Ibogaine List Archives – 2003-05

MindVox Corporation

From: Marvinrpoole@cs.com Subject: [ibogaine] Ibogaine Docu/Film Date: May 30, 2003 at 6:46:52 PM EDT To: ibogaine@mindvox.com Cc: stevenanker@hotmail.com, daniel@breakingopenthehead.com, randy_hencken@yahoo.com Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com Hello list members, I am looking for a couple heroin addicts who would like to undergo ibogainetreatment for no money out of their own pocket.  Theindividuals would need…

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Ibogaine List Archives – 2002-09

Clear Sky Recovery

From: “Richard Davis” <rjd1966@lycos.com> Subject: Re: [ibogaine] Please Read Addiction ibogaine this list everything Date: September 30, 2002 at 5:33:38 PM EDT To: ibogaine@mindvox.com Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com Your addiction series is good but this one letter is excellent. Almost everything in one place. I’m printing it now 🙂 Perfect 🙂 —…

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Drug addiction: new therapies, old policies – Lancet

Copyright 1993 Information Access Company; Copyright Lancet Ltd. 1993 The Lancet July 31, 1993 LANGUAGE: ENGLISH LOAD-DATE-MDC: August 13, 1993 SECTION: Vol. 342 ; No. 8866 ; Pg. 297; ISSN: 0099-5355 LENGTH: 593 words HEADLINE: Drug addiction: new therapies, old policies; Conference BYLINE: Rowe, Paul M. BODY: The link between…

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Historical Ibogaine Media

Historical Ibogaine Media & Press Archives This is not a complete archive of ibogaine-related pieces from the 90s, it represents part of a collection of materials which were not accessible on the internet previously. In particular it focuses on the FDA and NIDA’s involvement during a period of time when…

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Ibogaine Abstracts on PubMed

18-Methoxycoronaridine (18-MC) and ibogaine: comparison of antiaddictive efficacy, toxicity, and mechanisms of action. 18-Methoxycoronaridine (18-MC) and ibogaine: comparison of antiaddictive efficacy, toxicity, and mechanisms of action. 18-MC, a novel iboga alkaloid congener, is being developed as a potential treatment for multiple forms of drug abuse. Like ibogaine (40 mg/kg), 18-MC…

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Seeking Ways to Crack Cocaine Addiction

Feature: Seeking Ways to Crack Cocaine Addiction The Lancet [Volume 352, Number 9136] 17 October 1998 by Kelly Morris The use of cocaine, a highly addictive stimulant and euphoriant with few physical withdrawal symptoms, is increasing. Up to 10% of ever-users will become heavy users, particularly if they inject the…

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Data Accrue on “Visionary” Agent to Interrupt Addiction

Science & Medicine: Data Accrue on “Visionary” Agent to Interrupt Addiction The Lancet [Volume 354, Number 9193] 27 November 1999 by Kelly Morris Few therapies exist for drug addiction, and unfortunately one agent that has shown promise– the plant alkaloid ibogaine–is mostly given in unsafe settings by addict self-help groups,…

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Ibogaine: Therapy of Last Hope

Therapy of Last Hope, or Communion Amid Cannibal Tribes (Partial Translation by Author / Summary)   Copyright © 2009, Sebastian Daniel All Rights Reserved Iboga, coming in from humanity’s homeland – Africa, has been used as an effective drug to combat addiction to heroin, cocaine, nicotine or alcohol since the…

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Ibogaine: Complex Pharmacokinetics…

Reprinted from Neurobiological Mechanisms of Drugs of Abuse Volume 914 of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences September 2000 Ibogaine: Complex Pharmacokinetics, Concerns for Safety, and Preliminary Efficacy Measures DEBORAH C. MASH,[a,b,h] CRAIG A. KOVERA,[o] JOHN PABLO,[o] RACHEL F. TYNDALE,[c] FRANK D. ERVIN,[d] IZBEN C. WILLIAMS,[e] EDWARD…

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2005 Ibogaine Conference: Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM)

Ibogaine: The Whole Entire Everything (in its complete totality… partially) Copyright © 2005-2008, Patrick K. Kroupa All Rights Reserved “Everything is Poison. Nothing is Poison.” –Paracelsus “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for…

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