Does one trip equal 30 years on a therapist’s couch? By Nina L. Diamond OMNI Magazine, February 1994 It’s the closest thing anyone’s seen to a bona fide cure for drug and alcohol addiction, yet, paradoxically, Ibogaine’s curative power seems to derive from its consciousness-altering properties. Despite the government’s historic…
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by Daniel Holeman and Roberta Walker Holeman: So I’m speaking now with Eric Taub from Florida, who is a therapist and a practitioner who is speaking about the substance called ibogaine. And we’ll start off with welcoming you Eric. Taub: Hi there. Walker: Hi, Eric. Holeman: Hi, and why don’t…
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by Jerome Burne Focus Magazine / (July 2000) Beneath a brilliant vault of stars, a young man is sitting on a rug somewhere out in the South African veldt. But he only has eyes for the extraordinary parade of images inside his head. There is a tremor to his legs…
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How a UM doctor may soon unveil the ultimate cure for addictions, and uncovered the mystery surrounding sudden cocaine deaths (Reprinted from South Florida magazine) By Nina L. Diamond Photograph by Jane Mitchell Cocaine overdoses had become more common in South Florida than frostbite in Alaska. At the peak of…
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Illegal in U.S., ibogaine advocates say it blocks withdrawal symptoms By Malcolm Ritter / Associated Press (2000) What if addiction, whether to cocaine, heroin or alcohol, could be broken by taking a single pill? That’s the audacious claim behind ibogaine, an extract of an African shrub. But don’t look for…
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the Deborah Mash Interview with Paul DeRienzo Dr. Deborah Mash is a faculty member in the Department of Neurology of the University of Miami, School of Medicine with a secondary appointment in Cellular Molecular Pharmacology. Dr. Mash’s area of expertise is called Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience and her doctoral dissertation was…
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Sebastian Horsley The Observer — (Sunday June 20, 2004) He’s tried clinics and therapy, Narcotics Anonymous and rehab. He’s taken up exercise and gone through reduction cures. He’s even given up on giving up. Now, though, Sebastian Horsley thinks he may have found the answer to his lifelong craving for…
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A Miracle Cure for Addiction? by Tristram Korten Photographs © 2006, Simon Hare Photography Ocean Drive Magazine / (April 2006) Though South Beach may be a hotspot for A-list substance abuse, across the causeway a Miami doctor is struggling to legalize an astonishing treatment derived from an African plant. Most…
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by Brian Vastag Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 288 No. 24, pp. 3096-3101, December 25, 2002 © 2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Tabernanthe iboga, the West African source of ibogaine, used by some to treat addiction. New York — Some drugs are made in laboratories. Others,…
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ADDICTION RESEARCH: Ibogaine Therapy: A ‘Vast, Uncontrolled Experiment’ by Brian Vastag (Science, Vol 308, Issue 5720, 345-346 , 15 April 2005) Despite potentially harsh side effects, an African plant extract is being tested in two public clinical trials — and many clandestine ones On a snowy President’s Day, an odd…
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