2006: Ibogaine @ Columbia University & COSM (Chapel of Sacred Mirrors)

Chapel of Sacred Mirrors

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2006: Sacrament of Transition / Cosmic Reboot

Although Sacrament of Transition uses ibogaine for spiritual initiation ceremonies; we recognize that the vast majority of individuals who are seeking access to Tabernanthe iboga, do so for the plethora of beneficial effects this sacred plant can offer seekers who are physically dependent upon addictive drugs such as heroin, crack…

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2007: Ibogaine Panel — Drug Policy Alliance Conference

The Drug Policy Alliance 2007 International Conference Friday, December 7, 2007 | 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM Room: To Be Announced  Part 1: 2:30PM Moderator: Howard Lotsof, President, Dora Weiner Foundation, Staten Island, NY Ibogaine Presentations [02:30 PM] Ibogaine: a Medical Perspective Jeffrey Kamlet, MD, Fellow, American Society of Addiction…

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2008: The 5th Annual Ibogaine Forum, Washington DC

Sponsored by: Cures not Wars February 16 to 18 (President’s Day) 11AM to 6PM Daily 1020 U St. Washington, DC Planet Earth, Milky Way 212/677.7180 The 5th Annual Ibogaine Forum, Washington DC 2008 Day 1: Saturday Keynote with Aton Edwards Survey of Worldwide Use Ken Alper Mechanisms of Action Dana…

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The Dharma of Ibogaine

by James Kent An interview with Eric Taub James Kent is Publisher of Trip / Copyright © 2005, Tripzine.com  For nine years Eric Taub has been finding creative ways to treat patients and addicts with a powerful psychedelic substance known as ibogaine. Originally found in the West-African shrub Tanernanthe iboga,…

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The Conscious Cafe: Eric Taub

by Daniel Holeman and Roberta Walker Holeman: So I’m speaking now with Eric Taub from Florida, who is a therapist and a practitioner who is speaking about the substance called ibogaine. And we’ll start off with welcoming you Eric. Taub: Hi there. Walker: Hi, Eric. Holeman: Hi, and why don’t…

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One-Step Cure for Addiction?

by Jerome Burne Focus Magazine / (July 2000) Beneath a brilliant vault of stars, a young man is sitting on a rug somewhere out in the South African veldt. But he only has eyes for the extraordinary parade of images inside his head. There is a tremor to his legs…

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Addiction Treatment Strives for Legitimacy

by Brian Vastag Journal of the American Medical Association Vol. 288 No. 24, pp. 3096-3101, December 25, 2002 © 2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Tabernanthe iboga, the West African source of ibogaine, used by some to treat addiction. New York — Some drugs are made in laboratories. Others,…

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Is the Addiction Doctor the Voodoo Priest of Western Man?

Is the addiction doctor the voodoo priest of Western man? Extended version of an article that appeared in Addiction Research,  Special Issue, Vol. 8 (6), pp. 589-598. © Copyright 2000, 2001 Peter Cohen. All rights reserved. For Harry Levine, who invented the ‘discovery’ of addiction.[1] Reproduced by Permission of the…

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The Importance of Psychonautics for the Modern World

Copyright © 2003, Hattie Wells All Rights Reserved   Reproduced by Permission of Author Shamans and psychonauts are individuals who choose to embark upon a voyage of discovery into the universe of the mind. Such a journey is initiated via a variety of means by which a perspective shift, an…

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