Ibogaine: Complex Pharmacokinetics…

Reprinted from Neurobiological Mechanisms of Drugs of Abuse Volume 914 of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences September 2000 Ibogaine: Complex Pharmacokinetics, Concerns for Safety, and Preliminary Efficacy Measures DEBORAH C. MASH,[a,b,h] CRAIG A. KOVERA,[o] JOHN PABLO,[o] RACHEL F. TYNDALE,[c] FRANK D. ERVIN,[d] IZBEN C. WILLIAMS,[e] EDWARD…

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2005 Ibogaine Conference: Alex Grey's Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (CoSM)

Ibogaine: The Whole Entire Everything (in its complete totality… partially) Copyright © 2005-2008, Patrick K. Kroupa All Rights Reserved “Everything is Poison. Nothing is Poison.” –Paracelsus “I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for…

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Deborah Mash’s Brain

Copyright © 1995, Paul De Rienzo, Dana Beal and Members of the Project All Rights Reserved CHAPTER 18: Deborah Mash’s Brain In March, 1994, in strictest secrecy, Howard Lotsof re-instituted treatments of addict volunteers in an ultramodern hospital in Panama City, with pre-treatment work-ups at the University of Miami. But…

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