Ibogaine List Archives – 2003-02

From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 28, 2003 at 2:03:13 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That was very interesting information indeed! Does Carl N.W. still work with
iboga? I understand Carl is Sara Glatt’s husband? Does he still make written
contributions on his experiences? I know Sara Glatt’s father (who recently
passed away) was also a pioneerr in entheogens also.

Thanks for that useful link.

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 6:07 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart

I wondered exactly who the ‘extractor’ guy is. Thats
gotta be an interesting story, the history of that
extract and how it came to be.



Some tidbits



see #2 Denmark



—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart

Hi Marc,

thank you for taking into consideration some
good-intended criticism 😉

I’d like to correct you again: INDRA is the name
of the extract seller. The man who extracted it is
Carl N.W.; I guess and hope he’s still alive, the
last time I heard of him he was with Sara in NL.
(Cordially, Carl! 😉


At 22:22 27.2.2003, you wrote:

Hi Stuart,

At Iboga Therapy House, we use 3 different iboga

INDRA extract (approximately 20% ibogaine),
named after the man who extracted it from Iboga
plant sources,
Ethnogarden extract (approx. 24% active ibogaine

and Ibogaine Hydrochloride (100% ibogaine)

Howard Lotsof has remarked that the INDRA
extract is ‘forgiving’, meaning it is a bit softer
to handle than the pure Ibogaine hydrochloride. If
you were doing this on your own, in conjunction with
a good friend who is your sitter/monitor/emergency
person, the INDRA extract or ethnogarden extract
will do well. If you were going to an experienced
Iboga person in Europe, any of the three would do
well with that supervision.

Brett wrote a beautiful piece for another person
out your way, a Richard, and I’ll quote Brett’s post
because it really does cover so many bases:

This is What Brett had to say:

Do you Yahoo!?
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From: “Will” <willewonka@burntmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] sorry for double posting…
Date: February 28, 2003 at 1:46:23 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

My webmail crashed while sending the first one, so I didn’t think it went through…


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] NYC May Ibogaine Forum Draft #2
Date: February 28, 2003 at 1:33:22 PM EST
To: hsl123@aol.com
Cc: Daniel Pinchbeck <daniel@breakingopenthehead.com>, RickMAPS@aol.com, Kenneth Alper <kra1@nyu.edu>, “Laurie Mischley” <lauriemischley@attbi.com>, carl_anderson@hms.harvard.edu, aiviarose@netscape.net, cajohnson@bmcc.cuny.edu, clayhoney@hotmail.com, barlow@eff.org, ekwaus@yahoo.com, kid_lucky@hotmail.com, Nmitsogo@aol.com, Suziknkbell@aol.com, kurt@opprect.org, carahuasca@aol.com, beach120St@yahoo.com, mark@mwwilson.com, mirrorlink@aol.com, ismokedmt@aol.com, scottlt@aol.com, hydrocetacean@hotmail.com, lizrymland@hotmail.com, Dka@well.com, pgBenjamin@aol.com, “Brian Vastag” <Brian_Vastag@ama-assn.org>, “Ron Sala” <ronsala@uuma.org>, “The Rev. Richard Erhardt” <erhardt23@mindspring.com>, “The Rev. Gordon Clay Bailey” <NYGBailey@aol.com>, “Quinet, Kim” <kquinet@cotc.edu>, STUARTTROY@webtv.net (Stuart Troy), dancegroove@nyc.rr.com, “warcry@indymedia.org” <warcrycinema@yahoo.com>, “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net>, “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>, Richard Lake <rlake@mapinc.org>, DDanforbes@aol.com, ibogalab@hotmail.com, Paul DeRienzo <pdr@echonyc.com>, Stews@radiks.net, bmasel@tds.net, heff01@email.msn.com, cardboard_dada@yahoo.com, m.pilkington@virgin.net, Edward Jahn <ejahn@barnard.edu>, NeedelR@aol.com, foozleman@worldnet.att.net, ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

New York City Conference and Telecast
On Iboga and Ibogaine
May 4 & 5, 2003

@The Walker Stage, 56 Walker St.

Sponsors Include:
the Harm Reduction Coalition, MAPS, Association for Drug Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT), Cures not Wars, the Dora Weiner Foundation, The Benu Project, The Greens

Sunday, May 4. 2003, noon to 8 pm

12:00 noon – 12:45 pm
Registration $20

12:45 pm – 2:30 pm
Traditional Healing and Religious Practice

Laurent Sazy
Awolowo Johnson

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Treatment Providers
Sara Glatt*
Eric Taub
Patrick Kroupa
Samuel Waizmann*
Howard Lotsof
Marco Resinovik*

5:45pm to 8pm

Ibogaine and the Search for Lost Sacraments
Charles Kater, Friends of Bishop Pike*
Frank Morales, Episcopalian
Daniel Pinchbeck, author, BREAKING OPEN THE SKULL
Others, TBA

Monday, May 5, 2003, 10am to 6pm

10:00 am – 10:30 am
Registration $20
10:30 am – 10:45 am
Introductory remarks
H.S. Lotsof
10:45 am – 1:45 pm
Scientific Panel
Kenneth R. Alper, MD
Deborah C. Mash PhD
Stanley Glick, MD*
Emmanuel Onaivi, Phd
Carl M Anderson, Phd

1:45 pm – 3:00 PM

3:00 pm –  5:15pm
Politics and Availability
Dana Beal, cures not wars
Vic Hernandez, PhD act up*
Bob Sisko Addiction Research Institute*
Ric Doblin, MAPS

5:15pm – 6:00pm
Final Wrap-up Panel

The Monday session will be attended by representatives of various city and state agencies..
*Invited but not confirmed

Technical requirements & equipment
2 tables
6 chairs
1-2 tablecloth & skirt
1 podium
5 stationary microphones (4 at table, 1 at podium)
1 wireless Microphone (audience questions)
1 slide projector
1 PowerPoint projector

From: “Will” <willewonka@burntmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] extract vs HCL?
Date: February 27, 2003 at 11:42:00 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Could people with experience with both iboga extracts and HCL offer more info on the differences, relative advantages/disadvantages, etc.I’ve seen metaphors like “cartoonish”, “opening head with crowbar”, “forgiving”, etc. Could you explain these in more detail?

Also, how  do the substances differ in terms of
– physical effects/side effects
– psychological effects, visuals, alteration of perception, cognition, etc
– control of experience (if there’s any element of this with either substance)
– pleasantness/unpleasantness
– ability to understand experience/integrate lessons from it
– affect on addiction/cravings/withdrawal symptoms, etc.

Also, suggestions on reasons/situations that would be better to use one or the other would be helpful. Thank you.


From: “Will” <willewonka@burntmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] extract vs HCL
Date: February 28, 2003 at 12:09:54 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Could people with experience with both iboga extracts and HCL offer more details on the differences? I’ve seen terms on this list like cartoonish, like a crowbar, and forgiving in describing these differences, and would like to hear more details.

I’d like to hear about differences between extract and HCL in terms of
– physical effects/body load
– psychological experience, visuals, altered perception, cognition, etc
– comfort/discomfort
– ability to understand experience, gain insights, integrate lessons, etc
– effects on cravings/additiction
– long term effects, benefits
– reasons or situations where one might be preferable to the other

The discussions I’ve seen on the list, especially the variety of experiences/perspectives has been very informative so far, so I look forward to a lively discussion on this topic. Thank you.


From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 28, 2003 at 11:22:54 AM EST
To: ibogaine <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Stuart, I like you. You’re not like the other people, here, at the trailer
park. I mean don’t get me wrong, they’re good people and fine americans, but
they’re content to sit back, drink a couple of cool coors 16 ouncers, maybe
watch a little mork and mindy on channel 57….they’re good, fine people,

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 28, 2003 at 9:07:49 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I wondered exactly who the ‘extractor’ guy is. Thats
gotta be an interesting story, the history of that
extract and how it came to be.



Some tidbits



see #2 Denmark



—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart

Hi Marc,

thank you for taking into consideration some
good-intended criticism 😉

I’d like to correct you again: INDRA is the name
of the extract seller. The man who extracted it is
Carl N.W.; I guess and hope he’s still alive, the
last time I heard of him he was with Sara in NL.
(Cordially, Carl! 😉


At 22:22 27.2.2003, you wrote:

Hi Stuart,

At Iboga Therapy House, we use 3 different iboga

INDRA extract (approximately 20% ibogaine),
named after the man who extracted it from Iboga
plant sources,
Ethnogarden extract (approx. 24% active ibogaine

and Ibogaine Hydrochloride (100% ibogaine)

Howard Lotsof has remarked that the INDRA
extract is ‘forgiving’, meaning it is a bit softer
to handle than the pure Ibogaine hydrochloride. If
you were doing this on your own, in conjunction with
a good friend who is your sitter/monitor/emergency
person, the INDRA extract or ethnogarden extract
will do well. If you were going to an experienced
Iboga person in Europe, any of the three would do
well with that supervision.

Brett wrote a beautiful piece for another person
out your way, a Richard, and I’ll quote Brett’s post
because it really does cover so many bases:

This is What Brett had to say:

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center – forms, calculators, tips, more

From: Vector Vector <vector620022002@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] wising up the marks…..
Date: February 27, 2003 at 10:40:53 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— crownofthorns@hushmail.com wrote:
If you want to help people then why not do that. I thought that
posting information and sharing what youre doing is great but the
past days are starting to be like the twilight zone and this place
was already the twilight zone before you got here but not a sinister
episode only a weird one.

Peace out,

Two minutes of clicking the mindvox web site confirms this captain 🙂
Welcome to ibogaine 🙂


When you’re tired of the Lesser of Two Evils: Cthulhu for President

‘Scuse me, gotta go … I have my Parole Officer hanging on a Meathook
in the Basement

If you Experience Problems: Call your Dealer, Rent a Shrink, or go Buy
a Gun

This is NOT the Summer of Love

It’s Just Like 6 Months of REM Sleep in 6 Hours!

MindVox: Where the Customer is Always Wrong

” Power Corrupts . Absolute Power is Kinda Neat ”

“… And most of all, what Really Sucks, is Everything and All of Us”

Active Ingredients: LSD25 / Crack / Heroin / Ibogaine

“Hate, if you want to hate.  If it keeps you safe.  If it makes you

Hey do0d … Got any Monteka?

MindVox Transcendental Enlightenment Temple / Heroin Maintenance Clinic

“The Needle and The Damage Done”

Welcome to the MindVox Reform School for Wayward Supermodels

Straight Outta Detox

Welcome to: Tranquility Acres, Therapeutic Community

Now Includes: Fully Integrated Messiah Complex

Psychedelic Temple of The Apocalypse

DSM-IV Simplified: (Please Select) [1] Completely Fucking Crazy, or [2]
Full of Shit.

“Great Spirits have always encountered Violent Opposition from Mediocre

Live at CBGB’s: Gweeds with Unicorn Rainbow & The Trustafarians

Moderation’s Alright…  As long as there’s a LOT of it.

“In the Church of my Heart, the Choir’s on Fire.”

“All That Glitters… has a High Refractive Index”

Erase Me Debase Me Freebase Me

“You Are Exactly Where God Wants You To Be”

Post-human, Fully Deconstructed and Completely Incoherent

Use Once and Destroy

Merry Apocalypse and a Happy Kali Yuga

Hosted by: The International Flat Earth Society

Powered by: Mechanical Resonance

Today’s vocabulary word: Pedohomonecropyrobestiality

Powered by: the Spirit of Psychedelic Cannibal Pygmies

Live Long and Prosper / Fuck Off and Die

Why do you have to be Such a Bitch?

It’s all Spiritual n’ Shit

To All The Drugs that I’ve Done: This One’s For You

Hmmm… Hammer, Cranial Saw, WD40, Drugs, Necronomicon, Bowling Ball,
Open Mind…

“In Philip K. Dick We Trust”

“I’m a GENIUS! I want to dispute sentence structure with SUSAN SONTAG!”

Now Includes: “a Strange Fractal Quality that Self-Organizes across All

Dis is da Slowest Fuckin’ McDonalds I evah bin in. And I bin all ovah
de whirld.

” .Not All Who Wander are Lost. ”

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center – forms, calculators, tips, more

From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Happy B-day Howard
Date: February 27, 2003 at 9:25:54 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dear Howard,

We don’t know each other beyond this list.  I know your face, I doubt you know mine.  You changed my life.  I am forever grateful.  Happy Birthday!! 60 years young!! A great time to start something new.

Randy Hencken

MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.  http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] NYC May Ibogaine Forum Draft
Date: February 27, 2003 at 9:11:05 PM EST
To: Flashback Books <flashbks@earthlink.net>
Cc: Kenneth Alper <kra1@nyu.edu>, “Laurie Mischley” <lauriemischley@attbi.com>, hsl123@aol.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

At 2:12 PM -0800 2/10/03, Flashback Books wrote:
Thinking it over, I don’t know any individuals in NY who would be interested
in the ibogaine forum. But you know, the Drug Policy Alliance, the leading
reform group, moved their offices there from SF.  www.drugpolicy.org
They put on speaker events there and in SF so maybe you can link up with
them and get publicity.  Then I remember a place way downtown called The
Open Center.

I have very few roots in NYC any longer, since my folks passed way, and
rarely go back there.

Good luck with it.

Well, keep it in mind. We expect to draw people from the entire east coast. If you know just one person who wants to attend or present there, do not hesitate to let me know. If we do anything more on the W. coast (LA is a possibility), I’ll let you know.
I am especially looking for an additional person in the vein of Terence McKenna and Philip Dick for the third panel on Sunday the 4th of May

New York City Conference and Telecast
On Iboga and Ibogaine
May 4 & 5, 2003

@The Walker Stage, 56 Walker St.

Sunday, May 4. 2003, noon to 8 pm

12:00 noon – 12:45 pm
Registration $20

12:45 pm – 2:30 pm
Traditional Healing and Religious Practice

Laurent Sazy
Awolowo Johnson

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Treatment Providers
Sara Glatt*
Eric Taub
Patrick Kroupa
Samuel Waizmann*
Howard Lotsof
Marco Resinovik*

5:45pm to 8pm

Ibogaine and the Search for Lost Sacraments
Ron Sala, Universalist Unitarian*
Charles Kater, Friends of Bishop Pike*
Frank Morales, Episcopalian

Monday, May 5, 2003, 10am to 6pm

10:00 am – 10:30 am
Registration $20
10:30 am – 10:45 am
Introductory remarks
H.S. Lotsof
10:45 am – 1:45 pm
Scientific Panel
Kenneth R. Alper, MD
Deborah C. Mash PhD
Stanley Glick, MD*
Emmanuel Onaivi, Phd
Carl M Anderson, Phd*

1:45 pm – 3:00 PM

3:00 pm –  5:15pm
Politics and Availability
Dana Beal, cures not wars
Vic Hernandez, PhD act up*
Bob Sisko Addiction Research Institute*
Ric Doblin, MAPS*

5:15pm – 6:00pm
Final Wrap-up Panel

The Monday session will be attended by representatives of various city and state agencies..
*Invited but not confirmed

Technical requirements & equipment
2 tables
6 chairs
1-2 tablecloth & skirt
1 podium
5 stationary microphones (4 at table, 1 at podium)
1 wireless Microphone (audience questions)
1 slide projector
1 PowerPoint projector

From: Vector Vector <vector620022002@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] indra extract
Date: February 27, 2003 at 9:02:44 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The messages. The one I found so far, there are more then 10 total.


— Carl Nyblom-Waltenburg <ibogalab@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Michael Synergy <synergy9_11@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] indra extract
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 23:13:07 -0700 (PDT)

Testing. If this message goes through more then once I’m sorry but I
having problems mailing from yahoo lately. I hit send and freezes or
I hit
send and it sends 5 or 10 copies. I think it is starting to fall
because millions of people moved from hotmail here when they started
for money at hotmail, now they are starting the same thing on yahoo
lycos. Maybe its time to move mail somewhere else again.

Indra you’re saying is extract from the root of taberanthe iboga
which has
many other active alkaloids which are not found in ibogaine hcl.
What are
these alkaloids and do they make any difference? If I’m asking
something to
which there isn’t a exact answer, I understand that, but ibogaine
hcl is
what all the experiments being written in the science journals are
done with so I’m lost. What testing has been done with the extract.
I’m not
challenging you only trying to understand what basis your statement
is made

The extract has a different pharmacodynamic action.It may be taken in
amounts over extended periods of time to relieve fatigue and/or
opiod withdrawal symptoms.Specifically,when it comes to Methadone
withdrawals,(which can be quite unbearable and long-lasting)the
extract has
been proven to be far superionr to Ibogaine HCL,(which to the best of
knowledge is not advisable to use in repeated high dosages),and the
journey seems to feel more mellow and benign to the
clients,who,furthermore,can be treated in non-clinical settings
without the
use of electronic measuring devices and other fancy gadgets of the
“scientific” disciplines.The Pygmy and other tribes  have used this
for millennia in the treatment of sleeping sickness and so it should
quite safe and if you get too much you will throw it up.There was one

fatality reported in London where rumour has it that the man choked
to death
from his own vomit while the original coroner’s report wrote about an
hemorrage due to Hepatitis C,but I have never ever heard of anyone
having any problems with the stuff except the seasickness and the
very intense long-lasting introspective mood of the journey in the
dosage range,which usually can be alleviated by the skilled
guide who has tried the stuff before giving it to someone else.This I

believe to be imperative for good results in its therapeutic use,and
believe, goes for the entire family of mind-revealing substances from
plant kingdom,ancient & modern,in clinical as well as ritual

Why is taking more then 1,000mg of ibogaine hcl toxic or dangerous?
people who detoxed with ibogaine taken amounts nearly twice that in
to do it and come out ok?
To illustrate this let us take an example,coffee beans.Coffee can be

considered to be an extract of coffee beans.Drinking coffee is one
thing,downing caffeine tablets en masse is somewhat different…
I don’t know,man I never administered the HCL,but I have been giving
some twenty-five kiloes of the extract since 1985 and my friends did
give it to rats.

The ibogaine fatalities that have been recorded were all with hcl?

As far as I know,yes,with the exception of the above-mentioned case.


I hope that this may bring some clarity.May virtue increase.Soon.

cordially,Carl W.

Carl Nyblom-Waltenburg <ibogalab@hotmail.com> wrote:

From: Carl Waltenburg
To: ibogalab@hotmail.com
Subject: Fwd: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine extract hcl what?
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 17:42:24 +0100 (BST)

Dear friends
Since there seems to be a great deal of confusion on
the Net as to what is what I would like to make a
comment to the statement attached below.The book I
came across when I returned from the Kilimanjaro was
not Schultes’&Hofmann’s “Plants of the gods”.It was
their “botany and chemistry of hallucinogens”.Apart
from correcting that error the statement deserves some
further clarification…
What is “Indra”?
“Indra” was the name chosen for an internet shop
selling ethnobotanical specialties for shamanic use.
I happened to know the guys who started the shop and
gave them some of my Iboga extract so that they could
make it commercially available.
I am not so happy with the way that went down.Although
they surely distributed substantial amounts of the
stuff,I did not see much of any benign influence from
their endeavour,(nor did I see any money coming my way
from providing the stuff to them in the first place).
It stands to reason,when I view the episode in
retrospect,that entheogens and sacred plants and their
congeners should not be handled by people whose only
religion is money,whose only incentive is profit and
who approach me with an intent to GET whateveritis
from me to take personal advantage of the situation.
The Iboga extract that was released to the world
through this conduit was,however,remarkably safe and
sort of tailor-made for the elimination of addictive
demands and applicable over a wide variety of
drug-related problematiques.Crystalline Ibogaine HCL
is to this extract somewhat like taking ONE active
ingredient out of a plant with at least EIGHTEEN
different active ingredients.You end up with a
different pharmacodynamic profile,and also something
quite toxic in the dosages proposed (e.g.1000
milligrams) and hence impossible to administer under
any but highly supervised clinical settings.
Considering the popularity of another historically
known Iboga extract called “Lambarene” in the early
days of the 20th century,experience shows that this is
a promising field indeed,but only as good as the
players in it…
cordially,Carl W.

From: vector6@space.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine extract hcl what?
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 18:00:27 -0700 (PDT)

ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
Reply-to: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
From: vector6@space.com
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 18:00:27 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ibogaine extract hcl what?

This doesn’t answer what indra is exactly, if it’s
still any good after being stored for so long and what
potency is left in it. But like almost everything at
least some of the answers are on the internet and you
can find them using google 🙂


Reprinted from:

Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 08:24:43 EST
From: “Carl Nyblom-Waltenburg”
Subject: Re: indra ibo(beginning)

In a message dated 12/11/99 10:48:50 AM,
ibogalab@hotmail.com (Carl) wrote:

I have been working with the Iboga alkaloids over
the last sixteen years


What precipitated your work with ibogaine? How did
you come to it? Please
be only as open as you feel comfortable in being.



Well,Howard it is a very long story,I guess it started
with being born into a family where visionary plants
and drugs was part of the cultural heritage,and
literature in that field was
abundant.Huxley’s”Island”,Baudelaire’s”the artificial
paradises”de Ropp’s “drugs and the mind” etc. was my
childhood literature,my father was a book publisher
and translator and a journalist with a strong
revolutionary impact on contemporary society
throughout the 1960’s and my school years in the late
sixties were heavily laced with psychedelic drugs and
social protest,the Vietnam war being what it was and
youth culture being what it was…
I first came across the Iboga plant when I returned
from a soujourn with the medicine men of Tanzania
,Kenya and Uganda in the Kilimanjaro area (doing some
highly classified magic that was part of overthrowing
the Idi Amin dictatorship),finding dr Hofmann’s and dr
Schultes’ elegant volume “Plants of the Gods”.Then,as
I stated earlier,I was working with numerous medicinal
plants in a pharmaceutical house,and the Iboga plant
was one of them.At that time,we considered it to be a
rather wild and rough trip with a lot of undesirable
side effects,so I set out to “tame” this wild spirit
into something more manageable,as I intuitively felt
that here was something with a tremendous healing
potential.In the same time period Christiania Freetown
had a severe problem with hard drug abuse,criminal
biker gangs fighting over street level drug market
control,heavily armed maniacs, and a lot of police
brutality.The scene was disgusting,so the Psychedelic
Movement decided to make the entire arsenal of
visionary plants and drugs readily available at street
level,on the principle that on a truly free market
good drugs will drive out the bad,and the Iboga
extract was one of the materials employed in this
endeavour.It was a successful operation,and Chritiania
Freetown has remained a zone entirely free from hard
drugs like opiates,cocaine, speed etc.to this day, and
violence is rare,although there are some problems with
alcohol and tourism…
To acheive consensus on “no hard drugs” in a community
is no easy thing and our model may not be universally
applicable,but the principles involved could indeed be
applied worldwide in a more enlightened future.To some
extent there are hopeful signs that visionary plants
and drugs are becoming an accepted part of everyday
reality in the western “civilization”,and that
long-lost profession of being a psychedelic guide will
be back in business, as was the case in the 1950’s and
early60’s,with a new role to play in using the Iboga
alkaloids in therapy and counseling.In this spirit,I
will do what I can,as much as I can, as fast as I


On Mon, 08 April 2002, ibogaine@heroinhelper.com wrote

Actually, this is a very good question. Heroin is
less dangerous
than morphine which is less dangerous than codeine.
For people
who need codeine, why not prescribe really small
amounts of
heroin instead? The answer is that drug laws make no
sense and
doctors are mostly fools. (I used to teach physics
to pre-meds; it
was a real eye-opener. BTW: I just got word of my
first student
becoming a license physician.)


On 7 Apr 2002, at 23:20, HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 4/7/02 10:34:39 PM,
synergy9_11@yahoo.com writes:

Thanks for the info. But I’m not really sure it
answered my question.
What is indra? Why does it exist, who made it and
if they broke it down
from ibogaine root then why did they stop at that
instead of turning it
into HCL? Is this some company making it right
now or what. I’m lost. What
I mean is what is the reason, why make this when
you can get HCL from it
and what am I buying if I buy indra?

Without giving you a direct response… why does
opium exist and morphine
exist when the manufacturer could go on to make
heroin? I think indra is the
equivalent of a trade name. Indra can be reached
. You
might ask them to explain


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From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: [ibogaine] Note to Howard
Date: February 27, 2003 at 8:47:55 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Howard, you may not have said ‘forgiving’. In the conversation when I was
explaining ibogaine’s apparent compatability with all the different types of
people with individual physiologies, mental states, etc. and producing
desirable results in each without any apparent harm to them (even as we have
treated people with HEP C, MS, and other diseases), you mused that it was
amazing how ibogaine can do these things without  significant
contra-indications. Of course, you warned me in the same conversation that
‘Its the first one that doesn’t go right that will create serious problems
for you.’ and you worried about me.

Thats what I meant when I drew that word out of the conversation.

Marc Emery
—– Original Message —–
From: <hslotsof@aol.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 4:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart

In a message dated 2/27/03 4:34:34 PM, marc420emery@shaw.ca writes:

Howard Lotsof has remarked that the INDRA extract is ‘forgiving’, meaning
it is a bit softer to handle than the pure Ibogaine hydrochloride. If you
were doing this on your own, in conjunction with a good friend who is
sitter/monitor/emergency person, the INDRA extract or ethnogarden extract
will do well. If you were going to an experienced Iboga person in Europe,
any of the three would do well with that supervision.


Sorry to this matter and I might chalk it to memory lapses from
on my part but, I have no recollection of indicating the INDRA extract as
“forgiving”.  It is not my language and I have no practical experience
the INDRA product so I doubt I would have provided that particular
I know how busy you must be and I myself have found that I cannot quite
identify who said what on more than a single occasion.

In case there is any concern, this is not an attack on Marc.

Concerning this list recently, every list I have been on during my list
history of about ten years periodically goes a bit amuck.  I think that
Calabrese’s post “Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks” of
date, 2.27.03, begins to address the value of all providers and the
understanding of ibogaine therapy and the therapies they have made

And, Marc, in case I did make the statement that I have denied, I hope you
will be as forgiving as the INDRA product.

With regards and turning 60 on Saturday.  I’m amazed.


From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 8:49:11 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I wondered exactly who the ‘extractor’ guy is. Thats
gotta be an interesting story, the history of that
extract and how it came to be.


under Denmark: “a 44 kg supply of alkaloid extract from
500 kg of Tabernanthe iboga root bark”.

Also discussion on these lists between me and Carl
on preserving the secrets of the extraction method.


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 8:38:00 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

regards on the birthday thing too.
—– Original Message —–
From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart

Happy Birthday!

Peace out and smoke out 🙂

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 16:10:50 -0800 Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
>> With regards and turning 60 on Saturday.  I’m amazed.
>Happy Birthday, Howard!

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FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2

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From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 8:38:15 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I wondered exactly who the ‘extractor’ guy is. Thats gotta be an interesting story, the history of that extract and how it came to be.

—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 2:26 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart

Hi Marc,

thank you for taking into consideration some good-intended criticism 😉

I’d like to correct you again: INDRA is the name of the extract seller. The man who extracted it is Carl N.W.; I guess and hope he’s still alive, the last time I heard of him he was with Sara in NL. (Cordially, Carl! 😉


At 22:22 27.2.2003, you wrote:
Hi Stuart,

At Iboga Therapy House, we use 3 different iboga derivitives,

INDRA extract (approximately 20% ibogaine), named after the man who extracted it from Iboga plant sources,
Ethnogarden extract (approx. 24% active ibogaine alkaloids)

and Ibogaine Hydrochloride (100% ibogaine)

Howard Lotsof has remarked that the INDRA extract is ‘forgiving’, meaning it is a bit softer to handle than the pure Ibogaine hydrochloride. If you were doing this on your own, in conjunction with a good friend who is your sitter/monitor/emergency person, the INDRA extract or ethnogarden extract will do well. If you were going to an experienced Iboga person in Europe, any of the three would do well with that supervision.

Brett wrote a beautiful piece for another person out your way, a Richard, and I’ll quote Brett’s post because it really does cover so many bases:

This is What Brett had to say:
From: Jon Freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 8:21:37 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:

With regards and turning 60 on Saturday.  I’m amazed.

Happy birthday =)

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From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 7:14:06 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Happy Birthday!

Peace out and smoke out 🙂

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 16:10:50 -0800 Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
With regards and turning 60 on Saturday.  I’m amazed.

Happy Birthday, Howard!


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From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] wising up the marks…..
Date: February 27, 2003 at 7:12:51 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Bro, Carl W. posts to this list or he did last time was last year. His name isn’t indra, that’s what the big ibo batch of extract he made is called now.

There is something I must say here and hope that you think about it. There are a lot of people who talk here and a lot of them are disturbed and a lot of shit gets talked about. Mostly not about Mash too much because then Patrick starts up. She is this evil person. No, she’s not. She replies to email, she never replies about anything personal when I ask something about Patrick except saying she loves him and that’s her son. He defends her. At San Francisco I finally got it, they’re both like the same person, very arrogant, very brilliant, very crazy people. But they’re people, they care about each other is obvious, they are f**ked up people, but good people. That’s a part of it. The other part is neither one of them talks bullshit. She knows science, patrick knows addiction and bro does he ever know ibogaine and psychedelics, computers too 😉 And that goes for Brett, who is another nut but I always feel there is someone in there. He posts facts about things he has done or un
derstands, if he doesn’t know he says he doesn’t know. Dana Beal is one of the biggest crazies I’ve ever anywhere but he’s another person who is very crazy, but you get the sense of someone in there and you can’t help but like him even if he is talking about time travel. Howard is a great person. Sara posts some strange things but she also does not talk bullshit and maybe she has a different angle on how things work and how to guide people through it. Randy too is real and even the doctor from mexico who I dissed out by accident some months ago replied to me and there is a person there, I had respect that he stood up for himself and he was right. Everyone here is in some way not normal I think they wouldn’t be here if they were.

What I’ve never seen before anywhere is someone who started asking questions on this list last fall and didn’t know anything, now guiding people and giving advice. When what you’re saying with authority is not right. You don’t have any of the facts but keep answering. You disrespect people who have knowledge you don’t and contribute their time and help people here. It may be a angry list sometimes, but its also a informative one full of people who understand what theyre saying. If you post how you are dosing people and what you do then you’re sharing what you’re learning with other people and that is very honorable and commendable bro. But telling people there is some movie, then telling Carla she didn’t do ibogaine because that’s not what she saw, giving people ibo in dark rooms and explaining what its supposed to be like.

Bro what I want to say to you is that its starting to sound real creepy. It feels like you have no interest in ibogaine at all but you want to take ownership of it. Of course people are going to say you do good things because you’re giving it away. But its starting to feel like come here little girl, want some candy?

I’m only waiting for the zombie army of people you’ve given ibo to to rise up wearing Marc Emry tshirts and selling flowers.

Bro, do you even smoke pot or just make alot of millions from it and stick a joint in your mouth when there is a photo op?

You are very much starting to weird me out. I dont need 3 of your assistants to reply to me explaining what you really meant. But why not stick to saying what you do know and what you’ve learned instead of whatever it is that youre trying to do. I think its too late to own ibogaine. If you ever did it you’d know you can’t do that anyway.

If you want to help people then why not do that. I thought that posting information and sharing what youre doing is great but the past days are starting to be like the twilight zone and this place was already the twilight zone before you got here but not a sinister episode only a weird one.

Peace out,

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 14:55:12 -0800 paul jackamo <pauljackamo@hotmail.com> wrote:
Greetings all

Have read the recent exchanges with interest and like everyone else,
i just
need to throw a few thoughts into the mindvox infosphere.

Marc – There is no such thing as the “ibogaine experience” – it
doesnt exist
outside of semantic space.What exists are people who have experiences
ibogaine – a crucial difference.
As Brett said, you may be setting yourself up for a fall if you
the complexity and diversity of a given experience.
What happens when (and it will happen) someone has an experience
that isnt
“a movie of their life”,no “screen”, no childhood memories, no
biographical/personal data at all – have they had the “wrong” experience
? – are they having an “incorrect” vision – do they become iboga
heretics ?

I feel really strongly about this.Ive only done ibogaine twice (HCL
Indra at 15mg/kg and 25mg/kg respectively) and because of what I
read : ” a
screen will appear,scenes from your childhood will float by,blah,
i was expecting some kind of psychedelic movie(its the subliminal
metaphor,it implies some kind of cognitive distance between the

observer/observed)- what i got was something else entirely,no
personal/biographical data – and like most junkies, i had a pretty
fucked up
childhood so it wasnt for  a lack of material to draw upon 😉
I did feel when i came round that i had somehow “failed” until i
reading up on others experiences and speaking to Brett and other
people on
this list and i realised i hadnt failed.
What each individual experiences on ibogaine is unique to them and
content of the experience varies greatly with each experience.
My second experience was completely different to the first in a
way ive
never experienced with any other empathogen.

The main point is that nobody “owns” ibogaine nor the definative
modality.My intuition is that the iboga root has been used for thousands
years,its morphogenetic field is just so “rich” for want of a better
It has at least 150 years of documented use.Ibogaine itself as we
all know
has been around for 100 years. It exists as a self-organising/self

transforming entity , spiralling in complexity. Its use changes

constantly.People transform its use/ritual context constantly –
it flows.
To say that you have the optimum treatment modality in terms of
therapy is just plain arrogance.
Having said that, i think what you are doing is way cool, i wish
we had
something similar over here in england.
Many people dont have a place they can go to like ITH and/or can
afford Mash
et al, myself included.
For me, this listserve was a lifeline in my quest for ibogaine and
from addiction in terms of the support and advice i recieved so
when you say

“I am grateful its myself,linette…..who are helping people here
and not
some of the people on this listserve”

You are doing a disservice to the people who contribute their time
energy to the list.IMO.

I think what Marko was getting at is that you are dealing with serious
here,ibogaine is extremely weird,powerful,complex and can as easily
in and influence your space-time continuum in ways you may find
and occasionally devastating.It bites!

You are doing incredible work,but remember, to paraphrase Nietzche:
“The deeper you look into ibogaine,the deeper it looks into you”

respect to you


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From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 7:10:50 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

With regards and turning 60 on Saturday.  I’m amazed.

Happy Birthday, Howard!


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 7:02:35 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 2/27/03 4:34:34 PM, marc420emery@shaw.ca writes:

Howard Lotsof has remarked that the INDRA extract is ‘forgiving’, meaning
it is a bit softer to handle than the pure Ibogaine hydrochloride. If you
were doing this on your own, in conjunction with a good friend who is your
sitter/monitor/emergency person, the INDRA extract or ethnogarden extract
will do well. If you were going to an experienced Iboga person in Europe,
any of the three would do well with that supervision.


Sorry to this matter and I might chalk it to memory lapses from chemotherapy
on my part but, I have no recollection of indicating the INDRA extract as
“forgiving”.  It is not my language and I have no practical experience with
the INDRA product so I doubt I would have provided that particular comment.
I know how busy you must be and I myself have found that I cannot quite
identify who said what on more than a single occasion.

In case there is any concern, this is not an attack on Marc.

Concerning this list recently, every list I have been on during my list
history of about ten years periodically goes a bit amuck.  I think that Brett
Calabrese’s post “Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks” of this
date, 2.27.03, begins to address the value of all providers and the
understanding of ibogaine therapy and the therapies they have made available.

And, Marc, in case I did make the statement that I have denied, I hope you
will be as forgiving as the INDRA product.

With regards and turning 60 on Saturday.  I’m amazed.


From: “paul jackamo” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] wising up the marks (part two)
Date: February 27, 2003 at 6:15:58 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Note :
If anyone got halfway through my last mail and saw that i called ibogaine an “empathogen”,dont jump down my throat.I should have  used
“entheogen”.Having said that,it has empathic qualities but not in a cute fluffy mdma/mda sense.i’ll shut up……..


PS : Am i the only person to be fascinated by these facts:

A)nicotine produces small ammounts of norharman when smoked

B) Norharman can be created by heating L-Trytophan at boiling point.

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From: “paul jackamo” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] wising up the marks…..
Date: February 27, 2003 at 5:55:12 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Greetings all

Have read the recent exchanges with interest and like everyone else, i just need to throw a few thoughts into the mindvox infosphere.

Marc – There is no such thing as the “ibogaine experience” – it doesnt exist outside of semantic space.What exists are people who have experiences with ibogaine – a crucial difference.
As Brett said, you may be setting yourself up for a fall if you discount
the complexity and diversity of a given experience.
What happens when (and it will happen) someone has an experience that isnt “a movie of their life”,no “screen”, no childhood memories, no biographical/personal data at all – have they had the “wrong” experience
? – are they having an “incorrect” vision – do they become iboga heretics ?

I feel really strongly about this.Ive only done ibogaine twice (HCL not Indra at 15mg/kg and 25mg/kg respectively) and because of what I read : ” a screen will appear,scenes from your childhood will float by,blah,blah,blah”, i was expecting some kind of psychedelic movie(its the subliminal “screen” metaphor,it implies some kind of cognitive distance between the observer/observed)- what i got was something else entirely,no personal/biographical data – and like most junkies, i had a pretty fucked up childhood so it wasnt for  a lack of material to draw upon 😉
I did feel when i came round that i had somehow “failed” until i started reading up on others experiences and speaking to Brett and other people on this list and i realised i hadnt failed.
What each individual experiences on ibogaine is unique to them and the content of the experience varies greatly with each experience.
My second experience was completely different to the first in a way ive never experienced with any other empathogen.

The main point is that nobody “owns” ibogaine nor the definative treatment modality.My intuition is that the iboga root has been used for thousands of years,its morphogenetic field is just so “rich” for want of a better word.
It has at least 150 years of documented use.Ibogaine itself as we all know has been around for 100 years. It exists as a self-organising/self transforming entity , spiralling in complexity. Its use changes constantly.People transform its use/ritual context constantly – it flows.
To say that you have the optimum treatment modality in terms of addiction therapy is just plain arrogance.
Having said that, i think what you are doing is way cool, i wish we had something similar over here in england.
Many people dont have a place they can go to like ITH and/or can afford Mash et al, myself included.
For me, this listserve was a lifeline in my quest for ibogaine and freedom
from addiction in terms of the support and advice i recieved so when you say

“I am grateful its myself,linette…..who are helping people here and not some of the people on this listserve”

You are doing a disservice to the people who contribute their time and energy to the list.IMO.

I think what Marko was getting at is that you are dealing with serious shit here,ibogaine is extremely weird,powerful,complex and can as easily operate in and influence your space-time continuum in ways you may find perplexing and occasionally devastating.It bites!

You are doing incredible work,but remember, to paraphrase Nietzche:
“The deeper you look into ibogaine,the deeper it looks into you”

respect to you


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From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 5:44:33 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I would also like to thank Brett,for your indsight,and good advices.
I HAVE  found a good place,with a “pro” sitter(s).
The idea of doing it home with my mom,or a friend (without any Ibo knowledge),was not good,so I have found the best alternative I could possibly find.
Thanks man.
Soren from Denmark
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 11:26 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart

Hi Marc,

thank you for taking into consideration some good-intended criticism 😉

I’d like to correct you again: INDRA is the name of the extract seller. The man who extracted it is Carl N.W.; I guess and hope he’s still alive, the last time I heard of him he was with Sara in NL. (Cordially, Carl! 😉


At 22:22 27.2.2003, you wrote:
Hi Stuart,

At Iboga Therapy House, we use 3 different iboga derivitives,

INDRA extract (approximately 20% ibogaine), named after the man who extracted it from Iboga plant sources,
Ethnogarden extract (approx. 24% active ibogaine alkaloids)

and Ibogaine Hydrochloride (100% ibogaine)

Howard Lotsof has remarked that the INDRA extract is ‘forgiving’, meaning it is a bit softer to handle than the pure Ibogaine hydrochloride. If you were doing this on your own, in conjunction with a good friend who is your sitter/monitor/emergency person, the INDRA extract or ethnogarden extract will do well. If you were going to an experienced Iboga person in Europe, any of the three would do well with that supervision.

Brett wrote a beautiful piece for another person out your way, a Richard, and I’ll quote Brett’s post because it really does cover so many bases:

This is What Brett had to say:
From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 5:26:32 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Marc,

thank you for taking into consideration some good-intended criticism 😉

I’d like to correct you again: INDRA is the name of the extract seller. The man who extracted it is Carl N.W.; I guess and hope he’s still alive, the last time I heard of him he was with Sara in NL. (Cordially, Carl! 😉


At 22:22 27.2.2003, you wrote:
Hi Stuart,

At Iboga Therapy House, we use 3 different iboga derivitives,

INDRA extract (approximately 20% ibogaine), named after the man who extracted it from Iboga plant sources,
Ethnogarden extract (approx. 24% active ibogaine alkaloids)

and Ibogaine Hydrochloride (100% ibogaine)

Howard Lotsof has remarked that the INDRA extract is ‘forgiving’, meaning it is a bit softer to handle than the pure Ibogaine hydrochloride. If you were doing this on your own, in conjunction with a good friend who is your sitter/monitor/emergency person, the INDRA extract or ethnogarden extract will do well. If you were going to an experienced Iboga person in Europe, any of the three would do well with that supervision.

Brett wrote a beautiful piece for another person out your way, a Richard, and I’ll quote Brett’s post because it really does cover so many bases:

This is What Brett had to say:
From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: [ibogaine] Stuart
Date: February 27, 2003 at 4:22:25 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Stuart,

At Iboga Therapy House, we use 3 different iboga derivitives,

INDRA extract (approximately 20% ibogaine), named after the man who extracted it from Iboga plant sources,
Ethnogarden extract (approx. 24% active ibogaine alkaloids)

and Ibogaine Hydrochloride (100% ibogaine)

Howard Lotsof has remarked that the INDRA extract is ‘forgiving’, meaning it is a bit softer to handle than the pure Ibogaine hydrochloride. If you were doing this on your own, in conjunction with a good friend who is your sitter/monitor/emergency person, the INDRA extract or ethnogarden extract will do well. If you were going to an experienced Iboga person in Europe, any of the three would do well with that supervision.

Brett wrote a beautiful piece for another person out your way, a Richard, and I’ll quote Brett’s post because it really does cover so many bases:

This is What Brett had to say:

> Sorry about politics/religion/culture debate… People
> often take their ibogaine methods very seriously and
> personally, and no wonder after seeing it work.
> Ibogaine is unlike anything else on earth I can think
> of, or took. Ibo, just by itself isn’t (I should say
> likely) going to do much more than a good detox,
> unless you go with it and want it.  We all mean well
> and I think that a bit of it is many treatment
> providers are in different nitches to some extent,
> clients are different, cultures are different. Patient
> X may be happy with MASH and swear by her, so will
> MASH – and need her style of tx. Patient Y (say me) is
> fine with just detox me, break the cycle and I will
> take it from there – I knew how to be clean. The IBO
> does work like a charm, so long as the other pieces
> come into play, you do your part/whatever else you
> need.
> No-one has a monopoly on love, it comes in many
> different flavors and styles. Thinking someone elses
> love isn’t right because it isn’t something you do, or
> don’t understand, OR because of vast cultural
> differences and mis-understandings isn’t part of
> ibogaine, it is part of being human.  And then
> sometimes you have gotten hit over and over with
> something, then some loving person comes along and
> because of prior experience, we jump to conclusions
> too quickly… the defenses go up, old buttons are
> pressed… In truth, we do love and respect each other
> for the most part but seems that in the iboga world
> people do take things too seriously (negatively) and
> heads do butt.
> Let me put it this way.
> I have done ibogaine, it saved my life, gave me hope
> and allowed me to go back and remake my understanding
> of events and its effect on me. It is powerful but
> very subtle, don’t like a vision, a blink or a thought
> will stop it. It isn’t so rough as even I sometimes
> make it out when I say it is, mostly it is just long,
> non-stop, one after the other, with nice side effects
> like ataxia, severe motion sensitivity (don’t
> move)/nausea maybe vomiting, photophobia, sound
> sensitivity, some visual distortions and this strob
> like/magnesium flares/tracers (white), kind of cool
> but dizzying and get old (too much). Basically, stay
> pretty still, flat on your back is usually best. If
> you move, keep your head in-line with your body and
> slowly (I said slowly which means you will likely need
> help at first) sit-up/move… Telling you is one
> thing, doing it is another and many people who you say
> “move slow” will BOUNCE UP… and then land flat on
> their backs in some shade of green. Some people
> experience some anxiety, mostly on the way up and
> mostly >from HCL (much less with Indra but happens), I
> usually split my dose to soften it a bit (it is
> uncomfortable, hot horrible). Usually once people are
> at altitude most if not all the anxiety passes, just
> relax and deep breath nice and slow. Few tid-bits, I
> sometimes get tired of the “trip” (for lack of a
> better description) and get-up, shake it off, use to
> go have a smoke but usually people are pretty
> flattened by it, for whatever reason it does not
> happen to me (well, lots of practice being wacked out
> and trying to function I guess…).  As for safty, as
> long as you follow procedure/protocol and are in good
> health you are pretty safe. Pretty much any treatment
> provider is going to follow (more or less) the basics,
> fast, maybe an anti-emetic, a tester dose followed by
> a main dose(or sometimes split into several doses).
> Success depends on your attitude and what you do with
> the opportunity. If you want ibogaine to fix you I
> suggest you go cop some good drugs someplace and have
> at it till you are ready. Recovery requires work, you
> have to want it, ibogaine is not going to make you
> want it – well not usually anyway. Here is the deal
> (and Marc keyed right in on it);  You do the stuff and
> in a couple days (when you come down, mostly) you get
> high – (don’t worry, makes sense to me), which
> basically means you feel shitty for a few days then
> the door opens, the ibo-glow sets in (if it does),
> some people have transient depression, the better
> after-glow feeling/mood is generally with HCL (not
> Indra as much). NOW is the time, here is your window,
> the door is open, if you start NEW, you will have new,
> if you do go back to the same old shit and do the same
> old thing, you are very likely to be doing the same
> old thing (drugs) in short order. Look it, it is like
> all the programed wires got all pulled out, the
> momentum in the direction you WERE going just got the
> wind out of it, now it is up to you (ultimately) to
> take advantage. You have to do new things, sometimes
> deal/confront old ones (which happens without the
> “FEELINGS” that keep you from doing it, the ego is
> like gone, stuff like “water under the bridge”
> disappears for the most part). SO, no matter how you
> do it, YOU have to change but this time most (not all)
> the effort is out of it.  THe ibo stays (nor-ibogaine)
> in your system for a very VERY long time after doing
> ibogaine, still providing some protection – as it will
> diminish cravings, alter the HIGH (so you like it less
> in most cases), things that were difficult, suddenly
> get easier, health improves, I feel like got an
> overdose of LIFE FORCE after. THis fades over months,
> I have actually felt ibogaine still in me 11 months
> after last dosing (the longest I went). It kind of
> feels a little like an SSRI (but better) in you – but
> no negative side effects, some people though are
> annoyed by less sleep they will need or feel too
> stimulated, most of the overt “feeling” of it passes
> in a few weeks. There could be artifacts for weeks or
> months, sometimes people get flashes of light at night
> for a while after. Doing something like Yoga and
> meditating will bring “IT” back a bit (ie going into
> the “ETHER” is easier and you can FEEL the ibo more
> during something relaxing/spiritual like
> Yoga/meditation… Being an addict, you may have some
> residual withdrawals, I am a fan of small doses if ibo
> (1/2gm-1gm Indra or 100-200mg HCL typically) after a
> main dose for people who are having a hard time. Now
> it may take a while for you to feel right, this is
> especially true if you have an addiction like
> methadone, like a low-grade withdrawal for a while,
> weeks, sometimes months. Often a 2nd treatment will do
> the trick. Some people (like me) do their 2nd dose
> sometime down the road, I did 8 months, some people do
> it 6 months or so – that is about when it gets weak
> (the nor-ibo you are still carrying in you ). Now all
> those “doses”, I don’t think I am brain damaged, well
> not any more than usual. I am no longer addicted,
> stopped coke, alcohol and nicotine AND (thank you)
> have a nasty side effect, opiate pain meds disagree
> with me (I never had a big opiate problem, it went
> with the coke…). Pretty much, I have no desire to
> use or now days even smoke (7 months now), just brief
> moments now and then.
> Now, all that said, I have done ibo, oh, lots of
> times. Basically every 6-12 months I like a little
> tune-up – which means I put it off as long as I can.
> It is big-time YUCK, not horrible, just long, arduous,
> gotta block out a weekend pretty much though these
> days I recover quicker. So, if it was that bad
> (horrible) why would I do it again and again? I take
> ibogaine for what it does for me, not for how it feels
> when I take it (no one does, least not in high doses,
> small doses it is kind of nice – FOR SUPER
> CLEAN/HEALTHY me, you are unlikely to enjoy it).  Lets
> see, if you are doing Indra, it is smoother, softer,
> more “real”, at usual dosages (ie 5gm) not as HIGH as
> a full blown anti-addictive dose of HCL. HCL comes on
> stronger, is a bit more cartoon like, not as
> “spiritual” or real as Indra, sort of rips into issues
> with a crow-bar and jack-hammer where Indra is more of
> this parable story that makes sense to you (softer). I
> can’t say exactly what will happen if at all vision
> wise, the only thing to fear is your fear (get over it
> and relax), things you want to hold onto, your ego,
> your issues, they don’t want to leave… Ibo will do
> this IN YOUR FACE thing with them that is totally
> non-threatening, like looking at things without having
> an ego (at all), seen from many perspectives all at
> the same time (including someone elses). Sometimes
> there are tears, emotions, smiles.
> My advice, follow the rules (protocol/procedure), have
> a  plan to change your life and do it, sitting there
> waiting for the ibo to do it for you is a real bad
> idea. And just do it, thinking about it generally has
> negative results – from personal experience. I dislike
> ibo and could easily awfulize about what is to come
> (it is nasty, like if someone came to you with a spoon
> of Castor Oil… but bigger, I mean epecac is more fun
> than ibogaine), the only way is to just swallow the
> suckers and let it happen, then I am fine, don’t
> think, do.
> Brett

—– Original Message —–
From: Highlander35739@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do

hi mark, im stuart , i would like some advice please? im a heroin addict looking at takink ibogaine  , i live in inverness in scotland and am using 1/4 of a gram per day im 10stone medium built and fairly fit. i know how to get it but do i get the chemical extract phosphate or whatever its called or root bark powder or root extract powder, how much do i need to use? ive taken lots of l.s.d and hallucinogens so know what to expect. do i use anything with it?, if so where do i obtain it? i’ll look forward to hearing from you and thank you in anticipation of your reply. all the best……Stuart.

From: “Sandra k” <windforme@graffiti.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] for Brett
Date: February 27, 2003 at 3:20:01 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Thanks for your insight… *smile*


—– Original Message —–
From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 09:50:01 -0800 (PST)
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks


Sorry about politics/religion/culture debate… People
often take their ibogaine methods very seriously and
personally, and no wonder after seeing it work.
Ibogaine is unlike anything else on earth I can think
of, or took. Ibo, just by itself isn’t (I should say
likely) going to do much more than a good detox,
unless you go with it and want it.  We all mean well
and I think that a bit of it is many treatment
providers are in different nitches to some extent,
clients are different, cultures are different. Patient
X may be happy with MASH and swear by her, so will
MASH – and need her style of tx. Patient Y (say me) is
fine with just detox me, break the cycle and I will
take it from there – I knew how to be clean. The IBO
does work like a charm, so long as the other pieces
come into play, you do your part/whatever else you

No-one has a monopoly on love, it comes in many
different flavors and styles. Thinking someone elses
love isn’t right because it isn’t something you do, or
don’t understand, OR because of vast cultural
differences and mis-understandings isn’t part of
ibogaine, it is part of being human.  And then
sometimes you have gotten hit over and over with
something, then some loving person comes along and
because of prior experience, we jump to conclusions
too quickly… the defenses go up, old buttons are
pressed… In truth, we do love and respect each other
for the most part but seems that in the iboga world
people do take things too seriously (negatively) and
heads do butt.

Let me put it this way.

I have done ibogaine, it saved my life, gave me hope
and allowed me to go back and remake my understanding
of events and its effect on me. It is powerful but
very subtle, don’t like a vision, a blink or a thought
will stop it. It isn’t so rough as even I sometimes
make it out when I say it is, mostly it is just long,
non-stop, one after the other, with nice side effects
like ataxia, severe motion sensitivity (don’t
move)/nausea maybe vomiting, photophobia, sound
sensitivity, some visual distortions and this strob
like/magnesium flares/tracers (white), kind of cool
but dizzying and get old (too much). Basically, stay
pretty still, flat on your back is usually best. If
you move, keep your head in-line with your body and
slowly (I said slowly which means you will likely need
help at first) sit-up/move… Telling you is one
thing, doing it is another and many people who you say
“move slow” will BOUNCE UP… and then land flat on
their backs in some shade of green. Some people
experience some anxiety, mostly on the way up and
mostly from HCL (much less with Indra but happens), I
usually split my dose to soften it a bit (it is
uncomfortable, hot horrible). Usually once people are
at altitude most if not all the anxiety passes, just
relax and deep breath nice and slow. Few tid-bits, I
sometimes get tired of the “trip” (for lack of a
better description) and get-up, shake it off, use to
go have a smoke but usually people are pretty
flattened by it, for whatever reason it does not
happen to me (well, lots of practice being wacked out
and trying to function I guess…).  As for safty, as
long as you follow procedure/protocol and are in good
health you are pretty safe. Pretty much any treatment
provider is going to follow (more or less) the basics,
fast, maybe an anti-emetic, a tester dose followed by
a main dose(or sometimes split into several doses).

Success depends on your attitude and what you do with
the opportunity. If you want ibogaine to fix you I
suggest you go cop some good drugs someplace and have
at it till you are ready. Recovery requires work, you
have to want it, ibogaine is not going to make you
want it – well not usually anyway. Here is the deal
(and Marc keyed right in on it);  You do the stuff and
in a couple days (when you come down, mostly) you get
high – (don’t worry, makes sense to me), which
basically means you feel shitty for a few days then
the door opens, the ibo-glow sets in (if it does),
some people have transient depression, the better
after-glow feeling/mood is generally with HCL (not
Indra as much). NOW is the time, here is your window,
the door is open, if you start NEW, you will have new,
if you do go back to the same old shit and do the same
old thing, you are very likely to be doing the same
old thing (drugs) in short order. Look it, it is like
all the programed wires got all pulled out, the
momentum in the direction you WERE going just got the
wind out of it, now it is up to you (ultimately) to
take advantage. You have to do new things, sometimes
deal/confront old ones (which happens without the
“FEELINGS” that keep you from doing it, the ego is
like gone, stuff like “water under the bridge”
disappears for the most part). SO, no matter how you
do it, YOU have to change but this time most (not all)
the effort is out of it.  THe ibo stays (nor-ibogaine)
in your system for a very VERY long time after doing
ibogaine, still providing some protection – as it will
diminish cravings, alter the HIGH (so you like it less
in most cases), things that were difficult, suddenly
get easier, health improves, I feel like got an
overdose of LIFE FORCE after. THis fades over months,
I have actually felt ibogaine still in me 11 months
after last dosing (the longest I went). It kind of
feels a little like an SSRI (but better) in you – but
no negative side effects, some people though are
annoyed by less sleep they will need or feel too
stimulated, most of the overt “feeling” of it passes
in a few weeks. There could be artifacts for weeks or
months, sometimes people get flashes of light at night
for a while after. Doing something like Yoga and
meditating will bring “IT” back a bit (ie going into
the “ETHER” is easier and you can FEEL the ibo more
during something relaxing/spiritual like
Yoga/meditation… Being an addict, you may have some
residual withdrawals, I am a fan of small doses if ibo
(1/2gm-1gm Indra or 100-200mg HCL typically) after a
main dose for people who are having a hard time. Now
it may take a while for you to feel right, this is
especially true if you have an addiction like
methadone, like a low-grade withdrawal for a while,
weeks, sometimes months. Often a 2nd treatment will do
the trick. Some people (like me) do their 2nd dose
sometime down the road, I did 8 months, some people do
it 6 months or so – that is about when it gets weak
(the nor-ibo you are still carrying in you ). Now all
those “doses”, I don’t think I am brain damaged, well
not any more than usual. I am no longer addicted,
stopped coke, alcohol and nicotine AND (thank you)
have a nasty side effect, opiate pain meds disagree
with me (I never had a big opiate problem, it went
with the coke…). Pretty much, I have no desire to
use or now days even smoke (7 months now), just brief
moments now and then.
Now, all that said, I have done ibo, oh, lots of
times. Basically every 6-12 months I like a little
tune-up – which means I put it off as long as I can.
It is big-time YUCK, not horrible, just long, arduous,
gotta block out a weekend pretty much though these
days I recover quicker. So, if it was that bad
(horrible) why would I do it again and again? I take
ibogaine for what it does for me, not for how it feels
when I take it (no one does, least not in high doses,
small doses it is kind of nice – FOR SUPER
CLEAN/HEALTHY me, you are unlikely to enjoy it).  Lets
see, if you are doing Indra, it is smoother, softer,
more “real”, at usual dosages (ie 5gm) not as HIGH as
a full blown anti-addictive dose of HCL. HCL comes on
stronger, is a bit more cartoon like, not as
“spiritual” or real as Indra, sort of rips into issues
with a crow-bar and jack-hammer where Indra is more of
this parable story that makes sense to you (softer). I
can’t say exactly what will happen if at all vision
wise, the only thing to fear is your fear (get over it
and relax), things you want to hold onto, your ego,
your issues, they don’t want to leave… Ibo will do
this IN YOUR FACE thing with them that is totally
non-threatening, like looking at things without having
an ego (at all), seen from many perspectives all at
the same time (including someone elses). Sometimes
there are tears, emotions, smiles.

My advice, follow the rules (protocol/procedure), have
a  plan to change your life and do it, sitting there
waiting for the ibo to do it for you is a real bad
idea. And just do it, thinking about it generally has
negative results – from personal experience. I dislike
ibo and could easily awfulize about what is to come
(it is nasty, like if someone came to you with a spoon
of Castor Oil… but bigger, I mean epecac is more fun
than ibogaine), the only way is to just swallow the
suckers and let it happen, then I am fine, don’t
think, do.

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From: Highlander35739@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 27, 2003 at 3:10:21 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

hi mark, im stuart , i would like some advice please? im a heroin addict looking at takink ibogaine  , i live in inverness in scotland and am using 1/4 of a gram per day im 10stone medium built and fairly fit. i know how to get it but do i get the chemical extract phosphate or whatever its called or root bark powder or root extract powder, how much do i need to use? ive taken lots of l.s.d and hallucinogens so know what to expect. do i use anything with it?, if so where do i obtain it? i’ll look forward to hearing from you and thank you in anticipation of your reply. all the best……Stuart.

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks
Date: February 27, 2003 at 12:50:01 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Sorry about politics/religion/culture debate… People
often take their ibogaine methods very seriously and
personally, and no wonder after seeing it work.
Ibogaine is unlike anything else on earth I can think
of, or took. Ibo, just by itself isn’t (I should say
likely) going to do much more than a good detox,
unless you go with it and want it.  We all mean well
and I think that a bit of it is many treatment
providers are in different nitches to some extent,
clients are different, cultures are different. Patient
X may be happy with MASH and swear by her, so will
MASH – and need her style of tx. Patient Y (say me) is
fine with just detox me, break the cycle and I will
take it from there – I knew how to be clean. The IBO
does work like a charm, so long as the other pieces
come into play, you do your part/whatever else you

No-one has a monopoly on love, it comes in many
different flavors and styles. Thinking someone elses
love isn’t right because it isn’t something you do, or
don’t understand, OR because of vast cultural
differences and mis-understandings isn’t part of
ibogaine, it is part of being human.  And then
sometimes you have gotten hit over and over with
something, then some loving person comes along and
because of prior experience, we jump to conclusions
too quickly… the defenses go up, old buttons are
pressed… In truth, we do love and respect each other
for the most part but seems that in the iboga world
people do take things too seriously (negatively) and
heads do butt.

Let me put it this way.

I have done ibogaine, it saved my life, gave me hope
and allowed me to go back and remake my understanding
of events and its effect on me. It is powerful but
very subtle, don’t like a vision, a blink or a thought
will stop it. It isn’t so rough as even I sometimes
make it out when I say it is, mostly it is just long,
non-stop, one after the other, with nice side effects
like ataxia, severe motion sensitivity (don’t
move)/nausea maybe vomiting, photophobia, sound
sensitivity, some visual distortions and this strob
like/magnesium flares/tracers (white), kind of cool
but dizzying and get old (too much). Basically, stay
pretty still, flat on your back is usually best. If
you move, keep your head in-line with your body and
slowly (I said slowly which means you will likely need
help at first) sit-up/move… Telling you is one
thing, doing it is another and many people who you say
“move slow” will BOUNCE UP… and then land flat on
their backs in some shade of green. Some people
experience some anxiety, mostly on the way up and
mostly from HCL (much less with Indra but happens), I
usually split my dose to soften it a bit (it is
uncomfortable, hot horrible). Usually once people are
at altitude most if not all the anxiety passes, just
relax and deep breath nice and slow. Few tid-bits, I
sometimes get tired of the “trip” (for lack of a
better description) and get-up, shake it off, use to
go have a smoke but usually people are pretty
flattened by it, for whatever reason it does not
happen to me (well, lots of practice being wacked out
and trying to function I guess…).  As for safty, as
long as you follow procedure/protocol and are in good
health you are pretty safe. Pretty much any treatment
provider is going to follow (more or less) the basics,
fast, maybe an anti-emetic, a tester dose followed by
a main dose(or sometimes split into several doses).

Success depends on your attitude and what you do with
the opportunity. If you want ibogaine to fix you I
suggest you go cop some good drugs someplace and have
at it till you are ready. Recovery requires work, you
have to want it, ibogaine is not going to make you
want it – well not usually anyway. Here is the deal
(and Marc keyed right in on it);  You do the stuff and
in a couple days (when you come down, mostly) you get
high – (don’t worry, makes sense to me), which
basically means you feel shitty for a few days then
the door opens, the ibo-glow sets in (if it does),
some people have transient depression, the better
after-glow feeling/mood is generally with HCL (not
Indra as much). NOW is the time, here is your window,
the door is open, if you start NEW, you will have new,
if you do go back to the same old shit and do the same
old thing, you are very likely to be doing the same
old thing (drugs) in short order. Look it, it is like
all the programed wires got all pulled out, the
momentum in the direction you WERE going just got the
wind out of it, now it is up to you (ultimately) to
take advantage. You have to do new things, sometimes
deal/confront old ones (which happens without the
“FEELINGS” that keep you from doing it, the ego is
like gone, stuff like “water under the bridge”
disappears for the most part). SO, no matter how you
do it, YOU have to change but this time most (not all)
the effort is out of it.  THe ibo stays (nor-ibogaine)
in your system for a very VERY long time after doing
ibogaine, still providing some protection – as it will
diminish cravings, alter the HIGH (so you like it less
in most cases), things that were difficult, suddenly
get easier, health improves, I feel like got an
overdose of LIFE FORCE after. THis fades over months,
I have actually felt ibogaine still in me 11 months
after last dosing (the longest I went). It kind of
feels a little like an SSRI (but better) in you – but
no negative side effects, some people though are
annoyed by less sleep they will need or feel too
stimulated, most of the overt “feeling” of it passes
in a few weeks. There could be artifacts for weeks or
months, sometimes people get flashes of light at night
for a while after. Doing something like Yoga and
meditating will bring “IT” back a bit (ie going into
the “ETHER” is easier and you can FEEL the ibo more
during something relaxing/spiritual like
Yoga/meditation… Being an addict, you may have some
residual withdrawals, I am a fan of small doses if ibo
(1/2gm-1gm Indra or 100-200mg HCL typically) after a
main dose for people who are having a hard time. Now
it may take a while for you to feel right, this is
especially true if you have an addiction like
methadone, like a low-grade withdrawal for a while,
weeks, sometimes months. Often a 2nd treatment will do
the trick. Some people (like me) do their 2nd dose
sometime down the road, I did 8 months, some people do
it 6 months or so – that is about when it gets weak
(the nor-ibo you are still carrying in you ). Now all
those “doses”, I don’t think I am brain damaged, well
not any more than usual. I am no longer addicted,
stopped coke, alcohol and nicotine AND (thank you)
have a nasty side effect, opiate pain meds disagree
with me (I never had a big opiate problem, it went
with the coke…). Pretty much, I have no desire to
use or now days even smoke (7 months now), just brief
moments now and then.
Now, all that said, I have done ibo, oh, lots of
times. Basically every 6-12 months I like a little
tune-up – which means I put it off as long as I can.
It is big-time YUCK, not horrible, just long, arduous,
gotta block out a weekend pretty much though these
days I recover quicker. So, if it was that bad
(horrible) why would I do it again and again? I take
ibogaine for what it does for me, not for how it feels
when I take it (no one does, least not in high doses,
small doses it is kind of nice – FOR SUPER
CLEAN/HEALTHY me, you are unlikely to enjoy it).  Lets
see, if you are doing Indra, it is smoother, softer,
more “real”, at usual dosages (ie 5gm) not as HIGH as
a full blown anti-addictive dose of HCL. HCL comes on
stronger, is a bit more cartoon like, not as
“spiritual” or real as Indra, sort of rips into issues
with a crow-bar and jack-hammer where Indra is more of
this parable story that makes sense to you (softer). I
can’t say exactly what will happen if at all vision
wise, the only thing to fear is your fear (get over it
and relax), things you want to hold onto, your ego,
your issues, they don’t want to leave… Ibo will do
this IN YOUR FACE thing with them that is totally
non-threatening, like looking at things without having
an ego (at all), seen from many perspectives all at
the same time (including someone elses). Sometimes
there are tears, emotions, smiles.

My advice, follow the rules (protocol/procedure), have
a  plan to change your life and do it, sitting there
waiting for the ibo to do it for you is a real bad
idea. And just do it, thinking about it generally has
negative results – from personal experience. I dislike
ibo and could easily awfulize about what is to come
(it is nasty, like if someone came to you with a spoon
of Castor Oil… but bigger, I mean epecac is more fun
than ibogaine), the only way is to just swallow the
suckers and let it happen, then I am fine, don’t
think, do.

— thebozman <thebozman@compassmag.co.uk> wrote:
Its Richard from Nottingham…

Here I am ! – two and a half weeks away from my
first ibogaine experience
and caught up in the crescendo of chaos and self
hate that is addiction !  I
am so amazed at the level of attacking criticism on
this site……..  I am
very apprehensive about taking ibogaine but have
decided to go ahead – the
psychoactive properties probably scare me the most
plus the fact that some
people have had negative experiences and fatalities
have occurred – can
anyone help to ease my apprehensions – many

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s

Marc – and Marco

I think there is a little “better than” going on
both sides.

Marc, before I forget. You may wish to get a heart
monitor (I think lost a couple emails when my
did the “blue screen of death” thingie). They have
wireless models, an alarm would be good. This way
don’t have to disturb their visions. TO that, it
be hard to get/stay into them, it was especially
for me my first time – it worked just fine anyway.

Marc, there are different ways to take ibo and the
environment, patient/initiate, addiction or not,
what?, the dosage, type of ibo, set/setting
make a big difference in the reaction. IMO, you
may be
setting yourself up for a rude awakening by
discounting others with FAR MORE and VARIED and
different experiences than you have. I understand
in your enviromnemt things (so far…) have been
generic ibo type symptoms that you describe,
sound+light sensitivity, visions (which you place
undue importance in IN THAT, one can have just as
successful/enlightening experience with as without
visions – though differently. As if it is some
kind of
failure not to have them – that is not saying they
undesirable either.

We dose them the way we do because it is

Which is a good GENERIC place to start, especially
an addict. Most of what you are hearing is from
who are NOT risks to themselves during the ibo
people who have done ibo more than once, on their
terms – not ones dictated to them BY THE
(I am not saying you are FORCING them – you
are SO THICK), the set/setting – not that most of
won’t want deep quiet/no light… that is pretty
standard/general/generic. In your environment
there is
more control, which is a + when dealing with
but I certainly don’t need that, neither does any
regular poster here. FYI, After several hours the
sensitivity level turns down a bit, there could
be some acustic thing going on where you are that
particularly (in your environment/setting) that is
different than others. Also, some places, you are
use to sounds, if I did ibo home I am more use to
certain sounds than if I were do do it somewhere
Not all sounds are annoying (relatively speaking),
thunder/lightning/rain (think tropical, big
rain/thunder)… got along pretty well on ibo for
sound it was making, quite natural and maybe
since I am sure people have been taking ibogaine
thunderstorms for a very long time.

The patient can request
music, but they never do. They can ask for
they want, but they, we

My first request would be to GET THE FUCK AWAY
THAT WATER, everytime I puke or piss… Marc, it
be in your environment that it works (not that I
agree) but it can be dangerous IMO to force all
fluids and simply overkill especially for someone
home doing it themselves. People  need to be well
hydrated, that is great.

think fortunately, want to be focused on their
experience and resist any and all distractions.

If that toots your horn, have at it. It is nice,
even. Maybe, after a few hundred “visions” of
movie, non-movie, stills, zoom types and having
and having nothing to do with “my life” at times
got, well, big deal – or sometimes NOT having
thinking “what, that was it, got cheated”… only
find out after that the vision-fewer/less/free
ibogaine trip turned out to be some of my most
successful. Ever think that maybe if someone is
focusing (I am splitting hairs because you are
the same, but don’t know it) all that energy on
visions, they won’t have enough left for action?
was one such, “bla” ibo session of about 12mg/kg
(thought I didn’t do quite enough) that 1 week
I tossed a 28 year old smoking habit and never
back… That was one successful ibo session, not
you could tell from the experience.

We don’t impose rules on our patients, they tell
what they want. They

That is not what I am hearing, though that is what
are saying. You have a rather strict, controlled
environment and that is cool (for you), certainly
its +’s.

haven’t want to hear people talking while they
concentrating, they don’t
want any background music, they tell us to stop
music (later they may
ask for some, but that is rare), they don’t want
smell eggs cooking,
incense burning, fireplaces burning or any
distracting/disturbing smell or
sound (to them). THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY. After
we are here to offer
comfort and assistance to their experience. They
dislike hearing the phone
ring, dogs barking. All are extremely sensitive
light and they want it
stopped if it is bright or even nominally

All standard, generic, what people want when they
being treated for the first time for the most
part. It
is NOT you are RIGHT and WE are WRONG, it is NOT
are RIGHT and you are WRONG – it is in your
with your patients, who are addicts, where you
with your procedures, with the whole thing that
project – that is how it turns out. IN THE
WORLD (which is not this tiny microcosm of
treatment that you have, where you are, with the
of ibogaine you use, with your patients, with your
doses, in your environment, with the things YOU
your patients, with the
sounds/smells/longitude/latitude that YOU are
people have many varied experiences and reactions

We have a creative environment here. We have art
materials, a guitar,
movies, cartoons, weight training equipment, the
forest surrounds us and
they are encouraged to take nature walks,
on the pier (we have a
dockside on the ocean, spectacular view). The
current patient is here for 8
days, this isn’t just ibogaine, this is
REINVENTION, and we are
here to help them, not control them. I am
this is already the most
suitable iboga therapy place to take iboga of
place I have ever read
about, heard about.

To you in your experience, it even sounds great
me) for what you are using it for. I am sure Dr.
thinks the same thing of her treatment, and Sara
thinks (and does) she is doing a fine job, and
Taub does a wonderful job too…

There are however things you do (and they do that
don’t) that can be of great help TO YOUR CLIENTS
particular. Truth, for me, it wouldn’t have done
better, I simply did not need it, I was in relapse
knew what to do to “get a life” – as in I didn’t
you to tell/show me, didn’t need a 2nd treatment
within a month, I didn’t need a “treatment center”
Mash wouldn’t have done it either.

Our patients get great care here
and they tell us so.

I’m sure they do and sure you are. I don’t think
anyone disputed that at all.

Also, as to the issue of music, playing music
is a favorite of your
past is potentially flawed, after all, our

And so is your analysis.

music is usually that
with strong emotional associations from our

Well, in my case not, music was never part of my

I’m not sure these
patients want the familiar and comforting, they

Ya know, again, in your situation with your
you are “not sure” but obviously seems that way to
– then have it it your way. But let me throw this
you, one of the reasons I like music is when HCL
on hard, it can be quite uncomfortable (but you
wouldn’t know), so I get myself very relaxed, into
meditation music, till I gain altitude (get UP
and settle down). When I say music, I mean very
stuff. When I say incense, I don’t mean smoke the
whole house, I mean light one, run around the
for a few minutes, do the room I will be in (maybe
they don’t like your kind, try Nag Champa
and then I put it out and do my thing (ibo), not
up the whole house. Same with sounds, it starts
low (for me, with what I am doing ibo for, the way
do it) and gets lower, YOU wouldn’t hardly hear it

but oops, you wouldn’t know would you? You are
sensitive (empathic) to someone on ibo than say my
mate would be or I would be if I were treating
someone… Marc, with a look, a comment, a
movement I
can feel what they feel in a way you will never
and never can respond to quite the same way.
(my Fiancee) went through the same thing, I
about things like smells and sounds (…) and to
she was being quiet… till she did it. THEN after
did it, she knew what I meant and now, if she
to do something she is sensitive to how it will
to me, what level and how delivered will the sound
nice or not nice – YOU DO NOT KNOW BECAUSE YOU
NOT TRIED IBOGAINE. You say the patients report,
great for them but that does not give you first
knowledge – as Marko pointed out, how was her

I have never had any patient react to ‘silence’
though it is something
sinister as you suggest, Carla.

I understand Carla completely, wonder why?

Your statement is remarkable in that you
proper ibogaine experience. All our patients

Marc,  now you are talking with your head up your
about something you are not qualified to speak

I mean you are doing a great job (rookie, like
didn’t think so) and all but again, you are not
the be
all and end all of iboga knowledge and it is
arrogant of you.

experienced a movie screen/
fast moving motion-picture of their life thats
for 8 to 30 hours. All
of them, thats what we expect of the treatment.
While this autobiographical
movie of intense proportions is going on, the
patient does not want
interruptions or distractions. They tell us to
quiet, no music, no

Geez, we know, enough already. YOUR VERY LIMITED
repeat, I will repeat) experience is not the sum
of ibogaine experiences or the only way it should
done. Quite obviously you are sitting here arguing
with a number of people who have had different
experiences (quite successful ones I may add) that
differ from yours – oh, but you didn’t have one,
just watched (yes, that was a dig, you do more

PLEASE! We have to tip toe around them the
entire time, we can’t
even play music for ourselves. We answer the
outside! (It never snows
here though, so its not so bad)

And (again, I do this cause some are THICKER than
others, you are one) yes, that is pretty generic
for your class of patients, with the ibo you are
using, in your enviroment, with your procedures,
your walls, your floors, your staff… that does
mean in someone elses environment, someone elses
ibogaine/dose/reason for taking ibo, in some other
kind of patient (eg not addicted/less
addicted…previously have taken ibo…) wouldn’t
something different.


Every single ibo experience is different – and I
give a flying fuck what it looks like to you from

Yes, there are a bunch of rather standard generic
symptoms, stuff that happens…

When someone is addicted, fuckecd up, toxic (in
whatever various flavors) it is different than
who is not, someone who is clean, someone who is
happy!!! And generally they (we) would take
less ibo (though I have taken more than you use
several times). Then was then, which is not now –
different times. It is just like them not having
visions (or fewer) the first time but have them
they are cleaner. It will also be different 6
down the road (when some start to need another
and different 1, 2, 3, 4… years down the road.
you have no such experience, why are you so dam
thickheaded about it. Sorry but what are you
trying to
do, be a snot-nose, come along, treat 20 people
think you know it all? That is going to get you in
trouble my son. Again, NOT THAT YOU ARE NOT DOING
WONDERFUL JOB, a service to humanity and all that
stuff, you are (just put your ego somewhere else,
better dose yourself, that’ll do the trick).

Carla, that you have said the following means
dose was way too low:

Marc, that means you are inexperienced. Not
gets visions and they don’t happen 100% of the
POINT, last time I didn’t get them and did a
dose than I had done in a long time. Also, I have
“movie” scenes but not always and still got

And if its like doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what
to write about it but if its going to the
movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

If you want the movie  for your own life, with
its revelations it can
provide you, come to Iboga Therapy House. You
listen to whatever music
you want, but when you see what a full-on iboga
experience has for you, it
will be much more vital than what playing a
tune can do for you.

What we provide is a neutral environment that
reflects the person’s needs as
the iboga experience progresses. We take all our
cues from the patient.

As I read these responses from Patrick, Carla,
I am grateful its
myself, Linette, Terry and Sandra who are
people here and not some
of the people on this listserve!

Ya know, there are good people in the world that
things that are different than you do, that does
mean they are not good people, don’t know stuff.
it is you who have the issue and need to look in
mirror – but DO NOT DO IBOGAINE. I do not mean to
you are wrong/unsuccessful in your methods, hey,
work for you, right? Just too bad you don’t want
learn something new and everyone else is wrong –
is how it sounds Marc.


Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/25/03 8:25 PM, Carla Barnes at
carlambarnes@yahoo.com wrote:

Patrick, please stick with poetic patrick
possible. Save the politician when running for
or defending Mash. Fuck is not a problem,
management issues are ok as long as the guy is
you qualify. As long as you don’t hit women,

Marc I understand your being a great guy and
but I’m a little weirded out. I too cant
ibogaine without some music. I like
some ambient, I don’t like total silence. I
trying to do something good but it almost
punishment or something, you stick people into
room with nothing to hear or smell and dont
them??????? why on earth would you do that? I
know if patrick was being sarcastic or not but
what flowers and different perfume smells like
I’m on ibogaine.

Why do you do that? I dont think one person
done ibogaine agrees with it. And if its like
doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what
to write about it but if its going to the
movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

I don’t ever attack anyone and I’m not
well no I did get upset about the paying
not to
have children messages a long time ago here,
on earth do you dose people like that Marc?

Carla B

— crownofthorns@hushmail.com wrote:

FWIW I can’t even imagine doing iboga without
bro. I have got to go strongly with that one.
lit room. No mexican or thai food before

Other then that Marc please do not start
it’s like setting off the Karl Rove of the
counterculture. I much much much prefer the
Patrick that says fuck and doesn’t put out
of words like he, you and all of your staff
like to do.

Why doesn’t everyone donate .10 cents to get
Patrick, Marc and all his staff members in
room, to figure out what side everyone is on
then go run for office or start a PR agency.
see how any of you could lose. It’s like
teflon. I truly do understand why none of you

No dis to any of you, but please stop before
starts. That is my worst nightmare, all of
talking all at once. It’s like CNN covering a
political conference in the professional
zone. Marko going off, Sara going off, Brett
off, I can take in stride. PM & Co. is like
verbal apocalypse.

Peace out and stick with fuck! 😉

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:35:34 -0800 “Patrick
Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 02:06:45PM -0800],
[A J
Dietterle] wrote:

Hey Marc,

Just to open this, I wasn’t attacking you,
didn’t touch on any
of the
other points you made, since I guess it
could be
construed as discussing
information that doesn’t really belong to
not really sure
various individuals on the list — nearly
all of
whom I know, and
think to
be pretty cool people — have all chosen to
arguing with one
at this precise moment in time.  But I’m
assume it’s
the phase
of the moon, or the alignment of the
it is the time
of the
season to vent and unload.

LSD and ibogaine are both entheogens, and
their own pathways
experience, and the possibility of gaining
sufficient insight to
step out
of drug dependence.  Of course LSD will not
unsprung.  Point
though, it’s wasn’t particularly relevant,
throwing it in at
tail-end of my message may have confused

As far as the music, scents, and interaction
patients goes.
I can’t
say what exactly happened with roughly 250
in general; but
out of
the 50 or so whom I know personally from
number…  The experience
has been exactly as I described.

To summarize: they have displayed an
spectrum of
to light, darkness, sounds, types of music,
and interaction
other individuals while under the influence

Some people like new age music, others love
classical, Pink Floyd
highly popular — what’re the odds!?!?!? —
short, people display
individual preferences.  Allowing them this
appears to have
effect on the efficacy of their experience.
Except, perhaps, to
make them
feel more comfortable.

If you find that 100% of your patients
to dark rooms,
sounds, no scents, and zero interaction with
others.  Perhaps this
because you are dosing them all under these
conditions and
giving them other options.

The reason I commented was because I know
people who have done
ibogaine, and only a very small subset from
whole, preferred
conditions you describe.

My post WAS all about me, it was a
my personal responses
various stimuli while under the influence of
ibogaine.  I have a
disparate collection of backgrounds, and
the words “fuck”
“shit” find themselves present in my speech
patterns — or writing
— with
greater than average frequency.  And on the
flipside, anger management
issues are certainly one of my problems.  Oh
C’est la Vie.

If you took it to mean I was angry, angry AT
or just angry
general; nope.  I’m having a pretty cool
and I
just saw something
scroll by that I strongly disagreed with; so

What I’m curious ’bout is: what do you do if
someone is having a
bad trip and freaking out?  In my personal
experience, the answer
to this
question is EXACTLY THE SAME for ibogaine
other entheogens
— or
even tweaking out on crack for that matter:
INTERACT with them,

reassure them, BELIEVE what you’re saying,
radiate that.  They
get pulled into your space, and out of
negative headtrip
in.  Well, with crack this doesn’t really
some of the time

The words don’t really matter, it’s just the
delivery, and
tone and level of what you are emitting.

Thusly, to wrap up; hey, I STRONGLY disagree
those particular
aspects of whatcha mentioned — so I
This doesn’t change
fact that I think what you’re doing is

I guess what it comes down to is; yeah, if
all external
then you are certainly going to amplify the
TrIpPing oU+ part of
experience — whoopsie, we don’t say
I meant to say
oneiric state replete with waking visions.
like doing any
in an isolation tank is gonna amplify the

But…  A lotta people don’t necessarily
want, or need that.
they just wanna smell a flower, get a hug,
listen to Pink Floyd.
Different things work in different ways for
different people differently.

That’s my experience anywaze,


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From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks
Date: February 27, 2003 at 10:38:57 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

===== Original Message From “thebozman” <thebozman@compassmag.co.uk> =====
Its Richard from Nottingham…

Here I am ! – two and a half weeks away from my first ibogaine experience
and caught up in the crescendo of chaos and self hate that is addiction !  I
am so amazed at the level of attacking criticism on this site……..  I am
very apprehensive about taking ibogaine but have decided to go ahead – the
psychoactive properties probably scare me the most plus the fact that some
people have had negative experiences and fatalities have occurred – can
anyone help to ease my apprehensions – many thanks….!!

Try not to be too put off by the arguing on this list; a lot of the people
here are very devoted to the cause of ibogaine and liberating people from
addiction, and are very passionate about it. I think because people are so
passionate, sometimes disagreements become a bit hostile. But I think, for the
most part anyway, that’s mainly because people care a great deal about the
matter, and sometimes get a bit caught up in it. Of course, we do occasionally
get people on here who are just pricks, like that Artez guy or whatever his
name was =)

The truth about ibogaine’s saftey is probably some combination of what people
have said. No, it isn’t completely safe, I think three people have died or so.
But the fact is that no medical procedure is completely safe. A number of
people die every year from aspirin, as I think someone had said. As far as
medical procedures go though, ibogaine is relatively safe if proper
precautions are taken. Maintain hyrdration, don’t mix ibogaine with other
drugs, have a sitter who is preferably experienced, or at least knowledgeable
and willing to take you to a medical professional should the need arise.

As with any other medical treatment, a major point is to weigh its benefits vs
its risks. For someone who is suffering hard from an addiction, my opinion
(having been there myself) is that the odds of breaking the addiction outweigh
the slim chance of something going wrong with the treatment.

But it’s also important to remember that the ibogaine alone will not cure your
addiction. As Howard Lotsof as said, ibogaine gives you a “window of
oppurtunity”. You have to act on that oppurtunity, and put the lessons that
ibogaine teaches you to use. A support network is pretty important; this list
is a good start. You still have to do a lot of the things they do in more
typical addiction treatment, like avoiding things that trigger you to want to
use, talking out your feelings, etc. But for most people, its easier to do
this things after taking ibogaine, because its not like you just do them
because some shrink is telling you to, you do them because ibogaine helps you
understand WHY you should do them, and how to best go about it for you.

Good luck, and keep us posted =)

From: “Allison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks
Date: February 27, 2003 at 12:39:35 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I think (just my own opinion)  that a lot of all this in-fighting is
creating fear and uncertainty for people reading and trying to make
decisions from this site.  Perhaps those that are disagreeing with each
other could draw up a working plan of treatement which includes doses, care,
costs and etc. etc.  and then everyone bouncing from one critisim to another
could actually have some facts set out to make up their own minds without
all the extra opinions thrown in.  Perhaps it would help to add
qualifications or rather experience in the treatement to give people an idea
of why you do it in that way.    I for one would like to see it instead of
reading lots of snaps and bits at each other.
—– Original Message —–
From: “thebozman” <thebozman@compassmag.co.uk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:28 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks

Its Richard from Nottingham…

Here I am ! – two and a half weeks away from my first ibogaine experience
and caught up in the crescendo of chaos and self hate that is addiction !
am so amazed at the level of attacking criticism on this site……..  I
very apprehensive about taking ibogaine but have decided to go ahead – the
psychoactive properties probably scare me the most plus the fact that some
people have had negative experiences and fatalities have occurred – can
anyone help to ease my apprehensions – many thanks….!!

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks

Marc – and Marco

I think there is a little “better than” going on on
both sides.

Marc, before I forget. You may wish to get a heart
monitor (I think lost a couple emails when my computer
did the “blue screen of death” thingie). They have
wireless models, an alarm would be good. This way you
don’t have to disturb their visions. TO that, it can
be hard to get/stay into them, it was especially so
for me my first time – it worked just fine anyway.

Marc, there are different ways to take ibo and the
environment, patient/initiate, addiction or not, to
what?, the dosage, type of ibo, set/setting (yadda)
make a big difference in the reaction. IMO, you may be
setting yourself up for a rude awakening by
discounting others with FAR MORE and VARIED and
different experiences than you have. I understand that
in your enviromnemt things (so far…) have been this
generic ibo type symptoms that you describe,
sound+light sensitivity, visions (which you place
undue importance in IN THAT, one can have just as
successful/enlightening experience with as without
visions – though differently. As if it is some kind of
failure not to have them – that is not saying they are
undesirable either.

We dose them the way we do because it is neutral.

Which is a good GENERIC place to start, especially for
an addict. Most of what you are hearing is from people
who are NOT risks to themselves during the ibo trip,
people who have done ibo more than once, on their own
terms – not ones dictated to them BY THE ENVIRONMENT
(I am not saying you are FORCING them – you sometimes
are SO THICK), the set/setting – not that most of them
won’t want deep quiet/no light… that is pretty
standard/general/generic. In your environment there is
more control, which is a + when dealing with addicts,
but I certainly don’t need that, neither does any
regular poster here. FYI, After several hours the
sensitivity level turns down a bit, there could also
be some acustic thing going on where you are that is
particularly (in your environment/setting) that is
different than others. Also, some places, you are more
use to sounds, if I did ibo home I am more use to
certain sounds than if I were do do it somewhere else.
Not all sounds are annoying (relatively speaking),
thunder/lightning/rain (think tropical, big
rain/thunder)… got along pretty well on ibo for the
sound it was making, quite natural and maybe fitting
since I am sure people have been taking ibogaine in
thunderstorms for a very long time.

The patient can request
music, but they never do. They can ask for anything
they want, but they, we

My first request would be to GET THE FUCK AWAY WITH
THAT WATER, everytime I puke or piss… Marc, it may
be in your environment that it works (not that I
agree) but it can be dangerous IMO to force all that
fluids and simply overkill especially for someone at
home doing it themselves. People  need to be well
hydrated, that is great.

think fortunately, want to be focused on their
experience and resist any and all distractions.

If that toots your horn, have at it. It is nice, great
even. Maybe, after a few hundred “visions” of various,
movie, non-movie, stills, zoom types and having todo
and having nothing to do with “my life” at times they
got, well, big deal – or sometimes NOT having visions,
thinking “what, that was it, got cheated”… only to
find out after that the vision-fewer/less/free
ibogaine trip turned out to be some of my most
successful. Ever think that maybe if someone is
focusing (I am splitting hairs because you are doing
the same, but don’t know it) all that energy on seeing
visions, they won’t have enough left for action? It
was one such, “bla” ibo session of about 12mg/kg
(thought I didn’t do quite enough) that 1 week later,
I tossed a 28 year old smoking habit and never looked
back… That was one successful ibo session, not that
you could tell from the experience.

We don’t impose rules on our patients, they tell us
what they want. They

That is not what I am hearing, though that is what you
are saying. You have a rather strict, controlled
environment and that is cool (for you), certainly got
its +’s.

haven’t want to hear people talking while they are
concentrating, they don’t
want any background music, they tell us to stop any
music (later they may
ask for some, but that is rare), they don’t want to
smell eggs cooking,
incense burning, fireplaces burning or any
distracting/disturbing smell or
sound (to them). THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY. After all,
we are here to offer
comfort and assistance to their experience. They
dislike hearing the phone
ring, dogs barking. All are extremely sensitive to
light and they want it
stopped if it is bright or even nominally

All standard, generic, what people want when they are
being treated for the first time for the most part. It
is NOT you are RIGHT and WE are WRONG, it is NOT we
are RIGHT and you are WRONG – it is in your situation,
with your patients, who are addicts, where you are,
with your procedures, with the whole thing that you
project – that is how it turns out. IN THE IBOGAINE
WORLD (which is not this tiny microcosm of ibogaine
treatment that you have, where you are, with the kind
of ibogaine you use, with your patients, with your
doses, in your environment, with the things YOU tell
your patients, with the
sounds/smells/longitude/latitude that YOU are oat…)
people have many varied experiences and reactions to

We have a creative environment here. We have art
materials, a guitar,
movies, cartoons, weight training equipment, the
forest surrounds us and
they are encouraged to take nature walks, meditate
on the pier (we have a
dockside on the ocean, spectacular view). The
current patient is here for 8
days, this isn’t just ibogaine, this is hopefully
REINVENTION, and we are
here to help them, not control them. I am confident
this is already the most
suitable iboga therapy place to take iboga of any
place I have ever read
about, heard about.

To you in your experience, it even sounds great (to
me) for what you are using it for. I am sure Dr. Mash
thinks the same thing of her treatment, and Sara
thinks (and does) she is doing a fine job, and Eric
Taub does a wonderful job too…

There are however things you do (and they do that you
don’t) that can be of great help TO YOUR CLIENTS in
particular. Truth, for me, it wouldn’t have done any
better, I simply did not need it, I was in relapse and
knew what to do to “get a life” – as in I didn’t need
you to tell/show me, didn’t need a 2nd treatment
within a month, I didn’t need a “treatment center” so
Mash wouldn’t have done it either.

Our patients get great care here
and they tell us so.

I’m sure they do and sure you are. I don’t think
anyone disputed that at all.

Also, as to the issue of music, playing music that
is a favorite of your
past is potentially flawed, after all, our favorite

And so is your analysis.

music is usually that
with strong emotional associations from our past.

Well, in my case not, music was never part of my

I’m not sure these
patients want the familiar and comforting, they are

Ya know, again, in your situation with your patients,
you are “not sure” but obviously seems that way to you
– then have it it your way. But let me throw this at
you, one of the reasons I like music is when HCL comes
on hard, it can be quite uncomfortable (but you
wouldn’t know), so I get myself very relaxed, into it,
meditation music, till I gain altitude (get UP there
and settle down). When I say music, I mean very quiet
stuff. When I say incense, I don’t mean smoke the
whole house, I mean light one, run around the house
for a few minutes, do the room I will be in (maybe
they don’t like your kind, try Nag Champa sometime)
and then I put it out and do my thing (ibo), not stink
up the whole house. Same with sounds, it starts out
low (for me, with what I am doing ibo for, the way I
do it) and gets lower, YOU wouldn’t hardly hear it –
but oops, you wouldn’t know would you? You are less
sensitive (empathic) to someone on ibo than say my
mate would be or I would be if I were treating
someone… Marc, with a look, a comment, a movement I
can feel what they feel in a way you will never know
and never can respond to quite the same way. Vivian
(my Fiancee) went through the same thing, I complained
about things like smells and sounds (…) and to her,
she was being quiet… till she did it. THEN after she
did it, she knew what I meant and now, if she needs
to do something she is sensitive to how it will sound
to me, what level and how delivered will the sound be
NOT TRIED IBOGAINE. You say the patients report, well
great for them but that does not give you first hand
knowledge – as Marko pointed out, how was her dinner?

I have never had any patient react to ‘silence’ as
though it is something
sinister as you suggest, Carla.

I understand Carla completely, wonder why?

Your statement is remarkable in that you obviously
proper ibogaine experience. All our patients

Marc,  now you are talking with your head up your ass
about something you are not qualified to speak about.

I mean you are doing a great job (rookie, like that?
didn’t think so) and all but again, you are not the be
all and end all of iboga knowledge and it is highly
arrogant of you.

experienced a movie screen/
fast moving motion-picture of their life thats lasts
for 8 to 30 hours. All
of them, thats what we expect of the treatment.
While this autobiographical
movie of intense proportions is going on, the
patient does not want
interruptions or distractions. They tell us to be
quiet, no music, no

Geez, we know, enough already. YOUR VERY LIMITED (you
repeat, I will repeat) experience is not the sum total
of ibogaine experiences or the only way it should be
done. Quite obviously you are sitting here arguing
with a number of people who have had different
experiences (quite successful ones I may add) that
differ from yours – oh, but you didn’t have one, you
just watched (yes, that was a dig, you do more than

PLEASE! We have to tip toe around them the
entire time, we can’t
even play music for ourselves. We answer the phone
outside! (It never snows
here though, so its not so bad)

And (again, I do this cause some are THICKER than
others, you are one) yes, that is pretty generic ibo
for your class of patients, with the ibo you are
using, in your enviroment, with your procedures, with
your walls, your floors, your staff… that does NOT
mean in someone elses environment, someone elses
ibogaine/dose/reason for taking ibo, in some other
kind of patient (eg not addicted/less
addicted…previously have taken ibo…) wouldn’t want
something different.


Every single ibo experience is different – and I don’t
give a flying fuck what it looks like to you from the

Yes, there are a bunch of rather standard generic type
symptoms, stuff that happens…

When someone is addicted, fuckecd up, toxic (in
whatever various flavors) it is different than someone
who is not, someone who is clean, someone who is
happy!!! And generally they (we) would take somewhat
less ibo (though I have taken more than you use
several times). Then was then, which is not now – 2
different times. It is just like them not having
visions (or fewer) the first time but have them once
they are cleaner. It will also be different 6 months
down the road (when some start to need another dose)
and different 1, 2, 3, 4… years down the road. Marc,
you have no such experience, why are you so dam
thickheaded about it. Sorry but what are you trying to
do, be a snot-nose, come along, treat 20 people and
think you know it all? That is going to get you in
trouble my son. Again, NOT THAT YOU ARE NOT DOING A
WONDERFUL JOB, a service to humanity and all that
stuff, you are (just put your ego somewhere else,
better dose yourself, that’ll do the trick).

Carla, that you have said the following means the
dose was way too low:

Marc, that means you are inexperienced. Not everyone
gets visions and they don’t happen 100% of the time.
POINT, last time I didn’t get them and did a higher
dose than I had done in a long time. Also, I have had
“movie” scenes but not always and still got visions.

And if its like doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what people
to write about it but if its going to the movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

If you want the movie  for your own life, with all
its revelations it can
provide you, come to Iboga Therapy House. You can
listen to whatever music
you want, but when you see what a full-on iboga
experience has for you, it
will be much more vital than what playing a familiar
tune can do for you.

What we provide is a neutral environment that
reflects the person’s needs as
the iboga experience progresses. We take all our
cues from the patient.

As I read these responses from Patrick, Carla, etc.,
I am grateful its
myself, Linette, Terry and Sandra who are helping
people here and not some
of the people on this listserve!

Ya know, there are good people in the world that know
things that are different than you do, that does not
mean they are not good people, don’t know stuff. Maybe
it is you who have the issue and need to look in the
mirror – but DO NOT DO IBOGAINE. I do not mean to say
you are wrong/unsuccessful in your methods, hey, they
work for you, right? Just too bad you don’t want to
learn something new and everyone else is wrong – that
is how it sounds Marc.


Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/25/03 8:25 PM, Carla Barnes at
carlambarnes@yahoo.com wrote:

Patrick, please stick with poetic patrick whenever
possible. Save the politician when running for
or defending Mash. Fuck is not a problem, anger
management issues are ok as long as the guy is
you qualify. As long as you don’t hit women, never

Marc I understand your being a great guy and
but I’m a little weirded out. I too cant imagine
ibogaine without some music. I like alternative
some ambient, I don’t like total silence. I know
trying to do something good but it almost sounds
punishment or something, you stick people into a
room with nothing to hear or smell and dont talk
them??????? why on earth would you do that? I dont
know if patrick was being sarcastic or not but I
what flowers and different perfume smells like
I’m on ibogaine.

Why do you do that? I dont think one person who
done ibogaine agrees with it. And if its like
doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what people
to write about it but if its going to the movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

I don’t ever attack anyone and I’m not starting
well no I did get upset about the paying blacks
not to
have children messages a long time ago here, but
on earth do you dose people like that Marc?

Carla B

— crownofthorns@hushmail.com wrote:

FWIW I can’t even imagine doing iboga without
bro. I have got to go strongly with that one.
lit room. No mexican or thai food before either

Other then that Marc please do not start Patrick
it’s like setting off the Karl Rove of the
counterculture. I much much much prefer the real
Patrick that says fuck and doesn’t put out this
of words like he, you and all of your staff
like to do.

Why doesn’t everyone donate .10 cents to get
Patrick, Marc and all his staff members in the
room, to figure out what side everyone is on and
then go run for office or start a PR agency.
see how any of you could lose. It’s like talking
teflon. I truly do understand why none of you are

No dis to any of you, but please stop before it
starts. That is my worst nightmare, all of you
talking all at once. It’s like CNN covering a
political conference in the professional weirdo
zone. Marko going off, Sara going off, Brett
off, I can take in stride. PM & Co. is like the
verbal apocalypse.

Peace out and stick with fuck! 😉

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:35:34 -0800 “Patrick K.
Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 02:06:45PM -0800], [A J
Dietterle] wrote:

Hey Marc,

Just to open this, I wasn’t attacking you, and
didn’t touch on any
of the
other points you made, since I guess it could be
construed as discussing
information that doesn’t really belong to me.
not really sure
various individuals on the list — nearly all of
whom I know, and
think to
be pretty cool people — have all chosen to
arguing with one
at this precise moment in time.  But I’m just
assume it’s
the phase
of the moon, or the alignment of the planets,
it is the time
of the
season to vent and unload.

LSD and ibogaine are both entheogens, and offer
their own pathways
experience, and the possibility of gaining
sufficient insight to
step out
of drug dependence.  Of course LSD will not get
unsprung.  Point
though, it’s wasn’t particularly relevant, and
throwing it in at
tail-end of my message may have confused things.

As far as the music, scents, and interaction
patients goes.
I can’t
say what exactly happened with roughly 250
in general; but
out of
the 50 or so whom I know personally from that
number…  The experience
has been exactly as I described.

To summarize: they have displayed an extremely
spectrum of
to light, darkness, sounds, types of music,
and interaction
other individuals while under the influence of

Some people like new age music, others love
classical, Pink Floyd
highly popular — what’re the odds!?!?!? — in
short, people display
individual preferences.  Allowing them this
appears to have
effect on the efficacy of their experience.
Except, perhaps, to
make them
feel more comfortable.

If you find that 100% of your patients respond
to dark rooms,
sounds, no scents, and zero interaction with
others.  Perhaps this
because you are dosing them all under these
conditions and
giving them other options.

The reason I commented was because I know many
people who have done
ibogaine, and only a very small subset from that
whole, preferred
conditions you describe.

My post WAS all about me, it was a description
my personal responses
various stimuli while under the influence of
ibogaine.  I have a
disparate collection of backgrounds, and perhaps
the words “fuck”
“shit” find themselves present in my speech
patterns — or writing
— with
greater than average frequency.  And on the
flipside, anger management
issues are certainly one of my problems.  Oh
C’est la Vie.

If you took it to mean I was angry, angry AT
or just angry
general; nope.  I’m having a pretty cool day,
and I
just saw something
scroll by that I strongly disagreed with; so I

What I’m curious ’bout is: what do you do if
someone is having a
bad trip and freaking out?  In my personal
experience, the answer
to this
question is EXACTLY THE SAME for ibogaine and
other entheogens
— or
even tweaking out on crack for that matter: you
INTERACT with them,

reassure them, BELIEVE what you’re saying, and
radiate that.  They
get pulled into your space, and out of whatever
negative headtrip
in.  Well, with crack this doesn’t really work
some of the time

The words don’t really matter, it’s just the
delivery, and
tone and level of what you are emitting.

Thusly, to wrap up; hey, I STRONGLY disagree
those particular
aspects of whatcha mentioned — so I commented.
This doesn’t change
fact that I think what you’re doing is highly

I guess what it comes down to is; yeah, if you
all external
then you are certainly going to amplify the
TrIpPing oU+ part of
experience — whoopsie, we don’t say tripping
I meant to say
oneiric state replete with waking visions.
like doing any
in an isolation tank is gonna amplify the level

But…  A lotta people don’t necessarily like,
want, or need that.
they just wanna smell a flower, get a hug, and
listen to Pink Floyd.
Different things work in different ways for
different people differently.

That’s my experience anywaze,


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From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: : [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s
Date: February 26, 2003 at 9:27:50 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Richard, it gets a little angry some of the time bro, but there’s a big group of people who have all used ibo on here. All of them mean well. I would say for sure go ahead with your plans and don’t let momentary differences on here derail you.

Ibogaine makes a big difference, you deserve to do it for yourself.

Peace out,

Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2

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From: “thebozman” <thebozman@compassmag.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks
Date: February 26, 2003 at 7:28:18 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Its Richard from Nottingham…

Here I am ! – two and a half weeks away from my first ibogaine experience
and caught up in the crescendo of chaos and self hate that is addiction !  I
am so amazed at the level of attacking criticism on this site……..  I am
very apprehensive about taking ibogaine but have decided to go ahead – the
psychoactive properties probably scare me the most plus the fact that some
people have had negative experiences and fatalities have occurred – can
anyone help to ease my apprehensions – many thanks….!!

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks

Marc – and Marco

I think there is a little “better than” going on on
both sides.

Marc, before I forget. You may wish to get a heart
monitor (I think lost a couple emails when my computer
did the “blue screen of death” thingie). They have
wireless models, an alarm would be good. This way you
don’t have to disturb their visions. TO that, it can
be hard to get/stay into them, it was especially so
for me my first time – it worked just fine anyway.

Marc, there are different ways to take ibo and the
environment, patient/initiate, addiction or not, to
what?, the dosage, type of ibo, set/setting (yadda)
make a big difference in the reaction. IMO, you may be
setting yourself up for a rude awakening by
discounting others with FAR MORE and VARIED and
different experiences than you have. I understand that
in your enviromnemt things (so far…) have been this
generic ibo type symptoms that you describe,
sound+light sensitivity, visions (which you place
undue importance in IN THAT, one can have just as
successful/enlightening experience with as without
visions – though differently. As if it is some kind of
failure not to have them – that is not saying they are
undesirable either.

We dose them the way we do because it is neutral.

Which is a good GENERIC place to start, especially for
an addict. Most of what you are hearing is from people
who are NOT risks to themselves during the ibo trip,
people who have done ibo more than once, on their own
terms – not ones dictated to them BY THE ENVIRONMENT
(I am not saying you are FORCING them – you sometimes
are SO THICK), the set/setting – not that most of them
won’t want deep quiet/no light… that is pretty
standard/general/generic. In your environment there is
more control, which is a + when dealing with addicts,
but I certainly don’t need that, neither does any
regular poster here. FYI, After several hours the
sensitivity level turns down a bit, there could also
be some acustic thing going on where you are that is
particularly (in your environment/setting) that is
different than others. Also, some places, you are more
use to sounds, if I did ibo home I am more use to
certain sounds than if I were do do it somewhere else.
Not all sounds are annoying (relatively speaking),
thunder/lightning/rain (think tropical, big
rain/thunder)… got along pretty well on ibo for the
sound it was making, quite natural and maybe fitting
since I am sure people have been taking ibogaine in
thunderstorms for a very long time.

The patient can request
music, but they never do. They can ask for anything
they want, but they, we

My first request would be to GET THE FUCK AWAY WITH
THAT WATER, everytime I puke or piss… Marc, it may
be in your environment that it works (not that I
agree) but it can be dangerous IMO to force all that
fluids and simply overkill especially for someone at
home doing it themselves. People  need to be well
hydrated, that is great.

think fortunately, want to be focused on their
experience and resist any and all distractions.

If that toots your horn, have at it. It is nice, great
even. Maybe, after a few hundred “visions” of various,
movie, non-movie, stills, zoom types and having todo
and having nothing to do with “my life” at times they
got, well, big deal – or sometimes NOT having visions,
thinking “what, that was it, got cheated”… only to
find out after that the vision-fewer/less/free
ibogaine trip turned out to be some of my most
successful. Ever think that maybe if someone is
focusing (I am splitting hairs because you are doing
the same, but don’t know it) all that energy on seeing
visions, they won’t have enough left for action? It
was one such, “bla” ibo session of about 12mg/kg
(thought I didn’t do quite enough) that 1 week later,
I tossed a 28 year old smoking habit and never looked
back… That was one successful ibo session, not that
you could tell from the experience.

We don’t impose rules on our patients, they tell us
what they want. They

That is not what I am hearing, though that is what you
are saying. You have a rather strict, controlled
environment and that is cool (for you), certainly got
its +’s.

haven’t want to hear people talking while they are
concentrating, they don’t
want any background music, they tell us to stop any
music (later they may
ask for some, but that is rare), they don’t want to
smell eggs cooking,
incense burning, fireplaces burning or any
distracting/disturbing smell or
sound (to them). THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY. After all,
we are here to offer
comfort and assistance to their experience. They
dislike hearing the phone
ring, dogs barking. All are extremely sensitive to
light and they want it
stopped if it is bright or even nominally

All standard, generic, what people want when they are
being treated for the first time for the most part. It
is NOT you are RIGHT and WE are WRONG, it is NOT we
are RIGHT and you are WRONG – it is in your situation,
with your patients, who are addicts, where you are,
with your procedures, with the whole thing that you
project – that is how it turns out. IN THE IBOGAINE
WORLD (which is not this tiny microcosm of ibogaine
treatment that you have, where you are, with the kind
of ibogaine you use, with your patients, with your
doses, in your environment, with the things YOU tell
your patients, with the
sounds/smells/longitude/latitude that YOU are oat…)
people have many varied experiences and reactions to

We have a creative environment here. We have art
materials, a guitar,
movies, cartoons, weight training equipment, the
forest surrounds us and
they are encouraged to take nature walks, meditate
on the pier (we have a
dockside on the ocean, spectacular view). The
current patient is here for 8
days, this isn’t just ibogaine, this is hopefully
REINVENTION, and we are
here to help them, not control them. I am confident
this is already the most
suitable iboga therapy place to take iboga of any
place I have ever read
about, heard about.

To you in your experience, it even sounds great (to
me) for what you are using it for. I am sure Dr. Mash
thinks the same thing of her treatment, and Sara
thinks (and does) she is doing a fine job, and Eric
Taub does a wonderful job too…

There are however things you do (and they do that you
don’t) that can be of great help TO YOUR CLIENTS in
particular. Truth, for me, it wouldn’t have done any
better, I simply did not need it, I was in relapse and
knew what to do to “get a life” – as in I didn’t need
you to tell/show me, didn’t need a 2nd treatment
within a month, I didn’t need a “treatment center” so
Mash wouldn’t have done it either.

Our patients get great care here
and they tell us so.

I’m sure they do and sure you are. I don’t think
anyone disputed that at all.

Also, as to the issue of music, playing music that
is a favorite of your
past is potentially flawed, after all, our favorite

And so is your analysis.

music is usually that
with strong emotional associations from our past.

Well, in my case not, music was never part of my

I’m not sure these
patients want the familiar and comforting, they are

Ya know, again, in your situation with your patients,
you are “not sure” but obviously seems that way to you
– then have it it your way. But let me throw this at
you, one of the reasons I like music is when HCL comes
on hard, it can be quite uncomfortable (but you
wouldn’t know), so I get myself very relaxed, into it,
meditation music, till I gain altitude (get UP there
and settle down). When I say music, I mean very quiet
stuff. When I say incense, I don’t mean smoke the
whole house, I mean light one, run around the house
for a few minutes, do the room I will be in (maybe
they don’t like your kind, try Nag Champa sometime)
and then I put it out and do my thing (ibo), not stink
up the whole house. Same with sounds, it starts out
low (for me, with what I am doing ibo for, the way I
do it) and gets lower, YOU wouldn’t hardly hear it –
but oops, you wouldn’t know would you? You are less
sensitive (empathic) to someone on ibo than say my
mate would be or I would be if I were treating
someone… Marc, with a look, a comment, a movement I
can feel what they feel in a way you will never know
and never can respond to quite the same way. Vivian
(my Fiancee) went through the same thing, I complained
about things like smells and sounds (…) and to her,
she was being quiet… till she did it. THEN after she
did it, she knew what I meant and now, if she needs
to do something she is sensitive to how it will sound
to me, what level and how delivered will the sound be
NOT TRIED IBOGAINE. You say the patients report, well
great for them but that does not give you first hand
knowledge – as Marko pointed out, how was her dinner?

I have never had any patient react to ‘silence’ as
though it is something
sinister as you suggest, Carla.

I understand Carla completely, wonder why?

Your statement is remarkable in that you obviously
proper ibogaine experience. All our patients

Marc,  now you are talking with your head up your ass
about something you are not qualified to speak about.

I mean you are doing a great job (rookie, like that?
didn’t think so) and all but again, you are not the be
all and end all of iboga knowledge and it is highly
arrogant of you.

experienced a movie screen/
fast moving motion-picture of their life thats lasts
for 8 to 30 hours. All
of them, thats what we expect of the treatment.
While this autobiographical
movie of intense proportions is going on, the
patient does not want
interruptions or distractions. They tell us to be
quiet, no music, no

Geez, we know, enough already. YOUR VERY LIMITED (you
repeat, I will repeat) experience is not the sum total
of ibogaine experiences or the only way it should be
done. Quite obviously you are sitting here arguing
with a number of people who have had different
experiences (quite successful ones I may add) that
differ from yours – oh, but you didn’t have one, you
just watched (yes, that was a dig, you do more than

PLEASE! We have to tip toe around them the
entire time, we can’t
even play music for ourselves. We answer the phone
outside! (It never snows
here though, so its not so bad)

And (again, I do this cause some are THICKER than
others, you are one) yes, that is pretty generic ibo
for your class of patients, with the ibo you are
using, in your enviroment, with your procedures, with
your walls, your floors, your staff… that does NOT
mean in someone elses environment, someone elses
ibogaine/dose/reason for taking ibo, in some other
kind of patient (eg not addicted/less
addicted…previously have taken ibo…) wouldn’t want
something different.


Every single ibo experience is different – and I don’t
give a flying fuck what it looks like to you from the

Yes, there are a bunch of rather standard generic type
symptoms, stuff that happens…

When someone is addicted, fuckecd up, toxic (in
whatever various flavors) it is different than someone
who is not, someone who is clean, someone who is
happy!!! And generally they (we) would take somewhat
less ibo (though I have taken more than you use
several times). Then was then, which is not now – 2
different times. It is just like them not having
visions (or fewer) the first time but have them once
they are cleaner. It will also be different 6 months
down the road (when some start to need another dose)
and different 1, 2, 3, 4… years down the road. Marc,
you have no such experience, why are you so dam
thickheaded about it. Sorry but what are you trying to
do, be a snot-nose, come along, treat 20 people and
think you know it all? That is going to get you in
trouble my son. Again, NOT THAT YOU ARE NOT DOING A
WONDERFUL JOB, a service to humanity and all that
stuff, you are (just put your ego somewhere else,
better dose yourself, that’ll do the trick).

Carla, that you have said the following means the
dose was way too low:

Marc, that means you are inexperienced. Not everyone
gets visions and they don’t happen 100% of the time.
POINT, last time I didn’t get them and did a higher
dose than I had done in a long time. Also, I have had
“movie” scenes but not always and still got visions.

And if its like doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what people
to write about it but if its going to the movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

If you want the movie  for your own life, with all
its revelations it can
provide you, come to Iboga Therapy House. You can
listen to whatever music
you want, but when you see what a full-on iboga
experience has for you, it
will be much more vital than what playing a familiar
tune can do for you.

What we provide is a neutral environment that
reflects the person’s needs as
the iboga experience progresses. We take all our
cues from the patient.

As I read these responses from Patrick, Carla, etc.,
I am grateful its
myself, Linette, Terry and Sandra who are helping
people here and not some
of the people on this listserve!

Ya know, there are good people in the world that know
things that are different than you do, that does not
mean they are not good people, don’t know stuff. Maybe
it is you who have the issue and need to look in the
mirror – but DO NOT DO IBOGAINE. I do not mean to say
you are wrong/unsuccessful in your methods, hey, they
work for you, right? Just too bad you don’t want to
learn something new and everyone else is wrong – that
is how it sounds Marc.


Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/25/03 8:25 PM, Carla Barnes at
carlambarnes@yahoo.com wrote:

Patrick, please stick with poetic patrick whenever
possible. Save the politician when running for
or defending Mash. Fuck is not a problem, anger
management issues are ok as long as the guy is
you qualify. As long as you don’t hit women, never

Marc I understand your being a great guy and
but I’m a little weirded out. I too cant imagine
ibogaine without some music. I like alternative
some ambient, I don’t like total silence. I know
trying to do something good but it almost sounds
punishment or something, you stick people into a
room with nothing to hear or smell and dont talk
them??????? why on earth would you do that? I dont
know if patrick was being sarcastic or not but I
what flowers and different perfume smells like
I’m on ibogaine.

Why do you do that? I dont think one person who
done ibogaine agrees with it. And if its like
doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what people
to write about it but if its going to the movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

I don’t ever attack anyone and I’m not starting
well no I did get upset about the paying blacks
not to
have children messages a long time ago here, but
on earth do you dose people like that Marc?

Carla B

— crownofthorns@hushmail.com wrote:

FWIW I can’t even imagine doing iboga without
bro. I have got to go strongly with that one.
lit room. No mexican or thai food before either

Other then that Marc please do not start Patrick
it’s like setting off the Karl Rove of the
counterculture. I much much much prefer the real
Patrick that says fuck and doesn’t put out this
of words like he, you and all of your staff
like to do.

Why doesn’t everyone donate .10 cents to get
Patrick, Marc and all his staff members in the
room, to figure out what side everyone is on and
then go run for office or start a PR agency.
see how any of you could lose. It’s like talking
teflon. I truly do understand why none of you are

No dis to any of you, but please stop before it
starts. That is my worst nightmare, all of you
talking all at once. It’s like CNN covering a
political conference in the professional weirdo
zone. Marko going off, Sara going off, Brett
off, I can take in stride. PM & Co. is like the
verbal apocalypse.

Peace out and stick with fuck! 😉

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:35:34 -0800 “Patrick K.
Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 02:06:45PM -0800], [A J
Dietterle] wrote:

Hey Marc,

Just to open this, I wasn’t attacking you, and
didn’t touch on any
of the
other points you made, since I guess it could be
construed as discussing
information that doesn’t really belong to me.
not really sure
various individuals on the list — nearly all of
whom I know, and
think to
be pretty cool people — have all chosen to
arguing with one
at this precise moment in time.  But I’m just
assume it’s
the phase
of the moon, or the alignment of the planets,
it is the time
of the
season to vent and unload.

LSD and ibogaine are both entheogens, and offer
their own pathways
experience, and the possibility of gaining
sufficient insight to
step out
of drug dependence.  Of course LSD will not get
unsprung.  Point
though, it’s wasn’t particularly relevant, and
throwing it in at
tail-end of my message may have confused things.

As far as the music, scents, and interaction
patients goes.
I can’t
say what exactly happened with roughly 250
in general; but
out of
the 50 or so whom I know personally from that
number…  The experience
has been exactly as I described.

To summarize: they have displayed an extremely
spectrum of
to light, darkness, sounds, types of music,
and interaction
other individuals while under the influence of

Some people like new age music, others love
classical, Pink Floyd
highly popular — what’re the odds!?!?!? — in
short, people display
individual preferences.  Allowing them this
appears to have
effect on the efficacy of their experience.
Except, perhaps, to
make them
feel more comfortable.

If you find that 100% of your patients respond
to dark rooms,
sounds, no scents, and zero interaction with
others.  Perhaps this
because you are dosing them all under these
conditions and
giving them other options.

The reason I commented was because I know many
people who have done
ibogaine, and only a very small subset from that
whole, preferred
conditions you describe.

My post WAS all about me, it was a description
my personal responses
various stimuli while under the influence of
ibogaine.  I have a
disparate collection of backgrounds, and perhaps
the words “fuck”
“shit” find themselves present in my speech
patterns — or writing
— with
greater than average frequency.  And on the
flipside, anger management
issues are certainly one of my problems.  Oh
C’est la Vie.

If you took it to mean I was angry, angry AT
or just angry
general; nope.  I’m having a pretty cool day,
and I
just saw something
scroll by that I strongly disagreed with; so I

What I’m curious ’bout is: what do you do if
someone is having a
bad trip and freaking out?  In my personal
experience, the answer
to this
question is EXACTLY THE SAME for ibogaine and
other entheogens
— or
even tweaking out on crack for that matter: you
INTERACT with them,

reassure them, BELIEVE what you’re saying, and
radiate that.  They
get pulled into your space, and out of whatever
negative headtrip
in.  Well, with crack this doesn’t really work
some of the time

The words don’t really matter, it’s just the
delivery, and
tone and level of what you are emitting.

Thusly, to wrap up; hey, I STRONGLY disagree
those particular
aspects of whatcha mentioned — so I commented.
This doesn’t change
fact that I think what you’re doing is highly

I guess what it comes down to is; yeah, if you
all external
then you are certainly going to amplify the
TrIpPing oU+ part of
experience — whoopsie, we don’t say tripping
I meant to say
oneiric state replete with waking visions.
like doing any
in an isolation tank is gonna amplify the level

But…  A lotta people don’t necessarily like,
want, or need that.
they just wanna smell a flower, get a hug, and
listen to Pink Floyd.
Different things work in different ways for
different people differently.

That’s my experience anywaze,


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From: A J Dietterle <ajdietterle@dccnet.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Iboga Therapy House
Date: February 26, 2003 at 4:33:47 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Linette, our primary facillitator, who has experienced a profound iboga
experience, is with our patients at all times. She has offered to write of
her experience later this week.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks
Date: February 26, 2003 at 1:27:13 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Marc – and Marco

I think there is a little “better than” going on on
both sides.

Marc, before I forget. You may wish to get a heart
monitor (I think lost a couple emails when my computer
did the “blue screen of death” thingie). They have
wireless models, an alarm would be good. This way you
don’t have to disturb their visions. TO that, it can
be hard to get/stay into them, it was especially so
for me my first time – it worked just fine anyway.

Marc, there are different ways to take ibo and the
environment, patient/initiate, addiction or not, to
what?, the dosage, type of ibo, set/setting (yadda)
make a big difference in the reaction. IMO, you may be
setting yourself up for a rude awakening by
discounting others with FAR MORE and VARIED and
different experiences than you have. I understand that
in your enviromnemt things (so far…) have been this
generic ibo type symptoms that you describe,
sound+light sensitivity, visions (which you place
undue importance in IN THAT, one can have just as
successful/enlightening experience with as without
visions – though differently. As if it is some kind of
failure not to have them – that is not saying they are
undesirable either.

We dose them the way we do because it is neutral.

Which is a good GENERIC place to start, especially for
an addict. Most of what you are hearing is from people
who are NOT risks to themselves during the ibo trip,
people who have done ibo more than once, on their own
terms – not ones dictated to them BY THE ENVIRONMENT
(I am not saying you are FORCING them – you sometimes
are SO THICK), the set/setting – not that most of them
won’t want deep quiet/no light… that is pretty
standard/general/generic. In your environment there is
more control, which is a + when dealing with addicts,
but I certainly don’t need that, neither does any
regular poster here. FYI, After several hours the
sensitivity level turns down a bit, there could also
be some acustic thing going on where you are that is
particularly (in your environment/setting) that is
different than others. Also, some places, you are more
use to sounds, if I did ibo home I am more use to
certain sounds than if I were do do it somewhere else.
Not all sounds are annoying (relatively speaking),
thunder/lightning/rain (think tropical, big
rain/thunder)… got along pretty well on ibo for the
sound it was making, quite natural and maybe fitting
since I am sure people have been taking ibogaine in
thunderstorms for a very long time.

The patient can request
music, but they never do. They can ask for anything
they want, but they, we

My first request would be to GET THE FUCK AWAY WITH
THAT WATER, everytime I puke or piss… Marc, it may
be in your environment that it works (not that I
agree) but it can be dangerous IMO to force all that
fluids and simply overkill especially for someone at
home doing it themselves. People  need to be well
hydrated, that is great.

think fortunately, want to be focused on their
experience and resist any and all distractions.

If that toots your horn, have at it. It is nice, great
even. Maybe, after a few hundred “visions” of various,
movie, non-movie, stills, zoom types and having todo
and having nothing to do with “my life” at times they
got, well, big deal – or sometimes NOT having visions,
thinking “what, that was it, got cheated”… only to
find out after that the vision-fewer/less/free
ibogaine trip turned out to be some of my most
successful. Ever think that maybe if someone is
focusing (I am splitting hairs because you are doing
the same, but don’t know it) all that energy on seeing
visions, they won’t have enough left for action? It
was one such, “bla” ibo session of about 12mg/kg
(thought I didn’t do quite enough) that 1 week later,
I tossed a 28 year old smoking habit and never looked
back… That was one successful ibo session, not that
you could tell from the experience.

We don’t impose rules on our patients, they tell us
what they want. They

That is not what I am hearing, though that is what you
are saying. You have a rather strict, controlled
environment and that is cool (for you), certainly got
its +’s.

haven’t want to hear people talking while they are
concentrating, they don’t
want any background music, they tell us to stop any
music (later they may
ask for some, but that is rare), they don’t want to
smell eggs cooking,
incense burning, fireplaces burning or any
distracting/disturbing smell or
sound (to them). THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY. After all,
we are here to offer
comfort and assistance to their experience. They
dislike hearing the phone
ring, dogs barking. All are extremely sensitive to
light and they want it
stopped if it is bright or even nominally

All standard, generic, what people want when they are
being treated for the first time for the most part. It
is NOT you are RIGHT and WE are WRONG, it is NOT we
are RIGHT and you are WRONG – it is in your situation,
with your patients, who are addicts, where you are,
with your procedures, with the whole thing that you
project – that is how it turns out. IN THE IBOGAINE
WORLD (which is not this tiny microcosm of ibogaine
treatment that you have, where you are, with the kind
of ibogaine you use, with your patients, with your
doses, in your environment, with the things YOU tell
your patients, with the
sounds/smells/longitude/latitude that YOU are oat…)
people have many varied experiences and reactions to

We have a creative environment here. We have art
materials, a guitar,
movies, cartoons, weight training equipment, the
forest surrounds us and
they are encouraged to take nature walks, meditate
on the pier (we have a
dockside on the ocean, spectacular view). The
current patient is here for 8
days, this isn’t just ibogaine, this is hopefully
REINVENTION, and we are
here to help them, not control them. I am confident
this is already the most
suitable iboga therapy place to take iboga of any
place I have ever read
about, heard about.

To you in your experience, it even sounds great (to
me) for what you are using it for. I am sure Dr. Mash
thinks the same thing of her treatment, and Sara
thinks (and does) she is doing a fine job, and Eric
Taub does a wonderful job too…

There are however things you do (and they do that you
don’t) that can be of great help TO YOUR CLIENTS in
particular. Truth, for me, it wouldn’t have done any
better, I simply did not need it, I was in relapse and
knew what to do to “get a life” – as in I didn’t need
you to tell/show me, didn’t need a 2nd treatment
within a month, I didn’t need a “treatment center” so
Mash wouldn’t have done it either.

Our patients get great care here
and they tell us so.

I’m sure they do and sure you are. I don’t think
anyone disputed that at all.

Also, as to the issue of music, playing music that
is a favorite of your
past is potentially flawed, after all, our favorite

And so is your analysis.

music is usually that
with strong emotional associations from our past.

Well, in my case not, music was never part of my

I’m not sure these
patients want the familiar and comforting, they are

Ya know, again, in your situation with your patients,
you are “not sure” but obviously seems that way to you
– then have it it your way. But let me throw this at
you, one of the reasons I like music is when HCL comes
on hard, it can be quite uncomfortable (but you
wouldn’t know), so I get myself very relaxed, into it,
meditation music, till I gain altitude (get UP there
and settle down). When I say music, I mean very quiet
stuff. When I say incense, I don’t mean smoke the
whole house, I mean light one, run around the house
for a few minutes, do the room I will be in (maybe
they don’t like your kind, try Nag Champa sometime)
and then I put it out and do my thing (ibo), not stink
up the whole house. Same with sounds, it starts out
low (for me, with what I am doing ibo for, the way I
do it) and gets lower, YOU wouldn’t hardly hear it –
but oops, you wouldn’t know would you? You are less
sensitive (empathic) to someone on ibo than say my
mate would be or I would be if I were treating
someone… Marc, with a look, a comment, a movement I
can feel what they feel in a way you will never know
and never can respond to quite the same way. Vivian
(my Fiancee) went through the same thing, I complained
about things like smells and sounds (…) and to her,
she was being quiet… till she did it. THEN after she
did it, she knew what I meant and now, if she needs
to do something she is sensitive to how it will sound
to me, what level and how delivered will the sound be
NOT TRIED IBOGAINE. You say the patients report, well
great for them but that does not give you first hand
knowledge – as Marko pointed out, how was her dinner?

I have never had any patient react to ‘silence’ as
though it is something
sinister as you suggest, Carla.

I understand Carla completely, wonder why?

Your statement is remarkable in that you obviously
proper ibogaine experience. All our patients

Marc,  now you are talking with your head up your ass
about something you are not qualified to speak about.

I mean you are doing a great job (rookie, like that?
didn’t think so) and all but again, you are not the be
all and end all of iboga knowledge and it is highly
arrogant of you.

experienced a movie screen/
fast moving motion-picture of their life thats lasts
for 8 to 30 hours. All
of them, thats what we expect of the treatment.
While this autobiographical
movie of intense proportions is going on, the
patient does not want
interruptions or distractions. They tell us to be
quiet, no music, no

Geez, we know, enough already. YOUR VERY LIMITED (you
repeat, I will repeat) experience is not the sum total
of ibogaine experiences or the only way it should be
done. Quite obviously you are sitting here arguing
with a number of people who have had different
experiences (quite successful ones I may add) that
differ from yours – oh, but you didn’t have one, you
just watched (yes, that was a dig, you do more than

PLEASE! We have to tip toe around them the
entire time, we can’t
even play music for ourselves. We answer the phone
outside! (It never snows
here though, so its not so bad)

And (again, I do this cause some are THICKER than
others, you are one) yes, that is pretty generic ibo
for your class of patients, with the ibo you are
using, in your enviroment, with your procedures, with
your walls, your floors, your staff… that does NOT
mean in someone elses environment, someone elses
ibogaine/dose/reason for taking ibo, in some other
kind of patient (eg not addicted/less
addicted…previously have taken ibo…) wouldn’t want
something different.


Every single ibo experience is different – and I don’t
give a flying fuck what it looks like to you from the

Yes, there are a bunch of rather standard generic type
symptoms, stuff that happens…

When someone is addicted, fuckecd up, toxic (in
whatever various flavors) it is different than someone
who is not, someone who is clean, someone who is
happy!!! And generally they (we) would take somewhat
less ibo (though I have taken more than you use
several times). Then was then, which is not now – 2
different times. It is just like them not having
visions (or fewer) the first time but have them once
they are cleaner. It will also be different 6 months
down the road (when some start to need another dose)
and different 1, 2, 3, 4… years down the road. Marc,
you have no such experience, why are you so dam
thickheaded about it. Sorry but what are you trying to
do, be a snot-nose, come along, treat 20 people and
think you know it all? That is going to get you in
trouble my son. Again, NOT THAT YOU ARE NOT DOING A
WONDERFUL JOB, a service to humanity and all that
stuff, you are (just put your ego somewhere else,
better dose yourself, that’ll do the trick).

Carla, that you have said the following means the
dose was way too low:

Marc, that means you are inexperienced. Not everyone
gets visions and they don’t happen 100% of the time.
POINT, last time I didn’t get them and did a higher
dose than I had done in a long time. Also, I have had
“movie” scenes but not always and still got visions.

And if its like doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what people
to write about it but if its going to the movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

If you want the movie  for your own life, with all
its revelations it can
provide you, come to Iboga Therapy House. You can
listen to whatever music
you want, but when you see what a full-on iboga
experience has for you, it
will be much more vital than what playing a familiar
tune can do for you.

What we provide is a neutral environment that
reflects the person’s needs as
the iboga experience progresses. We take all our
cues from the patient.

As I read these responses from Patrick, Carla, etc.,
I am grateful its
myself, Linette, Terry and Sandra who are helping
people here and not some
of the people on this listserve!

Ya know, there are good people in the world that know
things that are different than you do, that does not
mean they are not good people, don’t know stuff. Maybe
it is you who have the issue and need to look in the
mirror – but DO NOT DO IBOGAINE. I do not mean to say
you are wrong/unsuccessful in your methods, hey, they
work for you, right? Just too bad you don’t want to
learn something new and everyone else is wrong – that
is how it sounds Marc.


Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/25/03 8:25 PM, Carla Barnes at
carlambarnes@yahoo.com wrote:

Patrick, please stick with poetic patrick whenever
possible. Save the politician when running for
or defending Mash. Fuck is not a problem, anger
management issues are ok as long as the guy is
you qualify. As long as you don’t hit women, never

Marc I understand your being a great guy and
but I’m a little weirded out. I too cant imagine
ibogaine without some music. I like alternative
some ambient, I don’t like total silence. I know
trying to do something good but it almost sounds
punishment or something, you stick people into a
room with nothing to hear or smell and dont talk
them??????? why on earth would you do that? I dont
know if patrick was being sarcastic or not but I
what flowers and different perfume smells like
I’m on ibogaine.

Why do you do that? I dont think one person who
done ibogaine agrees with it. And if its like
doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what people
to write about it but if its going to the movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

I don’t ever attack anyone and I’m not starting
well no I did get upset about the paying blacks
not to
have children messages a long time ago here, but
on earth do you dose people like that Marc?

Carla B

— crownofthorns@hushmail.com wrote:

FWIW I can’t even imagine doing iboga without
bro. I have got to go strongly with that one.
lit room. No mexican or thai food before either

Other then that Marc please do not start Patrick
it’s like setting off the Karl Rove of the
counterculture. I much much much prefer the real
Patrick that says fuck and doesn’t put out this
of words like he, you and all of your staff
like to do.

Why doesn’t everyone donate .10 cents to get
Patrick, Marc and all his staff members in the
room, to figure out what side everyone is on and
then go run for office or start a PR agency.
see how any of you could lose. It’s like talking
teflon. I truly do understand why none of you are

No dis to any of you, but please stop before it
starts. That is my worst nightmare, all of you
talking all at once. It’s like CNN covering a
political conference in the professional weirdo
zone. Marko going off, Sara going off, Brett
off, I can take in stride. PM & Co. is like the
verbal apocalypse.

Peace out and stick with fuck! 😉

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:35:34 -0800 “Patrick K.
Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 02:06:45PM -0800], [A J
Dietterle] wrote:

Hey Marc,

Just to open this, I wasn’t attacking you, and
didn’t touch on any
of the
other points you made, since I guess it could be
construed as discussing
information that doesn’t really belong to me.
not really sure
various individuals on the list — nearly all of
whom I know, and
think to
be pretty cool people — have all chosen to
arguing with one
at this precise moment in time.  But I’m just
assume it’s
the phase
of the moon, or the alignment of the planets,
it is the time
of the
season to vent and unload.

LSD and ibogaine are both entheogens, and offer
their own pathways
experience, and the possibility of gaining
sufficient insight to
step out
of drug dependence.  Of course LSD will not get
unsprung.  Point
though, it’s wasn’t particularly relevant, and
throwing it in at
tail-end of my message may have confused things.

As far as the music, scents, and interaction
patients goes.
I can’t
say what exactly happened with roughly 250
in general; but
out of
the 50 or so whom I know personally from that
number…  The experience
has been exactly as I described.

To summarize: they have displayed an extremely
spectrum of
to light, darkness, sounds, types of music,
and interaction
other individuals while under the influence of

Some people like new age music, others love
classical, Pink Floyd
highly popular — what’re the odds!?!?!? — in
short, people display
individual preferences.  Allowing them this
appears to have
effect on the efficacy of their experience.
Except, perhaps, to
make them
feel more comfortable.

If you find that 100% of your patients respond
to dark rooms,
sounds, no scents, and zero interaction with
others.  Perhaps this
because you are dosing them all under these
conditions and
giving them other options.

The reason I commented was because I know many
people who have done
ibogaine, and only a very small subset from that
whole, preferred
conditions you describe.

My post WAS all about me, it was a description
my personal responses
various stimuli while under the influence of
ibogaine.  I have a
disparate collection of backgrounds, and perhaps
the words “fuck”
“shit” find themselves present in my speech
patterns — or writing
— with
greater than average frequency.  And on the
flipside, anger management
issues are certainly one of my problems.  Oh
C’est la Vie.

If you took it to mean I was angry, angry AT
or just angry
general; nope.  I’m having a pretty cool day,
and I
just saw something
scroll by that I strongly disagreed with; so I

What I’m curious ’bout is: what do you do if
someone is having a
bad trip and freaking out?  In my personal
experience, the answer
to this
question is EXACTLY THE SAME for ibogaine and
other entheogens
— or
even tweaking out on crack for that matter: you
INTERACT with them,

reassure them, BELIEVE what you’re saying, and
radiate that.  They
get pulled into your space, and out of whatever
negative headtrip
in.  Well, with crack this doesn’t really work
some of the time

The words don’t really matter, it’s just the
delivery, and
tone and level of what you are emitting.

Thusly, to wrap up; hey, I STRONGLY disagree
those particular
aspects of whatcha mentioned — so I commented.
This doesn’t change
fact that I think what you’re doing is highly

I guess what it comes down to is; yeah, if you
all external
then you are certainly going to amplify the
TrIpPing oU+ part of
experience — whoopsie, we don’t say tripping
I meant to say
oneiric state replete with waking visions.
like doing any
in an isolation tank is gonna amplify the level

But…  A lotta people don’t necessarily like,
want, or need that.
they just wanna smell a flower, get a hug, and
listen to Pink Floyd.
Different things work in different ways for
different people differently.

That’s my experience anywaze,


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Do you Yahoo!?
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From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] My response to Marko
Date: February 26, 2003 at 5:00:33 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


you described yourself in very nice light: Sandra’s explanation added a bit 😉

At 23:46 25.2.2003, you wrote:

I have no idea whats going on in your head.

That is good! I have ;-))

The four of us work full time at
the Iboga Therapy House because we learn lots, we like all our patients (we
still stay in contact with all of them), we enjoy the adventure of watching
people heal, we love seeing their lives improve. We actually have fun doing

That is no good. I mean, it’s good to have fun, but IBO is no fun; it’s deadly serious!

I have no idea what is in the INDRA extract, but I am fully confident it
works, and it works in the dose range my reading states it should.

I have no idea what’s in my government, but I am fully confident it works, and it works in the range other governments work.

Oops, sorry, you won’t understand this.

Lotsof has been very supportive, and candidly, I value Howard’s friendship
and supportiveness above all other considerations.

Howard is great!

I trust the INDRA extract. Over 20 doses and it has worked – MAGNIFICENTLY!

MAGNIFICENTLY probably means that you have 100% long-term success? Or is it just that people are under IBO influence?

I personally dose all the patients so my staff does not suffer the legal
liabilities, if any should occur. I am present for any major decision
regardinmg the patient.

I understand.

I trust the INDRA extract because it works, the results match protocols set
out by Lotsof and others in the published work.

I trust the Ibogaine Hydrochloride I got from you. It seems to do what I
want it to do, and so I have confidence in that, though I have never had it
analyzed in a lab. And you seem alot stranger and weirder than the person I
get the Indra extract from. You are, like some others, really about
yourself, while impugning me.

I wouldn’t agree with you. Do you remember how all of this started? You advised Soren: “You should use the Indra extract”

After 20 people treated, you are suddenly an EXPERT! You know what people should do…

This is wrong, very wrong! If somebody E-mails you “I’m from Oregon. Which seeds should I use to grow pot?” then you can advise him. But with IBO it’s not such a case.

Well, that’s my opinion. As everything I write.

The extract from Ethnogarden was originally sold to me as 55% – 60% ibogaine
extract, after lab results came back, it was a 24% extract, similar to INDRA
extract. This caused a crisis of confidence in that product, although we
have used it in proportions similar to Indra extract with good results.

I never saw Ethnogarden extract. It was offered to me, yes, but I have no confidence in extract. We did some extract ourselves, and it was working MAGNIFICENTLY, but people had so different reactions to it that we don’t use it anymore.

This, of course, doesn’t mean that extract is no good!

All three products get our confidence because we are seeing desirable
results and no health anomalies.

I do not charge anything to our patients. Any donations are directed toward
charities not my own ( in other words, people offer to give money, we direct
them to Pivot Legal Services, a legal service for the poor and marginalized
in dealing with police brutality).

That’s VERY nice of you!

All food, lodging, care, ibogaine, are
completely paid for by me. I am a capitalist, like George Soros, Andrew
Carnegie, two great men who have contributed much of their wealth to the
advancement of reason and the public good.

I don’t know Carnegie (except that he a hall for concerts), but I do know G. Soros. There’s no greatness in him. His Open Society Institute made too much damage in Slovenija!!

I earn alot of money then I spend
it on hundreds of charitable and activist/idealist causes each year. I spend
$500,000 each year on charitable and activist/idealist projects, none of
which return revenue to me.

Nice guy 😉
Maybe, after ingesting IBO, you’ll find other priorities to put money in.
One of those Eastern philosophes said something like this: It’s not the point to give a man a fish to feed him, the point is to teach this man how to catch fish!

(Hope you understand)

I brought up ibogaine prominently in the last Vancouver election for Mayor.
I expect that the man who did get elected (Larry Campbell), who is a very
good man, will give the opening remarks at the Vancouver Ibogaine Conference
this August. He and I shared many ideas on drug addiction, he is a good
person who was Chief Coroner and he understands much about drug addiction. I
ran for Mayor not to get elected but to influence him (which I did) and the
public. You can go to marc4mayor.com  (I believe its still up) and see that
ibogaine was featured prominently in my campaign.

Yes, I’ve seen it.

I run in every election
(ten times now), spend a pile of my money, to influence drug issues.

No wonder. All (or almost all) of your bussiness is based on drugs. You have to protect your bussiness, right?

you have heard how the environment in Vancouver and area has been after nine
years of my unrelenting work here.


For example, we run this Therapyy House
transparently and with a fully informed public, and we have no yet received
one line of criticism from any source (except here, of course, from you and
others who claim to have the inside track on my motives!).

I’ve already said : “Marc Emery, you’re doing something really good at ITH, no matter why you do it! I openly admit that =)”

My criticism is not about ITH, remember? It’s about you, about your ignorance and your feeling of superiority.

In fact, various
inquiries from media, The New Scientist, medical doctors, all find us
professional and free of conflicts. We are here to help, period. And we do

I’m not the media, I’m not MD, and I agree that you help.

I have my way of doing things, but I have 3 magazines, an internet TV
station, the worlds largest marijuana seed business,

I never imagined that Canada uses soooo much pot seeds. Or is majority of them going somewhere else?

am president of the BC
Marijuana Party, so I work in co-operation with many, many people. My
energy, ideas, enthusiasm attracts many willing and excited workers involved
in dozens of incredible projects which actually materialize!

And, I suppose, these project back-up your bussiness ;-))

My co-workers
are paid well and receive the utmost consideration. I live not much
different from them. After being arrested 10 times, jailed 8 times and
raided 5 times in the last 9 years, I am a capitalist who has learned to
live without owning anything (as the police have seized my assets on four
occasions), so I am on the same planet as every one else. No property,
assets, cars, money in pocket for me. I go to jail for my beliefs, and I
have gladly given up my wealth to see ideas come to fruition. I have given
money to Dana Beals (lots) for Cures-Not-Wars, I have donated $4,000 to Sara
Glatt in her time of need, I just sent Howard $1,000 to help him out in the
conference in Washington.

You are really a nice person!

Money talks, hah?

Sandra K. wrote her comments because she is proud of her work and loves to
work with me.

Yeah, I’ve read her E-mail where she says: “Yes, my email may
have seemed like it was intended to smooth things over because it was. It comes from my training in facilitation and I’m also generally a pretty diplomatic person. ” And that she writes her own opinion. As we all do… But basically, I was right: Sandra wrote that E-mail because she had to, she felt like writing it. I don’t mean that she was under your pressure… See, recently one of our Ministers signed a declaration in which Slovenia supports USA attacking Iraq. And his secretary immediately started to smooth things over.

See any similarity? Or you don’t understand?

I have over 40 co-workers, and you know what, I’ve only let go
2 people in 6 years, and no one has ever quit working for me in 6 years! So
there simply aren’t many (if any)  disgruntled employees or ex-girlfriends
around. Maybe Marko,  you’re simply listening to those voices in your own

Maybe, Marc, just maybe you’re right: I’m simply listening to those voices in my own head! (anyway, they are reliable ;-))

You know what? I’m finishing this, it takes too much time. I have better things to do, so let me summarise:

1. Marc Emery, you’re doing something really good at ITH, no matter why you do it!

2. I hope that in future you’ll be VERY careful when advising people at this list. And elsewhere.

3. I don’t trust you. I think that you’re corrupted (by my standards)

4. I might be wrong. In this case I apologise (but ONLY in this case! ;-))

5. You’re one of the best things which happened to “IBO movement”. You have resources (all kinds of them) and you know that IBO works.

6. The bad side of (5) is that you’re a criminal.

7. You’re not trustworthy.

Of course, this is only my opinion. As is my opinion that you should take IBO…

So, this is it. I don’t expect answers, I have more important things to do than dragging this on…

Anyway, thank you for your time ;-))


Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/25/03 11:27 AM, Ustanova Iboga at Iboga@guest.arnes.si wrote:

> Hi Marc,
> I thought that you took a short holidays (maybe because there are some
> unpleasant questions waiting in E-mail? and people tend to forget in a few
> days?) and let Sandra k. smooth everything a bit… or I could be mistaken
> and Sandra k. did that on her own initiative, being a loyal employee… I
> don’t really know, just guessing, but knowing political behaviour, that’s
> exactly it!!
> Not only that (knowing political behaviour), guess what? I received several
> E-mails from people that you were close with, and the picture of you is
> getting worse and worse… I won’t go into details, could unintentionally
> give someone away…
> Now I’m SURE that you don’t do treatments for free. OK, nobody has to pay
> anything, you pay all bills (with a little help of Sacrament of Transition,
> huh?), but you are a capitalist, and capitalists don’t throw money through
> the window, do they? No, they don’t ;-))
> So, my guess is that you’ll use ITH as political capital at next elections.
> My second guess is that you’ll use ITH to show the judge (if something
> unplanned happens, and you end in front of him) that you’re a good person,
> you care for those nobody else does. Volounteer social service type of
> person, right?
> My third guess is – no, this one isn’t for a public list like this =)
> Marc Emery, you’re doing something really good at ITH, no matter why you do
> it! I openly admit that =)
> But on the other hand, I really hope that you don’t interfere with what is
> done there. I hope that you let your staff doing everything. My opinion is
> that you’re too <a lot of negative descriptions> to do this. And if
> something really bad happens in your ITH, then people won’t point only at
> you, but whole IBO movement will get a BIG black spot!
> Do you remember how this conversation started? You advised Soren: “You
> should use the Indra extract”
> I suggest that Sandra k. or someone else from your staff advise people
> instead of you (without advertising;-)). You can probably lend her your
> E-mail addresse, and allow her to sign with your name if you want to appear
> as it’s you…
> It seems that you won’t answer my previous E-mail… so here’s the
> important question again; can you PLEASE answer?:
> Do you know what is inside (what is it composed of) IBO that ITH uses?
> If you don’t answer this, then I’ll have to assume that you don’t have the
> slightest idea. And giving people something as powerful as IBO without
> having the slightest idea of what is given to them is dangerous!
> Marko

From: A J Dietterle <ajdietterle@dccnet.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Marc’s comments on Carla’s remarks
Date: February 26, 2003 at 12:31:59 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


We dose them the way we do because it is neutral. The patient can request
music, but they never do. They can ask for anything they want, but they, we
think fortunately, want to be focused on their ‘movie-of-their-life’
experience and resist any and all distractions.

We don’t impose rules on our patients, they tell us what they want. They
haven’t want to hear people talking while they are concentrating, they don’t
want any background music, they tell us to stop any music (later they may
ask for some, but that is rare), they don’t want to smell eggs cooking,
incense burning, fireplaces burning or any distracting/disturbing smell or
sound (to them). THIS IS WHAT THEY SAY. After all, we are here to offer
comfort and assistance to their experience. They dislike hearing the phone
ring, dogs barking. All are extremely sensitive to light and they want it
stopped if it is bright or even nominally illuminated.

We have a creative environment here. We have art materials, a guitar,
movies, cartoons, weight training equipment, the forest surrounds us and
they are encouraged to take nature walks, meditate on the pier (we have a
dockside on the ocean, spectacular view). The current patient is here for 8
days, this isn’t just ibogaine, this is hopefully REINVENTION, and we are
here to help them, not control them. I am confident this is already the most
suitable iboga therapy place to take iboga of any place I have ever read
about, heard about. Our patients get great care here and they tell us so.

Also, as to the issue of music, playing music that is a favorite of your
past is potentially flawed, after all, our favorite music is usually that
with strong emotional associations from our past. I’m not sure these
patients want the familiar and comforting, they are trying to discover great
secrets about themselves, with our assistance. They are not trying to get a
groove on here! Music of the past is the PAST! We are helping them go into
the future, and as I said, the summaries I have offered here are summaries
of a very successful patient routine that reflects what they have wanted,
getting beyond the limitations of their past behaviour and histories.

I have never had any patient react to ‘silence’ as though it is something
sinister as you suggest, Carla.

Your statement is remarkable in that you obviously HAVE NOT EXPERIENCED a
proper ibogaine experience. All our patients experienced a movie screen/
fast moving motion-picture of their life thats lasts for 8 to 30 hours. All
of them, thats what we expect of the treatment. While this autobiographical
movie of intense proportions is going on, the patient does not want
interruptions or distractions. They tell us to be quiet, no music, no
smells, PLEASE! We have to tip toe around them the entire time, we can’t
even play music for ourselves. We answer the phone outside! (It never snows
here though, so its not so bad)

Carla, that you have said the following means the dose was way too low:

And if its like doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what people like
to write about it but if its going to the movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

If you want the movie  for your own life, with all its revelations it can
provide you, come to Iboga Therapy House. You can listen to whatever music
you want, but when you see what a full-on iboga experience has for you, it
will be much more vital than what playing a familiar tune can do for you.

What we provide is a neutral environment that reflects the person’s needs as
the iboga experience progresses. We take all our cues from the patient.

As I read these responses from Patrick, Carla, etc., I am grateful its
myself, Linette, Terry and Sandra who are helping people here and not some
of the people on this listserve!

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/25/03 8:25 PM, Carla Barnes at carlambarnes@yahoo.com wrote:

Patrick, please stick with poetic patrick whenever
possible. Save the politician when running for office
or defending Mash. Fuck is not a problem, anger
management issues are ok as long as the guy is cute,
you qualify. As long as you don’t hit women, never

Marc I understand your being a great guy and helpful
but I’m a little weirded out. I too cant imagine doing
ibogaine without some music. I like alternative and
some ambient, I don’t like total silence. I know youre
trying to do something good but it almost sounds like
punishment or something, you stick people into a dark
room with nothing to hear or smell and dont talk to
them??????? why on earth would you do that? I dont
know if patrick was being sarcastic or not but I love
what flowers and different perfume smells like when
I’m on ibogaine.

Why do you do that? I dont think one person who has
done ibogaine agrees with it. And if its like doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what people like
to write about it but if its going to the movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

I don’t ever attack anyone and I’m not starting now
well no I did get upset about the paying blacks not to
have children messages a long time ago here, but why
on earth do you dose people like that Marc?

Carla B

— crownofthorns@hushmail.com wrote:

FWIW I can’t even imagine doing iboga without music
bro. I have got to go strongly with that one. Dimly
lit room. No mexican or thai food before either 😉

Other then that Marc please do not start Patrick up,
it’s like setting off the Karl Rove of the
counterculture. I much much much prefer the real
Patrick that says fuck and doesn’t put out this wall
of words like he, you and all of your staff always
like to do.

Why doesn’t everyone donate .10 cents to get
Patrick, Marc and all his staff members in the same
room, to figure out what side everyone is on and
then go run for office or start a PR agency. Don’t
see how any of you could lose. It’s like talking to
teflon. I truly do understand why none of you are in

No dis to any of you, but please stop before it
starts. That is my worst nightmare, all of you
talking all at once. It’s like CNN covering a
political conference in the professional weirdo
zone. Marko going off, Sara going off, Brett going
off, I can take in stride. PM & Co. is like the
verbal apocalypse.

Peace out and stick with fuck! 😉

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:35:34 -0800 “Patrick K.
Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 02:06:45PM -0800], [A J
Dietterle] wrote:

Hey Marc,

Just to open this, I wasn’t attacking you, and
didn’t touch on any
of the
other points you made, since I guess it could be
construed as discussing
information that doesn’t really belong to me.  I’m
not really sure
various individuals on the list — nearly all of
whom I know, and
think to
be pretty cool people — have all chosen to start
arguing with one
at this precise moment in time.  But I’m just gonna
assume it’s
the phase
of the moon, or the alignment of the planets, and
it is the time
of the
season to vent and unload.

LSD and ibogaine are both entheogens, and offer
their own pathways
experience, and the possibility of gaining
sufficient insight to
step out
of drug dependence.  Of course LSD will not get you
unsprung.  Point
though, it’s wasn’t particularly relevant, and
throwing it in at
tail-end of my message may have confused things.

As far as the music, scents, and interaction with
patients goes.
I can’t
say what exactly happened with roughly 250 people
in general; but
out of
the 50 or so whom I know personally from that
number…  The experience
has been exactly as I described.

To summarize: they have displayed an extremely wide
spectrum of
to light, darkness, sounds, types of music, scents,
and interaction
other individuals while under the influence of

Some people like new age music, others love
classical, Pink Floyd
highly popular — what’re the odds!?!?!? — in
short, people display
individual preferences.  Allowing them this freedom
appears to have
effect on the efficacy of their experience.
Except, perhaps, to
make them
feel more comfortable.

If you find that 100% of your patients respond well
to dark rooms,
sounds, no scents, and zero interaction with
others.  Perhaps this
because you are dosing them all under these exact
conditions and
giving them other options.

The reason I commented was because I know many
people who have done
ibogaine, and only a very small subset from that
whole, preferred
conditions you describe.

My post WAS all about me, it was a description of
my personal responses
various stimuli while under the influence of
ibogaine.  I have a
disparate collection of backgrounds, and perhaps
the words “fuck”
“shit” find themselves present in my speech
patterns — or writing
— with
greater than average frequency.  And on the
flipside, anger management
issues are certainly one of my problems.  Oh well.
C’est la Vie.

If you took it to mean I was angry, angry AT YOU,
or just angry
general; nope.  I’m having a pretty cool day, and I
just saw something
scroll by that I strongly disagreed with; so I

What I’m curious ’bout is: what do you do if
someone is having a
bad trip and freaking out?  In my personal
experience, the answer
to this
question is EXACTLY THE SAME for ibogaine and all
other entheogens
— or
even tweaking out on crack for that matter: you
INTERACT with them,

reassure them, BELIEVE what you’re saying, and
radiate that.  They
get pulled into your space, and out of whatever
negative headtrip
in.  Well, with crack this doesn’t really work out
some of the time

The words don’t really matter, it’s just the vibe,
delivery, and
tone and level of what you are emitting.

Thusly, to wrap up; hey, I STRONGLY disagree about
those particular
aspects of whatcha mentioned — so I commented.
This doesn’t change
fact that I think what you’re doing is highly cool.

I guess what it comes down to is; yeah, if you kill
all external
then you are certainly going to amplify the
TrIpPing oU+ part of
experience — whoopsie, we don’t say tripping out,
I meant to say
oneiric state replete with waking visions.  Kinda
like doing any
in an isolation tank is gonna amplify the level of

But…  A lotta people don’t necessarily like,
want, or need that.
they just wanna smell a flower, get a hug, and
listen to Pink Floyd.
Different things work in different ways for
different people differently.

That’s my experience anywaze,


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From: Carla Barnes <carlambarnes@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Further to Patrick’s comments
Date: February 25, 2003 at 11:25:48 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Patrick, please stick with poetic patrick whenever
possible. Save the politician when running for office
or defending Mash. Fuck is not a problem, anger
management issues are ok as long as the guy is cute,
you qualify. As long as you don’t hit women, never

Marc I understand your being a great guy and helpful
but I’m a little weirded out. I too cant imagine doing
ibogaine without some music. I like alternative and
some ambient, I don’t like total silence. I know youre
trying to do something good but it almost sounds like
punishment or something, you stick people into a dark
room with nothing to hear or smell and dont talk to
them??????? why on earth would you do that? I dont
know if patrick was being sarcastic or not but I love
what flowers and different perfume smells like when
I’m on ibogaine.

Why do you do that? I dont think one person who has
done ibogaine agrees with it. And if its like doing a
movie then I missed the movie, that’s what people like
to write about it but if its going to the movies I
sure missed the movie part of it.

I don’t ever attack anyone and I’m not starting now
well no I did get upset about the paying blacks not to
have children messages a long time ago here, but why
on earth do you dose people like that Marc?

Carla B

— crownofthorns@hushmail.com wrote:

FWIW I can’t even imagine doing iboga without music
bro. I have got to go strongly with that one. Dimly
lit room. No mexican or thai food before either 😉

Other then that Marc please do not start Patrick up,
it’s like setting off the Karl Rove of the
counterculture. I much much much prefer the real
Patrick that says fuck and doesn’t put out this wall
of words like he, you and all of your staff always
like to do.

Why doesn’t everyone donate .10 cents to get
Patrick, Marc and all his staff members in the same
room, to figure out what side everyone is on and
then go run for office or start a PR agency. Don’t
see how any of you could lose. It’s like talking to
teflon. I truly do understand why none of you are in

No dis to any of you, but please stop before it
starts. That is my worst nightmare, all of you
talking all at once. It’s like CNN covering a
political conference in the professional weirdo
zone. Marko going off, Sara going off, Brett going
off, I can take in stride. PM & Co. is like the
verbal apocalypse.

Peace out and stick with fuck! 😉

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:35:34 -0800 “Patrick K.
Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 02:06:45PM -0800], [A J
Dietterle] wrote:

Hey Marc,

Just to open this, I wasn’t attacking you, and
didn’t touch on any
of the
other points you made, since I guess it could be
construed as discussing
information that doesn’t really belong to me.  I’m
not really sure
various individuals on the list — nearly all of
whom I know, and
think to
be pretty cool people — have all chosen to start
arguing with one
at this precise moment in time.  But I’m just gonna
assume it’s
the phase
of the moon, or the alignment of the planets, and
it is the time
of the
season to vent and unload.

LSD and ibogaine are both entheogens, and offer
their own pathways
experience, and the possibility of gaining
sufficient insight to
step out
of drug dependence.  Of course LSD will not get you
unsprung.  Point
though, it’s wasn’t particularly relevant, and
throwing it in at
tail-end of my message may have confused things.

As far as the music, scents, and interaction with
patients goes.
I can’t
say what exactly happened with roughly 250 people
in general; but
out of
the 50 or so whom I know personally from that
number…  The experience
has been exactly as I described.

To summarize: they have displayed an extremely wide
spectrum of
to light, darkness, sounds, types of music, scents,
and interaction
other individuals while under the influence of

Some people like new age music, others love
classical, Pink Floyd
highly popular — what’re the odds!?!?!? — in
short, people display
individual preferences.  Allowing them this freedom
appears to have
effect on the efficacy of their experience.
Except, perhaps, to
make them
feel more comfortable.

If you find that 100% of your patients respond well
to dark rooms,
sounds, no scents, and zero interaction with
others.  Perhaps this
because you are dosing them all under these exact
conditions and
giving them other options.

The reason I commented was because I know many
people who have done
ibogaine, and only a very small subset from that
whole, preferred
conditions you describe.

My post WAS all about me, it was a description of
my personal responses
various stimuli while under the influence of
ibogaine.  I have a
disparate collection of backgrounds, and perhaps
the words “fuck”
“shit” find themselves present in my speech
patterns — or writing
— with
greater than average frequency.  And on the
flipside, anger management
issues are certainly one of my problems.  Oh well.
C’est la Vie.

If you took it to mean I was angry, angry AT YOU,
or just angry
general; nope.  I’m having a pretty cool day, and I
just saw something
scroll by that I strongly disagreed with; so I

What I’m curious ’bout is: what do you do if
someone is having a
bad trip and freaking out?  In my personal
experience, the answer
to this
question is EXACTLY THE SAME for ibogaine and all
other entheogens
— or
even tweaking out on crack for that matter: you
INTERACT with them,

reassure them, BELIEVE what you’re saying, and
radiate that.  They
get pulled into your space, and out of whatever
negative headtrip
in.  Well, with crack this doesn’t really work out
some of the time

The words don’t really matter, it’s just the vibe,
delivery, and
tone and level of what you are emitting.

Thusly, to wrap up; hey, I STRONGLY disagree about
those particular
aspects of whatcha mentioned — so I commented.
This doesn’t change
fact that I think what you’re doing is highly cool.

I guess what it comes down to is; yeah, if you kill
all external
then you are certainly going to amplify the
TrIpPing oU+ part of
experience — whoopsie, we don’t say tripping out,
I meant to say
oneiric state replete with waking visions.  Kinda
like doing any
in an isolation tank is gonna amplify the level of

But…  A lotta people don’t necessarily like,
want, or need that.
they just wanna smell a flower, get a hug, and
listen to Pink Floyd.
Different things work in different ways for
different people differently.

That’s my experience anywaze,


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From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 25, 2003 at 9:36:41 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I used to do CAD, then I joined dot com and I’m not sure exactly what I did. Something with a computer, I’m sure I made a lot of phone calls. Now I do graphics design. So far I have managed to stay away from the WWW end, hope my luck holds out. I go to Berkeley, I’m getting a Ph.D. in psych 😉 No joke. Not sure what my thesis will be yet. Maybe this list 😉 No joke either. It’d make a great one 🙂

I did methamphetamine, then heroin, pills, cleaned up. Found mindvox was back online after a 5 years break 😉 after cleaning up, found ibogaine here, did it, changed me for the better.

Fair enough, you answered my questions. I don’t much care who goes where and there is never too much truth in advertising. Everyone has their reasons I found it a little hard to swallow when I read your msg because you all do the same thing bro.

Peace out,

On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 17:58:10 -0800 Randy Hencken <randyhencken@hotmail.com> wrote:
I think this latest conversation has been very intriguing.

Marc, I like you.  I like what you do.  I think it is wonderful
that you are
helping out so many people in need.  If I lived in Vancouver I would
voted for you.  Keep doing what you’re doing it is awesome.  If
we are ever
in the same place at the same time I would like to get together
for dinner
or something, my treat.

Marko, I like you too.  You (usually) give very grounded advice.

Curtis, I also like you.  You are a thinker, a researcher and make

provocative comments/insights.  What do you do?  I will now respond
to this:
“If a gram costs less then $200, where does the other $3,000 you
want for
treatment go to?”

We are charging for a service, not just ibo.  The money goes to
pay for our
staff, our facility, our van, insurance, medical equipment, food,
etc.  We
would love to be able to give all our treatments for free, however
would be impossible.  Maybe many years from now circumstances will
and we will be able to.  Right now we still live in a society where
cost money.  We are not getting rich down here (I live check to
check, and I
drive an 88 ford).  I hope that this gives you some clearer perspective
what it costs to run a treatment center.  Marc says that it costs
him $1000
out of his own pocket for each patient he treats. You really have
no idea
what are financial situation is or how much we charge on average
or how many
clients we treat.  You are making assumptions.

Also, the charity work we have done has proven to have little success.

Unfortunately, people (at least the several that we have helped)
do not
appreciate what they get for free.

‘There are individuals who advertise on the Internet and they might
less for their treatment but you need to be aware that they administer

treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal training in handling emergencies

and might be reluctant to take a patient with complications to
the ER.’

This is on our website because we feel that it is unfair to an individual
be manipulated into going to treatment where they are expecting
the services
that we do offer only to find out they are in a hotel room someplace.

People who wish to do ibo should make an informed choice and not
be lied to.
How about asking some of these practitioners why they are charging
thousand dollars.  Where is their overhead?

And followed by a stab as Mash without naming her ‘The Ibogaine
is the most active program with the greatest number of patients
per month.
Our goal is to provide safe treatment in a comfortable environment,

accessible and at a reasonable price. There are no hidden costs
with our
program. Licensed physicians with extensive experience administering

ibogaine are constantly present and supervising the treatment.
Beware of
ibogaine treatment centers that talk negatively about their colleagues,
use scare tactics to get you into their program. Some centers are
expensive, so listen to what they say with skepticism, as the advice
these “experts” will not be objective. There are other treatment
advertising on the Internet who do not administer ibogaine under
supervision. Our main interest is to help as many people as possible,
making this new treatment financially reasonable and by providing
medical care.’

Despite several pleas to mash’s staff to stop an onslaught of defamatory

comments about us and our doctors, her staff continues.  I speak
with people
every week who talk both to us and HV and they tell me the things
that HV
says to try and discredit us.  So this is a proactive statement.

Again, people can do what they wish.  I wish for them to make an
choice about where and how they do ibo. They pay us for a quality
of service
that includes being tended to by doctors and nurses.  What do you
think it
costs to go to other non-ibo treatment centers?  What would it cost
to have
a physician at your service for three to six days in the U.S.?


Oh and BTW, Brett, I like you too, you always have a lot to offer

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From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Further to Patrick’s comments
Date: February 25, 2003 at 9:19:03 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

FWIW I can’t even imagine doing iboga without music bro. I have got to go strongly with that one. Dimly lit room. No mexican or thai food before either 😉

Other then that Marc please do not start Patrick up, it’s like setting off the Karl Rove of the counterculture. I much much much prefer the real Patrick that says fuck and doesn’t put out this wall of words like he, you and all of your staff always like to do.

Why doesn’t everyone donate .10 cents to get Patrick, Marc and all his staff members in the same room, to figure out what side everyone is on and then go run for office or start a PR agency. Don’t see how any of you could lose. It’s like talking to teflon. I truly do understand why none of you are in prison.

No dis to any of you, but please stop before it starts. That is my worst nightmare, all of you talking all at once. It’s like CNN covering a political conference in the professional weirdo zone. Marko going off, Sara going off, Brett going off, I can take in stride. PM & Co. is like the verbal apocalypse.

Peace out and stick with fuck! 😉

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 16:35:34 -0800 “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 02:06:45PM -0800], [A J Dietterle] wrote:

Hey Marc,

Just to open this, I wasn’t attacking you, and didn’t touch on any
of the
other points you made, since I guess it could be construed as discussing
information that doesn’t really belong to me.  I’m not really sure
various individuals on the list — nearly all of whom I know, and
think to
be pretty cool people — have all chosen to start arguing with one
at this precise moment in time.  But I’m just gonna assume it’s
the phase
of the moon, or the alignment of the planets, and it is the time
of the
season to vent and unload.

LSD and ibogaine are both entheogens, and offer their own pathways
experience, and the possibility of gaining sufficient insight to
step out
of drug dependence.  Of course LSD will not get you unsprung.  Point
though, it’s wasn’t particularly relevant, and throwing it in at
tail-end of my message may have confused things.

As far as the music, scents, and interaction with patients goes.
I can’t
say what exactly happened with roughly 250 people in general; but
out of
the 50 or so whom I know personally from that number…  The experience
has been exactly as I described.

To summarize: they have displayed an extremely wide spectrum of
to light, darkness, sounds, types of music, scents, and interaction
other individuals while under the influence of ibogaine.

Some people like new age music, others love classical, Pink Floyd
highly popular — what’re the odds!?!?!? — in short, people display
individual preferences.  Allowing them this freedom appears to have
effect on the efficacy of their experience.  Except, perhaps, to
make them
feel more comfortable.

If you find that 100% of your patients respond well to dark rooms,
sounds, no scents, and zero interaction with others.  Perhaps this
because you are dosing them all under these exact conditions and
giving them other options.

The reason I commented was because I know many people who have done
ibogaine, and only a very small subset from that whole, preferred
conditions you describe.

My post WAS all about me, it was a description of my personal responses
various stimuli while under the influence of ibogaine.  I have a
disparate collection of backgrounds, and perhaps the words “fuck”
“shit” find themselves present in my speech patterns — or writing
— with
greater than average frequency.  And on the flipside, anger management
issues are certainly one of my problems.  Oh well.  C’est la Vie.

If you took it to mean I was angry, angry AT YOU, or just angry
general; nope.  I’m having a pretty cool day, and I just saw something
scroll by that I strongly disagreed with; so I commented.

What I’m curious ’bout is: what do you do if someone is having a
bad trip and freaking out?  In my personal experience, the answer
to this
question is EXACTLY THE SAME for ibogaine and all other entheogens
— or
even tweaking out on crack for that matter: you INTERACT with them,

reassure them, BELIEVE what you’re saying, and radiate that.  They
get pulled into your space, and out of whatever negative headtrip
in.  Well, with crack this doesn’t really work out some of the time

The words don’t really matter, it’s just the vibe, delivery, and
tone and level of what you are emitting.

Thusly, to wrap up; hey, I STRONGLY disagree about those particular
aspects of whatcha mentioned — so I commented.  This doesn’t change
fact that I think what you’re doing is highly cool.

I guess what it comes down to is; yeah, if you kill all external
then you are certainly going to amplify the TrIpPing oU+ part of
experience — whoopsie, we don’t say tripping out, I meant to say
oneiric state replete with waking visions.  Kinda like doing any
in an isolation tank is gonna amplify the level of experience.

But…  A lotta people don’t necessarily like, want, or need that.
they just wanna smell a flower, get a hug, and listen to Pink Floyd.
Different things work in different ways for different people differently.

That’s my experience anywaze,


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From: Gamma <gammalyte9000@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 25, 2003 at 8:25:19 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Personally I have found that everything I really dislike when unaltered,
only intensifies while under.  Meaning shit like new age music, all the
<bWinG> <BwInG> <bw0ng> <BwOnG> crap, fills me with the urge to kill
things, and lands me in a really negative headspace.  The synchroenergizer
tapes do nothing special.  Listening to Peter Gabriel’s “Passions” CD,
which was my early-phase strung-out, get high and fuck all night
soundtrack, before totally losing interest in sex — did not fill me with
great remorse, it just reminded me how much fun it was, and took me to a
really nice space.

Aphex Twin, selected ambient works.

Also interesting and lead me to all sorts of interesting visuals was a cd of
the Gyuto Monk Chants. If you listen closely, they mention the word ibogaine
about 392 times in just the 1st track.

tell yourself:


repeat and fade…

oh yeah, a darkened room is preferable.

and try not to eat croned beef with saurkraut and spicy mustard sandwiches any
sooner than 24 hours prior to dosing.


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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Further to Patrick’s comments
Date: February 25, 2003 at 7:35:34 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 02:06:45PM -0800], [A J Dietterle] wrote:

Hey Marc,

Just to open this, I wasn’t attacking you, and didn’t touch on any of the
other points you made, since I guess it could be construed as discussing
information that doesn’t really belong to me.  I’m not really sure why
various individuals on the list — nearly all of whom I know, and think to
be pretty cool people — have all chosen to start arguing with one another
at this precise moment in time.  But I’m just gonna assume it’s the phase
of the moon, or the alignment of the planets, and it is the time of the
season to vent and unload.

LSD and ibogaine are both entheogens, and offer their own pathways to
experience, and the possibility of gaining sufficient insight to step out
of drug dependence.  Of course LSD will not get you unsprung.  Point taken
though, it’s wasn’t particularly relevant, and throwing it in at the
tail-end of my message may have confused things.

As far as the music, scents, and interaction with patients goes.  I can’t
say what exactly happened with roughly 250 people in general; but out of
the 50 or so whom I know personally from that number…  The experience
has been exactly as I described.

To summarize: they have displayed an extremely wide spectrum of responses
to light, darkness, sounds, types of music, scents, and interaction with
other individuals while under the influence of ibogaine.

Some people like new age music, others love classical, Pink Floyd is
highly popular — what’re the odds!?!?!? — in short, people display
individual preferences.  Allowing them this freedom appears to have no
effect on the efficacy of their experience.  Except, perhaps, to make them
feel more comfortable.

If you find that 100% of your patients respond well to dark rooms, no
sounds, no scents, and zero interaction with others.  Perhaps this is
because you are dosing them all under these exact conditions and not
giving them other options.

The reason I commented was because I know many people who have done
ibogaine, and only a very small subset from that whole, preferred the
conditions you describe.

My post WAS all about me, it was a description of my personal responses to
various stimuli while under the influence of ibogaine.  I have a pretty
disparate collection of backgrounds, and perhaps the words “fuck” and
“shit” find themselves present in my speech patterns — or writing — with
greater than average frequency.  And on the flipside, anger management
issues are certainly one of my problems.  Oh well.  C’est la Vie.

If you took it to mean I was angry, angry AT YOU, or just angry in
general; nope.  I’m having a pretty cool day, and I just saw something
scroll by that I strongly disagreed with; so I commented.

What I’m curious ’bout is: what do you do if someone is having a really
bad trip and freaking out?  In my personal experience, the answer to this
question is EXACTLY THE SAME for ibogaine and all other entheogens — or
even tweaking out on crack for that matter: you INTERACT with them,
reassure them, BELIEVE what you’re saying, and radiate that.  They will
get pulled into your space, and out of whatever negative headtrip they’re
in.  Well, with crack this doesn’t really work out some of the time =)

The words don’t really matter, it’s just the vibe, delivery, and overall
tone and level of what you are emitting.

Thusly, to wrap up; hey, I STRONGLY disagree about those particular
aspects of whatcha mentioned — so I commented.  This doesn’t change the
fact that I think what you’re doing is highly cool.

I guess what it comes down to is; yeah, if you kill all external stimulus,
then you are certainly going to amplify the TrIpPing oU+ part of the
experience — whoopsie, we don’t say tripping out, I meant to say an
oneiric state replete with waking visions.  Kinda like doing any entheogen
in an isolation tank is gonna amplify the level of experience.

But…  A lotta people don’t necessarily like, want, or need that.   Maybe
they just wanna smell a flower, get a hug, and listen to Pink Floyd.
Different things work in different ways for different people differently.

That’s my experience anywaze,


From: “Sandra k” <windforme@graffiti.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] to: Marko
Date: February 25, 2003 at 7:33:45 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Two things:

1: I can speak for myself, thanks. If you have any questions about my responses. Just ask me.
Marc may be the funder of this project but he doesn’t own me. I am truly, geniunely interested
in making this project successful and that benefits all of us, if it works. Yes, my email may
have seemed like it was intended to smooth things over because it was. It comes from my
training in facilitation and I’m also generally a pretty diplomatic person. Everything I wrote in
that email was my own personal opinion and I’d like to think that we’re all entitled to that. I don’t
think we have to stoop to soap opera style blame games. This list seems to me to be a great
place to discuss issues in a positive, solution-oriented manner as opposed to the more
common deficit perspective (which if you ask me seems to be the unfortunately dominant
paradigm for communication these days). I do think we’ll learn more from eachother that way
and there are, I’m sure, some really intelligent people here whose brains I’d love to pick too.
Focus on the negative and what do you expect to get in return for your efforts? I can only forsee
en(closed ) (:mind? ) circles leading nowhere. Focusing on generating honest, clear open
dialogue geared towards finding positive solutions and facilitating communication has always
proven way more beneficial for me, as well as way more engaging (as opposed to draining) &

2- At least one MAJOR capitalist-philanthropist: George Soros … If we stop approaching these
people as authority figures which have to be fought because of our fear of or undealt with
issues of insecurity, then I think perhaps they can be our greatest allies. I’m not talking about
ass kissing here but rather; engaging one another as equals and creating interesting,
valuable projects. I probably, totally, sound like a goody two shoes here but it’s definately
worked for me so far.

Ok, one more thing, If Marc was to use this project for his next campaign platform, so what?
it’s just another way to get the information out there. There are other ways too, I’ll admit but I
fail to see what’s wrong with that? Our clients are still receiving quality care from people who
care and that’s really what’s at the core of this whole discussion list. Is it not?

Get SPLF’d!
(Super Positive Living Forever) – a common saying amongst my friends…


—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 20:27:25 +0100
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] to: Marc Emery

Hi Marc,

I thought that you took a short holidays (maybe because there are some
unpleasant questions waiting in E-mail? and people tend to forget in a few
days?) and let Sandra k. smooth everything a bit… or I could be mistaken
and Sandra k. did that on her own initiative, being a loyal employee… I
don’t really know, just guessing, but knowing political behaviour, that’s
exactly it!!

Not only that (knowing political behaviour), guess what? I received several
E-mails from people that you were close with, and the picture of you is
getting worse and worse… I won’t go into details, could unintentionally
give someone away…

Now I’m SURE that you don’t do treatments for free. OK, nobody has to pay
anything, you pay all bills (with a little help of Sacrament of Transition,
huh?), but you are a capitalist, and capitalists don’t throw money through
the window, do they? No, they don’t ;-))

So, my guess is that you’ll use ITH as political capital at next elections.
My second guess is that you’ll use ITH to show the judge (if something
unplanned happens, and you end in front of him) that you’re a good person,
you care for those nobody else does. Volounteer social service type of
person, right?
My third guess is – no, this one isn’t for a public list like this =)

Marc Emery, you’re doing something really good at ITH, no matter why you do
it! I openly admit that =)

But on the other hand, I really hope that you don’t interfere with what is
done there. I hope that you let your staff doing everything. My opinion is
that you’re too <a lot of negative descriptions> to do this. And if
something really bad happens in your ITH, then people won’t point only at
you, but whole IBO movement will get a BIG black spot!

Do you remember how this conversation started? You advised Soren: “You
should use the Indra extract”

I suggest that Sandra k. or someone else from your staff advise people
instead of you (without advertising;-)). You can probably lend her your
E-mail addresse, and allow her to sign with your name if you want to appear
as it’s you…

It seems that you won’t answer my previous E-mail… so here’s the
important question again; can you PLEASE answer?:

Do you know what is inside (what is it composed of) IBO that ITH uses?

If you don’t answer this, then I’ll have to assume that you don’t have the
slightest idea. And giving people something as powerful as IBO without
having the slightest idea of what is given to them is dangerous!


Get your free email from http://www.graffiti.net

Powered by Outblaze

From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Further to Patrick’s comments
Date: February 25, 2003 at 5:55:28 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

No, Marc, this is wrong ;-))

It’s not the point in this – that you use E-mail of one of your staff (and sign it with your name). Next time try be more careful, at least don’t sign your name ;-))

Or have you changed your name (and E-mail) to A J Dietterle?

Thank you for a good laugh before bedtime!!!

Oh, btw, many people like to have music while on IBO. It takes them away, leads the way, opens doors. You should try yourself ;-))

Ha ha ha HAHAHA ha ha



At 23:06 25.2.2003, you wrote:

Your LSD experience has nothing to do with ibogaine. They aren’t similar. I
fail to see what value your remarks have to the person who asked the
question. He wants information he can use, I have provided it. He will
benefit by doing as I have suggested. If he feels like adding a soundtrack,
he can request it to his sitter. (He certainly won’t be able to get up and
change CD’s!). Not a single patient so far responded to music or scents,
they wanted them stopped, all of them. I’m telling you my experience with
these patients, and it is remarkably similar each time -regarding what I
have said about external environmental factors. All the individuals were
different sexes, different physiology, weights, different drug dependencies,
yet the all responded remarkably similarily to noise, music, scents, light,
walking to the toilet, etc.

You can’t talk to someone during an ibo experience, it interrupts the movie
going on that they are struggling to keep up with. When we even take their
pulse, we are interrupting, but its necessary. When I ask ‘How are you?” or
“What are you thinking?” I never get any answers while they are in the
experience, merely a “OH? (surprise), er, fine, can’t say”.

There is a section in the Ibogaine Dossier (ibogaine.desk.nl) where a
psychiatrist is having this coherent conversation with someone under
ibogaine. That has never happened here. Not even a sentence to describe what
they are seeing. It all comes out much later, from 48 hours to 7 days after
the main dosing, they call us frequently, or in the case of far-away
visitors like the patient we are treating right now, (dosing occurs in 6
hours), who is with us for eight days, we will hear about it likely after
the second dose (which will be administered 5 days after the main dose),
because he has been using 300 mg. of methadone, and that is a huge detox for
5,000 mg. of Indra extract, so he will likely not visualize the first dose,
as in our experience the ibo goes to the detox first, and whatever remains,
goes to visualization. This is the highest dosage of methadone we have dealt
with thus far. Typically, all our patients have extensive visualizations
during the first dose, if it is high enough. But this detox will be
challenging. Our regimen is 5,000 mg. INDRA extract 36 hours after last
methadone consumption. If he still has cravings and minor to moderate
withdrawl symptoms, we have a regimen of exercise, herbal teas, herbal
baths, herbals massages to reduce the discomfort I expect he will feel. A
full five days after the first dose, we expect to give him a second dose of
4,000 mg. Indra extract.

I will report on the procedure as it occurs throughout the next week.

P.S. Patrick, have you noticed your post appears to be ‘all about you’ and
how each bit of music is affecting you, personally. There seems to be a lot
of anger in there also,

>>>are far more distracted by the stupid
> fucking BWAHH WAHHHHH WAHHHH sound that starts up inside your head;


>>> Meaning shit like new age music, all the
> <bWinG> <BwInG> <bw0ng> <BwOnG> crap, fills me with the urge to kill


>>>When I first dosed there was the scent
> of sage all over the place.  I HATE sage.


>>>that particular scent takes
> ME, is driving through border towns between Juarez, Sunland Park, and El
> Paso, where the entire countryside is on fire, and the smell of this shit
> burning is everywhere.


>>>It says flashing lights in the rearview mirror and
> a lot of, “turn around, put your hands on the hood, spread your legs, and
> don’t reach for anything asshole.”  It’s not a super-happy headspace kinda
> trip.  I HATE sage.  Possibly I’ve mentioned this already.

When you finally conclude, you add this:

>>> Like anything else, this
> can produce really negative, or highly positive outcomes and
> chain-reactions.

For me, your comments are not very applicable for a novice looking possibly
to experience ibogaine. I think giving him advice on a comfortable, neutral
setting is really what he needs and is what he has asked for.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/25/03 10:40 AM, Patrick K. Kroupa at digital@phantom.com wrote:

> On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:59:02AM -0800], [MARC] wrote:
> | The room you will be dosed in should be dark! You’ll want sunlight blocked.
> | During the experience, you will want silence, all sounds are magnified. No
> | noise or even talking nearby. Dogs barking Construction sounds would be very
> | bad. During the experience you will not want any scents of perfume, candles,
> | food cooking, fireplaces, etc.
> |
> | Banish from your mind any preconceived ideas of what might happen. Take
> | Gravol (or similar anti-nauseant) half hour before your main dose. I
> | recommend 100mg.
> Without touching the rest of this, just to comment on this one particular
> piece of whatcha said.  I think everything I quoted up top, is highly
> dependent upon the individual in question.  Making a solid assertion that
> this is the single best way to deal with things, is probably not workable.
> Everybody is different.
> Many people — myself included — are far more distracted by the stupid
> fucking BWAHH WAHHHHH WAHHHH sound that starts up inside your head; than
> they are by anything in the external environment.  Some people enjoy
> silence — “enjoy” perhaps being the wrong choice of words, more like they
> do better that way — others like music.
> Personally I have found that everything I really dislike when unaltered,
> only intensifies while under.  Meaning shit like new age music, all the
> <bWinG> <BwInG> <bw0ng> <BwOnG> crap, fills me with the urge to kill
> things, and lands me in a really negative headspace.  The synchroenergizer
> tapes do nothing special.  Listening to Peter Gabriel’s “Passions” CD,
> which was my early-phase strung-out, get high and fuck all night
> soundtrack, before totally losing interest in sex — did not fill me with
> great remorse, it just reminded me how much fun it was, and took me to a
> really nice space.
> My central reintegration soundtrack for 10mg of LSD was GNR, Black
> Sabbath, Jane’s Addiction and Soundgarden; with the main title track being
> White Zombie’s homage to Blade Runner (yet more Philip K. Dick, go
> figure), More Human than Human, “I am a nexus one, I want more life
> fucker, I ain’t done.”  Oh absolutely!  That’s it exactly!
> Of course what I like, is probably more than enough to drive someone with
> different tastes to go smoke crack.
> Same goes for the scent comment.  When I first dosed there was the scent
> of sage all over the place.  I HATE sage.  Why would anybody possibly
> purchase incense that smells like it?  Where that particular scent takes
> ME, is driving through border towns between Juarez, Sunland Park, and El
> Paso, where the entire countryside is on fire, and the smell of this shit
> burning is everywhere.  It says flashing lights in the rearview mirror and
> a lot of, “turn around, put your hands on the hood, spread your legs, and
> don’t reach for anything asshole.”  It’s not a super-happy headspace kinda
> trip.  I HATE sage.  Possibly I’ve mentioned this already.
> On the flipside, much later a chick who smelled like she was completely
> made out of opium — the perfume, not the groovy little plant — was in my
> environment; I could see the scent molecules, I was surrounded by them,
> absorbed in them; and it was highly cool.  Opium — the perfume to
> reiterate — still pulls me into a really positive headspace, many years
> later.
> All of this is psychedelic therapy 101, and has been written out in
> various places on many occasions.  It amounts to forming anchors to
> particular moments of experience, while altered.  Like anything else, this
> can produce really negative, or highly positive outcomes and
> chain-reactions.
> Just saying,
> Patrick

From: A J Dietterle <ajdietterle@dccnet.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] My response to Marko
Date: February 25, 2003 at 5:46:02 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I have no idea whats going on in your head. The four of us work full time at
the Iboga Therapy House because we learn lots, we like all our patients (we
still stay in contact with all of them), we enjoy the adventure of watching
people heal, we love seeing their lives improve. We actually have fun doing

I have no idea what is in the INDRA extract, but I am fully confident it
works, and it works in the dose range my reading states it should. Howard
Lotsof has been very supportive, and candidly, I value Howard’s friendship
and supportiveness above all other considerations.

I trust the INDRA extract. Over 20 doses and it has worked – MAGNIFICENTLY!
I personally dose all the patients so my staff does not suffer the legal
liabilities, if any should occur. I am present for any major decision
regardinmg the patient.

I trust the INDRA extract because it works, the results match protocols set
out by Lotsof and others in the published work.

I trust the Ibogaine Hydrochloride I got from you. It seems to do what I
want it to do, and so I have confidence in that, though I have never had it
analyzed in a lab. And you seem alot stranger and weirder than the person I
get the Indra extract from. You are, like some others, really about
yourself, while impugning me.

The extract from Ethnogarden was originally sold to me as 55% – 60% ibogaine
extract, after lab results came back, it was a 24% extract, similar to INDRA
extract. This caused a crisis of confidence in that product, although we
have used it in proportions similar to Indra extract with good results.

All three products get our confidence because we are seeing desirable
results and no health anomalies.

I do not charge anything to our patients. Any donations are directed toward
charities not my own ( in other words, people offer to give money, we direct
them to Pivot Legal Services, a legal service for the poor and marginalized
in dealing with police brutality). All food, lodging, care, ibogaine, are
completely paid for by me. I am a capitalist, like George Soros, Andrew
Carnegie, two great men who have contributed much of their wealth to the
advancement of reason and the public good. I earn alot of money then I spend
it on hundreds of charitable and activist/idealist causes each year. I spend
$500,000 each year on charitable and activist/idealist projects, none of
which return revenue to me.

I brought up ibogaine prominently in the last Vancouver election for Mayor.
I expect that the man who did get elected (Larry Campbell), who is a very
good man, will give the opening remarks at the Vancouver Ibogaine Conference
this August. He and I shared many ideas on drug addiction, he is a good
person who was Chief Coroner and he understands much about drug addiction. I
ran for Mayor not to get elected but to influence him (which I did) and the
public. You can go to marc4mayor.com  (I believe its still up) and see that
ibogaine was featured prominently in my campaign. I run in every election
(ten times now), spend a pile of my money, to influence drug issues. Maybe
you have heard how the environment in Vancouver and area has been after nine
years of my unrelenting work here. For example, we run this Therapyy House
transparently and with a fully informed public, and we have no yet received
one line of criticism from any source (except here, of course, from you and
others who claim to have the inside track on my motives!). In fact, various
inquiries from media, The New Scientist, medical doctors, all find us
professional and free of conflicts. We are here to help, period. And we do

I have my way of doing things, but I have 3 magazines, an internet TV
station, the worlds largest marijuana seed business, am president of the BC
Marijuana Party, so I work in co-operation with many, many people. My
energy, ideas, enthusiasm attracts many willing and excited workers involved
in dozens of incredible projects which actually materialize! My co-workers
are paid well and receive the utmost consideration. I live not much
different from them. After being arrested 10 times, jailed 8 times and
raided 5 times in the last 9 years, I am a capitalist who has learned to
live without owning anything (as the police have seized my assets on four
occasions), so I am on the same planet as every one else. No property,
assets, cars, money in pocket for me. I go to jail for my beliefs, and I
have gladly given up my wealth to see ideas come to fruition. I have given
money to Dana Beals (lots) for Cures-Not-Wars, I have donated $4,000 to Sara
Glatt in her time of need, I just sent Howard $1,000 to help him out in the
conference in Washington.

Sandra K. wrote her comments because she is proud of her work and loves to
work with me. I have over 40 co-workers, and you know what, I’ve only let go
2 people in 6 years, and no one has ever quit working for me in 6 years! So
there simply aren’t many (if any)  disgruntled employees or ex-girlfriends
around. Maybe Marko,  you’re simply listening to those voices in your own

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/25/03 11:27 AM, Ustanova Iboga at Iboga@guest.arnes.si wrote:

Hi Marc,

I thought that you took a short holidays (maybe because there are some
unpleasant questions waiting in E-mail? and people tend to forget in a few
days?) and let Sandra k. smooth everything a bit… or I could be mistaken
and Sandra k. did that on her own initiative, being a loyal employee… I
don’t really know, just guessing, but knowing political behaviour, that’s
exactly it!!

Not only that (knowing political behaviour), guess what? I received several
E-mails from people that you were close with, and the picture of you is
getting worse and worse… I won’t go into details, could unintentionally
give someone away…

Now I’m SURE that you don’t do treatments for free. OK, nobody has to pay
anything, you pay all bills (with a little help of Sacrament of Transition,
huh?), but you are a capitalist, and capitalists don’t throw money through
the window, do they? No, they don’t ;-))

So, my guess is that you’ll use ITH as political capital at next elections.
My second guess is that you’ll use ITH to show the judge (if something
unplanned happens, and you end in front of him) that you’re a good person,
you care for those nobody else does. Volounteer social service type of
person, right?
My third guess is – no, this one isn’t for a public list like this =)

Marc Emery, you’re doing something really good at ITH, no matter why you do
it! I openly admit that =)

But on the other hand, I really hope that you don’t interfere with what is
done there. I hope that you let your staff doing everything. My opinion is
that you’re too <a lot of negative descriptions> to do this. And if
something really bad happens in your ITH, then people won’t point only at
you, but whole IBO movement will get a BIG black spot!

Do you remember how this conversation started? You advised Soren: “You
should use the Indra extract”

I suggest that Sandra k. or someone else from your staff advise people
instead of you (without advertising;-)). You can probably lend her your
E-mail addresse, and allow her to sign with your name if you want to appear
as it’s you…

It seems that you won’t answer my previous E-mail… so here’s the
important question again; can you PLEASE answer?:

Do you know what is inside (what is it composed of) IBO that ITH uses?

If you don’t answer this, then I’ll have to assume that you don’t have the
slightest idea. And giving people something as powerful as IBO without
having the slightest idea of what is given to them is dangerous!


From: Aktionman22@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Further to Patrick’s comments
Date: February 25, 2003 at 5:28:41 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Further to Patrick’s comments
Date: February 25, 2003 at 5:26:57 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

There is a section in the Ibogaine Dossier (ibogaine.desk.nl) where a
psychiatrist is having this coherent conversation with someone under
ibogaine. That has never happened here.

Different dosage there, I believe on the order of 5 mg/kg.

Bill Ross

From: A J Dietterle <ajdietterle@dccnet.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Further to Patrick’s comments
Date: February 25, 2003 at 5:06:45 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Your LSD experience has nothing to do with ibogaine. They aren’t similar. I
fail to see what value your remarks have to the person who asked the
question. He wants information he can use, I have provided it. He will
benefit by doing as I have suggested. If he feels like adding a soundtrack,
he can request it to his sitter. (He certainly won’t be able to get up and
change CD’s!). Not a single patient so far responded to music or scents,
they wanted them stopped, all of them. I’m telling you my experience with
these patients, and it is remarkably similar each time -regarding what I
have said about external environmental factors. All the individuals were
different sexes, different physiology, weights, different drug dependencies,
yet the all responded remarkably similarily to noise, music, scents, light,
walking to the toilet, etc.

You can’t talk to someone during an ibo experience, it interrupts the movie
going on that they are struggling to keep up with. When we even take their
pulse, we are interrupting, but its necessary. When I ask ‘How are you?” or
“What are you thinking?” I never get any answers while they are in the
experience, merely a “OH? (surprise), er, fine, can’t say”.

There is a section in the Ibogaine Dossier (ibogaine.desk.nl) where a
psychiatrist is having this coherent conversation with someone under
ibogaine. That has never happened here. Not even a sentence to describe what
they are seeing. It all comes out much later, from 48 hours to 7 days after
the main dosing, they call us frequently, or in the case of far-away
visitors like the patient we are treating right now, (dosing occurs in 6
hours), who is with us for eight days, we will hear about it likely after
the second dose (which will be administered 5 days after the main dose),
because he has been using 300 mg. of methadone, and that is a huge detox for
5,000 mg. of Indra extract, so he will likely not visualize the first dose,
as in our experience the ibo goes to the detox first, and whatever remains,
goes to visualization. This is the highest dosage of methadone we have dealt
with thus far. Typically, all our patients have extensive visualizations
during the first dose, if it is high enough. But this detox will be
challenging. Our regimen is 5,000 mg. INDRA extract 36 hours after last
methadone consumption. If he still has cravings and minor to moderate
withdrawl symptoms, we have a regimen of exercise, herbal teas, herbal
baths, herbals massages to reduce the discomfort I expect he will feel. A
full five days after the first dose, we expect to give him a second dose of
4,000 mg. Indra extract.

I will report on the procedure as it occurs throughout the next week.

P.S. Patrick, have you noticed your post appears to be ‘all about you’ and
how each bit of music is affecting you, personally. There seems to be a lot
of anger in there also,

are far more distracted by the stupid
fucking BWAHH WAHHHHH WAHHHH sound that starts up inside your head;


Meaning shit like new age music, all the
<bWinG> <BwInG> <bw0ng> <BwOnG> crap, fills me with the urge to kill


When I first dosed there was the scent
of sage all over the place.  I HATE sage.


that particular scent takes
ME, is driving through border towns between Juarez, Sunland Park, and El
Paso, where the entire countryside is on fire, and the smell of this shit
burning is everywhere.


It says flashing lights in the rearview mirror and
a lot of, “turn around, put your hands on the hood, spread your legs, and
don’t reach for anything asshole.”  It’s not a super-happy headspace kinda
trip.  I HATE sage.  Possibly I’ve mentioned this already.

When you finally conclude, you add this:

Like anything else, this
can produce really negative, or highly positive outcomes and

For me, your comments are not very applicable for a novice looking possibly
to experience ibogaine. I think giving him advice on a comfortable, neutral
setting is really what he needs and is what he has asked for.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/25/03 10:40 AM, Patrick K. Kroupa at digital@phantom.com wrote:

On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:59:02AM -0800], [MARC] wrote:

| The room you will be dosed in should be dark! You’ll want sunlight blocked.
| During the experience, you will want silence, all sounds are magnified. No
| noise or even talking nearby. Dogs barking Construction sounds would be very
| bad. During the experience you will not want any scents of perfume, candles,
| food cooking, fireplaces, etc.
| Banish from your mind any preconceived ideas of what might happen. Take
| Gravol (or similar anti-nauseant) half hour before your main dose. I
| recommend 100mg.

Without touching the rest of this, just to comment on this one particular
piece of whatcha said.  I think everything I quoted up top, is highly
dependent upon the individual in question.  Making a solid assertion that
this is the single best way to deal with things, is probably not workable.
Everybody is different.

Many people — myself included — are far more distracted by the stupid
fucking BWAHH WAHHHHH WAHHHH sound that starts up inside your head; than
they are by anything in the external environment.  Some people enjoy
silence — “enjoy” perhaps being the wrong choice of words, more like they
do better that way — others like music.

Personally I have found that everything I really dislike when unaltered,
only intensifies while under.  Meaning shit like new age music, all the
<bWinG> <BwInG> <bw0ng> <BwOnG> crap, fills me with the urge to kill
things, and lands me in a really negative headspace.  The synchroenergizer
tapes do nothing special.  Listening to Peter Gabriel’s “Passions” CD,
which was my early-phase strung-out, get high and fuck all night
soundtrack, before totally losing interest in sex — did not fill me with
great remorse, it just reminded me how much fun it was, and took me to a
really nice space.

My central reintegration soundtrack for 10mg of LSD was GNR, Black
Sabbath, Jane’s Addiction and Soundgarden; with the main title track being
White Zombie’s homage to Blade Runner (yet more Philip K. Dick, go
figure), More Human than Human, “I am a nexus one, I want more life
fucker, I ain’t done.”  Oh absolutely!  That’s it exactly!

Of course what I like, is probably more than enough to drive someone with
different tastes to go smoke crack.

Same goes for the scent comment.  When I first dosed there was the scent
of sage all over the place.  I HATE sage.  Why would anybody possibly
purchase incense that smells like it?  Where that particular scent takes
ME, is driving through border towns between Juarez, Sunland Park, and El
Paso, where the entire countryside is on fire, and the smell of this shit
burning is everywhere.  It says flashing lights in the rearview mirror and
a lot of, “turn around, put your hands on the hood, spread your legs, and
don’t reach for anything asshole.”  It’s not a super-happy headspace kinda
trip.  I HATE sage.  Possibly I’ve mentioned this already.

On the flipside, much later a chick who smelled like she was completely
made out of opium — the perfume, not the groovy little plant — was in my
environment; I could see the scent molecules, I was surrounded by them,
absorbed in them; and it was highly cool.  Opium — the perfume to
reiterate — still pulls me into a really positive headspace, many years

All of this is psychedelic therapy 101, and has been written out in
various places on many occasions.  It amounts to forming anchors to
particular moments of experience, while altered.  Like anything else, this
can produce really negative, or highly positive outcomes and

Just saying,


From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: [ibogaine] to: Marc Emery
Date: February 25, 2003 at 2:27:25 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Marc,

I thought that you took a short holidays (maybe because there are some unpleasant questions waiting in E-mail? and people tend to forget in a few days?) and let Sandra k. smooth everything a bit… or I could be mistaken and Sandra k. did that on her own initiative, being a loyal employee… I don’t really know, just guessing, but knowing political behaviour, that’s exactly it!!

Not only that (knowing political behaviour), guess what? I received several E-mails from people that you were close with, and the picture of you is getting worse and worse… I won’t go into details, could unintentionally give someone away…

Now I’m SURE that you don’t do treatments for free. OK, nobody has to pay anything, you pay all bills (with a little help of Sacrament of Transition, huh?), but you are a capitalist, and capitalists don’t throw money through the window, do they? No, they don’t ;-))

So, my guess is that you’ll use ITH as political capital at next elections.
My second guess is that you’ll use ITH to show the judge (if something unplanned happens, and you end in front of him) that you’re a good person, you care for those nobody else does. Volounteer social service type of person, right?
My third guess is – no, this one isn’t for a public list like this =)

Marc Emery, you’re doing something really good at ITH, no matter why you do it! I openly admit that =)

But on the other hand, I really hope that you don’t interfere with what is done there. I hope that you let your staff doing everything. My opinion is that you’re too <a lot of negative descriptions> to do this. And if something really bad happens in your ITH, then people won’t point only at you, but whole IBO movement will get a BIG black spot!

Do you remember how this conversation started? You advised Soren: “You should use the Indra extract”

I suggest that Sandra k. or someone else from your staff advise people instead of you (without advertising;-)). You can probably lend her your E-mail addresse, and allow her to sign with your name if you want to appear as it’s you…

It seems that you won’t answer my previous E-mail… so here’s the important question again; can you PLEASE answer?:

Do you know what is inside (what is it composed of) IBO that ITH uses?

If you don’t answer this, then I’ll have to assume that you don’t have the slightest idea. And giving people something as powerful as IBO without having the slightest idea of what is given to them is dangerous!


From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 25, 2003 at 1:40:26 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Tue, Feb 25, 2003 at 09:59:02AM -0800], [MARC] wrote:

| The room you will be dosed in should be dark! You’ll want sunlight blocked.
| During the experience, you will want silence, all sounds are magnified. No
| noise or even talking nearby. Dogs barking Construction sounds would be very
| bad. During the experience you will not want any scents of perfume, candles,
| food cooking, fireplaces, etc.
| Banish from your mind any preconceived ideas of what might happen. Take
| Gravol (or similar anti-nauseant) half hour before your main dose. I
| recommend 100mg.

Without touching the rest of this, just to comment on this one particular
piece of whatcha said.  I think everything I quoted up top, is highly
dependent upon the individual in question.  Making a solid assertion that
this is the single best way to deal with things, is probably not workable.
Everybody is different.

Many people — myself included — are far more distracted by the stupid
fucking BWAHH WAHHHHH WAHHHH sound that starts up inside your head; than
they are by anything in the external environment.  Some people enjoy
silence — “enjoy” perhaps being the wrong choice of words, more like they
do better that way — others like music.

Personally I have found that everything I really dislike when unaltered,
only intensifies while under.  Meaning shit like new age music, all the
<bWinG> <BwInG> <bw0ng> <BwOnG> crap, fills me with the urge to kill
things, and lands me in a really negative headspace.  The synchroenergizer
tapes do nothing special.  Listening to Peter Gabriel’s “Passions” CD,
which was my early-phase strung-out, get high and fuck all night
soundtrack, before totally losing interest in sex — did not fill me with
great remorse, it just reminded me how much fun it was, and took me to a
really nice space.

My central reintegration soundtrack for 10mg of LSD was GNR, Black
Sabbath, Jane’s Addiction and Soundgarden; with the main title track being
White Zombie’s homage to Blade Runner (yet more Philip K. Dick, go
figure), More Human than Human, “I am a nexus one, I want more life
fucker, I ain’t done.”  Oh absolutely!  That’s it exactly!

Of course what I like, is probably more than enough to drive someone with
different tastes to go smoke crack.

Same goes for the scent comment.  When I first dosed there was the scent
of sage all over the place.  I HATE sage.  Why would anybody possibly
purchase incense that smells like it?  Where that particular scent takes
ME, is driving through border towns between Juarez, Sunland Park, and El
Paso, where the entire countryside is on fire, and the smell of this shit
burning is everywhere.  It says flashing lights in the rearview mirror and
a lot of, “turn around, put your hands on the hood, spread your legs, and
don’t reach for anything asshole.”  It’s not a super-happy headspace kinda
trip.  I HATE sage.  Possibly I’ve mentioned this already.

On the flipside, much later a chick who smelled like she was completely
made out of opium — the perfume, not the groovy little plant — was in my
environment; I could see the scent molecules, I was surrounded by them,
absorbed in them; and it was highly cool.  Opium — the perfume to
reiterate — still pulls me into a really positive headspace, many years

All of this is psychedelic therapy 101, and has been written out in
various places on many occasions.  It amounts to forming anchors to
particular moments of experience, while altered.  Like anything else, this
can produce really negative, or highly positive outcomes and

Just saying,


From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 25, 2003 at 12:59:02 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Someone to stay with you a week is a good idea. Day one to two for safety,
day 3 to 7 so you can talk about the experience and begin to make changes in
your daily routine and your long term interests.

In anticipation of the experience, fasting 24 hours prior to dosing is good
(12 hours minimum is essential), and drinking only water, or Gatorade
(without caffeine), or herbal teas. No coffee, caffeine, alcohol. No drugs
except essential ones to maintain the health. Make sure you tell your sitter

Have you had a blood test? This is to make sure your liver is functioning
well. You should get an EKG (USA) or ECG (Canada) to determine the health of
your heart.

The room you will be dosed in should be dark! You’ll want sunlight blocked.
During the experience, you will want silence, all sounds are magnified. No
noise or even talking nearby. Dogs barking Construction sounds would be very
bad. During the experience you will not want any scents of perfume, candles,
food cooking, fireplaces, etc.

Banish from your mind any preconceived ideas of what might happen. Take
Gravol (or similar anti-nauseant) half hour before your main dose. I
recommend 100mg.

Have a water bottle nearby and you should drink from it if you pee or vomit.
If you vomit, its OK after three hours after consuming the iboga, it should
be liquid, light yellow. If you are thin, it likely won’t be something that
is upsetting. If you are larger, its going to be possibly a little

You didn’t say when your most recent dose of heroin was, or will be. Your
odds of a successful detox rest of keeping your current fix at a low range
if you can do it. DO NOT KEEP HEROIN, METHADONE, CRACK COCAINE anywhere in
your home during the experience. Your sitter should be empowered to search
your room and any belongings you own. She should never let you out of her
site. When you pee, do it sitting down so your sitter can observe
discreetly. She should thoroughly drug proof the bed area you are lying in
and remove all drugs out of your bathroom before the experience. From the
sitter/therapist/facillitator point of view, you are untrustworthy  You’ll
appreciate her concern if you are serious.

I do not know Suzana, but you can ask me more questions about our protocols.
Good luck to you and keep us informed of your progress.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House
—– Original Message —–
From: “thebozman” <thebozman@compassmag.co.uk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 3:40 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do

Hi Mark

My name is Richard and I live in Nottingham, Engalnd and have been using
street heroin  on and off for the past 8 years – On the 16 March Suzana
Souza from Brazil is coming over to treat me with ibogaine at my home and
she will stay with me for one week – my question is if you know of Suzana
and can you offer me any advice – thank you !

warm regards

if you’re seeing this – hello Randy – hope you’re well
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 6:47 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do

Randy, what you are saying is simply not true. Ibogaine extract is very
safe, if you get a blood test and confirm your liver (which metabolizes
ibogaine) is healthy.

Ibogaine extract IS inherently safe, it is extenuating circumstances
radically increase risk. In the 35 year history of documented iboga
use, I am not convinced iboga has ever been indicated as potentially
Now if someone injects heroin into their arm 4 hours later, thats
but that does not implicate the iboga as dangerous.

REPEAT! You are not taking your life into your hands in any dangerous or
hazardous way if you follow good health protocols. Heart rates, in my
experience, do not change (we take a pulse every 30 minutes, it never
varies). If the patient does not eat for 12 hours prior, there is little
chance of choking on vomit. If the patient’s sitter prevents any intake
illicit drugs, there is no attenuting circumstances of overdose. If the
patient is hydrated and continues to hydrate, the liver will rapidly
detoxify the metabolizing iboga extract.

I see no evidence in any scientific literature to account for any
as a result of careful use of iboga, or any paralysis, toxic shock,
anaflectic shock, etc.

Using street heroin, methadone, cocaine, meth, etc. is WAY, WAY more
dangerous than careful use of iboga extract, which is not dangerous at
I have no information or any empirical evidence (at this point, I have
treated more people in North America excepting possibly Deborah Mash)
indicating that any complications can arise. You may offer information
contradicts that, but I have never seen it in print or in person.

All patients I have treated are significantly improved in every relevent
area in their life. That’s what I know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do


I am glad to see you share your advice and experience.  However, I
it is irresponsible to assure someone that they “will be OK”.  We all
that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence ibo related fatalities.
posting on the other list is honest.  If you do ibo on your own you
taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh that risk carefully.  At
same time, if you are a street drug user you are taking your life into
own hands.  Using street dope is probably equally as dangerous as
without experience.  But if you re not doing street dope and you are
treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best to proceed to ibo with
patience and caution and to eliminate as many risks as possible.
Complications can happen, be willing and prepared to call for
if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under professional care.

Randy Hencken
Ibogaine Association

From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800

You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.

Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything
12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water and
(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee,
drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.

Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should be
covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any
(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during the

You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours
test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances
related to your iboga).

Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.

At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly
then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining
in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about
8 –
capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take

If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea
upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate (your
job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting), the
is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most of my
patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially
crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues
in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high
the iboga extract.

You’ll get through it.

You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your
period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours,
minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise
experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance, and
sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise
will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if you

You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not really
what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while
happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72 hours,
after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling
addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem
miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga
unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer
longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions, your
dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).

Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc

Hi Marc
Thanks for responding to this.
My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been on
Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont know
this will help.
I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and drugs
last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will tell
can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you
who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Hi Dana

Thanks very much for your answer.I CAN get Ibo here,that´s not

In the start it was my intention,to do just what you
Ibo,and have a good friend to watch over me.
But when I talked to some people from Holland,they said that
had to be experienced?!(this was people that took money to do

I`m in good health,have only had a couple of acute Hepatitis b
seventies.Since that my liver has been fine.I`m never
so),so I think my immune system is good.
Would it be a good idea(okay),to take “an initial” trip,with
This mostly to “be aquainted” to Ibo,so I knew what it was,and
expect from the about 15 mg pr kilo?

Thank you very much for your help Dana.I really appreciate
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on
mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain
here in Europe?(or another place)..

I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I
in contact with her now.

I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking
hate that drug,especially Methadone.It´s a chemical jail for

My problem is also the money.I know there are places in
Panama,but I simply can´t afford that.Damn it.

I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful


Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…

Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and
small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start
“brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though,
the Indra.


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From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 25, 2003 at 12:27:28 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hmmm…a punch on the right, and a feint on the left, and all kinds of
skirmishes across the playing field.
Fear and peace
…and oddly enough, snow leopards in Kyryzstan.

Happy trails… to you…until… we meet…again.


“So should I stay or should I go now?”

Sorry…feeling a little woozy here over the rapid pace of things.
Having trouble keeping up with the game.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

windforme@graffiti.net 02/19/03 01:50AM >>>
this will be the last of my posts on this topic…


Robert Byrd

Senate Floor Speech – Wednesday, February 12, 2003

To contemplate war is to think about the most horrible of human
experiences. On this February day, as this nation stands at the
brink of
battle, every American on some level must be contemplating the
horrors of

Yet, this Chamber is, for the most part, silent — ominously,
silent. There is no debate, no discussion, no attempt to lay out
for the
nation the pros and cons of this particular war. There is nothing.

We stand passively mute in the United States Senate, paralyzed by
our own
uncertainty, seemingly stunned by the sheer turmoil of events. Only
on the
editorial pages of our newspapers is there much substantive
discussion of
the prudence or imprudence of engaging in this particular war.

And this is no small conflagration we contemplate. This is no
attempt to defang a villain. No. This coming battle, if it
represents a turning point in U.S. foreign policy and possibly a
point in the recent history of the world.

This nation is about to embark upon the first test of a
doctrine applied in an extraordinary way at an unfortunate time.
doctrine of preemption — the idea that the United States or any
nation can legitimately attack a nation that is not imminently
but may be threatening in the future — is a radical new twist on
traditional idea of self defense. It appears to be in contravention
international law and the UN Charter. And it is being tested at a
time of
world-wide terrorism, making many countries around the globe wonder
they will soon be on our — or some other nation’s — hit list.
High level
Administration figures recently refused to take nuclear weapons off
of the
table when discussing a possible attack against Iraq. What could be
destabilizing and unwise than this type of uncertainty,
particularly in a
world where globalism has tied the vital economic and security
of many nations so closely together? There are huge cracks emerging
in our
time-honored alliances, and U.S. intentions are suddenly subject to

damaging worldwide speculation. Anti-Americanism based on mistrust,

misinformation, suspicion, and alarming rhetoric from U.S. leaders
fracturing the once solid alliance against global terrorism which
after September 11.

Here at home, people are warned of imminent terrorist attacks with
guidance as to when or where such attacks might occur. Family
members are
being called to active military duty, with no idea of the duration
their stay or what horrors they may face. Communities are being
left with
less than adequate police and fire protection. Other essential
are also short-staffed. The mood of the nation is grim. The economy
stumbling. Fuel prices are rising and may soon spike higher.  This

Administration, now in power for a little over two years, must be
on its record. I believe that that record is dismal.  In that scant
years, this Administration has squandered a large projected surplus
some $5.6 trillion over the next decade and taken us to projected
as far as the eye can see. This Administration’s domestic policy
has put
many of our states in dire financial condition, under funding
scores of
essential programs for our people. This Administration has fostered

policies which have slowed economic growth. This Administration has

ignored urgent matters such as the crisis in health care for our
This Administration has been slow to provide adequate funding for
security. This Administration has been reluctant to better protect
long and porous borders. In foreign policy, this Administration has
to find Osama bin Laden. In fact, just yesterday we heard from him
marshaling his forces and urging them to kill. This Administration
split traditional alliances, possibly crippling, for all time,
International order-keeping entities like the United Nations and
This Administration has called into question the traditional
perception of the United States as well-intentioned, peacekeeper.
Administration has turned the patient art of diplomacy into
labeling, and name calling of the sort that reflects quite poorly
on the
intelligence and sensitivity of our leaders, and which will have
consequences for years to come.

Calling heads of state pygmies, labeling whole countries as evil,
denigrating powerful European allies as irrelevant — these types
of crude
insensitivities can do our great nation no good. We may have
military might, but we cannot fight a global war on terrorism
alone. We
need the cooperation and friendship of our time-honored allies as
well as
the newer found friends whom we can attract with our wealth. Our
military machine will do us little good if we suffer another
attack on our homeland which severely damages our economy. Our
manpower is already stretched thin and we will need the

augmenting support of those nations who can supply troop strength,
not ust
sign letters cheering us on.

The war in Afghanistan has cost us $37 billion so far, yet there is

evidence that terrorism may already be starting to regain its hold
in that
region. We have not found bin Laden, and unless we secure the peace
Afghanistan, the dark dens of terrorism may yet again flourish in
remote and devastated land.

Pakistan as well is at risk of destabilizing forces. This
has not finished the first war against terrorism and yet it is
eager to
embark on another conflict with perils much greater than those in

Afghanistan. Is our attention span that short? Have we not learned
after winning the war one must always secure the peace?  And yet
we hear
little about the aftermath of war in Iraq. In the absence of
speculation abroad is rife. Will we seize Iraq’s oil fields,
becoming an
occupying power which controls the price and supply of that

nation’s oil for the foreseeable future? To whom do we propose to
hand the
reigns of power after Saddam Hussein?

Will our war inflame the Muslim world resulting in devastating
attacks on
Israel? Will Israel retaliate with its own nuclear arsenal? Will
Jordanian and Saudi Arabian governments be toppled by radicals,
by Iran which has much closer ties to terrorism than Iraq?

Could a disruption of the world’s oil supply lead to a world-wide
recession? Has our senselessly bellicose language and our callous
of the interests and opinions of other nations increased the global
race to
join the nuclear club and made proliferation an even more

lucrative practice for nations which need the income? In only the
space of
two short years this reckless and arrogant Administration has
policies which may reap disastrous consequences for years.

One can understand the anger and shock of any President after the
attacks of September 11. One can appreciate the frustration of
only a shadow to chase and an amorphous, fleeting enemy on which
it is
nearly impossible to exact retribution.

But to turn one’s frustration and anger into the kind of extremely

destabilizing and dangerous foreign policy debacle that the world
currently witnessing is inexcusable from any Administration charged
the awesome power and responsibility of guiding the destiny of the

greatest superpower on the planet. Frankly many of the
pronouncements made
by this Administration are outrageous. There is no other word.

Yet this chamber is hauntingly silent. On what is possibly the eve
horrific infliction of death and destruction on the population of
nation of Iraq — a population, I might add, of which over 50% is
under age
15 — this chamber is silent. On what is possibly only days before
we send
thousands of our own citizens to face unimagined horrors of chemical
biological warfare — this chamber is silent. On the eve of what
possibly be a vicious terrorist attack in retaliation for our attack
Iraq, it is business as usual in the United States Senate.

We are truly “sleepwalking through history.” In my heart of hearts
I pray
that this great nation and its good and trusting citizens are not
in for a
rudest of awakenings.

To engage in war is always to pick a wild card. And war must always
be a
last resort, not a first choice. I truly must question the judgment
of any
President who can say that a massive unprovoked military attack on
nation which is over 50% children is “in the highest moral
traditions of
our country”. This war is not necessary at this time. Pressure
appears to
be having a good result in Iraq. Our mistake was to put ourselves
in a
corner so quickly. Our challenge is to now find a graceful way out
of a
box of our own making. Perhaps there is still a way if we allow
more time

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From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 25, 2003 at 11:33:21 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


> >treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal training

Have you checked their resume?

I am not a rat, and I will not name names.  I do believe whatever anybody does to get clean is a good thing.  I talk to people everyday.  I get feedback about what they are being told and what they are expecting- and that feedback and expectations are not matched by the treatment.

me point something out, given the choice between
treating a patient in their own home it is helpful to
get them away, a hotel in a safe (drug free…) area
with (you pay as you need it) “set and setting” is or
at least can be part of the plan.

Fine, as long as they know these plans ahead of time.

> This is on our website because we feel that it is
> unfair to an individual to
> be manipulated into going to treatment where they

Who is doing the manipulating?

I am not a canary and I will not sing;)

> are expecting the services
> that we do offer only to find out they are in a
> hotel room someplace.

Sorry but maybe it happened once or twice that some
addict (Anne comes to mind) was “confused” about the
situation but basically the above statement is fear
based and largely untrue. Anyway, no offense but maybe
someone doesn’t want your “sevices”.

They don’t have to have our services. It is fair for us to present ourselves in comparison to other options.

>   How about asking some of these practitioners why
> they are charging several
> thousand dollars.  Where is their overhead?

What “practitioners” are you talking about (namely the
non-professionals you are saying are “charging several
thousand dollars”?

I am not a tattle-tail….

You are still stuck on “MY

Sure, whatever, if thats the way you feel about it.  From what I can tell there are three established treatment centers in N. America, us, HV and ITH.  And then there are other choices.  And the addict/consumer should make a choice based and his/her wants and needs.  Each of us offer something different in terms of service. We all use ibogaine or some variation of it.  People have different comfort levels, many of them (obviously not you) want to be under the care of a licensed physician, they should choose us or Mash.  If they can afford Mash, I personally would like to see her get the business.  I think her research is important.  And if they are comfortable having treatment without doctors and they wish to spend less money or not travel as far or whatever then that is their choice.  Our remarks did not get on our site arbitrarily; we put them there in response to events that have happened.

One of the biggest reasons I stopped using drugs is I
had to keep seeing those ass-holes. That is their
goal, to be as inept and obnoxious as possible, like
adversion therapy. “if I get addicted again I might
have to go back to THEM!”, kind of thing – and believe
me they have no idea what they are doing. SO my answer
is “who would want a doctor for 3-6 days for any
reason regardless of cost? If it is you, fine have at
it, I will do things MY WAY. Oh my gosh I am taking
“my life in my own hands” – to that I say “EXACTLY”.

Fine, whatever, you don’t like doctors, you made that clear a long time ago.  Do you have anything new to add?  Brett if we are ever hanging out and you have a medical emergency I will be sure not to call for any professionals, OK?

IMO Mash is doing her thing and that is just fine.
YOu are doing your thing and that is fine too.
Other non-professional (though that DOES include some
doctors and nurses giving “treatments” BTW) do their
thing in hotel rooms or however it is done, that is
cool also – with me. Each has their own nitch, their
own clients with their own needs and abilities to pay.
What is this, anyone is free to make a choice as long
as it is with you?

No, again, everyone is free to make a choice.  They should make an informed choice.  And it is more than fair for us to inform people about what to expect from other treatmenters.  And as far as I know we still live in a democratic/capitalistic society where people will make their own choice.

So you are saying it is not OK for Mash to put you
down and say things that are a distortion of the facts
but what you are saying about “guides” is pure and
honest? That is one of the problems I have with you
and your treatnemt, take an honest look in the mirror
before you talk.

You know what Brett, what a bunch blah blah blah.  We are operating a very good business down here.  We have made treatment available to so many people who would have never been able to/ felt comfortable enough to etc.  I used to shoot dope man.  Whatever someone does to quit shooting dope is fine with me.  Meanwhile I will continue to be the program coordinator at the Ibogaine Association and I will continue to try to help people with our treatment.

Don’t worry, despite that I find your posting to be an unnecessary attack…. I still like you.
> Oh and BTW, Brett, I like you too, you always have a
> lot to offer here.


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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 25, 2003 at 9:04:31 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


‘There are individuals who advertise on the
Internet and they might charge
less for their treatment but you need to be aware
that they administer
treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal training

Have you checked their resume?

in handling emergencies
and might be reluctant to take a patient with
complications to the ER.’

More fear. It is manipulating the facts, “they might”.
How about things you “might” do, I mean we have enough
problems with poor medical care in this country, “do
you want to go to the ER in a foreign country where
your insurance (if any) won’t cover?” See, anything
can be twisted. Maybe someone only has enough money
for whatever kind of treatment (not yours) they can
get and if that is in a hotel room (following protocol
and procedures) what is wrong with that besides them
not paying you? How are the ER’s in Mexico these days,
if it is anything like the USA you are in trouble. Let
me point something out, given the choice between
treating a patient in their own home it is helpful to
get them away, a hotel in a safe (drug free…) area
with (you pay as you need it) “set and setting” is or
at least can be part of the plan.

This is on our website because we feel that it is
unfair to an individual to
be manipulated into going to treatment where they

Who is doing the manipulating?

are expecting the services
that we do offer only to find out they are in a
hotel room someplace.

Sorry but maybe it happened once or twice that some
addict (Anne comes to mind) was “confused” about the
situation but basically the above statement is fear
based and largely untrue. Anyway, no offense but maybe
someone doesn’t want your “sevices”. Frankly I
wouldn’t and I wouldn’t even go to Mash if it was free
including air-fare, least not now (I would have once
cause I had limited choices). See, some people really
are not comfortable in a medical environment, I am not
and INVARIABLY they screw and don’t listen – FYI, just
had that happen yet again with a medication I told the
doctor not to try… I was told to “stop being
difficult” – it did exactly what I said it would do
and back on the merry-go-round and another bill.

People who wish to do ibo should make an informed
choice and not be lied to.

Absolutely, who is doing the lying?

How about asking some of these practitioners why
they are charging several
thousand dollars.  Where is their overhead?

What “practitioners” are you talking about (namely the
non-professionals you are saying are “charging several
thousand dollars”? I certaily don’t know of any
“guides” charging those prices. Overhead, you can ask
Sara but I am sure she has rent to pay, needs food and
other items for her patients – which (on the flip
side) you say she gives much closer attention for
longer than you do? You are still stuck on “MY
what I have seen you don’t have bragging rights. Tell
me, is your success (and I don’t mean just detoxing
with ibo) better than the average guide?

And followed by a stab as Mash without naming her
What do you think it
costs to go to other non-ibo treatment centers?

Which is almost like asking what will it cost to have
my money taken away, feel bad and get little-nothing
in return. What is the long term success rate of these
“treatment centers” vs non-treatment (spontanious
remission so to speak)?

What would it cost to have
a physician at your service for three to six days in
the U.S.?

One of the biggest reasons I stopped using drugs is I
had to keep seeing those ass-holes. That is their
goal, to be as inept and obnoxious as possible, like
adversion therapy. “if I get addicted again I might
have to go back to THEM!”, kind of thing – and believe
me they have no idea what they are doing. SO my answer
is “who would want a doctor for 3-6 days for any
reason regardless of cost? If it is you, fine have at
it, I will do things MY WAY. Oh my gosh I am taking
“my life in my own hands” – to that I say “EXACTLY”.

So you are putting other “guides” down just like you
complain about Mash (who also puts guides down by the
way, you should have heard her about Eric, the DEA
knows about him… now is almost 5 years later and the
song is the same). I was very happy with the treatment
from Eric, did not cost “several thousand dollars” and
I didn’t have to put up with BS (he listened). You
have no idea of the “qualifications” of the person who
treated me so you can’t say, but you did
(non-professional with no training who “might” be
reluctant to call the ER…)

IMO Mash is doing her thing and that is just fine.
YOu are doing your thing and that is fine too.
Other non-professional (though that DOES include some
doctors and nurses giving “treatments” BTW) do their
thing in hotel rooms or however it is done, that is
cool also – with me. Each has their own nitch, their
own clients with their own needs and abilities to pay.
What is this, anyone is free to make a choice as long
as it is with you?

So you are saying it is not OK for Mash to put you
down and say things that are a distortion of the facts
but what you are saying about “guides” is pure and
honest? That is one of the problems I have with you
and your treatnemt, take an honest look in the mirror
before you talk.



Oh and BTW, Brett, I like you too, you always have a
lot to offer here.

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From: “thebozman” <thebozman@compassmag.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 25, 2003 at 6:40:44 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Mark

My name is Richard and I live in Nottingham, Engalnd and have been using
street heroin  on and off for the past 8 years – On the 16 March Suzana
Souza from Brazil is coming over to treat me with ibogaine at my home and
she will stay with me for one week – my question is if you know of Suzana
and can you offer me any advice – thank you !

warm regards

if you’re seeing this – hello Randy – hope you’re well
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 6:47 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do

Randy, what you are saying is simply not true. Ibogaine extract is very
safe, if you get a blood test and confirm your liver (which metabolizes
ibogaine) is healthy.

Ibogaine extract IS inherently safe, it is extenuating circumstances that
radically increase risk. In the 35 year history of documented iboga
use, I am not convinced iboga has ever been indicated as potentially
Now if someone injects heroin into their arm 4 hours later, thats
but that does not implicate the iboga as dangerous.

REPEAT! You are not taking your life into your hands in any dangerous or
hazardous way if you follow good health protocols. Heart rates, in my
experience, do not change (we take a pulse every 30 minutes, it never
varies). If the patient does not eat for 12 hours prior, there is little
chance of choking on vomit. If the patient’s sitter prevents any intake of
illicit drugs, there is no attenuting circumstances of overdose. If the
patient is hydrated and continues to hydrate, the liver will rapidly
detoxify the metabolizing iboga extract.

I see no evidence in any scientific literature to account for any fatality
as a result of careful use of iboga, or any paralysis, toxic shock,
anaflectic shock, etc.

Using street heroin, methadone, cocaine, meth, etc. is WAY, WAY more
dangerous than careful use of iboga extract, which is not dangerous at
I have no information or any empirical evidence (at this point, I have
treated more people in North America excepting possibly Deborah Mash)
indicating that any complications can arise. You may offer information
contradicts that, but I have never seen it in print or in person.

All patients I have treated are significantly improved in every relevent
area in their life. That’s what I know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do


I am glad to see you share your advice and experience.  However, I feel
it is irresponsible to assure someone that they “will be OK”.  We all
that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence ibo related fatalities.
posting on the other list is honest.  If you do ibo on your own you are
taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh that risk carefully.  At
same time, if you are a street drug user you are taking your life into
own hands.  Using street dope is probably equally as dangerous as doing
without experience.  But if you re not doing street dope and you are in
treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best to proceed to ibo with
patience and caution and to eliminate as many risks as possible.
Complications can happen, be willing and prepared to call for emergency
if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under professional care.

Randy Hencken
Ibogaine Association

From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800

You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.

Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything for
12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water and
(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee,
drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.

Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should be
covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any burning
(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during the

You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours prior
test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances not
related to your iboga).

Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.

At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly
then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining
in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about 8 –
capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take those

If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea more
upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate (your
job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting), the
is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most of my
patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially
crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues are
in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high
the iboga extract.

You’ll get through it.

You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your
period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours,
minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise you
experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance, and
sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise
will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if you

You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not really
what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while it
happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72 hours,
after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling of
addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem like
miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga
unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer
longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions, your
dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).

Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc

Hi Marc
Thanks for responding to this.
My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been on
Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont know
this will help.
I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and drugs
last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will tell you
can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you have
who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Hi Dana

Thanks very much for your answer.I CAN get Ibo here,that´s not

In the start it was my intention,to do just what you suggest,buy
Ibo,and have a good friend to watch over me.
But when I talked to some people from Holland,they said that the
had to be experienced?!(this was people that took money to do

I`m in good health,have only had a couple of acute Hepatitis b
seventies.Since that my liver has been fine.I`m never
so),so I think my immune system is good.
Would it be a good idea(okay),to take “an initial” trip,with
This mostly to “be aquainted” to Ibo,so I knew what it was,and
expect from the about 15 mg pr kilo?

Thank you very much for your help Dana.I really appreciate
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on 60
mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain
here in Europe?(or another place)..

I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I can´t
in contact with her now.

I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking
hate that drug,especially Methadone.It´s a chemical jail for

My problem is also the money.I know there are places in Mexico
Panama,but I simply can´t afford that.Damn it.

I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful


Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…

Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and a
small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start
“brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though,
the Indra.


The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] bl1p
Date: February 25, 2003 at 1:07:53 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Just to mention.  Ibogaine.co.uk is back.  All is well.

That is all.


From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 8:58:10 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I think this latest conversation has been very intriguing.

Marc, I like you.  I like what you do.  I think it is wonderful that you are helping out so many people in need.  If I lived in Vancouver I would have voted for you.  Keep doing what you’re doing it is awesome.  If we are ever in the same place at the same time I would like to get together for dinner or something, my treat.

Marko, I like you too.  You (usually) give very grounded advice.

Curtis, I also like you.  You are a thinker, a researcher and make provocative comments/insights.  What do you do?  I will now respond to this: “If a gram costs less then $200, where does the other $3,000 you want for treatment go to?”

We are charging for a service, not just ibo.  The money goes to pay for our staff, our facility, our van, insurance, medical equipment, food, etc.  We would love to be able to give all our treatments for free, however that would be impossible.  Maybe many years from now circumstances will change and we will be able to.  Right now we still live in a society where things cost money.  We are not getting rich down here (I live check to check, and I drive an 88 ford).  I hope that this gives you some clearer perspective on what it costs to run a treatment center.  Marc says that it costs him $1000 out of his own pocket for each patient he treats. You really have no idea what are financial situation is or how much we charge on average or how many clients we treat.  You are making assumptions.

Also, the charity work we have done has proven to have little success.  Unfortunately, people (at least the several that we have helped) do not appreciate what they get for free.

‘There are individuals who advertise on the Internet and they might charge less for their treatment but you need to be aware that they administer treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal training in handling emergencies and might be reluctant to take a patient with complications to the ER.’

This is on our website because we feel that it is unfair to an individual to be manipulated into going to treatment where they are expecting the services that we do offer only to find out they are in a hotel room someplace.  People who wish to do ibo should make an informed choice and not be lied to.  How about asking some of these practitioners why they are charging several thousand dollars.  Where is their overhead?

And followed by a stab as Mash without naming her ‘The Ibogaine Association is the most active program with the greatest number of patients per month. Our goal is to provide safe treatment in a comfortable environment, accessible and at a reasonable price. There are no hidden costs with our program. Licensed physicians with extensive experience administering ibogaine are constantly present and supervising the treatment. Beware of ibogaine treatment centers that talk negatively about their colleagues, or use scare tactics to get you into their program. Some centers are overly expensive, so listen to what they say with skepticism, as the advice from these “experts” will not be objective. There are other treatment providers advertising on the Internet who do not administer ibogaine under medical supervision. Our main interest is to help as many people as possible, by making this new treatment financially reasonable and by providing adequate medical care.’

Despite several pleas to mash’s staff to stop an onslaught of defamatory comments about us and our doctors, her staff continues.  I speak with people every week who talk both to us and HV and they tell me the things that HV says to try and discredit us.  So this is a proactive statement.

Again, people can do what they wish.  I wish for them to make an informed choice about where and how they do ibo. They pay us for a quality of service that includes being tended to by doctors and nurses.  What do you think it costs to go to other non-ibo treatment centers?  What would it cost to have a physician at your service for three to six days in the U.S.?


Oh and BTW, Brett, I like you too, you always have a lot to offer here.

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*  http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus

From: “Sandra k” <windforme@graffiti.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 6:26:45 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sandra here,

I work for Marc as the screener and evaluator for the therapy and I have a few comments to make myself:

I think the biggest issue here is one of syntax. I agree that Marc should perhaps not speak in such absolute terms (especially when offering advice to anyone who is not applying to the ITH) because as some on this list have mentioned, some people will do whatever seems easiest and pehaps not take the precautions and advice into serious consideration. Desperate people do desperate things. However, I do think Marc has been (aside from what has been said on this list (emails can be so lacking in depth and context), careful with our clients. It is also my job to do whatever I can to ensure that the person undergoing therapy has a well grounded understanding of the possible risks (we have a consent form as well which i explain in depth to applicants). I am sure that our facilitators know this also.

It is true that I do get applicants who may potentially lie about, attempt to cover up, or don’t know about their medical history, so when in doubt I speak to their doctor. That’s the best that I can do. If the information is not consistent or is in question at all (even just by my own intuition), I will reject their application for treatment.

We are trying to help people here, and yes there is risk but we do what we can, while we can. We hope to gather as much data as possible to make this subject clearer (not exactly an easy thing to accomplish though). In my personal opinion we should keep our administrations and our advice to those whom we (at least) are able to screen properly.

By the way, I don’t think Marc ‘needs’ to take Ibogaine. I myself will take it as soon as I have some time (I’m too busy screening applicants at this time) as I am interested in the nature of this plant and what it has to offer. I do not take this lightly, I have experimented with many potent psychoactives in my search for connection to the plant world and have found that all of my explorations if done with intention, preparation and precaution (set & setting)have been (albeit powerful and ass-kicking in some cases) extremely enlightening. It may be a different substance (ibo) but all psychoactives have their risks. As when I take these substances myself, I attempt to inform, question, and evaluate with our clients. It is this knowledge with which I approach my job and I take it quite seriously. This as far as I know is the best possible approach that can be taken given the circumstances.

Keep in mind that Marc, myself, our facilitators and other project consultants are a TEAM and so far, our work has been quite enlightening to us all, including our clients/patients. I can only hope and work towards ensuring that our track record remains this way…

As for Soren, I personally think you should take all that has been said on this list into consideration and not put yourself at risk without taking all precautions possible. This may include seeking an experienced facilitator such as Sara (and I think she’s on this list) to ‘at least’ talk to beforehand…

Best wishes,


—– Original Message —–
From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 13:53:00 -0800 (PST)
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do


I have some other comments for you about the subject
but just saw this email.

“I don’t believe I qualify for the
criteria we have set out at Iboga Thgerapy House,”

That has nothing to do with nothing – as in you are
using it as an excuse not to do it. Nothing is
stopping you from doing it at home or doing it at the
ITH, just change the rules. If you don’t want to do
it, say “I DON’T WANT TO DO IT”. It is like the “I
don’t do drugs” excuse or someone else I know who is
procrastinating about taking ibogaine, after a few
“excuses” we talked (me knowing the answer before we
did) and it is simple FEAR, nothing more, nothing less
and that is the absolute truth. Another person was
concerned about being tainted by the drug, under its
spell… so I don’t know that this person took it
(wink, wink), and no doubt they did, NONE.

that its to be used for individuals with
self-destructive drug dependency problems or
individuals with repetitive & self-destructive
behaviour patterns.

Funny, how many people with whatever excuses and the
belief that they are not addicts… nothing is wrong
with them… who took ibogaine, and saw and understood
AND it was very different than anything they expected
or believed ibogaine to be like. FYI, no, you didn’t
treat more people except for Mash – even in the

However, one (Linette)  of our
two permanent facillitators has tried a full dose
with remarkable results about four weeks ago.

No one has pointed out how IBOGA extract may be
unsafe, how this has been established? Five or six
deaths over 35+ years does not indict the Iboga

Stop being so defensive, it is not an indictment
against iboga extract or ibogaine. How is this, take
water, too much water, you die, too little water, you
die – same thing with oxygen, too much or in the wrong
place, or maybe used by someone who is inexperienced.
Everything has its own risks.
You have not delt with many addicts (lol, I know you
have) but you may have noticed a character trait, they
often don’t tell the truth (even to themselves) and
don’t follow instructions very well. Don’t get me
wrong, follow protocol/procedures and ibogaine is
pretty safe stuff for healthy people but addicts often
do not follow instructions, let alone “protocol”
(yeah, right, get some ibo, get off on that and if it
don’t work keep a few bags handy…) and often are not
very healty/had medical issues neglected or just don’t

Those deaths appears to be related to iboga
in conjunction with other unhealthy situations.


Similar to when pot and alcohol show up in a
coroner’s report, the two are in the system, but the
cannabis did not in any way cause death. I have not

You are speaking from inexperience with the substance
and are sadly very mistaken. People on ibogaine can
just go,  poof, no “cause”, just leave (as in their
spirit/soul or whatever you want to call it got
disconnected from their body, LOST, decided to leave).
Again, I am not saying it and of itself is not safe
when taken according to protocol – which includes NOT
giving it to people who really have an interest in
being on the “other side”. Tell me Marc, why in this
scientific world would MASH (a scientist type person)
require people to sign a statement that they will come
back (yes from the IBO WORLD…)? I mean protocol has
been followed right? They give ibo in the strictest
environment, all the medical equipment you could ask
for, doctors and staff… but she needs them to sign a
round trip ticket, that is very unscientific. Curious
don’t you think?

seen a coroner’s report hold iboga or ibogaine
responsible for any death.

People are still dead.

20,000 – 50,000 people worldwide must have
experienced iboga, iboga extract, Ibogaine HCI in
the last 35 years,

It is likely far, far higher than that. YOu got your
various iboga religions, Bwiti and its flavors, the
little people of the forest

and I cannot see any evidence in
the science or anecdotal evidence that implicates
iboga in death or even in serious injury.

Then you missed it, I have.

Ibogaine is reasonably safe, even very safe stuff vs
the alternative, but there are risks, protocol or not.
YOU MUST also consider that (as I said) addicts do not
follow instructions very well. You must consider that
someday someone will come up allergic, PEOPLE’s hearts
sometimes stop (yes, this really happens and really
doesn’t get reported to the news or police). I mean if
it is so safe, why the F do you learn CPR to give
ibo??? If it is so safe??? Hearts stopping is not a
safe event but yet you are ready for an un-safe event
are you not? I know CPR, I have done CPR (it is easier
when there are not bullet holes in someones chest, it
kind of leaks), in fact I am as cool as it comes in an
emergency, dead bodies, blood, broken bones, body
parts, babies being born (both C-Section and natural)
-seen em all, held em all, been there, done that and
ibogaine makes me nervous, more the HCL (at higher
dosages) than Indra at 5-6 max.

So, in part I guess what I am saying is most of the
time everyone will just come out fine and dandy but
the mix of SOME DRUG ADDICT/Person with SOME SITTER
who may or may not have followed protocol and have the
emergency phone numbers handy or know what to do… is
an unknown variable thrown into the equation.

Good health screening protocols are very helpful and
we certainly do this at ITH. In fact, our screening

Yes, absolutely.

protocol is probably more thorough than any other
facility outside of the doctor run facillities in
the West Indies, Panama and Mexico.

I believe if an ordinary person follows our
procedures, an individual could very safely have an
iboga experience. This insistence that what I am

You are absoutely correct, “IF” and “ordinary person”
come together to do such a thing.  FYI, I read
somewhere that in traditional use of iboga (ritual
doses which are very high) that death rate is 1:6000.

saying is ‘reckless’ sounds to me like the way
priesthood’s insist they are the conduit to God,
that only they know ‘iboga’s’ true power. That
individual autonomy somehow here is dangerous, and
that an elite class of practitioners is required. I
believe if you can get to a place like Iboga Therapy
House, thats the best option possibly. But if I were

Yes. My suggestion to (just) anyone seeking treatment
is to see someone experienced with the administration
of iboga, hopefully away from home, under controlled
environment/set/setting… This is for a variety of
reasons, one of which is safty, another is success. I
see too many people “just take it” and fail, there are
a lot that you can twist the right way or the wrong
way during and just after doing ibo. Sure, it is going
to detox anyone well enough, Joe Dickhead could pretty
much (in relative safty) detox himself following some
protocol and procedure. You say to move in a certain
way but the addict/initiate will have no clue during
the session how fast they are moving, they often
enough “BOUNCE” up. This is not to say that some
people I would feel comfortable with doing it
themselves who have zero experience, depends on who
they are and how seriously they take things. Contrast,
an active dope fiend may not do so well following
instructions but maybe a long term meth addict (with
career, a couple nurses come to mind) who is tired of
it will follow them closer and be more serious about
it – the “junkie” vs the more stable person/addict,
there is a difference.

For the life of me though I have a hard time with “the
keys” to ibogaine. Be it a junkie or whoever, however
they should have the opportunity to take ibogaine,
even if they are not serious about it. I just can’t
hold back the medicine cause I think I know someone is
not ready for it (unless it is a clear danger of
course).  All you can do sometimes is give em a
choice, tell them the rules and let them find their
own way (learning experience sometimes on how not to
do ibogaine…).

an addicted person far away from a place like ITH,
and I had a serious think about iboga, I would find
the risk very attractive viz. the potential

Total agreement. Question, how many addicts do you
know of that take medication (you know, like do not
mix with alcohol, do not operate heavy machinery, take
X quantity…) according to the very simple
instructions on a script bottle??? There in lies the
biggest problem with many addicts doing it themselves,
they don’t listen.


Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House
—– Original Message —–
From: Ethnogarden Botanicals Corp.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here
is what you should do

You hit that right on the button Marko!

By observing you have not seen the deep

Under no circumstances should you iterate it is
safe for everyone.
Everyone reacts differently, watch the advice you

Not trying to be harsh but I know I wouldn’t want
to feel responsible for giving bad advice and seeing
someone hurt. I should hope you feel the same.

Ethnogarden Botanicals Corp.
Tel: (01)705-735-0540
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself,
here is what you should do


yes, sarcasm, that’s exactly it!

We’ve been through this shit some time ago, when
Carl N.W. advertised Indra
Extract (ooops, HIS extract) as the best and oh
and ah material to detox.

Now this is repeating. Not only the
glorification of Indra (MARC wrote:
“You should use the Indra extract”). I won’t go
into why Soren should use
Indra and why not rootbark or HCl or something
else… The problem here is
that someone who is experienced (btw, Marc, have
you ingested a full dose
of IBO, in any form?) doesn’t give someone new
to IBO (who is seeking
deliverance and new life) a quality information,
but in fact says : This is
the best for you!

Is it really?

The same thing is with Sara’s post on another
list. Let me paste it here
for those who are not subscribed to it:

“I know a man who ended up in the madhouse
After taking Ibo. alone,
He stayed there for a month,
He got the stuff from me; he said he had a
His health wasn’t so good after all,
If you like to do a treatment on your own, you
must know
There are risks which are not worth taking,
You like to take the easy way out but that
including a possible nightmare
or panic attack .
Think about it.


Now, think about it and read what’s between
lines. And see that
one-sidedness of info. Oh, and don’t forget that
Soren lives quite close to
Sara! And she is experienced treatment provider
and I see that with her
there are no possibilities of possible nightmare
or panic attack…

Besides, Marc says: “Ibogaine extract IS
inherently safe…” And so is
rootbark. And HCl. But wait – is this true? Can
we be 100% sure of what
Marc wrote? Is he entitled to make such
statements? What are his
credentials? Where did he get info on this? Were
there scientific, medical,
clinical trials on humans (using that inherently
safe extract), or were
just some lab experiments on mice and rats
(using that inherently safe
extract – or was it IBO base, or HCl, or
something else??) I must have
missed this in research papers:  “In the 35 year
history of documented
iboga extract use…” Marc, can you please let
us know where to get these
documents? I’m quite sure that I’m not the only
one wanting to study this!

No, Marc, nothing IS inherently safe, not even
IBOgaine extract. Nor milk.

Nor life.

And I hope that everyone will as soon as
possible understand that IBO is no
fun, that it should be treated with utmost
respect. That it can act one way
in one person, and completely another way in
another person… even though
it acted the first way in 100 persons… So,
Marc, what if Soren doesn’t
get over it?

Henk, it seems, forgot this for a moment ant
took IBO too lightly. Haven’t
you learned anything from him????

If you haven’t, then I suggest that all of you
make a special URL wich will
advertise your IBO and your way of treating
people. You can use BIIIG
words, in many colours, you can even tell the
world that you Are THE Only
One In The World Who Knows EVERYTHING About IBO,
The ONLY ONE Who Can
Administer It Safely And Efficiently To Whomever
Reading….. I’m sure that
Patrick will gladly put this URL in the headers
of list E-mail… Or
wouldn’t he?

YOu can be sure that I won’t appear there ;-))

And another thing, regarding use of water when
getting IBO down the throat:
Bwiti say “L’eau tue l’Iboga”

But some people, it seems, know better. After
all, who the heck are those
Bwiti? What do they know about IBO?? If they
knew anything, then THEY would
write about pharmacodynamics of IBOga!!



At 04:13 24.2.2003, you wrote:

I’m going to word what I say carefuly because I
don’t want to offend
anyone by accident and nothing I’m saying has
anything to do with the
skill of doctors from one country or another. I
also want to make sure I
put across what I mean to say, I have to give
this more thought then
others who can write 50 paragraphs without
setting off any bombs, hi
patrick 😉

I think what Marc does is very honorable bro.
Not only does he help people
for free but he gives out and shares his info.
I don’t see anyone else
doing that as has been mentioned here before.

I don’t set out to knock anyone and think
everyone should get help in any
way that is best for them but Marko posted a
message that was very
sarcastic and full of Patrickisms and mindvox
quotes ‘FoLloW the yELloW
BrIcK RoaD’ and mixed upper and lowercase and
all this and I don’t know
what he really meant. What I read was sarcasm.

As someone who dosed ibogaine on my own and am
much happier for it I think
that some of what you are doing is just the pot
calling the kettle black.
Mash may spread FUD about how nobody else knows
what they are doing or she
knows more and maybe she does. But taking this
from your own web site, you
do exactly the same thing.

‘There are individuals who advertise on the
internet and they might charge
less for their treatment but you need to be
aware that they administer
treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal
training in handling emergencies
and might be reluctant to take a patient with
complications to the ER.’

And followed by a stab as Mash without naming
her ‘The Ibogaine
Association is the most active program with the
greatest number of
patients per month. Our goal is to provide safe
treatment in a comfortable
environment, accessible and at a reasonable
price. There are no hidden
costs with our program. Licensed physicians
with extensive experience
administering ibogaine are constantly present
and supervising the
treatment. Beware of ibogaine treatment centers
that talk negatively about
their colleagues, or use scare tactics to get
you into their program. Some
centers are overly expensive, so listen to what
they say with skepticism,
as the advice from these “experts” will not be
objective. There are other
treatment providers advertising on the Internet
who do not administer
ibogaine under medical supervision. Our main
interest is to help as many
people as possible, by making this new
treatment financially reasonable
and by providing adequate medical care.’

Bro I have no doubt you all want to help
people, but you don’t do anything
different from Mash. You run a business and
detox people with ibogaine. If
a gram costs less then $200, where does the
other $3,000 you want for
treatment go to? Mash can explain where $10,000
or more goes with all the
people she hires and extra costs she has, but
what is it that you do?

I know people who have detoxed with you all,
you aren’t putting people on
heart monitors so how do you even know if
something is happening unless
they tell you?

Telling people that if they do not take
ibogaine under medical supervision
they should not take it, is not right. Warning
that they might be better
off with it is something else. And this message
has nothing at all to do
with doctors from one country or another one,
it is written to reply to
exactly what you said and exactly what you
advertise on your web site
which is by the way the only ibogaine web site
running commerical ads.

Peace out,

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:37:35 -0800 Randy
<randyhencken@hotmail.com> wrote:

I am glad to see you share your advice and
experience.  However,
I feel that
it is irresponsible to assure someone that
they “will be OK”.  We
all know
that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence
ibo related fatalities.
posting on the other list is honest.  If you
do ibo on your own
you are
taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh
that risk carefully.
At the
same time, if you are a street drug user you
are taking your life
into your
own hands.  Using street dope is probably
equally as dangerous as
doing ibo
without experience.  But if you re not doing
street dope and you
are in a
treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best
to proceed to ibo
patience and caution and to eliminate as many
risks as possible.

Complications can happen, be willing and
prepared to call for emergency
if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under
professional care.

Randy Hencken
Ibogaine Association

From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself,
here is what you should
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800

You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA

Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour
0. Do not eat anything
for the
12 hours previous to taking the test dose.
Drink plenty of water
and herbal
(but not green or black tea, and certainly
not coffee, caffeine-
drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours
prior to the test dose.

Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely
dark. All windows should
covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT
USE incense or any
burning item
(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.)
at anytime during
the iboga

You cannot fix, use or take any drug
whatsoever for the 24 hours
prior to
test dose (excepting insulin and essential
non-addictive substances
related to your iboga).

Have a bottle of water at your side with a
mouth sized opening.

At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of
At one hour, if you feel normal,
comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly
then the test dose confirms you have no bad
reaction from the liver.
At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of
gel caps for the remaining
in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining
dose is 4,700 mg, in about
8 – 10
capsules. Drink at least one and a half
glasses of water to take

If you are overweight and you eat crap alot,
you will have nausea
upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as
long as you hydrate
job is to browbeat you into drinking water
after a vomitting),
is not a negative, it just is, and its part
of your detox. Most
of my
patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but
the big guys do, especially
crack cocaine users. You are probable OK,
but your stomach tissues
are soft
in all likelihood, so you are more likely to
respond to the high
acidity of
the iboga extract.

You’ll get through it.

You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6
times during your visualization
period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test
dose) plus Two hours,
minutes. You must get up like a robot, a
very slow robot, otherwise
experience ataxia, which, your body is going
to be off balance,
and like
sickness, the motion of your head should be
stiff and slow, otherwise
will bring on further nausea. This is
important, MOVE SLOWLY if
you have to

You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You
may, at the time, not
really know
what the hell is going on, you won’t be able
to talk about it while
it is
happening, in fact, it will only start to be
clear in about 72
hours, long
after visualization has passed. However,
your withdrawl and feeling
addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus
three hours. It will seem
like a
miracle to anyone observing, but you will be
deeply into the iboga
unaware of those earthbound things, even
that you are no longer
longer going through withdrawl (if you
follow my instructions,
your main
dose begins after you are aware of opiate
withdrawl happening).

Anything more I can tell you, if you would
like to know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc

Hi Marc
Thanks for responding to this.
My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the
last 2 months,I have been
on 60 mg
Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a
day,and 10 mg Valium.
Thank God I went down from 100 mg
Methadone,to 60,but I dont
know how
this will help.
I know Methadone is a different animal
than say Heroin.
Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Soren, give me your body weight,
frequency of drug use and
drugs used
last two months. You should use the
Indra extract. I will
tell you
can expect. An experienced sitter would
be great, but if you
who knows what to expect, who is alert,
you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

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From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 6:08:10 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

As far as the safety of eboka goes, there are two main non-pygmy
tribes using iboga (in Bwiti rites), The Mitsogo and the Fang.
The Mitsogo had eboka first and are reputed to be more cautious on
dosage, with fewer if any deaths compared to the Fang.

Before giving large amounts of eboga to initiates Metsogo test
them out with small amounts first “to see if they can support
the drug or if they have evil spirits which will use the drug as
an excuse to kill their host.”  (Bwiti: an Ethnography of the
Religious Imagination in Africa, by James W. Fernandez)

It may be that the test dose that is commonly given can detect
problems, but what if there is something more psychological that
the Mitsogo look for? Remember, life and death are at stake, and there
are plenty of conditions (mental and physical) that can affect,
say, one in 10,000 – who has records on that many patients and can
unambiguously determine why all deaths occurred? Who has records
on even 1,000 patients?

Humility and caution are called for here. The risks may be worth the
rewards, as for aspirin which kills a number of people, but we
don’t have the data for ibogaine that has been collected for aspirin
and anyone making any claim should bear that in mind and give their
basis for the claim, as well as their qualifications.

Bill Ross

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Vocci Sez 18-MC 8 Years From Approval
Date: February 24, 2003 at 5:26:15 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Somebody should write the WSJ that bup is NOT non-addictive, that
there have been numerous bup deaths in France, and that the
preparation they’re really talking about is buprenex (“makes you go
into withdrawal if you inject it”). Some one should tell them about
the Trexan deaths with UROD.

[Somebody ought come up with documentation of claims that have
appeared on this list that longterm trexan use makes you go bald and

And some one ought to tell them about the wildfire underground spread
of Ibogaine!


Pubdate: Thu, 20 Feb 2003
Source: Wall Street Journal (US)
Copyright: 2003 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Contact: wsj.ltrs@wsj.com
Website: http://www.wsj.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/487
Author: Peter Landers, Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/rehab.htm (Treatment)
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/find?136 (Methadone)


Seven years ago, Steve, a chemical engineer in Texas, began craving
painkillers. “You take three or four pills and you feel so good in just 30
minutes. … It’s like Christmas morning,” recalls Steve, who didn’t want
his last name used for fear of losing his job.

Last month he found a new drug — one designed to cure his addiction. Known
as buprenorphine, it eliminates cravings for painkillers but isn’t
addictive itself. Patients can get the drug privately at a doctor’s office;
around 1,000 physicians have been certified to prescribe it.

Buprenorphine is the advance guard of what could be a revolution in
addiction treatment — one that allows people to discreetly get help from a
family doctor in the form of a pill. Americans have long looked askance at
the idea of treating a drug addiction with another drug, but that is
changing as the federal government and a handful of young drug companies
search for treatments to help people addicted to alcohol, painkillers,
cocaine and heroin.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v03.n284.a03.html


From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 4:53:00 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I have some other comments for you about the subject
but just saw this email.

“I don’t believe I qualify for the
criteria we have set out at Iboga Thgerapy House,”

That has nothing to do with nothing – as in you are
using it as an excuse not to do it. Nothing is
stopping you from doing it at home or doing it at the
ITH, just change the rules. If you don’t want to do
it, say “I DON’T WANT TO DO IT”. It is like the “I
don’t do drugs” excuse or someone else I know who is
procrastinating about taking ibogaine, after a few
“excuses” we talked (me knowing the answer before we
did) and it is simple FEAR, nothing more, nothing less
and that is the absolute truth. Another person was
concerned about being tainted by the drug, under its
spell… so I don’t know that this person took it
(wink, wink), and no doubt they did, NONE.

that its to be used for individuals with
self-destructive drug dependency problems or
individuals with repetitive & self-destructive
behaviour patterns.

Funny, how many people with whatever excuses and the
belief that they are not addicts… nothing is wrong
with them… who took ibogaine, and saw and understood
AND it was very different than anything they expected
or believed ibogaine to be like. FYI, no, you didn’t
treat more people except for Mash – even in the

However, one (Linette)  of our
two permanent facillitators has tried a full dose
with remarkable results about four weeks ago.

No one has pointed out how IBOGA extract may be
unsafe, how this has been established? Five or six
deaths over 35+ years does not indict the Iboga

Stop being so defensive, it is not an indictment
against iboga extract or ibogaine. How is this, take
water, too much water, you die, too little water, you
die – same thing with oxygen, too much or in the wrong
place, or maybe used by someone who is inexperienced.
Everything has its own risks.
You have not delt with many addicts (lol, I know you
have) but you may have noticed a character trait, they
often don’t tell the truth (even to themselves) and
don’t follow instructions very well. Don’t get me
wrong, follow protocol/procedures and ibogaine is
pretty safe stuff for healthy people but addicts often
do not follow instructions, let alone “protocol”
(yeah, right, get some ibo, get off on that and if it
don’t work keep a few bags handy…) and often are not
very healty/had medical issues neglected or just don’t

Those deaths appears to be related to iboga
in conjunction with other unhealthy situations.


Similar to when pot and alcohol show up in a
coroner’s report, the two are in the system, but the
cannabis did not in any way cause death. I have not

You are speaking from inexperience with the substance
and are sadly very mistaken. People on ibogaine can
just go,  poof, no “cause”, just leave (as in their
spirit/soul or whatever you want to call it got
disconnected from their body, LOST, decided to leave).
Again, I am not saying it and of itself is not safe
when taken according to protocol – which includes NOT
giving it to people who really have an interest in
being on the “other side”. Tell me Marc, why in this
scientific world would MASH (a scientist type person)
require people to sign a statement that they will come
back (yes from the IBO WORLD…)? I mean protocol has
been followed right? They give ibo in the strictest
environment, all the medical equipment you could ask
for, doctors and staff… but she needs them to sign a
round trip ticket, that is very unscientific. Curious
don’t you think?

seen a coroner’s report hold iboga or ibogaine
responsible for any death.

People are still dead.

20,000 – 50,000 people worldwide must have
experienced iboga, iboga extract, Ibogaine HCI in
the last 35 years,

It is likely far, far higher than that. YOu got your
various iboga religions, Bwiti and its flavors, the
little people of the forest

and I cannot see any evidence in
the science or anecdotal evidence that implicates
iboga in death or even in serious injury.

Then you missed it, I have.

Ibogaine is reasonably safe, even very safe stuff vs
the alternative, but there are risks, protocol or not.
YOU MUST also consider that (as I said) addicts do not
follow instructions very well. You must consider that
someday someone will come up allergic, PEOPLE’s hearts
sometimes stop (yes, this really happens and really
doesn’t get reported to the news or police). I mean if
it is so safe, why the F do you learn CPR to give
ibo??? If it is so safe??? Hearts stopping is not a
safe event but yet you are ready for an un-safe event
are you not? I know CPR, I have done CPR (it is easier
when there are not bullet holes in someones chest, it
kind of leaks), in fact I am as cool as it comes in an
emergency, dead bodies, blood, broken bones, body
parts, babies being born (both C-Section and natural)
-seen em all, held em all, been there, done that and
ibogaine makes me nervous, more the HCL (at higher
dosages) than Indra at 5-6 max.

So, in part I guess what I am saying is most of the
time everyone will just come out fine and dandy but
the mix of SOME DRUG ADDICT/Person with SOME SITTER
who may or may not have followed protocol and have the
emergency phone numbers handy or know what to do… is
an unknown variable thrown into the equation.

Good health screening protocols are very helpful and
we certainly do this at ITH. In fact, our screening

Yes, absolutely.

protocol is probably more thorough than any other
facility outside of the doctor run facillities in
the West Indies, Panama and Mexico.

I believe if an ordinary person follows our
procedures, an individual could very safely have an
iboga experience. This insistence that what I am

You are absoutely correct, “IF” and “ordinary person”
come together to do such a thing.  FYI, I read
somewhere that in traditional use of iboga (ritual
doses which are very high) that death rate is 1:6000.

saying is ‘reckless’ sounds to me like the way
priesthood’s insist they are the conduit to God,
that only they know ‘iboga’s’ true power. That
individual autonomy somehow here is dangerous, and
that an elite class of practitioners is required. I
believe if you can get to a place like Iboga Therapy
House, thats the best option possibly. But if I were

Yes. My suggestion to (just) anyone seeking treatment
is to see someone experienced with the administration
of iboga, hopefully away from home, under controlled
environment/set/setting… This is for a variety of
reasons, one of which is safty, another is success. I
see too many people “just take it” and fail, there are
a lot that you can twist the right way or the wrong
way during and just after doing ibo. Sure, it is going
to detox anyone well enough, Joe Dickhead could pretty
much (in relative safty) detox himself following some
protocol and procedure. You say to move in a certain
way but the addict/initiate will have no clue during
the session how fast they are moving, they often
enough “BOUNCE” up. This is not to say that some
people I would feel comfortable with doing it
themselves who have zero experience, depends on who
they are and how seriously they take things. Contrast,
an active dope fiend may not do so well following
instructions but maybe a long term meth addict (with
career, a couple nurses come to mind) who is tired of
it will follow them closer and be more serious about
it – the “junkie” vs the more stable person/addict,
there is a difference.

For the life of me though I have a hard time with “the
keys” to ibogaine. Be it a junkie or whoever, however
they should have the opportunity to take ibogaine,
even if they are not serious about it. I just can’t
hold back the medicine cause I think I know someone is
not ready for it (unless it is a clear danger of
course).  All you can do sometimes is give em a
choice, tell them the rules and let them find their
own way (learning experience sometimes on how not to
do ibogaine…).

an addicted person far away from a place like ITH,
and I had a serious think about iboga, I would find
the risk very attractive viz. the potential

Total agreement. Question, how many addicts do you
know of that take medication (you know, like do not
mix with alcohol, do not operate heavy machinery, take
X quantity…) according to the very simple
instructions on a script bottle??? There in lies the
biggest problem with many addicts doing it themselves,
they don’t listen.


Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House
—– Original Message —–
From: Ethnogarden Botanicals Corp.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here
is what you should do

You hit that right on the button Marko!

By observing you have not seen the deep

Under no circumstances should you iterate it is
safe for everyone.
Everyone reacts differently, watch the advice you

Not trying to be harsh but I know I wouldn’t want
to feel responsible for giving bad advice and seeing
someone hurt. I should hope you feel the same.

Ethnogarden Botanicals Corp.
Tel: (01)705-735-0540
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself,
here is what you should do


yes, sarcasm, that’s exactly it!

We’ve been through this shit some time ago, when
Carl N.W. advertised Indra
Extract (ooops, HIS extract) as the best and oh
and ah material to detox.

Now this is repeating. Not only the
glorification of Indra (MARC wrote:
“You should use the Indra extract”). I won’t go
into why Soren should use
Indra and why not rootbark or HCl or something
else… The problem here is
that someone who is experienced (btw, Marc, have
you ingested a full dose
of IBO, in any form?) doesn’t give someone new
to IBO (who is seeking
deliverance and new life) a quality information,
but in fact says : This is
the best for you!

Is it really?

The same thing is with Sara’s post on another
list. Let me paste it here
for those who are not subscribed to it:

“I know a man who ended up in the madhouse
After taking Ibo. alone,
He stayed there for a month,
He got the stuff from me; he said he had a
His health wasn’t so good after all,
If you like to do a treatment on your own, you
must know
There are risks which are not worth taking,
You like to take the easy way out but that
including a possible nightmare
or panic attack .
Think about it.


Now, think about it and read what’s between
lines. And see that
one-sidedness of info. Oh, and don’t forget that
Soren lives quite close to
Sara! And she is experienced treatment provider
and I see that with her
there are no possibilities of possible nightmare
or panic attack…

Besides, Marc says: “Ibogaine extract IS
inherently safe…” And so is
rootbark. And HCl. But wait – is this true? Can
we be 100% sure of what
Marc wrote? Is he entitled to make such
statements? What are his
credentials? Where did he get info on this? Were
there scientific, medical,
clinical trials on humans (using that inherently
safe extract), or were
just some lab experiments on mice and rats
(using that inherently safe
extract – or was it IBO base, or HCl, or
something else??) I must have
missed this in research papers:  “In the 35 year
history of documented
iboga extract use…” Marc, can you please let
us know where to get these
documents? I’m quite sure that I’m not the only
one wanting to study this!

No, Marc, nothing IS inherently safe, not even
IBOgaine extract. Nor milk.

Nor life.

And I hope that everyone will as soon as
possible understand that IBO is no
fun, that it should be treated with utmost
respect. That it can act one way
in one person, and completely another way in
another person… even though
it acted the first way in 100 persons… So,
Marc, what if Soren doesn’t
get over it?

Henk, it seems, forgot this for a moment ant
took IBO too lightly. Haven’t
you learned anything from him????

If you haven’t, then I suggest that all of you
make a special URL wich will
advertise your IBO and your way of treating
people. You can use BIIIG
words, in many colours, you can even tell the
world that you Are THE Only
One In The World Who Knows EVERYTHING About IBO,
The ONLY ONE Who Can
Administer It Safely And Efficiently To Whomever
Reading….. I’m sure that
Patrick will gladly put this URL in the headers
of list E-mail… Or
wouldn’t he?

YOu can be sure that I won’t appear there ;-))

And another thing, regarding use of water when
getting IBO down the throat:
Bwiti say “L’eau tue l’Iboga”

But some people, it seems, know better. After
all, who the heck are those
Bwiti? What do they know about IBO?? If they
knew anything, then THEY would
write about pharmacodynamics of IBOga!!



At 04:13 24.2.2003, you wrote:

I’m going to word what I say carefuly because I
don’t want to offend
anyone by accident and nothing I’m saying has
anything to do with the
skill of doctors from one country or another. I
also want to make sure I
put across what I mean to say, I have to give
this more thought then
others who can write 50 paragraphs without
setting off any bombs, hi
patrick 😉

I think what Marc does is very honorable bro.
Not only does he help people
for free but he gives out and shares his info.
I don’t see anyone else
doing that as has been mentioned here before.

I don’t set out to knock anyone and think
everyone should get help in any
way that is best for them but Marko posted a
message that was very
sarcastic and full of Patrickisms and mindvox
quotes ‘FoLloW the yELloW
BrIcK RoaD’ and mixed upper and lowercase and
all this and I don’t know
what he really meant. What I read was sarcasm.

As someone who dosed ibogaine on my own and am
much happier for it I think
that some of what you are doing is just the pot
calling the kettle black.
Mash may spread FUD about how nobody else knows
what they are doing or she
knows more and maybe she does. But taking this
from your own web site, you
do exactly the same thing.

‘There are individuals who advertise on the
internet and they might charge
less for their treatment but you need to be
aware that they administer
treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal
training in handling emergencies
and might be reluctant to take a patient with
complications to the ER.’

And followed by a stab as Mash without naming
her ‘The Ibogaine
Association is the most active program with the
greatest number of
patients per month. Our goal is to provide safe
treatment in a comfortable
environment, accessible and at a reasonable
price. There are no hidden
costs with our program. Licensed physicians
with extensive experience
administering ibogaine are constantly present
and supervising the
treatment. Beware of ibogaine treatment centers
that talk negatively about
their colleagues, or use scare tactics to get
you into their program. Some
centers are overly expensive, so listen to what
they say with skepticism,
as the advice from these “experts” will not be
objective. There are other
treatment providers advertising on the Internet
who do not administer
ibogaine under medical supervision. Our main
interest is to help as many
people as possible, by making this new
treatment financially reasonable
and by providing adequate medical care.’

Bro I have no doubt you all want to help
people, but you don’t do anything
different from Mash. You run a business and
detox people with ibogaine. If
a gram costs less then $200, where does the
other $3,000 you want for
treatment go to? Mash can explain where $10,000
or more goes with all the
people she hires and extra costs she has, but
what is it that you do?

I know people who have detoxed with you all,
you aren’t putting people on
heart monitors so how do you even know if
something is happening unless
they tell you?

Telling people that if they do not take
ibogaine under medical supervision
they should not take it, is not right. Warning
that they might be better
off with it is something else. And this message
has nothing at all to do
with doctors from one country or another one,
it is written to reply to
exactly what you said and exactly what you
advertise on your web site
which is by the way the only ibogaine web site
running commerical ads.

Peace out,

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:37:35 -0800 Randy
<randyhencken@hotmail.com> wrote:

I am glad to see you share your advice and
experience.  However,
I feel that
it is irresponsible to assure someone that
they “will be OK”.  We
all know
that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence
ibo related fatalities.
posting on the other list is honest.  If you
do ibo on your own
you are
taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh
that risk carefully.
At the
same time, if you are a street drug user you
are taking your life
into your
own hands.  Using street dope is probably
equally as dangerous as
doing ibo
without experience.  But if you re not doing
street dope and you
are in a
treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best
to proceed to ibo
patience and caution and to eliminate as many
risks as possible.

Complications can happen, be willing and
prepared to call for emergency
if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under
professional care.

Randy Hencken
Ibogaine Association

From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself,
here is what you should
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800

You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA

Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour
0. Do not eat anything
for the
12 hours previous to taking the test dose.
Drink plenty of water
and herbal
(but not green or black tea, and certainly
not coffee, caffeine-
drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours
prior to the test dose.

Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely
dark. All windows should
covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT
USE incense or any
burning item
(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.)
at anytime during
the iboga

You cannot fix, use or take any drug
whatsoever for the 24 hours
prior to
test dose (excepting insulin and essential
non-addictive substances
related to your iboga).

Have a bottle of water at your side with a
mouth sized opening.

At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of
At one hour, if you feel normal,
comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly
then the test dose confirms you have no bad
reaction from the liver.
At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of
gel caps for the remaining
in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining
dose is 4,700 mg, in about
8 – 10
capsules. Drink at least one and a half
glasses of water to take

If you are overweight and you eat crap alot,
you will have nausea
upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as
long as you hydrate
job is to browbeat you into drinking water
after a vomitting),
is not a negative, it just is, and its part
of your detox. Most
of my
patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but
the big guys do, especially
crack cocaine users. You are probable OK,
but your stomach tissues
are soft
in all likelihood, so you are more likely to
respond to the high
acidity of
the iboga extract.

You’ll get through it.

You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6
times during your visualization
period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test
dose) plus Two hours,
minutes. You must get up like a robot, a
very slow robot, otherwise
experience ataxia, which, your body is going
to be off balance,
and like
sickness, the motion of your head should be
stiff and slow, otherwise
will bring on further nausea. This is
important, MOVE SLOWLY if
you have to

You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You
may, at the time, not
really know
what the hell is going on, you won’t be able
to talk about it while
it is
happening, in fact, it will only start to be
clear in about 72
hours, long
after visualization has passed. However,
your withdrawl and feeling
addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus
three hours. It will seem
like a
miracle to anyone observing, but you will be
deeply into the iboga
unaware of those earthbound things, even
that you are no longer
longer going through withdrawl (if you
follow my instructions,
your main
dose begins after you are aware of opiate
withdrawl happening).

Anything more I can tell you, if you would
like to know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc

Hi Marc
Thanks for responding to this.
My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the
last 2 months,I have been
on 60 mg
Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a
day,and 10 mg Valium.
Thank God I went down from 100 mg
Methadone,to 60,but I dont
know how
this will help.
I know Methadone is a different animal
than say Heroin.
Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Soren, give me your body weight,
frequency of drug use and
drugs used
last two months. You should use the
Indra extract. I will
tell you
can expect. An experienced sitter would
be great, but if you
who knows what to expect, who is alert,
you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

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From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 4:36:46 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

At 21:27 24.2.2003, you wrote:
Of course, we don’t charge anything to our patients, that makes us unique in the world. So as to this,
>>>I used to work with some people who haven’t ingested IBO. Every time we met they wanted me to rise HCl prices. They knew this was a GOOD bussiness! Then they started to place advertising on Internet and in newspapers, something like this: 100% solution to addiction! We use Ibogaine! Call…

I don’t work with them anymore ;-))

I don’t know what you mean.

You don’t?

I mean that anyone doing treatments (except maybe MDs, they’re supposed to give Hyppocrates oath, and they know something about bio-chemistry and receptors and things) should know what they are doing. More direct, all treatment facilitators (including you) should ingest full dose of IBO. This is THE ONLY WAY you can understand it!! No literature can give you such a deep insight as personal experience!

Of course, you don’t charge anything to your patients… I hope that you have  at least one MD employed, and that Indra Extract is on Canadian equivalent to our List of Medicaments, so this healing of a disease is legal… Otherwise you’ll eventually have some BIG problems!

Just to let you know that you’re not so unique: Sacrament of Transition also gives away free IBO. It does that since it was founded. And before that, I gave it for free, too.

We use HCI for the small daily doses we give the crack cocaine users for 15 – 20 days after a main treatment.

And this you will have to rephrase:

>>>Btw, how did you like Linette’s yesterday’s lunch? Was your stomach full?<<<

I’ll explain the meaning of this. You wrote that you haven’t had IBO, but Linette had it. I’d like to know what do YOU have from her experience?

Hope this is clear enough?

Most of our patients, notably the thin or non-obese patients, do not vomit. We give them Gravol (an anti-nauseant)  30 minutes before the main dose. Linette, for example, had a very fine journey, where she was with the Bwiti for quite a spell. Resolved a number of childhood traumas during her experience. Linette doesn’t think it matters if I have had iboga or not, but for her, it was necessary. She is an amazing person, all our patients love her.

I believe that she is an amazing person ;-))
And that makes her qualified to think if it matters or not if YOU had IBO or not? And for her was neccesary? Marc, I think it’s IMPERATIVE for you to have a full dose of IBO!!!

What now? Linette says you don’t have to, I say you have to. Linette took IBO once, I took it more than once (this makes me “more competent”). Linette is your employee (so to speak) and likes her job and wants to keep it (yes, I admit, this is only a speculation), I am independent from you. Who will you listen to?

And more, I think that you’re AFRAID to look inside your head!

Are you?? Or will Linette tell you that it doesn’t matter if you are afraid, or are not??

Look, I won’t get into what you wrote bellow. Not because I am resentful (which I’m not ;-)) but because you don’t understand. I’ll try to explain to you in another way. Perhaps now you won’t try to deal with me the way politicians treat masses – don’t forget that the majority on this list use their own heads;-))

My remarks bellow… I used them to show you that you’re not God, that your point of wiew isn’t wide enough to be one… Can’t you see that it’s not only stupid, but dangerous as well to feel that you know everything, when in effect you haven’t even scratched the surface? Or do you think it’s enoug to own ITH and you can do whatever you want?

And I should be resentful? HA HA HA!!!
I prefer trying to understand this world ;-)))

Anyway, you skiped one important question: Do you know what is inside (what is it composed of) IBO that ITH uses?


Your remarks that I am indicating below all seem to carry a tone of superiority because you have once ingested ibogaine, yet you really end up confirming what I have said, you just seem resentful that I have said it…

>>>Neither have I. But I did IBO.
Your pot & alco comparison could be different, lets say: when somebody on acid thinks he can fly and throws himself out of window in 15th floor (and there’s no balcony there ;-)) then acid did not in any way cause death. Impact with concrete did.<<<

and this

>>>I agree they are helpful. But I wonder what kind of screening protocol Bwiti have… Just imagine that you’re 12 and you HAVE TO do this, otherwise you’re not “real” man. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?
Or imagine that you’re 33 and you HAVE TO stop drugs, otherwise you’re dead in a few months. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?<<<

and this

>>>Congratulations! You’re the best! Again.


Anyway, it makes me wonder how you know ALL screening protocols from EVERYBODY that provides treatments….<<<

and especially when I say this:

I believe if an ordinary person follows our procedures, an individual could very safely have an iboga experience. This insistence that what I am saying is ‘reckless’ sounds to me like the way priesthood’s insist they are the conduit to God, that only they know ‘iboga’s’ true power. That individual autonomy somehow here is dangerous, and that an elite class of practitioners is required.  +++

You agree, but resentfully so, with this:

>>>I believe this is about Sacrament of Transition. But, funny enough, the main point in this religion is that individual ingests IBO in order to have a chance to have direct contact with God. Priests only help those individuals. Anyone has right to know IBO’s true power, and everyone gets what God gives him. No middle man. No side interpretations. No bullshit.<<<
So Marko agrees with me completely,
but is resentful nonetheless. Go figure.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do


At 18:54 24.2.2003, you wrote:
No, I haven’t ingested ibogaine, not even a milligram. I don’t believe I qualify for the criteria we have set out at Iboga Thgerapy House, that its to be used for individuals with self-destructive drug dependency problems or individuals with repetitive & self-destructive behaviour patterns. However, one (Linette)  of our two permanent facillitators has tried a full dose with remarkable results about four weeks ago.
I used to work with some people who haven’t ingested IBO. Every time we met they wanted me to rise HCl prices. They knew this was a GOOD bussiness! Then they started to place advertising on Internet and in newspapers, something like this: 100% solution to addiction! We use Ibogaine! Call…

I don’t work with them anymore ;-))

Btw, how did you like Linette’s yesterday’s lunch? Was your stomach full?

No one has pointed out how IBOGA extract may be unsafe, how this has been established? Five or six deaths over 35+ years does not indict the Iboga Extract. Those deaths appears to be related to iboga in conjunction with other unhealthy situations. Similar to when pot and alcohol show up in a coroner’s report, the two are in the system, but the cannabis did not in any way cause death. I have not seen a coroner’s report hold iboga or ibogaine responsible for any death.
Neither have I. But I did IBO.
Your pot & alco comparison could be different, lets say: when somebody on acid thinks he can fly and throws himself out of window in 15th floor (and there’s no balcony there ;-)) then acid did not in any way cause death. Impact with concrete did.

20,000 – 50,000 people worldwide must have experienced iboga, iboga extract, Ibogaine HCI in the last 35 years, and I cannot see any evidence in the science or anecdotal evidence that implicates iboga in death or even in serious injury.
My guess is that you underestimate IBO experiences
Evidence? What about Sara’s recent testimony, for example?

Good health screening protocols are very helpful and we certainly do this at ITH.
I agree they are helpful. But I wonder what kind of screening protocol Bwiti have… Just imagine that you’re 12 and you HAVE TO do this, otherwise you’re not “real” man. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?
Or imagine that you’re 33 and you HAVE TO stop drugs, otherwise you’re dead in a few months. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?

In fact, our screening protocol is probably more thorough than any other facility outside of the doctor run facillities in the West Indies, Panama and Mexico.
Congratulations! You’re the best! Again.


Anyway, it makes me wonder how you know ALL screening protocols from EVERYBODY that provides treatments….

I believe if an ordinary person follows our procedures, an individual could very safely have an iboga experience. This insistence that what I am saying is ‘reckless’ sounds to me like the way priesthood’s insist they are the conduit to God, that only they know ‘iboga’s’ true power. That individual autonomy somehow here is dangerous, and that an elite class of practitioners is required.
I believe this is about Sacrament of Transition. But, funny enough, the main point in this religion is that individual ingests IBO in order to have a chance to have direct contact with God. Priests only help those individuals. Anyone has right to know IBO’s true power, and everyone gets what God gives him. No middle man. No side interpretations. No bullshit.

I believe if you can get to a place like Iboga Therapy House, thats the best option possibly. But if I were an addicted person far away from a place like ITH, and I had a serious think about iboga, I would find the risk very attractive viz. the potential benefits.
I don’t believe that. Why? It’s very simple: you don’t know what you use. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I assume you don’t have the slightest idea how much of what is in Indra extract!

Or do you?

If you want to find out at least the content of Ibogaine in two Indra samples, then dig into archives of this list (or is that Calyx?)  and find my message with lab findings. If you don’t have time to dig, I can tell you: The difference is so big that I decided NOT to use Indra extract, despite lower price!

There are so many unknown things about IBO that I certanly want to keep as much control and predictability as possible.

God does the rest ;-))


From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 3:27:23 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Of course, we don’t charge anything to our patients, that makes us unique in the world. So as to this,
>>>I used to work with some people who haven’t ingested IBO. Every time we met they wanted me to rise HCl prices. They knew this was a GOOD bussiness! Then they started to place advertising on Internet and in newspapers, something like this: 100% solution to addiction! We use Ibogaine! Call…

I don’t work with them anymore ;-))

I don’t know what you mean. We use HCI for the small daily doses we give the crack cocaine users for 15 – 20 days after a main treatment.

And this you will have to rephrase:

>>>Btw, how did you like Linette’s yesterday’s lunch? Was your stomach full?<<<

Most of our patients, notably the thin or non-obese patients, do not vomit. We give them Gravol (an anti-nauseant)  30 minutes before the main dose. Linette, for example, had a very fine journey, where she was with the Bwiti for quite a spell. Resolved a number of childhood traumas during her experience. Linette doesn’t think it matters if I have had iboga or not, but for her, it was necessary. She is an amazing person, all our patients love her.

Your remarks that I am indicating below all seem to carry a tone of superiority because you have once ingested ibogaine, yet you really end up confirming what I have said, you just seem resentful that I have said it…

>>>Neither have I. But I did IBO.
Your pot & alco comparison could be different, lets say: when somebody on acid thinks he can fly and throws himself out of window in 15th floor (and there’s no balcony there ;-)) then acid did not in any way cause death. Impact with concrete did.<<<

and this

>>>I agree they are helpful. But I wonder what kind of screening protocol Bwiti have… Just imagine that you’re 12 and you HAVE TO do this, otherwise you’re not “real” man. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?
Or imagine that you’re 33 and you HAVE TO stop drugs, otherwise you’re dead in a few months. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?<<<

and this

>>>Congratulations! You’re the best! Again.


Anyway, it makes me wonder how you know ALL screening protocols from EVERYBODY that provides treatments….<<<

and especially when I say this:

I believe if an ordinary person follows our procedures, an individual could very safely have an iboga experience. This insistence that what I am saying is ‘reckless’ sounds to me like the way priesthood’s insist they are the conduit to God, that only they know ‘iboga’s’ true power. That individual autonomy somehow here is dangerous, and that an elite class of practitioners is required.  +++

You agree, but resentfully so, with this:

>>>I believe this is about Sacrament of Transition. But, funny enough, the main point in this religion is that individual ingests IBO in order to have a chance to have direct contact with God. Priests only help those individuals. Anyone has right to know IBO’s true power, and everyone gets what God gives him. No middle man. No side interpretations. No bullshit.<<<
So Marko agrees with me completely,
but is resentful nonetheless. Go figure.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House


—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do


At 18:54 24.2.2003, you wrote:
No, I haven’t ingested ibogaine, not even a milligram. I don’t believe I qualify for the criteria we have set out at Iboga Thgerapy House, that its to be used for individuals with self-destructive drug dependency problems or individuals with repetitive & self-destructive behaviour patterns. However, one (Linette)  of our two permanent facillitators has tried a full dose with remarkable results about four weeks ago.

I used to work with some people who haven’t ingested IBO. Every time we met they wanted me to rise HCl prices. They knew this was a GOOD bussiness! Then they started to place advertising on Internet and in newspapers, something like this: 100% solution to addiction! We use Ibogaine! Call…

I don’t work with them anymore ;-))

Btw, how did you like Linette’s yesterday’s lunch? Was your stomach full?

No one has pointed out how IBOGA extract may be unsafe, how this has been established? Five or six deaths over 35+ years does not indict the Iboga Extract. Those deaths appears to be related to iboga in conjunction with other unhealthy situations. Similar to when pot and alcohol show up in a coroner’s report, the two are in the system, but the cannabis did not in any way cause death. I have not seen a coroner’s report hold iboga or ibogaine responsible for any death.

Neither have I. But I did IBO.
Your pot & alco comparison could be different, lets say: when somebody on acid thinks he can fly and throws himself out of window in 15th floor (and there’s no balcony there ;-)) then acid did not in any way cause death. Impact with concrete did.

20,000 – 50,000 people worldwide must have experienced iboga, iboga extract, Ibogaine HCI in the last 35 years, and I cannot see any evidence in the science or anecdotal evidence that implicates iboga in death or even in serious injury.

My guess is that you underestimate IBO experiences
Evidence? What about Sara’s recent testimony, for example?

Good health screening protocols are very helpful and we certainly do this at ITH.

I agree they are helpful. But I wonder what kind of screening protocol Bwiti have… Just imagine that you’re 12 and you HAVE TO do this, otherwise you’re not “real” man. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?
Or imagine that you’re 33 and you HAVE TO stop drugs, otherwise you’re dead in a few months. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?

In fact, our screening protocol is probably more thorough than any other facility outside of the doctor run facillities in the West Indies, Panama and Mexico.

Congratulations! You’re the best! Again.


Anyway, it makes me wonder how you know ALL screening protocols from EVERYBODY that provides treatments….

I believe if an ordinary person follows our procedures, an individual could very safely have an iboga experience. This insistence that what I am saying is ‘reckless’ sounds to me like the way priesthood’s insist they are the conduit to God, that only they know ‘iboga’s’ true power. That individual autonomy somehow here is dangerous, and that an elite class of practitioners is required.

I believe this is about Sacrament of Transition. But, funny enough, the main point in this religion is that individual ingests IBO in order to have a chance to have direct contact with God. Priests only help those individuals. Anyone has right to know IBO’s true power, and everyone gets what God gives him. No middle man. No side interpretations. No bullshit.

I believe if you can get to a place like Iboga Therapy House, thats the best option possibly. But if I were an addicted person far away from a place like ITH, and I had a serious think about iboga, I would find the risk very attractive viz. the potential benefits.

I don’t believe that. Why? It’s very simple: you don’t know what you use. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I assume you don’t have the slightest idea how much of what is in Indra extract!

Or do you?

If you want to find out at least the content of Ibogaine in two Indra samples, then dig into archives of this list (or is that Calyx?)  and find my message with lab findings. If you don’t have time to dig, I can tell you: The difference is so big that I decided NOT to use Indra extract, despite lower price!

There are so many unknown things about IBO that I certanly want to keep as much control and predictability as possible.

God does the rest ;-))


From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 3:04:03 PM EST
To: ibogaine <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Neither have I. But I did IBO.
Your pot & alco comparison could be different, lets say: when somebody on
acid thinks he can fly and throws himself out of window in 15th floor (and
there’s no balcony there ;-)) then acid did not in any way cause death.
Impact with concrete did.

I’ve always wondered….why is it that when people are tripping and think they
can fly, they don’t try to take off from the ground?

From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 2:13:09 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


At 18:54 24.2.2003, you wrote:
No, I haven’t ingested ibogaine, not even a milligram. I don’t believe I qualify for the criteria we have set out at Iboga Thgerapy House, that its to be used for individuals with self-destructive drug dependency problems or individuals with repetitive & self-destructive behaviour patterns. However, one (Linette)  of our two permanent facillitators has tried a full dose with remarkable results about four weeks ago.

I used to work with some people who haven’t ingested IBO. Every time we met they wanted me to rise HCl prices. They knew this was a GOOD bussiness! Then they started to place advertising on Internet and in newspapers, something like this: 100% solution to addiction! We use Ibogaine! Call…

I don’t work with them anymore ;-))

Btw, how did you like Linette’s yesterday’s lunch? Was your stomach full?

No one has pointed out how IBOGA extract may be unsafe, how this has been established? Five or six deaths over 35+ years does not indict the Iboga Extract. Those deaths appears to be related to iboga in conjunction with other unhealthy situations. Similar to when pot and alcohol show up in a coroner’s report, the two are in the system, but the cannabis did not in any way cause death. I have not seen a coroner’s report hold iboga or ibogaine responsible for any death.

Neither have I. But I did IBO.
Your pot & alco comparison could be different, lets say: when somebody on acid thinks he can fly and throws himself out of window in 15th floor (and there’s no balcony there ;-)) then acid did not in any way cause death. Impact with concrete did.

20,000 – 50,000 people worldwide must have experienced iboga, iboga extract, Ibogaine HCI in the last 35 years, and I cannot see any evidence in the science or anecdotal evidence that implicates iboga in death or even in serious injury.

My guess is that you underestimate IBO experiences
Evidence? What about Sara’s recent testimony, for example?

Good health screening protocols are very helpful and we certainly do this at ITH.

I agree they are helpful. But I wonder what kind of screening protocol Bwiti have… Just imagine that you’re 12 and you HAVE TO do this, otherwise you’re not “real” man. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?
Or imagine that you’re 33 and you HAVE TO stop drugs, otherwise you’re dead in a few months. What can stop you??? What kind of screening protocol?

In fact, our screening protocol is probably more thorough than any other facility outside of the doctor run facillities in the West Indies, Panama and Mexico.

Congratulations! You’re the best! Again.


Anyway, it makes me wonder how you know ALL screening protocols from EVERYBODY that provides treatments….

I believe if an ordinary person follows our procedures, an individual could very safely have an iboga experience. This insistence that what I am saying is ‘reckless’ sounds to me like the way priesthood’s insist they are the conduit to God, that only they know ‘iboga’s’ true power. That individual autonomy somehow here is dangerous, and that an elite class of practitioners is required.

I believe this is about Sacrament of Transition. But, funny enough, the main point in this religion is that individual ingests IBO in order to have a chance to have direct contact with God. Priests only help those individuals. Anyone has right to know IBO’s true power, and everyone gets what God gives him. No middle man. No side interpretations. No bullshit.

I believe if you can get to a place like Iboga Therapy House, thats the best option possibly. But if I were an addicted person far away from a place like ITH, and I had a serious think about iboga, I would find the risk very attractive viz. the potential benefits.

I don’t believe that. Why? It’s very simple: you don’t know what you use. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I assume you don’t have the slightest idea how much of what is in Indra extract!

Or do you?

If you want to find out at least the content of Ibogaine in two Indra samples, then dig into archives of this list (or is that Calyx?)  and find my message with lab findings. If you don’t have time to dig, I can tell you: The difference is so big that I decided NOT to use Indra extract, despite lower price!

There are so many unknown things about IBO that I certanly want to keep as much control and predictability as possible.

God does the rest ;-))


From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 12:54:53 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

No, I haven’t ingested ibogaine, not even a milligram. I don’t believe I qualify for the criteria we have set out at Iboga Thgerapy House, that its to be used for individuals with self-destructive drug dependency problems or individuals with repetitive & self-destructive behaviour patterns. However, one (Linette)  of our two permanent facillitators has tried a full dose with remarkable results about four weeks ago.

No one has pointed out how IBOGA extract may be unsafe, how this has been established? Five or six deaths over 35+ years does not indict the Iboga Extract. Those deaths appears to be related to iboga in conjunction with other unhealthy situations. Similar to when pot and alcohol show up in a coroner’s report, the two are in the system, but the cannabis did not in any way cause death. I have not seen a coroner’s report hold iboga or ibogaine responsible for any death.

20,000 – 50,000 people worldwide must have experienced iboga, iboga extract, Ibogaine HCI in the last 35 years, and I cannot see any evidence in the science or anecdotal evidence that implicates iboga in death or even in serious injury.

Good health screening protocols are very helpful and we certainly do this at ITH. In fact, our screening protocol is probably more thorough than any other facility outside of the doctor run facillities in the West Indies, Panama and Mexico.

I believe if an ordinary person follows our procedures, an individual could very safely have an iboga experience. This insistence that what I am saying is ‘reckless’ sounds to me like the way priesthood’s insist they are the conduit to God, that only they know ‘iboga’s’ true power. That individual autonomy somehow here is dangerous, and that an elite class of practitioners is required. I believe if you can get to a place like Iboga Therapy House, thats the best option possibly. But if I were an addicted person far away from a place like ITH, and I had a serious think about iboga, I would find the risk very attractive viz. the potential benefits.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House
—– Original Message —–
From: Ethnogarden Botanicals Corp.
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 6:49 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do

You hit that right on the button Marko!

By observing you have not seen the deep revelations.

Under no circumstances should you iterate it is safe for everyone.
Everyone reacts differently, watch the advice you give.

Not trying to be harsh but I know I wouldn’t want to feel responsible for giving bad advice and seeing someone hurt. I should hope you feel the same.

Ethnogarden Botanicals Corp.
Tel: (01)705-735-0540
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do


yes, sarcasm, that’s exactly it!

We’ve been through this shit some time ago, when Carl N.W. advertised Indra
Extract (ooops, HIS extract) as the best and oh and ah material to detox.

Now this is repeating. Not only the glorification of Indra (MARC wrote:
“You should use the Indra extract”). I won’t go into why Soren should use
Indra and why not rootbark or HCl or something else… The problem here is
that someone who is experienced (btw, Marc, have you ingested a full dose
of IBO, in any form?) doesn’t give someone new to IBO (who is seeking
deliverance and new life) a quality information, but in fact says : This is
the best for you!

Is it really?

The same thing is with Sara’s post on another list. Let me paste it here
for those who are not subscribed to it:

“I know a man who ended up in the madhouse
After taking Ibo. alone,
He stayed there for a month,
He got the stuff from me; he said he had a sitter,
His health wasn’t so good after all,
If you like to do a treatment on your own, you must know
There are risks which are not worth taking,
You like to take the easy way out but that including a possible nightmare
or panic attack .
Think about it.


Now, think about it and read what’s between lines. And see that
one-sidedness of info. Oh, and don’t forget that Soren lives quite close to
Sara! And she is experienced treatment provider and I see that with her
there are no possibilities of possible nightmare or panic attack…

Besides, Marc says: “Ibogaine extract IS inherently safe…” And so is
rootbark. And HCl. But wait – is this true? Can we be 100% sure of what
Marc wrote? Is he entitled to make such statements? What are his
credentials? Where did he get info on this? Were there scientific, medical,
clinical trials on humans (using that inherently safe extract), or were
just some lab experiments on mice and rats (using that inherently safe
extract – or was it IBO base, or HCl, or something else??) I must have
missed this in research papers:  “In the 35 year history of documented
iboga extract use…” Marc, can you please let us know where to get these
documents? I’m quite sure that I’m not the only one wanting to study this!

No, Marc, nothing IS inherently safe, not even IBOgaine extract. Nor milk.

Nor life.

And I hope that everyone will as soon as possible understand that IBO is no
fun, that it should be treated with utmost respect. That it can act one way
in one person, and completely another way in another person… even though
it acted the first way in 100 persons… So, Marc, what if Soren doesn’t
get over it?

Henk, it seems, forgot this for a moment ant took IBO too lightly. Haven’t
you learned anything from him????

If you haven’t, then I suggest that all of you make a special URL wich will
advertise your IBO and your way of treating people. You can use BIIIG
words, in many colours, you can even tell the world that you Are THE Only
One In The World Who Knows EVERYTHING About IBO, The ONLY ONE Who Can
Administer It Safely And Efficiently To Whomever Reading….. I’m sure that
Patrick will gladly put this URL in the headers of list E-mail… Or
wouldn’t he?

YOu can be sure that I won’t appear there ;-))

And another thing, regarding use of water when getting IBO down the throat:
Bwiti say “L’eau tue l’Iboga”

But some people, it seems, know better. After all, who the heck are those
Bwiti? What do they know about IBO?? If they knew anything, then THEY would
write about pharmacodynamics of IBOga!!



At 04:13 24.2.2003, you wrote:

>I’m going to word what I say carefuly because I don’t want to offend
>anyone by accident and nothing I’m saying has anything to do with the
>skill of doctors from one country or another. I also want to make sure I
>put across what I mean to say, I have to give this more thought then
>others who can write 50 paragraphs without setting off any bombs, hi
>patrick 😉
>I think what Marc does is very honorable bro. Not only does he help people
>for free but he gives out and shares his info. I don’t see anyone else
>doing that as has been mentioned here before.
>I don’t set out to knock anyone and think everyone should get help in any
>way that is best for them but Marko posted a message that was very
>sarcastic and full of Patrickisms and mindvox quotes ‘FoLloW the yELloW
>BrIcK RoaD’ and mixed upper and lowercase and all this and I don’t know
>what he really meant. What I read was sarcasm.
>As someone who dosed ibogaine on my own and am much happier for it I think
>that some of what you are doing is just the pot calling the kettle black.
>Mash may spread FUD about how nobody else knows what they are doing or she
>knows more and maybe she does. But taking this from your own web site, you
>do exactly the same thing.
>’There are individuals who advertise on the internet and they might charge
>less for their treatment but you need to be aware that they administer
>treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal training in handling emergencies
>and might be reluctant to take a patient with complications to the ER.’
>And followed by a stab as Mash without naming her ‘The Ibogaine
>Association is the most active program with the greatest number of
>patients per month. Our goal is to provide safe treatment in a comfortable
>environment, accessible and at a reasonable price. There are no hidden
>costs with our program. Licensed physicians with extensive experience
>administering ibogaine are constantly present and supervising the
>treatment. Beware of ibogaine treatment centers that talk negatively about
>their colleagues, or use scare tactics to get you into their program. Some
>centers are overly expensive, so listen to what they say with skepticism,
>as the advice from these “experts” will not be objective. There are other
>treatment providers advertising on the Internet who do not administer
>ibogaine under medical supervision. Our main interest is to help as many
>people as possible, by making this new treatment financially reasonable
>and by providing adequate medical care.’
>Bro I have no doubt you all want to help people, but you don’t do anything
>different from Mash. You run a business and detox people with ibogaine. If
>a gram costs less then $200, where does the other $3,000 you want for
>treatment go to? Mash can explain where $10,000 or more goes with all the
>people she hires and extra costs she has, but what is it that you do?
>I know people who have detoxed with you all, you aren’t putting people on
>heart monitors so how do you even know if something is happening unless
>they tell you?
>Telling people that if they do not take ibogaine under medical supervision
>they should not take it, is not right. Warning that they might be better
>off with it is something else. And this message has nothing at all to do
>with doctors from one country or another one, it is written to reply to
>exactly what you said and exactly what you advertise on your web site
>which is by the way the only ibogaine web site running commerical ads.
>Peace out,
>On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:37:35 -0800 Randy Hencken
><randyhencken@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >Marc,
> >
> >I am glad to see you share your advice and experience.  However,
> > I feel that
> >it is irresponsible to assure someone that they “will be OK”.  We
> >all know
> >that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence ibo related fatalities.
> > Marko’s
> >posting on the other list is honest.  If you do ibo on your own
> >you are
> >taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh that risk carefully.
> > At the
> >same time, if you are a street drug user you are taking your life
> >into your
> >own hands.  Using street dope is probably equally as dangerous as
> >doing ibo
> >without experience.  But if you re not doing street dope and you
> >are in a
> >treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best to proceed to ibo
> >with
> >patience and caution and to eliminate as many risks as possible.
> >
> >Complications can happen, be willing and prepared to call for emergency
> >help
> >if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under professional care.
> >
> >Randy Hencken
> >Ibogaine Association
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
> >>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should
> >do
> >>Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800
> >>
> >>You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.
> >>
> >>Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything
> >for the
> >>12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water
> >and herbal
> >>(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee, caffeine-
> >oriented
> >>drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.
> >>
> >>Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should
> >be
> >>covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any
> >burning item
> >>(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during
> >the iboga
> >>experience.
> >>
> >>You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours
> >prior to
> >>test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances
> >not
> >>related to your iboga).
> >>
> >>Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.
> >>
> >>At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
> >>At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly
> >up’,
> >>then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
> >>At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining
> >dose,
> >>in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about
> >8 – 10
> >>capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take
> >those
> >>capsules.
> >>
> >>If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea
> >more
> >>upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate
> >(your
> >>sitters
> >>job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting),
> >the
> >>vomitting
> >>is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most
> >of my
> >>patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially
> >the
> >>crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues
> >are soft
> >>in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high
> >acidity of
> >>the iboga extract.
> >>
> >>You’ll get through it.
> >>
> >>You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your visualization
> >>period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours,
> > thirty
> >>minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise
> >you
> >>will
> >>experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance,
> > and like
> >>sea
> >>sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise
> >you
> >>will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if
> >you have to
> >>move.
> >>
> >>You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not
> >really know
> >>what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while
> >it is
> >>happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72
> >hours, long
> >>after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling
> >of
> >>addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem
> >like a
> >>miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga
> >world
> >>and
> >>unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer
> >addicted,
> >>no
> >>longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions,
> >your main
> >>dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).
> >>
> >>Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.
> >>
> >>Marc Emery
> >>Iboga Therapy House
> >>
> >>—– Original Message —–
> >>From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
> >>Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc
> >>
> >>
> >> > Hi Marc
> >> > Thanks for responding to this.
> >> > My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been
> >on 60 mg
> >> > Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
> >> > Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont
> >know how
> >>much
> >> > this will help.
> >> > I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
> >> > Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
> >> > Soren
> >> > —– Original Message —–
> >> > From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
> >> > To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >> > Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
> >> > Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > > Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and
> >drugs used
> >>in
> >> > the
> >> > > last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will
> >tell you
> >>what
> >> > you
> >> > > can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you
> >have
> >>someone
> >> > > who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.
> >> > >
> >> > > Marc Emery
> >> > > Iboga Therapy House
>Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
>FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2
>Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program:

From: “Ethnogarden Botanicals Corp.” <ethnogarden@sympatico.ca>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 9:49:53 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You hit that right on the button Marko!

By observing you have not seen the deep revelations.

Under no circumstances should you iterate it is safe for everyone.
Everyone reacts differently, watch the advice you give.

Not trying to be harsh but I know I wouldn’t want to feel responsible for giving bad advice and seeing someone hurt. I should hope you feel the same.

Ethnogarden Botanicals Corp.
Tel: (01)705-735-0540
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do


yes, sarcasm, that’s exactly it!

We’ve been through this shit some time ago, when Carl N.W. advertised Indra
Extract (ooops, HIS extract) as the best and oh and ah material to detox.

Now this is repeating. Not only the glorification of Indra (MARC wrote:
“You should use the Indra extract”). I won’t go into why Soren should use
Indra and why not rootbark or HCl or something else… The problem here is
that someone who is experienced (btw, Marc, have you ingested a full dose
of IBO, in any form?) doesn’t give someone new to IBO (who is seeking
deliverance and new life) a quality information, but in fact says : This is
the best for you!

Is it really?

The same thing is with Sara’s post on another list. Let me paste it here
for those who are not subscribed to it:

“I know a man who ended up in the madhouse
After taking Ibo. alone,
He stayed there for a month,
He got the stuff from me; he said he had a sitter,
His health wasn’t so good after all,
If you like to do a treatment on your own, you must know
There are risks which are not worth taking,
You like to take the easy way out but that including a possible nightmare
or panic attack .
Think about it.


Now, think about it and read what’s between lines. And see that
one-sidedness of info. Oh, and don’t forget that Soren lives quite close to
Sara! And she is experienced treatment provider and I see that with her
there are no possibilities of possible nightmare or panic attack…

Besides, Marc says: “Ibogaine extract IS inherently safe…” And so is
rootbark. And HCl. But wait – is this true? Can we be 100% sure of what
Marc wrote? Is he entitled to make such statements? What are his
credentials? Where did he get info on this? Were there scientific, medical,
clinical trials on humans (using that inherently safe extract), or were
just some lab experiments on mice and rats (using that inherently safe
extract – or was it IBO base, or HCl, or something else??) I must have
missed this in research papers:  “In the 35 year history of documented
iboga extract use…” Marc, can you please let us know where to get these
documents? I’m quite sure that I’m not the only one wanting to study this!

No, Marc, nothing IS inherently safe, not even IBOgaine extract. Nor milk.

Nor life.

And I hope that everyone will as soon as possible understand that IBO is no
fun, that it should be treated with utmost respect. That it can act one way
in one person, and completely another way in another person… even though
it acted the first way in 100 persons… So, Marc, what if Soren doesn’t
get over it?

Henk, it seems, forgot this for a moment ant took IBO too lightly. Haven’t
you learned anything from him????

If you haven’t, then I suggest that all of you make a special URL wich will
advertise your IBO and your way of treating people. You can use BIIIG
words, in many colours, you can even tell the world that you Are THE Only
One In The World Who Knows EVERYTHING About IBO, The ONLY ONE Who Can
Administer It Safely And Efficiently To Whomever Reading….. I’m sure that
Patrick will gladly put this URL in the headers of list E-mail… Or
wouldn’t he?

YOu can be sure that I won’t appear there ;-))

And another thing, regarding use of water when getting IBO down the throat:
Bwiti say “L’eau tue l’Iboga”

But some people, it seems, know better. After all, who the heck are those
Bwiti? What do they know about IBO?? If they knew anything, then THEY would
write about pharmacodynamics of IBOga!!



At 04:13 24.2.2003, you wrote:

>I’m going to word what I say carefuly because I don’t want to offend
>anyone by accident and nothing I’m saying has anything to do with the
>skill of doctors from one country or another. I also want to make sure I
>put across what I mean to say, I have to give this more thought then
>others who can write 50 paragraphs without setting off any bombs, hi
>patrick 😉
>I think what Marc does is very honorable bro. Not only does he help people
>for free but he gives out and shares his info. I don’t see anyone else
>doing that as has been mentioned here before.
>I don’t set out to knock anyone and think everyone should get help in any
>way that is best for them but Marko posted a message that was very
>sarcastic and full of Patrickisms and mindvox quotes ‘FoLloW the yELloW
>BrIcK RoaD’ and mixed upper and lowercase and all this and I don’t know
>what he really meant. What I read was sarcasm.
>As someone who dosed ibogaine on my own and am much happier for it I think
>that some of what you are doing is just the pot calling the kettle black.
>Mash may spread FUD about how nobody else knows what they are doing or she
>knows more and maybe she does. But taking this from your own web site, you
>do exactly the same thing.
>’There are individuals who advertise on the internet and they might charge
>less for their treatment but you need to be aware that they administer
>treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal training in handling emergencies
>and might be reluctant to take a patient with complications to the ER.’
>And followed by a stab as Mash without naming her ‘The Ibogaine
>Association is the most active program with the greatest number of
>patients per month. Our goal is to provide safe treatment in a comfortable
>environment, accessible and at a reasonable price. There are no hidden
>costs with our program. Licensed physicians with extensive experience
>administering ibogaine are constantly present and supervising the
>treatment. Beware of ibogaine treatment centers that talk negatively about
>their colleagues, or use scare tactics to get you into their program. Some
>centers are overly expensive, so listen to what they say with skepticism,
>as the advice from these “experts” will not be objective. There are other
>treatment providers advertising on the Internet who do not administer
>ibogaine under medical supervision. Our main interest is to help as many
>people as possible, by making this new treatment financially reasonable
>and by providing adequate medical care.’
>Bro I have no doubt you all want to help people, but you don’t do anything
>different from Mash. You run a business and detox people with ibogaine. If
>a gram costs less then $200, where does the other $3,000 you want for
>treatment go to? Mash can explain where $10,000 or more goes with all the
>people she hires and extra costs she has, but what is it that you do?
>I know people who have detoxed with you all, you aren’t putting people on
>heart monitors so how do you even know if something is happening unless
>they tell you?
>Telling people that if they do not take ibogaine under medical supervision
>they should not take it, is not right. Warning that they might be better
>off with it is something else. And this message has nothing at all to do
>with doctors from one country or another one, it is written to reply to
>exactly what you said and exactly what you advertise on your web site
>which is by the way the only ibogaine web site running commerical ads.
>Peace out,
>On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:37:35 -0800 Randy Hencken
><randyhencken@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >Marc,
> >
> >I am glad to see you share your advice and experience.  However,
> > I feel that
> >it is irresponsible to assure someone that they “will be OK”.  We
> >all know
> >that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence ibo related fatalities.
> > Marko’s
> >posting on the other list is honest.  If you do ibo on your own
> >you are
> >taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh that risk carefully.
> > At the
> >same time, if you are a street drug user you are taking your life
> >into your
> >own hands.  Using street dope is probably equally as dangerous as
> >doing ibo
> >without experience.  But if you re not doing street dope and you
> >are in a
> >treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best to proceed to ibo
> >with
> >patience and caution and to eliminate as many risks as possible.
> >
> >Complications can happen, be willing and prepared to call for emergency
> >help
> >if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under professional care.
> >
> >Randy Hencken
> >Ibogaine Association
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
> >>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
> >>Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should
> >do
> >>Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800
> >>
> >>You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.
> >>
> >>Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything
> >for the
> >>12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water
> >and herbal
> >>(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee, caffeine-
> >oriented
> >>drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.
> >>
> >>Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should
> >be
> >>covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any
> >burning item
> >>(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during
> >the iboga
> >>experience.
> >>
> >>You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours
> >prior to
> >>test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances
> >not
> >>related to your iboga).
> >>
> >>Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.
> >>
> >>At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
> >>At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly
> >up’,
> >>then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
> >>At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining
> >dose,
> >>in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about
> >8 – 10
> >>capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take
> >those
> >>capsules.
> >>
> >>If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea
> >more
> >>upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate
> >(your
> >>sitters
> >>job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting),
> >the
> >>vomitting
> >>is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most
> >of my
> >>patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially
> >the
> >>crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues
> >are soft
> >>in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high
> >acidity of
> >>the iboga extract.
> >>
> >>You’ll get through it.
> >>
> >>You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your visualization
> >>period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours,
> > thirty
> >>minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise
> >you
> >>will
> >>experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance,
> > and like
> >>sea
> >>sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise
> >you
> >>will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if
> >you have to
> >>move.
> >>
> >>You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not
> >really know
> >>what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while
> >it is
> >>happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72
> >hours, long
> >>after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling
> >of
> >>addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem
> >like a
> >>miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga
> >world
> >>and
> >>unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer
> >addicted,
> >>no
> >>longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions,
> >your main
> >>dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).
> >>
> >>Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.
> >>
> >>Marc Emery
> >>Iboga Therapy House
> >>
> >>—– Original Message —–
> >>From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
> >>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >>Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
> >>Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc
> >>
> >>
> >> > Hi Marc
> >> > Thanks for responding to this.
> >> > My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been
> >on 60 mg
> >> > Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
> >> > Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont
> >know how
> >>much
> >> > this will help.
> >> > I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
> >> > Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
> >> > Soren
> >> > —– Original Message —–
> >> > From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
> >> > To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> >> > Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
> >> > Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > > Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and
> >drugs used
> >>in
> >> > the
> >> > > last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will
> >tell you
> >>what
> >> > you
> >> > > can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you
> >have
> >>someone
> >> > > who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.
> >> > >
> >> > > Marc Emery
> >> > > Iboga Therapy House
>Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
>FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2
>Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program:

From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 8:52:32 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


yes, sarcasm, that’s exactly it!

We’ve been through this shit some time ago, when Carl N.W. advertised Indra Extract (ooops, HIS extract) as the best and oh and ah material to detox.

Now this is repeating. Not only the glorification of Indra (MARC wrote: “You should use the Indra extract”). I won’t go into why Soren should use Indra and why not rootbark or HCl or something else… The problem here is that someone who is experienced (btw, Marc, have you ingested a full dose of IBO, in any form?) doesn’t give someone new to IBO (who is seeking deliverance and new life) a quality information, but in fact says : This is the best for you!

Is it really?

The same thing is with Sara’s post on another list. Let me paste it here for those who are not subscribed to it:

“I know a man who ended up in the madhouse
After taking Ibo. alone,
He stayed there for a month,
He got the stuff from me; he said he had a sitter,
His health wasn’t so good after all,
If you like to do a treatment on your own, you must know
There are risks which are not worth taking,
You like to take the easy way out but that including a possible nightmare or panic attack .
Think about it.


Now, think about it and read what’s between lines. And see that one-sidedness of info. Oh, and don’t forget that Soren lives quite close to Sara! And she is experienced treatment provider and I see that with her there are no possibilities of possible nightmare or panic attack…

Besides, Marc says: “Ibogaine extract IS inherently safe…” And so is rootbark. And HCl. But wait – is this true? Can we be 100% sure of what Marc wrote? Is he entitled to make such statements? What are his credentials? Where did he get info on this? Were there scientific, medical, clinical trials on humans (using that inherently safe extract), or were just some lab experiments on mice and rats (using that inherently safe extract – or was it IBO base, or HCl, or something else??) I must have missed this in research papers:  “In the 35 year history of documented iboga extract use…” Marc, can you please let us know where to get these documents? I’m quite sure that I’m not the only one wanting to study this!

No, Marc, nothing IS inherently safe, not even IBOgaine extract. Nor milk.

Nor life.

And I hope that everyone will as soon as possible understand that IBO is no fun, that it should be treated with utmost respect. That it can act one way in one person, and completely another way in another person… even though it acted the first way in 100 persons… So, Marc, what if Soren doesn’t get over it?

Henk, it seems, forgot this for a moment ant took IBO too lightly. Haven’t you learned anything from him????

If you haven’t, then I suggest that all of you make a special URL wich will advertise your IBO and your way of treating people. You can use BIIIG words, in many colours, you can even tell the world that you Are THE Only One In The World Who Knows EVERYTHING About IBO, The ONLY ONE Who Can Administer It Safely And Efficiently To Whomever Reading….. I’m sure that Patrick will gladly put this URL in the headers of list E-mail… Or wouldn’t he?

YOu can be sure that I won’t appear there ;-))

And another thing, regarding use of water when getting IBO down the throat: Bwiti say “L’eau tue l’Iboga”

But some people, it seems, know better. After all, who the heck are those Bwiti? What do they know about IBO?? If they knew anything, then THEY would write about pharmacodynamics of IBOga!!



At 04:13 24.2.2003, you wrote:

I’m going to word what I say carefuly because I don’t want to offend anyone by accident and nothing I’m saying has anything to do with the skill of doctors from one country or another. I also want to make sure I put across what I mean to say, I have to give this more thought then others who can write 50 paragraphs without setting off any bombs, hi patrick 😉

I think what Marc does is very honorable bro. Not only does he help people for free but he gives out and shares his info. I don’t see anyone else doing that as has been mentioned here before.

I don’t set out to knock anyone and think everyone should get help in any way that is best for them but Marko posted a message that was very sarcastic and full of Patrickisms and mindvox quotes ‘FoLloW the yELloW BrIcK RoaD’ and mixed upper and lowercase and all this and I don’t know what he really meant. What I read was sarcasm.

As someone who dosed ibogaine on my own and am much happier for it I think that some of what you are doing is just the pot calling the kettle black. Mash may spread FUD about how nobody else knows what they are doing or she knows more and maybe she does. But taking this from your own web site, you do exactly the same thing.

‘There are individuals who advertise on the internet and they might charge less for their treatment but you need to be aware that they administer treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal training in handling emergencies and might be reluctant to take a patient with complications to the ER.’

And followed by a stab as Mash without naming her ‘The Ibogaine Association is the most active program with the greatest number of patients per month. Our goal is to provide safe treatment in a comfortable environment, accessible and at a reasonable price. There are no hidden costs with our program. Licensed physicians with extensive experience administering ibogaine are constantly present and supervising the treatment. Beware of ibogaine treatment centers that talk negatively about their colleagues, or use scare tactics to get you into their program. Some centers are overly expensive, so listen to what they say with skepticism, as the advice from these “experts” will not be objective. There are other treatment providers advertising on the Internet who do not administer ibogaine under medical supervision. Our main interest is to help as many people as possible, by making this new treatment financially reasonable and by providing adequate medical care.’

Bro I have no doubt you all want to help people, but you don’t do anything different from Mash. You run a business and detox people with ibogaine. If a gram costs less then $200, where does the other $3,000 you want for treatment go to? Mash can explain where $10,000 or more goes with all the people she hires and extra costs she has, but what is it that you do?

I know people who have detoxed with you all, you aren’t putting people on heart monitors so how do you even know if something is happening unless they tell you?

Telling people that if they do not take ibogaine under medical supervision they should not take it, is not right. Warning that they might be better off with it is something else. And this message has nothing at all to do with doctors from one country or another one, it is written to reply to exactly what you said and exactly what you advertise on your web site which is by the way the only ibogaine web site running commerical ads.

Peace out,

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:37:35 -0800 Randy Hencken <randyhencken@hotmail.com> wrote:
>I am glad to see you share your advice and experience.  However,
> I feel that
>it is irresponsible to assure someone that they “will be OK”.  We
>all know
>that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence ibo related fatalities.
> Marko’s
>posting on the other list is honest.  If you do ibo on your own
>you are
>taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh that risk carefully.
> At the
>same time, if you are a street drug user you are taking your life
>into your
>own hands.  Using street dope is probably equally as dangerous as
>doing ibo
>without experience.  But if you re not doing street dope and you
>are in a
>treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best to proceed to ibo
>patience and caution and to eliminate as many risks as possible.
>Complications can happen, be willing and prepared to call for emergency
>if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under professional care.
>Randy Hencken
>Ibogaine Association
>>From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
>>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>>Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should
>>Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800
>>You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.
>>Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything
>for the
>>12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water
>and herbal
>>(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee, caffeine-
>>drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.
>>Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should
>>covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any
>burning item
>>(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during
>the iboga
>>You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours
>prior to
>>test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances
>>related to your iboga).
>>Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.
>>At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
>>At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly
>>then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
>>At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining
>>in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about
>8 – 10
>>capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take
>>If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea
>>upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate
>>job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting),
>>is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most
>of my
>>patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially
>>crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues
>are soft
>>in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high
>acidity of
>>the iboga extract.
>>You’ll get through it.
>>You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your visualization
>>period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours,
> thirty
>>minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise
>>experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance,
> and like
>>sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise
>>will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if
>you have to
>>You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not
>really know
>>what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while
>it is
>>happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72
>hours, long
>>after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling
>>addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem
>like a
>>miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga
>>unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer
>>longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions,
>your main
>>dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).
>>Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.
>>Marc Emery
>>Iboga Therapy House
>>—– Original Message —–
>>From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
>>To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>>Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
>>Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc
>> > Hi Marc
>> > Thanks for responding to this.
>> > My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been
>on 60 mg
>> > Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
>> > Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont
>know how
>> > this will help.
>> > I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
>> > Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
>> > Soren
>> > —– Original Message —–
>> > From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
>> > To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
>> > Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
>> > Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……
>> >
>> >
>> > > Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and
>drugs used
>> > the
>> > > last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will
>tell you
>> > you
>> > > can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you
>> > > who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.
>> > >
>> > > Marc Emery
>> > > Iboga Therapy House

Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2

Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program:

From: “Allison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 24, 2003 at 3:53:12 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks for that Howard.  Has satisfied my nosiness.  Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: <HSLotsof@aol.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 5:54 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

In a message dated 2/23/03 6:37:59 AM, aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz writes:

Also… just by the way can Howard tell me why he calls himself lots
just out of interest or if its personal he can always tell me to mind my
own business and I won’t be offended.    Thanks Allison

Hi Allison,

Lotsof is one Ellis island version of my familiy’s name.  Other versions
Lotsoff, Lotzof and I think there may be a few others floating around.

Howard (Lotsof)


From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 1:47:31 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Randy, what you are saying is simply not true. Ibogaine extract is very
safe, if you get a blood test and confirm your liver (which metabolizes the
ibogaine) is healthy.

Ibogaine extract IS inherently safe, it is extenuating circumstances that
radically increase risk. In the 35 year history of documented iboga extract
use, I am not convinced iboga has ever been indicated as potentially fatal.
Now if someone injects heroin into their arm 4 hours later, thats dangerous,
but that does not implicate the iboga as dangerous.

REPEAT! You are not taking your life into your hands in any dangerous or
hazardous way if you follow good health protocols. Heart rates, in my
experience, do not change (we take a pulse every 30 minutes, it never
varies). If the patient does not eat for 12 hours prior, there is little
chance of choking on vomit. If the patient’s sitter prevents any intake of
illicit drugs, there is no attenuting circumstances of overdose. If the
patient is hydrated and continues to hydrate, the liver will rapidly
detoxify the metabolizing iboga extract.

I see no evidence in any scientific literature to account for any fatality
as a result of careful use of iboga, or any paralysis, toxic shock,
anaflectic shock, etc.

Using street heroin, methadone, cocaine, meth, etc. is WAY, WAY more
dangerous than careful use of iboga extract, which is not dangerous at all.
I have no information or any empirical evidence (at this point, I have
treated more people in North America excepting possibly Deborah Mash)
indicating that any complications can arise. You may offer information that
contradicts that, but I have never seen it in print or in person.

All patients I have treated are significantly improved in every relevent
area in their life. That’s what I know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do


I am glad to see you share your advice and experience.  However, I feel
it is irresponsible to assure someone that they “will be OK”.  We all know
that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence ibo related fatalities.
posting on the other list is honest.  If you do ibo on your own you are
taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh that risk carefully.  At the
same time, if you are a street drug user you are taking your life into
own hands.  Using street dope is probably equally as dangerous as doing
without experience.  But if you re not doing street dope and you are in a
treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best to proceed to ibo with
patience and caution and to eliminate as many risks as possible.
Complications can happen, be willing and prepared to call for emergency
if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under professional care.

Randy Hencken
Ibogaine Association

From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800

You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.

Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything for
12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water and
(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee, caffeine-oriented
drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.

Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should be
covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any burning
(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during the iboga

You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours prior to
test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances not
related to your iboga).

Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.

At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly up’,
then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining
in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about 8 –
capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take those

If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea more
upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate (your
job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting), the
is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most of my
patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially the
crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues are
in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high acidity
the iboga extract.

You’ll get through it.

You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your visualization
period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours, thirty
minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise you
experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance, and like
sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise you
will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if you have

You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not really
what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while it is
happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72 hours,
after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling of
addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem like a
miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga world
unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer addicted,
longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions, your main
dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).

Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc

Hi Marc
Thanks for responding to this.
My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been on 60
Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont know how
this will help.
I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and drugs
last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will tell you
can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you have
who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Hi Dana

Thanks very much for your answer.I CAN get Ibo here,that´s not the

In the start it was my intention,to do just what you suggest,buy
Ibo,and have a good friend to watch over me.
But when I talked to some people from Holland,they said that the
had to be experienced?!(this was people that took money to do

I`m in good health,have only had a couple of acute Hepatitis b in
seventies.Since that my liver has been fine.I`m never
so),so I think my immune system is good.
Would it be a good idea(okay),to take “an initial” trip,with maybe
This mostly to “be aquainted” to Ibo,so I knew what it was,and
expect from the about 15 mg pr kilo?

Thank you very much for your help Dana.I really appreciate it.:o)
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on 60
mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain cure
here in Europe?(or another place)..

I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I can´t
in contact with her now.

I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking Opiates.I
hate that drug,especially Methadone.It´s a chemical jail for me.

My problem is also the money.I know there are places in Mexico
Panama,but I simply can´t afford that.Damn it.

I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful forever.


Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…

Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and a
small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start to
“brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though, not
the Indra.


The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 24, 2003 at 12:14:59 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Beware of ibogaine treatment centers that talk negatively
about their colleagues, or use scare tactics to get you into their program.

This is so self-referential that it is poetic.

The novelty of modest capitalism in the ibogaine community…

Bill Ross

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 23, 2003 at 10:19:54 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

what side of Canada are you on Marc? East or West coast? You’re out West,

—– Original Message —–
From: MARC
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:02 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do

You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.

Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything for the
12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water and herbal
(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee, caffeine-oriented
drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.

Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should be
covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any burning item
(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during the iboga

You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours prior to
test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances not
related to your iboga).

Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.

At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly up’,
then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining dose,
in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about 8 – 10
capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take those

If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea more
upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate (your sitters
job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting), the vomitting
is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most of my
patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially the
crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues are soft
in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high acidity of
the iboga extract.

You’ll get through it.

You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your visualization
period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours, thirty
minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise you will
experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance, and like sea
sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise you
will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if you have to

You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not really know
what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while it is
happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72 hours, long
after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling of
addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem like a
miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga world and
unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer addicted, no
longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions, your main
dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).

Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc

Hi Marc
Thanks for responding to this.
My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been on 60 mg
Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont know how much
this will help.
I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and drugs used in
last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will tell you what
can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you have
who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Hi Dana

Thanks very much for your answer.I CAN get Ibo here,that´s not the

In the start it was my intention,to do just what you suggest,buy some
Ibo,and have a good friend to watch over me.
But when I talked to some people from Holland,they said that the
had to be experienced?!(this was people that took money to do it!!)

I`m in good health,have only had a couple of acute Hepatitis b in the
seventies.Since that my liver has been fine.I`m never sick.(flu,cold
so),so I think my immune system is good.
Would it be a good idea(okay),to take “an initial” trip,with maybe
This mostly to “be aquainted” to Ibo,so I knew what it was,and what I
expect from the about 15 mg pr kilo?

Thank you very much for your help Dana.I really appreciate it.:o)
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on 60
mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain cure
here in Europe?(or another place)..

I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I can´t get
in contact with her now.

I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking Opiates.I
hate that drug,especially Methadone.It´s a chemical jail for me.

My problem is also the money.I know there are places in Mexico and
Panama,but I simply can´t afford that.Damn it.

I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful forever.


Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…

Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and a
small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start to
“brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though, not
the Indra.


From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 23, 2003 at 10:32:34 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Right on bro, that is awesome! Thanks Marc.

And Patrick I must ask, where does that kikoman commercial come from, where do you find this? A superhero on steroids in red galoshes, he cures baldness, fights other superheroes, gets in bed with a little girl, feeds a cat the cat likes him and then he hangs the cat, he smokes cigarettes. I must say this is high art. In america it would take a budget of $40 million and much drugs to produce this. Didn’t understand one piece of it but it’s a home run with everyone I’ve shown it to 😉

Peace out,

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 12:03:41 -0800 MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca> wrote:
Here is how we are adapting to the current environment. We are buying
a full
page ad in Montgomery, Alabama to draw attention to shocking sentences
marijuana and other drug users in Alabama receive (sunday, March
However, across the top of the full page it starts like this:


AS our men and women of the American armed forces embark on a mission
liberate the oppressed people of Iraq, the job of protecting liberty
decency on the home front cannot be neglected. All of us have a
responsibility to see that the Bill of Rights and our dear Constitution
applied to all Americans in time of peace and war. This is also
what our
soldiers abroad represent, the decency and liberty extended to the
family of mankind based on the American traditions of liberty and
Consider then what is happening in Alabama today…

—– Original Message —–
From: <crownofthorns@hushmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2003 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

Patrick, you’re alive! 😉 How’s it going bro, long time no brilliant
comments. What no thoughts on iraq?

Peace out,

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 09:53:19 -0800 “Patrick K. Kroupa”
<digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 11:30:21PM -0500], [HSLotsof@aol.com]

| First, Indra.dk vanishes.
| So, home come http://ibogaine.co.uk/ is down??
| Who is next?

Uhm…  Nick is in India right now.  And quite possibly hasn’t
that he forgot to renew his domain.  Doing a whois, it doesn’t

The ensim thing appears to have snapped up the domain.

I’m gonna try to find Nick and, mention this or sumthin…


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Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2

Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program:

From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 23, 2003 at 10:13:07 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’m going to word what I say carefuly because I don’t want to offend anyone by accident and nothing I’m saying has anything to do with the skill of doctors from one country or another. I also want to make sure I put across what I mean to say, I have to give this more thought then others who can write 50 paragraphs without setting off any bombs, hi patrick 😉

I think what Marc does is very honorable bro. Not only does he help people for free but he gives out and shares his info. I don’t see anyone else doing that as has been mentioned here before.

I don’t set out to knock anyone and think everyone should get help in any way that is best for them but Marko posted a message that was very sarcastic and full of Patrickisms and mindvox quotes ‘FoLloW the yELloW BrIcK RoaD’ and mixed upper and lowercase and all this and I don’t know what he really meant. What I read was sarcasm.

As someone who dosed ibogaine on my own and am much happier for it I think that some of what you are doing is just the pot calling the kettle black. Mash may spread FUD about how nobody else knows what they are doing or she knows more and maybe she does. But taking this from your own web site, you do exactly the same thing.

‘There are individuals who advertise on the internet and they might charge less for their treatment but you need to be aware that they administer treatment in hotel rooms, have no formal training in handling emergencies and might be reluctant to take a patient with complications to the ER.’

And followed by a stab as Mash without naming her ‘The Ibogaine Association is the most active program with the greatest number of patients per month. Our goal is to provide safe treatment in a comfortable environment, accessible and at a reasonable price. There are no hidden costs with our program. Licensed physicians with extensive experience administering ibogaine are constantly present and supervising the treatment. Beware of ibogaine treatment centers that talk negatively about their colleagues, or use scare tactics to get you into their program. Some centers are overly expensive, so listen to what they say with skepticism, as the advice from these “experts” will not be objective. There are other treatment providers advertising on the Internet who do not administer ibogaine under medical supervision. Our main interest is to help as many people as possible, by making this new treatment financially reasonable and by providing adequate medical care.’

Bro I have no doubt you all want to help people, but you don’t do anything different from Mash. You run a business and detox people with ibogaine. If a gram costs less then $200, where does the other $3,000 you want for treatment go to? Mash can explain where $10,000 or more goes with all the people she hires and extra costs she has, but what is it that you do?

I know people who have detoxed with you all, you aren’t putting people on heart monitors so how do you even know if something is happening unless they tell you?

Telling people that if they do not take ibogaine under medical supervision they should not take it, is not right. Warning that they might be better off with it is something else. And this message has nothing at all to do with doctors from one country or another one, it is written to reply to exactly what you said and exactly what you advertise on your web site which is by the way the only ibogaine web site running commerical ads.

Peace out,

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:37:35 -0800 Randy Hencken <randyhencken@hotmail.com> wrote:

I am glad to see you share your advice and experience.  However,
I feel that
it is irresponsible to assure someone that they “will be OK”.  We
all know
that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence ibo related fatalities.
posting on the other list is honest.  If you do ibo on your own
you are
taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh that risk carefully.
At the
same time, if you are a street drug user you are taking your life
into your
own hands.  Using street dope is probably equally as dangerous as
doing ibo
without experience.  But if you re not doing street dope and you
are in a
treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best to proceed to ibo
patience and caution and to eliminate as many risks as possible.

Complications can happen, be willing and prepared to call for emergency
if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under professional care.

Randy Hencken
Ibogaine Association

From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800

You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.

Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything
for the
12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water
and herbal
(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee, caffeine-
drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.

Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should
covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any
burning item
(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during
the iboga

You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours
prior to
test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances
related to your iboga).

Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.

At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly
then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining
in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about
8 – 10
capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take

If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea
upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate
job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting),
is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most
of my
patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially
crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues
are soft
in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high
acidity of
the iboga extract.

You’ll get through it.

You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your visualization
period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours,
minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise
experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance,
and like
sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise
will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if
you have to

You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not
really know
what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while
it is
happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72
hours, long
after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling
addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem
like a
miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga
unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer
longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions,
your main
dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).

Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc

Hi Marc
Thanks for responding to this.
My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been
on 60 mg
Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont
know how
this will help.
I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and
drugs used
last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will
tell you
can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you
who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2

Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program:

From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 23, 2003 at 9:37:35 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I am glad to see you share your advice and experience.  However, I feel that it is irresponsible to assure someone that they “will be OK”.  We all know that ibogaine is not inherently safe, hence ibo related fatalities.  Marko’s posting on the other list is honest.  If you do ibo on your own you are taking your life into your own hands.  Weigh that risk carefully.  At the same time, if you are a street drug user you are taking your life into your own hands.  Using street dope is probably equally as dangerous as doing ibo without experience.  But if you re not doing street dope and you are in a treatment program (i.e. methadone) it is best to proceed to ibo with patience and caution and to eliminate as many risks as possible.  Complications can happen, be willing and prepared to call for emergency help if necessary.  Better yet do ibo under professional care.

Randy Hencken
Ibogaine Association

From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:02:31 -0800

You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.

Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything for the
12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water and herbal
(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee, caffeine-oriented
drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.

Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should be
covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any burning item
(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during the iboga

You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours prior to
test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances not
related to your iboga).

Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.

At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly up’,
then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining dose,
in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about 8 – 10
capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take those

If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea more
upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate (your sitters
job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting), the vomitting
is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most of my
patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially the
crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues are soft
in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high acidity of
the iboga extract.

You’ll get through it.

You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your visualization
period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours, thirty
minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise you will
experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance, and like sea
sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise you
will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if you have to

You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not really know
what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while it is
happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72 hours, long
after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling of
addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem like a
miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga world and
unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer addicted, no
longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions, your main
dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).

Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc

> Hi Marc
> Thanks for responding to this.
> My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been on 60 mg
> Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
> Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont know how much
> this will help.
> I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
> Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
> Soren
> —– Original Message —–
> From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
> To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……
> > Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and drugs used in
> the
> > last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will tell you what
> you
> > can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you have
> > who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.
> >
> > Marc Emery
> > Iboga Therapy House
> >
> > —– Original Message —–
> > From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
> > To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> > Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:41 AM
> > Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……
> >
> >
> > > Hi Dana
> > >
> > > Thanks very much for your answer.I CAN get Ibo here,thatīs not the
> > problem.
> > >
> > > In the start it was my intention,to do just what you suggest,buy some
> > > Ibo,and have a good friend to watch over me.
> > > But when I talked to some people from Holland,they said that the
> “sitter”
> > > had to be experienced?!(this was people that took money to do it!!)
> > >
> > > I`m in good health,have only had a couple of acute Hepatitis b in the
> late
> > > seventies.Since that my liver has been fine.I`m never sick.(flu,cold
> > > so),so I think my immune system is good.
> > > Would it be a good idea(okay),to take “an initial” trip,with maybe
> > Ibo
> > > HCL?
> > > This mostly to “be aquainted” to Ibo,so I knew what it was,and what I
> > could
> > > expect from the about 15 mg pr kilo?
> > >
> > > Thank you very much for your help Dana.I really appreciate it.:o)
> > > Kind regards
> > > Soren
> > > —– Original Message —–
> > > From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
> > > To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
> > > Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
> > > Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:12 PM
> > > Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……
> > >
> > >
> > > >My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
> > > >I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on 60
> > > >mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
> > > >I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain cure
> > > >here in Europe?(or another place)..
> > > >
> > > >I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I canīt get
> > > >in contact with her now.
> > > >
> > > >I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking Opiates.I
> > > >hate that drug,especially Methadone.Itīs a chemical jail for me.
> > > >
> > > >My problem is also the money.I know there are places in Mexico and
> > > >Panama,but I simply canīt afford that.Damn it.
> > > >
> > > >I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful forever.
> > > >THANKS.
> > > >
> > > >Sincerely
> > > >Soren
> > >
> > > Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
> > > www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…
> > >
> > > Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and a
> > > small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start to
> > > “brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though, not
> > > the Indra.
> > >
> > > Dana/cnw
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: [ibogaine] If you dose yourself, here is what you should do
Date: February 23, 2003 at 9:02:31 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You should take 4,500 – 5,000 mg of INDRA extract.

Take a 300 mg. test dose in gel cap at hour 0. Do not eat anything for the
12 hours previous to taking the test dose. Drink plenty of water and herbal
(but not green or black tea, and certainly not coffee, caffeine-oriented
drinks, or alcohol) tea in the 12 hours prior to the test dose.

Have a bedroom to lie down in, completely dark. All windows should be
covered. Get comfortable pajamas on. DO NOT USE incense or any burning item
(no fireplaces, candles, frying foods, etc.) at anytime during the iboga

You cannot fix, use or take any drug whatsoever for the 24 hours prior to
test dose (excepting insulin and essential non-addictive substances not
related to your iboga).

Have a bottle of water at your side with a mouth sized opening.

At 0 hour plus 30 minutes, take 100 mg. of Gravol.
At one hour, if you feel normal, comfortable, and feeling ‘slightly up’,
then the test dose confirms you have no bad reaction from the liver.
At one hour, ten minutes, take a series of gel caps for the remaining dose,
in your case 5,000 mg., so the remaining dose is 4,700 mg, in about 8 – 10
capsules. Drink at least one and a half glasses of water to take those

If you are overweight and you eat crap alot, you will have nausea more
upsetting than a thin, wiry person, but as long as you hydrate (your sitters
job is to browbeat you into drinking water after a vomitting), the vomitting
is not a negative, it just is, and its part of your detox. Most of my
patients don’t throw up after Gravol, but the big guys do, especially the
crack cocaine users. You are probable OK, but your stomach tissues are soft
in all likelihood, so you are more likely to respond to the high acidity of
the iboga extract.

You’ll get through it.

You’ll need to get up and pee about 2 – 6 times during your visualization
period, which will begin at Zero Hour (test dose) plus Two hours, thirty
minutes. You must get up like a robot, a very slow robot, otherwise you will
experience ataxia, which, your body is going to be off balance, and like sea
sickness, the motion of your head should be stiff and slow, otherwise you
will bring on further nausea. This is important, MOVE SLOWLY if you have to

You will visualize for 6 – 30 hours. You may, at the time, not really know
what the hell is going on, you won’t be able to talk about it while it is
happening, in fact, it will only start to be clear in about 72 hours, long
after visualization has passed. However, your withdrawl and feeling of
addiction will be over at ZERO hour plus three hours. It will seem like a
miracle to anyone observing, but you will be deeply into the iboga world and
unaware of those earthbound things, even that you are no longer addicted, no
longer going through withdrawl (if you follow my instructions, your main
dose begins after you are aware of opiate withdrawl happening).

Anything more I can tell you, if you would like to know.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc

Hi Marc
Thanks for responding to this.
My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been on 60 mg
Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont know how much
this will help.
I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and drugs used in
last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will tell you what
can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you have
who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Hi Dana

Thanks very much for your answer.I CAN get Ibo here,that´s not the

In the start it was my intention,to do just what you suggest,buy some
Ibo,and have a good friend to watch over me.
But when I talked to some people from Holland,they said that the
had to be experienced?!(this was people that took money to do it!!)

I`m in good health,have only had a couple of acute Hepatitis b in the
seventies.Since that my liver has been fine.I`m never sick.(flu,cold
so),so I think my immune system is good.
Would it be a good idea(okay),to take “an initial” trip,with maybe
This mostly to “be aquainted” to Ibo,so I knew what it was,and what I
expect from the about 15 mg pr kilo?

Thank you very much for your help Dana.I really appreciate it.:o)
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on 60
mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain cure
here in Europe?(or another place)..

I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I can´t get
in contact with her now.

I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking Opiates.I
hate that drug,especially Methadone.It´s a chemical jail for me.

My problem is also the money.I know there are places in Mexico and
Panama,but I simply can´t afford that.Damn it.

I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful forever.


Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…

Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and a
small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start to
“brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though, not
the Indra.


From: Søren Løvfelt <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re:Marc
Date: February 23, 2003 at 6:04:02 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Marc
Thanks for responding to this.
My bodywight is about 85 kilo,and the last 2 months,I have been on 60 mg
Methadone,and some Oxycodone,100-200 mg a day,and 10 mg Valium.
Thank God I went down from 100 mg Methadone,to 60,but I dont know how much
this will help.
I know Methadone is a different animal than say Heroin.
Thanks for your help Marc.:o)
—– Original Message —–
From: “MARC” <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 9:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and drugs used in
last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will tell you what
can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you have someone
who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Hi Dana

Thanks very much for your answer.I CAN get Ibo here,that´s not the

In the start it was my intention,to do just what you suggest,buy some
Ibo,and have a good friend to watch over me.
But when I talked to some people from Holland,they said that the
had to be experienced?!(this was people that took money to do it!!)

I`m in good health,have only had a couple of acute Hepatitis b in the
seventies.Since that my liver has been fine.I`m never sick.(flu,cold and
so),so I think my immune system is good.
Would it be a good idea(okay),to take “an initial” trip,with maybe 500mg
This mostly to “be aquainted” to Ibo,so I knew what it was,and what I
expect from the about 15 mg pr kilo?

Thank you very much for your help Dana.I really appreciate it.:o)
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on 60
mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain cure
here in Europe?(or another place)..

I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I can´t get
in contact with her now.

I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking Opiates.I
hate that drug,especially Methadone.It´s a chemical jail for me.

My problem is also the money.I know there are places in Mexico and
Panama,but I simply can´t afford that.Damn it.

I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful forever.


Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…

Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and a
small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start to
“brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though, not
the Indra.


From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……
Date: February 23, 2003 at 3:47:32 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Soren, give me your body weight, frequency of drug use and drugs used in the
last two months. You should use the Indra extract. I will tell you what you
can expect. An experienced sitter would be great, but if you have someone
who knows what to expect, who is alert, you will be OK.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

Hi Dana

Thanks very much for your answer.I CAN get Ibo here,that´s not the

In the start it was my intention,to do just what you suggest,buy some
Ibo,and have a good friend to watch over me.
But when I talked to some people from Holland,they said that the “sitter”
had to be experienced?!(this was people that took money to do it!!)

I`m in good health,have only had a couple of acute Hepatitis b in the late
seventies.Since that my liver has been fine.I`m never sick.(flu,cold and
so),so I think my immune system is good.
Would it be a good idea(okay),to take “an initial” trip,with maybe 500mg
This mostly to “be aquainted” to Ibo,so I knew what it was,and what I
expect from the about 15 mg pr kilo?

Thank you very much for your help Dana.I really appreciate it.:o)
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on 60
mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain cure
here in Europe?(or another place)..

I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I can´t get
in contact with her now.

I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking Opiates.I
hate that drug,especially Methadone.It´s a chemical jail for me.

My problem is also the money.I know there are places in Mexico and
Panama,but I simply can´t afford that.Damn it.

I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful forever.


Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…

Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and a
small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start to
“brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though, not
the Indra.


From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 23, 2003 at 3:03:41 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Here is how we are adapting to the current environment. We are buying a full
page ad in Montgomery, Alabama to draw attention to shocking sentences that
marijuana and other drug users in Alabama receive (sunday, March 1).
However, across the top of the full page it starts like this:


AS our men and women of the American armed forces embark on a mission to
liberate the oppressed people of Iraq, the job of protecting liberty and
decency on the home front cannot be neglected. All of us have a
responsibility to see that the Bill of Rights and our dear Constitution is
applied to all Americans in time of peace and war. This is also what our
soldiers abroad represent, the decency and liberty extended to the worldwide
family of mankind based on the American traditions of liberty and tolerance.
Consider then what is happening in Alabama today…

—– Original Message —–
From: <crownofthorns@hushmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 22, 2003 6:29 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

Patrick, you’re alive! 😉 How’s it going bro, long time no brilliant
comments. What no thoughts on iraq?

Peace out,

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 09:53:19 -0800 “Patrick K. Kroupa”
<digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 11:30:21PM -0500], [HSLotsof@aol.com] wrote:

| First, Indra.dk vanishes.
| So, home come http://ibogaine.co.uk/ is down??
| Who is next?

Uhm…  Nick is in India right now.  And quite possibly hasn’t noticed
that he forgot to renew his domain.  Doing a whois, it doesn’t exist

The ensim thing appears to have snapped up the domain.

I’m gonna try to find Nick and, mention this or sumthin…


Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2

Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program:

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] brade down??
Date: February 23, 2003 at 2:01:21 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


what is “brade down”? What is the meaning of these words??


That’s Mashspeak. Normally Ibogaine slows the heart somewhat. In rare
cases, this effect can be severe–bradycardia. I have spoken to
paraclinicians (in this case an R.N.) who’ve had to administer CPR.
It worked–but it is important to note that it was a female oxycontin
addict with an undisclosed history of seizures. And this was on only
600 mg. total bodyweight.

The good thing is that Ibogaine blocks ischemia–so that you have
this automatic anti-stroke effect working at the same time that
should stop damage from reduced flow of oxygen. How long you could
keep some one in suspended animation–and bring them back
unharmed–is a good question


From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: [ibogaine] brade down??
Date: February 23, 2003 at 1:07:22 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


what is “brade down”? What is the meaning of these words??


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 23, 2003 at 11:54:37 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 2/23/03 6:37:59 AM, aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz writes:

Also… just by the way can Howard tell me why he calls himself lots of….
just out of interest or if its personal he can always tell me to mind my
own business and I won’t be offended.    Thanks Allison

Hi Allison,

Lotsof is one Ellis island version of my familiy’s name.  Other versions are
Lotsoff, Lotzof and I think there may be a few others floating around.

Howard (Lotsof)


From: Søren Løvfelt <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……
Date: February 23, 2003 at 11:41:59 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Dana

Thanks very much for your answer.I CAN get Ibo here,that´s not the problem.

In the start it was my intention,to do just what you suggest,buy some
Ibo,and have a good friend to watch over me.
But when I talked to some people from Holland,they said that the “sitter”
had to be experienced?!(this was people that took money to do it!!)

I`m in good health,have only had a couple of acute Hepatitis b in the late
seventies.Since that my liver has been fine.I`m never sick.(flu,cold and
so),so I think my immune system is good.
Would it be a good idea(okay),to take “an initial” trip,with maybe 500mg Ibo
This mostly to “be aquainted” to Ibo,so I knew what it was,and what I could
expect from the about 15 mg pr kilo?

Thank you very much for your help Dana.I really appreciate it.:o)
Kind regards
—– Original Message —–
From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……

My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on 60
mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain cure
here in Europe?(or another place)..

I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I can´t get
in contact with her now.

I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking Opiates.I
hate that drug,especially Methadone.It´s a chemical jail for me.

My problem is also the money.I know there are places in Mexico and
Panama,but I simply can´t afford that.Damn it.

I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful forever.


Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…

Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and a
small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start to
“brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though, not
the Indra.


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Hello……
Date: February 23, 2003 at 10:12:15 AM EST
To: “Soren Lovfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

My name is Soren,and I come from Denmark.
I have been on Methadone about 15 years,the last 2 years on 60
mg,and sometimes some Oxycodone,and 10 mg Diazepam.
I would ask whether anybody know where I can get an Ibogain cure
here in Europe?(or another place)..

I had contact with a woman from The Nederlands,Sara,but I can´t get
in contact with her now.

I think I am so motivated a human CAN be,to STOP taking Opiates.I
hate that drug,especially Methadone.It´s a chemical jail for me.

My problem is also the money.I know there are places in Mexico and
Panama,but I simply can´t afford that.Damn it.

I you in any way think you can help me,I wil be grateful forever.


Why can’t you get extract from the Danish supplier? I think
www.indra.dk will be up again in a day or two…

Be sure to have a good babysitter to empty yr puke bucket, and a
small cannister of oxygen might be just the thing if you start to
“brade down” too much. Usually only happens on the HCl though, not
the Indra.


From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 23, 2003 at 9:49:53 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


just send an E-mail to this addresse:


then you’ll get confirmation E-mail (to which you reply) and – voila! you’re off the list ;-))


At 14:57 23.2.2003, you wrote:
AAA has requested three times for removal. I guess the procedure takes time?
—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

Where on earth did you find that kikamoso clip.?????
What happened to AAA.  did he eventually get his name off the list.
Also… just by the way can Howard tell me why he calls himself lots of….
just out of interest or if its personal he can always tell me to mind my own
business and I won’t be offended.    Thanks Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

> On [Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 06:29:53PM -0800], [crownofthorns@hushmail.com]
> | Patrick, you’re alive! 😉 How’s it going bro, long time no brilliant
> | comments. What no thoughts on iraq?
> Fundamentally, it is my belief that we should RISE UP and FUCK THIS SHIT.
> Then — after the rising up part — a wave of peace, love, and goodwill,
> shall sweep the planet; we will kill all who oppose us.
> Uhm, no, wait, nevermind, they already tried that, there was that Crusades
> thing, plus, also, the whole entire human history.  And if we do not learn
> from history, then we can go find something else to do, I mean, who has
> time to read all that crap.
> Right now, at this very moment, I have a different dilemma.  I am unclear
> which is the greater masterpiece.  Akira, or THIS (it’s just THAT GOOD.  I
> am stunned):
> http://yoga.tripod.co.jp/flash/kikkomaso.swf
> Patrick

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 23, 2003 at 8:57:01 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

AAA has requested three times for removal. I guess the procedure takes time?
—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

Where on earth did you find that kikamoso clip.?????
What happened to AAA.  did he eventually get his name off the list.
Also… just by the way can Howard tell me why he calls himself lots of….
just out of interest or if its personal he can always tell me to mind my own
business and I won’t be offended.    Thanks Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

> On [Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 06:29:53PM -0800], [crownofthorns@hushmail.com]
> | Patrick, you’re alive! 😉 How’s it going bro, long time no brilliant
> | comments. What no thoughts on iraq?
> Fundamentally, it is my belief that we should RISE UP and FUCK THIS SHIT.
> Then — after the rising up part — a wave of peace, love, and goodwill,
> shall sweep the planet; we will kill all who oppose us.
> Uhm, no, wait, nevermind, they already tried that, there was that Crusades
> thing, plus, also, the whole entire human history.  And if we do not learn
> from history, then we can go find something else to do, I mean, who has
> time to read all that crap.
> Right now, at this very moment, I have a different dilemma.  I am unclear
> which is the greater masterpiece.  Akira, or THIS (it’s just THAT GOOD.  I
> am stunned):
> http://yoga.tripod.co.jp/flash/kikkomaso.swf
> Patrick

From: “Allison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 23, 2003 at 6:24:42 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Where on earth did you find that kikamoso clip.?????
What happened to AAA.  did he eventually get his name off the list.
Also… just by the way can Howard tell me why he calls himself lots of….
just out of interest or if its personal he can always tell me to mind my own
business and I won’t be offended.    Thanks Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 23, 2003 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

On [Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 06:29:53PM -0800], [crownofthorns@hushmail.com]

| Patrick, you’re alive! 😉 How’s it going bro, long time no brilliant
| comments. What no thoughts on iraq?

Fundamentally, it is my belief that we should RISE UP and FUCK THIS SHIT.
Then — after the rising up part — a wave of peace, love, and goodwill,
shall sweep the planet; we will kill all who oppose us.

Uhm, no, wait, nevermind, they already tried that, there was that Crusades
thing, plus, also, the whole entire human history.  And if we do not learn
from history, then we can go find something else to do, I mean, who has
time to read all that crap.

Right now, at this very moment, I have a different dilemma.  I am unclear
which is the greater masterpiece.  Akira, or THIS (it’s just THAT GOOD.  I
am stunned):



From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 23, 2003 at 12:46:57 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 06:29:53PM -0800], [crownofthorns@hushmail.com] wrote:

| Patrick, you’re alive! 😉 How’s it going bro, long time no brilliant
| comments. What no thoughts on iraq?

Fundamentally, it is my belief that we should RISE UP and FUCK THIS SHIT.
Then — after the rising up part — a wave of peace, love, and goodwill,
shall sweep the planet; we will kill all who oppose us.

Uhm, no, wait, nevermind, they already tried that, there was that Crusades
thing, plus, also, the whole entire human history.  And if we do not learn
from history, then we can go find something else to do, I mean, who has
time to read all that crap.

Right now, at this very moment, I have a different dilemma.  I am unclear
which is the greater masterpiece.  Akira, or THIS (it’s just THAT GOOD.  I
am stunned):



From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 22, 2003 at 9:29:53 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Patrick, you’re alive! 😉 How’s it going bro, long time no brilliant comments. What no thoughts on iraq?

Peace out,

On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 09:53:19 -0800 “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com> wrote:
On [Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 11:30:21PM -0500], [HSLotsof@aol.com] wrote:

| First, Indra.dk vanishes.
| So, home come http://ibogaine.co.uk/ is down??
| Who is next?

Uhm…  Nick is in India right now.  And quite possibly hasn’t noticed
that he forgot to renew his domain.  Doing a whois, it doesn’t exist

The ensim thing appears to have snapped up the domain.

I’m gonna try to find Nick and, mention this or sumthin…


Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2

Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program:

From: crownofthorns@hushmail.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 22, 2003 at 9:19:31 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The site is still there, they just shut off his home page and index file. If you find nick tell him to phone home and pay his bills 😉 His domain lists to ensim now. He might want to get it back 😉

Peace out,

On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 18:07:11 -0800 HSLotsof@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 2/21/03 1:15:07 PM, digital@phantom.com writes:

Uhm…  Nick is in India right now.  And quite possibly hasn’t
that he forgot to renew his domain.  Doing a whois, it doesn’t

The ensim thing appears to have snapped up the domain.

I’m gonna try to find Nick and, mention this or sumthin…

I was checking links to the Ibogaine Manual
<http://www.ibogaine.org/manual.html> as a Second Revision will
probably be
published in March and found that ibogaine.co.uk is still there
you just have
to get beyond the home page, <http://www.ibogaine.co.uk/treatment.htm>
instance.  Once there you can navigate the pages.

But, if you can contact Nick and let him know that he has to pay
registration fees I am sure he would appreciate it.


Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get
FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2

Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program:

From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 22, 2003 at 9:07:11 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 2/21/03 1:15:07 PM, digital@phantom.com writes:

Uhm…  Nick is in India right now.  And quite possibly hasn’t noticed
that he forgot to renew his domain.  Doing a whois, it doesn’t exist

The ensim thing appears to have snapped up the domain.

I’m gonna try to find Nick and, mention this or sumthin…

I was checking links to the Ibogaine Manual
<http://www.ibogaine.org/manual.html> as a Second Revision will probably be
published in March and found that ibogaine.co.uk is still there you just have
to get beyond the home page, <http://www.ibogaine.co.uk/treatment.htm> for
instance.  Once there you can navigate the pages.

But, if you can contact Nick and let him know that he has to pay the
registration fees I am sure he would appreciate it.


From: Gamma <gammalyte9000@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Da War on Drugs [animation]
Date: February 22, 2003 at 6:25:34 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Do you Yahoo!?
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From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 21, 2003 at 12:53:19 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On [Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 11:30:21PM -0500], [HSLotsof@aol.com] wrote:

| First, Indra.dk vanishes.
| So, home come http://ibogaine.co.uk/ is down??
| Who is next?

Uhm…  Nick is in India right now.  And quite possibly hasn’t noticed
that he forgot to renew his domain.  Doing a whois, it doesn’t exist

The ensim thing appears to have snapped up the domain.

I’m gonna try to find Nick and, mention this or sumthin…


From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 20, 2003 at 11:56:07 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

indra.dk is up in a few days.

Marc Emery

P.S. We are booked up for the next 7 weeks with 20 patients

—– Original Message —–
From: <hslotsof@aol.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:30 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

First, Indra.dk vanishes.
So, home come http://ibogaine.co.uk/ is down??
Who is next?


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 20, 2003 at 11:38:32 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 2/20/03 11:36:17 PM, aaasj@coqui.net writes:

Are the fact that centers are vanishing have anything to do with the success
of ibogaine?




From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 20, 2003 at 11:35:00 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Are the fact that centers are vanishing have anything to do with the success of ibogaine?
—– Original Message —–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 12:30 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/

First, Indra.dk vanishes.
So, home come http://ibogaine.co.uk/ is down??
Who is next?


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] http://ibogaine.co.uk/
Date: February 20, 2003 at 11:30:21 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

First, Indra.dk vanishes.
So, home come http://ibogaine.co.uk/ is down??
Who is next?


From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Treat ’em and send ’em home!
Date: February 20, 2003 at 11:30:22 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 2/20/03 11:18:04 PM, aaasj@coqui.net writes:

Are there articles on ibogaine available? If so is it possible to send
me? If not, where can I locate them?

Thank you,


European Ibogaine Forum 2018

http://www.google.com (search term ibogaine or ibogaine therapy)

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Treat ’em and send ’em home!
Date: February 20, 2003 at 11:16:33 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Are there articles on ibogaine available? If so is it possible to send me? If not, where can I locate them?
Thank you,
Alfred H. Artze
A. Artze Associates
Urb. Santa Maria
1908 Petunia Street
San Juan Puerto Rico 00927
787-758-9468 Fax

—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal
To: letters@times-colonist.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:45 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Treat ’em and send ’em home!

Regarding Ray Wanless’ call for detention centers for addicts, why
should taxpayers foot the bill for MONTHS of inpatient treatment when
the latest developments in medicine make it possible to use the same
bed over and over again until ALL the addicts who want treatment get

Think about it: What if the only reason there’s currently a shortage
of treatment beds for addicts is that we’re not using the latest
technology to cut the length of inpatient treatment?

Have you heard of Ibogaine?  Even today, after dozens of articles in
the press and scientific journals, most people are not aware what a
breakthrough Ibogaine is in the treatment of addictions.

This rainforest alkaloid has been reported to act as an addiction
interrupter across a wide spectrum of abused substances, legal and
illegal, in more more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers. A
unique effect is the simultaneous loss of multiple addictions–for
example opiates, meth-amphetamine, crack, alcohol and
cigarettes–after as little as a single treatment.

Ibogaine is the first pharmacotherapy where, when the treatment wears
off, addicts are free of both physical withdrawal and psychological
craving. And where opioid maintenance (methadone) or blockers
(naltrexone) fail to address the underlying dopaminergic disorder
(craving), re-treatment with Ibogaine (should uncontrollable cravings
re-cur, or in the event or relapse) is safe and easy.
With Ibogaine, the acute phase that requires bed-rest takes just two
days. Even with a period to keep them under observation in case you
have to administer another, smaller dose after 4 to 6 days for
residual cravings, folks can be back at work in just under two weeks.
The stumbling block, as always, is funding–plus lack of the support
Ibogaine would have if more people realized it’s not some far-off
possibility in the distant future, but an option already available in
British Columbia.  Marc Emery of Cannabis Culture magazine is
currently operating an Ibogaine clinic on the Sunshine Coast.

He writes: “My adopted son, a heroin and methadone addict for 4
years, along with his girlfriend of 4 years (also addicted), were
administered iboga (3,800 mg whole extract, for my son, 2,800 mg. for
the woman) 25 days ago. I saw them at day 21, transformed from
hollowed, gaunt, dazed lethargy (and all those illnesses!), into
healthy, robust individuals. I was staggered.”

Ironically, in Africa tabernanthe iboga is considered a sacred plant,
and is used in a rite of passage to initiate young people into

Dana Beal/co-Founder, CURES not WARS/212-677-4899.

P.S: The current backlog at Iboga House is only about 8 weeks. To get
a loved one in now, call (604) 842-1023 or email
info@ibogatherapyhouse.org . Marc says there wouldn’t be a backlog —
if the government would pay for it!

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] had enough already…
Date: February 20, 2003 at 11:12:18 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I had already “unsubscribed” and looked for the email and found it again and unsubscribed today for the second time.
I have interest in ibogaine for Puerto Rico, where they use the Methadone program and I would like to promote the use of ibogaine here.
Where is ibogaine available?
Has ibogaine been approved?
Are there drug release statistics available?
Thank you,
Alfred H. Artze
A. Artze Associates
Urb. Santa Maria
1908 Petunia Street
San Juan Puerto Rico 00927
787-758-9468 Fax

—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra k
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] had enough already…

AAA, you have to UNSUBSCRIBE yourself by sending an email to the listserve. Unfortunately I had erased that message from my inbox and can not provide you with the address but perhaps if you check the previous posts you may be able to find it…I could be wrong but it may have been sent by Brett Calabrese.

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates” 
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 09:18:04 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
To simply and quickly answer your questions.
I believe that man has rights, even so far as to self destruct. That criminal laws without a victim is a travesty and an invasion of private civil rights. And if laws are to be passed against the use of  illicit drugs, making the user a criminal, which tends to multiply the criminal element in society, then why not ALL drugs. Why not alcohol and cigarettes? And if in fact these laws are against self destruction, hell, why not obesity as well? These are for the most part are reflections of the inability of an individual to put up with life’s difficulties. The drug user, like the alcoholic should be treated as someone who needs assistance and needs to handled as a sick person, not as a criminal, which tends to exacerbate things.
By the way, the only drugs that I use are life sustaining prescription drugs. I do however have an on going war of letters to the editor in our local paper regarding this subject. Recently while in Tampa, my former brother in law, a psychiatrist and a Frenchman, which explains my feelings towards the French, gave me an insight to ibogaine. I searched it on the Internet and here I am. The last thing I wanted was to get on a “merry go round” of politics. Most of which I read I can accept, but I can not accept the fact that no one seems to regard the Muslim extremists as the new menace to the World. The new Nazism, the new communism! The new idea that we are “infidels” and that this Johnnie come lately religion thinks the world must bend to their ways of thinking and that they are willing to kill Jews and Americans because of our beliefs and lifestyle! I can agree with Muslims in many ways, especially regarding our TV programs, but I can not and will ! not accept an “ism” telling me to believe or die!
We took a lot of crap and lost a lot of lives during the Carter and Clinton years. While there are a lot of things I do not like about Bush, I do however admit that his thoughts on Muslim terrorists reflect mine almost the tee! Almost, because if it were up to me I’d start executing the prisoners we have with pig fat dipped bullets and send a strong message. Marshals for airplanes? Nonsense, put a pig in each flight, they will not want to die with a pig!
By the way, even my former brother in law agrees with the Anti French rhetoric – but then again, he’s here and not there!

—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Thanks for your e-mail but have to tell you that I am another so called junkie or at least was and still struggling at times and thats why I access this site.  If you feel so strongly about the drugs and people involved why did you get into this site.  Do you have an interest in Ibogaine???
As to your other e-mail,  I don’t believe the French have forgotten.  When I lived in France WW11 was still a very much talked about subject, especially with the older people.
All the French people I met had nothing but praise for the Americans, British, NZers and Aussies etc.  Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

You sound like a kind soul, is there anything you can do to get me off of this Merry-Go-Round of junkies!
—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

That was a harsh comment, especially after all the other very “loud opinions”.  I am sure there are faults on all sides and they are easy to find when you look but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  You seem very bitter about the French but I lived in the south of France for a few years and there were lots of plaques and memorials to the allies that fought with them and for them in WW11.  I’m probably not so informed in my history as you, (probably bunked too much school) but times have moved on and so has the world in general.  This war if it occurs will be completely different to any other.  Most people are reacting strongly out of fear I would think.  Look at the mail in this forum even in the last few days and its like everyone is fighting each other before there is even fighting anywhere else.  Perhaps that was a big part of the idea..  setting the West against the West etc. &nb! sp; dividing and causing trouble.   If so it has certainly succeeded.  ….Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Nothing but useless junkies here!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! ! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from fathe! r to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
! pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except! to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

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From: “Sandra k” <windforme@graffiti.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] had enough already…
Date: February 20, 2003 at 9:03:45 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

AAA, you have to UNSUBSCRIBE yourself by sending an email to the listserve. Unfortunately I had erased that message from my inbox and can not provide you with the address but perhaps if you check the previous posts you may be able to find it…I could be wrong but it may have been sent by Brett Calabrese.

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates” 
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 09:18:04 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
To simply and quickly answer your questions.
I believe that man has rights, even so far as to self destruct. That criminal laws without a victim is a travesty and an invasion of private civil rights. And if laws are to be passed against the use of  illicit drugs, making the user a criminal, which tends to multiply the criminal element in society, then why not ALL drugs. Why not alcohol and cigarettes? And if in fact these laws are against self destruction, hell, why not obesity as well? These are for the most part are reflections of the inability of an individual to put up with life’s difficulties. The drug user, like the alcoholic should be treated as someone who needs assistance and needs to handled as a sick person, not as a criminal, which tends to exacerbate things.
By the way, the only drugs that I use are life sustaining prescription drugs. I do however have an on going war of letters to the editor in our local paper regarding this subject. Recently while in Tampa, my former brother in law, a psychiatrist and a Frenchman, which explains my feelings towards the French, gave me an insight to ibogaine. I searched it on the Internet and here I am. The last thing I wanted was to get on a “merry go round” of politics. Most of which I read I can accept, but I can not accept the fact that no one seems to regard the Muslim extremists as the new menace to the World. The new Nazism, the new communism! The new idea that we are “infidels” and that this Johnnie come lately religion thinks the world must bend to their ways of thinking and that they are willing to kill Jews and Americans because of our beliefs and lifestyle! I can agree with Muslims in many ways, especially regarding our TV programs, but I can not and will not accept an “ism” telling me to believe or die!
We took a lot of crap and lost a lot of lives during the Carter and Clinton years. While there are a lot of things I do not like about Bush, I do however admit that his thoughts on Muslim terrorists reflect mine almost the tee! Almost, because if it were up to me I’d start executing the prisoners we have with pig fat dipped bullets and send a strong message. Marshals for airplanes? Nonsense, put a pig in each flight, they will not want to die with a pig!
By the way, even my former brother in law agrees with the Anti French rhetoric – but then again, he’s here and not there!

—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Thanks for your e-mail but have to tell you that I am another so called junkie or at least was and still struggling at times and thats why I access this site.  If you feel so strongly about the drugs and people involved why did you get into this site.  Do you have an interest in Ibogaine???
As to your other e-mail,  I don’t believe the French have forgotten.  When I lived in France WW11 was still a very much talked about subject, especially with the older people.
All the French people I met had nothing but praise for the Americans, British, NZers and Aussies etc.  Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

You sound like a kind soul, is there anything you can do to get me off of this Merry-Go-Round of junkies!
—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

That was a harsh comment, especially after all the other very “loud opinions”.  I am sure there are faults on all sides and they are easy to find when you look but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  You seem very bitter about the French but I lived in the south of France for a few years and there were lots of plaques and memorials to the allies that fought with them and for them in WW11.  I’m probably not so informed in my history as you, (probably bunked too much school) but times have moved on and so has the world in general.  This war if it occurs will be completely different to any other.  Most people are reacting strongly out of fear I would think.  Look at the mail in this forum even in the last few days and its like everyone is fighting each other before there is even fighting anywhere else.  Perhaps that was a big part of the idea..  setting the West against the West etc.   dividing and causing trouble.   If so it has certainly succeeded.  ….Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Nothing but useless junkies here!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

Get your free email from http://www.graffiti.net
Powered by Outblaze

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Treat ’em and send ’em home!
Date: February 20, 2003 at 8:45:37 PM EST
To: letters@times-colonist.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Regarding Ray Wanless’ call for detention centers for addicts, why
should taxpayers foot the bill for MONTHS of inpatient treatment when
the latest developments in medicine make it possible to use the same
bed over and over again until ALL the addicts who want treatment get

Think about it: What if the only reason there’s currently a shortage
of treatment beds for addicts is that we’re not using the latest
technology to cut the length of inpatient treatment?

Have you heard of Ibogaine?  Even today, after dozens of articles in
the press and scientific journals, most people are not aware what a
breakthrough Ibogaine is in the treatment of addictions.

This rainforest alkaloid has been reported to act as an addiction
interrupter across a wide spectrum of abused substances, legal and
illegal, in more more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific papers. A
unique effect is the simultaneous loss of multiple addictions–for
example opiates, meth-amphetamine, crack, alcohol and
cigarettes–after as little as a single treatment.

Ibogaine is the first pharmacotherapy where, when the treatment wears
off, addicts are free of both physical withdrawal and psychological
craving. And where opioid maintenance (methadone) or blockers
(naltrexone) fail to address the underlying dopaminergic disorder
(craving), re-treatment with Ibogaine (should uncontrollable cravings
re-cur, or in the event or relapse) is safe and easy.
With Ibogaine, the acute phase that requires bed-rest takes just two
days. Even with a period to keep them under observation in case you
have to administer another, smaller dose after 4 to 6 days for
residual cravings, folks can be back at work in just under two weeks.
The stumbling block, as always, is funding–plus lack of the support
Ibogaine would have if more people realized it’s not some far-off
possibility in the distant future, but an option already available in
British Columbia.  Marc Emery of Cannabis Culture magazine is
currently operating an Ibogaine clinic on the Sunshine Coast.

He writes: “My adopted son, a heroin and methadone addict for 4
years, along with his girlfriend of 4 years (also addicted), were
administered iboga (3,800 mg whole extract, for my son, 2,800 mg. for
the woman) 25 days ago. I saw them at day 21, transformed from
hollowed, gaunt, dazed lethargy (and all those illnesses!), into
healthy, robust individuals. I was staggered.”

Ironically, in Africa tabernanthe iboga is considered a sacred plant,
and is used in a rite of passage to initiate young people into

Dana Beal/co-Founder, CURES not WARS/212-677-4899.

P.S: The current backlog at Iboga House is only about 8 weeks. To get
a loved one in now, call (604) 842-1023 or email
info@ibogatherapyhouse.org . Marc says there wouldn’t be a backlog —
if the government would pay for it!

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 20, 2003 at 8:18:04 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

To simply and quickly answer your questions.
I believe that man has rights, even so far as to self destruct. That criminal laws without a victim is a travesty and an invasion of private civil rights. And if laws are to be passed against the use of  illicit drugs, making the user a criminal, which tends to multiply the criminal element in society, then why not ALL drugs. Why not alcohol and cigarettes? And if in fact these laws are against self destruction, hell, why not obesity as well? These are for the most part are reflections of the inability of an individual to put up with life’s difficulties. The drug user, like the alcoholic should be treated as someone who needs assistance and needs to handled as a sick person, not as a criminal, which tends to exacerbate things.
By the way, the only drugs that I use are life sustaining prescription drugs. I do however have an on going war of letters to the editor in our local paper regarding this subject. Recently while in Tampa, my former brother in law, a psychiatrist and a Frenchman, which explains my feelings towards the French, gave me an insight to ibogaine. I searched it on the Internet and here I am. The last thing I wanted was to get on a “merry go round” of politics. Most of which I read I can accept, but I can not accept the fact that no one seems to regard the Muslim extremists as the new menace to the World. The new Nazism, the new communism! The new idea that we are “infidels” and that this Johnnie come lately religion thinks the world must bend to their ways of thinking and that they are willing to kill Jews and Americans because of our beliefs and lifestyle! I can agree with Muslims in many ways, especially regarding our TV programs, but I can not and will not accept an “ism” telling me to believe or die!
We took a lot of crap and lost a lot of lives during the Carter and Clinton years. While there are a lot of things I do not like about Bush, I do however admit that his thoughts on Muslim terrorists reflect mine almost the tee! Almost, because if it were up to me I’d start executing the prisoners we have with pig fat dipped bullets and send a strong message. Marshals for airplanes? Nonsense, put a pig in each flight, they will not want to die with a pig!
By the way, even my former brother in law agrees with the Anti French rhetoric – but then again, he’s here and not there!

—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Thanks for your e-mail but have to tell you that I am another so called junkie or at least was and still struggling at times and thats why I access this site.  If you feel so strongly about the drugs and people involved why did you get into this site.  Do you have an interest in Ibogaine???
As to your other e-mail,  I don’t believe the French have forgotten.  When I lived in France WW11 was still a very much talked about subject, especially with the older people.
All the French people I met had nothing but praise for the Americans, British, NZers and Aussies etc.  Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

You sound like a kind soul, is there anything you can do to get me off of this Merry-Go-Round of junkies!
—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

That was a harsh comment, especially after all the other very “loud opinions”.  I am sure there are faults on all sides and they are easy to find when you look but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  You seem very bitter about the French but I lived in the south of France for a few years and there were lots of plaques and memorials to the allies that fought with them and for them in WW11.  I’m probably not so informed in my history as you, (probably bunked too much school) but times have moved on and so has the world in general.  This war if it occurs will be completely different to any other.  Most people are reacting strongly out of fear I would think.  Look at the mail in this forum even in the last few days and its like everyone is fighting each other before there is even fighting anywhere else.  Perhaps that was a big part of the idea..  setting the West against the West etc.   dividing and causing trouble.   If so it has certainly succeeded.  ….Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Nothing but useless junkies here!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “Allison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 20, 2003 at 7:36:05 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks for your e-mail but have to tell you that I am another so called junkie or at least was and still struggling at times and thats why I access this site.  If you feel so strongly about the drugs and people involved why did you get into this site.  Do you have an interest in Ibogaine???
As to your other e-mail,  I don’t believe the French have forgotten.  When I lived in France WW11 was still a very much talked about subject, especially with the older people.
All the French people I met had nothing but praise for the Americans, British, NZers and Aussies etc.  Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

You sound like a kind soul, is there anything you can do to get me off of this Merry-Go-Round of junkies!
—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

That was a harsh comment, especially after all the other very “loud opinions”.  I am sure there are faults on all sides and they are easy to find when you look but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  You seem very bitter about the French but I lived in the south of France for a few years and there were lots of plaques and memorials to the allies that fought with them and for them in WW11.  I’m probably not so informed in my history as you, (probably bunked too much school) but times have moved on and so has the world in general.  This war if it occurs will be completely different to any other.  Most people are reacting strongly out of fear I would think.  Look at the mail in this forum even in the last few days and its like everyone is fighting each other before there is even fighting anywhere else.  Perhaps that was a big part of the idea..  setting the West against the West etc.   dividing and causing trouble.   If so it has certainly succeeded.  ….Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Nothing but useless junkies here!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: [ibogaine] To the grand schmuck anti semitic, Marko!
Date: February 19, 2003 at 8:24:44 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Joe Lieberman’s letter to French People
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!
Does the French nation recall that slogan?
The current French tolerance of and indifference to the wave of attacks upon French Jews speaks clearly of the decline of the French national character.
The French have forgotten!  Two hundred and some odd years ago the suffering French populace erupted in revolution against tyranny.  They cried for and fought for liberty, fraternity, equality for all in every aspect of French society.
The French have forgotten!  But I remember!  I still have in my mind the heartbreaking image of the Parisian gentleman from whose eyes the tears fell copiously as he watched the Nazi troops marching triumphantly into Paris.  -The face of that Frenchman still lives in my mind sixty years later. It is the same as the faces of so many French Jews today.
The French have forgotten!  But I remember!  I remember the ecstasy, the flowers, the kisses with which the French people greeted their American and British liberators from Nazi terror.
The French have forgotten!  – They have forgotten the dehumanizing result of terror upon them- selves.  – They have forgotten the shame of Vichy France.  – Those who watch with indifference the attacks upon their neighbors sink into degeneracy themselves.
The French have forgotten brotherhood and love of others than themselves.  – They have forgotten equal justice.  – They have forgotten that a nation without strength of morality and character is a nation already in the lower depths of degradation.
So, just as the Swiss were part of the Nazi problem sixty years ago, the French are part of the problem of world terrorism today.  – As the French casually watch their Jewish citizens attacked let them remember how they, the French, acquiesced in cowardice at the rape of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis in 1938, only to suffer under the Nazi heel so soon after.
My contempt for present day France is accompanied by great regret.  We gave the lives of American boys to save them once.  – They have forgotten. However, we Americans have not forgotten.  – All Americans with integrity of character must boycott France. I hope large numbers of you will join me in this.
If this e-mail is forwarded by just 1/2 of all recipients it could reach 10,000,000 Americans in a matter of days.  Let’s make the French remember!
Joe Lieberman

—– Original Message —–
From: Randy Hencken
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:02 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight

Hey Marko,

You may be right about the pentagon thing.  But your claim that no jews were
killed in the WTC is outrageous (even anti-semetic).  You act as if you want
peace amongst humanity and then you spout ignorant rumors that are rooted
deeply in hatred.  Marko, be cautious of what you write and say
-impressionable people are listening.  Everybody, take the time “to think
for yourself and question authority”


>From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
>Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
>Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
>Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 15:03:56 +0100
>AAA, you are unbeliveable!
>You think that 9/11 is the righteous cause for USA attacking Iraq, right?
>And you thik that Muslims attacked on that day, right? OK, then tell me
>just 2 things:
>1. Check http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm
>and let me know where are parts of Boeing 757 which supposedly crashed into
>Pentagon? (from those official photos it seems to me that Pentagon was hit
>by a US missile – much more reasonable explain! Even more, all space around
>Pentagon is electronically protected, so this missile had to be equipped
>with friendly navigation codes, otherwise it could never approach Pentagon,
>much less hit it!)
>2. Do you know that in WTC used to work around 3.500 Jews, and none of them
>came to work on 9/11? How come? Have Muslims told them that they were
>planning attack to WTC on that day? Or were they told by someone else?

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 20, 2003 at 1:02:35 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey Marko,

You may be right about the pentagon thing.  But your claim that no jews were killed in the WTC is outrageous (even anti-semetic).  You act as if you want peace amongst humanity and then you spout ignorant rumors that are rooted deeply in hatred.  Marko, be cautious of what you write and say -impressionable people are listening.  Everybody, take the time “to think for yourself and question authority”


From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 15:03:56 +0100

AAA, you are unbeliveable!

You think that 9/11 is the righteous cause for USA attacking Iraq, right? And you thik that Muslims attacked on that day, right? OK, then tell me just 2 things:

1. Check http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm and let me know where are parts of Boeing 757 which supposedly crashed into Pentagon? (from those official photos it seems to me that Pentagon was hit by a US missile – much more reasonable explain! Even more, all space around Pentagon is electronically protected, so this missile had to be equipped with friendly navigation codes, otherwise it could never approach Pentagon, much less hit it!)

2. Do you know that in WTC used to work around 3.500 Jews, and none of them came to work on 9/11? How come? Have Muslims told them that they were planning attack to WTC on that day? Or were they told by someone else?

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*  http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

From: edgar phineas <hypernova3113@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 4:31:18 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’m not on drugs. But you my friend, are drunk. And at the edge of the roof. Be careful.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
Edgar, when you get off of drugs, talk to me, otherwise bug off!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 19, 2003 at 4:09:45 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Good, now be nice and get me off this merry-go-round!
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 4:06 PM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight

At 19:32 19.2.2003, you wrote:
> >2. Do you know that in WTC used to work around 3.500 Jews, and none of them
> >came to work on 9/11? How come? Have Muslims told them that they were
> >planning attack to WTC on that day? Or were they told by someone else?
>Ok, now I’m all for the plausibility that our government had some role in
>9/11, but that no Jews died in the WTC is simply not true. I’m from a Jewish
>family, and one of our friends died in the attack.
>By spreading false rumours like that, you’re almost as bad as the reactionary
>putzes who want to attack Iraq out of vengence…

Sorry… I apologise… It’s my lack of knowledge of english language plus
the speed of typing with which I’m trying to follow my thoughts that are
responsible for this… But mainly I was correct, I think 😉

And I decided not to fill people’s E-mailboxes with this off-topic anymore!



From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] the more free place
Date: February 19, 2003 at 4:06:03 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Yes, I agree, my first visit many years ago, I found Canada to be very civilized. Nice people too. It was only when I inquired about the weather (Montreal) in the winter time that I found out that it got colder than my freezer! Pardon me, Puerto Rico is far from perfect, but I’ll stick to the tropics!
—– Original Message —–
From: MARC
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 3:30 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] the more free place

By the way, Canada is a freer and safer and nicer place to be than the
United States.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “jon freedlander” <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
To: “ibogaine” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 7:23 AM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq

> >===== Original Message From edgar phineas <hypernova3113@yahoo.com> =====
> >”(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”.
> I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass
> the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror,
> fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if
> had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that
> make me want to move to Jupiter.
> If the Bushites get there way with expanding the Star Wars program and the
> militarisation of space, soon even Jupiter won’t be safe…
> ————————————————————————–

> — League of Surrealistic Discord Records  —
http://www.lsdrecords.com —

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] interesting admission of bup deaths
Date: February 19, 2003 at 3:53:39 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Pubdate: Wed, 19 Feb 2003
Source: Washington Times (DC)
Webpage: http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20030219-74506332.htm
Copyright: 2003 News World Communications, Inc.
Contact: letters@washingtontimes.com
Website: http://www.washingtontimes.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/492
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/find?136 (Methadone)


No one likes to see people suffer chronic pain, much less the horror of
heroin addiction. But methadone, the medicine commonly prescribed for both
maladies, is looking more and more like a menace. The same could be said for
its expected pharmaceutical successor, buprenorphine.

People are overdosing on methadone in record numbers. Nearly 11,000 people
appeared in emergency rooms following methadone overdoses in 2001, double
the number from 1999, according to the federal Drug Abuse Warning Network.
The East Coast in particular appears to be suffering a rash of methadone
overdoses. In North Carolina, methadone-related deaths jumped from seven in
1997 to 58 in 2001; in Florida, they increased from 209 in 2000 to 357 in
2001; and in Maine, they jumped from four in 1997 to 18 in merely the first
six months of 2001.

The increases might be related to a loosening of federal guidelines in 2001,
which allow substance abusers who already have earned a sufficient level of
trust while in treatment to take home up to 31 days of methadone doses.
However, the drug is much more easily procured as a prescription painkiller.
When methadone is prescribed as a painkiller, the doses are higher since the
drug’s ability to numb pain is smaller than its ability to reduce heroin

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v03.n266.a02.html
Webpage: http://washingtontimes.com/op-ed/20030219-74506332.htm


From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 19, 2003 at 3:06:09 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

At 19:32 19.2.2003, you wrote:
>2. Do you know that in WTC used to work around 3.500 Jews, and none of them
>came to work on 9/11? How come? Have Muslims told them that they were
>planning attack to WTC on that day? Or were they told by someone else?

Ok, now I’m all for the plausibility that our government had some role in
9/11, but that no Jews died in the WTC is simply not true. I’m from a Jewish
family, and one of our friends died in the attack.

By spreading false rumours like that, you’re almost as bad as the reactionary
putzes who want to attack Iraq out of vengence…

Sorry… I apologise… It’s my lack of knowledge of english language plus the speed of typing with which I’m trying to follow my thoughts that are responsible for this… But mainly I was correct, I think 😉

And I decided not to fill people’s E-mailboxes with this off-topic anymore!



From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 19, 2003 at 3:01:39 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I am where I like to be – in my country.
And you? you choose to live in a country you don’t like, and praise another country? The one which you left?

You poor human!


At 20:03 19.2.2003, you wrote:
You anti American hijo de puta, go back to the shit pladce you left if you are not happy here!
Your hype is worse than mine!
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight

AAA, you are unbeliveable!

You think that 9/11 is the righteous cause for USA attacking Iraq, right? And you thik that Muslims attacked on that day, right? OK, then tell me just 2 things:

1. Check http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm and let me know where are parts of Boeing 757 which supposedly crashed into Pentagon? (from those official photos it seems to me that Pentagon was hit by a US missile – much more reasonable explain! Even more, all space around Pentagon is electronically protected, so this missile had to be equipped with friendly navigation codes, otherwise it could never approach Pentagon, much less hit it!)

2. Do you know that in WTC used to work around 3.500 Jews, and none of them came to work on 9/11? How come? Have Muslims told them that they were planning attack to WTC on that day? Or were they told by someone else?

Must be a nice life, being rich, old american, living in a cheap foreign county, accepting whatever you want to – and who cares about facts!

I have a suggestion: if you’re really for kicking Muslim butts, why don’t you go to one of the cities in Puerto Rico (or wherever you live), find a Muslim or two and kick their butts as much as you can!?? Maybe this would be a relief for you, and you could write about this to this list – if you’ll be still alive a few hours later!


At 14:10 19.2.2003, you wrote:
In short, the War is going to cost big-time, in actuality, Bush and his pals will enrich themselves!
Still I’m for kicking Muslim Butts!

From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: unsubscribing perchance?/redpill
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:55:25 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

..and all without ibogaine or anything.  Now that I have seen this
fairly predictable wargame, I am at a loss as to what to do with it all.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

ptpeet@nyc.rr.com 02/19/03 02:22PM >>>
Rick V.- You sound great. Or read great. It’s like this bright shining
light pouring out of your last message, warming my face as I read.
Sounding hippydippy here, but you sound quite refreshed or


—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

You sound like a kind soul, is there anything you can do to get me
off of this Merry-Go-Round of junkies!
—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

That was a harsh comment, especially after all the other very “loud
opinions”.  I am sure there are faults on all sides and they are easy to
find when you look but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  You
seem very bitter about the French but I lived in the south of France for
a few years and there were lots of plaques and memorials to the allies
that fought with them and for them in WW11.  I’m probably not so
informed in my history as you, (probably bunked too much school) but
times have moved on and so has the world in general.  This war if it
occurs will be completely different to any other.  Most people are
reacting strongly out of fear I would think.  Look at the mail in this
forum even in the last few days and its like everyone is fighting each
other before there is even fighting anywhere else.  Perhaps that was a
big part of the idea..  setting the West against the West etc.
dividing and causing trouble.   If so it has certainly succeeded.
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Nothing but useless junkies here!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to
live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t
give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake
up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be
the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left
in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.

“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:

“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after
the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19
hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the
installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to
begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil –
yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of
tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one
another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents
responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the
Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the
best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But
good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what
they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put
it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made
us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining
respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a
wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!


An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational
force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we
wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World
War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and
jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military
power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action,
not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it
ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85%
of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX,
and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point,
and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front
of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest
American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these,
who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC


If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not
a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should
consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back
from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find
some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil
Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world
problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every
game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go
back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the
immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our
shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just
respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited
amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N.
Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their
children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass!
ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was
elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out
Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that
tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over
their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after
the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19
hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy”
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the
pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed
the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not
forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the
benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The
head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George
Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has
established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the
pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing
one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone
has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull
out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own
problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our
borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can
not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you
that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated
from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two
posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] the more free place
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:31:38 PM EST
To: ibogaine <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

===== Original Message From MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca> =====
By the way, Canada is a freer and safer and nicer place to be than the
United States.

My aunt and uncle live in Toronto…I’ve often wondered if they’d put me up
for a while… =)

— League of Surrealistic Discord Records — http://www.lsdrecords.com —

From: MARC <marc420emery@shaw.ca>
Subject: [ibogaine] the more free place
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:30:30 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

By the way, Canada is a freer and safer and nicer place to be than the
United States.

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

—– Original Message —–
From: “jon freedlander” <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
To: “ibogaine” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 7:23 AM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq

===== Original Message From edgar phineas <hypernova3113@yahoo.com> =====
“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”.
I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass
the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror,
fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if
had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that
make me want to move to Jupiter.

If the Bushites get there way with expanding the Star Wars program and the
militarisation of space, soon even Jupiter won’t be safe…


— League of Surrealistic Discord Records  —
http://www.lsdrecords.com —


From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:26:59 PM EST
To: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>, <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

===== Original Message From “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> =====
You sound like a kind soul, is there anything you can do to get me off of
this Merry-Go-Round of junkies!

You could try ibogaine…. =P

— League of Surrealistic Discord Records — http://www.lsdrecords.com —

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: unsubscribing perchance?/redpill
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:22:18 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

AAA- try unsubscribe-ibogaine@mindvox.com, see if that works.
Otherwise, set your email to “block ibogaine@mindvox.com”.
QUESTION- how’d you get on this list and why? What were you thinking this list was about, and who did you think would be frequenting here?

Rick V.- You sound great. Or read great. It’s like this bright shining light pouring out of your last message, warming my face as I read. Sounding hippydippy here, but you sound quite refreshed or something.;-)))


—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:04 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

You sound like a kind soul, is there anything you can do to get me off of this Merry-Go-Round of junkies!
—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

That was a harsh comment, especially after all the other very “loud opinions”.  I am sure there are faults on all sides and they are easy to find when you look but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  You seem very bitter about the French but I lived in the south of France for a few years and there were lots of plaques and memorials to the allies that fought with them and for them in WW11.  I’m probably not so informed in my history as you, (probably bunked too much school) but times have moved on and so has the world in general.  This war if it occurs will be completely different to any other.  Most people are reacting strongly out of fear I would think.  Look at the mail in this forum even in the last few days and its like everyone is fighting each other before there is even fighting anywhere else.  Perhaps that was a big part of the idea..  setting the West against the West etc.   dividing and causing trouble.   If so it has certainly succeeded.  ….Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Nothing but useless junkies here!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:08:40 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Better stop using those anti Jewish drugs! Shame on you!
They came to work on 9/11, fortunately most were bosses and they came later, the dumb Muslims grabbed an early flight!
—– Original Message —–
From: jon freedlander
To: ibogaine
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:32 PM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight

>2. Do you know that in WTC used to work around 3.500 Jews, and none of them
>came to work on 9/11? How come? Have Muslims told them that they were
>planning attack to WTC on that day? Or were they told by someone else?

Ok, now I’m all for the plausibility that our government had some role in
9/11, but that no Jews died in the WTC is simply not true. I’m from a Jewish
family, and one of our friends died in the attack.

By spreading false rumours like that, you’re almost as bad as the reactionary
putzes who want to attack Iraq out of vengence…

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:06:53 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Try Afghanistan, the Muslims are real nice there and the drugs are cheap!
So is life!
—– Original Message —–
From: jon freedlander
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:24 PM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq

>Not so with the Muslims. How much longer do we take their crap, or are you
one of those chaps who believe in turning the other cheek? If so, we ran out
of cheeks long ago!

No Muslim has ever done me any harm. Can’t say the same about Christians…

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:05:33 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Move to Afghanistan, plenty of cheap drugs and they love liberal Americans!
—– Original Message —–
From: jon freedlander
To: ibogaine
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 11:23 AM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq

>===== Original Message From edgar phineas <hypernova3113@yahoo.com> =====
>”(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah,
I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about
the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and
fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it
had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that
make me want to move to Jupiter.

If the Bushites get there way with expanding the Star Wars program and the
militarisation of space, soon even Jupiter won’t be safe…

— League of Surrealistic Discord Records  —  http://www.lsdrecords.com —

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:04:31 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You sound like a kind soul, is there anything you can do to get me off of this Merry-Go-Round of junkies!
—– Original Message —–
From: Allison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:19 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

That was a harsh comment, especially after all the other very “loud opinions”.  I am sure there are faults on all sides and they are easy to find when you look but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  You seem very bitter about the French but I lived in the south of France for a few years and there were lots of plaques and memorials to the allies that fought with them and for them in WW11.  I’m probably not so informed in my history as you, (probably bunked too much school) but times have moved on and so has the world in general.  This war if it occurs will be completely different to any other.  Most people are reacting strongly out of fear I would think.  Look at the mail in this forum even in the last few days and its like everyone is fighting each other before there is even fighting anywhere else.  Perhaps that was a big part of the idea..  setting the West against the West etc.   dividing and causing trouble.   If so it has certainly succeeded.  ….Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Nothing but useless junkies here!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
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From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 19, 2003 at 2:03:29 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You anti American hijo de puta, go back to the shit pladce you left if you are not happy here!
Your hype is worse than mine!
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight

AAA, you are unbeliveable!

You think that 9/11 is the righteous cause for USA attacking Iraq, right? And you thik that Muslims attacked on that day, right? OK, then tell me just 2 things:

1. Check http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm and let me know where are parts of Boeing 757 which supposedly crashed into Pentagon? (from those official photos it seems to me that Pentagon was hit by a US missile – much more reasonable explain! Even more, all space around Pentagon is electronically protected, so this missile had to be equipped with friendly navigation codes, otherwise it could never approach Pentagon, much less hit it!)

2. Do you know that in WTC used to work around 3.500 Jews, and none of them came to work on 9/11? How come? Have Muslims told them that they were planning attack to WTC on that day? Or were they told by someone else?

Must be a nice life, being rich, old american, living in a cheap foreign county, accepting whatever you want to – and who cares about facts!

I have a suggestion: if you’re really for kicking Muslim butts, why don’t you go to one of the cities in Puerto Rico (or wherever you live), find a Muslim or two and kick their butts as much as you can!?? Maybe this would be a relief for you, and you could write about this to this list – if you’ll be still alive a few hours later!


At 14:10 19.2.2003, you wrote:
In short, the War is going to cost big-time, in actuality, Bush and his pals will enrich themselves!
Still I’m for kicking Muslim Butts!

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this andTHINK!!!
Date: February 19, 2003 at 1:54:46 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“Truth” is a vague word that has to do with fact and reality. The truth depends on which side of the fence you sit on. I don’t like War, but as a native New Yorker, who spent a week in bed after 9/11, I admit to “road rage.” Prior to that date, a Palestinian family living on my block had my sympathy, now I find myself cold towards the Palestinians, as well as Arabs in general, and especially towards the Muslim extremists, who I look upon as the new world menace. They want the world to accept their ways and they are willing to die for it! So be it!
As far as I am concerned this is the new  enemy like Nazism or Communism, and I agree with Bush the Cowboy to go and kick butt! We, under Carter and Clinton, took a lot of crap from the Muslims, they thought of us as “paper tigers” as described by UBL himself! I’m sorry, I have no feelings for the “ragheads” and wish to eradicate them!
Now as one who is a minority, a Latino, with a European face and a European surname and who was born in Harlem and raised in the South Bronx, under very extreme poverty, and who now lives very well in the Caribbean, Bush is the Oil Mafioso, who I don’t care for personally. Both he and Cheney had a lot to do with Enron and Ken Lay, but their privileged positions gives them cover!
So if you are wealthy, the truth is one thing, if you are poor, the truth is yet something else, as for the War, Bush’s words echo my thoughts. In fact, if it were up to me, I’d send a bill to the garbage Saudi’s for the damages incurred on 9/11 because most of those bastards were Saudis. By the way 10% of the causalities came from this island.
In spite of all the impurities of the US, I am still proud of this country and as far as I am concerned, when they open up a Medicare Brigade to go fight, count me in!
San Juan Puerto Rico

—– Original Message —–
From: Rick Venglarcik
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this andTHINK!!!

A few months ago, I was strongly in favor of the War, and I was a
die-hard Republican.  A few weeks ago…and all of my life, I guess…I
had time to think, look, and search, and all the pieces I of the puzzle
that I found hinted at the whole…it’s like a splinter in your mind,
driving you mad.  Something telling you that your world just isn’t
right.  You could say that all the pieces of my whole life fell
together…and I vomited at what I saw and what I found, and was amazed
at the immensity of it all.  It took me three days…sort of ironic, I
suppose…and the scales fell from my eyes. I am no longer in favor of
the War. I am no longer a Republican.  And, in fact…the war is pretty
much over in a lot of ways.  It’s just a matter of cleaning it all up.
The various skirmishes, raids, tragedies, etc.

When you find the truth, in the twinkling of an eye you will be

I’d eat the red pill, how about you?

This is really something you have to see for yourself.  If it was
explained, you would recoil in any number of ways, and you wouldn’t “buy
it” anyway.
But when you find the truth, it sets you free, and you see clearly, and
if the spirit of truth is within you, your whole world will melt away,
and you will shudder at what you find.  In fact, you will wrestle with
whether you are having a psychotic break.  And you’ll briefly think
you’re just overly paranoid, or something and you’ll believe it’s all
nonsense…but only until you again scour the news and watch the game
unfold just like a well-scripted play, just as you predicted.

But you can only be shown the door…it’s up to you to walk thru it.
The people are taught in riddles, and they are ever seeing, but never
And why are they taught in riddles?  So they will think, question, and
look, as opposed to having it all laid out for them. Narrow is the
way…yours is simply to ask, seek, and knock.

raven@sybercom.net  AKA Rickv@hnncsb.org

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 19, 2003 at 1:32:39 PM EST
To: ibogaine <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

2. Do you know that in WTC used to work around 3.500 Jews, and none of them
came to work on 9/11? How come? Have Muslims told them that they were
planning attack to WTC on that day? Or were they told by someone else?

Ok, now I’m all for the plausibility that our government had some role in
9/11, but that no Jews died in the WTC is simply not true. I’m from a Jewish
family, and one of our friends died in the attack.

By spreading false rumours like that, you’re almost as bad as the reactionary
putzes who want to attack Iraq out of vengence…

From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 1:24:24 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Not so with the Muslims. How much longer do we take their crap, or are you
one of those chaps who believe in turning the other cheek? If so, we ran out
of cheeks long ago!

No Muslim has ever done me any harm. Can’t say the same about Christians…

From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this and THINK!!!
Date: February 19, 2003 at 12:15:19 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

A few months ago, I was strongly in favor of the War, and I was a
die-hard Republican.  A few weeks ago…and all of my life, I guess…I
had time to think, look, and search, and all the pieces I of the puzzle
that I found hinted at the whole…it’s like a splinter in your mind,
driving you mad.  Something telling you that your world just isn’t
right.  You could say that all the pieces of my whole life fell
together…and I vomited at what I saw and what I found, and was amazed
at the immensity of it all.  It took me three days…sort of ironic, I
suppose…and the scales fell from my eyes. I am no longer in favor of
the War. I am no longer a Republican.  And, in fact…the war is pretty
much over in a lot of ways.  It’s just a matter of cleaning it all up.
The various skirmishes, raids, tragedies, etc.

When you find the truth, in the twinkling of an eye you will be

I’d eat the red pill, how about you?

This is really something you have to see for yourself.  If it was
explained, you would recoil in any number of ways, and you wouldn’t “buy
it” anyway.
But when you find the truth, it sets you free, and you see clearly, and
if the spirit of truth is within you, your whole world will melt away,
and you will shudder at what you find.  In fact, you will wrestle with
whether you are having a psychotic break.  And you’ll briefly think
you’re just overly paranoid, or something and you’ll believe it’s all
nonsense…but only until you again scour the news and watch the game
unfold just like a well-scripted play, just as you predicted.

But you can only be shown the door…it’s up to you to walk thru it.
The people are taught in riddles, and they are ever seeing, but never
And why are they taught in riddles?  So they will think, question, and
look, as opposed to having it all laid out for them. Narrow is the
way…yours is simply to ask, seek, and knock.

raven@sybercom.net  AKA Rickv@hnncsb.org

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Attention Sandra…please email me at my work address.
Date: February 19, 2003 at 9:52:48 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

All things do indeed work together for the good, don’t they?
I’m ready to eat the red pill. Or have I already done that?

This is my work address.  Thanks.
I am looking forward to a different future.

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 10:23:40 AM EST
To: ibogaine <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

===== Original Message From edgar phineas <hypernova3113@yahoo.com> =====
“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah,
I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about
the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and
fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it
had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that
make me want to move to Jupiter.

If the Bushites get there way with expanding the Star Wars program and the
militarisation of space, soon even Jupiter won’t be safe…

— League of Surrealistic Discord Records  —  http://www.lsdrecords.com —

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 9:49:51 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

People do not seem to respect it as much as you’d like to think.
They bow and scrape to your face, and then the knives come out
when your back is turned. It never stops until you stop.

Not so with the Muslims. How much longer do we take their crap, or are =
you one of those chaps who believe in turning the other cheek? If so, we =
ran out of cheeks long ago!

As if no one had to turn the other cheek for perfect us.

“I never got over the wonder of a people who, having extirpated
the aboriginals of their continent more completely than any modern
race had ever done, honestly believed that they were a godly little
New England community, setting examples to brutal mankind.”
–Rudyard Kipling, after a day spent with Roosevelt looking
at Indian relics in the Smithsonian.

Bill Ross

From: Eaquinet@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
Date: February 19, 2003 at 9:41:56 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sandra, I can’t think of any contraindication w/OCD or endometriosis. Xanax is a benzodiazepine anti-anxiety agent w/a short half life; it’s primary side effect is sedation and possibility for physical or psychological tolerance.  Trazodone is an atypical antidepressant which is VERY sedating with potential to cause large drops in blood pressure. It is so sedating that it’s used in smaller doses as a sleep aid. Eliana

From: “Allison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 9:19:16 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

That was a harsh comment, especially after all the other very “loud opinions”.  I am sure there are faults on all sides and they are easy to find when you look but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  You seem very bitter about the French but I lived in the south of France for a few years and there were lots of plaques and memorials to the allies that fought with them and for them in WW11.  I’m probably not so informed in my history as you, (probably bunked too much school) but times have moved on and so has the world in general.  This war if it occurs will be completely different to any other.  Most people are reacting strongly out of fear I would think.  Look at the mail in this forum even in the last few days and its like everyone is fighting each other before there is even fighting anywhere else.  Perhaps that was a big part of the idea..  setting the West against the West etc.   dividing and causing trouble.   If so it has certainly succeeded.  ….Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Nothing but useless junkies here!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home >from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 19, 2003 at 9:03:56 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

AAA, you are unbeliveable!

You think that 9/11 is the righteous cause for USA attacking Iraq, right? And you thik that Muslims attacked on that day, right? OK, then tell me just 2 things:

1. Check http://www.asile.org/citoyens/numero13/pentagone/erreurs_en.htm and let me know where are parts of Boeing 757 which supposedly crashed into Pentagon? (from those official photos it seems to me that Pentagon was hit by a US missile – much more reasonable explain! Even more, all space around Pentagon is electronically protected, so this missile had to be equipped with friendly navigation codes, otherwise it could never approach Pentagon, much less hit it!)

2. Do you know that in WTC used to work around 3.500 Jews, and none of them came to work on 9/11? How come? Have Muslims told them that they were planning attack to WTC on that day? Or were they told by someone else?

Must be a nice life, being rich, old american, living in a cheap foreign county, accepting whatever you want to – and who cares about facts!

I have a suggestion: if you’re really for kicking Muslim butts, why don’t you go to one of the cities in Puerto Rico (or wherever you live), find a Muslim or two and kick their butts as much as you can!?? Maybe this would be a relief for you, and you could write about this to this list – if you’ll be still alive a few hours later!


At 14:10 19.2.2003, you wrote:
In short, the War is going to cost big-time, in actuality, Bush and his pals will enrich themselves!
Still I’m for kicking Muslim Butts!

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this and THINK!!!
Date: February 19, 2003 at 8:12:46 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

If it wasn’t for the fact that our leaders belong to the Oil Mafia, we would focus and develop alternative energies.
Still I’m for kicking Muslim Butts!
—– Original Message —–
From: Rick
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 9:14 AM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this and THINK!!!

The 14th was the day Mother Russia put all her cards on the board and
demonstrated that she controlled the Caspian oil basin. Over 50% of the
world’s oil is now under control by “the other side.” It’s nothing more
than a great big war game…like supremacy…except it’s a lot more
complicated. Ideological warfare, Information warfare (not just
computers), etc. Put all the pieces on a board and track backward thru

—–Original Message—–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com [mailto:HSLotsof@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:38 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this and

In a message dated 2/18/03 9:59:56 PM, raven@sybercom.net writes:

>Enough of the verbal warfare.on Feb. 14th, the whole balance of world
>power shifted.everything else is just for show.

Why was the 14th different from any other arbitrary day?  Just ignorant.
disputing any presentation you may provide.


From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 19, 2003 at 8:10:38 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In short, the War is going to cost big-time, in actuality, Bush and his pals will enrich themselves!
Still I’m for kicking Muslim Butts!
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 2:50 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight

this will be the last of my posts on this topic…

> >>Robert Byrd
> >
> >>Senate Floor Speech – Wednesday, February 12, 2003
> >
> >>
> >
> >>To contemplate war is to think about the most horrible of human
> >>experiences. On this February day, as this nation stands at the brink of
> >>battle, every American on some level must be contemplating the horrors of
> >>war.
> >
> >>Yet, this Chamber is, for the most part, silent — ominously, dreadfully
> >>silent. There is no debate, no discussion, no attempt to lay out for the
> >>nation the pros and cons of this particular war. There is nothing.
> >
> >
> >>We stand passively mute in the United States Senate, paralyzed by our own
> >>uncertainty, seemingly stunned by the sheer turmoil of events. Only on the
> >>editorial pages of our newspapers is there much substantive discussion of
> >>the prudence or imprudence of engaging in this particular war.
> >
> >>And this is no small conflagration we contemplate. This is no simple
> >>attempt to defang a villain. No. This coming battle, if it materializes,
> >>represents a turning point in U.S. foreign policy and possibly a turning
> >>point in the recent history of the world.
> >
> >
> >>This nation is about to embark upon the first test of a revolutionary
> >>doctrine applied in an extraordinary way at an unfortunate time. The
> >>doctrine of preemption — the idea that the United States or any other
> >>nation can legitimately attack a nation that is not imminently threatening
> >>but may be threatening in the future — is a radical new twist on the
> >>traditional idea of self defense. It appears to be in contravention of
> >>international law and the UN Charter. And it is being tested at a time of
> >>world-wide terrorism, making many countries around the globe wonder if
> >>they will soon be on our — or some other nation’s — hit list. High level
> >>Administration figures recently refused to take nuclear weapons off of the
> >>table when discussing a possible attack against Iraq. What could be more
> >>destabilizing and unwise than this type of uncertainty, particularly in a
> >>world where globalism has tied the vital economic and security interests
> >>of many nations so closely together? There are huge cracks emerging in our
> >>time-honored alliances, and U.S. intentions are suddenly subject to
> >>damaging worldwide speculation. Anti-Americanism based on mistrust,
> >>misinformation, suspicion, and alarming rhetoric from U.S. leaders is
> >>fracturing the once solid alliance against global terrorism which existed
> >>after September 11.
> >
> >>
> >
> >>Here at home, people are warned of imminent terrorist attacks with little
> >>guidance as to when or where such attacks might occur. Family members are
> >>being called to active military duty, with no idea of the duration of
> >>their stay or what horrors they may face. Communities are being left with
> >>less than adequate police and fire protection. Other essential services
> >>are also short-staffed. The mood of the nation is grim. The economy is
> >>stumbling. Fuel prices are rising and may soon spike higher.  This
> >>Administration, now in power for a little over two years, must be judged
> >>on its record. I believe that that record is dismal.  In that scant two
> >>years, this Administration has squandered a large projected surplus of
> >>some $5.6 trillion over the next decade and taken us to projected deficits
> >>as far as the eye can see. This Administration’s domestic policy has put
> >>many of our states in dire financial condition, under funding scores of
> >>essential programs for our people. This Administration has fostered
> >>policies which have slowed economic growth. This Administration has
> >>ignored urgent matters such as the crisis in health care for our elderly.
> >>This Administration has been slow to provide adequate funding for homeland
> >>security. This Administration has been reluctant to better protect our
> >>long and porous borders. In foreign policy, this Administration has failed
> >>to find Osama bin Laden. In fact, just yesterday we heard from him again
> >>marshaling his forces and urging them to kill. This Administration has
> >>split traditional alliances, possibly crippling, for all time,
> >>International order-keeping entities like the United Nations and NATO.
> >>This Administration has called into question the traditional worldwide
> >>perception of the United States as well-intentioned, peacekeeper. This
> >>Administration has turned the patient art of diplomacy into threats,
> >>labeling, and name calling of the sort that reflects quite poorly on the
> >>intelligence and sensitivity of our leaders, and which will have
> >>consequences for years to come.
> >
> >>
> >
> >>Calling heads of state pygmies, labeling whole countries as evil,
> >>denigrating powerful European allies as irrelevant — these types of crude
> >>insensitivities can do our great nation no good. We may have massive
> >>military might, but we cannot fight a global war on terrorism alone. We
> >>need the cooperation and friendship of our time-honored allies as well as
> >>the newer found friends whom we can attract with our wealth. Our awesome
> >>military machine will do us little good if we suffer another devastating
> >>attack on our homeland which severely damages our economy. Our military
> >>manpower is already stretched thin and we will need the
> >
> >augmenting support of those nations who can supply troop strength, not ust
> >sign letters cheering us on.
> >
> >
> >>The war in Afghanistan has cost us $37 billion so far, yet there is
> >>evidence that terrorism may already be starting to regain its hold in that
> >>region. We have not found bin Laden, and unless we secure the peace in
> >>Afghanistan, the dark dens of terrorism may yet again flourish in that
> >>remote and devastated land.
> >
> >>>Pakistan as well is at risk of destabilizing forces. This Administration
> >>>has not finished the first war against terrorism and yet it is eager to
> >>>embark on another conflict with perils much greater than those in
> >>>Afghanistan. Is our attention span that short? Have we not learned that
> >>>after winning the war one must always secure the peace?  And yet we hear
> >>>little about the aftermath of war in Iraq. In the absence of plans,
> >>>speculation abroad is rife. Will we seize Iraq’s oil fields, becoming an
> >>>occupying power which controls the price and supply of that
> >
> >nation’s oil for the foreseeable future? To whom do we propose to hand the
> >reigns of power after Saddam Hussein?
> >
> >
> >>Will our war inflame the Muslim world resulting in devastating attacks on
> >>Israel? Will Israel retaliate with its own nuclear arsenal? Will the
> >>Jordanian and Saudi Arabian governments be toppled by radicals, bolstered
> >>by Iran which has much closer ties to terrorism than Iraq?
> >
> >Could a disruption of the world’s oil supply lead to a world-wide
> >recession? Has our senselessly bellicose language and our callous disregard
> >of the interests and opinions of other nations increased the global race to
> >join the nuclear club and made proliferation an even more
> >
> >lucrative practice for nations which need the income? In only the space of
> >two short years this reckless and arrogant Administration has initiated
> >policies which may reap disastrous consequences for years.
> >
> >>>One can understand the anger and shock of any President after the savage
> >>>attacks of September 11. One can appreciate the frustration of having
> >>>only a shadow to chase and an amorphous, fleeting enemy on which it is
> >>>nearly impossible to exact retribution.
> >
> >>
> >
> >>But to turn one’s frustration and anger into the kind of extremely
> >>destabilizing and dangerous foreign policy debacle that the world is
> >>currently witnessing is inexcusable from any Administration charged with
> >>the awesome power and responsibility of guiding the destiny of the
> >>greatest superpower on the planet. Frankly many of the pronouncements made
> >>by this Administration are outrageous. There is no other word.
> >
> >>
> >
> >Yet this chamber is hauntingly silent. On what is possibly the eve of
> >horrific infliction of death and destruction on the population of the
> >nation of Iraq — a population, I might add, of which over 50% is under age
> >15 — this chamber is silent. On what is possibly only days before we send
> >thousands of our own citizens to face unimagined horrors of chemical and
> >biological warfare — this chamber is silent. On the eve of what could
> >possibly be a vicious terrorist attack in retaliation for our attack on
> >Iraq, it is business as usual in the United States Senate.
> >
> >>
> >
> >>We are truly “sleepwalking through history.” In my heart of hearts I pray
> >>that this great nation and its good and trusting citizens are not in for a
> >>rudest of awakenings.
> >
> >>
> >
> >>To engage in war is always to pick a wild card. And war must always be a
> >>last resort, not a first choice. I truly must question the judgment of any
> >>President who can say that a massive unprovoked military attack on a
> >>nation which is over 50% children is “in the highest moral traditions of
> >>our country”. This war is not necessary at this time. Pressure appears to
> >>be having a good result in Iraq. Our mistake was to put ourselves in a
> >>corner so quickly. Our challenge is to now find a graceful way out of a
> >>box of our own making. Perhaps there is still a way if we allow more time
> >
> >

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From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 8:07:02 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Edgar, when you get off of drugs, talk to me, otherwise bug off!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home >from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

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From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq/attn Edgar P.
Date: February 19, 2003 at 8:04:41 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

True, and after being whipped around for about 15 years by the “Ragheads” it is time to respond! I don’t particularly like Bush, but I do like the fact that after 9/11 the “turning of cheeks” is about to end big-time!

What is to worry the Middle Easter countries is the fact that when we overthrow Saddam, we have the nasty habit of installing Democracy, something that threatens the very existence of the rest of the nations out there!
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Moore
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq/attn Edgar P.


Please fight facts with facts, not obscenities, which make things even worse!
Everyone has a right to their opinion.  No one has the right to take a life
except in self defense.


—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:16 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home >from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not words,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have passed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefactors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: Jackie Mackay <jackie@works.co.uk>
Subject: Re: [IBOGAINE] balancing act
Date: February 19, 2003 at 8:02:40 AM EST
To: ibogaine@lists.calyx.nl
Reply-To: ibogaine@lists.calyx.nl

Howard wrote:
This is not
a personal putdown in any way. I’d rather see a thousand persons
dosed with ibogaine than one person busted.

I appreciate that you are doing excellent work and pioneering in
what is being perceived more and more as a police state. This
requires real courage and tenacity. Whereas what I posted was meant
to pinpoint our need for vigilance and awareness of the entire
situation, it’s easier to do if you are living in a free country.
You are right – bravado is quite another animal.

This list hosted in The Netherlands by
Calyx Internet B.V. http://www.calyx.nl

ibogaine mailing list

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 8:01:20 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

People do not seem to respect it as much as you’d like to think.
They bow and scrape to your face, and then the knives come out
when your back is turned. It never stops until you stop.

Not so with the Muslims. How much longer do we take their crap, or are you one of those chaps who believe in turning the other cheek? If so, we ran out of cheeks long ago!
—– Original Message —–
From: Bill Ross
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

> road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it

Start that up and you wind up like the British in Ireland
and the Russians in Chechnya.

People do not seem to respect it as much as you’d like to think.
They bow and scrape to your face, and then the knives come out
when your back is turned. It never stops until you stop.

Bill Ross

From: “Rick” <raven@sybercom.net>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this and THINK!!!
Date: February 19, 2003 at 8:14:24 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The 14th was the day Mother Russia put all her cards on the board and
demonstrated that she controlled the Caspian oil basin. Over 50% of the
world’s oil is now under control by “the other side.” It’s nothing more
than a great big war game…like supremacy…except it’s a lot more
complicated. Ideological warfare, Information warfare (not just
computers), etc. Put all the pieces on a board and track backward thru

—–Original Message—–
From: HSLotsof@aol.com [mailto:HSLotsof@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:38 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this and

In a message dated 2/18/03 9:59:56 PM, raven@sybercom.net writes:

Enough of the verbal warfare.on Feb. 14th, the whole balance of world
power shifted.everything else is just for show.

Why was the 14th different from any other arbitrary day?  Just ignorant.
disputing any presentation you may provide.


From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 7:16:38 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I can accept that concept 100%. If you belonged to the group of folks whose wealth was tied up in Oil, you would be in my mind belonging to the Oil Mafia! As I came from very poor stock, but made a lot of money, I am neither here nor there in my politics. But duly recognize what politics is about. I do not like politics, less the politicians!
Government = incompetence and/or corruption or both.
Nevertheless, this is still a country where the individual has choices, if you chose to be poor, so be it, if you chose to enrich yourselves, you can. Try that in other places of the world. We are not perfect, but it is quite a livable place to be!
—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear AAA,
After reading Prestons post, I also have to admit to thread creeping, but I
believe, in light of the number of US Soldiers who have returned to US soil
addicted when arriving home, and were NOT that way when they left, I shall
try to squeak under the wire. I do not know if you had the pleasure of
getting one of these “Greetings, your friends and neighbors have selected
you to serve in the US military” letters or if you volunteered. South East
Asia’s Golden Triangle, run by South Viet Nam Generals for the most part,
ruined many a fine American Youth. Indeed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was
a Fairy Tale according to Robert MacNamara then Secretary of Defense. No
attack ever occurred, but we were there because of the LIE. Things will not
get any better without holding the government accountable. To date that is
not happening. It is not my intent to argue with anyone as it serves no
purpose. I will say that the white house has admitted that the British,
Germans, Egyptians, and Israelis all told us of  the the attack plans prior
to 911 and Dubya (W) was briefed in August 8, 2001. The white house line is
that (according to Ari Fleisher) the documents were not translated in time,
and were completed on 9-12-01a month and four days after the briefing. MUST
HAVE BEEN REAL HIGH PRIORITY. The Aussies told us of Pearl Harbor four days
prior, but it was a weekend so no one notified Admiral Kimmel at PACIFIC
I guess that I am Just saying that I LOVE MY COUNTRY, BUT I DO NOT TRUST MY
GOVERNMENT, for the above reasons and MANY more. Also the Gentle Lady
Marine forgot to mention that without France it is VERY doubtful that we
would have won the American Revolution. I think that they gave us the
Statue of Liberty as well. I enjoy New York frequently and lived there on
two occasions, Brooklyn and upper East side Manahatten, and wish you the
Jon Ludlam

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this and THINK!!!
Date: February 19, 2003 at 7:09:44 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Lots of pro and con things about Bush, most certainly in my mind. One thing to be sure, in the past 15 years or so, we (USA) have taken a lot of crap from the Muslims, without a proper response. After 9/11, our response is going to be much like the Israeli’s responses, never again! If it means war, so be it. The French don’t like Bush’s cowboy attitude, neither do I, but I still go along with the response.
For a complete history of the French, see below:

This came from a friend.

Since the French are giving us a hard time its time to look back at their history
— Gallic Wars – Lost. In a war whose ending foreshadows the next 2000 years of French history, France is conquered by of all things, an Italian. “HOORAY”-Says Milo
— Hundred Years War – Mostly lost, saved at last by female schizophrenic who inadvertently creates The First Rule of French Warfare; “France’s armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman.”
— Italian Wars – Lost. France becomes the first and only country to ever lose two wars when fighting Italians. “HOORAY AGAIN”- Says Milo
— Wars of Religion – France goes 0-5-4 against the Huguenots.
— Thirty Years War – France is technically not a participant, but manages to get invaded anyway. Claims a tie on the basis that eventually the other participants started ignoring her.
— War of Devolution – Tied. Frenchmen take to wearing red flowerpots as chapeaux.
— The Dutch War – Tied.
— War of the Augsburg League/King William’s War/French and Indian War – Lost, but claimed as a tie. Three ties in a row induces deluded Frogophiles the world over to label the period as the height of French military power.
— War of the Spanish Succession – Lost. The War also gave the French their first taste of a Marlborough, which they have loved every since.
— American Revolution – In a move that will become quite familiar to future Americans, France claims a win even though the English colonists saw far more action. This is later known as “de Gaulle Syndrome”, and leads to the Second Rule of French Warfare; “France only wins when America does most of the fighting.”
— French Revolution – Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was also French.
— The Napoleonic Wars – Lost. Temporary victories (remember the First Rule!) due to leadership of a Corsican, who ended up being no match for a British footwear designer.
— The Franco-Prussian War – Lost. Germany first plays the role of drunk Frat boy to France’s ugly girl home alone on a Saturday night.
— World War I – Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United States. Thousands of French women find out what it’s like to not only sleep with a winner, but one who doesn’t call her “Fraulein.” Sadly, widespread use of condoms by American forces forestalls any improvement in the French bloodline.
— World War II – Lost. Conquered French liberated by the United States and Britain just as they finish learning the Horst Wessel Song.
— War in Indochina – Lost. French forces plead sickness, take to bed with the Dien Bien Flu.
— Algerian Rebellion – Lost. Loss marks the first defeat of a western army by a Non-Turkic Muslim force since the Crusades, and produces the First Rule of Muslim Warfare; “We can always beat the French.” This rule is identical to the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish, Vietnamese and Esquimaux.
— War on Terrorism – France, keeping in mind its recent history, surrenders to Germans and Muslims just to be safe. Attempts to surrender to Vietnamese ambassador fail after he takes refuge in a McDonald’s.
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—– Original Message —–
From: Rick
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 11:06 PM
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this and THINK!!!

I am curious over this Iraq thing…and I ask myself too many questions. And I think about too many lines of thought and variations on variations. And I think about what we see in the US media. And I think about Probability theory. And I think about playing games of Diplomacy and supremacy. And I think about all of the pieces I see moving around the board. And I track the movement of the players. And I think about the numerous articles I have read from various think-tanks. And I scour the information from every nation that I have access to with my fingertips. And I think about Orwell. And the Matrix.   And then I ask myself this question…If I was having a dream that was so real that I didn’t know if I was asleep or awake, how would I know the real world from the dream world?  The idiot’s answer is that you wouldn’t. But that’s nonsense:  The thinking man’s answer is that he would look for logical inconsistencies and improbabilities.  Simply use the technology under your fingertips, then apply your gray matter along all the lines of thought I described above for three full days…and you will wake up in a very different mindset than you started out with.

There are a LOT of intelligent folks on this list…have any of you pieced together what’s really going on?  If so, contact me.

If not, then THINK FOR YOURSELVESand think a lot.  For those of you who don’t figure it out, I mourn for you…you are just sheep without a shepherd. For those who do…best change your portfolios around while all of the political spin and diplomacy wraps the package up all nice and neat for all the sheep to swallow.  You might want to check your travel bags as well.

Enough of the verbal warfare…on Feb. 14th, the whole balance of world power shifted…everything else is just for show.
From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 7:01:17 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Read the history of the Gulf War 11 years ago and try to understand why we are going.
But you stay home, we don’t need useless junkies!
—– Original Message —–
From: Bill Ross
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

> road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it

Start that up and you wind up like the British in Ireland
and the Russians in Chechnya.

People do not seem to respect it as much as you’d like to think.
They bow and scrape to your face, and then the knives come out
when your back is turned. It never stops until you stop.

Bill Ross

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 19, 2003 at 6:59:41 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Nothing but useless junkies here!
—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home >from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not word! s,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have pass! ed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefact! ors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to! this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

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From: “Sandra K” <windforme@graffiti.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq- articulate insight
Date: February 19, 2003 at 1:50:24 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

this will be the last of my posts on this topic…

Robert Byrd

Senate Floor Speech – Wednesday, February 12, 2003

To contemplate war is to think about the most horrible of human
experiences. On this February day, as this nation stands at the brink of
battle, every American on some level must be contemplating the horrors of

Yet, this Chamber is, for the most part, silent — ominously, dreadfully
silent. There is no debate, no discussion, no attempt to lay out for the
nation the pros and cons of this particular war. There is nothing.

We stand passively mute in the United States Senate, paralyzed by our own
uncertainty, seemingly stunned by the sheer turmoil of events. Only on the
editorial pages of our newspapers is there much substantive discussion of
the prudence or imprudence of engaging in this particular war.

And this is no small conflagration we contemplate. This is no simple
attempt to defang a villain. No. This coming battle, if it materializes,
represents a turning point in U.S. foreign policy and possibly a turning
point in the recent history of the world.

This nation is about to embark upon the first test of a revolutionary
doctrine applied in an extraordinary way at an unfortunate time. The
doctrine of preemption — the idea that the United States or any other
nation can legitimately attack a nation that is not imminently threatening
but may be threatening in the future — is a radical new twist on the
traditional idea of self defense. It appears to be in contravention of
international law and the UN Charter. And it is being tested at a time of
world-wide terrorism, making many countries around the globe wonder if
they will soon be on our — or some other nation’s — hit list. High level
Administration figures recently refused to take nuclear weapons off of the
table when discussing a possible attack against Iraq. What could be more
destabilizing and unwise than this type of uncertainty, particularly in a
world where globalism has tied the vital economic and security interests
of many nations so closely together? There are huge cracks emerging in our
time-honored alliances, and U.S. intentions are suddenly subject to
damaging worldwide speculation. Anti-Americanism based on mistrust,
misinformation, suspicion, and alarming rhetoric from U.S. leaders is
fracturing the once solid alliance against global terrorism which existed
after September 11.

Here at home, people are warned of imminent terrorist attacks with little
guidance as to when or where such attacks might occur. Family members are
being called to active military duty, with no idea of the duration of
their stay or what horrors they may face. Communities are being left with
less than adequate police and fire protection. Other essential services
are also short-staffed. The mood of the nation is grim. The economy is
stumbling. Fuel prices are rising and may soon spike higher.  This
Administration, now in power for a little over two years, must be judged
on its record. I believe that that record is dismal.  In that scant two
years, this Administration has squandered a large projected surplus of
some $5.6 trillion over the next decade and taken us to projected deficits
as far as the eye can see. This Administration’s domestic policy has put
many of our states in dire financial condition, under funding scores of
essential programs for our people. This Administration has fostered
policies which have slowed economic growth. This Administration has
ignored urgent matters such as the crisis in health care for our elderly.
This Administration has been slow to provide adequate funding for homeland
security. This Administration has been reluctant to better protect our
long and porous borders. In foreign policy, this Administration has failed
to find Osama bin Laden. In fact, just yesterday we heard from him again
marshaling his forces and urging them to kill. This Administration has
split traditional alliances, possibly crippling, for all time,
International order-keeping entities like the United Nations and NATO.
This Administration has called into question the traditional worldwide
perception of the United States as well-intentioned, peacekeeper. This
Administration has turned the patient art of diplomacy into threats,
labeling, and name calling of the sort that reflects quite poorly on the
intelligence and sensitivity of our leaders, and which will have
consequences for years to come.

Calling heads of state pygmies, labeling whole countries as evil,
denigrating powerful European allies as irrelevant — these types of crude
insensitivities can do our great nation no good. We may have massive
military might, but we cannot fight a global war on terrorism alone. We
need the cooperation and friendship of our time-honored allies as well as
the newer found friends whom we can attract with our wealth. Our awesome
military machine will do us little good if we suffer another devastating
attack on our homeland which severely damages our economy. Our military
manpower is already stretched thin and we will need the

augmenting support of those nations who can supply troop strength, not ust
sign letters cheering us on.

The war in Afghanistan has cost us $37 billion so far, yet there is
evidence that terrorism may already be starting to regain its hold in that
region. We have not found bin Laden, and unless we secure the peace in
Afghanistan, the dark dens of terrorism may yet again flourish in that
remote and devastated land.

Pakistan as well is at risk of destabilizing forces. This Administration
has not finished the first war against terrorism and yet it is eager to
embark on another conflict with perils much greater than those in
Afghanistan. Is our attention span that short? Have we not learned that
after winning the war one must always secure the peace?  And yet we hear
little about the aftermath of war in Iraq. In the absence of plans,
speculation abroad is rife. Will we seize Iraq’s oil fields, becoming an
occupying power which controls the price and supply of that

nation’s oil for the foreseeable future? To whom do we propose to hand the
reigns of power after Saddam Hussein?

Will our war inflame the Muslim world resulting in devastating attacks on
Israel? Will Israel retaliate with its own nuclear arsenal? Will the
Jordanian and Saudi Arabian governments be toppled by radicals, bolstered
by Iran which has much closer ties to terrorism than Iraq?

Could a disruption of the world’s oil supply lead to a world-wide
recession? Has our senselessly bellicose language and our callous disregard
of the interests and opinions of other nations increased the global race to
join the nuclear club and made proliferation an even more

lucrative practice for nations which need the income? In only the space of
two short years this reckless and arrogant Administration has initiated
policies which may reap disastrous consequences for years.

One can understand the anger and shock of any President after the savage
attacks of September 11. One can appreciate the frustration of having
only a shadow to chase and an amorphous, fleeting enemy on which it is
nearly impossible to exact retribution.

But to turn one’s frustration and anger into the kind of extremely
destabilizing and dangerous foreign policy debacle that the world is
currently witnessing is inexcusable from any Administration charged with
the awesome power and responsibility of guiding the destiny of the
greatest superpower on the planet. Frankly many of the pronouncements made
by this Administration are outrageous. There is no other word.

Yet this chamber is hauntingly silent. On what is possibly the eve of
horrific infliction of death and destruction on the population of the
nation of Iraq — a population, I might add, of which over 50% is under age
15 — this chamber is silent. On what is possibly only days before we send
thousands of our own citizens to face unimagined horrors of chemical and
biological warfare — this chamber is silent. On the eve of what could
possibly be a vicious terrorist attack in retaliation for our attack on
Iraq, it is business as usual in the United States Senate.

We are truly “sleepwalking through history.” In my heart of hearts I pray
that this great nation and its good and trusting citizens are not in for a
rudest of awakenings.

To engage in war is always to pick a wild card. And war must always be a
last resort, not a first choice. I truly must question the judgment of any
President who can say that a massive unprovoked military attack on a
nation which is over 50% children is “in the highest moral traditions of
our country”. This war is not necessary at this time. Pressure appears to
be having a good result in Iraq. Our mistake was to put ourselves in a
corner so quickly. Our challenge is to now find a graceful way out of a
box of our own making. Perhaps there is still a way if we allow more time

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From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq…perhaps everyone should read this and THINK!!!
Date: February 18, 2003 at 11:38:25 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In a message dated 2/18/03 9:59:56 PM, raven@sybercom.net writes:

Enough of the verbal warfare.on Feb. 14th, the whole balance of world
power shifted.everything else is just for show.

Why was the 14th different from any other arbitrary day?  Just ignorant.  Not
disputing any presentation you may provide.


From: jon ludlam <seraphina@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 7:53:19 PM EST
To: “INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dear AAA,
After reading Prestons post, I also have to admit to thread creeping, but I
believe, in light of the number of US Soldiers who have returned to US soil
addicted when arriving home, and were NOT that way when they left, I shall
try to squeak under the wire. I do not know if you had the pleasure of
getting one of these “Greetings, your friends and neighbors have selected
you to serve in the US military” letters or if you volunteered. South East
Asia’s Golden Triangle, run by South Viet Nam Generals for the most part,
ruined many a fine American Youth. Indeed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was
a Fairy Tale according to Robert MacNamara then Secretary of Defense. No
attack ever occurred, but we were there because of the LIE. Things will not
get any better without holding the government accountable. To date that is
not happening. It is not my intent to argue with anyone as it serves no
purpose. I will say that the white house has admitted that the British,
Germans, Egyptians, and Israelis all told us of  the the attack plans prior
to 911 and Dubya (W) was briefed in August 8, 2001. The white house line is
that (according to Ari Fleisher) the documents were not translated in time,
and were completed on 9-12-01a month and four days after the briefing. MUST
HAVE BEEN REAL HIGH PRIORITY. The Aussies told us of Pearl Harbor four days
prior, but it was a weekend so no one notified Admiral Kimmel at PACIFIC
I guess that I am Just saying that I LOVE MY COUNTRY, BUT I DO NOT TRUST MY
GOVERNMENT, for the above reasons and MANY more. Also the Gentle Lady
Marine forgot to mention that without France it is VERY doubtful that we
would have won the American Revolution. I think that they gave us the
Statue of Liberty as well. I enjoy New York frequently and lived there on
two occasions, Brooklyn and upper East side Manahatten, and wish you the
Jon Ludlam

From: “A. Moore” <27andy@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq/attn Edgar P.
Date: February 18, 2003 at 7:53:18 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Please fight facts with facts, not obscenities, which make things even worse!
Everyone has a right to their opinion.  No one has the right to take a life
except in self defense.


—– Original Message —–
From: edgar phineas
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:16 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not words,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have passed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefactors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: Bill Ross <ross@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 7:13:17 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it

Start that up and you wind up like the British in Ireland
and the Russians in Chechnya.

People do not seem to respect it as much as you’d like to think.
They bow and scrape to your face, and then the knives come out
when your back is turned. It never stops until you stop.

Bill Ross

From: edgar phineas <hypernova3113@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 7:02:22 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“(Amerikkka) still remains as the best place in the World to live in”. Yeah, I guess it is the best place to live in if you don’t give a rat’s ass about the planet or any of the life forms on it.  Wake up, look in the mirror, and fuck off you warmonger. Amerikkka could be the best place in the world if it had a quarter ounce of humanity left in its soul. Itss fucks like you that make me want to move to Jupiter.
“A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not words,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have passed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefactors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 6:27:29 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

“Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?”
Totally agree, except Kuwait, someone mentioned the installation of Democracy an asinine idea considering they never were to begin with, Bush Sr. said it all, when he blurted out it was about Oil – yes he does belong to the Oil Mafia! Afghanistan, is a complete waste of tax payers money, those people know nothing except how to kill one another, they have been doing it that way for thousands of years!
As to the Saudi’s, as we here in the US hold parents responsible for the damages that they cause, we should inform the Saudi’s that they owe us BIGTIME!

Even with our guttered Constitution, it still remains as the best place in the World to live in, perfect it’s not, to be sure. But good enough for many immigrants to flood to our shores and do here what they could never do back where they are from!

As a New Yorker, road rage is exactly the perfect way to put it, this is what I feel, especially after 9/11. Carter and Clinton made us look like “paper tigers” as we were described by UBL! I’m for gaining respect, even if it means kicking butt! Hyper power, as told to us by a wanna be power, whose History sucks!
Try this one on for size!

An actual letter home from a marine with the multinational force in Bosnia:
Dear Dad,
A funny thing happened to me yesterday at Camp Bondsteel (Bosnia):
A French army officer walked up to me in the PX, and told me he
thought we Americans) were a bunch of cowboys and were going to
provoke a war in Iraq. He said if such a thing happens, we wouldn’t be
able to count on the support of France. I told him that it didn’t
surprise me. Since we had come to France’s rescue in World War I, World
War II, Vietnam, and the Cold War, their ingratitude and jealousy was
due to surface [again] at some point in the near future anyway.
I also told him that is why France is a third-rate military power with a
socialist economy and a bunch of pansies for soldiers. I additionally
told him that America, being a nation of deeds and action, not words,
would do whatever it had to do, and France’s support, if it ever came,
was only for show anyway.
Just like in ALL NATO exercises, the US would shoulder 85% of the
burden, and provide 85% of the support, as evidenced by the fact
that this French officer was shopping in the American PX, and not the
other way around. He began to get belligerent at that point, and I told
him if he would like to, I would meet him outside in front of the
Burger King and whip his ass in front of the entire Multi-National
Brigade East, thus demonstrating that even the smallest American had
more fight in him than the average Frenchman. He called me a barbarian
cowboy and walked away in a huff.With friends like these, who needs
Dad, tell Mom I love her,
Your loving daughter,
Mary Beth Johnson
LtCol., USMC

If we don’t continue the Desert Storm War, because it is not a preemptive strike, but a continuation of Desert Storm, then we should consider pulling out, and I mean pull our, bring ALL our soldiers back from where ever they are, leave the UN and NATO, and ask the UN to find some place else to meet. Close our borders tight, bring back Civil Rights (for citizens only) and let everyone else handle the world problems. We are only appreciated when we are giving, but as in every game, if its my money, its my rules, otherwise do it yourselves!

—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have passed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefactors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

From: jon ludlam <seraphina@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 6:07:48 PM EST
To: “INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Dear Whomever wrote to Marko and didn’t  sign you name. You wrote:

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia
where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!>>>

I guess that the best answer is that those flooding our shores do not know
that our Constitution has recently been gutted !

<<<We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!>>>

Something like road rage, except on an international level.

<<<The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time
only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there
until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! >>>

Don’t look now but I think the reigns of power have passed from father to
son with one president in between, and even then GWB was elected by the
Supreme Court not the Florida/United States electorate.

<<<The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have
the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten
their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like
the one in N. Korea we can do without.>>>

Excuse ME, but did we install a Democracy in Kuwait after the Gulf War? How
about the Saudi’s that we support after 15 of the 19 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Dare I mention our most recent “Democracy” Afghanistan?
Karzai was a lobbyist for Unical Oil trying to get the pipeline through the
country  in which he now is “UNELECTED PRESIDENT” Indeed the US tried to
bring the King back, but couldn’t pull it off. Do not forget that Enron/Ken
Lay/ Carlyle Group/Daddy Bush/Delta Oil are/were the benefactors of the
pipeline, Enron, is now out of it for obvious reasons.The head of Delta Oil
is the former head of BCCI, a joint venturer with George Bush the Elder,
and his sister is married to Bin Laden, the US has established 5 military
bases in Afghanistan along the proposed route of the pipeline,  I could go
on, but I hope you are getting the picture.

<<< The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and
we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short
memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either! >>>

I do not know how to respond to this, except to remind you that WW1 started
when an Arch Duke was assasinated, and things  escalated from there. PLEASE
correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that Marko’s two posts were
factually correct.

Jon Ludlam

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] (Way OT) Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 3:51:22 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I could tell you more along the lines that you speak of, regarding the US as not being as lily white clean as some of us would like to think. Overall, when looking at the world, it is still the best place to live and to grow, once you make the right choices.
But you are right, I did not get on this merry-go-round to discuss anything but ibogaine. I have already requested to have my name removed. I live in Puerto Rico and get enough of anti Americanism, an island that without US presence, it would have looked worse than Haiti today!
—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:27 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] (Way OT) Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Out of curiosity, and even while guilty of my own off-topic posts in this
vein, but what in the heck does this ranting have to do with Ibogaine?
Especially the ever so quaint “fuck off” to Marco, who is only telling it
like it is?
“Everybody has short memories regarding the good the US does” my butt.
Ask those tortured and killed by Vladamir Montesinos about the good the US
does, or Manuel Noreiga, or Gulbidden Hekmatyar, CIA-lackies all who
trafficked tons of drugs, killed lots of opponents and did all sorts of
other mean, nasty, dastardly things while in power and receiving US
guidance, arms and money, money that coulda been used to help pay for US
health care rather than prop up murderous drug trafficking criminal
terrorist types and protect US corporate investments. Oh heck, I almost
forgot, add Saddam Hussein to that list of CIA/US military beneficiaries.
Why should I and my fellow US citizens, not to mention the citizens of all
these countries that have had US “good” shoved down their throats over the
years already, have to pay in blood and money for the mistakes and crimes of
our murderous government and their lackies?
Anyone who follows the War on Some Drugs and Users and knows the lies
and crimes committed by prohibitionist forces while waging it, and can still
buy into the propaganda promoted by the very same powers-that-be about
anything else leaves me wondering about perspectives and motives, to be
quite frank about it. Of course, perhaps you A. Artze are buying into the
WOSD as well?
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia where
you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!
We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!
The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time only,
the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there until
they die, then they pass on the power to their children! The rest of the
Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have the nasty habit of
installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten their own ways as
there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like the one in N. Korea
we can do without. The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one
another and we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has
short memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either!

—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Hey, I can’t get it that you can be THAT blind!

read your E-mail once again and try to understand what you’ve written!!
You’re blind, aren’t you? It’s not France and Germany selling equipment to
Iraq, it’s your beloved, spotless USA!! What do you think, how your secret
agencies know what Iraq has? Because they’ve sold that (whatever) to it!

And don’t forget that during the WW2 USA was the leading nation, proud with
democracy and so on… but now, where’s the democracy? All you have is a lot
of fear, a president that was not elected by people but by oil lobbies (and
as you wrote yourself, he doesn’t want no alternative energy around, because
he’s a Mafia member), and threatened “American way of life”.

And everything seems to be even worse in the future :-((

Which country has large quantities of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons, and an idiot in charge??

I’ve seen results of an opinion pool yesterday. Question was: Who is at the
moment the biggest threat to world peace? And almost 90% decided it is USA,
7% were for Iraq and 3% for Corea.

Now, think a little before you advertise a country which wants to play the
role of world policeman, judge and prosecutor in one “person”… It’s like
somebody says that you’re bad just because you don’t share his opinion, then
he sentences you to beating, and finally beats the living hell out of you.
Oh, and yes, he’s two heads bigger than you (and much stronger, too) and
carries a machine-gun with him all the time…

Take some IBO and get your attic in order, that’s my advice! Maybe then
you’ll get rid of brainwashing!!


At 15:09 18.2.2003, you wrote:

The USA is continuing the Desert Storm War, because the UN is acting like
the League of Nations after WWI, when the Allies kicked Germany’s butt.
Germany agreed not to rearm and Hitler broke that treaty and WWII came
Today, with the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germany, who both sell
equipment to Iraq that helps them break their treaty with the now useless UN
and NATO, because of the gutless French and German, both of whom have short
memories! The US left over 150,000 men buried in France helping them to get
rid of the Nazi’s and Germany was built up by the US after the war – read
your history!
If the US so deemed it, we would be running on alternative energy today, the
technology is here, unfortunately, people like Bush and Cheney have their
personal fortunes in the Oil Mafia!
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:42 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Iraq

Hi all,

perhaps you don’t know, but USA are after Iraq not because of oil, but
because Iraq decided not to keep money reserves in US& anymore, but
switched to EURO. This made US$ a few % cheaper… and all OPEC countries
are thinking to switch to EURO, too, and that would make US$ drop for
40%… So, USA has to prevent this, ergo – Bush is after Iraq.

Can’t find the link, but here’s another link which you’ll love! Well, most
of you, anywayz ;-))


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] (Way OT) Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 3:27:19 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Out of curiosity, and even while guilty of my own off-topic posts in this
vein, but what in the heck does this ranting have to do with Ibogaine?
Especially the ever so quaint “fuck off” to Marco, who is only telling it
like it is?
“Everybody has short memories regarding the good the US does” my butt.
Ask those tortured and killed by Vladamir Montesinos about the good the US
does, or Manuel Noreiga, or Gulbidden Hekmatyar, CIA-lackies all who
trafficked tons of drugs, killed lots of opponents and did all sorts of
other mean, nasty, dastardly things while in power and receiving US
guidance, arms and money, money that coulda been used to help pay for US
health care rather than prop up murderous drug trafficking criminal
terrorist types and protect US corporate investments. Oh heck, I almost
forgot, add Saddam Hussein to that list of CIA/US military beneficiaries.
Why should I and my fellow US citizens, not to mention the citizens of all
these countries that have had US “good” shoved down their throats over the
years already, have to pay in blood and money for the mistakes and crimes of
our murderous government and their lackies?
Anyone who follows the War on Some Drugs and Users and knows the lies
and crimes committed by prohibitionist forces while waging it, and can still
buy into the propaganda promoted by the very same powers-that-be about
anything else leaves me wondering about perspectives and motives, to be
quite frank about it. Of course, perhaps you A. Artze are buying into the
WOSD as well?
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia where
you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding
our gates!
We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get
your ass kicked!
The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time only,
the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there until
they die, then they pass on the power to their children! The rest of the
Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have the nasty habit of
installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten their own ways as
there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like the one in N. Korea
we can do without. The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one
another and we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has
short memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops
from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I
would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone
fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure
all, but one does not need to take shit either!

—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Hey, I can’t get it that you can be THAT blind!

read your E-mail once again and try to understand what you’ve written!!
You’re blind, aren’t you? It’s not France and Germany selling equipment to
Iraq, it’s your beloved, spotless USA!! What do you think, how your secret
agencies know what Iraq has? Because they’ve sold that (whatever) to it!

And don’t forget that during the WW2 USA was the leading nation, proud with
democracy and so on… but now, where’s the democracy? All you have is a lot
of fear, a president that was not elected by people but by oil lobbies (and
as you wrote yourself, he doesn’t want no alternative energy around, because
he’s a Mafia member), and threatened “American way of life”.

And everything seems to be even worse in the future :-((

Which country has large quantities of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons, and an idiot in charge??

I’ve seen results of an opinion pool yesterday. Question was: Who is at the
moment the biggest threat to world peace? And almost 90% decided it is USA,
7% were for Iraq and 3% for Corea.

Now, think a little before you advertise a country which wants to play the
role of world policeman, judge and prosecutor in one “person”… It’s like
somebody says that you’re bad just because you don’t share his opinion, then
he sentences you to beating, and finally beats the living hell out of you.
Oh, and yes, he’s two heads bigger than you (and much stronger, too) and
carries a machine-gun with him all the time…

Take some IBO and get your attic in order, that’s my advice! Maybe then
you’ll get rid of brainwashing!!


At 15:09 18.2.2003, you wrote:

The USA is continuing the Desert Storm War, because the UN is acting like
the League of Nations after WWI, when the Allies kicked Germany’s butt.
Germany agreed not to rearm and Hitler broke that treaty and WWII came
Today, with the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germany, who both sell
equipment to Iraq that helps them break their treaty with the now useless UN
and NATO, because of the gutless French and German, both of whom have short
memories! The US left over 150,000 men buried in France helping them to get
rid of the Nazi’s and Germany was built up by the US after the war – read
your history!
If the US so deemed it, we would be running on alternative energy today, the
technology is here, unfortunately, people like Bush and Cheney have their
personal fortunes in the Oil Mafia!
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:42 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Iraq

Hi all,

perhaps you don’t know, but USA are after Iraq not because of oil, but
because Iraq decided not to keep money reserves in US& anymore, but
switched to EURO. This made US$ a few % cheaper… and all OPEC countries
are thinking to switch to EURO, too, and that would make US$ drop for
40%… So, USA has to prevent this, ergo – Bush is after Iraq.

Can’t find the link, but here’s another link which you’ll love! Well, most
of you, anywayz ;-))


From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [IBOGAINE] Attn: Soren
Date: February 18, 2003 at 3:13:35 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@lists.calyx.nl>
Reply-To: ibogaine@lists.calyx.nl

Hi Andrea,I must admit I dont know it.
But if you like,I can ask?
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Moore
To: ibogaine@lists.calyx.nl
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [IBOGAINE] Attn: Soren


Regarding ethnoplanet.dk, do they ship to the good old USA?
I also cannot read Danish.  Does their website translate to English?


—– Original Message —–
From: J.M. Trojanowski
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:24 AM
To: ibogaine@lists.calyx.nl
Subject: Re: [IBOGAINE] Where is Indra

Thanks for the advise, but what happened to them? Can anyone enlighten me please?
—– Original Message —–
From: Soren Lovfelt
To: ibogaine@lists.calyx.nl
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [IBOGAINE] Where is Indra

If it´s Indra in Denmark you are refering to,Im afraid they are closed.

But if it´s because you wanna buy Ibo,you can get it here:

Hope this helped

—– Original Message —–
From: J.M. Trojanowski
To: ibogaine@lists.calyx.nl
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 10:50 AM
Subject: [IBOGAINE] Where is Indra

That is directed to Gekko:

Where are you? My emails do not reach you, they all return.

Could you advise your email address?


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Savor the Irony
Date: February 18, 2003 at 2:08:58 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Cc: deanl1@earthlink.net, hsl123@aol.com, sbloom@hightimes.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

At 6:32 PM -0800 2/17/03, A J Dietterle wrote:
Hello everyone. We have treated twenty people now at the Iboga
Therapy house, and Linette, one of our fine facillitators, has also
been profoundly affected by her ibogaine experience (2,800 mg INDRA
extract) three weeks ago also.

I shall try to prepare a report for the group here, (lest you all
get distracted by the war coming up shortly), on our observations
and experiences.

For example, the patients most likely to experience alot of nausea
are big bodied crack cocaine users, those experiencing the least
nausea are wiry thin heroin/methadone users. We think the large
people have fat tisues in the stomach which the acidic extract
agitates, plus the cocaine people have usually put alot of the
substance through their body where the liver and stomach process
fairly large amounts over time. If you think of it, its usually
larger bodied, overeating people that get ‘heartburn’/’acid reflux’.

We have had good results from the patients with crack cocaine
problems when we give them a dose ranging from 3,000 – 5,200 mg
INDRA extract, plus a daily supplement of 20 mg Ibogaine
hydrochloride for 20 days therafter the 48 hour mark of the original

By the bye, I need to get hold of www.indra.dk but I cannot get the
website to work. Does anyone know how I may contact him?

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

P.S. If anyone you know or yourself would like to receive IBOGA
THERAPY to treat repetitive, self-destructive behaviour
patterns/drug dependecy, please apply to our health profile screener
at sandra@ibogatherapyhouse.org

Our website is at www.ibogatherapyhouse.org and will be filling up
with content shortly.

DETAILS Magazine is here at the Iboga Therapy House writing about
our work. The author, Gary Greenburg, is extremely well informed
about the ibogaine situation.

DETAILS is a successor publication to the SOHO WEEKLY NEWS. To savor
the irony, check out  “The War With the Junkies” @

If Tom Forcade had started Ibogaine treatments, instead of getting
all depressed, he almost certainly wouldn’t have shot himself in the
head. His vision was occluded, though…he would not read the PKDick
books I gave him, for instance, and probably never really listened
when Howard told him about Ibogaine. Maybe it was the coke. I don’t
remember whether  A SCANNER DARKLY came out in paperback that summer
or in ’79, but I know I gave him NOW WAIT FOR LAST YEAR, which is the
most Ibogainesque of Dick’s drug books, especially in terms of what’s
happening with the attempt to come up with non-psychedelic
ibogaine–18-MC and noribogaine.

Can’t have people traveling in time, now, can we?

Kudos to Mark for doing it right the second time around.


From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 1:09:06 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

If you aren’t interested in the ramblings of an old man, please delete now. If you’re still there, pull up a chair and listen. Is there anyone else out there who’s sick and tired of all the polls being taken in foreign countries as to whether or not they” like” us? The last time I looked, the word “like” had nothing to do with foreign policy.  I prefer ‘respect’ or ‘fear.’ They worked for Rome, which civilized and kept the peace in the known world a hell of a lot longer than our puny two centuries-plus. I see a left-wing German got elected to office recently by campaigning against the foreign policy of the United States. Yeah, that’s what I want, to be lectured about war and being a “good neighbor” by a German. Their head honcho said they wouldn’t take part in a war against Iraq. Kind of nice to see them taking a pass on a war once in while.  Perhaps we needed to have the word “World” in front of War.  I think it’s time to bring our boys home from Germany.  Outside of the money we’d save, we’d make the Germans “like” us a lot more, after they started paying the bills for their own defense. Last time I checked, France isn’t too fond of us either.  They sort of liked us back on June 6th, 1944, though, didn’t they? If you don’t think so, see how nicely they take care of the enormous American cemeteries up above the Normandy beaches.  For those of you who’ve studied history, we also have a few cemeteries in places like Belleau Woods and Chateau Thierry also.  For those of you who haven’t studied it, that was >from World War One the first time Europe screwed up, and we bailed out the French.  That’s where the US Marines got the title ‘Devil Dogs’ or, if you still care about what  the Germans think, Teufelhunde.”   I hope I spelled that right; sure wouldn’t want to offend anyone, least of all a German. Come to think of it, when Europe couldn’t take care of their Bosnian problem recently, guess who had to help out there also.  Last time I checked, our kids are still there.  I sort of remember they said they would be out in a year. Gee, how time flies when you’re having fun. Now we hear that the South Koreans aren’t too happy with us either. They “liked” us a lot better, of course, in June 1950. It took more than 50,000 Americans killed in Korea to help give them the lifestyle they currently enjoy, but then who’s counting? I think it’s also time to bring the boys home from there.  There are about 37,000 young Americans on the DMZ separating the South Koreans from their  “brothers” up north. Maybe if we leave, they can begin to participate in the “good life” that North Korea currently enjoys. Uh huh. Sure. I also understand that a good portion of the Arab/Moslem world now doesn’t “like” us either.  Did anyone ever sit down and determine what we would have to do to get them to like us? Ask them what they would like us to do. Die? Commit ritual suicide? Bend over? Maybe we should follow the advice of our dimwitted, dullest knife in the drawer, Senator Patty Murray, and build more roads, hospitals, day care centers, and orphanages like Osama bin Laden does. What with all the orphans Osama has created, the least he can do is build some places to put them. Senator Stupid says if we would only “emulate” Osama, the Arab world would love us. Sorry Patty, in addition to the fact that we already do all of those things around the world and have been doing them for over sixty years, I don’t take public transportation, and I certainly wouldn’t take it with a bomb strapped to the guy next to me.   Don’t get me wrong: I’m not in favor of going to war.  Been there, done that.  Several times, in fact. But I think we ought to have some polls in this country about other countries, and see if we “like” THEM.  Problem is, if you listed the countries, not only wouldn’t the average American know if he liked them or not, he wouldn’t be able to find them.  If we’re supposed to worry about them, how about them worrying about us? We were nice to the North Koreans in 1994, as we followed the policies of Neville Clinton.  And it seemed to work; they didn’t restart nuclear weapons program for a whole year or so.  In the meantime, we fed them when they were starving, and put oil in their stoves when they were freezing. In a recent visit to Norway, I engaged in a really fun debate with my cousin’s son, a student at a Norwegian University.  I was lectured to by this thankless squirt about the American “Empire,”
and scolded about dropping the atomic bomb on the Japanese.  I reminded him that empires usually keep the stuff they take; we don’t, and back in 1945 most Norwegians thought dropping ANY kind of bomb on Germany or Japan was a good idea. I also reminded him that my uncle, his grandfather, and others in our family spent a significant time in Sachsenhausen concentration camp, courtesy of the Germans, and they didn’t all survive.  I further reminded him that if it weren’t for the “American Empire” he would probably be speaking German or Russian. Sorry about the rambling, but I just took an unofficial poll here at our house, and we don’t seem to like anyone.
—– Original Message —–
From: jon ludlam
To: INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

You got this one right, but he is not an idiot, he is a MORON according to
the Canadian Prime Minister.

Respectfully Yours,
Jon Ludlam
Which country has large quantities of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons, and an idiot in charge??

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 12:55:17 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Take your un American attitude and FUCK OFF! In fact go back to Russia where you came from where the Mafia is growing at full strength!
Yes, America is not perfect, then why the hell are the immigrants flooding our gates!
We may not be perfect, but who needs to be liked, just respect us or get your ass kicked!
The Idiot in Charge here, is in office for a limited amount of time only, the idiots in charge in countries like Iraq and N. Korea are there until they die, then they pass on the power to their children! The rest of the Middle East do not want us to take out Iraq, as we have the nasty habit of installing Democracies, something that tends to threaten their own ways as there is nothing but Dictatorships over their. Nuts like the one in N. Korea we can do without. The Afghanis don’t know anything except about killing one another and we should pull out and let them kill themselves. Everyone has short memories regarding the good the US does!
But I will tell you something, if I had my way, I’m pull out all US troops from all over the world, and let everyone handle their own problems. Then I would leave the useless UN and NATO, and secure our borders. If someone fucks with us, I’d nuke them and let it go at that! One can not be a cure all, but one does not need to take shit either!

—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq

Hey, I can’t get it that you can be THAT blind!

read your E-mail once again and try to understand what you’ve written!! You’re blind, aren’t you? It’s not France and Germany selling equipment to Iraq, it’s your beloved, spotless USA!! What do you think, how your secret agencies know what Iraq has? Because they’ve sold that (whatever) to it!

And don’t forget that during the WW2 USA was the leading nation, proud with democracy and so on… but now, where’s the democracy? All you have is a lot of fear, a president that was not elected by people but by oil lobbies (and as you wrote yourself, he doesn’t want no alternative energy around, because he’s a Mafia member), and threatened “American way of life”.

And everything seems to be even worse in the future :-((

Which country has large quantities of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and an idiot in charge??

I’ve seen results of an opinion pool yesterday. Question was: Who is at the moment the biggest threat to world peace? And almost 90% decided it is USA, 7% were for Iraq and 3% for Corea.

Now, think a little before you advertise a country which wants to play the role of world policeman, judge and prosecutor in one “person”… It’s like somebody says that you’re bad just because you don’t share his opinion, then he sentences you to beating, and finally beats the living hell out of you. Oh, and yes, he’s two heads bigger than you (and much stronger, too) and carries a machine-gun with him all the time…

Take some IBO and get your attic in order, that’s my advice! Maybe then you’ll get rid of brainwashing!!


At 15:09 18.2.2003, you wrote:
The USA is continuing the Desert Storm War, because the UN is acting like the League of Nations after WWI, when the Allies kicked Germany’s butt. Germany agreed not to rearm and Hitler broke that treaty and WWII came about.
Today, with the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germany, who both sell equipment to Iraq that helps them break their treaty with the now useless UN and NATO, because of the gutless French and German, both of whom have short memories! The US left over 150,000 men buried in France helping them to get rid of the Nazi’s and Germany was built up by the US after the war – read your history!
If the US so deemed it, we would be running on alternative energy today, the technology is here, unfortunately, people like Bush and Cheney have their personal fortunes in the Oil Mafia!
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:42 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Iraq

Hi all,

perhaps you don’t know, but USA are after Iraq not because of oil, but
because Iraq decided not to keep money reserves in US& anymore, but
switched to EURO. This made US$ a few % cheaper… and all OPEC countries
are thinking to switch to EURO, too, and that would make US$ drop for
40%… So, USA has to prevent this, ergo – Bush is after Iraq.

Can’t find the link, but here’s another link which you’ll love! Well, most
of you, anywayz ;-))


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Savor the Irony
Date: February 18, 2003 at 11:42:25 AM EST
To: philipkdick@yahoogroups.com
Cc: dansmith@clark.net, lensman@stardrive.org, hward@wineshopper.com, Mark@k-dunn.freeserve.co.uk, IMDJam@cs.com, gbekkum@mediaone.net, Gary@osborn-day.freeserve.co.uk, gschwart@u.arizona.edu, e-merrill2@ti.com, “Bob Ezergailis” <morpheal@bserv.com>, “cynthia ford” <maruta@wco.com>, “G. G. Ford” <swimp@shaw.ca>, <brumac@compuserve.com>, <yokatta@oxy.edu>, <kklingon@cwcom.net>, <cyrano@aqua.ocn.ne.jp>, “Adrian” <afme@ihug.co.nz>, dewatson@sunflower.com, CloudRider@aol.com, JagdishM@aol.com, phylegyas@hotmail.com, schwann@webtrance.co.za, ibogalab@hotmail.com, zentarot@hotmail.com, Paul DeRienzo <pdr@echonyc.com>, Stews@radiks.net, foozleman@worldnet.att.net, bmasel@tds.net, heff01@email.msn.com, kingfelix@mediaone.net, PTPEET@cs.com, luxefair@bellsouth.net, cardboard_dada@yahoo.com, prophets@maui.net, m.pilkington@virgin.net, PCLARK@JJHILL.ORG, delaneyw@shasta.com, Edward Jahn <ejahn@barnard.edu>, derlock@mailexcite.com, “Andre Welling” <andre.welling@db.com>, Mitchel Cohen <mitchelcohen@mindspring.com>, “MUTANEX Command HAWAI’I” <mutanex@aloha.net>, miriamwhite420@hotmail.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, Nick Sandberg <nick.sandberg@virgin.net>, George Clayton Johnson <hempjack@earthlink.net>, axiom@greatmystery.org, dancegroove@nyc.rr.com, “warcry@indymedia.org” <warcrycinema@yahoo.com>, “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net>, “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

At 6:32 PM -0800 2/17/03, A J Dietterle wrote:
Hello everyone. We have treated twenty people now at the Iboga
Therapy house, and Linette, one of our fine facillitators, has also
been profoundly affected by her ibogaine experience (2,800 mg INDRA
extract) three weeks ago also.

I shall try to prepare a report for the group here, (lest you all
get distracted by the war coming up shortly), on our observations
and experiences.

For example, the patients most likely to experience alot of nausea
are big bodied crack cocaine users, those experiencing the least
nausea are wiry thin heroin/methadone users. We think the large
people have fat tisues in the stomach which the acidic extract
agitates, plus the cocaine people have usually put alot of the
substance through their body where the liver and stomach process
fairly large amounts over time. If you think of it, its usually
larger bodied, overeating people that get ‘heartburn’/’acid reflux’.

We have had good results from the patients with crack cocaine
problems when we give them a dose ranging from 3,000 – 5,200 mg
INDRA extract, plus a daily supplement of 20 mg Ibogaine
hydrochloride for 20 days therafter the 48 hour mark of the original

By the bye, I need to get hold of www.indra.dk but I cannot get the
website to work. Does anyone know how I may contact him?

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

P.S. If anyone you know or yourself would like to receive IBOGA
THERAPY to treat repetitive, self-destructive behaviour
patterns/drug dependecy, please apply to our health profile screener
at sandra@ibogatherapyhouse.org

Our website is at www.ibogatherapyhouse.org and will be filling up
with content shortly.

DETAILS Magazine is here at the Iboga Therapy House writing about
our work. The author, Gary Greenburg, is extremely well informed
about the ibogaine situation.

DETAILS is a successor publication to the SOHO WEEKLY NEWS. To savor
the irony, check out  “The War With the Junkies” @

If Tom Forcade had started Ibogaine treatments, instead of getting
all depressed, he almost certainly wouldn’t have shot himself in the
head. His vision was occluded, though…he would not read the PKDick
books I gave him, for instance, and probably never really listened
when Howard told him about Ibogaine. Maybe it was the coke. I don’t
remember whether  A SCANNER DARKLY came out in paperback that summer
or in ’79, but I know I gave him NOW WAIT FOR LAST YEAR, which is the
most Ibogainesque of Dick’s drug books, especially in terms of what’s
happening with the attempt to come up with non-psychedelic
ibogaine–18-MC and noribogaine.

Can’t have people traveling in time, now, can we?

Kudos to Mark for doing it right the second time around.


p.s.: Sara, is that spelled Voerden?

From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 12:50:20 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


I tried to watch my language…



At 18:35 18.2.2003, you wrote:
You got this one right, but he is not an idiot, he is a MORON according to
the Canadian Prime Minister.

Respectfully Yours,
Jon Ludlam
Which country has large quantities of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons, and an idiot in charge??

From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 12:38:29 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

===== Original Message From jon ludlam <seraphina@compuserve.com> =====
You got this one right, but he is not an idiot, he is a MORON according to
the Canadian Prime Minister.

Respectfully Yours,
Jon Ludlam

Which country has large quantities of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons, and an idiot in charge??

eheheh. I always liked Canada, but now I REALLY like Canada =)

— League of Surrealistic Discord Records — http://www.lsdrecords.com —

From: jon ludlam <seraphina@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 12:35:40 PM EST
To: “INTERNET:ibogaine@mindvox.com” <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

You got this one right, but he is not an idiot, he is a MORON according to
the Canadian Prime Minister.

Respectfully Yours,
Jon Ludlam

Which country has large quantities of nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons, and an idiot in charge??

From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 12:12:48 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hey, I can’t get it that you can be THAT blind!

read your E-mail once again and try to understand what you’ve written!! You’re blind, aren’t you? It’s not France and Germany selling equipment to Iraq, it’s your beloved, spotless USA!! What do you think, how your secret agencies know what Iraq has? Because they’ve sold that (whatever) to it!

And don’t forget that during the WW2 USA was the leading nation, proud with democracy and so on… but now, where’s the democracy? All you have is a lot of fear, a president that was not elected by people but by oil lobbies (and as you wrote yourself, he doesn’t want no alternative energy around, because he’s a Mafia member), and threatened “American way of life”.

And everything seems to be even worse in the future :-((

Which country has large quantities of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, and an idiot in charge??

I’ve seen results of an opinion pool yesterday. Question was: Who is at the moment the biggest threat to world peace? And almost 90% decided it is USA, 7% were for Iraq and 3% for Corea.

Now, think a little before you advertise a country which wants to play the role of world policeman, judge and prosecutor in one “person”… It’s like somebody says that you’re bad just because you don’t share his opinion, then he sentences you to beating, and finally beats the living hell out of you. Oh, and yes, he’s two heads bigger than you (and much stronger, too) and carries a machine-gun with him all the time…

Take some IBO and get your attic in order, that’s my advice! Maybe then you’ll get rid of brainwashing!!


At 15:09 18.2.2003, you wrote:
The USA is continuing the Desert Storm War, because the UN is acting like the League of Nations after WWI, when the Allies kicked Germany’s butt. Germany agreed not to rearm and Hitler broke that treaty and WWII came about.
Today, with the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germany, who both sell equipment to Iraq that helps them break their treaty with the now useless UN and NATO, because of the gutless French and German, both of whom have short memories! The US left over 150,000 men buried in France helping them to get rid of the Nazi’s and Germany was built up by the US after the war – read your history!
If the US so deemed it, we would be running on alternative energy today, the technology is here, unfortunately, people like Bush and Cheney have their personal fortunes in the Oil Mafia!
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:42 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Iraq

Hi all,

perhaps you don’t know, but USA are after Iraq not because of oil, but
because Iraq decided not to keep money reserves in US& anymore, but
switched to EURO. This made US$ a few % cheaper… and all OPEC countries
are thinking to switch to EURO, too, and that would make US$ drop for
40%… So, USA has to prevent this, ergo – Bush is after Iraq.

Can’t find the link, but here’s another link which you’ll love! Well, most
of you, anywayz ;-))


From: Søren Løvfelt <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] IT IS http://www.ethnogarden.com EOM
Date: February 18, 2003 at 12:07:02 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Thanks Brett..
I have ordered HCL to be on da safe side.I had heard what you just
wrote.Thanks for the info.:o)

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] IT IS http://www.ethnogarden.com EOM


EthnoGARDEN (at ethnogarden.com) is in Canada, they
sell their own flavor of ibogaine extract (pans out at
about 30% alkaloids), iboga root (bark?) as well as
ibogaine HCL.

EthnoPLANET (at ethnoplanet.dk) sells what appears to
be a low quality iboga root, there were negative
reports posted about their product. IMO, not a good
idea to try a detox with it even if they will ship it
to you… If you did (try) it may require several
ounces (or more) of the stuff.


— Søren_Løvfelt <isl46726@image.dk> wrote:
Its not ethnogarden
Its www.ethnoplanet.dk

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] IT IS
http://www.ethnogarden.com EOM

— “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
http://ethnogarden.dk  does not work, anyone
have a place to go?
—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views
anti-war movement.

As to the best of my knowledge,Indra is not
However you can obtain exstract,and HCL at

I hope you can use this.:o)

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Moore
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views
anti-war movement.

Sweetheart, what connotation does that

—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:57 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
the anti-war movement.

Sounds like a very good move.Ibo will be
better  for everybody.Okay some could get their
Methadone,but most people would benefit from Ibo

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
the anti-war movement.

Have you ever read your history? The
lack of
might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I
most certainly attempting to get the local
government to drop their methadone program and
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet?
some reason, I think it may have a very profound
effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates”
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted
about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came
and assisted them while half became the Vichy
government full of yellow stripped backed
We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil.
school where the signing of the surrender of the
Germans today does not even have a sign posting
historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo
Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to
WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA,
would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a
just as he did when the UN forces stopped short
30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are
about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it
will be
a week of darkness and we own the night! It will
the continuation of the Gulf War, that the
Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over
years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about
business building up WMD with the help of the
and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend
then it will be a terrible way to find out that
were right, terrible because there will be lots
collateral damage as we will level Baghdad,
something that could have been avoided if the
bellied French would have had the balls to side
the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history!
the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and
to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look
alike!) just went about his business arming to
teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing,
as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal
the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved
and for what it stood for. He tried to get close
us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did
not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist,
was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance
his fight to unite his country, we blew it
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need!
After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in
Arabic) then they better earn it. The other
East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we
a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form
government that threatens all of the
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the
views the anti-war movement.

Saddam is a menace equal to the
combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be
taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a
political thread, but seriously, that’s
government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing,
it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about
Britain, and later the US, carved up what was
of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet
that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US
considering doing it again, no matter that the
hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to
support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to
helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the
fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets,
later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that
also supported the Shah of Iran for a while,
it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our
government says that the democratically-elected
Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has
involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as
well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez
protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least,
he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is
frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it.
Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and
been more than happy to support his chainsaw
paramilitary to straighten things out, you know,
the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s
there is a pipeline there which is crucial to
the US
and to Colombia’s military, which has been
by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and
foreign investors the hardest where it hurts
in the pocket. The government takes care of
down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to
the rebels and any civilians who are around them
who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US
acceptance, of course. And this is all just the
of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what
Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the
Phillipines, which was much more similar to the
current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler,
Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But,
just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to
your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive
war in
the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the
reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe
I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision
re-shape the ME, which is driving current
policy. We
might as well be Britain talking about Africa,
nobody seems to be thinking about the last
amd how it badly bungled things (which helped
its demise). And most of this change of
from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow
Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic
power, acting with the supposed benefit of the
world, but really acting purely out! of
self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually,
the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the
views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will
Iraq. It should not be referred to as
strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf
as they did not adhere to their promises when we
kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the
League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed
never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII
about. Saddam is a menace equal to the
of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.
the UN has not got the balls, then they are in
same league as the useless League of Nations.
Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be
They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the
US, it
would be a terrible way to show the World we
right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad
from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by
that is what they will get. So that one day my
grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a
Now kindly take my name off this
useless chat line or whatever it is called!


—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the
right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing
in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance”
Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said
if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.”
Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the
Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of
Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today
“No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to
If the city officials of New
really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by
refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge
S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop
marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000
from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000,
young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the
of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil
disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching,
protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest,
telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens
blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a
war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15,
10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the
views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it.
other side speaks.


Volume 1
February 13, 2003              By

This is the first issue of The
Room in its
non-partisan format, now
under the auspices of
www.frontpagemag.com. The War
is a tactical guide for
and centrists in framing
that divide our nation and affect its
future. We are now engaged in
war that may last a generation,
international foes whose main
weapon is terror and whose principal
targets are civilians. In
circumstances it is vital that a
bi-partisan cons! ensus be
on defense of the homeland. One
requirement of this defense is
greater unity on the home front. It is
important that domestic
which have the potential to divide
Americans, be resolved in a
that strengthens rather than
the nation. The divisive
issues in
American politics are those that
to divide us along the fault
of class, gender and race. The War
Room believes that these fault
lines do not run along a
Democrat-Republican bias but
the product of a political left that
hostile to the national
foundations. The War Room believes that the
values of American
and democracy, rooted in the
form the basis for our
unity and are the essential elements
our national strength. *

The “Anti-War” Movement
Is A Bigger Problem Than You
For over a year our country
been at war with a terrorist foe that
can infiltrate our borders
weapons of mass destruction. We are
divided in our homeland on two
fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
over tactics and priorities in
fighting this war — for example over
which hostile agency or state
take on, and at which point in time.
There have been critics of the
Administration’s war policy from both
Democrat and Republican side
the aisle. But these critics share a
common concern for the defense
this country, and in the end they
support our government and our
nation against its foes.

Not so the other opposition to
war, which is a radical movement
Marxist roots, whose origins
back to the Vietnam War and whose
political base is American
universities. This opposition to the war
terror manifested itself
withi! n
weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
American military response to
al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
“pacifist” and are not
inspired by
dissatisfaction with any
American war or policy, but
the American system itself. It is a
movement which cannot be
and which is willing to collaborate
with America’s enemies.

Every major “anti-war”
demonstration to date, including the
demonstrations on the Capitol
in October and January has been
organized and controlled by a
self-styled Communist group called the
Workers World Party, and its
“International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
figurehead of this
organization is
former Attorney General Ramsey
and its organizer is Brian
a member of the secretariat of the
World World Party. The WWP is
aligned with the North Korean Communist
regime and along with its
ehead has supported the North
torturers of American POWS,
Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam

At the Mall, the speakers –
selected by the Workers World Party –
denounced America as an
imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
and called for “regime change”
“revolution” in the United States.
imam from a Washington DC
led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
Akbar,” which is the cry of
suicide bombers as they blow up
civilian targets. Mohammed
the leader of the 9/11 suicide
gave these instructions to his
team: “When the confrontation begins,
strike like champions who do
want to go back to this world.
‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this
strikes fear in the hearts of the

John Conyers, the ranking
on! the House Judiciary Committee
a featured speaker at the
World Party “peace” rally, as was
former Democratic
Cynthia McKinney. Representative
Rangel, the ranking Democrat
the House Ways and Means Committee
a letter of support. In a
demonstration in San Francisco, also
organized by the Workers World
Party, California State Senator,
John Burton, told the
that the President of the United
was “full of s___” and was
“f—ing America.”

So appalling were these
demonstrations that older members of the left
disassociated themselves from
movement in articles that appeared
leftwing magazines like
and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
article was written by David
Washington editor of The Nation).

On February 15, an anti-war
protest will ! be held in New York City,
organized by a new group
“United for Peace and Justice.” This
group is headed by Leslie
Cagan, a
Sixties Marxist with a long
of supporting Communist
She was a member of the Venceremos
Brigades organized by Cuban
Intelligence. She was a member of the
Committees for Correspondence,
faction of the Communist Party USA,
she is co-chair of the
Network on Cuba an organization whose
purpose is propaganda and
political support for the Castro
Cagan has warned that, “If
do not work, we will escalate. We
will have to do things to
the normal flow of life in this
country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03)
threat of sabotage should not be
lightly given the history of
than 1,000 domestic bombings during
the Vietnam War.

The agendas of the so-called
“peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
anti-American. Its organizers
worked with America’s enemies in
past and are continuing to do
in the midst of this war. This is
very definition of a political
“fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
Americans concerned about the
future of their country should take a
look at these protests and
who support them.


THE WAR ROOM is a guide to
strategy and tactics for conservatives and
centrists in framing issues
divide our nation and affect its
future. Email subscriptions
$30 for one year or 48 issues. Click

2w/input?can_ref=738> here to
subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
of several bo! oks, including
Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
Uncivil Wars.

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From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] IT IS http://www.ethnogarden.com EOM
Date: February 18, 2003 at 11:54:09 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

===== Original Message From Søren Løvfelt <isl46726@image.dk> =====
Its not ethnogarden
Its www.ethnoplanet.dk

There is also www.ethnoplanet.com … a Canadian company which seems to carry
the raw rootbark, the iboga extract, AND the ibogaine HCL…

— League of Surrealistic Discord Records — http://www.lsdrecords.com —

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] IT IS http://www.ethnogarden.com EOM
Date: February 18, 2003 at 11:51:44 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


EthnoGARDEN (at ethnogarden.com) is in Canada, they
sell their own flavor of ibogaine extract (pans out at
about 30% alkaloids), iboga root (bark?) as well as
ibogaine HCL.

EthnoPLANET (at ethnoplanet.dk) sells what appears to
be a low quality iboga root, there were negative
reports posted about their product. IMO, not a good
idea to try a detox with it even if they will ship it
to you… If you did (try) it may require several
ounces (or more) of the stuff.


— Søren_Løvfelt <isl46726@image.dk> wrote:
Its not ethnogarden
Its www.ethnoplanet.dk

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] IT IS
http://www.ethnogarden.com EOM

— “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
http://ethnogarden.dk  does not work, anyone
have a place to go?
—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views
anti-war movement.

As to the best of my knowledge,Indra is not
However you can obtain exstract,and HCL at

I hope you can use this.:o)

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Moore
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views
anti-war movement.

Sweetheart, what connotation does that

—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:57 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
the anti-war movement.

Sounds like a very good move.Ibo will be
better  for everybody.Okay some could get their
Methadone,but most people would benefit from Ibo

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
the anti-war movement.

Have you ever read your history? The
lack of
might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I
most certainly attempting to get the local
government to drop their methadone program and
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet?
some reason, I think it may have a very profound
effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates”
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted
about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came
and assisted them while half became the Vichy
government full of yellow stripped backed
We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil.
school where the signing of the surrender of the
Germans today does not even have a sign posting
historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo
Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to
WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA,
would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a
just as he did when the UN forces stopped short
30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are
about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it
will be
a week of darkness and we own the night! It will
the continuation of the Gulf War, that the
Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over
years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about
business building up WMD with the help of the
and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend
then it will be a terrible way to find out that
were right, terrible because there will be lots
collateral damage as we will level Baghdad,
something that could have been avoided if the
bellied French would have had the balls to side
the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history!
the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and
to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look
alike!) just went about his business arming to
teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing,
as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal
the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved
and for what it stood for. He tried to get close
us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did
not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist,
was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance
his fight to unite his country, we blew it
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need!
After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in
Arabic) then they better earn it. The other
East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we
a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form
government that threatens all of the
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the
views the anti-war movement.

Saddam is a menace equal to the
combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be
taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a
political thread, but seriously, that’s
government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing,
it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about
Britain, and later the US, carved up what was
of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet
that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US
considering doing it again, no matter that the
hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to
support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to
helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the
fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets,
later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that
also supported the Shah of Iran for a while,
it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our
government says that the democratically-elected
Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has
involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as
well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez
protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least,
he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is
frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it.
Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and
been more than happy to support his chainsaw
paramilitary to straighten things out, you know,
the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s
there is a pipeline there which is crucial to
the US
and to Colombia’s military, which has been
by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and
foreign investors the hardest where it hurts
in the pocket. The government takes care of
down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to
the rebels and any civilians who are around them
who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US
acceptance, of course. And this is all just the
of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what
Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the
Phillipines, which was much more similar to the
current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler,
Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But,
just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to
your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive
war in
the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the
reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe
I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision
re-shape the ME, which is driving current
policy. We
might as well be Britain talking about Africa,
nobody seems to be thinking about the last
amd how it badly bungled things (which helped
its demise). And most of this change of
from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow
Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic
power, acting with the supposed benefit of the
world, but really acting purely out! of
self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually,
the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the
views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will
Iraq. It should not be referred to as
strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf
as they did not adhere to their promises when we
kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the
League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed
never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII
about. Saddam is a menace equal to the
of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.
the UN has not got the balls, then they are in
same league as the useless League of Nations.
Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be
They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the
US, it
would be a terrible way to show the World we
right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad
from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by
that is what they will get. So that one day my
grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a
Now kindly take my name off this
useless chat line or whatever it is called!


—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the
right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing
in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance”
Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said
if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.”
Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the
Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of
Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today
“No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to
If the city officials of New
really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by
refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge
S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop
marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000
from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000,
young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the
of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil
disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching,
protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest,
telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens
blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a
war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15,
10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the
views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it.
other side speaks.


Volume 1
February 13, 2003              By

This is the first issue of The
Room in its
non-partisan format, now
under the auspices of
www.frontpagemag.com. The War
is a tactical guide for
and centrists in framing
that divide our nation and affect its
future. We are now engaged in
war that may last a generation,
international foes whose main
weapon is terror and whose principal
targets are civilians. In
circumstances it is vital that a
bi-partisan cons! ensus be
on defense of the homeland. One
requirement of this defense is
greater unity on the home front. It is
important that domestic
which have the potential to divide
Americans, be resolved in a
that strengthens rather than
the nation. The divisive
issues in
American politics are those that
to divide us along the fault
of class, gender and race. The War
Room believes that these fault
lines do not run along a
Democrat-Republican bias but
the product of a political left that
hostile to the national
foundations. The War Room believes that the
values of American
and democracy, rooted in the
form the basis for our
unity and are the essential elements
our national strength. *

The “Anti-War” Movement
Is A Bigger Problem Than You
For over a year our country
been at war with a terrorist foe that
can infiltrate our borders
weapons of mass destruction. We are
divided in our homeland on two
fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
over tactics and priorities in
fighting this war — for example over
which hostile agency or state
take on, and at which point in time.
There have been critics of the
Administration’s war policy from both
Democrat and Republican side
the aisle. But these critics share a
common concern for the defense
this country, and in the end they
support our government and our
nation against its foes.

Not so the other opposition to
war, which is a radical movement
Marxist roots, whose origins
back to the Vietnam War and whose
political base is American
universities. This opposition to the war
terror manifested itself
withi! n
weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
American military response to
al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
“pacifist” and are not
inspired by
dissatisfaction with any
American war or policy, but
the American system itself. It is a
movement which cannot be
and which is willing to collaborate
with America’s enemies.

Every major “anti-war”
demonstration to date, including the
demonstrations on the Capitol
in October and January has been
organized and controlled by a
self-styled Communist group called the
Workers World Party, and its
“International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
figurehead of this
organization is
former Attorney General Ramsey
and its organizer is Brian
a member of the secretariat of the
World World Party. The WWP is
aligned with the North Korean Communist
regime and along with its
ehead has supported the North
torturers of American POWS,
Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam

At the Mall, the speakers –
selected by the Workers World Party –
denounced America as an
imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
and called for “regime change”
“revolution” in the United States.
imam from a Washington DC
led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
Akbar,” which is the cry of
suicide bombers as they blow up
civilian targets. Mohammed
the leader of the 9/11 suicide
gave these instructions to his
team: “When the confrontation begins,
strike like champions who do
want to go back to this world.
‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this
strikes fear in the hearts of the

John Conyers, the ranking
on! the House Judiciary Committee
a featured speaker at the
World Party “peace” rally, as was
former Democratic
Cynthia McKinney. Representative
Rangel, the ranking Democrat
the House Ways and Means Committee
a letter of support. In a
demonstration in San Francisco, also
organized by the Workers World
Party, California State Senator,
John Burton, told the
that the President of the United
was “full of s___” and was
“f—ing America.”

So appalling were these
demonstrations that older members of the left
disassociated themselves from
movement in articles that appeared
leftwing magazines like
and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
article was written by David
Washington editor of The Nation).

On February 15, an anti-war
protest will ! be held in New York City,
organized by a new group
“United for Peace and Justice.” This
group is headed by Leslie
Cagan, a
Sixties Marxist with a long
of supporting Communist
She was a member of the Venceremos
Brigades organized by Cuban
Intelligence. She was a member of the
Committees for Correspondence,
faction of the Communist Party USA,
she is co-chair of the
Network on Cuba an organization whose
purpose is propaganda and
political support for the Castro
Cagan has warned that, “If
do not work, we will escalate. We
will have to do things to
the normal flow of life in this
country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03)
threat of sabotage should not be
lightly given the history of
than 1,000 domestic bombings during
the Vietnam War.

The agendas of the so-called
“peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
anti-American. Its organizers
worked with America’s enemies in
past and are continuing to do
in the midst of this war. This is
very definition of a political
“fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
Americans concerned about the
future of their country should take a
look at these protests and
who support them.


THE WAR ROOM is a guide to
strategy and tactics for conservatives and
centrists in framing issues
divide our nation and affect its
future. Email subscriptions
$30 for one year or 48 issues. Click

2w/input?can_ref=738> here to
subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
of several bo! oks, including
Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
Uncivil Wars.

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Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers
Valentine’s Day

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Powered by Outblaze

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: Søren Løvfelt <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] IT IS http://www.ethnogarden.com EOM
Date: February 18, 2003 at 11:04:13 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Its not ethnogarden
Its www.ethnoplanet.dk

—– Original Message —–
From: “Brett Calabrese” <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] IT IS http://www.ethnogarden.com EOM

— “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
http://ethnogarden.dk  does not work, anyone else
have a place to go?
—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the
anti-war movement.

As to the best of my knowledge,Indra is not open
However you can obtain exstract,and HCL at

I hope you can use this.:o)

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Moore
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the
anti-war movement.

Sweetheart, what connotation does that imply?

—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:57 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views
the anti-war movement.

Sounds like a very good move.Ibo will be much
better  for everybody.Okay some could get their
Methadone,but most people would benefit from Ibo I`m

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views
the anti-war movement.

Have you ever read your history? The lack of
might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I am
most certainly attempting to get the local
government to drop their methadone program and use
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For
some reason, I think it may have a very profound
effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates”
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted
about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in
and assisted them while half became the Vichy
government full of yellow stripped backed bastards!
We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The
school where the signing of the surrender of the
Germans today does not even have a sign posting the
historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi
Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make
WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam
would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win
just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of
30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are
about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be
a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be
the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard
Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten
years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his
business building up WMD with the help of the French
and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself,
then it will be a terrible way to find out that we
were right, terrible because there will be lots of
collateral damage as we will level Baghdad,
something that could have been avoided if the yellow
bellied French would have had the balls to side with
the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At
the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never
to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look
alike!) just went about his business arming to the
teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just
as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to
the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America
and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to
us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did
not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he
was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in
his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need!
After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in
Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle
East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have
a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of
government that threatens all of the Dictatorships
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Saddam is a menace equal to the
combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be
taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a
political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated
government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and
it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it.
Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left
of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states
that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is
considering doing it again, no matter that the
hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to
support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power,
helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the
fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which
later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we
also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until
it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our
government says that the democratically-elected
Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been
involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as
well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez
protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least, but
he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is
frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But
Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve
been more than happy to support his chainsaw
paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in
the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because
there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US
and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked
by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and
foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most,
in the pocket. The government takes care of things
down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize
the rebels and any civilians who are around them or
who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US
acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip
of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark
Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the
Phillipines, which was much more similar to the
current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or
Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But,
just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust
your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in
the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real
reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me,
I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to
re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We
might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but
nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire,
amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten
its demise). And most of this change of perspective
from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow
Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic
power, acting with the supposed benefit of the
world, but really acting purely out! of
self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even
the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack
Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive”
strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War,
as they did not adhere to their promises when we
kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless
League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed
never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came
about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination
of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If
the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the
same league as the useless League of Nations. The
Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned!
They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it
would be a terrible way to show the World we were
right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad
from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God
that is what they will get. So that one day my great
grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a
Now kindly take my name off this
useless chat line or whatever it is called!


—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the
right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up
in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev.
Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that
if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry
Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road
Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of
Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said
“No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue
If the city officials of New York
really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by
refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara
S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop
marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate
from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people
young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets
of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil
disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching,
protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching,
telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are
blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent
war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003
10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the right
views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the
other side speaks.


Volume 1              Thursday,
February 13, 2003              By

This is the first issue of The War
Room in its
non-partisan format, now published
under the auspices of
www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room
is a tactical guide for
and centrists in framing issues
that divide our nation and affect its
future. We are now engaged in a
war that may last a generation,
international foes whose main
weapon is terror and whose principal
targets are civilians. In these
circumstances it is vital that a
bi-partisan cons! ensus be formed
on defense of the homeland. One
requirement of this defense is
greater unity on the home front. It is
important that domestic issues,
which have the potential to divide
Americans, be resolved in a manner
that strengthens rather than
the nation. The divisive issues in
American politics are those that
to divide us along the fault lines
of class, gender and race. The War
Room believes that these fault
lines do not run along a
Democrat-Republican bias but are
the product of a political left that
hostile to the national
foundations. The War Room believes that the
values of American individualism
and democracy, rooted in the
form the basis for our national
unity and are the essential elements
our national strength. *

The “Anti-War” Movement
Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
For over a year our country has
been at war with a terrorist foe that
can infiltrate our borders with
weapons of mass destruction. We are
divided in our homeland on two
fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
over tactics and priorities in
fighting this war — for example over
which hostile agency or state to
take on, and at which point in time.
There have been critics of the
Administration’s war policy from both
Democrat and Republican side of
the aisle. But these critics share a
common concern for the defense of
this country, and in the end they
support our government and our
nation against its foes.

Not so the other opposition to the
war, which is a radical movement
Marxist roots, whose origins go
back to the Vietnam War and whose
political base is American
universities. This opposition to the war
terror manifested itself withi! n
weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
American military response to the
al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
“pacifist” and are not inspired by
dissatisfaction with any
American war or policy, but with
the American system itself. It is a
movement which cannot be appeased
and which is willing to collaborate
with America’s enemies.

Every major “anti-war”
demonstration to date, including the
demonstrations on the Capitol Mall
in October and January has been
organized and controlled by a
self-styled Communist group called the
Workers World Party, and its front
“International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
figurehead of this organization is
former Attorney General Ramsey
and its organizer is Brian Becker,
a member of the secretariat of the
World World Party. The WWP is
aligned with the North Korean Communist
regime and along with its figur!
ehead has supported the North
torturers of American POWS, the
Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam

At the Mall, the speakers – all
selected by the Workers World Party –
denounced America as an
imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
and called for “regime change” and
“revolution” in the United States.
imam from a Washington DC mosque
led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
Akbar,” which is the cry of the
suicide bombers as they blow up
civilian targets. Mohammed Atta,
the leader of the 9/11 suicide
gave these instructions to his
team: “When the confrontation begins,
strike like champions who do not
want to go back to this world.
‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this
strikes fear in the hearts of the

John Conyers, the ranking Democrat
on! the House Judiciary Committee
a featured speaker at the Workers
World Party “peace” rally, as was
former Democratic Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney. Representative
Rangel, the ranking Democrat on
the House Ways and Means Committee
a letter of support. In a sister
demonstration in San Francisco, also
organized by the Workers World
Party, California State Senator,
John Burton, told the protesters
that the President of the United
was “full of s___” and was
“f—ing America.”

So appalling were these
demonstrations that older members of the left
disassociated themselves from this
movement in articles that appeared
leftwing magazines like Salon.com
and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
article was written by David Corn,
Washington editor of The Nation).

On February 15, an anti-war
protest will ! be held in New York City,
organized by a new group called
“United for Peace and Justice.” This
group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a
Sixties Marxist with a long
of supporting Communist causes.
She was a member of the Venceremos
Brigades organized by Cuban
Intelligence. She was a member of the
Committees for Correspondence, a
faction of the Communist Party USA,
she is co-chair of the National
Network on Cuba an organization whose
purpose is propaganda and
political support for the Castro
Cagan has warned that, “If marches
do not work, we will escalate. We
will have to do things to disrupt
the normal flow of life in this
country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This
threat of sabotage should not be
lightly given the history of more
than 1,000 domestic bombings during
the Vietnam War.

The agendas of the so-called
“peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
anti-American. Its organizers have
worked with America’s enemies in
past and are continuing to do so
in the midst of this war. This is
very definition of a political
“fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
Americans concerned about the
future of their country should take a
look at these protests and those
who support them.


THE WAR ROOM is a guide to
strategy and tactics for conservatives and
centrists in framing issues that
divide our nation and affect its
future. Email subscriptions are
$30 for one year or 48 issues. Click

2w/input?can_ref=738> here to
subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
of several bo! oks, including
Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for
Valentine’s Day

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Powered by Outblaze

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] norharman produced by heating L-Tryptophan
Date: February 18, 2003 at 10:55:09 AM EST
To: “paul jackamo” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>, ibogaine <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

ted on any feedback.

Any more data on 18-MC in the public domain ? – I doubt that too, but things
move on……

Howard Lotsof has some articles up on his site about 18 MC …

— League of Surrealistic Discord Records — http://www.lsdrecords.com —

From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] IT IS http://www.ethnogarden.com EOM
Date: February 18, 2003 at 10:54:56 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

— “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
http://ethnogarden.dk  does not work, anyone else
have a place to go?
—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the
anti-war movement.

As to the best of my knowledge,Indra is not open
However you can obtain exstract,and HCL at

I hope you can use this.:o)

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Moore
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the
anti-war movement.

Sweetheart, what connotation does that imply?

—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:57 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views
the anti-war movement.

Sounds like a very good move.Ibo will be much
better  for everybody.Okay some could get their
Methadone,but most people would benefit from Ibo I`m

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views
the anti-war movement.

Have you ever read your history? The lack of
might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I am
most certainly attempting to get the local
government to drop their methadone program and use
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For
some reason, I think it may have a very profound
effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates”
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted
about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in
and assisted them while half became the Vichy
government full of yellow stripped backed bastards!
We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The
school where the signing of the surrender of the
Germans today does not even have a sign posting the
historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi
Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make
WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam
would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win
just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of
30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are
about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be
a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be
the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard
Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten
years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his
business building up WMD with the help of the French
and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself,
then it will be a terrible way to find out that we
were right, terrible because there will be lots of
collateral damage as we will level Baghdad,
something that could have been avoided if the yellow
bellied French would have had the balls to side with
the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At
the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never
to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look
alike!) just went about his business arming to the
teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just
as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to
the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America
and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to
us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did
not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he
was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in
his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need!
After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in
Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle
East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have
a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of
government that threatens all of the Dictatorships
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

Saddam is a menace equal to the
combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be
taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a
political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated
government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and
it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it.
Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left
of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states
that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is
considering doing it again, no matter that the
hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to
support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power,
helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the
fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which
later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we
also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until
it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our
government says that the democratically-elected
Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been
involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as
well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez
protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least, but
he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is
frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But
Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve
been more than happy to support his chainsaw
paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in
the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because
there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US
and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked
by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and
foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most,
in the pocket. The government takes care of things
down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize
the rebels and any civilians who are around them or
who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US
acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip
of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark
Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the
Phillipines, which was much more similar to the
current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or
Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But,
just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust
your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in
the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real
reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me,
I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to
re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We
might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but
nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire,
amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten
its demise). And most of this change of perspective
from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow
Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic
power, acting with the supposed benefit of the
world, but really acting purely out! of
self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even
the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right
views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack
Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive”
strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War,
as they did not adhere to their promises when we
kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless
League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed
never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came
about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination
of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If
the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the
same league as the useless League of Nations. The
Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned!
They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it
would be a terrible way to show the World we were
right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad
from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God
that is what they will get. So that one day my great
grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a
Now kindly take my name off this
useless chat line or whatever it is called!


—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the
right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up
in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev.
Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that
if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry
Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road
Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of
Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said
“No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue
If the city officials of New York
really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by
refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara
S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop
marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate
from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people
young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets
of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil
disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching,
protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching,
telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are
blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent
war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003
10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the right
views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the
other side speaks.


Volume 1              Thursday,
February 13, 2003              By

This is the first issue of The War
Room in its
non-partisan format, now published
under the auspices of
www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room
is a tactical guide for
and centrists in framing issues
that divide our nation and affect its
future. We are now engaged in a
war that may last a generation,
international foes whose main
weapon is terror and whose principal
targets are civilians. In these
circumstances it is vital that a
bi-partisan cons! ensus be formed
on defense of the homeland. One
requirement of this defense is
greater unity on the home front. It is
important that domestic issues,
which have the potential to divide
Americans, be resolved in a manner
that strengthens rather than
the nation. The divisive issues in
American politics are those that
to divide us along the fault lines
of class, gender and race. The War
Room believes that these fault
lines do not run along a
Democrat-Republican bias but are
the product of a political left that
hostile to the national
foundations. The War Room believes that the
values of American individualism
and democracy, rooted in the
form the basis for our national
unity and are the essential elements
our national strength. *

The “Anti-War” Movement
Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
For over a year our country has
been at war with a terrorist foe that
can infiltrate our borders with
weapons of mass destruction. We are
divided in our homeland on two
fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
over tactics and priorities in
fighting this war — for example over
which hostile agency or state to
take on, and at which point in time.
There have been critics of the
Administration’s war policy from both
Democrat and Republican side of
the aisle. But these critics share a
common concern for the defense of
this country, and in the end they
support our government and our
nation against its foes.

Not so the other opposition to the
war, which is a radical movement
Marxist roots, whose origins go
back to the Vietnam War and whose
political base is American
universities. This opposition to the war
terror manifested itself withi! n
weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
American military response to the
al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
“pacifist” and are not inspired by
dissatisfaction with any
American war or policy, but with
the American system itself. It is a
movement which cannot be appeased
and which is willing to collaborate
with America’s enemies.

Every major “anti-war”
demonstration to date, including the
demonstrations on the Capitol Mall
in October and January has been
organized and controlled by a
self-styled Communist group called the
Workers World Party, and its front
“International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
figurehead of this organization is
former Attorney General Ramsey
and its organizer is Brian Becker,
a member of the secretariat of the
World World Party. The WWP is
aligned with the North Korean Communist
regime and along with its figur!
ehead has supported the North
torturers of American POWS, the
Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam

At the Mall, the speakers – all
selected by the Workers World Party –
denounced America as an
imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
and called for “regime change” and
“revolution” in the United States.
imam from a Washington DC mosque
led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
Akbar,” which is the cry of the
suicide bombers as they blow up
civilian targets. Mohammed Atta,
the leader of the 9/11 suicide
gave these instructions to his
team: “When the confrontation begins,
strike like champions who do not
want to go back to this world.
‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this
strikes fear in the hearts of the

John Conyers, the ranking Democrat
on! the House Judiciary Committee
a featured speaker at the Workers
World Party “peace” rally, as was
former Democratic Congresswoman
Cynthia McKinney. Representative
Rangel, the ranking Democrat on
the House Ways and Means Committee
a letter of support. In a sister
demonstration in San Francisco, also
organized by the Workers World
Party, California State Senator,
John Burton, told the protesters
that the President of the United
was “full of s___” and was
“f—ing America.”

So appalling were these
demonstrations that older members of the left
disassociated themselves from this
movement in articles that appeared
leftwing magazines like Salon.com
and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
article was written by David Corn,
Washington editor of The Nation).

On February 15, an anti-war
protest will ! be held in New York City,
organized by a new group called
“United for Peace and Justice.” This
group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a
Sixties Marxist with a long
of supporting Communist causes.
She was a member of the Venceremos
Brigades organized by Cuban
Intelligence. She was a member of the
Committees for Correspondence, a
faction of the Communist Party USA,
she is co-chair of the National
Network on Cuba an organization whose
purpose is propaganda and
political support for the Castro
Cagan has warned that, “If marches
do not work, we will escalate. We
will have to do things to disrupt
the normal flow of life in this
country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This
threat of sabotage should not be
lightly given the history of more
than 1,000 domestic bombings during
the Vietnam War.

The agendas of the so-called
“peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
anti-American. Its organizers have
worked with America’s enemies in
past and are continuing to do so
in the midst of this war. This is
very definition of a political
“fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
Americans concerned about the
future of their country should take a
look at these protests and those
who support them.


THE WAR ROOM is a guide to
strategy and tactics for conservatives and
centrists in framing issues that
divide our nation and affect its
future. Email subscriptions are
$30 for one year or 48 issues. Click

2w/input?can_ref=738> here to
subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
of several bo! oks, including
Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
Uncivil Wars.

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Valentine’s Day

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From: “Sara” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Live and let die ,
Date: February 18, 2003 at 10:46:06 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Afterlife is not even Moslim but Bwiti , Afterlife is a common kabblistic thought , People who take Iboga talk to the dead ,not all the dead are happy some are not happy because they regret the life path they had followed while living on earth, Hitler and Moses Buddah didn’t go to the same place up there, levels are in life and in death the tree of life is there to teach us about those levels of the sefirot , transformation , exorcisme . communicate with spirit guides teaches us to trust the path of uncondicional love .Heaven and hell is just an idea , the reason we got those idea’s is because we have a good fantasie ,But it isn’t bullshit ,what is in the mind can be real too .This will make you proud to be an American :http://www.michaelparenti.org/HiddenHolocaust.html even if half of it is the truth .people are seeking the transformation of their energy in all kind of ways and they hope someone can help them or do it for them the easy way out which doesn’t work, Iboga isn’t the easy way out , stopping the vomit is like stopping the iboga to do what it got to do ,Stopping what it got to do is like not trusting a sacrament , not trusting isn’t shamanic .Sacraments are used for trancsformation of energy only if the intention are within the person himself.
More bullshit is yet to come .

From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Live and let die ,

After life? Well if you are a Muslim and you commit suicide, assuming you are a male, you will get to have 72 virgins? What a concocted bullshit story! What morons are these Muslims!
Life is energy, it is colorless, it can not be created nor destroyed, it simply moves from one entity to another, yes reincarnation. Once your body dies, the energy moves on, in essence one never dies!
Death can not be bad, no one has ever come back with complaints!
—– Original Message —–
From: Sara
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 2:19 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Live and let die ,

We will have to deal with our afterlife each one of us ,

the one who uses most of the world energy , consuming
is the killer ,America the land of live and let die ,
take , trush and crash  .

thanks Dana, for thinking of me becoming homeless in April ,

Thanks a lot for sure there is a resevation for you up there in Hell !!!


From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 18, 2003 at 9:29:12 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Yes of course.
It was the wrong addy,try www.ethnoplanet.dk.
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

http://ethnogarden.dk  does not work, anyone else have a place to go?
—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

As to the best of my knowledge,Indra is not open anymore.
However you can obtain exstract,and HCL at http://ethnogarden.dk

I hope you can use this.:o)

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Moore
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Sweetheart, what connotation does that imply?

—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:57 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Sounds like a very good move.Ibo will be much better  for everybody.Okay some could get their Methadone,but most people would benefit from Ibo I`m sure.

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Have you ever read your history? The lack of might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I am most certainly attempting to get the local government to drop their methadone program and use ibogaine.
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For some reason, I think it may have a very profound effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates” 
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out! of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan cons! ensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
>> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself withi! n weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figur! ehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on! the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will ! be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several bo! oks, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

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Powered by Outblaze

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Fw: [Newsroom-L] The Terrible Truth
Date: February 18, 2003 at 9:20:14 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Like everything in life, it is a matter of choice. If one can not handle one’s daily problems, one jumps on food, alcoholic drinks, smoking, then drugs, but not necessarily in that order. It is a way to forget, it has been said, that Vodka was the poor man’s psychiatrist in Russia!
—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: drugwar@mindvox.com
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 1:09 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: [Newsroom-L] The Terrible Truth

—– Original Message —–
From: John French
To: Newsroom-l
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:00 PM
Subject: [Newsroom-L] The Terrible Truth

This ten minute long, very camp1950s movie analyzes drug addiction for us,
and lays some blame on — you guessed it — the Russians. It is so absurd
it goes past funny, through serious, and back out the other end.

The best part of it is that if we watch closely, we can see the same
message that’s being pushed today. (I use the royal we to help you get the
feeling for when the reform minded judge in the movie uses it.)

Its a 30MB file in DIVX (.avi) format, so i just let it download while
doing other stuff.

[Watch out for breaking URLs]

They have loads of other flicks at this site, so get out the popcorn and
hunker down. The other one i downloaded even came close to having a “today”
name… it is “Duck and Cover” how to protect yourself from the atomic
bomb. I swear I remember having to sit through it as a TEEN, for god’s
sakes. Today’s name, of course, would be something like “Wrap and Duck It,”
or maybe just “Duck Them” would suffice.

It would all be so much funnier if 21 people hadn’t panicked and died in
Chicago because the people that crushed them to death believed that crap
about the colors.

John French

Newsroom-l mailing list

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Live and let die ,
Date: February 18, 2003 at 9:17:09 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

After life? Well if you are a Muslim and you commit suicide, assuming you are a male, you will get to have 72 virgins? What a concocted bullshit story! What morons are these Muslims!
Life is energy, it is colorless, it can not be created nor destroyed, it simply moves from one entity to another, yes reincarnation. Once your body dies, the energy moves on, in essence one never dies!
Death can not be bad, no one has ever come back with complaints!
—– Original Message —–
From: Sara
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 2:19 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Live and let die ,

We will have to deal with our afterlife each one of us ,

the one who uses most of the world energy , consuming
is the killer ,America the land of live and let die ,
take , trush and crash  .

thanks Dana, for thinking of me becoming homeless in April ,

Thanks a lot for sure there is a resevation for you up there in Hell !!!


From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 18, 2003 at 9:13:36 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

http://ethnogarden.dk  does not work, anyone else have a place to go?
—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 4:36 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

As to the best of my knowledge,Indra is not open anymore.
However you can obtain exstract,and HCL at http://ethnogarden.dk

I hope you can use this.:o)

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Moore
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Sweetheart, what connotation does that imply?

—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:57 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Sounds like a very good move.Ibo will be much better  for everybody.Okay some could get their Methadone,but most people would benefit from Ibo I`m sure.

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Have you ever read your history? The lack of might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I am most certainly attempting to get the local government to drop their methadone program and use ibogaine.
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For some reason, I think it may have a very profound effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates” 
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out! of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan cons! ensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
>> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself withi! n weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figur! ehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on! the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will ! be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several bo! oks, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

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Get your free email from http://www.graffiti.net
Powered by Outblaze

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 9:09:03 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The USA is continuing the Desert Storm War, because the UN is acting like the League of Nations after WWI, when the Allies kicked Germany’s butt. Germany agreed not to rearm and Hitler broke that treaty and WWII came about.
Today, with the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germany, who both sell equipment to Iraq that helps them break their treaty with the now useless UN and NATO, because of the gutless French and German, both of whom have short memories! The US left over 150,000 men buried in France helping them to get rid of the Nazi’s and Germany was built up by the US after the war – read your history!
If the US so deemed it, we would be running on alternative energy today, the technology is here, unfortunately, people like Bush and Cheney have their personal fortunes in the Oil Mafia!
—– Original Message —–
From: Ustanova Iboga
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 9:42 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Iraq

Hi all,

perhaps you don’t know, but USA are after Iraq not because of oil, but
because Iraq decided not to keep money reserves in US& anymore, but
switched to EURO. This made US$ a few % cheaper… and all OPEC countries
are thinking to switch to EURO, too, and that would make US$ drop for
40%… So, USA has to prevent this, ergo – Bush is after Iraq.

Can’t find the link, but here’s another link which you’ll love! Well, most
of you, anywayz ;-))


From: Ustanova Iboga <Iboga@guest.arnes.si>
Subject: [ibogaine] Iraq
Date: February 18, 2003 at 8:42:28 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi all,

perhaps you don’t know, but USA are after Iraq not because of oil, but because Iraq decided not to keep money reserves in US& anymore, but switched to EURO. This made US$ a few % cheaper… and all OPEC countries are thinking to switch to EURO, too, and that would make US$ drop for 40%… So, USA has to prevent this, ergo – Bush is after Iraq.

Can’t find the link, but here’s another link which you’ll love! Well, most of you, anywayz ;-))


From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Where is Gekko? INDRA.DK ?
Date: February 18, 2003 at 6:46:16 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Marc…
Yes Ethno IS operating,but I gave you a wrong addy.Sorry.It´´s
I have just ordered some Ibo HCL for myself.I`m from Copenhagen too.I mailed with Claus from that shop 3 days ago.

I would ask you,do you have a kind of protocol or “manual” I can use?I`m taking a cure in about a week,so I would love to have some good advice?Thanks!

—– Original Message —–
From: A J Dietterle
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 12:13 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Where is Gekko? INDRA.DK ?

The website below is not operating either?

Anyone know how to contact INDRA?

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/18/03 12:36 AM, Søren Løvfelt at isl46726@image.dk wrote:

As to the best of my knowledge,Indra is not open anymore.
However you can obtain exstract,and HCL at http://ethnogarden.dk

I hope you can use this.:o)


From: A J Dietterle <ajdietterle@dccnet.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Where is Gekko? INDRA.DK ?
Date: February 18, 2003 at 6:13:41 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The website below is not operating either?

Anyone know how to contact INDRA?

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

on 2/18/03 12:36 AM, Søren Løvfelt at isl46726@image.dk wrote:

As to the best of my knowledge,Indra is not open anymore.
However you can obtain exstract,and HCL at http://ethnogarden.dk

I hope you can use this.:o)


From: “Allison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] treatment initiative called “too expensive”
Date: February 18, 2003 at 4:51:19 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

am sure if they thought about it properly it would be a far more economical
solution than incarcerating non-violent offenders in prison for years on end
which costs heaps, doesn’t address the addiction problem and I really fail
how it could jeopardise a drug court.  I would have thought it would be more
pro active all round.  Allison
—– Original Message —–
From: “Dana Beal” <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 1:52 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] treatment initiative called “too expensive”

Pubdate: Tue, 11 Feb 2003
Source: Washington Post (DC)
Page: B01
Copyright: 2003 The Washington Post Company
Contact: letters@washpost.com
Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/491
Author: Arthur Santana, Washington Post Staff Writer


Initiative Illegally Dictates Spending, Court Says

An initiative passed by D.C. voters last fall that would require the
city to offer treatment to scores of nonviolent drug offenders cannot
take effect because it illegally dictates how the D.C. government must
spend its money, a judge ruled yesterday.

The ruling by D.C. Superior Court Judge Jeanette J. Clark was a
victory for the D.C. government, which filed suit to block the
initiative from becoming law. D.C. officials said the measure would
generate huge costs and jeopardize the future of an existing drug court.

Voters overwhelmingly approved Initiative 62, which was meant to give
certain nonviolent drug offenders the option of having their criminal
cases dismissed by entering drug treatment programs.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v03.n235.a08.html


From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 18, 2003 at 3:36:11 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

As to the best of my knowledge,Indra is not open anymore.
However you can obtain exstract,and HCL at http://ethnogarden.dk

I hope you can use this.:o)

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Moore
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Sweetheart, what connotation does that imply?

—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:57 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Sounds like a very good move.Ibo will be much better  for everybody.Okay some could get their Methadone,but most people would benefit from Ibo I`m sure.

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Have you ever read your history? The lack of might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I am most certainly attempting to get the local government to drop their methadone program and use ibogaine.
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For some reason, I think it may have a very profound effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates” 
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out! of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan cons! ensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
>> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself withi! n weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figur! ehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on! the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will ! be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several bo! oks, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

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From: “Sara” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: [ibogaine] Live and let die ,
Date: February 18, 2003 at 1:19:10 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

We will have to deal with our afterlife each one of us ,

the one who uses most of the world energy , consuming
is the killer ,America the land of live and let die ,
take , trush and crash  .

thanks Dana, for thinking of me becoming homeless in April ,

Thanks a lot for sure there is a resevation for you up there in Hell !!!


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: [Newsroom-L] The Terrible Truth
Date: February 18, 2003 at 12:09:46 AM EST
To: <drugwar@mindvox.com>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

—– Original Message —–
From: John French
To: Newsroom-l
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:00 PM
Subject: [Newsroom-L] The Terrible Truth

This ten minute long, very camp1950s movie analyzes drug addiction for us,
and lays some blame on — you guessed it — the Russians. It is so absurd
it goes past funny, through serious, and back out the other end.

The best part of it is that if we watch closely, we can see the same
message that’s being pushed today. (I use the royal we to help you get the
feeling for when the reform minded judge in the movie uses it.)

Its a 30MB file in DIVX (.avi) format, so i just let it download while
doing other stuff.

[Watch out for breaking URLs]

They have loads of other flicks at this site, so get out the popcorn and
hunker down. The other one i downloaded even came close to having a “today”
name… it is “Duck and Cover” how to protect yourself from the atomic
bomb. I swear I remember having to sit through it as a TEEN, for god’s
sakes. Today’s name, of course, would be something like “Wrap and Duck It,”
or maybe just “Duck Them” would suffice.

It would all be so much funnier if 21 people hadn’t panicked and died in
Chicago because the people that crushed them to death believed that crap
about the colors.

John French

Newsroom-l mailing list

From: A J Dietterle <ajdietterle@dccnet.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Iboga Therapy House
Date: February 17, 2003 at 11:00:47 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The Iboga Therapy House has been operating now for nearly four months. We
have treated about 20 people here, six were heroin/methadone users but the
majority are crack cocaine users, most long-term.

All patients can receive two treatments, that is, two doses anywhere from 14
days apart to months later. Of the 20 treated, we keep in contact with 18,
two others were returned to a shelter (completely against our protocol, but
their new safe location became unavailable) and we have lost track of them.

Since shelters are the most likely places for any drug dependent person to
acquire drugs (often on credit or ‘spotted’), you can’t expect any dependent
person to be drug free if they return to a serious drug infested
neighbourhood or builfding/situation with a vigorous addict scene.

Thus we tend to get middle class people with a loving partner, parents
(often the case, even for people 30 – 40), who were, up to recently,

With one exception, all had childhood traumas with their parents/upbringing,
including early death of a parent, adoption at birth, a parent in prison,

Most patients have been male (15), only five have been female.

The timeline of the iboga experience using INDRA extract (20% ibogaine) is
usually this:

at 45 minutes – 60 minutes, a buzzing sound
at 60 – 90 minutes, flashing lights, light trails, wavy walls, optical
at 90 minutes onward, visualizations begin. In heroin users, withdrawl ends
at 150 minutes onward, visualizations get heavier, more intense

lasting anywhere from 6 hours to 30 hours.

We found larger men, overweight, tended to more nausea. All patients receive
gravol (100 mg) half hour after the test dose, half hour before main dose.

Minimum dose (3,000 mg) -this patient had not used crack cocaine for 3 weeks
to the more standard dose of 4,500 mg for those who may have used up to 24
hours before, up to 5,200 mg (large individual).

Our protocol is that patients don’t eat food for fifteen hours prior to main

We check pulse evey half hour, we write notes about any interesting event,
but after 20 patients, there are few health anomolies, although we have seen
a trend to obese individuals being more susceptible to nausea than the

The visualizations are seen by the patient in a screen like manner, a series
of rapid fire images that pertain to the individuals past, and health
issues. No one speaks during the visualization period, which, as I have
noted, lasts 6 – 30 hours. The patient is too distracted if we ask
questions, and the patient can hardly make sense of it while it is
happening. Understanding what was seen takes place about 24 hours+ later,
usually 48 – 96 hours later, and continues for weeks.

At the 48 hour mark after ingestation, the patient usually feels quiet, a
little low, and craves to be by a family member or loved when. At this point
they usually want to go to that home, which is ill advised, because over the
next number of days, the revelations will really begin. At the Iboga House,
we have a weight room, art aisles, guitars, etc., and a beautiful forest &
ocean setting for walks, where we could make best use of the period (72
hours+ after main dose) of increased  energy, optimism, and a long waking
time. Patients only require 2 – 3 hours of sleep after the 72 hour mark,
this continues for two to three weeks.

All signs of drug dependency evaporate, but we found if we let patients have
cogarettes, they will smoke them, even though they taste very bad after
ibogaine.Now we don’t permit them anywhere near here, and patients don’t
want them if they can’t access them.

Ibogaine has an amazing thing, consumables that are bad for you (sugar,
beer, potato chips, processed crap, addictive drugs) taste very bad when the
patient tries them. Thats why we give the crack cocaine patients a daily
supplement of 20 mg. ibogaine hydrochloride for 20 days after the 48 hour
mark of the main dose. We have found this has increased our success levels a
fair bit.

Of the 18 patients we can access (and we do keep tabs on all that we can,
every 3 or 4 days), no one is using drugs anywhere near the extent that they
did prior to treatment, all feel remarkably better (though, of course, it
can still be a struggle) and 10 have not used their ‘addictive’ problem
child at all.

One of our facillitators, Linette, was administered a dose of 2,500 mg.,
four weeks ago, and was profoundly affected by the experience. She
immediately went home to her family in Winnipeg after the experience and
straightened up a number of family issues that had been problematic
previously. She felt that many issues of her past affecting her present were
made clean by her ibogaine experience. She is seriously planning a trip to
take ibogaine with the Bwiti in Gabon, but otherwise, Linette says (like
many of our patients) she can still ‘smell’, ‘taste’ the ibogaine still on
occasion, and she doesn’t want to take it again except with the Bwiti (whom
she saw in her visualizations).

If anyone you know or anyone reading this has drug dependency issues that
could benefit by the ibogaine experience, applications can be forwarded to


Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

From: “paul jackamo” <pauljackamo@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] norharman produced by heating L-Tryptophan
Date: February 17, 2003 at 10:47:28 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Greetings all –
Havent had web access for the last few months and have really missed my mindvox data streams.
Five months into my second ibogaine treatment..a few fuck ups on the way,still surfing the learning curve…
Anyway,typed in norharman on google and the following came up :

“The beta-carboline compound, norharman, is produced by heating L-tryptophan, and is known to be present in cooked foods and in cigarette smoke at higher levels than mutagenic and carcinogenic HCAs. While norharman is not itself mutagenic to Salmonella, it does become mutagenic to S. typhimurium TA98 with S9 mix in the presence of non-mutagenic aromatic amines like aniline and o-toluidine.”

Anyone care to comment on the above passage, is it really that simple to produce norharman ? I doubt it seriously but i am not a chemist so i would be interested on any feedback.

Any more data on 18-MC in the public domain ? – I doubt that too, but things move on……

no epistemology without pharmacology.


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From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] (OT) Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 9:47:21 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

whats’is face wrote >Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who
both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD…<

LOL, if this person weren’t so scary (I apologize to the list, but listening
to the boob tube talking heads behind me talking about how heroic Bush/Blair
are going to heroicly ignore the protests, well, people like this dude here
I can at least respond to even if I don’t think it’ll do much good…the
boobs on the boobtube I can’t)-

Officers Say U.S. Aided Iraq in War Despite Use of Gas

ASHINGTON, Aug. 17 – A covert American program during the Reagan
administration provided Iraq with critical battle planning assistance at a
time when American intelligence agencies knew that Iraqi commanders would
employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war,
according to senior military officers with direct knowledge of the program.
Those officers, most of whom agreed to speak on the condition that they not
be identified, spoke in response to a reporter’s questions about the nature
of gas warfare on both sides of the conflict between Iran and Iraq from 1981
to 1988. Iraq’s use of gas in that conflict is repeatedly cited by President
Bush and, this week, by his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, as
justification for “regime change” in Iraq.
The covert program was carried out at a time when President Reagan’s top
aides, including Secretary of State George P. Shultz, Defense Secretary
Frank C. Carlucci and Gen. Colin L. Powell, then the national security
adviser, were publicly condemning Iraq for its use of poison gas, especially
after Iraq attacked Kurds in Halabja in March 1988.


US buys up Iraqi oil to stave off crisis

Seizing reserves will be an allied priority if forces go in

Faisal Islam and Nick Paton Walsh in Moscow
Sunday January 26, 2003
The Observer

Facing its most chronic shortage in oil stocks for 27 years, the US has this
month turned to an unlikely source of help – Iraq.
Weeks before a prospective invasion of Iraq, the oil-rich state has doubled
its exports of oil to America, helping US refineries cope with a
debilitating strike in Venezuela.
After the loss of 1.5 million barrels per day of Venezuelan production in
December the oil price rocketed, and the scarcity of reserves threatened to
do permanent damage to the US oil refinery and transport infrastructure. To
keep the pipelines flowing, President Bush stopped adding to the 700m barrel
strategic reserve.
But ultimately oil giants such as Chevron, Exxon, BP and Shell saved the day
by doubling imports from Iraq from 0.5m barrels in November to over 1m
barrels per day to solve the problem. Essentially, US importers diverted
0.5m barrels of Iraqi oil per day heading for Europe and Asia to save the
American oil infrastructure.
The trade, though bizarre given current Pentagon plans to launch around 300
cruise missiles a day on Iraq, is legal under the terms of UN’s oil for food
But for opponents of war, it shows the unspoken aim of military action in
Iraq, which has the world’s second largest proven reserves – some 112
billion barrels, and at least another 100bn of unproven reserves, according
to the US Department of Energy. Iraqi oil is comparatively simple to
extract – less than $1 per barrel, compared with $6 a barrel in Russia.
Soon, US and British forces could be securing the source of that oil as a
priority in the war strategy. The Iraqi fields south of Basra produce prized
‘sweet crudes’ that are simpler to refine.
On Friday, Pentagon sources said US military planners ‘have crafted
strategies that will allow us to secure and protect those fields as rapidly
as possible in order to then preserve those prior to destruction’.

A discreet way of doing business with Iraq
FT.com site; Nov 3, 2000
Millions of dollars of US oil business with Iraq are being channelled
discreetly through European and other companies, in a practice that has
highlighted the double standards now dominating relations between Baghdad
and Washington after a decade of crippling sanctions.
Though legal, leading US oil service companies such as Halliburton, Baker
Hughes, Schlumberger, Flowserve, Fisher-Rosemount and others, have used
subsidiaries and joint venture companies for this lucrative business, so as
to avoid straining relations with Washington and jeopardising their ties
with President Saddam Hussein’s government in Baghdad.
By submitting their contracts to the UN via mainly French subsidiaries, many
of which do little more than lend their name to the transaction, the
companies are treated as European, rather than US or Japanese, applicants.

Ex-CIA Director Confesses U.S. Supplied Iraq With Anthrax Bacteria in 80s


TEHRAN The former director of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) confessed
that the U.S. had supplied the Iraqi regime with the anthrax bacteria during
80s — Iran-Iraq wartime.

The anthrax bacteria were available at many labs of the U.S. and were
distributed among different countries including Iraq during 80s, the
official news agency of Spain, EFE, quoted the ex-CIA head, James Wosely, as
saying on Sunday.


U.S. Had Key Role in Iraq Buildup
Trade in Chemical Arms Allowed Despite Their Use on Iranians, Kurds

by Michael Dobbs

High on the Bush administration’s list of justifications for war against
Iraq are President Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons, nuclear and
biological programs, and his contacts with international terrorists. What
U.S. officials rarely acknowledge is that these offenses date back to a
period when Hussein was seen in Washington as a valued ally.

Among the people instrumental in tilting U.S. policy toward Baghdad during
the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war was Donald H. Rumsfeld, now defense secretary,
whose December 1983 meeting with Hussein as a special presidential envoy
paved the way for normalization of U.S.-Iraqi relations. Declassified
documents show that Rumsfeld traveled to Baghdad at a time when Iraq was
using chemical weapons on an “almost daily” basis in defiance of
international conventions.

—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

We have a nasty habit of installing whatever government is most expedient to
our interests, very seldom democracies, especially in the Middle East. You
obviously have a very poor grasp of history.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans,
we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of
yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French
soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today
does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam
equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would
have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN
forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March
1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the
continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success
to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his
business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to
find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of
collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been
avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with
the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to
disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just
went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did
nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min,
loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but
out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a
Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his
fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace
(Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab
countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing
Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs
to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s
unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even
more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up
what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist
today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no
matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support
“freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and
supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later
became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran
for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government
says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate,
and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as
instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitimate in
the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil
barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story,
and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to
straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually,
it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to
Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the
government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the
pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal
mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or
who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And
this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’
intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current
situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building
there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your
leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,”
because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t
believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the
ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking
about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how
it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this
change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow
Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the
supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest
(which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to
the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as
“preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did
not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue,
the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm.
The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the
combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has
not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of
Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have
short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the
World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face
of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one
day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By

This is the first issue of The War Room in its
non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
our national strength. *

The “Anti-War” Movement
Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think

For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
support our government and our nation against its foes.

Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
“pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
with America’s enemies.

Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.

At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the

John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”

So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).

On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
the Vietnam War.

The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
look at these protests and those who support them.


THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click

2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
Uncivil Wars.

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From: A J Dietterle <ajdietterle@dccnet.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] www.indra.dk website not functioning for me
Date: February 17, 2003 at 9:32:53 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hello everyone. We have treated twenty people now at the Iboga Therapy house, and Linette, one of our fine facillitators, has also been profoundly affected by her ibogaine experience (2,800 mg INDRA extract) three weeks ago also.

I shall try to prepare a report for the group here, (lest you all get distracted by the war coming up shortly), on our observations and experiences.

For example, the patients most likely to experience alot of nausea are big bodied crack cocaine users, those experiencing the least nausea are wiry thin heroin/methadone users. We think the large people have fat tisues in the stomach which the acidic extract agitates, plus the cocaine people have usually put alot of the substance through their body where the liver and stomach process fairly large amounts over time. If you think of it, its usually larger bodied, overeating people that get ‘heartburn’/’acid reflux’.

We have had good results from the patients with crack cocaine problems when we give them a dose ranging from 3,000 – 5,200 mg INDRA extract, plus a daily supplement of 20 mg Ibogaine hydrochloride for 20 days therafter the 48 hour mark of the original dose.

By the bye, I need to get hold of www.indra.dk but I cannot get the website to work. Does anyone know how I may contact him?

Marc Emery
Iboga Therapy House

P.S. If anyone you know or yourself would like to receive IBOGA THERAPY to treat repetitive, self-destructive behaviour patterns/drug dependecy, please apply to our health profile screener at sandra@ibogatherapyhouse.org

Our website is at www.ibogatherapyhouse.org and will be filling up with content shortly.

DETAILS Magazine is here at the Iboga Therapy House writing about our work. The author, Gary Greenburg, is extremely well informed about the ibogaine situation.

From: Jon Freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 7:52:16 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Although it might not be a good idea to give a psychedelic to someone who
is visibly psychotic… =)

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Sandra K wrote:

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For some reason, I think it may have a very profound effect on

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates”
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted
them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over
150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today
does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had
you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he
did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of
darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had
claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business
building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were
right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that
could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm
themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and
the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what
it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not
a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to
unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they
better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of
installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated
government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about
it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet
nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no
matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing
Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the
Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran
for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the
democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted
coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not
illegitimate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil
barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more
than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of
freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to
Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and
foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of
things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are
around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is
all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the
Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler,
or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to
trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s
never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and
Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be
Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it
badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from
a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power,
acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest
(which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive”
strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises
when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when
Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a
menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN
has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations.
The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were
right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great
grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

From: “A. Moore” <27andy@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 7:13:21 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

that’s a good story!

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:36 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Lets try this method ….

General Pershing and the Terrorists

I believe that the General “Black Jack” Pershing found another way to
demonstrate the “Twist in the Wind” idea.

John J. Pershing:
Born September 13th, 1860 near Laclede, MS
Died July 15th, 1948 in Washington, D.C.
Education West Point.
1891 Professor of Military Science and Tactics University of Nebraska
1898 Serves in the Spanish-American War
1901 Promoted Captain
1906 Promoted Brigadier General
1909 Military Governor of Moro Province, Philippines
1916 Promoted Major General
1919 Promoted General of the Armies
1921 Appointed Chief of Staff
1924 Retired from active duty.

One important thing to note beforehand is that Muslims detest pork
because they believe pigs are filthy animals. Some of them simply refuse
to eat it, while others won’t even touch pigs at all, nor any of their
by-products. To them, eating or touching a pig, its meat, its blood,
etc., is to be instantly barred from paradise (and those 72 virgins) and
doomed to hell.

Just before World War I, there were a number of terrorist attacks on the
United States forces in the Philippines by; you guessed it, Muslim
extremists. So General Pershing captured 50 terrorists and had them tied
to posts execution style. He then had his men bring in two pigs and
slaughter them in front of the now horrified terrorists.

The soldiers then soaked their bullets in the pigs blood, and proceeded
to execute 49 of the terrorists by firing squad. The soldiers then dug a
big hole, dumped in the terrorist’s bodies and covered them in pig
blood, entrails, etc. They let the 50th man go. And for the next
forty-two years, there was not a single Muslim extremist attack anywhere
in the world!

—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

We have a nasty habit of installing whatever government is most expedient to our interests, very seldom democracies, especially in the Middle East. You obviously have a very poor grasp of history.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitimate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 6:34:52 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Lets try this method ….

General Pershing and the Terrorists

I believe that the General “Black Jack” Pershing found another way to
demonstrate the “Twist in the Wind” idea.

John J. Pershing:
Born September 13th, 1860 near Laclede, MS
Died July 15th, 1948 in Washington, D.C.
Education West Point.
1891 Professor of Military Science and Tactics University of Nebraska
1898 Serves in the Spanish-American War
1901 Promoted Captain
1906 Promoted Brigadier General
1909 Military Governor of Moro Province, Philippines
1916 Promoted Major General
1919 Promoted General of the Armies
1921 Appointed Chief of Staff
1924 Retired from active duty.

One important thing to note beforehand is that Muslims detest pork
because they believe pigs are filthy animals. Some of them simply refuse
to eat it, while others won’t even touch pigs at all, nor any of their
by-products. To them, eating or touching a pig, its meat, its blood,
etc., is to be instantly barred from paradise (and those 72 virgins) and
doomed to hell.

Just before World War I, there were a number of terrorist attacks on the
United States forces in the Philippines by; you guessed it, Muslim
extremists. So General Pershing captured 50 terrorists and had them tied
to posts execution style. He then had his men bring in two pigs and
slaughter them in front of the now horrified terrorists.

The soldiers then soaked their bullets in the pigs blood, and proceeded
to execute 49 of the terrorists by firing squad. The soldiers then dug a
big hole, dumped in the terrorist’s bodies and covered them in pig
blood, entrails, etc. They let the 50th man go. And for the next
forty-two years, there was not a single Muslim extremist attack anywhere
in the world!

—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

We have a nasty habit of installing whatever government is most expedient to our interests, very seldom democracies, especially in the Middle East. You obviously have a very poor grasp of history.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitimate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective >from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “A. Moore” <27andy@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 5:40:40 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sweetheart, what connotation does that imply?

—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:57 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Sounds like a very good move.Ibo will be much better  for everybody.Okay some could get their Methadone,but most people would benefit from Ibo I`m sure.

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Have you ever read your history? The lack of might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I am most certainly attempting to get the local government to drop their methadone program and use ibogaine.
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For some reason, I think it may have a very profound effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates” 
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out! of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan cons! ensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
>> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself withi! n weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figur! ehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on! the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will ! be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several bo! oks, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

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From: “A. Moore” <27andy@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 5:39:03 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I hope you use your product.

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:57 PM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Perfect we are not, but then again it does not get any better here, otherwise everyone would be running out instead of in!
As a minority who grew up with a Communist father, saw democracy for what it really was under McCarthyism, with Hoover’s boys creating havoc with Dad’s life, instead of chasing the Mafia, who had photos of Hoover and his boy friend, so he chased the reds instead! I am living proof of the American dream, I most certainly dreamed of becoming a millionaire and I did – the old fashion way, I imported talcum powder!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitimate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 5:13:47 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

We have a nasty habit of installing whatever government is most expedient to our interests, very seldom democracies, especially in the Middle East. You obviously have a very poor grasp of history.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitimate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective >from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate >from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 4:55:49 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Perfect we are not, but then again it does not get any better here, otherwise everyone would be running out instead of in!
As a minority who grew up with a Communist father, saw democracy for what it really was under McCarthyism, with Hoover’s boys creating havoc with Dad’s life, instead of chasing the Mafia, who had photos of Hoover and his boy friend, so he chased the reds instead! I am living proof of the American dream, I most certainly dreamed of becoming a millionaire and I did – the old fashion way, I imported talcum powder!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitimate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam >from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 4:55:40 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sounds like a very good move.Ibo will be much better  for everybody.Okay some could get their Methadone,but most people would benefit from Ibo I`m sure.

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Have you ever read your history? The lack of might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I am most certainly attempting to get the local government to drop their methadone program and use ibogaine.
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For some reason, I think it may have a very profound effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates” 
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective >from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out! of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan cons! ensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
>> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself withi! n weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figur! ehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on! the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will ! be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several bo! oks, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

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From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 4:35:19 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Have you ever read your history? The lack of might have had an ill effect upon you!
No sweetheart, I don’t do drugs, but I am most certainly attempting to get the local government to drop their methadone program and use ibogaine.
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For some reason, I think it may have a very profound effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates” 
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitim! ate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective >from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out! of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. ! Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate >from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] ! how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan cons! ensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
>> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself withi! n weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figur! ehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on! the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will ! be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace ! movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several bo! oks, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 4:32:08 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

A. Artze Associates

To unsubscribe send a blank email to the following


I hear your point(s), it is the hating and killing
part I have a problem with.


— “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net> wrote:
Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty
minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted
them while half became the Vichy government full of
yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over
150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where
the signing of the surrender of the Germans today
does not even have a sign posting the historical
value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans,
who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had
you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would
have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as
he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles
outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give
Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of
darkness and we own the night! It will be the
continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard
Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten
years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his
business building up WMD with the help of the French
and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it
will be a terrible way to find out that we were
right, terrible because there will be lots of
collateral damage as we will level Baghdad,
something that could have been avoided if the yellow
bellied French would have had the balls to side with
the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of
WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm
themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just
went about his business arming to the teeth, and the
League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and
NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French
in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what
it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out
of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not
a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to
Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to
unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11,
if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then
they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab
countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty
habit of installing Democracies, a form of
government that threatens all of the Dictatorships
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the
anti-war movement.

Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of
Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread,
but seriously, that’s unmitigated
government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and
it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it.
Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left
of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states
that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is
considering doing it again, no matter that the
hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to
support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power,
helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the
fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which
later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we
also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until
it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our
government says that the democratically-elected
Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been
involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as
well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez
protests. He’s not illegitimate in the least, but he
does not kowtow to the US at all, which is
frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But
Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve
been more than happy to support his chainsaw
paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in
the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because
there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US
and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked
by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and
foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most,
in the pocket. The government takes care of things
down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize
the rebels and any civilians who are around them or
who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US
acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip
of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain
wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines,
which was much more similar to the current situation
than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were
nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear,
it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when
they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of
“freedom,” because that’s never the real reason.
It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can
point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to
re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We
might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but
nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire,
amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten
its demise). And most of this change of perspective
from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow
Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic
power, acting with the supposed benefit of the
world, but really acting purely out of self-interest
(which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US.
Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the
anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It
should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but
rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did
not adhere to their promises when we kicked their
butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of
Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to
rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about.
Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of
Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the
UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same
league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy
French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They
have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be
a terrible way to show the World we were right,
terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the
face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what
they will get. So that one day my great grand son
will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat
line or whatever it is called!


—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views
the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the
shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al
Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind
doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte,
speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands
March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were
trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to
issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones
rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they
failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an
NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and
old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of
mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for
peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors
exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling
Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly
buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war
against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the
anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side


Volume 1              Thursday, February 13,
2003              By

This is the first issue of The War Room in its
non-partisan format, now published under the
auspices of
www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a
tactical guide for
and centrists in framing issues that divide
our nation and affect its
future. We are now engaged in a war that may
last a generation,
international foes whose main weapon is
terror and whose principal
targets are civilians. In these
circumstances it is vital that a
bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense
of the homeland. One
requirement of this defense is greater unity
on the home front. It is
important that domestic issues, which have
the potential to divide
Americans, be resolved in a manner that
strengthens rather than
the nation. The divisive issues in American
politics are those that
to divide us along the fault lines of class,
gender and race. The War
Room believes that these fault lines do not
run along a
Democrat-Republican bias but are the product
of a political left that
hostile to the national foundations. The War
Room believes that the
values of American individualism and
democracy, rooted in the
form the basis for our national unity and
are the essential elements
our national strength. *

The “Anti-War” Movement
Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think

For over a year our country has been at war
with a terrorist foe that
can infiltrate our borders with weapons of
mass destruction. We are
divided in our homeland on two fronts.
Reasonable people may disagree
over tactics and priorities in fighting this
war — for example over
which hostile agency or state to take on,
and at which point in time.
There have been critics of the
Administration’s war policy from both
Democrat and Republican side of the aisle.
But these critics share a
common concern for the defense of this
country, and in the end they
support our government and our nation
against its foes.

Not so the other opposition to the war,
which is a radical movement
Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the
Vietnam War and whose
political base is American universities.
This opposition to the war
terror manifested itself within weeks of
9/11 with aim of opposing an
American military response to the al-Qaeda
attacks. Its agendas are
“pacifist” and are not inspired by
dissatisfaction with any
American war or policy, but with the
American system itself. It is a
movement which cannot be appeased and which
is willing to collaborate
with America’s enemies.

Every major “anti-war” demonstration to
date, including the
demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in
October and January has been
organized and controlled by a self-styled
Communist group called the
Workers World Party, and its front
“International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
figurehead of this organization is former
Attorney General Ramsey
and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member
of the secretariat of the
World World Party. The WWP is aligned with
the North Korean Communist
regime and along with its figurehead has
supported the North
torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah
Khomeni regime in Iran,
Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.

At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by
the Workers World Party –
denounced America as an imperialist
aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
and called for “regime change” and
“revolution” in the United States.
imam from a Washington DC mosque led the
crowd in chants of “Allahu
Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide
bombers as they blow up
civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader
of the 9/11 suicide
gave these instructions to his team: “When
the confrontation begins,
strike like champions who do not want to go
back to this world.
‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in
the hearts of the

John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the
House Judiciary Committee
a featured speaker at the Workers World
Party “peace” rally, as was
former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia
McKinney. Representative
Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House
Ways and Means Committee
a letter of support. In a sister
demonstration in San Francisco, also
organized by the Workers World Party,
California State Senator,
John Burton, told the protesters that the
President of the United
was “full of s___” and was “f—ing

So appalling were these demonstrations that
older members of the left
disassociated themselves from this movement
in articles that appeared
leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the
L.A. Weekly (the latter
article was written by David Corn,
Washington editor of The Nation).

On February 15, an anti-war protest will be
held in New York City,
organized by a new group called “United for
Peace and Justice.” This
group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties
Marxist with a long
of supporting Communist causes. She was a
member of the Venceremos
Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence.
She was a member of the
Committees for Correspondence, a faction of
the Communist Party USA,
she is co-chair of the National Network on
Cuba an organization whose
purpose is propaganda and political support
for the Castro
Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not
work, we will escalate. We
will have to do things to disrupt the normal
flow of life in this
country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of
sabotage should not be
lightly given the history of more than 1,000
domestic bombings during
the Vietnam War.

The agendas of the so-called “peace
movement” are pro-Communist and
anti-American. Its organizers have worked
with America’s enemies in
past and are continuing to do so in the
midst of this war. This is
very definition of a political “fifth
column.” Honest dissenters and
Americans concerned about the future of
their country should take a
look at these protests and those who support


THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and
tactics for conservatives and
centrists in framing issues that divide our
nation and affect its
future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one
year or 48 issues. Click

2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now!
David Horowitz is the
of several books, including Radical Son, The
Politics of Bad Faith
Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “Sandra K” <windforme@graffiti.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 4:16:18 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Question, have you tried Ibogaine yet? For some reason, I think it may have a very profound effect on you…

—– Original Message —–
From: “A. Artze Associates” 
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 16:56:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitimate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

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From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 3:56:46 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Let’s see, in WWII, the French lasted about twenty minutes with the Germans, we came in and assisted them while half became the Vichy government full of yellow stripped backed bastards! We lost over 150,000 of our men on French soil. The school where the signing of the surrender of the Germans today does not even have a sign posting the historical value of that building.
Between the Vichy French and the Neo Nazi Germans, who both sell to Saddam equipment to make WMD, had you gone simply along with the USA, Saddam would have capitulated! Now he is clamoring a win just as he did when the UN forces stopped short of 30 miles outside of Baghdad during the Gulf War.
This is not a preemptive strike we are about to give Iraq on or about March 1st, it will be a week of darkness and we own the night! It will be the continuation of the Gulf War, that the bastard Saddam had claimed success to! Then went over ten years of Saddam stroking the UN and went about his business building up WMD with the help of the French and the Germans!
Should Iraq use the WMD to defend himself, then it will be a terrible way to find out that we were right, terrible because there will be lots of collateral damage as we will level Baghdad, something that could have been avoided if the yellow bellied French would have had the balls to side with the USA!
You don’t seem to know your history! At the end of WWI, Germany conceded to disarm and never to arm themselves again. Hitler (a Saddam look alike!) just went about his business arming to the teeth, and the League of Nations did nothing, just as the UN and NATO are doing today – wake up!
We made a big mistake in being loyal to the French in Viet Nam, Ho Chen Min, loved America and for what it stood for. He tried to get close to us, but out of loyalty to the Damn French we did not. He was not a Communist, but a Nationalist, he was drawn to Russia because he needed assistance in his fight to unite his country, we blew it there!
Sorry JT, but this is one war we need! After 9/11, if the Muslims want peace (Islam in Arabic) then they better earn it. The other Middle East Arab countries do not want us in Iraq, we have a nasty habit of installing Democracies, a form of government that threatens all of the Dictatorships there!
—– Original Message —–
From: Joshua Tinnin
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitimate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam >from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “Joshua Tinnin” <krinklyfig@myrealbox.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 17, 2003 at 3:49:23 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

> Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out.

Hogwash. Pure bullshit.

Sorry, didn’t mean to drag out a political thread, but seriously, that’s unmitigated government-sponsored propaganda you’re spewing, and it’s even more hyperbolic than they are about it. Britain, and later the US, carved up what was left of the Ottoman Empire into the puppet nation-states that exist today in the Middle East. Now, the US is considering doing it again, no matter that the hegemony never ended, and that our efforts to support “freedom” included bringing Saddam to power, helping to form Al Q’aeda and supporting the fundamentalist Muslims against the Soviets, which later became the Taliban. Oh, and the fact that we also supported the Shah of Iran for a while, until it was no longer convenient. Meanwhile, our government says that the democratically-elected Chavez in Venezuela is illegitimate, and has been involved in attempted coups to overthrow him, as well as instigating and engineering anti-Chavez protests. He’s not illegitimate in the least, but he does not kowtow to the US at all, which is frustrating oil barons who want a piece of it. But Uribe in Colombia is a different story, and we’ve been more than happy to support his chainsaw paramilitary to straighten things out, you know, in the name of freedom. Well, actually, it’s because there is a pipeline there which is crucial to the US and to Colombia’s military, which has been attacked by rebels repeatedly to hit the government and foreign investors the hardest where it hurts most, in the pocket. The government takes care of things down there by hiring brutal mercenaries to terrorize the rebels and any civilians who are around them or who happen to be in the way, all with tacit US acceptance, of course. And this is all just the tip of the iceberg.

You might want to read some of what Mark Twain wrote about the US’ intervention in the Phillipines, which was much more similar to the current situation than it is to WWII and Hitler, or Stalin. We were nation-building there, too. But, just to be clear, it’s never a good idea to trust your leaders when they are waging pre-emptive war in the name of “freedom,” because that’s never the real reason. It’s imperialistic. If you don’t believe me, I can point you to Perle and Wolfowitz’s vision to re-shape the ME, which is driving current policy. We might as well be Britain talking about Africa, but nobody seems to be thinking about the last Empire, amd how it badly bungled things (which helped hasten its demise). And most of this change of perspective from a Republic to an Empire stems >from Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy, one of an imperialistic power, acting with the supposed benefit of the world, but really acting purely out of self-interest (which is to be expected).

And, every Empire falls eventually, even the US. Dubya’s just getting us to the end that much faster.

– jt
—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 16, 2003 at 5:07:23 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

On or about March 1st, we will attack Iraq. It should not be referred to as “preemptive” strike but rather the continuation of the Gulf War, as they did not adhere to their promises when we kicked their butts. This is deja vue, the useless League of Nations after WWI when Germany agreed never to rearm. The League did nothing and WWII came about. Saddam is a menace equal to the combination of Hitler and Stalin and needs to be taken out. If the UN has not got the balls, then they are in the same league as the useless League of Nations. The Vichy French, and the Neo Nazi Germans be damned! They have short memories!
Should Iraq use WMD against the US, it would be a terrible way to show the World we were right, terrible because we will wipe out Baghdad >from the face of this Earth!
If the Muslims want a Jihad, by God that is what they will get. So that one day my great grand son will ask his father, daddy, what’s a Muslim?
Now kindly take my name off this useless chat line or whatever it is called!

—– Original Message —–
From: preston peet
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


> Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By
> David
> Horowitz
This is the first issue of The War Room in its
> new
> non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
> www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
> conservatives
> and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
> against
> international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
> targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
> bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
> requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
> important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
> Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
> weakens
> the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
> tend
> to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
> Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
> Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
> is
> hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
> values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
> Founding,
> form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
> of
> our national strength. *

> The “Anti-War” Movement
> Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think
> For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
> can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
> divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
> over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
> which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
> There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
> the
> Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
> common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
> support our government and our nation against its foes.
> Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
> with
> Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
> political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
> on
> terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
> American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
> not
> “pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
> particular
> American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
> movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
> with America’s enemies.
> Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
> demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
> organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
> Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
> figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
> Clark
> and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
> World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
> regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
> Vietnamese
> torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
> Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.
> At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
> denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
> and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
> An
> imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
> Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
> innocent
> civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
> bombers,
> gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
> strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
> Shout,
> ‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the
> non-believers.”
> John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
> was
> a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
> former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
> Charles
> Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
> sent
> a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
> organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
> Democrat
> John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
> States
> was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”
> So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
> disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
> in
> leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
> article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).
> On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
> organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
> group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
> history
> of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
> Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
> Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
> and
> she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
> purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
> dictatorship.
> Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
> will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
> country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
> taken
> lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
> the Vietnam War.
> The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
> anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
> the
> past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
> the
> very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
> Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
> hard
> look at these protests and those who support them.
>   _____
> THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
> centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
> future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click
> 2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
> author
> of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
> and
> Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 16, 2003 at 3:36:10 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


“The real patriots are standing up in the shadow of the United Nations today
and saying Give Peace a Chance” Rev. Al Sharpton, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
“Martin Luther King once said that if mankind doesn’t put an end to war, war
will put an end to Mankind.” Harry Bellefonte, speaking at the NYC Peace
Demonstration, February 15, 2003
New York Joins the World on the Road Towards Peace-
Defying Court Order, Hundreds of Thousands March in NYC, Joining With
Millions World-Wide Who Today Said “No War!”
by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
February 15, 2003
Adam and Jeremy want Bush to pursue Peace
If the city officials of New York really were trying to stop people from
marching against war on Iraq by refusing to issue a permit, and thought
having U.S. District Judge Barbara S. Jones rule against allowing a march
permit to be issued would stop marchers, they failed miserably. With figures
ranging from a 100,000 guesstimate from an NYPD spokesperson, to attendee
estimates of around 750,000, people young and old, of myriad nationalities,
races and creeds, filled the streets of mid-town Manhattan today with a
veritable carnival of civil disobedience for peace. Ignoring the
court-ordered ban on marching, protestors exercised their Constitutional
right to public protest, marching, telling Bush and the world in firm, loud
voices that not all US citizens are blindly buying into any proposed
pre-emptive strike and a subsequent war against Iraq, and will not be cowed
into silence.
Read Article and See Photos at above URL

—– Original Message —–
From: Vector Vector
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 10:50 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By

This is the first issue of The War Room in its
non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
our national strength. *

The “Anti-War” Movement
Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think

For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
support our government and our nation against its foes.

Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
“pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
with America’s enemies.

Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.

At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the

John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”

So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).

On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
the Vietnam War.

The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
look at these protests and those who support them.


THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click

2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: [ibogaine] Please remove my name
Date: February 15, 2003 at 8:25:21 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This chat room so to speak, is not what I thought it would be.

From: Vector Vector <vector620022002@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] how the right views the anti-war movement.
Date: February 15, 2003 at 10:50:11 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

this is so sick. but read it. the other side speaks.


Volume 1              Thursday, February 13, 2003              By

This is the first issue of The War Room in its
non-partisan format, now published under the auspices of
www.frontpagemag.com. The War Room is a tactical guide for
and centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
future. We are now engaged in a war that may last a generation,
international foes whose main weapon is terror and whose principal
targets are civilians. In these circumstances it is vital that a
bi-partisan consensus be formed on defense of the homeland. One
requirement of this defense is greater unity on the home front. It is
important that domestic issues, which have the potential to divide
Americans, be resolved in a manner that strengthens rather than
the nation. The divisive issues in American politics are those that
to divide us along the fault lines of class, gender and race. The War
Room believes that these fault lines do not run along a
Democrat-Republican bias but are the product of a political left that
hostile to the national foundations. The War Room believes that the
values of American individualism and democracy, rooted in the
form the basis for our national unity and are the essential elements
our national strength. *

The “Anti-War” Movement
Is A Bigger Problem Than You Think

For over a year our country has been at war with a terrorist foe that
can infiltrate our borders with weapons of mass destruction. We are
divided in our homeland on two fronts. Reasonable people may disagree
over tactics and priorities in fighting this war — for example over
which hostile agency or state to take on, and at which point in time.
There have been critics of the Administration’s war policy from both
Democrat and Republican side of the aisle. But these critics share a
common concern for the defense of this country, and in the end they
support our government and our nation against its foes.

Not so the other opposition to the war, which is a radical movement
Marxist roots, whose origins go back to the Vietnam War and whose
political base is American universities. This opposition to the war
terror manifested itself within weeks of 9/11 with aim of opposing an
American military response to the al-Qaeda attacks. Its agendas are
“pacifist” and are not inspired by dissatisfaction with any
American war or policy, but with the American system itself. It is a
movement which cannot be appeased and which is willing to collaborate
with America’s enemies.

Every major “anti-war” demonstration to date, including the
demonstrations on the Capitol Mall in October and January has been
organized and controlled by a self-styled Communist group called the
Workers World Party, and its front “International A.N.S.W.E.R.” The
figurehead of this organization is former Attorney General Ramsey
and its organizer is Brian Becker, a member of the secretariat of the
World World Party. The WWP is aligned with the North Korean Communist
regime and along with its figurehead has supported the North
torturers of American POWS, the Ayatollah Khomeni regime in Iran,
Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein.

At the Mall, the speakers – all selected by the Workers World Party –
denounced America as an imperialist aggressor and “the axis of evil,”
and called for “regime change” and “revolution” in the United States.
imam from a Washington DC mosque led the crowd in chants of “Allahu
Akbar,” which is the cry of the suicide bombers as they blow up
civilian targets. Mohammed Atta, the leader of the 9/11 suicide
gave these instructions to his team: “When the confrontation begins,
strike like champions who do not want to go back to this world.
‘Allahu Akbar,’ because this strikes fear in the hearts of the

John Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
a featured speaker at the Workers World Party “peace” rally, as was
former Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Representative
Rangel, the ranking Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee
a letter of support. In a sister demonstration in San Francisco, also
organized by the Workers World Party, California State Senator,
John Burton, told the protesters that the President of the United
was “full of s___” and was “f—ing America.”

So appalling were these demonstrations that older members of the left
disassociated themselves from this movement in articles that appeared
leftwing magazines like Salon.com and the L.A. Weekly (the latter
article was written by David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation).

On February 15, an anti-war protest will be held in New York City,
organized by a new group called “United for Peace and Justice.” This
group is headed by Leslie Cagan, a Sixties Marxist with a long
of supporting Communist causes. She was a member of the Venceremos
Brigades organized by Cuban Intelligence. She was a member of the
Committees for Correspondence, a faction of the Communist Party USA,
she is co-chair of the National Network on Cuba an organization whose
purpose is propaganda and political support for the Castro
Cagan has warned that, “If marches do not work, we will escalate. We
will have to do things to disrupt the normal flow of life in this
country.”(NYTimes, 2/04/03) This threat of sabotage should not be
lightly given the history of more than 1,000 domestic bombings during
the Vietnam War.

The agendas of the so-called “peace movement” are pro-Communist and
anti-American. Its organizers have worked with America’s enemies in
past and are continuing to do so in the midst of this war. This is
very definition of a political “fifth column.” Honest dissenters and
Americans concerned about the future of their country should take a
look at these protests and those who support them.


THE WAR ROOM is a guide to strategy and tactics for conservatives and
centrists in framing issues that divide our nation and affect its
future. Email subscriptions are $30 for one year or 48 issues. Click

2w/input?can_ref=738> here to subsribe now! David Horowitz is the
of several books, including Radical Son, The Politics of Bad Faith
Uncivil Wars.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping – Send Flowers for Valentine’s Day

From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Re: Xanex, [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
Date: February 14, 2003 at 6:10:11 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Im sorry if my mail was misunderstood.Xanax is indeed very habbit forming.I thought it was together with Ibo.Sorry.:o)

—– Original Message —–
From: A. Artze Associates
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 12:00 AM
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Xanex, [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…

I use Xanex with great care. If I am stressed out and worried about getting a heart attack, I’ll take a Xanex to help calm me down. I would not recommend it to be taken daily. I ended up in the hospital with vertigo, since then I handle Xanex with lots of care. It can be habit forming as well.
Alfred H. Artze
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…

The client had decided to not go ahead with the application for treatment in favour of working on other health issues first- namely endometriosis…
thanks for your response,

—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal 
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 16:23:37 -0500
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
I’m wondering if anybody has heard about OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) being a contraindication for Ibogaine treatment?
or endometriosis ?
What about use of Xanax and/or Trazadone ?
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Iboga Therapy House

I meant to comment when I first saw this, and passed it up. One of the other indications for ibogaine is treatment of OCD. In fact, addiction is properly a species of OCD with a chemical, psychological and economic component.

What happened with the treatment in question?


Get your free email from http://www.graffiti.net
Powered by Outblaze

From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
Date: February 14, 2003 at 6:07:50 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I don’t think I’d have a problem with Endometriosis, unless it was my wife’s problem.
But about the only drugs I’m on to are the prescription life sustaining drugs. If I could go without them, I would!
—– Original Message —–
From: Søren Løvfelt
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…

Hi there……
As far as I know,it´s NOT an obsticle for taking Ibo.
Endometriosis neither.

I know for a fact that Benzos are okay to take,if it´s not too many.

Have a good one
—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…

I’m wondering if anybody has heard about OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) being a contraindication for Ibogaine treatment?
or endometriosis ?
What about use of Xanax and/or Trazadone ?
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Iboga Therapy House

I meant to comment when I first saw this, and passed it up. One of the other indications for ibogaine is treatment of OCD. In fact, addiction is properly a species of OCD with a chemical, psychological and economic component.

What happened with the treatment in question?


From: “A. Artze Associates” <aaasj@coqui.net>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Xanex, [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
Date: February 14, 2003 at 6:00:46 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I use Xanex with great care. If I am stressed out and worried about getting a heart attack, I’ll take a Xanex to help calm me down. I would not recommend it to be taken daily. I ended up in the hospital with vertigo, since then I handle Xanex with lots of care. It can be habit forming as well.
Alfred H. Artze
—– Original Message —–
From: Sandra K
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…

The client had decided to not go ahead with the application for treatment in favour of working on other health issues first- namely endometriosis…
thanks for your response,

—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal 
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 16:23:37 -0500
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
I’m wondering if anybody has heard about OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) being a contraindication for Ibogaine treatment?
or endometriosis ?
What about use of Xanax and/or Trazadone ?
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Iboga Therapy House

I meant to comment when I first saw this, and passed it up. One of the other indications for ibogaine is treatment of OCD. In fact, addiction is properly a species of OCD with a chemical, psychological and economic component.

What happened with the treatment in question?


Get your free email from http://www.graffiti.net
Powered by Outblaze

From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
Date: February 14, 2003 at 5:51:51 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi there……
As far as I know,it´s NOT an obsticle for taking Ibo.
Endometriosis neither.

I know for a fact that Benzos are okay to take,if it´s not too many.

Have a good one
—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…

I’m wondering if anybody has heard about OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) being a contraindication for Ibogaine treatment?
or endometriosis ?
What about use of Xanax and/or Trazadone ?
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Iboga Therapy House

I meant to comment when I first saw this, and passed it up. One of the other indications for ibogaine is treatment of OCD. In fact, addiction is properly a species of OCD with a chemical, psychological and economic component.

What happened with the treatment in question?


From: “Sandra K” <windforme@graffiti.net>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
Date: February 14, 2003 at 5:30:45 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

The client had decided to not go ahead with the application for treatment in favour of working on other health issues first- namely endometriosis…
thanks for your response,

—– Original Message —–
From: Dana Beal 
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 16:23:37 -0500
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
I’m wondering if anybody has heard about OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) being a contraindication for Ibogaine treatment?
or endometriosis ?
What about use of Xanax and/or Trazadone ?
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Iboga Therapy House

I meant to comment when I first saw this, and passed it up. One of the other indications for ibogaine is treatment of OCD. In fact, addiction is properly a species of OCD with a chemical, psychological and economic component.

What happened with the treatment in question?


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From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] about OCD & Ibogaine…
Date: February 14, 2003 at 4:23:37 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I’m wondering if anybody has heard about OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) being a contraindication for Ibogaine treatment?
or endometriosis ?
What about use of Xanax and/or Trazadone ?
Any comments are greatly appreciated.

Iboga Therapy House

I meant to comment when I first saw this, and passed it up. One of the other indications for ibogaine is treatment of OCD. In fact, addiction is properly a species of OCD with a chemical, psychological and economic component.

What happened with the treatment in question?


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] treatment initiative called “too expensive”
Date: February 13, 2003 at 7:52:02 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Pubdate: Tue, 11 Feb 2003
Source: Washington Post (DC)
Page: B01
Copyright: 2003 The Washington Post Company
Contact: letters@washpost.com
Website: http://www.washingtonpost.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/491
Author: Arthur Santana, Washington Post Staff Writer


Initiative Illegally Dictates Spending, Court Says

An initiative passed by D.C. voters last fall that would require the
city to offer treatment to scores of nonviolent drug offenders cannot
take effect because it illegally dictates how the D.C. government must
spend its money, a judge ruled yesterday.

The ruling by D.C. Superior Court Judge Jeanette J. Clark was a
victory for the D.C. government, which filed suit to block the
initiative from becoming law. D.C. officials said the measure would
generate huge costs and jeopardize the future of an existing drug court.

Voters overwhelmingly approved Initiative 62, which was meant to give
certain nonviolent drug offenders the option of having their criminal
cases dismissed by entering drug treatment programs.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v03.n235.a08.html


From: Bernard C Phifer <chimp@zwallet.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’
Date: February 13, 2003 at 12:59:52 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

yes it is just what it says it is illegal no you don’t have to pay him he just does it out of fulfilling a need he doesn’t get paid or anything but i believe the police know about it and just turn a blind eye

Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 00:39:07 +1300
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

When you say “guy in a truck”  does that mean he is either a volunteer or
worker for a group or what??  Do you have to pay this guy and is that legal
or not legal.  Was just trying to understand that one so perhaps you could
provide a bit more information??  Thanks Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Bernard C Phifer <chimp@zwallet.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Cc: chimp@zwallet.com <chimp@zwallet.com>
Date: Thursday, 13 February 2003 11:22
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

here in north carolina there is no neele exchange programs except for
underground ones in high point nc a guy comes around in a grey ford truck
handing out individually wrapped rigs water bottles bleach alcohol pad
tourneys you can turn in your old gear or not try to go to a pharmacy around
that area and buy insulin neeles it’s not happening you must go at least
five miles away from the copping zone

Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 09:58:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and

Addicts can buy rigs here in pharmacies legally now, in NYC, but they
get this extra stuff along with the rigs. For that they have to go to one
the needle exchanges, where all the alcohol swabs, bleach,
treatment/use/health info phamplets and more are handed out along with the
—– Original Message —–
From: Alison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

I would have thought Canada would be far more ahead on that sort of issue.
Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and
sterilized.  The pack also contains info on the safest injecting sites of
the body,   keeping yourself and your gear clean and a list of addresses
suppliers of equipment,  as well as a plastic jar with lid to put used
needles etc into.  If you return your dirty gear which gets disposed of in
specific bin at the pharmacy you get $2.00 off your new pack.  Its
completely legal to walk in off the street and purchase the equipment.
oddity of the legal system is that you can purchase but if you are caught
busted with used equipment or drugs its a criminal offence but at least it
stops sharing gear and discourages people from dumping possible infected
equipment in parks or recreation areas etc.
Also in Sydney, Australia, they have opened a safe injection centre in
Cross.  There were lots of protests, definitely a lot of “Not in my
backyard”  sort of complaint but as far as I know it is still operating.
Perhaps someone in Australia knows more about that one.  Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2003 12:38
Subject: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Activists open safe injection site for drug users

Mark Hume
National Post

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

VANCOUVER – Leaning against the wall outside the Skyluck
Jewelers, one of the dozens of businesses closed on East
Hastings Street because of the corrosive influence of
epidemic drug use, the bone- thin woman asks a passerby:
“You got a rig to spare? Got a rig?”

Here she is, on a bright spring-like day, ready to shoot up
anything, with anybody’s needle. And in the process she
may contract HIV, or overdose on the spot, perhaps dying
in a nearby alley, curled up in a fetal position as
convulsions rack her body. Hundreds have.

Just a few doors up the street from where the desperate
addict is panhandling for a rig, a door opens from Canada’s
bleakest sidewalk into a room filled with light, music —
and, just maybe, hope.

In an unusual event yesterday, a group of social activists in
the Downtown Eastside opened what they want to become
North America’s first safe injection site for drug users.

In-Site, as the facility is called by Health Quest, is not much to
look at. There is a bright, freshly painted waiting room and
signs that advise you to take a number and wait until called.
Through a second door is a shooting gallery — six stainless
steel counters with adjacent sinks and mirrors — where up to
300 addicts a day are expected to inject heroin or cocaine.

They will bring their own drugs, but the rigs — clean needles,
tourniquets and alcohol swabs — will be provided by trained
staff, who will stand by in case someone gets sick or has an

In-Site seems like a simple solution, given that 2,200 people
have died of overdose deaths in British Columbia since 1994,
and the spread of HIV has reached epidemic proportions in the
Downtown Eastside.

But getting even this far — the site is merely a proposed
location, without government sanction to operate — has been
a monumental task for the harm-reduction proponents
advocating safe injection sites.

Kirsten Stuerzbecher, a member of the Health Quest board,
said one of the things that first struck her when she moved to
Canada was that there weren’t any safe injection sites — even
in Vancouver, where drug addiction and related problems have
ravished the Downtown Eastside.

“When I came over here the question I was asking myself was,
‘Why is this so hard? What’s the problem?’ ”

Ms. Stuerzbecher said safe injection facilities have long been
accepted in Germany. “What I came to understand is that it is
fear,” she said of Canada’s reluctance to embrace the concept.
“Here we are — it’s a sink, it’s a chair, it’s a table. It’s nothing
really, but people are afraid of it.

“Ultimately it’s a fear that having a site like this will send a
message that says, ‘It’s okay to use drugs.’

“Of course that’s not what this is all about at all. It’s about
saving lives. It’s about getting drug addicts off the streets, out
of the back alleys and into a supervised place like this, where
they can get help.

“The vision of the perfect society is for no one to use drugs.
But until we get there, then the goal is to save the lives of
those who do. I think that makes sense.”

Liz Edwards, a former nurse who is one of the forces behind
In-Site, said addicts manage to quit drugs only when they
decide to help themselves.

“But right now people aren’t even being able to get to that
place … You can’t detox if you’re dead,” she said.

Thousands of tulips were strewn around the In-Site facility
yesterday. Each one represented an overdose victim. The
flowers — more than 2,000 of them — spilled off the counters
and lay in stacks along the floor.

Ms. Edwards said Heath Quest is not condoning the use of
drugs. It is just looking for “another piece in the puzzle” to
combat the use of heroin, cocaine and other illicit substances.
“For us the issue is that people are dying,” she said.

Health Quest opened the facility to the media yesterday, to let
the public see what a safe injection site looks like, and to
prompt the government to take action.

The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority is currently working on
a proposal to the federal government, that will seek clearance
to operate a safe-injection facility.

Larry Campbell, the recently elected Mayor of Vancouver, has
endorsed the concept. He campaigned on a promise to have a
facility in operation by Jan. 1. The city was unable to get its
proposal together in time for that date, however, and now
hopes to have filed one by the middle of this month.

Sometime this spring the In-Site facility could become legally
operational. Between now and then, an unknown number of
drug addicts will cage rigs from strangers — and overdose in
the street.


Get Paid… With Your Free Email at

Get Paid… With Your Free Email at

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: May NYC iboga conference (Draft)
Date: February 13, 2003 at 12:19:36 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Cc: Richard Lake <rlake@mapinc.org>, dansmith@clark.net, lensman@stardrive.org, hward@wineshopper.com, DDanforbes@aol.com, daniel@breakingopenthehead.com, Mark@k-dunn.freeserve.co.uk, IMDJam@cs.com, gbekkum@mediaone.net, Gary@osborn-day.freeserve.co.uk, gschwart@u.arizona.edu, e-merrill2@ti.com, “Bob Ezergailis” <morpheal@bserv.com>, “cynthia ford” <maruta@wco.com>, “G. G. Ford” <swimp@shaw.ca>, <brumac@compuserve.com>, <yokatta@oxy.edu>, <kklingon@cwcom.net>, <cyrano@aqua.ocn.ne.jp>, “Adrian” <afme@ihug.co.nz>, dewatson@sunflower.com, CloudRider@aol.com, JagdishM@aol.com, phylegyas@hotmail.com, schwann@webtrance.co.za, ibogalab@hotmail.com, zentarot@hotmail.com, Paul DeRienzo <pdr@echonyc.com>, Stews@radiks.net, foozleman@worldnet.att.net, bmasel@tds.net, heff01@email.msn.com, kingfelix@mediaone.net, luxefair@bellsouth.net, cardboard_dada@yahoo.com, prophets@maui.net, m.pilkington@virgin.net, PCLARK@JJHILL.ORG, delaneyw@shasta.com, Edward Jahn <ejahn@barnard.edu>, derlock@mailexcite.com, “Andre Welling” <andre.welling@db.com>, Mitchel Cohen <mitchelcohen@mindspring.com>, “MUTANEX Command HAWAI’I” <mutanex@aloha.net>, miriamwhite420@hotmail.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, Nick Sandberg <nick.sandberg@virgin.net>, George Clayton Johnson <hempjack@earthlink.net>, axiom@greatmystery.org, dancegroove@nyc.rr.com, “warcry@indymedia.org” <warcrycinema@yahoo.com>, “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net>, philipkdick@yahoogroups.com, “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Dana,

Assuming I am in NYC, I would love to talk at your ibogaine panels in May.
Can you email the dates and other info?


Obviously you fit in  Sunday.

Citywide Forum on Separating Hard & Soft Drugs Utilizing Ibogaine
@ The Walker Stage – 56 Walker Street

Sunday, May 4th: Gabonnais Bwiti Syncreatic Apostolic Cultural
Immersion in the Ethnographic and Religious use of Iboga for
Sacramental Purposes. Traditional Healing and Religious Practice w.
Malendi and Laurent Sazi.  Treatment Providers incl. Sara Glatt, Eric
Taub, Howard Lotsof, Marco Resinovik

Monday, May 5th: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives on Approval
of Ibogaine for Treatment of Addiction. Scientific Panel with Kenneth
R. Alper, MD, et al …Discussion of Politics of Market Regulation w.
Dana Beal, Vic Hernandez, PhD, and  Boaz Wachtel

This draft is subject to revision.

From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’
Date: February 13, 2003 at 6:39:07 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

When you say “guy in a truck”  does that mean he is either a volunteer or
worker for a group or what??  Do you have to pay this guy and is that legal
or not legal.  Was just trying to understand that one so perhaps you could
provide a bit more information??  Thanks Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Bernard C Phifer <chimp@zwallet.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Cc: chimp@zwallet.com <chimp@zwallet.com>
Date: Thursday, 13 February 2003 11:22
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

here in north carolina there is no neele exchange programs except for
underground ones in high point nc a guy comes around in a grey ford truck
handing out individually wrapped rigs water bottles bleach alcohol pad
tourneys you can turn in your old gear or not try to go to a pharmacy around
that area and buy insulin neeles it’s not happening you must go at least
five miles away from the copping zone

Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 09:58:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and

Addicts can buy rigs here in pharmacies legally now, in NYC, but they
get this extra stuff along with the rigs. For that they have to go to one
the needle exchanges, where all the alcohol swabs, bleach,
treatment/use/health info phamplets and more are handed out along with the
—– Original Message —–
From: Alison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

I would have thought Canada would be far more ahead on that sort of issue.
Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and
sterilized.  The pack also contains info on the safest injecting sites of
the body,   keeping yourself and your gear clean and a list of addresses
suppliers of equipment,  as well as a plastic jar with lid to put used
needles etc into.  If you return your dirty gear which gets disposed of in
specific bin at the pharmacy you get $2.00 off your new pack.  Its
completely legal to walk in off the street and purchase the equipment.
oddity of the legal system is that you can purchase but if you are caught
busted with used equipment or drugs its a criminal offence but at least it
stops sharing gear and discourages people from dumping possible infected
equipment in parks or recreation areas etc.
Also in Sydney, Australia, they have opened a safe injection centre in
Cross.  There were lots of protests, definitely a lot of “Not in my
backyard”  sort of complaint but as far as I know it is still operating.
Perhaps someone in Australia knows more about that one.  Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2003 12:38
Subject: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Activists open safe injection site for drug users

Mark Hume
National Post

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

VANCOUVER – Leaning against the wall outside the Skyluck
Jewelers, one of the dozens of businesses closed on East
Hastings Street because of the corrosive influence of
epidemic drug use, the bone- thin woman asks a passerby:
“You got a rig to spare? Got a rig?”

Here she is, on a bright spring-like day, ready to shoot up
anything, with anybody’s needle. And in the process she
may contract HIV, or overdose on the spot, perhaps dying
in a nearby alley, curled up in a fetal position as
convulsions rack her body. Hundreds have.

Just a few doors up the street from where the desperate
addict is panhandling for a rig, a door opens from Canada’s
bleakest sidewalk into a room filled with light, music —
and, just maybe, hope.

In an unusual event yesterday, a group of social activists in
the Downtown Eastside opened what they want to become
North America’s first safe injection site for drug users.

In-Site, as the facility is called by Health Quest, is not much to
look at. There is a bright, freshly painted waiting room and
signs that advise you to take a number and wait until called.
Through a second door is a shooting gallery — six stainless
steel counters with adjacent sinks and mirrors — where up to
300 addicts a day are expected to inject heroin or cocaine.

They will bring their own drugs, but the rigs — clean needles,
tourniquets and alcohol swabs — will be provided by trained
staff, who will stand by in case someone gets sick or has an

In-Site seems like a simple solution, given that 2,200 people
have died of overdose deaths in British Columbia since 1994,
and the spread of HIV has reached epidemic proportions in the
Downtown Eastside.

But getting even this far — the site is merely a proposed
location, without government sanction to operate — has been
a monumental task for the harm-reduction proponents
advocating safe injection sites.

Kirsten Stuerzbecher, a member of the Health Quest board,
said one of the things that first struck her when she moved to
Canada was that there weren’t any safe injection sites — even
in Vancouver, where drug addiction and related problems have
ravished the Downtown Eastside.

“When I came over here the question I was asking myself was,
‘Why is this so hard? What’s the problem?’ ”

Ms. Stuerzbecher said safe injection facilities have long been
accepted in Germany. “What I came to understand is that it is
fear,” she said of Canada’s reluctance to embrace the concept.
“Here we are — it’s a sink, it’s a chair, it’s a table. It’s nothing
really, but people are afraid of it.

“Ultimately it’s a fear that having a site like this will send a
message that says, ‘It’s okay to use drugs.’

“Of course that’s not what this is all about at all. It’s about
saving lives. It’s about getting drug addicts off the streets, out
of the back alleys and into a supervised place like this, where
they can get help.

“The vision of the perfect society is for no one to use drugs.
But until we get there, then the goal is to save the lives of
those who do. I think that makes sense.”

Liz Edwards, a former nurse who is one of the forces behind
In-Site, said addicts manage to quit drugs only when they
decide to help themselves.

“But right now people aren’t even being able to get to that
place … You can’t detox if you’re dead,” she said.

Thousands of tulips were strewn around the In-Site facility
yesterday. Each one represented an overdose victim. The
flowers — more than 2,000 of them — spilled off the counters
and lay in stacks along the floor.

Ms. Edwards said Heath Quest is not condoning the use of
drugs. It is just looking for “another piece in the puzzle” to
combat the use of heroin, cocaine and other illicit substances.
“For us the issue is that people are dying,” she said.

Health Quest opened the facility to the media yesterday, to let
the public see what a safe injection site looks like, and to
prompt the government to take action.

The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority is currently working on
a proposal to the federal government, that will seek clearance
to operate a safe-injection facility.

Larry Campbell, the recently elected Mayor of Vancouver, has
endorsed the concept. He campaigned on a promise to have a
facility in operation by Jan. 1. The city was unable to get its
proposal together in time for that date, however, and now
hopes to have filed one by the middle of this month.

Sometime this spring the In-Site facility could become legally
operational. Between now and then, an unknown number of
drug addicts will cage rigs from strangers — and overdose in
the street.


Get Paid… With Your Free Email at

From: Bernard C Phifer <chimp@zwallet.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’
Date: February 12, 2003 at 5:17:01 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Cc: chimp@zwallet.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

here in north carolina there is no neele exchange programs except for underground ones in high point nc a guy comes around in a grey ford truck handing out individually wrapped rigs water bottles bleach alcohol pad tourneys you can turn in your old gear or not try to go to a pharmacy around that area and buy insulin neeles it’s not happening you must go at least five miles away from the copping zone

Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2003 09:58:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and

Addicts can buy rigs here in pharmacies legally now, in NYC, but they don’t
get this extra stuff along with the rigs. For that they have to go to one of
the needle exchanges, where all the alcohol swabs, bleach,
treatment/use/health info phamplets and more are handed out along with the
—– Original Message —–
From: Alison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

I would have thought Canada would be far more ahead on that sort of issue.
Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and
sterilized.  The pack also contains info on the safest injecting sites of
the body,   keeping yourself and your gear clean and a list of addresses of
suppliers of equipment,  as well as a plastic jar with lid to put used
needles etc into.  If you return your dirty gear which gets disposed of in a
specific bin at the pharmacy you get $2.00 off your new pack.  Its
completely legal to walk in off the street and purchase the equipment.  The
oddity of the legal system is that you can purchase but if you are caught or
busted with used equipment or drugs its a criminal offence but at least it
stops sharing gear and discourages people from dumping possible infected
equipment in parks or recreation areas etc.
Also in Sydney, Australia, they have opened a safe injection centre in Kings
Cross.  There were lots of protests, definitely a lot of “Not in my
backyard”  sort of complaint but as far as I know it is still operating.
Perhaps someone in Australia knows more about that one.  Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2003 12:38
Subject: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Activists open safe injection site for drug users

Mark Hume
National Post

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

VANCOUVER – Leaning against the wall outside the Skyluck
Jewelers, one of the dozens of businesses closed on East
Hastings Street because of the corrosive influence of
epidemic drug use, the bone- thin woman asks a passerby:
“You got a rig to spare? Got a rig?”

Here she is, on a bright spring-like day, ready to shoot up
anything, with anybody’s needle. And in the process she
may contract HIV, or overdose on the spot, perhaps dying
in a nearby alley, curled up in a fetal position as
convulsions rack her body. Hundreds have.

Just a few doors up the street from where the desperate
addict is panhandling for a rig, a door opens from Canada’s
bleakest sidewalk into a room filled with light, music —
and, just maybe, hope.

In an unusual event yesterday, a group of social activists in
the Downtown Eastside opened what they want to become
North America’s first safe injection site for drug users.

In-Site, as the facility is called by Health Quest, is not much to
look at. There is a bright, freshly painted waiting room and
signs that advise you to take a number and wait until called.
Through a second door is a shooting gallery — six stainless
steel counters with adjacent sinks and mirrors — where up to
300 addicts a day are expected to inject heroin or cocaine.

They will bring their own drugs, but the rigs — clean needles,
tourniquets and alcohol swabs — will be provided by trained
staff, who will stand by in case someone gets sick or has an

In-Site seems like a simple solution, given that 2,200 people
have died of overdose deaths in British Columbia since 1994,
and the spread of HIV has reached epidemic proportions in the
Downtown Eastside.

But getting even this far — the site is merely a proposed
location, without government sanction to operate — has been
a monumental task for the harm-reduction proponents
advocating safe injection sites.

Kirsten Stuerzbecher, a member of the Health Quest board,
said one of the things that first struck her when she moved to
Canada was that there weren’t any safe injection sites — even
in Vancouver, where drug addiction and related problems have
ravished the Downtown Eastside.

“When I came over here the question I was asking myself was,
‘Why is this so hard? What’s the problem?’ ”

Ms. Stuerzbecher said safe injection facilities have long been
accepted in Germany. “What I came to understand is that it is
fear,” she said of Canada’s reluctance to embrace the concept.
“Here we are — it’s a sink, it’s a chair, it’s a table. It’s nothing
really, but people are afraid of it.

“Ultimately it’s a fear that having a site like this will send a
message that says, ‘It’s okay to use drugs.’

“Of course that’s not what this is all about at all. It’s about
saving lives. It’s about getting drug addicts off the streets, out
of the back alleys and into a supervised place like this, where
they can get help.

“The vision of the perfect society is for no one to use drugs.
But until we get there, then the goal is to save the lives of
those who do. I think that makes sense.”

Liz Edwards, a former nurse who is one of the forces behind
In-Site, said addicts manage to quit drugs only when they
decide to help themselves.

“But right now people aren’t even being able to get to that
place … You can’t detox if you’re dead,” she said.

Thousands of tulips were strewn around the In-Site facility
yesterday. Each one represented an overdose victim. The
flowers — more than 2,000 of them — spilled off the counters
and lay in stacks along the floor.

Ms. Edwards said Heath Quest is not condoning the use of
drugs. It is just looking for “another piece in the puzzle” to
combat the use of heroin, cocaine and other illicit substances.
“For us the issue is that people are dying,” she said.

Health Quest opened the facility to the media yesterday, to let
the public see what a safe injection site looks like, and to
prompt the government to take action.

The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority is currently working on
a proposal to the federal government, that will seek clearance
to operate a safe-injection facility.

Larry Campbell, the recently elected Mayor of Vancouver, has
endorsed the concept. He campaigned on a promise to have a
facility in operation by Jan. 1. The city was unable to get its
proposal together in time for that date, however, and now
hopes to have filed one by the middle of this month.

Sometime this spring the In-Site facility could become legally
operational. Between now and then, an unknown number of
drug addicts will cage rigs from strangers — and overdose in
the street.


Get Paid… With Your Free Email at

From: “Søren Løvfelt” <isl46726@image.dk>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] news
Date: February 12, 2003 at 4:03:41 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Sarah……
Thanks for your mail.That´s a good question to ask! ;o)

Things are going fine here.I have gone 10 mg down untill now,and I will go 10 more in the following days.I cut 5 mg a day.

I will try to get down on maybe about 50 mg,and if I can,more.
I keep you posted.

Have a great day.
—– Original Message —–
From: Sara
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 10:20 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] news

‘(Augusta, February 11, 2003, 10:15 a.m.) In several places around the country, including West Michigan, there’s a special team in place to respond if the possibility of a biological attack becomes a reality.'”
who will open the door at the methadone  clinic in the morning of the possible attack ?

From: “Sara” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: [ibogaine] news
Date: February 11, 2003 at 4:20:41 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

‘(Augusta, February 11, 2003, 10:15 a.m.) In several places around the country, including West Michigan, there’s a special team in place to respond if the possibility of a biological attack becomes a reality.'”
who will open the door at the methadone  clinic in the morning of the possible attack ?

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] parks letter–revised again
Date: February 11, 2003 at 10:53:26 AM EST
To: jgreenbe <jgreenbe@liu.edu>
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Attorney at Law
P. O. Box 3119. Church Street Station
New York, NY 10008-3119
Tel.  (917) 548-8797                 Fax. (718) 875-3311
E-mail: jerome.greenberg@liu.edu

Alessandr Olivieri, Counsel                                           February 10, 2003
New York City Department of Parks
The Arsenal, Central Park
830 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Re: Million Marijuana March 2003, May 3, 2003

Dear Mr. Oliviei:
This statement constitutes the appeal of  applicant Million Marijuana March 2003/Cures Not Wars from the decision of Eric Peterson, dated January 30, 2002 but postmarked February 3, 2003, denying us access to Washington Square Park on May 3, 2003 as the location to hold a small, pre-march teach-in about Ibogaine before heading down Broadway to Battery Park for the annual rally.
In the first place, we are not asking for a daylong rally in Washington Square, but the short period from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM  for the purpose of educating our people while they assemble prior to the parade.  Since supporters of our demands always come looking for us in Washington Square Park anyway, we’ve have to station monitors there to send them on to our rally a block away on Washington Place. Moreover, on Saturday before noon the Park is sparsely occupied; and there is no comparison between the number of protestors we attract before the march and the thousands who attend the main rally after the parade. Thus, denial of our application on the grounds that “the nature or duration of the eventŠcannot be reasonably accommodatedŠ” in Washington Square Park is not supported by the facts. Consequently, asserting that “the event would unreasonably interfere with enjoyment of the park by other users” as a grounds for denial of our permit application is a thinly -veiled maneuver to single out a group because they are controversial with the powers-that-be.
In the second place, our demands as regarding Ibogaine, a true medical breakthrough in the treatment of  addiction, directly concern NYU–which is one of only 5 facilities into the US certified by NIDA to do this kind of research. NYU has hosted one International Ibogaine Conference, in 1999; but the followup Clinical Trial involving heroin addicts is stalled. In light of the admission of Christian Paro, Parks Dept manager for the Washington Square, that the impetus for pushing us into the street last year came from the NYPD 6th Precinct (because we were supposedly “pro-drug”) and of published comments by  NYU Community Affairs that the Parade “promotes drug dealing in the park,” denying Ibogaine advocates access to Washington Square when every other group seeking to affect NYU policy is accorded a permit represents an constitutionally impermissable grant of power to policy-makers to pick and chose which issues will be politically marginalized.
Declaring that this rally would be “disruptive to other park users” is a slap in the face to the legitimacy of this issue. You are in effect endorsing the position that allowing drug users to demand painless detoxification with Ibogaine equals “coddling addicts” -that  mere public advocacy of a medical cure for addiction promotes drug dealing because it presages Capitulation in the drive to lock up every single druggie under the Rockefeller Drug Law. This is nothing but an attempt to smuggle a hard-right agenda into New York City which more properly belongs in Oklahoma or Missouri (or Texas!).
For all of the foregoing reasons, the Parks Department should reconsider its denial.  Counsel for the New York Civil Liberties Union considers our free speech claims as viable; we do not accept the pretexts you cite for the denial..

JG/sbg                                                                          Very truly yours,


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] parks letter–revised
Date: February 10, 2003 at 6:16:59 PM EST
To: jgreenbe <jgreenbe@liu.edu>
Cc: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Attorney at Law
P. O. Box 3119. Church Street Station
New York, NY 10008-3119
Tel.  (917) 548-8797                 Fax. (718) 875-3311
E-mail: jerome.greenberg@liu.edu

Alessandr Olivieri, Counsel                                           February 10, 2003
New York City Department of Parks
The Arsenal, Central Park
830 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Re: Million Marijuana March 2003, May 3, 2003

Dear Mr. Oliviei:
This statement constitutes the appeal of  applicant Million Marijuana March 2003/Cures Not Wars from the decision of Eric Peterson, dated January 30, 2002 but postmarked February 3, 2003, denying us access to Washington Square Park on May 3, 2003 as the location to hold a small, pre-march teach-in about Ibogaine before heading down Broadway to Battery Park for the annual rally.
In the first place, we are not asking for a daylong rally in Washington Square, but the short period from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM  for the purpose of educating our people while they assemble prior to the parade.  Since supporters of our demands always come looking for us in Washington Square Park anyway, we’ve have to station monitors there to send them on to our rally a block away on Washington Place. Moreover, on Saturday before noon the Park is sparsely occupied; and there is no comparison between the number of protestors we attract before the march and the thousands who attend the main rally after the parade. Thus, denial of our application on the grounds that “the nature or duration of the eventŠcannot be reasonably accommodatedŠ” in Washington Square Park is not supported by the facts. Consequently, asserting that “the event would unreasonably interfere with enjoyment of the park by other users” as a grounds for denial of our permit application is a thinly -veiled maneuver to single out a group because they are controversial with the powers-that-be.
In the second place, our demands as regarding Ibogaine, a credible cure for addiction, directly concern NYU–which is one of only 5 facilities into the US certified by NIDA to do this kind of research. NYU has hosted one International Ibogaine Conference; but the followup Clinical Trial involving heroin addicts is stalled. In light of the admission of Christian Paro, Parks Dept manager for the Washington Square, that the impetus for pushing us into the street last year came >from the NYPD 6th Precinct (because we were supposedly “pro-drug”) and of published comments by  NYU Community Affairs that the Parade “promotes drug dealing in the park,” denying Ibogaine advocates access to Washington Square when every other group seeking to affect NYU policy is accorded a permit represents an constitutionally impermissable grant of power to policy-makers to pick and chose which issues will be politically marginalized.
Declaring that this rally would be “disruptive to other park users” is a slap in the face to the legitimacy of this issue. You are in effect endorsing the position that allowing drug users to demand painless detoxification with Ibogaine equals “coddling addicts” -that  mere public advocacy of a medical cure for addiction promotes drug dealing because it presages Capitulation in the drive to lock up every single druggie under the Rockefeller Drug Law. This is nothing but an attempt to smuggle a hard-right agenda into New York City which more properly belongs in Oklahoma or Missouri (or Texas!).
For all of the foregoing reasons, the Parks Department should reconsider its denial.  Counsel for the New York Civil Liberties Union considers our free speech claims as viable; we do not accept the pretexts you cite for the denial..

JG/sbg                                                                          Very truly yours,


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] [SSDPTalk] NYTimes.com Article: Methadone Grows as Killer Drug (fwd)
Date: February 10, 2003 at 8:37:36 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

In Florida, methadone-related deaths jumped from 209 in
2000 to 357 in 2001 to 254 in just the first six months of
2002, the latest period for which data are available.<

I love these numbers. Um, so how many die driving gas guzzling pollution
spewing automobiles every single day? Every time somone gets behind the
wheel of a car they are putting me and mine in danger. Outlaw cars!
Oh, wait a minute, I forgot, methadone patients are easy targets.

—– Original Message —–
From: Jon Freedlander
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 11:35 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] [SSDPTalk] NYTimes.com Article: Methadone Grows as
Killer Drug (fwd)

———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Sun,  9 Feb 2003 12:57:37 -0500 (EST)
From: lbr19@columbia.edu
To: ssdptalk@drcnet.org
Subject: [SSDPTalk] NYTimes.com Article: Methadone Grows as Killer Drug

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by lbr19@columbia.edu.

Methadone Grows as Killer Drug

February 9, 2003

PORTLAND, Me. – Methadone, a drug long valued for treating
heroin addiction and for soothing chronic pain, is
increasingly being abused by recreational drug users and is
causing an alarming rise in overdoses and deaths, federal
and state officials say.

In Florida, methadone-related deaths jumped from 209 in
2000 to 357 in 2001 to 254 in just the first six months of
2002, the latest period for which data are available.

“Out of noplace came methadone,” said James McDonough,
director of the Florida Office of Drug Control. “It now is
the fastest rising killer drug.”

In North Carolina, deaths caused by methadone increased
eightfold, to 58 in 2001 from 7 in 1997 – an “absolutely
amazing” jump, said Catherine Sanford, a state

In Maine, methadone was the drug found most frequently in
people who died of overdoses from 1997 to 2002. It was
found in almost a quarter of the deaths. In the first six
months of last year, methadone killed 18 people in Maine,
up from 4 in all of 1997. Dr. John H. Burton, medical
director for Maine Emergency Medical Services, said
hospital emergency rooms were seeing “a tidal wave” of
methadone-related cases.

The increase in methadone overdoses and deaths has floored
many drug experts because methadone, which does not provide
a quick or potent high, has long been considered an
unlikely candidate for substance abuse. It can be hours
before a user feels any effect, and it works more like a
sedative than a stimulant.

And because methadone is considered such an important and
affordable tool for treating addiction and pain, health and
law enforcement officials are facing a quandary: how to
stop methadone abuse without curtailing its valuable uses –
and especially without driving addicts back to drugs like

“We’ve got years of experience with methadone and suddenly
we’ve got this problem,” said Dr. H. Westley Clark,
director of the federal Center for Substance Abuse
Treatment. “We realize that lives are being lost and we’re
trying to stop that. But we’re trying not to do quick fixes
that will cause us more problems.”

The surge in methadone abuse appears linked to several
factors, including the growing abuse of heroin and
OxyContin, a powerfully addictive prescription painkiller.
Health and law enforcement officials are reporting that
some of these addicts are turning to methadone when they
cannot get the other drugs.

At the same time, methadone has become more available.
Physicians are increasingly prescribing it for pain relief,
in part because law enforcement officials have been
cracking down on OxyContin, and more methadone clinics have
sprung up to treat the growing number of heroin addicts.

“The availability of methadone for treatment and pain has
put people who would not normally be in a position to
divert drugs in that position,” said Sgt. Scott J.
Pelletier, who works for the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency
handling drug cases in Portland and Cumberland County,
where methadone caused at least 30 deaths in 2002,
according to the state medical examiner’s office.

In most states with increased methadone deaths, the
methadone being abused appears to be tablets prescribed for
pain. These are sold or sometimes given to addicts by
people who have stolen them from patients or, in some
cases, by the patients themselves. Addicts either swallow
the tablets or grind them into powder that can be inhaled
or turned into liquid and injected.

In Maine, however, and to a lesser degree in a few other
states, the authorities say much of the methadone has been
the liquid form used in drug clinics and spread, in some
cases, by clinic patients. Many clinics across the country,
following federal guidelines designed to make methadone
treatment more accessible, have stopped requiring patients
to take all their daily doses at the clinic, and instead
are allowing them to take home doses of methadone once a
week or more.

In Chicago, “kids are now coming from suburbia and they’re
buying methadone on the street,” said Dr. Ernest C. Rose, a
specialist in drug addiction who works for several
methadone clinics there.

“In the inner city, you can get 80 milligrams of methadone
for $20 to $30, which is a lot cheaper than a heroin habit
would be. We do see a lot of methadone getting diverted out
here on the street from the clinic, and we have to watch
our clients very carefully because it’s a secondary source
of income for a lot of them.”

There are no national figures for methadone deaths or
overdoses. But the federal Drug Abuse Warning Network
reported that in 2001, 10,725 people turned up in emergency
rooms after having abused methadone. That is nearly double
the number of such visits in 1999.

Experts say those attracted to methadone fall mostly into
two categories: people already addicted to other opiates,
and naïve, sporadic drug users who have often never tried
methadone before.

“Most people who are addicted for any period of time aren’t
out chasing the buzz anymore,” Dr. Rose said. “Most of them
are trying to keep their sick off, and methadone will do

Naïve users might be “people who are just at a party and
someone will give them some methadone,” said Dr. Burton,
the emergency medicine specialist in Maine. “They might mix
it in with a beer or with some other drug. They take it
thinking it’s just like any other drug and will give them a
buzz, and they end up either dead or deeply unconscious.”

Methadone’s delayed narcotic effect and its lack of a
potent high are important reasons the drug can be so
dangerous, experts say.

“By the time they’ve actually overdosed, no one is with
them to see what’s happening,” said Kimberly Johnson,
director of the Maine Office of Substance Abuse.

Joseph Haddock, an analyst for the Justice Department’s
National Drug Intelligence Center, said some people,
unaware of the drug’s delayed effects, “take methadone,
don’t get the effect that they want, take more methadone,
still don’t get that reaction, and they take more
methadone, so they end up overdosing.”

How large a dose can cause an overdose can vary widely.
Methadone is often taken in combination with alcohol or
other drugs, which may make it more harmful. Typically,
experts say, pills prescribed for pain are about 5 or 10
milligrams each, meaning several pills might be needed for
an overdose. Liquid for addiction treatment usually ranges
from 50 to 500 milligrams.

While methadone has been available as a pain medication
since World War II, many physicians have only recently
begun to prescribe it, said Dr. Edward C. Covington,
director of the chronic pain rehabilitation program at the
Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and a past president of American
Academy of Pain Medicine.

The change, he said, is partly the result of a new
consensus that chronic pain should be treated and a wider
awareness that methadone is a legal and effective way to do

Doctors wary of prescribing OxyContin because of warnings
from the police about the potential for abuse have also
turned increasingly to methadone, Dr. Clark and others say.
Dr. Covington and other experts say some doctors also
prefer methadone because it is far cheaper than OxyContin,
it does not generate as much of a high as other drugs, and
its effects are slower, seemingly making it less likely to
be abused.

But methadone is also complicated to prescribe. Doses are
often difficult to calibrate, Dr. Covington said, because
of the way the drug accumulates in fatty tissues and is
slowly released in the body.

“Methadone is probably one of the very few drugs that I’ve
seen doctors almost kill patients with,” he said. “It’s
that hard to use when you first start to use it. If it’s on
the street, we’re going to be seeing some deaths.”

Officials in several states are pressing for electronic
monitoring of prescriptions filled by pharmacies, which can
indicate whether patients are getting identical
prescriptions filled in different places.

Dr. Andrea G. Barthwell, the White House drug czar’s deputy
director for demand reduction, said her office wants to
educate physicians better about methadone and root out
unscrupulous doctors who help patients who are abusing or
selling the drug. Prosecutors in Virginia, Florida and
elsewhere are bringing charges against such doctors.

Grappling with methadone used in addiction treatment may be
even more difficult. For three decades, many health experts
have praised methadone for pulling addicts away from
heroin. While those addicts usually remain on methadone for
long periods and may never be able to function without it,
many lead productive lives, experts say.

To make methadone more accessible, the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration in 2001 relaxed its
policy on distributing it. In the past, patients who
reliably took their methadone each day could earn the
privilege of taking as many as six days’ worth of doses
home. The new rules lengthened that to 31 days, a boon for
people who had to travel long distances to clinics.

But while experts like Dr. Barthwell, a past president of
American Society for Addiction Medicine, consider patients
who earn 31-day take-home privileges to be highly unlikely
to sell their methadone, they worry more about another
policy that allows clinics to close on Sundays and to send
even new patients home with a “Sunday bottle” of methadone.

“Some of these people exchange their Sunday bottle for
other drugs or money,” Dr. Barthwell said. “It may be their
only source of currency until they are on a stabilizing
dose” of methadone and are functioning well enough to get a
legitimate job.

In Maine, state officials and law enforcement authorities
said that take-home methadone – which typically comes in
stronger doses than methadone tablets prescribed for pain –
had caused most of the deaths. In some cases, Sergeant
Pelletier said, clinic patients would “stockpile” a small
amount of each take-home dose and sell the methadone, trade
it for other drugs or give it to a friend addicted to other

What is more, the vast majority of the people who died in
Maine were not clinic patients themselves.

Maine’s methadone clinics are cooperating with state
officials and have agreed to tighten procedures. Dr. Marc
Shinderman, the operator of CAP Quality Care in Westbrook,
said his clinic was now open every day. Longtime patients
are permitted to take home at most only two weeks’ worth of

More programs are available to educate patients about the
consequences of letting others sample their methadone. Dr.
Shinderman’s clinic requires that people return empty
bottles of take-home methadone, and is switching as many
patients as possible to tablets, which the clinic says it
hopes will be less likely to lead to overdose.

Dr. Shinderman said he was “mystified” about why so many of
the deaths in Maine were attributed to methadone from

“Methadone has been around a long time and diversion has
been around a long time,” said Dr. Shinderman, who also
operates clinics in Chicago. “It’s a kind of a puzzle.
People should be somewhat sophisticated about methadone.”


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From: Jon Freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: [ibogaine] [SSDPTalk] NYTimes.com Article: Methadone Grows as Killer Drug (fwd)
Date: February 9, 2003 at 11:35:45 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Sun,  9 Feb 2003 12:57:37 -0500 (EST)
From: lbr19@columbia.edu
To: ssdptalk@drcnet.org
Subject: [SSDPTalk] NYTimes.com Article: Methadone Grows as Killer Drug

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by lbr19@columbia.edu.

Methadone Grows as Killer Drug

February 9, 2003

PORTLAND, Me. – Methadone, a drug long valued for treating
heroin addiction and for soothing chronic pain, is
increasingly being abused by recreational drug users and is
causing an alarming rise in overdoses and deaths, federal
and state officials say.

In Florida, methadone-related deaths jumped from 209 in
2000 to 357 in 2001 to 254 in just the first six months of
2002, the latest period for which data are available.

“Out of noplace came methadone,” said James McDonough,
director of the Florida Office of Drug Control. “It now is
the fastest rising killer drug.”

In North Carolina, deaths caused by methadone increased
eightfold, to 58 in 2001 from 7 in 1997 – an “absolutely
amazing” jump, said Catherine Sanford, a state

In Maine, methadone was the drug found most frequently in
people who died of overdoses from 1997 to 2002. It was
found in almost a quarter of the deaths. In the first six
months of last year, methadone killed 18 people in Maine,
up from 4 in all of 1997. Dr. John H. Burton, medical
director for Maine Emergency Medical Services, said
hospital emergency rooms were seeing “a tidal wave” of
methadone-related cases.

The increase in methadone overdoses and deaths has floored
many drug experts because methadone, which does not provide
a quick or potent high, has long been considered an
unlikely candidate for substance abuse. It can be hours
before a user feels any effect, and it works more like a
sedative than a stimulant.

And because methadone is considered such an important and
affordable tool for treating addiction and pain, health and
law enforcement officials are facing a quandary: how to
stop methadone abuse without curtailing its valuable uses –
and especially without driving addicts back to drugs like

“We’ve got years of experience with methadone and suddenly
we’ve got this problem,” said Dr. H. Westley Clark,
director of the federal Center for Substance Abuse
Treatment. “We realize that lives are being lost and we’re
trying to stop that. But we’re trying not to do quick fixes
that will cause us more problems.”

The surge in methadone abuse appears linked to several
factors, including the growing abuse of heroin and
OxyContin, a powerfully addictive prescription painkiller.
Health and law enforcement officials are reporting that
some of these addicts are turning to methadone when they
cannot get the other drugs.

At the same time, methadone has become more available.
Physicians are increasingly prescribing it for pain relief,
in part because law enforcement officials have been
cracking down on OxyContin, and more methadone clinics have
sprung up to treat the growing number of heroin addicts.

“The availability of methadone for treatment and pain has
put people who would not normally be in a position to
divert drugs in that position,” said Sgt. Scott J.
Pelletier, who works for the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency
handling drug cases in Portland and Cumberland County,
where methadone caused at least 30 deaths in 2002,
according to the state medical examiner’s office.

In most states with increased methadone deaths, the
methadone being abused appears to be tablets prescribed for
pain. These are sold or sometimes given to addicts by
people who have stolen them from patients or, in some
cases, by the patients themselves. Addicts either swallow
the tablets or grind them into powder that can be inhaled
or turned into liquid and injected.

In Maine, however, and to a lesser degree in a few other
states, the authorities say much of the methadone has been
the liquid form used in drug clinics and spread, in some
cases, by clinic patients. Many clinics across the country,
following federal guidelines designed to make methadone
treatment more accessible, have stopped requiring patients
to take all their daily doses at the clinic, and instead
are allowing them to take home doses of methadone once a
week or more.

In Chicago, “kids are now coming from suburbia and they’re
buying methadone on the street,” said Dr. Ernest C. Rose, a
specialist in drug addiction who works for several
methadone clinics there.

“In the inner city, you can get 80 milligrams of methadone
for $20 to $30, which is a lot cheaper than a heroin habit
would be. We do see a lot of methadone getting diverted out
here on the street from the clinic, and we have to watch
our clients very carefully because it’s a secondary source
of income for a lot of them.”

There are no national figures for methadone deaths or
overdoses. But the federal Drug Abuse Warning Network
reported that in 2001, 10,725 people turned up in emergency
rooms after having abused methadone. That is nearly double
the number of such visits in 1999.

Experts say those attracted to methadone fall mostly into
two categories: people already addicted to other opiates,
and naïve, sporadic drug users who have often never tried
methadone before.

“Most people who are addicted for any period of time aren’t
out chasing the buzz anymore,” Dr. Rose said. “Most of them
are trying to keep their sick off, and methadone will do

Naïve users might be “people who are just at a party and
someone will give them some methadone,” said Dr. Burton,
the emergency medicine specialist in Maine. “They might mix
it in with a beer or with some other drug. They take it
thinking it’s just like any other drug and will give them a
buzz, and they end up either dead or deeply unconscious.”

Methadone’s delayed narcotic effect and its lack of a
potent high are important reasons the drug can be so
dangerous, experts say.

“By the time they’ve actually overdosed, no one is with
them to see what’s happening,” said Kimberly Johnson,
director of the Maine Office of Substance Abuse.

Joseph Haddock, an analyst for the Justice Department’s
National Drug Intelligence Center, said some people,
unaware of the drug’s delayed effects, “take methadone,
don’t get the effect that they want, take more methadone,
still don’t get that reaction, and they take more
methadone, so they end up overdosing.”

How large a dose can cause an overdose can vary widely.
Methadone is often taken in combination with alcohol or
other drugs, which may make it more harmful. Typically,
experts say, pills prescribed for pain are about 5 or 10
milligrams each, meaning several pills might be needed for
an overdose. Liquid for addiction treatment usually ranges
from 50 to 500 milligrams.

While methadone has been available as a pain medication
since World War II, many physicians have only recently
begun to prescribe it, said Dr. Edward C. Covington,
director of the chronic pain rehabilitation program at the
Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and a past president of American
Academy of Pain Medicine.

The change, he said, is partly the result of a new
consensus that chronic pain should be treated and a wider
awareness that methadone is a legal and effective way to do

Doctors wary of prescribing OxyContin because of warnings
from the police about the potential for abuse have also
turned increasingly to methadone, Dr. Clark and others say.
Dr. Covington and other experts say some doctors also
prefer methadone because it is far cheaper than OxyContin,
it does not generate as much of a high as other drugs, and
its effects are slower, seemingly making it less likely to
be abused.

But methadone is also complicated to prescribe. Doses are
often difficult to calibrate, Dr. Covington said, because
of the way the drug accumulates in fatty tissues and is
slowly released in the body.

“Methadone is probably one of the very few drugs that I’ve
seen doctors almost kill patients with,” he said. “It’s
that hard to use when you first start to use it. If it’s on
the street, we’re going to be seeing some deaths.”

Officials in several states are pressing for electronic
monitoring of prescriptions filled by pharmacies, which can
indicate whether patients are getting identical
prescriptions filled in different places.

Dr. Andrea G. Barthwell, the White House drug czar’s deputy
director for demand reduction, said her office wants to
educate physicians better about methadone and root out
unscrupulous doctors who help patients who are abusing or
selling the drug. Prosecutors in Virginia, Florida and
elsewhere are bringing charges against such doctors.

Grappling with methadone used in addiction treatment may be
even more difficult. For three decades, many health experts
have praised methadone for pulling addicts away from
heroin. While those addicts usually remain on methadone for
long periods and may never be able to function without it,
many lead productive lives, experts say.

To make methadone more accessible, the Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration in 2001 relaxed its
policy on distributing it. In the past, patients who
reliably took their methadone each day could earn the
privilege of taking as many as six days’ worth of doses
home. The new rules lengthened that to 31 days, a boon for
people who had to travel long distances to clinics.

But while experts like Dr. Barthwell, a past president of
American Society for Addiction Medicine, consider patients
who earn 31-day take-home privileges to be highly unlikely
to sell their methadone, they worry more about another
policy that allows clinics to close on Sundays and to send
even new patients home with a “Sunday bottle” of methadone.

“Some of these people exchange their Sunday bottle for
other drugs or money,” Dr. Barthwell said. “It may be their
only source of currency until they are on a stabilizing
dose” of methadone and are functioning well enough to get a
legitimate job.

In Maine, state officials and law enforcement authorities
said that take-home methadone – which typically comes in
stronger doses than methadone tablets prescribed for pain –
had caused most of the deaths. In some cases, Sergeant
Pelletier said, clinic patients would “stockpile” a small
amount of each take-home dose and sell the methadone, trade
it for other drugs or give it to a friend addicted to other

What is more, the vast majority of the people who died in
Maine were not clinic patients themselves.

Maine’s methadone clinics are cooperating with state
officials and have agreed to tighten procedures. Dr. Marc
Shinderman, the operator of CAP Quality Care in Westbrook,
said his clinic was now open every day. Longtime patients
are permitted to take home at most only two weeks’ worth of

More programs are available to educate patients about the
consequences of letting others sample their methadone. Dr.
Shinderman’s clinic requires that people return empty
bottles of take-home methadone, and is switching as many
patients as possible to tablets, which the clinic says it
hopes will be less likely to lead to overdose.

Dr. Shinderman said he was “mystified” about why so many of
the deaths in Maine were attributed to methadone from

“Methadone has been around a long time and diversion has
been around a long time,” said Dr. Shinderman, who also
operates clinics in Chicago. “It’s a kind of a puzzle.
People should be somewhat sophisticated about methadone.”

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From: HSLotsof@aol.com
Subject: [ibogaine] Reaching a state of wellness
Date: February 9, 2003 at 3:15:25 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sometimes the ability to understand a subject comes from being able to
understand its beginnings. We are now able to provide a copy of “Reaching a
State of Wellness: Multistage Explorations in Social Neuroscience”.  This
by Charles D. Kaplan’s Erasmus University Rotterdam working group provides
insight into the early Dutch addict self-help ibogaine scene with a
comparison to traditional Tibetan medicine.



Howard S. Lotsof
Dora Weiner Foundation
46 Oxford Place
Staten Island, NY 10301
tel, 718 442-2754
fax, 718 442-1957
email, dwf123@earthlink.net

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] anti-prohibitionism- a conversation with Marco Cappato
Date: February 8, 2003 at 4:14:59 PM EST
To: <drugwar@mindvox.com>
Cc: “Drug Policy Forum Tri-State [DE, NJ, PA]” <liberty_action@hotmail.com>, “rootsofteror” <rootsofterror@yahoogroups.com>, “efficacy” <efficacy@email.msn.com>, <ibogaine@mindvox.com>, “CRRH” <restore@crrh.org>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi all,
The following is a long conversation with Marco Cappato, Radical Party
MEP. Please feel free to foward it where you will.


“If you don’t allow drug consumers to be treated, if you treat them like
criminals, condemning them to die in the streets, this is a crime, a crime
that our institutions should be held accountable for. In fact, this kind of
prohibitionism is a crime against humanity.” – Marco Cappato

Anti-Prohibitionism –
a Conversation with Marco Cappato

by Preston Peet
posted at DrugWar.com
February 8, 2003


Marco Cappato is not your average politician. European Minister of
Parliament for Italy’s Radical Party (Lista Bonino), winner of the European
Voice’s “European of the Year” award for 2002, and tireless campaigner for
privacy rights and anti-prohibitionism, the 31 year old Cappato is
co-President of the Trans-National Radical Party. He represented the Radical
Party at the United Nations in 1998, and is currently working on efforts to
reform UN anti-drug conventions with the International Anti-Prohibitionist
League. Readers can visit their website to add their names to the growing
list of world citizens who are tired of the War on Drugs and want it
finished, now. Cappato graciously took some time to sit down to discuss the
War- its effects and ideologies and his efforts to end it- with the editor
of DrugWar.com last month.

Marco Cappto- “It’s quite evident that it’s a way of telling him or her that
they should not show up, so maybe it’s better they die in the streets. This
is what does and will happen. I told you before that we are legalizers.
Sometimes from a political point of view, the harm reduction stance can be
an obstacle to legalization. As I said before, people say you shouldn’t go
towards this issue of anti-prohibitionism, just treat and take care of these
people, give them medication and so on. This is an obstacle for a clear
confrontation on the problem of the mafia and criminal markets. At the same
time it would be cynical to, in the name of legalization, not to look at the
needs of the people whose lives we need to save. I still prefer
prohibitionist tolerance to prohibitionist intolerance. Legalization is an
alternative to both, but at the same time if tomorrow morning, a drug addict
is alive and not dead, this is already an important thing. This is a basic
humanitarian thing….”


Read Conversation at above URL
Preston Peet
Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor at Large High Times mag/.com
“Prohibition creates an irresistibly lucrative
opportunity for entrepreneurs willing to operate
in illicit business. It is the policy
of idealists who cannot appreciate that the use
of drugs often reflects other sets of human
ideals: human perfectibility, the yearning
for a perfect moment, the peace that comes
from oblivion.” Richard Davenport-Hines

From: Run Drugs Out of Town Run <rundrugsoutoftownrun@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: The DEA: Results Not Demonstrated – Or Are They?
Date: February 8, 2003 at 7:55:55 AM EST
To: preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>, drugwar@mindvox.com
Cc: CRRH <restore@crrh.org>, ibogaine@mindvox.com, rundrugsoutoftownrun@yahoo.com, “Drug Policy Forum Tri-State \[DE, NJ, PA\]” <liberty_action@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I have already gotten this report from at least six other sources and you will see it in Monday’s newsletter.  I wasn’t the least be surprised to see the low ratings on what the DEA is doing but it was amazing to have the report coming out of the White House.  The recommendations on the report were “new measures needed”.  What we all need to do now is remind our Senators and Representative and every other public official that the “War on Drugs” is a complete failure and that they should live up to their responsibility as elected officials to see that we do not continue to waste tax payers’ money.  If treatment programs were anywhere near this ineffective I have no doubt they would have pulled funding immediately.
preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> wrote:

The DEA: Results Not Demonstrated – Or Are They?
By Stephen Young
posted at DrugWar.com
February 8, 2003
originally published by DrugSense Weekly

Talk about a demoralizing job review.
The spanking administered to the Drug Enforcement Agency by the White House
Office of Management and Budget this week should have smarted, even as it
was delivered in the gray language of bureaucracy.
“DEA is unable to demonstrate its progress in reducing the availability of
illegal drugs in the U.S. While DEA has developed some strategic goals and
objectives, these goals lack specificity in targets and time frames,”
according to the White House assessment. “DEA managers are not held
accountable for achieving results.”
Even if you’re already convinced the DEA is a scam, it’s nice to have some
verification from the federal government. See
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2004/pma/dea.pdf (Adobe Acrobat
required) for the actual document.
The assessment includes ratings on various categories. The ratings are
scored on a scale of zero to 100. The DEA scored zero in the
“Results/Accountability” category. Zero. Nil. Nothing. The ultimate void of
non-being. Not even a token point for style or effort.
Read Report at above URL
Preston Peet
Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor at Large High Times mag/.com
“Prohibition creates an irresistibly lucrative
opportunity for entrepreneurs willing to operate
in illicit business. It is the policy
of idealists who cannot appreciate that the use
of drugs often reflects other sets of human
ideals: human perfectibility, the yearning
for a perfect moment, the peace that comes
from oblivion.” Richard Davenport-Hines

Dr. Bill Gallagher, DC
Executive Director
Run Drugs Out of Town Run, Inc.
PO Box 25152
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Do you Yahoo!?
New DSL Internet Access from SBC & Yahoo!

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’
Date: February 8, 2003 at 10:48:23 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi Alison,
I’m sure it would be easier, but then, when has any prohibitionist or
their anti-druggie policy made things easier, or better?
And yeah, rigs = needles.
—– Original Message —–
From: Alison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 5:32 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

When you say “Rig”  Do you mean the syringe and needle??  If so would it not
be more efficient and easier to supply everything in one pack like I was
talking about. ???  Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Friday, 7 February 2003 04:03
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and

Addicts can buy rigs here in pharmacies legally now, in NYC, but they don’t
get this extra stuff along with the rigs. For that they have to go to one
the needle exchanges, where all the alcohol swabs, bleach,
treatment/use/health info phamplets and more are handed out along with the
—– Original Message —–
From: Alison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

I would have thought Canada would be far more ahead on that sort of issue.
Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and
sterilized.  The pack also contains info on the safest injecting sites of
the body,   keeping yourself and your gear clean and a list of addresses of
suppliers of equipment,  as well as a plastic jar with lid to put used
needles etc into.  If you return your dirty gear which gets disposed of in
specific bin at the pharmacy you get $2.00 off your new pack.  Its
completely legal to walk in off the street and purchase the equipment.  The
oddity of the legal system is that you can purchase but if you are caught
busted with used equipment or drugs its a criminal offence but at least it
stops sharing gear and discourages people from dumping possible infected
equipment in parks or recreation areas etc.
Also in Sydney, Australia, they have opened a safe injection centre in
Cross.  There were lots of protests, definitely a lot of “Not in my
backyard”  sort of complaint but as far as I know it is still operating.
Perhaps someone in Australia knows more about that one.  Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2003 12:38
Subject: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Activists open safe injection site for drug users

Mark Hume
National Post

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

VANCOUVER – Leaning against the wall outside the Skyluck
Jewelers, one of the dozens of businesses closed on East
Hastings Street because of the corrosive influence of
epidemic drug use, the bone- thin woman asks a passerby:
“You got a rig to spare? Got a rig?”

Here she is, on a bright spring-like day, ready to shoot up
anything, with anybody’s needle. And in the process she
may contract HIV, or overdose on the spot, perhaps dying
in a nearby alley, curled up in a fetal position as
convulsions rack her body. Hundreds have.

Just a few doors up the street from where the desperate
addict is panhandling for a rig, a door opens from Canada’s
bleakest sidewalk into a room filled with light, music —
and, just maybe, hope.

In an unusual event yesterday, a group of social activists in
the Downtown Eastside opened what they want to become
North America’s first safe injection site for drug users.

In-Site, as the facility is called by Health Quest, is not much to
look at. There is a bright, freshly painted waiting room and
signs that advise you to take a number and wait until called.
Through a second door is a shooting gallery — six stainless
steel counters with adjacent sinks and mirrors — where up to
300 addicts a day are expected to inject heroin or cocaine.

They will bring their own drugs, but the rigs — clean needles,
tourniquets and alcohol swabs — will be provided by trained
staff, who will stand by in case someone gets sick or has an

In-Site seems like a simple solution, given that 2,200 people
have died of overdose deaths in British Columbia since 1994,
and the spread of HIV has reached epidemic proportions in the
Downtown Eastside.

But getting even this far — the site is merely a proposed
location, without government sanction to operate — has been
a monumental task for the harm-reduction proponents
advocating safe injection sites.

Kirsten Stuerzbecher, a member of the Health Quest board,
said one of the things that first struck her when she moved to
Canada was that there weren’t any safe injection sites — even
in Vancouver, where drug addiction and related problems have
ravished the Downtown Eastside.

“When I came over here the question I was asking myself was,
‘Why is this so hard? What’s the problem?’ ”

Ms. Stuerzbecher said safe injection facilities have long been
accepted in Germany. “What I came to understand is that it is
fear,” she said of Canada’s reluctance to embrace the concept.
“Here we are — it’s a sink, it’s a chair, it’s a table. It’s nothing
really, but people are afraid of it.

“Ultimately it’s a fear that having a site like this will send a
message that says, ‘It’s okay to use drugs.’

“Of course that’s not what this is all about at all. It’s about
saving lives. It’s about getting drug addicts off the streets, out
of the back alleys and into a supervised place like this, where
they can get help.

“The vision of the perfect society is for no one to use drugs.
But until we get there, then the goal is to save the lives of
those who do. I think that makes sense.”

Liz Edwards, a former nurse who is one of the forces behind
In-Site, said addicts manage to quit drugs only when they
decide to help themselves.

“But right now people aren’t even being able to get to that
place … You can’t detox if you’re dead,” she said.

Thousands of tulips were strewn around the In-Site facility
yesterday. Each one represented an overdose victim. The
flowers — more than 2,000 of them — spilled off the counters
and lay in stacks along the floor.

Ms. Edwards said Heath Quest is not condoning the use of
drugs. It is just looking for “another piece in the puzzle” to
combat the use of heroin, cocaine and other illicit substances.
“For us the issue is that people are dying,” she said.

Health Quest opened the facility to the media yesterday, to let
the public see what a safe injection site looks like, and to
prompt the government to take action.

The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority is currently working on
a proposal to the federal government, that will seek clearance
to operate a safe-injection facility.

Larry Campbell, the recently elected Mayor of Vancouver, has
endorsed the concept. He campaigned on a promise to have a
facility in operation by Jan. 1. The city was unable to get its
proposal together in time for that date, however, and now
hopes to have filed one by the middle of this month.

Sometime this spring the In-Site facility could become legally
operational. Between now and then, an unknown number of
drug addicts will cage rigs from strangers — and overdose in
the street.


From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Treatment in Australia?
Date: February 8, 2003 at 5:41:02 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Can’t really help you with that one.  I am in New Zealand and here info on
Ibogaine is virtually nil which is why I accessed this site and read the
info from everyone else.  I really don’t know about Australia.  There was
someone a while ago who was writing from there but have not seen anything
lately.  Hopefully they might read this and provide some input.  Good luck,
—–Original Message—–
From: Randy Hencken <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Friday, 7 February 2003 05:33
Subject: [ibogaine] Treatment in Australia?

Someone is asking me about ibogaine in Austrailia.  I know this was
discussed here recently.  What are Austrailians best option?  Allison?


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From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’
Date: February 8, 2003 at 5:32:53 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

When you say “Rig”  Do you mean the syringe and needle??  If so would it not
be more efficient and easier to supply everything in one pack like I was
talking about. ???  Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: preston peet <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Friday, 7 February 2003 04:03
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and

Addicts can buy rigs here in pharmacies legally now, in NYC, but they don’t
get this extra stuff along with the rigs. For that they have to go to one
the needle exchanges, where all the alcohol swabs, bleach,
treatment/use/health info phamplets and more are handed out along with the
—– Original Message —–
From: Alison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

I would have thought Canada would be far more ahead on that sort of issue.
Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and
sterilized.  The pack also contains info on the safest injecting sites of
the body,   keeping yourself and your gear clean and a list of addresses of
suppliers of equipment,  as well as a plastic jar with lid to put used
needles etc into.  If you return your dirty gear which gets disposed of in
specific bin at the pharmacy you get $2.00 off your new pack.  Its
completely legal to walk in off the street and purchase the equipment.  The
oddity of the legal system is that you can purchase but if you are caught
busted with used equipment or drugs its a criminal offence but at least it
stops sharing gear and discourages people from dumping possible infected
equipment in parks or recreation areas etc.
Also in Sydney, Australia, they have opened a safe injection centre in
Cross.  There were lots of protests, definitely a lot of “Not in my
backyard”  sort of complaint but as far as I know it is still operating.
Perhaps someone in Australia knows more about that one.  Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2003 12:38
Subject: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Activists open safe injection site for drug users

Mark Hume
National Post

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

VANCOUVER – Leaning against the wall outside the Skyluck
Jewelers, one of the dozens of businesses closed on East
Hastings Street because of the corrosive influence of
epidemic drug use, the bone- thin woman asks a passerby:
“You got a rig to spare? Got a rig?”

Here she is, on a bright spring-like day, ready to shoot up
anything, with anybody’s needle. And in the process she
may contract HIV, or overdose on the spot, perhaps dying
in a nearby alley, curled up in a fetal position as
convulsions rack her body. Hundreds have.

Just a few doors up the street from where the desperate
addict is panhandling for a rig, a door opens from Canada’s
bleakest sidewalk into a room filled with light, music —
and, just maybe, hope.

In an unusual event yesterday, a group of social activists in
the Downtown Eastside opened what they want to become
North America’s first safe injection site for drug users.

In-Site, as the facility is called by Health Quest, is not much to
look at. There is a bright, freshly painted waiting room and
signs that advise you to take a number and wait until called.
Through a second door is a shooting gallery — six stainless
steel counters with adjacent sinks and mirrors — where up to
300 addicts a day are expected to inject heroin or cocaine.

They will bring their own drugs, but the rigs — clean needles,
tourniquets and alcohol swabs — will be provided by trained
staff, who will stand by in case someone gets sick or has an

In-Site seems like a simple solution, given that 2,200 people
have died of overdose deaths in British Columbia since 1994,
and the spread of HIV has reached epidemic proportions in the
Downtown Eastside.

But getting even this far — the site is merely a proposed
location, without government sanction to operate — has been
a monumental task for the harm-reduction proponents
advocating safe injection sites.

Kirsten Stuerzbecher, a member of the Health Quest board,
said one of the things that first struck her when she moved to
Canada was that there weren’t any safe injection sites — even
in Vancouver, where drug addiction and related problems have
ravished the Downtown Eastside.

“When I came over here the question I was asking myself was,
‘Why is this so hard? What’s the problem?’ ”

Ms. Stuerzbecher said safe injection facilities have long been
accepted in Germany. “What I came to understand is that it is
fear,” she said of Canada’s reluctance to embrace the concept.
“Here we are — it’s a sink, it’s a chair, it’s a table. It’s nothing
really, but people are afraid of it.

“Ultimately it’s a fear that having a site like this will send a
message that says, ‘It’s okay to use drugs.’

“Of course that’s not what this is all about at all. It’s about
saving lives. It’s about getting drug addicts off the streets, out
of the back alleys and into a supervised place like this, where
they can get help.

“The vision of the perfect society is for no one to use drugs.
But until we get there, then the goal is to save the lives of
those who do. I think that makes sense.”

Liz Edwards, a former nurse who is one of the forces behind
In-Site, said addicts manage to quit drugs only when they
decide to help themselves.

“But right now people aren’t even being able to get to that
place … You can’t detox if you’re dead,” she said.

Thousands of tulips were strewn around the In-Site facility
yesterday. Each one represented an overdose victim. The
flowers — more than 2,000 of them — spilled off the counters
and lay in stacks along the floor.

Ms. Edwards said Heath Quest is not condoning the use of
drugs. It is just looking for “another piece in the puzzle” to
combat the use of heroin, cocaine and other illicit substances.
“For us the issue is that people are dying,” she said.

Health Quest opened the facility to the media yesterday, to let
the public see what a safe injection site looks like, and to
prompt the government to take action.

The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority is currently working on
a proposal to the federal government, that will seek clearance
to operate a safe-injection facility.

Larry Campbell, the recently elected Mayor of Vancouver, has
endorsed the concept. He campaigned on a promise to have a
facility in operation by Jan. 1. The city was unable to get its
proposal together in time for that date, however, and now
hopes to have filed one by the middle of this month.

Sometime this spring the In-Site facility could become legally
operational. Between now and then, an unknown number of
drug addicts will cage rigs from strangers — and overdose in
the street.


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] The DEA: Results Not Demonstrated – Or Are They?
Date: February 8, 2003 at 2:30:50 AM EST
To: <drugwar@mindvox.com>
Cc: “CRRH” <restore@crrh.org>, <ibogaine@mindvox.com>, <rundrugsoutoftownrun@yahoo.com>, “Drug Policy Forum Tri-State [DE, NJ, PA]” <liberty_action@hotmail.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


The DEA: Results Not Demonstrated – Or Are They?
By Stephen Young
posted at DrugWar.com
February 8, 2003
originally published by DrugSense Weekly

Talk about a demoralizing job review.
The spanking administered to the Drug Enforcement Agency by the White House
Office of Management and Budget this week should have smarted, even as it
was delivered in the gray language of bureaucracy.
“DEA is unable to demonstrate its progress in reducing the availability of
illegal drugs in the U.S. While DEA has developed some strategic goals and
objectives, these goals lack specificity in targets and time frames,”
according to the White House assessment. “DEA managers are not held
accountable for achieving results.”
Even if you’re already convinced the DEA is a scam, it’s nice to have some
verification from the federal government. See
http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/fy2004/pma/dea.pdf (Adobe Acrobat
required) for the actual document.
The assessment includes ratings on various categories. The ratings are
scored on a scale of zero to 100. The DEA scored zero in the
“Results/Accountability” category. Zero. Nil. Nothing. The ultimate void of
non-being. Not even a token point for style or effort.
Read Report at above URL
Preston Peet
Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor at Large High Times mag/.com
“Prohibition creates an irresistibly lucrative
opportunity for entrepreneurs willing to operate
in illicit business. It is the policy
of idealists who cannot appreciate that the use
of drugs often reflects other sets of human
ideals: human perfectibility, the yearning
for a perfect moment, the peace that comes
from oblivion.” Richard Davenport-Hines

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Raid leads to arrest of man rolling marijuanacigarettes with Bible pages
Date: February 7, 2003 at 7:54:07 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Imagine, arresting Jesus for rolling up doobige in bible leaves. Brilliant move guys.

—– Original Message —–
From: Rick Venglarcik
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 11:46 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Raid leads to arrest of man rolling marijuanacigarettes with Bible pages

Well…”praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.”  Good thing they got
THAT menace to society off the streets;)

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

>>> ptpeet@nyc.rr.com 02/06/03 10:59AM >>>


Raid leads to arrest of man rolling marijuana cigarettes with Bible

A raid at two mobile homes led to the arrest of 31-year-old Jesus
who was caught rolling marijuana cigarettes with pages from a Bible,
Limestone County authorities said.
“When we arrested him, he made the comment that `I guess God got y’all
get me,”‘ said Limestone County Sheriff Mike Blakely.
Preston Peet
Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor at Large High Times mag/.com
“Prohibition creates an irresistibly lucrative
opportunity for entrepreneurs willing to operate
in illicit business. It is the policy
of idealists who cannot appreciate that the use
of drugs often reflects other sets of human
ideals: human perfectibility, the yearning
for a perfect moment, the peace that comes
from oblivion.” Richard Davenport-Hines

From: “A. Moore” <27andy@msn.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] the many rehashings
Date: February 6, 2003 at 1:39:33 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Actually I used drugs to get the courage and consistency up to leave
an abusive relationship, forever!  Also, these illegal drugs allowed me to
lose an excessive shyness that had incapacitated me from early
childhood.  I used to be too shy to even walk across a room with
people in it.  Now I can even joke with strangers in a public place.
I have NEVER felt the need to go back to that man!  In contrast, 10
years of seeing a psychiatrist helped NOT AT ALL!  And kicking my
habit, unassisted,  still was no where near as difficult as the humiliation
I once lived under.  In fact going off drugs gave me another sense of
pride in myself.  I think drugs are AMAZING!!!

Another Andrea

—– Original Message —–
From: Alison Senepart
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 3:40 AM
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] the many rehashings

Me again.  Forgot it include the alcohol sterilized pads included in the New
Zealand packs,  Reading the last e-mail jogged my memory.  I should probably
have said there is also info on help and detox contact addresses listed.
Was just thinking,  most women I know have followed a boyfriend into the
drug cycle and then have ended up far more hooked than the blokes.  That
might not be true for everyone but seems to be the example I have seen.
Women seem to have a totally different attitude and way around drug use.
Anybody else out there got any ideas on that.  Am sure Andrea would if she
was still reading??
—–Original Message—–
From: nruhtra@dsskcorp.com <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2003 13:19
Subject: [ibogaine] the many rehashings

>Study: Girls’ Addiction Risks Different from Boys
>Feb 5 2003 3:45PM
>WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Girls and young women who use alcohol and drugs are
>more likely than boys and young men to attempt suicide, according to a
>study on Wednesday.
>Girls also can get hooked faster than boys, even when using the same or
>smaller amount of a particular substance, according to the study released
>at a briefing by Columbia University’s National Center for Addiction and
>Substance Abuse, known as CASA.
>Participants in the briefing included Columba Bush, wife of Florida Gov.
>Jeb Bush and sister-in-law of President Bush. Her daughter, Noelle, has
>had several run-ins with the law because of drugs.
>”My heart goes out to all those saddened parents across America whose
>daughters have sunk into substance abuse and addiction,” said Bush, a CASA
>board member.
>CASA head Joseph Califano, who was President Jimmy Carter’s secretary of
>health, education and welfare, said the study underscored the need for
>different approaches to prevention and treatment for girls and young
>”Unisex prevention programs — largely developed without regard to gender,
>often with males in mind — fail to influence millions of girls and young
>women,” he said.
>The study, which covered the years from early adolescence to age 22,
>found, for instance, that girls are at particularly high risk if they are
>depressed, stressed, or victims of physical or sexual abuse.
>Girls who have eating disorders are also at high risk, as are girls who
>start puberty early or whose families have moved frequently.
>The research also found a possible link between coffee consumption and
>substance abuse. Girls and young women who drink coffee are significantly
>more likely to smoke and drink alcohol, and to start at an earlier age.
>Among the lawmakers at the briefing was Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a New
>York Democrat, who proposed legislation to target the growing problem of
>abuse of legal prescription drugs, including painkillers, stimulants and

From: “sara” <sara119@xs4all.nl>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Treatment in Australia?
Date: February 6, 2003 at 1:34:53 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

South-Africa  Miracle mountain retry has Iboga treatment  with possible
medical use of Cannabis  and other healing herbs and mushrooms ,

organic food  cost is 1500 Euro for 10 days exclusive food .

—– Original Message —–
From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 5:31 PM
Subject: [ibogaine] Treatment in Australia?

Someone is asking me about ibogaine in Austrailia.  I know this was
discussed here recently.  What are Austrailians best option?  Allison?


Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8.

From: “Rick Venglarcik” <RickV@hnncsb.org>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Raid leads to arrest of man rolling marijuana cigarettes with Bible pages
Date: February 6, 2003 at 11:46:43 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Well…”praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition.”  Good thing they got
THAT menace to society off the streets;)

Rick Venglarcik, MA, CSAC
Hampton Roads Clinic
2236 W. Queen St., Suite C
Hampton,  VA  23666

Office:  (757) 827-8430 x144
Fax:  (757) 826-2772
Cell: (757) 270-9839

ptpeet@nyc.rr.com 02/06/03 10:59AM >>>


Raid leads to arrest of man rolling marijuana cigarettes with Bible

A raid at two mobile homes led to the arrest of 31-year-old Jesus
who was caught rolling marijuana cigarettes with pages from a Bible,
Limestone County authorities said.
“When we arrested him, he made the comment that `I guess God got y’all
get me,”‘ said Limestone County Sheriff Mike Blakely.
Preston Peet
Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor at Large High Times mag/.com
“Prohibition creates an irresistibly lucrative
opportunity for entrepreneurs willing to operate
in illicit business. It is the policy
of idealists who cannot appreciate that the use
of drugs often reflects other sets of human
ideals: human perfectibility, the yearning
for a perfect moment, the peace that comes
from oblivion.” Richard Davenport-Hines

From: “Randy Hencken” <randyhencken@hotmail.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Treatment in Australia?
Date: February 6, 2003 at 11:31:28 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Someone is asking me about ibogaine in Austrailia.  I know this was discussed here recently.  What are Austrailians best option?  Allison?


Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection with MSN 8. http://join.msn.com/?page=features/junkmail

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Raid leads to arrest of man rolling marijuana cigarettes with Bible pages
Date: February 6, 2003 at 10:59:19 AM EST
To: <drugwar@mindvox.com>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Raid leads to arrest of man rolling marijuana cigarettes with Bible pages

A raid at two mobile homes led to the arrest of 31-year-old Jesus Santana,
who was caught rolling marijuana cigarettes with pages from a Bible,
Limestone County authorities said.
“When we arrested him, he made the comment that `I guess God got y’all to
get me,”‘ said Limestone County Sheriff Mike Blakely.
Preston Peet
Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor at Large High Times mag/.com
“Prohibition creates an irresistibly lucrative
opportunity for entrepreneurs willing to operate
in illicit business. It is the policy
of idealists who cannot appreciate that the use
of drugs often reflects other sets of human
ideals: human perfectibility, the yearning
for a perfect moment, the peace that comes
from oblivion.” Richard Davenport-Hines

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Re: Transcendent Laws of the Heart
Date: February 6, 2003 at 10:25:40 AM EST
To: <drugwar@mindvox.com>
Cc: “CRRH” <restore@crrh.org>, <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi all, (first of all, our thanks go to Dr. Cavanaugh)
Here’s a link to Dr. Jay Cavanaugh’s great editorial about jury
nullification, with a couple of good founding father quotes thrown in for
good measure.;-))


Transcendent Laws of the Heart
Jay R. Cavanaugh, PhD
National Director
American Alliance for Medical Cannabis
posted at DrugWar.com
February 6, 2003
“Jurors should acquit, even against the judge’s instruction… if exercising
their judgement with discretion and honesty they have a clear conviction the
charge of the court is wrong.”
— Alexander Hamilton, 1804
Having just convicted medical cannabis gardener Ed Rosenthal in a San
Francisco Federal Court, five of the twelve person jury recanted their
verdict and called for a new trial. Jurors complained publicly of judicial
intimidation and wrongly sequestered evidence that would have resulted in an
acquittal had the government allowed the entire picture surrounding Ed
Rosenthal’s compassionate activities to be presented. Many jurors
particularly resented having their hands tied by Judge Breyer who instructed
them to disregard their conscience and sensibilities.
Read the complete editorial at the above URL
Preston Peet
Editor http://www.drugwar.com
Editor at Large High Times mag/.com
“War is the violent rejection of words in
favor of weapons. It eliminates debate
and negotiation by offering only death a
nd submission. War is the tool of weak
men to make themselves appear strong.”
90 year old Bedu man in Dubai,
quoted by John Cory, Jan. 15, 2003

—– Original Message —–
From: JCavana857@aol.com
To: aclumedia@aclu.org ; bobcaldwell@news.oregonian.com ;
alan_bock@ocregister.com ; eric.bailey@latimes.com ; CARO@drugsense.org ;
dpfca@drugsense.org ; canorml@igc.org ; Gettman_J@mediasoft.net ;
jjg@votelp.org ; mhazle@redding.com ; yerbanena@hotmail.com ;
rphelps@sacbee.com ; ptpeet@drugwar.com ; martyriske@hotmail.com ;
matthew.smith@sfweekly.com ; wwilson@sacbee.com ; kevzeese@laser.net
Cc: al@medicalcannabis.com ; RonCrickenberger@hq.lp.org ;
rafeller@charter.net ; webmaster@drugsense.org ; hmgray@ix.netcom.com ;
jini@christiansforcannabis.com ; theanandalewisshow@kingworld.com ;
WINGSOFANGELS@sbcglobal.net ; senator.mcclintock@sen.ca.gov ;
micjag2000@yahoo.com ; drumz@drumz.best.vwh.net ; rlroot@prodigy.net ;
doug@123abc.net ; Pammie@medscape.com ; info@wamm.org ; researcher@amark.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 8:09 PM
Subject: Transcendent Laws of the Heart

Transcendent Laws of the Heart

Jay R. Cavanaugh, PhD
National Director
American Alliance for Medical Cannabis

February 2003

Having just convicted medical cannabis gardener Ed Rosenthal in a San
Francisco Federal Court, five of the twelve person jury recanted their
verdict and called for a new trial. Jurors complained publicly of judicial
intimidation and wrongly sequestered evidence that would have resulted in an
acquittal had the government allowed the entire picture surrounding Ed
Rosenthal’s compassionate activities to be presented. Many jurors
particularly resented having their hands tied by Judge Breyer who instructed
them to disregard their conscience and sensibilities.

To most observers the battle in Federal Court was a replay of the recent
trial of Bryan Epis in a Sacramento Federal Court. Many feel that medical
cannabis has been on trial in these cases with the government bound to crush
State Laws providing for the compassionate care of the sick, dying and

Unfortunately, medical cannabis was NOT on trial in either San Francisco or
Sacramento. That’s the whole point. Federal jurors were never allowed to
consider the issues surrounding medical cannabis including enabling State
Law, medical necessity, or mitigating circumstances. It was as if a man on
trial for reckless driving was unable to tell the jury that his pregnant
wife was hemorrhaging to death in the car on the way to the emergency room.

The Federal Court knew that an informed jury was likely to acquit persons
acting in a compassionate fashion under State Law. The Court also acted to
protect Federal Law against any hint of jury nullification by directing the
jury to ignore their conscience should they have gotten a clue of the true
circumstances of the cases. In Sacramento the government arrested people
publicly handing out information on juries and medical cannabis. In San
Francisco the government sought a gag order and Judge Breyer threatened the
defendant during the course of the trial for publicly speaking about the

From ancient times, societies have grappled to provide a legal system that
avoids the twin evils of anarchy and totalitarianism. First the English in
common law and then the Americans in the Constitution insured truth and
balance in the courtroom by employing detailed procedural mechanisms and the
final check of authority by a jury of peers. It is this balance and justice
itself that was on trial recently in Sacramento and San Francisco. The
Federal government won by perverting, ignoring, or denying the very
safeguards we hold essential for truth and fairness.

Jury nullification is no obscure relic of medieval law. It is nothing less
than the critical safeguard we have from tyranny. A fully informed jury is
to be trusted, respected, and obeyed. If such juries repeatedly refuse to
convict persons of unjust laws then their rejection of such laws forces law
makers into necessary reform.

Much has been made by the present government in Washington that the United
States is a compassionate Christian nation. Such pronouncements apparently
ignore the fact that at the center of Christian doctrine and experience is a
savior that rejects the legalism of his age. Christ specifically states that
the only way that the laws “written in stone” may be respected is if they
are evaluated by the higher laws written in the believer’s hearts. From
2,000 years ago we see that true religion calls for the principles of love,
compassion, and truth be an integral part of any legal decision. In this
sense the Federal Courts have expressly rejected the spiritual underpinnings
of the nation and replaced them with oppressive legalisms that were common
in ancient times.

Some may feel that following the laws of the heart is a recipe for legal
chaos. This is not only patently untrue but utterly contemptuous of the
citizenry. The Judge in legal proceedings is balanced not only by procedural
regulation and precedent but also by twelve jurors. Does any rational person
think that twelve sociopathic citizens will find themselves on the same jury
and reach the same conclusions?

Ed Rosenthal and Bryan Epis may soon be sentenced to long Federal prison
terms as the result of their “show” trials. Many jurors are only now
learning about what was actually going on with these defendants. These
jurors are not only angry at being deceived but even worse they are filled
with remorse for convicting innocent individuals. Having been denied in jury
deliberation, the conscience of these everyday people will now disturb them
for the rest of their lives.

All jurors or potential jurors should be educated to not only question
authority but to empower themselves by realizing that the eternal laws of
their hearts trump the temporary laws of a misguided and cruel government.

Jay R. Cavanaugh, PhD, the author, is National Director of the American
Alliance for Medical Cannabis (AAMC). AAMC is a group of patients,
caregivers, family members, and health professionals operating in
California, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Georgia,
Florida, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Rhode Island with the mission of
patient support and community education about adjunctive therapy with
medical cannabis. Information about AAMC is available at:
http://www.letfreedomgrow.com. The author may be reached at:
jcavana857@aol.com. Dr. Cavanaugh lives in West Hills, California with his
wife Nancy and two teens, John Paul 16, and Erin aged 15.

From: jon freedlander <jfreed1@umbc.edu>
Subject: RE: [ibogaine] the many rehashings
Date: February 6, 2003 at 10:23:41 AM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

===== Original Message From “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz> =====
Me again.  Forgot it include the alcohol sterilized pads included in the New
Zealand packs,  Reading the last e-mail jogged my memory.  I should probably
have said there is also info on help and detox contact addresses listed.
Was just thinking,  most women I know have followed a boyfriend into the
drug cycle and then have ended up far more hooked than the blokes.  That
might not be true for everyone but seems to be the example I have seen.
Women seem to have a totally different attitude and way around drug use.
Anybody else out there got any ideas on that.  Am sure Andrea would if she
was still reading??

Something along the same lines, here’s an article from our local paper here
about gender differences in addiction…

Reasons for substance abuse different for girls, study says
Specialized programs urged at treatment, prevention centers

Associated Press
Originally published February 6, 2003
WASHINGTON – Girls and young women get hooked on cigarettes, alcohol and drugs
more quickly and for different reasons than boys, and should receive
specialized treatment that reflects that, according to a study released
yesterday. Teen-age girls often begin smoking and drinking to relieve stress
or alleviate depression, while boys do it for thrills or heightened social
status, according to the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at
Columbia University.

Girls “get hooked faster, they get hooked using lesser amounts of alcohol and
drugs and cocaine, and they suffer the consequences faster and more severely,”
said Joseph A. Califano Jr., chairman of the center. Califano said prevention
and treatment centers need to design programs to deal with the risk factors
leading to female substance abuse.

“With some exceptions, the substance abuse prevention programs have really
been designed with a unisex, one-size-fits-both-sexes mentality,” said
Califano, who served as health and human services secretary under President
Jimmy Carter.
“We now know that girls are different than boys – let’s recognize it and let’s
help them.”

Florida first lady Columba Bush, whose daughter Noelle is struggling with
substance abuse, said that if parents and educators understand girls are more
vulnerable and need different treatments, “we can save millions of … girls
and women from the agony of addiction.”

Columba Bush is married to Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who is President Bush’s

The study, based on a nationwide survey of more than 1,200 females age 8
to 22, found little difference in the percentage of boys and girls who smoke,
drink and use drugs.

Approximately 45 percent of high school girls drink alcohol, compared with
49 percent of boys. But girls outpace boys in the use of prescription drugs,
the study found.

Researchers determined girls are also more likely to abuse substances if they
reached puberty early, had eating disorders or were physically or sexually
abused. Their likelihood of using cigarettes, alcohol or drugs also increases
their families move often or when girls advance from middle school to high
school or high school to college.

As they reach puberty and develop into teen-agers, “girls are likelier than
boys to compare themselves physically and academically to their new peers,”
the study said.

Rep. Nancy Johnson, a Connecticut Republican, and New York Sen. Hillary
Rodham Clinton, a Democrat, voiced support for the study’s main
recommendation – that parents, educators and doctors become familiar with
the warning signs and intervene quickly with girls at risk. Clinton said she
would introduce legislation aimed at boosting public awareness of
prescription drug abuse and forcing hospitals to better track the problem.

The study faults alcohol and tobacco companies for promoting products by
linking them to glamorous models, and calls for a ban on alcohol advertising
on television and cigarette and alcohol advertising in magazines with large
numbers of young readers.

Dr. Michael Nuccitelli, a psychologist who runs a substance abuse treatment
facility in Brewster, N.Y., questioned some of the study’s findings. He
believe women become addicted to alcohol more easily than men, noting
there have been far more men than women in his alcohol treatment program
over the years.

Nuccitelli agreed with the study’s finding of a link between eating disorders
and certain types of substance abuse among females.

“Clearly there are gender differences,” he said. “But at the ages this study
talking about, there’s no gender differences in the importance of peer

Copyright © 2003, The Baltimore Sun

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’
Date: February 6, 2003 at 9:58:54 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and

Addicts can buy rigs here in pharmacies legally now, in NYC, but they don’t
get this extra stuff along with the rigs. For that they have to go to one of
the needle exchanges, where all the alcohol swabs, bleach,
treatment/use/health info phamplets and more are handed out along with the
—– Original Message —–
From: Alison Senepart
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

I would have thought Canada would be far more ahead on that sort of issue.
Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and
sterilized.  The pack also contains info on the safest injecting sites of
the body,   keeping yourself and your gear clean and a list of addresses of
suppliers of equipment,  as well as a plastic jar with lid to put used
needles etc into.  If you return your dirty gear which gets disposed of in a
specific bin at the pharmacy you get $2.00 off your new pack.  Its
completely legal to walk in off the street and purchase the equipment.  The
oddity of the legal system is that you can purchase but if you are caught or
busted with used equipment or drugs its a criminal offence but at least it
stops sharing gear and discourages people from dumping possible infected
equipment in parks or recreation areas etc.
Also in Sydney, Australia, they have opened a safe injection centre in Kings
Cross.  There were lots of protests, definitely a lot of “Not in my
backyard”  sort of complaint but as far as I know it is still operating.
Perhaps someone in Australia knows more about that one.  Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2003 12:38
Subject: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Activists open safe injection site for drug users

Mark Hume
National Post

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

VANCOUVER – Leaning against the wall outside the Skyluck
Jewelers, one of the dozens of businesses closed on East
Hastings Street because of the corrosive influence of
epidemic drug use, the bone- thin woman asks a passerby:
“You got a rig to spare? Got a rig?”

Here she is, on a bright spring-like day, ready to shoot up
anything, with anybody’s needle. And in the process she
may contract HIV, or overdose on the spot, perhaps dying
in a nearby alley, curled up in a fetal position as
convulsions rack her body. Hundreds have.

Just a few doors up the street from where the desperate
addict is panhandling for a rig, a door opens from Canada’s
bleakest sidewalk into a room filled with light, music —
and, just maybe, hope.

In an unusual event yesterday, a group of social activists in
the Downtown Eastside opened what they want to become
North America’s first safe injection site for drug users.

In-Site, as the facility is called by Health Quest, is not much to
look at. There is a bright, freshly painted waiting room and
signs that advise you to take a number and wait until called.
Through a second door is a shooting gallery — six stainless
steel counters with adjacent sinks and mirrors — where up to
300 addicts a day are expected to inject heroin or cocaine.

They will bring their own drugs, but the rigs — clean needles,
tourniquets and alcohol swabs — will be provided by trained
staff, who will stand by in case someone gets sick or has an

In-Site seems like a simple solution, given that 2,200 people
have died of overdose deaths in British Columbia since 1994,
and the spread of HIV has reached epidemic proportions in the
Downtown Eastside.

But getting even this far — the site is merely a proposed
location, without government sanction to operate — has been
a monumental task for the harm-reduction proponents
advocating safe injection sites.

Kirsten Stuerzbecher, a member of the Health Quest board,
said one of the things that first struck her when she moved to
Canada was that there weren’t any safe injection sites — even
in Vancouver, where drug addiction and related problems have
ravished the Downtown Eastside.

“When I came over here the question I was asking myself was,
‘Why is this so hard? What’s the problem?’ ”

Ms. Stuerzbecher said safe injection facilities have long been
accepted in Germany. “What I came to understand is that it is
fear,” she said of Canada’s reluctance to embrace the concept.
“Here we are — it’s a sink, it’s a chair, it’s a table. It’s nothing
really, but people are afraid of it.

“Ultimately it’s a fear that having a site like this will send a
message that says, ‘It’s okay to use drugs.’

“Of course that’s not what this is all about at all. It’s about
saving lives. It’s about getting drug addicts off the streets, out
of the back alleys and into a supervised place like this, where
they can get help.

“The vision of the perfect society is for no one to use drugs.
But until we get there, then the goal is to save the lives of
those who do. I think that makes sense.”

Liz Edwards, a former nurse who is one of the forces behind
In-Site, said addicts manage to quit drugs only when they
decide to help themselves.

“But right now people aren’t even being able to get to that
place … You can’t detox if you’re dead,” she said.

Thousands of tulips were strewn around the In-Site facility
yesterday. Each one represented an overdose victim. The
flowers — more than 2,000 of them — spilled off the counters
and lay in stacks along the floor.

Ms. Edwards said Heath Quest is not condoning the use of
drugs. It is just looking for “another piece in the puzzle” to
combat the use of heroin, cocaine and other illicit substances.
“For us the issue is that people are dying,” she said.

Health Quest opened the facility to the media yesterday, to let
the public see what a safe injection site looks like, and to
prompt the government to take action.

The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority is currently working on
a proposal to the federal government, that will seek clearance
to operate a safe-injection facility.

Larry Campbell, the recently elected Mayor of Vancouver, has
endorsed the concept. He campaigned on a promise to have a
facility in operation by Jan. 1. The city was unable to get its
proposal together in time for that date, however, and now
hopes to have filed one by the middle of this month.

Sometime this spring the In-Site facility could become legally
operational. Between now and then, an unknown number of
drug addicts will cage rigs from strangers — and overdose in
the street.


From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] the many rehashings
Date: February 6, 2003 at 6:28:00 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Me again.  Forgot it include the alcohol sterilized pads included in the New
Zealand packs,  Reading the last e-mail jogged my memory.  I should probably
have said there is also info on help and detox contact addresses listed.
Was just thinking,  most women I know have followed a boyfriend into the
drug cycle and then have ended up far more hooked than the blokes.  That
might not be true for everyone but seems to be the example I have seen.
Women seem to have a totally different attitude and way around drug use.
Anybody else out there got any ideas on that.  Am sure Andrea would if she
was still reading??
—–Original Message—–
From: nruhtra@dsskcorp.com <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2003 13:19
Subject: [ibogaine] the many rehashings

Study: Girls’ Addiction Risks Different from Boys
Feb 5 2003 3:45PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Girls and young women who use alcohol and drugs are
more likely than boys and young men to attempt suicide, according to a
study on Wednesday.
Girls also can get hooked faster than boys, even when using the same or
smaller amount of a particular substance, according to the study released
at a briefing by Columbia University’s National Center for Addiction and
Substance Abuse, known as CASA.

Participants in the briefing included Columba Bush, wife of Florida Gov.
Jeb Bush and sister-in-law of President Bush. Her daughter, Noelle, has
had several run-ins with the law because of drugs.

“My heart goes out to all those saddened parents across America whose
daughters have sunk into substance abuse and addiction,” said Bush, a CASA
board member.

CASA head Joseph Califano, who was President Jimmy Carter’s secretary of
health, education and welfare, said the study underscored the need for
different approaches to prevention and treatment for girls and young

“Unisex prevention programs — largely developed without regard to gender,
often with males in mind — fail to influence millions of girls and young
women,” he said.

The study, which covered the years from early adolescence to age 22,
found, for instance, that girls are at particularly high risk if they are
depressed, stressed, or victims of physical or sexual abuse.

Girls who have eating disorders are also at high risk, as are girls who
start puberty early or whose families have moved frequently.

The research also found a possible link between coffee consumption and
substance abuse. Girls and young women who drink coffee are significantly
more likely to smoke and drink alcohol, and to start at an earlier age.

Among the lawmakers at the briefing was Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a New
York Democrat, who proposed legislation to target the growing problem of
abuse of legal prescription drugs, including painkillers, stimulants and


From: “Alison Senepart” <aa.senepart@xtra.co.nz>
Subject: Re: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’
Date: February 6, 2003 at 6:17:12 AM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

I would have thought Canada would be far more ahead on that sort of issue.
Even in New Zealand we can buy a $10.00 pack from most pharmacies that
includes condoms, 10 syringes and 10 needles wrap-ed individually and
sterilized.  The pack also contains info on the safest injecting sites of
the body,   keeping yourself and your gear clean and a list of addresses of
suppliers of equipment,  as well as a plastic jar with lid to put used
needles etc into.  If you return your dirty gear which gets disposed of in a
specific bin at the pharmacy you get $2.00 off your new pack.  Its
completely legal to walk in off the street and purchase the equipment.  The
oddity of the legal system is that you can purchase but if you are caught or
busted with used equipment or drugs its a criminal offence but at least it
stops sharing gear and discourages people from dumping possible infected
equipment in parks or recreation areas etc.
Also in Sydney, Australia, they have opened a safe injection centre in Kings
Cross.  There were lots of protests, definitely a lot of “Not in my
backyard”  sort of complaint but as far as I know it is still operating.
Perhaps someone in Australia knows more about that one.  Allison
—–Original Message—–
From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2003 12:38
Subject: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Activists open safe injection site for drug users

Mark Hume
National Post

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

VANCOUVER – Leaning against the wall outside the Skyluck
Jewelers, one of the dozens of businesses closed on East
Hastings Street because of the corrosive influence of
epidemic drug use, the bone- thin woman asks a passerby:
“You got a rig to spare? Got a rig?”

Here she is, on a bright spring-like day, ready to shoot up
anything, with anybody’s needle. And in the process she
may contract HIV, or overdose on the spot, perhaps dying
in a nearby alley, curled up in a fetal position as
convulsions rack her body. Hundreds have.

Just a few doors up the street from where the desperate
addict is panhandling for a rig, a door opens from Canada’s
bleakest sidewalk into a room filled with light, music —
and, just maybe, hope.

In an unusual event yesterday, a group of social activists in
the Downtown Eastside opened what they want to become
North America’s first safe injection site for drug users.

In-Site, as the facility is called by Health Quest, is not much to
look at. There is a bright, freshly painted waiting room and
signs that advise you to take a number and wait until called.
Through a second door is a shooting gallery — six stainless
steel counters with adjacent sinks and mirrors — where up to
300 addicts a day are expected to inject heroin or cocaine.

They will bring their own drugs, but the rigs — clean needles,
tourniquets and alcohol swabs — will be provided by trained
staff, who will stand by in case someone gets sick or has an

In-Site seems like a simple solution, given that 2,200 people
have died of overdose deaths in British Columbia since 1994,
and the spread of HIV has reached epidemic proportions in the
Downtown Eastside.

But getting even this far — the site is merely a proposed
location, without government sanction to operate — has been
a monumental task for the harm-reduction proponents
advocating safe injection sites.

Kirsten Stuerzbecher, a member of the Health Quest board,
said one of the things that first struck her when she moved to
Canada was that there weren’t any safe injection sites — even
in Vancouver, where drug addiction and related problems have
ravished the Downtown Eastside.

“When I came over here the question I was asking myself was,
‘Why is this so hard? What’s the problem?’ ”

Ms. Stuerzbecher said safe injection facilities have long been
accepted in Germany. “What I came to understand is that it is
fear,” she said of Canada’s reluctance to embrace the concept.
“Here we are — it’s a sink, it’s a chair, it’s a table. It’s nothing
really, but people are afraid of it.

“Ultimately it’s a fear that having a site like this will send a
message that says, ‘It’s okay to use drugs.’

“Of course that’s not what this is all about at all. It’s about
saving lives. It’s about getting drug addicts off the streets, out
of the back alleys and into a supervised place like this, where
they can get help.

“The vision of the perfect society is for no one to use drugs.
But until we get there, then the goal is to save the lives of
those who do. I think that makes sense.”

Liz Edwards, a former nurse who is one of the forces behind
In-Site, said addicts manage to quit drugs only when they
decide to help themselves.

“But right now people aren’t even being able to get to that
place … You can’t detox if you’re dead,” she said.

Thousands of tulips were strewn around the In-Site facility
yesterday. Each one represented an overdose victim. The
flowers — more than 2,000 of them — spilled off the counters
and lay in stacks along the floor.

Ms. Edwards said Heath Quest is not condoning the use of
drugs. It is just looking for “another piece in the puzzle” to
combat the use of heroin, cocaine and other illicit substances.
“For us the issue is that people are dying,” she said.

Health Quest opened the facility to the media yesterday, to let
the public see what a safe injection site looks like, and to
prompt the government to take action.

The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority is currently working on
a proposal to the federal government, that will seek clearance
to operate a safe-injection facility.

Larry Campbell, the recently elected Mayor of Vancouver, has
endorsed the concept. He campaigned on a promise to have a
facility in operation by Jan. 1. The city was unable to get its
proposal together in time for that date, however, and now
hopes to have filed one by the middle of this month.

Sometime this spring the In-Site facility could become legally
operational. Between now and then, an unknown number of
drug addicts will cage rigs from strangers — and overdose in
the street.


From: <nruhtra@dsskcorp.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] the many rehashings
Date: February 5, 2003 at 7:20:03 PM EST
To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Study: Girls’ Addiction Risks Different from Boys
Feb 5 2003 3:45PM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Girls and young women who use alcohol and drugs are
more likely than boys and young men to attempt suicide, according to a
study on Wednesday.
Girls also can get hooked faster than boys, even when using the same or
smaller amount of a particular substance, according to the study released
at a briefing by Columbia University’s National Center for Addiction and
Substance Abuse, known as CASA.

Participants in the briefing included Columba Bush, wife of Florida Gov.
Jeb Bush and sister-in-law of President Bush. Her daughter, Noelle, has
had several run-ins with the law because of drugs.

“My heart goes out to all those saddened parents across America whose
daughters have sunk into substance abuse and addiction,” said Bush, a CASA
board member.

CASA head Joseph Califano, who was President Jimmy Carter’s secretary of
health, education and welfare, said the study underscored the need for
different approaches to prevention and treatment for girls and young

“Unisex prevention programs — largely developed without regard to gender,
often with males in mind — fail to influence millions of girls and young
women,” he said.

The study, which covered the years from early adolescence to age 22,
found, for instance, that girls are at particularly high risk if they are
depressed, stressed, or victims of physical or sexual abuse.

Girls who have eating disorders are also at high risk, as are girls who
start puberty early or whose families have moved frequently.

The research also found a possible link between coffee consumption and
substance abuse. Girls and young women who drink coffee are significantly
more likely to smoke and drink alcohol, and to start at an earlier age.

Among the lawmakers at the briefing was Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, a New
York Democrat, who proposed legislation to target the growing problem of
abuse of legal prescription drugs, including painkillers, stimulants and


From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] ‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’
Date: February 5, 2003 at 6:39:25 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

‘You can’t detox if you’re dead’

Activists open safe injection site for drug users

Mark Hume
National Post

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

VANCOUVER – Leaning against the wall outside the Skyluck
Jewelers, one of the dozens of businesses closed on East
Hastings Street because of the corrosive influence of
epidemic drug use, the bone- thin woman asks a passerby:
“You got a rig to spare? Got a rig?”

Here she is, on a bright spring-like day, ready to shoot up
anything, with anybody’s needle. And in the process she
may contract HIV, or overdose on the spot, perhaps dying
in a nearby alley, curled up in a fetal position as
convulsions rack her body. Hundreds have.

Just a few doors up the street from where the desperate
addict is panhandling for a rig, a door opens from Canada’s
bleakest sidewalk into a room filled with light, music —
and, just maybe, hope.

In an unusual event yesterday, a group of social activists in
the Downtown Eastside opened what they want to become
North America’s first safe injection site for drug users.

In-Site, as the facility is called by Health Quest, is not much to
look at. There is a bright, freshly painted waiting room and
signs that advise you to take a number and wait until called.
Through a second door is a shooting gallery — six stainless
steel counters with adjacent sinks and mirrors — where up to
300 addicts a day are expected to inject heroin or cocaine.

They will bring their own drugs, but the rigs — clean needles,
tourniquets and alcohol swabs — will be provided by trained
staff, who will stand by in case someone gets sick or has an

In-Site seems like a simple solution, given that 2,200 people
have died of overdose deaths in British Columbia since 1994,
and the spread of HIV has reached epidemic proportions in the
Downtown Eastside.

But getting even this far — the site is merely a proposed
location, without government sanction to operate — has been
a monumental task for the harm-reduction proponents
advocating safe injection sites.

Kirsten Stuerzbecher, a member of the Health Quest board,
said one of the things that first struck her when she moved to
Canada was that there weren’t any safe injection sites — even
in Vancouver, where drug addiction and related problems have
ravished the Downtown Eastside.

“When I came over here the question I was asking myself was,
‘Why is this so hard? What’s the problem?’ ”

Ms. Stuerzbecher said safe injection facilities have long been
accepted in Germany. “What I came to understand is that it is
fear,” she said of Canada’s reluctance to embrace the concept.
“Here we are — it’s a sink, it’s a chair, it’s a table. It’s nothing
really, but people are afraid of it.

“Ultimately it’s a fear that having a site like this will send a
message that says, ‘It’s okay to use drugs.’

“Of course that’s not what this is all about at all. It’s about
saving lives. It’s about getting drug addicts off the streets, out
of the back alleys and into a supervised place like this, where
they can get help.

“The vision of the perfect society is for no one to use drugs.
But until we get there, then the goal is to save the lives of
those who do. I think that makes sense.”

Liz Edwards, a former nurse who is one of the forces behind
In-Site, said addicts manage to quit drugs only when they
decide to help themselves.

“But right now people aren’t even being able to get to that
place … You can’t detox if you’re dead,” she said.

Thousands of tulips were strewn around the In-Site facility
yesterday. Each one represented an overdose victim. The
flowers — more than 2,000 of them — spilled off the counters
and lay in stacks along the floor.

Ms. Edwards said Heath Quest is not condoning the use of
drugs. It is just looking for “another piece in the puzzle” to
combat the use of heroin, cocaine and other illicit substances.
“For us the issue is that people are dying,” she said.

Health Quest opened the facility to the media yesterday, to let
the public see what a safe injection site looks like, and to
prompt the government to take action.

The Vancouver Coastal Health Authority is currently working on
a proposal to the federal government, that will seek clearance
to operate a safe-injection facility.

Larry Campbell, the recently elected Mayor of Vancouver, has
endorsed the concept. He campaigned on a promise to have a
facility in operation by Jan. 1. The city was unable to get its
proposal together in time for that date, however, and now
hopes to have filed one by the middle of this month.

Sometime this spring the In-Site facility could become legally
operational. Between now and then, an unknown number of
drug addicts will cage rigs from strangers — and overdose in
the street.


From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Fw: Vancouver Canada Safe-Injection Site
Date: February 5, 2003 at 10:29:48 AM EST
To: <drugwar@mindvox.com>, <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

HI all,
An interesting commentary on a report from Vancouver.

—– Original Message —–
From: John French
To: stnap@lists.stnap.org
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 9:23 AM
Subject: Vancouver Canada Safe-Injection Site

According to an on-line article in the Canadian Press yesterday, a
safe-injection house, situated in the busiest copping neighborhood in the
city, has been prepared and is awaiting a three tiered governmental
approval process. The City government has informally voiced its approval,
and the founders hope to have a proposal for the federal government by
mid-February. They count on the December recommendation of a Liberal
dominated parliamentary panel that said heroin addicts should have
safe-injection sites and expanded needle-exchange programs.

The article describes the house procedures thusly:
“As addicts walk into the building, they would first enter a lobby or foyer
that more resembles an art gallery, with paintings and track lighting. In
one corner is a separate room for the site’s clinical director.

“Addicts would then walk through another door into a room with six gleaming
stalls, each with a mirror and sink and a kit containing a spoon,
tourniquet, alcohol pad and syringe. They would bring their own drugs and
inject under the supervision of a nurse.”

The presence of a nurse during the injection process makes for fascinating
research. How do the addicts react to the presence of the nurse? How does
it modify their routine? How are nurse attitudes shaped and reshaped over
time? How successful are attempts at teaching safe injection methods?

I can’t speak for Vancouver junkies, but a gleaming mirror would have me
cupping my hands and trying to see through it. As a researcher though, I
would want one-way glass with informed consent, with all the necessary
caveats, including a tour of the viewing room(s) by all new clients.

An ethnomethodological study on the order of the one done in the Mexican
abortion clinic 20+ years ago would be great. (Forget finding the cite on
that one.)

Sadly, the brief news article has not a single mention of the house
providing support and referral for addicts who wish to seek treatment. We
can reasonably assume the founders have made this a major goal, but they
missed the opportunity to communicate it to the public in this first
article. Of course, demonstrating this effect, along with reductions in HIV
and HCV infections and in ulcerated injection sites, is what will keep them

John French
Vancouver community groups offers tour of pilot safe injection site
Canadian Press Tuesday, February 04, 2003
[Watch for breaking URLs]

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] CNN Alert to Wednesday Ed Protests– Jurors Denounce Their Own Verdict
Date: February 4, 2003 at 4:18:35 PM EST
To: “NORMAL” <post@normal.no>
Cc: bribera@hotmail.com, Mojca Straus <mojca@drogart.com>, ezpz@telkomsa.net, newagecitizen@aol.com, hromi@kyberia.sk, “Terry Mitchell” <tushona@hotmail.com>, pariah_mob@yahoo.com, jc0_66@yahoo.com, “Irena” <irena.krzan@kiss.uni-lj.si>, legalizemichigan@yahoo.com, “cappleby3014” <cappleby3014@rogers.com>, “Matthew Jorn” <matthewjorn@hotmail.com>, Xpu100 <hri100@iname.com>, mjmarch@cannabismail.com, info@worldcamp.org, marijuanamarch@yahoo.com, hempSA@va.com.au, has.cornelissen@planet.nl, farid@no-log.org, inorml@inorml.org, <mohemp@hotmail.com>, Boris.it@mail.ru, Chris Conrad <chris@chrisconrad.com>, iowanorml@home.com, duncaneddy@hotmail.com, <nfn@watervalley.net>, RoadsEnd@aol.com, Chris Wright <TCW@genesis-computer.com>, rastapeace@yahoo.com, pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org, hempSA@va.com.au, smuuthc11@hotmail.com, acididea@hotmail.com, <anna_ganja@hotmail.com>, andyganja2001@yahoo.co.uk, “Melody Karr” <fiddlefoot420@hotmail.com>, “Howie Hempalot” <torml@weedmail.com>, <fearless_420@hotmail.com>, mmm@drugpeace.org, melacs42x60@hotmail.com, rebelart@gasgroup.com, pcornwell@earthlink.net, martin@africandance.de, CAMPNC@hotmail.com, Blocpot@blocpot.qc.ca, DennyLane@gmavt.net, linda@anamika.freeserve.co.uk, rappa@casema.net, <arsec@pangea.org>, Hanfparaden Center Berlin <hanfparade@hanflobby.de>, alun <webbooks@paston.co.uk>, <amec@ctv.es>, mayday@onelist.com, “kathy kennedy” <prohibitionx@hotmail.com>, <freddiefreak@c2i.net>, sokrates@arachne.cz, <restore@crrh.org>, <rastapeace@yahoo.com>, “justin ballot” <j_thang@hotmail.com>, Hempsters@aol.com, texasm5@hotmail.com, “Roy B. Scherer” <rscherer@richmond.infi.net>, helmut holtzheimer <movemus@gmx.de>, phillty2@yahoo.com, steph@safeaccessnow.org, “Bill Downing” <billdowning@attbi.com>, “Dave Toaff” <davetoaff@hotmail.com>, mmm@normal.no, “Angela Goodhope” <sisterearth420@hotmail.com>, Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk, Michael Palmieri <forml_2000@yahoo.com>, PROBER13@aol.com, StewMO1941@aol.com, rmelamed@zoo.uvm.edu, chris@schmoo.co.uk, pakaloha@gte.net, werkhausen@mail.isis.de (M. Werkhausen), chairman@votermarch.org, bloom@hightimes.com, pdr <pdr@echonyc.com>, aksh1@waikato.ac.nz, fdb@mail.ev1.net, sky@sky.org, <stinkygreens@yahoo.com>, Hanf-tv@karo4tel.de, blair@technologist.com, “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net>, encimer@hotmail.com, Skywolf@yahooka.com, <CFFHS@nm.ru>, al@cannabisrevival.com, globalpeas@email.com, emanuel@kotzian.de, dangssdp@yahoo.com, fine_time909@hotmail.com, Boris@headsmagazine.com, miriamwhite420@hotmail.com, bud_jamesbud@yahoo.com, mappnow@hotmail.com, xchaos@arachne.cz, btm42@hotmail.com, wachtel@shani.net, forml420@marijuana.com, Michela Gesualdo <mgesuald@ilmanifesto>, terryparkerjr@sympatico.ca, fjhc@hotmail, “Razor” <rzr@powertech.no>, legalise@tradeshall.org.nz, “Nelg Nella” <spacehippie@hotmail.com>, phillyweed420@hotmail.com, info@hanf-koordination.ch, doncriss@yahoo.com, Peter Bluhm <peterbluhm2001@yahoo.de>, “Joe Wein” <joewein@pobox.com>, “Bud Spliff” <normalpotluck2002@hotmail.com>, info@cannabist.org, OCannabisSociety@aol.com, “Catherine Jones” <mmmfriend@hotmail.com>, writch@writch.com, cannabisaction@yahoogroups.com, mary mackenzie <mmackenzie2@juno.com>, hilary@riseup.net, escandonavia@prodigy.net.mx, jipiando@yahoo.es, leoparda_azul@hotmail.com, faenadub@hotmail.com, ultra_plus_estrella@hotmail.com, helmcke@prodigy.net.mx, m_bandida@hotmail.com, malcomska@hotmail.com, foroalici@hotmail.com, earthfirstswt@hotmail.com, taudarknes@hotmail.com, “The Happy Hemptress” <hemptress@hemprock.com>, “New Paltz Norml” <newpaltznorml@yahoo.com>, hamppu.kaupunki@pp.inet.fi, “Enrico Fletzer” <enricofletzer@hotmail.com>, Blair Anderson <blair@technologist.com>, basel@hanf-koordination.ch, martin@hanflobby.de, omarzocchi@europarl.eu.int, clauditza_f@yahoo.com, “Silvia Inchaurraga” <sinchaur@agatha.unr.edu.ar>, “Vinnie” <info@grow.de>, Klaus.Tuxen.hampenyt@hampenyt.dk, mr_azid@hotmail.com, pariahnt@yahoo.com, “Butler, Philip” <phillty2@yahoo.com>, geneve@coordination-chanvre.ch, may2001@schmoo.co.uk, “Tato”foigras2002@yahoo.com.br, “Camello”cosmocamello@vivecondrogas.com, “Luiz Paulo” <lpgb@mtecnet.com.br>, amecamexico@hotmail.com, d-form@mail.ru, aclrm@nimbinaustralia.com, deadmanseedco@rogers.com, “Segreteria Forte Prenestino” <segreteria@forteprenestino.net>, Michela Gesualdo <mgesuald@ilmanifesto>, aw@koliber.org, “Sergio Stifanic” <fine_time909@hotmail.com>, “Andrius Brazas” <brazhas@marijuananews.com>, Dana Larsen <muggles2@cannabisculture.com>, rmelamed@uccs.edu, SCMJMarch@yahoogroups.com, clear@harmreduction.org, Bonnie <rabbit@cownow.com>, mgreer@mapinc.org, pieman@pieman.org, “ccguide.org.uk” <alun@ccguide.org.uk>, ajw <ajw@nyc.rr.com>, mayday@yahoogroups.com, Paul Krassner <pkrassner@earthlink.net>, StewA@aol.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, “B.T. Moore” <btm42@hotmail.com>, “Brian Downing Quig” <quig@dcia.com>, “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>, “David Crockett Williams” <gear2000@lightspeed.net>, “Gregory Lake” <lakeg@hotmail.com>, has.cornelissen@planet.nl, anadi2000@earthlink.net, Nicholas Merrill <nick@mojo.calyx.net>, Mitchell Halberstadt <mitch-h@mindspring.com>, “Donald Grove” <grove@harmreduction.org>, Bob Melamede <rmelamed@uccs.edu>, lesliecagan@igc.org, Chris Conrad <chris@chrisconrad.com>, narda@lifefood.com, damnrobrob@yahoo.com, Jay Blotcher <jblotcher@hvc.rr.com>, crmoynihan@yahoo.com, BrennerL@aol.com, “Andrew Grice” <kingfelix@mediaone.net>, mruppert@copvcia.com, DogBreath100@aol.com, saltcom@aol.com, rumsey@newsday.com, ekwa@msn.com, flynn@nytimes.com, foundation@norml.org, Sean.Sweeneynyc@verizon.net, Lconaway@villagevoice.com, charlie kaplan <crowes_98@yahoo.com>, psmith@drcnet.org, dguard@drcnet.org, deanl1@earthlink.net, Sarah Ferguson <sferg@interport.net>, dmcvay@csdp.org, cowan@marijuananews.com, smokinjoe@weeklydig.com, don@hempery.com, anita@bodyshop.co.uk, danviets@justice.com, cohenj@hrw.org, “jim sutherland” <jim@arclightning.com>, danaleecohen@aol.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Free Ed Rosenthal Protests Planned Wednesday at U.S. embassies in London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Oslo, Rome, Berne, Warsaw and other World Capitols…Please join! Call 1212-677-7180.

From: Jim Sutherland <jim@arclightning.com>
X-Accept-Language: en
To: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: Re: Wednesday Ed Protests–NYTimes Calls Conviction “Tyrannical”
I passed this along to the international planners at CNN.
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2003 07:56:09 -0800

Jurors Denounce Their Own Verdict

By Ann Harrison, AlterNet
February 3, 2003

After she and her fellow jurors found Ed Rosenthal guilty of federal
marijuana cultivation and conspiracy charges in San Francisco last week,
Marney Craig discovered that that she had made a terrible mistake.

Instead of the “businessman” she thought she had convicted, Craig learned
that Rosenthal, was, in fact, a widely published marijuana advocate who had
been asked to grow medical cannabis for critically ill patients. The judge
had kept this information from jurors, because Rosenthal was tried under
federal drug laws that do not recognize the medicinal use of marijuana.

“What happened was a travesty and it’s unbelievable, unbelievable that this
man was convicted. I am just devastated,” said Craig. “We made a terrible
mistake and he should not be going to prison for this.”

Craig is not alone in her remorse. Five other jurors, including the jury
foreman, are expected to join Craig to denounce the verdict in a joint
press conference this week. The event will take place immediately after a
hearing to determine whether prosecutors will succeed in revoking
Rosenthal’s $200,000 cash bond and send him to jail until sentencing on
June 4. Attorneys for Rosenthal, who is facing five to 20 years in prison,
say they will ask an appeals court for a new trial.

“I was not allowed to tell my story,” said Rosenthal. “If the jury had been
allowed to hear the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, I would have
been acquitted.”

Juror Debra DeMartini said she was distressed to discover that Rosenthal
had been deputized by the city of Oakland, California to grow marijuana for
its medical cannabis program. Oakland city officials testified during
pre-trail hearings that they had tried to reconcile the conflict between
the federal Controlled Substances Act, which bans all marijuana
cultivation, and California’s Compassionate Use Act (Prop. 215) which
permits patients to possess, consume and grow their own medical cannabis.

In an effort to provide medical cannabis to patients who could not grow
their own, the city granted Rosenthal immunity from prosecution under a
section of the Controlled Substances Act. But U.S. District Judge Charles
Breyer halted every attempt by the defense team to directly tell jurors for
whom Rosenthal’s marijuana was being grown and blocked city officials from
explaining Rosenthal’s deputization during the trial.

“If I had known that he was told he could grow this by the city, that would
have raised some questions for me in front of the judge,” said DeMartini.
“It’s a waste of taxpayer money to bring these cases and prosecute people.”

Craig sobbed as she recounted her growing concern during the trial that
Judge Breyer was withholding critical information. Craig said she became
alarmed when the judge took over questioning of the witnesses, when he
repeatedly cut off the defense attorney, and when she saw protest signs in
front of the courthouse suggesting that jurors were not fully informed.

“The more information we get, the more we realize how manipulated and
controlled the whole situation was, and that we were pawns in this much
larger game,” says Craig. “As residents, we voted to legalize medical
marijuana and now we are forced to sit here and not take any of this into

“In some sense it is a major setback, and in another it is a call to
arms,”said Jeff Jones, executive director of the Oakland Cannabis Buyers’
Cooperative, one of the medical marijuana clubs that Rosenthal was growing

Rosenthal’s trail was attended by a number of medical marijuana patients,
many of whom wept when the verdict was announced. Nicholas Feldman, a
quadrapalegic cerebral palsy patient who says he smokes medical cannabis to
ease the pain and spasticity in his limbs, was one of several people who
arrived in court in a wheelchair. “How can they do this to us? People are
in pain and it means a lot to us as citizens not to see a person suffer.”
said Feldman. “I stand here to day for people who could end up in jail for
helping to ease my pain.”

Despite the emotion surrounding the case, some jurors felt that they had no
choice but to follow judge Rosenthal’s instructions, based on the evidence
in front of them. DEA agents testified that they seized thousands of
marijuana plants and cuttings at a San Francisco medical marijuana club,
and at an Oakland warehouse owned by Rosenthal. But jurors said they
distrusted the testimony and based their convictions on video tapes of the
marijuana grow sites. They found that Rosenthal conspired with others at
the club to to grow not more than 1,000 marijuana plants, as the prosecutor
claimed, but more than 100 marijuana plants, a fact which will affect
Rosenthal’s sentencing. Jurors also found him guilty of growing more than
100 plants at the warehouse and maintaining a place to grow marijuana.

Shortly after the verdict was read, juror Bill Zemke walked solemnly from
the courthouse past past two medical marijuana patients who sat weeping.
“We considered the evidence in the case, the evidence that we could review,
it was not an easy decision,” said Zemke evenly. [Medical cannabis] was in
the back of everyone’s mind, a factor in the case, but it was not in the
evidence in this case.”

“We have state’s rights,” shouted the disconsolate patient, “you can’t lock
all of us up.”

Jurors Have Power But Not The City

Jury foreman Charles Sackett agreed with Zemke that jurors came to the only
conclusion that they could have, given the information they were provided.
But he said he supports medical marijuana and hopes Rosenthal will win his
appeal. “The medical issue was not introduced into the court proceedings,
it was never an issue for us,” said Sackett. “We weren’t allowed to discuss
it amongst ourselves, ever.”

Sackett says he’s now intrigued by the idea of jury nullification, which he
says none of the jurors was aware of. Jury nullification is a legal
principal which allows the jury to find a defendant innocent if the law
itself is unjust or unjust in a particular application. Would jurors have
taken the option of jury nullification in Rosenthal’s case? “It would be
speculation on my part, but it’s very possible; dare I say, probable,” says
Sackett. “I think jury nullification is going to be part of the answer
regarding states’ rights in future cases.”

Down at San Francisco City Hall, Matt Gonzalez, president of the city’s
Board of Supervisors, or city council, said jurors in cases like
Rosenthal’s should know that they can simply refuse to follow federal law.
“The judge is not giving the jury any space, whatsoever, to engage in what
has been an extremely long tradition in common law as it relates to jury
nullification,” said Gonzalez.

Craig said she believed that if she had taken a stand during deliberations
and said the federal law was wrong, she would have been removed from the
jury. “I didn’t know what would happen to us if we didn’t follow the rules,
how much trouble I would get into,” said Craig. “I was totally intimidated
into going along with the verdict because I didn’t see any other way.”

San Francisco public defender Jeff Adachi noted that there have been a
number of decisions involving jury nullification in which judges have
removed jurors who have refused to convict. But he said a jury instruction
that permitted this was ruled to be unconstitutional in the last year.
“Over the past 20 years, there has been a movement to limit the power of
the jury by keeping the jury ignorant of the facts,” said Adachi. “Jury
nullification is a constitutional right that every individual person who is
called for jury duty possesses, and unless we appreciate that right, we
will lose it because the courts will take it from us.”

In the meantime, Adachi warned that Rosenthal’s conviction will encourage
federal authorities to arrest more medical cannabis growers and
distributors. “The kind of prosecution that we are seeing in the Rosenthal
case could be multiplied 50 or 100 times over in the next year or two
here,” said Adachi.

Despite the warning of coming prosecutions, Rosenthal’s attorney Bill
Simpich noted that city officials were absent during Rosenthal’s trial.
While Prop. 215 passed by 78 percent in San Francisco, he said officials
have been slow to comply with a recent ballot initiative ordering them to
investigate a city-run medical cannabis growing and distribution system.

“‘The single biggest thing that hurt us is that we did not have the cities
of San Francisco and Oakland by our side,” said Simpich. “They were not
there and if they had been there we would have won. They made a mistake and
the time to correct it is now.”

Simpich is calling for California cities and counties to continue
immunizing medical cannabis caregivers because the judge’s condemnation of
this tactic applies only to those cases in front of him. “I’d love to get
deputized,” said Bob Martin, proprietor of the San Francisco’s Compassion
and Care Center medical marijuana club. “We are scared every day.”

Gonzales says he is still meeting with officials and legal advisers to
review the city’s options. DEA spokesman Richard Meyer has made it clear
that any San Francisco city authority involved growing or distributing
medical marijuana will be subject to arrest and property forfeiture.

Craig said she upheld federal law and convicted Rosenthal because she felt
she didn’t have any choice. But she says that following instructions was no
excuse for not acting on her conscience and refusing to convict a medical
marijuana grower. “Anyone who said I was just following orders … well
yeah, we just wiped out this village in Viet Nam, we were just following
orders, or the Europeans turning away when the Jews were taken away by the
Nazis. We are no better than that if we can’t take a stand for what we
believe in,” said Craig.

“I feel like if I had done something in this trial, even if I had been
thrown off the jury, it would have made a difference because it would have
been on the record that someone said ‘No,’ and that is something I have to
live with.”


For a statement on the verdict from Ed Rosenthal and information on what you can do to help in his appeal, visit http://www.green-aid.com.
Rosenthal Trial Pic’s and News Articles



Contacts for the Free Ed protests at US Embassies in Europe and elsewhere can be found in the following list for the Global March for Cannabis Liberation, May 2, 3, 4. To get on the poster for the 2003 Global March for Cannabis Liberation, check yr contact info and add yr city to the List http://www.cures-not-wars.org/cities.htm , which right now consists of 188 cities :

Abbotsford: 604-607-1111 Tim Felger <tfleger@shaw.ca> About 100 marchers who refused to pay to march.

Albany: Terry Phelan 518-436-7098 [63 McCarty Ave. Albany, NY 12202]

Albuquerque: Rob Taylor (505) 565-4150 or Rich Haley <writch@writch.com>  Between 500 and 1000 participants in ’02, no arrests

Amherst: Angela Panaccione panaccio@student.umass.edu 413-545-1122

Amsterdam: has.cornelissen@planet.nl +31(0)20-6107807 +31(0)6-16314682 http://www.legalize.net http://www.legalize.org Has Cornelissen, Govert Flinckstraat, 295 Amsterdam

Arlington: Paula Matson 817-299-8447 [2306 Fig Tree Lane, Arlington, TX 76014-1656]


Auckland: Chris Fowlie ph 09 302-5255 2000 participants in ’02.

Augusta: Cindi Ellen O’Connor 207-696-8879  cindieo@prexar.com [RR1 Box 1090 Starks, ME 04911] or Faryl Orlinsky 207-783-3324

Austin: Tracy Hayes <marijuanamarch4@hotmail.com> 512.693.2356, cell 512.587.8838, 900 Bouldin, Austin TX, 78704  Nearly 1,000 participants in ’02.

Basel: Sektion Basel-Stadt SHK, Postfach, 4007 Basel, Fax: +41 61 263 98 70, Email: <mailto:basel@hanf-koordination.ch>basel@hanf-koordination.ch

Batesville/Oxford:  662-578-6993 Gary / NFN Enterprise <nfn@watervalley.net> 1509 Orwood Rd. 250 protestors in ’02, no arrests.

Baton Rouge: Robinptilley@aol.com (225)667-9270 [Robin Tilley P.O. Box 791 Denham Springs, La 70727 or 10006 Eve Drive, Denham Springs 70726]

Battle Creek: “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net> 616-697-4521
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/battlecreek.htm 20 to 60 folks in ’02.

Berlin: Martin Muencheberg <martin@hanflobby.de> 0049-30-29490201 http://www.hanfparade.de [200 participants, 2,000 spectators in ’02.

Berne: Swiss Hanf Koordination Sekretariat + 41-31-398-1444
<infor@hanf-koordination.ch> Roman will know which Swiss cities
are marching.

Birmingham: “Loretta Nall” <candlelady11599@earthlink.net>

Birmingham: Grow More Weed Campaign, PO Box 9121, Birmingham
B138AU. 01212561303. (Mark Badger) Fax: 0121 256 1302. email:
growmoreweed@ironmanrecords.co.uk www.growmoreweed.co.uk
March/Festival foundered over Biblical interpretation; just 20 people in ’02.

Boone: Stan Chamberlain jc48534@appstate.edu  828 266 7587   ASU Box 7947, Boone NC 28608

Boston: Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition\NORML P.O. Box
0266, Georgetown, MA 01833-0366 781-944-2266 –
http://www.masscann.org – 781-779-1334 fax Signature-gathering drive in ’02.

Boulder:  Ralph Shnelvar  ralph@snelrar.com 303-546-6125 or Fred Smith 303-449-2390 <smithmf@stripe.colorado.edu>

Bratislava: hromi@kyberia.sk  http://kyberia.sk 00420 776 126 587 Daniel Hromada, Cerchovska 8, Prague 2,
120 00, Czech Republic

Braunschweig: <cannabislegal@gmx.net> This is an info stall in
Braunschweig distributing leaflets and other information
material from a stall in a shopping area.

Bremen: Silke Tel. 0179/180 25 25 Lieder@web.de Olaf 0162/77 34
576 Party-Project: 33 99 334 party@party-project.de Some 300 participants in ’02 despite the bad weather.

Brno: Vaclav Linkov, <linkov@math.muni.cz> Tel.: +420-737-811107
http://www.legalizace.cz  http://www.l.s.cz

Brussels: Ottavio Marzocchi <omarzocchi@europarl.eu.int> +32-2-284-5496 www.radicalparty.org

Bucharest:  ClauditZa  clauditza_f@yahoo.com www.iarba.verde.de.acasa.go.ro 004092195819  address: Spliff Decision, viorele street, nr 34  Bucharest, Romania or Poke www.marihuana.ro 004091343202 address: piata romana, Bucharest, Romania   300 active smokers on a small beach named Kudos in ’02.

Buenos Aires: daihatsu missminipimer@mefis.to www.mefis.to   or miss olga summers olgasummers@mefis.to www. ligalais.com  ARDA (011) 15 40289847 RADDUD (011) 46357820
Nos juntaremos el 4 de mayo, 16 hs., a fumar uno en el planetario buenos aires.

Buffalo: Philip L Beavers jr./B.A.C.H <BLocman420@aol.com>
716-895-1987  or 716-578-3410 1160 E. LOVEJOY (st) buffalo 14206 600-700 people over the course of the day in ’02; all 3 networks; no police problems

Burlington: Denny Lane / Brendan Kinney, Vermont Libertarian
Party & VT-NORML dennylane@gmavt.net / chair@vtlp.org (802)
496-2387 http://vtnorml.org/MMM 802-496-2387 POB 537, Waitesfield, Vt 05673 or matt hogg
<mhogg@zoo.uvm.edu (802) 865-9410. 1,000 in attendence in ’02, no arrests.

Capetown: “greggoodwin” <greggoodwin@mweb.co.za> or “Marcus \(Home\)” <mt3825@freemail.absa.co.za> 100 people, mostly Rasta’s, in ’02.

Charlotte: Ragan Tolbert OnThatLevel@aol.com

Chicago: Caren Thomas, to Windy City Hemp, 2506 N. Clark St., PMB#157; Chicago, IL 60614;   or 773-363-2942 chicagomarch2003@hotmail.com -or-http://www.windycityhemp.org

Chico: 530-345-1997 <chicodank@hotmail.com> or http://www.pot-party.com 1381 Fairway Alley, Chico, CA 95926; or adrian aguilar ode2thewalls@aol.com (530)898-2150 or voicemail pgr 530-571-2071 Approx. 420 participants in ’02.

Christchurch: Blair Anderson <blair@technologist.com> Mild Green Media Centre ph: ++64 3 389-4065 Website pages.quicksilver.net.nz/blair Newsforum news://http://www.reddfish.co.nz/alcp [50 Wainoni Road, WAINONI
Christchurch, NZ 8006] 500 participants in ’02.

Cincinnati: the Happy Hemptress <hemptress@hemprock.com> 513-684-HEMP [Hemprock Productions, P.O. Box 18253, Erlanger, KY 41018 ]

Cleveland: John <OCannabisSociety@aol.com> (216)521-9333 http://www.timesoft.com/ncnorml 2,000 participants. No arrests.

Cologne: grow!Club CannaCom e.V. /redAktion: 0221 562-6347
“Vinnie” <info@grow.de> http://www.grow.de Info booth by grow! w. JES, akzept &
VfD drew interest…

Colorado Springs: Bob Melamede <rmelamed@uccs.edu> or Mstrmanic@aol.com Stephan Ballasch Continuous presence of a few hundred people in the park in ’02.

Columbus: 614-291-1026 Russ Selkirk osussdp@hotmail.com Sean Luse OSU-SSDP,  276 Chittenden Ave, Cols, OH 43201;  or Ken Schweickart 614-265-VOTE dpeo@earthlink.net  650 participants, no arrests.

Concord: (603)682-9077 nhorml@yahoo.com or http://www.nhorml.org.org 30 people in ’02, no cops.

Copenhagen: Klaus Tuxen hampenyt@hampenyt.dk  http://www.hampepartiet.dk or Zid Dhartha mr_azid@hotmail.com  http://www.christiania.org/ (+0045) 32 95 65 07 org: Hampepartiet ( The party For HEMP)  http://www.hampepartiet.dk address: F.H.B. hampens plads Christiania, 1407 Kbh. K.150 on march, 500 at smoke-in in ’02.

Daingerfield: johnny s. chambliss  rollinxoxo@aol.com p.o. box 484, ore city, texas 75683

Darwin: mick lambe pariahnt@yahoo.com http://napnt.tripod.com 30 marchers, 35 police, but no arrests due media spotlite.

DeKalb: “Adam Timm” <itsmeuwant2c@hotmail.com>

Denver: Ken Gorman 303-935-6534 http://kg1.org or ralph@snelrar.com 303-546-6125 [ Ken Gorman, 1073 South Decatur Street; Denver, CO 80219]

Des Moines: iowanorml@mchsi.com (515) 288-5798
http://iowanorml.home.mchsi.com/ http://commonlink.com/~olsen/ ,
mojo.calyx.net/~olsen/, http://www.iowanorml.org/
http://www.druglibrary.org/olsen/index.html ; or Terry Mitchell
(515) 789-4442; 608 Dallas St., Dexter, Iowa 50070. 300 marchers, police friendly.

Detroit: “Professor Hemp” <newagecitizen@aol.com> 313-563-3192 or “jude
joseph” acididea@hotmail.com 313 438 1668
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/detroit.htm 90 to 120 participants exposed to Ibogaine message.

Dover: “Richard J. Schimelfenig” <rschimel@temple.edu> Delaware Cannabis Society c/o Richard J.
Schimelfenig, 3504 Winterhaven Drive, Newark, DE 19702, (302)
456-9402 299 demonstrators, 8,000 spectators, cops watched and did nothing in ’02.

Dublin: “Butler, Philip” <phillty2@yahoo.com> +353 1 4163707 or
<jday@iamwasted.com> http://www.cannabisireland.com/
http://groups.yahoo.com/group//ie-cannabis/ 1,000 people in “02.

Duesseldorf: Marlon Werkhausen <marlon@gesellschaftsprobleme.de>
http://www.gesellschaftsprobleme.de phone: 049-172-7591795.
100 participants, good atmosphere.

Durban: <ezpz.co.za> or <ezpz@telkomsa.net> +27 31 2016 359
PHONE AND FAX. http://www.ezpz.co.za Post net Suite 136, Private
Bag X 04, DALBRIDGE, 4014, SOUTH AFRICA Justin Ballot, 134 Clark
Road, Durban 4001, South Africa

Edinburgh: “Linda Hendry”<linda@anamika.freeserve.co.uk> UK –
0131 667-6488

El Paso: Steve White <swhite01@elp.rr.com>915-590-2200  Postal:1226 mcrae ste.b el paso, tx 79925

Eugene: Kris Millegan <Hempsters@aol.com> 800-556-2012
http://www.ctrl.org/mmm     600-800 folks in ’02. One arrest.

Fairbanks: Timothy 907-474-9007

Feldkirch: <kontakt@legalisieren.at> 3. Hempfest Organized by
Legalize! ÷sterreich and Burgerinitiative Cannabis (Citizens’
Initiative Cannabis)

Flensburg: Peter Bluhm <peter-bluhm@foni.net> phone: Irene:
04632-871771 Peter: 0461-13620

Flint: Rev. A.S.”Happy” Wright <legalizemichigan@yahoo.com> 989
872 8005 http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/flint.htm 100 participants in ’02.

Ft. Lauderdale: Sean LaPierre 954-584-8979 4750 N.W. 10th Court (Apt. 314), Plantation, FL 33313 email: imagic music@aol.com  200 participants, 500 spectators, no arrests.

Ft Wayne:  NickStreet@comcast.net  (260) 496-8542 [Nick Street, 416 Russell Ave., Ft. Wayne, IN 46805]

Ft. Worth: “Chet Frank” <chet56@msn.com> 5600 North beach St., Fort Worth TX 76137

Garberville : 707 923 4488 “Paul Encimer” <encimer@hotmail.com>
Box 162, Piercy CA 95587; or “jeri” <jeri@humboldt.net>

Geneva: SŽction Genve CSC, c/o Delta9, 21 Bd St-Georges, 1204 Genve, Phone: +41 22 800 22 32, Fax: +41 22 800 22 33, Email: <mailto:geneve@coordination-chanvre.ch>geneve@coordination-chanvre.ch

Halifax: 902 865-8606 Michael Patriquin <mpat@accesswave.ca>
HempWorks, 93 Orchard Dr, Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia B4E 3B3

Hamburg: Martina Katzsch <hanftv@sensimilla.com> ++49 40 4394493
Kulturhaus Eppendorf  about 70 people in ’02.

Hartford:  Mike Bregg 860-309-9811 [310 S. Main St (Apt 2), Thomaston, CT 06787]

Hayward: Rebecca Oliver  mil_mari_march@ix.netcom.com.  510.481.5349 617 grant ave, slz, ca 94580
Event Location : Hayward BART Organization : Loose Confederation of Med. Mari Users Rally @ BART station & march in the San Francisco parade, as soon as they get it together–concert? maybe.

Hearst:  “Les Neron” <lesneron@ntl.sympatico.ca> 1-705-362-8402  Robert Neron(Federal Exemptee)
Box:1346, Hearst Ontario P0L 1N0

Helsinki : Finnish Cannabis Association http://www.sky.org sky@sky.org Finnish Cannabis Association,
Sorvaajankatu 9 A, 00810 Helsinki, Finland 800 participants in ’02.

Hilo: Roger Christie <pakaloha@gte.net> (808) 961-0488
http://www.thc-ministry.org 200 in ’02.

Houston: Dean Farrell <fdb@mail.ev1.net> (281)752-9198.
http://www.cultural-baggage.com c/o Dean Becker, 11215 Oak
Spring, Houston, TX 77043 Total attendance was about 5 hundred in ’02. Narc infiltrators mar event.

Hull: Carl Wagner phone: +44 01482494789   5 Victoria Square,
Ella Street, Hull HU5 3AL, U.K. 3-400 on March grew to 1,000 in jam in Pearson Park. Cops backed down after threatening arrest because of media frenzy.

Huntsville: Angel Starlin tallgyrrlie81@aol.com [no valid tel no. 2081 Hester Lane, Huntsville, Al 35810] or “Acorn” 256-489-2607 or <mikecrockett256@yahoo.com> [address invalid]

Indianapolis: Neal Smith, <inorml@inorml.org>, 317-335-6023
Voice Mail, 3601 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis, IN 46205
http://www.inorml.org 175 participants at peak in ’02.

Ithaca: Adam Hirsch <ah222@cornell.edu>, 301 Bryant Ave Apt # 5,
Ithaca, NY 14850. (607) 227-0302   200 marchers in quiet protest in ’02.

Jackson: linoleumpoppyz@yahoo.com 601-366-2884  Anthony Harville, 3413 N. State St., Jackson, MS 39216

Jefferson City: Al Minta (417)885-3993
http://www.cannabisrevival.com/ cannabisal@aol.com address: 1653
N. Patterson (Apt A), Springfield, MO 65803 or Columbia
NORML/Jeremy & Amanda 573-815-9821 400 participants over the day in ’02.

Jerusalem: Joseph  NeedelR@aol.com (011 972) 55-344-859

Kansas City: <mohemp@hotmail.com> David 816-678-7447, ‘its a
beautiful day’ 3918 broadway, kansas city mo. 64111… 816 931

Kendallville: 260-349-1029  Andrew Guthrie, 15-31 S. Main,Kendallville, IN 46755

Kent:  <TennJedJr@aol.com> 330-673-3060 Matthew S. Donowick 237 1/2 E. Summit st.,
Kent, OH 44242 45 people, event overshadowed by Kent remembrance in ’02.

Knoxville: Aerow Albrook <sparx17@yahoo.com> Matt Barker  316 Russfield Dr., Knoxville, TN  37922

Lansing: Kathy Kennedy 517-628-3915 or e-mail: “kathy kennedy”
<prohibitionx@hotmail.com> [P.O. Box 17 Onondaga, MI 49264]
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/lansing.htm 300 participants in ’02.

Leipzig: C.U. Rolf <parade@feinkost13.org> http://www.feinkost13.org tel 03412131477 or
“veejaykay” <veejaykay@gmx.li>, rolfdereinzigename@gmx.de,
lxc@protocut.net j–rg klepsch, simildenstr.12, 04277
Leipzig-germany  Parade w. 1000-1500 participants and
10 loudspeaker trucks, following the route of the famous 1989
demonstrations that brought down the wall, swelling to 2000 people who braved pouring rain at main train station. One arrest.

Lexington: Gatewood Gailbrath 859-259-1522  gatewood@mis.net

Limburg: Batlle@t-online.de (Valentin Batlle) 11.05.2002, 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Limburg City Europaplatz M.M.M-Event with Music (Söllner, Joint Venture …) Valentin Batlle, Hanf Aktivist

Little Rock: Jamie Collins <k_kar420@yahoo.com> (501) 663-4216
1516 Fairpark Blvd., Little Rock, Ark. 72204 45 marchers at State Capitol, not one arrest.

Ljubljana: borut.delfabbro@kiss.uni-lj.si #352; ou-Lj,
Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana or  Mojca Štraus  mojca@drogart.com 0038641786490  Vinski vrh5a, 3240 Šmarje pri jelšah, Ljubljana, Slovenia www.konoplja.org  http://www.sou.uni-lj.si/
Rally Concert

London: Festival HQ:  Shane 020 8671 5936. or International Cannabis Coalition (UK), PO Box 2243,
London, W1A 1YF, UK. Chris: 020 7637 7467. Fax: 0870 0548646. Email: may2001@schmoo.co.uk http://www.cannabiscoalition.org.htm  10,000 on the march, 30,000 at the festival; no police problems.

Los Angeles: Sister Somayah 323-232-0935 http://www.geocities.com/sistersomayah/events.htm
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sister-somayah 175 participants, S. Central.

Lucern: Sektion Luzern SHK, c/o Henry Serges, Bruchstrasse 48, 6003 Luzern, Email: <mailto:luzern@hanf-koordination.ch>luzern@hanf-koordination.ch

Lugano: Sezione Ticino CSC, c/o Andreas Arnold, via Massagno 34, 6900 Lugano, Fax: +41 91 923 40 85, Email: <mailto:ticino@coordinamento-canapa.ch>ticino@coordinamento-canapa.ch

Lyon: rueduchanvre@aol.com Tel +33 (0)4 72 71 04 77, Fax + 33 (0)4 72 71 06 93
La Maison du Chanvre sarl, 147, grande rue de la Guillotière, 69007 Lyon – FRANCE.

Madison: Ben Masel <bmasel@tds.net> weedstock.com 40 to 120 participants.

Manchester: Cannabis Coalition (Manchester), 57 Church Street,
Smithfield Buildings, Manchester, M4. Tel: 0161 834 1130. email: Gingrach@yahoo.com 600 marchers in ’02.

Marburg: Gr¸ne Hilfe Hessen, c/o Jo, Tel/Fax: 06631/801512
Location: Cafe Am Gr¸n 70 guests attended.

Melbourne: Kevin Aplin FL CAN (321)-726-6656. Jodi James –
Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana 321-253-3673. 200 in parade, total media coverage; one obstruction of justice citation for filming a cop ticketing some one for an open container.

Mexico City: +5300 5774 email: helmcke@prodigy.net.mx or volgn@hotmail.com or”Tato”  foigras2002@yahoo.com.br “Camello”  cosmocamello@vivecondrogas.com  “Asoc. Mexicana de Estudios Sobre el Cannabis” <amecamexico@hotmail.com> Leopoldo Rivera
Rivera/AsociaciÛn Mexicana de Estudios sobre el Cannabis,
Amapola # 35, col. Jardines del Molinito, Naucalpan, Estado de
MÈxico. CP. 53530 MEXICO or Adolfo Prieto 1003, Col. del Valle,
C.P. 03100, Mexico, D.F. or Samuel Martínez Ramírez
Av. Azcapotzalco #193-4 Col. Clavería Mexico D.F.
www.vivecondrogas.com, www.amecamexico.org, www.hemp.com.mx Almost 300 people in ’02.

Miami: Glenn Allen, 42c s.e.12th st. Dania, Fl 33004, 954-929-7025 aka “Nelg Nella” <yabyumyogi@hotmail.com>  A smoke out/drum circle in Peacock Park with lots of good bud.

Milwaukee: “Dominic Salmaan” <cannabisliberation@hotmail.com>
414-469-0899. 1525 E. Royall (Apt # 14), Milw., WI 563202. Over 100 people marched for 3 1/2 hrs. in ’02. No police problems.

Minneapolis: Grassroots Party or Chris Wright <TCW@genesis-computer.com> 612-522-5374. [Suite 111, 8120 Penn Ave. South Bloomington, MN 55431] 400 folks, no arrests in ’02.

Missoula: Angela Goodhope <sisterearth420@hotmail.com> (406) 829-1703 Approx. 420 participants in ’02.

Montpelier: Rama Schneider <2001@ramabahama.net> (802) 433-5441
address: 1614 Gilbert Road, Williamstown, VT 05679
http://www.ramabahama.net Several people handed out literature in ’02.

Montreal: Marc-Boris St-Maurice <blocpot@blocpot.qc.ca>
(514)528.1768 3,000 marched 4 1/2 miles; no cops in ’02.

Moscow: http://www.cures.by.ru  d-form@mail.ru

Munich: mmm-muenchen@cannabislegal.de

Nashville: “Howie & Marivuana Leinoff” <torml@weedmail.com> <mailto:marivuana@comcast.net>or marivuana@comcast.net (615)ACT-HIGH. <http://www.marivuana.com>http://www.marivuana.com <>http://www.punkenstein.com  150 marchers, no arrests; first tv coverage in ’02.

Norfolk: calvinjohnson77@hotmail.com 757-615-2158 or 399-1704 Kevin Johnson, 317 Idlewood Ave, Portsmouth, VA 23704

Newark: “Richard J. Schimelfenig” <rschimel@temple.edu> Delaware Cannabis Society c/o Richard J.
Schimelfenig, 3504 Winterhaven Drive, Newark, DE 19702, (302) 456-9402

New Orleans : Daisy 504-957-HERB hemp.rox.com    email:<NewOrleansMarch@hotmail.com> [Daisy Berbert, 6223 Warrington St. New Orleans, LA 70122]

New Paltz: newpaltznorml@yahoo.com NORML / SSDP PO Box 775, New
Paltz, NY 12561 500 marchers, well over 2,000 at concert in ’02.

New York City: Dana 212-677-7180 <dana@cures-not-wars.org> 7,000 participants in ’02. 148 arrests.

Nimbin: Max Stone of the Australian Cannabis Law Reform
Movement” aclrm@nimbinaustralia.com ph: 61 0266 891842
http://www.nimbinaustralia.com http://www.bigbongburgerbar.com/webshow/ 24,000 participants in ’02. No arrests.

Normal:  Nearly  1,000 participants in ’02. Zach Thomas and Miriam Sterlin, Mobilizing Activists and Students for Hemp (MASH)   Phone # :    309-275-6112/309-2756110 http://www.mashaction.org e-mail:  mash@mashaction.org

Nuernberg: Emanuel Kotzian <emanuel@kotzian.de> phone: 0049-(0) 911-535433 http://www.gj-bayern.de
or agentur sowjet – info@sowjet.de –  450 people marched in the rain in ’02.

Oberlin: Patty Hallman <sbysc@hotmail.com> (440)774-4544) c/o
Stitch by Stitch & Curiousities, 31 South Main Street, Oberlin,
OH 44074

Omaha: Paul Tripp, paultrip@cox.net, (402)598-6180 12216 Poppleton Plz. #238, Omaha, NE, 68144   Over 30 participants in ’02.

Orlando: Kacie Grange Hiphiplady32@aol.com (407)895-3492 [Kacie Grange, 1438 Catherine St., Orlando, FL 32801]

Oslo: <mmm@normal.no> normal.no/mmm Torkel Bj¯rnson, NORMAL,
Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0158 Oslo, Norway 3000+ participants. No arrests.

Ottawa: “deadmanseedco” <deadmanseedco@rogers.com> 613-749-3014
Don Appleby or Rick Reimer at 613-756-2961 or Rob Brown at
613-756-5892 Crowds in the hundreds, almost no arrests.

Paducah: Paula (270)362-9849 <pioneer@apex.net>, Cher
Ford-McCullough <bitchcrafts@whynotsmokepot.com> 65 Cabin Lane,
Gilbertsvile, Ky. 42044 or Brian McCullough
< bpmc@webtv.net> (270) 362-8186 50 marchers, 90 at rally, one undercover in ’02.

Pagosa Springs: Steve Poleski <tydeyedsteve@hotmil.com> 719-964-8174  [1314  Oak sDr, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147]

Paradise: Virgil Hales 530-877-5814

Paris: FARId GHEHIOUECHE <mailto:farid@no-log.org>farid@no-log.org 06 148 156 79 ; 5, rue de Tombouctou 75018 PARIS or CAM-RD 9, passage Dagorno 75020 PARIS  Tel : 00 33 (1) 40 09 69 75 Fax : 00 33 (1) 44 93 93 57
Like in 2001 and 2002, for MMM 2003 there will be rallies around France (Montpellier, Lyon, Rennes, Marseille, Lille, Annecy,…) and in Paris, the nation wide gathering in Bastille place 3:00 PM.

Parkersburg: “Cindy Wimer” <indianbud@wirefire.com> “Mountaineers for Medical Marijuana” 304-428-1726 [P.O. Box 1151,  Parkersburg, WV 26101]

Patterson: David Germolus 209-892-6640  angelwater260@aol.com  [304 hoffman ct.,  Patterson, CA 95363]

Philadelphia: <phillyweed420@hotmail.com> or “chuck palmer”
<chuckp@CritPath.Org> 610-279-6358  100 participants, no arrests in ’02.

Phoenix: donovan criss  doncriss@yahoo.com 602-486-6145 1635 w. grovers av. phoenix,az 85023 or rex 602-618-4521 2222 w beardsly rd #1119 phoenix,az 85027

Pilsen: http://www.exist.cz “pavla kozakova” <exist@post.cz>
200 people and one sound system in central park in ’02. No arrests.

Pittsburg: Frank Carr 412-247-3674

Pordenone: Anna Cavezzali & Ivan Romano <lallice@inwind.it>, Via Firenze 5, 33080 Porcia, PN, Italy
++3282488420 ++43428098

Portland: (503) 239-6110 MMM 2002 Committee c/o Oregon NORML
(OrNORML) http://www.ornorml.org PO Box 86443, Portland, OR
97286 Madeline Martinez yerbanena@hotmail.com or Steven M.
Cooper Volunteer Coordinator ornorml.volunteer@att.net  Grew >from 200 people, no arrests.

Prague: Michael “xChaos” Polak <xchaos@arachne.cz> Tel: +420 603 872631 / +420 2 33358050  http://www.legalizace.cz 1-2,000 participants in ’02, with hundreds more in nearby park. No marijuana related arrests in Prague (police just arrested offender, who broke police car window, but this was after MMM officially ended).

Providence:  “Tom Angell” <PsilocyberSpore@cox.net> (401) 737-7057  http://members.cox.net/urissdp or http://members.cox.net/psilocyberspore [Tom Angell, 37 Norfolk Road, Warwick, RI 02886] Just 6 people in ’02.

Raleigh-Durham: Bryan T. Moore <btm42@hotmail.com> 614 Carolina
Ave. Raleigh, NC 27606-1606 (919) 816-0609 or Chris Harris (919)368-5913 or “Jeff Badalucco”
<nc_ca@hotmail.com> (919)834-2816 238 Pecan St., Raleigh, NC
27603 200 souls braved pouring rain in ’02. Capitol cops well-behaved, but city cops tried to intimidate.

Rapid City: Bob Newland <newland@rapidcity.com> 605-255-4032 website: http://www.sodaknorml.org/  300 marchers in ’02. [Bob Newland, H C 89 Box 184A, Hermosa, SD 57744]

Reno: Michelle 775-287-1594 [Michelle Buck, 1850 Idlewild Drive Apt. A9, Reno, NV, 89509]

Richmond: “Roy B. Scherer” <rscherer@richmond.infi.net> (804)
355-7612, or campus libs at <Huclberie1@aol.com.> [Roy B. Scherer, 8 North Sheppard St., Richmond VA, 23221]About 100 attendees; march was 4 miles.

Rio de Janeiro: +55 – 21 – 9885 9162 mmmbr2002@yahoo.com or  “Luiz Paulo” <lpgb@mtecnet.com.br> 500 participants in ’02.

Rockford: Kane Keller 815-871-8747 c/o <heathen@charter.net> [2001 St. James Ave, Belvidere, IL 61008]

Pagosa Springs: Steve Poleski <tydeyedsteve@hotmil.com> 719-964-8174  [1314  Oaks Dr, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147]

Rome: “Segreteria Forte Prenestino” <segreteria@forteprenestino.net> or Michela Gesualdo
<mgesuald@ilmanifesto> 10-15,000 participants in ’02.

Rosario: +54 – 341-4201291 or +54 – 341- 4642699 E-mail: raddud@hotmail.com Corrientes 1307, 2000 – Rosario- ARGENTINA Nearly 400 participants in ’02.

Salem: 503.363-4588 Medical Cannabis Resource Center, 1695 Fairgrounds Rd.,Salem, Oregon   97303
<mailto:MercyCenter@hotmail.com>MercyCenter@hotmail.com March and Rally plans TBA– probably high noon around state capital building

Salt Lake City: Dr. Ken Larsen (801) 533-8658 <kencan@xmission.com> 856
E. 100th St. South (#2), Salt Lake City, UT 84102 or Andy
Morrill (801)334-8122 <rambis4@attbi.com> http://www.thc2002.org
http://www.personalchoice.org A. Reed Morrill, 1663 Historic
25th Street,Ogden, Utah 84401 300 noisy marchers, no arrests.

San Diego: San Diego A.C.T. (Association for Cannabis
Therapeutics) c/o T.Villodas,901″F”street#413,San Diego,
Ca.92101 email: Ed zepplin <edzepp@yahoo.com> or Donna 619-302
3041 or 619-223-1050 (land line) 619-302-3041 (mobile)
http://www.cannabisfreedom.org Approximately 50-75 attendees.

San Francisco: Hemp Evolution/Clark Sullivan “freeman sullivan” <feemansulllivan@lycos.com> or c.libertine@netzero.net or LAMPS 415-487-0561 4,000 participants in ’02, no arrests.
Santa Clara: “Lisa” <angelisa51@prodigy.net>

San Marcos: Joe Ptak: 512.754.0264 Email:
earthfirstswt@hotmail.com Postal: 213 Ramsay St.; #107, San
Marcos, TX; 78666

Santa Cruz: DdC <dendecannabist@yahoo.com> or Jason Brodsky
<theherbalist@newmarijuana.com> or Bryan Gilstein
<shelbyrose7@yahoo.com> (831-502-3865) Bryan Gilstein, UCSC, 600
Kresge Ct, Santa Cruz CA 95064 discussion list:
SCMJMarch@yahoo.com  400 participants, no arrests.

San Juan: Alejandro “Zen” Otero <hempwierdzenie@yahoo.com> postal: 425 carr. 693 PMB 130 Dorado PR 00646-4802 Tel# 787-345-9036 we will be concentrating on bridging the gap between the English speaking community and Spanish speaking communities. <http://us.f147.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=hempwierdzenie@yahoo.com&amp;YY=62545&amp;order=down&amp;sort=date&amp;pos=0>

San Luis Obispo: Donovan No Runner <frdm4medimary@yahoo.com> 805-474-8742 [1389 NIce Ave (Apt #1) Grover Beach, CA 93433]  or Jo-D: 805.937.0034

Sao Paulo: Victor maolvni@bol.com.br 30620225  rua tirica 345 Cabeca: podiscreuza@zipmail.com.br : 35678903: rua japao 876 maolvni@bol.com.br About 600 people .. There was no use and no
possession of marijuana so the cops couldn´t do anything.

Seminole: semptest5@webtv.net “http://www.angelfire.com/fl3/fl3touring/stpete.html”

Sioux City: clint boatman <clint815@yahoo.com>    5305 Stone Ave, Sioux City, Ia 51106

Sioux Falls:  Bob Newland <newland@rapidcity.com> 605-255-4032 website: http://www.sodaknorml.org/

Sofia: Chris Pantchev Xpu100 <hri100@iname.com>

Soltau: Sven <vandreike@t-online.de>, 05191-975296
50 people, one police activity.

Springfield: Joe Setzer (417) 877-6832 <theosopher420@yahoo.com>137 Hackberry Lane,  Seymour, MO 65746

Starks:  207-696-8879  cindieo@prexar.com [RR1 Box 1090 Starks, ME 04911] March from Harry Brown’s Farm to the Town Offices in Starks, Maine May 3rd
10 am

St. Louis: 314-567-8522 <gstlnorml@yahoo.com> or St. Louis Area NORML , PO Box 220243,
St. Louis, MO 63122.   http://www.mo-norml.org 600 marched to the Arch for cannabis reform.

Stuart: “chad cooke” <chadcooke50@hotmail.com>  chad cooke 561-213-7307 719-a northview drive,
jupiter,florida. 33458

Sturgeon Falls: Bro Michael Ethier 705 753-4756 maryhuanamike@hotmail.com ..c/o Tarzan’s Mission of the Sacred Herb,171 Queen Street, Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, Canada P2B 2G2

Syracuse: Jacqueline Carroll <fragglejax@aol.com> [749 Euclid Ave, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210]

Tampa: Anthony154154@aol.com Anthony Lorenzo 1-888-210-0425 toll free pager Over 100 participants in ’02.

Tampere: Janne Puustelli <huopa@skyscrapers.com>  Opiskelijankatu 4 E 274, 33720 Tampere, Finland or  Lasse Pihlainen <lasse.pihlainen@tut.fi> Annalankatu 11 C 31, 33710 Tampere; Org: Hamppukaupunki <hamppu.kaupunki@pp.inet.fi> http://www.hamppukaupunki.cjb.net/  MMM touring around central areas starts 14:00 at Hämeenpuisto/Metso

Taos: 505-741-0056 Kiko

Tel Aviv: Boaz Wachtel — wachtel@shani.net Tel:972-54-573679
http://www.ale-yarok.org.il PO Box 2983, Even Yehuda, 40500
Israel  — 4,000 participants in ’02.

Telluride: 970-708-2348 Robert Smeed, POB 13, Placerville, CO 81430 or Steeprock Rd, Sawpit, CO 81430  In ’02, 75 folks marched past the Courthouse, then rallied for about an hour for speeches.

Thunder Bay: Doug Thompson <docclone@norlink.net> 807-475-7436 75 participants, no cops, no media.

Tokyo: Takao Bakuya (Cannabist) info@cannabist.org +81-3-3706-6885 http://www.cannabist.org 800 participants in ’02.

Toronto: Larry Duprey (416)540-7829 fax(416)242-2635 or Toronto Area Association / Marijuana Party of Canada, 132 Dundas St. East, Toronto,On M5B 1E2 (416)367-3459  3-6,000 participants in ’02

Traverse City: Melody Karr <fiddlefoot420@hotmail.com>
(231)885-2993 PO Box 524 Mesick, MI 49668. or 10954 Birch Road
Mesick MI 49668. 70 marchers, hundreds of spectators in ’02.

Trondheim: <mmm@normal.no> normal.no/mmm Line Arstad, NORMAL,
Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0355 Oslo, Norway 200 participants in ’02.

Tucson: mary mackenzie <mmackenzie2@juno.com> (520)323-2947 http://www.hometown.aol.com/marcher420/myhomepage/pepe.html or 3400 east speedway, #118, tucson, arizona 85716 Over 200 participants in ’02.

Tula: Boris.it@mail.ru

Turku: Vihreet Pantterit http://www.vihreetpantterit.org info@vihreetpantterit.org 300 participants in ’02. 10 counter-demonstrators.

Ukiah: Verge Belanger “v belanger” <contactverge@yahoo.com>
Tommy Gunn, 528 North State St. #1, Ukiah, Ca. 95482 300 participants in ’02.

Upper Lake, Ca.: Linda & Eddy Lepp”linda senti”
<lisenti@home.com> 707-275-8879 Signed up 131 new patients in ’02.

Vancouver: David Malmo-Levine, <dagreenmachine@excite.com> BC
Marijuana Party Bookstore and Internet Broadcasting Center, 307
West Hastings Tel. 604 682-1172 http://www.cannabisculture.com 2,000 marchers in ’02.

Ventura: Amber Lessing 805 653-5633 [544 Seneca St. Ventura Ca 93001] or Dayna Barrios <ReeferRevelation@aol.com>  [4132 N. Ventura Ave. #49] 805 890-6855 Meet at the Park at Thompson Blvd and Chestnut at 1:00 PM; march through downtown

Vermilion: Sonny Morris 967-6069 sonny44089@yahoo.com  309 devonshire More than 100 people partied in the park, no problems in ’02.

Vienna: 5. Hanffeuer, Bushdoctor <martin@bushdoctor.at>
http://www.bushdoctor.at Phone: +43 (01) 524 04 40, Fax: +43
(01) 524 04 24, Kirchengasse 19, A-1070, Vienna, Austria”

Walton: Dave Baughman 620-837-4496 <Davyblues1@netscape.net>
http://www.kan-sativa.com 124 S. Walton Ave., Walton, Kansas
67151 Around 50 participants in ’02.

Warszawa, mazowsze:  Adam Wojtasiewicz  aw@koliber.org +48503692715 ul. Mickiewicza 72/15 01-650 Warszawa Poland

Washington, D.C.:Toni Keane <taporter84@yahoo.com> [301-990-3577] http://violate_wave.tripod.com/MMM.html

Wellington Ben Knight <Legalise@tradeshall.org.nz> NORML NZ , PO
Box 27-315, Wellington +64 25 377509 http://www.norml.org.nz

Wenatchee: 509-662-1338 <jennwarford@yahoo.com> Jennifer Warford, 507 Woodward dr., Wenatchee, Washington 98801.

Wichita: Debby Moore, CEOHemp Industries of Kansas 2742 E. 2nd Wichita, Kansas, 67214  (316) 681 1743 debby@hempforus.com; or “KS NORML” <ksnorml@cox.net>  Website:  http://www.hempforus.com Last year about thrity people met and marched through downtown Wichita. I will plan a cookout with speakers, but
will certainly discourage any smoking of the herb cannabis.

Winnepeg: Chris Buors, <chris_buors@yahoo.ca> mail to 430
Winterton ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2K 1K4 500 rallied at the Parliament Bldg in ’02.

Winston-Salem: Queen Selassie (336) 661-0684 4469 Indiana Ave,
Winston-Salem, N.C. 27105 25 people stood under a pavilion in the rain.

Worcester: C.J. & Judi Bunn, 413-245-3675 #9 Maybrook Rd,
Holland, MA 01521 More than 100 people, no problems, in ’02.

Zurich: Sektion ZŸrich SHK, Glattalstr. 138, 8052 ZŸrich, Phone: +41 43 299 94 11, Fax +41 43 299 92 12, Email: <mailto:buero@shk-zh.ch>buero@shk-zh.ch Barbecue-Party in the Culture Centre in Seebach/Zurich

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Wednesday Ed Protests–NYTimes Calls Conviction “Tyrannical”
Date: February 4, 2003 at 9:46:21 AM EST
To: “NORMAL” <post@normal.no>
Cc: ernesto@canamo.net, Mojca Straus <mojca@drogart.com>, ezpz@telkomsa.net, newagecitizen@aol.com, hromi@kyberia.sk, “Terry Mitchell” <tushona@hotmail.com>, pariah_mob@yahoo.com, jc0_66@yahoo.com, “Irena” <irena.krzan@kiss.uni-lj.si>, legalizemichigan@yahoo.com, “cappleby3014” <cappleby3014@rogers.com>, “Matthew Jorn” <matthewjorn@hotmail.com>, Xpu100 <hri100@iname.com>, mjmarch@cannabismail.com, info@worldcamp.org, marijuanamarch@yahoo.com, hempSA@va.com.au, has.cornelissen@planet.nl, farid@no-log.org, inorml@inorml.org, <mohemp@hotmail.com>, Boris.it@mail.ru, Chris Conrad <chris@chrisconrad.com>, iowanorml@home.com, duncaneddy@hotmail.com, <nfn@watervalley.net>, RoadsEnd@aol.com, Chris Wright <TCW@genesis-computer.com>, rastapeace@yahoo.com, pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org, hempSA@va.com.au, smuuthc11@hotmail.com, acididea@hotmail.com, <anna_ganja@hotmail.com>, andyganja2001@yahoo.co.uk, “Melody Karr” <fiddlefoot420@hotmail.com>, “Howie Hempalot” <torml@weedmail.com>, <fearless_420@hotmail.com>, mmm@drugpeace.org, melacs42x60@hotmail.com, rebelart@gasgroup.com, pcornwell@earthlink.net, martin@africandance.de, CAMPNC@hotmail.com, Blocpot@blocpot.qc.ca, DennyLane@gmavt.net, linda@anamika.freeserve.co.uk, rappa@casema.net, <arsec@pangea.org>, Hanfparaden Center Berlin <hanfparade@hanflobby.de>, alun <webbooks@paston.co.uk>, <amec@ctv.es>, mayday@onelist.com, “kathy kennedy” <prohibitionx@hotmail.com>, <freddiefreak@c2i.net>, sokrates@arachne.cz, <restore@crrh.org>, <rastapeace@yahoo.com>, “justin ballot” <j_thang@hotmail.com>, Hempsters@aol.com, texasm5@hotmail.com, “Roy B. Scherer” <rscherer@richmond.infi.net>, helmut holtzheimer <movemus@gmx.de>, phillty2@yahoo.com, steph@safeaccessnow.org, “Bill Downing” <billdowning@attbi.com>, “Dave Toaff” <davetoaff@hotmail.com>, mmm@normal.no, “Angela Goodhope” <sisterearth420@hotmail.com>, Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk, Michael Palmieri <forml_2000@yahoo.com>, PROBER13@aol.com, StewMO1941@aol.com, rmelamed@zoo.uvm.edu, chris@schmoo.co.uk, pakaloha@gte.net, werkhausen@mail.isis.de (M. Werkhausen), chairman@votermarch.org, bloom@hightimes.com, pdr <pdr@echonyc.com>, aksh1@waikato.ac.nz, fdb@mail.ev1.net, sky@sky.org, <stinkygreens@yahoo.com>, Hanf-tv@karo4tel.de, blair@technologist.com, “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net>, encimer@hotmail.com, Skywolf@yahooka.com, <CFFHS@nm.ru>, al@cannabisrevival.com, globalpeas@email.com, emanuel@kotzian.de, dangssdp@yahoo.com, fine_time909@hotmail.com, Boris@headsmagazine.com, miriamwhite420@hotmail.com, bud_jamesbud@yahoo.com, mappnow@hotmail.com, xchaos@arachne.cz, btm42@hotmail.com, wachtel@shani.net, forml420@marijuana.com, Michela Gesualdo <mgesuald@ilmanifesto>, terryparkerjr@sympatico.ca, fjhc@hotmail, “Razor” <rzr@powertech.no>, legalise@tradeshall.org.nz, “Nelg Nella” <spacehippie@hotmail.com>, phillyweed420@hotmail.com, info@hanf-koordination.ch, doncriss@yahoo.com, Peter Bluhm <peterbluhm2001@yahoo.de>, “Joe Wein” <joewein@pobox.com>, “Bud Spliff” <normalpotluck2002@hotmail.com>, info@cannabist.org, OCannabisSociety@aol.com, “Catherine Jones” <mmmfriend@hotmail.com>, writch@writch.com, cannabisaction@yahoogroups.com, mary mackenzie <mmackenzie2@juno.com>, hilary@riseup.net, escandonavia@prodigy.net.mx, jipiando@yahoo.es, leoparda_azul@hotmail.com, faenadub@hotmail.com, ultra_plus_estrella@hotmail.com, helmcke@prodigy.net.mx, m_bandida@hotmail.com, malcomska@hotmail.com, foroalici@hotmail.com, earthfirstswt@hotmail.com, taudarknes@hotmail.com, “The Happy Hemptress” <hemptress@hemprock.com>, “New Paltz Norml” <newpaltznorml@yahoo.com>, hamppu.kaupunki@pp.inet.fi, “Enrico Fletzer” <enricofletzer@hotmail.com>, Blair Anderson <blair@technologist.com>, basel@hanf-koordination.ch, martin@hanflobby.de, omarzocchi@europarl.eu.int, clauditza_f@yahoo.com, “Silvia Inchaurraga” <sinchaur@agatha.unr.edu.ar>, “Vinnie” <info@grow.de>, Klaus.Tuxen.hampenyt@hampenyt.dk, mr_azid@hotmail.com, pariahnt@yahoo.com, “Butler, Philip” <phillty2@yahoo.com>, geneve@coordination-chanvre.ch, may2001@schmoo.co.uk, “Tato”foigras2002@yahoo.com.br, “Camello”cosmocamello@vivecondrogas.com, “Luiz Paulo” <lpgb@mtecnet.com.br>, amecamexico@hotmail.com, d-form@mail.ru, aclrm@nimbinaustralia.com, deadmanseedco@rogers.com, “Segreteria Forte Prenestino” <segreteria@forteprenestino.net>, Michela Gesualdo <mgesuald@ilmanifesto>, aw@koliber.org, “Sergio Stifanic” <fine_time909@hotmail.com>, “Andrius Brazas” <brazhas@marijuananews.com>, Dana Larsen <muggles2@cannabisculture.com>, rmelamed@uccs.edu, SCMJMarch@yahoogroups.com, clear@harmreduction.org, Bonnie <rabbit@cownow.com>, mgreer@mapinc.org, pieman@pieman.org, “ccguide.org.uk” <alun@ccguide.org.uk>, ajw <ajw@nyc.rr.com>, mayday@yahoogroups.com, Paul Krassner <pkrassner@earthlink.net>, StewA@aol.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, “B.T. Moore” <btm42@hotmail.com>, “Brian Downing Quig” <quig@dcia.com>, “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>, “David Crockett Williams” <gear2000@lightspeed.net>, “Gregory Lake” <lakeg@hotmail.com>, has.cornelissen@planet.nl, anadi2000@earthlink.net, Nicholas Merrill <nick@mojo.calyx.net>, Mitchell Halberstadt <mitch-h@mindspring.com>, “Donald Grove” <grove@harmreduction.org>, Bob Melamede <rmelamed@uccs.edu>, lesliecagan@igc.org, Chris Conrad <chris@chrisconrad.com>, narda@lifefood.com, damnrobrob@yahoo.com, Jay Blotcher <jblotcher@hvc.rr.com>, crmoynihan@yahoo.com, BrennerL@aol.com, “Andrew Grice” <kingfelix@mediaone.net>, mruppert@copvcia.com, DogBreath100@aol.com, saltcom@aol.com, rumsey@newsday.com, ekwa@msn.com, flynn@nytimes.com, foundation@norml.org, Sean.Sweeneynyc@verizon.net, Lconaway@villagevoice.com, charlie kaplan <crowes_98@yahoo.com>, psmith@drcnet.org, dguard@drcnet.org, deanl1@earthlink.net, Sarah Ferguson <sferg@interport.net>, dmcvay@csdp.org, cowan@marijuananews.com, smokinjoe@weeklydig.com, don@hempery.com, anita@bodyshop.co.uk, danviets@justice.com, cohenj@hrw.org, “jim sutherland” <jim@arclightning.com>, danaleecohen@aol.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Free Ed Rosenthal Protests Planned Wednesday at U.S. embassies in London, Paris, Berlin, Oslo, Rome, Berne, Warsaw and other World Capitols…Please join! Call 1212-677-7180.

Newshawk: http://www.cannabisnews.com/
Pubdate: Tue, 04 Feb 2003
Source: New York Times (NY)
Webpage: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/04/opinion/04TUE2.html
Copyright: 2003 The New York Times Company
Contact: letters@nytimes.com
Website: http://www.nytimes.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/298
Related: please visit http://www.green-aid.com/ and http://www.medicalmj.org/
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/people/Ed+Rosenthal
Bookmark: http://www.mapinc.org/find?115 (Cannabis – California)


Administration officials annoyed at California’s support of the
medical use of marijuana have found someone on whom to vent their
frustration. Last week, at the urging of federal prosecutors, a judge
convicted Ed Rosenthal of charges that carry a five-year minimum
sentence. Mr. Rosenthal is a medical-marijuana advocate who grows the
drug for use by the seriously ill. His harsh punishment shows that the
misguided federal war on medical marijuana has now escalated out of

Mr. Rosenthal, who raised marijuana in an Oakland warehouse, was
acting within state and local law. California’s Proposition 215, which
voters approved in a 1996 referendum, permits marijuana use by
seriously ill people. In addition, Oakland has its own medical
marijuana law, and Mr. Rosenthal was acting as an officer of the city.
Nevertheless, the judge refused to allow the defense to mention any of
this at his trial, since it is not a valid defense against federal
drug charges.

Prosecutors were thus able to present Mr. Rosenthal as an ordinary,
big-time drug dealer. After a witness said he had met Mr. Rosenthal
“in the context of Proposition 215,” the judge instructed the jury to
disregard the reference, and took over the questioning himself. The
foreman said afterward he felt the jury had had no choice but to
convict, but hoped Mr. Rosenthal would win on appeal.

The prosecution of Mr. Rosenthal is only the latest attempt by the
federal government to frustrate the will of California voters.
Washington has also tried to revoke the licenses of doctors who
recommend marijuana to their patients. This strategy was struck down
as unconstitutional by a federal court last fall.

The Bush administration’s war on medical marijuana is not only
misguided but mean-spirited. Doctors have long recognized marijuana’s
value in reducing pain and aiding in the treatment of cancer and AIDS,
among other diseases. A recent poll found that 80 percent of Americans
support legalized medical marijuana. The reasons the government gives
for objecting to it do not outweigh the good it does. And given the
lack of success of the war on drugs in recent years, there must be
better places to direct law enforcement resources.

If the Bush administration really believes Proposition 215 has no
legal authority, it should seek to strike down the law itself. Or it
could go after cities like Oakland, which make medical marijuana
available as part of municipal policy. Such an approach could be
inconvenient for an administration that favors greater autonomy for
state and local governments. But it is less vindictive than a strategy
that attacks doctors and people like Mr. Rosenthal.

The courts should not allow Mr. Rosenthal’s conviction to stand. It
would be a serious injustice if he were to serve years in prison, as
he well may. Meanwhile, the administration should stop tyrannizing
doctors and sick people and focus on more important aspects of the war
on drugs.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v03.n177.a05.html


For a statement on the verdict from Ed Rosenthal and information on what you can do to help in his appeal, visit http://www.green-aid.com.
Rosenthal Trial Pic’s and News Articles



Contacts for the Free Ed protests at US Embassies in Europe and elsewhere can be found in the following list for the Global March for Cannabis Liberation, May 2, 3, 4. To get on the poster for the 2003 Global March for Cannabis Liberation, check yr contact info and add yr city to the List http://www.cures-not-wars.org/cities.htm , which right now consists of 188 cities :

Abbotsford: 604-607-1111 Tim Felger <tfleger@shaw.ca> About 100 marchers who refused to pay to march.

Albany: Terry Phelan 518-436-7098 [63 McCarty Ave. Albany, NY 12202]

Albuquerque: Rob Taylor (505) 565-4150 or Rich Haley <writch@writch.com>  Between 500 and 1000 participants in ’02, no arrests

Amherst: Angela Panaccione panaccio@student.umass.edu 413-545-1122

Amsterdam: has.cornelissen@planet.nl +31(0)20-6107807 +31(0)6-16314682 http://www.legalize.net http://www.legalize.org Has Cornelissen, Govert Flinckstraat, 295 Amsterdam

Arlington: Paula Matson 817-299-8447 [2306 Fig Tree Lane, Arlington, TX 76014-1656]


Auckland: Chris Fowlie ph 09 302-5255 2000 participants in ’02.

Augusta: Cindi Ellen O’Connor 207-696-8879  cindieo@prexar.com [RR1 Box 1090 Starks, ME 04911] or Faryl Orlinsky 207-783-3324

Austin: Tracy Hayes <marijuanamarch4@hotmail.com> 512.693.2356, cell 512.587.8838, 900 Bouldin, Austin TX, 78704  Nearly 1,000 participants in ’02.

Basel: Sektion Basel-Stadt SHK, Postfach, 4007 Basel, Fax: +41 61 263 98 70, Email: <mailto:basel@hanf-koordination.ch>basel@hanf-koordination.ch

Batesville/Oxford:  662-578-6993 Gary / NFN Enterprise <nfn@watervalley.net> 1509 Orwood Rd. 250 protestors in ’02, no arrests.

Baton Rouge: Robinptilley@aol.com (225)667-9270 [Robin Tilley P.O. Box 791 Denham Springs, La 70727 or 10006 Eve Drive, Denham Springs 70726]

Battle Creek: “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net> 616-697-4521
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/battlecreek.htm 20 to 60 folks in ’02.

Berlin: Martin Muencheberg <martin@hanflobby.de> 0049-30-29490201 http://www.hanfparade.de [200 participants, 2,000 spectators in ’02.

Berne: Swiss Hanf Koordination Sekretariat + 41-31-398-1444
<infor@hanf-koordination.ch> Roman will know which Swiss cities
are marching.

Birmingham: “Loretta Nall” <candlelady11599@earthlink.net>

Birmingham: Grow More Weed Campaign, PO Box 9121, Birmingham
B138AU. 01212561303. (Mark Badger) Fax: 0121 256 1302. email:
growmoreweed@ironmanrecords.co.uk www.growmoreweed.co.uk
March/Festival foundered over Biblical interpretation; just 20 people in ’02.

Boone: Stan Chamberlain jc48534@appstate.edu  828 266 7587   ASU Box 7947, Boone NC 28608

Boston: Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition\NORML P.O. Box
0266, Georgetown, MA 01833-0366 781-944-2266 –
http://www.masscann.org – 781-779-1334 fax Signature-gathering drive in ’02.

Boulder:  Ralph Shnelvar  ralph@snelrar.com 303-546-6125 or Fred Smith 303-449-2390 <smithmf@stripe.colorado.edu>

Bratislava: hromi@kyberia.sk  http://kyberia.sk 00420 776 126 587 Daniel Hromada, Cerchovska 8, Prague 2,
120 00, Czech Republic

Braunschweig: <cannabislegal@gmx.net> This is an info stall in
Braunschweig distributing leaflets and other information
material from a stall in a shopping area.

Bremen: Silke Tel. 0179/180 25 25 Lieder@web.de Olaf 0162/77 34
576 Party-Project: 33 99 334 party@party-project.de Some 300 participants in ’02 despite the bad weather.

Brno: Vaclav Linkov, <linkov@math.muni.cz> Tel.: +420-737-811107
http://www.legalizace.cz  http://www.l.s.cz

Brussels: Ottavio Marzocchi <omarzocchi@europarl.eu.int> +32-2-284-5496 www.radicalparty.org

Bucharest:  ClauditZa  clauditza_f@yahoo.com www.iarba.verde.de.acasa.go.ro 004092195819  address: Spliff Decision, viorele street, nr 34  Bucharest, Romania or Poke www.marihuana.ro 004091343202 address: piata romana, Bucharest, Romania   300 active smokers on a small beach named Kudos in ’02.

Buenos Aires: daihatsu missminipimer@mefis.to www.mefis.to   or miss olga summers olgasummers@mefis.to www. ligalais.com  ARDA (011) 15 40289847 RADDUD (011) 46357820
Nos juntaremos el 4 de mayo, 16 hs., a fumar uno en el planetario buenos aires.

Buffalo: Philip L Beavers jr./B.A.C.H <BLocman420@aol.com>
716-895-1987  or 716-578-3410 1160 E. LOVEJOY (st) buffalo 14206 600-700 people over the course of the day in ’02; all 3 networks; no police problems

Burlington: Denny Lane / Brendan Kinney, Vermont Libertarian
Party & VT-NORML dennylane@gmavt.net / chair@vtlp.org (802)
496-2387 http://vtnorml.org/MMM 802-496-2387 POB 537, Waitesfield, Vt 05673 or matt hogg
<mhogg@zoo.uvm.edu (802) 865-9410. 1,000 in attendence in ’02, no arrests.

Capetown: “greggoodwin” <greggoodwin@mweb.co.za> or “Marcus \(Home\)” <mt3825@freemail.absa.co.za> 100 people, mostly Rasta’s, in ’02.

Charlotte: Ragan Tolbert OnThatLevel@aol.com

Chicago: Caren Thomas, to Windy City Hemp, 2506 N. Clark St., PMB#157; Chicago, IL 60614;   or 773-363-2942 chicagomarch2003@hotmail.com -or-http://www.windycityhemp.org

Chico: 530-345-1997 <chicodank@hotmail.com> or http://www.pot-party.com 1381 Fairway Alley, Chico, CA 95926; or adrian aguilar ode2thewalls@aol.com (530)898-2150 or voicemail pgr 530-571-2071 Approx. 420 participants in ’02.

Christchurch: Blair Anderson <blair@technologist.com> Mild Green Media Centre ph: ++64 3 389-4065 Website pages.quicksilver.net.nz/blair Newsforum news://http://www.reddfish.co.nz/alcp [50 Wainoni Road, WAINONI
Christchurch, NZ 8006] 500 participants in ’02.

Cincinnati: the Happy Hemptress <hemptress@hemprock.com> 513-684-HEMP [Hemprock Productions, P.O. Box 18253, Erlanger, KY 41018 ]

Cleveland: John <OCannabisSociety@aol.com> (216)521-9333 http://www.timesoft.com/ncnorml 2,000 participants. No arrests.

Cologne: grow!Club CannaCom e.V. /redAktion: 0221 562-6347
“Vinnie” <info@grow.de> http://www.grow.de Info booth by grow! w. JES, akzept &
VfD drew interest…

Colorado Springs: Bob Melamede <rmelamed@uccs.edu> or Mstrmanic@aol.com Stephan Ballasch Continuous presence of a few hundred people in the park in ’02.

Columbus: 614-291-1026 Russ Selkirk osussdp@hotmail.com Sean Luse OSU-SSDP,  276 Chittenden Ave, Cols, OH 43201;  or Ken Schweickart 614-265-VOTE dpeo@earthlink.net  650 participants, no arrests.

Concord: (603)682-9077 nhorml@yahoo.com or http://www.nhorml.org.org 30 people in ’02, no cops.

Copenhagen: Klaus Tuxen hampenyt@hampenyt.dk  http://www.hampepartiet.dk or Zid Dhartha mr_azid@hotmail.com  http://www.christiania.org/ (+0045) 32 95 65 07 org: Hampepartiet ( The party For HEMP)  http://www.hampepartiet.dk address: F.H.B. hampens plads Christiania, 1407 Kbh. K.150 on march, 500 at smoke-in in ’02.

Daingerfield: johnny s. chambliss  rollinxoxo@aol.com p.o. box 484, ore city, texas 75683

Darwin: mick lambe pariahnt@yahoo.com http://napnt.tripod.com 30 marchers, 35 police, but no arrests due media spotlite.

DeKalb: “Adam Timm” <itsmeuwant2c@hotmail.com>

Denver: Ken Gorman 303-935-6534 http://kg1.org or ralph@snelrar.com 303-546-6125 [ Ken Gorman, 1073 South Decatur Street; Denver, CO 80219]

Des Moines: iowanorml@mchsi.com (515) 288-5798
http://iowanorml.home.mchsi.com/ http://commonlink.com/~olsen/ ,
mojo.calyx.net/~olsen/, http://www.iowanorml.org/
http://www.druglibrary.org/olsen/index.html ; or Terry Mitchell
(515) 789-4442; 608 Dallas St., Dexter, Iowa 50070. 300 marchers, police friendly.

Detroit: “Professor Hemp” <newagecitizen@aol.com> 313-563-3192 or “jude
joseph” acididea@hotmail.com 313 438 1668
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/detroit.htm 90 to 120 participants exposed to Ibogaine message.

Dover: “Richard J. Schimelfenig” <rschimel@temple.edu> Delaware Cannabis Society c/o Richard J.
Schimelfenig, 3504 Winterhaven Drive, Newark, DE 19702, (302)
456-9402 299 demonstrators, 8,000 spectators, cops watched and did nothing in ’02.

Dublin: “Butler, Philip” <phillty2@yahoo.com> +353 1 4163707 or
<jday@iamwasted.com> http://www.cannabisireland.com/
http://groups.yahoo.com/group//ie-cannabis/ 1,000 people in “02.

Duesseldorf: Marlon Werkhausen <marlon@gesellschaftsprobleme.de>
http://www.gesellschaftsprobleme.de phone: 049-172-7591795.
100 participants, good atmosphere.

Durban: <ezpz.co.za> or <ezpz@telkomsa.net> +27 31 2016 359
PHONE AND FAX. http://www.ezpz.co.za Post net Suite 136, Private
Bag X 04, DALBRIDGE, 4014, SOUTH AFRICA Justin Ballot, 134 Clark
Road, Durban 4001, South Africa

Edinburgh: “Linda Hendry”<linda@anamika.freeserve.co.uk> UK –
0131 667-6488

El Paso: Steve White <swhite01@elp.rr.com>915-590-2200  Postal:1226 mcrae ste.b el paso, tx 79925

Eugene: Kris Millegan <Hempsters@aol.com> 800-556-2012
http://www.ctrl.org/mmm     600-800 folks in ’02. One arrest.

Fairbanks: Timothy 907-474-9007

Feldkirch: <kontakt@legalisieren.at> 3. Hempfest Organized by
Legalize! ÷sterreich and Burgerinitiative Cannabis (Citizens’
Initiative Cannabis)

Flensburg: Peter Bluhm <peter-bluhm@foni.net> phone: Irene:
04632-871771 Peter: 0461-13620

Flint: Rev. A.S.”Happy” Wright <legalizemichigan@yahoo.com> 989
872 8005 http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/flint.htm 100 participants in ’02.

Ft. Lauderdale: Sean LaPierre 954-584-8979 4750 N.W. 10th Court (Apt. 314), Plantation, FL 33313 email: imagic music@aol.com  200 participants, 500 spectators, no arrests.

Ft Wayne:  NickStreet@comcast.net  (260) 496-8542 [Nick Street, 416 Russell Ave., Ft. Wayne, IN 46805]

Ft. Worth: “Chet Frank” <chet56@msn.com> 5600 North beach St., Fort Worth TX 76137

Garberville : 707 923 4488 “Paul Encimer” <encimer@hotmail.com>
Box 162, Piercy CA 95587; or “jeri” <jeri@humboldt.net>

Geneva: SŽction Genve CSC, c/o Delta9, 21 Bd St-Georges, 1204 Genve, Phone: +41 22 800 22 32, Fax: +41 22 800 22 33, Email: <mailto:geneve@coordination-chanvre.ch>geneve@coordination-chanvre.ch

Halifax: 902 865-8606 Michael Patriquin <mpat@accesswave.ca>
HempWorks, 93 Orchard Dr, Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia B4E 3B3

Hamburg: Martina Katzsch <hanftv@sensimilla.com> ++49 40 4394493
Kulturhaus Eppendorf  about 70 people in ’02.

Hartford:  Mike Bregg 860-309-9811 [310 S. Main St (Apt 2), Thomaston, CT 06787]

Hayward: Rebecca Oliver  mil_mari_march@ix.netcom.com.  510.481.5349 617 grant ave, slz, ca 94580
Event Location : Hayward BART Organization : Loose Confederation of Med. Mari Users Rally @ BART station & march in the San Francisco parade, as soon as they get it together–concert? maybe.

Hearst:  “Les Neron” <lesneron@ntl.sympatico.ca> 1-705-362-8402  Robert Neron(Federal Exemptee)
Box:1346, Hearst Ontario P0L 1N0

Helsinki : Finnish Cannabis Association http://www.sky.org sky@sky.org Finnish Cannabis Association,
Sorvaajankatu 9 A, 00810 Helsinki, Finland 800 participants in ’02.

Hilo: Roger Christie <pakaloha@gte.net> (808) 961-0488
http://www.thc-ministry.org 200 in ’02.

Houston: Dean Farrell <fdb@mail.ev1.net> (281)752-9198.
http://www.cultural-baggage.com c/o Dean Becker, 11215 Oak
Spring, Houston, TX 77043 Total attendance was about 5 hundred in ’02. Narc infiltrators mar event.

Hull: Carl Wagner phone: +44 01482494789   5 Victoria Square,
Ella Street, Hull HU5 3AL, U.K. 3-400 on March grew to 1,000 in jam in Pearson Park. Cops backed down after threatening arrest because of media frenzy.

Huntsville: Angel Starlin tallgyrrlie81@aol.com [no valid tel no. 2081 Hester Lane, Huntsville, Al 35810] or “Acorn” 256-489-2607 or <mikecrockett256@yahoo.com> [address invalid]

Indianapolis: Neal Smith, <inorml@inorml.org>, 317-335-6023
Voice Mail, 3601 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis, IN 46205
http://www.inorml.org 175 participants at peak in ’02.

Ithaca: Adam Hirsch <ah222@cornell.edu>, 301 Bryant Ave Apt # 5,
Ithaca, NY 14850. (607) 227-0302   200 marchers in quiet protest in ’02.

Jackson: linoleumpoppyz@yahoo.com 601-366-2884  Anthony Harville, 3413 N. State St., Jackson, MS 39216

Jefferson City: Al Minta (417)885-3993
http://www.cannabisrevival.com/ cannabisal@aol.com address: 1653
N. Patterson (Apt A), Springfield, MO 65803 or Columbia
NORML/Jeremy & Amanda 573-815-9821 400 participants over the day in ’02.

Jerusalem: Joseph  NeedelR@aol.com (011 972) 55-344-859

Kansas City: <mohemp@hotmail.com> David 816-678-7447, ‘its a
beautiful day’ 3918 broadway, kansas city mo. 64111… 816 931

Kendallville: 260-349-1029  Andrew Guthrie, 15-31 S. Main,Kendallville, IN 46755

Kent:  <TennJedJr@aol.com> 330-673-3060 Matthew S. Donowick 237 1/2 E. Summit st.,
Kent, OH 44242 45 people, event overshadowed by Kent remembrance in ’02.

Knoxville: Aerow Albrook <sparx17@yahoo.com> Matt Barker  316 Russfield Dr., Knoxville, TN  37922

Lansing: Kathy Kennedy 517-628-3915 or e-mail: “kathy kennedy”
<prohibitionx@hotmail.com> [P.O. Box 17 Onondaga, MI 49264]
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/lansing.htm 300 participants in ’02.

Leipzig: C.U. Rolf <parade@feinkost13.org> http://www.feinkost13.org tel 03412131477 or
“veejaykay” <veejaykay@gmx.li>, rolfdereinzigename@gmx.de,
lxc@protocut.net j–rg klepsch, simildenstr.12, 04277
Leipzig-germany  Parade w. 1000-1500 participants and
10 loudspeaker trucks, following the route of the famous 1989
demonstrations that brought down the wall, swelling to 2000 people who braved pouring rain at main train station. One arrest.

Lexington: Gatewood Gailbrath 859-259-1522  gatewood@mis.net

Limburg: Batlle@t-online.de (Valentin Batlle) 11.05.2002, 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Limburg City Europaplatz M.M.M-Event with Music (Söllner, Joint Venture …) Valentin Batlle, Hanf Aktivist

Little Rock: Jamie Collins <k_kar420@yahoo.com> (501) 663-4216
1516 Fairpark Blvd., Little Rock, Ark. 72204 45 marchers at State Capitol, not one arrest.

Ljubljana: borut.delfabbro@kiss.uni-lj.si #352; ou-Lj,
Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana or  Mojca Štraus  mojca@drogart.com 0038641786490  Vinski vrh5a, 3240 Šmarje pri jelšah, Ljubljana, Slovenia www.konoplja.org  http://www.sou.uni-lj.si/
Rally Concert

London: Festival HQ:  Shane 020 8671 5936. or International Cannabis Coalition (UK), PO Box 2243,
London, W1A 1YF, UK. Chris: 020 7637 7467. Fax: 0870 0548646. Email: may2001@schmoo.co.uk http://www.cannabiscoalition.org.htm  10,000 on the march, 30,000 at the festival; no police problems.

Los Angeles: Sister Somayah 323-232-0935 http://www.geocities.com/sistersomayah/events.htm
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sister-somayah 175 participants, S. Central.

Lucern: Sektion Luzern SHK, c/o Henry Serges, Bruchstrasse 48, 6003 Luzern, Email: <mailto:luzern@hanf-koordination.ch>luzern@hanf-koordination.ch

Lugano: Sezione Ticino CSC, c/o Andreas Arnold, via Massagno 34, 6900 Lugano, Fax: +41 91 923 40 85, Email: <mailto:ticino@coordinamento-canapa.ch>ticino@coordinamento-canapa.ch

Lyon: rueduchanvre@aol.com Tel +33 (0)4 72 71 04 77, Fax + 33 (0)4 72 71 06 93
La Maison du Chanvre sarl, 147, grande rue de la Guillotière, 69007 Lyon – FRANCE.

Madison: Ben Masel <bmasel@tds.net> weedstock.com 40 to 120 participants.

Manchester: Cannabis Coalition (Manchester), 57 Church Street,
Smithfield Buildings, Manchester, M4. Tel: 0161 834 1130. email: Gingrach@yahoo.com 600 marchers in ’02.

Marburg: Gr¸ne Hilfe Hessen, c/o Jo, Tel/Fax: 06631/801512
Location: Cafe Am Gr¸n 70 guests attended.

Melbourne: Kevin Aplin FL CAN (321)-726-6656. Jodi James –
Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana 321-253-3673. 200 in parade, total media coverage; one obstruction of justice citation for filming a cop ticketing some one for an open container.

Mexico City: +5300 5774 email: helmcke@prodigy.net.mx or volgn@hotmail.com or”Tato”  foigras2002@yahoo.com.br “Camello”  cosmocamello@vivecondrogas.com  “Asoc. Mexicana de Estudios Sobre el Cannabis” <amecamexico@hotmail.com> Leopoldo Rivera
Rivera/AsociaciÛn Mexicana de Estudios sobre el Cannabis,
Amapola # 35, col. Jardines del Molinito, Naucalpan, Estado de
MÈxico. CP. 53530 MEXICO or Adolfo Prieto 1003, Col. del Valle,
C.P. 03100, Mexico, D.F. or Samuel Martínez Ramírez
Av. Azcapotzalco #193-4 Col. Clavería Mexico D.F.
www.vivecondrogas.com, www.amecamexico.org, www.hemp.com.mx Almost 300 people in ’02.

Miami: Glenn Allen, 42c s.e.12th st. Dania, Fl 33004, 954-929-7025 aka “Nelg Nella” <yabyumyogi@hotmail.com>  A smoke out/drum circle in Peacock Park with lots of good bud.

Milwaukee: “Dominic Salmaan” <cannabisliberation@hotmail.com>
414-469-0899. 1525 E. Royall (Apt # 14), Milw., WI 563202. Over 100 people marched for 3 1/2 hrs. in ’02. No police problems.

Minneapolis: Grassroots Party or Chris Wright <TCW@genesis-computer.com> 612-522-5374. [Suite 111, 8120 Penn Ave. South Bloomington, MN 55431] 400 folks, no arrests in ’02.

Missoula: Angela Goodhope <sisterearth420@hotmail.com> (406) 829-1703 Approx. 420 participants in ’02.

Montpelier: Rama Schneider <2001@ramabahama.net> (802) 433-5441
address: 1614 Gilbert Road, Williamstown, VT 05679
http://www.ramabahama.net Several people handed out literature in ’02.

Montreal: Marc-Boris St-Maurice <blocpot@blocpot.qc.ca>
(514)528.1768 3,000 marched 4 1/2 miles; no cops in ’02.

Moscow: http://www.cures.by.ru  d-form@mail.ru

Munich: mmm-muenchen@cannabislegal.de

Nashville: “Howie & Marivuana Leinoff” <torml@weedmail.com> <mailto:marivuana@comcast.net>or marivuana@comcast.net (615)ACT-HIGH. <http://www.marivuana.com>http://www.marivuana.com <>http://www.punkenstein.com  150 marchers, no arrests; first tv coverage in ’02.

Norfolk: calvinjohnson77@hotmail.com 757-615-2158 or 399-1704 Kevin Johnson, 317 Idlewood Ave, Portsmouth, VA 23704

Newark: “Richard J. Schimelfenig” <rschimel@temple.edu> Delaware Cannabis Society c/o Richard J.
Schimelfenig, 3504 Winterhaven Drive, Newark, DE 19702, (302) 456-9402

New Orleans : Daisy 504-957-HERB hemp.rox.com    email:<NewOrleansMarch@hotmail.com> [Daisy Berbert, 6223 Warrington St. New Orleans, LA 70122]

New Paltz: newpaltznorml@yahoo.com NORML / SSDP PO Box 775, New
Paltz, NY 12561 500 marchers, well over 2,000 at concert in ’02.

New York City: Dana 212-677-7180 <dana@cures-not-wars.org> 7,000 participants in ’02. 148 arrests.

Nimbin: Max Stone of the Australian Cannabis Law Reform
Movement” aclrm@nimbinaustralia.com ph: 61 0266 891842
http://www.nimbinaustralia.com http://www.bigbongburgerbar.com/webshow/ 24,000 participants in ’02. No arrests.

Normal:  Nearly  1,000 participants in ’02. Zach Thomas and Miriam Sterlin, Mobilizing Activists and Students for Hemp (MASH)   Phone # :    309-275-6112/309-2756110 http://www.mashaction.org e-mail:  mash@mashaction.org

Nuernberg: Emanuel Kotzian <emanuel@kotzian.de> phone: 0049-(0) 911-535433 http://www.gj-bayern.de
or agentur sowjet – info@sowjet.de –  450 people marched in the rain in ’02.

Oberlin: Patty Hallman <sbysc@hotmail.com> (440)774-4544) c/o
Stitch by Stitch & Curiousities, 31 South Main Street, Oberlin,
OH 44074

Omaha: Paul Tripp, paultrip@cox.net, (402)598-6180 12216 Poppleton Plz. #238, Omaha, NE, 68144   Over 30 participants in ’02.

Orlando: Kacie Grange Hiphiplady32@aol.com (407)895-3492 [Kacie Grange, 1438 Catherine St., Orlando, FL 32801]

Oslo: <mmm@normal.no> normal.no/mmm Torkel Bj¯rnson, NORMAL,
Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0158 Oslo, Norway 3000+ participants. No arrests.

Ottawa: “deadmanseedco” <deadmanseedco@rogers.com> 613-749-3014
Don Appleby or Rick Reimer at 613-756-2961 or Rob Brown at
613-756-5892 Crowds in the hundreds, almost no arrests.

Paducah: Paula (270)362-9849 <pioneer@apex.net>, Cher
Ford-McCullough <bitchcrafts@whynotsmokepot.com> 65 Cabin Lane,
Gilbertsvile, Ky. 42044 or Brian McCullough
< bpmc@webtv.net> (270) 362-8186 50 marchers, 90 at rally, one undercover in ’02.

Pagosa Springs: Steve Poleski <tydeyedsteve@hotmil.com> 719-964-8174  [1314  Oak sDr, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147]

Paradise: Virgil Hales 530-877-5814

Paris: FARId GHEHIOUECHE <mailto:farid@no-log.org>farid@no-log.org 06 148 156 79 ; 5, rue de Tombouctou 75018 PARIS or CAM-RD 9, passage Dagorno 75020 PARIS  Tel : 00 33 (1) 40 09 69 75 Fax : 00 33 (1) 44 93 93 57
Like in 2001 and 2002, for MMM 2003 there will be rallies around France (Montpellier, Lyon, Rennes, Marseille, Lille, Annecy,…) and in Paris, the nation wide gathering in Bastille place 3:00 PM.

Parkersburg: “Cindy Wimer” <indianbud@wirefire.com> “Mountaineers for Medical Marijuana” 304-428-1726 [P.O. Box 1151,  Parkersburg, WV 26101]

Patterson: David Germolus 209-892-6640  angelwater260@aol.com  [304 hoffman ct.,  Patterson, CA 95363]

Philadelphia: <phillyweed420@hotmail.com> or “chuck palmer”
<chuckp@CritPath.Org> 610-279-6358  100 participants, no arrests in ’02.

Phoenix: donovan criss  doncriss@yahoo.com 602-486-6145 1635 w. grovers av. phoenix,az 85023 or rex 602-618-4521 2222 w beardsly rd #1119 phoenix,az 85027

Pilsen: http://www.exist.cz “pavla kozakova” <exist@post.cz>
200 people and one sound system in central park in ’02. No arrests.

Pittsburg: Frank Carr 412-247-3674

Pordenone: Anna Cavezzali & Ivan Romano <lallice@inwind.it>, Via Firenze 5, 33080 Porcia, PN, Italy
++3282488420 ++43428098

Portland: (503) 239-6110 MMM 2002 Committee c/o Oregon NORML
(OrNORML) http://www.ornorml.org PO Box 86443, Portland, OR
97286 Madeline Martinez yerbanena@hotmail.com or Steven M.
Cooper Volunteer Coordinator ornorml.volunteer@att.net  Grew >from 200 people, no arrests.

Prague: Michael “xChaos” Polak <xchaos@arachne.cz> Tel: +420 603 872631 / +420 2 33358050  http://www.legalizace.cz 1-2,000 participants in ’02, with hundreds more in nearby park. No marijuana related arrests in Prague (police just arrested offender, who broke police car window, but this was after MMM officially ended).

Providence:  “Tom Angell” <PsilocyberSpore@cox.net> (401) 737-7057  http://members.cox.net/urissdp or http://members.cox.net/psilocyberspore [Tom Angell, 37 Norfolk Road, Warwick, RI 02886] Just 6 people in ’02.

Raleigh-Durham: Bryan T. Moore <btm42@hotmail.com> 614 Carolina
Ave. Raleigh, NC 27606-1606 (919) 816-0609 or Chris Harris (919)368-5913 or “Jeff Badalucco”
<nc_ca@hotmail.com> (919)834-2816 238 Pecan St., Raleigh, NC
27603 200 souls braved pouring rain in ’02. Capitol cops well-behaved, but city cops tried to intimidate.

Rapid City: Bob Newland <newland@rapidcity.com> 605-255-4032 website: http://www.sodaknorml.org/  300 marchers in ’02. [Bob Newland, H C 89 Box 184A, Hermosa, SD 57744]

Reno: Michelle 775-287-1594 [Michelle Buck, 1850 Idlewild Drive Apt. A9, Reno, NV, 89509]

Richmond: “Roy B. Scherer” <rscherer@richmond.infi.net> (804)
355-7612, or campus libs at <Huclberie1@aol.com.> [Roy B. Scherer, 8 North Sheppard St., Richmond VA, 23221]About 100 attendees; march was 4 miles.

Rio de Janeiro: +55 – 21 – 9885 9162 mmmbr2002@yahoo.com or  “Luiz Paulo” <lpgb@mtecnet.com.br> 500 participants in ’02.

Rockford: Kane Keller 815-871-8747 c/o <heathen@charter.net> [2001 St. James Ave, Belvidere, IL 61008]

Pagosa Springs: Steve Poleski <tydeyedsteve@hotmil.com> 719-964-8174  [1314  Oaks Dr, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147]

Rome: “Segreteria Forte Prenestino” <segreteria@forteprenestino.net> or Michela Gesualdo
<mgesuald@ilmanifesto> 10-15,000 participants in ’02.

Rosario: +54 – 341-4201291 or +54 – 341- 4642699 E-mail: raddud@hotmail.com Corrientes 1307, 2000 – Rosario- ARGENTINA Nearly 400 participants in ’02.

Salem: 503.363-4588 Medical Cannabis Resource Center, 1695 Fairgrounds Rd.,Salem, Oregon   97303
<mailto:MercyCenter@hotmail.com>MercyCenter@hotmail.com March and Rally plans TBA– probably high noon around state capital building

Salt Lake City: Dr. Ken Larsen (801) 533-8658 <kencan@xmission.com> 856
E. 100th St. South (#2), Salt Lake City, UT 84102 or Andy
Morrill (801)334-8122 <rambis4@attbi.com> http://www.thc2002.org
http://www.personalchoice.org A. Reed Morrill, 1663 Historic
25th Street,Ogden, Utah 84401 300 noisy marchers, no arrests.

San Diego: San Diego A.C.T. (Association for Cannabis
Therapeutics) c/o T.Villodas,901″F”street#413,San Diego,
Ca.92101 email: Ed zepplin <edzepp@yahoo.com> or Donna 619-302
3041 or 619-223-1050 (land line) 619-302-3041 (mobile)
http://www.cannabisfreedom.org Approximately 50-75 attendees.

San Francisco: Hemp Evolution/Clark Sullivan “freeman sullivan” <feemansulllivan@lycos.com> or c.libertine@netzero.net or LAMPS 415-487-0561 4,000 participants in ’02, no arrests.
Santa Clara: “Lisa” <angelisa51@prodigy.net>

San Marcos: Joe Ptak: 512.754.0264 Email:
earthfirstswt@hotmail.com Postal: 213 Ramsay St.; #107, San
Marcos, TX; 78666

Santa Cruz: DdC <dendecannabist@yahoo.com> or Jason Brodsky
<theherbalist@newmarijuana.com> or Bryan Gilstein
<shelbyrose7@yahoo.com> (831-502-3865) Bryan Gilstein, UCSC, 600
Kresge Ct, Santa Cruz CA 95064 discussion list:
SCMJMarch@yahoo.com  400 participants, no arrests.

San Juan: Alejandro “Zen” Otero <hempwierdzenie@yahoo.com> postal: 425 carr. 693 PMB 130 Dorado PR 00646-4802 Tel# 787-345-9036 we will be concentrating on bridging the gap between the English speaking community and Spanish speaking communities. <http://us.f147.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=hempwierdzenie@yahoo.com&amp;YY=62545&amp;order=down&amp;sort=date&amp;pos=0>

San Luis Obispo: Donovan No Runner <frdm4medimary@yahoo.com> 805-474-8742 [1389 NIce Ave (Apt #1) Grover Beach, CA 93433]  or Jo-D: 805.937.0034

Sao Paulo: Victor maolvni@bol.com.br 30620225  rua tirica 345 Cabeca: podiscreuza@zipmail.com.br : 35678903: rua japao 876 maolvni@bol.com.br About 600 people .. There was no use and no
possession of marijuana so the cops couldn´t do anything.

Seminole: semptest5@webtv.net “http://www.angelfire.com/fl3/fl3touring/stpete.html”

Sioux City: clint boatman <clint815@yahoo.com>    5305 Stone Ave, Sioux City, Ia 51106

Sioux Falls:  Bob Newland <newland@rapidcity.com> 605-255-4032 website: http://www.sodaknorml.org/

Sofia: Chris Pantchev Xpu100 <hri100@iname.com>

Soltau: Sven <vandreike@t-online.de>, 05191-975296
50 people, one police activity.

Springfield: Joe Setzer (417) 877-6832 <theosopher420@yahoo.com>137 Hackberry Lane,  Seymour, MO 65746

Starks:  207-696-8879  cindieo@prexar.com [RR1 Box 1090 Starks, ME 04911] March from Harry Brown’s Farm to the Town Offices in Starks, Maine May 3rd
10 am

St. Louis: 314-567-8522 <gstlnorml@yahoo.com> or St. Louis Area NORML , PO Box 220243,
St. Louis, MO 63122.   http://www.mo-norml.org 600 marched to the Arch for cannabis reform.

Stuart: “chad cooke” <chadcooke50@hotmail.com>  chad cooke 561-213-7307 719-a northview drive,
jupiter,florida. 33458

Sturgeon Falls: Bro Michael Ethier 705 753-4756 maryhuanamike@hotmail.com ..c/o Tarzan’s Mission of the Sacred Herb,171 Queen Street, Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, Canada P2B 2G2

Syracuse: Jacqueline Carroll <fragglejax@aol.com> [749 Euclid Ave, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210]

Tampa: Anthony154154@aol.com Anthony Lorenzo 1-888-210-0425 toll free pager Over 100 participants in ’02.

Tampere: Janne Puustelli <huopa@skyscrapers.com>  Opiskelijankatu 4 E 274, 33720 Tampere, Finland or  Lasse Pihlainen <lasse.pihlainen@tut.fi> Annalankatu 11 C 31, 33710 Tampere; Org: Hamppukaupunki <hamppu.kaupunki@pp.inet.fi> http://www.hamppukaupunki.cjb.net/  MMM touring around central areas starts 14:00 at Hämeenpuisto/Metso

Taos: 505-741-0056 Kiko

Tel Aviv: Boaz Wachtel — wachtel@shani.net Tel:972-54-573679
http://www.ale-yarok.org.il PO Box 2983, Even Yehuda, 40500
Israel  — 4,000 participants in ’02.

Telluride: 970-708-2348 Robert Smeed, POB 13, Placerville, CO 81430 or Steeprock Rd, Sawpit, CO 81430  In ’02, 75 folks marched past the Courthouse, then rallied for about an hour for speeches.

Thunder Bay: Doug Thompson <docclone@norlink.net> 807-475-7436 75 participants, no cops, no media.

Tokyo: Takao Bakuya (Cannabist) info@cannabist.org +81-3-3706-6885 http://www.cannabist.org 800 participants in ’02.

Toronto: Larry Duprey (416)540-7829 fax(416)242-2635 or Toronto Area Association / Marijuana Party of Canada, 132 Dundas St. East, Toronto,On M5B 1E2 (416)367-3459  3-6,000 participants in ’02

Traverse City: Melody Karr <fiddlefoot420@hotmail.com>
(231)885-2993 PO Box 524 Mesick, MI 49668. or 10954 Birch Road
Mesick MI 49668. 70 marchers, hundreds of spectators in ’02.

Trondheim: <mmm@normal.no> normal.no/mmm Line Arstad, NORMAL,
Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0355 Oslo, Norway 200 participants in ’02.

Tucson: mary mackenzie <mmackenzie2@juno.com> (520)323-2947 http://www.hometown.aol.com/marcher420/myhomepage/pepe.html or 3400 east speedway, #118, tucson, arizona 85716 Over 200 participants in ’02.

Tula: Boris.it@mail.ru

Turku: Vihreet Pantterit http://www.vihreetpantterit.org info@vihreetpantterit.org 300 participants in ’02. 10 counter-demonstrators.

Ukiah: Verge Belanger “v belanger” <contactverge@yahoo.com>
Tommy Gunn, 528 North State St. #1, Ukiah, Ca. 95482 300 participants in ’02.

Upper Lake, Ca.: Linda & Eddy Lepp”linda senti”
<lisenti@home.com> 707-275-8879 Signed up 131 new patients in ’02.

Vancouver: David Malmo-Levine, <dagreenmachine@excite.com> BC
Marijuana Party Bookstore and Internet Broadcasting Center, 307
West Hastings Tel. 604 682-1172 http://www.cannabisculture.com 2,000 marchers in ’02.

Ventura: Amber Lessing 805 653-5633 [544 Seneca St. Ventura Ca 93001] or Dayna Barrios <ReeferRevelation@aol.com>  [4132 N. Ventura Ave. #49] 805 890-6855 Meet at the Park at Thompson Blvd and Chestnut at 1:00 PM; march through downtown

Vermilion: Sonny Morris 967-6069 sonny44089@yahoo.com  309 devonshire More than 100 people partied in the park, no problems in ’02.

Vienna: 5. Hanffeuer, Bushdoctor <martin@bushdoctor.at>
http://www.bushdoctor.at Phone: +43 (01) 524 04 40, Fax: +43
(01) 524 04 24, Kirchengasse 19, A-1070, Vienna, Austria”

Walton: Dave Baughman 620-837-4496 <Davyblues1@netscape.net>
http://www.kan-sativa.com 124 S. Walton Ave., Walton, Kansas
67151 Around 50 participants in ’02.

Warszawa, mazowsze:  Adam Wojtasiewicz  aw@koliber.org +48503692715 ul. Mickiewicza 72/15 01-650 Warszawa Poland

Washington, D.C.:Toni Keane <taporter84@yahoo.com> [301-990-3577] http://violate_wave.tripod.com/MMM.html

Wellington Ben Knight <Legalise@tradeshall.org.nz> NORML NZ , PO
Box 27-315, Wellington +64 25 377509 http://www.norml.org.nz

Wenatchee: 509-662-1338 <jennwarford@yahoo.com> Jennifer Warford, 507 Woodward dr., Wenatchee, Washington 98801.

Wichita: Debby Moore, CEOHemp Industries of Kansas 2742 E. 2nd Wichita, Kansas, 67214  (316) 681 1743 debby@hempforus.com; or “KS NORML” <ksnorml@cox.net>  Website:  http://www.hempforus.com Last year about thrity people met and marched through downtown Wichita. I will plan a cookout with speakers, but
will certainly discourage any smoking of the herb cannabis.

Winnepeg: Chris Buors, <chris_buors@yahoo.ca> mail to 430
Winterton ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2K 1K4 500 rallied at the Parliament Bldg in ’02.

Winston-Salem: Queen Selassie (336) 661-0684 4469 Indiana Ave,
Winston-Salem, N.C. 27105 25 people stood under a pavilion in the rain.

Worcester: C.J. & Judi Bunn, 413-245-3675 #9 Maybrook Rd,
Holland, MA 01521 More than 100 people, no problems, in ’02.

Zurich: Sektion ZŸrich SHK, Glattalstr. 138, 8052 ZŸrich, Phone: +41 43 299 94 11, Fax +41 43 299 92 12, Email: <mailto:buero@shk-zh.ch>buero@shk-zh.ch Barbecue-Party in the Culture Centre in Seebach/Zurich

From: Vector Vector <vector620022002@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Grandmother charged with trading girl, 15, to get crack
Date: February 3, 2003 at 9:46:59 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com


Chris M. writes – We know this disease really sucks.

Girl Raped In Drug Deal

Grandmother charged with trading girl, 15, to get crack

By Andrew Smith
Staff Writer

February 1, 2003

When a Mastic woman showed up one night last August at the nearby
Poospatuck Reservation looking for crack cocaine, all she had with
were some stolen boxer shorts and her granddaughter, Suffolk

She found a drug dealer known as “Jo-Jo? and offered the boxers in
return for some crack, but he refused. She asked to buy drugs on
but again he refused, a law enforcement source said. Then, Jo-Jo
at the granddaughter, 15, and said, “She looks cute.?

“She traded her granddaughter to this man for crack, and allowed him
rape and sodomize her,? Assistant District Attorney Patricia Brosco
during the woman’s arraignment Friday in Riverhead. Newsday is not
naming the woman, 54, to protect the granddaughter’s identity.

Authorities say they believe they know who Jo-Jo is and hope to
him with rape and sodomy soon.

After getting her drugs, a law enforcement source said the woman
her granddaughter toward Jo-Jo, telling her to go with him and to
him a kiss. Jo-Jo took the girl about 10 yards away behind a house
raped her, the source said.

“The little girl was screaming for grandma, and grandma didn’t come
her aid,? the source said.

Instead, the grandmother came to Jo-Jo’s aid, the source said. After
assault, Jo-Jo made the girl urinate, which can wash away DNA
of sexual assault. Then, at their Mastic home, the grandmother made
girl shower, further removing any physical evidence, the source said.

The girl and her mother reported the incident to police the next day.

The grandmother initially was arrested in August for endangering the
welfare of a child, but is now also charged with first-degree rape
first-degree sodomy under the legal theory that she acted in concert
with the actual assailant, Brosco said.

Even after her arrest, the woman tried to protect Jo-Jo, the law
enforcement source said. She identified a different man as the girl’s

attacker and suggested the girl went along willingly. But the source
said the man she identified was in jail on a different charge on the
of the attack.

If convicted, the grandmother faces up to 25 years in prison.

Her attorney, Robert Del Col of Huntington, asked Acting State
Court Justice Michael Mullen to free his client so she could get
treatment for a “long-standing and ongoing drug problem.? Mullen
and set bail at $20,000 cash.

The woman has a lengthy criminal history of drug and theft charges,
authorities said. Shortly before the assault, she had moved in with
daughter and granddaughter.

“She was homeless,? the law enforcement source said. “She said she’d
turned over a new leaf. They took her in, and this is the thanks that

they get.?

In the months since the attack, the girl seems to be coping, the law
enforcement source said.

“She’s holding up pretty well,? the source said. “She’s a sweet kid.?

Copyright Š 2003, Newsday, Inc. <http://www.newsday.com>

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From: Brett Calabrese <bcalabrese@yahoo.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] OT 5-20 bucks
Date: February 3, 2003 at 7:21:06 PM EST
To: ibogaine@ibogaine.org, ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

This looks real, 20 bucks if you purchased a CD
between ’95 and 2000, online registration (it is
really an conspiracy to track all of us). Note,
sterilization not required to collect, neither is ia
receipt for a CD. I know starving addicts could use an
extra $20, which will not last as long as it takes to
fill out the on-line form. If in doubt do something
constructive and donate it to your favorite pro-dope



Music Buyers
Are Due $20

It’s like finding a $20 bill in the pocket of an old
winter coat.

Anyone who bought recorded music from 1995 through
2000 is entitled to
a $20 payment as part of a class-action lawsuit

The sign-up form is available on-line at
To get a paper form call- 877.347-4732.

The deadline for signing up is March 3.

Checks will be sent out sometime later this year,
on possible court delays.

Recorded-music products include compact discs,
cassettes, and IPs.
You need to have purchased only one to qualify.

Having bought more than one doesn’t qualify you for
more money.

It’s one settlement check per customer.

There’s no need for a receipt or proof of purchase.

It took a reporter three minutes to complete the
online form.

There are a few basic questions and requests for
personal information
such as your address and the last four digits of your
Social Security number.

A caveat: If too many people signup, the payouts get
reduced or canceled.

Only around 1.2 million consumers have put in for
their share so far.

If that number gets to around nine million, the
settlement cash
goes instead to buy CDs for schools and charitable

The suit was brought by 43 state attorneys general
along with a private law firm.

They say the music industry illegally boosted prices
by requiring retailers to sell products at
minimum advertised prices, in violation of the law.

The defendants deny wrongdoing.

The checks will come as a relief to consumers fed up
with CD prices
that approach $20.

Nearly $67.4 million of the settlement is earmarked
for individual cash payments.

By Alex Frangos

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Plus – Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

From: “Patrick K. Kroupa” <digital@phantom.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] The Wonder of iT alL
Date: February 3, 2003 at 4:28:13 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com, drugwar@mindvox.com, vox@mindvox.com, voxadm@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Sorry, but, I have to do this…

It doesn’t exactly relate to either the war on drugs or ibogaine, but on
the flipside, *everything* relates to ibogaine and the war on drugs…

There are just these moments when I thank God for the whole Entire Western
Civilization, plus, also, the internet.

This is one of those moments.

This is *not* a funny joke.  BEHOLD the wonder of it all:



From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] Wednesday Embassy Protest for Ed
Date: February 3, 2003 at 12:41:13 PM EST
To: ernesto@canamo.net
Cc: Mojca Straus <mojca@drogart.com>, ezpz@telkomsa.net, newagecitizen@aol.com, hromi@kyberia.sk, “Terry Mitchell” <tushona@hotmail.com>, pariah_mob@yahoo.com, jc0_66@yahoo.com, “Irena” <irena.krzan@kiss.uni-lj.si>, legalizemichigan@yahoo.com, “cappleby3014” <cappleby3014@rogers.com>, “Matthew Jorn” <matthewjorn@hotmail.com>, Xpu100 <hri100@iname.com>, mjmarch@cannabismail.com, info@worldcamp.org, marijuanamarch@yahoo.com, hempSA@va.com.au, has.cornelissen@planet.nl, farid@no-log.org, inorml@inorml.org, <mohemp@hotmail.com>, Boris.it@mail.ru, Chris Conrad <chris@chrisconrad.com>, iowanorml@home.com, duncaneddy@hotmail.com, <nfn@watervalley.net>, RoadsEnd@aol.com, Chris Wright <TCW@genesis-computer.com>, rastapeace@yahoo.com, pdxnorml@pdxnorml.org, hempSA@va.com.au, smuuthc11@hotmail.com, acididea@hotmail.com, <anna_ganja@hotmail.com>, andyganja2001@yahoo.co.uk, “Melody Karr” <fiddlefoot420@hotmail.com>, “Howie Hempalot” <torml@weedmail.com>, <fearless_420@hotmail.com>, mmm@drugpeace.org, melacs42x60@hotmail.com, rebelart@gasgroup.com, pcornwell@earthlink.net, martin@africandance.de, CAMPNC@hotmail.com, Blocpot@blocpot.qc.ca, DennyLane@gmavt.net, linda@anamika.freeserve.co.uk, rappa@casema.net, <arsec@pangea.org>, Hanfparaden Center Berlin <hanfparade@hanflobby.de>, alun <webbooks@paston.co.uk>, <amec@ctv.es>, mayday@onelist.com, “kathy kennedy” <prohibitionx@hotmail.com>, <freddiefreak@c2i.net>, sokrates@arachne.cz, <restore@crrh.org>, <rastapeace@yahoo.com>, “justin ballot” <j_thang@hotmail.com>, Hempsters@aol.com, texasm5@hotmail.com, “Roy B. Scherer” <rscherer@richmond.infi.net>, helmut holtzheimer <movemus@gmx.de>, phillty2@yahoo.com, steph@safeaccessnow.org, “Bill Downing” <billdowning@attbi.com>, “Dave Toaff” <davetoaff@hotmail.com>, mmm@normal.no, “Angela Goodhope” <sisterearth420@hotmail.com>, Usersvoice.jmt@drugscope.org.uk, Michael Palmieri <forml_2000@yahoo.com>, PROBER13@aol.com, StewMO1941@aol.com, rmelamed@zoo.uvm.edu, chris@schmoo.co.uk, pakaloha@gte.net, werkhausen@mail.isis.de (M. Werkhausen), chairman@votermarch.org, bloom@hightimes.com, pdr <pdr@echonyc.com>, aksh1@waikato.ac.nz, fdb@mail.ev1.net, sky@sky.org, <stinkygreens@yahoo.com>, Hanf-tv@karo4tel.de, blair@technologist.com, “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net>, encimer@hotmail.com, Skywolf@yahooka.com, <CFFHS@nm.ru>, al@cannabisrevival.com, globalpeas@email.com, emanuel@kotzian.de, dangssdp@yahoo.com, fine_time909@hotmail.com, Boris@headsmagazine.com, miriamwhite420@hotmail.com, bud_jamesbud@yahoo.com, mappnow@hotmail.com, xchaos@arachne.cz, btm42@hotmail.com, wachtel@shani.net, forml420@marijuana.com, Michela Gesualdo <mgesuald@ilmanifesto>, terryparkerjr@sympatico.ca, fjhc@hotmail, “Razor” <rzr@powertech.no>, legalise@tradeshall.org.nz, “Nelg Nella” <spacehippie@hotmail.com>, phillyweed420@hotmail.com, info@hanf-koordination.ch, doncriss@yahoo.com, Peter Bluhm <peterbluhm2001@yahoo.de>, “Joe Wein” <joewein@pobox.com>, “Bud Spliff” <normalpotluck2002@hotmail.com>, info@cannabist.org, OCannabisSociety@aol.com, “Catherine Jones” <mmmfriend@hotmail.com>, writch@writch.com, cannabisaction@yahoogroups.com, mary mackenzie <mmackenzie2@juno.com>, hilary@riseup.net, escandonavia@prodigy.net.mx, jipiando@yahoo.es, leoparda_azul@hotmail.com, faenadub@hotmail.com, ultra_plus_estrella@hotmail.com, helmcke@prodigy.net.mx, m_bandida@hotmail.com, malcomska@hotmail.com, foroalici@hotmail.com, earthfirstswt@hotmail.com, taudarknes@hotmail.com, “The Happy Hemptress” <hemptress@hemprock.com>, “New Paltz Norml” <newpaltznorml@yahoo.com>, hamppu.kaupunki@pp.inet.fi, “Enrico Fletzer” <enricofletzer@hotmail.com>, Blair Anderson <blair@technologist.com>, basel@hanf-koordination.ch, martin@hanflobby.de, omarzocchi@europarl.eu.int, clauditza_f@yahoo.com, “Silvia Inchaurraga” <sinchaur@agatha.unr.edu.ar>, “Vinnie” <info@grow.de>, Klaus.Tuxen.hampenyt@hampenyt.dk, mr_azid@hotmail.com, pariahnt@yahoo.com, “Butler, Philip” <phillty2@yahoo.com>, geneve@coordination-chanvre.ch, may2001@schmoo.co.uk, “Tato”foigras2002@yahoo.com.br, “Camello”cosmocamello@vivecondrogas.com, “Luiz Paulo” <lpgb@mtecnet.com.br>, amecamexico@hotmail.com, d-form@mail.ru, aclrm@nimbinaustralia.com, deadmanseedco@rogers.com, “Segreteria Forte Prenestino” <segreteria@forteprenestino.net>, Michela Gesualdo <mgesuald@ilmanifesto>, aw@koliber.org, “Sergio Stifanic” <fine_time909@hotmail.com>, “Andrius Brazas” <brazhas@marijuananews.com>, Dana Larsen <muggles2@cannabisculture.com>, rmelamed@uccs.edu, SCMJMarch@yahoogroups.com, clear@harmreduction.org, Bonnie <rabbit@cownow.com>, mgreer@mapinc.org, pieman@pieman.org, “ccguide.org.uk” <alun@ccguide.org.uk>, ajw <ajw@nyc.rr.com>, mayday@yahoogroups.com, Paul Krassner <pkrassner@earthlink.net>, StewA@aol.com, ibogaine@mindvox.com, “B.T. Moore” <btm42@hotmail.com>, “Brian Downing Quig” <quig@dcia.com>, “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>, “David Crockett Williams” <gear2000@lightspeed.net>, “Gregory Lake” <lakeg@hotmail.com>, has.cornelissen@planet.nl, anadi2000@earthlink.net, Nicholas Merrill <nick@mojo.calyx.net>, Mitchell Halberstadt <mitch-h@mindspring.com>, “Donald Grove” <grove@harmreduction.org>, Bob Melamede <rmelamed@uccs.edu>, lesliecagan@igc.org, Chris Conrad <chris@chrisconrad.com>, narda@lifefood.com, damnrobrob@yahoo.com, Jay Blotcher <jblotcher@hvc.rr.com>, crmoynihan@yahoo.com, BrennerL@aol.com, “Andrew Grice” <kingfelix@mediaone.net>, mruppert@copvcia.com, DogBreath100@aol.com, saltcom@aol.com, rumsey@newsday.com, ekwa@msn.com, flynn@nytimes.com, foundation@norml.org, Sean.Sweeneynyc@verizon.net, Lconaway@villagevoice.com, charlie kaplan <crowes_98@yahoo.com>, psmith@drcnet.org, dguard@drcnet.org, deanl1@earthlink.net, Sarah Ferguson <sferg@interport.net>, dmcvay@csdp.org, cowan@marijuananews.com, smokinjoe@weeklydig.com, don@hempery.com, anita@bodyshop.co.uk, danviets@justice.com, cohenj@hrw.org, “jim sutherland” <jim@arclightning.com>, danaleecohen@aol.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Free Ed Rosenthal Protests Planned Wednesday at U.S. embassies in London, Paris, Berlin, Oslo, Rome, Berne, Warsaw and other World Capitols…Please join! Call 1212-677-7180.

Ed Rosenthal–author of the Marijuana Growers Guide–has been convicted in the US District Court in Oakland, Ca. on charges of “conspiracy”, “cultivation” and “manufacturing” medical marijuana. The illegal Bush junta which stole the 2000 election because Clinton was not “tough enough on drugs” alleges that Ed, one of the founders of the modern marijuana movement, is some kind of drug kingpin.

The trial began with the U.S. Judge, Breyer, dismissing more than 2/3 of the jurors because of support for Prop. 215, which made medical marijuana legal in California. After picking a completely unrepresentative jury, the Judge ruled that no “medical marijuana defense” would would be allowed. In fact, Rosenthal was deputized by the city of Oakland so that dispensation of medical marijuana  would be covered under the same legal immunity as the narcs. The Judge ruled that Congressional intent (to ban cannabis absolutely) trumped the plain language of the statute that immunizes government agents.

Defense attorneys had sought to force Judge Breyer to allow them the chance to present evidence that would reveal that during the Clinton administration, at least one DEA supervising agent had said that the federal government would not pursue prosecutions in areas where the local governments were allowing medical distribution. Such testimony would indicate that Mr. Rosenthal had been the victim of a form of entrapment, so the Judge won’t allow it. Although Judge Breyer was finally forced to allow some testimony by a member of the Oakland City Council that Ed was not trying to conceal his activities, the case went to the jury Friday without Ed being able to mount an effective defense.

Last February 12 the Bush clique led by Attorney General John Ashcroft arrested Ed in an attempt to silence the cause of medical marijuana which saves the lives of many. Therefore the time has come to confront the US government’s attempt to jail Ed for the crime of saving lives by mounting picket lines at U.S. Embassies around the world. 50 to 100 protestors are expected at several of the embassies. The Paris Global Cannabis Coordinator suggested Wednesday as the most convenient day when we can expect to have a verdict in Ed’s case.

Dana Beal/cures not wars/Global Cannabis March/212-677-7180


Ed Rosenthal Found Guilty — New Trial Sought

Friday, January 31 — In front of a crowd of spectators and supporters, many of whom sobbed as the verdict was read, noted author and activist Ed Rosenthal was convicted in federal court today of marijuana cultivation charges.

Upon leaving the courthouse with his family, a subdued but defiant Mr. Rosenthal was greeted by a mob of cameras, microphones and well-wishers. He and his attorneys vowed to fight on, saying this was a struggle for patients’ rights that would win out in the end.

While he was found guilty of all three counts, the most serious related to conspiracy to grow more than a thousand plants, and on that count the jury found that he had conspired to grow more than a hundred but less than the thousand the indictment had specified — a finding defense attorneys counted as a victory.

That leaves his conviction for cultivation of more than a hundred plants as the offense with the stiffest penalty, with a sentencing range of from 5 to 40 years and a fine of up to $2 million dollars.
But after dismissing the jury, Judge Charles Breyer said that he would be conducting his own “independent inquiry” into determining whether he could make a “downward departure” on the sentencing, meaning impose less than the minimum sentence mandated by law. Such an inquiry would be to determine Mr. Rosenthal’s eligibility for an extraordinary exception to normal sentencing.

Judge Breyer noted the extraordinary circumstances of the case in rejecting the motion of Assistant U.S. Attorney George Bevan, Jr. to have Mr. Rosenthal placed in immediate detention.

Judge Breyer granted Defense Counsel Robert Eye and William Simpich an additional 30 days beyond the normal ten to file their request for a new trial. He also set the sentencing date as June 4th, much farther out than is normal.

The nearly six months until sentencing should allow enough time for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to decide the appeal of another of Judge Breyer’s cases that dealt with a similar question of immunity >from prosecution in the context of medical marijuana distribution. Mr. Rosenthal had made a nearly identical claim in his case, which Judge Breyer had refused to allow. If the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturns Judge Breyer’s interpretation of the federal statute, as he himself said they very well might, it would guarantee that Mr. Rosenthal’s conviction would be overturned.

Jurors told the press that while they’d been distressed by the verdict they’d reached, they’d felt their hands were tied. The jury foreman said he, for one, hoped their decision would be reversed on appeal.

For a statement on the verdict from Ed Rosenthal and information on what you can do to help in his appeal, visit http://www.green-aid.com.
Rosenthal Trial Pic’s and News Articles



Contacts for the Free Ed protests at US Embassies in Europe and elsewhere can be found in the following list for the Global March for Cannabis Liberation, May 2, 3, 4. To get on the poster for the 2003 Global March for Cannabis Liberation, check yr contact info and add yr city to the List http://www.cures-not-wars.org/cities.htm , which right now consists of 188 cities :

Abbotsford: 604-607-1111 Tim Felger <tfleger@shaw.ca> About 100 marchers who refused to pay to march.

Albany: Terry Phelan 518-436-7098 [63 McCarty Ave. Albany, NY 12202]

Albuquerque: Rob Taylor (505) 565-4150 or Rich Haley <writch@writch.com>  Between 500 and 1000 participants in ’02, no arrests

Amherst: Angela Panaccione panaccio@student.umass.edu 413-545-1122

Amsterdam: has.cornelissen@planet.nl +31(0)20-6107807 +31(0)6-16314682 http://www.legalize.net http://www.legalize.org Has Cornelissen, Govert Flinckstraat, 295 Amsterdam

Arlington: Paula Matson 817-299-8447 [2306 Fig Tree Lane, Arlington, TX 76014-1656]


Auckland: Chris Fowlie ph 09 302-5255 2000 participants in ’02.

Augusta: Cindi Ellen O’Connor 207-696-8879  cindieo@prexar.com [RR1 Box 1090 Starks, ME 04911] or Faryl Orlinsky 207-783-3324

Austin: Tracy Hayes <marijuanamarch4@hotmail.com> 512.693.2356, cell 512.587.8838, 900 Bouldin, Austin TX, 78704  Nearly 1,000 participants in ’02.

Basel: Sektion Basel-Stadt SHK, Postfach, 4007 Basel, Fax: +41 61 263 98 70, Email: <mailto:basel@hanf-koordination.ch>basel@hanf-koordination.ch

Batesville/Oxford:  662-578-6993 Gary / NFN Enterprise <nfn@watervalley.net> 1509 Orwood Rd. 250 protestors in ’02, no arrests.

Baton Rouge: Robinptilley@aol.com (225)667-9270 [Robin Tilley P.O. Box 791 Denham Springs, La 70727 or 10006 Eve Drive, Denham Springs 70726]

Battle Creek: “Jay Statzer” <jstatzer@qtm.net> 616-697-4521
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/battlecreek.htm 20 to 60 folks in ’02.

Berlin: Martin Muencheberg <martin@hanflobby.de> 0049-30-29490201 http://www.hanfparade.de [200 participants, 2,000 spectators in ’02.

Berne: Swiss Hanf Koordination Sekretariat + 41-31-398-1444
<infor@hanf-koordination.ch> Roman will know which Swiss cities
are marching.

Birmingham: “Loretta Nall” <candlelady11599@earthlink.net>

Birmingham: Grow More Weed Campaign, PO Box 9121, Birmingham
B138AU. 01212561303. (Mark Badger) Fax: 0121 256 1302. email:
growmoreweed@ironmanrecords.co.uk www.growmoreweed.co.uk
March/Festival foundered over Biblical interpretation; just 20 people in ’02.

Boone: Stan Chamberlain jc48534@appstate.edu  828 266 7587   ASU Box 7947, Boone NC 28608

Boston: Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition\NORML P.O. Box
0266, Georgetown, MA 01833-0366 781-944-2266 –
http://www.masscann.org – 781-779-1334 fax Signature-gathering drive in ’02.

Boulder:  Ralph Shnelvar  ralph@snelrar.com 303-546-6125 or Fred Smith 303-449-2390 <smithmf@stripe.colorado.edu>

Bratislava: hromi@kyberia.sk  http://kyberia.sk 00420 776 126 587 Daniel Hromada, Cerchovska 8, Prague 2,
120 00, Czech Republic

Braunschweig: <cannabislegal@gmx.net> This is an info stall in
Braunschweig distributing leaflets and other information
material from a stall in a shopping area.

Bremen: Silke Tel. 0179/180 25 25 Lieder@web.de Olaf 0162/77 34
576 Party-Project: 33 99 334 party@party-project.de Some 300 participants in ’02 despite the bad weather.

Brno: Vaclav Linkov, <linkov@math.muni.cz> Tel.: +420-737-811107
http://www.legalizace.cz  http://www.l.s.cz

Brussels: Ottavio Marzocchi <omarzocchi@europarl.eu.int> +32-2-284-5496 www.radicalparty.org

Bucharest:  ClauditZa  clauditza_f@yahoo.com www.iarba.verde.de.acasa.go.ro 004092195819  address: Spliff Decision, viorele street, nr 34  Bucharest, Romania or Poke www.marihuana.ro 004091343202 address: piata romana, Bucharest, Romania   300 active smokers on a small beach named Kudos in ’02.

Buenos Aires: daihatsu missminipimer@mefis.to www.mefis.to   or miss olga summers olgasummers@mefis.to www. ligalais.com  ARDA (011) 15 40289847 RADDUD (011) 46357820
Nos juntaremos el 4 de mayo, 16 hs., a fumar uno en el planetario buenos aires.

Buffalo: Philip L Beavers jr./B.A.C.H <BLocman420@aol.com>
716-895-1987  or 716-578-3410 1160 E. LOVEJOY (st) buffalo 14206 600-700 people over the course of the day in ’02; all 3 networks; no police problems

Burlington: Denny Lane / Brendan Kinney, Vermont Libertarian
Party & VT-NORML dennylane@gmavt.net / chair@vtlp.org (802)
496-2387 http://vtnorml.org/MMM 802-496-2387 POB 537, Waitesfield, Vt 05673 or matt hogg
<mhogg@zoo.uvm.edu (802) 865-9410. 1,000 in attendence in ’02, no arrests.

Capetown: “greggoodwin” <greggoodwin@mweb.co.za> or “Marcus \(Home\)” <mt3825@freemail.absa.co.za> 100 people, mostly Rasta’s, in ’02.

Charlotte: Ragan Tolbert OnThatLevel@aol.com

Chicago: Caren Thomas, to Windy City Hemp, 2506 N. Clark St., PMB#157; Chicago, IL 60614;   or 773-363-2942 chicagomarch2003@hotmail.com -or-http://www.windycityhemp.org

Chico: 530-345-1997 <chicodank@hotmail.com> or http://www.pot-party.com 1381 Fairway Alley, Chico, CA 95926; or adrian aguilar ode2thewalls@aol.com (530)898-2150 or voicemail pgr 530-571-2071 Approx. 420 participants in ’02.

Christchurch: Blair Anderson <blair@technologist.com> Mild Green Media Centre ph: ++64 3 389-4065 Website pages.quicksilver.net.nz/blair Newsforum news://http://www.reddfish.co.nz/alcp [50 Wainoni Road, WAINONI
Christchurch, NZ 8006] 500 participants in ’02.

Cincinnati: the Happy Hemptress <hemptress@hemprock.com> 513-684-HEMP [Hemprock Productions, P.O. Box 18253, Erlanger, KY 41018 ]

Cleveland: John <OCannabisSociety@aol.com> (216)521-9333 http://www.timesoft.com/ncnorml 2,000 participants. No arrests.

Cologne: grow!Club CannaCom e.V. /redAktion: 0221 562-6347
“Vinnie” <info@grow.de> http://www.grow.de Info booth by grow! w. JES, akzept &
VfD drew interest…

Colorado Springs: Bob Melamede <rmelamed@uccs.edu> or Mstrmanic@aol.com Stephan Ballasch Continuous presence of a few hundred people in the park in ’02.

Columbus: 614-291-1026 Russ Selkirk osussdp@hotmail.com Sean Luse OSU-SSDP,  276 Chittenden Ave, Cols, OH 43201;  or Ken Schweickart 614-265-VOTE dpeo@earthlink.net  650 participants, no arrests.

Concord: (603)682-9077 nhorml@yahoo.com or http://www.nhorml.org.org 30 people in ’02, no cops.

Copenhagen: Klaus Tuxen hampenyt@hampenyt.dk  http://www.hampepartiet.dk or Zid Dhartha mr_azid@hotmail.com  http://www.christiania.org/ (+0045) 32 95 65 07 org: Hampepartiet ( The party For HEMP)  http://www.hampepartiet.dk address: F.H.B. hampens plads Christiania, 1407 Kbh. K.150 on march, 500 at smoke-in in ’02.

Daingerfield: johnny s. chambliss  rollinxoxo@aol.com p.o. box 484, ore city, texas 75683

Darwin: mick lambe pariahnt@yahoo.com http://napnt.tripod.com 30 marchers, 35 police, but no arrests due media spotlite.

DeKalb: “Adam Timm” <itsmeuwant2c@hotmail.com>

Denver: Ken Gorman 303-935-6534 http://kg1.org or ralph@snelrar.com 303-546-6125 [ Ken Gorman, 1073 South Decatur Street; Denver, CO 80219]

Des Moines: iowanorml@mchsi.com (515) 288-5798
http://iowanorml.home.mchsi.com/ http://commonlink.com/~olsen/ ,
mojo.calyx.net/~olsen/, http://www.iowanorml.org/
http://www.druglibrary.org/olsen/index.html ; or Terry Mitchell
(515) 789-4442; 608 Dallas St., Dexter, Iowa 50070. 300 marchers, police friendly.

Detroit: “Professor Hemp” <newagecitizen@aol.com> 313-563-3192 or “jude
joseph” acididea@hotmail.com 313 438 1668
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/detroit.htm 90 to 120 participants exposed to Ibogaine message.

Dover: “Richard J. Schimelfenig” <rschimel@temple.edu> Delaware Cannabis Society c/o Richard J.
Schimelfenig, 3504 Winterhaven Drive, Newark, DE 19702, (302)
456-9402 299 demonstrators, 8,000 spectators, cops watched and did nothing in ’02.

Dublin: “Butler, Philip” <phillty2@yahoo.com> +353 1 4163707 or
<jday@iamwasted.com> http://www.cannabisireland.com/
http://groups.yahoo.com/group//ie-cannabis/ 1,000 people in “02.

Duesseldorf: Marlon Werkhausen <marlon@gesellschaftsprobleme.de>
http://www.gesellschaftsprobleme.de phone: 049-172-7591795.
100 participants, good atmosphere.

Durban: <ezpz.co.za> or <ezpz@telkomsa.net> +27 31 2016 359
PHONE AND FAX. http://www.ezpz.co.za Post net Suite 136, Private
Bag X 04, DALBRIDGE, 4014, SOUTH AFRICA Justin Ballot, 134 Clark
Road, Durban 4001, South Africa

Edinburgh: “Linda Hendry”<linda@anamika.freeserve.co.uk> UK –
0131 667-6488

El Paso: Steve White <swhite01@elp.rr.com>915-590-2200  Postal:1226 mcrae ste.b el paso, tx 79925

Eugene: Kris Millegan <Hempsters@aol.com> 800-556-2012
http://www.ctrl.org/mmm     600-800 folks in ’02. One arrest.

Fairbanks: Timothy 907-474-9007

Feldkirch: <kontakt@legalisieren.at> 3. Hempfest Organized by
Legalize! ÷sterreich and Burgerinitiative Cannabis (Citizens’
Initiative Cannabis)

Flensburg: Peter Bluhm <peter-bluhm@foni.net> phone: Irene:
04632-871771 Peter: 0461-13620

Flint: Rev. A.S.”Happy” Wright <legalizemichigan@yahoo.com> 989
872 8005 http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/flint.htm 100 participants in ’02.

Ft. Lauderdale: Sean LaPierre 954-584-8979 4750 N.W. 10th Court (Apt. 314), Plantation, FL 33313 email: imagic music@aol.com  200 participants, 500 spectators, no arrests.

Ft Wayne:  NickStreet@comcast.net  (260) 496-8542 [Nick Street, 416 Russell Ave., Ft. Wayne, IN 46805]

Ft. Worth: “Chet Frank” <chet56@msn.com> 5600 North beach St., Fort Worth TX 76137

Garberville : 707 923 4488 “Paul Encimer” <encimer@hotmail.com>
Box 162, Piercy CA 95587; or “jeri” <jeri@humboldt.net>

Geneva: SŽction Genve CSC, c/o Delta9, 21 Bd St-Georges, 1204 Genve, Phone: +41 22 800 22 32, Fax: +41 22 800 22 33, Email: <mailto:geneve@coordination-chanvre.ch>geneve@coordination-chanvre.ch

Halifax: 902 865-8606 Michael Patriquin <mpat@accesswave.ca>
HempWorks, 93 Orchard Dr, Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia B4E 3B3

Hamburg: Martina Katzsch <hanftv@sensimilla.com> ++49 40 4394493
Kulturhaus Eppendorf  about 70 people in ’02.

Hartford:  Mike Bregg 860-309-9811 [310 S. Main St (Apt 2), Thomaston, CT 06787]

Hayward: Rebecca Oliver  mil_mari_march@ix.netcom.com.  510.481.5349 617 grant ave, slz, ca 94580
Event Location : Hayward BART Organization : Loose Confederation of Med. Mari Users Rally @ BART station & march in the San Francisco parade, as soon as they get it together–concert? maybe.

Hearst:  “Les Neron” <lesneron@ntl.sympatico.ca> 1-705-362-8402  Robert Neron(Federal Exemptee)
Box:1346, Hearst Ontario P0L 1N0

Helsinki : Finnish Cannabis Association http://www.sky.org sky@sky.org Finnish Cannabis Association,
Sorvaajankatu 9 A, 00810 Helsinki, Finland 800 participants in ’02.

Hilo: Roger Christie <pakaloha@gte.net> (808) 961-0488
http://www.thc-ministry.org 200 in ’02.

Houston: Dean Farrell <fdb@mail.ev1.net> (281)752-9198.
http://www.cultural-baggage.com c/o Dean Becker, 11215 Oak
Spring, Houston, TX 77043 Total attendance was about 5 hundred in ’02. Narc infiltrators mar event.

Hull: Carl Wagner phone: +44 01482494789   5 Victoria Square,
Ella Street, Hull HU5 3AL, U.K. 3-400 on March grew to 1,000 in jam in Pearson Park. Cops backed down after threatening arrest because of media frenzy.

Huntsville: Angel Starlin tallgyrrlie81@aol.com [no valid tel no. 2081 Hester Lane, Huntsville, Al 35810] or “Acorn” 256-489-2607 or <mikecrockett256@yahoo.com> [address invalid]

Indianapolis: Neal Smith, <inorml@inorml.org>, 317-335-6023
Voice Mail, 3601 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis, IN 46205
http://www.inorml.org 175 participants at peak in ’02.

Ithaca: Adam Hirsch <ah222@cornell.edu>, 301 Bryant Ave Apt # 5,
Ithaca, NY 14850. (607) 227-0302   200 marchers in quiet protest in ’02.

Jackson: linoleumpoppyz@yahoo.com 601-366-2884  Anthony Harville, 3413 N. State St., Jackson, MS 39216

Jefferson City: Al Minta (417)885-3993
http://www.cannabisrevival.com/ cannabisal@aol.com address: 1653
N. Patterson (Apt A), Springfield, MO 65803 or Columbia
NORML/Jeremy & Amanda 573-815-9821 400 participants over the day in ’02.

Jerusalem: Joseph  NeedelR@aol.com (011 972) 55-344-859

Kansas City: <mohemp@hotmail.com> David 816-678-7447, ‘its a
beautiful day’ 3918 broadway, kansas city mo. 64111… 816 931

Kendallville: 260-349-1029  Andrew Guthrie, 15-31 S. Main,Kendallville, IN 46755

Kent:  <TennJedJr@aol.com> 330-673-3060 Matthew S. Donowick 237 1/2 E. Summit st.,
Kent, OH 44242 45 people, event overshadowed by Kent remembrance in ’02.

Knoxville: Aerow Albrook <sparx17@yahoo.com> Matt Barker  316 Russfield Dr., Knoxville, TN  37922

Lansing: Kathy Kennedy 517-628-3915 or e-mail: “kathy kennedy”
<prohibitionx@hotmail.com> [P.O. Box 17 Onondaga, MI 49264]
http://www.geocities.com/legalizemichigan/lansing.htm 300 participants in ’02.

Leipzig: C.U. Rolf <parade@feinkost13.org> http://www.feinkost13.org tel 03412131477 or
“veejaykay” <veejaykay@gmx.li>, rolfdereinzigename@gmx.de,
lxc@protocut.net j–rg klepsch, simildenstr.12, 04277
Leipzig-germany  Parade w. 1000-1500 participants and
10 loudspeaker trucks, following the route of the famous 1989
demonstrations that brought down the wall, swelling to 2000 people who braved pouring rain at main train station. One arrest.

Lexington: Gatewood Gailbrath 859-259-1522  gatewood@mis.net

Limburg: Batlle@t-online.de (Valentin Batlle) 11.05.2002, 08:00 AM to 04:00 PM Limburg City Europaplatz M.M.M-Event with Music (Söllner, Joint Venture …) Valentin Batlle, Hanf Aktivist

Little Rock: Jamie Collins <k_kar420@yahoo.com> (501) 663-4216
1516 Fairpark Blvd., Little Rock, Ark. 72204 45 marchers at State Capitol, not one arrest.

Ljubljana: borut.delfabbro@kiss.uni-lj.si #352; ou-Lj,
Kersnikova 4, 1000 Ljubljana or  Mojca Štraus  mojca@drogart.com 0038641786490  Vinski vrh5a, 3240 Šmarje pri jelšah, Ljubljana, Slovenia www.konoplja.org  http://www.sou.uni-lj.si/
Rally Concert

London: Festival HQ:  Shane 020 8671 5936. or International Cannabis Coalition (UK), PO Box 2243,
London, W1A 1YF, UK. Chris: 020 7637 7467. Fax: 0870 0548646. Email: may2001@schmoo.co.uk http://www.cannabiscoalition.org.htm  10,000 on the march, 30,000 at the festival; no police problems.

Los Angeles: Sister Somayah 323-232-0935 http://www.geocities.com/sistersomayah/events.htm
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sister-somayah 175 participants, S. Central.

Lucern: Sektion Luzern SHK, c/o Henry Serges, Bruchstrasse 48, 6003 Luzern, Email: <mailto:luzern@hanf-koordination.ch>luzern@hanf-koordination.ch

Lugano: Sezione Ticino CSC, c/o Andreas Arnold, via Massagno 34, 6900 Lugano, Fax: +41 91 923 40 85, Email: <mailto:ticino@coordinamento-canapa.ch>ticino@coordinamento-canapa.ch

Lyon: rueduchanvre@aol.com Tel +33 (0)4 72 71 04 77, Fax + 33 (0)4 72 71 06 93
La Maison du Chanvre sarl, 147, grande rue de la Guillotière, 69007 Lyon – FRANCE.

Madison: Ben Masel <bmasel@tds.net> weedstock.com 40 to 120 participants.

Manchester: Cannabis Coalition (Manchester), 57 Church Street,
Smithfield Buildings, Manchester, M4. Tel: 0161 834 1130. email: Gingrach@yahoo.com 600 marchers in ’02.

Marburg: Gr¸ne Hilfe Hessen, c/o Jo, Tel/Fax: 06631/801512
Location: Cafe Am Gr¸n 70 guests attended.

Melbourne: Kevin Aplin FL CAN (321)-726-6656. Jodi James –
Coalition Advocating Medical Marijuana 321-253-3673. 200 in parade, total media coverage; one obstruction of justice citation for filming a cop ticketing some one for an open container.

Mexico City: +5300 5774 email: helmcke@prodigy.net.mx or volgn@hotmail.com or”Tato”  foigras2002@yahoo.com.br “Camello”  cosmocamello@vivecondrogas.com  “Asoc. Mexicana de Estudios Sobre el Cannabis” <amecamexico@hotmail.com> Leopoldo Rivera
Rivera/AsociaciÛn Mexicana de Estudios sobre el Cannabis,
Amapola # 35, col. Jardines del Molinito, Naucalpan, Estado de
MÈxico. CP. 53530 MEXICO or Adolfo Prieto 1003, Col. del Valle,
C.P. 03100, Mexico, D.F. or Samuel Martínez Ramírez
Av. Azcapotzalco #193-4 Col. Clavería Mexico D.F.
www.vivecondrogas.com, www.amecamexico.org, www.hemp.com.mx Almost 300 people in ’02.

Miami: Glenn Allen, 42c s.e.12th st. Dania, Fl 33004, 954-929-7025 aka “Nelg Nella” <yabyumyogi@hotmail.com>  A smoke out/drum circle in Peacock Park with lots of good bud.

Milwaukee: “Dominic Salmaan” <cannabisliberation@hotmail.com>
414-469-0899. 1525 E. Royall (Apt # 14), Milw., WI 563202. Over 100 people marched for 3 1/2 hrs. in ’02. No police problems.

Minneapolis: Grassroots Party or Chris Wright <TCW@genesis-computer.com> 612-522-5374. [Suite 111, 8120 Penn Ave. South Bloomington, MN 55431] 400 folks, no arrests in ’02.

Missoula: Angela Goodhope <sisterearth420@hotmail.com> (406) 829-1703 Approx. 420 participants in ’02.

Montpelier: Rama Schneider <2001@ramabahama.net> (802) 433-5441
address: 1614 Gilbert Road, Williamstown, VT 05679
http://www.ramabahama.net Several people handed out literature in ’02.

Montreal: Marc-Boris St-Maurice <blocpot@blocpot.qc.ca>
(514)528.1768 3,000 marched 4 1/2 miles; no cops in ’02.

Moscow: http://www.cures.by.ru  d-form@mail.ru

Munich: mmm-muenchen@cannabislegal.de

Nashville: “Howie & Marivuana Leinoff” <torml@weedmail.com> <mailto:marivuana@comcast.net>or marivuana@comcast.net (615)ACT-HIGH. <http://www.marivuana.com>http://www.marivuana.com <>http://www.punkenstein.com  150 marchers, no arrests; first tv coverage in ’02.

Norfolk: calvinjohnson77@hotmail.com 757-615-2158 or 399-1704 Kevin Johnson, 317 Idlewood Ave, Portsmouth, VA 23704

Newark: “Richard J. Schimelfenig” <rschimel@temple.edu> Delaware Cannabis Society c/o Richard J.
Schimelfenig, 3504 Winterhaven Drive, Newark, DE 19702, (302) 456-9402

New Orleans : Daisy 504-957-HERB hemp.rox.com    email:<NewOrleansMarch@hotmail.com> [Daisy Berbert, 6223 Warrington St. New Orleans, LA 70122]

New Paltz: newpaltznorml@yahoo.com NORML / SSDP PO Box 775, New
Paltz, NY 12561 500 marchers, well over 2,000 at concert in ’02.

New York City: Dana 212-677-7180 <dana@cures-not-wars.org> 7,000 participants in ’02. 148 arrests.

Nimbin: Max Stone of the Australian Cannabis Law Reform
Movement” aclrm@nimbinaustralia.com ph: 61 0266 891842
http://www.nimbinaustralia.com http://www.bigbongburgerbar.com/webshow/ 24,000 participants in ’02. No arrests.

Normal:  Nearly  1,000 participants in ’02. Zach Thomas and Miriam Sterlin, Mobilizing Activists and Students for Hemp (MASH)   Phone # :    309-275-6112/309-2756110 http://www.mashaction.org e-mail:  mash@mashaction.org

Nuernberg: Emanuel Kotzian <emanuel@kotzian.de> phone: 0049-(0) 911-535433 http://www.gj-bayern.de
or agentur sowjet – info@sowjet.de –  450 people marched in the rain in ’02.

Oberlin: Patty Hallman <sbysc@hotmail.com> (440)774-4544) c/o
Stitch by Stitch & Curiousities, 31 South Main Street, Oberlin,
OH 44074

Omaha: Paul Tripp, paultrip@cox.net, (402)598-6180 12216 Poppleton Plz. #238, Omaha, NE, 68144   Over 30 participants in ’02.

Orlando: Kacie Grange Hiphiplady32@aol.com (407)895-3492 [Kacie Grange, 1438 Catherine St., Orlando, FL 32801]

Oslo: <mmm@normal.no> normal.no/mmm Torkel Bj¯rnson, NORMAL,
Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0158 Oslo, Norway 3000+ participants. No arrests.

Ottawa: “deadmanseedco” <deadmanseedco@rogers.com> 613-749-3014
Don Appleby or Rick Reimer at 613-756-2961 or Rob Brown at
613-756-5892 Crowds in the hundreds, almost no arrests.

Paducah: Paula (270)362-9849 <pioneer@apex.net>, Cher
Ford-McCullough <bitchcrafts@whynotsmokepot.com> 65 Cabin Lane,
Gilbertsvile, Ky. 42044 or Brian McCullough
< bpmc@webtv.net> (270) 362-8186 50 marchers, 90 at rally, one undercover in ’02.

Pagosa Springs: Steve Poleski <tydeyedsteve@hotmil.com> 719-964-8174  [1314  Oak sDr, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147]

Paradise: Virgil Hales 530-877-5814

Paris: FARId GHEHIOUECHE <mailto:farid@no-log.org>farid@no-log.org 06 148 156 79 ; 5, rue de Tombouctou 75018 PARIS or CAM-RD 9, passage Dagorno 75020 PARIS  Tel : 00 33 (1) 40 09 69 75 Fax : 00 33 (1) 44 93 93 57
Like in 2001 and 2002, for MMM 2003 there will be rallies around France (Montpellier, Lyon, Rennes, Marseille, Lille, Annecy,…) and in Paris, the nation wide gathering in Bastille place 3:00 PM.

Parkersburg: “Cindy Wimer” <indianbud@wirefire.com> “Mountaineers for Medical Marijuana” 304-428-1726 [P.O. Box 1151,  Parkersburg, WV 26101]

Patterson: David Germolus 209-892-6640  angelwater260@aol.com  [304 hoffman ct.,  Patterson, CA 95363]

Philadelphia: <phillyweed420@hotmail.com> or “chuck palmer”
<chuckp@CritPath.Org> 610-279-6358  100 participants, no arrests in ’02.

Phoenix: donovan criss  doncriss@yahoo.com 602-486-6145 1635 w. grovers av. phoenix,az 85023 or rex 602-618-4521 2222 w beardsly rd #1119 phoenix,az 85027

Pilsen: http://www.exist.cz “pavla kozakova” <exist@post.cz>
200 people and one sound system in central park in ’02. No arrests.

Pittsburg: Frank Carr 412-247-3674

Pordenone: Anna Cavezzali & Ivan Romano <lallice@inwind.it>, Via Firenze 5, 33080 Porcia, PN, Italy
++3282488420 ++43428098

Portland: (503) 239-6110 MMM 2002 Committee c/o Oregon NORML
(OrNORML) http://www.ornorml.org PO Box 86443, Portland, OR
97286 Madeline Martinez yerbanena@hotmail.com or Steven M.
Cooper Volunteer Coordinator ornorml.volunteer@att.net  Grew >from 200 people, no arrests.

Prague: Michael “xChaos” Polak <xchaos@arachne.cz> Tel: +420 603 872631 / +420 2 33358050  http://www.legalizace.cz 1-2,000 participants in ’02, with hundreds more in nearby park. No marijuana related arrests in Prague (police just arrested offender, who broke police car window, but this was after MMM officially ended).

Providence:  “Tom Angell” <PsilocyberSpore@cox.net> (401) 737-7057  http://members.cox.net/urissdp or http://members.cox.net/psilocyberspore [Tom Angell, 37 Norfolk Road, Warwick, RI 02886] Just 6 people in ’02.

Raleigh-Durham: Bryan T. Moore <btm42@hotmail.com> 614 Carolina
Ave. Raleigh, NC 27606-1606 (919) 816-0609 or Chris Harris (919)368-5913 or “Jeff Badalucco”
<nc_ca@hotmail.com> (919)834-2816 238 Pecan St., Raleigh, NC
27603 200 souls braved pouring rain in ’02. Capitol cops well-behaved, but city cops tried to intimidate.

Rapid City: Bob Newland <newland@rapidcity.com> 605-255-4032 website: http://www.sodaknorml.org/  300 marchers in ’02. [Bob Newland, H C 89 Box 184A, Hermosa, SD 57744]

Reno: Michelle 775-287-1594 [Michelle Buck, 1850 Idlewild Drive Apt. A9, Reno, NV, 89509]

Richmond: “Roy B. Scherer” <rscherer@richmond.infi.net> (804)
355-7612, or campus libs at <Huclberie1@aol.com.> [Roy B. Scherer, 8 North Sheppard St., Richmond VA, 23221]About 100 attendees; march was 4 miles.

Rio de Janeiro: +55 – 21 – 9885 9162 mmmbr2002@yahoo.com or  “Luiz Paulo” <lpgb@mtecnet.com.br> 500 participants in ’02.

Rockford: Kane Keller 815-871-8747 c/o <heathen@charter.net> [2001 St. James Ave, Belvidere, IL 61008]

Pagosa Springs: Steve Poleski <tydeyedsteve@hotmil.com> 719-964-8174  [1314  Oaks Dr, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147]

Rome: “Segreteria Forte Prenestino” <segreteria@forteprenestino.net> or Michela Gesualdo
<mgesuald@ilmanifesto> 10-15,000 participants in ’02.

Rosario: +54 – 341-4201291 or +54 – 341- 4642699 E-mail: raddud@hotmail.com Corrientes 1307, 2000 – Rosario- ARGENTINA Nearly 400 participants in ’02.

Salem: 503.363-4588 Medical Cannabis Resource Center, 1695 Fairgrounds Rd.,Salem, Oregon   97303
<mailto:MercyCenter@hotmail.com>MercyCenter@hotmail.com March and Rally plans TBA– probably high noon around state capital building

Salt Lake City: Dr. Ken Larsen (801) 533-8658 <kencan@xmission.com> 856
E. 100th St. South (#2), Salt Lake City, UT 84102 or Andy
Morrill (801)334-8122 <rambis4@attbi.com> http://www.thc2002.org
http://www.personalchoice.org A. Reed Morrill, 1663 Historic
25th Street,Ogden, Utah 84401 300 noisy marchers, no arrests.

San Diego: San Diego A.C.T. (Association for Cannabis
Therapeutics) c/o T.Villodas,901″F”street#413,San Diego,
Ca.92101 email: Ed zepplin <edzepp@yahoo.com> or Donna 619-302
3041 or 619-223-1050 (land line) 619-302-3041 (mobile)
http://www.cannabisfreedom.org Approximately 50-75 attendees.

San Francisco: Hemp Evolution/Clark Sullivan “freeman sullivan” <feemansulllivan@lycos.com> or c.libertine@netzero.net or LAMPS 415-487-0561 4,000 participants in ’02, no arrests.
Santa Clara: “Lisa” <angelisa51@prodigy.net>

San Marcos: Joe Ptak: 512.754.0264 Email:
earthfirstswt@hotmail.com Postal: 213 Ramsay St.; #107, San
Marcos, TX; 78666

Santa Cruz: DdC <dendecannabist@yahoo.com> or Jason Brodsky
<theherbalist@newmarijuana.com> or Bryan Gilstein
<shelbyrose7@yahoo.com> (831-502-3865) Bryan Gilstein, UCSC, 600
Kresge Ct, Santa Cruz CA 95064 discussion list:
SCMJMarch@yahoo.com  400 participants, no arrests.

San Juan: Alejandro “Zen” Otero <hempwierdzenie@yahoo.com> postal: 425 carr. 693 PMB 130 Dorado PR 00646-4802 Tel# 787-345-9036 we will be concentrating on bridging the gap between the English speaking community and Spanish speaking communities. <http://us.f147.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=hempwierdzenie@yahoo.com&amp;YY=62545&amp;order=down&amp;sort=date&amp;pos=0>

San Luis Obispo: Donovan No Runner <frdm4medimary@yahoo.com> 805-474-8742 [1389 NIce Ave (Apt #1) Grover Beach, CA 93433]  or Jo-D: 805.937.0034

Sao Paulo: Victor maolvni@bol.com.br 30620225  rua tirica 345 Cabeca: podiscreuza@zipmail.com.br : 35678903: rua japao 876 maolvni@bol.com.br About 600 people .. There was no use and no
possession of marijuana so the cops couldn´t do anything.

Seminole: semptest5@webtv.net “http://www.angelfire.com/fl3/fl3touring/stpete.html”

Sioux City: clint boatman <clint815@yahoo.com>    5305 Stone Ave, Sioux City, Ia 51106

Sioux Falls:  Bob Newland <newland@rapidcity.com> 605-255-4032 website: http://www.sodaknorml.org/

Sofia: Chris Pantchev Xpu100 <hri100@iname.com>

Soltau: Sven <vandreike@t-online.de>, 05191-975296
50 people, one police activity.

Springfield: Joe Setzer (417) 877-6832 <theosopher420@yahoo.com>137 Hackberry Lane,  Seymour, MO 65746

Starks:  207-696-8879  cindieo@prexar.com [RR1 Box 1090 Starks, ME 04911] March from Harry Brown’s Farm to the Town Offices in Starks, Maine May 3rd
10 am

St. Louis: 314-567-8522 <gstlnorml@yahoo.com> or St. Louis Area NORML , PO Box 220243,
St. Louis, MO 63122.   http://www.mo-norml.org 600 marched to the Arch for cannabis reform.

Stuart: “chad cooke” <chadcooke50@hotmail.com>  chad cooke 561-213-7307 719-a northview drive,
jupiter,florida. 33458

Sturgeon Falls: Bro Michael Ethier 705 753-4756 maryhuanamike@hotmail.com ..c/o Tarzan’s Mission of the Sacred Herb,171 Queen Street, Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, Canada P2B 2G2

Syracuse: Jacqueline Carroll <fragglejax@aol.com> [749 Euclid Ave, Syracuse, N.Y. 13210]

Tampa: Anthony154154@aol.com Anthony Lorenzo 1-888-210-0425 toll free pager Over 100 participants in ’02.

Tampere: Janne Puustelli <huopa@skyscrapers.com>  Opiskelijankatu 4 E 274, 33720 Tampere, Finland or  Lasse Pihlainen <lasse.pihlainen@tut.fi> Annalankatu 11 C 31, 33710 Tampere; Org: Hamppukaupunki <hamppu.kaupunki@pp.inet.fi> http://www.hamppukaupunki.cjb.net/  MMM touring around central areas starts 14:00 at Hämeenpuisto/Metso

Taos: 505-741-0056 Kiko

Tel Aviv: Boaz Wachtel — wachtel@shani.net Tel:972-54-573679
http://www.ale-yarok.org.il PO Box 2983, Even Yehuda, 40500
Israel  — 4,000 participants in ’02.

Telluride: 970-708-2348 Robert Smeed, POB 13, Placerville, CO 81430 or Steeprock Rd, Sawpit, CO 81430  In ’02, 75 folks marched past the Courthouse, then rallied for about an hour for speeches.

Thunder Bay: Doug Thompson <docclone@norlink.net> 807-475-7436 75 participants, no cops, no media.

Tokyo: Takao Bakuya (Cannabist) info@cannabist.org +81-3-3706-6885 http://www.cannabist.org 800 participants in ’02.

Toronto: Larry Duprey (416)540-7829 fax(416)242-2635 or Toronto Area Association / Marijuana Party of Canada, 132 Dundas St. East, Toronto,On M5B 1E2 (416)367-3459  3-6,000 participants in ’02

Traverse City: Melody Karr <fiddlefoot420@hotmail.com>
(231)885-2993 PO Box 524 Mesick, MI 49668. or 10954 Birch Road
Mesick MI 49668. 70 marchers, hundreds of spectators in ’02.

Trondheim: <mmm@normal.no> normal.no/mmm Line Arstad, NORMAL,
Hjelmsgt 3, N0-0355 Oslo, Norway 200 participants in ’02.

Tucson: mary mackenzie <mmackenzie2@juno.com> (520)323-2947 http://www.hometown.aol.com/marcher420/myhomepage/pepe.html or 3400 east speedway, #118, tucson, arizona 85716 Over 200 participants in ’02.

Tula: Boris.it@mail.ru

Turku: Vihreet Pantterit http://www.vihreetpantterit.org info@vihreetpantterit.org 300 participants in ’02. 10 counter-demonstrators.

Ukiah: Verge Belanger “v belanger” <contactverge@yahoo.com>
Tommy Gunn, 528 North State St. #1, Ukiah, Ca. 95482 300 participants in ’02.

Upper Lake, Ca.: Linda & Eddy Lepp”linda senti”
<lisenti@home.com> 707-275-8879 Signed up 131 new patients in ’02.

Vancouver: David Malmo-Levine, <dagreenmachine@excite.com> BC
Marijuana Party Bookstore and Internet Broadcasting Center, 307
West Hastings Tel. 604 682-1172 http://www.cannabisculture.com 2,000 marchers in ’02.

Ventura: Amber Lessing 805 653-5633 [544 Seneca St. Ventura Ca 93001] or Dayna Barrios <ReeferRevelation@aol.com>  [4132 N. Ventura Ave. #49] 805 890-6855 Meet at the Park at Thompson Blvd and Chestnut at 1:00 PM; march through downtown

Vermilion: Sonny Morris 967-6069 sonny44089@yahoo.com  309 devonshire More than 100 people partied in the park, no problems in ’02.

Vienna: 5. Hanffeuer, Bushdoctor <martin@bushdoctor.at>
http://www.bushdoctor.at Phone: +43 (01) 524 04 40, Fax: +43
(01) 524 04 24, Kirchengasse 19, A-1070, Vienna, Austria”

Walton: Dave Baughman 620-837-4496 <Davyblues1@netscape.net>
http://www.kan-sativa.com 124 S. Walton Ave., Walton, Kansas
67151 Around 50 participants in ’02.

Warszawa, mazowsze:  Adam Wojtasiewicz  aw@koliber.org +48503692715 ul. Mickiewicza 72/15 01-650 Warszawa Poland

Washington, D.C.:Toni Keane <taporter84@yahoo.com> [301-990-3577] http://violate_wave.tripod.com/MMM.html

Wellington Ben Knight <Legalise@tradeshall.org.nz> NORML NZ , PO
Box 27-315, Wellington +64 25 377509 http://www.norml.org.nz

Wenatchee: 509-662-1338 <jennwarford@yahoo.com> Jennifer Warford, 507 Woodward dr., Wenatchee, Washington 98801.

Wichita: Debby Moore, CEOHemp Industries of Kansas 2742 E. 2nd Wichita, Kansas, 67214  (316) 681 1743 debby@hempforus.com; or “KS NORML” <ksnorml@cox.net>  Website:  http://www.hempforus.com Last year about thrity people met and marched through downtown Wichita. I will plan a cookout with speakers, but
will certainly discourage any smoking of the herb cannabis.

Winnepeg: Chris Buors, <chris_buors@yahoo.ca> mail to 430
Winterton ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2K 1K4 500 rallied at the Parliament Bldg in ’02.

Winston-Salem: Queen Selassie (336) 661-0684 4469 Indiana Ave,
Winston-Salem, N.C. 27105 25 people stood under a pavilion in the rain.

Worcester: C.J. & Judi Bunn, 413-245-3675 #9 Maybrook Rd,
Holland, MA 01521 More than 100 people, no problems, in ’02.

Zurich: Sektion ZŸrich SHK, Glattalstr. 138, 8052 ZŸrich, Phone: +41 43 299 94 11, Fax +41 43 299 92 12, Email: <mailto:buero@shk-zh.ch>buero@shk-zh.ch Barbecue-Party in the Culture Centre in Seebach/Zurich

From: “preston peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com>
Subject: [ibogaine] Shredding the Veil of Banality- a review
Date: February 2, 2003 at 5:26:17 PM EST
To: <drugwar@mindvox.com>
Cc: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Hi all,
I’m tying this into the angle of the War, drugs and stuff, making it
pertinent to my DrugWar and yeah, the ibogaine list in that here is a man
who definitely thinks outside the box (and gives voice to many more who do
as well), which is what we need to do if we want the War to ever end.
Besides, things in general seem darker lately what with those damned war
drums beating so loudly and rockets falling outta the sky and poisons
sprayed in Colombia (karma rears its head?), so I figured I could use a
break this dreary Sunday and wanted to share it. Feel free to pass it
“Madness is not enlightenment, but the search for
enlightenment can easily be mistaken for madness.”
Martin (Asylum 1996-1997)-
quoted by Karl Jesen in “Ketamine: Dreams and Realities”

Shredding the Veil of Banality
Richard Metzger’s
“Disinformation- The Interviews”
a review by Preston Peet
for DrugWar.com
Feb. 2, 2003
If “occultism is not an attempt to draw aside the veil of the unknown, but
simply the veil of banality that we call the present,” as Colin Wilson wrote
in his 1971 classic, “The Occult,” then Richard Metzger is an occultist
Read Review at above URL

From: Dana Beal <dana@cures-not-wars.org>
Subject: [ibogaine] religious drug treatment intiative
Date: February 1, 2003 at 4:08:32 PM EST
To: ibogaine@mindvox.com
Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com

Pubdate: Wed, 29 Jan 2003
Source: Oklahoman, The (OK)
Copyright: 2003 The Oklahoma Publishing Co.
Contact: yourviews@oklahoman.com
Website: http://www.oklahoman.com/
Details: http://www.mapinc.org/media/318
Author: Associated Press


WASHINGTON – President Bush has long preached of the power of prayer to aid
drug addicts. Now he’s putting dollars behind the rhetoric, asking Congress
for $600 million for a new, three-year drug treatment program that would
welcome the participation of religious groups.

The proposal sparked conflict even before Bush touted it before Congress.
Opponents fear government will pay for programs that replace professional
counselors with prayer and Bible study.

“The president wants to fund untested, unproven programs that seek to pray
away addiction,” said the Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans
United for the Separation of Church and State. “People with addiction
problems need medical help, not Sunday school.”

Bush and his supporters argue that faith can accomplish what secular
programs cannot.

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v03.n148.a01.html


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