International Harm Reduction Conference in Barcelona
Ibogaine — Users’ Choice Session
Ibogaine Session: Monday, May 12, 2008, at 6:00 PM (18:00)
Presenters / Participants
Moderator: Alan Clear / Executive Director, Harm Reduction Coalition, NY (USA)
Howard S. Lotsof / President, Dora Weiner Foundation, Staten Island, NY (USA)
Ibogaine Treatment For Substance Dependence: Historical and Future Perspectives
Alex Wodak, M.D. / Director, Drug and Alcohol Service, St. Vincent’s Hospital (AU)
The Lack of Evidence for Ibogaine as a Treatment for Heroin Dependence
Dmitri Mugianis / Positive Health Project, New York, NY (USA)
Underground Ibogaine Treatment and Drug User Activism