


From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] was Eric…is now Jesus and Ibogaine.
Date: July 16, 2002 at 11:44:37 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’ve never taken ibogaine, but that doesn’t mean I never will nor am I against the use of it for rehabilitation.  A friend invited me onto this list and that’s why you see me here.  I wholeheartedly believe in the Lord Jesus and that salvation is found only through Him.  With my apologies to Carrie, it’s not my intention to “spam” this list, offend anyone just for kicks or argue with the sole purpose of “proving myself right and everyone else wrong”.  Sincerely I tell you, I weep over those that are lost without Christ.  God/Christ are my life.  I have no life outside of Christ.  To some that may seem dismal, maybe even a bit sad.  But I voluntarily left the “world” so that I can more readily live for Christ.  I strive daily to have a faith that is pro-active…  Well, so much so that the line is blurred between what I strive for and what I have become.  So, what I see, what Christ tells me through His Word the Bible.  Is that there are two choices in life.  God’s way, through Christ which leads to eternal life with God.  Or death and destruction in Hell.  I’m not forcing this on anyone.  I simply point to the way that leads to eternal life.  The way is Jesus Christ.  Those are His words, I only speak them because He commanded us believers to do so.  I know this causes some angry responses, Jesus said that it would.  But it must be done for there are those that desire to be saved, but just don’t know the way of escape yet.

You all don’t have to refer to me as Neuroskull (but ain’t it cool…!)  My name is Don.

P.S.  Oh.. my views… I wasn’t brought up in a “religious” household or anything like that.  It was quite bohemian actually.  I’d love to tell you more.. but, that would just end up changing the WHOLE focus of this thread… Some other time perhaps.

P.S.S To my friend that invited me onto this list.  If you think I’m being too much of a nuisance, you can zap me off of here if you want.  I’d like to stay, but I leave it up to you.

In a message dated 7/16/2002 8:12:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

Have you actually done ibogaine? Did you hold your current religious view before you took ibogaine if you have actually taken ibogaine?

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 11:40:47 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness, that the man
of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for
every good work.

All scripture? Or is Christian scripture the only
scripture that exists (to you)? If not there are many
thousands of scriptures/books about other religions,
and GOD SAID “all scripture is given by inspiration of
god”, so they are cool, huh? Scripture is scripture,
truth is truth, unless you are a fundamentalist then
you can twist it around any way you see fit.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens

Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer

But how come you are anxious about converting

Why don’t you pray on it (for a very long time)?

and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to
God; and the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding, will guard your
hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus.

I am so confused, you gotta get to god through Jesus
but then you got to pray to god and Jesus returns the
message? What if I jump on one leg and juggle 3 balls,
does that count?

I should add:

2 Tim 3:15
…the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you
wise for salvation through
faith which is in Christ Jesus

Carla, I invite you to visit my web page

and learn more about our Great God and Savior, Jesus

God bless you.


In a message dated 7/16/2002 3:34:20 PM Pacific
Daylight Time,
carlambarnes@yahoo.com writes:

I’m starting to notice a pattern here. No matter
the question is the answer is jesus?

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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] (OT) r. zombie
Date: July 16, 2002 at 11:23:36 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>I personally found much
greater resonance with “I am a Nexus One, I want more Life Fucker I ain’t
done,” which in actuality is a lyric by Rob Zombie, and not authorized for
spiritual reintegration, religious use, and repeating it without written
consent quite possibly violates the DMCA.<

Or, it violates the PMRC codes. Tres Cool.
—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…

On [Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 12:42:38PM -0700], [Brett Calabrese] wrote:

| thanks to Shiva and that funny Oooooohhhhhmmmmm noise
| they make, real ominous.

<Raising hand> I like Shiva.  “He” is one of the few role models I have
left.  That whole entire ohmmmm, aum, omm making scenario, plus, also,
even, om nama shivaya, never worked out for me.  I personally found much
greater resonance with “I am a Nexus One, I want more Life Fucker I ain’t
done,” which in actuality is a lyric by Rob Zombie, and not authorized for
spiritual reintegration, religious use, and repeating it without written
consent quite possibly violates the DMCA.

Just saying,


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] turned into a snarling animal
Date: July 16, 2002 at 11:14:13 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

NeuroSkull wrote >Now as for Buddhist chanting, meditation etc.  (This
> could be a very long
> story, but I’m not going to get into the entire
> details here).  You weren’t
> there the night a friend of my family became
> possessed by an evil spirit by
> chanting to Buddha.  You weren’t there when she
> transformed into a growling
> animal.  You weren’t there when she began to speak
> English, a language she
> did not know how to speak prior to this night.
> (She’s from Thailand).  You
> weren’t there when she became violent, foaming at
> the mouth, cursing and
> swearing at the mention of the name Jesus.  You
> weren’t there when she became
> rigid and pounded her head repeatedly into the
> cement, bloody, writhing, the
> thing within her screaming out for Buddha to save it
> from Jesus.  You weren’t
> there, I was. <

Ok, this sound interesting, and entirely NOT related to ibogaine, (to the best of my knowledge), but that said:

—– Original Message —–
From: Brett Calabrese
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
> Brett,
> You and I are talking about two different Jesus’s.
> The Jesus I preach is the
> Jesus of the Bible.   The Jesus of the Bible is not
> tolerant of other
> religions.  The Jesus of the Bible said:
> “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes
> to the Father except
> through Me.”  (John 14:6)

Funny how everyone takes the bible to mean something
different. And then there was the “editing” but we
won’t talk about things like reincarnation,
Constantine the Great removed that in 325 AD, shhhhh.

> No doubt, He would be viewed as an intolerant bigot
> in the eyes of today’s
> society.  The God of the Bible is adamant when it
> comes to saving men’s souls
> that there is only ONE way to be saved, ONE path
> that leads to salvation.
> For me to condone or preach any other would be a
> tremendous affront to a Holy
> and Righteous God who gave His only Son so that we
> might be saved.  In fact,

Personally I don’t think GOD gives a shit, might even
be “up there” laughing and saying “what are they

> if I preached any other way, I would be calling the
> Jesus that I believe in a
> liar.  For the Jesus I believe in has said that He
> is the only way.

Then have at it, go for it but you have NO CLUE what
my beliefs are, just that they are not yours and
therefore wrong.

> If I don’t stand up for what I believe is
> righteousness (that being the

So, go find someone who is challenging your beliefs
and go after them, that is what everyone should do,
hunt down everyone that doesn’t believe the same way
they do and try to convert them, TELL THEM. I didn’t
challenge your beliefs, you threw them in my face and
I threw them back with comments.

> Christ of the Bible) then what a hypocrite I would
> be.  If I truly believe

Let me guess, a bigger one than you are now?

> that Jesus is the only way to eternal life in
> Heaven, why would I stand idle
> and mute as I watch others who don’t know Jesus

I stand idle and watch people destroy their lives all
the time or were the people on this list in particular
distress that it requires being told they are less
than you are? And who said I didn’t know Jesus? What I
don’t want to know is the BS people like you try to
feed me with a JC label on it.

> march off down a path that I
> know and believe leads them to hell?  I can’t in
> good conscience do that.  So
> I speak up for Christ.  When I see someone standing
> at a fork in the road,

And if they say “sorry, I don’t do JC” then they are
not worthy of saving, don’t send them to an NA meeting
or try ibogaine, or do Yoga or Buddhism or ZEN or kite
flying. Is ibogaine the work of the Devil, I am sure
there are good Christians who think it is, in fact
about anyone you ask that doesn’t know about ibogaine
(except that it were illegal) would tell you it is bad
– before they investigated it, called contempt before
investigation. I went to “your” bible studies to be
open minded, learn new things (ha!), exchange ideas
(double HA!).

> one way is broad and tolerant leading to hell, the
> other narrow, intolerant
> and leading to heaven.   Then I say just as Jesus
> did:
> “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and
> broad is the way that
> leads to destruction, and there are many who go in
> by it. Because narrow is
> the gate and difficult is the way which leads to
> life, and there are few who
> find it”.

See, I understand that perfectly but doubt it is
anything close to your understanding.

> Then one said to Him, “Lord, are there few who are
> saved?” And He said to
> them,  “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for
> many, I say to you, will
> seek to enter and will not be able.
> Jesus is “The Gate”.
> Now as for Buddhist chanting, meditation etc.  (This
> could be a very long
> story, but I’m not going to get into the entire
> details here).  You weren’t
> there the night a friend of my family became
> possessed by an evil spirit by
> chanting to Buddha.  You weren’t there when she
> transformed into a growling
> animal.  You weren’t there when she began to speak
> English, a language she
> did not know how to speak prior to this night.
> (She’s from Thailand).  You
> weren’t there when she became violent, foaming at
> the mouth, cursing and
> swearing at the mention of the name Jesus.  You
> weren’t there when she became
> rigid and pounded her head repeatedly into the
> cement, bloody, writhing, the
> thing within her screaming out for Buddha to save it
> from Jesus.  You weren’t
> there, I was.

So believe in whatever the fuck you want to believe
in, I don’t care, it works for you, have at it. I have
my “stories” too, you care less about them than I do
of yours, yours is a one way street, your way and no
other way.

> Stay away from these heathen religions.  Yes, you

Then you had better stay away from me, evil might
spill upon you.

> may find “god”.  You may
> even become “spirit filled”.  But it won’t be the
> God of all creation that
> you find, and it won’t be His Holy Spirit that fills
> you.

Uh huh, it will be the fake god, the every god but
your god, not your exclusive god, for that I need to
join your club.

> Turn to Jesus, the one true way to the one true God.

How is this?

Go f..k yourself you obnoxious, arrogant bigot. That
is my effort at “spreading the word”, to see people at
the Y in the road, on that path and letting them know
it is the path to hell… Nothing personal, you just
don’t believe as I believe so therefore you are
unenlightened and I shouldn’t expect any more from an
ignorant non-believer as you – sound nice doesn’t it?
It is people like you who fuck up this place we call
earth, who spread fear and hate and it isn’t because
you are Christian, it is because you are you. By the
way, just spoke to GOD again, Kev is right, you will
meet up with us (when you grow up) down the road.

So, now every time you “preach” to me, I will go find
a good Christian board and go “Preach” to them, maybe
email their reaction to you, why should I react any
differently. Hummm, maybe I can plant a few “seeds”…
A little hedonism, some devil worship, maybe some
Muslum literature… I know (OH NO!) I will tell them
about YOGA, you got your meditation, your Sanscrit
thanks to Shiva and that funny Oooooohhhhhmmmmm noise
they make, real ominous.


> Neuroskull
> In a message dated 7/16/2002 6:16:03 AM Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> bcalabrese@yahoo.com writes:
> > Excuse me!
> >
> > — NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
> > > I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other
> such
> > > heathen religions.
> >
> > Just goes to show how ignorant, prejudice and
> bigoted
> > some “good Christians” can be.
> >
> > So, tell me (bigot), what do you know (besides
> > nothing) about these “other such heathen
> religions”?
> > The work of the devil, huh? Yeah, that Dali Lama,
> a
> > real heathen for sure… definitely an evil one.
> >
> > > Instead seek the true God through a relationship
> > > with Jesus Christ.  Not
> >
> > Then how come you have no seem to have no clue
> about
> > what Jesus was about? The love, the acceptance,
> > tolerance, forgot that part? What is this honor
> thy
> > neighbor as long as he believe what you tell him
> to
> > believe in?
> >
> > > religion, relationship.  For more information.
> > > Visit here:
> > > http://www.geocities.com/neuroskull/gift.html
> >
> > Not in this lifetime. Been there, done that, gave
> it a
> > chance, been to bible study and don’t like hateful
> > people, people spreading fear and mistrust,
> gossip,
> > hate, anger.
> >
> > >
> > > Neuroskull
> > > (Have seen first hand those that have become
> > > possessed by evil spirits due to
> > > buddhist meditation & chanting).
> >
> > Ah, but the millions of people who have been
> killed by
> > good Christians “in the name of GOD”, that is OK
> but
> > meditation and chanting is evil, got it.
> >
> > Maybe if we all accepted each other and our
> beliefs,
> > respected each other and didn’t pull this “my
> religion
> > is better than your religion” crap people would
> get
> > along better, ya think? So, the YOGA I do is evil
> huh,
> > you know about that Shiva OR that I was born
> Jewish,
> > that must be bad too since we chant and don’t pray
> to
> > your JC, I even do some Jewish Mysticism
> (Kabbala),
> > light insense, do Reiki – or am I taking JC’s job
> by
> > healing (with the hands), must be the work of the
> > devil (been told that by good Christians), right?
> > Seems that to you Love is evil.
> >
> > I actually have nothing wrong with JC or any
> belief of
> > love and truth, I do have a problem with people
> who
> > tell me they have the one true belief and the way
> put
> > other people down.
> >
> > Have fun with your fear based beliefs (which IMO
> has
> > nothing to do with JC), watch out GOD is going to
> get
> > you, he is watching your every move, the devil is
> > waiting too, just for you so be careful, one slip
> and
> > it hell for sure.
> >
> > Brett
> >

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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] was Eric…is now Jesus and Ibogaine.
Date: July 16, 2002 at 11:03:59 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Brett wrote >Is ibogaine the work of the Devil, I am sure
there are good Christians who think it is, in fact
about anyone you ask that doesn’t know about ibogaine
(except that it were illegal) would tell you it is bad
– before they investigated it, called contempt before
investigation. I went to “your” bible studies to be
open minded, learn new things (ha!), exchange ideas
(double HA!).<

Have you actually done ibogaine? Did you hold your current religious view before you took ibogaine if you have actually taken ibogaine?
—– Original Message —–
From: Brett Calabrese
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
> Brett,
> You and I are talking about two different Jesus’s.
> The Jesus I preach is the
> Jesus of the Bible.   The Jesus of the Bible is not
> tolerant of other
> religions.  The Jesus of the Bible said:
> “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes
> to the Father except
> through Me.”  (John 14:6)

Funny how everyone takes the bible to mean something
different. And then there was the “editing” but we
won’t talk about things like reincarnation,
Constantine the Great removed that in 325 AD, shhhhh.

> No doubt, He would be viewed as an intolerant bigot
> in the eyes of today’s
> society.  The God of the Bible is adamant when it
> comes to saving men’s souls
> that there is only ONE way to be saved, ONE path
> that leads to salvation.
> For me to condone or preach any other would be a
> tremendous affront to a Holy
> and Righteous God who gave His only Son so that we
> might be saved.  In fact,

Personally I don’t think GOD gives a shit, might even
be “up there” laughing and saying “what are they

> if I preached any other way, I would be calling the
> Jesus that I believe in a
> liar.  For the Jesus I believe in has said that He
> is the only way.

Then have at it, go for it but you have NO CLUE what
my beliefs are, just that they are not yours and
therefore wrong.

> If I don’t stand up for what I believe is
> righteousness (that being the

So, go find someone who is challenging your beliefs
and go after them, that is what everyone should do,
hunt down everyone that doesn’t believe the same way
they do and try to convert them, TELL THEM. I didn’t
challenge your beliefs, you threw them in my face and
I threw them back with comments.

> Christ of the Bible) then what a hypocrite I would
> be.  If I truly believe

Let me guess, a bigger one than you are now?

> that Jesus is the only way to eternal life in
> Heaven, why would I stand idle
> and mute as I watch others who don’t know Jesus

I stand idle and watch people destroy their lives all
the time or were the people on this list in particular
distress that it requires being told they are less
than you are? And who said I didn’t know Jesus? What I
don’t want to know is the BS people like you try to
feed me with a JC label on it.

> march off down a path that I
> know and believe leads them to hell?  I can’t in
> good conscience do that.  So
> I speak up for Christ.  When I see someone standing
> at a fork in the road,

And if they say “sorry, I don’t do JC” then they are
not worthy of saving, don’t send them to an NA meeting
or try ibogaine, or do Yoga or Buddhism or ZEN or kite
flying. Is ibogaine the work of the Devil, I am sure
there are good Christians who think it is, in fact
about anyone you ask that doesn’t know about ibogaine
(except that it were illegal) would tell you it is bad
– before they investigated it, called contempt before
investigation. I went to “your” bible studies to be
open minded, learn new things (ha!), exchange ideas
(double HA!).

> one way is broad and tolerant leading to hell, the
> other narrow, intolerant
> and leading to heaven.   Then I say just as Jesus
> did:
> “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and
> broad is the way that
> leads to destruction, and there are many who go in
> by it. Because narrow is
> the gate and difficult is the way which leads to
> life, and there are few who
> find it”.

See, I understand that perfectly but doubt it is
anything close to your understanding.

> Then one said to Him, “Lord, are there few who are
> saved?” And He said to
> them,  “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for
> many, I say to you, will
> seek to enter and will not be able.
> Jesus is “The Gate”.
> Now as for Buddhist chanting, meditation etc.  (This
> could be a very long
> story, but I’m not going to get into the entire
> details here).  You weren’t
> there the night a friend of my family became
> possessed by an evil spirit by
> chanting to Buddha.  You weren’t there when she
> transformed into a growling
> animal.  You weren’t there when she began to speak
> English, a language she
> did not know how to speak prior to this night.
> (She’s from Thailand).  You
> weren’t there when she became violent, foaming at
> the mouth, cursing and
> swearing at the mention of the name Jesus.  You
> weren’t there when she became
> rigid and pounded her head repeatedly into the
> cement, bloody, writhing, the
> thing within her screaming out for Buddha to save it
> from Jesus.  You weren’t
> there, I was.

So believe in whatever the fuck you want to believe
in, I don’t care, it works for you, have at it. I have
my “stories” too, you care less about them than I do
of yours, yours is a one way street, your way and no
other way.

> Stay away from these heathen religions.  Yes, you

Then you had better stay away from me, evil might
spill upon you.

> may find “god”.  You may
> even become “spirit filled”.  But it won’t be the
> God of all creation that
> you find, and it won’t be His Holy Spirit that fills
> you.

Uh huh, it will be the fake god, the every god but
your god, not your exclusive god, for that I need to
join your club.

> Turn to Jesus, the one true way to the one true God.

How is this?

Go f..k yourself you obnoxious, arrogant bigot. That
is my effort at “spreading the word”, to see people at
the Y in the road, on that path and letting them know
it is the path to hell… Nothing personal, you just
don’t believe as I believe so therefore you are
unenlightened and I shouldn’t expect any more from an
ignorant non-believer as you – sound nice doesn’t it?
It is people like you who fuck up this place we call
earth, who spread fear and hate and it isn’t because
you are Christian, it is because you are you. By the
way, just spoke to GOD again, Kev is right, you will
meet up with us (when you grow up) down the road.

So, now every time you “preach” to me, I will go find
a good Christian board and go “Preach” to them, maybe
email their reaction to you, why should I react any
differently. Hummm, maybe I can plant a few “seeds”…
A little hedonism, some devil worship, maybe some
Muslum literature… I know (OH NO!) I will tell them
about YOGA, you got your meditation, your Sanscrit
thanks to Shiva and that funny Oooooohhhhhmmmmm noise
they make, real ominous.


> Neuroskull
> In a message dated 7/16/2002 6:16:03 AM Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> bcalabrese@yahoo.com writes:
> > Excuse me!
> >
> > — NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
> > > I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other
> such
> > > heathen religions.
> >
> > Just goes to show how ignorant, prejudice and
> bigoted
> > some “good Christians” can be.
> >
> > So, tell me (bigot), what do you know (besides
> > nothing) about these “other such heathen
> religions”?
> > The work of the devil, huh? Yeah, that Dali Lama,
> a
> > real heathen for sure… definitely an evil one.
> >
> > > Instead seek the true God through a relationship
> > > with Jesus Christ.  Not
> >
> > Then how come you have no seem to have no clue
> about
> > what Jesus was about? The love, the acceptance,
> > tolerance, forgot that part? What is this honor
> thy
> > neighbor as long as he believe what you tell him
> to
> > believe in?
> >
> > > religion, relationship.  For more information.
> > > Visit here:
> > > http://www.geocities.com/neuroskull/gift.html
> >
> > Not in this lifetime. Been there, done that, gave
> it a
> > chance, been to bible study and don’t like hateful
> > people, people spreading fear and mistrust,
> gossip,
> > hate, anger.
> >
> > >
> > > Neuroskull
> > > (Have seen first hand those that have become
> > > possessed by evil spirits due to
> > > buddhist meditation & chanting).
> >
> > Ah, but the millions of people who have been
> killed by
> > good Christians “in the name of GOD”, that is OK
> but
> > meditation and chanting is evil, got it.
> >
> > Maybe if we all accepted each other and our
> beliefs,
> > respected each other and didn’t pull this “my
> religion
> > is better than your religion” crap people would
> get
> > along better, ya think? So, the YOGA I do is evil
> huh,
> > you know about that Shiva OR that I was born
> Jewish,
> > that must be bad too since we chant and don’t pray
> to
> > your JC, I even do some Jewish Mysticism
> (Kabbala),
> > light insense, do Reiki – or am I taking JC’s job
> by
> > healing (with the hands), must be the work of the
> > devil (been told that by good Christians), right?
> > Seems that to you Love is evil.
> >
> > I actually have nothing wrong with JC or any
> belief of
> > love and truth, I do have a problem with people
> who
> > tell me they have the one true belief and the way
> put
> > other people down.
> >
> > Have fun with your fear based beliefs (which IMO
> has
> > nothing to do with JC), watch out GOD is going to
> get
> > you, he is watching your every move, the devil is
> > waiting too, just for you so be careful, one slip
> and
> > it hell for sure.
> >
> > Brett
> >

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From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 7:44:28 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

OMG 1000000000 msgs in a day and a half.

Neuroskull this is a polite request but could you
please stop doing that? This really isn’t the bible
study list, you have made everyone here aware that you
like jesus a whole lot and wish everyone would listen
to his words but no matter how off topic it gets here,
it usually relates to ibogaine or drug addiction or
people who are very involved with one or the other.
I’m sure jesus relates to everything too but please
stop spamming with bible quotes ok?

We have all heard your message, we can all go out on
the net and search for more jesus any time we feel the
need. If anyone ever needs any guidance on where to
start we know you are the one to ask.


— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:

Jesus is the answer to a great many questions!  And
since Jesus is the Word
of God, and the Word of God is found in the Bible:

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
righteousness, that the man
of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for
every good work.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens

Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer
and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to
God; and the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding, will guard your
hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus.

I should add:

2 Tim 3:15
…the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you
wise for salvation through
faith which is in Christ Jesus

Carla, I invite you to visit my web page

and learn more about our Great God and Savior, Jesus

God bless you.


In a message dated 7/16/2002 3:34:20 PM Pacific
Daylight Time,
carlambarnes@yahoo.com writes:

I’m starting to notice a pattern here. No matter
the question is the answer is jesus?

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From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 7:22:21 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Jesus is the answer to a great many questions!  And since Jesus is the Word of God, and the Word of God is found in the Bible:

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:6-7
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

I should add:

2 Tim 3:15
…the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus

Carla, I invite you to visit my web page http://geocities.com/neuroskull/gift.html

and learn more about our Great God and Savior, Jesus Christ!

God bless you.


In a message dated 7/16/2002 3:34:20 PM Pacific Daylight Time, carlambarnes@yahoo.com writes:

I’m starting to notice a pattern here. No matter what
the question is the answer is jesus?

Carla B

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Mash on Ibogaine in the Wall Street Journal
Date: July 16, 2002 at 6:45:40 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks Dana I just read it. Cool, so ibogaine got

Carla B

Ibogaine got the last word.


From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Mash on Ibogaine in the Wall Street Journal
Date: July 16, 2002 at 6:35:41 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks Dana I just read it. Cool, so ibogaine got

Carla B

— Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org> wrote:
Dana? What are you talking about, what article,
does it say?

Carla B

The Ibogaine part is at the end of the article–

Pubdate: Mon, 15 Jul 2002
Source: Wall Street Journal (US)
Copyright: 2002 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Contact: wsj.ltrs@wsj.com
Website: http://www.wsj.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/487
Author: Gautam Naik


Could people be inoculated against drug addictions
the way they can against
some infectious diseases?

It may be possible. Despite disappointing past
efforts to treat addictions
with medicine, recent research indicates the
approach has merit. In one
study, about 50 smokers in Belgium were injected
with an unusual drug ,
code-named TA-NIC. After taking as many as five
doses in 10 weeks, two of
the study’s subjects quit smoking. Several others
reported less desire to
smoke, says Xenova PLC, the drug’s British maker.

The experimental drug is one of the first attempts
to design an antismoking
vaccine. By producing antibodies in the user’s
blood, it prevents nicotine
molecules from entering the brain and triggering a
“high.” Denied such
pleasure, a smoker theoretically has less incentive
to light up again.

Vaccines are just one of several new medical
approaches to fight the
escalating problem of addiction.



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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 6:33:52 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’m starting to notice a pattern here. No matter what
the question is the answer is jesus?

Carla B

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
Then you my friend want Jesus Christ!  For Jesus
Christ said:

John 10:10
I have come that they may have life, and that they
may have it more

In a message dated 7/16/2002 1:22:06 PM Pacific
Daylight Time,
digital@phantom.com writes:

I personally found much
greater resonance with “I am a Nexus One, I want
more Life Fucker I ain’t
done,” which in actuality is a lyric by Rob
Zombie, and not authorized for
spiritual reintegration, religious use, and
repeating it without written

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From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 4:30:55 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Then you my friend want Jesus Christ!  For Jesus Christ said:

John 10:10
I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

In a message dated 7/16/2002 1:22:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, digital@phantom.com writes:

I personally found much
greater resonance with “I am a Nexus One, I want more Life Fucker I ain’t
done,” which in actuality is a lyric by Rob Zombie, and not authorized for
spiritual reintegration, religious use, and repeating it without written
consent quite possibly violates the DMCA.

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 4:13:43 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Jul 16, 2002 at 12:42:38PM -0700], [Brett Calabrese] wrote:

| thanks to Shiva and that funny Oooooohhhhhmmmmm noise
| they make, real ominous.

<Raising hand> I like Shiva.  “He” is one of the few role models I have
left.  That whole entire ohmmmm, aum, omm making scenario, plus, also,
even, om nama shivaya, never worked out for me.  I personally found much
greater resonance with “I am a Nexus One, I want more Life Fucker I ain’t
done,” which in actuality is a lyric by Rob Zombie, and not authorized for
spiritual reintegration, religious use, and repeating it without written
consent quite possibly violates the DMCA.

Just saying,


From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] SMART Link on Mindvox please?
Date: July 16, 2002 at 3:53:08 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Rebecca, you’re dyslexic, Mindvox is at 25,980. That is awesome man. I had no idea! I’ve never used alexa. What you need to do so bad is add a section under Links for music! I do not believe you’ve let that slide. In that section you must add a banner for MLB!

Awesome, you are past the 12 step groupies. Right on man, right on!

It’s not all good news, High Times is past you hanging at 15,000. Course they have a magazine, may be a few people reading that and all.


On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 Rebecca Silverman wrote :

Hi Patrick,

A request to at least think about please? I know you never reply to mail but would you consider putting in a link for SMART? The program agrees with so many things that you have to say and it wouldn’t hurt you to add it to harm reduction.

Also if you are going to be adding the whole rave scene from South Beach, would you consider adding a happenings area where we can list meetings (not NA meetings!) please?

I know your reply is usually ‘it’s a free world, go start your own web site and see if you can find 10 people who care’ and probably I can’t! But I’d love to add the updates and at least the banner to mindvox please. You do run everything on ibogaine, which some people bitch about some of the time 🙂 Please add smart.

I know how to use alexa too, please do not tell me to throw it somewhere else, it’s just a little banner. Ok? Please? 🙂 You have more people hitting this crazy thing (meant in a good way!) and reading what you say, then nearly anything else I’ve ever used online, it would not hurt for some of them to find smart in your links.

Mindvox 29,508
Phantom I can’t get it to read anymore, but you have two domains hooked to mindvox both in the top 50,000

AA 50,201
NA 79,212
SMART 257,568
SMART Florida 975,211
DRCNET 171,235
Herointimes 171,600
MAPS 108,645

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From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Bush to set up shadow government
Date: July 16, 2002 at 3:46:15 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com, drugwar@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Have you spied on your neighbors lately? Maybe they’re communists too!



There is always a better job for you at Monsterindia.com.
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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 3:42:38 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:

You and I are talking about two different Jesus’s.
The Jesus I preach is the
Jesus of the Bible.   The Jesus of the Bible is not
tolerant of other
religions.  The Jesus of the Bible said:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes
to the Father except
through Me.”  (John 14:6)

Funny how everyone takes the bible to mean something
different. And then there was the “editing” but we
won’t talk about things like reincarnation,
Constantine the Great removed that in 325 AD, shhhhh.

No doubt, He would be viewed as an intolerant bigot
in the eyes of today’s
society.  The God of the Bible is adamant when it
comes to saving men’s souls
that there is only ONE way to be saved, ONE path
that leads to salvation.
For me to condone or preach any other would be a
tremendous affront to a Holy
and Righteous God who gave His only Son so that we
might be saved.  In fact,

Personally I don’t think GOD gives a shit, might even
be “up there” laughing and saying “what are they

if I preached any other way, I would be calling the
Jesus that I believe in a
liar.  For the Jesus I believe in has said that He
is the only way.

Then have at it, go for it but you have NO CLUE what
my beliefs are, just that they are not yours and
therefore wrong.

If I don’t stand up for what I believe is
righteousness (that being the

So, go find someone who is challenging your beliefs
and go after them, that is what everyone should do,
hunt down everyone that doesn’t believe the same way
they do and try to convert them, TELL THEM. I didn’t
challenge your beliefs, you threw them in my face and
I threw them back with comments.

Christ of the Bible) then what a hypocrite I would
be.  If I truly believe

Let me guess, a bigger one than you are now?

that Jesus is the only way to eternal life in
Heaven, why would I stand idle
and mute as I watch others who don’t know Jesus

I stand idle and watch people destroy their lives all
the time or were the people on this list in particular
distress that it requires being told they are less
than you are? And who said I didn’t know Jesus? What I
don’t want to know is the BS people like you try to
feed me with a JC label on it.

march off down a path that I
know and believe leads them to hell?  I can’t in
good conscience do that.  So
I speak up for Christ.  When I see someone standing
at a fork in the road,

And if they say “sorry, I don’t do JC” then they are
not worthy of saving, don’t send them to an NA meeting
or try ibogaine, or do Yoga or Buddhism or ZEN or kite
flying. Is ibogaine the work of the Devil, I am sure
there are good Christians who think it is, in fact
about anyone you ask that doesn’t know about ibogaine
(except that it were illegal) would tell you it is bad
– before they investigated it, called contempt before
investigation. I went to “your” bible studies to be
open minded, learn new things (ha!), exchange ideas
(double HA!).

one way is broad and tolerant leading to hell, the
other narrow, intolerant
and leading to heaven.   Then I say just as Jesus

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and
broad is the way that
leads to destruction, and there are many who go in
by it. Because narrow is
the gate and difficult is the way which leads to
life, and there are few who
find it”.

See, I understand that perfectly but doubt it is
anything close to your understanding.

Then one said to Him, “Lord, are there few who are
saved?” And He said to
them,  “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for
many, I say to you, will
seek to enter and will not be able.

Jesus is “The Gate”.

Now as for Buddhist chanting, meditation etc.  (This
could be a very long
story, but I’m not going to get into the entire
details here).  You weren’t
there the night a friend of my family became
possessed by an evil spirit by
chanting to Buddha.  You weren’t there when she
transformed into a growling
animal.  You weren’t there when she began to speak
English, a language she
did not know how to speak prior to this night.
(She’s from Thailand).  You
weren’t there when she became violent, foaming at
the mouth, cursing and
swearing at the mention of the name Jesus.  You
weren’t there when she became
rigid and pounded her head repeatedly into the
cement, bloody, writhing, the
thing within her screaming out for Buddha to save it
from Jesus.  You weren’t
there, I was.

So believe in whatever the fuck you want to believe
in, I don’t care, it works for you, have at it. I have
my “stories” too, you care less about them than I do
of yours, yours is a one way street, your way and no
other way.

Stay away from these heathen religions.  Yes, you

Then you had better stay away from me, evil might
spill upon you.

may find “god”.  You may
even become “spirit filled”.  But it won’t be the
God of all creation that
you find, and it won’t be His Holy Spirit that fills

Uh huh, it will be the fake god, the every god but
your god, not your exclusive god, for that I need to
join your club.

Turn to Jesus, the one true way to the one true God.

How is this?

Go f..k yourself you obnoxious, arrogant bigot. That
is my effort at “spreading the word”, to see people at
the Y in the road, on that path and letting them know
it is the path to hell… Nothing personal, you just
don’t believe as I believe so therefore you are
unenlightened and I shouldn’t expect any more from an
ignorant non-believer as you – sound nice doesn’t it?
It is people like you who fuck up this place we call
earth, who spread fear and hate and it isn’t because
you are Christian, it is because you are you. By the
way, just spoke to GOD again, Kev is right, you will
meet up with us (when you grow up) down the road.

So, now every time you “preach” to me, I will go find
a good Christian board and go “Preach” to them, maybe
email their reaction to you, why should I react any
differently. Hummm, maybe I can plant a few “seeds”…
A little hedonism, some devil worship, maybe some
Muslum literature… I know (OH NO!) I will tell them
about YOGA, you got your meditation, your Sanscrit
thanks to Shiva and that funny Oooooohhhhhmmmmm noise
they make, real ominous.



In a message dated 7/16/2002 6:16:03 AM Pacific
Daylight Time,
bcalabrese@yahoo.com writes:

Excuse me!

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other
heathen religions.

Just goes to show how ignorant, prejudice and
some “good Christians” can be.

So, tell me (bigot), what do you know (besides
nothing) about these “other such heathen
The work of the devil, huh? Yeah, that Dali Lama,
real heathen for sure… definitely an evil one.

Instead seek the true God through a relationship
with Jesus Christ.  Not

Then how come you have no seem to have no clue
what Jesus was about? The love, the acceptance,
tolerance, forgot that part? What is this honor
neighbor as long as he believe what you tell him
believe in?

religion, relationship.  For more information.
Visit here:

Not in this lifetime. Been there, done that, gave
it a
chance, been to bible study and don’t like hateful
people, people spreading fear and mistrust,
hate, anger.

(Have seen first hand those that have become
possessed by evil spirits due to
buddhist meditation & chanting).

Ah, but the millions of people who have been
killed by
good Christians “in the name of GOD”, that is OK
meditation and chanting is evil, got it.

Maybe if we all accepted each other and our
respected each other and didn’t pull this “my
is better than your religion” crap people would
along better, ya think? So, the YOGA I do is evil
you know about that Shiva OR that I was born
that must be bad too since we chant and don’t pray
your JC, I even do some Jewish Mysticism
light insense, do Reiki – or am I taking JC’s job
healing (with the hands), must be the work of the
devil (been told that by good Christians), right?
Seems that to you Love is evil.

I actually have nothing wrong with JC or any
belief of
love and truth, I do have a problem with people
tell me they have the one true belief and the way
other people down.

Have fun with your fear based beliefs (which IMO
nothing to do with JC), watch out GOD is going to
you, he is watching your every move, the devil is
waiting too, just for you so be careful, one slip
it hell for sure.


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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this thro ugh, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 3:40:51 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

What sort of Church is it? I mean what’s the denomination, (whatever)

I was married in a United Reform Church by a gay preacher 13 yrs ago

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Rick Venglarcik [mailto:RickV@hnncsb.org]
Sent: 16 July 2002 20:34
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

I do understand.  I attend a Church where I am…or so I have been told
by the Pastors…the only one they know in their congregation that holds
to the “liberal” beliefs that I do.  I have knocked heads so many times
with people that I’ve just learned not to take our differences so
seriously.  I just counter with data, fully expecting them to ignore the
facts.  The only thing that can counter their ignorance is information,
presented in such a way as to pique their interest.  Arguing is
fruitless.  They’re right, after all.  I think the whole drug war is
just a basic ignorance thing.  Most folks just don’t know much about
drugs and addiction.  It’s just a sin and it’s a crime…and those
people need to be put in jail.  that’s about as far as they think about
the whole issue.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk 07/16/02 03:26PM >>>
Mmh, one of my brothers is a bit of a fundamentalist; we love each
other, so
over the years, we’ve learnt not to go too deeply into it – the bible
think I mean!

U got a great sense of humour

I’m not partial to people who say one thing and act another; Right
fundamentalist (as u say) Christians have supported the drug war for
and it has killed too many of our peers. And yes, they are responsible
their behaviour, but so is the state responsible 4 murder. Simple as
that –
ultimately. (Guess I can get pretty fundamentalist myself on days when
had to bury junky friends) Sorry, some days are just 2222222 much

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Rick Venglarcik [mailto:RickV@hnncsb.org]
Sent: 16 July 2002 20:15
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

Reminds me of an EXTREMELY fundamentalist friend of mine.  We had
and dropped into Starbucks (the devil’s brew for sure).  I talked
my spiritual journey over the period of a year or so, whereupon he
an hour or two pleading for my damned soul, telling me how “the Bible
says…” and generally seeming unable to truly hear what I was saying
and the reasons for my changes in belief (and being defined by him as
backslidden unbeliever”).  In the end, he remained true to his
FUNDAMENTALS.  He was driving, so after we finished our “chat”, I
climbed into the passenger side and he proceeded to pull straight into
oncoming traffic heading straight for my side. Almost got me KILLED.
“Damn!  …you gotta watch that shit!” I said.  “I’m the one going to
hell here.” 🙂  He laughed his ass off.  He’s still an extremely right
wing fundamentalist.  We still get along great.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk 07/16/02 02:51PM >>>
Woh Brett

Wher do you get the timne to write such long articulate, informed

I’m afraid I only have one thing to say on this: FUNDAMENTALISM KILLS

Let’s see the Islamic type, the drug war type – anyone wanna add

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Brett Calabrese [mailto:bcalabrese@yahoo.com]
Sent: 16 July 2002 19:44
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

— Rick Venglarcik <RickV@hnncsb.org> wrote:
Perhaps it boils down to this…Brett is intolerant
with intolerant

Pretty much.

and Neuroskull has found a belief position
that works at this
particular time.

Everything “works”. When I was into religion, it
worked and when I did drugs, they worked too, depends
on at what.

Having walked a similar road, the
beliefs and opinions
stated by Neuroskull are pretty consistent with the
evangelical/fundamentalist Christian perspective.

That they are better than everyone else and you should
join their club so you can be special to, Jesus loves
you yes he does and if you don’t believe in him YOU
WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER. I got it, I got it.

Christianity holds to a certain unchanging system of

That they are right and you are wrong.

Encouraging others to “stay away from Buddhism and
other such heathen
religions” is consistent with the belief system.

It is also called “good marketing”. The more fear, the
more believers who need to be “saved”,  more believers
the more money and power I will have – got it, very

Likewise, the term
“heathen” refers to pretty much any “uncivilized”
religion that doesn’t
recognize the God of the Bible, so the term used is

You forgot “irreligous and unenlightened” in that
definition… Also, “the unconverted”, which means
everyone else but them. I could argue that a good
number of “good Christians” (or whoever) are
unenlightened  (uncivilized and a whole buch of other
words) and therfore heathens or is it that once you
got the “I believe in the God of the bible” you pass
GO, nothing else matters? Maybe we will grow past such
“appropriate” terms like we got past using the word

Guess I just know too many heathens that believe it is
the same GOD that they believe in, they just call it
by another name, written another language and
culture/understanding and maybe have their own “GREAT
FLOOD” story and rules about how to behave… Many
people who I know practice various beliefs in
different ways but they don’t go around telling people
they practice evil because of their belief is
something non-Christian or Non-muslum or non-jewish
and there are people out there who think exactly the
opposite. I know people who think it is the be-all and
end-all to get into Amway and will toot and holler
Amway is the way and the only way. It is “those
people” that bother me, the ones that think I should
do it their way cause it is the only way and I am an
unlightened, irreligous, ignorant (or whatever) person
if I don’t… and don’t forget they are better than
me (cause I am too stupid to understand). Now you
don’t see me preaching to narrow minded, ignorant,
bigots we will call Christians (just for argument)
that they are unbelievers, heathens, going to hell
unless they believe as I believe, do as I do and that
their methods are the work of the Devil, now do you?
That wouldn’t be nice now would it? So why should I
“tolerate” listening to them without sharing my
opinion? Who knows, maybe at least they will become
“enlightened” to the fact that it really pisses some
people off (and chases prospective good Christians

Expressing a belief or opinion that holds to
absolutes, does NOT
necessarily make a person intolerant.  If they made

Funny how I was just reading a post by a good
Christian who was talking about the Bible saying “Love
thy neighbor”, didn’t say anything about tolerate

<necessarily make a person intolerant>

No, it doesn’t but the belief or opinion might.
In any case your definition of tolerate is somewhat
narrower than mine (and the one in the dictionary).

it a point to drown
you out and stifle YOUR expression, that would be

How about tolerate “To recognize and respect (the
rights, beliefs, or practices of others)”. Right, they
“recognize and respect” those heathen beliefs – that
is exactly how it sounds to me…


a. Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions,
practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs.
b. Opposed to the inclusion or participation of those
different from oneself, especially those of a
different racial, ethnic, or social background

It certainly sounds like they excluded me from their
GOD club (they have an exclusive).

When you call someones belief or religious practice
“evil” that isn’t tolerance. When you think they are
less than you are because where they are from, the
color of their skin or their beliefs, that is bigotry.
Most of the “tolerance” I have run across by
fundamentalists is they don’t want to hear it, there
is no “opinion” there is only their way.

intolerant.  Likewise,
if you were discriminated against due to your
religious beliefs, that
would be intolerant.  Jesus was tolerant, but he

Oh and you think I can go off and marry one of their
daughters without a squeel or take a job over a good
Christian (and I am specifically talking about people
who think they are better than other groups because of
their beliefs/color/whatever)

still called the
religious leaders of the day a brood of vipers.

Nothing changes…

was also willing to
wash feet and eat with the rabble.

Good judge of character.


In certain matters I hold to absolutes and will
express them as so, but
I’ll listen attentively to what you say.  I might
even argue against
what you believe.  You might actually help me change
some of my own
beliefs.  Whatever the case, we can still go down to
the deli and break
bread together.  Perhaps this is Neuroskull’s
position as well. Perhaps
not.  He’ll catch up somewhere down the road.
kiss and make up.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

FN:Rick Venglarcik
TEL;WORK:(757) 827-8430
ORG:HNNCSB;Hampton Roads Clinic
TITLE:Therapist I
Suite C;Hampton;VA;23666;US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666=0A=
US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666

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From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 3:34:27 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I do understand.  I attend a Church where I am…or so I have been told
by the Pastors…the only one they know in their congregation that holds
to the “liberal” beliefs that I do.  I have knocked heads so many times
with people that I’ve just learned not to take our differences so
seriously.  I just counter with data, fully expecting them to ignore the
facts.  The only thing that can counter their ignorance is information,
presented in such a way as to pique their interest.  Arguing is
fruitless.  They’re right, after all.  I think the whole drug war is
just a basic ignorance thing.  Most folks just don’t know much about
drugs and addiction.  It’s just a sin and it’s a crime…and those
people need to be put in jail.  that’s about as far as they think about
the whole issue.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk 07/16/02 03:26PM >>>
Mmh, one of my brothers is a bit of a fundamentalist; we love each
other, so
over the years, we’ve learnt not to go too deeply into it – the bible
think I mean!

U got a great sense of humour

I’m not partial to people who say one thing and act another; Right
fundamentalist (as u say) Christians have supported the drug war for
and it has killed too many of our peers. And yes, they are responsible
their behaviour, but so is the state responsible 4 murder. Simple as
that –
ultimately. (Guess I can get pretty fundamentalist myself on days when
had to bury junky friends) Sorry, some days are just 2222222 much

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Rick Venglarcik [mailto:RickV@hnncsb.org]
Sent: 16 July 2002 20:15
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

Reminds me of an EXTREMELY fundamentalist friend of mine.  We had
and dropped into Starbucks (the devil’s brew for sure).  I talked
my spiritual journey over the period of a year or so, whereupon he
an hour or two pleading for my damned soul, telling me how “the Bible
says…” and generally seeming unable to truly hear what I was saying
and the reasons for my changes in belief (and being defined by him as
backslidden unbeliever”).  In the end, he remained true to his
FUNDAMENTALS.  He was driving, so after we finished our “chat”, I
climbed into the passenger side and he proceeded to pull straight into
oncoming traffic heading straight for my side. Almost got me KILLED.
“Damn!  …you gotta watch that shit!” I said.  “I’m the one going to
hell here.” 🙂  He laughed his ass off.  He’s still an extremely right
wing fundamentalist.  We still get along great.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk 07/16/02 02:51PM >>>
Woh Brett

Wher do you get the timne to write such long articulate, informed

I’m afraid I only have one thing to say on this: FUNDAMENTALISM KILLS

Let’s see the Islamic type, the drug war type – anyone wanna add

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Brett Calabrese [mailto:bcalabrese@yahoo.com]
Sent: 16 July 2002 19:44
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

— Rick Venglarcik <RickV@hnncsb.org> wrote:
Perhaps it boils down to this…Brett is intolerant
with intolerant

Pretty much.

and Neuroskull has found a belief position
that works at this
particular time.

Everything “works”. When I was into religion, it
worked and when I did drugs, they worked too, depends
on at what.

Having walked a similar road, the
beliefs and opinions
stated by Neuroskull are pretty consistent with the
evangelical/fundamentalist Christian perspective.

That they are better than everyone else and you should
join their club so you can be special to, Jesus loves
you yes he does and if you don’t believe in him YOU
WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER. I got it, I got it.

Christianity holds to a certain unchanging system of

That they are right and you are wrong.

Encouraging others to “stay away from Buddhism and
other such heathen
religions” is consistent with the belief system.

It is also called “good marketing”. The more fear, the
more believers who need to be “saved”,  more believers
the more money and power I will have – got it, very

Likewise, the term
“heathen” refers to pretty much any “uncivilized”
religion that doesn’t
recognize the God of the Bible, so the term used is

You forgot “irreligous and unenlightened” in that
definition… Also, “the unconverted”, which means
everyone else but them. I could argue that a good
number of “good Christians” (or whoever) are
unenlightened  (uncivilized and a whole buch of other
words) and therfore heathens or is it that once you
got the “I believe in the God of the bible” you pass
GO, nothing else matters? Maybe we will grow past such
“appropriate” terms like we got past using the word

Guess I just know too many heathens that believe it is
the same GOD that they believe in, they just call it
by another name, written another language and
culture/understanding and maybe have their own “GREAT
FLOOD” story and rules about how to behave… Many
people who I know practice various beliefs in
different ways but they don’t go around telling people
they practice evil because of their belief is
something non-Christian or Non-muslum or non-jewish
and there are people out there who think exactly the
opposite. I know people who think it is the be-all and
end-all to get into Amway and will toot and holler
Amway is the way and the only way. It is “those
people” that bother me, the ones that think I should
do it their way cause it is the only way and I am an
unlightened, irreligous, ignorant (or whatever) person
if I don’t… and don’t forget they are better than
me (cause I am too stupid to understand). Now you
don’t see me preaching to narrow minded, ignorant,
bigots we will call Christians (just for argument)
that they are unbelievers, heathens, going to hell
unless they believe as I believe, do as I do and that
their methods are the work of the Devil, now do you?
That wouldn’t be nice now would it? So why should I
“tolerate” listening to them without sharing my
opinion? Who knows, maybe at least they will become
“enlightened” to the fact that it really pisses some
people off (and chases prospective good Christians

Expressing a belief or opinion that holds to
absolutes, does NOT
necessarily make a person intolerant.  If they made

Funny how I was just reading a post by a good
Christian who was talking about the Bible saying “Love
thy neighbor”, didn’t say anything about tolerate

<necessarily make a person intolerant>

No, it doesn’t but the belief or opinion might.
In any case your definition of tolerate is somewhat
narrower than mine (and the one in the dictionary).

it a point to drown
you out and stifle YOUR expression, that would be

How about tolerate “To recognize and respect (the
rights, beliefs, or practices of others)”. Right, they
“recognize and respect” those heathen beliefs – that
is exactly how it sounds to me…


a. Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions,
practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs.
b. Opposed to the inclusion or participation of those
different from oneself, especially those of a
different racial, ethnic, or social background

It certainly sounds like they excluded me from their
GOD club (they have an exclusive).

When you call someones belief or religious practice
“evil” that isn’t tolerance. When you think they are
less than you are because where they are from, the
color of their skin or their beliefs, that is bigotry.
Most of the “tolerance” I have run across by
fundamentalists is they don’t want to hear it, there
is no “opinion” there is only their way.

intolerant.  Likewise,
if you were discriminated against due to your
religious beliefs, that
would be intolerant.  Jesus was tolerant, but he

Oh and you think I can go off and marry one of their
daughters without a squeel or take a job over a good
Christian (and I am specifically talking about people
who think they are better than other groups because of
their beliefs/color/whatever)

still called the
religious leaders of the day a brood of vipers.

Nothing changes…

was also willing to
wash feet and eat with the rabble.

Good judge of character.


In certain matters I hold to absolutes and will
express them as so, but
I’ll listen attentively to what you say.  I might
even argue against
what you believe.  You might actually help me change
some of my own
beliefs.  Whatever the case, we can still go down to
the deli and break
bread together.  Perhaps this is Neuroskull’s
position as well. Perhaps
not.  He’ll catch up somewhere down the road.
kiss and make up.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

FN:Rick Venglarcik
TEL;WORK:(757) 827-8430
ORG:HNNCSB;Hampton Roads Clinic
TITLE:Therapist I
Suite C;Hampton;VA;23666;US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666=0A=
US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Autos – Get free new car price quotes

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this thro ugh, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 3:26:39 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Mmh, one of my brothers is a bit of a fundamentalist; we love each other, so
over the years, we’ve learnt not to go too deeply into it – the bible I
think I mean!

U got a great sense of humour

I’m not partial to people who say one thing and act another; Right wing
fundamentalist (as u say) Christians have supported the drug war for eons
and it has killed too many of our peers. And yes, they are responsible for
their behaviour, but so is the state responsible 4 murder. Simple as that –
ultimately. (Guess I can get pretty fundamentalist myself on days when I’ve
had to bury junky friends) Sorry, some days are just 2222222 much

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Rick Venglarcik [mailto:RickV@hnncsb.org]
Sent: 16 July 2002 20:15
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

Reminds me of an EXTREMELY fundamentalist friend of mine.  We had lunch
and dropped into Starbucks (the devil’s brew for sure).  I talked about
my spiritual journey over the period of a year or so, whereupon he spent
an hour or two pleading for my damned soul, telling me how “the Bible
says…” and generally seeming unable to truly hear what I was saying
and the reasons for my changes in belief (and being defined by him as “a
backslidden unbeliever”).  In the end, he remained true to his
FUNDAMENTALS.  He was driving, so after we finished our “chat”, I
climbed into the passenger side and he proceeded to pull straight into
oncoming traffic heading straight for my side. Almost got me KILLED.
“Damn!  …you gotta watch that shit!” I said.  “I’m the one going to
hell here.” 🙂  He laughed his ass off.  He’s still an extremely right
wing fundamentalist.  We still get along great.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk 07/16/02 02:51PM >>>
Woh Brett

Wher do you get the timne to write such long articulate, informed

I’m afraid I only have one thing to say on this: FUNDAMENTALISM KILLS –
Let’s see the Islamic type, the drug war type – anyone wanna add

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Brett Calabrese [mailto:bcalabrese@yahoo.com]
Sent: 16 July 2002 19:44
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

— Rick Venglarcik <RickV@hnncsb.org> wrote:
Perhaps it boils down to this…Brett is intolerant
with intolerant

Pretty much.

and Neuroskull has found a belief position
that works at this
particular time.

Everything “works”. When I was into religion, it
worked and when I did drugs, they worked too, depends
on at what.

Having walked a similar road, the
beliefs and opinions
stated by Neuroskull are pretty consistent with the
evangelical/fundamentalist Christian perspective.

That they are better than everyone else and you should
join their club so you can be special to, Jesus loves
you yes he does and if you don’t believe in him YOU
WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER. I got it, I got it.

Christianity holds to a certain unchanging system of

That they are right and you are wrong.

Encouraging others to “stay away from Buddhism and
other such heathen
religions” is consistent with the belief system.

It is also called “good marketing”. The more fear, the
more believers who need to be “saved”,  more believers
the more money and power I will have – got it, very

Likewise, the term
“heathen” refers to pretty much any “uncivilized”
religion that doesn’t
recognize the God of the Bible, so the term used is

You forgot “irreligous and unenlightened” in that
definition… Also, “the unconverted”, which means
everyone else but them. I could argue that a good
number of “good Christians” (or whoever) are
unenlightened  (uncivilized and a whole buch of other
words) and therfore heathens or is it that once you
got the “I believe in the God of the bible” you pass
GO, nothing else matters? Maybe we will grow past such
“appropriate” terms like we got past using the word

Guess I just know too many heathens that believe it is
the same GOD that they believe in, they just call it
by another name, written another language and
culture/understanding and maybe have their own “GREAT
FLOOD” story and rules about how to behave… Many
people who I know practice various beliefs in
different ways but they don’t go around telling people
they practice evil because of their belief is
something non-Christian or Non-muslum or non-jewish
and there are people out there who think exactly the
opposite. I know people who think it is the be-all and
end-all to get into Amway and will toot and holler
Amway is the way and the only way. It is “those
people” that bother me, the ones that think I should
do it their way cause it is the only way and I am an
unlightened, irreligous, ignorant (or whatever) person
if I don’t… and don’t forget they are better than
me (cause I am too stupid to understand). Now you
don’t see me preaching to narrow minded, ignorant,
bigots we will call Christians (just for argument)
that they are unbelievers, heathens, going to hell
unless they believe as I believe, do as I do and that
their methods are the work of the Devil, now do you?
That wouldn’t be nice now would it? So why should I
“tolerate” listening to them without sharing my
opinion? Who knows, maybe at least they will become
“enlightened” to the fact that it really pisses some
people off (and chases prospective good Christians

Expressing a belief or opinion that holds to
absolutes, does NOT
necessarily make a person intolerant.  If they made

Funny how I was just reading a post by a good
Christian who was talking about the Bible saying “Love
thy neighbor”, didn’t say anything about tolerate

<necessarily make a person intolerant>

No, it doesn’t but the belief or opinion might.
In any case your definition of tolerate is somewhat
narrower than mine (and the one in the dictionary).

it a point to drown
you out and stifle YOUR expression, that would be

How about tolerate “To recognize and respect (the
rights, beliefs, or practices of others)”. Right, they
“recognize and respect” those heathen beliefs – that
is exactly how it sounds to me…


a. Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions,
practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs.
b. Opposed to the inclusion or participation of those
different from oneself, especially those of a
different racial, ethnic, or social background

It certainly sounds like they excluded me from their
GOD club (they have an exclusive).

When you call someones belief or religious practice
“evil” that isn’t tolerance. When you think they are
less than you are because where they are from, the
color of their skin or their beliefs, that is bigotry.
Most of the “tolerance” I have run across by
fundamentalists is they don’t want to hear it, there
is no “opinion” there is only their way.

intolerant.  Likewise,
if you were discriminated against due to your
religious beliefs, that
would be intolerant.  Jesus was tolerant, but he

Oh and you think I can go off and marry one of their
daughters without a squeel or take a job over a good
Christian (and I am specifically talking about people
who think they are better than other groups because of
their beliefs/color/whatever)

still called the
religious leaders of the day a brood of vipers.

Nothing changes…

was also willing to
wash feet and eat with the rabble.

Good judge of character.


In certain matters I hold to absolutes and will
express them as so, but
I’ll listen attentively to what you say.  I might
even argue against
what you believe.  You might actually help me change
some of my own
beliefs.  Whatever the case, we can still go down to
the deli and break
bread together.  Perhaps this is Neuroskull’s
position as well. Perhaps
not.  He’ll catch up somewhere down the road.
kiss and make up.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

FN:Rick Venglarcik
TEL;WORK:(757) 827-8430
ORG:HNNCSB;Hampton Roads Clinic
TITLE:Therapist I
Suite C;Hampton;VA;23666;US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666=0A=
US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666

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From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 3:14:59 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Reminds me of an EXTREMELY fundamentalist friend of mine.  We had lunch
and dropped into Starbucks (the devil’s brew for sure).  I talked about
my spiritual journey over the period of a year or so, whereupon he spent
an hour or two pleading for my damned soul, telling me how “the Bible
says…” and generally seeming unable to truly hear what I was saying
and the reasons for my changes in belief (and being defined by him as “a
backslidden unbeliever”).  In the end, he remained true to his
FUNDAMENTALS.  He was driving, so after we finished our “chat”, I
climbed into the passenger side and he proceeded to pull straight into
oncoming traffic heading straight for my side. Almost got me KILLED.
“Damn!  …you gotta watch that shit!” I said.  “I’m the one going to
hell here.” 🙂  He laughed his ass off.  He’s still an extremely right
wing fundamentalist.  We still get along great.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk 07/16/02 02:51PM >>>
Woh Brett

Wher do you get the timne to write such long articulate, informed

I’m afraid I only have one thing to say on this: FUNDAMENTALISM KILLS –
Let’s see the Islamic type, the drug war type – anyone wanna add

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Brett Calabrese [mailto:bcalabrese@yahoo.com]
Sent: 16 July 2002 19:44
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

— Rick Venglarcik <RickV@hnncsb.org> wrote:
Perhaps it boils down to this…Brett is intolerant
with intolerant

Pretty much.

and Neuroskull has found a belief position
that works at this
particular time.

Everything “works”. When I was into religion, it
worked and when I did drugs, they worked too, depends
on at what.

Having walked a similar road, the
beliefs and opinions
stated by Neuroskull are pretty consistent with the
evangelical/fundamentalist Christian perspective.

That they are better than everyone else and you should
join their club so you can be special to, Jesus loves
you yes he does and if you don’t believe in him YOU
WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER. I got it, I got it.

Christianity holds to a certain unchanging system of

That they are right and you are wrong.

Encouraging others to “stay away from Buddhism and
other such heathen
religions” is consistent with the belief system.

It is also called “good marketing”. The more fear, the
more believers who need to be “saved”,  more believers
the more money and power I will have – got it, very

Likewise, the term
“heathen” refers to pretty much any “uncivilized”
religion that doesn’t
recognize the God of the Bible, so the term used is

You forgot “irreligous and unenlightened” in that
definition… Also, “the unconverted”, which means
everyone else but them. I could argue that a good
number of “good Christians” (or whoever) are
unenlightened  (uncivilized and a whole buch of other
words) and therfore heathens or is it that once you
got the “I believe in the God of the bible” you pass
GO, nothing else matters? Maybe we will grow past such
“appropriate” terms like we got past using the word

Guess I just know too many heathens that believe it is
the same GOD that they believe in, they just call it
by another name, written another language and
culture/understanding and maybe have their own “GREAT
FLOOD” story and rules about how to behave… Many
people who I know practice various beliefs in
different ways but they don’t go around telling people
they practice evil because of their belief is
something non-Christian or Non-muslum or non-jewish
and there are people out there who think exactly the
opposite. I know people who think it is the be-all and
end-all to get into Amway and will toot and holler
Amway is the way and the only way. It is “those
people” that bother me, the ones that think I should
do it their way cause it is the only way and I am an
unlightened, irreligous, ignorant (or whatever) person
if I don’t… and don’t forget they are better than
me (cause I am too stupid to understand). Now you
don’t see me preaching to narrow minded, ignorant,
bigots we will call Christians (just for argument)
that they are unbelievers, heathens, going to hell
unless they believe as I believe, do as I do and that
their methods are the work of the Devil, now do you?
That wouldn’t be nice now would it? So why should I
“tolerate” listening to them without sharing my
opinion? Who knows, maybe at least they will become
“enlightened” to the fact that it really pisses some
people off (and chases prospective good Christians

Expressing a belief or opinion that holds to
absolutes, does NOT
necessarily make a person intolerant.  If they made

Funny how I was just reading a post by a good
Christian who was talking about the Bible saying “Love
thy neighbor”, didn’t say anything about tolerate

<necessarily make a person intolerant>

No, it doesn’t but the belief or opinion might.
In any case your definition of tolerate is somewhat
narrower than mine (and the one in the dictionary).

it a point to drown
you out and stifle YOUR expression, that would be

How about tolerate “To recognize and respect (the
rights, beliefs, or practices of others)”. Right, they
“recognize and respect” those heathen beliefs – that
is exactly how it sounds to me…


a. Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions,
practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs.
b. Opposed to the inclusion or participation of those
different from oneself, especially those of a
different racial, ethnic, or social background

It certainly sounds like they excluded me from their
GOD club (they have an exclusive).

When you call someones belief or religious practice
“evil” that isn’t tolerance. When you think they are
less than you are because where they are from, the
color of their skin or their beliefs, that is bigotry.
Most of the “tolerance” I have run across by
fundamentalists is they don’t want to hear it, there
is no “opinion” there is only their way.

intolerant.  Likewise,
if you were discriminated against due to your
religious beliefs, that
would be intolerant.  Jesus was tolerant, but he

Oh and you think I can go off and marry one of their
daughters without a squeel or take a job over a good
Christian (and I am specifically talking about people
who think they are better than other groups because of
their beliefs/color/whatever)

still called the
religious leaders of the day a brood of vipers.

Nothing changes…

was also willing to
wash feet and eat with the rabble.

Good judge of character.


In certain matters I hold to absolutes and will
express them as so, but
I’ll listen attentively to what you say.  I might
even argue against
what you believe.  You might actually help me change
some of my own
beliefs.  Whatever the case, we can still go down to
the deli and break
bread together.  Perhaps this is Neuroskull’s
position as well. Perhaps
not.  He’ll catch up somewhere down the road.
kiss and make up.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

FN:Rick Venglarcik
TEL;WORK:(757) 827-8430
ORG:HNNCSB;Hampton Roads Clinic
TITLE:Therapist I
Suite C;Hampton;VA;23666;US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666=0A=
US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666

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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Hi!
Date: July 16, 2002 at 2:49:47 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I just wanted to take a brief moment to inform everybody that I’m trying
to clean out my inbox, and thus, sadly, for me — and surely YOU the
reader — I am not available to make my usual witty comments and
informative remarks.

However, I would like to remind everyone that Jimi Hendrix loves you.
Conclusive, Fully Documented Proof:


Plus, also, if you’re gonna have a War of Ideologies, bring a gun!


God bless,


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this thro ugh, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 2:51:17 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Woh Brett

Wher do you get the timne to write such long articulate, informed e-mails.

I’m afraid I only have one thing to say on this: FUNDAMENTALISM KILLS – ALL
Let’s see the Islamic type, the drug war type – anyone wanna add anymore?

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Brett Calabrese [mailto:bcalabrese@yahoo.com]
Sent: 16 July 2002 19:44
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

— Rick Venglarcik <RickV@hnncsb.org> wrote:
Perhaps it boils down to this…Brett is intolerant
with intolerant

Pretty much.

and Neuroskull has found a belief position
that works at this
particular time.

Everything “works”. When I was into religion, it
worked and when I did drugs, they worked too, depends
on at what.

Having walked a similar road, the
beliefs and opinions
stated by Neuroskull are pretty consistent with the
evangelical/fundamentalist Christian perspective.

That they are better than everyone else and you should
join their club so you can be special to, Jesus loves
you yes he does and if you don’t believe in him YOU
WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER. I got it, I got it.

Christianity holds to a certain unchanging system of

That they are right and you are wrong.

Encouraging others to “stay away from Buddhism and
other such heathen
religions” is consistent with the belief system.

It is also called “good marketing”. The more fear, the
more believers who need to be “saved”,  more believers
the more money and power I will have – got it, very

Likewise, the term
“heathen” refers to pretty much any “uncivilized”
religion that doesn’t
recognize the God of the Bible, so the term used is

You forgot “irreligous and unenlightened” in that
definition… Also, “the unconverted”, which means
everyone else but them. I could argue that a good
number of “good Christians” (or whoever) are
unenlightened  (uncivilized and a whole buch of other
words) and therfore heathens or is it that once you
got the “I believe in the God of the bible” you pass
GO, nothing else matters? Maybe we will grow past such
“appropriate” terms like we got past using the word

Guess I just know too many heathens that believe it is
the same GOD that they believe in, they just call it
by another name, written another language and
culture/understanding and maybe have their own “GREAT
FLOOD” story and rules about how to behave… Many
people who I know practice various beliefs in
different ways but they don’t go around telling people
they practice evil because of their belief is
something non-Christian or Non-muslum or non-jewish
and there are people out there who think exactly the
opposite. I know people who think it is the be-all and
end-all to get into Amway and will toot and holler
Amway is the way and the only way. It is “those
people” that bother me, the ones that think I should
do it their way cause it is the only way and I am an
unlightened, irreligous, ignorant (or whatever) person
if I don’t… and don’t forget they are better than
me (cause I am too stupid to understand). Now you
don’t see me preaching to narrow minded, ignorant,
bigots we will call Christians (just for argument)
that they are unbelievers, heathens, going to hell
unless they believe as I believe, do as I do and that
their methods are the work of the Devil, now do you?
That wouldn’t be nice now would it? So why should I
“tolerate” listening to them without sharing my
opinion? Who knows, maybe at least they will become
“enlightened” to the fact that it really pisses some
people off (and chases prospective good Christians

Expressing a belief or opinion that holds to
absolutes, does NOT
necessarily make a person intolerant.  If they made

Funny how I was just reading a post by a good
Christian who was talking about the Bible saying “Love
thy neighbor”, didn’t say anything about tolerate

<necessarily make a person intolerant>

No, it doesn’t but the belief or opinion might.
In any case your definition of tolerate is somewhat
narrower than mine (and the one in the dictionary).

it a point to drown
you out and stifle YOUR expression, that would be

How about tolerate “To recognize and respect (the
rights, beliefs, or practices of others)”. Right, they
“recognize and respect” those heathen beliefs – that
is exactly how it sounds to me…


a. Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions,
practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs.
b. Opposed to the inclusion or participation of those
different from oneself, especially those of a
different racial, ethnic, or social background

It certainly sounds like they excluded me from their
GOD club (they have an exclusive).

When you call someones belief or religious practice
“evil” that isn’t tolerance. When you think they are
less than you are because where they are from, the
color of their skin or their beliefs, that is bigotry.
Most of the “tolerance” I have run across by
fundamentalists is they don’t want to hear it, there
is no “opinion” there is only their way.

intolerant.  Likewise,
if you were discriminated against due to your
religious beliefs, that
would be intolerant.  Jesus was tolerant, but he

Oh and you think I can go off and marry one of their
daughters without a squeel or take a job over a good
Christian (and I am specifically talking about people
who think they are better than other groups because of
their beliefs/color/whatever)

still called the
religious leaders of the day a brood of vipers.

Nothing changes…

was also willing to
wash feet and eat with the rabble.

Good judge of character.


In certain matters I hold to absolutes and will
express them as so, but
I’ll listen attentively to what you say.  I might
even argue against
what you believe.  You might actually help me change
some of my own
beliefs.  Whatever the case, we can still go down to
the deli and break
bread together.  Perhaps this is Neuroskull’s
position as well. Perhaps
not.  He’ll catch up somewhere down the road.
kiss and make up.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

FN:Rick Venglarcik
TEL;WORK:(757) 827-8430
ORG:HNNCSB;Hampton Roads Clinic
TITLE:Therapist I
Suite C;Hampton;VA;23666;US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666=0A=
US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666

Do You Yahoo!?
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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 2:44:09 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— Rick Venglarcik <RickV@hnncsb.org> wrote:
Perhaps it boils down to this…Brett is intolerant
with intolerant

Pretty much.

and Neuroskull has found a belief position
that works at this
particular time.

Everything “works”. When I was into religion, it
worked and when I did drugs, they worked too, depends
on at what.

Having walked a similar road, the
beliefs and opinions
stated by Neuroskull are pretty consistent with the
evangelical/fundamentalist Christian perspective.

That they are better than everyone else and you should
join their club so you can be special to, Jesus loves
you yes he does and if you don’t believe in him YOU
WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER. I got it, I got it.

Christianity holds to a certain unchanging system of

That they are right and you are wrong.

Encouraging others to “stay away from Buddhism and
other such heathen
religions” is consistent with the belief system.

It is also called “good marketing”. The more fear, the
more believers who need to be “saved”,  more believers
the more money and power I will have – got it, very

Likewise, the term
“heathen” refers to pretty much any “uncivilized”
religion that doesn’t
recognize the God of the Bible, so the term used is

You forgot “irreligous and unenlightened” in that
definition… Also, “the unconverted”, which means
everyone else but them. I could argue that a good
number of “good Christians” (or whoever) are
unenlightened  (uncivilized and a whole buch of other
words) and therfore heathens or is it that once you
got the “I believe in the God of the bible” you pass
GO, nothing else matters? Maybe we will grow past such
“appropriate” terms like we got past using the word

Guess I just know too many heathens that believe it is
the same GOD that they believe in, they just call it
by another name, written another language and
culture/understanding and maybe have their own “GREAT
FLOOD” story and rules about how to behave… Many
people who I know practice various beliefs in
different ways but they don’t go around telling people
they practice evil because of their belief is
something non-Christian or Non-muslum or non-jewish
and there are people out there who think exactly the
opposite. I know people who think it is the be-all and
end-all to get into Amway and will toot and holler
Amway is the way and the only way. It is “those
people” that bother me, the ones that think I should
do it their way cause it is the only way and I am an
unlightened, irreligous, ignorant (or whatever) person
if I don’t… and don’t forget they are better than
me (cause I am too stupid to understand). Now you
don’t see me preaching to narrow minded, ignorant,
bigots we will call Christians (just for argument)
that they are unbelievers, heathens, going to hell
unless they believe as I believe, do as I do and that
their methods are the work of the Devil, now do you?
That wouldn’t be nice now would it? So why should I
“tolerate” listening to them without sharing my
opinion? Who knows, maybe at least they will become
“enlightened” to the fact that it really pisses some
people off (and chases prospective good Christians

Expressing a belief or opinion that holds to
absolutes, does NOT
necessarily make a person intolerant.  If they made

Funny how I was just reading a post by a good
Christian who was talking about the Bible saying “Love
thy neighbor”, didn’t say anything about tolerate

<necessarily make a person intolerant>

No, it doesn’t but the belief or opinion might.
In any case your definition of tolerate is somewhat
narrower than mine (and the one in the dictionary).

it a point to drown
you out and stifle YOUR expression, that would be

How about tolerate “To recognize and respect (the
rights, beliefs, or practices of others)”. Right, they
“recognize and respect” those heathen beliefs – that
is exactly how it sounds to me…


a. Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions,
practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs.
b. Opposed to the inclusion or participation of those
different from oneself, especially those of a
different racial, ethnic, or social background

It certainly sounds like they excluded me from their
GOD club (they have an exclusive).

When you call someones belief or religious practice
“evil” that isn’t tolerance. When you think they are
less than you are because where they are from, the
color of their skin or their beliefs, that is bigotry.
Most of the “tolerance” I have run across by
fundamentalists is they don’t want to hear it, there
is no “opinion” there is only their way.

intolerant.  Likewise,
if you were discriminated against due to your
religious beliefs, that
would be intolerant.  Jesus was tolerant, but he

Oh and you think I can go off and marry one of their
daughters without a squeel or take a job over a good
Christian (and I am specifically talking about people
who think they are better than other groups because of
their beliefs/color/whatever)

still called the
religious leaders of the day a brood of vipers.

Nothing changes…

was also willing to
wash feet and eat with the rabble.

Good judge of character.


In certain matters I hold to absolutes and will
express them as so, but
I’ll listen attentively to what you say.  I might
even argue against
what you believe.  You might actually help me change
some of my own
beliefs.  Whatever the case, we can still go down to
the deli and break
bread together.  Perhaps this is Neuroskull’s
position as well. Perhaps
not.  He’ll catch up somewhere down the road.
kiss and make up.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

FN:Rick Venglarcik
TEL;WORK:(757) 827-8430
ORG:HNNCSB;Hampton Roads Clinic
TITLE:Therapist I
Suite C;Hampton;VA;23666;US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666=0A=
US of A

2236 W. Queen St., Suite C=0A=
Hampton, VA  23666

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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this thro ugh, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 2:44:01 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Why would anyone want ETERNAL life?

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: NeuroSkull@aol.com [mailto:NeuroSkull@aol.com]
Sent: 16 July 2002 19:15
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…


You and I are talking about two different Jesus’s.  The Jesus I preach is the Jesus of the Bible.   The Jesus of the Bible is not tolerant of other religions.  The Jesus of the Bible said:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  (John 14:6)

No doubt, He would be viewed as an intolerant bigot in the eyes of today’s society.  The God of the Bible is adamant when it comes to saving men’s souls that there is only ONE way to be saved, ONE path that leads to salvation.  For me to condone or preach any other would be a tremendous affront to a Holy and Righteous God who gave His only Son so that we might be saved.  In fact, if I preached any other way, I would be calling the Jesus that I believe in a liar.  For the Jesus I believe in has said that He is the only way.

If I don’t stand up for what I believe is righteousness (that being the Christ of the Bible) then what a hypocrite I would be.  If I truly believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal life in Heaven, why would I stand idle and mute as I watch others who don’t know Jesus march off down a path that I know and believe leads them to hell?  I can’t in good conscience do that.  So I speak up for Christ.  When I see someone standing at a fork in the road, one way is broad and tolerant leading to hell, the other narrow, intolerant and leading to heaven.   Then I say just as Jesus did:

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it”.

Then one said to Him, “Lord, are there few who are saved?” And He said to them,  “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.

Jesus is “The Gate”.

Now as for Buddhist chanting, meditation etc.  (This could be a very long story, but I’m not going to get into the entire details here).  You weren’t there the night a friend of my family became possessed by an evil spirit by chanting to Buddha.  You weren’t there when she transformed into a growling animal.  You weren’t there when she began to speak English, a language she did not know how to speak prior to this night. (She’s from Thailand).  You weren’t there when she became violent, foaming at the mouth, cursing and swearing at the mention of the name Jesus.  You weren’t there when she became rigid and pounded her head repeatedly into the cement, bloody, writhing, the thing within her screaming out for Buddha to save it from Jesus.  You weren’t there, I was.

Stay away from these heathen religions.  Yes, you may find “god”.  You may even become “spirit filled”.  But it won’t be the God of all creation that you find, and it won’t be His Holy Spirit that fills you.

Turn to Jesus, the one true way to the one true God.


In a message dated 7/16/2002 6:16:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, bcalabrese@yahoo.com writes:

Excuse me!

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
> I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other such
> heathen religions.

Just goes to show how ignorant, prejudice and bigoted
some “good Christians” can be.

So, tell me (bigot), what do you know (besides
nothing) about these “other such heathen religions”?
The work of the devil, huh? Yeah, that Dali Lama, a
real heathen for sure… definitely an evil one.

> Instead seek the true God through a relationship
> with Jesus Christ.  Not

Then how come you have no seem to have no clue about
what Jesus was about? The love, the acceptance,
tolerance, forgot that part? What is this honor thy
neighbor as long as he believe what you tell him to
believe in?

> religion, relationship.  For more information.
> Visit here:
> http://www.geocities.com/neuroskull/gift.html

Not in this lifetime. Been there, done that, gave it a
chance, been to bible study and don’t like hateful
people, people spreading fear and mistrust, gossip,
hate, anger.

> Neuroskull
> (Have seen first hand those that have become
> possessed by evil spirits due to
> buddhist meditation & chanting).

Ah, but the millions of people who have been killed by
good Christians “in the name of GOD”, that is OK but
meditation and chanting is evil, got it.

Maybe if we all accepted each other and our beliefs,
respected each other and didn’t pull this “my religion
is better than your religion” crap people would get
along better, ya think? So, the YOGA I do is evil huh,
you know about that Shiva OR that I was born Jewish,
that must be bad too since we chant and don’t pray to
your JC, I even do some Jewish Mysticism (Kabbala),
light insense, do Reiki – or am I taking JC’s job by
healing (with the hands), must be the work of the
devil (been told that by good Christians), right?
Seems that to you Love is evil.

I actually have nothing wrong with JC or any belief of
love and truth, I do have a problem with people who
tell me they have the one true belief and the way put
other people down.

Have fun with your fear based beliefs (which IMO has
nothing to do with JC), watch out GOD is going to get
you, he is watching your every move, the devil is
waiting too, just for you so be careful, one slip and
it hell for sure.


From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 2:14:50 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


You and I are talking about two different Jesus’s.  The Jesus I preach is the Jesus of the Bible.   The Jesus of the Bible is not tolerant of other religions.  The Jesus of the Bible said:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  (John 14:6)

No doubt, He would be viewed as an intolerant bigot in the eyes of today’s society.  The God of the Bible is adamant when it comes to saving men’s souls that there is only ONE way to be saved, ONE path that leads to salvation.  For me to condone or preach any other would be a tremendous affront to a Holy and Righteous God who gave His only Son so that we might be saved.  In fact, if I preached any other way, I would be calling the Jesus that I believe in a liar.  For the Jesus I believe in has said that He is the only way.

If I don’t stand up for what I believe is righteousness (that being the Christ of the Bible) then what a hypocrite I would be.  If I truly believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal life in Heaven, why would I stand idle and mute as I watch others who don’t know Jesus march off down a path that I know and believe leads them to hell?  I can’t in good conscience do that.  So I speak up for Christ.  When I see someone standing at a fork in the road, one way is broad and tolerant leading to hell, the other narrow, intolerant and leading to heaven.   Then I say just as Jesus did:

“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it”.

Then one said to Him, “Lord, are there few who are saved?” And He said to them,  “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.

Jesus is “The Gate”.

Now as for Buddhist chanting, meditation etc.  (This could be a very long story, but I’m not going to get into the entire details here).  You weren’t there the night a friend of my family became possessed by an evil spirit by chanting to Buddha.  You weren’t there when she transformed into a growling animal.  You weren’t there when she began to speak English, a language she did not know how to speak prior to this night. (She’s from Thailand).  You weren’t there when she became violent, foaming at the mouth, cursing and swearing at the mention of the name Jesus.  You weren’t there when she became rigid and pounded her head repeatedly into the cement, bloody, writhing, the thing within her screaming out for Buddha to save it from Jesus.  You weren’t there, I was.

Stay away from these heathen religions.  Yes, you may find “god”.  You may even become “spirit filled”.  But it won’t be the God of all creation that you find, and it won’t be His Holy Spirit that fills you.

Turn to Jesus, the one true way to the one true God.


In a message dated 7/16/2002 6:16:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time, bcalabrese@yahoo.com writes:

Excuse me!

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
> I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other such
> heathen religions.

Just goes to show how ignorant, prejudice and bigoted
some “good Christians” can be.

So, tell me (bigot), what do you know (besides
nothing) about these “other such heathen religions”?
The work of the devil, huh? Yeah, that Dali Lama, a
real heathen for sure… definitely an evil one.

> Instead seek the true God through a relationship
> with Jesus Christ.  Not

Then how come you have no seem to have no clue about
what Jesus was about? The love, the acceptance,
tolerance, forgot that part? What is this honor thy
neighbor as long as he believe what you tell him to
believe in?

> religion, relationship.  For more information.
> Visit here:
> http://www.geocities.com/neuroskull/gift.html

Not in this lifetime. Been there, done that, gave it a
chance, been to bible study and don’t like hateful
people, people spreading fear and mistrust, gossip,
hate, anger.

> Neuroskull
> (Have seen first hand those that have become
> possessed by evil spirits due to
> buddhist meditation & chanting).

Ah, but the millions of people who have been killed by
good Christians “in the name of GOD”, that is OK but
meditation and chanting is evil, got it.

Maybe if we all accepted each other and our beliefs,
respected each other and didn’t pull this “my religion
is better than your religion” crap people would get
along better, ya think? So, the YOGA I do is evil huh,
you know about that Shiva OR that I was born Jewish,
that must be bad too since we chant and don’t pray to
your JC, I even do some Jewish Mysticism (Kabbala),
light insense, do Reiki – or am I taking JC’s job by
healing (with the hands), must be the work of the
devil (been told that by good Christians), right?
Seems that to you Love is evil.

I actually have nothing wrong with JC or any belief of
love and truth, I do have a problem with people who
tell me they have the one true belief and the way put
other people down.

Have fun with your fear based beliefs (which IMO has
nothing to do with JC), watch out GOD is going to get
you, he is watching your every move, the devil is
waiting too, just for you so be careful, one slip and
it hell for sure.


From: “Rebecca Silverman” <becca_vail@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] SMART link
Date: July 16, 2002 at 1:56:35 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Preston thank you, it’s

Self-Help Addiction Recovery – SMART Recovery 4-Point Program – Alternative to AA

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] SMART Link on Mindvox please?
Date: July 16, 2002 at 1:42:10 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Post the link, and I’ll put it up at Drugwar.com in our links list.

—– Original Message —–
From: Rebecca Silverman
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 1:33 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] SMART Link on Mindvox please?

Hi Patrick,

A request to at least think about please? I know you never reply to mail but
would you consider putting in a link for SMART? The program agrees with so
many things that you have to say and it wouldn’t hurt you to add it to harm

Also if you are going to be adding the whole rave scene from South Beach,
would you consider adding a happenings area where we can list meetings (not
NA meetings!) please?

I know your reply is usually ‘it’s a free world, go start your own web site
and see if you can find 10 people who care’ and probably I can’t! But I’d
love to add the updates and at least the banner to mindvox please. You do
run everything on ibogaine, which some people bitch about some of the time
🙂 Please add smart.

I know how to use alexa too, please do not tell me to throw it somewhere
else, it’s just a little banner. Ok? Please? 🙂 You have more people
hitting this crazy thing (meant in a good way!) and reading what you say,
then nearly anything else I’ve ever used online, it would not hurt for some
of them to find smart in your links.

Mindvox 29,508
Phantom I can’t get it to read anymore, but you have two domains hooked to
mindvox both in the top 50,000

AA 50,201
NA 79,212
SMART 257,568
SMART Florida 975,211
DRCNET 171,235
Herointimes 171,600
MAPS 108,645

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

From: “Rebecca Silverman” <becca_vail@hotmail.com>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] after ibogaine and SMART
Date: July 16, 2002 at 1:49:39 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Did you mean me? Alison wrote one line replying to my msg. I’m not bashing Patrick. He’s cute, really smart, articulate and has a lot of charisma. What’s not to like? So he’s crazy, so what. He’s one of my role models no joke. He’s also not a very private person his whole life is talked about by Dr. Mash, himself, he is not invisible or anonymous in south Florida. Patrick seriously was one of the main reasons I broke out of NA in the first place, there are all the Patrick stories and so what does this guy do to stay clean? I don’t know but it’s sure not sitting in these stupid meetings they keep throwing us into 🙂 A program of attraction 🙂

I didn’t write you personal email or say anything that Eric didn’t say. The rest of what I’ve read today is the jesus and not jesus debate between the two people having it. I think Rick and Alison agreed with what I said about Patrick saying nearly the same things as SMART about defining yourself and something besides being a addict.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: http://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx

From: “Rebecca Silverman” <becca_vail@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] SMART Link on Mindvox please?
Date: July 16, 2002 at 1:33:48 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Patrick,

A request to at least think about please? I know you never reply to mail but would you consider putting in a link for SMART? The program agrees with so many things that you have to say and it wouldn’t hurt you to add it to harm reduction.

Also if you are going to be adding the whole rave scene from South Beach, would you consider adding a happenings area where we can list meetings (not NA meetings!) please?

I know your reply is usually ‘it’s a free world, go start your own web site and see if you can find 10 people who care’ and probably I can’t! But I’d love to add the updates and at least the banner to mindvox please. You do run everything on ibogaine, which some people bitch about some of the time 🙂 Please add smart.

I know how to use alexa too, please do not tell me to throw it somewhere else, it’s just a little banner. Ok? Please? 🙂 You have more people hitting this crazy thing (meant in a good way!) and reading what you say, then nearly anything else I’ve ever used online, it would not hurt for some of them to find smart in your links.

Mindvox 29,508
Phantom I can’t get it to read anymore, but you have two domains hooked to mindvox both in the top 50,000

AA 50,201
NA 79,212
SMART 257,568
SMART Florida 975,211
DRCNET 171,235
Herointimes 171,600
MAPS 108,645

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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] after ibogaine and SMART
Date: July 16, 2002 at 1:29:04 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dear Alison, and others

I’m sure u have your own reasons for informing me/us of your feelings about
Patrick etc
And this is the umpteenth time I’ve received an e-mail putting him down.
First of all, PLEASE resolve your issues
Second of all, none of this is my business, and I’d be healthier if not
exposed to it, OK?
Thirdly, he runs this lists for our benefit; i met him; seems like a good
person. Enough already

Let’s assess ourselves, and where we’re at before we dare to presume it’s ok
to trash others.

I don’t want a response to this; U r putting him down, and this HUGE ONGOING
F debate about who’s got the best/right/healthiest recovery DOESN@T HELP us.
PLEASE stop this

OR if you do want to discuss things that help us, do it in a way that
doesn’t offend, or hurt others.

Today, I buried another addict. I just don’t understand WHY we carry on
doing this. There is no ONE WAY; there are many ways that have helped. (TOO
MANY that haven’t) but if u r aware of those, then join us in changing this
crazy sysytem


Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Alison Senepart [mailto:aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz]
Sent: 16 August 2002 14:12
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] after ibogaine and SMART

Go Rebecca.  Thats about the most common sense I’ve sent posted here.
—–Original Message—–
From: Rebecca Silverman <becca_vail@hotmail.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Tuesday, 16 July 2002 23:07
Subject: [ibogaine] after ibogaine and SMART

Hi Eric,

I try to stay out of most of the more heated conversations here except I
wanted to say some things to you and I hope you hear at least a few of

I know you might be going through a bad time because the last one of your
friends who you were spending time with has overdosed. That’s always so
but you are not alone a lot of us have dealt with that and felt it before.

Patrick and Dr. Mash and all that has made the rounds so many times it’s
like why bother. Whatever her reasons or his reasons, it’s not all that
complicated. There is almost no difference between Patrick and DM, the only
person who has ever lasted being in her environment is him. Where they
actually work is a totally toxic and chaotic place where anyone even near
for more then a hour is nervous. The only people who thrive there are the
extremely smart and crazy.

I have heard all the Patrick stories before, there is nearly the main 10
reasons Patrick is Satan class at some of the rehabs he went through before
leaving for Thailand. What I’ve realized is that he and DM are exactly the
same in so many ways, they are manic depressive like crazy, really smart
except the difference is Patrick does get real because he was an addict, DM
can put that one off forever. And I have seen him before, if I didn’t know
him I’d say that guy is on speed and crack and about to sail off the
But then 3 minutes later he pulls it together and acts like the nicest
person in the world. His brain chemistry is out there and whatever his
problems I’m sure he was self medicating with heroin.

Beside whatever the personal issues are, DM loves to power trip and Patrick
totally fulfills that. Hardcore life time drug addiction, clean three years
after taking only her advice. Does all her computer things, does all her
things, does huge amounts of PR for her, does her brain bank and does a job
people train 8 years for after 6 months of being around it. And he does all
that because Dr. Mash did all that 🙂 Or maybe not, but it’s nice to take
credit for 🙂

It’s easy to fill up pages with all the stories that make the rounds but it
won’t change anything or make any difference to you Eric. Patrick is
Patrick, DM is DM, Eric is you and your own problems aren’t the result of
any of them. There are at least 3 people in our group who are doing SMART
and think it’s great. If you want to or anyone from Miami does, join us at
Little River, someone is there every day but most of the after ibogaine
group who is not doing the steps exactly but something else and are staying
sober, meets on Wed at 7:30. You’re invited too Patrick! But we personally
invite you at least once a month and you never reply to the email.

Anyone who is in Miami or passing through and happens to be in town on a
Wednesday is invited. It’s the Little River club off Biscayne.

The difference between SMART and Rational Recovery is that SMART doesn’t
have $20,000 worth of videotapes and books to sell you. It was started by
that RR guy, but he’s interested in running a large business, SMART are
people who want to stop defining themselves as addicts.

And you know what else, everything Patrick ever writes or says is ‘I’m not
in recovery, I just stopped shooting heroin,’ Randy on this list wrote
nearly the same thing, most of us have grown into beliefs very close to
that. The only ones left defining themselves as addicts are the ones who
still sitting in rehab and relapsing because of a mysterious disease 🙂

Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com

From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 12:55:23 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Perhaps it boils down to this…Brett is intolerant with intolerant
people and Neuroskull has found a belief position that works at this
particular time.  Having walked a similar road, the beliefs and opinions
stated by Neuroskull are pretty consistent with the
evangelical/fundamentalist Christian perspective.  Historical
Christianity holds to a certain unchanging system of thought.
Encouraging others to “stay away from Buddhism and other such heathen
religions” is consistent with the belief system.  Likewise, the term
“heathen” refers to pretty much any “uncivilized” religion that doesn’t
recognize the God of the Bible, so the term used is appropriate.

Expressing a belief or opinion that holds to absolutes, does NOT
necessarily make a person intolerant.  If they made it a point to drown
you out and stifle YOUR expression, that would be intolerant.  Likewise,
if you were discriminated against due to your religious beliefs, that
would be intolerant.  Jesus was tolerant, but he still called the
religious leaders of the day a brood of vipers.  He was also willing to
wash feet and eat with the rabble.

In certain matters I hold to absolutes and will express them as so, but
I’ll listen attentively to what you say.  I might even argue against
what you believe.  You might actually help me change some of my own
beliefs.  Whatever the case, we can still go down to the deli and break
bread together.  Perhaps this is Neuroskull’s position as well. Perhaps
not.  He’ll catch up somewhere down the road.  So kiss and make up.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 12:00:58 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Just in case there was a misunderstanding…


bigṖot   Pronunciation Key  (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one’s own group,
religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those
who differ.

Bigot is first recorded in English in 1598 with the
sense “a superstitious hypocrite.”

“superstitious hypocrite”, I like it, quite accurate.


A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions
differing from his own.


Big”ot*ed, a. Obstinately and blindly attached to some
creed, opinion practice, or ritual; unreasonably
devoted to a system or party, and illiberal toward the
opinions of others. Bigoted to strife.” Byron. Syn. —
Prejudiced; intolerant; narrow-minded.

Personally I thought this was more of what GOD MEANS
TO ME (in my personal relationship with the Lord)?

The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all
who call on Him sincerely.
–Psalm 145:18

Guess that don’t count (to you) unless you are
Christian since no one can be sincere in their beliefs
except you.

I don’t want to get in the way of your selective
reading but you should really should consider the
following bible quotes, you are being far too

“Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones,
and kill every woman who has known man by lying with
him. But all the young girls who have not known man by
lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.”
Numbers 31:17 (Moses)

JC said

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace on
earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.
For I have come to set a man against his father, and a
daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law
against her mother- in-law….”
Matthew 10:34

Maybe that is where you get it from…

“Slay and utterly destroy after them, says the Lord,
and do all that I have commanded you.”
Jeremiah 50:21

“Behold the day of the Lord comes, cruel, with wrath
and fierce anger…Whoever is found will be thrust
through and whoever is caught will fall by the sword.
Their infants will be dashed in pieces before their
eyes, their houses will be plundered and their wives
Isaiah 13:9, 13:15

Man, no wonder… Personally I like that evil chanting
a lot better than good Christian killing people,
torture, burning them at the stake, crucifiction, but
that is my taste.


— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other such
heathen religions.
Instead seek the true God through a relationship
with Jesus Christ.  Not
religion, relationship.  For more information.
Visit here:

(Have seen first hand those that have become
possessed by evil spirits due to
buddhist meditation & chanting).

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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Mash on Ibogaine in the Wall Street Journal
Date: July 16, 2002 at 11:07:11 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dana? What are you talking about, what article, what
does it say?

Carla B

The Ibogaine part is at the end of the article–

Pubdate: Mon, 15 Jul 2002
Source: Wall Street Journal (US)
Copyright: 2002 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Contact: wsj.ltrs@wsj.com
Website: http://www.wsj.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/487
Author: Gautam Naik


Could people be inoculated against drug addictions the way they can against
some infectious diseases?

It may be possible. Despite disappointing past efforts to treat addictions
with medicine, recent research indicates the approach has merit. In one
study, about 50 smokers in Belgium were injected with an unusual drug ,
code-named TA-NIC. After taking as many as five doses in 10 weeks, two of
the study’s subjects quit smoking. Several others reported less desire to
smoke, says Xenova PLC, the drug’s British maker.

The experimental drug is one of the first attempts to design an antismoking
vaccine. By producing antibodies in the user’s blood, it prevents nicotine
molecules from entering the brain and triggering a “high.” Denied such
pleasure, a smoker theoretically has less incentive to light up again.

Vaccines are just one of several new medical approaches to fight the
escalating problem of addiction.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02.n1322.a06.html


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] wsj article
Date: July 16, 2002 at 10:57:14 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dana? What are you talking about, what article, what
does it say?

Carla B

I can’t seem to access the article on my netscape. It was in yesterday’s WSJ.


From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: August 16, 2002 at 9:54:25 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

To put down peoples choice of religion is so unnecessary.  Religion, no
matter what shape or form it takes, gives a lot of people comfort and I
reckon thats great.  It shouldn’t matter if its buddisim, christianity or
jewish or whatever.  Live and let live.  I don’t care what religion you
follow or if you follow none at all.  A basic code of honesty and treating
people as you would like to be treated should help most people through life.
You don’t have to go to church to learn that.   And just cos you are a
junkie or a user doesn’t mean you can’t remember and follow through on right
and wrong.     Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Wednesday, 17 July 2002 01:15
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this
through, have 10…

Excuse me!

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other such
heathen religions.

Just goes to show how ignorant, prejudice and bigoted
some “good Christians” can be.

So, tell me (bigot), what do you know (besides
nothing) about these “other such heathen religions”?
The work of the devil, huh? Yeah, that Dali Lama, a
real heathen for sure… definitely an evil one.

Instead seek the true God through a relationship
with Jesus Christ.  Not

Then how come you have no seem to have no clue about
what Jesus was about? The love, the acceptance,
tolerance, forgot that part? What is this honor thy
neighbor as long as he believe what you tell him to
believe in?

religion, relationship.  For more information.
Visit here:

Not in this lifetime. Been there, done that, gave it a
chance, been to bible study and don’t like hateful
people, people spreading fear and mistrust, gossip,
hate, anger.

(Have seen first hand those that have become
possessed by evil spirits due to
buddhist meditation & chanting).

Ah, but the millions of people who have been killed by
good Christians “in the name of GOD”, that is OK but
meditation and chanting is evil, got it.

Maybe if we all accepted each other and our beliefs,
respected each other and didn’t pull this “my religion
is better than your religion” crap people would get
along better, ya think? So, the YOGA I do is evil huh,
you know about that Shiva OR that I was born Jewish,
that must be bad too since we chant and don’t pray to
your JC, I even do some Jewish Mysticism (Kabbala),
light insense, do Reiki – or am I taking JC’s job by
healing (with the hands), must be the work of the
devil (been told that by good Christians), right?
Seems that to you Love is evil.

I actually have nothing wrong with JC or any belief of
love and truth, I do have a problem with people who
tell me they have the one true belief and the way put
other people down.

Have fun with your fear based beliefs (which IMO has
nothing to do with JC), watch out GOD is going to get
you, he is watching your every move, the devil is
waiting too, just for you so be careful, one slip and
it hell for sure.


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From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] after ibogaine and SMART
Date: August 16, 2002 at 9:12:27 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Go Rebecca.  Thats about the most common sense I’ve sent posted here.
—–Original Message—–
From: Rebecca Silverman <becca_vail@hotmail.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Tuesday, 16 July 2002 23:07
Subject: [ibogaine] after ibogaine and SMART

Hi Eric,

I try to stay out of most of the more heated conversations here except I
wanted to say some things to you and I hope you hear at least a few of

I know you might be going through a bad time because the last one of your
friends who you were spending time with has overdosed. That’s always so
but you are not alone a lot of us have dealt with that and felt it before.

Patrick and Dr. Mash and all that has made the rounds so many times it’s
like why bother. Whatever her reasons or his reasons, it’s not all that
complicated. There is almost no difference between Patrick and DM, the only
person who has ever lasted being in her environment is him. Where they
actually work is a totally toxic and chaotic place where anyone even near
for more then a hour is nervous. The only people who thrive there are the
extremely smart and crazy.

I have heard all the Patrick stories before, there is nearly the main 10
reasons Patrick is Satan class at some of the rehabs he went through before
leaving for Thailand. What I’ve realized is that he and DM are exactly the
same in so many ways, they are manic depressive like crazy, really smart
except the difference is Patrick does get real because he was an addict, DM
can put that one off forever. And I have seen him before, if I didn’t know
him I’d say that guy is on speed and crack and about to sail off the
But then 3 minutes later he pulls it together and acts like the nicest
person in the world. His brain chemistry is out there and whatever his
problems I’m sure he was self medicating with heroin.

Beside whatever the personal issues are, DM loves to power trip and Patrick
totally fulfills that. Hardcore life time drug addiction, clean three years
after taking only her advice. Does all her computer things, does all her
things, does huge amounts of PR for her, does her brain bank and does a job
people train 8 years for after 6 months of being around it. And he does all
that because Dr. Mash did all that 🙂 Or maybe not, but it’s nice to take
credit for 🙂

It’s easy to fill up pages with all the stories that make the rounds but it
won’t change anything or make any difference to you Eric. Patrick is
Patrick, DM is DM, Eric is you and your own problems aren’t the result of
any of them. There are at least 3 people in our group who are doing SMART
and think it’s great. If you want to or anyone from Miami does, join us at
Little River, someone is there every day but most of the after ibogaine
group who is not doing the steps exactly but something else and are staying
sober, meets on Wed at 7:30. You’re invited too Patrick! But we personally
invite you at least once a month and you never reply to the email.

Anyone who is in Miami or passing through and happens to be in town on a
Wednesday is invited. It’s the Little River club off Biscayne.

The difference between SMART and Rational Recovery is that SMART doesn’t
have $20,000 worth of videotapes and books to sell you. It was started by
that RR guy, but he’s interested in running a large business, SMART are
people who want to stop defining themselves as addicts.

And you know what else, everything Patrick ever writes or says is ‘I’m not
in recovery, I just stopped shooting heroin,’ Randy on this list wrote
nearly the same thing, most of us have grown into beliefs very close to
that. The only ones left defining themselves as addicts are the ones who
still sitting in rehab and relapsing because of a mysterious disease 🙂

Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com

From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] after ibogaine and SMART
Date: July 16, 2002 at 9:17:37 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

A very solid point, with which I totally agree.

Redefine yourself.  Change.  The only meetings I have ever gone to
were due to the fact that I am an SA Counselor.  Perosnally, I really
can’t stand the things.  I hate the smoke. I hate the huge line of BS
I’ve heard coming out of people. I hate the 13th-steppers.  I hate
listening to people bitching and moaning about things, but never doing
anything to solve their problems.  This isn’t to say that meetings don’t
work or that they’re all bad…but they don’t work for everybody.  As a
result of my experiences, I certainly have a greater likelihood or
tendency toward chemical use, but I don’t think this is any different
than someone who develops a pattern of “womanizing,” having a
predilection toward straying off the marital pasture to sample the grass
of another fold.  My drug-free lifestyle is a tribute to a “program” of
religious experience, followed by the constant pursuit of redefining who
I am.  Whatever works…work it.  Jesus doesn’t work? Try Buddha.  Try
NA. Try Ibo.

Step out of the pigeon-hole  that you’re in.  Labels are a major part
of the problem.  Society likes to categorize people into groups,
neglecting the reality that we are the most complicated, intelligent
organism that has evolved on the planet.  To label myself as a
“recovering addict” only diverts attention from the other 99.5% of who I
am.  Labels are great for those people who can BE labeled and make it
work for them, so they CAN be useful.

I’ve been in the SA field and clean for 11 years.  Despite this fact,
other counselors I have worked with are shocked, dismayed, and,
sometimes, outright certain that I’m “in relapse,” because I will have
an occasional beer or two or a couple glasses of wine…though I have
not had any difficulty with this over the whole course of time.  They’re
labelers. Box-thinkers.  Labels and boxes are rigid boundaries.
Violations of these boundaries produce guilt, which others (and
ourselves) use to manipulate our behavior.  However, they are not
effective modalities of change in the long run.  Recognize your power of
choice. Recognize that you are capable of change by working on your
behaviors. You are more than an “addict.”  Within you there is a seed of
greatness which is simply awaiting the right sort of water.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

becca_vail@hotmail.com 07/16/02 07:06AM >>>

And you know what else, everything Patrick ever writes or says is ‘I’m
in recovery, I just stopped shooting heroin,’ Randy on this list wrote

nearly the same thing, most of us have grown into beliefs very close
that. The only ones left defining themselves as addicts are the ones
who are
still sitting in rehab and relapsing because of a mysterious disease

Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 9:15:37 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Excuse me!

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other such
heathen religions.

Just goes to show how ignorant, prejudice and bigoted
some “good Christians” can be.

So, tell me (bigot), what do you know (besides
nothing) about these “other such heathen religions”?
The work of the devil, huh? Yeah, that Dali Lama, a
real heathen for sure… definitely an evil one.

Instead seek the true God through a relationship
with Jesus Christ.  Not

Then how come you have no seem to have no clue about
what Jesus was about? The love, the acceptance,
tolerance, forgot that part? What is this honor thy
neighbor as long as he believe what you tell him to
believe in?

religion, relationship.  For more information.
Visit here:

Not in this lifetime. Been there, done that, gave it a
chance, been to bible study and don’t like hateful
people, people spreading fear and mistrust, gossip,
hate, anger.

(Have seen first hand those that have become
possessed by evil spirits due to
buddhist meditation & chanting).

Ah, but the millions of people who have been killed by
good Christians “in the name of GOD”, that is OK but
meditation and chanting is evil, got it.

Maybe if we all accepted each other and our beliefs,
respected each other and didn’t pull this “my religion
is better than your religion” crap people would get
along better, ya think? So, the YOGA I do is evil huh,
you know about that Shiva OR that I was born Jewish,
that must be bad too since we chant and don’t pray to
your JC, I even do some Jewish Mysticism (Kabbala),
light insense, do Reiki – or am I taking JC’s job by
healing (with the hands), must be the work of the
devil (been told that by good Christians), right?
Seems that to you Love is evil.

I actually have nothing wrong with JC or any belief of
love and truth, I do have a problem with people who
tell me they have the one true belief and the way put
other people down.

Have fun with your fear based beliefs (which IMO has
nothing to do with JC), watch out GOD is going to get
you, he is watching your every move, the devil is
waiting too, just for you so be careful, one slip and
it hell for sure.


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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, …
Date: July 16, 2002 at 8:28:55 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Why do the I love jesus people who are on this list
always act like the nuttiest 12 step people? Why can
neither group ever live and let live and share their
opinions without all this.

Carla B

— NeuroSkull@aol.com wrote:
Luke 6:32
“But if you love those who love you, what credit is
that to you? For even
sinners love those who love them.

In a message dated 7/15/2002 9:57:34 PM Pacific
Daylight Time,
ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU writes:

I wonder if it’s any easier for non-Christians 🙂

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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] h2k2 highlights 🙂
Date: July 16, 2002 at 8:27:14 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I don’t have any idea who that is talking about or
what everyone’s problem is. But I love this quote from
the article

“And finally, I have no loyalties other than my own,
which are well-known to our beloved readers. I loathe
Microsoft, adore Linux, loathe Feds, adore soldiers,
loathe cops, adore firefighters, and would be
delighted beyond expression to beat John Ashcroft,
Billy Rehnquist and Little Dubya to death with a
tightly-rolled-up copy of the Bill of Rights. ”

Sounds about right to me!

Carla B

— vector6@space.com wrote:
Don’t want to interrupt the he said, she said, they
healthy recovery talk here.

But this is awesome. A extension of conversations on
the other Mindvox lists about H2K2.

Gweeds, who Patrick said is part of the new inner
circle on the new Mindvox, this should be great. Way
go Patrick!

It blows me away that this guy was a employee of
Mindvox during dot com. You people truly and really
were insane.

Tom Dell from rotten.com “I wrote parts of the

LOD member “did they write back?”

Groucho Marx joke 🙂

Gweeds Gets Killed:



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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] wsj article
Date: July 16, 2002 at 8:25:27 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dana? What are you talking about, what article, what
does it say?

Carla B

— Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org> wrote:
are you going to run the wsj article on new
pharmacotherapies for addiction?

it’s top of the front page,  “b” section.


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From: vector6@space.com
Subject: [ibogaine] h2k2 highlights 🙂
Date: July 16, 2002 at 7:59:23 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Don’t want to interrupt the he said, she said, they did
healthy recovery talk here.

But this is awesome. A extension of conversations on
the other Mindvox lists about H2K2.

Gweeds, who Patrick said is part of the new inner
circle on the new Mindvox, this should be great. Way to
go Patrick!

It blows me away that this guy was a employee of
Mindvox during dot com. You people truly and really
were insane.

Tom Dell from rotten.com “I wrote parts of the original

LOD member “did they write back?”

Groucho Marx joke 🙂

Gweeds Gets Killed:



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From: “Rebecca Silverman” <becca_vail@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] after ibogaine and SMART
Date: July 16, 2002 at 7:06:54 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Eric,

I try to stay out of most of the more heated conversations here except I wanted to say some things to you and I hope you hear at least a few of them.

I know you might be going through a bad time because the last one of your friends who you were spending time with has overdosed. That’s always so hard but you are not alone a lot of us have dealt with that and felt it before.

Patrick and Dr. Mash and all that has made the rounds so many times it’s like why bother. Whatever her reasons or his reasons, it’s not all that complicated. There is almost no difference between Patrick and DM, the only person who has ever lasted being in her environment is him. Where they actually work is a totally toxic and chaotic place where anyone even near it for more then a hour is nervous. The only people who thrive there are the extremely smart and crazy.

I have heard all the Patrick stories before, there is nearly the main 10 reasons Patrick is Satan class at some of the rehabs he went through before leaving for Thailand. What I’ve realized is that he and DM are exactly the same in so many ways, they are manic depressive like crazy, really smart except the difference is Patrick does get real because he was an addict, DM can put that one off forever. And I have seen him before, if I didn’t know him I’d say that guy is on speed and crack and about to sail off the tracks. But then 3 minutes later he pulls it together and acts like the nicest person in the world. His brain chemistry is out there and whatever his other problems I’m sure he was self medicating with heroin.

Beside whatever the personal issues are, DM loves to power trip and Patrick totally fulfills that. Hardcore life time drug addiction, clean three years after taking only her advice. Does all her computer things, does all her web things, does huge amounts of PR for her, does her brain bank and does a job people train 8 years for after 6 months of being around it. And he does all that because Dr. Mash did all that 🙂 Or maybe not, but it’s nice to take credit for 🙂

It’s easy to fill up pages with all the stories that make the rounds but it won’t change anything or make any difference to you Eric. Patrick is Patrick, DM is DM, Eric is you and your own problems aren’t the result of any of them. There are at least 3 people in our group who are doing SMART and think it’s great. If you want to or anyone from Miami does, join us at Little River, someone is there every day but most of the after ibogaine group who is not doing the steps exactly but something else and are staying sober, meets on Wed at 7:30. You’re invited too Patrick! But we personally invite you at least once a month and you never reply to the email.

Anyone who is in Miami or passing through and happens to be in town on a Wednesday is invited. It’s the Little River club off Biscayne.

The difference between SMART and Rational Recovery is that SMART doesn’t have $20,000 worth of videotapes and books to sell you. It was started by that RR guy, but he’s interested in running a large business, SMART are people who want to stop defining themselves as addicts.

And you know what else, everything Patrick ever writes or says is ‘I’m not in recovery, I just stopped shooting heroin,’ Randy on this list wrote nearly the same thing, most of us have grown into beliefs very close to that. The only ones left defining themselves as addicts are the ones who are still sitting in rehab and relapsing because of a mysterious disease 🙂

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From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, …
Date: July 16, 2002 at 2:07:38 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Luke 6:32
“But if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them.

In a message dated 7/15/2002 9:57:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU writes:

I wonder if it’s any easier for non-Christians 🙂

Bill Ross

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, …
Date: July 16, 2002 at 12:57:12 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Since this is no longer considered a moot point, you won’t
be commenting on this anymore right?  Thank you.

“The most difficult task for Christians is not to love God but to love
their brothers and sisters.”  -Alex Polari de Alverga (a Christian)

I wonder if it’s any easier for non-Christians 🙂

Bill Ross

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 16, 2002 at 12:00:00 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Glad you agree.  Since this is no longer considered a moot point, you won’t be commenting on this anymore right?  Thank you.

In a message dated 7/15/2002 8:57:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time, krinklyfig@myrealbox.com writes:

> In a message dated 7/15/2002 8:52:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> krinklyfig@myrealbox.com writes:
> > As a Taoist, I can’t abide this at all, sorry. I know many Buddhists,
> > and this sort of ignorance is just sickening to me. I actually know
> > Buddhists who were helped through their beliefs and practices to

From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:57:09 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

OK, let’s drop it, shall we? I can see this thread won’t get us anywhere.

– jt

—– Original Message —–
From: <NeuroSkull@aol.com>

Ignorance?  I’m speaking from cold hard reality and personal experience.

In a message dated 7/15/2002 8:52:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
krinklyfig@myrealbox.com writes:

As a Taoist, I can’t abide this at all, sorry. I know many Buddhists,
and this sort of ignorance is just sickening to me. I actually know
Buddhists who were helped through their beliefs and practices to

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:54:28 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Ignorance?  I’m speaking from cold hard reality and personal experience.

In a message dated 7/15/2002 8:52:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time, krinklyfig@myrealbox.com writes:

As a Taoist, I can’t abide this at all, sorry. I know many Buddhists, btw,
and this sort of ignorance is just sickening to me. I actually know
Buddhists who were helped through their beliefs and practices to overcome
addiction. I know Christians who have, too.

From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:52:19 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—– Original Message —–
From: <NeuroSkull@aol.com>

I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other such heathen religions.
Instead seek the true God through a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Not
religion, relationship.  For more information.  Visit here:

(Have seen first hand those that have become possessed by evil spirits due
buddhist meditation & chanting).

As a Taoist, I can’t abide this at all, sorry. I know many Buddhists, btw,
and this sort of ignorance is just sickening to me. I actually know
Buddhists who were helped through their beliefs and practices to overcome
addiction. I know Christians who have, too.

Wow … don’t know what else to say …

– jt

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:43:48 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Yeah, you should have gone with your first instinct, it was the right one.

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:42:27 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Neuroskull wrote: “I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other such heathen religions.  Instead seek the true God through a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Not religion, relationship.  For more information.  Visit here:  http://www.geocities.com/neuroskull/gift.html 

(Have seen first hand those that have become possessed by evil spirits due to buddhist meditation & chanting). ”
Sorry, this kind of response is the exact reason I hesitated to introduce this topic.  I feel no need to respond to it otherwise.  Jane
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From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10…
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:35:55 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I will add, stay away from Buddhism and other such heathen religions.  Instead seek the true God through a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Not religion, relationship.  For more information.  Visit here:  http://www.geocities.com/neuroskull/gift.html

(Have seen first hand those that have become possessed by evil spirits due to buddhist meditation & chanting).

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10 mi ns to spare.
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:29:42 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi all, I’m really touched by the multitude of helpful suggestions offered to Eric, and though I’ve been holding back, Andria’s compassionate email kind of compels me to offer my favorite book on the subject of being alive: “When Things Fall Apart” by Pema Chodron.  It speaks a little bit to addiction, but is not geared towards substance addictions in particular.  The thing I love most is its quiet wisdom re being human, including all the “bad” stuff and how we choose to be.  It (and meditation, she’s a Tibetan Buddhist) might not get anyone off drugs or whatever, but it does teach a method to appreciate and “be with” what is, including ourselves.  Just thought I’d toss it into the mix.  Jane
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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] wsj article
Date: July 15, 2002 at 9:42:50 PM EDT
To: Richard Lake <rlake@mapinc.org>
Cc: HSL123@aol.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, “Dave Michon” <dajalyn@charter.net>, :
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

are you going to run the wsj article on new pharmacotherapies for addiction?

it’s top of the front page,  “b” section.


From: “Randy Hecnken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Smart & RR
Date: July 15, 2002 at 12:37:34 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This note is in response to Eric.
“Has anyone reading this list tried Rational Recovery or SMART and had any degree of success with it at all?” He asks.

I’ve had tremendous success with these programs.  Specifically I used SMART recovery because it is not-for-profit and is available in my area.  The philosophies of the two are basically the same: take responsibility for yourself, find the motivation to change, cope with urges, problem solving and making a lifestyle change.

The only thing that can get you to use (whatever substances you don’t want to use) is allowing yourself to give into your cravings.  Groups and a higher power are not going to take away your cravings. I know for myself and many others, sitting in the 12 step meetings only caused me to have more cravings because I spent so much time talking about doing drugs.  However, you alone are in charge of what takes place in your head.  Cravings and urges are simply a trap that needs to be avoided.  Perhaps the most important things to know about cravings are: 1) they are time limited.  As long as you don’t fall into the trap the craving will pass. 2) they really are not stronger than you.  They are created in your own head, so you can eliminate them by vigilantly denying them. 3) the longer you go without giving in to the urges the less urges you will have.  Urges/Cravings decrease in frequency and intensity over time.  Eventually saying no to your urges will become second nature and you will be able to put behind you the life when you struggled with substance abuse.

One year ago I got clean with the help of Ibogaine (I was using heroin, cocaine and methadone).  For the first three months of my new life I went to one SMART recovery meeting a week.  Then I went to one a month for the next three months.  I hadn’t returned to a meeting until recently when I started taking others to the meetings.  I no longer consider myself an addict.  I have not exhibited addictive behavior in a year.  I would never call myself an addict because I believe that the words you use to describe yourself, create who you are.  I think this is a major reason so many 12 steppers fall off so hard years after they stopped abusing drugs.  If you constantly bombard yourself with “I am an addict and an alcoholic” it will become a self fulfilling prophecy.  If anything I say “I used to abuse drugs, but now I no longer use them”.

Also, if there are not SMART meetings in your area don’t worry.  The meetings really weren’t that important.  It is the skills and philosophies of SMART and RR that are important.  So go purchase their literature or any non 12-step workbooks.  SMART recovery has on-line meetings, try them.


Lastly, most people get clean on their own.  All SMART and RR are is some rough guidelines to  show how those individuals learned to give up the negative behavior.  I hope all this will help you Eric and anyone else struggling with an unhappy sobriety.


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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 15, 2002 at 12:05:42 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dear Curtis

There is no such thing as an ‘ugly chick!’ Well, at least only VERY RARELY
Women are the best

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Curtis Hersch [mailto:crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com]
Sent: 13 July 2002 02:41
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction

Man I need to say that I thank you for writing all that and I mean
that from the bottom of my heart because I do not want to dis you
but I realise that I am not nearly as unhappy as I thought I was I
could be you.

I don’t know what all your talking about but if I can give a human
opinion here what it sounds like is you are going off because some
lady didn’t notice that you’re alive and is all over Patrick
instead. You also aren’t happy because you do the steps and he

Let me say that I don’t know too many ladies who want to ‘adopt’ a
33 year old guy. If they do this means they are married. Let me
guess some more and this lady Dr. Mash is a cutie right? Nobody
gets this upset over ugly chicks I don’t care what they did.

From what you wrote it sounds like you are upset with this lady
and don’t like the groups. So try to get over that because
probably this chick will not start to notice you’re alive, Patrick
will probably not stop being Patrick and the meetings won’t

I don’t do meeting neither I could not no matter what get into
them and I’m clean too. I smoke out but can not handle lsd, that
makes me go to such a bad space right now I don’t know what it is
maybe later but right now noway.

Peace out, Curtis

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 eric seitz wrote :

I’ve changed the topic because whether ibogaine alters genetic
expression could be a very interesting thread if anyone who knew
what they were talking about posted anything, which they won’t as
you yourself pointed out in a roundabout way.

I don’t post anything often and when I do every few months it
probably is a symptom of my own problems that I’m not owning. I
have no problem at all with you, you’re a exceptional person.
What bothers me is addiction itself.

I know many of the people who attempted to treat you, I know the
after ibogaine scene in Miami, not one of them says anything
except you are a nightmare and then starts to list all your
problems. 3 years later I don’t think it means anything and I’m
starting to think even they must realize that. I’ve read most of
what you’ve written on ibogaine on recovery but I just can’t do
it like that. I would desperetely love to tell all these people
in my face to go fuck themselves and sail off down the yellow
brick road where Dr. Mash for all intents and purposes adopts me
and let’s me get away with anything I want, because I’m very
smart and charming and that’s all that matters in her world
especially when she can use you to promote anything she wants to
say about addiction. She’s always right because you exist and
didn’t take anyone’s advice but hers. In your world Dr. Mash is a
wonderful person who’s mommy and everyone else is some asshole
who annoyed you. And for you, that’s true.

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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Blowing off steam
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:20:25 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Can we put it in the UV too? Or is that plagiarism?!!!

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: 12 July 2002 23:54
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Blowing off steam

>Another way that I have advocated for the state that I am in,  was when the appropriations committee was going to extract $9 million from substance abuse, which would have closed the only clinic in my state.  I did my homework, went before the committee and presented my reasoning for this life saving treatment.  Guess what?  They put the money back into substance abuse and the rest is history.<

Fantastic Judith. Thanks very much for sharing this story. Would you consider posting this on the drugwar@mindvox list as well? It’s a great little editorial.
Don’t let the clinic drive you, graying or not, crazy. Do watcha gotta do. Quite an example you’re set here in this note for those “reformers” not “addicted” and still so much more apathetic about things than you, the long-time methadone patient. Maybe that’s the key: Put enough people on the firing line….

—– Original Message —–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Blowing off steam

I agree with you Andria.  It’s time for patients to take the bull by the horns and advocate for their treatment, rather than sit and bitch and gripe about the methadone system.
I like you have been a MMT patient for over 20 yrs.  I’m a product of the late 60’s.

In being an advocate and going to the many conferences that we are so graciously accepted at, has helped me to understand the punitive and unrealistic ways we patients are treated.
Most clinics will not provide literature on our treatment, so I make it my duty to send home at least 3 full boxes of reading material for the patients at my clinic.  I do this at my own expense (sending 3 heavy boxes UPS is around $75.00 per box.)

Another way that I have advocated for the state that I am in,  was when the appropriations committee was going to extract $9 million from substance abuse, which would have closed the only clinic in my state.  I did my homework, went before the committee and presented my reasoning for this life saving treatment.  Guess what?  They put the money back into substance abuse and the rest is history.

You have to be ready to buck the system intelligently,  with drive and ambition.  Learn everything you can about federal and state guidelines, and above all demand respect.
These clinics (especially the not ~ for ~ profit orgs)  should be doing us a service, rather than using punitive and punishment to keep us in line.  One of my pet peeves is the “Graying of Methadone” and the way we “ol timers” are treated.  We are ageing, many have health problems, and have come through many years of treatment and we are still treated like someone that just walked in off the street  with a codiene habit.
Instead of blowing off steam on this site, blow it off intelligently with your director.  I know that they are hard nuts to crack, but if there is a will there must be a way.

Judith Ostergard…Advocates for Methadone Maintenance at Omaha…AMMO…

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: [ibogaine] Eric, whomever, if you do decide to read this through, have 10 mi ns to spare.
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:17:58 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Hi, I’m in London, and I’m not an addict anymore. (God, Ive been DYING to
say that somewhere public for ages!)

Anyway, to the point: u ask some important questions about recovery and
though I wish (u hadn’t alluded to PK) again, it did give me a sense of
where you are. And hey, i think I’ve been there, and fairly recently too

Did NA for years. Groups, individual therapist; (mostly mediocre)
ocassionally good. Then I met a group of people who were NOT addicts, but
used psychedelics ocassionally, and as we got on well and I loved those
substances as a teenager, not to mention all the serios studying and
soul-searching that goes with it, I joined their gang as it were. Then I
began, as a conscious woman to see the differences between them and me. At
first this was HARD – initially i decided that all the negaitve brainwashing
about ‘me’ from NA, Phoenix House and goodness knows were else, was all
true. Then I realised hey, they/we’re all human and have our foibles  –
DONG!!! I was not the only human being who f-up, made mistakes, hurt myself
others etc etc – u know the drill. And so within that realisation I decided
to allow myself to do psychedelics now and then in order to clear my head
out – accelerated-stylee, literally as well as psychically! – and see if I
could get on with my life without addiction disaster striking.

I have not shot dope for exactly 9 yrs – woo hoo! (as PK’s always saying)
Ocassionally my drinking goes wobbly, but hey even that has not hooked me.
In fact, i drink rarely. So though I sometimes feel like I’m walking a
tightrope, it’s a few yrs of evidence that indicates, I do not HAVE TO get a
ddicted to drugs every time I take them! It’s not compulsory

You say it’s this addiction thing that throws me, and I ask exactly what U
mean? 4 me it’s this feeling of not being able to stop feeling, doing, being
something that I know has to go out of my life. But I also learnt that
SELF-ACCEPTANCE is crucial in recovery; indeed, it does seem to be one of
the corner stones of everybody’s healing, no? Yes? Whatever; it’s critical 4

I went to SMART – FUNNILY ENOUGH – recently as I bumped into a guy, 10
months off H, who was clearly doing really well from it; he asked me to come
and see it, and review it for the User mag I edit. Only went once, so I’m
not sure i can give a good assessment. (Perhaps I learnt that I rather
prefer more structure in life and support groups, but it was fun and I
certainly appreciated being reminded to think of me/u (everybody) as
positively as poss.)

Maybe u’ve gotten addicted to groups?! I did – that’s a wild one, and it can
be confusing cos everyone’s feedback will be different!
Or maybe u hang in them for fellowship, love etc when actually U’re a
sweetheart in your own right, and u don’t have to have someone tell u. I’ve
rarely met an addict/ex-addict who isn’t!! I really don’t know what your own
answer is cos I don’t know you, but I hope this contributes to u working out
what it is u need/want – how to get out of the ‘suffering of addiction.’ And
I hope this makes sense to you

Which state are u in BTW? Take care

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

Probably best not to bash list moderator, cos as u say, he is charming, and
folk like us love to rescue, and methinks he’s a good man, after one meet in
London and ENDLESS e-mail reads.

—–Original Message—–
From: eric seitz [mailto:erictseitz@hotmail.com]
Sent: 12 July 2002 22:11
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction

I’ve changed the topic because whether ibogaine alters genetic expression
could be a very interesting thread if anyone who knew what they were talking

about posted anything, which they won’t as you yourself pointed out in a
roundabout way.

I don’t post anything often and when I do every few months it probably is a
symptom of my own problems that I’m not owning. I have no problem at all
with you, you’re a exceptional person. What bothers me is addiction itself.

I know many of the people who attempted to treat you, I know the after
ibogaine scene in Miami, not one of them says anything except you are a
nightmare and then starts to list all your problems. 3 years later I don’t
think it means anything and I’m starting to think even they must realize
that. I’ve read most of what you’ve written on ibogaine on recovery but I
just can’t do it like that. I would desperetely love to tell all these
people in my face to go fuck themselves and sail off down the yellow brick
road where Dr. Mash for all intents and purposes adopts me and let’s me get
away with anything I want, because I’m very smart and charming and that’s
all that matters in her world especially when she can use you to promote
anything she wants to say about addiction. She’s always right because you
exist and didn’t take anyone’s advice but hers. In your world Dr. Mash is a
wonderful person who’s mommy and everyone else is some asshole who annoyed
you. And for you, that’s true.

What drives me crazy is I don’t understand. What did she ever see in you
when you were some strung out mess that landed on her doorstep, threw a lit
cigarette on her couch and told her what a bitch she is. That experience as
I also think someone else from Miami ranted about on this list is one of the

greatest moments of her life, she tells it at every ibogaine story session,
“that’s my son! he told me to go fuck myself and not play that mommy shit!”
and therapists are horrified. And she’s happy.

Therapists are horrified nearly says all of it, except add in
additionologists and anybody else who knows anything about addiction.

How does this stuff work? How does it work for Y O U that’s different for
everyone else. I read this list to hear people talk and see what they do and

all of it is all over the place and doesn’t make any more sense then
anything else.

Just when I think someone is making a lot of sense they slide in that by the

way they’re on prescription pain meds or this or that, or something else and

it doesn’t matter to me but I’m not sure how helpful any of their advice is
when that was one of my problems to begin with.

You bother me because I’d like to do what you do, but I can’t. If i stop
going to therapy and groups I will relapse, I’ve learned this. Even how you
act or I’ve heard you act to be fair, I would say you smoke crack even if
you don’t shoot heroin, except your bodily fluids come with a pedigree and
anytime someone tosses out how insane you are, Dr. Mash throws back that she

has blood, saliva and hair from you dating back for 3 years. It may glow in
the dark from LSD but there is no opiate or cocaine in it.

That is amazing.

I am sick to death of therapy and groups and starting to ask myself which is

the lesser of the two evils, treatment or just doing drugs.

Has anyone reading this list tried Rational Recovery or SMART and had any
degree of sucess with it at all? Or anything that is structured in some way,

not a list of 20 suggestions that range from go skateboarding to go fly a
kite, some system that is not the 12 steps and does not involve constant
groups and therapy?

I am really at wits end here and know I need to do something, I don’t know
what that something is.

Any advice is gratefully accepted on or off list.


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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Blowing off steam
Date: July 15, 2002 at 11:18:03 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


What/who is this a response to?

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com [mailto:Joatammmo23@aol.com]
Sent: 12 July 2002 20:13
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Blowing off steam

I agree with you Andria.  It’s time for patients to take the bull by the horns and advocate for their treatment, rather than sit and bitch and gripe about the methadone system.
I like you have been a MMT patient for over 20 yrs.  I’m a product of the late 60’s.

In being an advocate and going to the many conferences that we are so graciously accepted at, has helped me to understand the punitive and unrealistic ways we patients are treated.
Most clinics will not provide literature on our treatment, so I make it my duty to send home at least 3 full boxes of reading material for the patients at my clinic.  I do this at my own expense (sending 3 heavy boxes UPS is around $75.00 per box.)

Another way that I have advocated for the state that I am in,  was when the appropriations committee was going to extract $9 million from substance abuse, which would have closed the only clinic in my state.  I did my homework, went before the committee and presented my reasoning for this life saving treatment.  Guess what?  They put the money back into substance abuse and the rest is history.

You have to be ready to buck the system intelligently,  with drive and ambition.  Learn everything you can about federal and state guidelines, and above all demand respect.
These clinics (especially the not ~ for ~ profit orgs)  should be doing us a service, rather than using punitive and punishment to keep us in line.  One of my pet peeves is the “Graying of Methadone” and the way we “ol timers” are treated.  We are ageing, many have health problems, and have come through many years of treatment and we are still treated like someone that just walked in off the street  with a codiene habit.
Instead of blowing off steam on this site, blow it off intelligently with your director.  I know that they are hard nuts to crack, but if there is a will there must be a way.

Judith Ostergard…Advocates for Methadone Maintenance at Omaha…AMMO…

From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] prescription meds and suggestions
Date: August 15, 2002 at 8:05:56 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Ive just started reading this cos I wanted to know a bit more about
ibogaoine,   To Eric.  If you can stay clean for 3 years I reckon thats
pretty damm good.  I did two and am still trying for more than six months
these days cos I keep falling into the old habits but once done it can be
done again.  Also I smoke cigarettes and find them far harder to give up.
Good luck to u and whatever you do be proud and think good  for yourself.

—–Original Message—–
From: eric seitz <erictseitz@hotmail.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Monday, 15 July 2002 15:08
Subject: [ibogaine] prescription meds and suggestions

Some of what I wrote was a result of my own issues and problems and not
necessarily appropriate for this list and I have taken the conversation off
list. I thank everyone who made suggestions to me I will do what I can to
follow through on some of them and Patrick, I’ll give you a call and buy
lunch or dinner. I sincerely did not mean to go off on you and obviously
that is what I did.

My comments about people who are “clean” but taking prescription
were not meant as a disparagement, they were simply reality based for
myself. In my experience I can’t use prescription meds without soon after
progressing to abuse. If you can more power to you. I had no interest in
sparking a “who is really clean” conversation, I already know Patrick’s
answers to that “I’ve been clean 15 minutes which is the last time I lit a
cigarette but I’ve been off heroin for 3 years” which is nearly identical
what many of you said.

Please understand I was upset and it was not my intention to challenge what
anyone on this list is doing, most of you look like you’re having a better
time of it then me, so who am I to argue.


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From: “eric seitz” <erictseitz@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] prescription meds and suggestions
Date: July 14, 2002 at 10:35:41 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Some of what I wrote was a result of my own issues and problems and not necessarily appropriate for this list and I have taken the conversation off list. I thank everyone who made suggestions to me I will do what I can to follow through on some of them and Patrick, I’ll give you a call and buy you lunch or dinner. I sincerely did not mean to go off on you and obviously that is what I did.

My comments about people who are “clean” but taking prescription medications were not meant as a disparagement, they were simply reality based for myself. In my experience I can’t use prescription meds without soon after progressing to abuse. If you can more power to you. I had no interest in sparking a “who is really clean” conversation, I already know Patrick’s answers to that “I’ve been clean 15 minutes which is the last time I lit a cigarette but I’ve been off heroin for 3 years” which is nearly identical to what many of you said.

Please understand I was upset and it was not my intention to challenge what anyone on this list is doing, most of you look like you’re having a better time of it then me, so who am I to argue.


MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: http://photos.msn.com/support/worldwide.aspx

From: vector6@space.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Head of d.a.r.e.
Date: July 13, 2002 at 10:02:08 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com, drugwar@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Head of some branch of DARE who is a convicted felon
with 4 DUI’s steals money from them to get drunk among
other things.

What a surprise 🙂



Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: A Collection of Thoughts and Words
Date: July 13, 2002 at 6:05:50 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 06:39:01PM -0400], [preston peet] wrote:

| “The man who writes about himself is the only man who writes about all
| people and about all time.” George Bernard Shaw.

Funny you mentioned that.  Shaw was the dude who is responsible for one of
the central thought type collectives of energy, which I used to steer
through that whole entire holding it together and maintaining phase.  When
idiots would start up with the whole 12-step pseudo-defeat dogma of “life
on life’s terms,” my governing principle was much closer to this:

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.”  George Bernard Shaw =)

– – – – – – – – –

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 04:08:40PM -0700], [Bill Ross] wrote:

| If it’s any consolation, you seem to be as smart and articulate
| as Patrick, just not enjoying it as flamboyantly.

<Directed at Eric>

While Bill is obviously just talking nonsense, and you cannot be nearly as
smart nor articulate as I am; he is correct about something that I didn’t
mention at all…

<Trying to remember> As far as I recall, your original plan for life as
you expressed it to me, MS, and Wild Bill when we did talk, was becoming a
director and writing plays.  You DID write plays didn’t you?  Then for
some reason you moved to Miami — uhm, okay, WHY? — got sidetracked in
bid’ness and importing things, then opened up services catering to the
needs of people, and wound up at 60 sumthin’ holding an empty bag …
except, yours is filled with cash, most people who take that route just
wind up with the empty bag.  It could be MUCH WORSE.

Furthermore, somewhere along the line if I remember it right, you also
helped your sister out, a lot…  And she is currently a “well known”
artist whose paintings are actually being collected be wealthy people in
Coral Gables, Star Island, etc, within her lifetime.  This is also thanks
to you.  You do have karma points.  And you CAN write prose dude.  When
talkin’ MEAN THINGS at moi, you pretty much nailed the conversations.

So, why dont’cha also write…?  I don’t necessarily mean those stupid
journals which people keep and look like they were written by retarded 12
year olds, I mean actually WRITE.  You can apparently.  And you know
sumthin’ else…  WRITING activates completely different parts of your
brain, then just vibrating the air and talkin’ shit.  Writing helps me
tremendously.  It also helps many smart people I know — of which you are
one — such as Francis.

You have the cash, so like, live your dreams.  It is unlikely writing
plays will make you a millionaire, so it’s pretty convenient you already
are one.

– – – – – – – – –

On [Sat, Jul 13, 2002 at 02:12:16AM -0000], [Curtis  Hersch] wrote:

| No further questions.

Thank you Curtis.  That was very helpful.

– – – – – – – – –

On [Sat, Jul 13, 2002 at 12:44:47AM -0700], [Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| This is so great, this is like a soap opera on crack

Laughing.  Okay, you win, that ^^^ just become one of the MindVox tag
lines.  You may have to click for a while to hit it, since we’re at
roughly 700 lines at this point, but very funny.  You TOO can articulate
and write, so like, get over it girlfren’ and practice summore if you
really want to =)

| Eric I know the last time I replied I wasn’t very kind
| and I’m trying, I see you’re not in a great place but
| it’s hard to work up sympathy for rich people who are
| unhappy. I mean I’m sure you’re as unhappy as anyone
| and maybe even much more, but when I’m wondering how
| to make rent next month it so makes me stop listening
| to you complain.

This too was an extremely relevent point.  You wanna help humanity, feed
the poor, work with minority gang members, adopt a homosexual puppy…
That’s nice.  But *WHO* cares about the wealthy?

The answer is: nobody.  They’re the biggest group of total lepers left.

Oh, okay, so you’re rich, your life sucks, and you like to complain a lot.
That’s too bad, get the hell away from me.  Being wealthy is not all it’s
cracked up to be.  Your problems are just different.  You’re isolated,
lonely, and completely out of touch with most of humanity.  Because the
odds are whenever someone comes up to you and offers compassion; there is
some sort of secondary motivation, and it will all eventually get to the
punchline: why you need to give them some money.

This makes people who have cash, who are being “treated,” suspicious and
paranoid.  It isn’t easy, and it still sucks.  But Bill I think pointed
out something very doable…  Ya know, kids really do not understand
wealth.  They understand being hungry or having no place to live, but you
certainly could form human contact with an entire group of people who is
not out to get something from you.

All that, in addition to writing, going to the gym, dosing with
entheogens, and if it still doesn’t work out, you can always adopt that
homosexual puppy, and write a play about it.

– – – – – – – – –

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 11:54:36PM -0700], [Bill Ross] wrote:

| Generally speaking, things get together because they are
| thrown together in the soup, and stay together because their
| shapes fit each other.

Bill!  You’re a poet and don’t know it.  Awright!  The ibogaine list now
has Mr. Science on Drugs!  Woo Hoo!  You ro0l!

| Which reminds me of something I read somewhere on the net:
| “Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.”

That too, just won a appearance in the Vox taglines.  Too fucking cool =)

– – – – – – – – –

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 10:57:03PM -0700], [Beyond Elite] wrote:

| FUCKING A Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| All in one night! Matrix Reloaded promo and I find
| you’re back! ROCK ON!
| MindVox Resurrection!
| I don’t understand one fucking thing about the entire
| site but it’s totally fucking cool peeps, this rocks!
| You’re not dead!

Woo Hoo!  YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!  Awright!@#!@312111@@11!!!!!!!!!!!

Freebase sum linuX 4 me at h2k2 do0d!

– – – – – – – – –

On [Sat, Jul 13, 2002 at 11:45:55AM -0400], [preston peet] wrote:

| Patrick,
|     How do you know you aren’t already one of the clones, left behind
| here in This parallel universe when you got tired of some OTher parallel
| universe? I mean, already inhabiting openly a parallel universe to the
| one most other are living in leads me to suspect there’s yet a lot more
| of those out there, and wonder since it this move has occured to you now
| whether or not this is the first time this thought has occured to you,
| and that you maybe even have acted upon it countless times before. So,
| how do you know you aren’t a clone left here by you on your way to
| another parallel at some point on/next to the time spiral prior to our
| now?

Preston, this is a truly valid and excellent point, and of course the
answer is: I do not know!  And I have thought of this.  When in that much
larger space, I seem to gain awareness of all the other parts and pieces
of me, which are moving through time(s), except of course time is NOT
linear, therefore we do not have any past lives, but rather exist in a
array of incarnations which are all happening simultaneously.  This would
mean that the fate of universes, plus, also, my “individual” existence,
are not solely dependent upon actions I do, or do not, take in my present
life.  In fact I could kick back, do nothing, and let all my other lives
take up the slack.  But what if most of my other lives are already
thinking the same thoughts and NONE of us ever does anything?

This is indeed a conundrum.  Even further along this circle of reasoning, is
the realization that there really isn’t anything that NEEDS to be done,
except gaining awareness of this totality, and greater space, from which
these thoughts arrive in the first place, and therefore I’m done, and
should just kick back, experience happiness and live for today.  While
doing my best to maintain a higher level of awareness.

Which I will schedule for tomorrow, ‘cuz I have a huge pile of stuff I
need to do right now.

– – – – – – – – –

God bless, I’m outta here.  In closing, I just found this again.  Preston
is the one who brought it to my attention in the first place, and it’s
totally neato.

Behold!  The Wonders of Our Age — The Spider Goat!



From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: ages
Date: July 13, 2002 at 11:45:55 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

How do you know you aren’t already one of the clones, left behind here in This parallel universe when you got tired of some OTher parallel universe? I mean, already inhabiting openly a parallel universe to the one most other are living in leads me to suspect there’s yet a lot more of those out there, and wonder since it this move has occured to you now whether or not this is the first time this thought has occured to you, and that you maybe even have acted upon it countless times before. So, how do you know you aren’t a clone left here by you on your way to another parallel at some point on/next to the time spiral prior to our now?
—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: ages

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 12:03:23PM -0400], [preston peet] wrote:
| Yeah, that tapico is the bane of us old folk, me at 34- having
| cancelled my Sept. 11 birthday this year, deciding that I deserved an
| extra year at 34.;-))) (if you want to be literal about it, 35, but hey,
| like I said…)
| Peace,
| Preston

It didn’t count anyway, due to the unfortunate events of Sept 11th, the
whole entire year was cancelled.  We are presently stuck in a spiral
looping through the twilight zone, waiting for a gateway back into one of
a possible series of consensual realities.  Hopefully the place we land
will not be 2003 on 1984, Big Brother LOVES YOU!  If that happens, that
fuck that noise mahn, I’m moving to another parallel universe, and just
leaving some of my clones here.


From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 13, 2002 at 11:47:52 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I will give another reply (maybe) on list.

What do you want?

Are you an active addict or not – if so, what?

What drugs have you done and how do you respond to
them. Eg, have you done acid, do you drink, does a
tylenol get you high or do you not notice when you
take 17 vicodin (getting an idea of tolerance levels).

How is your health? Any issues, weight, height, got
the age.

On to reply on-list


— Joshua Tinnin <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com> wrote:
OK, since you all know I’m new here, and that I’m
32, let’s move on a bit. I have a few questions.

First, I have been interested in Ibogaine ever since
reading about it in High Times way back in … oh, I
guess the late 80s or so,
I think 1989. It amazes me that it is not used more
widely for theraputic reasons, and that it is
illegal, especially considering
what an extremely low potential for recreational use
it has – probably zero.

Anyway, has nearly everyone here tried Ibogaine? Of
those who have, has it been to treat addiction, or
has anyone here taken it for
other therapeutic reasons? I am guessing that there
is somewhere in Miami which helps in this regard,
but I seem to have stumbled
into the middle of a lot of ongoing conversations.
The research I’ve done indicates that Ibogaine
treatments are done outside of
this country, and they seem to carry a very high
price tag, which can hinder some people’s attempts
to use it for treatment. The
reason I ask this second question – the one about
using Ibogaine for other therapeutic reasons than
addiction – is that its history
in tribal cultures doesn’t have anything to do with
treating addiction, but rather as a shamanic tool. I
realize what a powerful
tool this is, having read others’ experiences with
it. In any case, how successful has it been in
people’s personal experiences with
it here, whether for addiction or otherwise? I’ve
heard some remarkable success stories elsewhere, and
also some utter
disappointments from some people, and partly with
those people because of the huge monetary
investment. Of course, not every
treatment will work the same for everyone, nor will
the same treatment be successful for everyone. I do
understand how
individualized problems, addiction and otherwise,

Thanks for indulging me. I’m just trying to learn.
Am so happy this list exists, and I sincerely hope
that those who are suffering
with addiction and recovery on this list can receive
the help they need, and all the encouragement needed
as well, and that you can
find the strength to follow through.

– jt

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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 13, 2002 at 10:50:38 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>First, I have been interested in Ibogaine ever since reading about it in High Times way back in … oh, I guess the late 80s or so,<

LOL. You have no idea how funny it is to me to read the above snip. High Times got you interested in ibogaine? Brilliant, truly brilliant, as there’s a little rumor going about in certain circles that HT isn’t at all interested in ibogaine. Now you come out with, “I’ve been interested about ibogaine since reading about it in HT way back in 1989”! I LOVE it.;-)))
Of course, I think it’s been a while since HT did run anything on ibogaine, but due to their primary focus being marijuana, I’m not really surprised. (I know, I know, they print other topics too, but as I go on to note:) How much can a marijuana magazine print on ibogaine that pertains to marijuana, out of curiosity? (This question is for everyone btw).
And I at least have NOT tried ibogaine, though I do have some interest in the possibility at some point in time.
(I’m slowly killing myself with these damned cigarettes.)

—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: Ibogaine
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 1:04 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions

OK, since you all know I’m new here, and that I’m 32, let’s move on a bit. I have a few questions.

First, I have been interested in Ibogaine ever since reading about it in High Times way back in … oh, I guess the late 80s or so,
I think 1989. It amazes me that it is not used more widely for theraputic reasons, and that it is illegal, especially considering
what an extremely low potential for recreational use it has – probably zero.

Anyway, has nearly everyone here tried Ibogaine? Of those who have, has it been to treat addiction, or has anyone here taken it for
other therapeutic reasons? I am guessing that there is somewhere in Miami which helps in this regard, but I seem to have stumbled
into the middle of a lot of ongoing conversations. The research I’ve done indicates that Ibogaine treatments are done outside of
this country, and they seem to carry a very high price tag, which can hinder some people’s attempts to use it for treatment. The
reason I ask this second question – the one about using Ibogaine for other therapeutic reasons than addiction – is that its history
in tribal cultures doesn’t have anything to do with treating addiction, but rather as a shamanic tool. I realize what a powerful
tool this is, having read others’ experiences with it. In any case, how successful has it been in people’s personal experiences with
it here, whether for addiction or otherwise? I’ve heard some remarkable success stories elsewhere, and also some utter
disappointments from some people, and partly with those people because of the huge monetary investment. Of course, not every
treatment will work the same for everyone, nor will the same treatment be successful for everyone. I do understand how
individualized problems, addiction and otherwise, are.

Thanks for indulging me. I’m just trying to learn. Am so happy this list exists, and I sincerely hope that those who are suffering
with addiction and recovery on this list can receive the help they need, and all the encouragement needed as well, and that you can
find the strength to follow through.

– jt

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] wow
Date: July 13, 2002 at 3:57:33 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Bill you’re a closet intellectual too? 🙂

I can prove it!


From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] wow
Date: July 13, 2002 at 3:44:47 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’m stunned and I’m going to sleep 🙂

This is so great, this is like a soap opera on crack

Curtis that was really insightful and you didn’t
mention motherlovebone, not once!

Bill you’re a closet intellectual too? 🙂

Eric I know the last time I replied I wasn’t very kind
and I’m trying, I see you’re not in a great place but
it’s hard to work up sympathy for rich people who are
unhappy. I mean I’m sure you’re as unhappy as anyone
and maybe even much more, but when I’m wondering how
to make rent next month it so makes me stop listening
to you complain.

Krunchy fig leaf, Krispy fig leaf? I’m sorry I’m in
the editor and can’t find your name please don’t be
mad at me I’ll remember it the next time. I think
Miami is the main ibogaine place where very rich
ibogaine people end up or start up when they do
ibogaine with Dr. Mash, Patrick is in Miami, Mindvox
is in NY I think, ibogaine treatment is available all
over the world starting at a few hundred dollars. I
think the main middle class ibogaine treatment is in
mexico, the rich go to st. kitts and people who don’t
want that kind of environment or are on vision quests
go all over the world. Welcome to the ibogaine list!


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From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 13, 2002 at 2:54:36 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Bill! That sounds really fascinating but could you
please explain what it means?

I’m just speculating on what kind of studies might be relevant
to the issue of whether ibogaine affects gene expression, plus
wondering if affecting gene expression indirectly might be a
relatively normal thing anyway.

It’s more of a semi-literate musing than something earth-
shattering, tho ya never know 🙂

What is all that changing?

Probably at most it could lead to some thinking and dialog
about what change consists of.

I don’t understand, even your theory or the
possibility that you are suggesting and I am very
interested. And also what could I read to understand a
little more which would not be so above my head that
I’m lost? I don’t mean to put you on the spot and
probably there are no easy answers but I am very very
very very very curious!

Maybe Scientific American has a book on genes? A subscription
to that magazine or a more pop variant could be good to start
absorbing the concepts. Also watching for PBS Nova shows on
genetic subjects. Beyond that, a community college class, web
searching, what have you..

Expanding a bit:

By short-term regulation I mean what the ibogaine molecules
(or e.g. noribogaine) could do while still in the body to
block the DNA of a gene from being expressed, or make it be
expressed more.

My picture of gene expression is fairly general: a reader
enzyme-thing works its way along a DNA strand, copying it
into a new strand of RNA. The RNA later gets grabbed and
copied into a protein strand by another enzyme-thing.
(The enzyme-things can be formed of multiple distinct
enzymes that associate to get the job done.) The proteins
can be enzymes like the ones just mentioned or ones that,
say, convert ibogaine to noribogaine, or ones that
produce/regulate our mood or energy chemicals etc..

All of this is going on in each cell of your body at this
very moment, each cell being like a bowl of soup with
all these bits bumping together and reacting with one
another, kind of at random, in the liquid or among the bits
of more chewy stuff, to somehow get the job done. Sweet
(and salty and bitter 🙂 mystery of life! In addition to
enzymes, some proteins are more structural.

Generally speaking, things get together because they are
thrown together in the soup, and stay together because their
shapes fit each other.

The simplest way for a chemical to affect gene expression
directly is to associate itself with the DNA and either
block the transcription enzyme from doing its job, or
make it easier for the enzyme to latch onto the starting
DNA of the gene. This is why I wondered if anyone had
looked to see if ibogaine bound itself to DNA.

In principle other parts of the gene expression process
could be affected by ibogaine, so a finding that ibo
did not bind to DNA, even if conclusive, could leave
open the possibility of other mechanisms.

Then there’s the more general concept: that ibogaine might
indirectly cause a permanent change in gene expression by
its temporary alteration of the balance of chemicals in the
body. Leaving out the gene expression for the moment, this
is what I would guess most people here think: ibogaine tends
to change the person in a basic way. I was wondering if any
such basic change might actually _have_ to be embodied in
gene expression by definition. It’s more likely an idea to
get a discussion started than something earth-shattering.
Why wouldn’t it be earth-shattering? Because it might be kind
of normal.

Which reminds me of something I read somewhere on the net:
“Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.”

Bill Ross

From: Beyond Elite <beyondelite2002@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] I forgot to ask
Date: July 13, 2002 at 2:03:45 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I forgot to ask in my excitement. What the fuck is
this thing? This is how i found you in a list of
Matrix related links.

This is the poltergeist girl looking at mindvox no?



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From: Beyond Elite <beyondelite2002@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] FUCKING YEAH!
Date: July 13, 2002 at 1:57:03 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

FUCKING A Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All in one night! Matrix Reloaded promo and I find
you’re back! ROCK ON!

MindVox Resurrection!

I don’t understand one fucking thing about the entire
site but it’s totally fucking cool peeps, this rocks!
You’re not dead!


Matrix MindVox Matrix MindVox

I am so baked

And only getting more baked.

H2K2 this weekend! Show up!!!!!!!!



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From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 13, 2002 at 1:07:19 AM EDT
To: “Ibogaine” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Whoa! Sorry about the crazy word-wrapping – was sending a long link in a
previous email … I’ll fix it below.

– jt

—– Original Message —–
From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>

OK, since you all know I’m new here, and that I’m 32, let’s move on a bit. I
have a few questions.

First, I have been interested in Ibogaine ever since reading about it in
High Times way back in … oh, I guess the late 80s or so, I think 1989. It
amazes me that it is not used more widely for theraputic reasons, and that
it is illegal, especially considering what an extremely low potential for
recreational use it has – probably zero.

Anyway, has nearly everyone here tried Ibogaine? Of those who have, has it
been to treat addiction, or has anyone here taken it for other therapeutic
reasons? I am guessing that there is somewhere in Miami which helps in this
regard, but I seem to have stumbled into the middle of a lot of ongoing
conversations. The research I’ve done indicates that Ibogaine treatments are
done outside of this country, and they seem to carry a very high price tag,
which can hinder some people’s attempts to use it for treatment. The reason
I ask this second question – the one about using Ibogaine for other
therapeutic reasons than addiction – is that its history in tribal cultures
doesn’t have anything to do with treating addiction, but rather as a
shamanic tool. I realize what a powerful tool this is, having read others’
experiences with it. In any case, how successful has it been in people’s
personal experiences with it here, whether for addiction or otherwise? I’ve
heard some remarkable success stories elsewhere, and also some utter
disappointments from some people, and partly with those people because of
the huge monetary investment. Of course, not every treatment will work the
same for everyone, nor will the same treatment be successful for everyone. I
do understand how individualized problems, addiction and otherwise, are.

Thanks for indulging me. I’m just trying to learn. Am so happy this list
exists, and I sincerely hope that those who are suffering with addiction and
recovery on this list can receive the help they need, and all the
encouragement needed as well, and that you can find the strength to follow

– jt

From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Newbie Questions
Date: July 13, 2002 at 1:04:23 AM EDT
To: “Ibogaine” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

OK, since you all know I’m new here, and that I’m 32, let’s move on a bit. I have a few questions.

First, I have been interested in Ibogaine ever since reading about it in High Times way back in … oh, I guess the late 80s or so,
I think 1989. It amazes me that it is not used more widely for theraputic reasons, and that it is illegal, especially considering
what an extremely low potential for recreational use it has – probably zero.

Anyway, has nearly everyone here tried Ibogaine? Of those who have, has it been to treat addiction, or has anyone here taken it for
other therapeutic reasons? I am guessing that there is somewhere in Miami which helps in this regard, but I seem to have stumbled
into the middle of a lot of ongoing conversations. The research I’ve done indicates that Ibogaine treatments are done outside of
this country, and they seem to carry a very high price tag, which can hinder some people’s attempts to use it for treatment. The
reason I ask this second question – the one about using Ibogaine for other therapeutic reasons than addiction – is that its history
in tribal cultures doesn’t have anything to do with treating addiction, but rather as a shamanic tool. I realize what a powerful
tool this is, having read others’ experiences with it. In any case, how successful has it been in people’s personal experiences with
it here, whether for addiction or otherwise? I’ve heard some remarkable success stories elsewhere, and also some utter
disappointments from some people, and partly with those people because of the huge monetary investment. Of course, not every
treatment will work the same for everyone, nor will the same treatment be successful for everyone. I do understand how
individualized problems, addiction and otherwise, are.

Thanks for indulging me. I’m just trying to learn. Am so happy this list exists, and I sincerely hope that those who are suffering
with addiction and recovery on this list can receive the help they need, and all the encouragement needed as well, and that you can
find the strength to follow through.

– jt

From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 11:21:33 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

LOL 🙂 I don’t know whether to laugh or cry,
nevermind, I don’t have that many questions either.
And getting so mad at Patrick all the time makes maybe
a little more sense.

Sorry guys 🙂

Carla B

— Curtis  Hersch <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>

No further questions.

Oh yeah, that lady can be mommy any time. Older
women are fun

Not to take away that you feel down, I do too but
when I go to
groups I just want to score so bad after that it
works me up like
mad. That’s all anyone talks there or they complain
which is what
you’re doing. Reading is good, going out somewhere
in nature works
for me man, I can’t do clubs as much as I want to I
can’t be
around that or I will mess up. It’s friday night and
I’m on the
computer man, should speak for itself. Music is good
too, I won’t
mention what kind of music because I’ve already said

Peace out, Curtis

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 vector6@space.com wrote :
“Curtis  Hersch” wrote

Let me say that I don’t know too many ladies who
to ‘adopt’ a
33 year old guy. If they do this means they are
married. Let me
guess some more and this lady Dr. Mash is a
right? Nobody
gets this upset over ugly chicks I don’t care
they did.




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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 11:16:42 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Bill! That sounds really fascinating but could you
please explain what it means? What is all that
changing? I don’t understand, even your theory or the
possibility that you are suggesting and I am very
interested. And also what could I read to understand a
little more which would not be so above my head that
I’m lost? I don’t mean to put you on the spot and
probably there are no easy answers but I am very very
very very very curious!

Eric is just repeating what i’ve heard so many times
already and I feel bad for you but you keep saying the
same thing every so often and do nothing about it and
trash patrick while saying you have nothing against

Makes a lot of sense.

Carla B

— Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU> wrote:
I’ve changed the topic because whether ibogaine
genetic expression could be a very interesting
thread if
anyone who knew what they were talking about posted

Now that you mention it 🙂

Short-term regulation could come about by direct
binding of ibo to
some nucleic acid or bound enzyme, in the simplest
case. I wonder
if anyone has looked to see if ibo binds in such a
place (if
they did & the result was negative, they might not
publish, since
journals prefer positive results).

I wonder if any long-term change not involving
ongoing drug ingestion,
diet or activity change, or genetic mutation might
necessarily be due
to altered genetic expression? What else could cause
the measured
balance of enzymes to shift? If serotonin levels are
higher, presumably
the serotonin gene is getting expressed more, or the
genes controlling
its uptake are expressed less, etc. I have the
impression that some
people retain the mood changes of SSRI’s after they
stop taking them,
so possibly these drugs change genetic expression,
and there may be
more data for them (not to mention other drugs
unrelated to mood).

What drives me crazy is I don’t understand. What
did she ever
see in you when you were some strung out mess that
landed on
her doorstep, threw a lit cigarette on her couch
and told her
what a bitch she is.  …

If it’s any consolation, you seem to be as smart and
as Patrick, just not enjoying it as flamboyantly.

Bill Ross

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From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 10:12:16 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

No further questions.

Oh yeah, that lady can be mommy any time. Older women are fun bro!

Not to take away that you feel down, I do too but when I go to groups I just want to score so bad after that it works me up like mad. That’s all anyone talks there or they complain which is what you’re doing. Reading is good, going out somewhere in nature works for me man, I can’t do clubs as much as I want to I can’t be around that or I will mess up. It’s friday night and I’m on the computer man, should speak for itself. Music is good too, I won’t mention what kind of music because I’ve already said that.

Peace out, Curtis

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 vector6@space.com wrote :
“Curtis  Hersch” wrote

> Let me say that I don’t know too many ladies who want
to ‘adopt’ a
> 33 year old guy. If they do this means they are
married. Let me
> guess some more and this lady Dr. Mash is a cutie
right? Nobody
> gets this upset over ugly chicks I don’t care what
they did.




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From: vector6@space.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 9:56:13 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“Curtis  Hersch” wrote

Let me say that I don’t know too many ladies who want
to ‘adopt’ a
33 year old guy. If they do this means they are
married. Let me
guess some more and this lady Dr. Mash is a cutie
right? Nobody
gets this upset over ugly chicks I don’t care what
they did.




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From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 9:41:01 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Man I need to say that I thank you for writing all that and I mean that from the bottom of my heart because I do not want to dis you but I realise that I am not nearly as unhappy as I thought I was I could be you.

I don’t know what all your talking about but if I can give a human opinion here what it sounds like is you are going off because some lady didn’t notice that you’re alive and is all over Patrick instead. You also aren’t happy because you do the steps and he doesn’t.

Let me say that I don’t know too many ladies who want to ‘adopt’ a 33 year old guy. If they do this means they are married. Let me guess some more and this lady Dr. Mash is a cutie right? Nobody gets this upset over ugly chicks I don’t care what they did.

From what you wrote it sounds like you are upset with this lady and don’t like the groups. So try to get over that because probably this chick will not start to notice you’re alive, Patrick will probably not stop being Patrick and the meetings won’t change.

I don’t do meeting neither I could not no matter what get into them and I’m clean too. I smoke out but can not handle lsd, that makes me go to such a bad space right now I don’t know what it is maybe later but right now noway.

Peace out, Curtis

On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 eric seitz wrote :

I’ve changed the topic because whether ibogaine alters genetic expression could be a very interesting thread if anyone who knew what they were talking about posted anything, which they won’t as you yourself pointed out in a roundabout way.

I don’t post anything often and when I do every few months it probably is a symptom of my own problems that I’m not owning. I have no problem at all with you, you’re a exceptional person. What bothers me is addiction itself.

I know many of the people who attempted to treat you, I know the after ibogaine scene in Miami, not one of them says anything except you are a nightmare and then starts to list all your problems. 3 years later I don’t think it means anything and I’m starting to think even they must realize that. I’ve read most of what you’ve written on ibogaine on recovery but I just can’t do it like that. I would desperetely love to tell all these people in my face to go fuck themselves and sail off down the yellow brick road where Dr. Mash for all intents and purposes adopts me and let’s me get away with anything I want, because I’m very smart and charming and that’s all that matters in her world especially when she can use you to promote anything she wants to say about addiction. She’s always right because you exist and didn’t take anyone’s advice but hers. In your world Dr. Mash is a wonderful person who’s mommy and everyone else is some asshole who annoyed you. And for you, that’s true.

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From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes
Date: July 12, 2002 at 8:53:10 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/12/02 1:33:25 PM, bcalabrese@yahoo.com writes:

I would love to hear Howards comments (if any) on
ibogaine signaling genes.

I’m waiting to read the paper.  Not sure when I’ll get it.  Anyone that wants
to can order it from medline and send me a copy as an attachment or post it
to the list.


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] structured addictions
Date: July 12, 2002 at 8:10:04 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>What’s “structured” if not “constant groups and therapy”?<

What a silly question I asked, please excuse. The gym idea seems like a good structured activity, one that will release those endorphins, as Patrick and NeuroSkull suggested, and the volunteer work idea by Bill Ross was brilliant. There’s some structure, therapy and groups, without all the clinical therapy and some-clinical-some-not groups. Of course, neither have necessarily been my own routes, but then I’m not “clean”, (in this day and age of chemical additives in food, water, and air, is anyone really clean, and not somehow consciously altered in some way from how they popped out of the womb, or for that matter, even while still in the womb aren’t being altered by all the chemical additives we’ve spewed out onto the world), I do on occasion take pain meds, and ingest or smoke something(s) else illicit.

Preston Peet
Editor in Chief http://www.drugwar.com
Editor at Large High Times mag/.com

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 8:02:46 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Another thought – read Tolstoy’s short story, “The Death of
Ivan Ilych”. It’s about figuring out what matters in life.


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes
Date: July 12, 2002 at 7:54:46 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

AND, one of the very, very first things I learned in the very first 28 day programs I ever found myself in was to “personalize” stuff, instead of putting everything into terms like, “you know, when you are going to the park, and you step in dogshit, how shitty that makes you feel? Don’t you hate that?” That sort of speaking doesn’t really cover it. Personalizing it though, brings it right home to both myself and those I’m speaking?writing to/for. “I hate when I’m going to the park and step in dogshit. I choose to get shitty feelings over it.” Sooo, when writing about certain stuff, in my own case, I too tend to keep things as personal as possible, just because I’m the only one I know really, and am only making uneducated guesses on the rest of humanity.
—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes

>I’ve been reading this list nearly since it started, Patrick never says
| anything about anything except himself personally. <

“The man who writes about himself is the only man who writes about all people and about all time.” George Bernard Shaw.
—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 06:11:20PM +0000], [eric seitz] wrote:

| That’s not Patrick on psychoatives, that’s Patrick on Patrick. ‘and then I
| ran up and down the hallways yelling and throwing things and then I got a
| brain and cut it all up and then I got the networking working after the
| campus fell down and then I went to the playground and it was great and
| then I wrote 3 articles and then I met this really hot girl and I’m going
| out! and then I read a book on philosophy and then I did another brain and
| I want to start a band!’ is patrick. Patrick on psychoactives finally shuts
| up and calms down. If he is ever quiet and gentle, then he’s tripped a few
| days before.

Thank you for summarizing me.  Since you do not know me, and have met me
perhaps once or twice — okay it could be three times — you are basing
your information upon someone else’s characterization of me; prolly
Deborah, on whatever day(s) you were present when she talked sumplace, and
had Patrick stories to Share!

That’s just super-fine and speshul, so thanks.

| I’ve been reading this list nearly since it started, Patrick never says
| anything about anything except himself personally. If he did then he
| wouldn’t be with Dr. Mash for 3 years which I believe is almost a world
| record. He sees her every day, he works with this, he hangs out with her
| outside the job.

Yeah, and, so what…?  As I may have mentioned once or fifty times, it is
not MY science, MY data, or MY research.  Before being allowed to breath
the air in *Secure* and *Confidential* environments, I signed so many
nondisclosures my wrist hurt for a week.

If you have any questions regarding what Deborah is doing, then send her
some email or call her up.  She’s not hard to find, and I’m sure she’ll be
thrilled to chat with you and share.

| My own conclusion is that maybe what that young lady said is not so far
| wrong and the results of just how far ibogaine does go in making changes
| will scare the shit out of people, not calm them down.

This may or may not be true.  The TRUTH! has been known to produce mass
hysteria before.  Then again, maybe it won’t.  These are interesting times
to be alive; either alla that or the end of days, either one.

NONE of this alters the fact that ibogaine DOES WORK.  <shrug>  Whether or
not a molecule is legal, does not appear to change its efficacy.

| I guess we will all find out sooner or later.

As a minor aside, I posit that, the question of “How duz it
werk!?@#?!?!?!?21!!” will not be answered by chatting on a list.  While
the answers may come in dreams and visions, the results mostly come from a
whole fuckova lot of lab work, experiments, and expensive equipment.

SOME people who are actually doing this research — other than Deborah —
are signed up to this very list (along with a slew of MD’s, but we won’t
even mention them).  As I may have mentioned before, being curious whether
or not they’re actually reading it, I have on occasion accidentally —
whoopsie! — signed some of them off it, to see if they read it, or just
toss it into some folder.  Without exception every one of them has signed
themselves right back on it, within 48 – 72 hours tops.  If they wanted to
share, well gosh, they sure could do so too.

Just saying,

But yes, very interesting abstract.  The floor is Wide Open for comments.


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 7:45:45 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Eric wrote >Just when I think someone is making a lot of sense they slide in that by the
way they’re on prescription pain meds or this or that, or something else and
it doesn’t matter to me but I’m not sure how helpful any of their advice is
when that was one of my problems to begin with.<

Do you mean “Taking” pain meds, or “On” pain meds? Great big huge difference, in my own humble opinion. Are you saying that because someone may take certain “unapproved” drugs, then they no longer “make sense” to you because of that, or simply that it’s something you feel you “can’t” do without going back to drug abuse yourself?

>I am sick to death of therapy and groups and starting to ask myself which is
the lesser of the two evils, treatment or just doing drugs.<

Sincere good luck on your hunt for happiness in “recovery”. If I may, how long have you been “clean” and why are you seemingly feeling “sick to death of therapy and groups” and if you did “just do drugs” what harms would you be doing to yourself? Would you have to go do whatever drugs it was that drove you to therapy and groups? Is/are they the only ones that you can envisage doing/taking? Is/are there any “drugs” licit or illicit you feel you could take that won’t allow you to give yourself the excuse to go screw yourself and those around you while on?

>Has anyone reading this list tried Rational Recovery or SMART and had any
degree of sucess with it at all? Or anything that is structured in some way,
not a list of 20 suggestions that range from go skateboarding to go fly a
kite, some system that is not the 12 steps and does not involve constant
groups and therapy?<

Don’t these “groups” advocate responsible use of alcohol, or drugs? What’s “structured” if not “constant groups and therapy”? Again personally, I ALWAYS found the NA rooms, (or any -A rooms I found myself in at various times), KEPT my mind on drugs and the desires to use and abuse, and I was berated with comments constantly in those same rooms about the oh so horrid lifelong battle we addicts were facing NOT doing drugs and gee isn’t that terrible and gosh wish we could do drugs. What’s the point of that kind of torture if you are not happy in that setting? Why continue with that, if you are driving yourself to your wits end? I’m NOT actually advocating you go out and start using “drugs” willy nilly, or even at all, but it sounds like you’ve got to do SOMETHING different, and I won’t suggest anything flippant like exercise, skateboarding or kite flying. You are the only one who knows when you feel happiest, and what you can do to get yourself there. Based on my own experiences, I usually know exactly what that something I can do to make myself happier is too, but am not always ready to face, nor admit it to myself, as my own unhappiness usually leads back to something or other I’m kidding myself about, or lying to myself about, or “denying”, or some such similar situation.

>I am really at wits end here and know I need to do something, I don’t know
what that something is.<

I’m very serious, I wish you luck and ease in finding your relief. What works for me worked for me. Only advice I can offer, for what it’s worth, is for you to go with whatever you find most appealing and smooth, and that whatever it is you’re doing now doesn’t seem to be working for you, at least not right now, or on its own.
I realize this probably won’t help much if at all, but still, best wishes.

—– Original Message —–
From: eric seitz
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 5:11 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction

I’ve changed the topic because whether ibogaine alters genetic expression
could be a very interesting thread if anyone who knew what they were talking
about posted anything, which they won’t as you yourself pointed out in a
roundabout way.

I don’t post anything often and when I do every few months it probably is a
symptom of my own problems that I’m not owning. I have no problem at all
with you, you’re a exceptional person. What bothers me is addiction itself.

I know many of the people who attempted to treat you, I know the after
ibogaine scene in Miami, not one of them says anything except you are a
nightmare and then starts to list all your problems. 3 years later I don’t
think it means anything and I’m starting to think even they must realize
that. I’ve read most of what you’ve written on ibogaine on recovery but I
just can’t do it like that. I would desperetely love to tell all these
people in my face to go fuck themselves and sail off down the yellow brick
road where Dr. Mash for all intents and purposes adopts me and let’s me get
away with anything I want, because I’m very smart and charming and that’s
all that matters in her world especially when she can use you to promote
anything she wants to say about addiction. She’s always right because you
exist and didn’t take anyone’s advice but hers. In your world Dr. Mash is a
wonderful person who’s mommy and everyone else is some asshole who annoyed
you. And for you, that’s true.

What drives me crazy is I don’t understand. What did she ever see in you
when you were some strung out mess that landed on her doorstep, threw a lit
cigarette on her couch and told her what a bitch she is. That experience as
I also think someone else from Miami ranted about on this list is one of the
greatest moments of her life, she tells it at every ibogaine story session,
“that’s my son! he told me to go fuck myself and not play that mommy shit!”
and therapists are horrified. And she’s happy.

Therapists are horrified nearly says all of it, except add in
additionologists and anybody else who knows anything about addiction.

How does this stuff work? How does it work for Y O U that’s different for
everyone else. I read this list to hear people talk and see what they do and
all of it is all over the place and doesn’t make any more sense then
anything else.

Just when I think someone is making a lot of sense they slide in that by the
way they’re on prescription pain meds or this or that, or something else and
it doesn’t matter to me but I’m not sure how helpful any of their advice is
when that was one of my problems to begin with.

You bother me because I’d like to do what you do, but I can’t. If i stop
going to therapy and groups I will relapse, I’ve learned this. Even how you
act or I’ve heard you act to be fair, I would say you smoke crack even if
you don’t shoot heroin, except your bodily fluids come with a pedigree and
anytime someone tosses out how insane you are, Dr. Mash throws back that she
has blood, saliva and hair from you dating back for 3 years. It may glow in
the dark from LSD but there is no opiate or cocaine in it.

That is amazing.

I am sick to death of therapy and groups and starting to ask myself which is
the lesser of the two evils, treatment or just doing drugs.

Has anyone reading this list tried Rational Recovery or SMART and had any
degree of sucess with it at all? Or anything that is structured in some way,
not a list of 20 suggestions that range from go skateboarding to go fly a
kite, some system that is not the 12 steps and does not involve constant
groups and therapy?

I am really at wits end here and know I need to do something, I don’t know
what that something is.

Any advice is gratefully accepted on or off list.


Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 7:26:25 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I have to agree whole heartedly with Patrick about the weightlifting…  That’s what I do.  Plus the Lord has helped more than anything.  If weightlifting isn’t your thing.  Try intense running, cycling, swimming.  Anything that will cause your body to release endorphins.  Even sitting in a dry heat sauna and then running outside and jumping into a cool dip pool will release endorphins.

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 7:12:54 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I am really at wits end here and know I need to do something, I
don’t know | what that something is.

Another possibility – do volunteer work, helping people
one-on-one. E.g. teaching kids to read.

Bill Ross

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.EDU>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 7:08:40 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’ve changed the topic because whether ibogaine alters
genetic expression could be a very interesting thread if
anyone who knew what they were talking about posted anything,

Now that you mention it 🙂

Short-term regulation could come about by direct binding of ibo to
some nucleic acid or bound enzyme, in the simplest case. I wonder
if anyone has looked to see if ibo binds in such a place (if
they did & the result was negative, they might not publish, since
journals prefer positive results).

I wonder if any long-term change not involving ongoing drug ingestion,
diet or activity change, or genetic mutation might necessarily be due
to altered genetic expression? What else could cause the measured
balance of enzymes to shift? If serotonin levels are higher, presumably
the serotonin gene is getting expressed more, or the genes controlling
its uptake are expressed less, etc. I have the impression that some
people retain the mood changes of SSRI’s after they stop taking them,
so possibly these drugs change genetic expression, and there may be
more data for them (not to mention other drugs unrelated to mood).

What drives me crazy is I don’t understand. What did she ever
see in you when you were some strung out mess that landed on
her doorstep, threw a lit cigarette on her couch and told her
what a bitch she is.  …

If it’s any consolation, you seem to be as smart and articulate
as Patrick, just not enjoying it as flamboyantly.

Bill Ross

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Blowing off steam
Date: July 12, 2002 at 6:53:45 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>Another way that I have advocated for the state that I am in,  was when the appropriations committee was going to extract $9 million from substance abuse, which would have closed the only clinic in my state.  I did my homework, went before the committee and presented my reasoning for this life saving treatment.  Guess what?  They put the money back into substance abuse and the rest is history.<

Fantastic Judith. Thanks very much for sharing this story. Would you consider posting this on the drugwar@mindvox list as well? It’s a great little editorial.
Don’t let the clinic drive you, graying or not, crazy. Do watcha gotta do. Quite an example you’re set here in this note for those “reformers” not “addicted” and still so much more apathetic about things than you, the long-time methadone patient. Maybe that’s the key: Put enough people on the firing line….

—– Original Message —–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 3:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Blowing off steam

I agree with you Andria.  It’s time for patients to take the bull by the horns and advocate for their treatment, rather than sit and bitch and gripe about the methadone system.
I like you have been a MMT patient for over 20 yrs.  I’m a product of the late 60’s.

In being an advocate and going to the many conferences that we are so graciously accepted at, has helped me to understand the punitive and unrealistic ways we patients are treated.
Most clinics will not provide literature on our treatment, so I make it my duty to send home at least 3 full boxes of reading material for the patients at my clinic.  I do this at my own expense (sending 3 heavy boxes UPS is around $75.00 per box.)

Another way that I have advocated for the state that I am in,  was when the appropriations committee was going to extract $9 million from substance abuse, which would have closed the only clinic in my state.  I did my homework, went before the committee and presented my reasoning for this life saving treatment.  Guess what?  They put the money back into substance abuse and the rest is history.

You have to be ready to buck the system intelligently,  with drive and ambition.  Learn everything you can about federal and state guidelines, and above all demand respect.
These clinics (especially the not ~ for ~ profit orgs)  should be doing us a service, rather than using punitive and punishment to keep us in line.  One of my pet peeves is the “Graying of Methadone” and the way we “ol timers” are treated.  We are ageing, many have health problems, and have come through many years of treatment and we are still treated like someone that just walked in off the street  with a codiene habit.
Instead of blowing off steam on this site, blow it off intelligently with your director.  I know that they are hard nuts to crack, but if there is a will there must be a way.

Judith Ostergard…Advocates for Methadone Maintenance at Omaha…AMMO…

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes
Date: July 12, 2002 at 6:39:01 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>I’ve been reading this list nearly since it started, Patrick never says
| anything about anything except himself personally. <

“The man who writes about himself is the only man who writes about all people and about all time.” George Bernard Shaw.
—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 06:11:20PM +0000], [eric seitz] wrote:

| That’s not Patrick on psychoatives, that’s Patrick on Patrick. ‘and then I
| ran up and down the hallways yelling and throwing things and then I got a
| brain and cut it all up and then I got the networking working after the
| campus fell down and then I went to the playground and it was great and
| then I wrote 3 articles and then I met this really hot girl and I’m going
| out! and then I read a book on philosophy and then I did another brain and
| I want to start a band!’ is patrick. Patrick on psychoactives finally shuts
| up and calms down. If he is ever quiet and gentle, then he’s tripped a few
| days before.

Thank you for summarizing me.  Since you do not know me, and have met me
perhaps once or twice — okay it could be three times — you are basing
your information upon someone else’s characterization of me; prolly
Deborah, on whatever day(s) you were present when she talked sumplace, and
had Patrick stories to Share!

That’s just super-fine and speshul, so thanks.

| I’ve been reading this list nearly since it started, Patrick never says
| anything about anything except himself personally. If he did then he
| wouldn’t be with Dr. Mash for 3 years which I believe is almost a world
| record. He sees her every day, he works with this, he hangs out with her
| outside the job.

Yeah, and, so what…?  As I may have mentioned once or fifty times, it is
not MY science, MY data, or MY research.  Before being allowed to breath
the air in *Secure* and *Confidential* environments, I signed so many
nondisclosures my wrist hurt for a week.

If you have any questions regarding what Deborah is doing, then send her
some email or call her up.  She’s not hard to find, and I’m sure she’ll be
thrilled to chat with you and share.

| My own conclusion is that maybe what that young lady said is not so far
| wrong and the results of just how far ibogaine does go in making changes
| will scare the shit out of people, not calm them down.

This may or may not be true.  The TRUTH! has been known to produce mass
hysteria before.  Then again, maybe it won’t.  These are interesting times
to be alive; either alla that or the end of days, either one.

NONE of this alters the fact that ibogaine DOES WORK.  <shrug>  Whether or
not a molecule is legal, does not appear to change its efficacy.

| I guess we will all find out sooner or later.

As a minor aside, I posit that, the question of “How duz it
werk!?@#?!?!?!?21!!” will not be answered by chatting on a list.  While
the answers may come in dreams and visions, the results mostly come from a
whole fuckova lot of lab work, experiments, and expensive equipment.

SOME people who are actually doing this research — other than Deborah —
are signed up to this very list (along with a slew of MD’s, but we won’t
even mention them).  As I may have mentioned before, being curious whether
or not they’re actually reading it, I have on occasion accidentally —
whoopsie! — signed some of them off it, to see if they read it, or just
toss it into some folder.  Without exception every one of them has signed
themselves right back on it, within 48 – 72 hours tops.  If they wanted to
share, well gosh, they sure could do so too.

Just saying,

But yes, very interesting abstract.  The floor is Wide Open for comments.


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 5:46:52 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 09:11:29PM +0000], [eric seitz] wrote:

<Blah> <bLAh> <blaH> <– Cut –>

| I am sick to death of therapy and groups and starting to ask myself which
| is the lesser of the two evils, treatment or just doing drugs.

Drugs are the lesser of two evils, when the choice is “treatment” or
drugs.  Drugs are pretty groovy.

| Has anyone reading this list tried Rational Recovery or SMART and had any
| degree of sucess with it at all? Or anything that is structured in some
| way, not a list of 20 suggestions that range from go skateboarding to go
| fly a kite, some system that is not the 12 steps and does not involve
| constant groups and therapy?
| I am really at wits end here and know I need to do something, I don’t know
| what that something is.
| Any advice is gratefully accepted on or off list.


Here is some very solid, simple advice.  Just for you.

[1]: You said you were going to the gym, so then keep doing that.  There
are many people who are just as addicted to that, as others are to mind
altering molecules.  Get some HGH and testosterone from a Dr. Feelgood
type dude, and make a structured workout plan.  “I will work arms today,
do aerobics tomorrow, I will do this many sets, these weights.”  If you’re
working out and have lots of spare time, it fucking WORKS dude, your
endorphins will go up and you’ll feel better.

[2]: You have money and time.  Stop bitching, if taking entheogens
violates your “recovery” paradigm, then get your ass on a plane, go sit in
the rain forest and dose with Ayahausca.  Go do entheogens in an
environment which is conducive to spiritual reintegration.  I did not say,
fuck everybody, and hold it together, I went to an ashram in Thailand for
over three months to retune my head.

[3]: Stop worrying about what everyone else is doing or not doing.  That’s
all 90% of the crap in “the rooms,” is.  A gossip session where people sit
and spin and babble about who’s doing who, or what, which starts
somewhere on some random piece of bullshit and spins stories sideways
from that.  Fuck that.  This is why I don’t even hang out with people in
“recovery.”  It’s like the Legion of Hall Monitors who are also
pathological liars and terminally bored.  If it never happened, they’ll
make it up and truly believe what they’re saying.  <shrug>

I do not know how well SMART or Rational Recovery works, go try it.

What is amazing to ME, is why people who turn their entire life into this
endless series of groups, shrinks, and paradigms of a Mysterious Disease,
wonder why the fuck they are so miserable.   Duh.

DO something.  Take some sort of action other than booking endless
appointments with your shrink and going to group whine sessions.  To
reiterate, the gym is GOOD.  If you’re already doing that, do it summore,
structure it if you enjoy structure, and go from there.


From: “eric seitz” <erictseitz@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] recovery options and the concept of addiction
Date: July 12, 2002 at 5:11:29 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’ve changed the topic because whether ibogaine alters genetic expression could be a very interesting thread if anyone who knew what they were talking about posted anything, which they won’t as you yourself pointed out in a roundabout way.

I don’t post anything often and when I do every few months it probably is a symptom of my own problems that I’m not owning. I have no problem at all with you, you’re a exceptional person. What bothers me is addiction itself.

I know many of the people who attempted to treat you, I know the after ibogaine scene in Miami, not one of them says anything except you are a nightmare and then starts to list all your problems. 3 years later I don’t think it means anything and I’m starting to think even they must realize that. I’ve read most of what you’ve written on ibogaine on recovery but I just can’t do it like that. I would desperetely love to tell all these people in my face to go fuck themselves and sail off down the yellow brick road where Dr. Mash for all intents and purposes adopts me and let’s me get away with anything I want, because I’m very smart and charming and that’s all that matters in her world especially when she can use you to promote anything she wants to say about addiction. She’s always right because you exist and didn’t take anyone’s advice but hers. In your world Dr. Mash is a wonderful person who’s mommy and everyone else is some asshole who annoyed you. And for you, that’s true.

What drives me crazy is I don’t understand. What did she ever see in you when you were some strung out mess that landed on her doorstep, threw a lit cigarette on her couch and told her what a bitch she is. That experience as I also think someone else from Miami ranted about on this list is one of the greatest moments of her life, she tells it at every ibogaine story session, “that’s my son! he told me to go fuck myself and not play that mommy shit!” and therapists are horrified. And she’s happy.

Therapists are horrified nearly says all of it, except add in additionologists and anybody else who knows anything about addiction.

How does this stuff work? How does it work for Y O U that’s different for everyone else. I read this list to hear people talk and see what they do and all of it is all over the place and doesn’t make any more sense then anything else.

Just when I think someone is making a lot of sense they slide in that by the way they’re on prescription pain meds or this or that, or something else and it doesn’t matter to me but I’m not sure how helpful any of their advice is when that was one of my problems to begin with.

You bother me because I’d like to do what you do, but I can’t. If i stop going to therapy and groups I will relapse, I’ve learned this. Even how you act or I’ve heard you act to be fair, I would say you smoke crack even if you don’t shoot heroin, except your bodily fluids come with a pedigree and anytime someone tosses out how insane you are, Dr. Mash throws back that she has blood, saliva and hair from you dating back for 3 years. It may glow in the dark from LSD but there is no opiate or cocaine in it.

That is amazing.

I am sick to death of therapy and groups and starting to ask myself which is the lesser of the two evils, treatment or just doing drugs.

Has anyone reading this list tried Rational Recovery or SMART and had any degree of sucess with it at all? Or anything that is structured in some way, not a list of 20 suggestions that range from go skateboarding to go fly a kite, some system that is not the 12 steps and does not involve constant groups and therapy?

I am really at wits end here and know I need to do something, I don’t know what that something is.

Any advice is gratefully accepted on or off list.


Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

From: NeuroSkull@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 12, 2002 at 4:37:25 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Jesus lives… Give or take those days His body was entombed.  Technically speaking He did die… But then came to life again..  So if you’re speaking pre-crucifixion then you’re almost there.  Post crucifixion, that’s another matter.

From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Blowing off steam
Date: July 12, 2002 at 3:12:34 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I agree with you Andria.  It’s time for patients to take the bull by the horns and advocate for their treatment, rather than sit and bitch and gripe about the methadone system.
I like you have been a MMT patient for over 20 yrs.  I’m a product of the late 60’s.

In being an advocate and going to the many conferences that we are so graciously accepted at, has helped me to understand the punitive and unrealistic ways we patients are treated.
Most clinics will not provide literature on our treatment, so I make it my duty to send home at least 3 full boxes of reading material for the patients at my clinic.  I do this at my own expense (sending 3 heavy boxes UPS is around $75.00 per box.)

Another way that I have advocated for the state that I am in,  was when the appropriations committee was going to extract $9 million from substance abuse, which would have closed the only clinic in my state.  I did my homework, went before the committee and presented my reasoning for this life saving treatment.  Guess what?  They put the money back into substance abuse and the rest is history.

You have to be ready to buck the system intelligently,  with drive and ambition.  Learn everything you can about federal and state guidelines, and above all demand respect.
These clinics (especially the not ~ for ~ profit orgs)  should be doing us a service, rather than using punitive and punishment to keep us in line.  One of my pet peeves is the “Graying of Methadone” and the way we “ol timers” are treated.  We are ageing, many have health problems, and have come through many years of treatment and we are still treated like someone that just walked in off the street  with a codiene habit.
Instead of blowing off steam on this site, blow it off intelligently with your director.  I know that they are hard nuts to crack, but if there is a will there must be a way.

Judith Ostergard…Advocates for Methadone Maintenance at Omaha…AMMO…

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes
Date: July 12, 2002 at 3:00:38 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 06:11:20PM +0000], [eric seitz] wrote:

| That’s not Patrick on psychoatives, that’s Patrick on Patrick. ‘and then I
| ran up and down the hallways yelling and throwing things and then I got a
| brain and cut it all up and then I got the networking working after the
| campus fell down and then I went to the playground and it was great and
| then I wrote 3 articles and then I met this really hot girl and I’m going
| out! and then I read a book on philosophy and then I did another brain and
| I want to start a band!’ is patrick. Patrick on psychoactives finally shuts
| up and calms down. If he is ever quiet and gentle, then he’s tripped a few
| days before.

Thank you for summarizing me.  Since you do not know me, and have met me
perhaps once or twice — okay it could be three times — you are basing
your information upon someone else’s characterization of me; prolly
Deborah, on whatever day(s) you were present when she talked sumplace, and
had Patrick stories to Share!

That’s just super-fine and speshul, so thanks.

| I’ve been reading this list nearly since it started, Patrick never says
| anything about anything except himself personally. If he did then he
| wouldn’t be with Dr. Mash for 3 years which I believe is almost a world
| record. He sees her every day, he works with this, he hangs out with her
| outside the job.

Yeah, and, so what…?  As I may have mentioned once or fifty times, it is
not MY science, MY data, or MY research.  Before being allowed to breath
the air in *Secure* and *Confidential* environments, I signed so many
nondisclosures my wrist hurt for a week.

If you have any questions regarding what Deborah is doing, then send her
some email or call her up.  She’s not hard to find, and I’m sure she’ll be
thrilled to chat with you and share.

| My own conclusion is that maybe what that young lady said is not so far
| wrong and the results of just how far ibogaine does go in making changes
| will scare the shit out of people, not calm them down.

This may or may not be true.  The TRUTH! has been known to produce mass
hysteria before.  Then again, maybe it won’t.  These are interesting times
to be alive; either alla that or the end of days, either one.

NONE of this alters the fact that ibogaine DOES WORK.  <shrug>  Whether or
not a molecule is legal, does not appear to change its efficacy.

| I guess we will all find out sooner or later.

As a minor aside, I posit that, the question of “How duz it
werk!?@#?!?!?!?21!!” will not be answered by chatting on a list.  While
the answers may come in dreams and visions, the results mostly come from a
whole fuckova lot of lab work, experiments, and expensive equipment.

SOME people who are actually doing this research — other than Deborah —
are signed up to this very list (along with a slew of MD’s, but we won’t
even mention them).  As I may have mentioned before, being curious whether
or not they’re actually reading it, I have on occasion accidentally —
whoopsie! — signed some of them off it, to see if they read it, or just
toss it into some folder.  Without exception every one of them has signed
themselves right back on it, within 48 – 72 hours tops.  If they wanted to
share, well gosh, they sure could do so too.

Just saying,

But yes, very interesting abstract.  The floor is Wide Open for comments.


From: “eric seitz” <erictseitz@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes
Date: July 12, 2002 at 2:11:20 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That’s not Patrick on psychoatives, that’s Patrick on Patrick. ‘and then I ran up and down the hallways yelling and throwing things and then I got a brain and cut it all up and then I got the networking working after the campus fell down and then I went to the playground and it was great and then I wrote 3 articles and then I met this really hot girl and I’m going out! and then I read a book on philosophy and then I did another brain and I want to start a band!’ is patrick. Patrick on psychoactives finally shuts up and calms down. If he is ever quiet and gentle, then he’s tripped a few days before.

Food for thought. Patrick doesn’t care because this isn’t news to him or anyone who’s heard Dr. Mash talk in the last year. She knows this already. You should ask yourself what she’s doing, someone who has over achieved for her entire life suddenly stops writing ibogaine papers. Where did all that research lead, who is she working with right now, it’s not drug addiction research anymore it’s brain research with biotech and gene companies.

I’ve been reading this list nearly since it started, Patrick never says anything about anything except himself personally. If he did then he wouldn’t be with Dr. Mash for 3 years which I believe is almost a world record. He sees her every day, he works with this, he hangs out with her outside the job.

My own conclusion is that maybe what that young lady said is not so far wrong and the results of just how far ibogaine does go in making changes will scare the shit out of people, not calm them down.

I guess we will all find out sooner or later.

My .02 cents.


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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes
Date: July 12, 2002 at 1:33:16 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Maybe you should lay off the psychoactive substances
for a while…

I would love to hear Howards comments (if any) on
ibogaine signaling genes.


Something creative and much better!

Just look at me, I walk upright most of the time, am
pretty coherent and
stuff on certain occasions and can remember things
real damn good.

Actually, all these answers and many others are kept
hidden in a locked,
booby-trapped chest, secreted beneath the hovering
anti-gravity altar
(shaped like a pyramid of course) which has been
erected to Mother Love
Bone, in the Libertarian Party World HQ.  They can
be viewed by
appointment only — please make reservations with
the Scientist from
Outer Space, using the Philip K. Dick travel agency
— after the
Illuminati brunch.


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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes
Date: July 12, 2002 at 12:55:57 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 10:11:44PM -0700], [Carla Barnes] wrote:

| re-writes genetic expression. Patrick describes it as
| hitting a reset on your brain and bringing you back to
| a “pre addiction modality”. So would this mean that
| ibogaine is re-writing genetic expression back to what
| it was prior to drug use, ibogaine is re-writing
| genetic expression to something else completely,
| ibogaine is re-writing genetic expression to what???

Something creative and much better!

Just look at me, I walk upright most of the time, am pretty coherent and
stuff on certain occasions and can remember things real damn good.

Actually, all these answers and many others are kept hidden in a locked,
booby-trapped chest, secreted beneath the hovering anti-gravity altar
(shaped like a pyramid of course) which has been erected to Mother Love
Bone, in the Libertarian Party World HQ.  They can be viewed by
appointment only — please make reservations with the Scientist from
Outer Space, using the Philip K. Dick travel agency — after the
Illuminati brunch.


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: ages
Date: July 12, 2002 at 12:26:20 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 12:03:23PM -0400], [preston peet] wrote:
| Yeah, that tapico is the bane of us old folk, me at 34- having
| cancelled my Sept. 11 birthday this year, deciding that I deserved an
| extra year at 34.;-))) (if you want to be literal about it, 35, but hey,
| like I said…)
| Peace,
| Preston

It didn’t count anyway, due to the unfortunate events of Sept 11th, the
whole entire year was cancelled.  We are presently stuck in a spiral
looping through the twilight zone, waiting for a gateway back into one of
a possible series of consensual realities.  Hopefully the place we land
will not be 2003 on 1984, Big Brother LOVES YOU!  If that happens, that
fuck that noise mahn, I’m moving to another parallel universe, and just
leaving some of my clones here.


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 12, 2002 at 12:23:03 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Fri, Jul 12, 2002 at 08:31:36AM -0700], [G. Ratte’] wrote:

| — Joshua Tinnin <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com> wrote:
| > Well, am I the ancient one here at the creaky ol’ age of 32?
| Nah, we’re both decrepit… I’m 32 also.
| I keep nodding off into my tapioca, damn.

Don’t worry, titanium implants are NO LONGER necessary!  They have
exciting gnu biocompatible synthetic materials to INSERT into your jaw!
You’ll be eatin’ tapioca forever n ever!

I have outlived Morrison and Cobain, lettuce sea if I can make it past
Jesus, since I am now at the final year he made it to; that being 33.

Dr. Kroupa / Geriatrics on Entheogens

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: ages
Date: July 12, 2002 at 12:03:23 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Yeah, that tapico is the bane of us old folk, me at 34- having cancelled my Sept. 11 birthday this year, deciding that I deserved an extra year at 34.;-))) (if you want to be literal about it, 35, but hey, like I said…)
—– Original Message —–
From: G. Ratte’
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?

— Joshua Tinnin <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com> wrote:
> Well, am I the ancient one here at the creaky ol’ age of 32?

Nah, we’re both decrepit… I’m 32 also.

I keep nodding off into my tapioca, damn.

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From: “G. Ratte'” <z3kpw@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 12, 2002 at 11:31:36 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— Joshua Tinnin <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com> wrote:
Well, am I the ancient one here at the creaky ol’ age of 32?

Nah, we’re both decrepit… I’m 32 also.

I keep nodding off into my tapioca, damn.

Do You Yahoo!?
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From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 12, 2002 at 10:31:07 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Well, am I the ancient one here at the creaky ol’ age of 32?

– jt

(just joined, but happy to be here – kudos to Preston for the pointer)

—– Original Message —–
From: “Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt” <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>

Still only 28! I ain’t gonna say how old I become tomorrow, but all cards
can be sent to….!!!!!
Tnx for putting record straight

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk

—–Original Message—–
From: Carla Barnes [mailto:carlambarnes@yahoo.com]
Sent: 11 July 2002 05:34
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?

Curtis I wanted to thank you for taking the time to
set the story straight about Mother Love Bone and how
it relates to everything. Really I was worried the
full story would never be told and then you came along
and did just that. 😉

I’m not being serious, welcome to the list! Stick
around. I wouldn’t know a Motherlovebone lyric from
dr. seuss, both of which I guess are embeded in
mindvox but I did remember say hello 2 heaven and
pushing forward back. Reachdown I think I liked but I
don’t remember anything about it except it was 15
minutes long and hard to follow. But pretty if very

I never said I was 18? I wish I was! Add a 10 to that
number. That’s a lot of years to strip away. Can
ibogaine do that one too? 😉

Carla B

— Curtis  Hersch <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>

Andrew Wood started what’s now called grunge, or
what was called
grunge. His roomate was Chris Cornell from
Soundgarden and 2 of
the people in his band added Eddie Vedder and formed
Pearl Jam a
year later. The only full EP to come out was Shine,
Apple was
released right after Andrew OD’d. They are both
collecter’s items
and very expensive but you can get the re release in
a double CD
called Mother Love Bone.

Temple of the Dog  is a line taken from the Man of
Golden Words.
If you want a taste of it go on kazaa and search for
that one,
Crown of Thorns which is one of the best songs about
ever written and Stardog Champion is great too.
Those are the
easiest to get into. If you like them go get the
double CD. Pearl
Jam released 23 double CD’s in 2001 and in concert
they have many
MLB covers. There is also a Ten demo which features
Vedder doing
Andrew Wood’s material before they have written
their own.

Temple of the Dog was one CD from the former members
of MLB and
Chris Cornell from Soundgarden. It was released and
sold nothing.
2 years later Soundgarden released badmotorfinger
and pearl Jam
released Ten, which was one of the highest selling
CDs of all
time. They reissued Temple and it went platinum 5 or
6 times, you
can look up more info at

I thank you all for the advice and am doing some
heavy reading. So
far I have found tag lines on Mindvox from Temple,
Man of Golden
Words and the kicker Crown of Thorns! That is so
righteous man!
I’m not sure who all is here but I like what I see
and I’m glad I
found this place. Man that was a weird series of
clicks. All

I don’t mean to fill up your list with MLB trivia
but wanted to
set the record straight


Do You Yahoo!?
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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 12, 2002 at 9:13:20 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Still only 28! I ain’t gonna say how old I become tomorrow, but all cards
can be sent to….!!!!!
Tnx for putting record straight

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Carla Barnes [mailto:carlambarnes@yahoo.com]
Sent: 11 July 2002 05:34
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?

Curtis I wanted to thank you for taking the time to
set the story straight about Mother Love Bone and how
it relates to everything. Really I was worried the
full story would never be told and then you came along
and did just that. 😉

I’m not being serious, welcome to the list! Stick
around. I wouldn’t know a Motherlovebone lyric from
dr. seuss, both of which I guess are embeded in
mindvox but I did remember say hello 2 heaven and
pushing forward back. Reachdown I think I liked but I
don’t remember anything about it except it was 15
minutes long and hard to follow. But pretty if very

I never said I was 18? I wish I was! Add a 10 to that
number. That’s a lot of years to strip away. Can
ibogaine do that one too? 😉

Carla B

— Curtis  Hersch <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>

Andrew Wood started what’s now called grunge, or
what was called
grunge. His roomate was Chris Cornell from
Soundgarden and 2 of
the people in his band added Eddie Vedder and formed
Pearl Jam a
year later. The only full EP to come out was Shine,
Apple was
released right after Andrew OD’d. They are both
collecter’s items
and very expensive but you can get the re release in
a double CD
called Mother Love Bone.

Temple of the Dog  is a line taken from the Man of
Golden Words.
If you want a taste of it go on kazaa and search for
that one,
Crown of Thorns which is one of the best songs about
ever written and Stardog Champion is great too.
Those are the
easiest to get into. If you like them go get the
double CD. Pearl
Jam released 23 double CD’s in 2001 and in concert
they have many
MLB covers. There is also a Ten demo which features
Vedder doing
Andrew Wood’s material before they have written
their own.

Temple of the Dog was one CD from the former members
of MLB and
Chris Cornell from Soundgarden. It was released and
sold nothing.
2 years later Soundgarden released badmotorfinger
and pearl Jam
released Ten, which was one of the highest selling
CDs of all
time. They reissued Temple and it went platinum 5 or
6 times, you
can look up more info at

I thank you all for the advice and am doing some
heavy reading. So
far I have found tag lines on Mindvox from Temple,
Man of Golden
Words and the kicker Crown of Thorns! That is so
righteous man!
I’m not sure who all is here but I like what I see
and I’m glad I
found this place. Man that was a weird series of
clicks. All

I don’t mean to fill up your list with MLB trivia
but wanted to
set the record straight


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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes
Date: July 12, 2002 at 1:11:44 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That one guy who shows up with some questions every
couple of weeks and then leaves mentions that, quoting
the entheogen review article, saying that ibogaine
re-writes genetic expression. Patrick describes it as
hitting a reset on your brain and bringing you back to
a “pre addiction modality”. So would this mean that
ibogaine is re-writing genetic expression back to what
it was prior to drug use, ibogaine is re-writing
genetic expression to something else completely,
ibogaine is re-writing genetic expression to what???

What does it mean exactly to “re-write” genetic

I don’t want to sound dumb and if anyone has anything
I should read I will, I am realllllly curious. And if
it does all this isn’t that just going to make the FDA
much more paranoid and crazy about it, instead of more

Carla B

— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:
Ann N Y Acad Sci 2002 Jun;965:28-46

Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes and Methamphetamine
Alteration of Long-Term


Onaivi ES, Ali SF, Chirwa SS, Zwiller J, Thiriet N,
Akinshola BE, Ishiguro H.

Department of Biology, William Paterson University,
Wayne, New Jersey 07470,


The mapping of the human genetic code will enable us
to identify potential

gene products involved in human addictions and
diseases that have hereditary

components. Thus, large-scale, parallel
gene-expression studies, made

possible by advances in microarray technologies,
have shown insights into the

connection between specific genes, or sets of genes,
and human diseases. The

compulsive use of addictive substances despite
adverse consequences continues

to affect society, and the science underlying these
addictions in general is

intensively studied. Pharmacological treatment of
drug and alcohol addiction

has largely been disappointing, and new therapeutic
targets and hypotheses

are needed. As the usefulness of the pharmacotherapy
of addiction has been

limited, an emerging potential, yet controversial,
therapeutic agent is the

natural alkaloid ibogaine. We have continued to
investigate programs of gene

expression and the putative signaling molecules used
by psychostimulants such

as amphetamine in in vivo and in vitro models. Our
work and that of others

reveal that complex but defined signal transduction
pathways are associated

with psychostimulant administration and that there
is broad-spectrum

regulation of these signals by ibogaine. We report
that the actions of

methamphetamine were similar to those of cocaine,
including the propensity to

alter long-term potentiation (LTP) in the
hippocampus of the rat brain. This

action suggests that there may be a “threshold”
beyond which the excessive

brain stimulation that probably occurs with
compulsive psychostimulant use

results in the occlusion of LTP. The influence of
ibogaine on immediate early

genes (IEGs) and other candidate genes possibly
regulated by psychostimulants

and other abused substances requires further
evaluation in compulsive use,

reward, relapse, tolerance, craving and withdrawal
reactions. It is therefore

tempting to suggest that ibogaine signals addiction
gene products.

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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] vaccines a’comin’
Date: July 12, 2002 at 12:54:02 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That’s so disgusting. I mean it’s not if someone wants
that, but you knowwwwwwwwwwwwww this kind of stuff and
what drugabusesciences puts out is going to end up
being forced on people as part of court proceedings,
parole, probation, all of that. It’s turning people
into cattle.

When I read all that crap on
http://www.drugabusesciences.com they are so excited
at the idea of locking down people’s state of mind.

I’m venting but the whole idea of innoculating people
against getting high is sooooooooooo sick.

Carla B

— Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org> wrote:

Pubdate: Fri,  5 Jul 2002
Source: Wall Street Journal (US)
Copyright: 2002 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Contact: wsj.ltrs@wsj.com
Website: http://www.wsj.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/487
Author: Gautam Naik, Staff Reporter Of The Wall
Street Journal
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/rehab.htm


Recently, about 50 smokers in Belgium were injected
with an unusual drug
code-named TA-NIC. After taking as many as five
doses over 10 weeks, two
smokers quit. Several others reported a lower desire
to smoke, according to
Xenova PLC, the drug’s British maker.

The experimental drug is one of the first attempts
to design an antismoking
vaccine. By producing antibodies in the user’s
blood, it prevents nicotine
molecules from entering the brain and triggering a
“high.” Denied such
pleasure, a smoker theoretically has less incentive
to light up.

Vaccines are just one of several new approaches to
fighting the escalating
problem of addiction. About 1.2 million people in
Western Europe and 3.2
million Americans are hooked on hard drugs such as
heroin, cocaine and
speed, according to the United Nations. Millions
more are dependent on
tobacco and alcohol.



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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] vaccines a’comin’
Date: July 11, 2002 at 6:25:53 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Pubdate: Fri,  5 Jul 2002
Source: Wall Street Journal (US)
Copyright: 2002 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Contact: wsj.ltrs@wsj.com
Website: http://www.wsj.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/487
Author: Gautam Naik, Staff Reporter Of The Wall Street Journal
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/rehab.htm (Treatment)


Recently, about 50 smokers in Belgium were injected with an unusual drug
code-named TA-NIC. After taking as many as five doses over 10 weeks, two
smokers quit. Several others reported a lower desire to smoke, according to
Xenova PLC, the drug’s British maker.

The experimental drug is one of the first attempts to design an antismoking
vaccine. By producing antibodies in the user’s blood, it prevents nicotine
molecules from entering the brain and triggering a “high.” Denied such
pleasure, a smoker theoretically has less incentive to light up.

Vaccines are just one of several new approaches to fighting the escalating
problem of addiction. About 1.2 million people in Western Europe and 3.2
million Americans are hooked on hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine and
speed, according to the United Nations. Millions more are dependent on
tobacco and alcohol.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02.n1237.a01.html


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes
Date: July 11, 2002 at 1:46:37 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Ann N Y Acad Sci 2002 Jun;965:28-46


Ibogaine Signals Addiction Genes and Methamphetamine Alteration of Long-Term


Onaivi ES, Ali SF, Chirwa SS, Zwiller J, Thiriet N, Akinshola BE, Ishiguro H.

Department of Biology, William Paterson University, Wayne, New Jersey 07470,


The mapping of the human genetic code will enable us to identify potential

gene products involved in human addictions and diseases that have hereditary

components. Thus, large-scale, parallel gene-expression studies, made

possible by advances in microarray technologies, have shown insights into the

connection between specific genes, or sets of genes, and human diseases. The

compulsive use of addictive substances despite adverse consequences continues

to affect society, and the science underlying these addictions in general is

intensively studied. Pharmacological treatment of drug and alcohol addiction

has largely been disappointing, and new therapeutic targets and hypotheses

are needed. As the usefulness of the pharmacotherapy of addiction has been

limited, an emerging potential, yet controversial, therapeutic agent is the

natural alkaloid ibogaine. We have continued to investigate programs of gene

expression and the putative signaling molecules used by psychostimulants such

as amphetamine in in vivo and in vitro models. Our work and that of others

reveal that complex but defined signal transduction pathways are associated

with psychostimulant administration and that there is broad-spectrum

regulation of these signals by ibogaine. We report that the actions of

methamphetamine were similar to those of cocaine, including the propensity to

alter long-term potentiation (LTP) in the hippocampus of the rat brain. This

action suggests that there may be a “threshold” beyond which the excessive

brain stimulation that probably occurs with compulsive psychostimulant use

results in the occlusion of LTP. The influence of ibogaine on immediate early

genes (IEGs) and other candidate genes possibly regulated by psychostimulants

and other abused substances requires further evaluation in compulsive use,

reward, relapse, tolerance, craving and withdrawal reactions. It is therefore

tempting to suggest that ibogaine signals addiction gene products.

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] does this prove anything?
Date: July 11, 2002 at 12:43:38 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02.n1221.a04.html
Webpage: http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=01072002-113615-3662r

Pubdate: Mon, 01 Jul 2002
Source: United Press International (Wire)
Copyright: 2002 United Press International
Webpage: http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=01072002-113615-3662r
Author: Charles Choi, UPI Science News, New York

Science And Technology Desk


OKAYAMA, Japan — Genetic anomalies tied with marijuana-activated brain
chemicals appear linked to schizophrenia, Japanese researchers report.

“This result provides genetic evidence that marijuana use can result in
schizophrenia or a significantly increased risk of schizophrenia,” lead
researcher Hiroshi Ujike, a clinical psychiatrist at Okayama University,
told United Press International.

Schizophrenia is one of the greatest mental health challenges in the world,
affecting roughly one of every 100 people and filling about a quarter of
all hospital beds in the United States. For years, clinical scientists have
known that abusing marijuana, also known as cannabis, can trigger
hallucinations and delusions similar to symptoms often found in
schizophrenia. Prior studies also show that cannabis used before age 18
raises the risk of schizophrenia six-fold.

[continues: 38 lines]

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] prostitution, medical marijuana, and invite
Date: July 11, 2002 at 9:54:51 AM EDT
To: <drugwar@mindvox.com>
Cc: “CRRH” <restore@crrh.org>, “cia-drugs” <cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com>, “DRCNet” <drcnet@drcnet.org>, “efficacy” <efficacy@email.msn.com>, <FreedomNewsNet@aol.com>, <ibogaine@mindvox.com>, “Drug Policy Forum Tri-State [DE, NJ, PA]” <liberty_action@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi all,
And Good Morning! (Wow, England isn’t arresting pot smoker- how are they buying it there if sales are still arrestable offenses?) Since the US federal government has been raiding medical marijuana clubs in California (and elsewhere, no?) due to their being in violation of federal law, I’ve been wondering: Has anyone ever heard of a federal agency raiding a licensed by the state house of ill repute in Nevada because prostitution is against federal law? Or is it against federal law?
Am I onto something here that could be used legally, or am I barking up the wrong tree? I never thought of this before. I could swear prostitution is against US federal law, but I could be wrong.

On another note, in cooperation with Andria at Drug Scope UK, and publisher of Users Voice in London, and with a ton of help both spiritual and technical from the brilliant, and thus as expected crazy folk at Mindvox.com, Drugwar has a new email list. We’d like to invite you all, and all your friends, relatives, enemies, pets, politicians, and anyone else who might not fit one of these catagories, to join us as we discuss, plot, plan, ramble and more, attempting to figure out how we got this far into such a pointless and destructive war, how it’s possible that we remain embroiled in aforementioned war, and how in the heck do we get ourselves out.

As our calm, rational, and utterly brilliant tech design guy/friend Patrick put it last night:
“if you wanna subscribe to drugwar, the address is:
This just opened roughly 3 minutes ago, the list will go wherever whomever
takes it, but primarily it is being run by Preston & Andria, and/or Andria
and Preston.  Although I’m sure I’ll provide occasional thoughtful
insights, and brief introspective moments of reasonable discourse.

Its purpose is to provide you with an up to the minute hotlist of the
best spots to cop on planet earth.  No wait, that’s the Drug Database &
Beeper/Cellphone eXchange, coming Any Minute Now.
Mostly the purpose of the list is to move the more Drug War related
conversations and materials…”

We look forward to many spirited postings, debates, arguments, cooperation and more, at least until we end this stupid, evil war. Join us!
Preston Peet
Editor in Chief http://www.drugwar.com
cont. High Times mag/.com


From: “G. Ratte'” <z3kpw@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Blip
Date: July 11, 2002 at 9:40:31 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

BEHOLD THE WONDER!  Steve Ballmer (who absolutely,
and without
a doubt, does NOT smoke crack):

Yeah, but he does have horrible taste in music.  What music does he pick to
make his grand entrance?  Gloria Estefan.  Dork.

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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 11, 2002 at 9:10:15 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>I never said I was 18? I wish I was! Add a 10 to that
number. That’s a lot of years to strip away. Can
ibogaine do that one too? ;-)<

Oh yeah, LOL!!!
I have to say, any hesitation I myself have had over taking ibogaine, if it can strip 10 years away, and give it BACK to me, then heck, I’m there!
Sorry Carla, I think it may have been Vector making me feel like such an old guy, but I told Andria I thought is was you. I can be a bit fuzzy headed sometimes.
Don’t really understand why though.;-))
—– Original Message —–
From: Carla Barnes
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?

Curtis I wanted to thank you for taking the time to
set the story straight about Mother Love Bone and how
it relates to everything. Really I was worried the
full story would never be told and then you came along
and did just that. 😉

I’m not being serious, welcome to the list! Stick
around. I wouldn’t know a Motherlovebone lyric from
dr. seuss, both of which I guess are embeded in
mindvox but I did remember say hello 2 heaven and
pushing forward back. Reachdown I think I liked but I
don’t remember anything about it except it was 15
minutes long and hard to follow. But pretty if very

I never said I was 18? I wish I was! Add a 10 to that
number. That’s a lot of years to strip away. Can
ibogaine do that one too? 😉

Carla B

— Curtis  Hersch <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
> Andrew Wood started what’s now called grunge, or
> what was called
> grunge. His roomate was Chris Cornell from
> Soundgarden and 2 of
> the people in his band added Eddie Vedder and formed
> Pearl Jam a
> year later. The only full EP to come out was Shine,
> Apple was
> released right after Andrew OD’d. They are both
> collecter’s items
> and very expensive but you can get the re release in
> a double CD
> called Mother Love Bone.
> Temple of the Dog  is a line taken from the Man of
> Golden Words.
> If you want a taste of it go on kazaa and search for
> that one,
> Crown of Thorns which is one of the best songs about
> addiction
> ever written and Stardog Champion is great too.
> Those are the
> easiest to get into. If you like them go get the
> double CD. Pearl
> Jam released 23 double CD’s in 2001 and in concert
> they have many
> MLB covers. There is also a Ten demo which features
> Vedder doing
> Andrew Wood’s material before they have written
> their own.
> Temple of the Dog was one CD from the former members
> of MLB and
> Chris Cornell from Soundgarden. It was released and
> sold nothing.
> 2 years later Soundgarden released badmotorfinger
> and pearl Jam
> released Ten, which was one of the highest selling
> CDs of all
> time. They reissued Temple and it went platinum 5 or
> 6 times, you
> can look up more info at
> http://www.reachdown.com
> I thank you all for the advice and am doing some
> heavy reading. So
> far I have found tag lines on Mindvox from Temple,
> Man of Golden
> Words and the kicker Crown of Thorns! That is so
> righteous man!
> I’m not sure who all is here but I like what I see
> and I’m glad I
> found this place. Man that was a weird series of
> clicks. All
> right!
> I don’t mean to fill up your list with MLB trivia
> but wanted to
> set the record straight
> Curtis

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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Blip
Date: July 11, 2002 at 12:36:56 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That is so gross. Yuck!!!!!

Although. He is ugly and very fat and disgusting. But
he sure does get really excited. Maybe he’s fun in bed
That squeeling sound he’s making has got to go though.

Carla B

— Curtis  Hersch <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>

Kewl man, I signed up for the new list. I do not
know who that
stuck pig howling jumping around on the stage bro
is, but that is
some seriously scary shit. Looking at him makes my
chest hurt and
start to think what my cholesterol must be like.
That’s a
microsoft executive? No wonder I always see that
blue crashed

bro that is ill.


On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 Patrick K. Kroupa wrote :
Okay I gotta bounce, two things before I leave.

First, if you wanna subscribe to drugwar, the
address is:


This just opened roughly 3 minutes ago, the list
will go wherever
takes it, but primarily it is being run by Preston
& Andria,
and/or Andria
and Preston.  Although I’m sure I’ll provide
insights, and brief introspective moments of

Its purpose is to provide you with an up to the
minute hotlist of
best spots to cop on planet earth.  No wait, that’s
the Drug
Database &
Beeper/Cellphone eXchange, coming Any Minute Now.

Mostly the purpose of the list is to move the more
Drug War
conversations and materials, somewhere else, off
the ibogaine
list.  Plus,
also, Andria asked for it.  So there it is!

In conclusion, this is old, but I just found it
again.  It’s
amusing.  Conclusive Fully Documented Proof that
Micro$oft does
drug-test its employees.

Keep in mind that the dude who is doing what he’s
doing here
provided in every format on the whole entire
planet) is a
several times over, and really doesn’t need to be
doin’ dis:

BEHOLD THE WONDER!  Steve Ballmer (who absolutely,
and without
a doubt, does NOT smoke crack):


Sum of the links faw down go boom, these definitely




There is always a better job for you at
Go now http://monsterindia.rediff.com/jobs

Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 11, 2002 at 12:33:53 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Curtis I wanted to thank you for taking the time to
set the story straight about Mother Love Bone and how
it relates to everything. Really I was worried the
full story would never be told and then you came along
and did just that. 😉

I’m not being serious, welcome to the list! Stick
around. I wouldn’t know a Motherlovebone lyric from
dr. seuss, both of which I guess are embeded in
mindvox but I did remember say hello 2 heaven and
pushing forward back. Reachdown I think I liked but I
don’t remember anything about it except it was 15
minutes long and hard to follow. But pretty if very

I never said I was 18? I wish I was! Add a 10 to that
number. That’s a lot of years to strip away. Can
ibogaine do that one too? 😉

Carla B

— Curtis  Hersch <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>

Andrew Wood started what’s now called grunge, or
what was called
grunge. His roomate was Chris Cornell from
Soundgarden and 2 of
the people in his band added Eddie Vedder and formed
Pearl Jam a
year later. The only full EP to come out was Shine,
Apple was
released right after Andrew OD’d. They are both
collecter’s items
and very expensive but you can get the re release in
a double CD
called Mother Love Bone.

Temple of the Dog  is a line taken from the Man of
Golden Words.
If you want a taste of it go on kazaa and search for
that one,
Crown of Thorns which is one of the best songs about
ever written and Stardog Champion is great too.
Those are the
easiest to get into. If you like them go get the
double CD. Pearl
Jam released 23 double CD’s in 2001 and in concert
they have many
MLB covers. There is also a Ten demo which features
Vedder doing
Andrew Wood’s material before they have written
their own.

Temple of the Dog was one CD from the former members
of MLB and
Chris Cornell from Soundgarden. It was released and
sold nothing.
2 years later Soundgarden released badmotorfinger
and pearl Jam
released Ten, which was one of the highest selling
CDs of all
time. They reissued Temple and it went platinum 5 or
6 times, you
can look up more info at

I thank you all for the advice and am doing some
heavy reading. So
far I have found tag lines on Mindvox from Temple,
Man of Golden
Words and the kicker Crown of Thorns! That is so
righteous man!
I’m not sure who all is here but I like what I see
and I’m glad I
found this place. Man that was a weird series of
clicks. All

I don’t mean to fill up your list with MLB trivia
but wanted to
set the record straight


Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Blip
Date: July 10, 2002 at 9:35:57 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Kewl man, I signed up for the new list. I do not know who that stuck pig howling jumping around on the stage bro is, but that is some seriously scary shit. Looking at him makes my chest hurt and start to think what my cholesterol must be like. That’s a microsoft executive? No wonder I always see that blue crashed screen.

bro that is ill.


On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 Patrick K. Kroupa wrote :
Okay I gotta bounce, two things before I leave.

First, if you wanna subscribe to drugwar, the address is:


This just opened roughly 3 minutes ago, the list will go wherever whomever
takes it, but primarily it is being run by Preston & Andria, and/or Andria
and Preston.  Although I’m sure I’ll provide occasional thoughtful
insights, and brief introspective moments of reasonable discourse.

Its purpose is to provide you with an up to the minute hotlist of the
best spots to cop on planet earth.  No wait, that’s the Drug Database &
Beeper/Cellphone eXchange, coming Any Minute Now.

Mostly the purpose of the list is to move the more Drug War related
conversations and materials, somewhere else, off the ibogaine list.  Plus,
also, Andria asked for it.  So there it is!

In conclusion, this is old, but I just found it again.  It’s still
amusing.  Conclusive Fully Documented Proof that Micro$oft does not
drug-test its employees.

Keep in mind that the dude who is doing what he’s doing here (conveniently
provided in every format on the whole entire planet) is a billionaire,
several times over, and really doesn’t need to be doin’ dis:

BEHOLD THE WONDER!  Steve Ballmer (who absolutely, positively, and without
a doubt, does NOT smoke crack):


Sum of the links faw down go boom, these definitely work:




There is always a better job for you at Monsterindia.com.
Go now http://monsterindia.rediff.com/jobs

From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: Re: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 10, 2002 at 9:25:38 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Andrew Wood started what’s now called grunge, or what was called grunge. His roomate was Chris Cornell from Soundgarden and 2 of the people in his band added Eddie Vedder and formed Pearl Jam a year later. The only full EP to come out was Shine, Apple was released right after Andrew OD’d. They are both collecter’s items and very expensive but you can get the re release in a double CD called Mother Love Bone.

Temple of the Dog  is a line taken from the Man of Golden Words. If you want a taste of it go on kazaa and search for that one, Crown of Thorns which is one of the best songs about addiction ever written and Stardog Champion is great too. Those are the easiest to get into. If you like them go get the double CD. Pearl Jam released 23 double CD’s in 2001 and in concert they have many MLB covers. There is also a Ten demo which features Vedder doing Andrew Wood’s material before they have written their own.

Temple of the Dog was one CD from the former members of MLB and Chris Cornell from Soundgarden. It was released and sold nothing. 2 years later Soundgarden released badmotorfinger and pearl Jam released Ten, which was one of the highest selling CDs of all time. They reissued Temple and it went platinum 5 or 6 times, you can look up more info at

I thank you all for the advice and am doing some heavy reading. So far I have found tag lines on Mindvox from Temple, Man of Golden Words and the kicker Crown of Thorns! That is so righteous man! I’m not sure who all is here but I like what I see and I’m glad I found this place. Man that was a weird series of clicks. All right!

I don’t mean to fill up your list with MLB trivia but wanted to set the record straight


On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 preston peet wrote :
>I found this questionnaire while looking up what mother love bone is by the way. <

I was just thinking about aging, thanks Vector.;-))
Check out the band Temple of the Dog, their one whole album (that I know of) is dedicated basically to Mother Love Bone’s singer, who od’d, and has some of the band playing, along with the singer from Sound Garden. “Say Hello to Heaven” is a great song, as are a couple other on that short album.
—– Original Message —–
From: vector6@space.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 1:43 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] ibogaine?

You people are nuts 🙂 Here is the greatest questionnaire I have ever read. I found this questionnaire while looking up what mother love bone is by the way. I didn’t know what you old people were talking about 🙂 http://www.superbad.com/submit/index.html .:vector:.
Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

There is always a better job for you at Monsterindia.com.
Go now http://monsterindia.rediff.com/jobs

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Blip
Date: July 10, 2002 at 6:50:53 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Okay I gotta bounce, two things before I leave.

First, if you wanna subscribe to drugwar, the address is:


This just opened roughly 3 minutes ago, the list will go wherever whomever
takes it, but primarily it is being run by Preston & Andria, and/or Andria
and Preston.  Although I’m sure I’ll provide occasional thoughtful
insights, and brief introspective moments of reasonable discourse.

Its purpose is to provide you with an up to the minute hotlist of the
best spots to cop on planet earth.  No wait, that’s the Drug Database &
Beeper/Cellphone eXchange, coming Any Minute Now.

Mostly the purpose of the list is to move the more Drug War related
conversations and materials, somewhere else, off the ibogaine list.  Plus,
also, Andria asked for it.  So there it is!

In conclusion, this is old, but I just found it again.  It’s still
amusing.  Conclusive Fully Documented Proof that Micro$oft does not
drug-test its employees.

Keep in mind that the dude who is doing what he’s doing here (conveniently
provided in every format on the whole entire planet) is a billionaire,
several times over, and really doesn’t need to be doin’ dis:

BEHOLD THE WONDER!  Steve Ballmer (who absolutely, positively, and without
a doubt, does NOT smoke crack):


Sum of the links faw down go boom, these definitely work:




From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Okay… No Fucking Way
Date: July 10, 2002 at 3:45:51 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/10/02 3:14:32 PM, digital@phantom.com writes:

“The Horror of being ADDICTED to nicotine gum!  Hitting Bottom!  The
terrible dangers of being drug dependent!”


Hey Patrick,

Do you have any ibogaine stories in recovermagazine.com?


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Okay… No Fucking Way
Date: July 10, 2002 at 3:06:18 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Everytime I think I’ve seen everything, I realize I haven’t.

This is amazing.  An entire magazine for people who wish they had drug

“The Horror of being ADDICTED to nicotine gum!  Hitting Bottom!  The
terrible dangers of being drug dependant!”




From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 10, 2002 at 8:41:11 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

LOL, no, it came to my attention last night Andria, that it is not Carla, (well, she could be too I suppose) who is quite this young, it is Vector. I think. See the “mother love bone” (ibogaine?) post of last night.
—– Original Message —–
From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
To: ‘ibogaine@mindvox.com’
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 8:21 AM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations


Are you really 18 yrs old? Just curious. I thought u were lot older!

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Carla Barnes [mailto:carlambarnes@yahoo.com]
Sent: 10 July 2002 06:03
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations

All of you are crazy, how do I get off this list? 😉

Thanks, at least once a week usually more often when I
check my mailbox and read this list, I laugh my ass

I love all of you 🙂

Patrick here is some free psychiatric advice, or let
me put up a sign with ‘.5 cents please’ written over
it since I’m sure it will be a big revalation to you
🙂 Your problem is not being half the DSM plus one or
minus one, you’re problem is there are at least 5
people inside you having a power struggle. At least
two of them are amazingly good people, one is a
comedian, I’m not sure I’ve figured out who the fourth
one is, the fifth one walked off the set of a Mad Max
movie 🙂

Good night! Great day, Howard posts Rolling Stones
lyrics I think that’s a first 🙂

Carla B

— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
> On [Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 10:34:27PM -0400],
> [HSLotsof@aol.com] wrote:
> | It’s all in jest Preston.  But, with the cocaine
> cartels having their IT
> | specialists, if the mini sub carrying a massive
> shipment of ibogaine did
> | evade the dea could mindvox be far behind.  It
> seems I have to blame someone
> | and Patrick is well, just there!
> Look, it wasn’t me.  I wasn’t even on planet earth
> at the time.  Do you
> have any PROOF…?  …is it good?  …do you accept
> bribes?
> | To a great extent profit potential and ibogaine
> have missed each other all
> | over the map.  But, there is still the romance,
> the adventure and the good
> | that comes out of it.  How do those Stone’s lyrics
> go?  You can’t always get
> | what you want but, sometimes if you try real
> hard…you can get what you
> | need.  Now what would that be?
> Would all of you crazy people please stop!  This is
> a *serious* list that
> deals with drug addiction, misery, strife, blood,
> sweat, tears, pain,
> suicide, genocide, plus, also, depression.  There is
> entirely too much
> levity here.  Humor is a clear violation of the USA
> Patriot Act!
> oh hey, p.s., Libertarian News!!!  And yes, we are
> starting the drugwar
> list, and will move all of this sideways tomorrow.
> Patrick
>    July 9, 2002
>    Vol. 7, No. 12
>    Circulation: 50,130 in 100 countries
>    Published by the Advocates for Self-Government.
>    Created and edited by Paul Schmidt,
> mailto:paul@self-gov.org
>    Co-edited by James W. Harris,
> mailto:james@self-gov.org
>    by James W. Harris
> Major U.S. Religious Body Calls for End to Drug War
>    The General Assembly of the Unitarian
> Universalists Association
>    (UUA) — representing more than 1,000
> congregations throughout the
>    United States — has passed a Statement of
> Conscience calling for
>    “Alternatives to the War on Drugs.”
>    The UUA declared “We do not believe that drug use
> should be
>    considered criminal behavior.” They further
> declared that “the
>    consequences of the current drug war are cruel
> and
>    counterproductive,” and called for “alternatives
> that regard the
>    reduction of harm as the appropriate standard by
> which to assess
>    drug policies.”
>     The declaration is the strongest anti-Drug War
> statement thus far
>    by any major U.S. religious denomination. And the
> Unitarian
>    Universalists say they plan to encourage other
> people of faith to
>    adopt similar views.
>    “As Unitarian Universalists, we are called by our
> religious values
>    to speak out against misguided policies,” said
> the Rev. William
>    Sinkford, president of the Unitarian Universalist
> Association. “The
>    so-called ‘War on Drugs’ is creating violence,
> endangering children,
>    clogging the criminal justice system, eroding
> civil liberties, and
>    disproportionately punishing people of color.
> It’s time for a
>    cease-fire.”
>    If adapted, the UUA’s proposals would be a major
> step toward ending
>    the War on Drugs. Key points of the UUA’s
> statement include:
>    * “Establish a legal, regulated, and taxed market
> for marijuana.
>    Treat marijuana as we treat alcohol.”
>    * “Remove criminal penalties for possession and
> use of currently
>    illegal drugs, with drug abusers subject to
> arrest and imprisonment
>    only if they commit an actual crime (e.g.,
> assault, burglary,
>    impaired driving, vandalism).”
>    * “Drug use, drug abuse, and drug addiction are
> distinct from one
>    another. Using a drug does not necessarily mean
> abusing the drug,
>    much less addiction to it. Drug abuse issues are
> essentially matters
>    for medical attention. We do not believe that
> drug use should be
>    considered criminal behavior.”
>    * “Make all drugs legally available with a
> prescription by a
>    licensed physician, subject to professional
> oversight. End the
>    practice of punishing an individual for
> obtaining, possessing, or
>    using an otherwise illegal substance to treat a
> medical condition,”
>    and allow “medically administered drug
> maintenance” as a treatment
>    option for drug addiction.
>    “We are hopeful that this powerful Statement will
> pave the way for
>    other denominations to join the movement for more
> just and
>    compassionate drug policies,” said Charles
> Thomas, executive
>    director of Unitarian Universalists for Drug
> Policy Reform, the
>    denomination affiliate that facilitated the study
> and development of
>    the Statement of Conscience.
>    The text of the full UUA Statement of Conscience
> on the Drug War is
>    at www.uudpr.org .
>    (Source: UUA press release:
> http://www.uua.org/news/2002/020627_drugreform.html
> )
>    * * *
> FBI Is Watching What You Read
>    Be careful what books you check out at the
> library, or purchase from
>    bookstores.
>    The FBI may be watching.
>    Under sweeping new anti-terrorist laws, the FBI
> is currently
>    visiting public libraries and secretly tracking
> the reading habits
>    of people it allegedly considers potentially
> dangerous.
>    The draconian post-Sept. 11 USA Patriot Act
> anti-terrorist bill
>    gives the FBI authority to obtain library and
> bookstore records —
>    and many other documents —  in the course of
> broadly-defined
>    terrorist-related investigations. In practice,
> the FBI now has the
>    legal power to check on millions of people — and
> maybe just about
>    anyone.
>    The creepy procedure is shrouded in secrecy. In
> order to survey
>    someone’s reading habits, the FBI must get a
> search warrant. But
>    it’s not your Founding Fathers’ search warrant —
> the FBI doesn’t
>    have to show that any evidence of criminal
> activity is likely to be
>    found or that the individual being investigated
> is involved in
>    terrorism or spying.
>    Furthermore, as a San Francisco Chronicle article
> has noted, “The
>    court that authorizes the searches meets in
> secret; the search
>    warrants carried by the agents cannot mention the
> underlying
>    investigation; and librarians and booksellers can
> be prosecuted for
>    revealing an FBI visit to anyone, including the
> patron whose records
>    were seized. Nearly everything about the
> procedure is secret.
>    “The only limitation in the law is that the
> investigation can’t be
>    entirely based — though it can be partly based
> — on activities
>    protected by the First Amendment, such as speech
> or political
>    organizing. For example, campus radicals, the
> subject of FBI
>    surveillance in the past, could be targeted if
> the government
>    alleged they had a connection to terrorism or
> espionage.”
>    And a lot of libraries are apparently being
> watched. A University of
>    Illinois survey in early 2002 found that  8.3
> percent of libraries
>    surveyed had been asked by federal or local law
> enforcement officers
>    for information about patrons, allegedly related
> to Sept. 11.
>    The American Library Association, appalled by the
> law but knowing
>    librarians are subject to prosecution if they
> refuse to cooperate,
>    is suggesting that librarians “avoid creating
> unnecessary
=== message truncated ===

Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 10, 2002 at 8:30:49 AM EDT
To: “‘digital@phantom.com'” <digital@phantom.com>

Can’t open this file PK
This computer dates back to 7BC

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa [mailto:digital@phantom.com]
Sent: 10 July 2002 04:36
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations

On [Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 10:34:27PM -0400], [HSLotsof@aol.com] wrote:

| It’s all in jest Preston.  But, with the cocaine cartels having their IT
| specialists, if the mini sub carrying a massive shipment of ibogaine did
| evade the dea could mindvox be far behind.  It seems I have to blame
| and Patrick is well, just there!

Look, it wasn’t me.  I wasn’t even on planet earth at the time.  Do you
have any PROOF…?  …is it good?  …do you accept bribes?

| To a great extent profit potential and ibogaine have missed each other all

| over the map.  But, there is still the romance, the adventure and the good

| that comes out of it.  How do those Stone’s lyrics go?  You can’t always
| what you want but, sometimes if you try real hard…you can get what you
| need.  Now what would that be?

Would all of you crazy people please stop!  This is a *serious* list that
deals with drug addiction, misery, strife, blood, sweat, tears, pain,
suicide, genocide, plus, also, depression.  There is entirely too much
levity here.  Humor is a clear violation of the USA Patriot Act!

oh hey, p.s., Libertarian News!!!  And yes, we are starting the drugwar
list, and will move all of this sideways tomorrow.


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 10, 2002 at 8:21:54 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Are you really 18 yrs old? Just curious. I thought u were lot older!

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Carla Barnes [mailto:carlambarnes@yahoo.com]
Sent: 10 July 2002 06:03
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations

All of you are crazy, how do I get off this list? 😉

Thanks, at least once a week usually more often when I
check my mailbox and read this list, I laugh my ass

I love all of you 🙂

Patrick here is some free psychiatric advice, or let
me put up a sign with ‘.5 cents please’ written over
it since I’m sure it will be a big revalation to you
🙂 Your problem is not being half the DSM plus one or
minus one, you’re problem is there are at least 5
people inside you having a power struggle. At least
two of them are amazingly good people, one is a
comedian, I’m not sure I’ve figured out who the fourth
one is, the fifth one walked off the set of a Mad Max
movie 🙂

Good night! Great day, Howard posts Rolling Stones
lyrics I think that’s a first 🙂

Carla B

— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 10:34:27PM -0400],
[HSLotsof@aol.com] wrote:

| It’s all in jest Preston.  But, with the cocaine
cartels having their IT
| specialists, if the mini sub carrying a massive
shipment of ibogaine did
| evade the dea could mindvox be far behind.  It
seems I have to blame someone
| and Patrick is well, just there!

Look, it wasn’t me.  I wasn’t even on planet earth
at the time.  Do you
have any PROOF…?  …is it good?  …do you accept

| To a great extent profit potential and ibogaine
have missed each other all
| over the map.  But, there is still the romance,
the adventure and the good
| that comes out of it.  How do those Stone’s lyrics
go?  You can’t always get
| what you want but, sometimes if you try real
hard…you can get what you
| need.  Now what would that be?

Would all of you crazy people please stop!  This is
a *serious* list that
deals with drug addiction, misery, strife, blood,
sweat, tears, pain,
suicide, genocide, plus, also, depression.  There is
entirely too much
levity here.  Humor is a clear violation of the USA
Patriot Act!

oh hey, p.s., Libertarian News!!!  And yes, we are
starting the drugwar
list, and will move all of this sideways tomorrow.


July 9, 2002
Vol. 7, No. 12
Circulation: 50,130 in 100 countries

Published by the Advocates for Self-Government.
Created and edited by Paul Schmidt,
Co-edited by James W. Harris,


by James W. Harris

Major U.S. Religious Body Calls for End to Drug War

The General Assembly of the Unitarian
Universalists Association
(UUA) — representing more than 1,000
congregations throughout the
United States — has passed a Statement of
Conscience calling for
“Alternatives to the War on Drugs.”

The UUA declared “We do not believe that drug use
should be
considered criminal behavior.” They further
declared that “the
consequences of the current drug war are cruel
counterproductive,” and called for “alternatives
that regard the
reduction of harm as the appropriate standard by
which to assess
drug policies.”

The declaration is the strongest anti-Drug War
statement thus far
by any major U.S. religious denomination. And the
Universalists say they plan to encourage other
people of faith to
adopt similar views.

“As Unitarian Universalists, we are called by our
religious values
to speak out against misguided policies,” said
the Rev. William
Sinkford, president of the Unitarian Universalist
Association. “The
so-called ‘War on Drugs’ is creating violence,
endangering children,
clogging the criminal justice system, eroding
civil liberties, and
disproportionately punishing people of color.
It’s time for a

If adapted, the UUA’s proposals would be a major
step toward ending
the War on Drugs. Key points of the UUA’s
statement include:

* “Establish a legal, regulated, and taxed market
for marijuana.
Treat marijuana as we treat alcohol.”

* “Remove criminal penalties for possession and
use of currently
illegal drugs, with drug abusers subject to
arrest and imprisonment
only if they commit an actual crime (e.g.,
assault, burglary,
impaired driving, vandalism).”

* “Drug use, drug abuse, and drug addiction are
distinct from one
another. Using a drug does not necessarily mean
abusing the drug,
much less addiction to it. Drug abuse issues are
essentially matters
for medical attention. We do not believe that
drug use should be
considered criminal behavior.”

* “Make all drugs legally available with a
prescription by a
licensed physician, subject to professional
oversight. End the
practice of punishing an individual for
obtaining, possessing, or
using an otherwise illegal substance to treat a
medical condition,”
and allow “medically administered drug
maintenance” as a treatment
option for drug addiction.

“We are hopeful that this powerful Statement will
pave the way for
other denominations to join the movement for more
just and
compassionate drug policies,” said Charles
Thomas, executive
director of Unitarian Universalists for Drug
Policy Reform, the
denomination affiliate that facilitated the study
and development of
the Statement of Conscience.

The text of the full UUA Statement of Conscience
on the Drug War is
at www.uudpr.org .

(Source: UUA press release:


* * *

FBI Is Watching What You Read

Be careful what books you check out at the
library, or purchase from

The FBI may be watching.

Under sweeping new anti-terrorist laws, the FBI
is currently
visiting public libraries and secretly tracking
the reading habits
of people it allegedly considers potentially

The draconian post-Sept. 11 USA Patriot Act
anti-terrorist bill
gives the FBI authority to obtain library and
bookstore records —
and many other documents —  in the course of
terrorist-related investigations. In practice,
the FBI now has the
legal power to check on millions of people — and
maybe just about

The creepy procedure is shrouded in secrecy. In
order to survey
someone’s reading habits, the FBI must get a
search warrant. But
it’s not your Founding Fathers’ search warrant —
the FBI doesn’t
have to show that any evidence of criminal
activity is likely to be
found or that the individual being investigated
is involved in
terrorism or spying.

Furthermore, as a San Francisco Chronicle article
has noted, “The
court that authorizes the searches meets in
secret; the search
warrants carried by the agents cannot mention the
investigation; and librarians and booksellers can
be prosecuted for
revealing an FBI visit to anyone, including the
patron whose records
were seized. Nearly everything about the
procedure is secret.

“The only limitation in the law is that the
investigation can’t be
entirely based — though it can be partly based
— on activities
protected by the First Amendment, such as speech
or political
organizing. For example, campus radicals, the
subject of FBI
surveillance in the past, could be targeted if
the government
alleged they had a connection to terrorism or

And a lot of libraries are apparently being
watched. A University of
Illinois survey in early 2002 found that  8.3
percent of libraries
surveyed had been asked by federal or local law
enforcement officers
for information about patrons, allegedly related
to Sept. 11.

The American Library Association, appalled by the
law but knowing
librarians are subject to prosecution if they
refuse to cooperate,
is suggesting that librarians “avoid creating
=== message truncated ===

Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 10, 2002 at 8:07:44 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Can’t we call it drug peace; i.e. what we want as opposed to what f’s us
Just a thought (if it means a lot more work 4 U Patrick, forget it hun

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa [mailto:digital@phantom.com]
Sent: 10 July 2002 04:36
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations

On [Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 10:34:27PM -0400], [HSLotsof@aol.com] wrote:

| It’s all in jest Preston.  But, with the cocaine cartels having their IT
| specialists, if the mini sub carrying a massive shipment of ibogaine did
| evade the dea could mindvox be far behind.  It seems I have to blame
| and Patrick is well, just there!

Look, it wasn’t me.  I wasn’t even on planet earth at the time.  Do you
have any PROOF…?  …is it good?  …do you accept bribes?

| To a great extent profit potential and ibogaine have missed each other all

| over the map.  But, there is still the romance, the adventure and the good

| that comes out of it.  How do those Stone’s lyrics go?  You can’t always
| what you want but, sometimes if you try real hard…you can get what you
| need.  Now what would that be?

Would all of you crazy people please stop!  This is a *serious* list that
deals with drug addiction, misery, strife, blood, sweat, tears, pain,
suicide, genocide, plus, also, depression.  There is entirely too much
levity here.  Humor is a clear violation of the USA Patriot Act!

oh hey, p.s., Libertarian News!!!  And yes, we are starting the drugwar
list, and will move all of this sideways tomorrow.


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 10, 2002 at 7:59:27 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa [mailto:digital@phantom.com]
Sent: 10 July 2002 02:29
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations

On [Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 09:17:12PM -0400], [preston peet] wrote:

| but where’s the profit potential, real honest to goodness criminal
| profit potential in shipping tons of ibogaine and getting most if not
| everyone unsprung, to cop a phrase?
| Peace,
| Preston

Yeah, WHERE do the Armies of Darkness come in…?  This just seems like a
karmically correct thing to do.  Who would want that…?  =)


|   —– Original Message —–
|   From: HSLotsof@aol.com
|   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
|   Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 5:22 PM
|   Subject: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
|   Hey Patrick and Preston,
|   Check this out
|   http://www.business2.com/articles/mag/0,1640,41206,00.html
|   When do the massive shipments of ibogaine start arriving??
|   Is ibogaine by the ton a reality??
|   Is it true the dea has never intercepted a mini sub carrying ibogaine?
|   mindvox the reason?
|   Howard

From: Philip mazieres <pmzeres@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] in paris
Date: July 10, 2002 at 5:52:21 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com



where ?
i could help yu
tell me more pls


— Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org> wrote:

I just want to know where I could follow a cure in
holland ?
I am based in paris, france



Interested in an Ibogaine conference in Paris?


Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 10, 2002 at 2:00:40 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>I found this questionnaire while looking up what mother love bone is by the way. <

I was just thinking about aging, thanks Vector.;-))
Check out the band Temple of the Dog, their one whole album (that I know of) is dedicated basically to Mother Love Bone’s singer, who od’d, and has some of the band playing, along with the singer >from Sound Garden. “Say Hello to Heaven” is a great song, as are a couple other on that short album.
—– Original Message —–
From: vector6@space.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 1:43 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] ibogaine?

You people are nuts 🙂 Here is the greatest questionnaire I have ever read. I found this questionnaire while looking up what mother love bone is by the way. I didn’t know what you old people were talking about 🙂 http://www.superbad.com/submit/index.html .:vector:.
Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: vector6@space.com
Subject: [ibogaine] ibogaine?
Date: July 10, 2002 at 1:43:57 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You people are nuts 🙂 Here is the greatest questionnaire I have ever read. I found this questionnaire while looking up what mother love bone is by the way. I didn’t know what you old people were talking about 🙂 http://www.superbad.com/submit/index.html .:vector:.
Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 10, 2002 at 1:03:00 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

All of you are crazy, how do I get off this list? 😉

Thanks, at least once a week usually more often when I
check my mailbox and read this list, I laugh my ass

I love all of you 🙂

Patrick here is some free psychiatric advice, or let
me put up a sign with ‘.5 cents please’ written over
it since I’m sure it will be a big revalation to you
🙂 Your problem is not being half the DSM plus one or
minus one, you’re problem is there are at least 5
people inside you having a power struggle. At least
two of them are amazingly good people, one is a
comedian, I’m not sure I’ve figured out who the fourth
one is, the fifth one walked off the set of a Mad Max
movie 🙂

Good night! Great day, Howard posts Rolling Stones
lyrics I think that’s a first 🙂

Carla B

— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 10:34:27PM -0400],
[HSLotsof@aol.com] wrote:

| It’s all in jest Preston.  But, with the cocaine
cartels having their IT
| specialists, if the mini sub carrying a massive
shipment of ibogaine did
| evade the dea could mindvox be far behind.  It
seems I have to blame someone
| and Patrick is well, just there!

Look, it wasn’t me.  I wasn’t even on planet earth
at the time.  Do you
have any PROOF…?  …is it good?  …do you accept

| To a great extent profit potential and ibogaine
have missed each other all
| over the map.  But, there is still the romance,
the adventure and the good
| that comes out of it.  How do those Stone’s lyrics
go?  You can’t always get
| what you want but, sometimes if you try real
hard…you can get what you
| need.  Now what would that be?

Would all of you crazy people please stop!  This is
a *serious* list that
deals with drug addiction, misery, strife, blood,
sweat, tears, pain,
suicide, genocide, plus, also, depression.  There is
entirely too much
levity here.  Humor is a clear violation of the USA
Patriot Act!

oh hey, p.s., Libertarian News!!!  And yes, we are
starting the drugwar
list, and will move all of this sideways tomorrow.


July 9, 2002
Vol. 7, No. 12
Circulation: 50,130 in 100 countries

Published by the Advocates for Self-Government.
Created and edited by Paul Schmidt,
Co-edited by James W. Harris,


by James W. Harris

Major U.S. Religious Body Calls for End to Drug War

The General Assembly of the Unitarian
Universalists Association
(UUA) — representing more than 1,000
congregations throughout the
United States — has passed a Statement of
Conscience calling for
“Alternatives to the War on Drugs.”

The UUA declared “We do not believe that drug use
should be
considered criminal behavior.” They further
declared that “the
consequences of the current drug war are cruel
counterproductive,” and called for “alternatives
that regard the
reduction of harm as the appropriate standard by
which to assess
drug policies.”

The declaration is the strongest anti-Drug War
statement thus far
by any major U.S. religious denomination. And the
Universalists say they plan to encourage other
people of faith to
adopt similar views.

“As Unitarian Universalists, we are called by our
religious values
to speak out against misguided policies,” said
the Rev. William
Sinkford, president of the Unitarian Universalist
Association. “The
so-called ‘War on Drugs’ is creating violence,
endangering children,
clogging the criminal justice system, eroding
civil liberties, and
disproportionately punishing people of color.
It’s time for a

If adapted, the UUA’s proposals would be a major
step toward ending
the War on Drugs. Key points of the UUA’s
statement include:

* “Establish a legal, regulated, and taxed market
for marijuana.
Treat marijuana as we treat alcohol.”

* “Remove criminal penalties for possession and
use of currently
illegal drugs, with drug abusers subject to
arrest and imprisonment
only if they commit an actual crime (e.g.,
assault, burglary,
impaired driving, vandalism).”

* “Drug use, drug abuse, and drug addiction are
distinct from one
another. Using a drug does not necessarily mean
abusing the drug,
much less addiction to it. Drug abuse issues are
essentially matters
for medical attention. We do not believe that
drug use should be
considered criminal behavior.”

* “Make all drugs legally available with a
prescription by a
licensed physician, subject to professional
oversight. End the
practice of punishing an individual for
obtaining, possessing, or
using an otherwise illegal substance to treat a
medical condition,”
and allow “medically administered drug
maintenance” as a treatment
option for drug addiction.

“We are hopeful that this powerful Statement will
pave the way for
other denominations to join the movement for more
just and
compassionate drug policies,” said Charles
Thomas, executive
director of Unitarian Universalists for Drug
Policy Reform, the
denomination affiliate that facilitated the study
and development of
the Statement of Conscience.

The text of the full UUA Statement of Conscience
on the Drug War is
at www.uudpr.org .

(Source: UUA press release:


* * *

FBI Is Watching What You Read

Be careful what books you check out at the
library, or purchase from

The FBI may be watching.

Under sweeping new anti-terrorist laws, the FBI
is currently
visiting public libraries and secretly tracking
the reading habits
of people it allegedly considers potentially

The draconian post-Sept. 11 USA Patriot Act
anti-terrorist bill
gives the FBI authority to obtain library and
bookstore records —
and many other documents —  in the course of
terrorist-related investigations. In practice,
the FBI now has the
legal power to check on millions of people — and
maybe just about

The creepy procedure is shrouded in secrecy. In
order to survey
someone’s reading habits, the FBI must get a
search warrant. But
it’s not your Founding Fathers’ search warrant —
the FBI doesn’t
have to show that any evidence of criminal
activity is likely to be
found or that the individual being investigated
is involved in
terrorism or spying.

Furthermore, as a San Francisco Chronicle article
has noted, “The
court that authorizes the searches meets in
secret; the search
warrants carried by the agents cannot mention the
investigation; and librarians and booksellers can
be prosecuted for
revealing an FBI visit to anyone, including the
patron whose records
were seized. Nearly everything about the
procedure is secret.

“The only limitation in the law is that the
investigation can’t be
entirely based — though it can be partly based
— on activities
protected by the First Amendment, such as speech
or political
organizing. For example, campus radicals, the
subject of FBI
surveillance in the past, could be targeted if
the government
alleged they had a connection to terrorism or

And a lot of libraries are apparently being
watched. A University of
Illinois survey in early 2002 found that  8.3
percent of libraries
surveyed had been asked by federal or local law
enforcement officers
for information about patrons, allegedly related
to Sept. 11.

The American Library Association, appalled by the
law but knowing
librarians are subject to prosecution if they
refuse to cooperate,
is suggesting that librarians “avoid creating
=== message truncated ===

Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 9, 2002 at 11:36:23 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 10:34:27PM -0400], [HSLotsof@aol.com] wrote:

| It’s all in jest Preston.  But, with the cocaine cartels having their IT
| specialists, if the mini sub carrying a massive shipment of ibogaine did
| evade the dea could mindvox be far behind.  It seems I have to blame someone
| and Patrick is well, just there!

Look, it wasn’t me.  I wasn’t even on planet earth at the time.  Do you
have any PROOF…?  …is it good?  …do you accept bribes?

| To a great extent profit potential and ibogaine have missed each other all
| over the map.  But, there is still the romance, the adventure and the good
| that comes out of it.  How do those Stone’s lyrics go?  You can’t always get
| what you want but, sometimes if you try real hard…you can get what you
| need.  Now what would that be?

Would all of you crazy people please stop!  This is a *serious* list that
deals with drug addiction, misery, strife, blood, sweat, tears, pain,
suicide, genocide, plus, also, depression.  There is entirely too much
levity here.  Humor is a clear violation of the USA Patriot Act!

oh hey, p.s., Libertarian News!!!  And yes, we are starting the drugwar
list, and will move all of this sideways tomorrow.


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:43:19 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>To a great extent profit potential and ibogaine have missed each other all
over the map.  But, there is still the romance, the adventure and the good
that comes out of it.  How do those Stone’s lyrics go?  You can’t always get
what you want but, sometimes if you try real hard…you can get what you
need.  Now what would that be?<

—– Original Message —–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations

It’s all in jest Preston.  But, with the cocaine cartels having their IT
specialists, if the mini sub carrying a massive shipment of ibogaine did
evade the dea could mindvox be far behind.  It seems I have to blame someone
and Patrick is well, just there!

To a great extent profit potential and ibogaine have missed each other all
over the map.  But, there is still the romance, the adventure and the good
that comes out of it.  How do those Stone’s lyrics go?  You can’t always get
what you want but, sometimes if you try real hard…you can get what you
need.  Now what would that be?


In a message dated 7/9/02 9:24:50 PM, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

>but where’s the profit potential, real honest to goodness criminal profit
>potential in shipping tons of ibogaine and getting most if not everyone
>unsprung, to cop a phrase?
>  —– Original Message —–
>  From: HSLotsof@aol.com
>  To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>  Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 5:22 PM
>  Subject: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
>  Hey Patrick and Preston,

>  Check this out

>  http://www.business2.com/articles/mag/0,1640,41206,00.html

>  When do the massive shipments of ibogaine start arriving??

>  Is ibogaine by the ton a reality??

>  Is it true the dea has never intercepted a mini sub carrying ibogaine?
> Is mindvox the reason?

>  Howard

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:34:27 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

It’s all in jest Preston.  But, with the cocaine cartels having their IT
specialists, if the mini sub carrying a massive shipment of ibogaine did
evade the dea could mindvox be far behind.  It seems I have to blame someone
and Patrick is well, just there!

To a great extent profit potential and ibogaine have missed each other all
over the map.  But, there is still the romance, the adventure and the good
that comes out of it.  How do those Stone’s lyrics go?  You can’t always get
what you want but, sometimes if you try real hard…you can get what you
need.  Now what would that be?


In a message dated 7/9/02 9:24:50 PM, ptpeet@nyc.rr.com writes:

but where’s the profit potential, real honest to goodness criminal profit
potential in shipping tons of ibogaine and getting most if not everyone
unsprung, to cop a phrase?



—– Original Message —–

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 5:22 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations

Hey Patrick and Preston,

Check this out


When do the massive shipments of ibogaine start arriving??

Is ibogaine by the ton a reality??

Is it true the dea has never intercepted a mini sub carrying ibogaine?
Is mindvox the reason?


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 9, 2002 at 9:28:47 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 09:17:12PM -0400], [preston peet] wrote:

| but where’s the profit potential, real honest to goodness criminal
| profit potential in shipping tons of ibogaine and getting most if not
| everyone unsprung, to cop a phrase?
| Peace,
| Preston

Yeah, WHERE do the Armies of Darkness come in…?  This just seems like a
karmically correct thing to do.  Who would want that…?  =)


|   —– Original Message —–
|   From: HSLotsof@aol.com
|   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
|   Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 5:22 PM
|   Subject: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
|   Hey Patrick and Preston,
|   Check this out
|   http://www.business2.com/articles/mag/0,1640,41206,00.html
|   When do the massive shipments of ibogaine start arriving??
|   Is ibogaine by the ton a reality??
|   Is it true the dea has never intercepted a mini sub carrying ibogaine?  Is
|   mindvox the reason?
|   Howard

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 9, 2002 at 9:17:12 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

but where’s the profit potential, real honest to goodness criminal profit potential in shipping tons of ibogaine and getting most if not everyone unsprung, to cop a phrase?
—– Original Message —–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 5:22 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations

Hey Patrick and Preston,

Check this out


When do the massive shipments of ibogaine start arriving??

Is ibogaine by the ton a reality??

Is it true the dea has never intercepted a mini sub carrying ibogaine?  Is
mindvox the reason?


From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Possibility of relapse after ibogaine?
Date: July 9, 2002 at 7:05:22 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

hi karina here i go in 2 days to do the ibogaine treatment i will post what i rember i will be taking a note vook if i can i will write down the experience…….i am glad to hear you are thinking about doing it myself i researched for 6 months i talked to Eric taub from www.ibeginagain.org and Howard the founder…they helped me alot and my thanks go out to them both but it is a good idea to research as much as you can……..well that’s all karina

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] cocaine computer operations
Date: July 9, 2002 at 5:22:54 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey Patrick and Preston,

Check this out


When do the massive shipments of ibogaine start arriving??

Is ibogaine by the ton a reality??

Is it true the dea has never intercepted a mini sub carrying ibogaine?  Is
mindvox the reason?


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] in Holland
Date: July 9, 2002 at 4:53:06 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I just want to know where I could follow a cure in
holland ?
I am based in paris, france



Interested in an Ibogaine conference in Paris?


From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] I woke up this morning…
Date: July 9, 2002 at 4:38:41 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

We just don’t know anything about these treatments.  Rapid Detox is a game that doctors are playing for money.  Do you think that they care that her body felt like a shell and that she was as weak as a kitten after the procedure?
I truly believe that either igogaine or methadone would have served her better.
RDT does nothing for the brain and what it goes through after RDT.  One needs extensive psych treatment with physicians who’s expertise is in addiction after a treatment like this.  Sending one home with either a bottle of naltrexone, or an inplant is not going to help this person, as it didn’t for your friend.

Judith Ostergard

From: Jpmfooch@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] How do I get off this list?
Date: July 9, 2002 at 4:23:10 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Please advise me how to get removed from this mailing list.  Thankyou

From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] psychedelic art
Date: July 9, 2002 at 4:17:44 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Your URL don’t work.

From: Jpmfooch@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] How to i get off this list?
Date: July 9, 2002 at 3:59:32 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Please direct me how I can be deleted from this mailing list.  It is clogging up my e-mails..Please be specific.  Thankyou

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] War on Drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 3:44:42 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Basically, I have highly similar observations as Preston and agree with
the conclusions he has arrived at.  My personal beliefs regarding the “war
on drugs,” is that YES, slowly, piece by piece, little by little, things
can get “better.”  There certainly appears to be forward progress
happening in many countries — other than America.

I agree with some of the basic things Dana has to say — I’m unsure
whether this is just over the phone, or on this list.  Inasmuch there is a
lot to be said for the Dutch model of hard and soft classifications of
drugs.  “Look, okay, see, we’ll make sure heroin and coke stay Highly
Illegal and Super-Bad, therefore you guys can keep importing 500 tons a
day of this shit into the country, and everybody is happy!  But let’s dump
cannabis, entheogens, that ibogaine thing, and Stuff chemists make in
their bathtubs, off schedule 1, because I mean, who the fuck are we
kidding?  None of those are really floating your economy anyway, and I
dunno anyone who smokes weed which is smuggled into the country in tractor
trailers driven across the border from Mexico.  When you light up a blunt,
odds are, you’re supporting that dude down the block who grows killer
hydro-crippe in his basement; therefore, let’s get just a LITTLE real,

Little baby steps.  This is possible, some light is shed, the world gets
slightly better.

However, on the flipside…  I really, stongly, think, feel, and believe,
that the whole entire America is gonna have a lotta other problems,
escalate things and stuff, and the war on drugs, will become secondary to
life in a police state; which is where we’re not even headed, but nearly

All is not lost though, it is Entirely Possible that Bill Gates (The
Antichrist), will wake up one day and just go, “Okay, that’s it.  I am
fucking sick and tired of you people annoying me, investigating my
business practices, and interfering with my small empire.  I’m just
gonna write a really big check and purchase the whole entire U.S. Federal
Government.  You’re all fired, go away.  Everybody is allowed to bang dope
and smoke crack as long as they’re running Windows.  MacOS/X, Solaris, and
BSD are punishible by life in prison, and Linux results in being tortured
to death.  Now then, this terrorism thing, that’s no good for sales, how
much for all those little wacked-out countries?  I’ll take half a dozen
to start; do any of those towel headed people program?  Surely they do.
I’m fine with that Allah person, as long as we place a Microsoft logo
over him.”

– – – – – – – – –

Politics…  Yah know, the more exposure I have to all these warring
ideologies, the more certain I become that all my suspicions have always
been absolutely correct.

Politics is just something to do if you wanna accumulate props and are too
stupid and talentless to create something.  People who cannot write,
create art, music, or in any way positively contribute to society, and
aren’t smart enough to make cash in bid’ness, drift into politics.

There is [Group of Idiots <A>] or [Group of Idiots <B>].  Basically, who
gives a shit.  This is all agonism anyway — asserting dominance by
ordering everybody around; and I’m a hedonist and believe in gaining props
by simply emitting and radiating, and some people will be into it, some
won’t give a shit, and some will hate you, all of which is okay, it is
making choices…  Anybody who actually WANTS to be a politician should be
disqualified right there.

In short: it’s all this endlessly tangled pile of shit, and the whole
entire planet would be better off if it was flushed down the toilet.

Except the Libertarians…  Who wanna take the whole entire social
security to Vegas, smoke crack, and let that fucker ride, spin the wheel
spin the wheel, yeah yeah yeah!  ANARCHY NOW!  The Libertarian Party

Where was I, oh yes, in Miami, anywaze:

I am like alive and stuff, and not bangin’ dope, because the pretty
lights, the eyes, the energy, God if ya will, is real, and I believe in
it.  I believe in it more than that consensual hallucination called
“reality.”  I do my best to sift concepts and ideas through all that, and
see what resonates.  If I did not, then I would have gone down in flames a
long time ago.  Sometimes I do well, other times I’m an asshole, but I try
to do my best.

When I vibe that reality which is truth, and see what it resonates with…
I am simply NOT finding politics there at all…  Period.  If I look
around me at people I respect, and in some manner would desire to emulate,
because they appear to have MAINTAINED for years, sometimes decades,
within those states…  And look at what actions they have taken.  Not a
one started running around and organizing political movements, starting
wars, or attempted to ram their beliefs down everybody else’s throat.

For the most part what they tend to do is hang out with those who are in
tune, and have similar beliefs.  They wrote, they created art, they made
music.  They did not run around the planet attempting to alter political

To end my rant type thing, the conclusions I personally have arrived at,
are VERY similar to what Preston articulated.  I do not think the
universe, or the world, needs to be saved.  I think it is doing just
super-fine.  The only thing you can save is yourself, and in some way —
usually different ways — make the lives of those who are around you,
better.  You can shed some light.  Plus, also, try to be happy.  At least
some of the time.

Speaking of art, Dope has a wonderful little track on Felons and
Revolutionaries, called Pig Society (which is all ’bout cops, prisons,
the legal system, the war on drugs, and some random issues and things
that were on that guy’s mind that day, whatever his name is), which sums
it all up. In fact, just the chorus sums it all up, it goes like, “Fuck
You, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU” repeat 900 times.

On [Tue, Jul 09, 2002 at 03:44:22PM +0100], [Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt] wrote:

| There are such huge issues in this debate, one of the reasons I feel so
| proud of PP, and even of myself on the ocassional good day I have! But you
| know this is the Ibogaine list
| PK; why don’t you set up another list(!) where dopefiends from here can
| discuss al this, or should we stay as we are

Yeah sure, I can make a list/forum thing for it in 5 minutes.  I can —
any moment now — drop it within the interface, with a DrugWar banner, and
a banner for your thing (Andria / Do you have a web site…?), I can
get Drew to take 5 minutes out of his busy schedule and tag up Drug War
all over sumthin; I meant to say, labor for weeks creating a centerpiece
art type thing; you and Preston are welcome to moderate it, MindVox will
generate more hits and more people reading the thing, then anything short
of erowid starting it up, and we’re gonna pass erowid Any Minute Now…

Do you guys want this?  If yes, no problem, you got it.  (Whatcha got in 5
minutes is the list, not the whole entire interface).


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Possibility of relapse after ibogaine?
Date: July 9, 2002 at 2:40:24 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 10:33:12PM -0000], [Curtis  Hersch] wrote:

| I’ve been reading about ibogaine all afternoon today and man do I
| want to try it. I have got to ask I have been clean for 2 years
| now, would doing up ibogaine help me to enter a better space? I’m
| clean but my life isn’t any of that I’m seeing on mindvox, my life
| is trying to make it and not score today it’s not nearly as bad as
| it was back a ways but I would not say I’m doing good or happy. Is
| there any kind of danger it might make me relapse after being
| clean? I want to try it now so bad.

Curtis, don’t worry, it’s all good.  I had lunch with Andrew Wood, Layne
Staley, Kurt Cobain, Shannon Hoon, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison, just the
other day.  It was sorta a light lunch since Elvis raided the buffet table
before anyone else got there, and Keith Richards kept trying to say
something profound but was completely incoherent.  This isn’t his fault,
Keith has some unresolved issues; having been dead since 1972 (B.C.), but
unable to leave his body and exit the prime material plane due to a cosmic
glitch.  The Ramones, Stiv Bators and Johnny Thunders, were too
annihilated to get up off the floor and attend.

Saint Wood sends his love and mentions that in heaven nobody’s syringe is
ever empty.

Inasmuch as that ibogaine thing is concerned; yeah, it can most definitely
be a highly positive experience even if you have been clean for a while
prior to taking it.  I am unsure I actually know anybody personally who
was ever “clean” and “doing good,” then dosed with ibogaine and relapsed
shortly thereafter.

However, seeing how you discovered ibogaine exists yesterday afternoon,
and decided you wanna do it later that evening.  Why dontcha chill, read
more stuff, assimilate things, and give it a while — oh, say, until
noonish tomorrow or something.  Before taking any CRAZY AKSHUNZ!


From: Gamma <gammalyte9000@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Possibility of relapse after ibogaine?
Date: July 9, 2002 at 2:46:44 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com> wrote:
The question was will/can ibogaine cause a relapse in
someone who is clean/sober when they take the
ibogaine, to that the answer is no.

Ah, now that I see the original post It takes on a whole new meaning.

I would not garuantee a NO relapse situation tho. It all depends on the

Ibogaine could be very helpful for those folks who have been clean a while,
years even. But to say that it would not trigger a relapse is getting into
unknown territory, because as addicts we are vulnerable to relapse at any given
moment, in a variety of situations.

What is important is to check your motives. what are your intentions to do
Ibogaine? Cravings? Spiritual insights? A “Cure For Addiction”? (Rule that one
OUT) -Ibogaine does relieve cravings and can be highly useful to gain insight
(spiritual/emotional) into ones life, meaning, the roots of drug dependancy /
addiction / Dis-Ease.

I would certainly encourage people to try Ibogaine, but there are a lot of
unknowns post-ibogaine.


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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:53:09 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: 09 July 2002 15:30
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

>There are ways to begin the repeal of prohibition that entail NOT collapsing the world economies,<

See my last post in reply to Carrie Andria. If we as a society do legalize right now, at this moment, the economies all over the world would quite literally collapse, no question about it. But if we do it properly, with care and thought, perhaps we can avoid this. It’s one of the major traps that has been created, whether by accident or design, by the waging of this War on Some Drugs.
Andria, as Catherine Austin Fitts (see her section at drugwar.com for more info on who this is) told me recently in an interview, (which I’m in the midst of transcribing as I write now), that during recent town hall type meetings with normal Americans, when she’s finished explaining exactly what is going on with the world-wide drug black markets’ she says, “Ok, here’s a red button. You can push it and end the War now. Who will push this button?” One hand, maybe two went up in a group of a few hundred people, because to push that button would mean an end to everything as we know it here financially, and most Americans aren’t willing to give up all their 401Ks, their “security” which is increasingly looking pretty bleak anyway, so….perhaps we’ll see some positive change soon anyway.
I never said I want to hand power over to a super-power anything, not even at my most enthusiastic moments in NA, which were pretty far and few between actually.

I know you didn’t honey, I was just venting a fear I think some Europeans have about how we are going to/intend to end this F drug war…

“Egging PK on” can be…hell, it is amusing, and often harvests some real gems in reply.
What can I say, boys will be boys and somehow we do just manage to love you mucho madly, regardless of the fact that this is so!!

BTW, did you receive my potty e-mail from an internat cafe 3 days ago? I’m still trying to decide which one of your wonderful pieces of your work to use.
In a few short hrs, my layout man will get back to me about any space we have left with UV17, and then I will make that decision. Preston, I’ve actually a good mind to simply introduce u by profiling your work to the U.K crew, so they know about what you are doing, and hopefully find a photo on your site that doesn’t black you out
F this, I’m gonna find the no u sent and call you; hope you’re in!

—– Original Message —–
From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
To: ‘ibogaine@mindvox.com’
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] war on drugs

Preston, I’m surprised at you egging PK on


There are ways to begin the repeal of prohibition that entail NOT collapsing the world economies, and all yours two other images of Armeggedon

For example, each nation state, country SHOULD DECIDE for themselves how best to organise it, instead of having some super-power or other telling them how to do it (or not.)


Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: 08 July 2002 21:13
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

Patrick wrote in his ever lucid and level headed way
-This is Absolutely Correct because it has been CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a Great Night!-

Hold on a cotton picking second here. What’s with the spittle?;-)

Patrick also wrote, again quite unambiguously
>There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn! <

which pretty much sums up why things got no better under Clinton, and for that matter, only got way, way, way worse as a matter of fact while we were all “under” Clinton getting screwed.

And finally Patrick summed his note up thusly
>It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
Repeal ALL LAWS!
We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of warring city states.
Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.<

I hadn’t realized the libertarians wanted all laws repealed and liked the idea of warring feudal city states. That does give them a kind of edge I wasn’t aware of.
There’s a new videogame coming out that I’m supposed to be getting a copy of that will allow me to send vast armies across Europe and the MIddle East during the crusades, which weren’t quite the “warring city states” situation, but almost. I usually don’t enjoy those games where I have to spend hours doing anything other than blowing bits of body parts off of online opponents, (yeah, I know, where’d the violent streak come from? I simply think it healthy and old fashioned fun to play “guns”, probably stemming from my American-watching-Westerns-playing-steal-the-flag-in-the-woods-having-bbgun-wars-around-the-neighborhood as a kid kind of thing. I’m a firm believer in total peace, but gosh darn it, those bloody cyber games have kept me from going out and banging up more than once), but I’m looking forward to this complicated one from Activision.
Sorry, WAY off topic of ibogaine.

—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700], [Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| But I do want to understand the simple thing of what’s
| the diff between the republicans, democrats, all these
| people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to those who are not
addicted to drugs.

| Did any of this get any better when Clinton was in the
| white house? I wasnt there or anything but it doesnt
| look like Bush has made any change at all. The
| libertarians I dont know what they want, thank you
| Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i dont
| think, they want to repeal all drug laws and most
| other laws from what I understand.

And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz like, I was in a bad
mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat meng?”

This is Absolutely Correct because it has been CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a Great Night!

| So my original question and i’m sorry I keep asking it
| but nobody has answered it, is what difference does it
| make for ibogaine? none of these people act like it’s
| a priority to them, not republican, not democrat, not
| anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on this
| list doing?

Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level: 2002).

| Nothing at all that I can see, the only marijuana
| people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see ibogaine

This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.

| I still will vote democrat because I’m not a rich
| person who made a lot of money or inhereted it, but
| dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I don’t
| see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war on
| drugs is concerned.

There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!

It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!

Repeal ALL LAWS!

We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of warring city states.

Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:44:22 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Oh no, I actually disagree with PP about something…

Preston, they are lying through their teeth, AND there is ample evidence to support your argument on this

BUT I also think there are probably millions ofd Americans who simply do not have a f clue (not to mention Brits and whatever) I will always remember a boy i was in rehab with. He arrived with swastika all over his facve and hands; it was f awful. He was a child though, maybe 20 when he arrived, and when challenged about his ‘beliefs’ very little of what he said madfe much sense. Within a process of 10 months, lots of PC staff, and a few patient fellow-residents, he did get to question what the f he’d been brought up believing all those yrs

With the Drug War, there is SO MUCH brainwashing that goes on, and some of those who could be the most powerful advocates of a more human drug policy are themse;ves/ourselves brainwashed, and/or internally oppressed, which of couse doesn’t help.

There are such huge issues in this debate, one of the reasons I feel so proud of PP, and even of myself on the ocassional good day I have! But you know this is the Ibogaine list

PK; why don’t you set up another list(!) where dopefiends from here can discuss al this, or should we stay as we are

BY the way, did I tell you all about this post Ibogaine guy I met recently? He looks so healthy, I didn’t actually recognise him when I first saw him (at a HCV day in Central London.) Amazing, AND very inspiring

Love as always

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: 09 July 2002 12:40
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

>If it’s all hopeless then why do all that? Because
what the two of you said makes sense, if drugs were
legal the world economy would collapse. I’ve been
thinking of all that money it makes, so that means
it’s not about anyone believing in anything they’re
saying. All of them are lying and they know it.

What’s the reason for doing anything if it’s hopeless?<

Because I choose how to invest my time and money, and refuse to invest in “their” system. I choose to support positivity rather than negativity, (except of course during those bloody videogames), and hope that by doing so I will create my own small circle of good.
If no one starts living by example, and being very open about it, then yeah, it’d be pretty hopeless, but simply by taking this list as a glaring example, there’s a lot of cool people out there. Soooo, it’s not hopeless Carrie.
But yeah, the anti-drug-warriors in power MUST know they are lying through their teeth, and have no concern whatsoever for the “protecting the druggie” or society for that matter, it’s all protecting the War on Some Drugs business. HOW we get them out of power is something I’m working on, peacefully of course.

—– Original Message —–
From: Carrie Rollins
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

LMAO, ok that was really funny and both of you are
being sarcastic except when you’re sarcastic you’re
also serious. The awful thing is I don’t think you’re
kidding. Please tell me that somebody who is doing the
war on drugs really believes in it? I never understand
that exactly, who is it that decides a big priority of
America is supposed to be throwing drug addicts into
jail? Every poll I have read in the last years is that
there are almost no people who support prison for drug
offenses, there is no indication at all that the war
on drugs works, patrick wrote that really cool war
machine thing, you run drugwar.

What I’m getting at is both of you are saying then
that it’s hopeless. So then why do mindvox and drugwar
and all these things? When I was freaking out that I
couldn’t write when I tripped a few weeks ago a lot of
you were my examples for doing such cool things. Dana
gets a million people? A lot anyway all over the world
to organize for the million marijuana march, so many
of you do so much.

If it’s all hopeless then why do all that? Because
what the two of you said makes sense, if drugs were
legal the world economy would collapse. I’ve been
thinking of all that money it makes, so that means
it’s not about anyone believing in anything they’re
saying. All of them are lying and they know it.

What’s the reason for doing anything if it’s hopeless?


— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
> Patrick wrote in his ever lucid and level headed way
> -This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
> <Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
> with guns!  <Wiping
> spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
> Great Night!-
> Hold on a cotton picking second here. What’s with
> the spittle?;-)
> Patrick also wrote, again quite unambiguously
> >There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
> because if prohibition were
> repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
> and go down the toilet,
> entire third world nations would topple, there would
> be chaos, disasters,
> swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn! <
>  which pretty much sums up why things got no better
> under Clinton, and for that matter, only got way,
> way, way worse as a matter of fact while we were all
> “under” Clinton getting screwed.
> And finally Patrick summed his note up thusly
> >It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party
> with the courage to
> Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
> Repeal ALL LAWS!
> We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
> warring city states.
> Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.<
> I hadn’t realized the libertarians wanted all laws
> repealed and liked the idea of warring feudal city
> states. That does give them a kind of edge I wasn’t
> aware of.
> There’s a new videogame coming out that I’m supposed
> to be getting a copy of that will allow me to send
> vast armies across Europe and the MIddle East during
> the crusades, which weren’t quite the “warring city
> states” situation, but almost. I usually don’t enjoy
> those games where I have to spend hours doing
> anything other than blowing bits of body parts off
> of online opponents, (yeah, I know, where’d the
> violent streak come from? I simply think it healthy
> and old fashioned fun to play “guns”, probably
> stemming from my
> as a kid kind of thing. I’m a firm believer in total
> peace, but gosh darn it, those bloody cyber games
> have kept me from going out and banging up more than
> once), but I’m looking forward to this complicated
> one from Activision.
>     Sorry, WAY off topic of ibogaine.
> Peace,
> Preston
> Peace,
> Preston
>   —– Original Message —–
>   From: Patrick K. Kroupa
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:47 PM
>   Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
>   On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700],
> [Carrie Rollins] wrote:
>   | But I do want to understand the simple thing of
> what’s
>   | the diff between the republicans, democrats, all
> these
>   | people as far as ibogaine is concerned?
>   Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to
> those who are not
>   addicted to drugs.
>   | Did any of this get any better when Clinton was
> in the
>   | white house? I wasnt there or anything but it
> doesnt
>   | look like Bush has made any change at all. The
>   | libertarians I dont know what they want, thank
> you
>   | Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i
> dont
>   | think, they want to repeal all drug laws and
> most
>   | other laws from what I understand.
>   And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I
> will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
>   more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz
> like, I was in a bad
>   mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat
> meng?”
>   This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
>   <Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
> with guns!  <Wiping
>   spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
> Great Night!
>   | So my original question and i’m sorry I keep
> asking it
>   | but nobody has answered it, is what difference
> does it
>   | make for ibogaine? none of these people act like
> it’s
>   | a priority to them, not republican, not
> democrat, not
>   | anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on
> this
>   | list doing?
>   Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level:
> 2002).
>   | Nothing at all that I can see, the only
> marijuana
>   | people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see
> ibogaine
>   This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.
>   | I still will vote democrat because I’m not a
> rich
>   | person who made a lot of money or inhereted it,
> but
>   | dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I
> don’t
>   | see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war
> on
>   | drugs is concerned.
>   There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
> because if prohibition were
>   repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
> and go down the toilet,
>   entire third world nations would topple, there
> would be chaos, disasters,
>   swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!
>   It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only
> party with the courage to
>   Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
>   Repeal ALL LAWS!
>   We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
> warring city states.
>   Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.
>   Patrick

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Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:30:13 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>There are ways to begin the repeal of prohibition that entail NOT collapsing the world economies,<

See my last post in reply to Carrie Andria. If we as a society do legalize right now, at this moment, the economies all over the world would quite literally collapse, no question about it. But if we do it properly, with care and thought, perhaps we can avoid this. It’s one of the major traps that has been created, whether by accident or design, by the waging of this War on Some Drugs.
Andria, as Catherine Austin Fitts (see her section at drugwar.com for more info on who this is) told me recently in an interview, (which I’m in the midst of transcribing as I write now), that during recent town hall type meetings with normal Americans, when she’s finished explaining exactly what is going on with the world-wide drug black markets’ she says, “Ok, here’s a red button. You can push it and end the War now. Who will push this button?” One hand, maybe two went up in a group of a few hundred people, because to push that button would mean an end to everything as we know it here financially, and most Americans aren’t willing to give up all their 401Ks, their “security” which is increasingly looking pretty bleak anyway, so….perhaps we’ll see some positive change soon anyway.
I never said I want to hand power over to a super-power anything, not even at my most enthusiastic moments in NA, which were pretty far and few between actually.
“Egging PK on” can be…hell, it is amusing, and often harvests some real gems in reply.

—– Original Message —–
From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
To: ‘ibogaine@mindvox.com’
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 10:19 AM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] war on drugs

Preston, I’m surprised at you egging PK on


There are ways to begin the repeal of prohibition that entail NOT collapsing the world economies, and all yours two other images of Armeggedon

For example, each nation state, country SHOULD DECIDE for themselves how best to organise it, instead of having some super-power or other telling them how to do it (or not.)


Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: 08 July 2002 21:13
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

Patrick wrote in his ever lucid and level headed way
-This is Absolutely Correct because it has been CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a Great Night!-

Hold on a cotton picking second here. What’s with the spittle?;-)

Patrick also wrote, again quite unambiguously
>There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn! <

which pretty much sums up why things got no better under Clinton, and for that matter, only got way, way, way worse as a matter of fact while we were all “under” Clinton getting screwed.

And finally Patrick summed his note up thusly
>It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
Repeal ALL LAWS!
We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of warring city states.
Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.<

I hadn’t realized the libertarians wanted all laws repealed and liked the idea of warring feudal city states. That does give them a kind of edge I wasn’t aware of.
There’s a new videogame coming out that I’m supposed to be getting a copy of that will allow me to send vast armies across Europe and the MIddle East during the crusades, which weren’t quite the “warring city states” situation, but almost. I usually don’t enjoy those games where I have to spend hours doing anything other than blowing bits of body parts off of online opponents, (yeah, I know, where’d the violent streak come from? I simply think it healthy and old fashioned fun to play “guns”, probably stemming from my American-watching-Westerns-playing-steal-the-flag-in-the-woods-having-bbgun-wars-around-the-neighborhood as a kid kind of thing. I’m a firm believer in total peace, but gosh darn it, those bloody cyber games have kept me from going out and banging up more than once), but I’m looking forward to this complicated one from Activision.
Sorry, WAY off topic of ibogaine.

—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700], [Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| But I do want to understand the simple thing of what’s
| the diff between the republicans, democrats, all these
| people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to those who are not
addicted to drugs.

| Did any of this get any better when Clinton was in the
| white house? I wasnt there or anything but it doesnt
| look like Bush has made any change at all. The
| libertarians I dont know what they want, thank you
| Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i dont
| think, they want to repeal all drug laws and most
| other laws from what I understand.

And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz like, I was in a bad
mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat meng?”

This is Absolutely Correct because it has been CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a Great Night!

| So my original question and i’m sorry I keep asking it
| but nobody has answered it, is what difference does it
| make for ibogaine? none of these people act like it’s
| a priority to them, not republican, not democrat, not
| anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on this
| list doing?

Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level: 2002).

| Nothing at all that I can see, the only marijuana
| people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see ibogaine

This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.

| I still will vote democrat because I’m not a rich
| person who made a lot of money or inhereted it, but
| dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I don’t
| see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war on
| drugs is concerned.

There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!

It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!

Repeal ALL LAWS!

We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of warring city states.

Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:34:27 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I wish I had more time for this list; or that you guys would also join us at
an growing international coalition of refomers – these are the questions we
discuss all day everyday. This is not Ibogaine talk…

IT IS NOT HOPELESS. Ignore PP, or PK! And they both know that better than
me. I fink it might have been an other boy convo

But let me say this briefly then: there are already countries where there is
DE FACTO decriminalisation; on the statute books, all their drugs may still
be illegal, but that is only cos of the International Conventions which we
are beginning to ‘attack.’

Come to London one day Carrie, in certain areas, the cops just breathe
deeply when someone walks by with a joint
Holland, as you probably know has the coffee shops; Marijuana on sale, no
law enforcement can stop them
Bits of Australia have some kind of Pot decrim
Heroin is being prescribed in several European countries

Yeh Preston, I know these are only Harm Reduction measures, but as you well
know they NAY be the beginning of much else, MOREOVER, they are saving some
of our peers lives TG!

I find your debates (when you’re not being totally potty – PK and PP –
wonderful; if I could I would can some of the things you say, at least get
them on tape and make a play out of them. The fact is you are the folk that
this F drug war f’d most intensely (well some of the most intensely) so your
responses at least are a voices of your peer group and/or generation

So don’t be talking bollocks to Carrie!!!

Oops, think I may have just started another war; well as long as it don’t
prolong the BIG one – DW


I really wish we could have a party; everyone that ‘meets’ on this list –
don’t you think it’s about time we all met?!

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Carrie Rollins [mailto:carrierollins@yahoo.com]
Sent: 09 July 2002 06:11
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

LMAO, ok that was really funny and both of you are
being sarcastic except when you’re sarcastic you’re
also serious. The awful thing is I don’t think you’re
kidding. Please tell me that somebody who is doing the
war on drugs really believes in it? I never understand
that exactly, who is it that decides a big priority of
America is supposed to be throwing drug addicts into
jail? Every poll I have read in the last years is that
there are almost no people who support prison for drug
offenses, there is no indication at all that the war
on drugs works, patrick wrote that really cool war
machine thing, you run drugwar.

What I’m getting at is both of you are saying then
that it’s hopeless. So then why do mindvox and drugwar
and all these things? When I was freaking out that I
couldn’t write when I tripped a few weeks ago a lot of
you were my examples for doing such cool things. Dana
gets a million people? A lot anyway all over the world
to organize for the million marijuana march, so many
of you do so much.

If it’s all hopeless then why do all that? Because
what the two of you said makes sense, if drugs were
legal the world economy would collapse. I’ve been
thinking of all that money it makes, so that means
it’s not about anyone believing in anything they’re
saying. All of them are lying and they know it.

What’s the reason for doing anything if it’s hopeless?


— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
Patrick wrote in his ever lucid and level headed way
-This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
Great Night!-

Hold on a cotton picking second here. What’s with
the spittle?;-)

Patrick also wrote, again quite unambiguously
There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would
be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn! <

which pretty much sums up why things got no better
under Clinton, and for that matter, only got way,
way, way worse as a matter of fact while we were all
“under” Clinton getting screwed.

And finally Patrick summed his note up thusly
It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party
with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
Repeal ALL LAWS!
We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
warring city states.
Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.<

I hadn’t realized the libertarians wanted all laws
repealed and liked the idea of warring feudal city
states. That does give them a kind of edge I wasn’t
aware of.
There’s a new videogame coming out that I’m supposed
to be getting a copy of that will allow me to send
vast armies across Europe and the MIddle East during
the crusades, which weren’t quite the “warring city
states” situation, but almost. I usually don’t enjoy
those games where I have to spend hours doing
anything other than blowing bits of body parts off
of online opponents, (yeah, I know, where’d the
violent streak come from? I simply think it healthy
and old fashioned fun to play “guns”, probably
stemming from my

as a kid kind of thing. I’m a firm believer in total
peace, but gosh darn it, those bloody cyber games
have kept me from going out and banging up more than
once), but I’m looking forward to this complicated
one from Activision.
Sorry, WAY off topic of ibogaine.


—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700],
[Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| But I do want to understand the simple thing of
| the diff between the republicans, democrats, all
| people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to
those who are not
addicted to drugs.

| Did any of this get any better when Clinton was
in the
| white house? I wasnt there or anything but it
| look like Bush has made any change at all. The
| libertarians I dont know what they want, thank
| Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i
| think, they want to repeal all drug laws and
| other laws from what I understand.

And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I
will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz
like, I was in a bad
mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat

This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
Great Night!

| So my original question and i’m sorry I keep
asking it
| but nobody has answered it, is what difference
does it
| make for ibogaine? none of these people act like
| a priority to them, not republican, not
democrat, not
| anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on
| list doing?

Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level:

| Nothing at all that I can see, the only
| people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see

This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.

| I still will vote democrat because I’m not a
| person who made a lot of money or inhereted it,
| dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I
| see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war
| drugs is concerned.

There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there
would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!

It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only
party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!

Repeal ALL LAWS!

We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
warring city states.

Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.


Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: [ibogaine] Recall: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:33:11 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt would like to recall the message, “[ibogaine] war
on drugs”.

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:32:46 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I wish I had more time for this list; or that you guys would also join us at
an growing international coalition of refomers – these are the questions we
discuss all day everyday. This is not Ibogaine talk…

But let me say this briefly then: there are already countries where there is
DE FACTO decriminalisation; on the statute books, all their drugs may still
be illegal, but that is only cos of the International Conventions which we
are beginning to ‘attack.’

Come to London one day Carrie, in certain areas, the cops just breathe
deeply when someone walks by with a joint
Holland, as you probably know has the coffee shops; Marijuana on sale, no
law enforcement can stop them
Bits of Australia have some kind of Pot decrim
Heroin is being prescribed in several European countries

Yeh Preston, I know these are only Harm Reduction measures, but as you well
know they NAY be the beginning of much else, MOREOVER, they are saving some
of our peers lives TG!

I find your debates (when you’re not being totally potty – PK and PP –
wonderful; if I could I would can some of the things you say, at least get
them on tape and make a play out of them. The fact is you are the folk that
this F drug war f’d most intensely (well some of the most intensely) so your
responses at least are a voices of your peer group and/or generation

So don’t be talking bollocks to Carrie!!!

Oops, think I may have just started another war; well as long as it don’t
prolong the BIG one – DW


I really wish we could have a party; everyone that ‘meets’ on this list –
don’t you think it’s about time we all met?!

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Carrie Rollins [mailto:carrierollins@yahoo.com]
Sent: 09 July 2002 06:11
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

LMAO, ok that was really funny and both of you are
being sarcastic except when you’re sarcastic you’re
also serious. The awful thing is I don’t think you’re
kidding. Please tell me that somebody who is doing the
war on drugs really believes in it? I never understand
that exactly, who is it that decides a big priority of
America is supposed to be throwing drug addicts into
jail? Every poll I have read in the last years is that
there are almost no people who support prison for drug
offenses, there is no indication at all that the war
on drugs works, patrick wrote that really cool war
machine thing, you run drugwar.

What I’m getting at is both of you are saying then
that it’s hopeless. So then why do mindvox and drugwar
and all these things? When I was freaking out that I
couldn’t write when I tripped a few weeks ago a lot of
you were my examples for doing such cool things. Dana
gets a million people? A lot anyway all over the world
to organize for the million marijuana march, so many
of you do so much.

If it’s all hopeless then why do all that? Because
what the two of you said makes sense, if drugs were
legal the world economy would collapse. I’ve been
thinking of all that money it makes, so that means
it’s not about anyone believing in anything they’re
saying. All of them are lying and they know it.

What’s the reason for doing anything if it’s hopeless?


— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
Patrick wrote in his ever lucid and level headed way
-This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
Great Night!-

Hold on a cotton picking second here. What’s with
the spittle?;-)

Patrick also wrote, again quite unambiguously
There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would
be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn! <

which pretty much sums up why things got no better
under Clinton, and for that matter, only got way,
way, way worse as a matter of fact while we were all
“under” Clinton getting screwed.

And finally Patrick summed his note up thusly
It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party
with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
Repeal ALL LAWS!
We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
warring city states.
Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.<

I hadn’t realized the libertarians wanted all laws
repealed and liked the idea of warring feudal city
states. That does give them a kind of edge I wasn’t
aware of.
There’s a new videogame coming out that I’m supposed
to be getting a copy of that will allow me to send
vast armies across Europe and the MIddle East during
the crusades, which weren’t quite the “warring city
states” situation, but almost. I usually don’t enjoy
those games where I have to spend hours doing
anything other than blowing bits of body parts off
of online opponents, (yeah, I know, where’d the
violent streak come from? I simply think it healthy
and old fashioned fun to play “guns”, probably
stemming from my

as a kid kind of thing. I’m a firm believer in total
peace, but gosh darn it, those bloody cyber games
have kept me from going out and banging up more than
once), but I’m looking forward to this complicated
one from Activision.
Sorry, WAY off topic of ibogaine.


—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700],
[Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| But I do want to understand the simple thing of
| the diff between the republicans, democrats, all
| people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to
those who are not
addicted to drugs.

| Did any of this get any better when Clinton was
in the
| white house? I wasnt there or anything but it
| look like Bush has made any change at all. The
| libertarians I dont know what they want, thank
| Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i
| think, they want to repeal all drug laws and
| other laws from what I understand.

And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I
will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz
like, I was in a bad
mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat

This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
Great Night!

| So my original question and i’m sorry I keep
asking it
| but nobody has answered it, is what difference
does it
| make for ibogaine? none of these people act like
| a priority to them, not republican, not
democrat, not
| anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on
| list doing?

Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level:

| Nothing at all that I can see, the only
| people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see

This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.

| I still will vote democrat because I’m not a
| person who made a lot of money or inhereted it,
| dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I
| see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war
| drugs is concerned.

There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there
would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!

It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only
party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!

Repeal ALL LAWS!

We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
warring city states.

Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.


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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:22:48 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Curtis hi, andria from London/U.K. here

I too Ibogaine some time after I’d ‘cleaned up’

I must admit, I did find it quite enhancing to my life; it settled me down,
I tend to do manic nos. frequently. The Ibogaine seemed to chill me out for
a few months and I just generally felt a lot more at peace with me/myself
and I

Go for it, if you have the time etc

Warm Regards

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Curtis Hersch [mailto:crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com]
Sent: 09 July 2002 00:07
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] to be more clear

Didn’t mean to ramble on and I wanted to make sure my question
more clear so apologies for taking up space with two letters.
Exactly what I’m asking is first would ibogaine make me feel any
better if I’m down in the dumps a lot even if I’ve been clean for
a while. More important has anyone who was ever doing good taken
ibogaine and relapsed right after it? Is it something that can set
you off?

Thanks, Curtis

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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 10:19:40 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Preston, I’m surprised at you egging PK on


There are ways to begin the repeal of prohibition that entail NOT collapsing the world economies, and all yours two other images of Armeggedon

For example, each nation state, country SHOULD DECIDE for themselves how best to organise it, instead of having some super-power or other telling them how to do it (or not.)


Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet [mailto:ptpeet@nyc.rr.com]
Sent: 08 July 2002 21:13
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

Patrick wrote in his ever lucid and level headed way
-This is Absolutely Correct because it has been CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a Great Night!-

Hold on a cotton picking second here. What’s with the spittle?;-)

Patrick also wrote, again quite unambiguously
>There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn! <

which pretty much sums up why things got no better under Clinton, and for that matter, only got way, way, way worse as a matter of fact while we were all “under” Clinton getting screwed.

And finally Patrick summed his note up thusly
>It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
Repeal ALL LAWS!
We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of warring city states.
Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.<

I hadn’t realized the libertarians wanted all laws repealed and liked the idea of warring feudal city states. That does give them a kind of edge I wasn’t aware of.
There’s a new videogame coming out that I’m supposed to be getting a copy of that will allow me to send vast armies across Europe and the MIddle East during the crusades, which weren’t quite the “warring city states” situation, but almost. I usually don’t enjoy those games where I have to spend hours doing anything other than blowing bits of body parts off of online opponents, (yeah, I know, where’d the violent streak come from? I simply think it healthy and old fashioned fun to play “guns”, probably stemming from my American-watching-Westerns-playing-steal-the-flag-in-the-woods-having-bbgun-wars-around-the-neighborhood as a kid kind of thing. I’m a firm believer in total peace, but gosh darn it, those bloody cyber games have kept me from going out and banging up more than once), but I’m looking forward to this complicated one from Activision.
Sorry, WAY off topic of ibogaine.

—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700], [Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| But I do want to understand the simple thing of what’s
| the diff between the republicans, democrats, all these
| people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to those who are not
addicted to drugs.

| Did any of this get any better when Clinton was in the
| white house? I wasnt there or anything but it doesnt
| look like Bush has made any change at all. The
| libertarians I dont know what they want, thank you
| Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i dont
| think, they want to repeal all drug laws and most
| other laws from what I understand.

And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz like, I was in a bad
mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat meng?”

This is Absolutely Correct because it has been CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a Great Night!

| So my original question and i’m sorry I keep asking it
| but nobody has answered it, is what difference does it
| make for ibogaine? none of these people act like it’s
| a priority to them, not republican, not democrat, not
| anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on this
| list doing?

Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level: 2002).

| Nothing at all that I can see, the only marijuana
| people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see ibogaine

This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.

| I still will vote democrat because I’m not a rich
| person who made a lot of money or inhereted it, but
| dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I don’t
| see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war on
| drugs is concerned.

There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!

It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!

Repeal ALL LAWS!

We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of warring city states.

Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 9, 2002 at 9:12:24 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/8/02 7:24:12 PM, HSLotsof@aol.com writes:

In a message dated 7/8/02 7:08:21 PM, crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com writes:

<< Didn’t mean to ramble on and I wanted to make sure my question
more clear so apologies for taking up space with two letters.
Exactly what I’m asking is first would ibogaine make me feel any
better if I’m down in the dumps a lot even if I’ve been clean for
a while. More important has anyone who was ever doing good taken
ibogaine and relapsed right after it? Is it something that can set
you off? >>


In answer to your first question, there is a good chance ibogaine would
make you feel better but, there are no guarantees and it is not impossible
might feel worse.
Concerning your second question I know of no example where a person had
not used for some time, took ibogaine and then relapsed.  However, you should
not rule anything out.  You know you far better than we do.  It is often
difficult if not impossible to tell what is going to happen to people who
are right in front of you and you are somewhere in internet space.
It all really depends on who you are and what you want as well as, the
general effects of ibogaine.  The very fact that you ask if using ibogaine
would precipitate a relapse gives me some concern since I don’t believe
there is any such event described in the literature.


The question I believe was, would ibogaine precipitate a relapse in a person
who was not currently using (doing good).  To that see above.  I do not
believe the question was, can a person relapse after ibogaine treatment for
active substance abuse disorders.

Certainly, relapse at one point or another is more or less common to ibogaine
treated patients who are chemically dependent as relapse is common to and
considered an aspect of recovery in all treatment modalities.



From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Possibility of relapse after ibogaine?
Date: July 9, 2002 at 8:26:01 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The question was will/can ibogaine cause a relapse in
someone who is clean/sober when they take the
ibogaine, to that the answer is no. Yes people do
relapse all the time trying to use ibogaine to get
clean. I am not saying it can’t happen, just the
chances are in the low-nil range (IMO), it is not a
“get high” drug by any means and does not trigger
thoughts of using.

The other question (as I read it) is would ibogaine do
any good for someone who is clean but needs some help,
IMO, yes. Clean people (even those who have never done
drugs) have even gotten help from taking ibogain and I
have taken a few “boosters” myself (roughly 1/2 full
anti-addictive dose) with great success. If it wasn’t
so absolutely disgusting and easier to do, I would do
it more often if I could – but it is NOT like I want
to run out and “get high” on ibogaine (as in trip),
no-one does (ever).

Howards answer is (IMO) 100% right on.

— Gamma <gammalyte9000@yahoo.com> wrote:
I have never heard of anybody relapsing after
ibogaine. Howard who would know much better then
almost anyone I think said the same thing. I don’t
think that’s a big probable. You could though be
first person to prove everyone wrong. 🙂


plenty of folks relapse after ibogaine, myself

A Post Ibogaine follow plan is highly important, if
not more important than the
ibo treatment itself. returning to the same old will
get you just that; the
same old.

follow up could be a major shift in lifestyle or at
very least some level of
commitment to work on the root issues of addiction,
or as some folks like to
call it, the Dis-Ease. Some of us surf, some of us
see therapists, some of us
practice meditation and some of us…


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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 7:40:05 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

>If it’s all hopeless then why do all that? Because
what the two of you said makes sense, if drugs were
legal the world economy would collapse. I’ve been
thinking of all that money it makes, so that means
it’s not about anyone believing in anything they’re
saying. All of them are lying and they know it.

What’s the reason for doing anything if it’s hopeless?<

Because I choose how to invest my time and money, and refuse to invest in “their” system. I choose to support positivity rather than negativity, (except of course during those bloody videogames), and hope that by doing so I will create my own small circle of good.
If no one starts living by example, and being very open about it, then yeah, it’d be pretty hopeless, but simply by taking this list as a glaring example, there’s a lot of cool people out there. Soooo, it’s not hopeless Carrie.
But yeah, the anti-drug-warriors in power MUST know they are lying through their teeth, and have no concern whatsoever for the “protecting the druggie” or society for that matter, it’s all protecting the War on Some Drugs business. HOW we get them out of power is something I’m working on, peacefully of course.

—– Original Message —–
From: Carrie Rollins
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2002 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

LMAO, ok that was really funny and both of you are
being sarcastic except when you’re sarcastic you’re
also serious. The awful thing is I don’t think you’re
kidding. Please tell me that somebody who is doing the
war on drugs really believes in it? I never understand
that exactly, who is it that decides a big priority of
America is supposed to be throwing drug addicts into
jail? Every poll I have read in the last years is that
there are almost no people who support prison for drug
offenses, there is no indication at all that the war
on drugs works, patrick wrote that really cool war
machine thing, you run drugwar.

What I’m getting at is both of you are saying then
that it’s hopeless. So then why do mindvox and drugwar
and all these things? When I was freaking out that I
couldn’t write when I tripped a few weeks ago a lot of
you were my examples for doing such cool things. Dana
gets a million people? A lot anyway all over the world
to organize for the million marijuana march, so many
of you do so much.

If it’s all hopeless then why do all that? Because
what the two of you said makes sense, if drugs were
legal the world economy would collapse. I’ve been
thinking of all that money it makes, so that means
it’s not about anyone believing in anything they’re
saying. All of them are lying and they know it.

What’s the reason for doing anything if it’s hopeless?


— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
> Patrick wrote in his ever lucid and level headed way
> -This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
> <Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
> with guns!  <Wiping
> spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
> Great Night!-
> Hold on a cotton picking second here. What’s with
> the spittle?;-)
> Patrick also wrote, again quite unambiguously
> >There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
> because if prohibition were
> repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
> and go down the toilet,
> entire third world nations would topple, there would
> be chaos, disasters,
> swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn! <
>  which pretty much sums up why things got no better
> under Clinton, and for that matter, only got way,
> way, way worse as a matter of fact while we were all
> “under” Clinton getting screwed.
> And finally Patrick summed his note up thusly
> >It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party
> with the courage to
> Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
> Repeal ALL LAWS!
> We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
> warring city states.
> Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.<
> I hadn’t realized the libertarians wanted all laws
> repealed and liked the idea of warring feudal city
> states. That does give them a kind of edge I wasn’t
> aware of.
> There’s a new videogame coming out that I’m supposed
> to be getting a copy of that will allow me to send
> vast armies across Europe and the MIddle East during
> the crusades, which weren’t quite the “warring city
> states” situation, but almost. I usually don’t enjoy
> those games where I have to spend hours doing
> anything other than blowing bits of body parts off
> of online opponents, (yeah, I know, where’d the
> violent streak come from? I simply think it healthy
> and old fashioned fun to play “guns”, probably
> stemming from my
> as a kid kind of thing. I’m a firm believer in total
> peace, but gosh darn it, those bloody cyber games
> have kept me from going out and banging up more than
> once), but I’m looking forward to this complicated
> one from Activision.
>     Sorry, WAY off topic of ibogaine.
> Peace,
> Preston
> Peace,
> Preston
>   —– Original Message —–
>   From: Patrick K. Kroupa
>   To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>   Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:47 PM
>   Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
>   On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700],
> [Carrie Rollins] wrote:
>   | But I do want to understand the simple thing of
> what’s
>   | the diff between the republicans, democrats, all
> these
>   | people as far as ibogaine is concerned?
>   Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to
> those who are not
>   addicted to drugs.
>   | Did any of this get any better when Clinton was
> in the
>   | white house? I wasnt there or anything but it
> doesnt
>   | look like Bush has made any change at all. The
>   | libertarians I dont know what they want, thank
> you
>   | Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i
> dont
>   | think, they want to repeal all drug laws and
> most
>   | other laws from what I understand.
>   And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I
> will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
>   more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz
> like, I was in a bad
>   mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat
> meng?”
>   This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
>   <Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
> with guns!  <Wiping
>   spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
> Great Night!
>   | So my original question and i’m sorry I keep
> asking it
>   | but nobody has answered it, is what difference
> does it
>   | make for ibogaine? none of these people act like
> it’s
>   | a priority to them, not republican, not
> democrat, not
>   | anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on
> this
>   | list doing?
>   Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level:
> 2002).
>   | Nothing at all that I can see, the only
> marijuana
>   | people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see
> ibogaine
>   This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.
>   | I still will vote democrat because I’m not a
> rich
>   | person who made a lot of money or inhereted it,
> but
>   | dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I
> don’t
>   | see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war
> on
>   | drugs is concerned.
>   There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
> because if prohibition were
>   repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
> and go down the toilet,
>   entire third world nations would topple, there
> would be chaos, disasters,
>   swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!
>   It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only
> party with the courage to
>   Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
>   Repeal ALL LAWS!
>   We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
> warring city states.
>   Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.
>   Patrick

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From: Philip mazieres <pmzeres@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] in Holland
Date: July 9, 2002 at 7:09:28 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Cc: sara119@xs4all.nl
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I just want to know where I could follow a cure in
holland ?
I am based in paris, france



— sara glatt <sara119@xs4all.nl> wrote:
I have treated people who relapsed after,

yes , some do .

those who take a three day treatment ,

for  some, three days are no enough  ,

if they are having some withdrawals  after

the treatment then they don’t believe it worked ,

that’s why I think that a longer treatment with a

to repeat  a small dose ,if there is a need  , can
help to

smaller the chance of  a relaps ,

some people do this treatment just to get clean  but
not willing to stop

their habbit . that also a reason to relaps ,


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From: “janine andrews” <janineandrews@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] relaps ,
Date: July 9, 2002 at 5:45:43 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sara Glatt
I am a sangoma (African healer)
I am about to do my first treatment on a boy who has a crack habit.  Is there anything you can advise me on?  What dosage do you start with.
Do you do any specific councelling?
Janine Andrews

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

From: Gamma <gammalyte9000@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Possibility of relapse after ibogaine?
Date: July 9, 2002 at 3:56:38 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I have never heard of anybody relapsing after taking
ibogaine. Howard who would know much better then
almost anyone I think said the same thing. I don’t
think that’s a big probable. You could though be the
first person to prove everyone wrong. 🙂


plenty of folks relapse after ibogaine, myself included.

A Post Ibogaine follow plan is highly important, if not more important than the
ibo treatment itself. returning to the same old will get you just that; the
same old.

follow up could be a major shift in lifestyle or at very least some level of
commitment to work on the root issues of addiction, or as some folks like to
call it, the Dis-Ease. Some of us surf, some of us see therapists, some of us
practice meditation and some of us…


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From: “sara glatt” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: [ibogaine] relaps ,
Date: July 9, 2002 at 1:44:21 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I have treated people who relapsed after,

yes , some do .

those who take a three day treatment ,

for  some, three days are no enough  ,

if they are having some withdrawals  after

the treatment then they don’t believe it worked ,

that’s why I think that a longer treatment with a posibility

to repeat  a small dose ,if there is a need  , can help to

smaller the chance of  a relaps ,

some people do this treatment just to get clean  but not willing to stop

their habbit . that also a reason to relaps ,


From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Possibility of relapse after ibogaine?
Date: July 9, 2002 at 1:21:59 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

All of mindvox is weird, there are so many random
strange things that float through it it’s like some
kind of psychedelic temple or patrick’s brain blown
through a cuisinart 🙂 The temple is tagged up in
places but the second half is my own observation 🙂
“When most adult’s try to cross-connect the spirals of
rainbows they just end up with mud” you’re lucky
you’re not a adult patrick 🙂

My advice is the same advice I’ve given before, switch
music already. Grunge is so dead and the reason it’s
so dead is because all the artists are either OD’d or
too strung out to do anything anymore. Nobody out of
that scene some of you love so much lasted very long.
I can’t imagine finding inspiration in a cd that went
platinum years after the guy who wrote and sang all of
it was dead, it’s just depressing and I’ve dated
grungie guys, in the 90’s that’s all there was, temple
of the dog is a miserable unhappy cd about heroin
addiction and death. Dirt was a miserable happy cd
about heroin addiction because nobody was dead yet.
Change stations already! 🙂

I have never heard of anybody relapsing after taking
ibogaine. Howard who would know much better then
almost anyone I think said the same thing. I don’t
think that’s a big probable. You could though be the
first person to prove everyone wrong. 🙂


— Curtis  Hersch <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>

I’ve got to say this is inspirational and weirdly
connected. I
looked at phantom.com for the first time in 5 years
I entered it
for some reason and it blew my mind. Not only are
you back but
that is so past awesome. I clicked two of the tabs
on the
navigation and then sat there and looked at it, the
tag line is
part of one of the greatest pieces of music that has
even been
made. For some reason I wonder what happened to
mindvox today and
it’s there and I’m looking at a fragment from man of
golden words!
You don’t know what that means to me or maybe you
do, Mother Love
Bone was it for me Shine and Apple are all I played
when I was
trying to kick and when I couldn’t handle the world
any more I
would play both of those on my stereo and full blast
until I
thought I wouldn’t go score 5 minutes later.

That’s magic, everything you’ve done there is it’s
like I read it
and look at it and holy f*cking s*it man you’re
radiating through
all that. Right on!

I’ve been reading about ibogaine all afternoon today
and man do I
want to try it. I have got to ask I have been clean
for 2 years
now, would doing up ibogaine help me to enter a
better space? I’m
clean but my life isn’t any of that I’m seeing on
mindvox, my life
is trying to make it and not score today it’s not
nearly as bad as
it was back a ways but I would not say I’m doing
good or happy. Is
there any kind of danger it might make me relapse
after being
clean? I want to try it now so bad.

Right on!


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From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 9, 2002 at 1:11:02 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

LMAO, ok that was really funny and both of you are
being sarcastic except when you’re sarcastic you’re
also serious. The awful thing is I don’t think you’re
kidding. Please tell me that somebody who is doing the
war on drugs really believes in it? I never understand
that exactly, who is it that decides a big priority of
America is supposed to be throwing drug addicts into
jail? Every poll I have read in the last years is that
there are almost no people who support prison for drug
offenses, there is no indication at all that the war
on drugs works, patrick wrote that really cool war
machine thing, you run drugwar.

What I’m getting at is both of you are saying then
that it’s hopeless. So then why do mindvox and drugwar
and all these things? When I was freaking out that I
couldn’t write when I tripped a few weeks ago a lot of
you were my examples for doing such cool things. Dana
gets a million people? A lot anyway all over the world
to organize for the million marijuana march, so many
of you do so much.

If it’s all hopeless then why do all that? Because
what the two of you said makes sense, if drugs were
legal the world economy would collapse. I’ve been
thinking of all that money it makes, so that means
it’s not about anyone believing in anything they’re
saying. All of them are lying and they know it.

What’s the reason for doing anything if it’s hopeless?


— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
Patrick wrote in his ever lucid and level headed way
-This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
Great Night!-

Hold on a cotton picking second here. What’s with
the spittle?;-)

Patrick also wrote, again quite unambiguously
There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would
be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn! <

which pretty much sums up why things got no better
under Clinton, and for that matter, only got way,
way, way worse as a matter of fact while we were all
“under” Clinton getting screwed.

And finally Patrick summed his note up thusly
It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party
with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
Repeal ALL LAWS!
We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
warring city states.
Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.<

I hadn’t realized the libertarians wanted all laws
repealed and liked the idea of warring feudal city
states. That does give them a kind of edge I wasn’t
aware of.
There’s a new videogame coming out that I’m supposed
to be getting a copy of that will allow me to send
vast armies across Europe and the MIddle East during
the crusades, which weren’t quite the “warring city
states” situation, but almost. I usually don’t enjoy
those games where I have to spend hours doing
anything other than blowing bits of body parts off
of online opponents, (yeah, I know, where’d the
violent streak come from? I simply think it healthy
and old fashioned fun to play “guns”, probably
stemming from my

as a kid kind of thing. I’m a firm believer in total
peace, but gosh darn it, those bloody cyber games
have kept me from going out and banging up more than
once), but I’m looking forward to this complicated
one from Activision.
Sorry, WAY off topic of ibogaine.


—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700],
[Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| But I do want to understand the simple thing of
| the diff between the republicans, democrats, all
| people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to
those who are not
addicted to drugs.

| Did any of this get any better when Clinton was
in the
| white house? I wasnt there or anything but it
| look like Bush has made any change at all. The
| libertarians I dont know what they want, thank
| Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i
| think, they want to repeal all drug laws and
| other laws from what I understand.

And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I
will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz
like, I was in a bad
mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat

This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
Great Night!

| So my original question and i’m sorry I keep
asking it
| but nobody has answered it, is what difference
does it
| make for ibogaine? none of these people act like
| a priority to them, not republican, not
democrat, not
| anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on
| list doing?

Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level:

| Nothing at all that I can see, the only
| people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see

This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.

| I still will vote democrat because I’m not a
| person who made a lot of money or inhereted it,
| dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I
| see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war
| drugs is concerned.

There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,”
because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there
would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!

It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only
party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!

Repeal ALL LAWS!

We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
warring city states.

Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.


Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Ritalin Blocks Dopamine Re-uptake Longer than Cocaine….
Date: July 8, 2002 at 1:35:47 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Pubdate: Thu, 27 Jun 2002
Source: Clarion-Ledger, The (MS)
Copyright: 2002 The Clarion-Ledger
Contact: http://www.clarionledger.com/about/letters.html
Website: http://www.clarionledger.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/805
Author: Jimmie E. Gates


Teen, Now In Prison, Alleges Drug Led To Cocaine Habit

A Jefferson County teenager serving a manslaughter sentence blames his
cocaine addiction on Ritalin and is suing the physician who prescribed the

The lawsuit being heard in Fayette in Jefferson County Circuit Court claims
Dr. Brian Stretch was negligent in treating Roderick Frye with Ritalin and
not explaining how he should be withdrawn from the prescription drug used
to treat Attention-Deficit Disorder.

Jim Shannon, attorney for Frye and his mother, Brenda Doss, says Ritalin is
addictive and a child is supposed to be gradually weaned from the drug. He
said the boy’s mother took him off cold turkey, causing his addiction to
crack cocaine.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v02.n1176.a08.html


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 8, 2002 at 7:23:25 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/8/02 7:08:21 PM, crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com writes:

<< Didn’t mean to ramble on and I wanted to make sure my question
more clear so apologies for taking up space with two letters.
Exactly what I’m asking is first would ibogaine make me feel any
better if I’m down in the dumps a lot even if I’ve been clean for
a while. More important has anyone who was ever doing good taken
ibogaine and relapsed right after it? Is it something that can set
you off? >>


In answer to your first question, there is a good chance ibogaine would make
you feel better but, there are no guarantees and it is not impossible you
might feel worse.

Concerning your second question I know of no example where a person had not
used for some time, took ibogaine and then relapsed.  However, you should not
rule anything out.  You know you far better than we do.  It is often
difficult if not impossible to tell what is going to happen to people who are
right in front of you and you are somewhere in internet space.

It all really depends on who you are and what you want as well as, the
general effects of ibogaine.  The very fact that you ask if using ibogaine
would precipitate a relapse gives me some concern since I don’t believe there
is any such event described in the literature.


From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] to be more clear
Date: July 8, 2002 at 7:07:13 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Didn’t mean to ramble on and I wanted to make sure my question more clear so apologies for taking up space with two letters. Exactly what I’m asking is first would ibogaine make me feel any better if I’m down in the dumps a lot even if I’ve been clean for a while. More important has anyone who was ever doing good taken ibogaine and relapsed right after it? Is it something that can set you off?

Thanks, Curtis

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From: “Curtis Hersch” <crownofthorns72@rediffmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Possibility of relapse after ibogaine?
Date: July 8, 2002 at 6:33:12 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’ve got to say this is inspirational and weirdly connected. I looked at phantom.com for the first time in 5 years I entered it for some reason and it blew my mind. Not only are you back but that is so past awesome. I clicked two of the tabs on the navigation and then sat there and looked at it, the tag line is part of one of the greatest pieces of music that has even been made. For some reason I wonder what happened to mindvox today and it’s there and I’m looking at a fragment from man of golden words! You don’t know what that means to me or maybe you do, Mother Love Bone was it for me Shine and Apple are all I played when I was trying to kick and when I couldn’t handle the world any more I would play both of those on my stereo and full blast until I thought I wouldn’t go score 5 minutes later.

That’s magic, everything you’ve done there is it’s like I read it and look at it and holy f*cking s*it man you’re radiating through all that. Right on!

I’ve been reading about ibogaine all afternoon today and man do I want to try it. I have got to ask I have been clean for 2 years now, would doing up ibogaine help me to enter a better space? I’m clean but my life isn’t any of that I’m seeing on mindvox, my life is trying to make it and not score today it’s not nearly as bad as it was back a ways but I would not say I’m doing good or happy. Is there any kind of danger it might make me relapse after being clean? I want to try it now so bad.

Right on!

There is always a better job for you at Monsterindia.com.
Go now http://monsterindia.rediff.com/jobs

From: Jpmfooch@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] get me off this list
Date: July 8, 2002 at 4:23:50 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I agree with you, please let me know how to get off this list. I don’t remember the original website that I so stupidly asked a queation.HELP

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 8, 2002 at 4:12:45 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Patrick wrote in his ever lucid and level headed way
-This is Absolutely Correct because it has been CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a Great Night!-

Hold on a cotton picking second here. What’s with the spittle?;-)

Patrick also wrote, again quite unambiguously
>There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn! <

which pretty much sums up why things got no better under Clinton, and for that matter, only got way, way, way worse as a matter of fact while we were all “under” Clinton getting screwed.

And finally Patrick summed his note up thusly
>It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!
Repeal ALL LAWS!
We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of warring city states.
Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.<

I hadn’t realized the libertarians wanted all laws repealed and liked the idea of warring feudal city states. That does give them a kind of edge I wasn’t aware of.
There’s a new videogame coming out that I’m supposed to be getting a copy of that will allow me to send vast armies across Europe and the MIddle East during the crusades, which weren’t quite the “warring city states” situation, but almost. I usually don’t enjoy those games where I have to spend hours doing anything other than blowing bits of body parts off of online opponents, (yeah, I know, where’d the violent streak come from? I simply think it healthy and old fashioned fun to play “guns”, probably stemming from my American-watching-Westerns-playing-steal-the-flag-in-the-woods-having-bbgun-wars-around-the-neighborhood as a kid kind of thing. I’m a firm believer in total peace, but gosh darn it, those bloody cyber games have kept me from going out and banging up more than once), but I’m looking forward to this complicated one from Activision.
Sorry, WAY off topic of ibogaine.

—– Original Message —–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700], [Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| But I do want to understand the simple thing of what’s
| the diff between the republicans, democrats, all these
| people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to those who are not
addicted to drugs.

| Did any of this get any better when Clinton was in the
| white house? I wasnt there or anything but it doesnt
| look like Bush has made any change at all. The
| libertarians I dont know what they want, thank you
| Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i dont
| think, they want to repeal all drug laws and most
| other laws from what I understand.

And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz like, I was in a bad
mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat meng?”

This is Absolutely Correct because it has been CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a Great Night!

| So my original question and i’m sorry I keep asking it
| but nobody has answered it, is what difference does it
| make for ibogaine? none of these people act like it’s
| a priority to them, not republican, not democrat, not
| anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on this
| list doing?

Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level: 2002).

| Nothing at all that I can see, the only marijuana
| people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see ibogaine

This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.

| I still will vote democrat because I’m not a rich
| person who made a lot of money or inhereted it, but
| dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I don’t
| see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war on
| drugs is concerned.

There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!

It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!

Repeal ALL LAWS!

We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of warring city states.

Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.


From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 8, 2002 at 4:07:31 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thank you Patrick, that cleared it all up.

Did someone forget to take their medication today? 😉

Carla B

— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700], [Carrie
Rollins] wrote:

| But I do want to understand the simple thing of
| the diff between the republicans, democrats, all
| people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to
those who are not
addicted to drugs.

| Did any of this get any better when Clinton was in
| white house? I wasnt there or anything but it
| look like Bush has made any change at all. The
| libertarians I dont know what they want, thank you
| Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i
| think, they want to repeal all drug laws and most
| other laws from what I understand.

And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I
will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz
like, I was in a bad
mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat

This is Absolutely Correct because it has been
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs
with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a
Great Night!

| So my original question and i’m sorry I keep
asking it
| but nobody has answered it, is what difference
does it
| make for ibogaine? none of these people act like
| a priority to them, not republican, not democrat,
| anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on this
| list doing?

Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level: 2002).

| Nothing at all that I can see, the only marijuana
| people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see ibogaine

This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.

| I still will vote democrat because I’m not a rich
| person who made a lot of money or inhereted it,
| dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I
| see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war
| drugs is concerned.

There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because
if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse
and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would
be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!

It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party
with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!

Repeal ALL LAWS!

We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of
warring city states.

Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.


Do You Yahoo!?
Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 8, 2002 at 3:47:35 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 10:57:51PM -0700], [Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| But I do want to understand the simple thing of what’s
| the diff between the republicans, democrats, all these
| people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Not much; drug addiction ain’t that interesting to those who are not
addicted to drugs.

| Did any of this get any better when Clinton was in the
| white house? I wasnt there or anything but it doesnt
| look like Bush has made any change at all. The
| libertarians I dont know what they want, thank you
| Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i dont
| think, they want to repeal all drug laws and most
| other laws from what I understand.

And when I am elected Supreme Ruler of Nevada, I will repeal ALL LAWS!  No
more lies and half-truths, “I keeled him ded, ‘cuz like, I was in a bad
mood that day n’ shit, choo got a problem wid dat meng?”

This is Absolutely Correct because it has been CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN
<Pounding Podium> That hookers *do not* kill drugs with guns!  <Wiping
spittle from mouth>  Thank You, God Bless, Have a Great Night!

| So my original question and i’m sorry I keep asking it
| but nobody has answered it, is what difference does it
| make for ibogaine? none of these people act like it’s
| a priority to them, not republican, not democrat, not
| anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on this
| list doing?

Not much, welcome to Reality (revision level: 2002).

| Nothing at all that I can see, the only marijuana
| people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see ibogaine

This is because Dana UNDERSTANDS.

| I still will vote democrat because I’m not a rich
| person who made a lot of money or inhereted it, but
| dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I don’t
| see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war on
| drugs is concerned.

There ain’t one.  There is a “war on drugs,” because if prohibition were
repealed, that world economy thing would collapse and go down the toilet,
entire third world nations would topple, there would be chaos, disasters,
swarms of locusts, anarchy!  Fuck yeah mahn!

It *is* all the same shit, new day.  The only party with the courage to
Stand Up and Speak the TRUTH are the Libertarians!

Repeal ALL LAWS!

We need to go back to a fully Feudal System of warring city states.

Uhm, nevermind, just clearing my head.


From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] 4th of july
Date: July 8, 2002 at 9:01:01 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

hi plese tell me how the ibogaine was for you like the after effects sleep,how you felt i am so excited i go on 7/11 count down is on…glad to hear your clean you go…karina

From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] How many??
Date: July 8, 2002 at 8:52:46 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

why don’t you go to www.ibogaine-therapy.net it’s located in rosarito beach mecixo cost $2,800 and they accept payments  i am going on 7/11 to get off 100mg of methadone and i know everyone is different but i am going with the sttitude it is going to work cause i want off methadone so very very badly so if any of it is mental it should work cause i will do everything in my power nott to go back on methadone

From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] How many??
Date: July 8, 2002 at 5:35:55 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

If this person wants to come to London, let me know. I will see if i can

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Rick Venglarcik [mailto:RickV@hnncsb.org]
Sent: 26 June 2002 19:20
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] How many??

Thanks for the input.  I am speaking of one individual who is
considering ibogaine treatment…a friend of his is willing to go along
in order to monitor…thus the use of the term “they.”  I have provided
links to ibogaine sites to both of them.  The user has tried methadone a
number of times, detoxed, and then ends up relapsing within a few
months. The friend who will accompany him is a non-user and is very
supportive…they’ve known each other since age 8 or 9.  Due to a number
of factors (mainly $), they can probably swing a “european vacation,”
but would be unable to afford to travel to Europe again for a year or
longer.  He is 26 years old, has no significant medical problems, is
unwilling to try methadone again, and has an awful lot to lose if daily
opiate use continues.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

HSLotsof@aol.com 06/26/02 01:58PM >>>

In a message dated 6/26/02 1:04:10 PM, RickV@hnncsb.org writes:

They have the means
to possibly afford a european vacation for 4 or 5 days, but that’s
it.  I don’t want to offer them false hope, but affording such a trip
would likely tap them out and they wouldn’t be able to afford regular
ibogaine treatment.
Hi Rick,

If your friends have read ibogaine.co.uk and ibogaine.org then they
have been
given realistic assessments of what can be expected from ibogaine. That
not false hope.  That is reality.  Ibogaine, like every medication
works very
well for some people and not well for others.  The majority of opiate
dependent persons benefit from ibogaine and if your friends are active
it as good a way to get an opportunity to take a break from active
that I know.  Once, they are treated there perception and ability to
other decisions should be more open, particularly as they should no
longer be
chemically dependent.  The hardest part is deciding to do ibogaine and
doing it.  It is frightening to consider that you may be a non-drug
addict in
a day or two if you are strung out.

What do you mean by regular ibogaine treatment?  Also, you mention
patient and then use the term “they” (not quoted above).  Are we
talking one
or two people?


From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 8, 2002 at 1:57:51 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Ok thanks for posting the bush conspiracy guide for
dummies Carla, that helped. But besides that my
original question is still exactly the same.

What does any of this have to do with ibogaine, yes
the libertarians wanting to play the stock market with
social security i can beleive, i think they want to
get rid of it totally or whatever.

But I do want to understand the simple thing of what’s
the diff between the republicans, democrats, all these
people as far as ibogaine is concerned?

Did any of this get any better when Clinton was in the
white house? I wasnt there or anything but it doesnt
look like Bush has made any change at all. The
libertarians I dont know what they want, thank you
Vector 🙂 nothing with ibogaine in particular i dont
think, they want to repeal all drug laws and most
other laws from what I understand.

So my original question and i’m sorry I keep asking it
but nobody has answered it, is what difference does it
make for ibogaine? none of these people act like it’s
a priority to them, not republican, not democrat, not
anybody. What’s anybody besides the people on this
list doing?

Nothing at all that I can see, the only marijuana
people promoting is you Dana, I don’t see ibogaine
listed anywhere else.

I still will vote democrat because I’m not a rich
person who made a lot of money or inhereted it, but
dems, reps, same deal same shit same thing, I don’t
see any difference as far as ibogaine or the war on
drugs is concerned.


— Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org> wrote:
I clicked through some of the links under Mindvox
most of them I’ve seen before but this one I
then I noticed that drugwar also links it. What
exactly is the Cato institute?

What it’s saying is the same thing all the
war people have been saying for a long time, but
doing it in a very unemotional way. I’ve been
the rest of the site and I guess it’s a Libertarian
Party site, but what they look like they want to do
throw the entire government into the garbage. It’s
just the war on drugs, they look like they disagree
with almost everything.

I think I’m a Democrat at least I’ve voted that way
before, but I’m not sure things got any better
Clinton, did they? The Republicans want to keep the
war on drugs going why? I’m not clear on that
The Libertarians just want to get rid of the entire
government period and every site of theirs has a
anti drug war section.

Who out of all this wants to keep the war on drugs
going??? And who is doing anything to support
ibogaine, it doesn’t look like really anybody
the people on this list and what they do offlist.

Did I miss something obvious? I’m getting confused.

Oh yes, Cato is http://www.cato.org


Why is David Boaz of Cato colluding with NORML and
Ethan Nadelman to
keep ibogaine out of the drug legalization

David Boaz is on the Board of NORML. Understand:
they “not against
Ibogaine.” It’s “just a side-issue.” But ask
yourself–which is more
responsible for “the drug problem?” Some people
smoking pot, or the
fact the government is withholding the cure for

The prohibitionists charge that legalization will
lead to “an
explosion of addiction.” The legalizers fail to
point out that
legalization would include ibogaine, so that it’s
impossible to
predict what would happen to addiction rates without
factoring in the

And the legalizers keep losing the argument. So is
Cato Institute
really doing legalization a favor by keeping
maintaining a consensus
not to investigate  or discuss Ibogaine in the DRA,
Commonsense for
Drug Policy?

Cato Institute  is also responsible for designing
the Bush taxcut and
the plan to use Social Security to play the
stockmarket. They’re


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From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] More Bwiti than ever!!
Date: July 7, 2002 at 10:37:28 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Wow, no kidding! That’s like all the photos I have
ever seen online at once and multiplied by two or

Thanks for posting that!


— HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:
Check out this web page to see more bwiti in one
place than you ever thought



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From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] More Bwiti than ever!!
Date: July 7, 2002 at 10:20:15 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Check out this web page to see more bwiti in one place than you ever thought



From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] drugs for thought
Date: July 7, 2002 at 1:36:57 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Psychotropic Drugs Overprescribed in West, According to UN Official

LONDON (Reuters Health) Jun 24 – Doctors in developed countries are
overprescribing potentially addictive drugs, such as antidepressants and
sedatives, a United Nations drugs expert said on Monday.
Dr. Hamid Ghodse, president of the UN’s International Narcotics Control
Board, said that psychotropic drugs were being used to counter social
problems, sometimes without solid medical justification.

“We are correcting social difficulties by medication and when such drugs are
over-consumed, it is a great cause for concern,” he told attendees at the
annual meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Cardiff.
“Over-consumption could lead to addiction and the diversion of such drugs to
illicit trafficking and drug abuse.”

Dr. Ghodse, who is Chair of Addiction Psychiatry at St. George’s Hospital in
London, said that in some countries as many as 25% to 35% of all patients
were prescribed psychotropic drugs without being diagnosed with a mental

He said that children in the US and elsewhere who are prescribed drugs for
attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are often not ill. “While not
wishing to deny the potential benefit of treating children with ADHD, it is
natural to feel uneasy about the liberal use of a drug with the specific
intention of modifying a child’s behaviour such that he or she becomes more
compliant and less troublesome,” he said. “We are medicalising something that
is often not a medical condition.”

He said inappropriate prescribing reflected cultural trends and expectations
and the marketing practices of pharmaceutical companies. These factors,
combined with weak regulatory systems and improper medical practice may lead
to inappropriate and excessive consumption, he said.

From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 6, 2002 at 6:17:40 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I don’t know maybe those people don’t know about
ibogaine or don’t care about it one way or the other.
I don’t have any idea who they are.

I found this link, it’s funny, the bush conspiracy
explained for complete dummies. Worked for me 🙂


Carla B

— Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org> wrote:
I clicked through some of the links under Mindvox
most of them I’ve seen before but this one I
then I noticed that drugwar also links it. What
exactly is the Cato institute?

What it’s saying is the same thing all the
war people have been saying for a long time, but
doing it in a very unemotional way. I’ve been
the rest of the site and I guess it’s a Libertarian
Party site, but what they look like they want to do
throw the entire government into the garbage. It’s
just the war on drugs, they look like they disagree
with almost everything.

I think I’m a Democrat at least I’ve voted that way
before, but I’m not sure things got any better
Clinton, did they? The Republicans want to keep the
war on drugs going why? I’m not clear on that
The Libertarians just want to get rid of the entire
government period and every site of theirs has a
anti drug war section.

Who out of all this wants to keep the war on drugs
going??? And who is doing anything to support
ibogaine, it doesn’t look like really anybody
the people on this list and what they do offlist.

Did I miss something obvious? I’m getting confused.

Oh yes, Cato is http://www.cato.org


Why is David Boaz of Cato colluding with NORML and
Ethan Nadelman to
keep ibogaine out of the drug legalization

David Boaz is on the Board of NORML. Understand:
they “not against
Ibogaine.” It’s “just a side-issue.” But ask
yourself–which is more
responsible for “the drug problem?” Some people
smoking pot, or the
fact the government is withholding the cure for

The prohibitionists charge that legalization will
lead to “an
explosion of addiction.” The legalizers fail to
point out that
legalization would include ibogaine, so that it’s
impossible to
predict what would happen to addiction rates without
factoring in the

And the legalizers keep losing the argument. So is
Cato Institute
really doing legalization a favor by keeping
maintaining a consensus
not to investigate  or discuss Ibogaine in the DRA,
Commonsense for
Drug Policy?

Cato Institute  is also responsible for designing
the Bush taxcut and
the plan to use Social Security to play the
stockmarket. They’re


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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 6, 2002 at 6:13:23 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:
This is a hilarious note, thank you Vector.
The Cato institute is where, on my first out-of-town
trip for High Times, I asked Gov. Gary Johnson what
he thought about the CIA being involved in drug
He gave me a blank look, an “uh, I don’t know
what you’re talking about” then moved on to the next
question. Then many libertarian Cato folk approached
me afterwards and badgered me about “what’s your
problem with the CIA trafficking drugs?” as though I
was down on drugs, and not the CIA bringing them in
so we can get arrested taking them.

Yeah just what is your problem anyway? only stoner
freaks are allowed to deal drugs but not the cia?
Sheeesh! 🙂

Vectro, Vector? Velcro? Get a name! That was hilarious
🙂 Thank you for that overview of politics. That was

Carrie please do not, do not, do not ask political
questions or I’m going to read this list and fall
asleep instead of laugh.

Dana, please do not, oh nevermind, you’re not going to
listen anyway.

Carla B

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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 6, 2002 at 4:14:01 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I clicked through some of the links under Mindvox and
most of them I’ve seen before but this one I haven’t,
then I noticed that drugwar also links it. What
exactly is the Cato institute?

What it’s saying is the same thing all the anti-drug
war people have been saying for a long time, but it’s
doing it in a very unemotional way. I’ve been reading
the rest of the site and I guess it’s a Libertarian
Party site, but what they look like they want to do is
throw the entire government into the garbage. It’s not
just the war on drugs, they look like they disagree
with almost everything.

I think I’m a Democrat at least I’ve voted that way
before, but I’m not sure things got any better under
Clinton, did they? The Republicans want to keep the
war on drugs going why? I’m not clear on that either.
The Libertarians just want to get rid of the entire
government period and every site of theirs has a huge
anti drug war section.

Who out of all this wants to keep the war on drugs
going??? And who is doing anything to support
ibogaine, it doesn’t look like really anybody except
the people on this list and what they do offlist.

Did I miss something obvious? I’m getting confused.

Oh yes, Cato is http://www.cato.org


Why is David Boaz of Cato colluding with NORML and Ethan Nadelman to
keep ibogaine out of the drug legalization discussion?

David Boaz is on the Board of NORML. Understand: they “not against
Ibogaine.” It’s “just a side-issue.” But ask yourself–which is more
responsible for “the drug problem?” Some people smoking pot, or the
fact the government is withholding the cure for addiction?

The prohibitionists charge that legalization will lead to “an
explosion of addiction.” The legalizers fail to point out that
legalization would include ibogaine, so that it’s impossible to
predict what would happen to addiction rates without factoring in the

And the legalizers keep losing the argument. So is Cato Institute
really doing legalization a favor by keeping maintaining a consensus
not to investigate  or discuss Ibogaine in the DRA, Commonsense for
Drug Policy?

Cato Institute  is also responsible for designing the Bush taxcut and
the plan to use Social Security to play the stockmarket. They’re


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: Two articles about Columbia
Date: July 6, 2002 at 10:02:49 AM EDT
To: “cia-drugs” <cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com>
Cc: “efficacy” <efficacy@email.msn.com>, <ibogaine@mindvox.com>, “rootsofteror” <rootsofterror@yahoogroups.com>, <FreedomNewsNet@aol.com>, “spynews” <spynews@yahoogroups.com>, “CRRH” <restore@crrh.org>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’m forwarding these from an astute and well spoken friend, and have to say that while “hate” might be too strong a word for my own views, I cannot say I’m all that far away from her sentiments.
Preston Peet

—– Original Message —–
From: TOOLGT@aol.com
To: ptpeet@nyc.rr.com
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 5:57 AM
Subject: Two articles about Columbia

I really hate these people.

Published on Thursday, July 4, 2002 in the New York Times

Drug Planes a U.S. Target Again

by James Risen

WASHINGTON — President Bush is expected to approve the resumption of a program to force down or shoot down airplanes suspected of ferrying drugs in Latin America, a year after the program was halted by the mistaken downing of a plane carrying American missionaries in Peru, American officials say.

Click here: Drug Planes a U.S. Target Again

Published on Wednesday, July 3, 2002 in the Los Angeles Times

Colombia Must Declare War on Rebels, Official Says
Andean nation’s main guerrilla group is out to destroy the state, adds Otto J. Reich, the U.S. point man on Latin America

by Paul Richter

WASHINGTON — The State Department’s senior official for Latin America said Tuesday that the administration of Colombian President-elect Alvaro Uribe needs to move aggressively to “take the war to the guerrillas” who are trying to drive out the country’s mayors and lower-court judges.

Click here: Colombia Must Declare War on Rebels, Official Says

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 6, 2002 at 7:09:55 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This is a hilarious note, thank you Vector.
The Cato institute is where, on my first out-of-town trip for High Times, I asked Gov. Gary Johnson what he thought about the CIA being involved in drug trafficking.
He gave me a blank look, an “uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about” then moved on to the next question. Then many libertarian Cato folk approached me afterwards and badgered me about “what’s your problem with the CIA trafficking drugs?” as though I was down on drugs, and not the CIA bringing them in so we can get arrested taking them.
Anyway, Happy July 6th.
Mushrooms are a great invention! Thanks God/Power that bees.
—– Original Message —–
From: vector6@space.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs

Lets see. to give a little background I live in California, I’m middle class I think, my grandpa fought in WWII, my dad fought in vietnam. There’s a American Flag in front of my house, not since Sep 11, but since I was born. My grandfather is a Republican, my dad is a Democrat but doesn’t really care. My grandpa is proud of having served his country, my dad thinks it was a bullshit war that he got drafted into. I don’t know anybody near my age who votes or plans to vote or cares. Republicans are repressed conservative weird old people, Democrats are liberal old people who did more drugs and don’t want to get jobs. The Libertarians are morally outraged that anybody has the gall to tell them what to do, so step off and fuck you, the Greens wants to smoke a lot of pot and hang out. Hackers are mostly not aware that politics exist, those that are are libertarians. Ravers are mostly not aware that politics exist, those that are are mostly greens. Afghanistan is over there on the other side of the world. Washington is in the US, but it’s not the state that has Seattle where Nirvana came from. Political parties have animals, Republicans and Democrats have a donkey and an elephant I forget which is which, the Libertarians have a cobra with “don’t tread on me” written on it, I’ve no idea what the greens have, probably a hamster with a glow in the dark pacifier living in a dayglo cage. If you are confused what the cato institute does and really care, you could click their “about us” button and they talk on about something or another. Hope that helped .:vector:. Carrie Rollins wrote > > > I clicked through some of the links under Mindvox and > most of them I’ve seen before but this one I haven’t, > then I noticed that drugwar also links it. What > exactly is the Cato institute? > > What it’s saying is the same thing all the anti-drug > war people have been saying for a long time, but it’s > doing it in a very unemotional way. I’ve been reading > the rest of the site and I guess it’s a Libertarian > Party site, but what they look like they want to do is > throw the entire government into the garbage. It’s not > just the war on drugs, they look like they disagree > with almost everything. > > I think I’m a Democrat at least I’ve voted that way > before, but I’m not sure things got any better under > Clinton, did they? The Republicans want to keep the > war on drugs going why? I’m not clear on that either. > The Libertarians just want to get rid of the entire > government period and every site of theirs has a huge > anti drug war section. > > Who out of all this wants to keep the war on drugs > going??? And who is doing anything to support > ibogaine, it doesn’t look like really anybody except > the people on this list and what they do offlist. > > Did I miss something obvious? I’m getting confused. > > Oh yes, Cato is http://www.cato.org > > -carrie > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free > http://sbc.yahoo.com
Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] who I am/The Drumming of Eboka
Date: July 6, 2002 at 4:29:24 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi, sorry for the previous blank message.  Accidentaly hit control something or other instead of control-v (for copy here).  This is the earliest version of the poem, and the one I think is most recent after ibogaine.  (Mbiri is, according to the sources I had at the time, the female cult, who honor Mary as “first woman”). Jane
The Drumming of Eboka – Jane King
People of Mbiri, what are you chanting?
Your drumming pierces me; 
I’m throbbing to your beat, not my own.
My sight is transfixed, my body jerking..
Are you ghosts? You seem so alive, 
in an opalescent universe.
You flash by so solemnly, so knowingly. 
You watch me with 
Resignation in your sad eyes, 
and hold up to my enraptured gaze
Jewels, spears, bones and shields.
Perhaps it is me who is flashing by.
Native mother, in your gleaming canoe
With iridescent symbols, and your glowing, 
breathing hair so comforting and long,
Where are you paddling me?
Your Brave, so solid, so strong, 
laughing because he is with you,
Is deeply reading your thoughts and mine, 
while you, reading the river with every stroke,
laugh gently at me, for I desire to splash the water, 
but am fearful of making a sound.
Are we all together, precious mother, or
Am I lying here, suppressed, repressed, 
and rigid, while you go flashing by?
Where is my body? Is the pain that I feel
The same as the pain I inflict? 
Does the stern god push us, so we have to fly?
If we then fall, break open upon impact,
How many images go dancing, 
glistening and bright, along the horizon,
Just as you dance, people of Bwiti and Mbiri, along the shore?
I paddle by you; you are watching me, people of Bwiti.
Your native mother, so much like mine, increases the flow of the rivers,
As she swells the tides.
Is that what makes you drum so loudly? 
Do you respond to her with throbbing?
I have heard her singing–like your drums, 
her voice throbs and pierces.
It is too beautiful; you cannot hold your body 
in one piece any longer and it becomes
a flock of gulls, who rise with the sun, and flash by.
What’s left of you, what can’t ascend with them, 
sees sparkles in the sky,
If you go to the center, if you try to find the palace in the river,
Red and bright , solid and cubic, you will meet her -
She is there with the god; she is teaching him the tricks of ascendance.
These tricks are simple, but not easy.
She will put things inside you, 
for you will open to her like a sluice gate in the river.
You will open your mouth for the wafer of communion,
And she will give you the whole god.
He needs you too, for he is always going deeper; 
for him descent is ascent.
His path is spiral like a rain forest plant 
or the mind of this woman or a galaxy of stars.
He seeks out those who wish to entwine.
from inside, the god will push you off the ramparts,
But flight is not what you imagined it to be.
You will split open, 
and will become dancing particles of love, like fire flies
When they ascend from being glowworms.
Mother, mother, consciousness is sweet and pulsing, 
but you paddle so softly
And the canoe is so warm; it is hard to leave.
This god you put in me teaches me to burst; 
now, please, you teach me to gather.
And then my love can glow like your canoe,
With its shining symbols and its swift, 
smooth flow on the water,
As I paddle past the people of Mbiri, and their drums
Declare my presence, and that of 
your transcendent love that flows through us
And binds us to each other, 
As paradoxically we both entwine and fly,
and as we gaze, and listen, and drum and chant together
The songs of jewels and spears, of bones and shields
And then flash by.
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From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] who I am/
Date: July 6, 2002 at 4:22:55 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


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From: vector6@space.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 5, 2002 at 8:10:07 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Lets see. to give a little background I live in California, I’m middle class I think, my grandpa fought in WWII, my dad fought in vietnam. There’s a American Flag in front of my house, not since Sep 11, but since I was born. My grandfather is a Republican, my dad is a Democrat but doesn’t really care. My grandpa is proud of having served his country, my dad thinks it was a bullshit war that he got drafted into. I don’t know anybody near my age who votes or plans to vote or cares. Republicans are repressed conservative weird old people, Democrats are liberal old people who did more drugs and don’t want to get jobs. The Libertarians are morally outraged that anybody has the gall to tell them what to do, so step off and fuck you, the Greens wants to smoke a lot of pot and hang out. Hackers are mostly not aware that politics exist, those that are are libertarians. Ravers are mostly not aware that politics exist, those that are are mostly greens. Afghanistan is over there on the other side of the world. Washington is in the US, but it’s not the state that has Seattle where Nirvana came from. Political parties have animals, Republicans and Democrats have a donkey and an elephant I forget which is which, the Libertarians have a cobra with “don’t tread on me” written on it, I’ve no idea what the greens have, probably a hamster with a glow in the dark pacifier living in a dayglo cage. If you are confused what the cato institute does and really care, you could click their “about us” button and they talk on about something or another. Hope that helped .:vector:. Carrie Rollins wrote > > > I clicked through some of the links under Mindvox and > most of them I’ve seen before but this one I haven’t, > then I noticed that drugwar also links it. What > exactly is the Cato institute? > > What it’s saying is the same thing all the anti-drug > war people have been saying for a long time, but it’s > doing it in a very unemotional way. I’ve been reading > the rest of the site and I guess it’s a Libertarian > Party site, but what they look like they want to do is > throw the entire government into the garbage. It’s not > just the war on drugs, they look like they disagree > with almost everything. > > I think I’m a Democrat at least I’ve voted that way > before, but I’m not sure things got any better under > Clinton, did they? The Republicans want to keep the > war on drugs going why? I’m not clear on that either. > The Libertarians just want to get rid of the entire > government period and every site of theirs has a huge > anti drug war section. > > Who out of all this wants to keep the war on drugs > going??? And who is doing anything to support > ibogaine, it doesn’t look like really anybody except > the people on this list and what they do offlist. > > Did I miss something obvious? I’m getting confused. > > Oh yes, Cato is http://www.cato.org > > -carrie > > > __________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial – First Month Free > http://sbc.yahoo.com
Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] who I am
Date: July 5, 2002 at 6:42:55 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks, Carrie, for the explanation.  I’ll post it one of these days….Jane
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From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] war on drugs
Date: July 5, 2002 at 4:40:16 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I clicked through some of the links under Mindvox and
most of them I’ve seen before but this one I haven’t,
then I noticed that drugwar also links it. What
exactly is the Cato institute?

What it’s saying is the same thing all the anti-drug
war people have been saying for a long time, but it’s
doing it in a very unemotional way. I’ve been reading
the rest of the site and I guess it’s a Libertarian
Party site, but what they look like they want to do is
throw the entire government into the garbage. It’s not
just the war on drugs, they look like they disagree
with almost everything.

I think I’m a Democrat at least I’ve voted that way
before, but I’m not sure things got any better under
Clinton, did they? The Republicans want to keep the
war on drugs going why? I’m not clear on that either.
The Libertarians just want to get rid of the entire
government period and every site of theirs has a huge
anti drug war section.

Who out of all this wants to keep the war on drugs
going??? And who is doing anything to support
ibogaine, it doesn’t look like really anybody except
the people on this list and what they do offlist.

Did I miss something obvious? I’m getting confused.

Oh yes, Cato is http://www.cato.org


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From: Kerry Dawson <kdawsonais@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] RE: Conferences
Date: July 5, 2002 at 3:37:00 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

From a treatment angle the answer would be that none of these people were truly “addicts” they used drugs then stopped, so they do not fall into the addicted category. Where this breaks down and stops working in such a simple manner is when former hardcore drug users such as yourself, Patrick, others on this list who were unquestioningly “addicts” defined as people who obsessively and compulsively used their drugs of choice despite adverse consequences, be they medical, social or legal. People who had good reason to stop but did not. Or could not.
And then they suddenly do. I think ibogaine is a very interesting detox and maybe something more, but by itself it does not seem to hold the answers and requires some kind of follow through on the part of the addict. The question being what is that follow through and my message being that out of the group that talks on this list, very few or none of you should really be clean. Which is what I find fascinating.
From my side at least none of this is about society and it’s view of drug use and whether or not drugs should be legal. In my opinion they certainly should be, the war on drugs hasn’t solved anything that I can see. Of course there isn’t anyone in Washington who is requesting my opinion on this topic.
Kerry Dawson, AIS, CAP, MAC
preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:

For example, how do abstinence proponents reconcile their beliefs with a study commissioned by the National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA), published in 1996, which found that a large majority of persons deemed “alcohol dependent” were capable of spontaneous recovery without any form of abstinence-based treatment? In fact, more than half of those who participated in the organization’s National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiological Survey (NLAES) and met the diagnostic criteria for alcoholism were capable of moderating their alcohol intake without swearing off booze.
Drugs are different? Not so according to long-term studies of US drug users. Peele reveals that, “Long-term cocaine users, for example, do not become addicts. And when they do go through periods of abuse, they typically cut back or quit on their own.” To substantiate this statement the addiction expert cites statistics from the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) which show that some 3 million Americans have used heroin. Based on this figure, one would think that we are in the midst of a crippling pandemic of addiction. However, roughly 5% had used the drug within the past month. The statistics for cocaine are similar. As Peele explains, “These findings indicate that the vast majority of heroin and cocaine users either never become addicted or, if they do, soon manage to moderate their use or abstain.”
> I would also much rather listen to you Patrick, then to some acedemic talking crap *grin* Her point was that I don’t care how you did it but if someone goes through all that and can remain off their drugs, then I don’t think it matters how much ibogaine you do or not, you cannot remain “sober” if all you are is a inflated ego and empty shell. Which very much to my regret DP conferences are full of. If that is all you are, you will be back to whatever you were on very fast. Every addict I have known again no matter how they did it, has some sort of real inner core and strength. They have the ability to get real and cut the shit. <
I read recently that the government of Scotland at least is asking addicts for their input on what can be done positively to cut down the harms associated with drug abuse and prohibition. Perhaps more drug policy conferences will take their lead. I tend to agree with you on your assessment of addicts being fairly good at getting real and cutting the shit, usually, though not always, once they’ve quit being “junkies” that is.
>Addictionology which you view as a joke was not invented to annoy or amuse you, the field exists like every other field, it’s built up through trial and error and seeing what does or does not work.<
Ahh, but here’s the rub- Addictionology was “invented” because people keep insisting they want to use all sorts of drugs, despite whatever penalties the prohibitionist fascists mandated. Hence, the drug users must be sick or crazy to risk prison “just” for a “high.” But to me this is both most arrogant and simplistic, leaving out so much of what getting high is all about to so many people, and treats all use of illegal drugs as abuse. Seems to me that is the main reason “addictionology” was invented. The idea that one drug is “good” and others “bad” flies in the face of reason, at least, my reason, especially when “addictionology” completely ignores the very real and very destructive repercussions of prohibition. I realize I alone don’t a majority make, but I thought I’d pipe up anyway. AND, what does and does not work? Has there been any consensus whatsoever at all in the history of treatment? Ask any drug addiction treater what addiction is, and chances are, I’d be willing to be tons of money, every single one of them will give a different answer.Ask what the most “effective” treatment methods are, even of different treaters in the same clinic, and again you will receive a vast assortment of different answers. No?
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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Da Ibogaine List Type Thing
Date: July 5, 2002 at 12:40:19 PM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey PK

Happy ‘independence’ day!

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa [mailto:digital@phantom.com]
Sent: 05 July 2002 17:26
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Da Ibogaine List Type Thing

To all the people who have just landed here: welcome, God bless, peace be
with you, etcetera.  We are scheduled to Storm the Reality Studio —
checking watch — Any Minute Now!

Some of you — who actually appear to be quite interesting people,
including two or three from Africa who are dosing people with ibogaine for
the express purpose of getting them unsprung…?  Dat’s a new one, very
cool — seem to be writing extremely detailed and thoughtful messages to
the *-subscribe daemon.  PLEASE NOTE: it’s just an autoresponder, it will
not hold a conversation with you, it does not understand anything you ask
or tell it besides the commands you have permissions to run.  In short:
nobody is reading any of that, it’s going off into oblivion.

To write a message to everybody on this list, send email to:
ibogaine@mindvox.com  If you need to ask me something which only I can
answer — then mahn are you in trouble; I meant to say, you can send me
email, but it would prolly be a better idea to just toss it into the list.

As of this moment pretty much everybody who has ever dosed drug dependent
human beings with ibogaine is reading this list.  A large variety of
people who have gotten unsprung using ibogaine, at more or less every
treatment provider on the planet, are also here.  Ask away.  Somebody will
have insights to offer you.

Karina: congratulations.  Rock out, you go girl.  Ibogaine will getcha
unsprung, after that, you seem to be fixated on sleep disturbances,
possibly because you hafta go back to work and reality soon thereafter.

Speaking for myself I had massive sleep problems after ibogaine 1, where I
came off a daily intake of 200mg methadone + 2 grams heroin + 12mg Xanax,
just about the only way I could knock myself down was chloral hydrate,
which I wouldn’t strongly suggest; and it’s not like it mattered much
since I relapsed 10 minutes after getting off the plane at San Juan.

Take II was considerably different.  Right now I use sublingual melatonin,
which as Dana will explain is the Correct Answer to Nearly Everything…
Whut was the question again?

To all the people who have landed here post-Mexico or pre-Mexico
treatment; once again: Hi, hullo, welcome.  I have absolutely no idea what
exactly to tell you, having never done ibogaine there.  But there are at
least 10 or 15 of you subscribed to this thing, so like, perhaps, talk
amongst yourselves or sumthin’ <shrug>.

God bless us all, everyone.


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Da Ibogaine List Type Thing
Date: July 5, 2002 at 12:26:23 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

To all the people who have just landed here: welcome, God bless, peace be
with you, etcetera.  We are scheduled to Storm the Reality Studio —
checking watch — Any Minute Now!

Some of you — who actually appear to be quite interesting people,
including two or three from Africa who are dosing people with ibogaine for
the express purpose of getting them unsprung…?  Dat’s a new one, very
cool — seem to be writing extremely detailed and thoughtful messages to
the *-subscribe daemon.  PLEASE NOTE: it’s just an autoresponder, it will
not hold a conversation with you, it does not understand anything you ask
or tell it besides the commands you have permissions to run.  In short:
nobody is reading any of that, it’s going off into oblivion.

To write a message to everybody on this list, send email to:
ibogaine@mindvox.com  If you need to ask me something which only I can
answer — then mahn are you in trouble; I meant to say, you can send me
email, but it would prolly be a better idea to just toss it into the list.

As of this moment pretty much everybody who has ever dosed drug dependent
human beings with ibogaine is reading this list.  A large variety of
people who have gotten unsprung using ibogaine, at more or less every
treatment provider on the planet, are also here.  Ask away.  Somebody will
have insights to offer you.

Karina: congratulations.  Rock out, you go girl.  Ibogaine will getcha
unsprung, after that, you seem to be fixated on sleep disturbances,
possibly because you hafta go back to work and reality soon thereafter.

Speaking for myself I had massive sleep problems after ibogaine 1, where I
came off a daily intake of 200mg methadone + 2 grams heroin + 12mg Xanax,
just about the only way I could knock myself down was chloral hydrate,
which I wouldn’t strongly suggest; and it’s not like it mattered much
since I relapsed 10 minutes after getting off the plane at San Juan.

Take II was considerably different.  Right now I use sublingual melatonin,
which as Dana will explain is the Correct Answer to Nearly Everything…
Whut was the question again?

To all the people who have landed here post-Mexico or pre-Mexico
treatment; once again: Hi, hullo, welcome.  I have absolutely no idea what
exactly to tell you, having never done ibogaine there.  But there are at
least 10 or 15 of you subscribed to this thing, so like, perhaps, talk
amongst yourselves or sumthin’ <shrug>.

God bless us all, everyone.


From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] 4th of july
Date: July 4, 2002 at 4:22:34 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

oh please tell how it was for you finally i have another positive person  i am going with the attitude it will work…i want this very badly…did you have to take antidepressants, something for sleep…how long before you felt right again?????please tell as much as you can i am mostly interested in the aftereffects think i know what to expect on the “trip” thank you please write me karina happy 4th……i leave on 7/11 7/15  i am so excited…..i want off methadone that’s all i can think of this is it….

From: “Mason” <raven@corporatedirtbag.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] 4th of july
Date: July 4, 2002 at 3:49:26 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I just wanted to say hello to everybody on this list and have a great day
of freedom if you’re in the USA or not.

Don’t know what all to say except Mindvox is beyond cool, love all that
stuff and it’s awesome you guys have this list here. I did ibogaine about 9
months ago and have been free of heroin and crack since then.



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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] pulling no punches this week at drugwar.com
Date: July 4, 2002 at 1:01:33 PM EDT
To: <zeese@csdp.org>
Cc: “rootsofteror” <rootsofterror@yahoogroups.com>, <FreedomNewsNet@aol.com>, “efficacy” <efficacy@email.msn.com>, “CRRH” <restore@crrh.org>, “cia-drugs” <cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com>, <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Greetings fro New York City on the 4th of July. The editor of drugwar.com plans to sit and watch the fireworks from his rooftop in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, one of the best views of the fireworks displays, as well as once offering an unimpeded view of the World Trade Center Towers.
For the editor, this day is a reflection of just which Americans the phrases “the land of the free” and “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” pertain to. Have taken a meager 18 week course in Civics in junior high school in Sarasota, Florida years ago, taught by one of the Ringling brothers’ circus family performers, the Carl Walenda of the Flying Walendas, to be quite frank, the depth of real learning in this class about the US political system and how it really works was minimal, even had I been able to keep from dozing off less often and pay more attention to the incredibly boring and superficial presentation.

so on to the news.

Craig Morris has written a special commentary for Drugwar.com, entitled “Medicinal cannabis (in the UK) – Is drug-policy rational or a series of ‘accidents of history’?”
“It is my opinion – and has been for some time now – that to continue denying such individuals access to cannabis on a legal basis is a question of human rights and that the issue ought to be pursued on such a basis legally,” writes Morris, a Research Associate at the University of Greenwich in London. He is currently completing his doctoral thesis on the subject of medicinal cannabis use by chronically ill and disabled people.

There is coverage of the One Blood project, a conceptual art piece geared towards reminding people that we human being are not really truly separated, that we really are of one blood, that if cut we bleep the same color red.
“One Blood is visual symbol of the unity of all human beings” say Claire Lemmel, the artist, and David Jones, her husband.”

Who Takes Responsibility for the Carnage an interview with Clifford Wallace Thornton, Jr.

Clifford Wallace Thornton, co-founder of Efficacy-online.org, (http://www.efficacy-online.org) is a man who someone of a prohibitionist mindset might expect to be rabidly pro-War on Some Drugs, considering the horrifying circumstances involving his mother and drugs he experienced mere weeks before graduating high school. After spending a good number of years holding the opinion that illegal drugs should be “eradicated from the face of the earth,” he began to change his perspective. Because after diligently researching the War and its actual effects, and not only speaking with but listening intently to others who explained the all encompassing destruction resulting directly from the War on Some Drugs itself, Thornton has become an outspoken advocate, a full time activist, dedicated first to bringing the War into full public discourse and discussion, and ultimately an end to the War on Some Drugs itself.
We’d like to remind you all once again to Cletus Nelson’s brilliant report for drugwar.com,
“Headshrinking the American Addict- Recovery in the 21st Century” with focuses on research by the National Institute for Drug Abuse into vaccinations designed to forever “cure” human beings from getting “high” on any assortment of substances both legal and non,
because in light of a new report, Cletus’s article is especially disturbing. Considering the following:
Risk-Benefit Profile of Commonly Used Herbs – Legal & Otherwise (July 1, 2002)
While comparing 7 legal herbs, and one illegal herb, all generally accepted to be medically beneficial, Dr. Rick Bayer reports on recent findings that, “If the action of the cannabinoid is blocked with an antagonist drug, the newborn pups do not suckle and thus die. Therefore, not only is the internal cannabinoid system important for pain control but it also regulates important appetite areas in the brain that are essential for life in newborn mammals.” This brings to mind , [as noted above] Cletus Nelson’s recent article for drugwar.com, “Headshrinking the American Addict- Recovery in the 21st Century”, which dealt with recent advances in vaccinations and antagonists designed to permanently block the ability of humans to get high. Scary stuff.

We also have link in our newsbar to :

A Terrorist Manifesto?

Absolute Wealth Corrupts Absolutely

Student Drug Testing Implementation

Marines, Sailors Nabbed In Drug Bust
(Yes, these service men and woman are expected to die for the corporation’s…uh, I mean, the Democrublcian Party send them to die in, but they cannot do drugs of their own choice of they risk prison for life. What in the hell is this reasoning, other than perhaps a fear that if too many troops who are supposed to kill other human beings might actually begin to question their programming if they use drugs.

The Technology Secrets of Cocaine Inc.
To be honest, while having linked to this article at drugwar.com, and not really doubting the major international drug trafficking  cartels have plenty of money to buy technology and inside influence in all areas of society, most certainly not limited to those political, intelligence, military, and law enforcement branches in non-American countries A glaring point in case- drugs cannot not be kept from pouring in floods across US borders. What’s to make anyone think corruption is somehow magically stopped at those same porous borders? So isn’t it quite possible that many of these cartels, who in the past have been documented to actually be working with US intelligence services, ahve acquired mcuh of this high tech euqipment from US sources both public and covert? This is admittedly only specualtion, but the question has been raised in the mind of the editor of the Drugwar.com

Risk-Benefit Profile of Commonly Used Herbs – Legal & Otherwise
Risk-Benefit Profile of Commonly Used Herbs – Legal & Otherwise (July 1, 2002)
While comparing 7 legal herbs, and one illegal herb, all generally accepted to be medically beneficial, Dr. Rick Bayer reports on recent findings that, “If the action of the cannabinoid is blocked with an antagonist drug, the newborn pups do not suckle and thus die. Therefore, not only is the internal cannabinoid system important for pain control but it also regulates important appetite areas in the brain that are essential for life in newborn mammals.” This brings to mind Cletus Nelson’s recent article for drugwar.com, “Headshrinking the American Addict- Recovery in the 21st Century”, which dealt with recent advances in vaccinations and antagonists designed to permanently block the ability of humans to get high. Scary stuff.
There’s also links to nuclear dangers, more misadventures of Matt McDaniel in his mission to help the Akha people not only preserve their heritage, but flat out survive, semi-covert US funding of paramilitaries who aren’t called paramilitaries in Bolivia right now, the socialist origins of the Pledge of Allegiance, and one heck of a lot more.
    Last but not least, there’s tons of room any and all to post their views, their calendars, their links, whatever they want pertaining to the War on Some Drugs in our spacious forum, so please feel free to stop by.
    Peace, will eventually arrive,
    Preston Peet
Editor in Chief http://www.drugwar.com


From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] who I am
Date: July 4, 2002 at 8:11:39 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Jane, sure post your poem I’d love to read it 🙂 I
think Andria said that a really long time ago because
Preston and Patrick and some other people were writing
back and forth to each other using 20 paragaph
messages like they often do and she reads all her mail
all at once and gets 40 really long messages or
something. Then she just gave up and joined in 🙂


— Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi, andria said “whoever” I was….

I guess for purposes of this list, I am someone who
has taken ibogaine twice; both times astonishing,
though in different ways.  The first was a
mega-night and day and night and about a year of
amazing visions and miscellaneous healing
experiences, the second, less spectacular but turned
out to be precognitive in almost all details.

I’m a friend of Bwiti, I guess.  My ally, a la
Castaneda.I wrote a poem about it called “The
Drumming of Eboka.”  Maybe you’ve seen it, as it
gets around, but if you haven’t and want to I will
post it.  I believe it was Andria who led me to
think such postings were inappropriate for this

I am a lover of diversity, however that’s framed,
and however difficult.  The shamanic plants and
tribal ways of knowing and relating are endangered,
and just one of the odd and frightening things about
that, to me, is that  “individuality” is somehow
sometimes used as the devastating weapon to destroy
them.  It’s complicated.  But I think everyone here
groks what I mean, at least from what I’ve read so
far.  Biodiversity and all diversities are the

For the mundane bio stuff, I work as an assistant
editor, in academia, and occasionally freelancing.
I live currently in a small college town, though I’m
a city girl at heart,  and I’m INFP (I believe
someone said something about “S-J” recently, same
system of classification, different preferences),
and I only occasionally relate to such

Well, enuf about me……..Jane

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From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] who I am
Date: July 3, 2002 at 11:07:11 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi, andria said “whoever” I was….
I guess for purposes of this list, I am someone who has taken ibogaine twice; both times astonishing, though in different ways.  The first was a mega-night and day and night and about a year of amazing visions and miscellaneous healing experiences, the second, less spectacular but turned out to be precognitive in almost all details.
I’m a friend of Bwiti, I guess.  My ally, a la Castaneda.I wrote a poem about it called “The Drumming of Eboka.”  Maybe you’ve seen it, as it gets around, but if you haven’t and want to I will post it.  I believe it was Andria who led me to think such postings were inappropriate for this list.
I am a lover of diversity, however that’s framed, and however difficult.  The shamanic plants and tribal ways of knowing and relating are endangered, and just one of the odd and frightening things about that, to me, is that  “individuality” is somehow sometimes used as the devastating weapon to destroy them.  It’s complicated.  But I think everyone here groks what I mean, at least from what I’ve read so far.  Biodiversity and all diversities are the universe.
For the mundane bio stuff, I work as an assistant editor, in academia, and occasionally freelancing.  I live currently in a small college town, though I’m a city girl at heart,  and I’m INFP (I believe someone said something about “S-J” recently, same system of classification, different preferences), and I only occasionally relate to such classifications.
Well, enuf about me……..Jane
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From: Carrie Rollins <carrierollins@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: [vox] Once in a Lifetime Opportunity
Date: July 3, 2002 at 7:45:56 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Patrick, just a small comment since you don’t seem to
read your mail or the other list on a regular basis
but do read this one. Encouraging a lot of very
immature girls who look up to you to have mindvox
tattooed on their ass might not be the most
responsible thing you could possibly do, since one or
more of them will probbaly actually do that 😉

And send out some of the stickers already, I don’t
want to read a huge conversation about everywhere in
the world where people have spotted them, just send me


Happy 4th of July to all!

— “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
The first chick — hotties only please — to have
the MindVox logo
tattooed on her ass will be the beneficiary of our
appreciation, admiration, plus also, respect.

“And, and then, after I finished vomiting in the
gutter, I looked up, and
THERE IT WAS!  A MindVox Logo(TM) !!!”

Dr. Kroupa

p.s., You Tell Him Ash!  Coherence is so totally,
like overrated or
something.  And they duz loox dope under blacklight.

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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] dany lane
Date: July 2, 2002 at 7:13:18 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“now acting as Sara’s screener and preregistraton person.”

I don’t understand why he wrote this on this list ,
anybody who likes  a treatment ,can contact me by email  or phone . at -31-346 241770

He didn’t write it to this list. I made the mistake of sending it without his header. Sorry. The reason it’s significant is that there’s no methadone program anywhere in Vermont, so far as I know.


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Ibogaine List Commands
Date: July 2, 2002 at 6:14:01 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 02:01:24PM -0700], [Ted Elliot] wrote:

| Please get me off this list. Please.

<– Cut –>

| Please PLEASE PLEASE get me off this list.

Dude, you signed yourself onto the list, twice in fact.  The commands for
how to get off (the list, not in general), are located in the headers of
every single message sent out, however, to recap:

– – – – – – – – –

To all the people who have landed here in the last month or so:

This is not MindVox, this is the ibogaine list.  When Vox relights, the
list will be accessible from within the interface, or you can continue
using it exactly as you are right now — from whatever mail client or web
mail service you make use of.  The main difference between the two, is
that the Vox interface offers a much greater range of commands, options,
features, bugs, pretty graphics, threading based on name, date, topic,
whatever, and filters to nonexist people you never want to hear from
again (including spam and script-kiddie noise).

If you want a general list of options and features, send to:


To get OFF this list:


To obtain previous messages from the archive, you need to request them in
groups of 100.  So, for instance, to get messages 1 to 99, you’d send mail
like this:


It’ll send 1 through 99 in one large digest.

To repeat that, for instance for 100 to 199, you’d do:


We’re around message 1400 sumthin’ right now.

A complete list of all the commands exists in help, which, to repeat:



From: “sara glatt” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: [ibogaine] dany lane
Date: July 2, 2002 at 6:15:54 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“now acting as Sara’s screener and preregistraton person.”

I don’t understand why he wrote this on this list ,
anybody who likes  a treatment ,can contact me by email  or phone . at -31-346 241770

From: Ted Elliot <tedelliot62@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] get me off this list
Date: July 2, 2002 at 5:01:24 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Please get me off this list. Please.

I understand all of you mean well, I appreciate those
who have sent me letters but no matter how you add it
up all of you are a bunch of fruitcakes. Some of you
are very intelligent, artistic, talented fruitcakes,
but a bunch of wackos all the same.

I could stand the ibogaine related craziness but if I
want to read bush conspiracy theory I can go find 900
other places to do that without even trying.

Please PLEASE PLEASE get me off this list.

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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Denny Lane New Vermont contact
Date: July 2, 2002 at 4:27:18 PM EDT
To: IBOGA Foundation <iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Cc: chrischmoo@yahoo.co.uk, biuro_69@csk.pl, Hattie <epoptica@freeuk.com>, “tony conte” <contetony@hotmail.com>, ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I just returned from Holland after eating a natural extract from the rootbark of the tabernathe eboga plant(called Ibogaine-which is a hydrochloride- I took a natural extract made by only 1 person on the planet as far as I know(you can call me Carl from Copenhagen he said).  An Israeli “earth mother” was my therapist/guide on my 72 hours of ingesting 5 1/2 grams of the eboga extract.  I was addicted to heroin.  As soon as I felt the beginning of withdrawal symptoms I ate about 1/2 gram of the eboga- the most bitter substance I ever tasted- and its known as the bitterwood in Africa.  After eating the eboga- which you can feel scrubbing and cleaning and detoxing every cell in your being, I pissed and the toilet bowl turned a deep black color like death!  I was pissing death and poison out of my system.  I am now acting as Sara’s screener and preregistraton person.  If you are addicted to heroin, methadone, crack, ice, speed, cocaine, alcohol, prescription narcotic drugs, etc. and wish to end the cycle of despair and misery being an addict, then contact me if you wish to be reborn while suffering no withdrawal symptoms.  It works.  I did it and I had a $300 a day heroin habit along with other addictions.  You too can reclaim your life.  Life or death.  If you choose the path of light and consciousness and life and loving and caring and giving again then contact me via phone at 802-4962387 or write Denny Lane at P.O. Box 537 in Waitsfield, Vt. 05673
I can help you help yourself.  No shit!  This is for real.  Are you?  Are you ready to live again?  Awaiting your call- any afternoon or night til midnite ect.  Peace and love,  Denny Lane
ps  Would appreciate your passing this along to as many people as possible.  Getting yet another chance to live, I feel like I’m on a mission from God to help people end their addictions.  Appreciate any assistance you might render for that cause.

“Those  that are willing to give up essential liberties for more security wind up with neither nor deserve either”  Ben Franklin

Upon being liberated from a Nazi concentration camp, a Pastor Martin Niehmohler was asked what happened.  His reply was “First they came for the communists and trade unionists.  Then they came for the Jews and Gypsies.  Then they came for the Catholics and I was a Protestant.  Then they came for me and there was no one left out to stand up and speak out”.
Don’t let history repeat itself- stand up and speak out!

From: “Nick Sandberg” <nick.sandberg@btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] My friend is currently detoxing from alcohol addiction
Date: July 2, 2002 at 2:11:08 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—– Original Message —–
From: lhutcherson
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 6:04 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] My friend is currently detoxing from alcohol addiction

I promise you I will begin including your brother in my prayers.  I believe that God answers prayers on His time not ours.  Everything happens for a reason-there are no accidents.
Perhaps your brother just hasn’t reached “his bottom” yet.  Enabling him only lengthens the time he continues using-sometimes we have to really suffer or have nothing left to hold onto before we change…and then if we are lucky, we fall on our knees and call out to God to HELP US- for the final time.  Sometimes it takes several tries before he (your brother) may get it right.
God Bless,
Linda Kay
—– Original Message —–
From: Joatammmo23@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] My friend is currently detoxing from alcohol addiction

I have a hard time with “the Lord will deliver him >from his torment” thing.  I have a brother who has,  and still is killing me inside from his excessive drinking.
It always begins as a recreational thing just as heroin addiction and it’s still legal.  He has been in rehab 7 times, every hospital in the city of Chicago at least 5 times after being found in the dead of winter,  dead drunk in someone yard.

As much as it hurts to admit that I have enabled him by giving him money to make him go away, or layed down credit cards for  48 day stays in  motels so he wouldn’t freeze to death.  Oh Lord please help him I would cry.
I have prayed and prayed for him, and while in dry out bins he has accepted the Lord, only to come out and start all over.
I can only blame it on a father and mother who did nothing for him, nor cared enough for him to give him a proper life.
Can I blame him for using an enabler?  Why does God enable us to enable?
Please pray for my brother.


Hi Alexis, just to butt in a bit a week or so late, I’d like to say that you’re also not tied to your brother. I lived with mine, who’s a long-term heroin addict, basically helping him with stuff, for a couple of years and eventually saw the light and threw him out.

It’s tough but I also realized how many of my own trips and issues I was holding in place by allowing him to have such a dependent relationship with me. If he died I’d be very upset and no doubt go through a big period of self-blame stuff but I know inside that that stuff is bullshit and I’d come through OK in the end.

I totally don’t have copies of any replies anyone else gave you to this or what else you said so I apologize in advance if any of this was covered or you knew anyway, but I’d say check out why YOU allowed a dependent relationship like this to happen (if you did, and saying ‘because he’s my brother’ isn’t enough) and then move >from there. Worked for me.


From: “Nick Sandberg” <nick.sandberg@btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: ibogaine and hep c
Date: July 2, 2002 at 1:20:18 PM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hiya, sorry it took so long to continue. It’s an interesting point, but the thing is….if someone’s putting stuff out, then they are looking for input. Maybe they’re not consciously aware of it, but the subconscious is still speaking. So the question is….what do they need? You get ranters on this site, it’s a good example of this stuff, the conscious mind is putting out anger, whatever, but underneath this are a load of other needs checking things out.

When someone comes onto you like…you MUST do 12 step, it’s the only way; you MUST believe in God, it’s the only way; you must do polarity therapy, it’s the only way; whatever….they’re saying one thing consciously, but underneath they’re saying ‘I’m scared and I want you to support me’. If you can get the person to see this and express it, instead of continuing to project their needs, they’ll move on.


—– Original Message —–
From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
To: ‘ibogaine@mindvox.com’
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 4:35 PM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Re: ibogaine and hep c

Mmh, it might be that you are better able to point things out like this; i’ve a tendency to believe that if someone gets stuck, there is a purpose (usually self-protection) to their stuckness, and i should leave em to it. And u’s into pushing people out of the comfort zone?

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Nick Sandberg [mailto:sandberg@onetel.net.uk]
Sent: 27 June 2002 17:31
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: ibogaine and hep c

—– Original Message —–
From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt
To: ‘sandberg@onetel.net.uk’
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 10:31 AM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Re: ibogaine and hep c

Nick, leave the lassy alone! You may be right and everything, but she means well.
She’s coming from a loving place; that’s ultimately all i ever care about.

Naive? yep, that’s me, and I don’t wanna sound ungrateful for your support, cos I do appreciate it, but I’m a sorta big gal now, I can handle it.

How ya doing these days anyway; never see anyone apart from ‘on’ this list!

Andria E-
Hi Andria, I’m good, living down at a commune called Osho Leela in Dorset and having a great time. back in london for a couple of days at the moment letting my flat out to hempman Tony. don’t know about the eden project gig, btw, try hats maybe.
Didn’t think I was being unfair to Linda, just trying to point out a little of how the mind works.
12 steppers go to places like this too. They get to somewhere where the process is getting scary but instead of speaking about this they just start pushing the fear outward trying to pressurize others to join them in the journey. it’s a routine thing and imo you gotta pull people up for it. once they start to talk about their fear things’ll get easier. It’s a protection and it’s necessary for a while, but people really do get stuck here and go on to spend their whole lives proseletysing, never getting another glance in the mirror. Just wanted to bring a little general clarity here, not being personal about Linda who I’m sure is a lovely person.
lots of love

ps. posting this to list as I figure others are interested in this stuff, hope you don’t mind.

From: vector6@space.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] [bruce@iterative.com: [voxadm] FW: , www.bushknew. com]
Date: July 2, 2002 at 12:51:30 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That whitehouse.org guy is totally evil and hysterical. Last year him and one other parody site were all over the media because Bush was trying to have them shut down because they kept saying what a asshole he is while Sep 11 was going on. Bush wanted to get rid of the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. All in all I think he was very steamed just because if you read whitehouse.org it is pure evil and purely funny. theonion is harmless but the whitehouse guy keeps nailing him 🙂 .:vector:. “Patrick K. Kroupa” wrote > > On [Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 04:50:39PM +0100], [Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt] wrote: > > | PK > | > | Why am I on all these lists that i haven’t asked to be parrt of? What’s > | happening honey? > > Andria, > > You’re not, I just forwarded a message which was amusing, from the dude > who duz’ http://www.whitehouse.org > > Patrick
Join the Space Program: Get FREE E-mail at http://www.space.com.

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] [bruce@iterative.com: [voxadm] FW: , www.bushknew. com]
Date: July 2, 2002 at 11:44:00 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Jul 02, 2002 at 04:50:39PM +0100], [Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt] wrote:

| PK
| Why am I on all these lists that i haven’t asked to be parrt of? What’s
| happening honey?


You’re not, I just forwarded a message which was amusing, from the dude
who duz’ http://www.whitehouse.org


From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] [bruce@iterative.com: [voxadm] FW: , www.bushknew. com]
Date: July 2, 2002 at 11:50:39 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Why am I on all these lists that i haven’t asked to be parrt of? What’s
happening honey?

Andria E-Mordaunt
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust

MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax

or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk <mailto:Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk>

—–Original Message—–
From: Patrick K. Kroupa [mailto:digital@phantom.com]
Sent: 02 July 2002 16:34
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] [bruce@iterative.com: [voxadm] FW: ,


And now, an important message from the First Lady:

God Bless us all.  Everyone.

Dr. Kroupa

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [bruce@iterative.com: [voxadm] FW: , www.bushknew.com]
Date: July 2, 2002 at 11:34:06 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


And now, an important message from the First Lady:

God Bless us all.  Everyone.

Dr. Kroupa

From: “Bruce Fancher” <bruce@iterative.com>
Subject: [voxadm] FW: , www.bushknew.com
Date: July 2, 2002 at 11:36:24 AM EDT
To: <voxadm@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: voxadm@mindvox.com

—–Original Message—–
From: first.lady@whitehouse.org [mailto:first.lady@whitehouse.org]
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:50 AM
To: bruce@iterative.com
Subject: FW: , www.bushknew.com

Howdy.  Got your address through Internic.  Thought you might enjoy this
bit o’ mail.  Seems you have vexed a loony.  🙂 I was unaware you were
linking to us.  Thanks.

Happy 4th,

– John

john “nycakes” a. wooden

to = first.lady@whitehouse.org
subject = , www.bushknew.com
NAME = Man in Black
E-MAIL = director@cia.gov
MESSAGE = my message is very simple, ya’ll are a bunch of idiots.
nevermind that phantom thing which I dont even know what it is except
mental illness and drug addiction taken to art, but bushknew.com and
net and org could all have been used by real people to accomplish
something instead of this bullshit all of you do.

go to hell

From: Helen <Helen_IM_me@compuserve.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] ibogaine, Fresh European meatfarm – free live webcams 🙂
Date: July 2, 2002 at 12:33:00 AM EDT
To: ibogaine <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

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From: Andria Efthimiou-Mordaunt <AndriaEM@drugscope.org.uk>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] RE: Conferences
Date: July 2, 2002 at 11:34:21 AM EDT
To: “‘ibogaine@mindvox.com'” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Your’e so right Jane whoever you r

Here, hear!

Andria E-Mordaunt 
Users Voice ed./John Mordaunt Trust
MON & WEDS – C/O Drugscope,  32 Loman St, London, SE1 OEE, U.K 
0+ 44 (0)207 928 1211 Tel 
0+ 44 (0)207 922 8780  Fax
or Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk
—–Original Message—–
From: Jellking [mailto:jellking@yahoo.com]
Sent: 02 July 2002 03:57
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] RE: Conferences

Someone wrote (sorry, this thread is ongoing and complex and I’ve lost the “source”): “I don’t think it matters how much ibogaine you do or not, you cannot remain “sober” if all you are is a inflated ego and empty shell. Which very much to my regret DP conferences are full of. If that is all you are, you will be back to whatever you were on very fast. Every addict I have known again no matter how they did it, has some sort of real inner core and strength. They have the ability to get real and cut the shit. ”
Personally, I think that “inflated ego” is just as harmful and destructive an addiction as that to any drug.  It MAY not take your body to such visible or experiential highs and lows, but despite appearances to the contrary, it can be a killer.  and can leave trails of damaged people in its wake, etc.  Just my humble 2 cents!  Jane
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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] what changed?
Date: July 2, 2002 at 8:30:52 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Patrick yeahhhhhhhhhhh, you should do that and make it
all findable. HT is a ok magazine but it always makes
my screen blow up and its impossible to find anything,
especially when youre searching through 2 years of

All of this makes me wonder sometimes. I know most of
us believe in some kind of god, maybe all of us. But
did you ever wonder about why things happen the way
they do? So many people I knew are all dead or in
prison so few lived. And what’s funny not funny hahaha
funny, is some of the most messed up total disasters
who you’d bet would be dead made it. And so many of
the more sane people are all MIA or dead.

Does anyone think that everyone’s life really does
have some kind of blueprint that’s finished before you
even start it and then these are the things that are
supposed to happen? I don’t know but it’s something
I’m thinking about a lot because I don’t have any
other way to explain it to myself that makes any
sense. Why do some people who done the most insane
things survive and not just survive but somehow pull
out of it and others who you’d bet had every chance to
make are gone.

This isn’t one case or two but it’s happened so many
times that it’s hard to believe it’s only luck. If it
is luck then god favors the crazy.

Carla B

— Kerry Dawson <kdawsonais@yahoo.com> wrote:

Patrick, thank you for that answer and I do
apologize, you are right and it isn’t my place to do
that. I was motivated by interest not the desire to
put you on the spot. Please understand that I don’t
disagree with your observations. I don’t know
everything or even very much. The problem is almost
nobody else does either. I have worked for almost 20
years with addicts my motivation is to help. I
signed on this list because I read your writings in
Heroin Times which by the way, and not to tell you
what you should do, but only a opinion, you should
collect together and put online somewhere in one
place. You have almost 20 thousand words about
addiction and ibogaine and however you opinions or
moods change your core concepts have remained the
What I find fascinating is that between you and some
of the people who post here on a regular basis,
Preston the Gamma handle (Dave or Chris?) and what
I’ve read from some of you, what you all have in
common is that none of you have followed any
traditional treatment, all of you are people who
really should be dead, not having conversations

Which is what’s so interesting. I can’t tell you
Patrick that it’s unfortunate you came into contact
with less then decent addiction professionals
because if you were wherever it was that you went
however briefly and it was through Dr. Mash, then
they are probably at the top of their field. The
problem isn’t that you didn’t have access to decent
treatment or the funds to get help making it a
social problem, the problem is that we simply don’t
know that much.

All of you have my respect, please keep writing,
speaking, Mindvox, all the things you do, because as
so many have mentioned if there is a single thing
most of you have in common other then the fact you
should be dead, it’s you have all pulled it back
together and are leading your lives in your own
ways, none of you seem to be in “recovery” all of
you have stepped back from the edge of the cliff.

Love, strength, best wishes to all of you. I will
keep reading and try to save the inappropriate
comments for personal email, I really do apologize.

Kerry Dawson, AIS, CAP, MAC

“Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:

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From: Kerry Dawson <kdawsonais@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] what changed?
Date: July 2, 2002 at 6:32:32 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Patrick, thank you for that answer and I do apologize, you are right and it isn’t my place to do that. I was motivated by interest not the desire to put you on the spot. Please understand that I don’t disagree with your observations. I don’t know everything or even very much. The problem is almost nobody else does either. I have worked for almost 20 years with addicts my motivation is to help. I signed on this list because I read your writings in Heroin Times which by the way, and not to tell you what you should do, but only a opinion, you should collect together and put online somewhere in one place. You have almost 20 thousand words about addiction and ibogaine and however you opinions or moods change your core concepts have remained the same.
What I find fascinating is that between you and some of the people who post here on a regular basis, Preston the Gamma handle (Dave or Chris?) and what I’ve read from some of you, what you all have in common is that none of you have followed any traditional treatment, all of you are people who really should be dead, not having conversations here.
Which is what’s so interesting. I can’t tell you Patrick that it’s unfortunate you came into contact with less then decent addiction professionals because if you were wherever it was that you went however briefly and it was through Dr. Mash, then they are probably at the top of their field. The problem isn’t that you didn’t have access to decent treatment or the funds to get help making it a social problem, the problem is that we simply don’t know that much.
All of you have my respect, please keep writing, speaking, Mindvox, all the things you do, because as so many have mentioned if there is a single thing most of you have in common other then the fact you should be dead, it’s you have all pulled it back together and are leading your lives in your own ways, none of you seem to be in “recovery” all of you have stepped back from the edge of the cliff.
Love, strength, best wishes to all of you. I will keep reading and try to save the inappropriate comments for personal email, I really do apologize.
Kerry Dawson, AIS, CAP, MAC
“Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 02:16:08AM -0700], [Kerry Dawson] wrote:

| Patrick everything I know about you is from this list, your writing and
| now reading Mindvox for the first time thouroughly, excuse my spelling
| its very late. I don’t know what art is but it’s damn good. It’s better
| then damn good. Why did you end up on heroin. You said you’ve chipped
| since 14, that’s more years then anyone I know manages it to get a habit
| at 23? What happened, what changed that drove you from where you were to
| where you went for 8 years?
| I know it’s none of my business but all of you use this list like most
| people use the rooms and after reading Mindvox like I’ve done just now I
| am very, more then curious what happened? When and how did you cross the
| line from in control to out of control. I am familiar with how you
| returned, but that part is a blank to me.

I’m really fried right now, in the depressive phase of manic depression
and I can’t read all this stuff, or my mail, or the phones, or … I just
can’t deal right now for an hour or ten or something.

Yeah people talk about whatever they like here and at least some of the
time feel better afterwards, but I forgot that part of “the rooms,” where
someone shines the spotlight on you and sez’ “your turn!” I don’t
remember raising my hand, “Hello! My name is Patrick, I’m Completely
Fucking Crazy, and my abbreviated list of problems and things that have
been on my mind a lot lately, is as follows…”

I’m really, just not in the headspace where I wanna go there right now, to
sum it all up: I was younger, dumber, fell in love for the first time, got
married, when everything in the rest of my life was blowing up and working
out, my ex-wife was becoming full-blown schizophrenic. This was not fun,
it was an extended process that lasted several years, and after round 3 of
full hospitalization I just no longer saw any light at the end of the
tunnel — except the freight train heading in my direction. What I have
here is a seat on the Titanic, it’s going down, I do not know how to step
out of this, nobody around me is giving me anything approaching useful
advice, because they’re all fucked up too, and here is where I lost and
got my ass kicked in, because no matter what I tried, or did, or how many
different doctors, specialists, shrinks,
thing [here]> I dragged her to… Nothing worked, and for all the things
I could do, I could not reach out and make someone else sane. So, fuck
that noise, I’m checking out, if I’m going down in flames, then at least I
want to be really numb.

Apparently I can deal with lighting up half the DSM. Half the DSM + 1, I
cannot deal. Toss in PTSD into all my other shit, and I am no longer a
functioning dysfunctional human being.

So I stopped chipping and caught my first habit.

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From: Jellking <jellking@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] RE: Conferences
Date: July 1, 2002 at 10:56:43 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Someone wrote (sorry, this thread is ongoing and complex and I’ve lost the “source”): “I don’t think it matters how much ibogaine you do or not, you cannot remain “sober” if all you are is a inflated ego and empty shell. Which very much to my regret DP conferences are full of. If that is all you are, you will be back to whatever you were on very fast. Every addict I have known again no matter how they did it, has some sort of real inner core and strength. They have the ability to get real and cut the shit. ”
Personally, I think that “inflated ego” is just as harmful and destructive an addiction as that to any drug.  It MAY not take your body to such visible or experiential highs and lows, but despite appearances to the contrary, it can be a killer.  and can leave trails of damaged people in its wake, etc.  Just my humble 2 cents!  Jane
Do You Yahoo!?
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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] what changed?
Date: July 1, 2002 at 2:11:04 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 02:16:08AM -0700], [Kerry Dawson] wrote:

| Patrick everything I know about you is from this list, your writing and
| now reading Mindvox for the first time thouroughly, excuse my spelling
| its very late. I don’t know what art is but it’s damn good. It’s better
| then damn good. Why did you end up on heroin. You said you’ve chipped
| since 14, that’s more years then anyone I know manages it to get a habit
| at 23? What happened, what changed that drove you from where you were to
| where you went for 8 years?
| I know it’s none of my business but all of you use this list like most
| people use the rooms and after reading Mindvox like I’ve done just now I
| am very, more then curious what happened? When and how did you cross the
| line from in control to out of control. I am familiar with how you
| returned, but that part is a blank to me.

I’m really fried right now, in the depressive phase of manic depression
and I can’t read all this stuff, or my mail, or the phones, or … I just
can’t deal right now for an hour or ten or something.

Yeah people talk about whatever they like here and at least some of the
time feel better afterwards, but I forgot that part of “the rooms,” where
someone shines the spotlight on you and sez’ “your turn!”  I don’t
remember raising my hand, “Hello!  My name is Patrick, I’m Completely
Fucking Crazy, and my abbreviated list of problems and things that have
been on my mind a lot lately, is as follows…”

I’m really, just not in the headspace where I wanna go there right now, to
sum it all up: I was younger, dumber, fell in love for the first time, got
married, when everything in the rest of my life was blowing up and working
out, my ex-wife was becoming full-blown schizophrenic.  This was not fun,
it was an extended process that lasted several years, and after round 3 of
full hospitalization I just no longer saw any light at the end of the
tunnel — except the freight train heading in my direction.  What I have
here is a seat on the Titanic, it’s going down, I do not know how to step
out of this, nobody around me is giving me anything approaching useful
advice, because they’re all fucked up too, and here is where I lost and
got my ass kicked in, because no matter what I tried, or did, or how many
different doctors, specialists, shrinks, <insert any and every fucking
thing [here]> I dragged her to…  Nothing worked, and for all the things
I could do, I could not reach out and make someone else sane.  So, fuck
that noise, I’m checking out, if I’m going down in flames, then at least I
want to be really numb.

Apparently I can deal with lighting up half the DSM.  Half the DSM + 1, I
cannot deal.  Toss in PTSD into all my other shit, and I am no longer a
functioning dysfunctional human being.

So I stopped chipping and caught my first habit.


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] RE: Conferences
Date: July 1, 2002 at 1:57:40 PM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 08:10:27PM -0700], [Carrie Rollins] wrote:

| Exactly, exactly exactly!
| Repeat 1000 times!!! 🙂

Hum . . . that could get boring after the first hundred or three
repetitions…  However, instead of bitching that you wrote 6 words — 7
counting an emoticon — and quoted the whole entire message yet again…
After reading it back for what…  The third time or so, I have some
comments to make, so ‘scuse me while I talk to myself…

| — Kerry Dawson <kdawsonais@yahoo.com> wrote:
| >
| > Valid point Patrick, no I can’t say that I have. And
| > might feel very differently having gone through that
| > sort of recovery. But statistically and in my
| > experience it does work for many people. There are
| > very few people, if I had to use a percentage I
| > would say the percentage is less then 1% who can
| > simply do whatever they want or feel they need to do
| > in order to back off from hard drugs, or step back
| > from the cliff’s edge.

This is all possible, but it doesn’t change my opinions on coerced
treatment.  Francis pretty much sums it up in Heroin User’s Handbook,
where his — not exactly advice, but general overview and conclusions are;
when given the choice between “treatment” and prison time, do yourself a
favor and find out what “treatment” means, ‘cuz odds are you’ll have a
much better time, and suffer less damage to your psyche by just going and
sitting in the cell.  Which is what he did when given that option.

Although to be real…  This concept of “bottom” was something I found
through the joys of coercion.  If I’m sleeping on the floor of a shooting
gallery, it’s ‘cuz I’ve made choices; I need $500 – $800 a day to bang
into my arm.  If I’m sitting in a cell, it means I fucked up.  What I
have learned from this is that I need to be faster and more aware next
time, my mistake.  What I learned in “treatment” is…  Well, I’m
surrounded by idiots who I wouldn’t hire to go get me a cup of coffee who
are annoying me and telling me what to do…  I live in a dump with a
bunch of whiny people who sit and spin and complain all day about not
being high, and then blow out en masse’ and relapse on a regular basis.
All of this is like really bad surrealism or some comedy routine which
just keeps repeating itself over and over and over again, without ever
getting to the punchline…  Therefore, there really IS something wrong
with me if I’m here.  However, my problem is that whole entire bangin’ up
dope thing, and this…  Does not appear to be solving it.  Therefore, I
really do need to do SOMETHING, but this ain’t it.  So good luck with that
mysterious disease guys, I’m outta here.

| > Statistically and also in my experience this does
| > not happen often. Addictionology which you view as a
| > joke was not invented to annoy or amuse you, the
| > field exists like every other field, it’s built up
| > through trial and error and seeing what does or does
| > not work.

The problem is, statistically, statistics are a buncha shit that anybody
can spin in any direction they statistically want.  Statistically whatever
you want to believe, you make true for yourself.  So statistically, if you
believe yourself to be in that magical 1% you’ve pulled out of the air,
then if you REALLY have faith, you’ll statistically become that 1%.

I realize the field of addictionology was not invented as a personal
affront to me.  It’s just that… it sucks and is filled with people
spouting nonsense.  It’s at the level of, “okay so, see, we apply leeches
until the Evil Spirits leave the patient!  Except we’re using happy fun
science, so we won’t call it demonic possession; instead it’s a Mysterious
Disease which can go into remission!”  Woo hoo!

| > And Andrea brought up what I thought was a very
| > important and true point. I would also much rather
| > listen to you Patrick, then to some acedemic talking
| > crap *grin* Her point was that I don’t care how you
| > did it but if someone goes through all that and can
| > remain off their drugs, then I don’t think it
| > matters how much ibogaine you do or not, you cannot
| > remain “sober” if all you are is a inflated ego and
| > empty shell. Which very much to my regret DP
| > conferences are full of. If that is all you are, you
| > will be back to whatever you were on very fast.
| > Every addict I have known again no matter how they
| > did it, has some sort of real inner core and
| > strength. They have the ability to get real and cut
| > the shit.

Cool, thanks.

| > Academics operate under no such burden or blessing.

“Operate under no such burden or blessing,” is one of MY lines!  Tithe!

| > Yeah, Fuck Them mahn, what do they know ’bout
| > addikshun anywaze. Go do
| > some Real research, live through that, then run your
| > mouth.
| >
| > Patrick


Peace, (to cop Preston’s line)


From: Mzzthangg13@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] RE: Conferences
Date: July 1, 2002 at 9:26:46 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

thank you i lived in southern cali that’s where i got strted on heroin….and my brother-in law is going to visit me in rosarito to make sure i am fine..i do speak spanish so they cannot get over on me lol………   thnks Larry for writing……..

From: Rhafner77@cs.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] RE: Conferences
Date: July 1, 2002 at 9:22:20 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Karina ( pretty name)
Heres wishing you good luck, & please keep us posted. Many of us believe as You , that `our govt`. has an `agenda` re: us dopers.  Another fnal solution brrrrrr. Again, good luck in T.J. (well, Rosarita beach), An Ibogaine treatment center there could help save a lot of lives, I`m from  L.A., & I know how much of a drug problem exists there. You  take care down there now, its a wierd place, I spent a lot of time there in years past. I always made it back safely, but I know some who didn`t.
best regards, larry-

From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] I woke up this morning…
Date: July 1, 2002 at 8:00:11 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

At this point, we still don’t have a definite cause.  The rumor mill has
it as an OD…a heroin holiday between inserts.  Following the rapid
detox, she was wide open on cocaine, alcohol, benzodiazepines, etc.
according to a number of people who associated with her.  Hopefully, we
will find out more.  I may go to the funeral today if my schedule can be
rearranged.  A real shame, regardless of the cause of death.  We have a
“Wall of Remembrance” I created here at the clinic.  People who have
seen her obituary posted are devastated.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

HSLotsof@aol.com 07/01/02 07:34AM >>>

In a message dated 7/1/02 6:50:44 AM, RickV@hnncsb.org writes:

she had
the naltrexone insert…and she was hopeful once again for a
future.  But she died Thursday at 22.

Sorry about this Rick,

What was the cause of death?


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] I woke up this morning…
Date: July 1, 2002 at 7:34:03 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 7/1/02 6:50:44 AM, RickV@hnncsb.org writes:

she had
the naltrexone insert…and she was hopeful once again for a drug-free
future.  But she died Thursday at 22.

Sorry about this Rick,

What was the cause of death?


From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] I woke up this morning…
Date: July 1, 2002 at 6:49:07 AM EDT
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I kissed my sleeping wife and children goodbye and drove to work. The
Sun was yawning brightly over the horizon and the Chesapeake Bay
shimmered and glittered with the dancing light.  It is another glorious
day to be alive.

I arrived at work at 6:05.  At 6:07 the receptionist handed me
Jennifer’s obituary.  She was only 22.  Died last Thursday. Viewing was
yesterday. Funeral today.  Got on methadone about a year or two ago. She
was pretty bright…all A’s in high school.  Went to college for a
couple of years.  Then dope claimed her.  Naive and beautiful, she was
about 5′ 9″, with long beautiful blonde hair, and her eyes still held
the brightness of youth.  Whenever I saw her, I thought…”Barbie…with
a few problems.”  Always chipper and friendly, I hoped that youthful
fortitude would see her through.  Over time, she fell in with the wrong
crowd, forgetting once again that she was sick and tired of doing dope.
After lots of interventions, she was finally required to detox off of
methadone.  Before she completed her withdrawal from methadone, she
found someone willing to pay for ultra-rapid detox.  Afterward, she was
weak as a kitten, but for the past few months had done fine…she had
the naltrexone insert…and she was hopeful once again for a drug-free
future.  But she died Thursday at 22.

I wonder if things would have been different if Ibogaine were to flow
in the streets.

It is still a bright and sunny day, but it seems a bit less glorious.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] RE: Conferences
Date: July 1, 2002 at 6:18:48 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Karina and congrats on going for ibogaine! I’d
write something much longer to say hi but I really
have to get off the computer right now, I’ve spent way
too much time reading things that made me laugh all
morning. Which reminds me come on Patrick you and
Preston and whoever should do something with all those
domains, you have two more going nowhere! Bush so
totally did know.

Carla B

— Mzzthangg13@aol.com wrote:
hi i am karina i am going on 7/11-7/15 to get off
`100 mg of methadone i have
researched it and talked to the doctor and Howard
lotsof….i am ready i live
a normal life work, movies have not done heroin but
2 times in12 yrs have
been with my husband who is straight for 6
yrs………..i got back on
methadone not for heroin it was after my
hysterectomy i was taking Demerol
then i do not know why i wanted methadone and was
buying it off the
street..so i have tried to get off before and also i
have hep  not active…i
am ready to get off meth i have been on it this time
for 2yrs….i went to
last yr inpatient in a hospital they took me off the
meth in 3 days but gave
me all at once


prexa,seroquil…….i do not remember 1 month i
stopped the pills i was
taking moms xanax had a seizure and got back on
methadone…anyway this is
the last hope for me i cannot afford rapid detox the
damm us i think has
something for withdrawals and is holding back cause
these clinics are federal
right so it’s all about $$$$they do not care about
us the clinics will detox
you but i have to work i cannot stay home till feel
better you know what i
mean sorry i hate them they have something for us
and will not give it  to
us…so ibogaine is it for me thank you karina

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! – Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] bush knew
Date: July 1, 2002 at 5:56:37 AM EDT
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

OMG you people are so deranged. I am awake soooo early
right now and have to get to work and looked at the
http://www.bushknew.com site. I’ve been laughing my
ass off for 20 minutes. Oh god..a guy with a spaceship
hanging from telephone poles in his backyard. I’m
trying to read this and did it get tangled there
somehow or did he put it there? and the timecube.

I don’t know what to say. You people are so sick and

I understand none of you look like you care about
either the Republicans or the Democrats but I’m
noticing that you never miss one chance to trash
microsoft. LOLOLOL…. I like the links too


Think of it this way. In your universe wherever it is,
microsoft = the republicans. bill gates = bush. the
democrats = unix. And you’re all set.

At least it’s not all bad news, even if scooby doo is
gay and does indoctrinate your children into the
occult, at least they’re giving jesus a green card.

How would I ever know any of this information without
you 😉

Carla B

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! – Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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