2003: Lost in Space

The Lost in Space Conference Series — Be Here Now!

Cures Not Wars (alt logo)

Cures Not Wars

Courtesy of Dana Beal

Brought to you by the word: Huh…?

Something . Somewhere . Sometime (in 2003)

Uhm … See, there was a Taxi, which went zo0m and arrived at an AIRPORT.

“Are you … a tErRorIST!@#?!??!?!?!?!”

Erm, no… *I* am a completely fucked-up, dysfunctional, disaster area. *I* am what being an American is ALL ABOUT. *I* … <Waving AmerikKkan Flag> I–

“Sir, please just shut up, throw away your fingernail clippers, and get on the plane. Thank you.”

As I was saying: there was this SHINY THING with WINGS. It FLEW through the air … zo00000oooo000ooo00000ooM, WhoooOSH, wooooooooshhhhhhh. And then — after a while — it landed, and I was back in NYC.

There was a Drug Policy Alliance conference, which all makes Perfect Sense. It is STORED AWAY, NEATLY FILED, and PROPERLY GATED into long-term memory, using the hippocampus.

There are ACTUAL RECORDS of the DPA event. Photos. Forms. Web Pages. It was RECORDED and thus, officially entered into HISTORY (this is very important, because if we do not learn from history, then, well, we’d have to go find something else to do. I mean, who has time to read all that crap anyway, but I digress…).

But then, after this part… There is, like, sum sorta HaZe of smoke and fog, except it smelled kinda strange and sweet, and people, places, things, events. Moments in Time, all flowing together, happening.

And a bunch of us were in this ROOM talking about sumthin’ or another. I think, occasionally, IBOGAINE may have been mentioned. The only thing I clearly remember is Dhoruba Bin Wahad showed up and Totally Rocked the Fuck Out! Plus, also, shared sum very unique complaints about the 12-step programs.

But anywaze… This EVENT *actually happened!* Because there are PhotoZ!!!!! There is COMPLETE DOCUMENTED PROOF. That it existed. I guess…

Except … nobody who was there remembers it. Howard — who usually neatly lists every single ibogaine-related EVENT that has ever happened, since roughly the Dawn of Time, on the Ibogaine Dossier — has a conspicuous BLANKNESS there in its stead…

And, I mean, Howard was FUCKING THERE too! Just Look At The Photos!@#@#$@!

Howard, what the fuck wuz, THAT THING …?

“I have absolutely no idea.”

Thanks, that cleared it all up.

Nobody else seems to recall that any of this ever occurred.

I s’pose it coulda been a mass hallucination where figments of our residual image(s) shared a brief intersection-point within space-time; thus allowing the illusion of our likenesses to be CAPTURED by CAMERAS…

Uhm, WhateverTheFuck.

There was some sorta IBOGAINE *thing* in NYC. A bunch of us showed up. I think… <Shrug>

-=/[ Incontrovertible, Fully Documented, Conclusive Proof ]/=-

Howard Lotsof

Howard Lotsof

Pieman! (Aron Kay)

Pieman! (Aron Kay)

[Left to Right] Dana Beal and Howard Lotsof

[Left to Right] Dana Beal and Howard Lotsof

[Left to Right] Daniel Pinchbeck -- waving his arms around in the air -- being Daniel; Sandra Karpetas, and Patrick K. Kroupa

[Left to Right] Daniel Pinchbeck — waving his arms around in the air — being Daniel; Sandra Karpetas, and Patrick K. Kroupa

Sandra Karpetas and Patrick Kroupa, discussing the Joy of Total Sobriety

Sandra Karpetas and Patrick Kroupa, discussing the Joy of Total Sobriety

Rommel Washington, Some Guy in The Photo, and Dana Beal

[Left to Right] Rommel Washington, Some Guy in The Photo, and Dana Beal

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