2002: San Francisco Ibogaine Forum

The San Francisco Ibogaine Forum

New Directions in Treatment


Friday, Nov. 29th | (Reception 6:00 – 9:00 pm – TBA)

Saturday, Nov. 30th | (Forum 9:00 am – 6:00 pm)

First Unitarian Universalist Church & Center
1187 Franklin St. (at Geary Blvd.)
San Francisco, CA 94109
(Thomas Starr King Auditorium)

 Presenters / Participants

Deborah C. Mash
(Prof. of Neurology, Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology,
University of Miami School of Medicine)
Dana Beal (Cures-Not-Wars)
Patrick K. Kroupa (MindVox)
Eugene Shoenfeld, MD (Dr. Hip)
Ed Rosenthal (Cannabis Expert, Author, Activist)
Chris Conrad (Cannabis Expert, Author, Activist)
Nelson Comerci, L.Ac. (Acupunturist, Iboga Practitioner)

Advanced admission $25, ($35 at the door)

For Reservations, call 415-567-0873 and
Please make checks payable to Nelson Comerci
1530 Gough St., #601
San Francisco, CA 94109
For information, call Julia Carter at 707-987-8123

[08:30 AM]

Registrations & Admissions / Intro by Ed Rosenthal

[09:15 AM]

Paradigmatic Overview, Dana Beal

[10:10 AM]

An Ex-Addict’s View – Patrick Kroupa

[11:05 AM]

Science Update – Dr. Deborah Mash (Univ. of Miami)

[12:15 PM]

Lunch (not provided)

[02:00 PM]

Ethnographic Review, Gene Schoenfeld, MD

[02:55 PM]

Ibogaine, Acupuncture & Urban Treatment, Nelson Comerci, LAc
[03:50 PM]

Panel Discussion w/ Ed Rosenthal & Chris Conrad
[04:45 PM]

Coffee Break

[05:00 PM]

Final Panel Discussion (all presenters)

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