Tag: William Blake
Ibogaine List Archives – 2005-02-2

From: “Jasen Chamoun” <jasenhappy@optusnet.com.au> Subject: Re: [Ibogaine] Drug Addiction & Sexual Abuse Date: February 18, 2005 at 8:44:29 PM EST To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com> Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com Hey Lee, Interesting post, I also had a lot of shit happen during my life like most people., except I was sexually abused by teenage girls…
Ibogaine List Archives – 2005-02-1

From: “Preston Peet” <ptpeet@nyc.rr.com> Subject: [Ibogaine] art imitating life…again Date: February 28, 2005 at 11:53:44 PM EST To: <ibogaine@mindvox.com>, <drugwar@mindvox.com> Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com Hi all, To ask a favor, please keep your fingers crossed for me tomorrow. I have an audition for some tv pilot, a day player role, playing, get…
Ibogaine List Archives – 2004-11

From: Patrick K. Kroupa <digital@phantom.com> Subject: [Ibogaine] Sacrament of Transition Date: November 30, 2004 at 11:29:38 PM EST To: ibogaine@mindvox.com Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com The Sacrament list has been open for over a year at this point, but not completely on. As of last week, it is fully operational. You can sign…
Ibogaine List Archives – 2002-04

From: robertbosch@softhome.net Subject: [ibogaine] Re: ssris Date: April 30, 2002 at 5:50:18 PM EDT To: ibogaine@mindvox.com Reply-To: ibogaine@mindvox.com HSLotsof@aol.com writes: In a message dated 4/25/02 10:52:09 PM, robertbosch@softhome.net writes: << Hello, I understand this is a tense time or something and do not want to be rude, but if anyone…
Copyright © 1996, Jonathan Ott All Rights Reserved (Salta, Argentina 18 June 1996) The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the Eyes of others only a Green thing that stands in the way. Some see Nature all Ridicule & Deformity, & by these I shall not…